Newspaper Page Text
2 PLANS KASPARE COHN HOSPITAL BOYLE HEIGHTS STRUCTURE TO COST $40,000 SANTA BARBARA CHURCH WILL BE BUILT Beautiful Grecian Edifice, as Planned, Meets with Approval of Trustees. New Apartment Structure for Ocean Park Architects are preparing preliminary sketches for the Kaspare conn hospi tal to be erected on Ho> le Heights at a cist of $40,000. Plans have been ap- ■ proved for a handsome church build-1 ing at Santa Barbara, to cost $25,000. It will be of Grecian architecture. Plans are being prepared for a three story brick apartment building for Park, and plans an' now ready! for a three-story apartment building on Pasadena avenue, to cost. $li>,ooo. A, number of two-story brick structures; are being planned and during the week! there were completed numerous plans for bungalow?, cottages anil residences. The Builder and Contractor reports among the architects as follows: Architect Norman F. Marsh. 206 Broaidway Central building, has had his plans approved by the trustees of the First Baptist church, Santa Bar bara, for a new church building. A site Field of Bermuda onions, nesting from $200 to $1500 an acne. has been secured on the corner of Chapala and Victoria streets. The i plans call for an imposing structure of Grecian architecture, the total cost i of which is estimated at $25,000. The i wails will be either stone or brick, a final selection not having been made as yet. It Is proposed to build anly part of the edifice at this time, not more , than $15,000 being expended, The same architect is receiving bids , for the heating system to he installed in the administration building of the , University of Redlands. Architects Edelman & Barnett, \ Blanchard huilding, are preparing plans of a two-story brick stable, 52.6x100 feet, to he built on Carolina street, between East Fifth street and Vincent streets for the Simon Levi company, commis sion merchants. It will be of slow burning construction and have cement floors. There will be stalls for eighteen horses, each equipped with the J. L. Jlott stable fittings. The entire build ing will be modern In all its appoint ments. The same architects are making the preliminary sketches of the proposed new Kaspare Conn hospital building, to be erected on Boyle Heights, near Seventh street, just outside the city limits. It will he of brick construction, two stories and basement. It is to he a model institution, and will cost about $40,000. Three Two.story Frames Architect Frank M. Tyler, 600 Union Trust building, is making plans for three two-story frame residences of eight, nine and ten rooms, respectively, to he constructed on Satna Monica ave nue near Vermont avenue, for A. Robin son. Stone and brick porches, hard wood floors and pine finish, brick man tels, furnaces and up to date conven iences will be provided. He has also prepared plans for a two story nine-room frame residence to be erected on Grant place, Hollywood, for Mrs. T. A. Zwllllng. Also plans for a seven-room residence to be built on Fourth street and Normandle avenue for G. N. Smith. Architects Html. Eager & Burns are preparing plans of a three-story brick apartment building, 65xHO feet, with re inforced concrete floors, marble en trance ami composition roofing, to be built at < icean Park for (1. M. Jones. The building will contain 40 suites of one, two and three rooms; equipped with wail beds, ice boxes, ranges, auto matic gas heaters and every modern convenience. Enameled brick will be | used for the front, and plate glass win-1 dows, composition rooting, hardwood trim and doors specified. The Architectural Designing com pany, 824 Qrosse building, has pre pared plans of a three-story brick apartment building which Daniel