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When a Good Tenant Begiifc to "Look" Your "To Let" Ad Should Be "THERE" ■^ WANTED Help—Male THE HERALD TENDERS THE FREE USB of Its "Situation Wanted" columns for an Indefinite period to any one seeking employ ment. Each ad will be run one time, but may i! 3 renewed as often as desired by bring ing It to the counter of Th« Herald office each .day. This privilege Is restricted to those seeking employment and will not oe granted to employment agencies and others | making a business of seeking to supply help. I MADE $50,000 IN FIVE YEARS IN THE mail order business, anil began with only a few dollars. There are unusual opportunities for making money today and It Is not diffi cult to begin. If you have even small capital , and 'want to start a malt order business of your own send tor my tree booklet. It tells . bow to make money. Address publisher, THE MAIL ORDER WORLD, box 1022, Lockport. N. Y. 6-1-x BOMB OF OUR STUDENTS EARN $2 A day. We have 18 outside contract Jobs going; - learn electricity, plumbing or bricklaying. Write for catalogue. .UNITED TRADES SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO., 120 E. Ninth street. Los Angeles' . . . 11-«-lm WANTED—MEN .TO LEARN THE BARBER trade in all its branches; expert instruction; wages while learning; positions furnished, MOLER COLLEGE, 113-115 E. Second street U-21-m AUTOMOBILE TOP MAKERS and trimmer*; only first class workmen need apply. DURO CAR MFG. CO., 927 -935 I. Los Angeles st. . 12-2-2 WANTED—SALESMAN TO SELL STAPLE goods In city and surrounding country; liberal , commission paid. Call at 116 SOUTH STATE ST. 12-4-1 WANTED—BOYS TO DELIVER PAPERS. Call circulation department of HERALD. 10-11-tf ANY OLD HATS CLEANED AND blocked like new by experts. 114 8. Bdway. ; . 10-31-tt Help—Female, ; WANTED—GIRLS TO PACK PICKLES. Call at once, 1617 St. Johns street. Go out North Main street to 1600 block. LOS ANGELES RELISH COMPANY. 12-4-1 —r— Partner* - WANTED— HONEST MAN TO take half Interest and help manage good reliable business; big profits; $350 for one-half Interest. Room 7, 244% SOUTH BROADWAY. ■ 12-4-1 Situations —Male , THE HERALD TENDERS THE FREE USB of us "Situation Wanted" columns for an Indefinite period to any one seeking employ ment. Each ad will be run one time, but may be renewed as often as desired by bring ing It to the counter of The Herald office each day. This privilege Is restricted to those seeking employment and will not be granted to employment agencies and others making a business of seeking to supply help. WANTED— A MAN WITH FAMILY, age 19, a position as manager or book keeper of general store In the country or in suburbs; or superintendent of or taking care of ranch; ranch proposition preferred, near Orange or Santa Anna. JAS. P. SLATER, 39 Myrtle St. Redlanda, Cal. ■'■, 12-4-1 WANTED—BY AN EASTERN, MIDDLE aged gentleman that don't drink or use tobacco, a room in a large hotel; under stands ostcopathlc manipulation or scien . tific physical culture. Will work on shares. BOX 1061). Herald. • 12-4-1 WANTED—POSITION; HAD 25 YEARS' experience dry goods, men's clothing and - furnishing goods, with some book keeping, retail and wholesale, Al references in or out of town; or any light work. BOX 1100, Herald. 12-4-1 POSITION WANTED AS JANITOR; CAN do plumbing, steam fitting, wiring; am an all around handy man, strictly temper ate; use no tobacco; best of city refer ences. J. HOBS HOCKEY, 227 N. Broad way. , . 18-4-1 YOUNG MAN OF 24. OF GOOD FAMILY and references, wishes employment as traveling companion for expenses; or em ployment of any kind. P. O. Address, 317 1 WEST FOURTH ST. BOX 69. AB3lO. 12-4-1 WANTED—BY EXPERT ACCOUNTANT and clerical man, master penman; posi tion where honesty and capability will be appreciated; best references from Los An geles business firms. BOX 1063, Herald. 12-4-1 WANTED —POSITION AS A DELIVERY man In the city, well acquainted; or peti tion a* elevator operator; experience, with license and references. BOX" 7025, Herald office. ' 12-4-1 GERMAN TEACHER WHO STUDIED IN several universities wants to work; able to teach languages, science, mathematical engineering, psychology. BOX 1096, Her ald. 12-4-1 —SITUATION BY A BOY OF good habits, age 18, strong and steady; . will work at anything. Address W. T. ■ ROWE. 1756 E. Main St. 18-4-1 WANTED —POSITION BY * AN EXl'E rlenced bookkeeper and general office man 'In bank or mercantile house. Address BOX 1068. Herald office. 12-4-1 WANTED — AN Al SALESMAN AND olerk, position in department store where capability wU| be appreciated. Herald, BOX 1063. w 12-4-1 WANTED—BY YOUNG MAN OF EXCEL- Ient habits, position as machinist or fireman. Addreta BOX 45, R. F. D. No. 0, Los Angeles. WANTED—AN~~ experienced cook wants work; will do anything for a while; married; sober. BOX 1071, Herald. 12-4-1 WANTED—CLERICAL OR RELIABLE PO altlon of any kind by a young man with good reference*. Phone A 9706. 12-4-1 PRACTICAL GARDENER. RELIABLE, sober man wants steady position; experi enced. BOX 1068, Herald. 