EXfk '■> * AmBE i^Bltfi# i i * " A » .'»-, LJfeLfc^^^-h^LS^A^.^^. iji iAAi*fc^Z~^i!3iaMfcttJßilEr^agfrMßMaiati^^^^aw ' 'Vyl^^^l k*l aK^fc*" ' Jv 1 tr 4^B flHfcflaf Maw ' »~ . iflLf ■* uL tj/tff'
I - ..L.*?j - '"'•• SB f ..,mpl»tr<l bo.l.ll B «. .. «h. sr.u.4. «t «*• AJ«.km-V«k.»-P«.in« «»«l«t.«. .h»-«.« «km Cfc. «•>»«1
Pn-WnJiWlii i Tt«r.o* th. g.y.ar b«l» '•• *. «x.u.O. .1 th. Al«.k.-K.k««.P«cl«. «i,«i<l... .lirr-adU. «Uc» ««r4««» ■»<« *'• » . ■■" ■»••*•
A fnll *!»« of the cr;..r !»">■ •• **• «»•"««»» •« **• AJ«»k«.»«ko «-P«cMio «»#»alU»«. .urMaadlJUJ whloU
HThe Herald's Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
The Herald's Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Exposition Contest Are Here
Promptly at 10 P. M., Saturday, March 20, the Contest Will Close
And No More Subscriptions Will Be Received After That Hour
S£Si?ffi aiSaiSSSS* < >•' «,A^.rn-V I<l^ c.^' itl DRSu^erin«nde°nf of Schools, Los Angeles. *' AssY Co,fn!y Supt. Schools, L. A. _ ' Superintendent of Schools, Pomona.
Supt. of Schools, Santa Monica. - Auditor, Board of Education, L. A. Vi £ Principal San Pedro School. L. A. -
_ ' . • =========== TEACHERS, CONSIDER =================
»'•.. - '• ' \ ~^ ~ H Only a few days in which to secure votes and there will be more votes secured during the last week than for any period of five weefe
f&£r«l«& " * - "^
WtSfiffifiL ."' • • :■• \ i -•" - > will be the crowning feature. Do not let this golden opportunity escape you. If you do you will have lost one of the best chances of
f^*9 WBha ;! ! - vnnr life to secure such an educational, as well as a pleasurable, trip absolutely free of cost.
Fs%BB£Wm'''' •'" : - ■ « This solendid enterprise on the par of The Herald has attracted active teachers throughout the seven counts represented m the
P M Wh •' : ■ - contlst and neit summer twelve happy teachers will be sent to the Alaska-Yukon-Paciiic Exposit.on at Seattle on a personally con
'WrW§ ] :i duct T l^^^
S*^P. ■'• W • the hiehert oo\nt a- to comfort and convenience, and, above all, as to its value as a means of broadening education.
11 I . I x . • •; the TherTwU be no und^e publicity given the trip and those friends of The Herald who have been fortunate contestants will not b.
'■ '» ■i-'I t ■ ; ;4|; ; " /§ Paraled"or advert.^ purpSw b/this news P . P er_The Herald recognizes that the successful teachers will not only have won the*
W> * i ?, J- ■- V^ \t^ trip, but they will have earned it.
IS';*#i'. £ fifl';>" ?^l#g^St^i p * l»Bl';fcS;|-:jm^y4|w&&ftii-| ■ —• rIU W 1 riEy VUIL 3 1 iTLiNi- >j
"'• "lai-'^i^iailwftAra Mjl PITY OF LOS ANGELESVOTES Miss Mary Doyle. Covina 5,558 Miss Jessie Lee McMurphy, Chino 12,012
-■'' rlf'.l W^P#€ „ „? u?Z-,v-,£ * on 7 „ Miss Esther Lowe, San Fernando.. 4.615 Miss Flathers, Ontario 2,708
Wll 'I "^"'^i g^2i^i Cora E. Lamb. 1047 E. 23d st 80,755 Newton South Pasadena 3,782 Miss Henrietta Brayton, 579 7th St..