Kior dan, 62K Grosse building, will erect for himself on Pasadena avenue between Avenues 59 and 60. It will be 40x110 feet, of colonial cle?if;n. white tile brick front. Roll's lock columns with; artistic; staff caps, cement porch and! steps, hardwood floors, automatic hot ■water system, sanitary plumbing, gas. and electric conveniences. It will col twelve four-room apartments and: ■will he equipped with ";>!1 beds. The estimated cost is SlMiuO. Two Story Residence Architect Julius W. Krause, 3035 Fos ter street, has prepared plans of a two story modern residence to be built at 3912 South Olive street for Charles G. Willis. It will have a living room 10 by 25 feet with beam ceilings, oak floor, and stone fireplace. Artificial stone will be used fid' the porch piers, but tresses, porch and porte cochere, High' grade, plumbing, plate and leaded glass windows, automatic hot water heater, furnace, built-in buffet, seats, 1 etc. A large billiard room has been I provided for on the second floor. Architect Lester S. Moore, 705 Audi torium building, has drawn plans and has taken bids for a two-story bri<k building. 40x80 feet in size, to be. erect ed on East First street, east of Ala ineda BtreeV for Mrs. H. K. Lhez. It will contain Uvo store rooms on the ground floor and twelve rooms and two baths on the second Hour. The front will be of pressed brick, the root of composition. The doors of the .stores will be of cement, and the finish throughout will be of stained pine. E. I-:. 1;. Melnardue 317 San Fernando building, is making preliminary draw- ! ings for four two-story residences to bo erected at Hollywood for Henry Janaen. Each housi will contain eight rooms, and cost $4000. Architect H. M. Patterson, 825 O. T. Johnson building, has drawn plans for a two-story, twelve-room frame resi dence to I" i"nlt on Vrdmore avenue for E. W. Fergy. It will have plastere ! exterior, composition roofing pine fi.i ■lsh, furnace and brick mantc The same architect has also drawn Hay, Bermuda and Vegetable Fields in Texas v . ■ -^^ iJM Kyi S 1 plans for an eight-room frame resi dence to be erected at Glendora for R. W. Hamilton. It will have hardwood and pine trim, oak floors, furnace and first class plumbing. Architect A. C. Smith, 307 South Broadway, has prepared plans of a four-room frame school building to be i erected in the Hawthorne school dis trlct, near the town of Inprlewood. The j official notice appears in tills issue. Architect <'. W. Bushanan of^Fasa dena has drawn plans for a story and a half, six-room bungalow to he erect ed on Fletcher avenue, Oneonta Park. for Munson T. Case. It will have | beams, paneled walls, hardwood floors, j buffet, etc. - j TALK OF CONSOLIDATION AWAKENS OLD SAN PEDRO Realty Becomes Active and Many Speculative Sales Result. Three Years Asleep SAX PEDRO, April 17. —The real es-1 tate market of the harbor city, which 1 for the past three years has been more, or less dormant, has within the past few weeks taken on a new lease of: life, and, while some of the old realty i firms have as yet made no sales, they: all report a steady inquiry for price lists. The more fortunate dealers have made some good sales, the principal one being a 26-foot business lot on Sixth street, which was ."old three weeks ago for $Hsou by George H. Peck ' & Co. Other sales by the same office within the past few weeks were re-, ported today as follows: Lots 'I'J. and 2?,, block fil. for $3000; i lot 18, in block 1, Esperanza tract, with; five-room house, $l*-nO: lot :;!. in block 8, Carolina tract. |500, and lot 25, In block S. same tract, for Jfp.'iM. In the Ocean View tract they report lot 3 in block 7 and lot 12 in block 6. O. S. Ihrlg has purchased a live-room; n