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When the Owner of "Idle Money" Looks, Your Business Opportunity Ad Should Be "THERE" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 ''. TELEPHONES MAIN 2806, F4631. LofrpSoi .' • Leading Business' Brokers Suite 311-312-3124 Severance bldg. Northwest corner Sixth and Main streets. IT IS OUR BUSINESS TO PUT PEOPLE IN BUSINESS. IF YOU BUY THROUGH US WE PRO TECT YOU. GENERAL GROCERY IN PROSPEROUS COAST TOWN INVOICE ABOUT $8500—GROCERY, ENJOYING A LARGE LOCAL TRADE AND SHIP GROCERY SUPPLIES; THE SHIP SUPPLY BUSINESS IMPROVING WITH THE GROWTH OF THE PACIFIC COAST TRADE; OTHER LARGE INTER- i ESTS OF OWNER REQUIRE HIS AT TENTION. THE FUTURE OF THIS PROMINENT COAST TOWN CAN ONLY BE MEASURED BY THE VOLUME OF TRADE BOUND TO RESULT FROM THE LATE TREATIES WITH JAPAN RE GARDING THH _ PACIFIC REOION. RENT ONLY $50.%R00M 20x60 FEET; CONCRETE BASEMENT; ELECTRIC LIGHTED; CLOSE TO BAY FRONT. THIS FINB PAYING BUSINESS WITH ITS GREAT FUTURE CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED THROUGH US. 'FOR TERMS OF SALE SEE LEAHY & SON. ;':.!*■ PENNY ARCADE $3700—PENNY ARCADE; the best pay- Ing, best located, most completely equip ped, the largest patronized and beyond all question the best displayed ARCADE In the city; earning $20 to $25 daily over expenses; renewable lease. For thorough Investigation, reasons for selling and terms see LEAHY & SON. $1200 — GENERAL GROCERY, Boyle Heights; 2 large rooms; rent only $20; barn, horse, wagon, rig, fixtures, com puting scale, all new and nice condition; no book accounts; no close competition; . other interests require time of owner. You can buy this on good terms, see LEAHY & SON. $1000—HALF INTEREST IN SHIP PING BUSINESS, BUTTER, POULTRY, EGGS; CHEESE. etc., nearby town; busi ness has increased to the extent that owner must have a partner at once. This lucrative proposition with future business In sight Is offered to the right man. See LEAHY & SON. $6000-GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE in nearby town; rent only $20; monthly re ceipts $2300; barns, corrals, etc.; 2 horses, 2 wagons, harness, 1 buggy; stock fresh and salable, consisting of groceries, dry goods, hardware, gents' goods, feed and grain; to be sold for cash or part exchange through my agents, LEAHY & SON. $10,000 for GENERAL MDSE STORE, near by town; cash business, $2400 monthly; town and surrounding population 4600; you can divide the purchase; $7000 or Invoice dry goods, etc., $3000 or invoice hardware and paints; double store fronts; rent $26 each; established 7 years; see LEAHY & BON. $1100 or Invoice, GROCERY—West Jef ferson St., stock and fixtures, horse, wagon, buggy. Cash, terms or trade for city property in southwest or near Mo seta ava. A splendid chance to get Into business on easy terms or exchange. Sea LEAHY & SON. $2600—GENERAL GROCERY in thriving town in Ventura county; 8 living rooms, good fixtures, fresh stock; cash trade; rent $28; receipts $60 dally; this prosperous busi ness can be had on easy i.rms. For full directions and terms see LEAHY & BON. $1500 or Invoice—BOOKS. STATIONERY. CONFECTIONERY, elaborate soda fountain; In nearby city of 20,000 population; doing a fine business and capable of Increase trade; ' sickness of owner compels him to part with this elegant store and paying business In vestment; fully worth $2000. See LEAHY & SON. $3DO-2-CHAIR BARBER SHOP-rent $12.60; business receipts $30 weekly; lease; hydraullo chairs; mirrors, stands, gas heater; ■ rear living room; this nicely furnished shop with out capable competition, open for a short time for a quick buyer; see LEAHY * SON, JOB PRINTING OFFICE $1600 will buy a first class, completely equipped printing office; all material In good condition; doing a fine trade with paying pat ronage; well located for the printing busi ness; good reason for selling; this opportunity can be bought through LEAHY & BON. $3750 —If you want to buy a high class GENERAL GROCERY, doing all cash trade and a large business in a nearby town at 20 per cent less than It Is worth, you can buy It now. We will sell a gro cery worth $4600 for $8750. LEAHY & SON. $1500 buys a BAKERY with 1 living rooms; doing $25 dally, all cash; oven 10x12; rent $25, In nearby town of 600 people and vicinity thickly populated. 15 miles out; 2 horses, wagon, counters, show cases. In good condition. Bee LEAHY & SON. ; ■. , r STOCKS AND PARTNERSHIPS We have several fine Investment proposi tions, manufacturing and commercial. You can obtain partnership opportunities through us that we have personally Inves tigated and can recommend the owners. WE HAVE A GOOD LIST OF BUSI NESS INVESTMENTS NOT ADVER TISED. $8000-DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS STORE; wel stocked with salable goods; low rent and good location. This store has no capable competition, and Is doing a large business, Bee LEAHY & BON. OUR BUSINESS CHANCES INCLUDE , LOS ANGELES AND VICINITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. £ " $200 FOR 1100 If you are looking for land In the beautiful San Joaouln valley you can secure for half price:.Tl» certificate of the HOMELAND IRRIGATED FARMS CO., for $100, valued at $200, which will be the same as money when you purchase one of their choice farms. This certificate will only be sold at the price named to . a purchaser of these desirable ?arm lands. See LEAHY * BON. INVESTIGATE THIS WST OF GOOD BUYS $626-HESTAURANT AND LUNCH coun • ter; rent only $12.60; receipts $20 dally. $1400—RESTAURANT; 18 tables; west side; complete in every detail. ■ „ 11800— RESTAURANT; one of th. finest; Inside and doing $60 dally; equal to $100 In busy season. • ROOMING HOUSES 17-rOom BOARDING AND ROOMING house;, fine location on west side; Income 1350 a month; rent $86; price $900. 