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ALL THF NEWS fOL. XXXVI. NUMBER 135. PRICE: c£ ro^h r 40 CENTS CANDIDATE TO BE NOMINATED. ON WEDNESDAY COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN TO SELECT MAN LARGE NUMBER AT MEETING IN SYMPHONY HALL High Tribute Paid Six Members of Grand Jury Who Published Minority Report on Vice Situation A CANDIDATE for mayor to oppose A CANDIDATE for mayor to oppose A. C. Harper in the recall election *•■*-' will be named Wednesday night, according to action taken at the meet ing in Symphony hall yesterday after noon, when the chairman, Judge John D. Works, was empowered to select a committee of fifteen to report the name of a man for mayor at the meeting next week- Judge Works will appoint the committee this afternoon, and as soon as that' committee can make a selection the name of the nominee will be announced. The meeting yesterday afternoon was a surprise in the number in attendance. Pro-Harper workers and papers % had freely predicted that the attendance would be small, holding to that belief because of the many Lincoln meetings to take the time of prominent men and the unusually bad weather. On the contrary the hall seated a larger audi ence than at the former meeting in the place, and the enthusiasm was as earnest as any member of the Munici pal league's executive committee could desire. A tribute to the »ix members of the grand jury who did not concur in the majority report because it was not strong enough to suit them, was a feature of the meeting. When Judge A. M. Stephens referred to their stand the auditorium rang with cheers of his" auditors, and the speaker was unable to resume for several minutes. Every mention of the "noble six," as Judge Stephens called them, brought a dem onstration showing now strongly the men at the meeting appreciated' the stand taken by the nonconcuring jur ors. Plenty of Good Men - "We' regret' that Mr. Stephens was unable to accept the nomination for mayor," said Judge Works when call ing the meeting to order. "But the good name of Los Angeles does not de pend, on any one man. There are plenty of good men in Los Angeles who can make the race." Edwin O. Edgerton, who acted as secretary of the meeting, read the let ter sent by Mr. Stephens. When Judge Works called for the pleasure of the meeting Mr. Stephens .himself ad dressed the chair.' /. ' . "I believe with the chairman, and with you all," he said, "that the suc cess of this campaign is not dependent on any one man. I believe that the man yOu select will be elected. There is every reason for a change in »the city administration and it must and shall come. "Since your last meeting the recall petition has been filed, having more than 10,000 signers. These voters have indorsed your work, and I believe it only fair that they should have a voice in the naming of' a candidate. I de sire, therefore, to move the adoption of this resolution: "Resolved, That when tjiis meeting adjorns it adjourn to meet on Wednes day, February 17, at 8 p. m., at the Shrine auditorium, in this city; and. "Resolved, further, that the chairman be authorized and instructed to ap point a committee of fifteen citizens, not restricted to participants of this meeting, which committee shall be authorized to recommend a candidate for the office of mayor of Los Angeles to run in opposition to Mayor Harper at the coming recall election. Said committee to report its recommendation at the adjourned meeting, and "Resolved, further, that all signers of the recall petition shall be invited by mail to attend and participate in said adjourned meeting. The Municipal league is hereby requested to send out notices and make arrangements for said meeting." People's Intent Clear The resolution aroused considerable discussion. Several speakers were of the opinion that the signers of recall petitions had- already expressed their confidence in the men who had taken the initiative and that they wanted a candidate named at once. R. H. Norton and others expressed the fear that the machine would manipulate the meet ing. "We need have no fear in that re spect," said J. O. Koepfli, "for we have overwhelming evidence of the in tent of the people. The temper of the voters is quite apparent, and the re sult 's forecasted by the manner in which the petitions were signed." The suggestion was made that sev eral names be presented and that the committee publish the name or names at least two days before the meeting, but the reasons in opposition to this were pointed out by W. D. Stephens, T. E. Gibbon, James Pope and others. Nathan Newby moved an amendment, which finally • prevailed, that a com