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a * t „ ,„»,« 5n *v,* __-. / Though things are dark and skies o'erhead How sweet to know, that someone knows, , Apart from all, who in the race puc, S>^ *-* «j -.*-; haye ead> That someone shares your joys and woes; • : wealth and fame, cannot give place Behind it all the sun's ray glows/ ;^ ,;. ll^s%^^7ouXrtou! P heart " . . . ffayass: ss r ' '' Because of this-^There's someone knows/ . Does Some One Know You Would Like to Be One of the Winners in The Herald's Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Contest? Do You Know That if You Are Not Eligible You Should Assist Some One Who Is? The Los Angeles Herald by an exclusive arrangement with the Exposition management is enabled to offer fo^^O^^J^^q^^^^^W^"^ CIaSSCS: Three Clergymen-Their Wives or Friends—Two Officers of Organized Labor— Wives or Friends-Two Officers of Fraternal Orders-Their wives or *nenas. Any one in the above named classes who is a resident of Los Angeles county is eligible. Any one anywhere may nominate a contestant. Simply fill in the vote coupon and mail to The Herald Office. . Following Is a List of Contestants and Their Standing to Date. Votes Are Corrected^Each Day --— CLERGY "vote. Rev. M. D. Chubb, Pomona^" Rev. F H.Post-St. Matthias^" ' *£. p De£ t^W«c- Rev. J. Q. A. Henry, 405 W. 33d. Christian church 100 church, Whittier 272 union, Pasadena ■•"I""-"' No 99 B P O E . 100 Firit Baptist 711 Rev. Father Joseph S. Gless, St. Rev. C. L . Tatum> 251 South Hill 100 William Heypburn, 540 Maple, ,R. R. Rankin. commanding chie{ Rev. James Watts Shoaff, 926 Vincen, t'?;, Catho','^,' Rev- J. Arthur Evans Holly ~ Bakers ™°l \vH^SrA W. O. W. No. 402 100 Grattan-Trinity M. E 132 Rev. HJ. Weaver, 1241 West th wood 1>123 cC. Bennett-3243 East Third F. A. Harrington. 138J S. Spring, n Rev. J. M. Schaefle, 1206 El Mo- M • £"* "Suthes 28 East Rev. M. M. Eshelman, 3207 Man- Pai«J e/ s '""«" '' "^ So I'l°°1 '1°° ' „ derk WO. W No. 402 25 HnoLpico Heights Congrega- t K.^ 1^ S-SS Re?RWno,d E h,;23So.' 121 R V S;y PE LMe C;i: 1459 E. 43d -ion . 10<> rf|£»S!3tf_i: 250 Rev.'T.CHt^So: Main! " R^Fa^er Hartnett. ,Cathedral. St ., Tlfirty-eight/street M. E. 100 FRATERNAL " minSr^f ?"....... 250 Re T, ri A^C^S" T& We,, 1M R?!i^|iliiii X^rlST^. A"'^ -, D. Paris, iliu.Hous protector, fS*^3s,» f^i™sC and Los Angeles streets-St. Presbyterian . .. .! 100 Rev. C. A. Kent, M. E. church, State camp No. 7110 M. W. A. Wo and seals K. of P 100 SSSSU Wall- 14° "fiSSteftSS'- &"B*-.-# 1>260 Sa^-^TZ T^ 10. 10) H^cSes _! 8 -Be: R HughesV^ M^ 100 Labor UiSm Officer. S^gg|l Hef td^Sa: 10° illlsiii R-CHunr^Berendo street vHl^T^'*^ g^siiipi R dena^Tcmpie BapS . . 263 $g&®o§ Pres. Plasterers' union 909 «^lSil Hugo Schwitzenberg _ Order of ra Rev. J. p! McDonald", 906 E. 28th. Rev Garey W." Her kemorial J. L. Frisbey, 116 McLain street association ••-V-J^ 133 E L^'HunSZ' Reformed Presbyterian 100 Baptist, South Pasadena 100 Alhambra. president Shinglers M . J. Quinn, Secret ary Angeleno E L Huntington. 1807 New Rev. W. E. Sheperd, 1923 San Rev. Wesley K. Beans, First M. union . . ..