OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, April 18, 1909, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1909-04-18/ed-1/seq-14/

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SAID a well-known woman to her
young son, after spending the af
ternoon at a reception, "Don't ask
me any questions, Jack, while I have
on my bronze pumps. My disposition
lent the same." This remark is indic
ative of the average human's attitude
toward his foot covering. In the words
of a local bard:
The sock is used at time", forsooth
To cover up the human hoof,
And as a rule it is even so with the
Nature's intention in regard to our
feet has been thwarted, to a great de
gree, but a serious study of foot dress
Bhows a united effort among shoe
makers to return to nature and regard
her wishes. And as man has been
coaxed away from natural tendencies
by fashion and style and general at
tractiveness, so he must be lured back
again by the same means.
Accordingly we find shoes made of
leather, In conjunction with other mate
rials; of fabrics, in myriads of colors
tints and shades: in fascinating con
trasts' of leathers and fabrics, orna
mented In barbaric, mediaeval and
modern patterns, in styles, cuts and
curves bewilderingly beautiful and nu
Scientific research has been applied
to all departments of shoemaking, but
It remained for the Regal Shoe com
pany to apply science to the putting
in and drawing out of the foot. Just
what the wrong method means is
shown in the following verbatim quo
tation from a circular issued by Regal
"Regal shoes are now being made on
the new Regal-form lasts, invented and
owned exclusively by us. When a
Regal shoe made on this last is finish
ed, the Regal form last is withdrawn
in sections —first part A, then part B.
The gTeat advantage of this Regal
form last Is that it enables Regal
shoes to be shaped in perfect propor
tion at the instep or "waist," dupli
cating the snugness found heretofore
only in the highest-priced custom
shoes. All other ready-to-wear shoes
are built on old-style lasts and must
therefore be made large enough at the
"waist" to allow the broad part of the
last to be withdrawn. That is why
they are so apt to sag and wrinkle at
the "waist" under the Instep.
Regal quarter sizes have given thou
sands of people the only perfect fit
they ever obtained in ready-to-wear
shoes, and It Is well to remember that
Regal quarter sizes offer you double
the number of fittings.
A good shoebrush and a shoe tree
are absolutely necessary, Mr. Vande
grift says, if the shoe wear its life nut,
slowly and naturally. The new brush
is macje of felt and the shoe tree is
nothing more nor less than a good
last. All these helps are of use in pro
longing the life of the shoe, which
must go the way of all material things
if it be neglected.
Everything in covering for tiny
toes, from the soft bootee to the
orthopedic last for school children and
dignified styles for misses, is included
in the stock at the Slaub's store. It
is a lesson in the care modern condi
tions give to baby feet to see this dis
play, and many and sensible are the
suggestions fur those who wish above
all things for comfort for their chil
Materia medica is loud in its de
nunciation of the needs we are apt to
designate as those of a higher civiliza
tion, and attempts are being made to
return our infants to their primitive
condition at least in regard to feet.
For those who do not wish to go
barefooted there are the barefoot san
dals for boys and girls. For the wee
baby there are dainty white canvas
nothings embroidered in bow knots; for
the first shoes dear soft soled things
and moccasins in blue and pink, as
pink as the toes themselves; Indian
moccasins with fringe and beads, and
tiny house .shots trimmed in fur; and
then a big jump to boys' dancing
pumps with ankle strap and outing
a v*^K^^^ta*^** fW.
shoes in ail leathers and combina
A shoe worn by Scotch babies in
Dumfries was shown me by a friend
the other day. li is a weird thing and
makes the American mother shudder
to think of soft baby bones encased in
such a prison. Jr. is made of hard,
untanned leather, with a sole of wood.
