Newspaper Page Text
PART II "GET THE HABlT"—Bring Your WANT ADS to THE HERALD for RESULTS WANTED Help— Male BOYS WANTED—I WANT MORE AMBl tiou> boys, over 10, to receive orders, de liver copies and make collections for The Saturday Evening Post and the Ladles Home Journal. Both are money makers for boys who have push. Publishers offer to the right boys free trips to major league championship baseball games. Apply to JAMES {, BRADFORD, 341 South Hill »U WANTED^MEN AND BOYS. NO~EXPENBB. to learn trade of plumbing, bricklaying or electricity. Practical work on Jobs half th€ time and study other half; catalogue free. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO.. 120 E. 9th St.. Los Angeles. <-l-«m WANTED-MAN WITH TEAM TO MAKE first year's Improvement on 320 acres of Im perial vallty desert land, located at Imperial Junction. Will give you 40 acres of the land, value »5 per acre. Will be worth double In a year. BOX 183, Herald. __" WANTED—RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, postoftice, clerks, carriers; salary »600 to 81600, examinations In soon; preparation / free. Write for schedule, FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. SB, Rochelltw' £4 -. l j[; MAGAZINE AND BOOK AGENTS, TNDUS trlal men. you can make more money with my proposition tnan any other. A cash . business. P«» MR. WEBB. 701 OroM« bid*., 9 to 10 a, m '••'"' WANTED—FIRST CLASS NON-UNION plumbers; permanent employment: li for elftht hours DENVER-MASTER PLUMB ERS' ASSN.. 214 Nassau block, Denver, Colo^ 5'37'3 WANTED—TEN YOUNG MEN FOR THE railroad business. Investigate nulckly. Apply S. P. TELEGRAPH AND SHORT HAND SCHOOL, 643 Central. Main IS_.S. (•87*3 joFn our association, receive free assistance in securing employment. EMPLOYES PROTECTIVE ASSN., 616 Bumlller bldg., 430 i. Broadway. 6-37-3 WANTED-»-FIRST CLASS OPERATOR ON coats; hlKh wage. paid. Apply ll^" n 10 and 11 a. m.. POPKIN & NESTOR. 461 P. Spring. i-31-3 WANTED—MAN OR BOY TO DO TWO hours' work In rooming house for use of good outside room. 126 E. THIRD. 5 7 7 3 WANTED— MEN TO LOCATE ON government land; married preferred. «14 RUTH AVE. '•"•' WANTED — 2 ROUGH CARPENTERS. Call at 147 N. WORKMAN or 151 N. Alta •t. after 5 p. m. 6-27-3 WANTED—TWO CARPENTERS FOR FlN ishlng. Call 653 S. SPRING at once. *7-3 WANTED—A FENCE BUILDER.- AD dress P. O. BOX 286, city. 5-27-3 ':?, Help—Female WANTED—LADY OPERATORS ON TOW er machines, to make overalls and khaki clothing; pleasant place to work and pleasant people to work with. Apply at 120 W. «TH ST., tomorrow. 6-37-3 WANTED— YOUNG GIRL ATTENDING school or employed during the day, to assist with work morning or evening, for her room, board and car fare. Phone 71965. 6-27-3 WANTED YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST with general housework: mast understand cooking; two in family: good home. 966 WESTMORELAND AYE. 6-27-3 LADIES AND GIRLS AT HOME STEADY or evenings can stamp transfers, 81.60 doien upward; original, reliable firm. Room 334, MASON BLDG., 228 W. Fourth. - 6-23-tf WANTED —COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; must have fire insur ance experience; salary $100. 510 GER MAIN BLDO. 6-27-3 LADIES TO MAKE PILLOW TOPS AT homo; good pay, steady work; experience unnecessary. Call 711 S. FLOWER. 5-27-3 WANTED—FIRST CLASS DOMESTICS. EMPLOYMENT DEPT., Y. W. C. A. 5-27-3 WANTED—FIRST CLASS LADIES' TAl lors. N. KRYSTAL & CO., 444 S. Broad way. Room 200. 6-27-3 WANTED—A"T 633' E. WASHINGTON, I girls to work on light leather. Those with some experience preferred. 8-37-8 Help—Male and Female WANTED— AND WOMEN TO LEARN the barber trade; guaranteed in eight weeks; catalogue free. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 113 East Second st. 6-18-tf WANTED—STUDENTS FOR PRIVATE IN- Btruction In shorthand and typewriting; very moderate terms. Phone MAIN 4367. 