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FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL NEW YORK STOCK AND BOND MARKET NKW YORK, Dec. 17.—There was the sharpest break In prices of stocks today that lias occurred since the locaUod acare follow ing the Maine '(flection in September. BpecU lative holdings were shaken out of their weak ened positions and thrown on the market at rates of concessions that gave an appearance uf semi-demoralization. Tho most significant feature of the market waa not the volume of the llciuidntlon. which vas not unusually heavy as Is witnessed by the moderate amount for the total sales for the day, but the total abandonment of the I import of eho market, which has held i rigid against reactionary influence for the Bteater part of the time throughout the years treat rise. That policy was thrown aside to day, either because of tho diminishing supply of banking credits with which to maintain it. oi because of dissatisfaction of those wno have followed it with some of the features in the outlook for affairs. That tho burden of sustaining prices at the extremely advanced level to which they have leached Is increased by the restriction of !»oney supplies Is certain. In spite of the moderate effect thus far produced on the open rates for money. Loan negotiations, affecting the affairs of lr.tge and influential capitalists, who act* In the stock market. Is not likely to be a matter for open conjecture In the onlniary channel! uf the money market, but the great banka concerned In such affairs may bring pressure t.i bear for adjustment In times of shifting money condlticns which are efficacious as ihe advance In money rates in the open market. The possibility of such a factor operating In the day's market may have been the soh Eround for the rumors in circulation pointing to Individuate, but that such rumors were heard is a factor. The money market showed no symptoms of disturbance, although the firmer tone waa maintained until the Inter dealings. With each ilny bringing Important bond sales and vith today's subtreasury absorption of $1,400, --000, bringing the total for the banking week up to 117,601,000, this could not well be other wise. In view of the relation of these forces to the surplus banking reserve as shown by the Saturday bank statement. The advance in money rates has had the ef fect of attracting some fund» from out of t' vvn sources, and of putting a stop to the gold exportation, and the liquidation of. stock market lounfi, which was carrying prices downward, wns releasing credits as well, foreign money markets showed the effects ol the coming strain of the yearly settlements. The declining condition. Jt the Bank of Errfand brought Its proportion of reserve lia bilities to a figure below the corresponding tlmo lnst year for the first time throughout the fall months. The acute weakness of American Smelting and of simres in other companies in tho metal trade found a special explanation In the criti cal attitude displayed by members of the ways and means committee of the house toward the duty on lead ore. Reports of unstabl* conditions In the copper market and of a production far outrunning the amounts iroing imo consumption were a contrrtmtory causa and pulled down Amalga mated Copper along with Smelting Ptoeka. The weakness was not limited to any restrict ed Hold, In the list of securities, and spread gradually and with Increasing effect. The decline itself had the effect of uncovering stop loss orders and of bringing out calls for addi tional margins. The remarks of the president-elect at a din ner of. the Ohio society seemed to bo regarded as bringing disillusionment to. some of the speculative element, which has dwelt en the future immunity to be enjoyed by corpora tions aa a motive for advancing prices. The professional element laid some stress on i a rumor that the selling of the stocks was in the interest of an extensive combination of bucketshops, which would have a claim to enforce sums In customers* margins upon the prices falling to a level that would wipe them out. The cheapening of prices as a result of the day's sales amounted from 1 to 3 points for practically all the stocks dealt in. Bonds wer© Irregular. Total sales, par value, $4,906,000; government bonds were un changed on call. New York Stocks NEW YORK. Dec. 17.Following were the closing quotations today: High- Low- Closing Sales— est. est. Bid. 57,300 Amal Cop 81% 78ft 78% 4,800 Am C & Fdy 47'* 46 45% • 200 do pfd 108 107 107 100 Am Cot Oil 4>tt 41* 41% 400 Am H& L pfd.. 3. r.-} t 34% B4tt 600 Am Ice 25 -u>, 24% 200 Am Linserd 14% 14 ISM 4,500 Am Locomo 56% 54% 64% do pfd 109% 38,700 Am Smel & Rfg. 88 81% 81 000 do pfd 102% 101 100% 4,100 Am Sug Rfg 130% 127% 127% ........ Am Tob pfd.. I ■••: 91% 1,300 Am Woolen. 31% 29% 29% 2.000 Ana Mln Co . 48% 47% 47% 1.-..200 Atchison 97% 95'4 95% 600 do pfd 102* 101% 101% 1,000 Atlantic C L Hoy* 109% 109% 15,800 B & O. 110% I°% 1(r97 ....;.. do pfd 91% 11,900 Brook R T 57?i 56 56% 20,800 Can Pac 177% 174T4 174% 1,800 Cent Leather... 