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WANTED Help—Male THE HERALD TENDERS THE FREE USS of its "Situation Wanted" columns for an Indefinite period to any one seeking employ ment. Each ad will be run one time, but may b* renewed as often as desired by bring ing It to the counter of The Herald office each day. This privilege is restricted to those seeking employment and will not o« granted to employment agencies and others tnakiar a business of seeking to supply help. I MADE $50,000 IN FIVE YEARS IN THE mail order business, and began with only a few dollars. There are unusual opportunities for making money today and It is not diffi cult to begin. If you have even small capital and want to start a mail order business of your own send for my fc-ee booklet. It tells how to make money. Address publisher, THE MAIL ORDER WORLD, box 1022, Lockport, _ N. T. s-l-x BIX WEEKS' INSTRUCTION IN SAL^S manship, position as traveling salesman with responsible firm guaranteed. Address BRAD STREET SYSTEM, Rochester. N. Y. 12-27-29 WANTED—BOYS TO DELIVER PAPERS. Call circulation department of HERALD. . 10-U-U Help—Female WANTED—LADIES. FLORENTINE HAlR dressing College, "The Big Broadway Beauty School," a profession that costs you less, earns you more. Entrance 227 MERCANTILE PLACE. F7287. 1-3-25: WANTED-100 CHORUS GIRLS. APPLY TO Mrs. Leslie, 11 o'clock, at stage entrance of AUDITORIUM THEATER. 1-15-2 Situations—Male A MALE NURSE, CAPABLE MASSEUR, A graduate under the famous Battle Creek method, expert in hydriatic treatment, seek ing an education along higher therapeutic lines, offers his services at a reasonable fig ure far home treatment from 2 p. m. on. Phones Main 4296; A 4296. Leave address when phoning. E. M. FROST, 318 Clay st. 1-15-1 MAN OF CLEAN HABITS AND BEST OF references wants employment in exchange for board, room and small pay. Will keep order about premises or do general repair work or janitor work, or work in small dairy, or do any light, respectable work; is a thor ough mechanic, makes and repairs most any thing, and has tools. BOX _7, Herald. 1-15-1 SITUATION WANTED BY AN ALL around painter, tlnter and hardwood fin isher; handy with tools; can do general repair work around apartment house, hotel or hospital; will leave the city and work reasonable. BOX 1226, Herald. 1-15-1 PHYSICIAN, 3Z, SINGLE, SOBER, healthy, good address and appearance; recent physician-in-chief to large New York hos pital; skilled in all schools of treatment; highest references. Call or write. DR. J. H. 8., Broadway hotel, City. 1-15-1 WANTED—POSITION BY YOUNG MAN IN furniture business; good salesman; can pol ish, repair and collect; no objection to de livering; good references. Address A. DOR RINGTON, 1211% Industrial street, Los An geles. 1-15-1 WANTED—POSITION OF TRUST AS COL lector; resident of city four years; mar ried; age 24; have local bank references; can give bond. Address W. H. BLODGETT, 2621 Thorpe avenue. Phone: East 2732. 1-15-1 WANTED—WORK AS BOOKKEEPER, OF fice man, collector; ten years' eastern, two years' Los Angeles experience; thoroughly understands modern methods. Address DALBY, 208 East 28th street. 1-15-1 WANTED—POSITION IN LAW OFFICE BY law stenographer of several years' expe rience. Highest credentials; any machine; mouerate salary if chance for advancement. BOX 111, Herald. 1-15-1 YOUNG MAN WANTS A POSITION AS ELE vator operator, have experience and license; will work for small wages; best of city ref erences. J. ROSS ROCKEY, 248 S. Flower street. 1-15-1 A RELIABLE MAN DESIRES A POSITION as draughtsman or assistant to civil en gineer; willing to do tracing or any other work around office. BOX 1268, Herald. 1-15-1 ACTIVE MAN, 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN grocery and general, seeks employment, town or country; abstainer and non-smoker; high est references. BOX 1293, Herald. 1-16-1 SITUATION WANTED AS CAR#ENTER OR handy man at anything else. HUGO LIN DEGREN, 906 East Sixth street. Phone: Broadway 2157. 1-15-1 WANTED—SITUATION AS COLLECTOR by pushing but diplomatic young man with wheel. Address BOX 1228, Herald. 1-8-tf PRACTICAL GARDENER WANTS TO PUT in new lawns and care for gardens, by day or month. Write BOX 113, Herald. 1-15-1 SITUATION WANTED—POLISHER, BUFFER and grinder wants steady position. HARRY LORENZ. New Turner hall, Main st. 1-15-1 SITUATION WANTED—DRIVER OR TAK ing care of horses by a young man with good references. BOX 166, Herald. 1-15-1 WANTED—PLACE BY YOUNG MAN TO work for board and room where one can go to school. Phone: EAST 1860. 1-15-1 SITUATION WANTED—MACHINIST WANTS steady position. LOUIS SIEBERT, Golden State hotel, East Fifth street. 1-15-1 STENOGRAPHER WANTS POSITION, PER manent or temporary; 10 years' experience; references. Phone A 6795. 1-15-1 MIDDLE-AGED MAN WANTS WORK housecleaning or yard, or any kind of work. BOX 112, Herald office. 1-15-1 WANTED—POSITION BY A MAN WITH extensive experience in real estate broker age. W1253. 1-14-3 EXPERIENCED HARDWARE CLERK seeks position; good references. BOX 1203, Herald. 