12-4-1 ABLE-BODIED MAN OF SO, HANDY WITH tpols will work at anything; small Jobs. etc. BOX 1064, Herald. U-t-1 SITUATION WANTED—BY COLORED man as porter or janitor; good reference. 628 CERES_AVg : _ , - 12-4-1 Situation!— Female WANTED— BY BTENOGRA pher, 10 years' experience; notary; famil . iar with law, abstract and public work; r references. BOX 1070, Herald. _ 12-4-1 WANTED—SEWING AT YOUR OWN home $1.60 per day. by competent seam stress' good cutter and Otter. BOX 1097, Herald. '-..-.,. ■■' IJ"*'l HOUSEKEEPER. GOVERNESS. SPEAKS • nuro French, good business woman, wants Sny honest work. T.I. TEMPLE SM.^ INFORMATION WANTED INFORMATION WANTED OF EITHER." OF toy three children, going I under assumed name of Smith; Margaret, age 14; George, 'i; Llll-Mal. 7. by their father. GEORGK W. - GRUMBLES, generil dellveiy, Los Angeles. WINDOW SHADES AND BRASS ROOB WE MAKE WINDOW SHADEa H. G. ELK ' ELES * BON, 831 S. Broadway. F27M; M. *m. F2786; M. 3081. 12-1-w CArWET CLEANING!^ PIONEER CARPET CLEANING WORKS, incorporated. W. C. CLINE. president. 831 S. Olive st. Tel. Home F2I80; Sunset Main 811. ■■■.•/.■■■■ ... , . 9-ls-tf . TRUSSES AND SUPPORTERS 'LONDON TRUSS CO. TRUS*) FITTING SPE clallat*) elastic hosiery. elo. 711 tv SPRING BTREBT.. ' ■' •-«-* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TELEPHONES MAIN 2805, F4631. LQliy& Sei 'Leading Business Brokers Suite 311-312-312 M Severance bldg. * Northwest corner Sixth and Main streets. IT IS OUR BUSINESS TO PUT PEOPLE IN BUSINESS. ' IF YOU BUY THROUGH US WE PRO TECT YOU. GENERAL GROCERY IN PROSPEROUS COAST TOWN. Invoice about —Grocery—enjoying a large local trade and ship grocery supplies; the ship supply business Improving with the growth of the Pacific coast trade; other large Interests of owner require his atten tion. The future of this prominent coast town can ; only be measured by the volume of trade bound to result from the late ! treaties with Japan regarding the Paciflo region. Rent only $50, room 20x60 feet; con crete basement: electric lighted; close to bay front. This fine paying business with its great future can only be purchased through us. For terms of sale see LEAHY & SON. GROCERY $650 or Invoice, GROCERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO and DELICATESSEN with fine steam table, 2 counters, shelving, 12 foot nlckle show cases, cigar case, soda fountain, scales, ice box; rent only - $20; receipt* $200 weekly; everything com plete and well selected; best bargain of fered this week. See LEAHY & SON. JOB PRINTING OFFICE ' $1600 will buy a first class, completely equipped printing office; all material In good condition; doing a line trade with paying pat ronage; well located tor the printing busi ness; good reason for selling; this opportunity can be bought through LEAHY & SON. $3750 —If you want to buy a high class GENERAL GROCERY, doing all cash trade and a large business In ft nearby town at 20 per cent less than It Is worth, you can buy It now. We will sell ft gro cery worth $4500 for $3750. LEAHY & SON. * i $1600 buys a BAKERY with 3 living rooms; doing $25 daily, all cash; oven - 10x12: rent $25, In nearby town of 600 peopll and vicinity thickly populated, 1." mile* out; 2 horses, wagon, counters, show cases. In good condition. Bee LEAHY & SON. $1600 or invoice, GENTS' FURNISH ING, SHOES and repair business; rent $60. sublet $25; good lease, nice trade, location central: all cash; fine opportun ity to engage In nice clean business. IE you are looking for a business investigate this through LEAHY & SON. STOCKS AND PARTNERSHIPS We have several fine Investment proposi tions, manufacturing and commercial. You can obtain partnership opportunities through us that we have personally Inves tigated and can recommend the owners. WE HAVE A GOOD LIST OF BUSI NESS INVESTMENTS NOT ADVER TISED. OUR BUSINESS CHANCES INCLUDB •LOS ANGELES AND VICINITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. $1000 General second hand store, with I nice living room*; rent only $20; loca tion central: netting »2000 yearly. In near by city; i horses. 2 wagon* and harness, etc; cheap if bought now. Owner has other large Interests, must sell Investi gate this through LEAHY & SON. GENERAL GROCERY $$500 —Meat market, notion*, etc.} 4 fine living rooms; rent $50; doing $90 per day largely cash; Include horse, wagon, fix tures, fresh and salable stock; good corner locations; stock with Invoice lull. Spot cash offer will buy now. See LEAH* ci BON. WE HAVE MANY BUSINESS CHANCES NOT ADVERTISED • J675 Grocery, S living room* newly furnished; rent $16, Include* water; re ceipt* $85 dally; stock fresh and salable, everything new; fixtures, scale* end re frigerator in ane condition; all ca»h trade; never on the market before, Be* my agents, LEAHY & SON. *** $1600—FEED. FUEL, GRAIN AND TRANSFER business; 3 horses, 8 wagons and harness: . yard 70x160: all buildings, hay coal, wood and grain will be sold; this splendid paying business has ne competition within eight blocks; receipts $26 daily; rent only $15; good lease. See LEAHY St SON. INVESTIGATE THIS LIST OF GOOD BUYS $930 —Butcher shop, horse, wagon, fix