Around the sole and to protect It is a
ridge of iron exactly in shape like a
horseshoe and nailed with small horse
shoe nails. The < 'hlnese method of
binding up the feet i.s really tender
compared to the weu.lng of this awful
It is a far cry from such shoes to
the dainty offerings fur children to
be found at the Broadway, where hu
man ingenuity seems to have exhaust
ed all its efforts along the Unei or
sanitary, hygienic housing uf the
child's font. The Orthopedic last is in
the lead here, and judging from the
number of children waiting to be fitted
Carolyn Stanton Thompson
it Is a most admirable style for small
Quantity ..nd quality both arc to be
found at this shop, and unique ideas
mingle In friendly rivalry with staple
styles. Something new in tlie way of
fancy toppings in green and brown
suede with patent brown vlcl is being
shown, and this same idea is carried
out in little girls' shoes. This is quite
an Idea, for everybody knows that to
the small lady nothing is more at
tractive than clothes like mama wears.
Speaking of crowds, the Harvard
shoo store at 208 West Second street
is entirely too small to accommodate
its patrons.
This is especially so on Saturday
night, and there ..re no bargain sales
either. This store belongs to the
Burns-Farnsworth company, which
maintains another aristocratic shoe re
treat at 338 South Broadway. At this
latter store a unique window display
shows half a hundred lasts, each wear-
Ing a different style. The West Second
street store Is devoted to boys and
men's shoe i, and although only five
months in its present location, is
breaking all records for popularity.
"We carry shoes for all the family,"
says Mr. l.c Sage, at 336 South Spring
street. "We have only been In this
location one week, but already father
and mother see in us their true friends
when it comes to buying shoes for
Bobble and the rest of the boys and
girls. AYe want children who give us
real shoe problems to solve, won* n
who complain bitterly that they never
know what shoe comfort is and men
who work hard at labor which requires
standing continually. We are like the
lawyer who said that other people's
troubles never depressed him, for he
always found a way out of even the
knottiest situations. That is just the
way we foel about shoe troubles;
there isn't a case on earth that we
cannot remedy. '
The Baker Shoe company like? to
deal with men, and for nun its stock is
unsurpassed. But the pride and joy of
this store li its supply of pumps for
women. There is In evidence a firm be
lief in the future of the pump. Suede
in all colors is in the lead. Dark,
woodsy greens and autumn browns,
modish gray! and tans give subtle hints
of artistic gowns that these shoe joys
are destined to become acquainted with.
Two-hole ties vie with other makes to
the detriment of the others, and that
there arc stylos even in a shoestring is
borne out by the utter absence of the
prominent bow of ribbon.
"Just because we claim to carry low
prices and great bargains you need not
think that we receive only middle class
trade." said the manager at Ham
burger's. "No. indeed; it is rather a
usual sight than otherwise to have a
fashionable brougham or electric ba-
louche draw up in front of our beauti
ful modest shop and unload a most
fashionable customer. For, and here Is
one uf the secrets of the trade, milady
wishes to economise on shoes rather
than nn any other one article of her ap
parel. And in order to meet this pecu
liar feature we carry a full line for
fastidious folks, but not at prohibitive
The Qreat White store at Eighth and
Broadway has cause to lie proud, but
no greater factor contributes to this
self-satisfaction than the shoe depart
ment. Modestly disclaiming any credit
for novelties the manager dilated at
length on the reputation of this depart
ment for reliability in shoes. ■'Sim, s
to wear." lie says, "nut shoes to look
at; that's the kind of foot dress we
carry. For school, the most hygienic
we can find; for play the Stoutest we
can find; for party or afternoon wear
the nobbiest we can find, and I'm- street
wear the trimmest we can find. Our
motto i'? Shoes for all and all for
shoes, and it comes pretty near being
a fact that I.os Angeles as a whole is
lucking to us for all kinds of foot
Why woman should be blamed for the
Increasing demand for novelties in foui
gear Is obvious fur present modes in
sist on shoes and hose to match e.i h
gown. To must women an array such
:.s the Wetherby-Kayser company dis
plays is as alluring as the Siren's song
ami much the same in effect, for Imme
diately tlie normal woman become?
oblivious to ali gave Bhoes, ahoes, shots
and fain would possess them all.