mittee of fifteen name a candidate and report at a meeting Wednesday night, to which all who had been invited to yesterday's meeting be requested to attend: He said this would simplify matters and he was certain it would meet with the approval of citizens gen eral!. . . s - "We need not fear ridicule regarding any action we may take."' said Judge Albert M. Stephens. "Ridicule will not win against the facts and such .power ful indictments as? we have had pre sented to us. We are gaining strength in this movement every time a mr»n opens his mouth. We gained strength from the report of the grand jury Some people. say the grand jury white washed Mayor Harper, but if they did they whitewashed him with black whitewash. '■&'' Gaining Every Minute ' "We are gaining every minute. We gained immeasureably with the letter .written by those six valiant and courageous members of the grand jury, all honor to them for that minority statement!" ■ .. The most enthusiastic" and vigorous cheering that has accompanied* any feature of the recall meetings,- 'broke out at this reference, and the audience united in a continued and rousing demonstration. \ "Let that statement be read-again and again." continued Judge Stephens, "and let it be placed in the hands of (Continued on Page Three) LOS ANGELES HERALD BRITISH VESSEL GOES DOWN OFF QUESSANT; SEVEN ARE DROWNED ♦> 'BREST, France, Feb. 12.—A British A <$• steamer, the name of which is un- <>> ■♦> known, during a fog today ran on „ <*> <§> rock off Ques»ant and then slid off and <*> <§> sank in deep water. •'.-.. ■' <$> <"•> Seven persons were drowned, but the <*/ <§> remainder of the crew took to small '<$> <§> boats .and later were picked up by a <f> ■*> pilot boat. • . • - <j> Xaaaaaaaaaaa ,^ A A A A y. A A_\/\... BANDITS HOLD UP 3 WITHIN HOUR Beyle Heights Invaded by Trio of Highwaymen, Who Conduct Whirlwind Campaign . • of Crime In a whirlwind campaign' of robbery last night three men invaded the Boyle Heights district, wheravlights are far. apart and police few, but for their.trouble got nothing, because, as It happened, their victims had. but little property* with them. . The three robberies were attempted within an hour and presumably by the same men. The first victim was Peter P^lomero, grocer, of 895 Judson street, who was about to close his «tors for the day at 7:15 o'clock. A man roughly dressed came into the store and asked 'for a basket of potatoes. • The grocer went to the-rear of the store to get the tubers for his customer, and as he rose from a stooping position he was confronted by his customer and two -other men, each of whom had a revolver leveled at the grocer's head. .'" ;' - ' Palomero screamed with fright, and one cf the men struck him on the head with a re volver, knocking him down, • and then the three men ran from the store without making an attempt to steal anything. Less than half an hour later Louis Obid, a musician living at 519 South Br.ed street and .employed at the Belaseo theater, was stopped at Boyle avenue and State street by three men, masked and armed with revolvers. While one of the men held his weapon at the head of Obid another went through his pock ets and secured a gold watch and 75 cents In change.' They then ordered the man to go on down the street, which he did, and they turned and ran the other direction. At 8:10 o'clock Frank Getz, who lives at 424 South Gless street, was stopped by two men at Third and Cummings streets, who pointed pistols at his head and commanded him io throw up his hands. He obeyed the order and one of - the men ssarched his pockets, but he had no money with him and no property of any value. They cursed him for not hav ing anything and ordered him down the street. He was only too glad to comply, . and ran away as they were Joined by a third man. The description of the men engaged in these three -attempts at robbery given by their different victims agree, and the police are of the opinion that all of the holdups were committed by the same persons. f • ■ A half score of detectives and patrolmen were sent to the scene of the robberies and the entire section of Boyle Heights was pa trolled closely, but no one answering the description. of tht robbers was found. THE NEWS SUMMARY FORECAST For ' Los Angeles and vicinity: | Showers Saturday; fresh couth winds. Maximum temperature yesterday, 58 degrees; minimum, 51 degrees. "COCAI. Successor to Mayor Harper will be nominated Wednesday evening at adjourned meeting to be held by leading citizens. , Bandits hold up three persons within one hour at Boyle Heights. Visiting Elks take trip through Chinatown under escort of sergeant of police. Laborer claims he was robbed at point of pistol by man with whom he had gone from "Chowder House Jim's" place to the Man hattan hotel. Annexation of San Pedro with Los Angeles is said to be fought by aid of floaters and fre quenters of saloons.