8-rooni ROOMING HOUSE; close in. near Seventh and Main: fin. furniture; cheap rent; rood lease; price $450. 84-room ROOMING HOUSE; best location In town; clearing $100 a month; can be had this week for $1800. I' REAL ESTATE BARGAINS * KOsl SALE— acres at ALTADENA; all set to bearing fruit; Improved with a 6-room cottage. This is a fine property; can be had far below list value, a. owner Is going to his former home; will exchange tor Los Angeles city property; price $4500; equity »1000. _ Rn^Supico HEIGHTS * WEST SIDE CITY REAL ESTATE $4600 buys a 6-room cottage; barn, fruit ! trees and flowers; large corner lot; has fine new and furnished complete; West Twelfth street. Pico Heights; equity f2(00., balance mortgage. IF YOU BUY "THROUGH US WE PROTECT YOU ■ , •,■; AND GUARANTEE TITLE. ....■. LEAHY & SON, Suit. 811-312-31214 Severance bldg.. Cor. 6th and Mala streets. 12-16-1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT PARTNER IN OLD ESTABLISH! I' up to date Office bullions. If you an- i-ner getlc, trustworthy, with good references and II6GO, ymi ran buy Intern! In best business for the low price In this muntry. Come, (tl card and go see it. Particulars. See PHOE NIX, 202 ami KM (Irani bldg. 12-li-3 WANTKt)—A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME for a good business man to Invest small capital in food paying hotel; must tho- ouirhly understand the business and be -a pable of taking management; too much fjr line man. Hnx 1152, Hnrald. 12-Hl-:! FOR RENT Houses GET THE CHEAPEST AND" BESt7~NONG but experienced men. Storage best In city. PACIFIC VAN CO., 209 W. Second st. Phone M. IS9, A 2757. 12-1-m FOR RENT—2 LARGE PLEASANT HOUSE keeplng rooms; also one single room; flne lo cation; private family. 844 W. TENTH ST. I Phone Broadway 308.1. 6-10-x | FOR RENT—LARGE PADDED 3-HORSE van by hour or Job. ATLANTIC TRAXS- . FER CO.. Main 277, F5473. 729 S. Broad way. 12-1! m Houses —Furnished PURE, SWEET] HEALTHY LIFE-IT IS for you. Not through drugs, but through | Nature. I take my own medicine at ths Open Air Cure System. Hon^-t help. Free Information at the office of the OPEN AIR CUR?: SYSTEM* 70S 8. Spring: St. Notice large ad. in display column on page 3. FOR RENT—REASON ABLE; .'-ROOM COT tage, furnislud; gas. Instantaneous heater;, yard fenced. 1005 E. TWENTY-SEC OND ST. Tel. Temple 645. 12-1.1 :t FOR RENT —FURNISHED, A TEACHER'S home, 6 rooms, $18; ten minutes' walk to court house; three car lines. 920 BOS TON ST. 12-12-3 FOR RENT—FURNISHED, SIX MONTHS or year, 8-room house; rent $60. 1310 HOOVER BT. Phone W. 3778. 12-15-6 Flats FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED FLATS, ONE 5 rooms and one 9 rooms; modern flats; close In. 233 and SBSH N. GRAND AYE., near Temple St. Call at 233^ N. Grand. 12-12-3 Rooms FOR RENT—ROOMS AND BOARD. A gentleman and wife (without children) having flne home, convenient to 5-eent car line, and commanding flne view of sur rounding country; house equipped with all modern conveniences, Including hot and cold %vater, electricity and furnace, would board congenial married couple (no In valids or children desired) for the win tor. Prica $20 per week. Ir.qulre 633 BRYSON BLDG. References. 12-9-3 RETURN TO YOUR HOME WELL. YOU will thoroughly enjoy a visit to the Open Atr Cure System. Inquire or write to the office of the OPEN AIR CURB SYSTEM. 702 S. Spring St. Hundreds restored to perfect health bear cheerful testimony. See our large ad. on page 3 in today's paper. FOR RENT —4 LARGE MODERN ROOMS and bath, mantels, flne finish; line view; porch, 6 large rooms, with or without 2 extra buffet kitchens; hath, porches, clos ets; good neighborhood; walking distance. Take Crown Hill car to Boylston. See owner at 1216 W. 4TH ST. 15-9-3 PURE, SWEET, HEALTHY LIFE—IT IS for you. Not through drugs, but through Nature. I take my own medicine at ths Open Air Cure System. Honest help. Free information at the office of the OPEN AIR CURE SYSTEM, 702 S. Spring St. Notice large ad. In display column on page 3. FOR RENT —FOP. WINTER MONTHS A handsome modern suburban home, nicely furnished, 11 rooms and attic, with fur nace, piano, garage, etc. Z. L,. PARME LEE, 718 S. Broadway. 12-9-3 FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED SlX room cottage; cement cellar, 2-room house In rear; nice yard; rent $28. 1714 S. LOS ANGELES. Key next door at 1730 S. Los Angeles. 12-9-3 rOR RENT—HALF OF NEW COTTAGE*; walking distance; private bath, wall bed; yard, sunny. 