5-21-lm Situations —Male THE HERALD LENDERS THE FREE USB of Its "Situation Wanted" columns for an Indefinite p ' d to anyone seeking em ployment. Each ad will be run one time, but may be renewed as often as desired by bringing It to the counter of The Herald . office each day. This privilege is re* strlcte-3 to those seeking employment and will not be granted to employment agencies and others making a business u/ satclng to supply help. WANTED—IS THERE A POSITION IN this city for an ad writer who must have work at once? If you want loyalty and ability in your firm, for God's sake answer at once. Address Ad Writer, BOX «4, Herald office. 5-38-3 WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF 20, PO • ltion in a store, office or private family; can talk Spanish, French and enough English; good references; could work one or two weeks free of charge In order to show what I can do. Security building, room 631. Phones; Home F7110; Main 237. B. F. 5-38-1 TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS IN need of labor, please phone the Bethle hem institution when in need of help. We have carpenters, painters, paperhang «rs, garden workers, window washers and general housecleahers; also laborers. Phone A9031. Main 5726. 5-23-7 WANTED—BY ELEDERLY GENTLEMAN, i work either as porter or watchman; sober and industrious; best of references; would prefer watchman. Call E. J., before 7:30 a. m. and after 6:30 p. m. A7237. f 6-12-tf WANTED AT ONCE —POSITION BY A married man with excellent business abil ity and references; either inside or out door work; will work hard for a good firm. BOX 133, Herald. 6-28-1 WANTED— POSITION AS CASHIER IN store or business office; married man; will accept $75 if chance for advancement. BOX 204. Herald. 5-38-1 WANTED—SITUATION* AS MACHINIST by first class mechanic and machinery re pair man. Will leave city. BOX 731. Herald. 6-28-1 WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN OF 19, PO fiition In a store or In any kind of work; can start for a small salary. Phone Main «427. ■' ■ . . ■ i ,t-33-t EXPERT CARPENTER, CAPABLE OF planning and building email. houses, Is open to engagement planning or building. BOX «6, Herald. ■ 6-28-3 GRADUATE STENOGRAPHER, STEADY habits, wants start In office that offers advancement. 685 W. 35TH ST. 6-38-1 GENTLEMAN . WISHES. SITUATION AS nurse; can give good , references. 350.8. OLIVE ST. V : • ' •'■-. 6-28-1 GOOD CARPENTER WANTS WORK BY day or contract. HOME PHONE 41150. WANTED Situations— Female THE HERALD TENDERS THE FREE USB 01 Its "Situation Wanted" columns for an Indefinite period to anyone seeking em ployment. Each ad will be run one time, but may be renewed as often as ritslred by bringing It to the counter of The Herald office each day This privilege Is re stricted to those seeking employment and will not be ' granted to employment agencies and others making a business of seeking to supply help. 8-17-tf COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER WOULD like extra work evenings and Sundays. Telephone Main 113 on.i ask for Mrs. Williams, or address Station T, Los An geles. • 6-28.1 WANTED—POSITION BY ,AN EXFERl enced assistant bookkeeper, lady; can fur nish soorl references. Will work for 87 per week. BOX 64«, Herald office. 5-28-1 WANTED—A PLACE TO WORK MORN- Ings and evenings for room, board and j carfare, by a young lady. BOX 37, Her ald office. 6-28-1 WANTED— POSITION AS ATTENDANT to Invalid or nervous patient; best refer ence. BOX 133, Herald. 5-38-1 WANTED — BY EXPERIENCED, CAPABLE woman, chamber work or machine sewing. BOX ISO, Herald. 5-28-1 SEWING 81-60 PER DAY, BY AN EXPE rlenced dressmaker. BOX 645, Herald of fice. ■ 5-28-1 LADY OP EDUCATION WANTS OFFICE work or position as copyist or as private sec retary. S. C. P., Herald. 5-28-1 WANTED—SEWING BY THE DAY. 1417 W. :7TH ST. Phone 73093. 