This progressive firm makes entire
shoe outfits; for the bride, for instance,
who wishes for street wear a stable en
during last of medium price; for her
bridal outfit a satin slipper trimmed in
Iridescent beads; fur her party gown a
sample in silver or gold cloth orna
mented with a Desdemona bow. Fnr
hnuse wear she will choose a four-bar
open sandal with short open Vamp,
beaded to match the leather which Is
more likely than not gulden French
bronze, kid, for women have gone daffy
o\ei- the bronze bout.
Bullock's shows these bronze boots
in i 1! styles the pump, the oxford, the
street oxford, hinli lac.', high button
and bo on .-1.1 Inflnttum, tor the color
has taken hold as no novelty has in
. md no style is complete without
a sample in bronze,
We toe much of" the tailored suit, the
tailored waist, the tailored hat, and
even tailori • ories, We associate
with the Idea of tailor-made simple
clinging linos Following those of the
figure and lacking in furnishings nnd
furbelows the distinctive mark of the
eternal feminine. For the tailor-made,
be it known, we borrow from the men
and the arbiter of men's fashions can
always In relied on for sane, sensible
and comfortable clothes suggestions.
And so it comes about that we have
the tailored shoe, ami Harris & Frank
carry no other line. It comes uf course
in a hand-turned, hand-made last and
conforms in the slightest detail to the
comfort lines in the foot. There is a
special model for women and young
girls, the idea being to embody natli
ness and smartness In a well-wearing,
up-to-date shoe. Russian, patent and
calf are the leathers used, tin; only
decoration being bows of the same
lei,tli.)- or perforations. The .same sim
ple styles find ready favor with men,
too, and the shoe department at this
good hduse has a wonderful assort
After visiting Seattle, Taeoma, Port
land and San Francisco, the Chicago
representative of the Dr. Reed Cushion
Shoe quickly decided to locate Its dis
tributing house here, and a cozy home
for this celebrated shoe has been fitted
up at 742 South Broadway.
When asked. "In what respect does
your shoe differ from other so-called
Comfort rihoes." the manager smiled
and said, "Just three: First, it's
COMFORTABLE. Second, It's elegant
enough for a banker, easy enough for
a cripple and »assy' enough for a col
lege boy. Third, It will wear till you
forget where you got it. Our 'Bunion
last' has perhaps contributed more to
our success than any other we make.
AVith this we fit the foot perfectly, yet
accommodate a bunion that stands
out an inch. The bunion owner and
the man with callous soles are our real
friends. Next in line are heavy men
generally and policemen particularly.
Men who Jam 200 pounds of human
flesh !nto their shoes about fifty times
a minute, six hundred thousand pounds
an hour and an appalling total of six
million pounds every ten hours. Ever
think of that? The cunhion relieves the
j a r, makes the sole absolutely lmper-
vious to heat and cold and conforms
to and fills every curve of the foot."
"And are these made for ladles?" "Yes,
sir: on all lasts and on all leathers.
Ladies who have been kept at home
because they could only wear old la
dies' comforts, may now go to the mat
lness with more perfect comfort than
many have ever known.
"Why was Los Angeles selected? Be
cause it is destined to be the greatest
city on the coast and because It en
tertains such vast numbers of eastern
people, who know the shoe, which has
a home in nearly every important east
ern city. A line of stores will soon bo
opened on the coast."
A novel slogan has been adopted by
these people: GKT INTO A PAIR OF
"Nothing In town can touch our Lusi
tania and Mauretania," was the reply
to shoe inquiries at Gude's shoe store a
353 South Spring street.
"Did you ever try on a pair of -wooden
shoes, such as our Dutch brother wears
in his blindness? The chiropodist and
the man who sells a bunion last is not
yet awake to the opportunities that
await them in Holland. Fancy the veiy
acme of human rrfi=erv, n.e hfl d.
yielding sides and sole, and the.i sip
your foot into the Lusitania." This was
a smart salesman. He was convincing
as he pointed to the shoes' merits.