30 29% 29% 300 do pfd 100 9»% 99% 100 Cent Of N J 2-« 2a(l s2» 13,400 Ches & Ohio 67% 65'/i 55% 600 Chi a w 11% 11 H 1,100 Chi & N W 178% 178% 175 18,600 CM& St P 149% 147% 147% 100 CCC & St L 68 08 67 4,200 Col P & 1 38% 37'i 87% D 000 Col & South 67% BST» 66 600 do Ist pfd.... 74% 73% 73 .400 do 2(1 pfd.... 70 Uli 69 4 800 Consol Qas 166% 164 164% Corn Pro 16.4 '"l 400 Del & Hud 181 179 178% 1,400 Den &R Q 37 36% 36% • '00 do pfdi 81% 81 80% 1,200 Distill Bee 85% Ss',i 35% 18600 Eri 34% 33% 33% 1,100 do Ist pfd.... 48% 47% 47% 200 \do 2d pfd.... 39 88% 38% 1 200 Gon Elect 161 157% 168 ■>8000Gt Nor pfd 145«i 143% 143T4 2',100 Gt Nor Ore ctfs. 73% 71% Tl* 1,600 111 Central 147 145% 146 700 Inter Met. 18% IT IT* 23,600 do pfd 43% 41% 41% 600 Inter Paper 12% IS 12 400 do pfd r.B 57 Gi 1,600 Inter Pump 33% 32% S-% ...V... lowa Cent.... 28 «,900 K C South lift 37 37% 700 do pfd 6*% 68 68% 1,000 I/&N 122'.. 121H 121% Minn & St L ■ « SOO MStP & SltStM..lS2% 131 130% 3 600 Mo Pac 65% 62% 63/. 2.1,200 MK * T 39% 38% 38% 200 do pfd 72 71 71 7000 Nat Lead 79% 76% 77% 1200 N Y Cent 121% 118% 119 4100 N Y Ont * W... 46% 44% 44% 600 Norfolk & W... 84 83% 83% 400 North Am 76 73% 73% 200 Nor Pac 142<i 140U 140% 1,300 Pac Malt 34% 33% 33% 29 «00 Pennsylvania ...110* 128% 128% l'7oo People's Gas 100% 100% 100 100 PCC& St L.... 87% 87% 87% 600 Press S Car 43 41% 40% 200 Pullman P C 170 170 169 ■ 8,»00 Ry St Spring;... 45J» 44% 45!i, 2J.100 Reading 141 138% 138% ■ 700 Repub Steel 26% 25% ■'■ 25% ■ 1,200 do pfd 86% 86 86 "000 R I Co 23% 22% .32% 13.000 «0 pfd *»K 57% 5R JOO StL ASF 2 pf«. 39% 39 88% . 100 St S W 23% 23% 22% 300 do Pf<> M *8" 52 -, 800 810.1 Sheff 78 76% 77% - 53.700 South Pac 1-1% 119'i 1«H i 600 do pfd 123% 122% 123 ' 11.900 South Ry.. »* 24% 34% ■2.909 do pfd 69% 58 BSU , . 300 Tenn Copper 46% 44 43% , 2.000 Tex 4 Pac 33% 32% 32% / 100 Tol St L * W... 40. 40 38% 1,800 do pfd «7U 65% 65 121.900 Union Vac 182% »80 ' 18 0, 1,400 do pfd 96 '■>'• 94% ..'..... U S Rubber.....'.'... ...". 33% 300 - do Ist pfd....U>«% 105% 105% 115.800 U .8. Steel...;;.. 54V. r,3 53 4,300 do pfd....... 111% 110% HO'.i 2.500 trtah Copper.... 4(1% 44% 44% 1,200 Va Car Chem.. 43 * 4J%, 42% '....■"do pfd. .... 1H , 700 Wabash .V. 1914 IS% 19 lfi.SdO do pfd........ 47', . 1 ■■'■ 46% 1,000 West Eleut 88(4 88 88 1,000 Wei>t Union ..,..«» 'i ,61 > ... 68 • too Wh.ol JU E... 10% 10% 10J4 600 Wls Cent 31% 31 30 '- 2.500 Am Tel & Te!..128'4 1«% I-7?* Total sales for the clay 1.034,100 sliai.B. New York Bonds NF.W YORK, Dec. 17.—The following were the closing quotations today; U S rfdg 2s reg...103 |.lap 4%s 2d ser 90% do coup ...» 104 Llt N 4s WIV« do 3s reg 101 |Ma.nhat gold 4s »'■•■"• do coup 100*4 Mex Cent 4s 8.-i do 4s reg 120Vi do Ist Inc 21 do coup 121 M & St L4s 85,>i Am Tob 4s 78 M K & T4s 98% do 6s 107% do 2ds ?8 Atch gen 4s 100% Nat Ry Mex 45.... SlVi do adj 4s 92% NYC gen 3Vi5.... 94»i do cv 4s 10114 N J C gen 6» 129% do cv 6s 106'i Nor Pac 4s 10-!'2 Atlantic C L. 45.. 95% do 3s '3*4 B & O 4s 100% Nor St. W 4s 99 do S%a 95 Oregon S L4e M% Brook K T 4s SUf, Pe.nn cv 31is 54% Central of Ga 58..1H9?t do con 4s 104% do Ist inc 81 Read gen 4s 101 do 2d Inc 60 Cuba 6s 103V4 Ches & O 4%5....10G iy, Iron Mtn 5s 112 C & A 31is 7li Bt L&8 F4s 84% C II A Q 4s 99V4 Bt L, & 8 W 4s 76 CRIP 4s H% Seaboard A L 45... 62% do col 6s 85T4 Sou Pac 4s 91 do rfdg 4s 90 do Ist 4s 9«% CCC & St L 4b... 98 Sou Rwy 6s 10814 Colo Ind 6s 74% TAP lsts 116 Colo Mid 4s 78 TStL& W4s 84 Colo & So 4s W4 Union Pac 45.. 103% Del & Hud 45.... 99Vi do cv 4s 10514 D & n O 4s 95% r S Steel 2d 65....102>4. Erie pr In 4n 89V]Wal)aBh lsts 11l do gen 4s 75% West Md 4s SOU Hock Val 4%s 107 W & L E 4s 83 Inter Met 4>is 7814 Wls f'°nt 4s B>!4 Jap 4s 82 NY NH «s ctfs 136 do 4%s 91 >i Lake Shore 6s 95% Treasury Statement WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.—Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, show* available cash balance of $163,248,470; cold coin and bullion, $30,494,623; gold certificates, $56, --075,640. CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wilson, member Ohloago, Board of Trade, Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles: CHICAGO, Dec. 17.—There was long wheat sold on tho bulges and support af forded on th« breaks, but the heaviness of coarse grains had the final effort of clip ping %c net off wheat prices. There wns no news or startling developments in the situation and we still look to nee during the remainder of the holidays a scalping market. t Despite the Very wet weather over prac tically the entire corn belt the market after an early show of firmness developed great weakness. There was heavy and aggres sive selling by the leading cash grain inter ests, supplemented by a liberal liquidation by the commission houses and local profes sionals. Pending some activity and demaad for our cash corn or a cessation in receipts we see nothing but a lower level ahead for this markets Oats were Influenced largely by the movements In corn. Trade was smaller but the market made a better show of strength than corn. Provisions were very dull and without feature. The Inter Ocean says: James l'atton was out on the curb last night talking most emphatically bullish in wheat and. entertained large crowd of trail ers with gossip about the book swindle. He was a most interesting talker, both on Wheat and book«, and made a decided impression upon all of his listeners. It was agreed by all tho well posted traders who were out on the curb last night that the wheat mar ket had a decided healthier undertone. It was said that a number of local profes sionals who have been very bearish have taken the bull side and bought wheat on all soft spots during the day. Traders figured that there had been 20. --000,000 bushels of wheat sold in the last two weeks in forcing prices from 11.11 to II 04%. It has all disappeared and the New York bear syndicate which sold the Chicago and Minneapolis market with Buch a way of late has found that It Is one thing to demoralize the market for a few days and another thing to get the wheat back at * Corn traders said they saw continued evi dence of the bear covering, both in Decem ber and May and that pit conditions were mostly responsible for the early strength. There is no evidence of a general demand from the east and it Is apparent that stocks will pile up hero for some time to come. Market Ranges Open. Hl<;h. Low. Close. D.T**'n.oi« 51.01% *1.00% 11.00% May .. 