Newspaper Page Text
PART II SHRINERS Take Notice! ' Every Shrjner In Los Angeles received through the malls the an-, nouncoment of the Rthislan Symphony Orchestra and Ben <'.reefs play, ers' performances at the Auditorium, commencing April 0. Did you notice the back page? It told of the wonderful journey of a ; * : Steinway Piano ' through Central India. Wo reproduce the letter— lt Is an interesting story to all who pride themselves upon American Invasion of the world's music marts. yl \.yf,yi- •--■■.- -',!/ ' JABALPUR, Central Provinces, India, July 31, 1908. Dear Mr. Steinway: i ' ■ '■ '.:*;.;_-' '■■ ':"', „- I am having a photograph forwarded to you which I believe will prove of Interest to yourself and other members of your firm. It Is a picture of a Steinway Piano on the move In Central India. ■;''... ,1 am tho fortunate possessor of one of your beautiful drawing room Grands, and for the last fourteen years It has been the greatest Joy to ourselves and our friends In India. It was with us some years In Bombay (a warm, moist climate), and then came with us here to a very hot summer climate (114 deg. In the shade), and in the winter one below freezing.', ' -' {;, We have now been transferred to Madras, and I am here attend ing to tho dispatch of our properties. The first article to be packed . and attended to was my cherished piano, and, I thought you would be ', Interested in this picture of the first stage in the long Journey to Madras (1500 miles), as it left our bungalow in the charge of an ele phant. . :^yyy:- For musical and mechanical perfection I think the Steinway is un equalod, and when my soldier husband has > completed his service we mean to take our treasure home to Kngland with us. .It will emergo as good as new after a short spell In the hands of your London branch, and we shall both be glad to keep our old friend, as the soundboard - and other Important parts are quite perfect in spite of climatic changes and wanderings. Believe' me. Yours very truly, LOUISE M. SMITH, (Wife of Colonel Stanley Smith, R. A., British Service.) ;|We Sell Steinways $575 to $1650 We are sole Steinway representatives for this locality. Prices #875 to $1650. ('rands Vertegrandg and Uprights—exact eastern prices with bare cost of freight and handling added. ,We make the same proportionate easy terms ;on Stein ways as on other goods. i||||v Geo. J. Birkel Company ®Geo. J. Cecilian and Victor Dealers Steinway, Cecilian and Victor Dealers ,_, 345-347 South Spring Street • " »■;- ■ ' Reliable Dentistry Positively Painless X l-i". ■'' i We have four departments, each in charge of a specialist. •'"•'>"' Now don't you think that a man devoting himself to one thing can do it better than a man who tries to do every ■ '■■' thing? For example: If you had throat trouble your phy- U*;i•• sician would tell you to go to a throat specialist. So in our . •■■■.-. Zy ■ practice we have as follows: ' Extraction Specialist who does nothing but extract teeth absolutely without pain. Crown and Bridge Specialist who knbws all the latest means of restoring lost teeth '■■';' without plates. Filling Specialist "' who will All your teeth so well that we give you'a 20-year guarantee. Plate Specialist '{ ■*-:.';» • - . who makes plates that are natural, comfortable 'and that ''''.'";:'' ••' stay. In place. '„ ■. . •■-. '>:', ' ,;y >•- ; y ; • - The following prices are in effect for 15 days: Gold Crowns ............................. .$4.00 Gold Fillings ..;;..:....................... .50 . m- Gold Bridgework Vy. ;....". ...'.•.'. 4.00 ff fy Silver Fillings i.^....... iy.... .^..:....... -50 ' Re-enameling (cost of material about) ... .... 1.50 s Alveolar Bridgework ; (cost of material about) 5.00 , Porcelain Crowns .......................... 4.00 • i Full Set of Teeth........'..'..:.'..'........... 5.00 Best Set lof Teeth /f:. ??;' ?! ftf5f& ......... 8.00 ,' .''-■ ■ i . ■ ;;. ■■•.. ■: • . .. (-. . • '. ,>■'■ I . "r-' Free Cleansing, Examination, Extraction Free. Angelus Dental Company .;• THE CAREFUL' DENTISTS '$'3\ : ; 357 South Spring Street, N.W. Corner' Fourth St. 1 I * iEEALBtLINEES WILL, SELL 'ANY OLB IHNG—BEITEE TRY ONE I LOS ' ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1909. THE CITY Strangers are Invited to visit the exhibits ot California products at the Chamber of Com merce building, en Broadway, between First and Second streets, where free information will be given on all subjects pertaining to this sec tion. ;*..