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/^Q PAGES OO 7 PARTS PRICE: BY CARRIER f(\ CENTS VOL. XXXVt. VDMBBH :;o CHIEF DISHMAN TO TRY TO KILL COCAINE SALES POLICE DEPARTMENT ORGAN- IZES "COKE" SQUAD INCREASING USE OF OPIATES DEMANDS ACTION Pharmacist Under Arrest for Selling Drug Begs to Be Fined and Agrees Not to Sell Any More "Dope" CHIEF OK POLfCB DISHMAN has organized a "coke" squad. The Increasing sale of opiates in the city, with a proportionate increase in the number of justice cases, directly traceable to the use of druss, has led the chief to believe the evil lias become so groat as to demand drastic and de cided action. A detail of plain clothes men has been organized to begin systematic work !n the arrest of sellers of drugs. It is known a score or more of purveyors of cocaine make their living selling it in the lower sections of the city and tig the hovels along the river bed. Frank Sohn. pnoprli tor of a drus store at IH-4 Blast Ninth street, pleaded for leniency when he appeared before Police Justice Frederlckson yesterday morning to answer to charges of sell ln-T morphine and liquor illegally. Sohn staggered to the rail when his name was called, and, bowing his head, burst into sobs. Finally In- regained his composure enough to ask the justice not to send him to jail, and promised, if only fined, would never sell another srniin of opiate or a drop of liquor without the required prescription. Bohn was lined twice previously for selling liquor without a license. At that time he was told by the justice before whom lie was tried that a repeti tion of the offense would mean a jail sentem c. The accused pleaded with the justice to allow him to go on the payment of a fine, and in a long appeal asked Jus tice Frederlckeon not to send him to jail. Admits He Did Wrong Bonn admitted he had done wrong twice before and that he failed to heed the warning, and asked for clemency because of Ills having to support, a wife and two children. lie declared he had hesitated long before selling the drug and thought he was only doing the purchaser a favor instead of violat ing the law. Sohn has given the police much trouble. He is said to have had a large trade In opiates, and the habitual drug user, when unable V '"purchase.the drug elsewhere, Is said t have been accom modated readily at\^ohn's drug store., After listening to the „ plea for i leniency by Sohn the justice stated he had intended sending the accused to jnil. but in view of the fact that friends of Sohn had pleaded with the justice in the accused's behalf and promised they would see that the druggist would not violte the law again and because the accused had a family dependent on him, Justice Frederickson fined Sohn $200 on the charge of selling liquor and $150 lor selling morphine.. Sohn had given bail in the sum of $200, and when his fines were imposed asked the justice if he could tender a check for the balance of $150. After being told no checks would be accepted :-t :,n was allowed to go after the money. He thanked the justice pro fusely and left the courtroom and soon returned with the necessary amount. The second druggist to bo fined for selling morphine without a. physician's prescription was Charles D. Bernard of the Reliable Drug company, 735 East Third street. He was fined $100, which he promptly paid , » Many Addicted to Drugs The number of drug users that are :!]■:: sled for various offenses is astound iiiß. The percentage of the inmates confined in the city jail and at the workhouse that are addicted to the drug habit is remarkably high. While Sohn was pleading for clem ency, George Bargent, barely 20 years old, was on trial in Police Justice Chambers' court for vagrancy, the cause thereof being his craving for opiates. He was sentenced to six months in the workhouse. Sargent was arrested In a shack down in the river bed, where it la said a num ber of drug users make their headquar ters. His father appeared in court and stated the young man was a habitual drug user and nothing could be done to break him of the habit. In connection with the case the system of smuggling drugs to inmates of the workhouse was revealed by a police official, who declared it was Impossible to prevent opiates reaching prisoners at that place. According to Ills statement, those ad dicted to the drug habit are more clan nish and stick together better than any organization in existence. If one has any of the stuff he will share it with his less fortunate brother and do his utmost to assist him. The fact that Borne unscrupulous druggists, who are tempted because of the large profits, sell the drug to any body who has the money to pay for It, makes possible the secreting of the drug and turning it over to prisoners. BELIEVED 14 SAILORS AND STEAMER ARE LOST Adella Shorts, Missing for Days, May Be at the Bottom of Lake Superior CLEVELAND, 0., May B.