1-15-1 VIOLIN TAUGHT BY EAR OR MUSIC; terms reasonable. Write BOX 109, Herald 1-15-1 Situations—Female WANTED —A NINE-ROOM MODERN house, between Sixteenth and Twenty-fourth, Western and Arlington; terms. LEWIS, 534 Central Bldg. F7871. l-14-16-16-17-18-5t YOUNG LADY, CAPABLE AND OBLIGING, desires position as companion to elderly lady, or any housework except cooking. Address BOX 600, Ventura, Cal. 1-14-7 WANTED—YOUNG WOMAN WITH SOME knowledge of shorthand wishes office po sition. Please address BOX 215, Herald. 1-13-3 GRADUATED SPANISH TEACHER WANTS advanced Spanish students; $1 month; also beginners. At 810 N. BROADWAY. 1-15-1 EXPERIENCED TEACHER DESIRES PU pils in voice, piano, elocution, fancy dancing BOX 110, Herald office. 1-15-1 RESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS DAY work; no washing or cooking. Write BOX 109, Herald. 1-15-1 MARRIED WOMAN WANTS HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms in exchange for work. BOX 109, Herald. 1-16-1 Partners PARTNER WANTED—YOUNG LADY WITH $200 to buy half interest in Turkisk bath parlor; one who is experienced in hair dress ing and manicuring preferred. Address 629% 8. BROADWAY. l-15-l€-17-3t To Rent WANTED—A NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE between Sixteenth and Twenty-fourth, West ern and Arlington Heights. F7871. LEWIS, 834 Central Bldg. l-15-5t Live Stock WANTED —GOOD SADDLE HORSE FOR his k««p or would rent at reasonable price; best of care guaranteed. BOX 1261, Herald. 1-12-3 Read Herald Classified Columns Today=Then Use Them FOR RENT Houses PICO FURNITURE MOVING CO. Will move all your furniture and piano for $8. Seven large open vans, piano trucks, covers anjl experienced men. Trips to all beaches and country; satisfaction guaranteed. Phones WEST 1456, 54108. 1-15-4 I FOR RENT—S3O; MODERN 7-ROOM COT tage on Park Grove aye.; corner, east front, very sunny exposure; close to 2 car lines; excellent neighborhood. DR. LUND, 416 Auditorium bldg. 1-15-1 FOR RENT—BETWEEN WESTLAKE AND city, beautiful 6-room bungalow, artisti cally furnished; linen, cut glass, silver, etc.; rent $40. Phone TEMPLE 1352. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—A MODERN HOUSE, 5 BED rooms, overlooking the arroyo; suitable for family of adults, with or without board. Phone 3904 T. 1-15-4 1 FOR RENT—COTTAGE, 4 SMALL ROOMS, freshly tinted; fronts avenue; lawn, bath, gas, electricity; $10. 3810 WOODLAWN. Maple cars. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —FURNISHED REAR COT tage of 2 rooms; modern conveniences. Highland Park. 130 W. AYE. 54. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —1017 WALL; 9-ROOM HOUSE, barn, shed and chicken house; close in. Some furniture. Phone 22867. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—S2S MONTHLY, 5 ROOMS, bath, gas; close in. 431 TOWNE AYE. Phone Home 31159. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—NEW 6-ROOM HONSE, OAK floors, large attic, cellar. 334 W. 56TH South 5246. 1-15-4 FOR BNT —6-ROOM MODERN CORNER house, 1400 E. 18TH, $22.50, with water. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—4-ROOM HOUSE WITH WA ter, $10. Inquire 1360 WALL. 1^1 5-4 Houses—Furnished FOR RENT—THREE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, complete, screen kitchen; porcelain bath, two beds, barn, $20. 1407 EAST 23D ST. 1-16-8 Apartments FOR RENT —NICELY FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms, $8,50, $4.60 by month; $14, $18; furnished room $2.50, month $10. THE BON AIR, 216 S. Bunker Hill aye. __ 1-12-3 Rooms FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED NEW 3 room apartment, built-in bed, mantels; hardwood floors; fine finish; hot and oold water free, private bath; reasonable rent; good neighborhood. 1216 W. 4TH ST. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—S3 WEEK FOR BEAUTIFUL large rooms, single or en suite, thorough ly clean, modern conveniences; fine nigh location, beautiful view. THE DETROIT. 353 S. Hope st. Phone Main 4809. l-la-4 FOR RENT—FOUR LARGE ROOMS, BATH, closets, mantel, fine finish, water free, porch, sunny, high, good neighborhood. Take Crown Hill car to Bolyston. See owner, 1216 W. 4TH. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, moderate price; fine neighborhood; bath, electric lights, etc., 1627 ORANGE ST., between Valencia and Union. Phone 52517. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —MODERN 3-ROOM APART ments at Long Beach, "ocean front," fur nished complete, $15. See us and save money. 818 XJNIO^f TRUST BLDG. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—TriERB WILL BE SOME good rooms vacant this week at the IjIENOX CHAMBERS, 640 S. Spring St.; hot water, steam heat, private baths. FOR RENT—S2 WEEK UP, NICE LIGHT rooms; also housekeeping rooiru; all con veniences; parlor, piano etc. HOTEL FAREMONT, 656 S. Main St. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —$1.50 WEEK UP FOR LARGE single rooms; also housekeeping rooms; low rates; all conveniences, close in. THE ROSSMORE. 416 W. 6th st. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—A NICE FRONT ROOM FOR a doctor's office or dressmaking parlor; also furnished rooms from $2 to $3 per week, at 344 S. HILL ST. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —$1.50 A WEEK UP, SINGLE rooms; also modern housekeeping suites; all conveniences, at reasonable rates. THE MOBERLY, 616 S. Hope. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —UNFURNISHED, 2 SUNNY front rooms; modern conveniences; gaa, bath and phone; rent $9 month. 741 W. 16TH. Tel. Bdway. 4074. 1-16-4 FOR RENT —HOTEL CADILLAC, 932 A S. Main; new management; beat furnished rooms in city, $2.50 week up; $10 month up. Phone F4456. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —6 NICELY FURNISHED OUT side rooms, sunny, $45; walking distance Near Figueroa st. 1213 B. W. 7TH. Phone Broadway 1600. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—HOTEL CARLINO 422 W. 2d St., nicely furnished rooms for business men or women, $2 week up. Permanent or transient. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—WARM, COMx - jftTABLE, sunny front room, well furnished, for quiet, respectable gentleman; $2 a week. 136 N. OLIVE ST. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS, ONE block from 8. P. depot; corner rooms, suit able for doctor or other office. 601 GLADYS. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—I FURNISHED ROOM, MOD ern conveniences; very cheap rent; pleas ant home; breakfast if desired. 625 E. 22D ST. 1-15-4 T- ' i — __ , i in. - FOR KENT —OUTSIDE SUNNY ROOMS; new building, new furniture; running water; rates $1.50 up; 50c a day 813 E. FIFTH. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —$2 PER WEEK UP, SUNNY front rooms, running- water, bath, phone, electricity, etc. THE FLOYD, 823£ W. Third. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY single rooms, with all conveniences; low rates; fin* location. 333 S. BUNKER HILL. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —2 AND 3-ROOM HOUSEKEEP ing suites, newly furnished; one block from court house. 326% W. TEMPLE ST. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—BRIGHT, SUNNY FURNISHED rooms; good downtown location; all out side rooms; low rates. 822V£ S. MAIN ST. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—BRIGHT, SUNNY HOUSE keeping and single room*; rates $1.50 up; suites $10 a month up. 765 SAN JULIAN. 1-15-4 REFINED YOUNG MAN WANTS ROOM mate; elegant large rooms, 2 beds; good table, for $5 per week. Call 631 W. 16TH. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—FURNISHED SUNXY BACK parlor; breakfast if desired. Price reason able. 1107 ORANGE. Phone 52370. IK) YOU WANT A ROOM? CLEAN, COM fortahie, walking distance. Apply lf>l4 W. 4TH. Phone Broadway 1123. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—BRIGHT, SUNNY FURNISHED rooms, good location; new house; bath. Rates $1.75 up. 464 E. STH ST. 1-15-1 FOR RENT—A LARGE SUNNY ROOM with or without board, private family. Phone and both. 054 ORANGE ST. FOR RENT—DESIRABLE SUNNY ROOM, heated by stove; close in. on the hill. 430 i S. GRAND. Phone F8477. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —CLEAN AND NICELY FUR nlshed rooms; running water; $2 per week up. 312% WINSTON. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—SUNNY FRONT BED ROOM, sinple; $8. Main 5084. 503% S. FIGUE ROA FT. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS* close in, from $1.50 up. 3126 W. 3D ST. 1-15-4 LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNIXG, JANUARY 15, 1909. Situations, Positions, Jobs Need a Position? If You Are a - •■ ■ -, ■,<■..•■• . ' ■ . Cook Nurse Washerwoman Governess S* 0^ rf^fa. jfc Chambermaid Laundress / • nJ&^ji Servant Girl Dayworker />fSW^fl*l^\l\ Milliner Houseworker jO^^^M^flA Companion Seamstress WJfIK/ 1 WjlS^mP Waiter Driver \ n/_y% fv "Dressmaker Janitor V* J|/*jW Kitchenmaid Bookkeeper }/FW //I Cleaner Clerk £?yJ^ m Jz£**s'O Solicitor . Salesman O Mechanic Carpenter = Etc., Etc. Etc M Etc. Make Your Wants Known Through the Columns of THE HERALD FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! NO CHARGE. FOR SITUATIONS WANTED, MALE OR FEMALE Rooms FOR RENT— HOUSEKEEPING rooms and screened kitchen, complete; two beds; porcelain bath; good barn, 15x25, $20. 1407 E. 23D ST. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—SI.7S WEEK FOR NICE, sunny housekeeping rooms; single rooms; running water, etc.; $1 week up; close in. 308 S. FLOWER. . 1-15-4 FOR RENT—TWO NEATLY FURNISHED rooms, large pantry; separate entrance, $14, including gas for cooking and lighting. 1224% SENTOUS ST. 1-16-4 FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED, 8 LARGE sunny rooms for light housekeeping; hot and cold water; use of phone; $10. AYE. 25. Phone 31281. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—JN FOOTHILLS. AMIDST fruit; 4 rooms, partly furnished. in cot tage. Address BOX 16, Casa Verdugo. . 1-15-4 FOR RENT—TWO LARGE SUNNY FRONT housekeeping rooms, single or en suite, $15. Westlake park. 429 LAKE ST. Main 6646. 1-15-4 FOR RENTHOUESKEEPING SUITE OF 2 sunny rooms; bath, pantry and screened in porch. 1189 W. 24TH ST. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room for light housekeeping. 1036 S. HOPE ST. Phone F4469. 1-15-4 FOR RENT— PRIVATE FAMILY, NICE front room. 112 SANTEE ST. 1-16-4 Rooms—Furnished FOR RENT —$10 PER MONTH. TWO FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; clean and [ sunny, with heater; use of parlor and bath; private residence; first floor; close In; two car lines—Hollywood and Ange leno Heights. 