Twelve Will Be Guests at Seattle of
The Herald —Pacific Development
Is Keynote of Alaska-Yukon
Day by day the votes of The Herald s I
teachers' contest are mounting upward,
and soon attention will be drawn to
the leaders In each district.
As the coupons pile in they are count
ed and each candidate gets credit im-|
mediately, and eventually the twelve
highest will get a round-trip jaunt to
Seattle and spend two weeks at hotels
there and In enjoying the exposition.
The newest entries and votes of the
day are:
Los Angeles county list—Miss Esther,
San Fernando, 1100; Klizabuth M. Oak
ley, El Monte. 100.
Orange county—Miss Thompson, San
ta Ana, 101; .Miss Collins, Santa Ana,
101; Miss Wyant, Santa Ana, 101; Miss
Payton, Santa Ana, 101.
Federal Anticipation
The interest of the United States in
the development of the Patitic ocean
commerce is not second to that of any
of the great powers, and the opportuni
ties offered to American skill and en
ergy in this field are without parallel.
The trade of the United States with
the countries bordering on the Pacific
ocean, including Canada, is only 19 per
cent of their total foreign cernmeree,
whereas, if it were promoted by mod
ern methods, as understood in Kurope,
it might easily reach 50 per cent of the
Because it is the object of the expo
sition to further this end. and on ac
uount or its direct relation to the i
<»i the Pacific, the United States gov
ernment "ill make an t-xhibit at a cost;
of $600,000.
Besides the main government build
ing, it. Is planned to have separate
structures for Alaska, Hawaii, the Phil
ippine islands and the fisheries exhibit.
Foreign Nations Help
The foreign exhibits will be confined
strictly to the products of the countries
bordering upon the Pacific ocean, and
it is the plan of the exposition man
agement, as far as It is practicable, to
induce the foreign nations to erect their
own buildings and install therein col
lective and competitive exhibits.
The following countries an? expected
to take part: Australia, Canada, Chile,
China. Colombia. Costa Rica. Ecuador,
Formosa, Korea. French East Indies,
German colonies. Guatemala, Hondu
ras, British India, Japan. Mexico,
Dutch East Indies, Nicaragua. New
Zealand Panama, Peru. Philippine is
lands, Siam and Salvador.
In addition to the foregoing, the
United States, Croat Britain. France.
Germany, Russia and the Netherlands
will be Invited to make exhibits, repre
sentative of their interest In the Pacific
trade development.
Half the World Interested
Considerably more than half the peo
ple of the world live in the countries
which border on the Pacific ocean. The
latest available statistics give these
Countries, exclusive of the United
States an area of 17.096.060 square miles.
and a population of 904,363.000. Their
Imports aggregate $1,853,334,000 annual
ly, and their exports $1,893,642,000, so
that their total foreign trade is $3,746,
--976,000. Of this foreign Pacific trade
the United States enjoys nearly one
fifth the total being J715.000.000 annu
ally, of which $3M.' ,000 is represented
by'imports and $322,000,000 by exports.
When one considers that the United
States enjoys positional advantages
over the countries of Europe, being
much nearer the countries above speci
fic.], and that in spite of this advantage!
our country may boast of only about j
one-fifth of the trade which these coun
tries have, the possibilities of an in
creased transpacific business may be
understood in a general nay.
This state of affairs is one which the
exposition will endeavor to remedy j
through the medium of exhibits of
wares and products of different coun
Nick Stambook, Who Desires to Con.
duct Saloon at Neenach, Ap.
pears in His Own
Nick Stambook. whose application
foa a license lo run a saloon at Neenach
has caused some discussion and a
great deal oil clia.sfn.sion among mem
bers of the board of supervisors and
has caused protests u> be made by the
adviHory committee of the aqueduct
and the hoard of public works, was be
fore the supervisors > sterday to fur
ther his request. !!■ laid especial .stress
on the fact that N<- nach is more than
two miles distant from the line of the
aqueduct, too far. li cl, even for
a man with a phenomen il thirst to walk
for the purpose ol snisfyiiiK it.
Supervisor Alexander v. mted to know
on whom StambooU would depend for
custom. ■■About thirty miners puss ray
place each week." said Stantboolc, "and
besides. I expect to handle other things
than liquor."