5-31-U Rooms PROFESSIONAL MAN ON SALARY DE siren room In private home with a home at mosphere; near Pico or Eleventh, close to Main cr Hill preferred. Address BOX 43.1, Herald. _I-U-t( Houses IF YOU HAVE A GOOD LOT I WILL FUR nlsh the entire cost of your building. No commission or delay. . E. S. WILLIAMSON. 203 and 204 Grant bid*. 6-32-lm To Purchase—Miscellaneous , DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD. JEW airy; highest price; a fair deal. H. B. CROUCH, mf*. Jeweler. 541 S Broadway. ■ 3-10-tl FOR RENT '•:'. 'V RoomsFurnished THE LIVINGSTON HOTEL— First class room and board, home cooking. 88 per week and up. (38 S. HILL. , 8-31-«m FOR RENT — MODERN, • NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor; $15 month; 3 nice rooms, bath, 88 month. 1327 VALENCIA ST. 5-38-3 COMFORTABLE, SMALL, AIRY ROOMS IN clean, quiet, private residence; both phones; bathroom, electric light; walking distance: $1.25, $2 week. 1117 S. HILL. 6-27-3 FOR RENT-NICE, SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with small kitchen, for 1 or 3, In fam ily, in exchange for few hours' housework. Broadway 3619. 736 E. 10TH. 5-27-3 FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED 2-ROOM suites; also single rooms, 8150 up; one single room, $1; bath, gas, electric lights and phone; no car fare. 121 8. BUNKER HILL. 5-27-8 WELL FURNISHED, AIRY,~BINaLE ROOMS in quiet upstairs flat; every convenience; room suitable for two. Phone 23639. 1342 B. HOPE ST. ' . 6-27-8 THE OLIVE, 803 W. PICO-BEAUTIFUL bay window front room. 89 month; smaller rooms, $6 month; modern; every convenience. 6-27-3 THREE LARGE BRIGHT SUNNY ROOMS, newly furnished; single or en suite; modern conveniences. 101 S. FLOWER. Phone A3710. > 6-37-3 LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM, WITH small kitchen, on ground floor; also single room; private residence, 616 BIXEL. 53354. v 5-27-3 LARGE. ALCOVE ROOM, PARTLY FUR. nlshed; also suite of rooms; private bath; also single room. 831 S. FLOWER. F6507. 5-37-3 TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, one on first and one on second floor; east front; close In; cheap. 853 8. FLOWER. 6-27-3 FRONT ROOM. 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN; OCEAN view; use of bath; rent reasonable. 8009 LAKE ST. Ocean Park. BOX 813. 6-37-3 THE MOBERLEY, S. HOPE ST. SINGLE rooms $1.60 up; 1 nice front housekeeping suite. . 6-27-3 THE BRIGHT. 1107 W. 11TH ROOMS from 65c to $1.26 week; also housekeeping. , • 6-27-3 THE ERWIN. 31»V4 W. FIFTH ST.—ELE gantl!' furnished front rooms, $3 week; cen trally located. Home phone F3248. 6-27-3 NICELY FURNISHED MODERN ROOMS, 81.50 up; also front rooms, with running water. 83.75 up. 82314 W. THIRD. 5-27-8 $2 WEEK UP-NEWLY FURNISHED; HOT, cold, running water; electricity; free bath. tim S. SPRING, over Jeffries'. 6-27-3 3~NICELY FURNISHED MODERN ROOMS IN quiet central location; very reasonable. 649 8. HOPE. ' ■ 6-37-3 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED, COOL FRONT room, In a fine location; private flat; cheap ' to right parties. 7068 W.NINTH. 6-27-3 LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH PORCH. 83 week; small room, 83 week; phone and bath. 1517 8. GRAND. 5-27-3 NICELY FURNISHED, CLEAN, AIRY rooms, single or en suite; centrally located; very reasonable. 563 S. HOPE. 6-37-3 ONE SMALL. ONE LARGE, AIRY CLEAN room for gentlemen In pleasant, modern homo. 1143 S. FLOWER. __; 5-37-3 FURNISHED ROOMS, 81.60 WEEK UP; electricity, free baths; 1 block west of court house. 413 TEMPLE. 6-27-3 FOR RENT- NICE LARGE SUNNY FRONT room, first floor; walking distance, 83.50 week. 757 S. HOPE. ■ ' 6-37-3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT—SINGLE or en suite; gas and electricity. 334 CROCK KR. Phone A0716. . 6-27-3 VER*"NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, bay window, first floor; 1 or 3 gentlemen. 810. DMA S. FLOWER. 