841 SUNSET BLVD., near Bunker Hill. Main 2575. 18-12-tf FOR RENT—I 2 ROOMS FURNISHED OR unfurnished; single or double flats. Call at 418 E. 23D ST. ' 1-15-22-29-2-5 Rooms and Board FOR RENT—TWO NICELY FURNISHED front rooms, with or without board. In German family; low rates; close in. 1012 . S. Olive et. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —ROOM AND BOARD, PRl vate family; reception room, piano, elec tric light, bath; $5 per week. 1122 W. 9TH. 1-15-4 4 Rooms and Board —Children ROOM AND BOARD CHILDREN IN PRl vate family; best of mother's care; low rates. 1245 S. LOS ANGELES. Bdway. 3070. 1-15-4 WANTEDCHILDREN TO CARE FOR; any age, by day, week or month. Moth erly care. 1151 MAPLE AYE. F5826. 1-15-4 WANTED — CHILDREN, HIGHLAND Park Home, best care, $2 week; white only. EAST 1964. 1-10-lw Rooms for Housekeeping FOR RENT—SIO, 2 HOUSEKEEPING ■ rooms; running water; separate entrance; also i rooms,, cheap; front and back en ) trance. 1440% WRIGHT ST. Homo 22918. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or without housekeeping; near Hambur ger's; walking distance; summer rates; every convenience. 771 MAPLE AYE. 1-15-4 FOR —FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE keeping apartments, $3.50, $4.50; monthly, $14. $18; room, $2.50; monthly, $10. THE BON AIR, 216 S. Bunker Hill aye. 1-15-4 FOR RENT — NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; close in, separate en trance; range, sink, beautiful flowers; re duced rent. 121 S. HEWITT. 1-16-4 FOR RENT—3-ROOM FURNISHED, REAR, California house, $8 a month; gas, tele phone; near cars. Hooper and Watts; water free. 1721 E. 21ST ST. 1-15-4 FOR —LONG BEACH, SMALL FUR nlshed apartment house, near ocean, $15 month by the year; room for four families. 815 UNION TRUST BLDG. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, first floor, furnished for housekeeping, $2.50 per week; single housekeeping rooms, $2. Bed room $1.50. 526 SAN JULIAN. ' 1-15-4 Flats FOR SALE—NEW FURNITURE. RUGS and drapery in new, lower, sunny 3-room flat, with bath and modern conveniences; very low rent. A snap. 1143% S. UNION. Home phoe 53350. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—4-ROOM MODERN FLAT, S. P. call district; near shops, $10 month; did rent for $15. See CARDWELL, 507 Grant bldg., 4th t and Broadway. Phone A 3454, Main 4176. - 1-15-4 FOR —MODERN NEW SUNNY flats, walking distance; price reduced. Phone 51508. W. L STANTON. 429% Lucas aye. 1-15-4 FOR RENT—STRICTLY MODERN NEW 4 room flat; must he seen to be appreciated 4061% S. MAIN. South 706. 1-15-4 FOR RENT —MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, good location, $18; water paid. 421% E. 15TH, near Maple.—" 1-15-4 PHYSICIANS SPECIALIST " FOR WOMEN ONLY. CURE GUARANTEED IN EVERY CASE ACCEPTED. EXAMINATION FREE 10 A. M. TO 4. P. M. 632 W. SIXTH ST. ROOM 107. , '-,' ■ 1-14-17 DR. MERRILL. NEW YORK AUTHORITY on diseases of men and women. 206% SO. BROADWAY. 6-10-x DR. TAYLOR. WOMAN SPECIALIST AND obstetrics. 415% S. SPRING ST. 12-20-m TRUSSES AND SUPPORTERS LONDON TRUSS CO. TRUSS FITTING SFB cialista; elastic hosiery, etc 'ill S. SPRING STREET. 6-10-x FOR SALE Houses FOR SALE—A TWO-ROOM CALIFORNIA house and quarter acre lot on Metzler's Downey Avenue tract; price $S5O; a positive bargain. Inquire 709 E. SIXTH ST., or telephone Main 6766. 1-10-7 MONEY MADE DAILT. AND HERALD want ads help to make It. Let your wants become known through Herald want ads. Herald want ada destroy wants. 5-13-x City Lots and Lands AND UP, CITY LOTS Terms $1.25 down, $1.25 per week. No Interest. No taxes. These choice building lots overlook E a ■ t 1 a k • Park, are high and sightly. Fine view. Mountain scenery Service, 400 cars daily. City water piped to each lot. An ideal spot for people seeking a high elevation. Golden State «Realty Company, 608 South Spring Street. " l-12-tf IF YOU WANT TO BUILD IN A BEAUTIFUL home tract and have one of the most desir able lots in the tract, see LOT 3. BLOCK J. in FLORENCITA PARK. Building restrictions: walnut and peach '.trees on the lot; Be car fare, on Long Beach line. Cash or terms. Address E. M. CALKINS. In;?lewood. Cal. 1-14-4 Country Property STATE SCHOOL LANDS ARE THE BEST and safest Investment; sold In 40 to 640 acre tracts, at $1.76 to $5 per acre; terms to suit; you cannot afford to be without a tract of these lands; they are getting scarce. Lists and plats furnished on application. BING HAM & KNOWLES LAND CO. (Inc.), 105 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. 1-1-m FOR SALE — 160-ACRE IMPROVED homestead relinqulshment, near railway station, and surrounded by improved Southern California farms; all Irrigable; abundance of water. Price $6 per acre 418-20 GRANT BLDO. 1-10-tf MONEY MADE DAILT, AND HERALD want ads help to make It. Let your wants become known through Herald want ads. Herald want ads destroy wants. 