HKi l^«HfißSSfr« MissEllaßobbersonc^ 76,643 C. Barnes. Monrovia 3,371 San Bernardino * 2.703
kj£te' < ' 4«SHH^|raH MissMaeElmendorf 85E.28thst.. /8,936 miK^iS S HoUywood.. 2.208 orange county
■■...•vrWB w • ■^■Lni Unaß"rri tt '34l 1126 E. 47th st y.. 76,172 Winnie L. Catev. Compton \\\', 1.619 Mary ORANGE W. Washing
: .JUte& ■ pjij^ ::^," n j^fflm^mmmr*"™^ Alma R- button 1126 E. 47th ...... /o.w» BJanche c Bradshaw, Whiltier 1,619 Mary Shrewsbury, 403 W. Washing
i s^^^ JKS "a^::::::: || El rA SSS s^^ein;: ::::::::: SSS
S^p^Sp —• —— — - • Mrs. K. L. Madden, 101 N. Boyle aye. 3,757 . vvinifred Timmons. Producers' Jj^E^^ia^ 2,308
Mrs. K. L. Madden. 101 N. Boyle aye. 3,757 M| winifred Timmons. Producers' . Orange 2,308
Laura A. Jones, 1020 W. 22d St., city 3,740 Bank BW Bakersfield 108 UrMge
Miss Grace Stuart, 1508 Brooklyn aye. 3,138 Miss Irma wilkinson( 2106 X St.. Bak- VENTURA COUNTY
wji.'^.u»w'ji' 1. "jiiiiji i im'ih m ."*M)u.*j>!,mv mn,"yi'"i>iii»"i.-'iiiiiiij!iii,ji'w,'y ||i >»•••>•* ».-.*w|| n/f t? Wright 824 W. 35th place.... 1,904 c., ■» QQO
, U-XS S Save ,643 M ?^jL F^V2^4W.W«.;iail 3'"° ci^V '6 3"
SMp^^^^^^^ '^^^^WW^S Vera Blake. 560 N. Hazard st., city.. 1,634 -rcfieid 2,054 ?hoebo v- *«*♦<"», 1210 t>anta
WHK*l*----'-'' a Sfi&Shi PHts eCl h3 n2oE dt 2 yi S tst. '15? RIVERSIDE COUNTY Bc^Si-^:.:::::::::::::: "jS
!B^^^ :*^»^W^^*«»HK't: -JHIWnW Bertha C. Wright. 419 S. Grand aye... 501 Cora Daniels, Jurupa, Riverside 37,439 Ella Fraser. Camarilla. ... 1,107
W l___tll^9 Elizabeth C. McCarthy, 316 Aye. 62.. 413 Lulu E . Main, Corona 26,454 Etta E. Ayers, 1317 Santa Clara.
i«»ts|LjiaLß«fekifiCT tt I i\/f p... 117^ \x/ Bth «!t Riv« Ventura ......... 808
" I Mrs' f R TweS;, etCa!a£»;: '.'.'.'.'.'. 44^54 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ' Minnie Steams, 609 Lincoln St., Santa
, ' ■"■P'^ a*'; *~»:>*^a^K~^a| mSs J^ atherine Williams, Downey . . 43,950 Frances Enslow. 109 Church St., Red- Maria . 16,208
/ '- - 1 ■?. "^M_a__>^^«__--A_l., - '■*•'! Mary T Collins, Watts 25.369 lands ......' 41,744 Mabel F. Doss, 1030 Santa Barbara
\: My <B'BBIK/*-"'. -vCr'i Lily E. McClellen, Sawtelle I:.':::::: 9,933 Saddie Dagger, 725 Orange, Redlands 30,532 St., Santa Barbara 13,371
'IT Iff ?r"*^^^^^R Twelve Teachers Selected by the People
: /^ :_r* T***^*i__f'^ :^; I Six (6) School Teachers from .. One (1> from San Bernardlno county.
: / ■ *»v«^fe^t;» ' V'vfc* •■ ' !31Jv vOj ijCIIUUi X CaCUvij iixsmii One (\\ from Orange county
f M'f?^*'-' V' ' 'lsosjsf™ik? ■■•*'^:"-viV;>" •'-• ■• / LOS AllgeleS County One (I) from Santa Barbara county.