•••••••;•• * V "-6002 Council No 1543 Knights and PjJ' r t e 'o^rif dSS\r, im ' • Pedro _ Free Methodist 250 E . South Pasadena 1,250 Harry McManus, 2501 Folsom of Security ...... ••- • 10° IJo^\?u Wnrt^fn -laiff! » 4r§HS4«B jor^r^B^d^stree,;2^ '-Affigj&ssLaa im p-s»f^rss Major E. W. Campbell, 127 Wil- Rev. Thomas C. Marshall, 2314 street, Musicians' No. 47. ... 106 Stamm. 252, Independent Order Joseph s branch No. 397 Ca- J. r. , ,• a 11 901 t t - I'M r«i,o^i«o Vanri»rwnnrt president nf T?pd Men luu tnolic Knights of America.... 100 4!fei™^: s^¥h/s ?im iS^£fflSs» ci^Sl.^« !§^liSii iii^SlSS Rev. J. T. Parker, 276 E. Santa Rev. J. Lewis Smith, First Bap- C. M. Feider, business agent, Bar- No. 62 United Ancient Order Wai J. Go ldsmith, 1317 Beren- I^SsiE' 100 of the Nazarene, Long Beach.. 100 Avenue 23, Horseshoers' 124 100 more, commander KO.TM • 10) Albert Jansen chief of records ll2 ¥ftss:: flM§- t?^ Chicaeo—St Mary's r 174 No. Lake, Christian, Pasaden.a 100 Trunk and Case Workers..... 100 Pythias . . ..,........ ••••• • • • a^ ??5 «f Pasadena '"dge No. li^^p XSteS'^ •« a««%^.!**W Lisi^?-: R^il'uich^hFraVer: Rech,J;,, HS, Dn,a BMo;Ic; EPiSCOPa.' .06 "^.f^.n 11.- *"""''..^ .00 "_&?__£*&* "0 r.^£^~^«»- ■SJffiSSl^ "aH-HSs*- 4^_te'Si a?sSSfea_r"" ■®_SS** .3, •SS^.^W" A-rKS/'nrCou-rt'^ee, fe^ .^. .^ .36 «, RC#,iiErKSS ,00 "^iiSSffS^ 140 WET Sl Ve|n-pedro. Th^'™ W^^^ r,,,,r' B. ,*? •^^j.V^ » Rev Chas H Kershaw 122 No. Rev. E. L. McConnell, Christian, Laundry Workers, No. 52.... 1,184 P-O.E. 906. Santa Monica... .00 I. 0.0. F., Pasadena . 100 R Chicalt-Eoyle Heights Pres- S^_aS"_ai^"«i .00 Harry Ohlsen, Sailors' UiOn: Sa .05 EC. Hopp, Kmghts of Pythias, » W.H Reeves, Sons of Veterans. ,21 y ' > ' b i -ja «„„ <sh*«lton Bissell First Pedrb' 105 Santa Monica M Pasadena 121 , Re/ Rmp n koweli;p;esiding'Ei: Con^ational Long Beach.. 100 . /^Hughes, financial secretary A. R. Fraziergrand worthy t >a- Wi^ C T ason ' lerk %W. A- inn der ME church, SouthlAlham- Rev. Will A. Betts-First Meth- 65Q Bricklayers and Masons Inter- 100 tron Star Park chapter East- 100 Herbert Dovey, banker M. . W . 100 Rev E.S:Hodgin,-'92s"South Rev. Josiah Sibley-First Pres- Don't Forget to Save the Coupons A SSLa 'oi^i -^SK » -SSfflStoj : Don't Forget to Save the Coupon, J»JSS ia> New Jerusalem Christian eh. 100 Long Beach ••••••• ••• 1W H _ , , _ — E g K g Tone-Beach *->■ inn RCo,,^,£,, Srrch PomW .00 ■3MSSASSS|^ffI jETm BalL, No, Good Ates P. M.. May 17, 1909 Atigg^afia " Rev Heber Rice Pomona, Uni- Rev. McCormick, 1049 W. 7th... 150 ■■■ , S'J'rf .! tarian F' Watson, Pomona. 100 gelical,Lon Beach Evan- 100 • TV] _H V^fl I ri^¥7 ''m " V, 1 Ti^^ "'" 10° R Fh-st Baptist church 121 Rev. S. Dell Johnson-United ' . OlNlirf VUII^ ■ Henry Riley. 119 South Avenue oo T T Gresswell Pomona Presbyterian, Long Beach 100 : THE LOS ANGELES HERALD 18, past president and trustee 237 SSSS? ■W63S§s_£» , THE LOS ANGELES HERALD ■■fgS£« " Rev. L.D. Van Arnam, Pomona, St.—First Presbyterian ....... 