106% 1.05% 1.06% 1.06% July ... -95 .95% .95 .95 Sept. .. .95 .96% -95 II Dec.""!" .54% , .57% .r.4'l .57% M»v 61>2 .61% -60% .60% B. ■"■ 6154 .61% & -«0% oats— 49% .49% .4»H A9V> Sly :::. 62% .52% : .m*- .«* July ... .47% .47% .46% .46% Sept. .. -40 .40 .89% .39% n Pork- .... 14.52 Jan ■"is.Vo 16.70 1B.«2 15.62 May " l«05 l«.0B 16.00 16.00 §£§SS iM: S"»& ffi 8 $ Jan'T 8.15 .j. 8.21 Mc yiosing cables— Liverpool wheat %o high er-corn %c lower. Antwerp, unchanged. Paris, wheat V.c to %o lower. Berlin, wheat M0 higher. Budapest, wheat %c hl Chlcago wheat has JURt broken on sell- Ing by Pit traders lnnuenced by the break '"corgis weak. Bartlett-Patten, Pringle, Updyke and Comstock heavy seller ■• , . Growing Wheat reflects beneficial effects of moisture and outlook has Improved Weath ™ has not been severe. Snow covering moro desirable. Packing at western centers 780, --000 this week against 620,000 corresponding week last year. **"'■■■ <••■;•' SAN PEDRO SHIPPING SAN PEDRO, Dec. 17.—The steamer Roma, Cant Lane, arrived this morning from Seat tle and will load 17,000 barrels of oil at Termi nal for the Union Oil company of San Fran- Departure* today Includ* tha steamers Willl pa Capt. Johnson, for Raymond; Grays Har bor Capt. Audflndsen, for Aberdeen, and Yo semlte, Capt. Johnson, for Puget sound via San 'Francisco. , The summer Doris. Capt. Olsen, arrlvsd to day five «nd a half days from Wlllap* har bor, with 760,000 feet of lumber. Th» steamer Aloatraa, Capt. Frederickson, arrived from San Diego and after taking oil cleared for Greenwood to load a lumber cargo. The steamer Ban Gabriel, Capt. Green, ar rived this morning from Eureka and Umpqua river with 600,000 feet of lumber for the Kerck hoff-Cusnor Mill and Lumber company. The schooner Minnie A. Calne, at Everett, has been chartered to load a lumber cargo for wholesalers at this port. The steamer James S. Higglns, Capt. Hlg- Klns from Fort Bragg, and the steamer J. Marshoffer, Capt. Winkel, both via San Fran cisco, are duo tomorrow with full cargoes of lumbar. Sugar and Coffee NEW YORK, • Dae. ' U.—Sugar, yaw, steady; fair r.ftnlng, J.27c; centrifugal 96 test 77c; molasses sugar, S.o2n: refined, quiet; crushed, 6.46c;^. powdered, 14.85; granulated, 4.85c. Coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6%«c%Hc; No. 4 Santos, ,7%®8%c. The Aneelus grill has excellent ser vice and better food. Fourth and Spring. LOS ANGELES'HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER l^lfficT FINANCIAL I.OS ANGELES. Dec. -Bank clearings were' $1,718,841.89, against $1,0W,J84.11 for the corresponding date last year, an increase of 1523,007.88. Following 's a comparative state ment: I9OR. l!ll>7. 1908. Doc. 14 $2,063,738 77 J1.253.810.57 $2,426,004.83 Dec. 13...... i.S4:i,OOr>.S<s 1,177,488.52 2.985.818.10 Dec. 16 718,1186. 1,235,303.02 2,385,249.20 Dec. 17 1,71,1, Ml. 1,090,934.11 1,806,804.05 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official sales-1 (11000 bond) Associated Oil at 90c; 20 Associated Oil (B. 30) at $39; 40 do at 539.62H: 20 do at $38.60; 1000 Central Oil at 80c; 30 Union Oil at $94.50; 10 Home Tel. pfd. at $r>6; 10 do at $64.76. Off board—lo Merchants Na tional Bank at $481. Bonds An-oclated Oil 859% Ask. AK-oeiatod Oil ,Wi :>l Calif Pao Ry 86 JOO Ccrona City Water Co .. 96 Corona P an.l WCo ■**-•■ 9H4 Cucamonga Water Co JH•"?*■■ 11K) ESdiaon El Co Ist R 90% Eclson Blectrlo Co. old Issue.... 10(1 lot Home Telephone Co 88 113 - Home Tel. Co. Ist rfdg TC',4 85 L. A. Harbor Co T .... 80 L. A. Pac. Ist con mtg...' 104% -V L. A. Railway Co 108 115 L, A. Traction 6s 105 ll<> 1.. A. Traction 6s « <> ... 102 105 Mission Trans and R Co ........ H5 Padno Elec Rwy Co 107 Pac Light and Power Co 93 100 Pasadena H T and r Co 71 80 Pomona Con Water Co its 100 Kivirside H T and T Co lil 60 Riverside I.ljrtit and 'F Co 92% S Monica BUT and T C0...... 64 90 Santa (Barbara Elec Rwy .. 93 Temescal Water Co '.w 100 United El G and P Co 100 Union Transportation Co 91«i - 94 U 8 L D T and T Co 771,2 Vlsnlla Water Co ' ; .-.' 1110 Whlttler H T and T Co 90 Bank Stocks Bid Ask. Anvrloan National 117.00 11(1.00 American Savings Bank 125.00 155.00 BKnk of Los Angeles 120.00 Bank of So California 135.00 Broadway B and Trust 130. Cal Savings Bank 135. Central National Bank 162.50 Cltlseni National 226.0 250.00 Commercial National 1:5.00 150.00 Farmers' and Mer National 245.00' 800.00 nrtt National 430.09 450.00 German American Sav Bank ..30t.n0 "20.(i0 Home Savings of L. A v.HO.OQ 125.00 Merchants National ...475.00 4!»o.oo National Bank of Cal 150.00 200.01) National Bank of Com 85.00 114.00 Security Savlnjs 265.00 3.y).