tures all complete; west side location. Grocery and feed store. $1600 or invoice—Receipts $40 dally; cash grocery and meat market; all counter trade. $1600 or Invoice—High class grocery; $60 daily receipts. ' $1500 or invoice—Rent $30; receipts $30 dally; - cash trade; fine grocery. $750— Grocery and fruit store, beach town; beet buy in town. $700— Grocery on Main street. Inside loca tion; good buy. $275-CIGARS and tobacco, North Main St.; cheap if nold now. $625—RESTAURANT AND LUNCH coun ter; rent only $12.60; receipt* $20 (tally. $1400—RESTAURANT; 16 tables; west side; complete in every detail. $1800—RESTAURANT; one of the finest; Inside ana doing $50 dally; equal to $100 In busy season. $1000— Millinery, nearby town; fine class trade. I ~ ROOMING HOUSES 17 room BOARDING AND ROOMING house; line location on west side; Income $350 a month; rent $85; price $900. l-room ROOMING HOUSE; close In. near Seventh and Main; fine furniture; cheap rent; good lease; price $450. - M-roora ROOMING HOUSE; best location In town; clearing $100 a month; can be had this week for $1800. It-room ROOMING HOUSE; cheap; rent $40 and good lease In a good, central loca tion; will exchange for equity In house and $850 cash: price for exchange $1200, less for cash. Sen my agents, LEAHY ft BON. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS FOR BALE— acres at ALTADENA; all ' set to bearing fruit; improved with a 6-room cottage. This Is a fine property; can be had far below It* value, a* owner I* going .to his former ■ home; will exchange for Los Angelea city property; price $4500; equity $$000. PICO HEIGHTS WEST SIDE CITY REAL ESTATE $4500 buy* a B-room cottage; barn, fruit trees and flowers; large oorner lot; has fine new piano and furnished complete; West Twelfth street. Pico Heights; equity $2600, balance mortgage. •' STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH 150 acres near Palmdale, Los Angeles county ; price 18600; 60 acres fenced for grain, 40 acres tillable; 60 Acres pasture and fruit; 6-room California house; spring water piped; large barn, garden fenced, chicken bouse and corral; 10 head of oat tle and horses, etc. $1000—40 acree, ■ under cultivation; water. wood; 6-room bouse, barn, horses, etc.; ex change tor business. S^tß! IF YOU BUY THROUGH US WB PROTECT YOU AND GUARANTEE ; TITLE. LEAHY * BON. -Suit* Sll-Sl 2-312 % Severance bldg.. Cor. «th and Mala streets. ■• - - 12-4-1 LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4. 1908. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALB — CHEAP, RESTAURANT, good location In factory town; party must go east Immediately; $500 value for $200. \ BOX 1062. Herald. 12-2-3 FOR RENT Houses GET THE CHEAPEST AND BEST; NONE but experienced men. Storage best In city. PACIFIC VAN CO., 209 W. Second St. Phone M. 129, A 2767. 12-1-m FOR RENT—THREE 6-ROOM HOUSES, baths, toilet; 1 block north of Downey aye. car. on Pilchard street; $10 each per month. Keys at 3621 ALTURA ST. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—2 LARGE PLEASANT HOUSK * keeping rooms; also one single room; fine lo cation; private family. 844 W. TENTH ST. Phone Broadway 3083. 5-10-x FOR RENT—3-ROOM CALIFORNIA HOUSE In rear, $8 month; gas, bath, telephone, water free. 1721 E. TWENTY-FIRST ST. Hooper avenue cars. ~ 12-4-4 FOR RENT-5-ROOM NEW MODERN COT tage, $16; range connected; water paid. 233 E. SEVENTH ST., 1 block east of Boyle aye. Phone F1745. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, rent reasonable; adults only. F2331 Main 8690. Appl)»lol6V4 W. Washington. MORE HEAD. . 12-4-4 FOR RENT—LARGE PADDED 3-HORBE van by hour or Job. ATLANTIC TRANS FER' CO., Main 277, F8473. 729 8. Broad way. 11-11-m FOR RENT-6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; hardwood floors; $18 monthly; water paid. 339 ISABEL ST., near Dayton aye. and Amabel. - . . y 12-4-4 FOR RENT—SIS; HALF DOUBLE COTTAGE. | ' furnished; bath, gas, garden; high and sight ly. 467 N. BELMONT. Phone Temple 646. ■ ■ ' - 12-4-4 ■ FOR RENT-6-ROOM AND BATH; LAWN, flowers and fruit trees; Fifty-seventh street, . between Main and Moneta; $20. South 1778. . . 12-4-4 FOR RENT—3-ROOM PLASTERED COTTAGE for $9; water paid. 837 K. FORTIETH ST. South 1022. , 12-4-4 ' FOR RENT—6-ROOM HOUSE, ALL MODERN Improvements. 1115 SAN PEDRO. Tel. Broad way 8791. , j. /- FOR RENT—MODERN B-ROOM COTTAGE with shed for cow, horse or chickens. Main J 1544; F2737. __ 12-4-4 FOR RENT—3-ROOM BUNGALOW IN REAR, water and gas, $8. 186 E. JEFFERSON ST. „■:.-"..■ . ■'■ - 12-4-4 . FOR RENT—IOO2 W. TWENTY-FIFTH ST., 6 room cottage; modern conveniences. West 603. - 12-4-4 Houses—Furnished ' FOR I^-STORY BUNGALOW; NICE- Iy furnished; strictly modern; 6 rooms, recep tion hall, closets, etc.; nice barn and wood-. , ehed: adults only. Apply 204 E. TWENTY NINTH ST. 12^4-4 FOR RENT—COMPLETELY FURNISHED 6- j room bungalow, facing Hollenbeck park; . choice location; Immediate possession. 641 S. CUMMINGS ST Phone Boyle 777; Main 7010. 12-4-4 i-OR RENT—322S E. SECOND ST., 4-ROOM |'■ furnished house and bath, $11.60 month. Boyle 1049. OWNER, 657"/ i S. Hill, room 9. 