6-13-x Land Scrip ON THE RAILROAD AT A STATION, WATER 18 TO 40 FEET. 160 MILES FROM LOS ANGELES. FINE VALLEY—NOT DESERT PLAIN. We have located some of the best Los Angeles people. You can talk with them. After you have talked with professional locators let us tell you our little proposi tion. We are not real estate men, but took this land first ourselves after prov ing water, soil, climate. We charge about half the usual fee. Not much of this valley, but what there is Is fine. Phone Main 3741 (in Sunday), or call DON E. JOHNSON, cor. College and San Fernando sts. Party leaves Saturday and Wednesday. _ 1-14-6 Miscellaneous WILL EXCHANGE FIVE HORSE POWER ' motor for small Job press; motor In good condition; press must be In same. BOX 8434, Herald. 9-26-tf FOR SALE—A PICTURE SHOW. DOING A good business; $400; must be. sold at once. BOX 551. SANTA MONICA. 1-14-4 SPECIAL NOTICES GOLDEN GATE TOILET PARLORS We are opening up a new apartment to our bath business and we will be able to accommodate our customer: young lady attendant. 138% S. SPRING, room 9. 12-23-151 F. HAUSSMANN NURSERY, 1940-46 WEST 22d street; strong two-year-old fieldgrown grafted and root roses; all kinds of bed ding plants, ferns, ornamental trees and shrubs. 1-10-tf HOMELESS CHILDREN RECEIVED AND placed in homes for adoption. Apply REV. O V. MICK, superintendent Children's Home society, 2414 Griffin aye 5-1-x ELK-SKIN SHOE FACTORY. MAKERS OF all styles in elk-skin shoes, and special orders, $2 to $5; one repairicc. 206 WEST BBVKNTH ST. - S-l-x DON'T FORGET THE FAY TOILET PAR lon, magnetic treatment also given for rheumatism and nervousness. 1008 S. MAIN. 11-8-tt KURjSKA PASTE FACTORY. MAKERS OF paste for all uses. 144 a ANDERSON ST. Home A 1334; Sunset Boyle 11. 9-16-w- f-s-s -m -x MRS. PERRIER - EXPERT MASSAGE, ladies only; graduate: Dest physicians' ref erences. 341% SO. SPRING ST. 12-11-tf SCIENTIFIC BATH AND MASSAGE; Al7 cohol rubs; expert attendants. 628 E. 6TH ST. Phone. Main 6908.. 12-12-m VIBRO ELECTRIC TREATMENTS FOR rheumatism and poor circulation. 534% S. BROADWAY, Suite 39. 1-14-w SOUTHERN SCIENTIFIC MANICURE AND massage parlor. .444 S. SPRING, Room 12. 11-22-46 J.AAIhI- X KUUKKb. EX-EXAMINER U. a. patent office. Patents 428 BYRNE BLDO.. I,oa Angeles. Cal. 12-1-m AUTOMOBILES, OTHER VEHICLES FOR SALE—A DANDY LITTLE 2% H. P. Racycle motorcycle, used only a few months; good as new; full line of extras, cost $200; will sell for $125. Must sell at once. Address BOX 1259. Herald. . 1-12-tf WINDOW SHADES, BRASS RODS WK^MA^CE^witND^W^sSA^E^r^HT^rELK^ ELES & cON, 891 So. Broadway. F2795- Jl. 8081. 12-18-JUt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TELEPHONES MAIN 2505. MAIN F463L LcalifSei Leadtag Business Brokers ? Suite Jll-312-312% Severance Bldg, Northwest corner Sixth and Main streets. tT IS OUR BUSINESS TO PUT PEOPLE IN BUSINESS. IF YOU BUY THROUGH US WE PRO TECT YOU. OUR BUSINESS CHANCES INCLUDE LOS ANGELES AND VICINITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. MOVING PICTURE SHOW, nearby city of 20,000 inhabitants; exceptional loca tion; doing a paying business; all modern appliances; stage an.i paraphernalia for vaudeville; low rent; good lease; a thorough j investigation will convince you of,its earning I ability; for reasons of sale and terms see LEAHY & SON. \ . GENERAL GROCERY IN PROSPEROUS COAST TOWN INVOICE ABOUT $3500—GROCERY, EN JOYING A LARGE LOCAL TRADE AND SHIP GROCERY SUPPLIES; THE SHIP SUPPLY BUSINESS IMPROVING WITH THE GROWTH OF THE PACIFIC COAST TRADE; OTHER LARGE INTERESTS OF OWNER REQUIRE HIS ATTENTION. THE FUTURE OF THIS PROMINENT COAST TOWN CAN ONLY BE MEASURED BY THE VOLUME OF TRADE BOUND TO RESULT FROM THE LATE TREATIES WITH JAPAN REGARDING THE PACIFIC REGION; RENT ONLY $50, ROOM 20x6(1 FEET; CONCRETE BASEMENT; ELEC TRIC LIGHTED; CLOSE TO BAY FRONT. THIS FINE PAYING BUSINESS 'WITH ITS GREAT FUTURE CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED THROUGH US. FOR TERMS OF SALE SEE LEAHY & SON. $2000—Restaurant in prominent beach town; doing $300 weekly; rent only $55; long lease; splendid business opening and making good money; fully equipped for first class trade. Spring business very good and improving. Good terms of sale and full investigation in vited. See LEAHY & SON. BUSINESS MEN AND WOMEN. Teachers or nurses with small capital can obtain lucrative ' business opportunities to manage a main office and control the output of an established wholesale house; earnings net from $200 to $500 monthly; in vestment trivial; energy is the requisite. For full particulars see LEAHY & SON. $2500 or invoice; GROCERY AND MEAT market; rent only $30; receipts $1800 monthly; no competition; large railroad and restau rant trade; established 20 years; never ad vertised before; horse, wagons and fixtures; stock fresh and salable. For terms of sale Bee LEAHY & SON. $350 —WHOLESALE BAKERY. centrally located; large oven capacity of 2000 loaves daily; double dough troughs; tables, tools and pans; all new and everything in splen did condition; this bakery is worth $1000, and supplies several large dealers; oven and fixtures go with this sacrifice sale. See LEAHY & SON. General furniture store, In prominent beach town; doing the largest cash business In the city; daily sales $100 and over; 5 years established; nn>3 double front display; large •tore rooms, warehouse, yard and four dwell ing rooms in rear; partner retiring account of other interests. See LEAHY & SON. $350—Two vegetable routes, nearby town; $150 for one route, including horse, wagon and harness; $200 for larger