<V) Southern Trust Co 68.26 75.00 Miscellaneous Stocks Bid Ask. Portland Cement Co 60.00 Edison Electric pfd 86.00 88.00 Edlsion Electric com 66.60 70.00- Home Telephone pfd 64.00 55.00 L A Athletic Club 10.00 ti A Brewing Co 125.00 11 A Investment Co 2.45 2 75 Occidental Life ins Co 150.00 Pac Mut Life Ins Co 8.02 Pasadena H T nnd T Co 37.60 Riverside H T and T Co 39.00 San Diego H T and T Co 33.50 S Monica H T and T Co 30. "0 Seaside Water Co 50 .60 Title G and Tr Co pfd 170.00 210.00 Title I »nd Tr Co pfd 185.00 176.00 Title I and Tr Co com 136.00 175.00 ; Title 1 and Tr Ser C 136.00 175.00 I U R L D T and T Co 62.60 Union Trust Co 45.00 Whlttler H T and T Co 90.00 Oil Stocks Bid Ask. Amalgamated Oil Co 76.00 82.50 Associated Oil 88.60 38.87^ Brookshlre Oil 2.00 Central HSi .99 Columbia 1.14 1.18 Ccntlnental 22V4 Flk Cons Oil Co 06 .07% Fullerton Oil Co »... 50 Globe , 16',; .18 Mexican Petroleum 1.14 New Penn Petr Co 35i ... Cllnda Oil Co .245, Perseus Oil Co 29 .35 Plral Oil Co 11.00 Rice Ranch Oil Co 89 Ur.lon 94.60 94.75 Union Provident Co 93.00 United Petroleum 95.00 97.60 Western Union 75.00 100.00 Sales for Week Ending December 12 Boijds— High IjOW Sales Value Arsociated Oil.. 87.00 86.60 12 $10,402.60 Riverside H T. 61.00 60.00 1 610.00 Bank Stock%- Am. Nat. -8it...118.00 117.00 15 1,175.00 Central Nt. 8k.149.00 145.00 3 447.00 Industrial- -*. \ Edison Elec pfd 88.00 87.00 105 9,185.50 Tel.'pfd.. 57.25 56.50 55 3,133.76 Oil— Assoclated 40.60 37.50 1233. 48,906.00 Columbia 115.00 114.00 1000 1,150.00 Globe Oil 19.00 17.00 59.10D 6,975.25 Oilnda Land ... 24.76 24.00 6000 1,472.50 Rice Ranch .... 86.00 80.00 1000 800.00 Union Oil 95.50 94.75 63 6.885.25 Mining— Cal. Hills .14% .H% 8000 395.00 Ccns. Mines -.02'i .02 11,000 233.60 Johnnie Cons... .02% .01*; 4000 80.00 Nov. Bchlt 01 .00% 1000 10.00 Searcht Parallel .04% .04 7000 296.25 Totals 74,587 $90,566,50 . DAILY MINING CALL * Listed Stocks CALIFORNIA 'GREENWATER DIST— Bid ABk Cal. Hills Mining Co 07 .0814 Ccneolldated Mines Co til',4 .02!4 , NEVADA GOLDPIELD DISTRICT— CuMfli'ld Cons Minns 6.00 9.50 JOHNNIE DISTRICT- Jobnnle Con G M Co 01«4 .n2 Mohawk Johnnie .03 SEARCHLIGHT DISTRICT— Eldorado Can M and M Co 00V4 .OUS New Era 0214 Htarehllght M and H Co 1.00 Searchlight Parallel 03'i .Ol'.i ..«■ ...- California Dried Fruits NEW YORK, Dec. 17—Tho market for evaporated apples seems to be sllgktly easier in tone, with fancy quoted at R'/jWJlic; choice, 7U@Bo; rn-lme, 6>-y§7c; old crop, 4@Bc, accord ing to grade. Prunes are unchanged, with quotations ranging from 4%@7%c for new Cali fornia crop up to 40s to COs, and from 6^@7 1 / &c for Oregons up to 608 to 30s. prlcois are commanding full prices, with choice quoted at 9'/:«!)-)4c;- extra choice, 10©10Vic; fancy, U'.4© 13V4c. Peaches are steady," with choice quoted at 7@Tri<y, extra choice, 7!4®8o; fancy, 6\i.® lie* Raisins are unsettled with loos« musca tels quoted at BWe'.ic; choice to fancy seeded, 6®7!iu; aeedless, W/aSc; London layers, *1.6O(oP 1.60. ■■4 I » Chicago Live Stock CHICAGO. Dec. IT.—Cattle receipts about SOOO' market st«ady. Beeves, }4.6007.50; Texans. $3.40®4.28; westerns. »3.40(f}6.50; atockera and feeders, }2.60®4.70; cows and heifers, >1.50®4.90; calves, $6®S-60. Hogs necelpts about 35,000; market strons to 5c higher. Light, M-«O05.7O; mixed, »5.18@5.80; heavy. ,«s.2ngis'B2'«; rough, J5.20W6.40; good to choice heavy, 15.4001!.MM! PIfTS, |3.50®4.80; bulk of salea, JS.S-.W6.70. Sheep-Receipts about 23,000; market weak to 10c lower. Natives, »2.50i3>4.65; western. »2.50@4.70; yearlings. $4.2G#5.00; lambi |4.50@7.10; western, |4.50@7.23. • »» 1 — Cotton and Wool ST. LOUIS. Dec. Wool, Hrm; medium grades, combing and clothing. 18%®24c; light fine, 1614®20et heavy fine, 10&®16c; tub washed, 2S@3IV.iO. ■•"■... NEW YORK, Dec. 17.—Cotton futures opened unchanged to 3 point* lower, with the tone suady. nml clOMd barely aily. net 13 points lower to 10 points higher. , ' . Framed picture* and picture ■ ruining'. Sanborn, Vail * Co., 484 ana 733 S. Brfuny. RANCH EGGS ADVANCE; STORAGE EGGS DECLINE HEAVY TRADING CONTINUES IN ALL LINES Fancy Grapes, Tangerinet and Toma. toes Advance —Inferior Stock Sells at Low Figures. Plenty of Game Activity ceniored about local ranch eßgs on the produce exchange yesterday and the selling price advanced to 394(>41c, a differ ence of lc all around. Weakness manifest In storage selected eggs caused a drop of lc, the new quotation being 32@34c a dozen. Sales during call amounted to 213 cases of eggs. Local receipts were 04 cases. Qrapes advanced In tho market, reaching top «t 11.75 a lug box. The top price of tangerines advanoed to 12.26 a box, the bottom price holding at (1.50. Trading on the produce exchange was heavy and aside from the eggs sales there were sold 60 sacks of sweet potatoes. Tomatoes advanced to 850 as a top price nnd fancy stock wus scarce at that price. Superior stock sold as low as 25c. Business in fruit and vegetables continued excellent, every line of trade being active. Fish and game were plentiful. Produce Receipts Looal •((•, cases JJ Butter, pounds ''•';• Apples, boxes J'"J Potatoes, sacks ,1 Beans, sacks " bweet potatoes, sacks «■' Onions, sacks " Cheese, pounds '•00° Produce Prices Following «r« Hie wholesale Jobbms. "'ciTRUS FRUITS—LocaI oranges, $2.25® 2 75- lemons, $1,504(2.50; limer. s»c basket; Yuma oranges, $4iiT4.50; tangerines, $1.50© 2.25 packed, lug box. ,_^ r ».