odern house on lots 1!) and 20, block IS, of the Pacific Improvement tract; I consideration 12250. The firm of Ferl * Blackenbach re port having sold improved properly for 16000, same being lots l and I' In block 8, this city. They also report the! sale of a five-room modern house on lot 8, block 8, Rudecinda tract, tor $2750, A line-room house on lot 14, block -. Arcadia Park tract, brought $2600, while lot 3, block 1">. Rudecinda tract, sokl for $1600, Lot 21, block 61, was sold for JJ6OO, and lot 17, block 34, sold tor $1800. Lewis liansen reports to have sole] lots 111 and 'JO. block fil. for $1600 each. The five lots sold In block 61 are on Fifteenth street and have all been purchased by local parties during the past week. Some .if the pure ' say tin- only reason they bought the property was that consolidation with ' Los Angfiles seems assured and they> believe the investment at this time was j a good one on account of the early ! contemplated union. City Seeks Sites for Engine Houses The city council la desirous of securing several sites on which to erect fire engine house*. The desired locations are given as follows: Near Fifth and Reno, Washington and Gramerey place, Pasadena avenue and Daly Btrcet, and near State street and Brooklyn avenue. The. lot« mu«t each be fifty feet frontage. if inside lots, or forty feet if on corners Bids will re opened at 11 a. m. Tuesday, April :n. San Luis Obispo Building Architect! parkin* in & Bergstrom have let a contract for the construction of a two story brick store and office building, 50x150 feet it Sun r.i,. - Oblspo, for T. M Wade, to Itafmu>sen it Parsons of that city. The total <'i»--' of the building will be about $23,000. Plans for Mining Club The sierra Madre dub, a mining organiza tion, will occupy the top floor of ihe Collins building; on West Third Ktreat, between Broadway anil Hill streets, Architects Den nis & Farwell are making plan* tor the necessary alterations to the premises, Hotel Will Cost $40,000 A foyr-ntory hotel i" to lie erected fur Allen ]1. Butts on loU faring Khml Fifth street mar San Pedro street. The work is to be done by > Hi, day, under supervision of Architect A. 1.. ' Hairy. The estimated cost is 140,000, Watts Bonds Are Approved Bond recently voted by "■"■■ town of \V«.tt» have been approved Of the J.i 0.000 voted $41,000 will '" expended for street Improvements, and $3000 for a city hall. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING. AfftlL 18. l»09. Ideal vegetable garden. It is said an acre of such ground should pay $500 to $1000 a year. RESIDENCE LOTS GROW IN DEMAND TENDENCY OF BUYERS IS LESS SPECULATIVE Marked Activity Exists in Building Lines, Especially In Suburban Districts —Ramona Park Attracts Attention Althouse Bros, report a brisk and in creaslng demand for hish class resi dences and residence lots tor building. The tendency is less toward the specu lative and more toward the investment, than for some time past. The activity in the building line Is quite marked, especially in the suburban districts. The following list of sales bears out the above statements. A great many new hOUMI are under course of plan ami construction, and a number of oth ers are soon to be bpßun at Ramona Park, a new subdivision on the Covlna line. Title Insurance and Trust company to J. S. Dodge, the northeast corner of Washington and Tobernian streets, hav ing a frontage on Washington of MO !