5-27-3 FURNISHED'SUNNY ROOMS, WALKING distance; $1.60 to 83 week. 949 S. BROAD. WAY. South Main 7940. 6-27-3 FOR RENT-NICK, LARGE, FURNISHED room, suitable for a dressmaker. 229 SOUTH BROADWAY. __________________ NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, $2 UP;W ALK ing distance. 131 CARR ST., after 6. 6-27-3 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED OUTSIDE rooms. 423 W. BTH; cheap rent. 6-27-3 FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, very reasonable. 3H7 E. 12TH. . 5-37-> Houses FOR RENT— UNFURNISHED, TO RESPON sible party, a beautiful, nearly new modern 7-room house, with furnace; lot 64x137; near ■ school and 5c car line; Highland Park. Phone EAST 1853. 5-27-2 Rooms— Unfurnished . FOR . RENT-HALF COTTAGE, 3 UNFUR . nished' rooms, kitchen, I bath; modern; gas and electricity; separata entrance; $12 mo. 1433 RICH ST. i. -. - ■■ . 5-37-3 FOR RENT— ROOMS UNFURNISH ■i ed; nice and clean; gas, electric light and fireplace; 811. 72« B. PICO. - .-■>/. 5-27-3 t-~ ft .; • ■ ■ \ ■ -. ■ ■ - *.:■ ;.'■■■ , ■', -; ■ ...-■■ ■ . LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1909. You Cm Make More by 'Writing a Wait Ad Bail KIPLING 'Would Be Paid for .-a Poem! ■ •■ - . YOU may not be at all "liter ary," but still able to- make ; money as a writer. If you have a business of your own you can make it prosperous by writing convincing advertising of it. If you are not in business you can still earn money by writing and pub lishing your classified ads in this paper. This chance is open to 1 anyone, any , time—and it often happens that a well written want ad brings more to the writer than Kipling would be paid for a poem. FOR RENT Room* for Housekeeping FOR RENT-ANGELENO HEIGHTS; HICH. healthy, desirable; walking distance; cheap rent; furnished, large, sunny front rooms; new; modern. 1138 W. EDGEWARE. F.Hl^. 6-27-3 TWO NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSE keeplng rooms; cheap rent; in the beautiful Carleton flats; 3 minutes from Broadway and First. 323 N. GRAND. 6-27-3 FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS, WITH OR without housekeeping; near Hamburger's; walking distance; summer rates; every con veniences. 771 MAPLE AVE. 6-27-3 SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, 3 ROOMS; grate, bay window, porch, phone, yard; rea sonable; other rooms; private house; central. 1012 S. HOPE. 6-27-3 TWO OR~THREH EXTRA LARGE, NICE front rooms, complete for housekeeping; pri vate residence; summer rates; adults. 917 S. GRAND. Broadway 4H2. 6-27-3 SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHED rooms, on the hill; walking distance; respec table; summer rates. 362 BUENA VISTA ST., near Temple. 6-27-i NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR without housekeeping; summer rates; children welcome. 802 CENTRAL AVE. Phono Main 5099. 6-27'3 TWO SUNNY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, large closet, bath, screen porch; all conveniences; $10 month. 1412 W. 14TH ST. 6-27-3 FOR REST—NICELY FURNIBHDD HOUSE keeplng rooms, $2 up; single rooms $160 up; walking distance. SOI S. FLOWER.^ 6-27-3 FOR RENT—J FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; walking distance; only $10 per month; also front room $2 week. 646 CROCK ER ST. 5-27-3 1413 S. UNION-6 FURNISHED HOUSEKEF.P tng rooms; none better; painted ceilings; this is worth hunting up; $20. Phone 23311. 6-27-3 oneHvkry nicely furnished 8-room modern apartment for housekeeping; close in; reasonable. 434 S. FLOWER. 6-27-3 4 UNFURNISHED^ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS on lower floor; bath, gas, electricity; lawn and garden. 1315 W. FIFTH. 6-27-3 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THREE FUR nished light housekeeping rooms call Main 6487. Cheap. 443VJ TOWNE AVE., corner of Fifth St. 5-27-3 ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH COZY porch kitchen, $3; also large sunny house keeplng rooms. 