-, The Herald will pay 110 in cash to anyone furnishing evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any person caught stealing copies of The Herald from the premises of our [-a trees. Membership In the Los Angeles Realty Board is a virtual guarantee of reliability. Provision Is made for arbitration of any differences be tween members and their clients. Accurate In formation on realty matters is obtainable from them. ! Valuations by a competent committee. Directory of members free at the office of Herbert Burdett, secretary, 626 Security bldg. Phone Broadway 15*16. The Legal Aid society, at 619 Chamber of Commerce building, is a charitable organiza tion, maintained for the purpose of aiding In legal matters those unable to employ counsel. The society needs financial assistance and seeks Information* regarding worthy cases. Phone Home 14077. The Herald, like every other newspaper. Is misrepresented at times, particularly In cases Involving hotels, theaters, etc. The public will please take notice that every representa tive of this newspaper Is equipped with the proper credentials and more particularly equip ped with money with which to pay his bills. _ THE HERALD. AROUND TOWN For Bay State People The Massachusetts society will meet Monday evening at Mammoth hall, 617 South Broadway. Employes Rewarded Good Friday was good In every sense of the word to the employes of the Ti tie Guarantee and Trust company. On that day each one received an envel ope containing a full month's salary. About $7500 was distributed In this manner. 'j'.. New Bank In Moneta. The comptroller of the currency has authorized the First National Bank of Moneta to organize. It Is understood the bank will put up a building on a prominent corner on Western avenue. The stock of the bank will be $25,000 paid In to start with, and will ; be in creased as occasion warrants. New Friend Robs Him W. C. Irvine, 123% Temple street, told the police • yesterday that while drinking in a ' Main street saloon he met a man, had a few drinks with him and later went to the Sixth street park with his new-found friend. While en- Joying the cool breeze In the park Irvine fell asleep. When he awoke his friend was gone and also $35 belonging to Irvine, Gardener Injured Frank Davidson, 37 years old, a gar dener living at 732 South Flower street, was painfully injured when the horse which) he was driving to a light wagon near Ninth and Beacon streets ran away and threw him to the pavement yesterday afternoon. He was taken to the receiving hospital, where the police surgeons dressed a number of abras ions about his face, back and legs. HITS HER WITH SHOE IN LIQUOR DISPUTE Railroad Man Said to Have Insisted ... .He Owed Saloonkeeper More Than His Wife Repre. r sented as Due , ', N'• With'a gash Just above her left eye and-her face badly swollen, Mrs. Em ma V. Weston of 1001 Buena . Vista street, appeared at the central station. After her Injury had been treated at the receiving hospital, she told Deputy: District Attorney Arthur Keetch that her husband, R. J. Wes ton, a railroad man, had struck her with a shoe In a dispute over a saloon bill. After hearing the woman's story a complaint charging Weston with bat tery was Issued, and his arrest followed shortly afterward. ; ,- , • According to Mrs. Weston's story to the deputy district attorney, her hus band has been drinking heavily of late. She said he ran an account at a sa loon and she had been paying the bills by installments. She had paid all but $2.50, and then warned , the saloon keeper not to sell * her husband any more liquor. Her warning was not heeded,, she says, and when her hus band asked her how much . he owed she told him. ■ He then became angry and declared he owed more. A dispute followed, and In the heat of anger Weston is said to have seized a shoe and hurled it at her, striking her over the left eye and inflicting the laceration. .'*'..;_ • . TO ENTERTAIN OFFICERS OF JAPANESE SQUADRON ' i President of • Chamber of Commerce Appoints Special Committee to Arrange for Reception The chamber of commerce will make special , arrangements ; for the enter tainment of the officers of the Japan ese squadron, due to arrive in San Pedro harbor April -'6. President Booth has appointed the following committee to arrange for the entertainment: J. C. Drake, chairman; Mayor George Alexander, Lieut. R. H. Miner. J. T. Fitzgerald, A. W. Skinner, J. W. Mc- Kinley, A. P. Griffith, S. I. - Merrill, A. K. Braver, J. I D. Fredericks, Frank C. Prescott, Curtis D. Wilbur, J. M. Over ell, J. G. Mott, Brigadier General Rob ert Wankowski, C J. Nellis, F. B. Mc- Comas, J. J. Bergin, R. J. Bush, Louis Blankenhorn and Walter J. Wren. .. m The committee will meet at the cham ber at 3:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. . CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Almost the first question a woman who frequents a hair dressing parlor asks: "Have you a competent woman in charge of,the hair dressing room?" After once visiting M.' Frederickson's parlor at 743 South Broadway you will not/ have to i ask that question. The popular Mrs. .Wipperman has charge of that department, /so perfect and prompt attentlpn Is accorded every cus tomer and utmost courtesy given to ail. Save sickness ana stomach trouble by drinking the best spring water. The Glen Rock Water company will supply you. Phones CI 456. East 437. ; Price right ' ;s". , '.. . , Ostrich'feathers'cleaned, curled and dyed 'to sample; ■ accordion; and fine knife pleating; pinking, and buttons made. ' Watson Co., 247, S. Broadway. i New shipment of portiere beads. O. L. McLaln's Curio Store, i 408 W. Seventh. _j».jf---.