* Policeman allows highwaymen to escape and pursues" victim of robbers. Two hundred prizes given at cat show being held under auspices of National club. . Billy Sunday, noted evangelist, is expected in Los Angeles today, where he will conduct revival services. Impressive services held over body of Police Justice E. E. Selph. Storm causes death of three persons, injures several and does great damage in Los Angeles and vicinity. Pet dog bites off index finger of left hand of its young mistress; canine was actuated, the girl says, in spirit of play. .Patriotism vividly is shown at various cele brations In honor of Lincoln, the great emanci pator. • . * ' COAST | Transue of Los Angeles breaks all records for number of bills introduced in California j legislature. | Resolutions are presented by Senator Cami netti to remove state railroad commission on i charges of failure to. discharge duties. ! State capitol of California hears many eulo j gies of Abraham Lincoln. Fight for consolidation of Los Angeles and San Pedro greatly aided by letter sent out by Los Angeles Democratic central committee; battle against Savage amendments to McCart ney bill calls for united efforts. I Russian in San Francisco kills ten-year-old girl to whom he had tried to make love; then shoots himself, but may live. i.£ /eastern ' ■ Thousands^ visit birthplace of Lincoln and attend dedication of. monument marking spot where great emancipator was born. - Dedication of tablet In church where Lin coln attended services, and offices where he practiced law is witnessed by large crowd; many visit tomb in Springfield, 111.. and prominent men eulogize martyred president, Congress hears eulogy of Lincoln, and many eastern cities fittingly observe centennial of martyred president's birth. Baron Takahira, in eulogy of Lincoln at Peoria, teUs of friendship of- Japanese for Americans. Congressman' from New York makes serious ! charges against Representative Ralney, and declares so-called evidence in Panama canal case was obtained by ex-convicts. j Reports in Washington indicate Liberia faces •serious crisis, and much alarm is felt for the ! safety of foreigners there. Democratic alderman in Chicago ends life. ■ - Lumbermen's association j meets In Washing ton and discusses cost of producing lumber in United States and Canada. Taft • urges congress to be sure and leave no obstacle in the way of Knox accepting cabinet appointment. Taft is tendered. $25,000 banquet in New Or leans. ■ . FOREIGN King Edward and Queen Alexandra leave }>rlin for . London, and conference between rulers is declared to have been successful. British ship goes down off coast of France and seven men are drowned. Bill introduced in Denmark provides for bet tei defense of Copenhagen. ■ • _^ China is congratulated" by English on her crusade against opium traffic. Tokio delighted at news of defeat of anti- Japanese legislation in California- ■ ■ SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13,1909. CONSOLIDATION FIGHT DEMANDS UNITED EFFORT LOS ANGELES DEMOCRATS AID GREAT PROJECT DEFEAT OF SAVAGE'S AMEND. MENTS SOUGHT BY MANY Prominent Men from Los Angeles and San Pedro Join Forces in Sac ramento in Interests of Harbor [Special to The Herald..' SACRAMENTO,- Feb. 12.—The con solidation cause has been ma-; terially strengthened in the sen- i ate by the action taken by -the Democratic county central committee of Los Angeles, which has issued a let ter- signed by Chairman .Albert M. Norton, asking that the McCartney bill be supported without amendment. Each of the Democratic senators has received a copy and Mr. Norton is on I the ground here looking after the con solidation measure. It is understood the Republican central committee of Los Angeles county has sent..similar letters to Republican senators, remind ing them of their platform pledge and asking them to get out and work for the .McCartney-Leeds bill. * Leslie. R. Hewitt, city attorney of Los Angeles, and Marshall Stlmson are ; doing practically all the work and have j aroused the Los Angeles county delega tion to the dangers in the Savage| amendments. From Savage's home town, Sari Pe dro, E. D. Seward has been telling the senators of the feeling existing at San Pedro toward consolidation, as evi denced by the drastic means now be ing resorted to there to divide the city in order to annex it to Los Angeles. Savage is backed by "Sam" Storer, who says he