• i t and 12."i feet on Tobernian. Mr. Dodge is having plans drawn for a handsome pressed brick apartment house containing about forty-five rooms, lo he located on the property, which will cost about J40.000. Consideration $25,000 cash. J. H. Hillock to Mary Fairfleld, a seven-room, modern bungalow located at 22M West Thirtieth street. Bought for a home. Lot 40x130 feet. Consider ation 14100. F. M Kirsch to F. A. Carter, an un-> improved lot on the Fouth side of Twen ty-second street, west of Cltnarron, lot 50x165 feet. The new owner will Im prove with a residence to cost about 15750; consideration $2300. Arnolfl & Dodge to Millie R. Miner, an unimproved lot on the east side of Manhattan place, fifth lot south of Lin den, 60x153 fe<n. Mrs. Miner will Im prove this lot with a modern two-story stone and frame residence to cost about $7000; consideration $2000. On Fourth Avenue Jesse Knieht to William Dlsclt, an unimproved lot on the east side of Fourth avenue, between Grant and Sixteenth street. Mr. Dlsch will improve this lot at once with a medern brick and frame residence to cost about $5000 for his permanent home. Consideration $1900. John B. Althouse to Charles Snyder, a 7-room modern bungalow at 1101 Fre mont avenue. South Pasadena; lot Uox HO feet. Mr. Snyder is ;i wealthy min ing man with extensive Interests in the various adjacent mining districts and v, ill make this property his home. Con sideration 112,500 cash, Arnold & Uo.ige to Minnie E. Mayo, an unimproved lo: on the southwest < omer of Norwood place and Fifth ave nue, Ramona Park. Mrs. Mayo will Improve this line corner with a modern stone and frame reside it c which will contain nine large rooms, sun room, bil liard room, servants' quarters, laun dry, etc. Mrs. Mayo will make these grounds a feature by Improving them with rare shrubs, ornamental trees and choice flowers. Lot 110x152 feet. Total m or Improvements will be about $10, --i mi. ('onslderatlon jj'Xm. .1. C. Warfleld to Mrs. Fannie M. Ran dall, a modern 7-room 2-story residence loi ited on the northwest cornar of Scott avenue and Speedway, Venice, Lot 13i xioo feet. Consideration, $6fiOO. !i. K. Shields to c. Lepper, the southwest cortier of Washington and Seventh avenue, 100x150 feet. Now owner will improve Immediately with a $15,000 business Mock on the corner and ;l ?.",i 'esJdence on the rear of lot. New Owner Will Build Althouse Bros, to Mrs. Jennie .\. Kel i it. ii unimproved lot on the west side of Manhattan place, twenty-five ff?t soiuh of Linden avenue. Lot 60x150 fee t Xew owner will Improve at mice with ft modern 2-story blue brick and frame residence containing nine rooms, and will be finished in weathered oak and . ost about $6500. Consideration $2100. H. o. Ballerd to J. M. Hollingsworth, an unimproved lot on ths west side of Westmoreland boulevard, between Washington and Sixteenth street. Lot (i2xi7s feet. Mr. Hollingsworth i« Im proving this lot with a modern 3-story stone and frame residence which will contain ;iii the latest Improvements. Also large garage with servants' quar ters, laundry, etc. The grounds will also be highly Improved with beautiful flowering shrubs and trees, as the owner is building this lor ins permanent home. Consideration $4oito. Arnold & Dodge to B. L. Hawkins, an Improved lot on the east side of Fourth avenue, between Ramona boulevard ;uni oiendon way, Ramona Park; lot nOxlo'i feet. Mi. Hawkins will improve this lot with a two-story eight-room odern residence which will cost about $4800. Hi 1 is ;i wealthy lumber merchant and i' building this for his future home Consideration, $600. Arnold & Dodge, lo a local Investor, an unimproved hit on the west side of liarfleld svenue, 200 feet south of ki Monti road. New owner will improve this lot with a rambling cobblestone and frame bungalow, features of which I 111 pi L'*''liff!lfr * <hrAtotVrA»^rtfiiJltteft^ffßfef^St^W Growth of wild hay on tract of Provident Land company, Gulf coast country of Texas. Two cuttings a year can be