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12 Bring the Children to See Santa Claus Wednesday morning we will have a pretty new book fn the enildrc.i accompanied by their parent-. Suit. Claus comes down the great chimney Into his fee Cave on the Third Floor. Have the children man .11,1 drop them into Santa Clans 1 mall box. Third Floor. kWB^^J A New York Furrier's Road Samples • •"■* 0 uSjlKw^^LA^^^ Bright Hew Fur Pieces Bought at Close to Half ' a^^j\ '" ~''- '^wlKw^lt^^K //^DuTwu ever see such a timely Christmas opportunity? Fur neckpieces, scarfs and -nun- the very choice pi-ccs fro,,, one of New yorks largest ftjrrlers. , jtr^&%£%&£ .^ I / \\\W \ EmWll /'/ Is? bought by us at close to half their value, which enables us to offer you some of the greatest fur bargains In many a year. file assortment is wonderful, rh. 4J»g<aJS> r^]}^°k 1■ V \ V\S ii'sssf \\W ft fff/j/ bargains 'bona tide. Whatever you do, don't miss this splendid opportunity. Sale starts today on '.he Sec .nd Floor. mW ffs& <<e£r \J \VLIMIi 1 //f $4.50 Coney Scarfs, CIOC Pillow Muff and Scarf, C,? SO Rp^lltlflll Flir< & & 4*7 *X<tfrk iTP^I / Woßfr^ Black, Satin Faced 3> i«"t) Values to $25 •. J> ' L.W 06311113 Ul I ill /ip\ Sf\ h/^XWR ,- /\\ I •i/^^Pfl^ Misses' $5 Set .•: &1 (\Z • Values to $17.50. ..'' Jh/.vJU We've' quntea lust a few of the prevailing prices 'twVr^iMjil \ \te. \4 f 7 IV^'^oS^wl 1 2Kc"^ 0" ssriuiSr^ lonsscar£s:sllinv! ■■"c's;beau" iuh^r«d^-^%i. y T»w s 'e;i » ''^m\M ' V w§^ Sale of Colored Silk Petticoats /fE) .|M^ J%mMRHM$k^ Boys, Three Days More j^sfc,, At Just Half Price /f ¥| ■ ' t?,^^^. -*^ the SrOtXy C^O/lteSt ■J^'^'S IlndergiumentV at prices that are actually 50c on the / I I 'rPjKjlS^^=^>9 *^^{M»^iB»B Interest Is at fever heat, and each day changes the standing or some ./ Jf^^ ;hem, somebody is taking the 10-s sure; but, then, you / / *- • N^ mr Hl]} ~~^HD Vb3*' important leader. Got all your friends in line. Tell them to do their <B CW ,.,, ,1,,. ; iiu-f. and light In the face of Christmas, / ,' >^ ——JW buying within the next three days, that you may benefit by their pur- f I -^| when they'll be most acceptable for gift selec- / :'' ( •'*¥ y •«*__ chases. See the bulletin board on the third floor for the list of the ■Kfife M < .fil / A tlons. I I,',' 'v <£&^^C\ -'< first leaders. And. remember, there are 10 other prizes beside the f^m^itl^~^ r:f ■ —*^**^ '-^ I'nderstand. these are not estimated values or \ '- V. 'F I — — ■ ' —^^ tiSrVB \ pony. It's a case of hustle now. If jjn S\ \F%&*?\''&^~'' consider worth, but are bona tide bargains that 'S* t ■ ~*^ I /\TTC i 9 r» ■ -r r\ i r-> irvi_i" (\l '•^ li\ \|ffi»a<tJ-*^ n .. -^ft rg'iresent full 50 per cent reduction. Here's the ~**^k. _ , l.\jy& (aW\ Remember Toy Purchases Count Double Xscrn'V j^JT^ »'"'«' - **«?"■ Our great stock of toys fairly melting {ii/jljrj " ~"~~~" ~ .^ %J&kz<^MrJ S»S 00 P^ttifOatS $2 SO away. We have been forced to call upon «/m IEM p>. C "in I \\Mmr^m/ P^«" ~»* reillCOdli J»iI.DU .„;,«*,„„„„,. Santa Claus for reinforcements, and he. 0/10 Xl 0 \nPC\Z\\ KlirfhaSP hWjt WWb /" «7 00 Silk Prttirnak li^SO "— — made a flying '-rip by night In a great big [1/// II V* UI *i •JLJt-V/lCll I Ul V-l lUov % '/iW/ffk j/i HI / •]>'•»" CIIN reillCOaiS $O.J\) balloon, overflowing with toys, dolls and JOT/j| l\/ *_7 I I I/Mi 1* XlI / „ ""*■*'•' ' "' fl^^Jlf lV Silk and N?t WaiStS _JJlfi \%\ $8.00 Silk Petticoats $4.00 Beginning Saturday, m^rdifS^^^aVteS^U. 1) J a "fIDU ■ n^Sffl'i %.\ T $10.00 Silk Petticoats -- $5.00 Dec. loth, upon. Morning hours are the best. We're \f~frlF They came into our possession at about the cost of the ma- W&.yf II W\ \ ( \ CIOCAC'I!/ D»»*i^^. «• X 1 c ' C* f>.n F.,»n! nrtc making price reasons why you should buy II I, ' terial. It makes a great bargain opportunity for those who **«/( fSv^' aS, ■ \ v\ ' 4>l^..jU SIIK rCtllCOatS -^0.Z5 . > More Upen CVeningS all your toys here. r llEl IS v /TtKse°cond for practical gifts. You'll find these waists on .. YJ|& \\\^v $15-00 Cilia petticoats $7.50 ■ • Full jointed 12c r^ J*jJsQ^ /T""' 1 S( l"ml Fl"°''- *\ !.^«lwv Iv!