1047 S. BROADWAY. 6-27-3 FOR RENT-TWO SUNNY. LIGHT ROOMS, with use of kitchen; summer rates. 1279 W. 86TH, west, of Budlong. 1.-27-3 FOR RENT-TWO MODERN HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, outside entrance; reasonable. 1367 W. 24TH. B-27-3 FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplns; rent reasonable. 643 S. FLOWER. 813~BoiTON~KT^ LARGE SUNNY FURNISH ed apartments, $3.60 to $3. A7143. 5-27-3 Apartment* FOR RENT Newly furnished apartments, located In one of the most beautiful sections of the city; two car lines pass the door; summer rates very reasonable. THE MISSOt 1..V 673 W. Washington st 6-5-x Flat* FOR RENT FLAT. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, with gas range, disappearing berl and kitchen cabinet; price. $12.50 month; four rooms, $16; water paid: new and. modern. 4408> a MO NETA AVK. Take Moncta avc. car on Main Etrcel. 5-2S-3 FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE—WI CAN EXCHANUH your property, no matter where located. SLACK 4 COMPANY. 4U-S0 Grant bldg A«C77. Main 7071 t-l-tt PATENT ATTORNEYS AND DRAUGHTSMEN WELLS~*~WILLIAMS, DRAFTSMEN;~ IN^ venttons perfected. 346 P. E. bldg. Main 198»; F8615. 6-22-tf MO PATENT. NO PAY. 8. G. WELLS, 145 P. B. bide Main IM6; F3515. t-22-t( BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Main 2803™ Jl'onie~lf4oST. LEAHY * SON, LEADING AGENTS, SUITE 311-313 % SEVERANCE BLDG.. SIXTH, AND MAIN STS. 100—RESTAURANT, open day and night In nearby thriving town, between dance halls, the aqueduct within 1 mile; doing a large cash business, seating 34 8 stools counter, oven, cooking utensils all new; 3 private boxes; a money maker. Get card from LEAHY & SON. $2800—FURNITURE, FEED. TRANS FER. BUGGIES, etc., rent only 835; west side location; receipts 860 dally; nice class of patrons; thl* valuable business can be bought on cash with terms or trade \' s property, bal. cash. See LEAHY & SON. 8800— or invoice, 'GROCERIES, TO BACCO, etc.; splendid location; doing a cash business over counter of 836 dally: . rent 830, includes fixtures, scales, shelving, etc. If you are looking for a paying busi ness here Is one we will recommend. See LEAHY * SON. - IF YOU BUY THROUGH US WE PROTECT YOU AND GUARANTEE TITLE. LEAHY & SON. Corner Sixth and Main sts. 5-2R-1 PLUMBING AND GAS REPAIR SHOP, located in fine residence district, fins trade, low rent, long lease, Invoice if taken Immediately. BOX 68, Herald. 6-37-6 ELECTRIC BELTS _" J -^~~ ' WEAK MEN-Just what you JmM\ need. Do you want to be mfw^T strong and vigorous, with J~\ _3 your veins full of youthful —_H_S%^ fire, eyes clear, your muscles strong and active? Kn HWdSSr^^' e^ me tel* vou now Ihßm^ to regain health and K9m__B__RKH£_£^ strength without tho _S__u_t_n/___C^£_L___ use of dangerous TOPlaßitaSßsvr~S drugs. VITALIZ dry HjiifO^v^ battery electric belt ]t____j__RMgj____* cures weakness, back- &Bwß*iMr ache, lumbago, stom ™*™~^^^ ach, liver, kidney trouble. VITALIZ is a true Invlgorator for weak, nervous, broken down men and women. VITALIZ helps nature. Strongest electric belt made; no soaking. Send for free literature in plain package or tall Immediately; get our spe cial power 86 electric belt—33 cell chain—or spe cial VITALIZ. We sell all kinds of electric belts; very lowest prioes for best. F. F. BRANTVERNE. 1102 Maple avenue, Los Ange les. Our belts the best and strongest. BOOKS Boston Book Store LET US SELL YOU It BOOKS ON COMMIS eIon. Libraries catalogued and sold at private sale or at auction, as preferred. Auction every Thursday, 10 a. in. Phone Visas. 214 W. Seventh St. ' 5-26-tf STORAGE tAHOE PRIVATE. LOCKED, IKON K6OM3 lor furniture, etc., 11.60 and 83 per month; trunks, boxes, etc., • 360 to 60c; open vans 86 per day, or 76c per hour. We pack and ship household goods everywhere at re duced rates. COLYE&R'S VAN AND STOR AGO CO., office 600-11 S. Main St. Ware bouse 416-17 San Pedro at. Phones F3171. Main 1117. 