Alexander wanted the application ue
nied forthwith. "Perry Howard, who
has a contract to dn work in thai vi
cinity and is in a position to know
whereof he speaks, objects to the grant-
Ing of this license," said the supervisor.
"He tells me that every dollar spent by
his men with Stambook would mean
$100 expense to himself."
The other members of the board
showed no disposition to act on Alex
ander's suggestion, and the matter v as
again taken under advisement.
- Lack of jurisdiction caused the dis
missal of a complaint against William
M Niebel, a Long Beach banker, yes
terday. Mrs. Talma C. Niebel, the wife,
was the complaining witness. Her hus
band, Bhe said, secured an interlocutory
decree of divorce in 1906 while she was
visiting in the east, and before a final
decree was entered he married Fiances
, M. Baker in Yuma, Ariz.
' "It bigamy has been committed,
said ■ Justice Selph, "it was clone in
Arizona, not in California," and Niebel
was discharged.
- Another complaint filed by Mrs. Nie
bel in which she charges her husband
with misconduct, still remains. . He will
be examined on this charge Decem
ber 26. ■ '■ it
The AngelUß grill has excellent ser
vice and better food. Fourth and Spring.
Frame tout picture for your friend. San
fcoro7v.ll* Co.. «M «""i »35 8. Broadway.
To Loan
This BanK has $400,000 or more,
to loan—in sums ranging from $500 to
$20,000—for periods of one, two or
three years—at seven per cent interest.
Loans made on first mortgage on im
proved real estate— at forty per cent of
the value of the property.
If you wish to borrow on the above
terms, we invite you to consult our
Loan Department.
We now have a further supply of the
new St. Gaudens $5.00 Gold Pieces,
some of which you may want for
Christmas giving.
We will gladly supply you in moder
ate amounts, free of charge, in ex
change for other money.
jaSS& iH^k Or we can supply you with crisp,
B§tiiis^. new currency—sl,OO, $2.00 and
TOii!B|fpsi§§i| '$5.00 denominations.
l^^^llfii 1 Interest payments, due Deposi-
Fi«H^§S3* tors Jan. Ist, 1909, will be payable
jl|WM^|fl|^ at this BanK on Monday, Dec. 21st,
jjj»jifj&||!jsr or any day thereafter.
|f^^^^®M If you are one of our Depositors,
Wfrofii your interest will thus be available
Haf IBM as "Christmas Money," if you draw
11 bef°re Dec- 25th-
Sayings Bank tSSrXsSLts
11 Everyone can make a Holiday Trip. Santa Fe Holiday 111
||{ rates in effect between all stations where one way fare |J
|lj| does not exceed ten dollars. II
||! Tickets on sale Dec. 23, 24, 25, 31, 1908, and Jan. 1, 1
|i| 1909. Limited for return until Jan. 4, 1909. j||
Ij Let us suggest: is
I Kite Shaped Track I
1 Riverside, Redlands, San Bernardino, ||
I Corona, Hemet, Orange, II
s|| .Santa Ana, San Diego ; Ij
[I Phone or call on E. W. McGEE, General Agent Jj
If! 334 So. Spring St. 11
[ Electrical Novelties
For Christmas
Wt 'i—. mm.. , , •j-.fi.i^l VBiwm:JSpMiSw'*Ss.£Sw We «■ B£k
Go to an electric store for electric goods. Two days before Christmas we
will have 1000 American Electric New Superior 6-lb. Iron that we will
sell for $3.60. WAIT. We have handled this line for 12 years; it is no ex
periment. . " V':,
Woodill-Hulse Electric Company
276 SOUTH MAIN ST. (Cor. 3d and Main.)
. .' The House of Electrical Appliances.
The Los Angeles Herald's
Alaska - Yukon - Pacific Exposition
Elizabeth C. McCarthy. 316 Aye. 61.
Los Angeles City, Cal 101
Ruby V. Lindsay. 1035 Lincoln, Los
Angeles city. Cal v l
Bertha C. Wright, 419 South Grand
aye., Los Angeles city. Cal »01
Laura A Jones. 10:0 W. ::d street.