«,,'.r APPLES (per box)—B*I1», $1.00®1.2»; ouinces, 76c a box; white Astrachans, 85c; red Permalns, 11.00 1.10: Bpitnn berg $2®2.50; Jonathans. »2.75; Oanos, »1.60 Oregon. $1.60@1.75; Oregon Early Rose, Ber Davis, $l@1.05; Ben Caps. $1.50. BANANAS—4®4I4o per pound. . ' - GRAPEFRUIT (per box)—fancy, $» ooi» 1.25; choice, $1.76®8. ■ _■'■"■''■. POTATOES (per cwt >—Local Burbanm, $1.60 per bu; yellow sweet potatoes, $1.26; white, do. $11 red do. $1; Highland. 8101.25: Lompoc, 11.e091.76; Salinas, $1.66®1.76: Oregon. $1.60<5>1.76; Oregon Early Rose, $2.00. ■ * VEGETABLES — P«r do» bunch»a, 30336c; string beans, pound, 6®814c; car rots, per dozen bunches. 3u@36c; green onions, doien. 16@20c; celery, 40«60e dot.; green peas, G®7%c; radishes. 20c; spinach, 150 do*.; cucumbers. 60c@51.76 box; cauliflower, $1.65@2.00 crate; horseradish. 12c lb.: tomatoes, 40@85c per box; lettuce, $I.oo© 1 -5 per crate; turnips, 30®85o; squash, 60c lug box; Bell peppers. 15c lb.: okra. »o lb.; green corn, $1.10@1.26 sack; pumpkins, 114c lb • celery root, 66c; brussels sprouts, 9@loo lb"; green lima beans, 5(6.6c; egg plant, ic lb.; cabbage, $1@1.25 sack; rhubarb, 60c1 lug box; chicory, 36@400 doa.: artichokes. $1.10 doz ; parsley, 25i8>300 box; oyster plant, 40c lb.; red cabbage, 3%0 a pound; new potatoes, 85c a lug box. HONEY—Extracted. W. W.. «0-lb con. 8c; white, do. 7@714c; light ember do, «@e%c;.comb. W. W.. 1-lb. Jrames, lee: tomb, white. 16e; comb, light ambet. 1214 0 14c: beeswax, pound, SOc. •• „_.,.. —California ranch, candled, $9@4lc, local case oount, 35c; eastern fresh, 34 <a> 36c; selected storage, 82®84c. ... BUTTER — Creamery, extra, z-pouna roll, 72>4c; creamery, firsts, 650; eastern extra. 10c; cooking, 240. , CHEESE) (per pound)—Northern fr«nh, 17@17Hc; Anchor, large, 17o; Anchor, Toung America, 18c; Anchor hand, 19o; eastero singles l«o: do twins, 17He1; do ched- Hers, 17o; do long horns, 17H«Uo; do daisy. 17 H® 18c; Bwlss Imported. «8®IOo; So domesti® l«o; brick. Ho; lIm bUBEANS-(Per 100 lbs.) Small white, 15: Lady Washington. $4.60®4.75; pink, N(j 1. $3 25; blackeye. $3.50; llmas, $4.75®6; Qar vanzas. $8®3.60; lentils, $9; bayou. $3.50. ONIONS (per cwt.>_R.da. 11.00, silver •kins $1.26; yellow Danvers, $1®1.25; Aus tralian brown onions. $1ff11.26; crystal white. $1.25. GARLIC-12MJC lb. nuts (per lb.)—Almonds, fancr IXTi and Ne Plus, 14 016c; Braslls. lB@l«o; nlberts. 14 16c" pecans. 12®lao; California peanuts, raw, 6<B7c; eastern. 7M®Bo; Japan peanuts. ■ Uc- roasted. 2o additional; walnuts, rancy No 1. 141316c; do small No. a. loo; pine nuts I4c; cocoanuts. per do«.. »0o; bltwr almonds, 600 basket; black walnuts. «o lb. DRIED FRUITS (per lb.)— Apples, evapo rated, 7',i®Bo; apricots. .®»o; dates, golden, bulk. B'4c; black figs, 6e; do white, 50, lemon and orange peel, fancy 10-lb. boxe.. per lb., 15o; nectarines. ,#4? 10c; peaches, evaporalea, 7V4@B<=; pears, evaporated, fancy. 9o; plums, S«D»o; loose muscatels. 6 @6o; sultanas. 6®tfc. PERSIMMONS— $1.«5©1.o0 a crate. CHESTNUTS— IOO B pound. POMEGRANATE3-SI.JS lug bo*. OAUVA9— box. . PINBAPPLES —Per pound, 7® So. PRUNES-Banta Clara basis. 4 He; out "g'rAPES-$1.60®1.75. _ CRANBERRIES— II» a bbL DATES—B® 9o a pound. PEARS—SI®I.«. ' FRESH FIGS— $1©1.86. PEACHES —85c box. CANTALOUPES—4OO a dozen, winter can taloupes, $2 a crate; casabas. $1.76 a do*. BERRIES— strawberries, »®loc blackberries, SWo: hucklerberrles. «®6o; "■TuIHROOM^eS-M a basket. POULTRY— (Buying priceß): Uv« bens, 13c; young roosters. 16c; tryer* 17c; broilers 19® 20c old roosters. 6c; turkeys, 17c; old toms. 170- young" toms, 14c; hen turkeys, lie; geese. 12c; ducks, ligllHc- POULTRT-(Selllng prices): Live hens. 16c; young roosters, 18c; fryers, 20c; broilers, 229 t3c; old roosters. 8c; turkeys. 20c: old toms. 200 • young toms. 20c; h.n turkey*. 20c; geese. 14c; ducks. 14®16c, Retail Prices Following price* tot leading article* ol eonsumptlon prevail at the Loa Angeles 15 tt a S:::::::::::::: :|j Eggs ,eaterndo rH a y Market "*"" Hav-No 1 barley hay, $14®18; No. 1 do, $13 014* No 1 wheat hay, $18; do No. 2, $14®15; No 1 p°ain oat hay. $16®18; No. I i<r. $13®16; northern a"falfa. $16®17; local do, |U«I7. FLOUR AND FEED PRICES AT LOS ANGELES MILLS The following quotation* prevail at the Capi "" "mEALS, PER 100 LBS., IN SACKS Lba. 10 M M Por nat pastry flour 13.20 rv« Hour or meal «•*"" w-00 «*-ow rein n"al. W. and Y 2.80 2.75 2.70 Sat m"af. 'ste.l cut .....6.60 6.46 6.W OM meal ground «■» <•»> 4-26 gg^is i ii ii fp^'p^TyUow 5-30 a a Farina" .7T.... * *••• IM •■*• Itlerwl"un"bbu"."n«"wi:!^.b..4bW..M:"1 tlerwl"un"bbu"."n«"wi:!^.b.. 4bW..M:" K wheat in .ack». net wt. 60 Ib. Ik.. I.M SuckwhTat flour (bulk ..ami... .k. 100 lb.) 4.JJ luckwheat flour pur. >bulk ■«.ml«. 100 FM)UBI per BBU •••• FLO UK, PER BBL. Capitol, mado pt eastern, and California wheat, blended 16.00 Aurora •" 5.60 Mikado •••••• •■••• *■*• Trouhy •■ i *'W No. 1 haid tbakers). made of eastern hard v' wbeat.i * • 6.20 Capitol, bakers' extra eaatern and Colifor nla wheat blended , ■> 5.«0 Our Giant (bakers) eastern and California wheat blended •••; 6.50 EFlour in"i"i«cki"«oo'per b'bi. higher. '" ' FEED. PER M0 i^BS. nailed barley |l.<S6|orackeil corn |i.s} Bran .:".... I.SSiPeed meal 1.80 Short. , l.MlWheat I.N Wheat, 100-lh. «k.. .25) Corn 1.80 Blended wheat flours: , Bakers'Magnolia flour ■• 5 80 Corn .........;.......... I.SO Corn, small yellow 1.85 Whit* oats • 1-JJ Oil cak» S-M Kaffir corn .....™^i.M Capitol flour Is retailed at $1.65 per H eack anil BSO per Mr sack. j ' > ■ " The following quotations prevail at the Olobe mills: FLOUR— • . „ „ Al flour $».<V)]O]obe flour .