12-4-4 FOR RENT^6-r66m FURNISHED COTTAGE $15. 829 N. BUNKER HILL. 12-4c4 j FOR RENT—SI 4; FURNISHED, 3-ROOM-COT tage. 84» S. HOPE ST. 12-4-4 Flat* : FOR RENT-FOUR LARGE MODERN ROOMS and bath; mantels, tlno finish; fine view; porch; six large rooms, with or without two extra buffet kitchens; bath, porches, closet good neighborhood; walking distance. Take Crown Hill car to Boylston. Bee owner. 1216 W. FOURTH ST. __j__ ; 12-4-4 FOR RENT—FLAT OF FOUR VERY LARGE rooms, bath and toilet. One block from car line; nice neighborhood; will rent for $14 per ; month. Inquire 1360 WALL ST. 12-4-4 FOR MODERN FOUR-ROOM LOWER . flat; sunny and sightly location; walking dis- • tance. 644 N. HILL, near L. A. high school. MAIN 9042. ' ■• _____12 "*-* FOR RENT—I 644 W. SEVENTH ST., WEST- ! lake district; sunny, clean 6-room modern flat; also 4-room modern flat; rent $30, $40. Tel. E1527 : I**-* , FOR RENT—S-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT; modern; $20; adults only. 1014i4 FLORIDA; 1 block west Flgueroa, between Eighth and . Ninth. . »-<-« : FOR RENT—NEW FLATS, WITH AND > without wall beds; price reduced. Apply 42914 . Lucas aye. Phone 61508. W. L. STANTON. | 12-4-4 FOR RENT-6-ROOM UPPER FLAT; LARGE . sunny rooms; very reasonable to right party. ; 466 SOLANO AYE. Phone Broadway 2212. 12-4-4 Rooms for Housekeeping FOR FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS, | with or without light housekeeping; near Hamburger's; walking distance; - summer rates; every convenience. 771 MAPLE AYE. FOR RENT—NICE SUNNY ROOMS, WITH ' housekeeping privileges; also one large room with running water in rear; cheap rates, by week or month. 416 W. SIXTH ST. * 12-4-4 . FOR RENT—NICE LARGE FRONT ROOMS, suitable for two; also housekeeping rooms; transient* accommodated. Both phones, etc.; I low rates. 703^ S., BROADWAY. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—NEW BUNGALOW. 116 AYE. 31. ; South Pasadena car to Avenue 31, turn west; . high ground; gas and electricity; large fire place; sure to please. 12-4-4 FOR RENT-2 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS, COM plete for housekeeping; four closets, heating stove, gas, water, porch; fine mountain view. 1404 W. JEFFERSON ST. ' 12-4-4 FOR RENT—ONE FURNISHED ROOM WITH or without housekeeping privileges; for one or two young ladles employed during the . day. 810 S. GRAND. ; 12-4-4 FOR RENT—COZY 1-ROOM SUITE; FRONT entrance; ground floor; private bath and elec tricity Included, $6 month; Pico cor. 1130 i IKOLO st. is"l"* for"rent—two separate HOUSEKEEP ing room*; sunny place; gas and electricity; i $!i and $6. 227 E. 80th; upstair*. South 14»8. FOR RENT—2 NICE CLEAN FRONT ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping; $12 per month; gas and light paid. 1120 E. 12th. Main 73t0. FOR RENT-NICE SUNNY FRONT HOUSE keeping suite; all conveniences; low rates: no children; walking distance. 1206 8. HILL ST. 12-4*4 FOR RENT-MODERN FURNISHED HOUBE keeplng rooms; private porches and toilet; In ; private house: phone. 903 E. 28TH ST. 12-4-4 FOR RENT-1413 8. UNION AYE., 8 FUR niched housekeeping rooms; decorated celling; , private home; $20. Phone 23311. 12-4-4 ■ FOR RENT-3-ROOM COTTAGE FLAT, VERY close in; beautiful flowers; separate entrance; : reduced rent. 119 8. HEWITT. 12-4-4 FOR RENT-2 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE kceplng rooms, $11 month; gas and light paid. 736 B. TENTH. Phone Broadway 3619. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—TWO ROOMS' FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; second floor; gas, bath, phone; adults; $12. »21 LINCOLN. 12-4-4 \ FOR RENT-NICELY ' FURNISHED LARGE sunny rooms, housekeeping privilege*, at 1188 S. FLOWER. Fl6i9. W-4-4 , FOR RENT-HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE room* for rent at 717 MAPLE AYE.; close In. . Call end see them. 12-4-4 j TOR RENT—ONE AND •' TWO SUNNY looms, furnished for housekeeping. 519 EAST TENTH ST. '- . ■ ■ . ■ ■ iZ-i-i FOR RENT-TWO FURNISHED HOUSE- ! ■■ keeping rooms, $12 month, 322 8. FLOWER. _ _ __ _^ , FOP. RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS . s FOR housekeeping. > 1022 S. FIGUEROA. ; 12-4-1 Situations, Positions, Jobs Need a Position ? If You Are a . ====rs===j Cook Nurse ' Washerwoman Governess y^"'" /fij^. m Chambermaid Laundress ' y^ v^*!e«oVB Servant Girl Dayworker r.m nnii^T^l I^lK Milliner HouseworlEer //#§S^/^<l»bffimSi\ Companion Seamstress iH&wffiSsß Waiter Driver \i 'wififl Dressmaker Janitor - .;. ■\ J^V*Tsli/ Kitchenmaid Bookkeeper « \Jrm M /L Cleaner Clerk e^(J £l^s/q Solicitor Salesman tT""**^^"^ Mechanic , Carpenter —* Etc, Etc. Etc., Etc. Make Your Wants Known Through the Columns of THE HERALD FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! NO CHARGE FOR SITUATIONS WANTED, MALE OR FEMALE FOR RENT Rooms —Furnished FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS, AND also 2-room suite for housekeeping; all with heat and light. Free use of phone; very reasonable rent. 734 W. SEVENTH ST. Phone Main 4487. 