Los Angeles city, Cal • I**
Flora K. Conn. »58 Valencia. Los An
geles' city. Cal 100
Belle M Redding. 1005 Toberman. Los
Angeles city. Cal 100
Emily F. Johnson. 314 W. Fourth
street, Los Angeles city, Cal 112
Mary Hawley. 619 W. 47th street. Los
Angeles city, Cal 1°
Ellen F. Lang, 637 E. 27th itreet, Los
Angeles city. Cal 1°
Alma R. Sntton. Hi* E. 47th street,
Los Angeles city. Cal 3.038
Florence Sands. 271: B. Third street.
Los Angeles city. Cal "0
Una Burrltt. 3414 S. Flower street,
Los Angeles city, Cal 2,610
M. E. Quayle, Polytechnic H. 6., Los
Angeles city. Cal 100
Anna McLaury. Los Angeles city. Cal. 107
Mrs. Clara Harding. Los Angeles city,
Cal 274
Jessie M. Gearhardt. Los Angeles city.
Cal * 1«?
Miss Ella Robberson, Los Angeles city,
Cal 1.225
Miss C. Bruer (Polytechnic), Los An
geles city. Cal «'•
M. Elizabeth Field, 1028 W. 21st St., .
Los Angeles city, Cal 109
Emma S. Richardson, 148 N. Gates
street, Los Angeles city, Cal 213
Cora E. Lamb, 1047 E. 23d at.. Los
Angeles city, Cal 2,316
Miss Maud Blanchard, Los Angeles city,
Cal "4
Miss Fannie M. Hays, 1820 E. 21st St.,
Angeles city, CaJ 106
Miss E. J. Gibson, Los Angeles city,
Cal 255
Miss Agnes Knight, Los Angeles city,
Cal "I
Miss Margaret Cassels, 351 W. Aye.
62, Los Angeles city, Cal 113
Blanche E. Gregg, 252 E. 47th St.,
Los Angeles city, Cal 103
Mrs. K. L. Madden, 101 N. Boyle av^.,
Lew Angeles city, Cal 1.176
Ada J. Helnman, Los Angeles high
school, Los Angegea city, Cal 106
(Miss Grace Wilson, 937 E. 21it street,
Los Angeles city, Cal 101
M. E. Wright, 824 W. Ssth place, Los
Angeles city, Cal 130
Miss Verne C. Blythe. 857 Gramercy
street, Los Angeles city, Cal 125
Vera Blake, 660 N. Hazard St., Loa
Angeles city, Cal. 115
Miss Margaret Buell, Washington St.
school 101
Mary J. Collins, 2134 Reservoir street,
Los Angeles city, Cal 165
Caroline V. Burgess, 1813 Bridge st... 137
Agnes A. Merrill. 435 W. Aye. 51 105
Laura M. Ferguson, 337 S. Olive. 1,101
Mrs. Clara B. Lewis, 648 Boyle aye.... 102
Mary J. Workman, 357 Boyle aye.... 103
Miss Mac Elmendorf. 136 E. 28th at.. 102
Miss Zullka Gulberson, 28th st. school. 100
Belle A. Williams, Covina, Los Angeles
county. Cal 100
Mrs. Leonora McDonald, , Lordsburg.. 101
Miss Elizabeth Harris, Lordsburg.... 101
The Great Yukon-Pacific Exposition to Be Held
at Seattle, Wash, June 1 to October 15, 1909
Will Cost $10 000,000 and Is to Be the Most Stupendous Enterprise of Its Nature Which the Western Coast Has Ever Attempted.
Exposition at Seattle under the following circumstances:
_. //:\ o l it> „ u^-« Xt-~ m One (1) from San Bernardino count*.
SIX (6) SchOOl Teachers From One v fa from orange county.
LOS AngeleS County One (I) from Santa Barbara county.
Three from the city of Los Angeles and three from One (1) from Riverside county.
' eSS sar side the city-six in all from ..'
Readers of The Herald will be permitted to vote for the twelve most popular young women who teach school in the described territory.
The friends of the teachers may show their appreciation of the great services rendered by school teachers by casting their ballots for
•hese untiring self-sacrificing young ladies who teach our children, our brothers, our sisters, our relatives and our friends.
