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FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL NEW YORK STOCK AND BOND MARKET , NEW YORK. Dec. The constant fluctua tion of prices in today's stock market made it puzzling to discern tho prevailing tone of the speculation. ■ The pressure 10 sell -was | much lees pronounced than late yesterday. This fact formed the basis for. some efforts to get prices to a high level, which as often wore frustrated by the. dying out of till de mand as prices got higher. On the occasional declines there developed a sufficient demand to check the tendency, and rally prices. The constant change In the course of tho price movement afforded a harvest for the traders, who were sufficiently agile to turn with tho tide. Their profits, however, .were largely at the expense of other traders less agile. The movements were almost wholly In the hands of professionals. The money market showed a firmer tone which developed earlier In the week in connection with the settlements, the requisition In banking resources on account of new securities Issued and the (fold ex ports. Call loans advansod 3 per cent. Gov ernment operations through the subtreasury have taken from the banks since the last bank statement 15,682,000. Including a with drawal of government deposits with the banks early In the week. Payment for i the gold •hipped to France today Is not include,! In the withdrawals to date. The Blight effect pro duced on the foreign exchange market by the gold shipments makes It evident that fur ther shipments will be made. New bond is sues continue to be announced and hankers report a large demand for their offerings, In dicating the good appetite of capital for these Investments. There was selling here of stocks for foreign account In spite of the easier otne ,of the London discount market, based on th' failure to advance the official discount rate of the Bank of England. Incoming reports of railroad net earnings for October Indicate that the September rate of Improvement was not fully maintained at that time, either in the gross or the net, the decrease in gross being larger and th- Increase in net by cur tailment of operating expenses smaller than in the earlier comparisons. The latest returns of gross earnings for November also, al though comparing with the period last year when the depression began to make Itself felt, show no growth In the rate of increase over earlier periods. The earlier movement to market of both grain and cotton Is supposed to be responsi ble In part for the slowing down in the rates of : Import. The lull In the Iron trade and copper is of similar Import and tho low price of silver Is an additional consideration bear ng on the metal and mining stocks. U. S. Steel Bold below. 54 for the first time since the week of the national elections. No reason was given for the special strength shown 1 by the Gould group, Great Northern preferred and a few others. In moat cases last prices wire but little changed from the day before. Bends were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $5,678,000. Government bonds were unchanged on call. New York Stocks NEW YORK, Dec. 3.—Following were the closing quotations today: High- Low- Closing ■ Sales— • • est. „, tit Bid. 18,600 Amal Cop 84 83%> '83% 2,300 Am C and F .. 46% 46 46 % .100 do preferred ..ins 108 107 100 Am Cot Oil .... 42% 42, 42 . ...... Am 11 and Lea.. .. .. • • 100 Am Ice Sec 2814 IVi 25% 1,800 Am Linseed 16% 14% 15% , 400 Am Locomo ... 65% 65% 65% ...... do preferred .... 22,900 Am Em and Refl 92% 91% 92 100 do preferred ..106% 106% 10614 700 Am Sugar Reft ..131% 130% 131 :: 100 Am Tobacco pf. . 92% 92%- »-J,b COO Am Woolen 80% 30% 30% „ »,700 Anaconda Mm... 49% 49% 49% 900 Atchlson 99 97% 98% '- 800 do preferred ..102 101% 101% 600 At Coast Line ..110% 109% 110 11,400 Bait and Ohio ..108*4 106%, 107% • -'.. do preferred .... '• • •* X- 800 Brook Rap Tr. . 55% 54% 55 200 Can Pacific ....175% 175% 175*4 400 Cent Leather ..28*4 28 2S 300' do preferred ..101 101 101 ... Cent of N J.... .. ■.. 208 27,200 Ches and Ohio .. 50% 48% 50*4 1,800 Chi Ot Western.. 11 10% 10% • ' 600 Chi and N W ..174% 174 173% li.'i} Chi Mil and S P..150% 149 150% '- 200 CC C and St L 67 ■ 66% 65% 1,300 Col Fuel and 1.. 37% 37% 37% : 7 300 Col and South.. 52'; 49% 52*4 1,100 do Ist pfd 71% 70 70% 2,700 do 2nd pfd .. 65 62% 64% ,9,500 Cons das 164% 163% 164% . . Corn Products .... .. 18% 300 Del and Had....175 .175 175 4 300 D and R Grande 35%. 34% 84% 1000 do preferred .. 78% 78 18*4 100 Dlst Sccuri 34% 34% 34% 600 Erie :.. 32% 32% 32% 800 dwo Ist pfd .. 47 46% 47*4 .. do 2nd pfd .... .. 87*4 1 800 Gen Electric ..160 168*4 169 "6 800 Gt Northern pf.14394 139 141% 6,800 do Ore ctfs ..74% 72 73 'i 6,700 111 Central .....149 147% 148% 700 Inter-Met ....... 14% 14*4 14% 500 Int Paper _ 12 1174 "Vi 400 do preferred .• 56 66 66 , 900 int Pump ::.... 30% 30% 30% , lowa Central •• 28% 800 Has City Sou .. 34% 33% 34 900 do preferred .. 67 66 64% 600 Lou and Nash ..121% 120% 121% t 100 Minn and St. L.'. 47% 47% 46% ■ 400 MS P and 55M..131% 130% 131% 11,400 Mis-Pacific .... 66%: 64 65 --1-0.700 M X and Texas.. 38% 37 38% ■ 1,100- do preferred.- 71% 71 . 71*4 -3 800 Natn Lead ...... 82% 82% 82% 4 700 N V Central 117% 116% 116% ■ 6,100 NY O and West 45% 45 45% • 800 Nor and West... 84 83 83% '.1 300 North American. 76 76 76% 21,600 Nor Paclflc 38% 36VT 37% 1 700 Pennsylvania ...128% 128% 128% 1,100 Peoples Gas 100% 100 100 .. PC C and St L.. .. •. 85% 100 Press Steel Car.. 38% 38% 38% .V .. . Pullman Pal Car . . , .. 