12-4-4 i * -» FOR RENT—AN AGREEABLE LADY HAS 2 sunny, . well furnished bedrooms with all home privileges, which she wishes to rent to adults; rent reasonable. 135 W. 18TH ST. ■ 12-4-4 FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, $1.50 week; 3 connecting housekeeping rooms, suitable for ladies' tailor or dressmaker. Transients accommodated. 514 W. FIRST ST. 12-4-4 FOR RENT —FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; gas. electric lights, bath and 'phone. 1106 EAST FORTY FIFTH ST. Phone: South 1650. 12-4-3 FOR RENT—FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS, Wyhaff, 326 Boyd at., between Third and Fourth; day. week or month. Steam heat; reasonable rates. 12-4-4 ' FOR RENT—GENTLEMEN DESIRING A pleasant place with private family; young; piano, phono; good location. Call at 131414 MAPLE. ■ ■ 12-4-4 FObTrENT—FRONT ROOM WITH ORATE and bay window; also side room; nicely fur nished; gentlemen preferred. 1016 S. HOPE. F6798. . ___i_l_ FOR RENT—I4IS BOND ST.. NICELY FUR nlhhed sunny rooms In home of 8 adults; nice locality, between Pico and Sixteenth cars. • 12-4-4 FOR RENT—SI 2; THREE HOUSEKEEPING rcoms, furnlshad complete for two; gas range, water paid. 005 E. THIRTY-SECOND ST. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS WITH use of parlor and piano; $1.50 up; housekeep ing rooms $2 up. 326 N. HILL. Main 5972. , 12-4-4 FOR RENT—PLEASANT FRONT ROOM: can give breakfast. Phone WS44B. Call 2624 BUDLONG AYE.; Weat Adams car. 12-4-4 TOR RENT—NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY rooms at reasonable rates; excellent location; bath, phone, etc. 235 S. HILL ST. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—76O W. SEVENTH, UPSTAIRS- Two large outside rooms, suitable for two each; $12 per month; $3.C0 per week. 12-4-4 FOR HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, SUN ny bay window rooms; single or en suite. F3061. 927 S. GRAND. ■ 12-4-4 FOR RENT—NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without housekeeping; 1 block from oar barn. 808 W. ELEVENTH ST. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS IN THE ■ business center, from $2 per week up. 010*2 S. Broadway. COLUMBIA HOTEL. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—I, 2 AND 8-ROOM FURNISHED suites* modern, sunny: walking distance; $12 p. 821 W. ELEVENTH-ST. . . 12-4-4 FOR RENT-NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; private family; reasonable. 1048 GEORGIA. 12-4-4 FOR RENT—NICE ROOM, 514 SAN JULIAN at.: $1.50 week; suitable for young man. . 13-4-4 Rooms —Unfurnished FOR RENT-THREE ROOMS UNFURNISH ed; gas, bath and phone; electric light; low rent to permanent tenant Phone 71804 be tween 7 and 9 a. m. or between 12 and 3 p. m. ■ ' - i 12-4-4 FOR RKNT—'FOUR BEAUTIFUL SUNNY UN furnlshed housekeeping rooms in cottage; gas and electricity; close In: fine location; rent reasonable. 1315 W. FIFTH ST. 12-4-4 FOR RENT— UNFURNISHED ROOMS", close in: water and gas paid. 922 WEST FQURTH. U-i-i Rooms and Board FOR RENT—SINGLE ROOM WITH ELE gant board at beautiful Troplco, 20 min utes from *6th and Broadway; fine car service, large grounds, comfortable private home. Special home cooking; special low rates, $20 month, 2 meals day, $26 month 3 meals. Take Glcndale car, get off at Troploa aye. and walk one block east of car. MRS. STODDARD, Troplco and Glendale ayes. ' . , . ■ 12-a-l» FOR RENT—SUNNY FRONT ROOM, EXCEL- Ient board; private home; Westlake district; modern conveniences. 1211 WINFIELD. Broadway 3252. "-4-4 FOR RENT-ROOM AND BOARD IN PKI- I vate family; reception room, piano, electric light, phone and bath; $5 week. 1122 WEST NINTH ST. M-<-< I FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, excellent board; special rates to gentlemen; all conveniences; walking distance. 1226 S. OLIVE. ',"•*•* FOR RENT—ONE SINGLE SUNNY FRONT room nicely furnish.-d. with excellent beard; low rates; line location. «07 S. FIGUEROA. FOR RENT—NICE kROOM -AND BOARD, $5 A week for two gentlemen: rightl in heart of town; suite of rooms. 1012 S. OLIVE ST. FOR RENT-SUNNY ROOM, WITH EXCEL- Ient board, It offered for 2 in large southern . : borne; furnace heat. Price »uo. Pbeun> 24563. WANTED—YOUNG LADY *TO BOOM AND board; terms reasonable.; MAIN A 8537. s^ — Apartment* •>'!-,: . , MISSION APARTMENTS? 10) NORTH BROADWAY :<; Elegantly furnished housekeeping suites and single rooms with private •athe; ' suites are composed of 2 and 8 rooms; the buffet kitchens are exceptionally large; hot running water nil day: steam heat. . electricity free. Prices are rlght^ 11-tO-w " ~ Stores and Office* FOR RENT—STOR:' ROOM AND I: PART- Iy furnished housekeeping rooms; water paid, 116; good buslnes location, 180] "' East 4th st. This snap won't last long. Phones Boyle 1264. 