«in>->-jSi»vnfftti.-*i'Mrr--' ;V'.- -■■*•*, v.- ■ '.'.>.' - . . 'GREATEST TOWN EVER HAPPENED' HARRY LOOMIS OF ANGELUS A BOOSTER George Harris Donohue Meets Old Friends and Discovers We Have 1800 Manufacturers In This City GEORGE HORACE DONOHUE Los Angeles ohce morel Oh, joy! Ever since leaving this town a couple of years ago I have been the Busiest Izzy imaginable trying to figure out how I would ever be able to cover tho remarkable distance with dignity and dining car equipment, but despite all reports to the contrary the feat has been accomplished, and now, that I am actually here it will be up to me to form myself into a sort of educational institution for the benefit of those in this town who are not altogether sure whether Los Angeles is a real city or not. . This idea struck me forcibly while sitting in the rotunda of Hotel Angelus yesterday afternoon when Harry Loo mis, proprietor of that well known hos telry, buttonholed me with the follow ing bit of wisdom, which, if taken at all seriously, might be good food for consideration by the host now In pos session of this beautiful city. "You can bet your last rock bottom dollar, Donohue," said Mr. Loomls as he doled me out a long black perfecto, "that in less than ten years Los An geles will be one of the greatest cities in this country. It will be the real Paris of America, and right here today you can readily detect the advance ear marks of a higher degree of cultiva tion than is apparent. Individually in any other city on the Pacific coast. Mr. Loomls Is undoubtedly a real town booster, but his subsequent, de duction? on future prosperity and the remarkable arguments he advanced as a substantial groundwork for the points covered claimed my open-eyed atten tion, 'as like' the thousands of other newcomers to Los Angeles I had but little idea of the vast possibilities of this city as viewed from the many sided'arguments of Mr. Loomls. "Why, away back, twenty • years ago," continued Loomis, "I was down in San Diego, and at that time every body was talking about the wonderful era of prosperity which was sure to overtake this section of the country. I remained there until about everybody went broke, and then, like many; oth ers I came here, and today I'm still wondering why I left the old town, as now it is a moral certainty that every man who stuck there and held on to his property can now count his money in the much coveted six figures. "People who come here and remain but a few days wonder how it is that there are always so many people on our principal business thoroughfares. The answer is seven-eighths of our settlers who come here with the In tention of remaining but a short time become enamored of the climate, buy themselves a beautiful sunny home, and the next thing you know you see their names In the city directory, and you discover they have transferred their wealth to the caro of our local banking Institutions. ' "That's what's going to make Los Angeles great. The class of people who are now among us represent the wealth of the country. They are lovers of music, art and the higher educational attainments. It will only be a question of a short time before we have among us some of the greatest instructors in nil branches of art. as they will be attracted by the great field which is here for them. *:•-■•,'•'■''• "As it stands today, we have already produced more 'champions' than any other section of the country. Look at the little girl we sent from down the country a short time ago to New York. Didn't she take every prize held up In the physical culture contest at Madi son Square garden? Well, I guess she did; and besides, haven't we the great est pugilists and the most beautiful women to be found any place on earth? All you have to do, sonny, when you come to this town is to keep your eyes open, and before you know it you will discover lots of things you may not think we have tabulated on our local calendar." • As a matter of fact, before talking with Mr. Loomis I made the rather novel discovery that right here in sun ny Los Angeles there are more than eighteen hundred manufacturing con cerns whose annual output portends a remarkable factor in the bank clear ings of this city. Another funny thing which I discov ered at the Angelus is the fact that in back of the desk can be found a liv ing replica of Governor Hughes of New York In the person of Nat S. Mul lan, who for years was the able enter tainer of the Palace hotel In San Fran cisco. With