3-35-tt FOR SALE Country Property ' . BEAUMONT Free Stereopticon Lectures Every day at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 and 8 p. m. Showing Apple Valley, the . latest subdi vision, as well as other scenes from the won derful Homeseekc-»' Colony. 8900 for 6 acres, with watei under pressure. Here Is Independence. Frei «^rurslons to buyers. ; . 616 Soul: Broadway. 4-8-tf FOR SALE—SIO PER ACRE Southeast I, section 33, Ip 9 north, range 15 wast. Antelope valley; level, no alkali, rinch soil, title perfect; great bar gain. N. O. SEIBEL, 317 N. Johnson St. New Orleans, La. 5-26-7 Piano* '- TOUR PIANO UffUK'l'UNlTt . Why. rent when you can gat a fine up right at 84 monthly? We have wall know* makes, second band, all In excellent con dition which . you can secure .oa tn«« terms. Let as show you. OHO. J BIRKEL CO.. 148-7 South Bprln» « ;, l-BVti FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINE CCN ditlon; only 8100 for Immediate sale. Call for inspection. 418 W. FIFTH ST. :..y. ■«-«-« FOR SALE I I Houses Why Make the .. Laedlord Rich? Why not own your own home when you pay for it like paying rent? '• ' ■ \ ' • ' m Cmlll <r I nli Hi if n hs#sii''<*!*SS » I WILL, BUILD FOR YOU THIS COZY LITTLE HOME IN THE DOOR WAY OF ELYSIAN PARK, WHERE YOU CAN HAVE FOR YOUR FRONT YARD A SHARE OF ONE) OF THE FINEST PIECES OF NA TURE'S HANDIWORK THAT IS IN THE VICINITY OF LOS ANGELES ONLY 30 MINUTES' DRIVE FROM THE BUSINESS CENTER OF THE CITY AND A 5c CAR FARE. THIS LAND IS PERFECTLY LEVEL, PLENTY OF WATER FOR ■ IRRIGATING THAT YOU OWN YOURSELF WITHOUT ANY EXTRA EXPENSE. WILL SELL YOU ANY AMOUNT OF LAND FROM M. ACRE TO 6 ACRES. ONE ACRE OF THIS LAND WILL MAKE YOU A NICE HOME AND A NICE LITTLE INCOME. IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IF YOU WILL ONLY GIVE IT THE AID OF A FEW HOURS OF YOUR TIME EACH DAY. I HAVE ALSO IN THIS BEAUTIFUL TRACT LAID OUT 80 LOTS RANGING FROM 50x150 TO 60x171 FEET, ON WHICH I WILL BUILD YOU A NICE, MODERN, UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW AND WILL SELL ON EASY TERMS, $250 DOWN AND $25 PER MONTH. AGENT ON TRACT SUNDAYS. To See This Beautiful Acreage Take Edendale Car to End of Line For Full Particulars See --.;■ i TTft TO) TTt) TTft TT fT 9 TlT_? R o Bo PRICE ■{;/; ; - - :.-. % Corner Fourth Avenue and Pico Street Home phone 7113«. , ■-■;;-. ■-,■ » ' ' ■ .' Business Property FOR SALE — , ■ 75 feet on East'Fourth street, between San Pedro and Omar. This property is the cheap est price this side of Central by 850 par foot. Third and Fifth streets, Just opposite, sell for over 1 double what this can be had for. So, you see, Fourth street has got to come, be cause wholesale business Is already there, and you know what that means. If you are look- Ing for something good to make money on, see us at once. Smith <& Smith 312 O. T. Johnson building, corner Fourth and Broadway. 6-38-1 FOR SALE— ' '■■ The largest business lot down close to Bth and San I'edro, where the new mar ket is now being built; lot 88x170; twen ty-foot alley on Bide, 30-foot alley in rear. This property can be had at a bargain if you will make an offer, for owner wants to sell at once. For particulars see Smith <& Smith 313 O. T. Johnson Hide., Cor. 4th and Uroadway 5-28-1 fuburban Property FOR SALE— A GENTLEMAN'S SUBURBAN HOME. Property consisting of 7.15 acres on at . tractive eminence on Kenneth road, ten miles from city, 3 blocks west of terminus of Glendale car line; best climate, coolest place .In summer; ample supply of best water; land under cultivation and sub stantial wire fence. DWELLING—SOxBO: 10 largo rooms, largo hall. 3 large bath moms, modern throughout, hardwood floors, expensive chandeliers, beamed celling and pane! effect*, French plate glass, etc. SERVANTS' QUARTERS—Room 12x14, with bath, closet and toilet outside; also wood shad and coal house. - BARN —30x62, divided Into horse, car riage, cow stable and loft; large poultry yard with best roosting houses, brooding houses, sheds, etc.; fine young orchard, roses, large, lawn, berry patches and large vegetable garden. The most perfect I suburban home, and must be seen to be appreciated. Price reasonable. > Terms If necessary. Apply on premises or telephone Glendale 761. H. C, KELLER. 