41388. »-»■» PIANOS v^_ yoR~"aALE~^~OR K3NT. CIIICKERINU piano, in first class order; '8116, $5: pay ments; rant $3. «10 W. 6TH. * ,11-lt-m . FOR SALE ' Houses fob BALE HOUSES AND LOTS SAME AS RENT —4-room house, lot 50x160; 850 cash, bal. *10 mo. $0504-room plastered cottage; (SO cash. bat. $10 mo. $1000—3-room house, lot 40x209; $50 cash, bal. $10 mo. $1000—4-room house, East Ist street; $30 cash, bal. $10 mo. $1150—4-room new house, big lot; ' $50 cash, bal. $10 mo. $1250 —5-room new house, fenced; $50 cash, bal. $10 mo. $1400 — new modern house; $100 cash, bill. $10 mo. $1600—4-room new modern bungalow; $100 cash, bal. $10 mo. $1800 — modern house; '■■-•■• $100 cash, bal. $10 mo. $20006-room new modern bungalow; , $100 cash, bal. $10 mo. 1 $2100— 6-room modern house; $100 cash, bal. $10 mo. $2500—9-room new modern house; . $1000 cash, bal. $10 mo. This house Is worth $4000 cash. OFFICE OPEN KUNDAV TAYLOR REALTY CO. Corner East First and Evergreen sts. Phones: Dlll7, Boyle 1866. 12-4-S-2 Hiomeseekers Before deciding on oountry lands see ours. We absolutely own and control our I own lands. C, 10 and 20-acre tractr, under Irrigation, now ready to plant; free water, soil doep, rich, level; healthful climate; absolutely no malaria; plenty of water; Ideal for oranges, lemons, peaches, grapes, alfalfa, all fruits and vegetables; fine school; close to prosperous town and on main line of S. P. railroad. We can show you and put you In personal touch with many easterners who have locate* on our lands and are making a good living. Come and get our illustrated circular and talk it over. Plenty of work for buyers 8 F. B. MOUSE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. 161 S. Main at., Los Angeles, Cal. 11-24-tf 1100 DOWN AND 115 PER MONTH WILL buy you a beautiful home; 6-room house 320! Emmet St.. Boyle Heights. J. A. POTEET, Anaheim, Cal. 11-l»-30t FOR SALE-FIVE-ROOM MODERN COT tage, bath; street work all paid; bargain. 1824 E. THIRTY-THIRD ST. 13-2-9-16-23 Houses and Lots 2 LARGE "LOTS 104X150; GOOD 4-ROOM house and bath room, located best section of i Boyle Heights, one block from car. Owner leaving city will sacrifice for $1600, $300 cash, bal. $15 per month. F. L. CRAIG. 105 S. Broadway. 12-4-1 City Lota and Land* FOR SALE—LOT AT WATTS, COST MB $130 2 years ago; worth almost double; close to Long Beach car and near new Central avenue line; will take $100 for It, part cash, balance easy terms; must have money at once; going east. See me, 728 KOHLKR ST., city, or phone Main 9357. '. 11-29-6 FOR SALE—EQUITY OF $600 IN A $1000 lot 2 blocks from ' Pacific boulevard in Huntlngton Park; east i front 60x150 to . 16-ft. alley; will sell for $150. balance $10 a month; leaving olty, act quick. BOX 9011, Herald. ...■■, 11-12-tf r. Suburban Property FOR SALE — OWNER LEAVING FOR Europe, will sacrlllc* his beautiful homo, comprising 8 acres, . well built five-room plastered cottage, barn, chicken houses, windmill, 9000-gallon tank; thoroughly piped for Irrigation; price $5000; $-500 cash; $2000 under market value; located on electric I road, three miles north of Redondo. Full particulars, see F. L. CRAIG, 105 S. Broadway. 12-4-6-2 Orange Groves J. A. FITCH, POMONA, FOlt OK-»NCJIS groves and ranches. Big exclusive list. Miscellaneous WILL EXCHANGE! S HORSE POWER motor for small Job press; motor In good condition; press must be In same. BOX 1434, Herald. »-»••«! FOR SALE— BICYCLE IN GOOD order, $6; also have a fine rosewood harp of 40 strings; will trade; what have you? Address 417 SAVOY ST. Phone: A 4943. 12*4"2 HE BUY CI.OTUIMi—LADIES AND MEN'S street and evening wear; highest prices paid. »ia 8. SPRING. Main J597. CESSPOOLS ' " CESSPOOLS $5 TO $10 Cleans a cesspool. Our men are plumbers an.l know how; four teama; no waiting., RED CROSS SANITARY CO.. 461 Whitney aye ■ Phones; E80O4; Main 8686. 11-22-rn CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT BY EXPERI enoed men. Get our prices. We do It right. Largest tanks In city. IMPERIAL PUMPING CO.. 1311 W Twentieth St. Home 22040; West 1394 11-8-tf LOST AND FOUND ' r : LOST—THURSDAY AFTERNOON, CORNER Spring and Fourth, or on Santa. Fa street ; r&r dog collar bracelet with watch; re -1 ward. Address H. B. CHALVIN. P. O. Box 217, Station C. | H-4-» _. : DRESSMAKING - MONEY MAD*. -:. DAILY. AND: HHSKAL» want ads halo to make it Let your wants become known through Herald want ads. Herald want ads destroy wants. . i-M-x , PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS Prot W. E. King CLAIRVOYANT ' Low Fee j^ssm To receive the fis. 1 'ifWv^nBiBSXI 600 reading you Sjyfc*-»_' ._3p^_Y^ must cut this aa- dpj**^/ yertlaement out V^"sV iA l" 'I and brinjr It \^P '»J with yon. He gives dates, facts and figures, reliable and Important advice and Informa tion on all matters of Interest In business transactions, lawsuits, contested wills, dam age suite, deeds, mortgages, claims and all \ financial difficulties, advises you with a certainty higher than human power, good or had. HIGH CT.ASS PATRONAGE SOLICITED Readings dally and Similar, 10 to «. Permanently located In bis own bom*. 