171 .... By Steel Spring.. .. "•■„,-, •92 700 Reading 138*4 131% 137% 600 Rep Steel 26% 26% 26% -. do preferred .... •• «J4 14,200 Rock Island Co.. 25% 24* 24% 33 300 do preferred .. 61% 58% ¥ 60% 1 500 S L and SF2 pf 40% 39% 40 7700 St LS W 22% 21% 21% J9 100 South Pacific ...US'; 117 117% 1000 ' do preferred ..121% ISIJ4 121%. • 7 800 Southern By .... 35% -24V* 25% 3?00 do preferred ..68% ; 57% 68% 600 Term Copper 44% 44 44% 1 800 Texas and Paclflc 33% 33 33% ..'".. Tol 3 L and Wpf 63% 63% 63% • finn THah Copper .... 48 47% 47% ISMOOUntaI C pP acmc....lßo% 179% 179% 600 do preferred .. 36% 85% 95 400 U S Rubber .... 34% 34*4 34*4 .■;:} So do Ist pfd ..107% 107% 106% 141,000 U 8 Steel ••••••"% 53%- 64% 1800 do preferred ..112% 111% 112% 400 Virg Caro Chem 43% 43*4 43% ~do preferred .... •■ ll* -i;*6o WabaJh ........ 15% . 15% .15% 10.700 Ho preferred .. 37% 36 37% .3,000 Westgh. Elec ... 88% 87% 88% , .'BOO Western Union .. 69 ■ 68% 68% 2,100 WhjindL Erie.. 11% 10 " 700 Wls Central .... 30% 80 30% Total sales for the day. 876,700 shares. , New York Bond* NEW YORK. Dec. 3—The following were the rlnal'nir nrices -of bonds today: - — U 8 rMg 2s reg...102% Japan 4%s 2d .er.. 90% \do COUP ....... I- &N 4s 101% do Ja reg; .100% Manhat gold 4a .... 98 • do '"up .. 100% Mcx Cent 4s S3 ;. do 4. Reg 12014 do Ist Ino ..18 So coup . «1 M * St X. .«...«... 85 Am toS p4. .:::.... 75% MX & *'■— 98% do 65...... 106% do Sila 87 Atoll gen 4s ......100% Nat Ry Mcx 45.... 81 _ do adj 4s 100% N V C gen 3%5.... 93% do cv4a 102% N J C gen 55...;..129*4 do cv 03 105% Nor Pao 4s .'.103% iitl C L 45...-. 96% do 3s :.. 73% B & O 4s. '..100% Nor & W 4s 98 Brook R T 4s 79 Oregon 8 L 45*.;... 94% , Cent of Qa 55......109 < I>enn cv 3%s 1915.. 94% ■ do Ist mo 7714 do consol 4a 103% do 2d Ino ...,..., 62 Read gen 4s ......100 do 3d mc .62% Cuba 5s ...102V4 Ches & O 4%5....1(H% Iron Mtn 5s 110% C & A 3%» ....;;:. 77 St L&8 Fla 83% C B & Q 4s ...... 99% St L 8 W 4s 77 CRIP 4a..: 75% Seaboard A L 45... 60 - do col 5s ......... 86*4 Sou Pac 4s '.'I 1, , • do rfdg 4» ■....,. 90 do Ist 4s 95% CCC St L 45...% !I7 Sou Rwy 6a'..,.;...10794 Colo lud 6s ........ 75*4 T & P ista .'. 1145% Colo Mid 4s 74% T St L & W 15.... 80 Colo So 4*...... 96*4 Union Fac 45......103% PRICES OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKET <S> NEW YORK, I>«. 3— Copper— Lake, -.. $1 l.:«-JVi@l 1.80; electrolytic, *H.l'!Vi@ A.. 14.87 Vi runt Ing, SI l.OU@ll.J3Ml <i> Lead, «4.25@t.50. 4 Tin, $2».fiO@ 29.00. .... Silver, 4«</i- Del & H 4s 103% do cv 4S 106% i D & HC, 4s 98 I! S Steel 2d 65....102% Erie pr In 45...... 89% Wabash lsts 109% do gen 4s ........ 73% West Md Is .79 Hook Val 4%s ....107% w & L E 4s 82 Inter Met 4tts .... 74vi Win Cent 4s MM Japan 4s S2V4 NY NH Ps ctfs 125% do 4%a 91% Lake Shore 4s 95% Financial Record NEW YORK, Dec. B.—Money on call firmer, 2igg per cent; ruling rate 214 per cent; clos- Ing bid 2; offered at 8. Time loans somewhat firmer; «i days, 2%®3 per cent; DO days, 3; 6 months, 1% per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 3%@4V4 per cent; sterling, exchanged steady with actual business In bankers' bills at 4.8465 for 60 days bills and at 4.8670 for de mand. Commercial bills, 4.81%; bar silver," •48>fc; Mexican dollars, 48c; government and railroad bonds, steady. Treasury Statement WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.—Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold re serve, shows: Available cash balance, $148, --839,076: gold coin and bullion, $27,956,786; gold certificates, $53,358,300. CHICAGO GRAIN (Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, member Chicago Board of Trade, Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles). CHICAGO. Dec. B.—The news on wheat was mixed. Cables were weak, weather warming up and predictions of snow. The only favor able Item was the. sharp falling off of receipts In the northwest: The market 'had an easy 1 el] late In the session, caused by some of the trailers selling put. but upon the develop ment of considerable strength In oats the wheat market swung up again and closed at prac tically the best figures. Aside from those who keep long wheat among smaller longs it Is rer.erally admitted that the comerclal posi tion Is pretty well discounted, but they are bullish upon what they call the speculative situation. One thing Is certain, the experience of those who sell wheat on the breaks Is costly and we assume :t will continue to be so until such time as the market 13 eased up by sales of real long wheat. The corn market had very little independent strength. Firmness . was caused largely by shorts covering and sympathetic strength Im parted by wheat and oats. The market was rather heavily sold and we understand that the basis of the buying of the last few days has not been because of any change In position by leading shorts, but simply a scalping proposi tion. The trade in oats was unsually active. There were more people In the oats pit today than for many months. Barley prices are on the rise and the use of that article- are believers In-the oats market for the present. Provisions were easier on the liberal run of hegs west, heavy packing operations and heavy selling by a local packing Industry as well as a isood deal of commission house liquidation. Market Ranges Wheat— Open High Low Close Dec 1.06% 1.05% 1.05 1.05% May 1.09% 1.10% 1.09% 1.10% July 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% Corn Deo .61 .61% .60% .61% May 62% .63*4 .62% .63% July 62% .62% .62*4 ' .62% Oats— * Den 45% .49% .48% .49% May .61*4 ( .52% .51% ' .62% July 46% .47% '.««%.-. Pork— ". Jan 16.02% 16. 11 15.92% 16.97% May Hi.27% 16.37*4 16.20 16.22% Lard- Jan- .' 