—lt la be lieved here that the fourteen members of the crew of the steamer Adelia Shores have perished and that the boat lies at the bottom of Lake Superior, off White Fish point. The Shoreo, which Is owned by tha Manx Transit company of Cleveland, passed the Soo, upbound, last Thursday. Since then nothing has been heard from her except newspaper dispatches leportlng the finding of part of the Shores' wreckage. The boat was in charge of Captain Holmes of Milwaukee. She was a wooden vessel of 784 tons. Noted Minister Die* HEADING, Ph., May B.—Rev. Dr. Benjamin Bailsman, one of the most widely known ministers of the Un formed church in the United States, died toduy, aged 85 years. LOS ANGELES HERALD SAILOR GETS BEATING TRYING TO RECOVER PAIR OF FANCY SOCKS SAX FRANCISCO, May —To recover a pair of fancy socks lie had left behind in a room formerly occupied by liim in a hotel on Montgomery avenue, Theo dore Olsen, a Bailor, risked a term In prison by crawling up a lire noam to enter the room. Olsi-n lihil had trouble with the hotel clerk, and rather than face him again and demand his socks, he endeavored to recover them by stealth tills morning. His entrance to the room through a window wan heard and lie was severely beaten by several lodgers who took him for a burglar. He convinced Police Judge Shortall of the truth of hi- good Intentions, and was dismissed. JAPANESE ROBBED OF SHOES IN WHICH IS CARRIED HIS MONEY MEN WAYLAY KING OF WATTS MARKET GARDENERS Crooks follow Asiatic from Little Tokio to Rear of Arcade Depot, Where They Secure $517 K. Murakami, king of the Watts mar ket gardeners and one of the wealthi est Japanese in Southern California, was held up and robbed by three masked men at Fifth and Seaton streets at 7:30 o'clock last night of $517, his shoes and a gold watch. Murakami came to Los Angeles yes terday morning on business, and after he had transacted this he proceeded to enjoy himself among the sake resorts in Little Tokio. Under the influence of "the Japanese national beverage, he wandered around town until he ar rived back of the Arcade station. Here iHe three men, who had evidently been following him, held him up and made him remove his shoes, in which he had hidden his money, a fact of which they evidently were aware, and after taking his watch, walked off with the shoos with the money in them. Murakami reported the loss to the police after he had recovered sufficient ly to find his way to police headquar ters, lie could give no description of the three men and the officers have lit tle hope of arresting the robbers and recovering the money. Falls to His Death SAN FRANCISCO, May B.—Harry [rwto, president and manager of the North End Realty company, fell today Tin mthe third story of a building his firm is erecting at Jackson and Kearny streets and was instantly killed. He was inspecting the structure and stepped upon a loose board which he thought was securely fastened. Sues to Recover Husband SAN FRANCISCO, May R.—A suit for $20,000 damages was filed in tho superior court by Mrs. Minnie Town- Bend against Mrs. Margaret Ferguson, whom she accused of abducting her husband, Alley Townsend, and keeping him in confinement in her home for nearly a year. She also sues for the re< overy of her missing spouse. THE NEWS SUMMARY FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Cloudy Sunday; possibly light show, ers in the mountains and foothills; light south wind. Maximum tempera, ture yesterday, 65 degrees; minimum, 54 degrees. -~y-A.-j?;,?# S LOCAL Tract is sought In Ward Six to be used as playground for children. Speaker at City club meeting advises removal of saloonkeepers from pale of politics. Board of health wishes physician who will look after the poor, and although salary offered Is small It is believed doctor will make money outside his position. . _.- " Telephone rate to be increased by Home com pany, which thinks charges are too low. Citizens praise work of good government clubs and many express desire to join move ment. - . Direct primary act is explained to labor men by T. D. Fennessy, who reads paper at Central Labor council. ■ .