431 Cltiinns Nail. Bank bldg. 6-11-tf Gasoline Engine FOR GASOLINE ENQINB, 10 horse, automarlne, In first class condition, complete with ' propeller shaft, reversa • lever, colls, i at*. Apply W. .W. K.. box 883, Ocean Park. Cat. , 6-34-7 FOR SALE ' Houses Houses A Fine- Home at a Sacrifice Owner wants to sell at once and If you are looking for something In the south west out close to the university mi West ;»iili street, on« of the wldMi streets In the city; lot 85x135; barn, chicken yards, beautiful flowers anil everything It takes to make a nice home. Now if you arc looking: for a good home don't wait too long to call, for it will not be long before it is sold. < Smith <& Smith 312-14 O. T. Johnson Bldg., Cor. 4th and Broadway hones: Bdwy. ISiill, Home AIMil, 6-28-1 FOB SALE—G-HOOM ITbTsE ON WEST Wellington street; lot 50x134; price 84000. Tin-* Is one of the bent buys on Washing ton street. SMITH Si SMITH, 811-814 p. T. Johnson Bldg. 5-38-1 Furnltur* SEPARATE! LOCKED IRON ROOMS 13.00 per montn; trunks, boxes, etc.. 260 to Mo. Phone for our larg* van when you move, SI. per Hour. COLTEAR WAREHOUSE CO.. «16-17-19 Bar. Pedro st. Main office. i.OJ-11 a. Main M. F-ODe Main 1117; FBI7L t-l-tt ;/*,*.i ; Typewriter* 'TYTEWRITEBS*~*BOI'OHT AND SOLD, rented) all makes; guaranteed;; repairing. BAKKR HOKV CO., Inc., 244H S. Ildway. Main 4691, A4OTO. _ 6-1-801 Harness FOR BALE— ONE SET SINGLE HARNESS, in good condition) will sell cheap. i II;. DEFT. HERALD OFFICE. 5-1-tt Government Lands E. CITMBY, WHO CAN IXJCATE YOU ON a homestead of 160 acres best land In California. 400 Chamber of Commerce. AlB Hi. . 8-12-lmo Miscellaneous v FOR SALE— _S-horsepower motor; rare bargain. Ap ply Cashier, Herald office. LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals will l>e received at office of treasurer I'Rcino Branch. N. 11. D. V. S., Soldiers' Home,. Los Angeles county, ral.. until 18 o'clock m., June 5, 1909, and then opened, for furnishing and installing ma chinery and piping for pumping water from wells Into homo service lines and storage reservoir. In accordance, with instructions, plans and specifications,. copies of which, with blank proposals and other information, may ■be had ' upon application to K. W. Moore, treasurer. 6-7-17-28 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES German. English Shorthand by experienced teacher. , Terms moderate. (SO W. Slat St. Phone South •<:<. Cumnock School of Expression Summer Term Six Weekn—Opening .Inly « Catalog- Now Ready. ' 150« SOUTH HGCKROA ISTREET. fi Summer School of the miveraUy of Southern California The summer eesston of the university for 1!K»9 will he h»ld at the College of l.lhrmi Arts, Thirly-flfth street and Wesley avenue, Los Angclca, from June 39 to August "7. Course* In philosophy, chemlMry. mathematics. bfnlogy t English literature, history, modern languages, economic*, physics and electrical engineering and the ancient classlcß are offered and Kill ba conducted by the regular members of ttha faculty and special lecturer* from other Insti tutions. For further information address PROF. K. I). HCHVI.Z, Secretary IT. B. C, ' fti; WKST riFTH ST. KataolUDW 1«W Oppojint* Cvntrml park. Hambiir»»r B!dg. 180 W Elrhth 8'- SANITARIUMS Weak Mem CURED w£ Magic Cure Tijj Seif Free -"tf^Si^^ For 10 Days MY BEST REFERENCE IS.' TfiSll li^ga^ \FREE Weak or Old Men Made Strong, Firm and Vigoroos. 