obtained. will be large verandah, sun room, etc. Grounds arc large, being 200x160 feet, and will be laid out with beautiful driveualks, walks, etc., and planted to choice varieties of flowers and trees. Consideration, $3500. Lot and Modern House J. C. Brownr to G. O. McCombs, an unimproved, lot on the north side of Twenty-first street, near Cimarron; lot 40x120 feet. Now owner will improve with a modern two-story eight-room residence, containing all the modern conveniences, and costing about {5200. Consideration, $2200. L. E. Pettibone to Walter Fricker, an eight-room modern bungalow on Twenty-third street, between Cimma ron and Hermosfi. Bought for a perma nent home. Consideration $7500. Arnold & Dodge to E. R. Rice, an unimproved lot on the west side of Glendon way, 300 feet north of Fifth avenue. Ra'mona park, being 110x1611 fe«'t. New owner will improve in the near future. Consideration $1200. Arnold & Dodge to R. R. Smith, an unimproved lot on the west side of Onrfield avenue, 500 feet south Of El Monte road. Ramona Park; lot 110x160 feet. Bought for an investment. Mrs. M, F. Rondell to George Win field, the corner of Sixteenth and Oxford streets: lot 53x101, im proved with a modern twn-stnry, eight room house, containing all the modern conveniences. Bought for an Invest ment. Consideration $8500. BUILDING PERMITS Following iv*re the permits Issued from the office of the chief Inspector of buildings yes terday, classified according to wards: -":%'..; Permits. Value. First ward 2 $875 Second ward l .60 Fourth ward 4 1.155 Fifth ward 10 15.330 Sixth ward 4 42.360 Ninth ward 1 3"l Total! : 2! »«0.110 7 Hoover street, 1139— E. McDowell; alterations; 1800, Avenue 2R. 11l West—J. Kohnke. owner; J. Maw., builder: 1-story 5-room house; $BuO. Town* avenue, 1160— L. A. Creamery Co., owner; F. 6. Spauldlng, builder: 3-story cream ery; 142,000. Hoover street. "002 South—O. Dodge, owner ami builder; 1-story l-reom barn; $150. Arroyo Ser.i avenue, 34.16— J. Maw, owner and builder; 1-story shed; $75. Crocker street, 4401-E. A. Wayar. altera tions; $100. Sixtieth street. 353 West—O. W. Alexander, owner and builder; 1-story 5-room house; 11000, Sail Pedro street, 6210— F. K. Harvey, owner; Graham, builder; l-6tory 2-room houre; $200. Wisconsin street, 3939—Chandler & Chellls, owners and builders: 1-story 6-room house* Sixteenth street, 64i West—E. Lloyd, altera tion?; 1160, 11600. Eleventh stret. 2307 West— K. C. Magarvan. owner; 7.. B. Kuhn, builder; 1-story 1-room shed; 1100. Fifty-first street. 1011 West —H. Fowen, own er; .1. S. Harshman, builder; 1-story 6-room house; si*"". Fifty-third street. 409 West—O W. Haigh. owner; J. i. Harshman, builder: 1-story 6 room house; 11500. Eighth street, 218 West Orlfoa, altera tions; $35. Vernon street, 239 West— A. I*. Botzer, own er; F. B. Fuent, builder; 1-story 6-room resi- , iin-ie; $2500. Wilton place, 502S— L. A._ Investment Co., owner and builder; 1-story .v'ro-jm house; $ISSO. Third street, 3319 East-F. W. Franz, altera tions; $300. Brooks avenue, Rio—C. H. Apel, owner and builder; Hi-story barn; $60. Slxty-sr.vemii street, 320 West-Miss N. Ty ner, owner; J. '-■ Brown, builder; IH-story 6 room house; $1500. raloma street, 1523—D. Mcl^eod. alterations; $60. Fifty-first street, 622 West— O. Lefevre. own er and builder; 1-story 6-room house; $1700. Wilton place. 4714— I. A. Investment Co., owner and builder; I'4-story "-room house: $1880. _ ._.