$8.20 Made of select California wheat: ■ Sliver Star|XXX 7 flour $5.00 Eighth bbls. 20c bbl. higher. Bakers' flour (made of eastern hard wheat), per bbl. I „ Globe flour $<.20|Eastern graham...KZ" Bakers Al flour... 5 HOlpastry flour •■ 5.10 Eastern rye 6.201 Al flour lc. retailed at $1.«6 per % «•<* and 850 for H sack. Globe .Family. $1-70 P«r * sack and 90c per % sack. MEAL AND CEREAL GOODS (per 100 lbs). li^ ""■ 60 Al flour .$3.40 •■■• •••• Pastry flour 3.20 Graham flour .....8.10 .... •••■ Corn meal, W. and T 2.50 2.75 2.70 Whole wheat flour 3.20 3.05 8.0» Rye flour : 8.60 5.55 8.60 Cracked wheat 8.60 $.66 . 8.60 Farina 3.60 8.56 8.50 Wheat flakes - .... V M do per bbl. 125 lbs. net 4 -25 Wheat. No. 1 (100 lbs.) $1.90: wheat, (100-lb. sneks) No. 1, $1.96: corn (100 lb.) $1.80; cracked corn (100 lbs.) $1.85; feed meal (100 lbs.) $1.90; rolled barley (100 lbs.) $1.66; oil cake meal (104 lbs.) $2-.60; shorts (100 lbs.) $1.80: bian, heavy, (100 lbs.) $1.68; Kaffir corn. $1.80; white oaU. 81.85; sted rye. $1.75. «• ♦ » | MINING QUOTATIONS Yesterday's quotations of the Los Angeles-Ne vada Mining Slock exchange were as follows: California Bid Ask Collfornla Hills 08',4 .09 Ccn9. Mines Co .02 ... JOHNNIE DISTRICT— Johnnie M and M 13 .16% Crown Point Globe 11 Nevada TONOPAII DISTRICT— Jim Butler 1614 Montana 75 .80 Tcnopah Extension .46 .60 West End 21)Vi .32 OTHER DISTRICTS— Balloon Hill Fraction 01 Nevada Hills 1.20 Searchlight Parallel 03i4 .<'3?i Rawhide Coalition .65 .70 Rawhide Queen .76 Hi-nnom 01% .0144 ClHra Cona .75 Copper Creek v 32 ... UCLDFIELD DISTRICT— Combination Fraction 1.83 1.35 Daisy 74 ,W Dlamondfleld .1254 Florence 4.42H Florence L and M 1.01) 4.00M Francea Mohawk 10 ...' CloMflelri Cons Mlnea 7.b0 Great Bend 24Vi .26 Jumbo Extension IB .23 St. Ives M'i .17 Eaby Florence 01V« M% Blue Bull' HVi Jluhawk Ledge 02 .OJVi Orci 12 Red Hills 18 .20 Uureka 01 .Mli Great Bend Annax 05 .06 MlUtown Fractl-jn 9.00M .01V4 Red Hill* M and L 3.00M BULLFROG DISTRICT— Bonnie Clan- 06 Homestake King 00 .10 Trami- Cons 10 -lOVs Ligu Harris 300 3.50 MANHATTAN DISTRICT— Menhattan Dexter 03 .04 OIL STOCKS— Amalgamated 78.00 82 50 Asnoclated Oil 88.00 39.00 Globe Oil 161i 11V* llexlcan Petroleum pfd 68.00 65.00 Mexican Petroleum com 16.76 . Oiinda ' 21 Morning Sales 1000 Bonnie Clare at 6c; 2000 Cal. Hills at 3c; 000 Comb. Fraotlon at |1.88; 200 Fraction at 5. 36- 200 Daisy at 75c; 6000 Dexter at 814c; 300 Frances Mohawk at 10c; 600 Great Bend at 25c; 4000 Homeistake at »c; 2000 Jim Butler at 1614c; 1100 Jumbo l£x. at 19c; 1000 Mohawk Ledge at 214c: 200 Montana at 80c; 2000 Searchlight Paral lel at 3V»e; 3000 Tramp at 10c; 1000 West End at 31c; 60 Associated Oil at J35.60. Afternoon Sales 1000 Bonnie Clare at «c; COM Parallel at IVjtOj U«0 Cal Hills at 9140 (B. 30); 3000 at 8c; 7000 Eureka at WM; 4000 at *9.60M; 26,000 at lc; 26, --000 at llio; 200(1 at 114c. SAN FRANCISCO QUOTATIONS (Exclusive dlspatca to The Herald by L. A. Crlsler & Co., member! Los Angeles-Nevada Mining Stock Exchange, 305 San Fernando bU S FR^NC AI D6 C o:"Deo. ,7,-Moderat. l.qu.- SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 17.—Moderate liqui- tlon and short sales caused lower prioes for most of tho Ooldfleld Issues In the mining mar ket 'today. Qoldfleld Consolidated slid down Bfti points under small selling orders from the ea?t. Florence opened with 14.45 bid, but was well supported and soon advanced to yester. day's figure of M-60 bid. where It closed In good demand. Fraction and Daisy remained stationary, there being very little selling pres sure In these atocks. \ Trading was light all along with practically nothing doing in the outsida district*, . v Ooldtteld Wist.- B'd Ask Bid Ask Tonopah Dlst.— Adam. • 3 4Belmont .." 87 89 AUama " 1« 18 Jim Butler .... 1. U Booth..:: M 26 Midway 19 W Blk Butte Ex.. 1 3 Montana 75 81 Blue Bull 11 12MoNamara .... «2 31 Blue Bell 4 5 North Satr .... i 6 B B Bonanza. 1 2 Rescue Cons... 3 4 l.'olumb Mtn... 16 18 Tonop Mng .. »0 Conqueror .... 3 6 Tonoph Ex 60 62 Comb Frae....132V4 West End Con. 30 SI Crackerjack ..6 6 Bullfrog Dlst.- Dalsy 75 77 Amethyst 2 3 Dla B B Con 10 12 Bullfrog Mini?. 1 Triangle J 4,Hullfrog N Bk. 3 6 Dixie " Bonnie Clare li [•'mnlre - 3 Qolden Scepter.. 1 Florence 460 455 Gold Bar 1 2 Florence 8x... 8 10 Homestk. King 3 10 Frances Mhk.. .. 10|Montgy Shos. .. . 1 Ooldfleld C0n.792',4 795Montgy Mtn... 6 7 Kewanas 26 27 Mayflower Con 7 8 Great Bend.... 25 2.i Orlg Bullfrog.. 1 2 Ot Bd Annex.. 6 G Tramp Con .... 10 11 Gt Bd Ex 6 6 Manhattan Dist.— Grandma "... 6 7|L!ttle Grey 1 3 Jumbo Ex .... 20 21Manhat Cons... 6 7 Kendall ..:... 9 .. Manhat Ming.. 1 2 Lono Star .... 6 6 Manhat Dexter S 4 Lou Dillon ... 1 2 Mustang ....... 2 3 Mtlltn Frac 1 Seyler Humphy .. Mhk Hxten.... 1 2 Thanksgiving... 3 4 Nev Goldfleld. 2 j Other Distrlcts- ; Oro - 3 Eagle's Nest ned Top Ex.. 5 6 Palrvlew Eagle.. 35 Red Hills .... 18 20 Johnnie Con... 1 Sandstorm »IS .. Nev Hill 123 130 Bandjtorrn .... 15 17MUS gllv Pk. 82 sr> Sliver Plcic ... 10 11 Round Mtn .... 91 m Yellow Rose... 1 2 Coalition 68 N Tellow Tiger.. 13 15| BOSTON COPPER MARKET (Special service to The Herald by B. F. Hut ton & Co.. bankPi-s and brokers, members New York Stock exchange. 113 West Third street. L EOSTONri)ec. 17.-Tho following wcro the closing quotations today: Bl.i Ask Bid Ask D Butte .... u'i Mont C C. 45 47 Suor & Pitts J7K I'hi Parrot 2i}* t-'i Sa??S »?ra^ lar. dß^ S:S£ th J j£s Eb &ga<Sa s Butte Coal ::260-i 261-.i 1 P Wl 101*4 Centennial .. 