No opportunity has been presented whereby so much pleasure and benefit may be derived at NO COST to these great workers
who are shaping the destiny of our nation. Our whole public should, and doubtless will, respond to the opportunity to pay the debt of
SratICONDITIoVs c—e — FHUn a nominating coupon to be found on this page and send to this office as soon as possible, so that the name.
of the teacher of your choice majrt have the advantage of appearing in the list. immediate 100 vo.es. R e g u,» BaW.or Sin gl , Vo« s
The nominating coupon entitles the teacher so nominated to an initial and immediate 100 votes. Regular Ballots for Single Votes
entitling the teacher to One Vote will appear in Each Issue of The Herald. :" V • ... . „ •"?'< *.•"
Teachers may enter the contest at any time, and those who live within the described territory should energetically agitate this
question atnong sStecriptiot'Paid in Advance $4.50, Entitles the Contestant to 1000 Votes Six Months' Subscription, Paid in Advance,
$2.35, Entitles the Contestant to 400 Votes. Three Months' Subscription, Paid in Advance, $1.20, Entitles the Contestant to 150 Votes.
Old subscribers to The Herald, renewing or extending, will entitle I this ballot not good after s : oo p. si. December s*. "
the contestant to votes same as above, when paid in advance, provid
ed said subscriber is not in arrears or provided arrears are paid. I^ITVTI-^ VQ rfl 1 M^_
Entirely New Subscribers, who have not been regular readers .
of The Herald for thirty days previous to the day of the new sub- The Los Angeles Herald >./<
scription, will entitle the person securing the subscription to 10 Per a<sya VTIKDN PACIFIC VOTING CONTEST
Cent of the Subscription Payment. The Herald does not wish any ALASKA*YUKON™i,iS, T ;° TING CONi^\ .
one to work for nothing, hence this offer of 10 per cent on all New *KU.li lts-lxr
subscriptions, in addition to the free trip for the successful con
testant. Name
No Subscription Will Be Allowed for Votes in This Contest
Unless Accompanied by the Money. No renewal or extension will Address *•.... •
be entitled to the 10 per cent. No subscription received in this vert- Put In the name of the school teacher at your choice on this coupon and
ing contest for less than three (3) months. send to the Los Angeles Herald office; void after above not permitted to
ing contest for less than three (.J) months. Carrier boys and other employes of The Herald are not permitted to
Send or come to .The Herald office for subscription blanks and [ ■elicit or deliver ballots from subscriber, or prospective subscriber..
go to work for your friends. ;:.•'/. • -> ™. n i £ ,'r -
Booths for receiving ballots have been established at San Bernardino, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Riverside, Bakersneld, Ventura
and at The Herald office in Los Angeles. Full information and help will be given at any time. Address or call #
Laura 1.. Lummii, Covlna, Loi An
geles county, Cal 10-'
Daisy M. Steele, Compton, I.os Angeles
county, Cal I°s
Josephine Herron. Compton. Los An
geles county, Cal ; 100
Minnie L. Catey, Compton, Los An
gelea county, Cal 11"
Edith M. Bates, Compton, Los Angeles
county, Cal 108
Jeesle L. Hart, Burbank, Los Angeles
county, Cal 106
Emma K. Perry, Burbank, Los Angeles
county, Cal H2
Clara A. Rooksby, Alhambra, Los An
geles county, Cal H8
Gertrude. B. Wyman, Alhambra, Lou
Angeles county, Cal H'
Bertha E. Jones, Inglewood, Los An
gelea county, Cal. I°l
Minnie E. Stone, Inglewood, Loa An
geles county, Cal 102
Harriet Farmr-r. Inglewood, Los An
geles county, Cal 100
Pauline Eastman, Hollywood, Los An
county, Cal 108
Florence Stone, Hollywood, Loa An
gelei bounty, Cal 101
Sarah McLean. 1016 Eth street, Glen
dale, Los Angeles county, Cal 106
Annie Mclntyre, Glendale, Los Angeles
cbunty, Cal 101
Carrie J. Woods, Norwalk, Los Angeles
county, Cal 103