simply represents himself and is against consolidation except by a two-thirds vote. One Man Can't Block Way That the thirteen representatives in the legislature from Los Angeles coun ty who favor consolidation are not go ing to be blocked by a one-man power from San Pedro, who has not even the backing of a majority of the voters -In his home, town, is evidenced by the ac tion taken by Senator Hurd of Los An geles, who has risen to the occasion and become a powerful worker for Senator McCartney's measure. The past inactivity on the part of Los Angeles county delegates Is giving place to active work on the part of some of them, and it is believed be fore the amendments are voted on the assemblymen, as well as senators, will be usigg all their influence to have the bill pass the senate by. a big majority. ; There seems to be no fear but that the bill will pass almost unanimously in the assembly, but the nine members from Los Angeles county should long since have been at work In the senate. where many fair-minded men are ready to vote right if they can be shown the true conditions in the south. Fortunately men from the south have been here "on the job" all \ the time. A. P. Fleming, secretary of the harbor commission, having spent several weeks here, working in a quiet wav, and awaiting the time for active open ac tion, which now has arrived. The peo ple's legislative bureau has been doing good work also. • The fight on the floor of the senate probably will be made Monday or Tues day. No champion has as yet come forward to assist Senator Savage on the floor, but Senator Hurd will be a valiant second to Senator McCartney when the fight is on. CAMINETTI PRESENTS MEASURE TO REMOVE RAILWAY COMMISSION SACRAMENTO, Feb. 12.—The follow ing is, in part, a resolution introduced by Senator Caminetti, designed to se cure the removal of the state railroad commission: ... , "Whereas, A. C. Irwin, Theodore Summeriand and H. D. Loveland, rail road commissioners, have been guilty of dereliction of duty and incompetency in the discharge of their duties in that they have utterly failed and neglected to establish rates of charges for the transportation of passengers and freight by railroad and other transportation companies, and to publish the same from time to time, and have utterly failed and neglected to examine the books, records and papers of all rail road and* other transportation com panies, to hear and determine com plaints against railroad and other transportation companies, to .enforce their decisions and correct abuses through the medium of the courts, and to prescribe a uniform system of ac counts to be kept by all such corpora tions and companies, and to report to the, governor annually their "proceed ings and such other facts as may be deemed important; to take the proper and necessary proceedings to prevent discrimination in charges and facilities for transportation by railroad and other transportation companies between places and persons, and in the facili ties for the transportation of the same classes of freight and passengers within this state, or coming 1 from, or goinfc to any other state; to provide that per sons and property transported over any railroad, or by any other transportation company or individual, shall be deliv ered at any station, landing or port, at charges not exceeding the charges for the transportation of persons and prop erty of the same class.' in the same direction, to any mora distant station, port or landing, all as provided in and commanded by - the constitution and statutes of the state of California, now, therefore, be it -. "Resolved, by the senate of the state of California, the assembly concurring, that the said A. C. Irwin, Theodore Summeriand and H. D. Loveland be, and they are hereby removed from said* offices of railroad commissioners." Senator Thompson of Alhambra intro duced a measure providing for the segregation of school children deemed objectionable udon social or racial grounds by boards of education. FLEMING HOME; SAYS SAVAGE IS ONLY ONE AGAINST MANY « A. P. Fleming, secretary of the Los Angeles harbor commission,, returned yesterday from Sacramento, where he has Been'actively guarding the city's harbor interests, particularly in con . ( Continued un i'a_re Two) Martyred Emancipator and Distinguished Men Who Paid Him Many Tributes Yesterday BR dIRTH PL nCK •' *-. -" PrIESIDENT" ROOSEVELT COPYRIGHT. _y UNDERWOOD _.- UID»WOOD NATION HONORS LINCOLN'S CABIN LOG HUT WHERE HE WAS BORN IS DEDICATED President .Roosevelt and Many Other Prominent Men "Participate in Impressive Ceremonies at Hodgenville [By Associated Press.] i HODGENVILLE. Ky., Feb. 12*.