route, with horse, wagon and harness; each route earning clear ever $20 weekly; splendid chance for two or more to join and make good living. See LEAHY & SON. PENNY ARCADE. PENNY ARCADE; the best pay- Ing, best located, most completely equipped, the largest patronized and beyond all ques tion the best displayed ARCADE in the city; earning $20 to $25 daily over expenses; re newable lease. For thorough investigation, reasons for selling and terms see LEAHY & SON. $1000—HALF INTEREST IN SHIPPING BUSINESS, BUTTER, POULTRY. EGGS, CHEESE, etc., nearby town; business has increased to the extent that owner must have a partner at once. This lucrative prop osition with future business In Bight Is of fered to the right man. See LEAHY & BON. $500—Grocery, with three nice living rooms; rent only $16; will invoice about $800 or less; doing an all cash business; no solicit ing and no delivery. For terras on this see LEAHY & SON. NOTICE TO BUSINESS MEN ANT) WOMEN We have some exceptional opportunities with small investments that we can per sonally recommend. If you will call on us and make thorough investigation, our state ments will be verified. Don't fail to investi gate these superior business chances. $6000 investment—Seat on board of direc tors; remunerative. $250 investment, with certain earning ca pacity. $1000 investment, with management of main office and territory. $1500 investment, with management and state of California. $2000 Investment, with management and control of ouput. $10,000 Investment, with management and control of Pacific coast. These investments are secured and very remunerative. We can recommend them. CIGAR STORES $475 Cigars, confectionery and station ery store. South Spring st. $600 —Cigars, outside stand, S. Main st. fixtures and stock worth the amount asked. Investigate this offer this week. $1800 — largest stand In the city, paying big profits. $1570 —Cigars and tobaccos. Spring street stand; one of the finest paying stands in the city. $1100 Buys the best cigar stand on South Main; inside location and doing a large business. $10,000 for GENERAL jIDSE. STORE, near by town; cash business, $2400 monthly; town . and surrounding population 4500; you can divide the purchase; $7000 or invoice dry goods, etc., $3000 or invoice hardware and paints; double store fronts; rent $25 each; established 7 years. See LEAHY & SON. 4 ■■ .ii $2500 —- GENERAL GROCERY IN thriving town in Ventura county; 3 living rooms, good fixtures, fresh stock; cash trade; rent $28; receipts $60 daily; this prosperous business can be had on easy terms. For full directions and terms see LEAHY & SON. $1500 or invoice—BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY; elaborate soda fountain; In nearby city of 20,000 population; doing a fine business and capable of increase trade; sickness of owner compels him to part with this elegant store and paying business in vestment, fully worth $2UOO. See LEAHY & BON. SNAP if taken at once, 2 CHAIR BARBER shop: rent $12.50; business receipts $30 week ly, lease; hydraulic chairs; mirrors, stands, gas heater; rear living room; this nicely furnished shop without capable competition, open for a short time for a quick buyer. See LEAHY & SON. STOCKS AND PARTNERSHIPS. We have several fine investment proposi tions, manufacturing and commercial.- You can obtain partnership opportunities through us that we have perso .ally in vestigated and can recommend the owners WE HAVE A GOOD LIST OF BUSINESS INVESTMENTS NOT ADVERTISED. INVESTIGATE THIS LIST OF GOOD BUYS ROOMING HOUSES. 17-room BOARDING AND ROOMING house; fine location on west side; lncorr.a $350 a month; rent $85; price $900. 8-room ROOMING HOUSE; clO3e in, near Seventh and Main; fine furniture; cheap rent; good lease; price f 450. IF YOU BUY TROUGH US WE » PROTECT YOU AND GUARANTEE TITLE. LEAHY £ SON, Euite 811-312-312% Severance Bldg.. ■;, Cor. 6th and Main treats. 12-30-tI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES J. W. WEIGHTMAN & CO.. 341 S. HILL ST. INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT. Wanted—A gentleman with means to take working interest in a manufacturing business that will stand thorough investi gation and will give large- returns on your investment. See us for further informa tion. Drug store, barber shop, rooming house, ' central location; sell or exchange for house or lots, separate or together. Grocery and meat market; must go east; no delivering; $55 daily cash business; will ■nvoice 90c. on the $1. $650 Electric bach establishment; the finest equipped in the country; scientific i and patented; good cause for selling. $500—Delicatessen and restaurant; fixtures j cost $800; doing fine business; location unsur- i passed. 1-15-1 WANTED—PARTNERS IN THE FOLLOW - ing elegant paying business places. Read carefully and go see them. Sell interest in wholesale dry goods and gents' fur nishing business, $30,000; several factor ies; sell an interest in fine grocery store, clearing several hundred dollars monthly, . for few thousand dollars; sell 1-3 interest cracker factory, Old Mexico, paying 36 per cent yearly, for $10,500; sell interest in general real estate and renting busi ness and fire insurance business for few thousand dollars. See PHOENIX 202 and 204 Grant bldg. 1-13-3 $225—RESTAURANT IN NEARBY TOWN; fixtures alone worth $325; can be had for $100 cash, balance monthly. For further information see CONLEE & POOR. 23S Bradbury bldg. A 9169, Main 5937. 