"The pump has gone through a Mrtca
of evolution! that puts it today In the
fullness of Its development in the front
rank of shoe convenience!. This styi-a
shows the highest point in the la*t
stage. In its infancy it was a bane to
the woman with the narrow heel and a
torture to the one possessing a beauti
fully arched instep. The ankle strap as
shown in this model does away with all
discomfort; it is now ready for old and
young and small and large feet, and
made in green calf with a tiny bow of
the same leather it is a (harming shoe
and modish enough for the most partic
"The companion style, the Maure
tania. is a new departure in a patent
leather pump, and i.s made with a slide
ornament and a small tongue. It i<?
more perfect fitting than anything iii
a straight pump pattenu and comes
with very high heels."
The high heel! It is famed in song and
story; it is maligned in club meetings
and is ever credited with filling ojr
jails and does fill our joke columns. It
is conceded to be indirectly the caus.>
of every disease—mental, physical and
spiritual—that flesh is heir to, yet, like
the poor, we have it always with us.
And why?
It remained for Mr. Hollander of the
Hollander & Funk Co., the large,
airy store at 42S South Broadway, tJ
tell me why. "The high heel shoe," he
said, "fits the foot. With the .short
vamp, the ankle strap and the high
heel we have a combination to conjure
with when it comes to fitting the aver
age foot. And it Is the average foot
that we must fit. As children we were
taught to walk upon the ball of the
foot. How can we do it if the heels arc
Hat and low? The high heel throws the
foot forward, the body is maintained :n
a position favorable to good circulation,
anil there you are!"
"The woman who falls down stairs
with her baby in her arms while wear
ing a high-heel shoe blames the shoe,
when she ought to blame herself. No
one ought to live in one pair of shoes
any more than in one dress or one hat.
A shoe for the street, a shoe for the
matinee, a shoe for the dance and a shoe
for the house; this would be the ideal
condition of the modern wardrobe, for
It is a manufacturers' fact that each of
these styles meets the peculiar condi
tions of each occasion. And, properly
cared for, a set of shoes should last
long enough to fully warrant the first
expense. It's like buying a house or
making any other investment." Do
y<>u get the idea, my friends?
"A little brighter, a little newer, a
little smarter," says Mr. Witherell of
his hobby, the Patrician shoe, at
Lane's. After ho finishes one is quite
sure that Mr. Webster or some one es
pecially appointed should look after
the condition of the adjective market.
"The woman of refinement seek"?
that which accords -with the trend of
fashion. In the Patrician shoe she
finds portrayed the thoughts of the
world's most skilled designers In foot
apparel. Every detail expresses femi
nine beauty and daintiness. In its va
rious styles it is a blue ribbon winner
for social occasions; distinctive and
becoming for summer wear; cool and
comfortable and happily adapted for
summer recreation; a popular walking
shoe, with perfect ankle fit. In short,
it is the shoe of all shoes, and It satis
fies the modish maid and matron.
"It Is light as a summer cloud, ac
cords agreeably with the light sum
mer gown; it Is a shoe for the college
girl, a shoe for the home girl; it Is dis
tinctive in style and harmonious in
leather combinations; a dashing style
where a dashing style Is wanted and
subdued enough for the meekest. De
signed with every thought for the
wearer, it Increases self-respect, im
parts confidence and is always a factor
for peace and pleasure."
Like the spring tonic they take back
on the farm, according to Mr. AVtth
erell, the Patrician ahoe IB a neces
sary adjunct to every household, and
no one should be without a pair.