— Henceforth % the birthplace of Lincoln is to be marked by a magnificent stone structure. The emancipator of a race and, more than that, the liberator of the thought of a nation, builded his own monument in the heart of the world, and appro priately the physical structure that has now found a beginning at the place where Lincoln first saw light, takes the simple name of a memorial. It is to be a simple, but classic build ing of granite, and it is hoped that it may be completed some time next fall, when the (then)" president, William H. Taft, will officiate'in dedicating it, as the president, Theodore Roosevelt, to day officiated in laying its foundation stone. ' The laying of the corner stone took place after appropriate forensic cere monies were participated in by the president, Governor A. E. Willson of Kentucky, former GovemW Joseph W. Folk of Missouri, president of the Lin coln Farm association; Hon. Luke E. Wright, secretary of war, who is an ex-Confederate soldier;- Gen. - Giant Wilson of New York, who represented the Union soldiers, and "I. T. Mont gomery of Mississippi, a negro and an ex-slave. . ' >-' ; ■ With one exception the orators, rep resenting not only the conflicting sides in the great struggle, but the present generation as well,, the two political ; parties, the white ana black races, and ' the different sections of the country, spoke from the same platform and with the same flag, a splendid new specimen of the Stars and Stripes, fluttering over them. m Six or eight thousand people were present. Many of them had come on. special trains from Louisville and other Kentucky centers.* The j bulk of the assembly was composed, however, of the country folk from La Rue and ad jacent counties. Few Negroes Present There was a ' notable absence of ne groes in the crowd, but those present Were wedged in with the whites, show ing that none had been kept away by race prejudice. - , Among those who had been expected to be present was Mrs. j Ben Hardin Helm, the only surviving sister of Mrs. Lincoln, 92 years old, but she was .kept at her home in Louisville, much to the regret of all. by her infirmities. The exercises were conducted under a tent erected beside the cabin in which Lincoln was born, 100 years ago. The weather was sufficiently disagreeable to render the tent useful. President Robsevelt and his im mediate party arrived shortly before 1 o'clock, after a drive over 4 a heavy red clay road, from Hodgenville, and five minutes afterward "Governor Will son called the assemblage together and introduced the Rev. Dr. E. L. Powell of the First Christian church of Louis ville, who pronounced the Invoca tion. The speakers' platform was small and accommodated few except the par ticipants in the exercises and the presi dent's immediate party, including Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Ethel Roosevelt, Mrs. Augustus E. Willson, Captain A. W. Butt and Dr. Rixey. > Commencing with Governor Willson's' address, the "speaking began at 1 o'clock, and notwithstanding ' there were six set speeches, one prayer and (Continued on Page Nine) JOS EPK 3VI. FOX__K HEAR EULOGY OF BELOVED MARTYR LINCOLN'S GETTYSBURG AD DRESS READ IN HOIJSE British Government, Through Ambas sador Bryce, Pays Glowing Trib ute to American Emancipator. Letter Loudly Applauded [By Associated Press.] WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.— his in vocation today*' Chaplain Couden of the house paid a beautiful • tribute to Abraham Lincoln, air. Boutell of Illi nois read Lincoln's Gettysburg ad dress. ' General applause greeted the reading of a letter from British Ambassador Bryce, enclosing a dispatch from his government conveying to this govern-, ment "the sympathy of the British government with the celebration of the centenary of President Lincoln." The British government's message to Ambassador Bryce follows:' . "His majesty's government has learned with Interest the preparations which are being made by the president and people of the United States to com memorate on the 12th of February next the anniversary of the birth of Abra ham Lincoln, whose name is honored in this country for his noble work in the cause of emancipation. . "I have to request your excellency to make an opportunity .to convey to the secretary of state the cordial sympathy of his majesty's government with- the spirit which Inspires the United States in this, celebration and their . desire to share in paying a tribute of honor and j appreciation to the strength and sim-I plicity of President Lincoln'? character j which not only conferred such inestim'- j able benefits upon the United' States, but-tended to promote the freedom and I progress of the human race." • DEMOCRATIC ALDERMAN IN CHICAGO SHOOTS HIMSELF Leader in City Council Ends Life Be cause Not Indorsed for Re-election CHICAGO, Feb. 12.