33>, 31 Kone .128 125% nalv West 10 in',; Adventure ... 816 574 ar.nbv " 103 1M 21« 2l*i M™cury . .60 75 Miami 12",4 1214 Mohawk ... «8 68>i Newhouse ... 6H 6* An«dTan .... S'i 31i Supr Copr.... 43^ 44« Atlantlo .... 16's 17 Apex 594 6 f..l * Ariz 116 11T Mass ......... 6 IU Ton Merour. 38 40 Arl* Cornel.. 37 • 3.Vi Oreenfi Can. 10T4 11 Cal Hec1a....665 ■■ Mexican .... 414 4%Copr Range.. 7814 79 N Bulte . lIS «2K Franklin .... 16 16M Osciola 1M 1» Mass Gas 36 67 Qulncy . "... 93 35 do pfd 88 87 Shannon .... 16U 17 Mlchigaa .... 13% 1M Victoria ... 3? ,3H Nevada 18'4 19 Wyandotte.. 2% 2»4 Phoenix 60 61 La Sallo .... 14ii miSan.a Fe .... 2% 214 do pM .....46 46U Trinity , 1614 IT B & Malne.,l3B .. I!tah Con .... 44% 451i Fltchbg pfd.13015 ■■ Wolverine ...IS2 154 NH ■■■■■■ -158 .. Zinc 24H 2514 a p ' . 6»; 6 Isle Royale.. 2214 23 s M '.'.'.'. 67>4 U 1' S Ming.... 4314 43% NEW YORK CURB (Special Bervlce to Thi> Herald by B. F. Yay lor 624 Citizens National Bank building mem ber Los Angeles-N,evada Mining Stock ex- CINEW YORK, Dec. 17.— Following were open- Ing and closing quotations today: Open. Close. Hid A«k * Bid Ask Goldfleld Cons .....;8.00 <, 8.06W 7.»3% 8.00 piorenoe ....;......-4.60 4.56H 4.43% 4.60 Comb. i'rai-t 1.53 1.37 1.52 , l.» ' Daisy f. 77 .79 .72^ .75 Clearing House Banks ; MAM- ; OFWCKBg , •Droadway Bank & Trust Company Z^AgSffifSlgZ""- ' ■D Capital, $2»,000. .•'. .,«,» 808-310 Broadway. Bradbury building. Burp'"' and Undivided Proflta. tm.m. T Tnited States National Bank ~ i?A^M?o_£J_: Pr"Mtl" -*-» '\ Capital, $200,000. 8. B. comer Main and Commercial. Surplus and Proflta. < $60,000. __ pommercial National Bank W A BONTNGE, Prealdent. ■, /commercial National Bank norman essick. c_iki«r. V^ , Capital, $300,000. '■„«»-' <03 South Spring, corner Fourth. Surplus nd Undivided Proflta. m.ore. nnhe National Bank of Commerce SkAR~»n^w«TSSSai"! •*• IN LOS ANOEI—3 Capital, $300,U00; N. E. corner Second and Main. Burplua. .o<H>. •parmers & Merchants National Bank £ H^, Hl^is-^^a%- s •*■ . Capital. $1,600,000. Corner Fourth and Main. Burp'm and Proflta. $l.M0,0l)«. pirst National Bank M T .E B L^I f T M o PND." Ic_h,.r. ■*• Capital StocK, »1.360.000. 8. E. corner Second and Spring. Burplua and Proflta. $1.460,000. M»iv-Viantc- Matinnai Pantr w- H- HOLL.IDAY, President, ercnants n ationai _anic marco h. hellman. cashiar. Capital. $200,000, S. E. corner Third and Spring. Burplua and Proflta, $500.000. Am*riran National Rank w- F- BOTSFORD, President. merican ationai canit WM w WOOD s, cashier. Capital, $1,000,000. B. W. corner Second and Broadway. Burplua and Proflta. 8175,000. National Rank of California J- E- FISHBURN. Prealdent. ationai BanK 01 caiiiorma a w F i SHB cashier. , Capital, $600,000.00. N. E. corner Fourth and Spring. Hurji'un and Undivided Profits. 8139.00t. . Central National Bank GEORon mason. Praaidem. erurai i\duuudi nanit j B GIST, cashier. * 8. E. corner Fourth and Broadway. Capital. $300,000; Burplm. $£00.00*. Citiy«»n<; National Bank R J- waters. president. itizens XNaiionai nans _ 3 WATERS> c _hi«r. Capital, $300,000. 8. W. corner Third and Main. Surplus and Proflta, $375.0»., „,' ^'i-^ _*_?__________________!=___i_______! Iir^ OLDESTANO LARGEST 'nsouthwes? tO^^il^^^lßi^MK m. 20 000 OVER ™ Cy^a jSS-sSB-tMIiL 120,000.000.^ a- * ■ ■ r> m r» I w- J- WA6HUUKN. frwident: WILUIB it. r/illlt-KIA \3Uin>lC KanV BOOTH, Vlc» President; P. F. JOHNHO.V, LOU! Id OuVlllUO UuIIH C"*h'er; R. T. JONKS, Asst. Cashier. ■.IJUIIUI/iV wullllyu «-r«im N _ B COR pjnaT AND BPRINQ ««, Bcoth 28 .37 .28 .31 Atlanta 16 .18 .16 .18 Silver Pick 11 .13 .11 .12 Red HIIIH 18 .20 .18 .20 Great Bend 28 .'_':> .22 .29 Bclmont 88 .93 .88 .93 McNamara 30 .85 .80 .35 Jim Butler 18 .19 .17!4 .18 Tvnopah e.87',4 7.00 6.75 8.87',4 Tonopah Kx 47 .53 .48 .60 West End 32 .33 .31 .33 Tramp 11 .12 ' .11 .12<i Pitts Silver Peak.. .Sf. .96 .85 .90 ShoshoWT 8714 .93% .S7V4 1.00 Montana .V 80 ... .80 .90 Nevada Hills 1.00 ... 1.40 Greenwater 04 .06 .04 .05 Furnace Creek 11 .16 .14 .15 Midway 18 .23 ' .18 .11 Coalition 70 .75 .70 .73 1 s " COMSTOCK*MINING STOCKS (Special service to The Herald by B. F. Tay lor, 621 Citizens National Bank building mem ber Los Angeles-Nevada Mining Stock ex- j change). SAN FRANCISCO, Deo. 17.-Following were closing quotations today: Open. Close. Bid Ask BW Ask Ophir 1.70 1.75 1.65 1.70 Mfxlcan 85 ... .85 .86 Gould and Curry 08 .09 .08 .09 Con Va 76 .77 .76 .77 Savage 22 .2:1 .22 .23 Hale and Norcross.. .32 .33 .31 ,11 Tellow Jacket 47 .48 .47 Bt'.cher 88 .*!> .25 Confidence 1.45 ... 1.00 .110 Sierra Nevada 2-' .23 .12 .23 Exchequer 25 ... .18 Union 19 .20 .1» .20 Chollar 07 ... .07 Pctosl ... .10 .11 The Metal Market NEW TOTIK, Deo. 17.