-;■-'■■ ■■:•"-,.?;;. '■/ Sales at Corona At Corona a two-story house, with lot 60x150 feet at Victoria and Seventh streets, has been sold by J. M. Browning to C. A. Hancock tor $2500 cash. Frank Alden has secured a lot at Seventh and Main streets from G. F. Dean and li erecting a 3Ux7O foot frame building tor amusement purposes, to cost $1200. A second Btory in being erected for a building on sixth street, In Corona, owned by K. L, Joy, at a coat of $30« i. One Story Brick II B. McK*« is hinliiK plans drawn for a one-storj brloll huililing r.oxMi feet In .size. In hi conitruetfd on Uyrtle avenue, Monro via, it will have cream colored brick for fmnl iilate KlasH and compoßitlon roofing The roundatlons will be of sufficient strength to carry a thr«e-story huililing. Will Erect Church The Varment Avenue Methodist rhurrh han pUr«hM«d a large lot. at Vernon and Vermont aveiuu-t. and js toon »s tnougli money is raised will «r«ct a. p«rmanent church home. ' BUILDING PERMITS FOR SIXTEEN DAYS Permits to the number of 384 for the i erection of buildings of a total valua tion of $595,132 were Issued from April 1 to April 16, Inclusive, by the depart ment of buildings of the Los Angeles ' board of public works. This : exceeded by twenty-three per mits and $180,669 in valuation the rec ord for the corresponding period of last year. The current reports show the Issu ance of permits for eleven class C buildings, to cost $107,800. and 154 class ( D structures, of a total valuation of $199,882. . The Fifth ward leads, with ninety nine buildings of a total value of $156, --075, but the Third ward shows a much larger value of buildings, the figures being twenty-six permit!) and $115,459 in valuation. rermlts. Valu*. Clats A. reinforced concrete*. 2 I 82,000 CUM C 11 107.»00 Class D, one-story 154 I*B,ll Class d, i-•tors' -'-' 46.258 Cla»s D, two-story ' 26 101.120 Class D, three-story 1 25.000 Sheds ■ 41 2.955 Brick alterations 21 ' MOi Frame alterations 1"-' 23.26,1 Totals 3SI $395,132 The following Is the classification by wards: Wards— Permits. Value. First 4* I 4 3._■ i Second 40 4 4,831 Third !S 118.411 Fourth M «6,«8O Fifth »9 156.075 Sixth ..„ f. « 59.28S Bev#nth II 50,435 Eighth « HO Ninth 35 • 110 f Totals 384 »395,132 OXFORD SQUARE LOT SELLS FOR $4500 Purchaser Will Improve with Resi dence Costing $12,000 —Other Sales in District Emii Firth has sold to Fred K. Colby 100x171 feet at the southwest corner of Eighth street and Delaware drive, in Oxford square, for $4500. Mr. Colby will erect a $12,000 residence on the property. The same owner has sold to John H. Dean 50x171 feet on Delaware drive south of Tenth street for $1100. The purchaser has plans prepared for a very artistic bungalow, which he will erect at once. Oxford square is situated between Wllshire boulevard and Pico street, west of the Country club. The avenues are seventy feet wide and the lots 171 feet deep and range In width from 50 to 100 feet. The tract is situated In the best part of the Wllshire boule vard district, has high-class street im provements and is improved with a number of very handsome residences. Pico street is paved with asphalt from Oxford square tothe business center. Christian Scientists Organize The rhri.'tian Scientists of Ontario have organized and will shortly erect a church huildlni! Or. t. J Bumstead is president of the board of trust* 10?. Hudson School Bonds A four-room SChOOI hilllflins; "Mil he erected in the Hudson schoo4 rtlftrict at Puente. A bond election will be held on M»y I] to vote bonds In 'he sum of $10.0011. ip^Farming Lands at Ipp) ' Lomita in San Pedro District" Where the Rancher Makes Money Both Ways harbor territory Millions expended all around them cannot help their value wonderfully. They par- ! «fl£l thp shoestHna striD They are close to the new ship channel now dredging into Bixby Slough. The elec ; ?r c Hne Nation inclose by at Weston street. They are adjacent to the new and thriving town of Lomita. They ; have the advantage