Mr. Mullan is Julius A. Buckler, who gained fame during the recent national political campaign as the youthful prototype of Col. William Jennings Bryan. Mr. Buckler is the (•lover citizen who can spell eucalyptus without consulting his hotel red book. Since my arrival here I have encoun tered several thousand people who for some reason or other imagine I am about to swing back into the gloom and mysteries of the far-famed Raffles— but take it from me, THAT is one feat ure of my exciting career which I trust is shoved away far back into the grave yard of oblivion. :■ ■ - Since leaving here I have been "Raf fling" continuously, and as It stands now I'm getting so that I am actually afraid to go home in the daylight. In a day or so, after I get my proper ■ bearings restored, I will make an effort I to get among your real well known and I capable citizens and therewith dally along in the good old fashioned style. Everybody' likes to be talked to, and if you have the time and feel happy, just pause a moment and consider the great possibilities which may be yours should you happen to stop and say "How d' y' do" ,to me. Incidentally, so that you will remem ber details all right, I might suggest that the gifted W. X Carruthers, "who was here with me two years ago, in now a vision of the past—he couldn't get : car fare ■to get* back. Instead of W. K. C. I have inveigled Walter S. Kellar, a solemn looking youth, to join me in the campaign which I am about to spread before you. Should you ; meet "Little Walter" treat him kindly and remember that never before has he treaded either tho heated sands or A the sacred soil of Southern California; In a day or so we will all get re acquainted. In the meantime watch this column, as there is never any tell ing when you may discover your own gifted personality shining through the limelight of unexpected publicity.' V Incidentally I wonder what has be come of my old trailer, Conductor No. 1139. _, ' That's all—have a cackle and an egg with - me. g\ -— - — Swh&Wjmk iMShcm ' '^,ww OutfßUn for „. ; • SWtmL-*wr Men. Women.Boys <&> Girls SfVfcfl 437-439-441-.443 SOUTtt .spring /^l| Quality / k \'/ '" .I|3 rr\ || -mm laiKs Tsffl? I \ ""^^^W -»*■ -y yE SELL MEN' CLOTHES of j MM x - \ *&££?* * \fa I Qua--ty — hundreds of regular U -^llll' <-'iAl'" ' s^B \i \i patrons will verify this assertion. ||| HKl*HfUs si In an advertisement we cannot |j| 1-V | ■ ; /i\ ' sBr describe them any better than the man who |i X«K4 i JRm»fk ' iy** only pretends to keep quality clothes can de- ||j m tW^^-sl^6^ ' scribe his garments. But seeing is believing \.'\ W HI * ' ißl^ I * —examination shows the difference. And so |;| M l»!-^pHfel\'l we as-{ y° u to la-<e a l°°k at our window dis- { i ll x 'll i^l > I plays of clothing this week. Then come in n \»j^ B [ '}M 11-tVf %Va "' and examine the Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes || ■B-'^i' if lllllllifs and other good makes for which we are ex- ii RKj'l lfH^'*cl' elusive distributors in Los Angeles. Positive 'S* ""'' 1 ill* H'M ly the best values in town, at any price from ' H* - j lilt till $15 to $45. Exclusive models, exclusive fab- Ij ■•sll " ' ■111 If] : Iff*-*!f r"-s- exclusive makes. : ' jO^-WUJ We Fill Mail Orders |! $i5,5i8,520 )(*fiißM t^ffitters^ror^ I wemihem .Men.Women.Boi/s v* Girts perfectly -t0ZL439r44K443-SOOTrLSPRIrftV ' y,'.~y ' ':'.-■- '~r ' - ■ r— ~ 1 -^ THE Home Savings Bank Of Los Angeles Announces its removal to the Hotel Alexandria building, south west corner Fifth and Spring Streets, and its consolidation with the Bank of Los Angeles, which has been doing business at the above location. The Combined Capital Will Be . . . $400,000.00 '» S Surplus and Undivided Profits... 18,000.00 | Total Assets .. . ..... . ... 1,682,924.11 — DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS: 1 R. J. WATERS. President. GEO. R. MURDOCK W. E. OLIVER W. F. CALLANDER, Vice President. W. M. BOWEN H. J. GOUDGE „- A v . „ .. t GEO. HANNA J. H. BULLARD 10. J. WIGDAL, Vice President. Dp> HJLL F M DOUGLAS i.y ■ H. J. WHITLEY, Vice President. j M HALE L. J. CHRISTOPHER R. M. MOORE, Cashier. WM. MEEK REESE LLEWELLYN F. L. THOMPSON, Assistant Cashier. R. E. DOBBS, Assistant Cashier. r HHs GEESE FEATHER PILLOWS Si Ll\. L/ WFl^^pSi These pillows contain d* I C /^^P^l?Si^^[m ers* We challenge any Jl I 8 «»1 Ymlmholß^mß% dealer in the city to *¥*•* *"^ ll^S^^^^^ duplicate at this price. Regular Price $3.00 I^WSMiP We are showing* below a cut of our 40-lb. FINE CURLED HAIR MATTRESSES. For one week only we will makt thisf grid? mattress for the low price of $16. You can have your choice of ticking. Our workroom is open to inspection. We invite you to investigate our goods and workmanship before chasing. We make a specialty of renovating mattresses. .». X^r I , IE I 836 So. Main Street V •—■MM——■■■■-» ) Herald Want Ads Do the Work 5