1407 COVERT PLACE, W. 9th car; stop at Albany, 2 blocks south, $22. 12-9-3 FOR RENT—NEW COTTAGES, 6 ROOMS; porcelain bath, tinted and plastered; 2(i mm. ride on Pasadena Short Line; rent $11.60, water paid. Phone HOME C 1413. E2472. 12-9-3 FOR RENT —SUNNY 7-ROOM FLAT, choice locality; modern, very near 16th and Washington street cars; low rent to desirable adults. 842 W. 17TH ST., next to Oak. 12-9-3 FOR RENT —NEW BUNGALOW. 116 AYE. 11, South Pasadena car to Aye. 31, turn west; high ground; gas and electricity; large fireplace; sure to please. 12-9-S FOR RENT—A NICE, CLEAN. MODERN . 6-room cottage; lawn and flowers; rent $16.60 and water paid. 1553 E. 23D ST. Adults. 12-9-3 FOR RENT—SIO, 6-ROOM MODERN dwelling, 237 Emerald st.; also two 6 room modern cottages, Garvanza, $15, $20. GIRDLESTONE, 342 S. Broadway. 12-9-3 FOR RENT—6 ROOMS. $12.60 MONTH; 12 rooms $25. 400 E. 47th st., 1 block east of Maple aye. car. W. CRONKHITE. 129 W. 10th. '2-9-3 FOR RENT—3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; gas, telephone. Owner will take partial board for rent and pay difference. 440 COPP BLDG.. 218 S. Broadway. 12-9-3 FOR RENT —NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY rooms; homelike and convenient; board if desired; reasonable to desirable parties. Private family. 1043 FLORIDA ST. FOR RENT —FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, bath, gas. $13, water included. 1205 GIR \RD ST. close to Pico and Sentous. 12-9-3 FOR RENT —MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, walking distance; choice neighborhood; lawn; $2S. 403V4 BIXEL. Westlake dls trlct. Main 8829. 12-»-» FOX RENT —FIVE-ROOM SUNNY FLAT. nicely furnished; modern, 7 minutes to Bdway, $30 month. 122S W. 9TH ST. FOR RENT—NICE NEW STORE; GOOD location for meat market; no competition and rent only $12. water free. 3720 » FIQUEROA. 12-93 FOR RENT—A HOUSE IN REAR OF 3 rooms, with bath, lights and gas fur nished Call at 2863 PASADENA AYE. Furnished. "■»•» FOR RENT —4-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage; large chicken yard. 80x130; also Closi) to car. 2401 LONG BEACH AYE. 12-9~3 FOr"rENT—ONE SINGLE, SUNNY FRONT room; nicely furnished, with excellent board; low rates; fine location. 607 8. FIGUEROA. 12-0-3 FOR RENT—THREE ROOMS, UNFUR nlshed; gas, bath, phone, electric light; $9 per month. Phone_7lB94^ 12-9-3 FOR RBNT^~FBBB ~TO JANUARY, stores, $8, $12. 1615 E. 26th St., Watts car. SIDDALL. Copp bldg. 12-9-3 FOR RENT—FURNISHED COTTAGES, 4 rooms, $16; 6 rooms, $18; I rooms. $25. Keys 1671 E. ADAMS. 12-9-3 FOR RENT—COTTAGES. $«, $10. $15; FUR- Blshed. $14. $18, $20. Key 1671 EAST ADAMS. Hooper car. 12-9-3 FOR RENT—FURNISHED 6-ROOM COT tage, close In; rent reasonable. 1206 WINFIELD. 12-9-3 FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED ROOM, LADY or gentleman. 11514 N. CLARENCE ST.; $3 per month. 12-12-1 FOR RENT—SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, $16 per month; barn and chicken corral. SOUTH 4980. 12-9-3 FOR "RENT—PRETTY BUNGALOW 'oF 6 rooms, neatly furnished; hardwood floors. 2062 W- 28TH. 12-»-l FOR RENT— NEW FLATS, 3^ ROOMS, bath, laundry, $13 and $15. 132» SAN JULIAN ST. 12-9-3 TX>S ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNIXa, DECEMBER 11). 1908. FOR RENT _ I Rooms Rooms — Furnished. FOR RENT—S3 PER WEEK, TWO FUR nlahed housekeeping rooms: clean and sunny; use of parlor and bath with heater; porches, yards and flowers; close . In; private residence, first floor; flne view. 841 SUNSET BOULEVARD, near Bunker Hill. Main 2575. 12-12-tf TO LET—TWO SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING rooms and screen kitchen, porcelain bath, sink, patent toilet, good barn on alley; no children, $16; 3 rooms as above, no small children, same barn, $20; very desirable, 1411 I EAST 23RD. 12-11-31 , ELEGANT SUNNY FKONT SUITE WITH j housekeeping privileges; also single room ! Just newly furnished;.ten minutes' walk from , business center. !>4U!4 W. 6th St., just west of Flgueroa. Phonu F2BBG. Rent reasonable. : : 12-0-3 11.5(1 WEEK UP-NICELY FURNISHED | rooms; 3 connecting housekeeping rooms. ' suitable for ladles' tailor or dressmaker: ! transients accommodated. 611 W. First. 12-9-3 ALBERT LEA VILLA. S. OLIVE ST.. has excellent housekeeping suites and single rooms, all outside; nicely furnished; large verandas, fret) bath. phone; walking dis tance; low rates. 12-9-3 FOB RENT-TWO AND THREE ROOM suites and single rooms, within easy walking distance; location and price will Interest your pockatbook. Apartments, 514 SOUTH FIOUE ROA ST, i'honv STHTA6. 12-11-t-s THE CLARENCE, 625 FURNISHED complete. 2 and 3 room apartments; also single rooms; running hot and cold water; use of piano, bath and phone. Broadwa> 1548. 12-9-: NICE, CLEAN FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL outside; running water, electric lights, hot baths free, $1.00 per week; 2 blocks from S. P. Depot. 616 Ruth Aye. 12-9-8 EXCELLENT ' ACCOMMODATIONS FOR couple gentlemen; buffet kitchen If desired; with private family, young, piano; phone. 