247—5. HIM., —247. NEXT DOOR TO NEW Y. W. C. A. BLDO. NEAR ANGELS" FLIGHT. - PROF. W. E. KINO 11-29-7 THE BEST > Mrae, Aeeimve 1 THE WONDERFUL TRANCE CLAIRVOY AND AND MENTAL HEALER READINGS 50c THIS WEEK The Intrinsic value of her advice can not be measured by pecuniary standards, for by her potency bad conditions are changed to good; grief and trouble are easily dispelled and hopes and ambitions realized. No matter what trouble, fears, hopes, anxiety and wishes If your case la appar ently hopeless consult this gifted medium. MME. ANKUVB was born v lth these gifts and raised In the knowledge of their perfect revelation. Her advice will save you thousands of dollars and a great deal 824+ SOUTH BROADWAY Between Eighth and Ninth Sta. Opposite Hamburger's. 12-1-5 MMB. KARMA Astral dead trance . CLAIRVOYANT Special reading* 800 If you bring ad. Read ings dally and Sunday, 10 to 8. 000 S. HIIX ST., COR. Mil AMD 1111,1,, ; 11-28-7 PERSONAL-MRS. MASSON, THE NOTED palmist of London, England, is at 823 S. Spring at. Readings are careful, conscien tious and absolutely rellablo . HIGH-CLASS .PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 12-8-w MRS. WESLEY. RELIABLE LIFE READER and medium. Advice on all affairs of life, business, love or Journeys. 831 % SOUTH SPRING. ' . 11-18-m MME. ORA. PALMIST AND CLAIRVOT ant. Ladles, 25c; gents, 50c. 308% S. SPRING. ■ 12-4-2 PERSONALS PERSONAL—ELECTRIC AND VIBRATORY treatments, cabinet batlis and massage by graduate Swedish masseuse. Hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. dally; Sunday 9 to 1. 254 SOUTH BROADWAY, room 107: A 4513. 12-1-28 MRS. ANDERSON, FORMERLY 821 SOUTH Hill, now 124»% S. Flower street, near Pico. Treatments for colds, rheumatism and nervousness. Open dally. F4752. -..;., - , , 11-28-20 MAGNETIC AND ELECTRICAL TREAT ments; alcohol and oil rubs; operating room thoroughly heated. 848 S. BROADWAY: new management. 11-30-w MRS. X.—DR. CARPENTER'S CARD IS IN this paper unde» . "Physicians." Don't worry Mrs. 11. 11-2S-W PATENTS AND PATENT RIGHTS PATENTS—U. 8. AND FOREIGN: INFOR matlon book free to inventors. BROOKS & UDDERS, 608-610 L. A. Trust bldg.. Third and Spring streets. , 6-1-x G. E. HARPHAM GETS PATENTS, INVBN tlons financed; patent litigation; 25 years' experience. 617 UNION , TRUST BLDQ. * 12-4-6 mo ATTORNEYS-AT.LAW DIVORCE AND PROBATE LAWS, DAMAGE suits, bankruptcy; 15 years' experience law yer. 356 WILCOX BLK. 11-29-m RAILROAD TIME TABLE SOUTHERN PACIFIC ! From Arcade Station, Fifth and Central Are. Leave I I Arrive, San Francisco via Coast Line, 1:40 am | S:ooam San Luis Oblspo, Paso Robles, 3:80 pm I 2:36 pm Del Monte, Monterey, Santa j 7:30 pm| Crui, Ban Jose and east |11 pm ' |Ban Francisco, Tu i 6:00 pm lare, Tracy, Sacramento, I 7:06 am i 11:30 pm Oakland via Bakeraneld and 8:55 am I ■ | Fresno [ j 7:60 am Fresno, Tulare, . 7:08 am 6:00 pm Bakersfiefd and 8:66 am 11:30 pm Mojave 8:16 pm Chicago, Kansas City, St. I 1:46 am ■ Louis, "Chicago Special,"} 1:66 pm via Yum>, Benson. El Paao| ■ Overland—New Orleans via 1:00 cm Yuraa. Benson, Maricopa. lt:4S pirn Tucson, El Paso, San An tonic and Houston i 1:06 am Yuma, Tucson. Benson, 12:45 pm I 1:00 pm Lordaburg. Doming, El Puo 4:60 pm 6:46 am Santa Barbara and Ventura 1:40 am 8:00 am Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:60 am 1:45 pm Santa Barbara and Ventura J :30 pm 3:33 pm Santa Barbara and Ventura 7:36 pm 7:30 pm Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:45 pm 1:00 am Oxnard, Chataworthl Santa *8:40 am 2:35 pm Susanna, Stratbeam, *11:60 am •7:30 •am Moorpark, Bomie, . 2:SO pm Camarilla 1 :16 pm ,_, (♦Canard only). 11:46 pm 'Santa Paula via Saugus, 1 8:45 am Camuloa, Plru, Flllmore, 11:60 am 1:45 pm Sattooy, Montalvo, Carpln- 7:16 pm terla, Summerland - • -■ 1:46 pm| • Nordhoft 11:50 am TToTam Pomona, | 8:50 am 8:55 am Ontario, 10.06 am 9:45 am Oolton, - 12:45 pm 1:00 pm Riverside, 4:60 pm 4-28 pm and 8:65 pm 6:25 pm Ban Bernardino 7:00 pm "lfO6~am Badlands, 10:06 am •8-56 am *»la Riverside. 18:48 pm 9 46. am Badlands 4:60 pm 1:00 pm Redlands 6:65 pm 4 : 26 pm i*2!*. ndi _l. :0 _In 3:66 am] , Covlno-Chino 8:60 am . 8:25 pm| Covlna-Chino | 7:00 pm Santa Ana, Anaheim, - Dow-) 8-66 am ney. Newport Reach, ■ Nor- x 8:80 ant t«i OOpm walk. Buena Park. ■ West t«8:00pm x6:lopm Anaheim. West Orange 4:60 pm — "~ ('Downey and Norwalk only, X3K xNot Newport Beach.) tS:66 am Los. Alamltoa ' | 4:60 pm '|-W"ani| Brawley, Imperial, 4:60 pm 1 El Centre Calexlco tO6am San Pedro-Comptao . TtloT66am •3:30 pm 'via Long Beach .', ' 0*11:45 a ' ' ■ • ■ " 6:36 pm b*t 05am| Long Beaeh-Compton fbli :46am tiQ:2oam| *vla San Pedro |tH:OSpm 8:90 pml - ' .-■ - - ' __** :S6 lira ; 06 amf" Bantu. Cataltns. Island | 6:86 pm 5.10 am Chauwortn Park (»«■ note) t4;10 (Note—To and from River station only.) | AH trains dally except those marked as fol low«: "t" Sunday «cept»d; "b" Sunday only. QREENEWALD INDEPENDENT ; STEAM SHIP AGENCY, 118 S. Broadway. Steamer ■ leaves today. San : Francisco 17.00 and 19.60, Including meals and berth. i .. " ■ ■ . . >-. ■ ■■. • ;,■ ■ ■■ ... ■■ ■■ 12 3-1 Ilomeinber Hie -Id* at , .Herald* i Xmat dlnne* -ANNOUNCEMENT The IVouilhtiry in now ;In * full progress la It* new and anpeiior quarter* -In the : new Hamburger bnlldlng. day and evening. REGISTRATION EVERX ' DAT " : We take special pride In Inviting and wet* I coming to our school all who dealre to pur« sue a business college course under the most - favorable ■ and effective - condition*. < Call, write or phone It catalogs* and full Infor mation Fl«50: Main' 2101 f~£^2sfa^ffl&rf?) /ft Fifth Floor Mew Hamburger ■ Building. Elevator Entrance 820 West Eighth 81 ACTING NEW YORK SCHOOIV. ■ Dramatic ana Vaudeville. Eastern association*, ■ oonaeoted i with agency *eeur:ng position*. SIT Sooth Broadway. ' Phone Home F6087. * Us-..