Vivian Miller, Norwalk, Lo« Angeles
county, Cal 100
Elsie Duffy, 9an Pedro, Los Angeles
conuty, Cal 101
Ella A. Ludwlg, Pan Pedro, Los An
geles county, Cal 125
Jennie McCarthy, San Pedro, Los An
geles county, Cal 100
May McLaughlln, Santa Monica, Los
Angeles county, Cal , 101
Bernice Steffen, Santa Monica, Los An
geles county, Cal *Jl
Pauline Leach, Santa Monica, Los An
geles county, Cal 11»
Marguerite King, San Fernando, Los
Angelei county, Cal 101
Margaret Hrrskovlts, San Fernando,
Loa Angeles county, Cal 280
Jennie Miller, Redondo, Los Angeles
county, Cal 113
Helen Donvart, Redondo, Los Angeles
county, Cal 101
Minnie Wharton, 203 W. Pearl, Po
mona, Los Angeles county, Cal 100
Lucy E. Osborn, 683 N. Garry, Po
mona, Los Angeles county, Cal 101
Blanche Graham, Monrovia, Los An
geles county, Cal 113
Sarah Lawson, Monrovia, Los Angeles
county, Cal 101
Anna. Griffith, Monrovia, Los Angeles
county. Cal 100
Laura Barnes, Monrovia, Los Angelea
county, Cal Ho
Ada M. Miner, 444 Chestnut street,
Long Beach, L. A. county. Cal 101
Maud Fryer, 437 E. Ocean aye.. Long
Beach, L. A. county, Cal 101
Nellie Gray, 441 W. Fourth at. Long
Beach, L. A. county, Cal 1,109
Eva D. Edwards, Long Beach, Los An
gfeles county. Cal 100
Alice M. Jones, Wilmington, Los An
gelis county, Cal 100
Isabel O. Nevcn, Wilmington, Los
Angeles county, Cal 101
Blanche C Bradshaw, Whlttler, Los
Angeles county, Cal 1,106
Pearl R. Ellis, Whittler, Los Angeles
county, Cal 101
Mary L. Clark, 417 N. Los Robles aye.,
Pasadena, L. A. county, Cal 101
| Qertrude Tieknor, Pasadena, I.ns An
geles county, Cal 1'-
Mis.s Sloan, S2O American aye., Long
Beach, L. A. county, I'.il "51
Miss Mary Doyle, U A. county, Cal... 183
Mlsa Katharine Williams, Downey, I,os
Angeles county, BCal 8,368
Mrs. Shay, Inglewood, Los Angeles
county, Cal 101
Mi's Edith Newton. South rasadena,
Los Angeles county, Cal 108
Mies Nellie Hoaff, Monrovia, Los An
geles county, Cal 102
Miss Ada A. Sloan, Rivera, Los An
geles county, Cal l^S
Helen Kelsey Lynn, La Bnllnna school.
Palms, L. A. county, Cal 100
Miss Frances Nichols, Pasadena, Los
Angeles county, Cal 109
Miss Josephine Wldney, Covlna, Los
Angeles county, Cal 104
Miss rcrrie Flutter, Heneleek Hotel,
Long Beach, L. A. county, Cal 102
Lily E. McCleelen, Sawtelle, Los An
geles county, Cal 128
Miss Jessie Butler, San Dimas. Los
Angeles county, Cal 101
Ml.-s Ulllan Scott. a«f> Myrtle St., Po
mona, Los Angeles county, Cal 100
Miss F.leanor Martin, 158 W. 2i St..
Pomona, Los Angeles county. Cal 100
Mrs. M. O. Emery, Long Beach, Los
Angeles county, Cal 100
Georgia Garrison, Long Beach, Lob
Augeles county, Cal 101
Bessie Paul, Venice, Los Angelea coun
ty, Cal 100
Myrtle Scott. Ocean Park, Los Angeles
county, Cal 104
Mlsa Beeda Metcalf. Rawtclle, Los An
geles county, Cal 128
Miss Lois V. King, Hermon, Los An
geles county, Cal 104
Miss M. Keturah Paul, Hollywood, Los
Angeles county, Cal 100
Adele Hauxtvurt, Ilcdondo, Los An
geles county, Cal 100
Miss May Rellardo, Santa Monica, Los
Angeles county, Cal 100
Grace James, Santa Monica, Lob An
geles county, Cal 100
Mary E. Whalers, Santa Monica, Los
Angelea county, Cal 100
Mrs. O. D. Knight, Alhambra, Los An
geles county, Cal 101
Florence Erwlne, Alhambra. Los An
geles county. Cal 100
Mlea Esther, San Fernando 1,100
Elizabeth M Oakliy. El Monte 100
Edith Matlock, 1109 Beale aye., Kern,
Kern county, Cal 101
Mln Alma Forker, 2721 19th st., Ba
kirsfleld. Kern county, Cal 254
Miss Douglas Macmurdo, 1532 Califor
nia aye., Bakenfleld, Kern county,
Cal lls
Mrs. Cella Morris, 2111 Q St., Ba
kersfleld. Kern county, Cal 101
Miss Winifred Tlmmons, Producers'
Bank Bldg., Bakersfleld, Cal 101
Miss Iran Wilkinson, 2106 X' St., Ba^
kersfleld. Kern county Cal 101
Helen If, Bass. 1175 W. Bth st.. River
side, Kiversido county, Cal 1,101
Cora Daniels, Jurupa, Riverside coun
ty, Cal ■M 27
Adelaide Bangham, Reynolds hotel.