9.25 9 27% 9.17% 0.20 .May 9.45 9.47% 9.37% 9.40 Ribs— ' Jan 8.40 8.42% 8.32% 8.82% May 8.62% 8.65 8.55 8.67% WHOLESALERS SCEK BETTER SERVICE AT FREIGHT DEPOT A ccmmlttee was appointed yesterday by the Produce exchange to present to tho Pacltlo Electric company a complaint against poor service In receiving nnd delivering goods and to bring about an adjustment with the car line If pot lible. Members of the exchange, complained that their teams were delayed from two to five hours at tho Pacific Electric freight depot In receiv ing and delivering freight. It was said that only one clerk was employer! there when at least .two clerks were necessary. The committee 13 composed of Carl Mcßtay, J. D. Stlmson and E. B.,fivers. California Dried Fruit Prices NEW YORK, Vet:- 3.—The market for evaporated apples was easy In tone and offers for December delivery of prime fruit are reported around 6 9ic. - Fancy ore quot ed at B%c on spot; choice, 7%4/i7%0; prime, 6%@ 7c, and old crop fruit, 4@6c, according to quality. Prunes are arriving more freely, but there appears to be no accumulation, and the market was firm with quotations rang ing from 4c to 7*4 c for California up to 30-40's and from 6% to 7%c for Oregon 50-30's. Apricots are in light supply, with choice quoted at 9%c; extra choice at 10@10%c, and fancy, at ll@ll%c. Peaches are quiet, with choice quoted at 7%7%c; extra choice, 7%fflßc, and fancy, B%®llc. Raisins are firm, although no Improve ment Is reported In demand. Muscatel are quoted at 5%®6%c; choice to fancy, seeded, 6 ©8c; seedless, 4%®6c; London layers, Chicago Live Stock CHICAGO, Dec. 3,-Cattle—Receipts, about 9000 head; market steady to 10c lower. Beeves. $3.50Ji-7.80; Texans, $3.6(Kji>4.40; west erns, $3.40#5.7j: stockers and feeders, $2.70f1» 4.76; cows ttnd heifers, $1.60ti'5.10; calves, $5.00 ®7.00. Hogs—Receipts, about 40,000 head; mar ket i@toc lower. Light, $5.10i5'6.80; mixed, $5.35®6.00; heavy. $5.40(6 0.00; rough. $5.4( |". good to choice heavy. J5.55W6.00; pigs, $3.75® 4.s, ri; bulk of sales, $5.6(im Sheep—Receipts, about 18,000 head; mar ket steady to 10c lower. Natives, $2.50 ©6.80: westerns, $8.75(54.80; yearlings, $4.2(1© 5.00; lambs, $1.00®6.75; westerns, $1.00®6.75. Butter, Eggs and Cheese CHICAGO, Doc. 3.—On the produce ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries, 22c; eggs firm at mark, cases Inoluded, 24@27c; firsts, 30c; cheese, steady, at 13% (1816 c. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3.—Butter—Fancy creamery, 35c; seconds, 29 %c; fancy dairy, 250; seconds, 20c. Cheese—New, 14@15%c; eastern, 17c; Young America, 16(g>17%c. Kgga—Ranch, 49c; store, 45c; eastern, 30c. Sugar and Coffee NEW YORK, Dec. 3. —Coffee—Futures closed steady, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales were reported of 40.600 bags. Including De<r. $5.06fi5.10; Jan. $6.10; March, IB JO; May, $5.25; Sept., $5.30@6.36. Spot quiet; No. 7 Rio. 6%c; No. 4, Santos, quiet; mild dull, Cordova, 9%@12%c. Sugar—Raw steady: fair refining, $3.42; cmtrlfuga'l. S6 tost. $3.92; molasses sugar, $3.17; refined auiet. Cotton and Wool NEW YORK, Dec. S. —Cotton—Spot quiet; middling uplands, 9.35 c; do gulf, 9.60 c. Sales, 1600 bales. ST LOUIS, Dec. 3.—W00l firm; medium grades, combing and clothing, 17W22c; light 16©17 c; heavy une, l-'«j-14e; tub It's as easy to securu a bargain tn » used nlitomiiblli-, through want advertising, as it used to be—and stlli In—to secure a none und carriage. LOS AXGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1008. FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3.—Bank clearings were $1,883,608.08, against 11,187.976.39 for the corre sponding date last year, an Increase of $866, --531.64. Following Is a comparative statement: 1808. 1907. 1906. Nov. 80 12,324,749.4! $1,071,687.48 $2,129,942.84 Dec. 1 2,2(5,837.38 1,301.210.30 2.430,691.10 Dec 2 1,637,981.05 1,194,608.54 2517,1)30.18 Dec. ,3 1,89»,508.03 1,187,1176.39 1,911.857.29 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official sales—lo American National Bank at 8117; 200 Globe Oil at 13V4c; 1000 do at 14o; 1000 do at 14*4 c; 125 do at 180; 10 Union Oil at $94; 20 do at $94.76; 20 do at 194.50; 10 Union Provident at $92; 1000 Central oil at We; 2000 oilnria Land nt 2Sc; 6 Home Tel. pM. at 156.50. Oil board— 111 Home Tel. pfd. at 153; 10 Union Provident at $90. Bonds Bid Ask Associated OH Co 68% 87% Cal. Pac. Rwy. Co . 95 100 Corona City Water Co 95 Corona Power and W Co "94 Cucamonna Water Co 96 lot) Kilinon Kleo Co, Ist rfdg MM 112 Edison Elee Co. old 155ue..".... 100 105 Hcme Telephone' Co 85% 88 Home Tel.. Co. Ist rMg 72', 75 1.. A. Pac. Ist con mtg 101 105 L. A. Kwy. Co 105 in L. a. Traction 6s 106 ' no L. A. Traction 6s *. 104 108 ItiMloD Trans and It C 0........ 92% M. Lowe I'.wy Co . .. 98 Pac Elec Ry Co 108 Pac Light and pCo '. 91 96*4 Pasadena H T and T Co 72 80 ■ Pomona Con. Water Co 96 , .. Riverside H T and T Co 07% Riverside L and F Co • 86 Haute Monlcn I". H T find T Co. .. 80 San Diego H T and T Co - 64 l Santa Barbara Elec Rwy '.. 93% Temeseal Water Co 96% 100 United Klec O and P Co 95 Union Transportation Co 90% 93 U S L D T and T Co 73 *82 Vlsalla Water Co ■ J"u Whlttier H X and T Co .. 90 Bank Stocks Bid. Asked, American National .» 118.00 American Savings 125.00 156.00 Hank of L. A 120.00 Bank of Southern California . 