A man's shoe with high heels seems
oddly Inconsistent. It is a style that |
comes as a natural outgrowth of the
fad that dictates men's styles for
women's styles for men. At the Ham
ilton Shoo company there is something
very daring In the Oxford model, high;
heeled, shown with perforated tip for]
summer wear, in cool white canvas and I
white buckskin. Here are also dis
played high heels for men attached to
two-hole ties in tans and greens and
gun metal: white canvas OKfordSl
! trimmed with calf and patent buttoned
model! with doth top.
The hronze shoo, seen In the begin
ning only in the parlor and drawing
room, has put on street airs and now
walks abroad quite boldly. In Bui I
lock's shoe department is displayed a!
model that should have B new word I
1 coined for It. Failing in this, we ■nail
call It classy, for it is aJI that and
more. It is an Oxford tie. with a
curved top and high boel. and Is as!
aristocratic in this new last as it ever
! was in the drawing room styles. A
patent two-hole tie with tiny nocktiei
bow of gold braid is another of Bul
lock's novelties; indeed, a visit to this
very beautiful abode for foot cover
i ings Is replete with shoe pleasures.
i Shoes that are shoes come from Bul
i lock's, and the patron sets what he.
| wants when he wants it.
Story of First Romance Reveals Inter,
esting War.Time Incidents —Mar-
riage Performed as Regi
ment Left
Cupid hurried some when he went
out to find a second wife for Milton ( .
Fordhani. 71 yMUI old and a widower
of but six months. The little god of
Love had been on the job but a snort i
time when he found another mate for |
the pioneer and Civil War veteran, j
The woman was Mrs. Mary F. Weston
—now Mrs. Milton C. Fordham, 59
yearn old. Both the bride and bride
groom had- been married before. The
i eremony took ylace last night at the
bride's home, y29 Georgia btreet.
Married when but 24 years old, Ford
ham lived with his first wife forty-
Jive years. She died lust October at
the age of f.O.
Fordham announced hi* intention or
remarrying about two months after
the dentil of his first wife. Mrs. Wes
ton, who had been a neighbor for
several years, was visiting in Boston
at the time of Mrs. Fordham's death,
but a letter from Fordham brought her
back to the coast. Mrs. Weston did
much to comfort the veteran during
his period of grief and the marriage of
the pair has been expected for more
than three months. The announce
ment of Fordham that he intended to
get married last night on this account
was not a surprise to his friends.
The license was secured yesterday
about 12 o'clock. Fordham left his
boarding place at 2620 Michigan Street
soon afterward, and removed his be
longings to the home of his bride at
929 Georgia street.
Is Veteran Contractor
Fordham came to I-os Angeles
twenty-five years ago and engaged in
the contracting business. He was a
native of New York state. having
been born in Rochester. His courtship
prior to his first marriage was filled
with romantic incidents. Having fallen
in love with a young woman of New
York in 1562. Fordham left with a com.
pany of New York volunteers within a
few days after his marriage. It was
his intention to leave for the. front
when the war opened, but so great was
his love for the girl of his choice that
he decided to remain at home until he
could get his fiance's consent to mar
riage. Two days before one of the
last companies of volunteers was
leaving New York the ceremony was
Fordham built a home at 226 Quciro'o
street, where he lived for about twenty
years. Five years ago he moved to
2028 Brooklyn avenue. He sold hi*
Brooklyn avenue home at the death of
his first wife and took lodgings with
friends at 2620 Michigan street.
Mrs. Weston has lived in L,os An
geles almost ten years. She became
acquainted with Fordham several
years ago.
Edwards & Wild'}' company reports the fol
lowing sales made during the past week:
For Youns & Adams to Mrs. Ora Wagner,
lot S In block 7 Of the Normanriio Place tract,
D5x160 feet, on the northeast corner of Third
an.l Ardmorc. Consideration 11800. The prop
erty will be Improved at once with a modern
seven-room bungalow.