of two great markets, Los Angeles and San Pedro. They Are Productive to a Most Remarkable Degree The soil is fertile and the water abundant and cheap. Soil experts and specialists have selected Lomita lands j hi preferenceft" all others. One ranch of forty acres for asparagus, has been secured recently. Another of 20 ' a^ res winter rhubartT will be planted. Hundreds of acres are being planted In tomatoes and vegetables. Thirty acres have been set out in walnuts. The very choicest and most productive lands to be had. Every foot of it ? has a great mercantile and commercial future also. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IT rmßK'l Bid MONEY IN 5 AND 10-At'KK TRACTS HO QcOMQ TO THK GREAT HARBOR CITY $375 Per Acre Up=Easy-to-Pay Terms vvr IKSIONS \T » 10 AND II 81NIIAV AND KVKRV HOUR KVKRV IMV THIM COMING WKKK 81NGI.E ACHES I'OR INVESTMENT ON »IO PAYMENTS Lomita Farms Department W. I. nOI/LINOBWOBIH * CO., 118 West Sixth Street, Ground Floor F1616, Main 1616 ... r^' - ---.*...-•■ • • %,-jC-^'*y »>■■ —aw> * A- • v^^ s^afaa^aaaaafajaaai '*' ' " JGh^SS^ *Jw&^n«<dKsCl I**-, tn- H I** <I> y^^Ht f Jim* JHL»' «hw Apple Growers' flj Bbßc^BV^Spl The Krpatcst a PI Krowhiß section O^F^^S^^^ • I??*! "f the Southwest. Hraumont 13 on jL"* I»lslsl*JL»t *"2 the high road to national fame tor * iTWy «P 5 "cr"l with water under $90 A >Jqi pre«»ur«> In »leel pipes for V"U jgnmm_ Apple Trees to plant $100 A 4-year-old heanng apple tree on>oole Tollkl eott tor l*m\ '$1000 & William*- ranch, adjoining this com- >nd trfM __ '"".■ $IUUU Apple Va"i?y presents the «n«>rcateat fruit raising ,oPP°|' lu"'t^ l f' f o f o t h?t'S W Cb l. lforl less time than oranges. ' _ ___, Attend the Free Stereopticon CUT OUT-MAIL TODAY w. „.,., you^^po^erfu. stereoptl- I »«*™O«T "AMD ™« con views of eandttlonl at progresßlve. «-"•• * ' . Beaumont, ll^re ll the greatest grow- «lfl S. Broadway, I,o» Angeles, ing. fast money producing h c. ol l ">, l In I want to know mor« about Southern California. Attend th* *<■ urea _nt , nd , t , irrigated apple, land., and we'll show you. One excursion ticket »»»' me 11teratur V Glve ma d ,, given free every Tn^rfay and Friday *™ TMt tor your excursions, night's lectures and on* one-dollar ticket mnu '*"* *"' * . ... ~. r every lecture. . ..._, .....•« ...«•• The greatest apple growing section' of »■>«■»» ■•• - ... , , the southwest. Address ....^.. KXCI'KSION . every Thursday and 4-18-1 Sunday. FREE to buyers. I . . '^ -^^——-^ look Into My Ready-Made Houses" I Before You Build *& riX: ERECTED AT ONCE for the v City. Country. Beach or Mountain 1 *'»«•" £'&$& 1 « T M.k. It pay you interest and tax... Th. of my Heady. ,■ .., construction are many. I can erect a « In a f*w days. I us* tn* b..?lumb*r maur'a* a™s workmanship, at lowest posslbl* cost to you. They -. are auh.tantlal. durable and artisuc. The very best. Tou cannot It afford ,t0.., balia without seeing thei» houses. Call and sse sampl. hous.^or writ.. Up*-. factured exclusively by i .~' ,v , • ■"-.-: H-r Tyn A TTVTTT'D r> 507 Chamber of Commerce. • J. JOlVxVirNIl/rvl-^ Tel. Home A 4740, 1.0. A*«el«a..' * mm - mm »w»wwwmpwww—l——l mmtmtmifmmtmmmmamtmtm The co» convenient hnmV on earth. Our Bungalow DUngalOWf Book (in press) contains the choicest of 5"» beautiful designs, I -~^ . together with plans. Interiors and other useful Information. In valuable to the prospective horn" builder. Place your order YE ri.AMIV Bl'II,IHN<; now. Shown how a bungalow should be built to get the •"•'■,,„ ,, .„„„,■•- pi«,. ponibl* results. Bant prepaid for 11. Complete plans and speclnca- CO., m Mrrmntlla Place. tlon« »10. mil of materials, $.-.. Cut this out for future reference. , Ix»» Angeles, C«l. FART HI