120.00 Broadway Hank, and T Co 130.00 Cal. .Savings Bank 135.00 Central National Bank 148.00 175.00 Citizens National 225.00 250.00 Commercial National 125.00 150.00 Fanners and Merch'Natl 260.00 .300.00 First National 430.00 450.00 German American Savings 300.00 314. Globe Savings 112.00 Hcme Savings of L. A 110.00 120.00 Mtrckantß National 440.00' National Bank of Cal 150.00 200.00 National Bank of Commerce 125.00 Security Savings 275.00 850.00 Southern Trust Co 67.00 Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. Asked. Edison Slectric pfd .00 85.00 Edison Electrlo com 64.00 66.00 Home Telephone pfd 56.25 57.00 Home Telephone com •...* 12% .15 L. A. Atliletio Club .10 L. A. Brewing Co 125.00 L. A. Harbor com 40 ■ L. A. Investment Co 2.35 2.65 Occidental Life Ins. Co. ... 150. Pac Mutual Life Ins Co 203.00 Pasadena H T and T Co 37.50 Riverside II T and T Co. 40.00 San Diego H T and T Co 35.00 S. Monica B II T and T Co 40.00 Seaside Water Co .50. .70 Title' G and T Co, pfd 169.00 200.00 Title I. and T. Co. pfd 136.60 Title I. and Tr. Co. com 136.60 Title I. and T. Co. series C 136.60 U S L D T and T Co. pfd 45.25 i BEfi Oil Stocks - Bid. - Ask. Amalgamated Oil .......i......... 75.00 80,00 Associated Oil 38.12% 38.60 Brookshlre OIL I-"0 Central T. I ... .90% Columbia 1.09% <».. Continental 20% ' ... Elk Cons Oil Co - .04% .09 Fullerton Oil 47 .70 Globe ...... 14*4 .IS Mexican Petroleum 1.30 1.56 New I'iiiii I'etr Co 30 .65 OUnda Oil Co .24%' .25% Perseus Oil Co ' 28 .36 Rice Ranch Oil Co .76 Union M.OO 96.00 , Union Provident Co 92.50 93.00 United Petroleum 94.00 Western Union ... 100.00 Sales fop Week Ending November 28 . | High.| Low. |Sales.| Value. Bonds— Asso. Oil 86% .86 4 $3,443.75 Home Tel..-. 86 . .85 1 850.00 L. A. Traction 6s 109.00 106.00 „< 4,880.00 L. A. Traction 5s 106.00*4 105.00 6 6,262.60 Pcmcna C Water 100.00 99.00 1 1,1100.00 Bank stocks— Get Am Savgs.. 300.00 295.00 50 16,000.00 Industrial- Edison Eleo com. 60.75 60.50 60 3,026.00 Home Tel. pfd.. 67.25 64.00 80 4.505.00 Hcme Tel. com.. 18.00 10.00 10 , ISO. S. Monica B H T 23.00 : 20.00 10 . 2&0.00 Oil- Amalgamated ... 77.00 77.01) 20 6,390.00 Associated 38.50 37.60 40.1 15.252.P0 Central ] .90% .90. 2000 1,800.00 Columbia 1.08 1.06 , 3000 8,190.00 Oilnda Land 30 .21 20000 0,200.00 Union 88.50 85.25 160 13,715.26 Union Provident. 87.75 86.25 ' 110 9.475.00 United Petroleum 90.60 86.00 20 1,705.00 Mining— ■ Cal. Hills ........ .13- .12% 3fiOO 383.75 Cons. Mines '.02% .02% . 31000 832.50 Jchnnle Cons 02% MM 65500 1,476.00 Nev. > Searchlight .01 .00% 7000 , 70.00 Searchlt Parallel ' .05 .04% 120C0 _ 683.00 "Totals....' ;..|~~ | ' ' |144T375|596,220.50 DAILY MINING CALL - Official sales—2ooo Cons. Mines (B. 60) at 2%c; 5000 do at 2',4C. ■ Listed Stocks CALIFORNIA 5 GREENWATER DISTRICT- _ Bid Ask Clark Copper Co .10*4 12 Furnace Creek Copper ...; 11 ' .17. Oal. Hills M. Co .12V» .14.. Consolidated Mines Co .02% ... ■ NEVADA JOHNNIE DISTRICT— Johnnie Con. G. M. Co ,01% .0214 SEARCHLIGHT DISTRICT— Eldorado Can M and M C 0...... .00% .01 Nevada Searchlight .00% .01% Quartette ••• 10.60 Searchlight Parallel .....„,. .04*4 .01% The Metal Market NEW YORK. Dec. 3.—The London tin mar ket was 6s higher with spot quoted at £Ij4 and futures at £136. The local market was quiet at $29.37%«i2!).C2'j. Copper was un changed at £t$ tor spot In London, but fu tures wen- a * hade lower at-i:63 18s ad. Tho local inarktt wbh dull, with lake quoted at f1t.17%914.50; ili-ctrolytlc, |14.1l%O>14.B; cast ing, $14ca)14.12%. Lead was higher at £13 3d In London. I^ocally file market was dull at $4.25M4.30. Spelter was DnchaDfed at i:'l 63 la lAindon and at $5.10#5.15 In New York. The English Iron market was lower with Standard foundry quoted at 47b 7d and Cleve land warrants at 48s 7%d. Locally the mar ket was unchanged. Cotton and Wool NEW YORK, Dec, 3—Cotton —Futures closed barely steady; Dec, 9.20 c; Jan., 8.91o; Fab, S.S7c; March and April, 8.88 c; May, 8.93 c; June and July, 8.87 c; August, s.7Bc; Oct., 8.580. CARLOAD SHIPMENTS OF CITRUS FRUIT <*> Shipments of oranges and lemons >•> v«> from i Las I Angele* r Tumilay, I Dec. 1 I, <* <•• were 'IB carload* <of • orange* and II <s> <*> carloads ■of 5 lemon*. Total -to ■ date -f .. there were ? shipped f «79 carload*, |of <•> .. which \Wi »Trn irmoUN. T l.a»l MM OH <$ . there were i shipped' »08 carloads, lof <$> ... which 8801 were lemons.. ' _- LOCAL RANCH EGGS DECLINE ON CHANGE STORAGE BELECTED STOCK AD. VANCEB ONE CENT 1 Temporary Scarcity Causes Cabbage to Junip to $1.50 a Sack —Market Men Are Pleased with Rain -*, J, i ■ ,-'>■■ : V Local eggs declined lc a doii-n On the produce i exchange yesterday. Th« buylnf price was lowered to 890 and the selling price to 43®46c. There was a correspond ing advance of lc In storage selected, tn< new quotation being 82@840 a dozen. • Bell apples advanced to 86o<jji$1.10 anc Spltzenburg aples declined to $2@2.60 Cranberries advanced to $15 a barrel. Trading on the produce exchange wai good, sales amounting to 25 sacks of fancy Lompoc onions. 60 sacks of sweet potatoes, 100 bags of No. 1 pink beans, 6 cases ol Oregon cheese, and 10 cases of local ranch egg. Cabbage took a sudden Jump upward, reaching top at $1.50 a sack. The advance Is due to short receipts, caused by the rain«, and will not be permanent. Cauliflower, lettuce and celery were scarce, but this condition Is due to , last only until truck gardens recover from the rains, which ■ will ultimately be of great benefit. Both market men and growers art peased over' the rain, and predict good crops as a result. f. "» Peaches declined to 75®80e a big box, and crooked neck squash to 60c a big box. The rains practically finished the grape crop. The market was supplied ; yesterday with cold storage stock. ,"-'* _•". Tho fish market was cleaned up. All fish and lobsters, ware scarce. Produce Receipts Local eggs, cases , ,;! Butter, pounds «■«« Apples, boxes , '•'l] Potatoes, . sacks a°* Beans, sacks *' Onions, sacks ■ -' Sweet potatoes, sacks -4 Cheese, pounds »■"" > Produce Prices I Following are tint wholesale ■ Jobblni ""cTTRUS FRUITS—LocaI oranges, $2,260 76; - lemons. $2&i*; limes, Me basket; Tuma oranges. $494.50; tangerines, $1.26@2.25 a % box. APPLES (per box) —Bells, 85c@$1.10; quinces, *1.25 an apple box; white. Astra chans. 