■ ' 7 Henry Trump, former Angeleno, is found dead in office den of abstract company at Canton, Ohio. .' ■ . . Council plans to institute municipal ware house In which to place all goods purchased in large quantities. I Witness dozes through light made on Indict ments in proceedings against T. if. Broadhead and Samuel Schenck. Chief of Police Dishman has organized "cMte" ' to prevent the sales of drugs to tie mis. Fence to he erected between homes of hostile women may act pacifier. COAST^- Boy falls forty, feet from building In San Francisco, strikes pavement and eels up un injured. ' - Emissary to be sent to Europe from San Francisco to interest foreign countries in the proposed Portola festival. Fresno liquor interests try to question legality of anti-saloon ordinance. Japanese officers of the Aso and Soya, the two cruisers sent from Ja'Jan to at tend the opening of the Seattle fair, return courtesies extended to them by the Amer ican navy. \ ' Metropolitan engineer Is arrested In San Diego, charged with fraud. Bond Issue for improvement of highways is urged by California promotion committee at Del Monte. San Podrans show the facilities of the proposed harbor at their city to the consoli dation sub-committee from Los Angeles. ,i- ',EASTERN . ■ .•, ? Taft submits judiciary nominations to the senate and strife over western federal bench appointments Is settled by president. Chinese are smuggled In Pullman dining cars from El Paso to Chicago. Cupid foiled Just before bridal couple at Chicago 13 ready to go to altar, the bride being stricken with measles. I f Demurrer: of Governor Haskell of Okla homa In so-cilled "land fraud" case in over ruled. . . . International Marathon at New York Is won by Frenchman. .. Fight is begun In Chicago courts t« lib erate John H. Walsh, who is now confined at Joliet. x IOREIGN , ' Princess de Broglie, who Is given divorce, scorns pittance her former husband's family of Paris would give her, -I ' . , c >•* Government I assembles -■ Its -forces In t Paris to resist the strike of unions, which Is rapidly assuming a crisis. . »/ - BOND ISSUE FOR ROADS IS URGED BY CALIFORNIANS PROMOTIONCOMMITTEE SEEKS BETTER HIGHWAYS CONVENTION AT DEL MONTE IS ENTHUSIASTIC Federal Government Also Asked to Open Yosemite Valley to Auto. ists—Plan to Advertise State's Resources [By Associated Press.] DEL MONTE, Cal., May B.—Unani mous indorsement was given to day at the eleventh semi-annual meeting of the counties committee of the California Promotion committee to the proposed bond issue of $18,0^,0,000 for the improvement of the highways of California, for which the way was paved at the recent session of the state legislature. Governor CJillett was notified by tele graph that the highway project would be given the enthusiastic support of every organization affiliated with the Promotion committee. One of the most representative gath erings of California public men ever brought together to plan for the state's development was present when Presi dent Andrea Sbarbaro called the coun ties committee to order. The forenoon session was given over to the reports of subcommittees on tourists, good roads, highway tree planting and the United Pacific states. The recommendation of the tourist committee that the California Promo tion committee act as a clearing house for the distribution of literature adver tising the state, such literature to be provided to all affiliated bodies, was adopted. President Sbarbaro In his address opening the convention predicted that the next generation would see Califor nia supporting a population of 20,000,000. Addresses were delivered on "Euca lyptus Growing in California" by F. D. Cornell of Los Angeles county, repre senting the State Forestry society; "California's River Problem," by O. H. Miller, secretary of the Sacramento De velopment association; "Forest Tree Growing in California," by G. B. Lull, state forester, and "The Economic Value of Improving the Rivers and Harbors,'' by John A. Fox of Washing ton, D. C, special director of the national rivers and harbors congress. Visalia was selected as the next place of meeting, the date being fixed at November 13 of this year. Some of the Work Done Besides the unanimous indorsement of the proposed $18,000,000 bond#lssue for the improvement of the state's high ways, the convention voted for the signing of a petition to the national government for the opening of Yosem ite park to automobiles: the adoption of a comprehensive scheme of the dis tribution of literature advertising Cali fornia's resources with the promotion committee as a clearing house to sup ply the subsidiary bodies; indorsement of suggestions for highway tree plant ing and the conservation of forest sirens, and the selection of Visalia as the meeting place of the counties com mittee next November, were among the results of the deliberations. Chairman Andrea Sbarboro, who pre sided, reviewing in his opening address tl'.e work already accomplished