—Alderman Jo seph F. Kohout, lon^ a Democratic leader in the city council, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head' at his home on Douglas boulevard to- day. ( During the term of Mayor Dunne Al derman Kohout had been one of his staunchest supporters and was one of the leaders of the council. He was a lawyer and about 50 years old. Disappointment over the failure of his ward club to indorse him for re election is supposed to have prompted the suicide. ' •»'. - " • % Discovers Big Deficiency ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 12.—Irregu larities amounting to more than $1,000, --000 have been discovered as the result of an investigation which -Senator Garin is making of the army quarter master. Several high officials are re ported to have been implicated hi the irregularities. , . O-L-N Ii If \J\JjL JLll-OI ON TRAINS, CENTS? OIIM l-tJL-X-l "O'UX i_t_iO . ON TRAINS. 5 CENTS CARDINAL GIBBOUS Cof-.atCKr.l9o_l.RY WA-81-K et.l.-t..T THOUSANDS VISIT LINCOLN'S TOMB SPRINGFIELD, ILL, SCENE OF j. GRAND CENTENNIAL Offices Where Martyred President Practiced Law and Church He Attended Are Marked •*■■__ by Tablets [By Associated Press.] j SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 12.—This -'city, - the home and burial place of Lincoln, was profusely decorated with national ' colors and with pictures of the emancipator. The city entertained as her guests the French ambassador, Ju.'s.rand; the British, ambassador, Bryce; Hon. William J. Bryan, Robert T. Lincoln, Senator Dolliver of lowa, Federal Judges Grosscup • and Landis of Chi cago, Seaman of Milwaukee and An derson of. Indianapolis, Hon. James H. Harlan, interstate commerce commis sioner; Gen. John W. Noble, Judges Clark and Klein, Col. W. *H. Blodgett and Hon. David R. Francis, St. Louis, j arid many, others prominent in public and business life in Illinois and neigh boring states. - - . . -, Today's exercises included a dedi cation of the memorial tablet in the building where Lincoln had his law office, the planting of a Lincoln elm at the court house where Lincoln tried his law cases, the dedication of a memorial tablet at the Presbyterian church where he attended services, a visit to the tomb of Lincoln, a monster mass meeting in the afternoon with addresses by Ambassador Jusserand and Ambassador Bryce and by Senator Dolliver and W. J. Bryan, a reception by the. local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution'at the old Lincoln home and a banquet tonight addressed by Mrs. William J. Bryan, Mrs. Donald McLean, president-gen eral of the Daughters of the Revolu tion, and others. " The crowning event of the celebra tion was tonight's banquet, 700 plates for which . had been engaged at $25 each. Addresses were delivered by Senator Dolliver, W. J. Bryan and Am, bassadors Bryce and Jusserand. _ « _i FAINTING ATTACK NEARLY FATAL TO AGED TURFMAN "Lucky" Baldwin Suffers Another Re lapse, but Is Brought Safely < Through and Rests Well The fight for the life of E. J. .(Lucky) Bald win at the Santa Anita ranch continues, with Dr. J. W. Trueworthy and two competent nurses on one side and the grim reaper oppos ing them. Last night Mr. Baldwin was seized with an other fainting attack and for a time it was feared a fatal termination would ensue. By hard work on the part of the attending physi cian the patient grew stronger and at 10 o'clock last night he was reported as sleeping peace fully. V.CENTS THREE KILLED, SEVERAL HURT IN BIG STORM LANDSLIDE BATTERS DOWN HOUSE AT RUB.'O CANYON HUSBAND, WIFE AND TWO CHIL- DREN BURIED IN RUINS Unidentified Body Washed Ashore at Santa Monica and Boy Drowned in Arroyo de Los Posos Rainfall past 24 hours .84 Rainfall for season ■. , .16.08 Rainfall last season to date. 10.61 Husband, wife and two children buried In landslide at Rubio canyon. One boy Is dead, woman may die but husband and other son will recover. Body of unidentified man is found on the shore at Santa Monica beach. Mexican boy, 13 years old, falls into __o_ Posos arroyo and is drowned. Walls of brick building at Fifty-fifth street and .Monet a avenue collapse. Houses, streets and lands flooded and street and steam railroad traffic seriously impeded. DISLODGED by a deluge of rain which descended yesterday aft ernoon in the vicinity of Rubio canyon, tons of earth and rock swept down from the proelivitous sides of the adjacent mountain, carrying away the Pacific Electric pavilion situated at