1-13-2 $€50—MEAT MARKET ON WASHINGTON ST. Fixtures worth more than price asked. Every thing first class; fully equipped. Cash trade, without soliciting or delivery, $25 per day. See CONLEE & POOR, 238 Bradbury bldg. A 9169; Main 5937. -t^r-.v 1-14-2 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ANNOUNCEMENT The Woodbury 's now In full progress in Its new and superior quarters In the new Hambur ger building. Day and evening. REGISTRATION EVERY DAY We take special pride in inviting and wel coming to our school all who desire to pursue a business college course under the most favor able • and effective conditions. Call, write or phone for catalogue and full information Main 2?05, FISSO. Fifth Floor New Hamburger Building. _ Elevator entrance 320 West Eighth street. ;£fif 'Business Cdillege DAY AND i NIGHT SCHOOL ACTING NEW YORK SCHOOL. Dramatic ana Vaudeville. Eastern associations. con nected with agency securing positions. 517 South Broadway. Phone Home F5037. 1-T__cilrl*c Business rrediu S> college (The Southern California) 614 S. Grand aye.. Los Angeles. It qualifies and always makes good. New classes formed each Monday. Be a Heald student and have the best advantages In the state. J. W. LACKEY. Manager. 417 WEST FIFTH ST. Established 1882. | Opposite Central park. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR BOYS 1948-52 Lovelace Avenue Boarding and day. Primary, grammar and Ninth Grades. Mil. driU. Physical Culture. Sloyd, Languages. N. WILLIAM BRICK. A M.. Principal. Home 23673. PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS CLAIRVOYANT IF (TOW Ffrf* .^_l -^. To receive the H^n^ 1' i/Xv_rSl«SJaJ 60c reading you SjsV_»--,' X_*^__Sl must cut this ad- TtsfJ^Jj/ «_F>*f — T~^ vertisement out V^ >BH \4L ***"T and bring it with \JE w—> / h»w» He, ? lves dates> facts an 3 figures;, re liable and important advice Arise. Throw off they' shackels!" Ex change sorrow for joy. darkness for light Be master of your own destiny." . Call and he will guide you with certainty mgiier than human power; tells you the truth, good or bad. BEWARE of pretenders and partially developed mediums. They copy his advertisements and in many smaller cities use his name. Please remember .PROF. W. E. KING can be seen only at his Los Angeles office. HIGH CLASS PATRONAGE SOLICITED Readings daily and Sunday, 10 to 8. Permanently located in his own home. 247—5. HILL ST.— NEXT DOOB TO NEW Y. W. C. A. BLDG. NEAR ANGELS' FLIGHT. PROF. W. E. KING. 1-14-3 Mme. Annum The wonderful trance clairvoyant and wonderful healer. To convince skeptics, Mme. Annuve gives you a dollar life reading 25c FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY 824 i So Broadway Between Eighth and Ninth streets, opposite Hamburger's. 1-9-11-12-13-14-15-16 MME. KARMA Astral dead trance CLAIRVOYANT Special readings 50c if you bring ad. Read ings daily and Sunday, 10 to 8. 606 S. HILL ST.. COR. STH AND HILL. 1-14-3 MONEY MADE DAILY, AND HERALD want ads help to make it. Let your wants become known through Herald want ads. Herald want ada destroy wants. 5-13-x CESSPOOLS CESSPOOLS ~"~* ~~~ We guarantee to take out 117 gallons more at each load than any other company at same price. . IMPERIAL PUMPING CO.. Home 22040. West 5396. 1-8-tf " CESSPOOLS $5 TO $10 Cleans a cesspool. Our men are plumbers and know how; four teams; no waiting RED CROSS SANITARY CO., 451 Whitney | aye. Phones: E9004: Main 8695. 1-8-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST—LEFT ON WATTS CAR, CITY ' bound, about 10:40 a. m. Thursday, lady's small handbag containing pocket book with over $25 cash, check for $10, payable to Ana Kreteck. Also watch, rings, etc. Return to LYONS, 209 Mercantile place. Home phone: F5533; Sunset phone: Main 1727. Liberal re ward. 1-15-1 RAILROAD TIME TABLE -:■■, ■ . ■ • ■ SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station. Fifth and Central Ay* JL<ave I ArrTvT . H* San Francisco via Coast Line, 8:40 am 8:00 am San Luis Oblspo, Paso Robles, 2:30 pm 2:35 pm Del Monte, Monterey, Santa 7:30 pm Cruz, San Jose and east 11:45 pm I San Francisco. Mojave, Tu-:~"T~ 6:00 pml lare, Tracy, Sacramento, 7:05 am 11:30 Oakland via Bakersfleld and 8:55 am J Fresno | 7:60 am Fresno. Tulare, 7-05 am 6:00 pm Bakersfleld and . 8:55 am : 11:30 pm Mojave <^ 8:35 pm ~~ Chicago, Kansas City,, St. " f.-45 am Louis, Golden State Limited, 6:56 pm ! via Yuma, Benson. El Pa3o Overland—New Orleans via ' ' 1:00 pm| Yuma. Benson, Maricopa, 12:45 pm Tucson. El Paso. San An-, ." I tonic and Houston 8:05 am Yuma, Tucson, Benson, 112:45 pm Lordsburg. Deming, El Paso| 4:50 pm 6:45 am Santa Barbara and Ventura 8:40 am 8:00 am Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:50 am 1:45 pm Santa Barbara and Ventura 2:30 pm 2:& pm Santa Barbara and Ventura 7:35 pm 7:30 pm| Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:45 pm 8:00 am Oxnard, Chatsworth, Santa *8:40 am 2:35 pm Susanna, Strathearn, *11:50 am •7:30 pm Moorpark, Somis, 2:30 pm Camarilla »7:35 pm , («Oxnard only). 