by the counties committee, and pointing out the vast field of endeavor st'll open to the organization it represents, asserted the mining, horticultural and vltlcul tural development of California was not in its infancy and voiced the proyh ecy that the grandsons of those pres yet In Its infancy and voiced the proph iation of 20,000,000 persons thriving upon the resources of the empire state of the Pacific. He expressed gratification that every one of the fifty-eight counties in Cali fornia had sent representative men to attend the semi-annual gathering. Came Far to Talk \V. J. McGee, secretary of the inland' waterways commission, who repre sented the national government at the meet ins. announced at the outset of his address on water conservation that he had come 3000 miles to expres the fed eral administration's interest in the work being accomplished in California. "Had John Smith entered the Gulf of Calfprnla instead of Chesapeake bay," he said, "how different would have been the course of American empire! For had settlement begun on the Pacific roast the settlers would have learned at the outset the lesson not yet mas tered along the Atlantic, that real re source, the one which gives value to all the rest, is not land, but water." John Fox, special director of the National Rivers and Harbors congress, (Continued on I'uge llireel ' Correct Circulation In publishing the figtires of the circulation given The Herald by the Association of American Advertisers, we did ourselves an injustice by giving our average week day circulation for February as 17,425 instead of 18.5&1, the correct figures. The certificate of the Association of which a photographed fac simile was published, of course gave the figures for our week day circulation correctly as 18,561. The tabulated statement to be correct should have be4n: February (average for each day as Daily ' Sunday certified by the Association of i q «y i Ofh /iT/l American Advertisers) 10,001 4V,ysy , April (average increase for each o o c O Jil'Z day over February) Z,ooO JO The people appreciate "The newspaper fit for homes." SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 11)09. Heavier-Than-Air Aeroplane, Silver Dart, and Dr. Bell, Inventor, and His Assistant ■&■'' ■* : ' '^ ' ■ **l *^ 'i^^ '■* ' > fflftff |||^ jB BF "^ **^^B gyr /; h^^ : -_^L offlpWWtl| '-''^iw , w»C ar'■\l\l *i ■■■'-. 'I [Specjal to Tha Herald.l "\T EW YORK, May B.—The Silver V Dart, Dr. Alexander Graham •*-' Bell's aeroplane, will probably compete in the heavier-than-air con tests at Morris Park, May 29, with Glenn H. Curtlss as operator. Dr. Bell has given his consent to tho entry of WOMAN DRINKS CARBOLIC ACID DRESSMAKER SUFFERS UNRE QUITED AFFECTIONS Fashionable Modiste Swallows Poison in Presence of Man Who Re. fused to Marry Her. WiJI Recover Mrs. Lucretia G. Robinson, a fash ionable modiste with dressmaking- par lors at 1408i,2 South Figueroa street, attempted to commit suicide yesterday shortly after noon at her apartments at 1210 South Figueroa street, by drinking carbolic acid. Her attempt at self-destruction was because of unre quited affection, and the poison was taken in the presence of J. Leonard Burton, the man in the case. Mrs. Robinson, it is said, long had been infatuated with Mr. Burton, who is much younger than herself, and While he had been in her company many times and had paid her kindly and considerate attention, he had giver her to understand that there could be nothing more between them than sim ple friendship. It is believed that because of this hopeless love Mrs. Robinson became despondent, and in time irresponsible, ami that it was while she was in that condition she made the attempt on her lite. Several days ago Mrs. Robinson tele- ' (Continued on I'ajjo Three) the Silver, Dart providing Curtiss is in charge of it. .'As there is no objection on the part of the Aeronautical society to, Curtiss, it -Is entirly probable that the Silver,-Dart. will take part in the ■contests.;.'::,-."' ■ '-- .---*..-'_," _.r* .-"*-':■*. .-' (. The Sliver" Dart is now 'at Baddeck, N. 5.,;- where'. is j reported to have CANNERS ARE BUYING UP FAT OLD HORSES IN CENTRAL MISSOURI ! COLUMBIA, Mo., May B.—Thomas E. Carter of Sturgeon, in a letter to Dr. W. j P. Cutler, state dalry^ and pure food commissioner, declares that meat deal ers have agents In central Missouri buy ing up old horses and canning them lo be sold as beef. Mr. Carter says there is a readier market for fat horses, or ot the worthless variety, than has eter been knona. Dr. Cutler is inclined to laugh at the j ::iutter. "I have written to Mr. Carter," he said, "that the pure food commission will look into the matter and we will do so, but there is no cause for alarm, und I feel certain Mr. Carter's inferences are unwarranted." i Noted Actor Bankrupt NEW YORK, May B.