1314 ft Maple aye. 12-9-3 COMPLETE HOME IN CHEERFUL ROOMS, healthful, quiet, central location, half block from Washington st. car line. $6 per month and up. 1804 Hoover. v 12-9-3 NICK, SUNNY ROOMS WITH HOUSE - keeping privileges; also one large room with running water in rear; cheap rates; by week or month. 416 W. 6th St. 12-9-3 FURNISHED—ONE SUNNY FRONT ROOM and little kitchen for light housekeeping; ail conveniences, private home; nice for bach elor. 407 E. Ploo. 12-9-3 FOR RENT — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; all conveniences; nice location; rent reasonable. 1006 S. Hope. Phone F1036. 12-9-3 LARGE ROOM, OUTSIDE ENTRANCE, with small kitchen, complete for house keeping, two blocks from Broadway; cheap rent. 228 ft S. Olive St. 12-9-3 FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS WITH OR without housekeeping, near Hamburger's; walking distance; summer rates; every con venience. 771 Maple Aye. 12-9-8 NICE, LARGE FRONT ROOMS, SOUTH ern exposure, grate, bay window, phone, back porch, big yard, barn, good location, central. 1012 S. Hope. 12-9-1 SAN REMO HOUSEKEEPING APART ments, 463 Btxel St., near 6th, Two rooms, disappearing bed, $14; walking distance, or W. 6th st. cars. ' . 12-9-J TWO HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT rooms, screen porch connected, all conven iences. 829 Alpine st. Take Angeleno Heights car. --■_■■ 12-9-1 FOR RENT— OUTSIDE SUNNY housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, phone, pri vate home, running water, adults, $12. 438 Ouster. 12-a-l FURNISHED, 8 ROOMS, $12; 4 ROOMS, $16; unfurnished, $8, $10; separate porches. MRS. MINTIIOHN, 1571 E. Adams, Hooper car. 12->-S CLEAN SUNNY ROOMS, $1.75 WEEK UP; will give housekeeping room to couple for woman's two hours' work. 417 W. 4th. ,-.-■• . 12-9-8 GOOD, CLEAN, SINGLE ROOMS $1.60 UP. 326 Hoyd street, between 3rd and 4th; day, week or month. Steam heat; reasonable rates. . 13-9-3 MOST COMFORTABLE AND REASONABLE room on the hill, 8 minutes' walk to post office or center of town. 825 S. Bunker Hill. 12-9-3 $1.60 WEEW UP — EXCELLENT OUTSIDE rooms, nicely furnished; bath, phone, elec tricity, etc. Fine location. 82314 W. 3rd st. 12-9-3 TWO LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; ALSO housekeeping suite, with modern conven iences; all nicely furnished, low rates, ex cellent location. 333 S. Bunker Hill. 12-3-3 SOUTH FRONT ROOM. WELL FURNISHED; large closet, private home, bath, modern; near car lines. Phone 52846. 2229 W. Bth St. 12-9-8 NICE SUNNY FRONT HOUSEKEEPING suite; all conveniences; low rates; no chil dren; walking distance. 1206 S. Hill St. 12-9-8 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH USE OF PAR lor and piano, $1.50 up;- housekeeping rooms $2 up. 326 N. Bunker Hill. Main 5972. LARGE FRONT ROOM. LARGE CLOSETS, fine bath, close in, $3; also single front room, $1.75. 148 N. Flower. 12-9-3 COMPLETE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, connecting kitchen, bath, laundry. 1213 S. Olive. : 12-9-3 HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE ROOMS for rent at 717 Maple Aye.; close In. Call and see them. 12-9-3 FOR" RENT—ONE~^AND TWO SUNNY rooms, furnished for housekeeping. 819 E. I'Oth St. 12-9-3 PHYSICIANS DR. HAIUH. EXl'l-.iT WOMAN'S SPEC lallst; also chronic skin, liver, bowel and genlto urinary diseases of beta sexes 140 Byrne bldg. 3D AND BROADWAY, 10-30-69 80 YEARS ladies SPECIALIST—DIS eases of women. Consultation free. DR. MEAD & CO., managers. Room 8, 465 S Broadway. 12-13-m MRS. LAIYOU—ALL FORMS OF FEMALE diseases, promptly relieved, by Clover Blossom Advice free. Suite 30-31, 103 ft ■ 8. SPRING 13-11-m FREE EXAMINATION BY SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN. NO CURE NO PAY. 10 TO 6; 1 TO 8. 632 W. tTH ST. ROOM 107. 11-50-331 DR. CARPENTER—DISEASES OF WOMEN 211 W. Ist, cor Spring lira. 2 to 4 and 7 to « p. m. A 6632. 11-38-m DR. INEZ DECKER. 703 S. SPRING BT Obstetrics. Hours 10 to 3. Open Saturday evening 7 to ». * U-3-S0 OR. MERRILL, NEW YORK AUTHORITY on diseases of men and women, 206 ft 130. BROADWAY. t-10-x DR. TAYLOR, WOMAN SPECIALIST AND obstetrics 416 ft S BPRINO BT. 11-19-m PERSONALS MRS. ANDERSON, FORMERLY 121 SOUTH Hill, now 1249 ft S. Flower street, near Pico Treatments for colds, rheumatism and nervousness. Open dally. F4762, ■ . . . 11-38-JSO MRS. WOODS. LADY'S SPECIALIST. THE WHITE HOUSE. 141 ft S. Spiling. Rooms 4 and 6. LI'!!'" ADA—DR. CARPENTER'S CARD IS IN THIS paper under physicians; don't worry. J. MINING AND ASSAYING CASsS FOK~GuI2)~BijLLIoNr~FLUXES. ORES, ZINC CUTTINGS, SWEEPS, ANY THING OF VALUE-IN THE GOLD LINE. V. A. SENNET, REFINER AND AS SAYER. ROOM 144. WILSON BLDG., IST AND SPRING BTS. 12-8-14 RELIABLE TESTS MADE ON ORES BY the International Ore Treating Machinery Co., at 71»-11 E... Ist st. Office 707-8 STIMSON BLDG. /;U-10-3St sypss^^^^_t^^__9^s_^^—yT?*^^^,1 *V.^. * _!______»■__ j_ws^^ l_swh—M W Situations, Positions, Jobs Need a Position? If You Are a , Cook Nurse •;____- Washerwoman Governesi s*~"'„ /pfs, ,f# Chambermaid Laundress / • msJl*2»tß Servant Girl Dayworker /_sa-_^T®J IosJV Milliner Houseworker W^S^&ateljfi Companion Seamstress (_^snW3__!lß Waiter Driver X***!