11:45 pm I Santa Paula via Saugus, €:45am| Camulos, Plru, Fillmore, 11:60 am 1:45 pm SaUcoy, Montalvo, Carpin- 7:35 pm j lerla, Summerland 1:45 pm| Nord hog |ll:60 am 8:05 am' Pomona, ~Blso~am 8:55 am Ontario, 10:05 am Colton 12:45 pm 1:00 pm Riverside, 4:50 pm 4:25 pm and 6:25 pm San Bernardino 7:00 pm 8:06 am Redlands"; 10:05 am •8:65 am »via Riverslda 12:45 pm 1:00 pm Redlands 4:50 pm Redlands , 4:25 pm| Redlands | 7:00 pm 8:55 ami Covina-Chino I 8:50"am 6:25 pm| Covlna-Chino | 7:00 pm Santa Ana, Anaheim, Dow- ~ 8:65 am ney, Newport Beach. Nor-30 am t»l :00pm walk, Buena Park, West :00pm —■:10 pm Anaheim, West Orange 4:60 pm ((•Downey and Norwalk only, ' I xNot Newport Beach.) j t8:65 am) Los Alamitos ' | 4:50 pm 8:06 ami Brawley, Imperial, I 4:60 pm [ El Centro. Calexlco | 9:06 am Ban Pedro-Compton tlO-55am •8:30 pm «via Long Beach b*11:45 a ; I 6:35 pm b*9:osam| Long Beach-Compton Ibll :45am tlo:2oam| »via San Pedro tl2:ospm _»_»_?_ 1*6:35 pm 8:06 am| Santa Catalina Island | 6:35 pm tS:l« am Chats worth Park (see note) t4:10 pm (Note— and from River station only.) , j All trains dally except those marked as fol tow: "t" Sunday excepted; *'b" Sunday only. ~SANTA FE "~ L**™ I lArrlve" Eastern—California Limited, ~~* 40:00 am daily, Chicago via Denver 6:00 pm m and Kansas City Overland Express— Chi- ~~~~^— S:M pm cago via Denver and Kan- 8:20 am saa City Eastern Express—Daily Chi- ~ ' 7:80 am cago, via Denver and Kan- 7:08 am »as City Kite Shaped— via Pasa- * 8:30 am dena. Return via Santa Ana 6:35 pm canyon | 7:45 am 10:00 am 8:30 am Redlands via Pasadena 5:40 pm 4:30 pm 7:40 pm 7:30 am Redlands via Orange 110-£5 am 10:55 am | 6:35 pm 7:45 am Riverside via Pasadena | 5:40 pm 7:30 am I ~~ 7:05~an» 10:58 am| Riverside via Orange 10:48 am 6:06 pm| 6:35 pin 7:30 am 7:05 am 10:55 am Corona via Orange 10:45 am 6:05 pm 6:35 pm 7:30 am : 7:05~am 10:65 am San Bernardino via Orange 10:45 am 6:06 pm 6:35 im 7:46 am ~~~ 8720~am 8:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am San Bernardino via, Pasadena 5:40 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 7:40 pm 8:45 ami """" 6:55~am 2:05 pm ' Santa Ana 8:25 am 6:06 pm 1:00 pm 11:65 pm 6:35 pro 7:30 am ~676Jfam 8:45 am 7:05 am 10:5"> am Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange 8:25 am 2:05 pm • 10:45 am 6:05 pa . 1:00 pm 11:65 pm. 6:25 pm 7:45 am San Jaclnto, Elsinore, He- I-6.-40 pm 10:65 am I met and MurieHa | 6:85 pm 10:00 am ' Rcdondo | 3:40 pm J:O5 pm Escondldo 1:00 pm 8:45 am Fallbrook 6:35 pm 8:45 am Fan Diego and 6:55 am 2:05 pm Coronado Beach 1:00 pm 11:65 pm Surf Line 6:35 pm 7:39 am Randsburg 7:05 am 8:00 pm Searchlight and Chloride 7:05 am 8:00 pm Beatty, Rhyclite, Goldfleld 8:20 am J and Tonopah J_ ■ SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains daily except as noted. Leave | | Arrive 10:00 am Los Angeles Limit'd—Chic'go,l 8:00 pm Omaha. Salt Lake City | I Overland Express— ' 8:00 pm Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, 8:00 am I Kansas City, Denver, Salt I Lake, Searchlight, Goldfleld 8:35 am San Berrardino, 8:35 am 11:00 am Colton, 10:41 am 3:40 pm Riverside ■ 1:25 pm 5:24 pm Ontario and ' 4:26 pm 8:00 pm Pomona 6:51 pm •5:45 am ~ *S:l5 am 8:50 am Long Beach and 11:10 am sl:20 pm San Pedro 6:45 prn 4:30 pm 53:55 pm 8:50 am Catalina Island 6:45 pm 8:15 am Pasadena 9:46 am 2:15 pm Tropico and Glendale 3:45 pm •Daily except Sunday, s Sunday only. ~ LEGAL NOTICE .NOTICE! Following is a list of the children who have been admitted in the Los Angeles Or phan asylum, Boyle Heights, since July 1. 1908: Whole orphan, Lily Hollingsworth, 10 years; half orphans. Rose Bemol, 13 years; Nympha Bernal, 12; Clorinda Bernal, 9; Clementia Bernal, 3; Josie Lopez, 11; Moneu Portello, 7; Hazel Hall, 8; Ruth Hall, 8; Rose Fuller, 1; Stella Cota, 5; Dolores Gar cia, 11; Isabel Garcia, 5; Rebecca Shein, 13; Edith Sheln, 8; Francis Ramirez, 12; Virginia Bordeaux, 10; Dolorez Gomez, 10; Ethelvina Chavez, 9; Aurelia Saleido, 7; Beatrice Sal eido, 6; Mane Dunford, 12; Dorothy Dun ford, 7. SISTERS OF CHARITY. l-7-10t NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING— LOS ANGELES TRUST COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Los An geles Trust company will be held at the banking room of said corporation in the building of Los Angeles Trust company on the northeast corner of Spring and Second streets, in the said city of Los Angeles, Cal.. on the 21st day of January, 1909, at 3 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may be brought before said meeting R. WANKOWSKI, Secretary. l-6-15t NOTICE IS GIVEN BY THE UNDERSIGNED that we have this day sold all our interest In and to the delicatessen store located at 222 E. Pico street, Los Angeles, California, to E. R. Crail. All bills and obligations against the undersigned must be presented at room 340 Wilcox building, on or before January 16, 1909. MRS. SADIE C. MENARDI. 1-14-3 FANNIE COSTELLO. = CARPET CLEANING PIONEER CARPET CLEANING WORKS. Incorporated. W. C. CLINE, president. 833 S. Oliva st. Tel. Home F2BSO; Sunset Main 217. - 9-18-tf ANIMAL HOSPITAL i)R? RAM^AaSr^NIMAi;'"'HOSPITAiT'anB dispensary, treats all animals. 831 S. LOS ANGELES ST. FH69. l-iO-n» . ■ . . . 11