—James K. Hackett, the actor, today filed a volun tary petition in bankruptcy, giving his liabilities as $126,456 and his assets at $744. The actor's wife, Mary Manner ing-Hackett, has the largest claim, $60, --000. Daniel Hanna of Cleveland is named as a creditor for $10,000 in money loaned. ■♦ « » Victim of Duel Dies ALBANY, Ore., May B.—John H. Sul livan, president of the Golden Arch Mining company of Gold Creek, who was shot through the neck in a pistol duel with William Herve, a logger, at Gates yesterday, died today. Herve alao is dying, and tha attending phy sicians say he cannot live through the day. CjTIVT/^T 17* f/"k"T>r~l?C • DAIIV, 2e; SUNDAY. 5o Sl-JNvKljlil CUI JLtjO . ON TRAINS, 5 CENTS made a number of nine-mile flights, over the ice. In the contests at Morris Park the $2000 prize is to. be given ,to the machine that lias never made a public flight and that makes a circuit of the track, or that remains in the air ten. minutes. Smaller amount* are to be awarded for shorter distances. | PENCE PACIFIES HOSTILE WOMEN AGREE TO ERECT BARRIER BETWEEN HOMES Deputy District Attorney Uses Solo. Wisdom in Adjusting Neighborhood Quarrel of Long Standing RULES LAID DOWN FOR TWO WOMAN DISPUTANTS Mrs. Callahan must not talk to Mrs. Long. Mrs. Long miLst not have any conver sation with Mrs. Callahan, Mrs. Callahan must not talk to the neighbors about Mrs. Long. Mrs. Long iniiot not intimate, either by word or action, anything to the neighbor* that can be construed as being detrimental to Mrs. Callahau. They must provide a partition fence, the same to be of corrugated iron sunk three feet in the ground and of boards four feet high. A dispute of long standing between Mrs. Long of 1532 West Twelfth street and her next door neighbor, Mrs. Catherine Callahan of 1524 West Twelfth street, was amicably adjusted by Deputy District Attorney Alexander yesterday, who laid down rules for both disputants to follow If they wished to escape facing charges of disturbing the peace. Bach of the women at different times has visited the office of Alex ander several times during the last ten days, adding to their story of the trouble. Yesterday the attorney had both women call and then had the matter thoroughly discussed. Must Build Fence According to their stories of the quarrel, which dates back several months, Mrs. Callahnn's house is built Up to within eleven inches of the di viding line between the two places. On Mrs. Long's side of the line the latter has a row of geraniums, which she sprinkles frequently, using a hose to properly Irrigate the plants. The water, it seems runs off and under the house occupied by Mrs. Oallahan. The latter objected to this, and numerous wordy battles have resulted. Mrs. Long says Mrs. Cajlahan en tered her (Mrs. Longs) yard St. Pat rick's day and took two shovelfuls of shamrock from the lawn. This Mrs. I'allahan denies, and declared that Mrs. Long told spiteful things about heV. A number of petty differences be tween the two neighbors finally u< re disposed of, and because of Che tan gled conditions Alexander decided to try and bring about a settlement of the trouble without issuing the com plaints asked for. After much talking the atto: (Continued on I'age Three) CENTS INTERNATIONAL MARATHON WON BY FRENCHMAN HENRI ST. YVES CARRIES OFF WORLD PRI?E ..... . SWEDE IS SECOND IN GREAT $10,000 CONTEST Vast Throng Witnesses One of Most Gruelling Sprints in History. Once Famous Dorando Sixth [By Associated Press. ] "VT EW YORK, May The grand in j\ ternational Marathon, distance —}, 26 miles 385 yards, for a purse of $10,000, was run here today. . Of the fifteen starters, the first seven to finish shared in the prizes, $5000: to i first, $2000 to second, $1200 to third, etc.| The times for the first seven to finish $ were as follows: ' ' Winner —Henri St. Yves, France, 2:44:05. Second — John Svanliprg. Sweden, 2:50:51. J Third—Ted Crook, United - Stated, 2:82:10.'; Fourth—Fred Simpson, American Indian, : r 3:81:13. ' ----'•■■" '"■"."■-■. --"•-.Vrw; Fifth Fred Appleby, EnKlnnd. 2:58:17.■.'*; .sixth— Durundii J'ietrJ, Italy, 2:58:10. Seventh —Bdouard Cibot, France, 3:03:::«. Attendance, 20,000. , In a grueling race, in the course of which runner after runner collapsed, only to stumble on again with almost superhuman effort to the end, : until f- Henri St. - Yves, the ■ stocky v little Frenchman who jumped into fame a. month ago, took the measure of twelve competitors In an international Mara thon held at the ■ Polo - grounds, l and)' romped home a winner by the;hand-j gome margin of five laps, or five-sixths of a mile. : \ ,■, , i ■ •.., f\ 1 John Svanberg of Sweden finished £ second after one of the pluckiest; up hill fights ever witnessed on i the run ning track, f and Ted Crook, ■an ' un known runner from New -England,^ staggered over the tape in third place, thus earning- a measure of glory . for America. , .