*'' Wa\ios£sbl Dressmaker Janitor \ ~Jr£r^ I lis/ Kitchenmaid Bookkeeper \Jt>ff Jf TL Cleaner- Clerk Gh&^JLsSo Solicitor ■ Salesman O. Mechanic Carpenter » Etc., Etc. Etc., Etc. Make Your Wants Known Through the Columns of THE HERALD FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! NO CHARGE FOR SITUATIONS WANTED, MALE OR FEMALE SPECIAL NOTICES ILL.-SHAPED NOSES, RECEDING CHINS and Imperfect features corrected. Scars, In dents from accidents and abscess -removed. This can be done without detention or red spot. Hollow cheeks, thin necks, arms, hands, shoulders, busts rounded out to perfection. No paraffin* or lumping. WRINKLES from face and neck COMBINED removed In one treatment. Smallpox pits eradicated. All work guaranteed. Prof, and Madam Steele, the renowned facial and skin specialists. Original New York Institute, 829 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Rooms, It desired by patrons. Phone F6191. COURSES TAUGHT. 11-25-w : s-9t Paint Up! Paper Up! :w; Clean Up! Tell Brow, your troubles, ho'll do the rest. Papering $2.75 per Room Tel. Temple 578. 2121 Sunset blvd. 8-«sU GOLDEN GATE TOILET PARLORS We are opening up a new apartment to our bath business and we will be able to accommodate our customers; young lady attendant. 138,4 S. SPRING, room 9. 12-8-w ___________ MADAM B. BTERN Has arrived—will be pleased to.see her cus tomers at 624V4 So. Alvarado; "manicuring, shampooing, scalp treatment, magnetic mas sage. Phone 62678. 12-9-7 MHS. VIOLA A. PANCOAST OF li* 'k South Grand avenue has removed to 1818 Vi West Pico street. Will give vi bratory treatments and baths. Phone 63080. .' 12-1-m WANTED—3OO BALD HEADS FOR 6 months to grow hair on or money re funded; 60 treatments at 50c each, from 12 m. to 10 p. m. 219 S. HILL. 12-16-3 SCIENTIFIC VIBRATORY ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism, nerves and all congested conditions of the blood. Suite 2 and 3. 245H S. SPRING. 12-13-m MAGNETIC AND ELECTRICAL TREAT ments; alcohol and oil rubs; operating room thoroughly heated. 848 8. BROAD WAY; new management. 18-8-w MANICURING. BATH AND ELECTRIC vibratory treatment for rheumatism and insomnia by expert graduata masseuse. 107 W. THIRD. 12-2-n> HOMELESS CHILDREN DECEIVED AND placed In bonms tor adoption. Apply REV O. V. ' KICK, superintendent Children's Home society. 2414 Origin aye 5-1-1 MONEY MAD- DAILY. ANl> ii-KAbli want ads help to make It. Let your wants become known through Herald want ids Herald want ads destroy wants l-U-1 OBSESSION. FITS., INSOMNIA CURED. Mental-magnetic healing; developing; readings, life's.mysteries. J. W. BROWN, 1020 S. Olive. 11-26-m THE LONDON MANICURE PARLORS. Magnetic and alcohol treatments. • 141 it North Broadway, parlors 6 and 6. Hotel Franklin. 12-1-20 ELK-SKIN aliOli KACTUUY. —AKKRS U»" all styles In elk-skin shoes, and special orders, (2 to 1$; nu« repairing.. ice WEST Bf.VlvN'lll ST. &-!•« ELECTRIC ~VIBRO~ TREATMENTS MAKE you feel young; a cure for rheumatism and kindred ailments. 634V4 S. BROADWAY, suite 89. .':'-■,-- 12-13-w DON'T FORGET THE FA* TOILET fAll lors, maguetlo treatment also given for rheumatism and nervousness. 1008 S MAI 11-8-tf GOOD MASSAGE. SCALP TKEAI'ME.u' In this line; rates reasonable. Hooper aye car to San Julian. 1129 SAN JULIAN U-tl-m ELECTRICAL, FACIAL AND SCALP treatments; physicians' references; rooms thoroughly heated. »48 SO. BROADWAY. , 12-11-71 KL'RtKA PASTE P. CTORY. MAKERS OF past* for all uses. 144 S. ANDERSON ST Home Ami: miii.-vi lit.ylf 11. • 9-lfi-w-r-s-s-m- HYGIENIC .TOILET PARLORS, BATHS, massage and Vibratory treatments. Hotel Or ange, (iTII AND SPUING, suits H-l} 12-10-w I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I WILL DE responsible for no bills contracted by Mm. R. c. Humphrey_R. C. HUMPHREY, 12-11-5 MRST~FERRIER - EXPERT " MASSAGE, ladles only; graduate; beat physicians' ref erences. Mm 80. SPUING ST. 12-U-tt SCIENTIFIC BATH AND MASSAGE; AL- I cohol rubs; expert attendants. 628 E. 6TH I ST. Phone,. Main 8905.. . . llMiMn BATHS. MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC UUB3 Best of treatments given ROOM 6. oiou S. Spring st. U-a-m SOUTHERN SCIENTIFIC MANICURE AND massage parlor. 444 S. SPRING. Room li 11-22-46 ONLY FIRST CLASS LADY BARBER shop Is located at 20514 8. MAIN, upstairs. 12-9-2W WANTED—MEN TO HAVE THEIR SUITS cleaned and pressed for $1; sponged and pressed for 60c. 114 SO. BDWAY. 12-11-6 jaali..- II KOIIICKS, EX-EXAMINEH U. 9. patent office Palenu 4» UYHNK H1.D0.. Los Angeles. Cal. 12-1-m BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES FOR " SALE—NEW AND second HAND billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDE3 Co Tela. Sunset Main 1768: Home 211. 831-3 E. Third st. . 11-M-3WI " PIANOS ___ FOR SALE :^>R R3NT, CHICKERINII piano. In first class order; (136. ♦& pay ments; rent 83. 610 W. 6th. 12-14-m AUTOMOBILES. OTHLHI VEHICLES W^~IHAviS^TWO^OOOD "nearly NEW Durocars for sale, owners having bought 1909 models. . DUROCAR MFG. CO., 935 S. Los Angeles St. . . 