For Mary E. Davis to Mrs. B. T). Botts, mod
ern eight-room residence at 144S West Twenty
eighth street: consideration $5500. Mrs. Hotts
will occupy the property as a home.
For James B. Green Co. to Alice M. Taylor,
lot 9, block 2 of the Normandle Place tract,
40xl8Q feet on the west side of Ardmore, be
tween First and Second streets; consideration
$900. Purchased for Investment.
For the Fame sellers to E. 18. Glanzman, lot
53 In block 3. Norroandle Place tract, 40x176
feet, on the west side Of Klngsley drive, be
tween First and Second streets; consideration
McCarthy Tract Sales
The McCarthy company reports the following
Bales made during the past week in their vari
ous popular tracts In the southwest part of.the
To S. Bobbins lot 40x143 feet on Seventy
ninth street, between Vermont avenue and
Hoover street, for 1625.
To W. Klsner, five-room bungalow at 848
Bait Sixty-fourth street. This place Is located
between Ban Pedro street and South Park ave
nue, and sold for }2230.
To Laura Polner, lot 27, block B of Walters'
Moneta Avenue and Flgueroa Street tract. Just
oft Flgueroa street, for $950.
If you want to go east. C. Haydook. Agent
Illlncla Central R. R . 1!8 W. Sixth Btr««t.
Fat nt th.' Arc l-is grill.
*ReS!Si b» 6 CATARRH
Ely's Cream Balm i^SlvSi
Is quickly absorbed. |Is^&//"O/?£ OVn 1
Gives Relief at Once. WP"£>^ /*ff{fff-<Ojn
It cleanses, soothes, O^VER W&M
heals ami protects fife* \}*^l
the diseased mem- »i__^\!l^ g^Q
resulting from tgJiSfftn&^^Wim
Catarrh and drives »aitrcV<v2r^H
away a Cold in the laSjrV-^-y '^B
Head qwickly. l;-i|AV CETWrfJ
stores the Senses of |ltHl I tf til
Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts., at Drug
gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cents.
Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street. New York.
i • r-, ' ■■ . ■■- - ■ . „-.'f-— r ' >l,»i -"I '
(y?/ SHOES
v^^^/ For Men
•••215-217 So-Broaow/ot/'*
Our Shop is Headquarters for Johnston & Murphy Shoes
—the best Men's Shoes in America. Of course, we have
many High Shoes at all times—but Oxfords are so en
tirely correct and comfortable for present day wear that
we illustrate these only— and a few of the newer models:
»j. HO.' I —Tan Russia Calf at /l\k ■
/\^V $6.00. Patent Calf at $7. / \ \. _^
/ V^Va/V Same model in a Bench 1.. Ti^ JWIM^w
I T^P^ra Made Oxford. In , Tan ){us" V \2ffSi^
ik iso<e^l sin Calf or ounmetal Calf' 'f
M^«^/' (^^ at ' s-00' 'slpatent5 lpatent Calf ttt \V jK*\
I NO. J—The new "Boston" '
A last. In Tan Russia , Calf 'J§
I As comfortable as It looksiVO. if
No. 1 Price .$6.00. .. ' *■ -■-,
f\ %). ford, "straight \ last." very / |\ V. ■ Vj/S/
V '''Tiw^}iB(Jia ti't\. Ulack Vlcl Kid al • ysJ^~v^ C^
lii t'^yi^^\ JS.OO. Patent Colt $9 00. 1^ jgg,. A
BY : i<j^?\ one of this spring's novel- M. 'Nf^fij
M \i^' \ ties. Ounm«tal Calf. Price I /
©i V $6.00. Smart for ;-ouns :r!^\
J We Fill Mail
No. 2 '■< Orders No. 4
' /J^^wlilS^b^F The Latest Footwear Fashions
Wml^W^/ ' from New York and Paris
"^^^^Mu'3tWi^Y are reac^y *or you at our store * ecause we se^ l^e
//A famous Regal Shoes for Women. Each one of these
: is^ CB^^^^J^^v^ Regal styles is an exact reproduction of an expensive custom
model, and possesses the exclusive style of a made-to-order shoe.