85c: red Permalns, 90c@$l; Spltzen berg $2@2.60; Jonathans, $2.75; Oanos, $1.6 C ©160; Idaho, $1.60; Smith cider, 86cfl)$l; Ben Davis, $1@1.50. • BANANAS— 4 di 4%0 per pound. ORAI'EFItUIT (per box) — Fancy. $3,000 »25; choice, $1.75@J. . POTATOES (per cwt>—-Local Burbsnks. $160 p«r bu; yellow sweet potatoes. $1.25; white, do. $1; red do, $1; Highland, $1®1.23; Lompoc. $1.60®1.75; Salinas, .$1.(501.76; Oregon, $1,506; 1.75. VEOETABLBb—Beets. D" doB hunch-s. 80®35c; string beans, pound, 6®7c; car rots, per dozen bunches, 30@35c; green onions, dozen, 16@20c; celery, 40®60c doe.; green peas, 4%@6%c; radishes, 20c; spinach, 15c dor.; cucumbers, 40c@51.60 box; cauliflower, 11,5091.71 per crate; horseradish, 100 Ib.: toma toes, 40®60c box; lettuce, 75c@$l i pel crate; turnips, 30®35c; squash, 60c lug box; peppers, 48*0 a pound; okca, 9c lb.; green corn, $1.W©1.26 sack; pumpkins, 1%0 lb.; celery root, 65e», brussels sprouts, 9@loc lb.; green lima beans, 4%«& c; egg plant, 2c lb.; cabbage, $1.50 sack; rhubarb, •$1 per box; chicory MOWS doi.; artichokes, $1.20 doz.; parsley. 25 ®300 box: oyster plant, 40c lb.; red cabbage, 3c a pound; new potatoes, 60@75c a lug box. HONEY — Extracted. W. W. CO-ii, c«n. «c; white, do, ?®7%c; light »mher do 6®6%c; comb, W. W.. 1-lb. frames, l«c comb, white. 16c; comb, light amber. 11%0 14c: beeswax, pound, 30c. • l.'iji —California ranch candled, 43@45c local case count, J2@B4c; eastern fresh, 4( a 42c; selected storage, 82©34 c BUTTER — Creamery, extra, 2-pound roll, 77% c; creamery, firsts, 66c; eastern extra, $0c; cooking, 240. CHEESE (per pound)— Northern fresh, 17@17%0; Anchor, large, 17c; Anchor, Tount America, 18c' Anchor hand. 19o; eastern singles 16c; do twins, 17%©18e: do ehed der» 17c; do long horns, 17%®18o; di daisy 17%®18c: Swiss imported, JB(ijiSoc do domestic, ISo: cream brick, l»o; lim UMANS—(Per 100 lbs.) Small white, $5 Lady Washington, $4.4004.60; pinks, No. 1 $3.25; blackeye, $3.60; llmas, $4.7605; Gar vantas, $3@3.60; lentils. $9; bayou, $3.60. ONIONS (per cwt.)—Rede. $1.00: .liver, •kins. $1.16: yellow Danvers, $101.25; Aua tralian brown onions. $1®1.25; crystal white, $1.25. _. OARLIC-12%0 lb. ._.■-' A NUTS (per Ib-)—Almonds, faner IXL and Ne Plus, 14®16c; Brazils, 15®16o; filberts 14© 15c; pecans, 12018 c; California peanuts raw, 607 c; eastern. 7%@Sc; Japan peanuts, 6%c; roasted, 2o additional; walnuts, fanoi No. 1, 14016 c; do small No. i, 100; pin. nuts He; cocoanuts, per do*. 90c; blttei almonds, 60c basket; black walnuts, (o lb. DRIED FKUITS (per ib.)— Apples, evapo rated, 7%@Bc; apricots, B@9c; dates, golden, bulk, 6%c; black figs, 6c; do white, 60 lemon and orange peel, fancy. 10-lb. boxes, per lb., 15o; nectarines, 9»10c; peaches, evaporaled, 7% ©8c; pears. evaporated fancy. »o; plums, B®9c; loos* muscatels, I (76c; sultanas. 6®6c. PERSIMMONS —$1.2501.50 a crate. CHESTNUTS—IOc a pound. POMEGRANATES-$1.50 lug box. GAUVAS—Siiilic box. _ # PINEAPPLES—Pur pound. 7010. PRUNES— Sunta Clara . basis, 4%<s; out. ■ldr. 40. ... GnAPES-90c@51.25. % CRANBERRIES— a bbl. PEARS—SIOI-26. 'Wy- PLUMS—SI.26. FRESH FlGS— sl@l 25. PEACHES —75®80C box. CANTALOUPES —400 a dozen; winter can taloupes, $2 a crate; casabas, $1.76 a do*- BERRIES— Fancy strawberries, B@loc blackberries. B%c; huckleberries, 4»6c, raspberries, Be. . ... MUSHROOMS-$3.25 per basket. POULTBY-(Buylng prices): Live hens. 13c, young roosters. 16c; fryers, 17c; broilers 193 20c; old roosters, 6c; turkeys. 17c; old toms, 17c- young toms, 14c; hen turkeys, 170, geese, 120; ducks, ll@ll%o. POULTRY— (Selling, prices): • Live hens, 15o; young roosters, 18c; fryers, 20c; broilers, 22a 13c- old roosters, 80; turkeys, 20c; old toms, 20c; young toms, 20c; hen turkeys, Stoo; geese, Ho; ducks, 140150. Retail Prices. . Following prices for leading articles consumption prevail at the Los Angel.i •tores: * ■'-" _ Butter. »-lb. roll, fancy » Butter. J-lb. roll, choice •»« Cooking butter. l-lb. roll Vm«,;«, Eggs, fresh ranch, dozen 40045 Egg», eastern, dozen • »oitf4o< Local Hay Market Hay-No 1 barley hay, $145*18; No. 2 do, $13 614* No 1 wheat hay, $18; do No. 2, $14015; No 1 plain oat hay. $1(0M; No. 2 do. $13©16; northern alfalfa, $15817; local do. $15017. FLOUR AND FEED PRICES AT LOS ANGELES MILL 3 The following quotations prevail at the Capl '"' "MEALS. PER wo LBS., in sacks "■' ' Lbu. ' ' "■' 10 25 60 Per. pat. pastry flour $3.10 .... ..„ Graham flour «■« *■$ »■» BuckwßWU flour ».M MM 4.M Buckwheat Hour pure 6.26- 6.20 - J.l» Rvrt Hour or meal '•»* *»•"» 1.5*1 Co yrnm"al. W. and V 3.10 ■ |.W Oat meal, steel cut 6.60 5.46 6.4» fmt mini, ground *•■» <■*) 4.25 mmlny large or small 4.00 (.95 » Cocked Wheat 5.60 a! 66 Z.M Fmt wheat flour I.M 3.06 |.« p«n»ii barley ..■ EEg)g :g ..» t.g F^ma fl0?. r..:.:".:::::::::::::: S:2 i:S (.:S S^erwh Bea?.n"pbii:-«rwl-^b°2,..s!:J s Rolled wheat in bbls. net wt. 124 lbs. bbl..s4.JS Ro ed wheat In sacks, net wt. 60 lb. etc.. i.m Buckwheat flour (bulk seamless ak. 100 lbs) 4.U Buckwheat flour pur. ibulk - seam).*, . sacks) 100 lbs , 4.60 FLOUR. PER BBL; Capitol, made of ■ eastern and California wheat, blended ••••• $6.50 Aurora .........•■'■ 6.40 Mikado ."