^. $15.00 bi!K Petticoats ~ - $7.50 "^ZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, SSifTwl^J'mo^inMy^fi-I " //Net Waists. (O AC waists worth $6, Net ] j^P Wf\f «JjN. $17.50 Silk Petticoats - $8.75 Hi , Art R ..... I the Toy Department. Bona fide reduc- Worth to $4 ..J)^.yO and Silk, £-> Q C >i r^^f lif, '^i^^^TT^Ss. $20 Sjlk PettJCOatS - $10.00 HlgnMri DdZadT ?Sr Games 1A JvZlli Fine net waists; cream, ecru Today *DO»7U tiMß^L^^^k^^^P^^^^^. ff«o _ c-ll „ ... . "1.- _- Kveryone is enthusiast!.. over Frl^TTo it 10c— j^L S^'V I^?^ e^roTde^'^nr'dc^ y^^^B^^^^W^ p5 fl^ —-- 5i2. 50 £S^^ ;c;,'•;■,•:,;, i 1;!::;,,:.^"^,.-;;:;,..^" 1.-.: .^P® lerful v;""'^ " --;:..;::'" 1-'"sl>""' $30 Silk Petticoats- $15.00 ;;r,:.,"•;;,■,::,■:::;:«,..;:'.;: Putting on the For the morning (-W-J "*^^ '• f^^^Mwihß3Btflß»^iM^^ 1 li'"1 CIIt Blass- Illßh "''' '■ili"'' ' hours.' Bto U. the Toy Department, each KE& (i Af For WaiStS Worth WMuU- Ilililil™^^ BOOKS OF SHAKESPEARE C p X ?^S!ffiicf S.^ 1?^ 5K D Sr r 69c OE| J)4.VD $7 50 tO $12.50 . IW fei^^ Btoll A. -^;T;^^^^^^^^^ DC I^sll^ ri.ld IJOII Vf-^V lie|"Sp^lW ' «+'••*'" w f "~^ All the titles. Think of it, only 5c for a pocket edition urrunsrod for quick choosing. Kid body, full Jointed, bisque head, sleepy UB jA^ai-ls Taffeta, messaline. allover lace and net waists: the finest of gzSZJ-^^ury ' " Shakespeare that sells the country over at L'uC a away from the crouds and bus eyes, curly wig; a 16-inch doll, with shoes •sJs»Siafc23'' materials in the daintiest of effects. Take your choice of *>* ' " ~^~^^j^A volume. " tie of the main floor. sind stockings—69c. this lot at $4.95. V&^~ ~ yKk „ , ,„ ORGANIZE FOR AERIAL FLIGHT COMPANY WILL MAKE TRIPS ITS SPECIAL BUSINESS MAY ESTABLISH REGULAR LINE TO SAN DIEGO Captive Balloon Will Be Put at Ser. vice of Public and Short Jour. neys Taken to Out. lying Points As a t.-suit of recent experiments in Los Angelea a company has been or ganized to develop the commercial arid advertising feature! >.r aerial naviga tion in Southern California. It will start in a comparatively small way, making safe pleasure trips for short distances, using the balloon American, Later it will so into airship construe lion, and it hopes eventually to estab lish a passenger-carrying line between Los Angeles and San Diego. Although tin- California Aeronautic company, as it is called, will incor porate, none of its stock will be for sale. Its officers assert that the stock jobbing feature is entirely absent from their plans. "We have, in Los Angles enough equipment to start at once on a mod erate scale," said J. B. Lehigh, presi dent of the company, yesterday. "Mr. Ferris' balloons are available, and the quality of the local pas has bei Q clear ly proved, rapt. Mueller is an ex perienced and thoroughly competent aeronautical engineer and pilot. "With his services and Mr. Ferris' i qruipment "we are ready for business today, so far as we care to go at the start. "The aerial trips made in Los An geles by Knabenshue and Mueller lately ought to demonstrate the feasibility of conquering the air. Tut they are only the local side of a worldwide activity of this sort, which will take up the commercial field in the near future. In fact this already has been projected in France and Germany, as well as in the United States. "Of all places where ballooning and other aerial travel should be keenly en- Joyed there is none better situated than Los Angeles. It can be made possible the year around, and we purpose doing this. •*,-> ' "We lio iiin intend to start on a very large scale. Km- the w p rob- SICK HEADACHE I . - lPositivelr cured by /* A DTTD 0 these Little Pills. : VlAlil I\O TUe also reUevo Ms «. tress from Dyspepsia, In- Kfira |TTLE - digestion and Too Hearty li I\t F D Eating. A perfect rem- I I VLn edy for Dizziness, Nausea, k|| PILLS Drowsiness, Bad Taste ■ I"" ~£m in tha Mouth, Coated gjg^gt^B . Tongue, Pain In the Side. liy,ppir> LIVKO. Tile* , regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE . r>At>Ti:D'd Genuine Must Bear UAHICnO Fac-Simile Signature |KH /£"-*&**? ■ULJrefuse substitutes. ssssT M*» i« ssßt^^"' s^T KT^/VV^^\^ >>fc _. . . : '■_■ : ably shall have a captive balloon, which | will go up high enough to get a good experience of an air trip. The heavy winds which mar this sport In the east will not bother us here, and the pas sengers will feel absolutely safe and free to enjoy the view. Then we are pie pared to take those who wish to make a short flight on trips to Pasadena or Riverside, making an ascent of two, three or