For Women
have long been famous for their high quality. Their price is the same all the year
'round. They not only afford you correct style, but also perfect fit and comfort— because
they are made in quarter-sizes — double the usual number of shoe-fittings.
$350 $400 and $500
Th 1 CL«« a -« 302 SO. BROADWAY, A. S. Vandegrift, Mgr.
Regal OllOe MOre Monrovia Agency v _._ J. W. Me-—v
.. ' ■ ■ :
g^Bßßßß^Bßßmnamiiin 1 hiiihiim"! mil iiii^mbm^""** 110 I'""1""! W*"*™*J""l ' ■"-■—" ■ 11 imiii««i«n
■ ■ ■ • 1/ '' <rr '-'■■ 0
'a ■■— —-.~^gB» mm^Mm
Outfitters for „.■
Men. Women. Boys v* Girls
.437-439-441:443 SOOTH 3PRi»
I Good Shoes for Men
I Our Shoe Department grows rapidly— two reasons. We have good shoes
—and we know how to fit them. Men who want footwear that will give
. •' service, that is down to the minute in
Late New , style, that is comfortable qn the feet— can
; — Styles ; —-— get it here, and get it every time.
Jd&k /^n We show a few of our newest ideas. All are
A Jr/\ / /Ji "right" in every particular. ,•]'y*.
0j&5&&f J/ In '; ;■■;'. q Model A—This is Blucher Oxford with
yW^^^Jsf fin**'*! a very stylish toe Shown in Gun Metal Calf
|Wf'WiB/ [I/ and Tan Russia Calf. Excellent value at $3.50.
/**^ff I gml J n *i Model B—Men's Button Oxford in Gun i
/<^|i|. A i , Metal Calf. The illustration . shows its re- '-f:
/ J^&^ ' K*~m*\. & markable style. Price $4.00. ; v
, 3^fi \ 9°^P^\ q Model C — Men's Two-Hole Pumps. Shown \
/«B\ V^./V*! \ in Gun Metal Calf and Tan Russia Calf. High- t
In\ ssy I_j \ est grade workmanship;' price $6.00. Other .''
ik %\C I ,oJ A ) grades at $4.00 and $5.00.
V^l VNAk /*l / A fl Model D—A stylish* Boo): for Men. Mate
l%^ii^S^il |V// /^ rial is Un Metal Calf. A remarkable value at
i SomvtffmiSh'
Outfitters for „
• . ; Men. Women. Boas ajyi Girts : ■-■f-
we mi mhii order.. 437-439-441-443 , SOOTH spring
z=i—_=... '■ — =p; .
Other Good
Oxfords at
$4 and $5
—215-217 So. Broadway •••
i • ■ ■ - ,■ ■■»■■■:••."' ' '• ; < V*V ""iV •■
While these are not "J & M"
I models. ) they are genuinely
stylish, serviceable Oxfords —
and truly remarkable values.
Other good shoes here, too, 'at
similar prices.
No.S i W
NO.; s— Ono of our /I A
Newest Oxford« —rot- tl M f\
ent Leather, Tan Ilus- IL^/ (vi ■
sla Calf. OunmitHl Calf. .-~Jc£^By
Price $5.00. , (S^F^ll
NO. «—Men's Oxford in i^rar|D
Patent Colt, excellent frll 4& t\
In style ami quality. 'f\ j§2> i\
Price $4.00. fl\^*ip V
NO. 7—This Oxford. H VJ^WT 9
made In Dark Tan Rua- i .■••;.•".■ M .
sin Calf, It also a re-* U !/£ >>t"TI
markabli value, rrlco W?^-' . m
Perfect Fitting \Ljl
Boots for Men N0.7

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