• *■« Trophy • ».t.,M,,*tt,T>,H, 4.80 No. 1 bard (bakers), made of eastern hard wheat •"- * ••••it (.00 Capitol, bakers' extra eastern and CaJlfor nla wheat blended 46.40 Our Giant (bakers) eastern and California • wheat blended J.JO Eclipse '... • ...*.•..•......*...••• •Flour in % sacks 20c per bbl. higher. .' . FEED, PER 100 LBS. . Boiled barley..."*d corn $1.18 Bran l.W|Fe*d meal f.w Short* l.!6|Wheat l.t» Wheat. 100-lb. ek.. 1.26|C0r» I.M Blended wheat flours: • -' '. . . „ Baker*" Magnolia flour •■**; Corn ...i • »•« Corn, small yellow;...,•■••••••••••••••••••••• t-tt , Whit, oat J-J! Oil cak. • »■»• Kaffir corn ;••• *•»? ; Capitol flour Is retailed at $1.« per H «*<* and 860 per % sack. ..-. - -'• :, v m-h. The following quotations prevail at the Glob* mills: ■ 1, 1 FLOUR- „ „ Al flour so 1 Globe flour *»<w Made of select California wheat: „ Sliver Star flour....s6.4o|XXX 7 flour 14.80 Eighth bblß. Me bbl. higher. Bakers' flour (made of eastern hard wheat), per bbl.: ■ ■ Globe flour $6.oolEa»tern graham....s«.W Baker* Al f10ur.... 6.4olPastnr floor ••*° ' Eastern ' rye 8.001 ■ ' 5 Al flour Is retailed at $1.66 per *4 Back and I (Go for *> sack. Globe Family. $1.70 per % ■ sack and Mo per %> sack. ' MEAL AND CEREAL GOODS (per 100 lbs). Lbs.. ' 1 , ,10 16 60 ■ Al flour .'....53.10 Pastry flour 8.10 .... 1 Graham flour 8.00 296 J.M 1 Corn meal, W. and J 3.10 8.05 •■«> , Whole wheat flour 8.10 »06 : 3.00 [ Rye flour .: 3.60 8.66 8.60 1 Cracked wheat 8.60 8.55 8.60 Farina , 1.80 »66 1.60 , Wheat flake* .... 1-60 > do per bbl. 125 lbs. net .. 4.25 Wheat, No. 1 (100 lbs.) $1.90; wheat, (100-!b sacks). No. 1, $1.96: corn (100 lbs.) $1.90; cranked I corn (100 lbs.) $1.95: feed meal (100 lbs.) $2.00: l rolled barley (100 lbs.) (1.66; oil cake meal (100 . lbs.) $2.60; shorts (100 lbs.) $1.80; bran, /heavy, t (100 lbs.) $1.69; Kaffir corn, $1.96; whit. oats. , $1.86; seed rye, $1.75. MINING QUOTATIONS Yesterday's quotations of the Lob Angeles-Ne vada Mining Stock exchange were: California Bid. Ask. California Hills 15*4 .13% Ccns. Mines Co 02Vi .02% I JOHNNIE DISTRICT— Johnnie M and M .17% Crown,Polnt Globe 07% .08 Nevada OTHER DISTRICTS— Balloon Hill Fraction 01% .01% Clark Copper 10 ... Nevada Hills 2.30 Searchlight Parallel -03& .0411 Rawhide Coalition 1.20 Leon a and S , 16*4 First National a and C 16% ... Hermcea .02% GOLDFIELD DISTRICT— Combination Fraction 1.37 1.39 Daisy .', 84 Dlamondfleld 10% .11% Florence 4.60 4.70 Florence 1. and M 6.50 8.00 Qcldfleld Cons Mines 7.90 8.00 Great Bend 27 .20% Jumbo Extension 24 / .27 Little Florence 10% ... Atltnta ... .21% Baby Florence .02% Blue Bull .11% ••• Booth 26 Florence Extension 09 .10 Grandma 04 ... Mohawk Extension 01% Red Top Extension 05 "... Yellow Tiger 11% .12% Blue Bell 04*4 .06 Dixie 8.60 M Eureka 9.00 9.MM Great Bend Annex ... .07 Mllltown Fraction ;.'. 01% .01% BULLFROG DISTRICT— Etnnie Clare 06 .07 Montgomery Mountain 09% -... Llge Harris 8.60 4.00 M OIL BTOCKB- Assoclated Oil ..87.75 38.60 Columbia 1.10 Globe , 14*4 .15 Mexican . Petroleum nfd 60.00 Mexican Petroleum com 17.00 Union Oil Co 92.00 »6.0» Ollnda .21M • ... Morning Sales 4000 Baby Florence at 2%c; 3000 Bonnie Clare at 6%e; 600 Comb. Fraction at $1.37; 300 Coali tion at $1.20; 1000 Eureka at $£M; 400 Cons, at $7.90; 2000 Lige Harris at $4M. Afternoon Sales 3000 Llge Harris at $4M; 200 Florence at $4.65; 2000 Crown Point Globe at 7%c; 1000 Cal. Hills at 13V4c.t . SAN FRANCISCO QUOTATIONS (Exclusive dispatch to The Herald by L. A. Crisler ft Co.. . members Los Angeles-Nevada Mining Stock exchange. 306 San Fernando building. Los Angeles). SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3.—Goldfleld Consoli dated held the center of the stage in the min ing market today, heavy buying; orders from the east running the stock up to $8, SO points above yesterday's figure, and It closed strong at $7.99 bid. Florence was up 6 points, while Fraction and Daisy did not move from their former quotations. Rawhide Coalition was In rood demand again today, Belling as high as $1.27% and closing steady at $1.20 to $1.25. A rich strike was reported on Nevada Hills, in the Falrview district, advancing the stock from $1.95 to $2.60, but about norm a large block was dumped on tho market and it broke tr $2 bid. . Following are the closing quotations, to gether with the regular call sales: GOLDFIELD DIST. Bid. Ask. Sales. Aoams ....03 .04 .... Atlanta 20 .21 1000 Booth 24 .25 1000 Black Butte Ex .01 .02 .... Blue Bull 12 .13 .... Blue Bell 04 .M B B Bonanza 01 .02 .... Columbia Mountain ........ 18 .19 .... Conqueror.. .04 ' .05 — Combination Fraction 1.37% 1.40 6*) Ctackerjack .05 .06 600 Daisy 85 . 86 1600 Triangle .04 .05 Dlamondfield B B Cons 10 .11 1600 Dixie ......:.; .:.......; 01 .02 .>.. Empire 4. *.* .03 . .04 . — Florence « 4.65 4.67% 700 Florence Ex 09 .10 4500 ■Frances Mohawk 10 ... — CKMfield Com ....7.95 - 7.97% - IMS Kewanas 27 .28 .... Great Bend 1.28 .29 — Great Bend Annex 05 .06 600 Gieat Bend Extension ...... 06 .07 — Grandma 04 .05 .... Jumbo Extension .23 .26 .... Kendall 08 Lone Star 06 .07 Lou Dillon 01 j .02 .... Mllltown Fraction 01 .02 2000 Mohawk Extension .01 .02 — Nevada Qoldfield 03 .04 .... Oro ......:... .; 12 .13 2000 Red Top Extension 05 .08 — Hcd Hills 20 .21 500 Sandstorm 20 .21 ■■■• St. Ives .22 .23 Silver Pick ...., 12 .13 Yellow Rose .01 ... .... Yellow Tiger 14 .15 .... TONOPAH DISTRICT- Belmont .80 .82 1300 Jin. Butler 17 .IS .... Midway .19 .10 .... Montana 81 .85 .... McNamara .34 .