—Tin waa steady In the London market, with spot closing at £132 2s 6d and futures at £133 10s. The local market was dull with spot quoted at 928.90@29.18. Copper advanced In the Engllsk market, with »pot quoted at £62 12s 6d and futures at £63 10s. Locally copper waa unsettled, with lake quoted at $14.26@14.37%; electrolytic, 114014.UK; and casting at $18.8714@14. Lead was unchanged at JEI3 C» ad ill London and at $4-20@4.25 in the local market. Spelter was unchanged at both market!, closing at £20 15s in London and at Ja. 10®5.15 locally. Locally iron wu unchanged. « ■ « FAIL TO DECIDE ON IMPROVED LOCATION Commission of George Junior Republic Will Meet Again for the Purpose of Visiting Other Pro. posed Sites No definite, action was taken by the commission of tho George Junior re public at Its meeting In Judge Wil bur's court yesterday afternoon -with reference to the proposed removal of the republic from San Fernando lo some point nearer Los Angeles. It seemed to be the sentiment of the members, however, that a change of location should be made, and the com mission will meet again today for the purpose of visiting several proposed Bites which may be available. The present location is an old hotel, constructed in boom days, about two miles from San Fernando. The building* la considered old-fashioned, cheerlens and too far removed from Los Angeles. The commissioners prefer some place on the car line and not too far from the city. It is difficult for the boys to secure work at the present location. —< ■ » SAYS PULLMAN PORTERS GET ENOUGH FOR MEALS ■ General Manager of Company Testi. fies at Interstate Hearing Tips Are Due to Selfishness of Patrons CHICAGO, Dec. 17.—The tipping system, particularly as it applli to the Pullman company, underwent a fleeting inquiry before Interstate Com merce Commissioner Lane yesterday. Richmond Dean, general manager of the Pullman company, Into whose rates Mr. Lane Is inquiring, denied the pub lic tips the porter because he is under paid, and observed: "The tipping custom is a result of the selfishness of persons who desire better service than their fellows and are willing to pay for It." Counsel for the complainant asked Mr. Dean: "What Is the salary of a porter?" "They are paid 125 a month," ans wered the witness. "Does the company furnish them their meals?" "The company does not." "I think it takes that much to buy their meals, then," commented the law yer. _* : . ; Schmitz Must Find Bondsman SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 17.—Superior Judge - Dunne today granted former Mayor E. E. Schmlti until Saturday to nnd a substitute bondsman for Willliiin J. Dlngee, who, with Thomas H. Wil liams, is his surety for, $400,000 in the. graft eases against him. gHtMjHHB Hotel Alexandria, Mllla Bulldlr Loa Angeles. San Francises J. C. WILSON Member Mew York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, The Stock and Bond Exchange, S. P. PRIVATE WIRES. Now Is the Best Time to buy the most desirable local bonds and stocks at attractive prices. JAMES H. ADAMS & CO. 111-113 West Fourth St., Los Angeles. Cat STENCILLING —taught by— KATHHYN Rt'CKBR. Classes heM In the Y\ W. C. A. Inquire for terms. PERMITS DURING MUNICIPAL YEAR MWrff»Bf"rMPw Tfl^MMßi^i^WfTteT>nrffiTr> iiti nd'i nmfr i ■ ' ■ INSPECTOR'S REPORT SHOWS CITY'S GREAT GROWTH Permits Total 7190, Giving a Frontage of Twenty.two Miles—Additional Structures Make Six Miles More The department of building submitte.l its report of the municipal year 1907 --1908 to the board of public works yes terday. The report shows a total of 7190 permits for the year, amounting to $9,667,735, giving a frontage for new buildings <St 116,160 feet, or twenty-two miles; ti frontage for new stables, sheds and barns of 12,660 feet, or 2.4 miles; a frontage for additions of 17,757 feet, or 3.4 miles, making a total of 146,397 feet, or nearly twenty-eight miles. In addition were Issued 14,629 permits for sanitary plumbing, sewerage and cesspools and 7150 permits for Installa tion of gas piping; also 276 permits for the erection of fire escapes, twenty seven permits for moving picture exhi bitions and forty-two permits for the maintenance of house courts. The fig ures serve to illustrate the growth, of Los Angeles In a most substantial way. The report of Chief Building Inspector Backus, as segregated by Chief Clerk Cohn, is as follows: Total number of permit« and valuation fat each ward: First ward 686 % 624,5(2 Second ward i«| 52«,90* Third ward «s 1,863,816 Fourth ward 75s 1,638,345 Fifth ward 1969 - 2.836,1134 Sixth ward ..1528 1,234.144 Seventh ward 237 494,331 Eighth ward 156 154,67» Ninth ward 747 . 544,233 Total for the year.... 7190 5:>.«57,755 Total Dumber and valuation of tho vari ous classes of buildings: Class A, Htoi'l frame struc -111 res— Two-story 1 » 111,000 Bix-story 1 200,000 Seven-story 1 . 80,900 Ten-story 1 - 600,000 Class A, reinforced con crete— '-story '..',,". 1 20,000 Two-story | 123, Class B, brick buildings— ' One-story r^vn&#ißK 15,500 Class C, brick buildings— One-story inn 31S.S1S Two-story 48 413,055 Three-story 1... JO 431,017 Four-story 7.... 3 122,000 Slx-»tory 1 159,001) Class X>, frame buildings— One-story 3129 3,287,178 One and one-half story.. J53 711,743 ■ Two-story 487- 1,»41,193, Three-story 11 10S,<00 Four-story 1. . ■ 6.000 Churches 5 11,000 Public buildings, municipal 8 , 314,457 Stables and sheds «03 80,103 Brick alterations 363 311,CSS Frame alterations Jos* 591,261; Foundations S. 7.400 Demolitions 1 11 8,515 Total for the year.... 7190 . 19.66J.735: Report of receipts and expenditures: ;\* \J,% Month— Receipts. Expenditures." December, 1007 ...... $2,050 J2.557.1M* January, 1908 1,997.25 2.K44.57 February," 1908 1,306.9c! '; 2.335.83, March. 1908 .. .. 3,011.83 3.681.95; April, 1908 .......... 2,735.00 5.1H.57; May. 1908 MM.II •-',350.07 J\me, 1908 J.26Z.90 . ' J.UI.TS.; July, 1908 5.J12.80 2,854.43; August. 1908 2,917.75 2.65».40 September. 1908 3.225.«5 2.828. October, 1908 . ... 3.598.05 ,2,681.69' November. 1908 .....; 3.239.»5 , 1,550.28. . T.itßl for year.'.»34.<ii s:. ■ >;|Sl.4«t.Cf! .. Balance ;..... r...;..: ; 3.07J.3J ■ -->,-,... : • , • ■ ■■ 13M76.85 tJ4.m.«; 9