112.00 to cure any uncomplicated case of' any common affection of long or short dura tion. Written guarantee for every ease. Lost Vigor, Weakness. Varloocele, Weakened Manhood. Prostatlo Diseases, Contracted Disorders. Blood Poison, Stricture, Private Diseases. Rapid Decline. Kidney and Blad der troubles cured. We defy the world to excel our treat ments. Piles cured without knife or pain. Consultation, Examination and Expert ad vice free and gladly irlven at office or by -aUs. DR. KINO & CO.. 745 S. Main St.. Los Angeles. Cal. I Will GiYe $10®CD. If I Fail to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I Treat Before it Poi sons Deep Glands NO KNIFB or PAIN. No Pay until -jnqk. ■ ■ .a— Cured. No X nay or W >{V . ET 00* other swindle. An 'a- va>, «^p-«-g r Island plant mak«9 »^\ JPCwLSf^Sa^ the cures. Absolute t£<i\ (.iinranlcv Any Til mor. Lump or Sore m iTiB?\Xvfal'*&.a on the tip. face or I f HQ^J-Ki Tl anywhere 8 months ■ I «Kj^™yS^l Is Canu >r They \J jSiKfflaJSm^^W never pain until la»t J^P^^a^Kfq£9Hpj stage. ISO ■ p>|) r—WlI lif «L " book sent free with M/^^\l I testimonials of thou- <L m sands cured. S^eT \ \\ KITE TO THEM. Any Lump in Woman's Breast IS CAN'CKK. and It neglected it will always poison deep elands in the armpit and kill quickly. Address Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Chamley & Co. "Most Successful Cancer Specialists Living," 747 South Main St. I.OS am.i;i i:s. ( \l.. Kindly Send to Some One With Cancer. -• c :- : _ RAILROAD TIME TABLE SANTA Ft ..';t Low | ~ |Arrtr» Eastern— California Limited,l WMO am dally. Chicago via Denver <:«• pas ' and KansasClty Overland Express—Daily Chi- = 1:00 pm cago via Denver and Kan- 1:10 am aaa City ■ -^ , • .< • Eastern Express—Dally Chi- --. ■ . --, ' 1-M am cago, via Denver and Kan- 7:08 anj I saa City - ■ . -■<- Kite Shaped—Going via Pasa- ~~— 1:10 am dena. Return via Santa Ana >:K pa canyon t 1:45 am ~~ 110:00 am 8:30 am Redlanda via Pasadena 6:40 pro 4:80 pm 7:40 pm 7:10 ami Hedlanda via Orange 10:56 am 10:66 am «:3S pm 7:4» am | Riverside via Pasadena~~ | 6:40 pm ■ 7:10 am| 77bTam 10.Hi am | Riverside via Orange 10:43 am 6:06 pm| ,_'i!Li; 7:30 am "~ ———— I 7:06 am 10:66 am ' Corona via Orange 10:45 am 6:06 pm ■ «:M pm 7:30 am I 7:06 am 10:66 am Ban Bernardino via Orange 10:4a am l:0» pm | [ t:35 nn 7:46 am 11:20 am • :>0 am . 10:00 am 10:00 am San Bernardino via Pasadena 5:40 pm 4:80 pm 6:00 pm 1:00 pm ■ __^___^_^_ 7:40 pm i:45 am I %:K am 1:05 pm Santa Ana . v.!a am V 6:06 pra ■ 1:00 pm , 11:66 Dm _J[«;36 7:10 am ¥:66~ara 1:46 am ' : 7:05 am 10:6> am Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange 8:26 an 2:05 pm 10:45 am ' . l:0i p.n .- 1 - ■ * 1:00 pm - 11:66 pm. 1:86 pm 7:45 am San Jaclnto, Elslnore, Re- I 6:40 }>m I 10:65 am met and Mi.rlttla • | 1:15 pm 10:00 am Rcdondo ■ | 1:40 pm i 1:011 pm Escondldo , l:00"pm 1:46 am Fallbrook : ' 1:88 pm 1:46 am Ban Diego sna 6:66 am , 1:05 pm Coronado Beach. 1:00 pm ' 11:66 pm Surf Line . . 1:35 pm 7:SO am Randsbura; i 7:08 am 1:00 pm Searchlight and Chloride 7:05 am •M cm Beatty. Rhyollte. Ooldfleld 1:10 as* ■ and Tonopah I 'ra'^ SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except u noted.' - * Leave | ..-.-■ i- ~T Arrt>e _ :' lu.uv uuiLu AnKeles Llmlt'd — «u,l «:uu pa _| Omaha. Salt Lake City f > - ■■>■ y! * - . Overland texpresa— ■ ■■ * ■ ' '■ 1:00 pm Chicago, Omaha, St. • Lnuls, •.'OO am rhicago. Omaha. Bt. Lnuis. S:00 aa Kansas City. Denver, Salt r:JW?!fiS \ Lake. Searchlight Onldfleld_ ' - ■ .; »:SJ am San B»rrardlno, , 8:8fi am ll:(viam . Ooltoa. • ■ - ' : 10:41am 1:40 pm : .Riverside ■ l.Ztpra) t-.M pm Ontario and . ■■ *:» pm , 1:00 pm ■ Pomona - '-■■• > 8:61 pm t •"i^TSI 1111: " ■-" '.■'•:'■ ■.•--,. *» 15 am '. l:to am . - Krnc Beach «V ■ . -'' 11:10 an : ■1:10 " - sua Pedr» •"..-, I'M Pn« , aJO am . ■ i • , 151:65 (d 7