>$ 2600 North Star 06 .07 .... Rescue Cons 04 .05 .... Tonopah Mining 8.37% 8.45 .... Tcuopah Extension 41 .43 .... West End Cons S3 .35 .... I BULLFROO DISTRICT— , Amethys* 02 ... .... Bullfrog Mining 03 .03 ... .... Bullfrog National Bank 04 .05 Bonnie Clare 07 ..... Golden Scepter 01 1000 Gold Bar 01 .02 .... H.imestake King .14 .16 .... Montgomery Shos Ex ... .'ll .... Montgomery Mountain 10 • .12 .... Mayflower Cons 07 .08 . 600 Original Bullfrog .01 M Tremp Cons -'3 -■•> Tur.kee Girl ■■• -01 ..... MANHATTAN DISTRICT— ■ Little Grey 01 , -03 . •••• Manhattan Cons -OS ... .... Manhattan Mining 01 .02 ..... Manhattan Dexter .03 .05 ..... Mustang M ••• •••• Beyler Humphrey ' ■■ 02 .... Stray Dog <™ ... .... Thanksgiving.. .03 .06 OTHER DISTRICTS— Eagle's Nest $5 M : Johnnie Cons .01 , ... .... Falrvlew Eaglei •■• ' -35 ••" Nevada HlUa 1.00 . . 2.10 . 300 Plttsburg Silver Peak .80 .85. ■ .... Round Mountain ■ M ... .... Coalition ...■.-. l.» 1-25 6600 COMBTOCK MINING STOCKS (Special service to The Herald by B. F. Tay lor, Citizens National Bank building, member Los Angeles-Nevada Mining Stock exchange). SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2.—Following were closing quotations today: __ Opening. Closing. Ouhlr 1.6.1 «1.62% 1.67%1&1.72% Mexican .......'. .»l.»'-«» ■•■M'g--fS^ Gould end Curry ... 0.10 ...0.10 Con Va 74 « .76 .77© .78 Clearing House Banks NAME ! , \'^ '. ■ oryiCßWs The National Bank of Commerce ! cHAßLE^Ew^Norc^hTw. IH LOS ANGELES ' I Capital, $800,000; N. E. corner Second and Main. Surplua. >25,00 U. "?-<'~l. 1 ■farmers & Merchants National Bank l ct £ s H B^BR Nlca^ I «rat ■*■ • Capital. $1,500,000. t Corner Fo%th and Main. ' ■ ■ " Surplus and Proflta. $1,800,090. •' -■ Fife* National Bank J. MT. ELLlOTT.Presldent^Sg irst National Jsank w T _ & hammond. cashier. * * Capital StocK, $1,280,000. S. E. corner Second and Spring. Surplus and Proßts. $1.480,000. ' •*' | ' merchants National Bank S^^^KULKAToShr* •*•"■ ■ Capital. $200,009. S. E. corner Third and Spring. Surplus and Praflta, $500,01H1. Ameriran National Panlr • w- F- BOTSFORD, President. merican .national .tsanK WM w. woods, cashier. Capital, $1,000,000. B. W. corner Second and Broadway. * Surplus and Proflta. $178,000. National Rant nf Calif nrriia *•''E- FISHBtJRN, President, ationai canK ot uaiuornia . o _ w FISHBURN , cashier. Capital. $600,000.00. N. E. corner Fourth and Spring. Surplus and Undivided Fronts, 1110,00*. Central National Bank GBOROK MASON. President. entrai im ationai canK _, B OIST C(uinlar . B. B. corner Fourth and Broadway. » Capital, $100,000; Surplus, $500,006. citizens National Bank **• J- waters. President, uizcns ixauonai uann A j waters. Cashier. , Capital,* $300,000. ■ ' 8. W. corner Third and Main. Surplus and Profits, $375,000. groadway¥ank¥Trust Company WARREN Oir.I.FLEN. President. roaaway cans <x irust company R w kennedt. cukier. Capital. $260,000. l $08-810 Broadway, Bradbury building. Surplus and Undivided Proflts, $191, Tjnited States National Bank FA^ 3sMiTHE^aSnfe?' pr"w*nL . Capital, $200,000. l S. E. comer Main and Commercial. Surplus and Fronts, $60,000. ■ . Commercial National Bank ~ w- a. bonynob. President. uimiitiuai nouuiwi £>ailH. NORMAN EBSICK, Casbler. ■'■> ■ Capital. $800,000. • . 405 South Spring, corner Fourth. Surplus and Undivided Prints. . $35,000. lE^'€>¥JMl lirir oLDESTANO URGESTjNjpUTHWES? ■ V^SS oaiimi,..!!..;. i.Majiiijj»^-|yy ) * —- y,. --^ X. RESOURCES OVER Q/^rl!^€^^||g^^|^ $ 2Q,000.000.i a |~ •^ll<~ > . It • "W. J. YVASHBUKN, President; WIUUS U. r/1l!lf;tKla \3Vin<-|C KanV BOOTH. Vice President; P. F. JOHNSON, LquiidDie pavings oanK COFhler; R. T. JONES. Cashier. >-«|Hiluuiv vu I llllju uuilll N a COR.. FIRST AND BI'HINU.BTS. ": Savage 22 ©.23 .23 © .24 Hale and Norcroaa. .38 fg) .39 .30 @ .37 Yellow Jacket 36 0 .38 .35 ® ... Belcher 20 <gi .21 .21 0.22 Sierra Nevada .23 ® .24 ' .22 to .24 Exchequer 29 it .35 ... © .16 Union , 19 @ .21 .19 if .20 Chollar 05 @ .07 .or. lit .07 Potosl .12 «a> ... .12 © ... * ■ » TORREY KNEELS WITH DRUNKARD AND PRAYS Expresses Great Hope for Conversion of Victim, Who Subsequently Sobers Up and Joins in the Services Dr. R. A. Torrey last night left the Piatform at the beckoning of a drunken man and knelt with him on the saw dust floor of the tabernacle in prayer, meanwhile placing his arm about the man. After a short prayer for his con version Dr. Torrey arose and tenderly led the staggering r*an to the direct ors' room, where other workers took him In charge. On returning to the platform Dr. Tor ney expressed great joy over the occur rence. He said that many times in his experience men under the Influence oi! liquor had been converted, and he ex pressed great hope for the man who had gone forward. Later in. the meeting the man —whose name was not given out —seemed to have sobered up and took part in the service. "Los Angetes, with all its beauty and advantages, has more temptations than almost any other city in the world." said Dr. Torrey last night in his ser mon from the words, "What shall It profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" "That question ought to set all of you to thinking," continued Dr. Torrey. "There are two things in great con trast—world and soul—and what proflt eth a man if he is of the world and loses his own soul. "If I were looking for happiness I would not go to the dance hall, theater, card party or gambling den. "The man whose sould is saved gains the present as well as future happi ness. He has two heavens, here and hereafter. "If a man loses his soul It will be a poor bargain for him. Even money does not satisfy. Millionaires are the most unhappy men. Not ores has ever been known to be satisfied or to sing a Joyous song. Contrast him with the Salvationist who sings Joyous songs. "Power and pleasure do not satisfy, neither