the entrance to the mouth of the canyon and sending the building, to gether with four members of the fam ily which occupied it, into the stream of water fifty feet below. The house was torn and twisted and reduced to ruins and buried under the earth and rock.' Dead: THAYER DREW, 5 years old; body found in ruins. Injured: Fred Drew, 46 years . old, station keeper; two ribs fractured. Mrs. Fred Drew, 36 years old; bruised and cut; condition serious; may die. George Drew, 3 years old; cut on head and body; will recover. Mr. and Mrs. Drew and four children were in the building, when without warning the avalanche of earth de scended. Mrs. Drew and the children were in the living portion of «the house i when she heard the rumbling noise of the approaching landslide and imme diately seizing her twin daughters. Dorothy and Helen, 9 years old, sod pushing them out to the platform of the building, told them to run as fast as possible to the incline, as their lives were in danger. The children ran as directed, and when they arrived at a place of safety and looked back they saw the- house had fallen into the gulch. Shortly' after the landslide at the : mouth of the canyon there was another avalanche about half a mile up in the" , same canyon near the falls. The ava lanche was heard for a great distance, and carried with it about one-half the quantity of dirt and rock borne down in the first slide. The avalanche moved with great rapidity down the side of the moun tain, a distance of about five hundred yards, choking up the bottom of the canyon at this point until it was almost impassable. No damage was done, and reports that a party of rescuers was caught in this second slide are unfounded. There was no house or camp in the path of the second avalanche. It is said the mother could have es caped all injuries had she not gone Into the rear of the building to rescue her son, Thayer, who was killed. Early this morning it was learned that Mrs. Drew, who also suffers con siderably from shock, was returning to consciousness. She had been insensi ble to all about her, moaning and sob bing incoherently, and it could not be told whether her skull had been frac tured because of the swollen condition of her head. Mr. Drew is seriously injured, but his injuries are confined, it is believed, to the fractured ribs, it having been decided by the doctors that his spine, which at first had been believed to have been fractured, is not injured. The boy George will recover. Fears of Pneumonia Held Unless pneumonia develops, which the doctors fear because of the long exposure of the victims to the cold and rain, all the patients will recover. Last night by the light of lanterns a party worked desperately in the ruins "of the pavilion and the heaps of rock to find the body of Thayer Drew. At 11:30 o'clock rescuers found the body and it was taken to the morgue at Pasadena. The twin girls, who were uninjured, are being cared for by Superintendent Turner of the mountain division of the Pacific Electric railroad. Ernest Carker, a workman of the Pacific Electric company in Los An geles, was the hero of the catastrophe. Standing on the platform outside tho pavilion, he heard the roar of the slid ing rock which hurled the structure to the canyon below and ran directly to the only point where he would be safe. Carker lives at 1149 East Firty sixth street, Los Angeles. He was sent to Rubio canyon yesterday by the Los Angeles office to inspect the trails and see if the recent storms had washed them out. He had finished his inspection, re turned to the pavilion and was resting after his luncheon when the landslide came, following a cloudburst of un usual fury. Mr. Carker gives the fol lowing account of the accident: "About noon we had an awful cloud burst which filled the canyon bed with water. I stepped outside the pavilion, where we were alf staying, and thought I would watch the water. Hears big Crash "Suddenly I heard a crash behind the pavilion and ran around 'the corner to • see what the trouble was. Before I • got to the back of the building, but after I had cleared the corner, an enor mous mass of rock struck the back of ' the pavilion and knocked it right down into the bed of the canyon. I only es caped because I got clear from the j house by running around to see what was the trouble. "The heavy rain had loosened the earth on the side of the mountain back of the pavilion. As" the pavilion Is just built on a little shelf ' it had no solid support, and the whole structure easily was torn from its hold on the bench. "First I found the boy George partly buried under loose dirt. I pulled him (Continued on Page Seven)