12-18-6 GOOD BUICK. COMPLETE TOURING CAR, glass front, top, etc.: 8660. DUR.OCAR MFG. CO., 935 8, Los Angeles Bt. «-»-« >__.. ",jff_— _—__ «-__l_WMi_«j_;Er- FOR SALE Houses FOII SALIC— HOUSES AND LOTS SAME AS KENT $700 —3-room house, a snap; $30 cash, bal. (10 mo. $800 —3-room new house, lot 50x150; (50 cash, bal. $10 mo. $050 —4-room plastered house; $30 cash, bal. (10 mo. $1000—4-room house, lot 50x110; $50 cash. bal. $10 mo. (1100 —1-rOOtn new bungalow; (50 cash, bal. (10 mo. (1250 —5-room new California house; $50 cash. bal. (10 mo. . $1500—5-room modern house; $50 cash, $10 month; (1600 —4-room new modern bungalow; (100 cash, bal. $10 month. (1800 — modern house; (100 cash, bal. (10 month. $2000—5-room new modern bungalow; (100 cash, lial. (15 mo. ' —6-room modern house, close In; $100 cas-.i, bal. (15 mo. a;,-/ $3600 —6-room new modern bungalow; $100 cash, bal. $15 mo. - $2800 — 6-room modern house, Euclid ave.j (1000 cash, bal. to suit, (3000 —S-room modern house, »nap; $1000 cash, bal. to suit. $3300—10-room mod. house, Euclid ay».; (1000 cash, bal. to suit. $2500 —9-room mod. house, Euclid Hgnts.; $1000. cash, bal. to suit. Thie house Is worth $4000 cash. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. TAYLOR REALTY CO. Corner East First and Evergreen sts. Phones: DIU», Boyle 1886. i:-13-w-3t __——__—— ——— ——— IHlommeseekers Before deciding on country lands see ours. Wo absolutely own and control our own lands. 5, 10 and 20-acre tractr, under Irrigation, now ready to plant; free water, soil deep, rich, level; healthful climate; . absolutely no malaria; plenty of water; Ideal for oranges, lemons, peaches, grapes, alfalfa, air fruits and vegetables; fine school; close to prosperous town and on main line of 8. P. railroad We can show you and put you In personal touch witn many easterners who have located on our lands and are making a good living. Come and get our illustrated circular and talk It over. Plenty of work for buyers B. F. B. MORSE DEVELOPMENT ■ COMPANY. 851 S. Main st., Los Angeles. Cal. WE will build you AN ARTISTIC BUNGALOW containing the best of plumbing. Alpine plaster, cement porch Boor, concrete foun dation, etc., (or ■ ; ■ $975 TONY G. ANDESON, 1011 Wright - Callender bldg.. Fourth and Hill. 11-15-s-tu-w-th-2!t FOR BALE-SOUTHWEST. ONLY 12400; $200 each, $20 monthly, Including interest. New modern 6-room bungalow, plastered, tinted walls, built-in buffet and bookcase; cabinet kitchen, mantel, bath, toilet, basin, sink, laundry trny, shades, screens; large lot. and only 1 block to yellow Moneta'car. If Inter ested hurry. .1. J. AHLERS. 301 Hcllman bids;., Fourth and Spring. 12-13-'" FOR SALE—NEW H-KOOM BUNGALOW, large lot, street work complete SI I'HENS INVESTMENT COMPANY, 63« Wllcox Building. Los Angeles. Cat. S-30-W&S II MONEY MADE DAILT. AND HERALD want ads help to make It. Let your wants bicomr known through Herald want ads. Herald want ads destroy wants. S-13-x FOn SALE—sloo CASH, BAL 825 PEK month, modern 5-room cottage on beau tiful street. .See owner. 1516 E. 36TH ST. Take Hooper aye. car. 12-15-3 ♦ 100 DOWN .AND SI.". i'ER MONTH WILL buy you a beautiful homo: 5-room hou»' 3201 Emmet ft. Boyle Heights. I A POT BET. Anaheim. Cal 11-19-3dt FOIt" SALE—FIVE-ROOM MODERN COT tan bath; street work nil paid; bargain. 1324 B. THIRTY-THIRD ST._ 12-2-9-10-23 City Lots and Lands FOR "sale—~eq.u'ty~6f~«ooTn~ A iiooo lot 2 blocks from Pacific boulevard In Huntint-ton Park. «««l front 50x150 to 16-ft alley; will sell for 115' J. balance 110 a month; leaving city, ac: quick. BOX 9011, Herald ___! hTve you suffered all you want to? Nature triumphs over drugs. It will cure you. Try the hospitality of Ins OPEN AIR CURE SYSTEM. 702 S. Spring St. Look for our ad. In today's paper page_3. " . . Orange Groves ■ J. A. FITCH. I'UUUNA, *UK U.....NU* grove, and ranches. Big exclusive ;f Country Property MONEY MADE DAILY. AND HERALD want ads help to make It. Let your wan.! become known through Herald want ads. Herald want ads destroy wants. b-I£-i Miscellaneous :j.' WILL EXCHANGE » HOUSE POWKI'. motor for small Job press; motor In good condition; press must, be In «ame. 80-X 8484. Herald. »-*B-tf WE BUT CLOTHINO—LADIES AND MEN'S street and evening wear; highest prices paid •*" a FPRINQ Main «»[ l2J ._ 11-2t-m FOR BALE—SECOND-HAND WINDMILL outfits. piping, tanks. DEMMITT CO.. 120 North Main. . 11-;' MONEY TO LOAN MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE; confidential. MUTUAL TRUST CO., 603 O. T. Johnson bldg. "-1-5* MONET TO LOAN—WE. SIMPSON * CO.. Union Trust bldg. Phone F«780. U-l-m i. ■ - i, ... _.!__. ____-._.m,,9>„-_.>* w*.-™*_i._Crs_e*L*_*-?_l_*i I PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS t Prot W. E. King CLAIRVOYANT i LOW JrCS .^y.gja Jo receive th» n)L I' IJ^v><i!ffliSHl too rending you lMfc*-__' itLdnPrV T inujj cut this ma- Va^^t" I ■ •-i Moment out lr*_T i* I and brlnir It \**^ '»■ J with you. He gives dates, fact* and flgurea. reliable and Important advice and Informa tion on all matters of tnt»r*st In business transactions, lawsuits, contested wills, dam age suits, deeds, mortgages, claims and . all financial difficulties, advises you with a certainty higher than human power, good nr had. HIGH CT.ASH PAT"OVir.F; SOLICITED Reading* dally and Sunday, 10 to 8. ■ Permanently located In his own home. 247— HIM, 5T.