do human science, the dance hall or the race track. There Is only one way of satisfaction, and that is through the merits of Jesus Christ." This afternoon Dr. Torrey will speak on "The Fundamental Principles of Success in Soul Winning." MEET TO FORM PLANS FOR IMPROVED JUVENILE HOME A meeting of the board of directors of the Juvenile Court Improvement as sociation was held in the chambers of Judge Wilbur last night for the pur pose of arranging plans to carry on work in the new juvenile home near Elyslan park. The meeting was held behind closed doors. Annual Meeting Saturday The annual meeting of the Technol ogy club of Southern California will be held at the Mt. Wilson hotel Saturday, December 5. Members of the club will be the guests on that evening of Dr. George E. Hale. It is proposed to take the 12:05 p. m. car for Sierra Madre from the Pacific Electric building. Former Tech. men wishing to take the trip will please notify at once H. A. Prime, acting secretary, city engineer's office. Hotel Men's Banquet The first banquet to be given by the Hotel and Restaurant Men's associa tion will be held in Levy's cafe Mon day night. December 14. A great many invitations have been issued by C. J. Corwin, secretary of the banquet com mittee, offering members and their friends an evening of entertainment "replete with choice gustatory offer ings, conversational and oratorical en joyment." ' To Hold Bazaar Mrs. Jefferson D. Gibbs, vice presi dent of the National Congress of Moth ers, has called a meeting of officers of the Parent-Teachers' association and others Interested for this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the parlor of Hotel Lan kershim, to arrange for a bazaar to be held December 18 and 19. San Francisco Shipping SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3.—Arrived: Mr James 8. Higglna, San P«>flro: Daisy Mitchell, San Diego; Raymond, San rvdro. Sailed: Steamer State of California. San Diego; Whitller. Ban I'udro. Hotel Alexandria, . Mill* Bulldlr . Los Angeles. ■' ■ Ban Francisco. J. G. WILSON Member -.. .T ■ Mew York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, The Stock and Bond Exchange, S. F. - PRIVATE! WIRES. • ' ! Now Is the Best Time to buy the i most ■ -desirable' local ; bonds and stocks at attractive prices. JAMES H. ADAMS & CO. 111-113 West Fourth St., Loa Angeles, Cat ■ j^^Evory Woman JW^fflv™ If Interested end iliould know IHI'SSwUM about the wonderful K^VSSNI MARVEt Whirling Sproy V -Wa^axaSsal tun and inctionTuat- Sit. >BKS^S««SS^Hfc»v ■ eft-Mont CoiiTOMent, lt.tlMuts lailuti;, Jrtrmt-OisTbtfsrl*. V>-^«J^*»»r-'^^^* c*e* If b»cannut supply tbs \i|Bw^S^/;K> i_ ' MARVEL, accept bo >i»Ka2£"" Other, but Mai stamp for 'vffl. j^^Wli •* • Illustrated book—«*»U<. It glT«« f. \V / V'M ' . full particulars and directions in- ' VtK/,, m ,' valuable to ladles. IWAIIVBX CO,, C«gJ i.• a* Xt att4 aT* f JVAE ■• * vulis *ja»fc»^r!!^r!r Jg !v "■ For sale by tha Sun Drus Co., 824 Bouta *- Los Angelas at. . Shoes Half Price and Less' Over two hundred big: display bargain tables) are displaying shoes ■ for ' men.' women and children, on sale in many Instances for half price and less. ■ Con* vince yourself and come to the MAMMOTH SHOE HOI SB, . 619 South . Broadway. Pasteurized and Absolutely Para MILK ALSO Cream, Butter, Ice Cream CRKSOBNT CREAM ft BUTTER CC CHURCH FEDERATIAN FLAYS DICE SHAKING Civic Righteousness Committee Adopts Strong Resolutions Urging City Council to Reconsider Its Recent Amendment Denouncing gambling: and other kin dred evils, the civic righteousness committee of tho Church Federation adopted the following resolutions yes terday: "Whereas, We are Informed that tha city council has amended the ordi nance affecting- gambling so as to per mit dice throwing; for merchandise at cigar stands; and "Whereas, There is an existing police regulation forbidding dice throwing for drinks In saloons; and "Whereas, The moral distinction be tween dice throwing in saloons and at cigar stands Is not apparent to us: and "Whereas, Dice throwing for any form of merchandise Is per se evil and tends to foster and encour age the gambling spirit, and Is es pecially demoralizing in its influence upon the young; and "Whereas, It was stated In the press that ih* reason for said amendment was that several small cigar dealers would have to quit business unless stimulated by this form of gambling; "Now, therefore, be It Resolved by the civic righteousness committee of the Church Federation of Los Angeles, CaL, that in our opinion any business that has to be supported by gambling ought to die. "Resolved further, Thut we request the city council of Los Angeles, Cal., to reconsider said amendment before it becomes effective by the expiration of thirty days, and, lnstad of weaken ing the, ordinance affecting; gambling, that it be made more effective. "Resolved further, That these reso lutions be presented to the city coun cil and that copies be furnished to the newspapers of this city for publica tion." Newsboys Have Feast Spring street newsboys enjoyed an, unexpected feast of popcorn and pea nuts at 6:45 yesterday afternoon when a team belonging to Walter Summers, a Compton farmer, took fright when in front of the Orpheum. The horses dashed into a peanut stand being op erated by an unfortunate Italian in front of the First National bank and reduced it to kindling. Nothing Like Being Consistent ■ "Do« ' Gladys ■ look any different since »he and her husband have separated?"- - ' ' "Yea. She wears her hair a la divorce*." , "Heavens! How's that?" • : "Part* "-^-Smart; Set. *-»-* X Christmas ' dinners ■ coma bat once a j ear, 9