11l ; _ ,• Dr. JL. Jones chief Surgeon, ■^■_iS_?BS IS S^cEiKM^u* • • Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Voting Contest M £Hfßl^ 2SI Rev. A. W. Lamport. D.D., Po- Rev. Father O'Reagan, 4th and *» _, XRTP Mrs. Essie Ashby. 1843 W. 22d - mona Trinity ME ; 106 Chicago-St. Mary's Catholic.. 100 ] tKiLt, 1 Klf . pta^m^ards No. 1 Ladies of ' y ; _! llic Maccabees 1,258 ~ UrTTTT" Name • Wesley Erbes, 4417 Russel aye., ' j /r^/^\"VTT\T /rT^T/^^TCJ *•«««>" • first lieutenant company 1, ====== { if }l\ I 1 I § 111 IN^ ' •• * uniform rank, Fraternal Broth v-* x JL^J. •*- XV^X^kjr ' ■ cia. v| erhoo( 9681 ( Put in the name of the contestant of your choice on this coupon Frank Notnjes 626 Wall nr*.«s REGULAR BALLOTS FOR SINGLE VOTES entitling: the contestant tO and , end to the I Angel- Herald office; void after above date *rank NOgues, O-O Wall presi- ONE VOTE will appear in EACH ISSUE of the HERALD Contestants may STJ^S tSLTSSTJLSSTS ZXZZ F^$SKS£ .^..^ ICO enter the contest at any. time, and those who live within the described territory , cr iber, . i w- A- Holt > 2609 Central, Order should energetically agitate this question among their friends. _ — ■ ■ ; of Eagles ••••••;•• 101 • n 6 J *" ? Mrs. Emma R. Neidig, supreme Call at Th« Herald Office for Subscription Books ST^.^^^um ' _. i ——— —^ ~ — „ , . . j • J. D. Irons, 1103 Molino, presi- One Year's Subscription, in advance, I Six Months' Subscription, paid in advance. Three Mont*, pa,d | advance. Co , cil N°' 94 Church^ s $4.50, entitles the contestant to $2.35. entitles the contestant to ,1.20. entitles ttie contest & I-raternal ' Mm? ' .2,265 h) v; .. _■_ —---. j*/\ TT i ■_ C. N. Green, secretary Ocean • 1000 Votes 400 Votes 150 Votes af'Sts-Bi • « I • j ■ __— ! ■ —: ' \ M. W. A .1,105 Old subscribers of The Herald, renewing or extending, wilf entitle the contestant to votes as above, when paid in advance, provided said subscriber is not in arrears Mabel Jha^her^ Home Rebekah offer of 10 per cent for all NEW subscriptions, in addition to the free trip for the successful contestant. , - 4 o{ Veterans ............. 100 CONTEST IS NOW ON ;J R- G- D°yle ' 324 West Adams, CONI. EH 1 IS IN O W yJIS colirt deputy of Glad Hand No. NO VOTES WILL BE ALLOWED FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS IN THIS CONTEST UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THE MONEY. No renewal or extension 5000( independent Order of will be entitled to the 10 per cent. No subscription received in this voting contest for less than three (3) months. Foresters . . ................12,220 . - Send, or come to The Herald office for subscription blanks. Full information and help will be given by ; '.u Henry Stieghtz past exalted ruler ' \ \ The Contest Editor Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, Cal. B. P. O. E., 966, San Pedro... 105 The Contest Editor Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, Cal. m All subscribers to The Herald have the privilege of nominating and voting ,f or any one in the above named classes. Don't forget the vote coupon. ' . . „.„:.•..— , ... , ,.,.. . •"—■—: LO9 ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1909. 9