—247. : NEXT DOOR TO NEW Y. IV. C. A. BIDO NEAR .INOKI.S' FLIGHT. PROF. W. E. KING 11-13-T i Freer Free! \H "MUNDO" I The Hindu clairvoyant Is hsre. direct from India First In America to Intro due" th» method* twn by the prorhets of olden times. Bee htm. He Is unlike any you have ever seen Does positively alt that other* claim to do and domon rates th» power of mind nver matter free to every patron. The only man In America - posscßslns: this power. If he does not benefit you you pay nothing Don't pay for anything you do not get This I? common sense What more could one auk? Hours 10 to 9 dally 841H 8 SPRING ST. 12-15-th-»-3t Mme. Anmiiuive WONDERFUL TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT AND MENTAL HEALER Special $1 reading (or SOe this week. 824 14 S BROADWAY. BETWEEN , • BTH AND 9TH STS. —Opposite Hamburger's— 12-18-8 MMB. KARMA Astral (land tranca i CLAIRVOYANT Special readings COc If you bring ad. Read ings dally and Sunday. 10 to 8. 108 H. HILL ST.. COX. i 111 AND HIT._ 12-IV7 PERSONAL—MRS. MASSON. THE NOTED palmist of London, England, Is at 822 S. Bprlng st. Readings are careful, conscien tious and absolutely reliable HIGH-CLASS PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 12-10-w MONEY MADE DAILY. AND HERALD want ad» help to make It. Let your wants become known through Herald want adj. Herald want ads destroy wants. 8-18-z MRS WESLEY. RELIABLE LIFE READER and medium. Advice on all affairs of life, business, love or journeys 331 SOUTH SPRING 11-11-m LOST AND FOUND LOST—GOLD CLASS PIN. THURSDAY evening, between Hill and Main; initials S. H. C. '06: name on back JENNIE A. C. EWENS. Will finder plsase return, to 419 8. Hill St. and receive reward? 12-15-3 LOST-GOLD OPENFACE WATCH WITH locked and fob. Finder return to B. F. SCARBOROUGH, 8. P. Arcade depot, dis patcher's office, and receive reward. 12-18-3 LOST—ON FIFTH STREET. BETWEEN Main and Hill, a brown marten fur. Please return to 621 S. OLIVE and receive re ward. ■-...- n-15-8 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Shareholders' Meeting The regular annual meeting of the share holders of the National Bank of Commerce in Los Angolas for the election of directors and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may coma before the meeting, will be held at Its banking office in the city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, state of California, on Tuesday, the 12th day of January, 1909. at 2 o'clock. Polls will be open from 2 o'clock p. m until 4 o'clock p. m. of that day. By order of the board of directors. CHARLES EWINQ, Cashier. I fell-fit RAILROAD TIME TABLE SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade BUtlon. Fifth and Central Are. 'Leave I • | Arrive ' San Francisco via Coast Line. 8:40 am 8:00 am San Luis Oblspo, Paso Robles.l 3:80 pm 2:35 pm Del Monte, Monterey, Santa, 7:30 pm Cruz, San Jose and_east 11:45 pm 1 "" San Francisco, Mojave, Tu-I 6:00 pm iare, Tracy, Sacramento, 7:08 am U:3O pm Oakland via Bakersfleld and 8:66 am Fresno [__ 7:60 am Fresno, Tulare, 7:05 am 600 pm Bakersneld and 8:66 am 11J30 pm Mojave I 8:35 pm 1 Chicago, Kansas City. St. 1:46 ami Louis, "Chicago Special,"] 6:56 pm | via Yuma, Benson. El Paso " Overland— Orleans via 1:00 pm| Yuma, Benson. Marlcopa. 1J:46 pm I Tucson. El Paso. Ban An- I tonic and Houston | 105 am Yuma, Tucson. Benson. 12:45 pm 100 pm Lordsburs, Demlng, El Paso 4:50 pm 6:45 am Santa Barbara and Ventura 8:40 am 800 am Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:60 am 1-46 pm Santa Barbara and Ventura 2:30 pm l:3ipm Santa Barbara and Ventura 7:36 pm 7:30 pm Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:46 pm Vooam "oxnard, Chatsworth, Santa •»:40 am 2-36 pm Susanna, Strathearn. 11:60 am •7:30 Fm Moorpark. Somls. i: pm Camarlllo *7:36 pm ,', (»Oxnard only). 11:46 "m Santa Paula via Saugus, I " 1:11 am Camulos. Plru, Flllmore, 11:50 am 1:46 pm Satlcoy, Montalvo. Carpln- 7:85 pm lerla, Bummerland I l M pra Nord hod |U:6O am T:O6Vm Pomona. ~ 8:50 are 8:65 am Ontario. 10:06 am 9:45 am Colton. 12:46 pm 1:00 pm Riverside. 4:60 pm 4 25 pm and 6:66 pm 6:25 pm Ban Bernardino | 7:00 pm T-ttTam Redlands. • 10:06 am •8:66 am »vla Rlversl«» 13:46 pm »:46 am Redlanda 4:60 pm l; 00 pm Redlßnds 8:55 pra t lajpnj Redlands 7:00 >■ "a :66 am Covlho-Chlno j 8:50 am {■a pm Covlna-Chlno 7:00 pm Santa Ana, Anaheim. Dow-I 8:65 am ney, Newport Beach, Nor-rt:Boam t«l°oopm walk. Buena Park. West f8:0Opm x 6:10 pm Anaheim. West Orange 4:60 pm " i ('Downey and Norwalk only, xNot Newport Beach.) __ M: jj am LosJ^lamltos 4:60 pm 8-06 ami Brawley, Imperial. *4:50 pro ! ■ I El Centre. Calexlco _____ i -..