more hours, m they may wish. "We have figured this out as commer j cially practicable, and, in addition, we I think it will he excellent advertising lor Los Angeles. Later on we shall take up the building of a combined aeroplane and balloon on original ideas devised by Cap! Mueller, and when we are prepared to do this we shall extend j our service to longer trips. It will be I practicable then to establish gas sta tions between here and San Diego, and offer a trip which will be one of the greatest novelties in the world. But before we do that we want to demon-' strate that ballooning in California is the greatest sport in the world and safer than riding on any street-bound vehicle." The company has opened temporary offices at Chutes park, where the bal loons are stored. -', . ■ CHARGES DENTIST PULLED THE WRONG TOOTH;SEEKS ARREST Aged Veteran Who Had but Six Teeth Shows Up with Only Five and Oencunces Ex. tractcr "I want that dentist arrested right away," said Jerry Carrigan, an old sol dier, to a representative <>i ihe prose cuting attorney's office yesterday after noon. "I'm mad clear through, and If [ was ten years younger I would give him such a beating he would not be able to work for a month. "Now, I'll tell you what that man did to me. You tan see that 1 am al- I most 75 years old, and am quiie feeble, Well, l went to hit office after seeing his advertisement that he pulled teeth Without pain; I suppose he meant the ition caused himself no Incon venience. My tooth-was aching so that I could hardly bear the pain. He told me to sit in the .hair and he would look at it. He poked my gums with Instruments, then told me the tooth wouiod have t.> come out. I told him to go ahead, but not to hurt me. Hi' gave me Kas and yanked it out. When 1 came to my senses I was the maddest man you aver saw. [ had only six teeth, two together in the back and four in the front part of my mouth. Now, would you believe it, that man | pulled the wrong Jaw tooth. I had all that trouble for nothing. Then I started In on him. And if you ever heard a man get a calling down, h>- surely got it. Then he began to. get mad and said something about it being against professional ethics for a patient to denounce his dentist. I no atentlon to his tajk and started in on him again. Then he took in. the arm and led me to the door and told me to l*;iw* ;ii onoe. "Now, here is the tooth for evidence, and 1 want you to prosecute him for manslaughter." The old man was In a rage, and pointed to his tooth and denounced dentists in general and the painless extractor in particular. He was told his only recourse would >>.■ a i-ivil suit for damage* Finally he limped away, swearing t.> Ret even for the loss of his precious molar. : Los Angeles Herald BEGIN HEARING LIBRARY FIGHT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IS INVESTIGATING Miss Julia Blandy Accuses Four Young Women of Hindering Her Work. Case Promises to Be Long Drawn Out A "library hearing" that promises to be more lung drawn out and tedious than tiie one about two years ago when Miss .Mary Jones brought charges against the library directors before the city council in an effort to oust C. F. Lumniis as librarian, was begun before the civil service commission last even ing. Miss Julia Blandy, superintendent of blanches of the public library, has brought charges against four library employes. One is Miss Celia Gleason, f it assistant librarian. Miss Qleason's ease was begun last night, and after several hours, in which Miss Blandy testified from notes she had kept, was adjourned until Friday evening at 7:30. Miss Blandy charges Miss Gleason t with incompetence, insubordination, ; and maliciously hindering her work. The charge of insubordination is de- j clared I" be peculiar, in that Miss Glea-j sun is Miss Hiandys superior officer. In her testimony, last night Miss Blandy told many of the shortcomings! of the library and laid much of 111" trouble to malice ml the part of Miss Gleason. She decelared she reported j these difficulties to the librarian ami the directors a number of times but nothing was ever done about it. Attorney H. D. Qoudge, who repre sents tin 1 four defendants, declared that as the librarian nor the directors had seen fil to take any action, Miss, Blandy's charges could have little merii in them. The others whom Miss Blandy hail called to account before the civil ser vice commission are Misses Florence j Turner, Margaret D. Bloomer and Anna I Madison. STOCKMEN LOOK FOR LIVELY CONVENTION Gathering to Be Held in Los Angeles Will Consider Protection of Pub lic Ranges and Forest Reserves The twelfth annual convention of the National Live Stock asocihtion, lo bn In i.l in Los Angelas January M, 27 and l's. is attracting the attention of st.