Riverside, Riverside county, Cal 102
Katherlne Goodhart. 424 E. 9th St.,
Riverside, Riverside county, Cal 107
Josephine Bootes, 124 Hidalgo St.,
Riverside, Riverside county, Cal 100
Martha Cny. 276 Lime St.. Riverside,
Riverside county. Cal 101
Miss Bralnard. Riverside, Riverside
county, Cal l'l
Eugenic Fuller, Riverside. Riverside,
county, Cal 100
Lula E. Main, Corona, Riverside c<Jun
ty, Cal 1,188
Grace Todd, Corona, Riverside county, *
Cal 100
Mrs Lizzie Noonan, San Jaclnto,
Riverside county, Cal 105
Margaret Waterhouse, 710 6th St., San
Bernardino, S. B. county, Cal 102
Lucy Morgan, 74 3 E st., San Ber
nardino, San Bernardino county, Cal. 100
Miss Brayton, 579 7th St., San Bernar
dino, San Bernardino county, Cal 103
Miss Jessie Lee Murphy, Chlno, San
Bernardino county, Cal 108
Miss Amio Grace, Pan Bernardino
county, Cal 103
Elisabeth McGulre, Colton, San Ber
nardino county, Cal 101
Veterla Leo, Colton, San Bernardino
county, Cal ■■ 101
Sadie Dagger, 723 Orange st., Red
lan San Bernardino county, Cal.. 107
Virginia L. Ashby, Redlands, San Ber
nardino county, Cal. 101
Frances Enslow, lflfl Church St., Red
lands, San Bernardino county, Cal... 542
Mary E. Rice, 413 W. 3d st., Santa
Ana, Orange county, Cal 127
Miss Florence Hayler, Anaheim,
Orange county, Cal 101'
Blanche Shoemaker, Glassell school.
Orange, Orange county, Cal 100
Stella Stanley, Center school. Orange,
Orange county, Cal 100
Miss Thompson, Santa Ana 101
Miss Collins, hxni.% Ana 10!
Miss Wyant, Santa Ana 101
Miss Payton, S-anta Ana 101
Wllheimlna Kane, 1215 Santa Clara,
Ventura, Ventura county. Cal 1.250
Phoebe V. Eaton, 1210 Santa Clara.
Ventura, Ventura county, Cal 1,873
Maud E. Chrlsman, 410 Ash, Ventura.
Ventura county. Cal 101
Etta E. Ayres, 1317 Santa Clara. Ven
tura, Ventura county, Cal 103
Mac Hennlng, 1405 Mela, Ventura.
Ventura county. Cal 103
Ruth Henry, 1437 Santa Clara. Ven
tura county, Cal ' 101
Bertha Bell, Oxnard, Ventura county,
Cal 600
Nellie M Hovey. Poll and Oak sts..
Ventura, Ventura county, Cal 105
Ella Fraser, ' Camarilla, Ventura
county, Cal 1,100
Emma Leonard. 115 W. Carrlllo St.,
Santa Barbara, S. B. county. Cal... 100
Irene Candy, 318 W. Flgueroa at-.,
Santa Barbara, S. B. county, Cal 103
Rena Chappell. 1215 Nora Villa aye..
Santa Barbara, S. B. county, Cal 105
Ruby Evarts, lit 2d aye., Santa Bar
bara county 103
Clara Dlehl, 104 W. Orpe St., Santa
Barbara, S. B. county. Cal '. 101