(M* : * ; ' iTf'-y^&ffipfft.yiz*?*^ '-I-: ■ •'• .:7 Three from the city of Los Angeles and three from One (1) from Riverside county.
' rßsm<-*'' te - *" ■ ™wWi--: !-'%f ■^%:;r'/ the county at large outside the city—six in all from *■ ; One (1) from Kern county.
vll^^^SSSS^'^ "V '"A-& /i:/?* :-/ - ' Los Angeles county. One (1) from Ventura county.
7. ""l-- ». ?"'■:' /' , Old subscribers to The Herald, renewing or extending, will en- . . _ T~7*l <nu t»/T l«a innn
te^^^^l^^^P^^^^lsw^'- ./ /■» *! title the contestant to votes same as above, when paid in 'advance. This Ballot Not Good After 1 P.M., March 20, 1909
f-^^^:J^te^>^^W[B wMm -;; provided said subscriber is not in arrears or provided arrears are __^T* kT¥ -< X km*— _
: fe i!wtCfV^ St~ ?M?K i Pai Entirely New Subscribers, who have not been regular readers UIN 1— VU 1 J_~ r
; , #. ; r ;•/»•: •*/ zJ&mf ' ' of The Herald for thirty days previous to the day of the new sub- , T^e Log Angela Herald
«, . .^V '^*^li||ipi«| > «rrintion will entitle the person securing the subscription to 10 Per alaska.vukon.pac.™ voting contest
W 1, 1 THSWt^jßtta lOC Will Jfent of the Subscription Payment. The Herald does not wish any ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC VOTING CONTEST
4• ■ nm'riOt^'p^Vabla^lWlii' : ' one to wor l< for nothing, hence this offer of 10 per cent on all New FREE TRIP
Is^S^*' S ' • •' T ■Surround ' ''< subscriptions, in addition to the free trip for the successful con- ; «£v ; .y y + .'. . ,
"MBb^l J_i»r ' ''--• ' LOlirt / fonOr'" "No 'Subscription Will Be Allowed for Votes in This Contest
IVK:!^^ HSlbg*- '*■ ' ' ' >' Unless Accompanied by the Money. No renewal or extension will Aii<Srt»» .' ...*•■■». ..>>..........» ». m ,, n ..
llßPSi^B^^S^^ri- ii 3 be entitled to the 10 per cent. No subscription received in this vot- .^/^ .»«. "-.•^Vffl 1 iSfiJr^rSi.f^T y^* 0^11 "'
;#* m&&t&f&Z~' i''t~:i ■'*'\ '■ 'lnS contest for less than three (3) months. . Carrier boy« and other employe* of Th« H«r«!d aro not r.Tmlt»«<l t«
llllil IP ?>-*r:&'mb ■ ■ ■■■;-^;i Send or come to -The Herald office for subscription blanks and BOe it or d*iiv*r ballot* from Bubieriber. *r pro»p»ot!y* »ab>i«'
"HBt* 'l^% I T^lsl^lf^^ 1 ' > Regular Ballots for Single Votes entitling the teacher to One Vote will appear in Each Issue of The Herald.
i^lwkm^^li'W i^i^^^ >lK^^fliiiJ'liBflilß^*^t*j''';'''^* Teachers may enter the contest at any time. , "-. ■ .■■'■'■"'■.'„ .-■• ,* ■•.'■:-'Yd,'\ .; ■
KCTSriIS* SISS iISSI■ i?: ;'^¥ One Year's Subscription. Paid in Advance, $4.50. Entitles the Contestant to 1000 Votes. Six months' Subscription, Paid in Advance,
K^^^ffiflKßl '^ $2>35> Entitles the Contestant to 400 Votes. Thre; Months' Subscription, Paid in Advance, $1.20, Entitles the Contestant to 150 Votes.
ipii^^^ia: 4 ■ The Contest Editor, Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, California v -
«■ tkm (■(•■ ate •! ta* ▲luka-Yakva-Faelfio Sxp»*lU««