>,!; men west of the Mississippi river, and the officers aspect an unusually large ndance. Headquarters are to be opened in Los Angeles In charge of H. A. Jastro of Bakersfield,. Cal., presi dent, and T. W. Tonilinson of Denver, tary. Bpecta] attention is attached to this year's convention because of the strong attempt lo be made for systematic protection of the public range. This is of great moment to stockmen, pin. the limits of the range have narrowed steadily in late years, and the neces sity of a different policy has become apparent. The association adopted ;>' policy favoring federal control of the (razing on unappropriated public lands lust year by a vote that was almost unan imous. A bill containing that provision will tome before congress this winter, and one of the important matters be fore the convention next month will be the initiation of a campaign that will! secure its passage. A topic on similar lines—the adminis- DESMOND'S Corner Third and Spring Streets Douglas Building It's probably a good thing for you to be compelled to be a little more careful than usual in spending your money. It may make you more careful of what you get for it, and that will bring you here, WHERE WE WILL GIVE YOU a reduction 0f .... ivien s Air wk k/s m m k^^^^^m LJ Men's / ( m P i i Suits and W / 1 F Overcoats— coMMKN^ronxv -M- -M- From $30 up NOTHI.S i HESKKVEI) On Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes Men s Winter Underwear, Umbrellas Also Men's and Young Men's Clothing Our acknowledged LEADERSHI 7 in the Clothing, Hats and Men's Furnishing Business in Los Angeles, and the un solicited compliments that are pouring in from enthusiastic 3£mas buyers, convince us that this season's "Holiday Of- L ferings" are the crowning efforts of our 40 years of endeavor. .' » * ■ \ Sole Agency Mark-Cross Leather Goods See Our 235 Feet of Xmas Offerings $1.50 Values in White and Colored Shirts, this week—while they last i... v; .....75c 50c Values in Neckwear, all kinds,, this week—while they last.. :^•:• \\~ • :^• y^j^^^^^^'^^M&m^M^mi''''':''•'' 19c 75c and 50c values in Men's Hosiery (broken lines) this week— they. *. s^^^^^^^2^^^^^Sp^^wi'" ' •".'' ••"'"■• Open Until 9 P. M. Open Until 9 P. M. tration of the forest reserves—will be on the program, and the government forester, Gifford Plnchot, will address the stockmen. Railway rates, revision | of the tariff, handling and marketing live stock and other questions of im portance to stockmen will make up the program. Pamphlets about California and other printed matter dealing with the con vention trip will be sent from L.os Angeles in large quantities. ♦—* Framed pictures mid picture framing. I Sanbom, Vail * Co., 434 and "35 S. Bdn-ay. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1908. TURKEY DINNER *2C r 11 to 2 %JsJ\* In Our Cafe on the Fourth Floor today, Roast Turkey with cranberry sauce; mashed potatoes; choice of pie or pudding, tea or coffee. The turkey is tender and juicy. , SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY. _ — te . ■ MERCHANTS OF PORTLAND PROTEST AT RATE RAISE PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 15.—Vigorous protest on the part of Portland mer chants and shipping: interests against the enforcement of the advanced freight tariffs January 1 has been in this city. Taking the lniatlve, Henry Halm, chairman of the traffic committee of the chamber of commerce, is seeking to persuade every commercial organi sation on the Pacific slope from the Canadian boundary to the Mexican liivj to take up the cudgel. While many ■of these organizations have filed protest with the interstate commerce commission, Mr. IJahn *">■< his committee will not stop until It has assurance that the shipping and com mercial Interests present ■ united front in the fight. ;Y3^ *nybodj wlio wouid be able to flml an ■i1,1r.»» in tbe dh-tlunary would b« abl« to flnd your CLASSIFIED ud.