-. 1 A Business rlealCl S College (The Southern I California) , •14 8. Grand aye., Los Angeles. It qualifies and always make* good. I New classes formed each Monday. Be a Heald ' student and have the beat advantage* la • the state. - -J. W. LACKEY. Manager.' • arvi^^^BisiHcss Collets [ - MIGHT SCHOOL 417 WEST FIFTH ST. ' Established HIS, Opposite Central Park. - ■ ■ , CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR BO 18 - '* 1048-52 Lovelace Avenue Boarding and day. Primary, Grammar an* Ninth Grade*. Mil. drill. Physical Culture, i Sloyd, Language*. N. WILLIAM BRICK. , A. M, Principal. Home 28671. -J__ : *££. Art and Design park. Eat. 1887. Inc. Every branch from rudi ments to highest. Illustrated prospectus. I* EL G- Macleod. Dlr. E1857 ■ *■-■ ■•■ -■■' I , PHYSICIANS ' DR. HAIGH, EXPERT WOMAN'S : SPBC lallst; also chronic skin,. liver, bowel and genlto urinary diseases of boia sexes. i 140 Byrne bldg., ID AND BROADWAY. ' . ;■; >. -}..„•,, 5r- .'-. . -■-.. 10-30-69 MRS. LAIYOU—ALL FORMS OF FEMALB diseases, promptly relieved,; by , Clover Blossom. Advice free. Salts 30-31, 306 ' S. SPRING. ; . U-11-m FREE EXAMINATION BY SPECIALIST: I FOR WOMEN. NO CURE NO PAY. ■» 19 • TO 6; 7 TO 8. 632 W. «TH ST. ROOM I 107. 11-SO-33t , SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN ONLY - " Results guaranteed; ■ examination free. II I to 4. DR. CROCKER, 203 Mercantile place. . . -. ; - 11-28-iu I DR. CARPENTER—DISEASES OF WOMEN, i 211 W. Ist,' cor Spring. Hra. 2 to 4 and . ' 7 to 8 p. m. A 6632. U-J«-m' ' DR. INEZ DECKER. 702 S. SPRING, ST. ' Obstetrics. Hours 10 to 3. Open Saturday I ; evening 7to 8. 11->-So ',. DR. ■ MERRILL, NEW YORK AUTHORITY on diseases of men and women. 206% SO. BROADWAY. 6-10-x ; MRS. WOODS. LADY'S SPECIALIST. • THH '■ WHITE HOUSE, 341 14 S. Spring. Room* 1 '* and *• '''"• ' U-B-tl ■ MRS HAUSLER. MIDWIFE, 24 YEARS experience. 726 EAST 21ST ST. Homl 21710. ■ ■ 11-13-lma j ! DR. TAYLOR, WOMAN SPECIALIST AND ' obstetrics. 4tsVi S. SPRING ST. H-19-m . lt'» as ens* tt» ituvure a bargain In * u*e«J automobile, through want advertising, a* II ' need to be— still Is—to Mcur* a bora* , . anil carriage. '' * j SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains daily except ac noted. Leave |~ | Arrive" < 10:00 am Los Angeles Llmlt'd— 1:00 pm j I Omaha. Salt Lake City Overland Express— 1:00 pm Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, 8:00 am Kansas City, Denver, Salt Lake, Searchlight, QoldiUld 8:35 am Ban Bernardino, 1:11 am 11:0 ft am . Colton, . 10:41 am 8:40 pm - Riverside ' 1:35 pm' 5:24 pm Ontario and 4.25 pm .8:00 pm Pomona ■ 6:51 pm •6:46 am ' " 3:10 urn el:10 am .;-.':' ■ . 11:10 am 8:50 am Long Beach and San Pedro 4:60 pm | 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 6:15 pm . * ' ■ ...... , > 8 am ~~" Catallna island ' I «:80 pm 8:13 am Pasadena 1:46 am 1:16 pm ' Tropieo and Glendale 1:46 pm ~«Dally~ except Siincfay. s Sunday only. ?,\ • " . BANTA Leave | ■....■ ■ , ■ " |Arrive . Eastern—California Limited,! 10:00 am dally. Chicago via Denver 6:00 pm and Kansas City -. " • Overland Express— Dally Chi- " 8:00 pm cago via Denver and Kan- 8:90 am I sas City ■ - • ■ " Eastern Express—Daily Chi- . .. • 7:10 am cago, via Denver and Kan- 7:08 am • sas City '• . . ..... _____' IKlte Shaped— via Pasa- ~~Z?x 8:10 am dena, Return via Santa Ana «:S5 pm canyon . . 7:46 am r—————— 10:00 am 8:80 am Redlands via, Pasadena 6:40 pm 4:30 pm ••. - 7:40 pm 7:30 am Redlands via Orange 10:66 am 10:66 am -■■ ■ . ■■■ . ■ ■'- | 6:36 pm 7:43 am[ Rlveraldo via Pasadena |~5:<0 pm j 7:80 am | .... ...'. ' Tl:0» ami 10:58 ami lUvertlde via Orange 10:48 am 6:06 pm| . 1:35 pm \ 7:30 am 7:05 am : 10:65 am Corona via Orange 10:45 am } 6:06 pm 6:33 pm 1 Y:So"am 7:05~am ' 10:65 am San Bernardino via Orange 10:45 am 6;06 pm| ■ ■ , I:3a pm. 7:45 am > 8:S0"am 1:30 am ' - 10:00 am 10:00 am San Bernardino via. Pasadena 6:40 pm 1 4:30 pm *239$H9HBBfC" ' 6:00 pm ' 8:00 pm ' 7:40 m; ' ' 1:46 am ■.-..-. - , . ~«.6B~am' i 1:06 pm Santa Ana ■ ■ S.ts am , 6:06 pm ■ - 5 <•: ",' 1:00 pm i 11:55 pm -■■ ■-- ■'■ : • ■ ':16 pm j i ; 7:30 am T~ [ ~~"y~"| «:M am i 1:46 am .OMMH 7:05 am i 10:61 am Fulierton. Anaheim, Orange 6:16 im ' , 1:06 pm 10:46 am 6:05 pm 1:00 pm i 1 11:56 pro. "■ '■' ' •:» pm . 7:46 ami San JaV'in'tn. Blslnore, • Ma- I 6:40 pm 10:66 am met and Murletm «:BJ_pm 10:00 am| ■ Rcdondo . 8:40~pm 1:06 pm • Escondldo 1:00 pm 8:46 am Fallhrook '. 6:H pm ■ ' 8:46 am San Diego and ■ ■-, l:(Jim ' 3:06 pm '. Coronado Beach - • 1:00 pm » ' 11-65 pm| Eurt~Lln* ■ •- • ■ "TSTpm« 1 'f:M am|~ ■ - " Randsburg ]J~7:06 *m ''■ 3:00 pmj Searchlight an 1 Chloride ■ 7:06 ant t . 8:0«pml Beattr. Rhyolite,- 'luMneld 1 B:SO am ,»— and Tonanaa ' • 11