(< . m San Pedro-Compton " JtlO:66ara 4:80 Dm *vl* Long Beach b*11:46 • | 8:36 pm i .H'o6aml ' long Beach-Compton bll :46am "10-ioanV *»•» Ban Pedro :06pm j 8:80 pm HM »>m I '» : ei6 am Santa Catallna Island 6:56 pm sf"io~am Chatsworth . Park (see note) t4:10 pm (Note— and from River station only.) ■ '"All trains dally except those marked as fol lows: "t" Sunday, mwepudi "b" Sunday on(y. " 0 INFORMATION WANTED INFORMATION WANTED OF KITHKR Or my three children, icolng under assumes name of Smith; Margaret, age 14: George, i Llll-Mal. 7. by i their father. UEORQU W. GKUMBUU3* gauurU dsllveiy, Los Angelea h_£9S^ #*B*x SCHOOLS AND COLLEGE 3 ANNOUNCEMENT The Woodbory la now In full proirm. IB Its new and imp^Hor nnartera In > the ; new ; Hamburger building, day and evening. lIEHIBTKATION KVKKJ BA¥ We take special pride In Inviting and »Wl coming to our achool all who desire to par sue a business eolteire oourss under th» most favorable and effective conditions. Call, write or phone f>r eataiorua and full Infor mation - F1SB0: Main !SO5 Fifth Floor New Hamburger Building. Elevator Entrance 120 Went Eighth St. Shorthand School Day and Evening Classes. Individual Instruction. Graphaphone equipment. THE COMPANT OF PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS, J37-8-9 H. W. Hellman Bldg. ACTING NEW YORK SCHOOL. V Dramatlo and ■, Vaudeville.. Eastern associations. eonneateal vlth agency Mcur nr positions, (11 South Broadway. Phone Home F6OJ7. TJckCkXA'a Business XieaiG S College (The Southern California) 111 B. Grand aye., Los Angeles. It qualifies and always makes good. Not. Classen formed each Monday. Be a Heald 1 student and have the beat advantages Is» the state. J. W. LACKEY. Manager. v* j^^^istocss College \ '^^* NIGHT SCHOOL 411 WEST FIFTH ST. Established Mil. Opposite Central Park. ' CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOB BOYS I*4B-6* Lovelace Avenue Boarding and day Primary, Grammar and Ninth Grades. Mil. drills Physical Culture, Sloyd. Language.. I* WILLIAM BRICK. | A. M.. Principal. Home »H671. ; 'ffJ! Art and Design Westlake J park. Est. 1887. Inc. Every brunch (ram nidi ments to highest. Illustrated prospectus. I* M. O Macleod. Dlr. E1687 ■ ___^^____ FOR EXCHANGE' Real Estate FOR TEN-ROOM RESIDENCE; large lot. close In! want ■ orange grove this • side Claremont. Send description. OWNER, 150» Magnolia. - 18-16-1 FOR EXCHANGE-YES. WE WILL BELL OR exchange- your property. EXCHANGE REAL TY AND INVESTMENT CO., 221 O. T. John son building. . - ' 12-13-w PATENTS ANO PATENT RIGHTS PATENTB-U. 8. AND FOREIGN; INFOR niatlon book free to Inventors. BROOKS & LIDDERS. 808-610 L. A, Trust bldg., Third and Spring streets. „.-, &-1-* e."harpham GETS PATENTS. inven. tlons financed; patent litigation* 26 years" experience. 617 UNION TRUST BLDG - 12-4-fimo CARPET CLEANING carpet- cleaning works! Incorporated. W. C. CLINE. president. 833 8. Olive st. TeL Home F2SBO: Sunset Main 217. 9-18-tf TRUSSES AND SUPPORTERS LONDON truss CO. TRUSS fitting SPE- CtaJUta; tluatio hosiery, etc. 741 S. SFRINO STREET. ••*»"« SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except a» noted. Leave | ~~ I Arrive* 10~:00 am Los Angeles X,lm!fa—Chlc'go. 8:00 pm Omaha. Salt Lake City Overland Express— .1 8:00 pm Chicago, Omaha, St. &ouls, 8:00 am Kansas City. Denver. Salt Lake. Searchlight. Golflaeld 8:36 am "~" San Benr.ardlno, I 8:35 am 11:00 am CoMon, 10:41 am 8:40 pm RlveMide 1:25 pm 6:24 pm Ontario'and . 4:20 pin 8:00 pm Pomona ■ 6:51 pm •6:46 am 8:10 am s8:10 am 11:10 am 8:60 am Long Beaoh and San Pedro 4:60 pm 1:80 pm »:30 pm 5:15 pm ! •--]...--■ B:6v'am Catallna Islu.d 1 8:90 pm 8:13 am Pasadena 1:46 am 2:15 pm Troplco and Gleiidale | 8:45 ]»m •Dally except Bunday. a Buinday only. . , SANTA FE Leave [ [Arrive Eastern-California Limited,! TTT, -10:00 am dally. Chicago via Denver 1:00 pm and Kansas City '< * ■ Overland Express—Daily Chi- ~~~~~ 8:00 pm cago via Denver and K*n- 8:10 am I sas City I __»_!' Eastern Express—Dally Chi- ..,". 7:80 am cago, via Denver and Kan- 7:08 am - sas City . - ■ ' .-.-■_ [kite Shaped— via 7~asa-l 8:10 am dena. Return via Santa Ana 1:36 pm canyon 7:45 am )l0:00 am 8:80 am Redlands via Pasadena 5:40 pm 4:30 pm , •■ • . * 7:40 pra 7:30 am RedUnds via Orange s 10:55 am 10:66 am iV j 6:36 pm 7:48 am | Riverside via Pasadena" 6:40 pm 7:80 am I 7:05 am 10:68 am| Riverside via Orange, 10:48 am 6:06 pm| 6:35 pm 7:30 am . 7:05 am 10:65 am Corona via Orange ' 10:45 am 5:06 pm ■ • -. 6:35 pm 7:80 am "~~ ! - "*]~7:O6~am 10:65 am Sam Bernardino via Orange 10:45 am 5:05 pm| ■■-.- 6:86 pm 7:45 am I 8:20 am 8:80 ami '■■'-•■ 10:00 am 10:00 am Ban Bernardino via Pasadena 5:40 pm 4:30 pm . ••■«0 pm 8:00 ml ■ ' 7:40 pm 8:45 am ■ ■ ■ . . -. ~| «:M yam' 2:06 pm Santa Ana . 8:25 am 6:06 pm ' : • I*lo P» U:55 pm "| «:35 ptn 7:80 am ——~~ 8:66 am 8:45 am tOTjUIIMMmr 7:06 am 10:6-1 am Fullerton, Anaheim. Orange 6:25 am 8:06 pin . •■;■ 10:45 am : 6:0; pin ■ 1:0° P™ ■ 11:66 pm. *-iS pln T-45~am| Ban Jaclnto, Elslnore, Be- I 6:40 pm 10:65 ami - met and Murletla ' - 6:86 pm 10:00 ami Rodondo 3:40 pm J:O6 pm . Escondldo "- - 1:00 pm; 1:45 am Fall brook ■ ' <:86 pm 3:45 am San Diego and : . I:S6 am 1:06 rm Coronado Beach ; :■ 1:00 pm 11:65 pm| Burf line | 6:36 pm 7.30 im" ___ Randsburg ■ .■. / . | 7~gs"sni 8:00 pml Searohligllt and Chloride r7:Mam ] 6:00 pml Beat if. RhyoUte. Goldfl*id I 8:14 am : I <md Tonopah k 11