** And Dorando Sixth -■■'■<~" r :d " The once mighty Dorando • finished ? sixth, his many halts in the latter, part of the race proving too great a handi cap for him to overcome • at", the' end. \, The fourth and fifth men, Fred Simp-; son, the Indian.,and Fred Appleby, the ; Englishman, plodded their patient,wayj' to the end, as did I'ibot, the French» six-day runner, who finished seventh..: • John I). Marsh, the Canadian entrant,!' after running second .to St. Yves ; tort fifteen miles, gave up' in the twenty-1 fifth mile. ; -.--■. , Tom Morrissey of Yonkers, only re- j . cently ■ turned professional, collapsed i utterly in the sixteenth mile and had to be carried from the field,: but \ Pat;; White and Mat Maloney, ■running;, for 1 Ireland; Louis Orphoe, another French-1 man, and Felix Carvajal, 1 running, fol Cuba, plodded on doggedly to the end; St. Yves' -time,"2:44:05, was* almost, four minutes slower than the mark sell' by himself In the Marathon' derby ol ; a month ago'today. The pace at'which" the first ten miles were run, however. ■ was much faster than that which has •'. characterized former events of ; this > kind, the five miles being negotiated in 27 minutes 58 seconds, and: the | ten miles in 56 minutes 2 seconds. Twenty Thousand Present - The race brought to the Polo grounds | a crowd of nearly 20,000 enthusiasts. \ The weather was Ideal. At. the cra«k of the pistol Marsh took the lead an i I St. Yves was edging him stride: for stride, the little Frenchman pattering on 'ike a steady Shetland pony, never more them a few (eel behind. -! For fifteen miles the two ran virtual ly together. Behind these the , others danced, various distances away. , . In the sixteenth mile St. Yves "had p killed his man," and Marsh began to. fall back slowly. First Svanberg, then Appleby passed him. For; a while the plucky Canadian fought against * Do-,, rando, but the Italian would not be de-,. nied and rushed up with a fine burst of speed. * * ■■'■i This theatrical spring of the, Italian j runner was not followed | up, however,: and he stopped when opposite his quar ters. After a three-minute rest he was 'T. again in the race, but twice again, in the seventeenth and nineteenth mile-, ho retired from the contest. From the twentieth mile to "the end;\ he ran In splendid form, however,; and gained lap after lap on ' some of his > competitors, not . excepting- St. Yves, His many stops, though, doomed mi failure his efforts to make up his lost ground. Signs of Distress Show Signs of Distress As the race wore on the runners began to show signs of distress. First Morrissey, then Appleby, then Svan-1 berg toppled over on the grass utterly spent. , ■:•■'.-'■'•''.■■ ■'■'.., '■ ■•^SWISW'WB SAll three struggled to their fret again and continued bravely, but for Mor-1 rissey the strain had been too much and he had to leave the field. ,; fi ' The surprise, however, was . Crook, ■ who, running as if each lap would be his last, managed to creep his way, to t the front, past Dorando, past Marsh.; past Appleby, past Simpson and on to ; the very heels of Svanberg., . vV* As a sensational finish to an already stirring race, Crook, Svanberg, Simpson I and Appleby all crumpled vp }; after / crossing the finish and had to be car- ~ ried off the field. . ■"■_• -... • Dorando, however, was In apparently as good condition at the finish as at the I start, and galloped off the ? grounds amid both cheers and hisses. Negroes Hold Franchise TALLAHASSEE, Pla., May B.—The joint resolution for the disfranchise ment of negro voters in Florida was defeated today by the house. BOY 14 YEARS OLD AND WEIGHING 365 POUNDS IS AFRAID OF SCHOOL NEW YORK, May Because !•• whs fat mid Mils afraid he <outd not get out of j the building in ■ time, , should ij'af are break , out, was the i excuse j given |by Henry Egicert, „ 14-year-old boy, weigh-1 Ing 365 ' pounds,\ for failure to lat tend: ■cliool when brought to the bur in the children's court !in Brooklyn* je.terday; Henry bus a part ill his father's klkiit as the champion fat hay, but as he'was under Age be was nut allowed to go on til* stage, .. ';■;- '_ ■ '■ " ■<.■.', \ He- says he never was hick in Li* life, like* fold,weather,and know) what it in to hi' fut in summer.