Newspaper Page Text
PART II "GET THE HABlT"—Bring Your WANT ADS to THE HERALD for RESULTS j To Advertisers Count «l_ average words n« one line. No ad accepted (or less than the price ef two lines. The Herald reserves the right to revise advertisements and to reject or t omit and refund the amount paid. - Report promptly to the classified man ager failure to get returns or experience with fraudulent or dishonest advertisers. Two or more Insertions are better than one. Try a three-time ad. Results almost certain for anything. All errors corrected or money refunded. - For contract solicitors and advertising advice call Sunset Main 8000. Home 102 IL SPECIAL RATES Want ads lo a word each Insertion. Rooms for rent lines, 3 times. Rooms with board—3 lines, 8 times. 25 Cents HELP WANTED Male and female3 lines, 3 tlmee . . 25 Cents SITUATIONS WANTED Free THE WEATHER LOB A m. m. :her.|numJ_Wilidiyel. [Weather. 68 |Xn"T"sw"|Xl I Cloudy 63 1 70 I SW 1 13 I Clear 29.97 Maximum temperature 66. Minimum temperature 67. Weather Conditions SAN FRANCISCO, June B.—The following maximum and minimum temperatures are reported from eastern stations for previous day: Chicago 60-64, New York 58-53, Omaha 68-56. Forecast For Los Angeles and vicinity—Fair, warmer Wednesday; light west wind. For San Francisco and vicinity—Fair Wednesday, with fog in morning; moderate west wind. For Santa Clara valley— Fair, warmer Wednesday; north wind. For I Sacramento valley—Fair, warmer Wednesday; light north wind. For Ssn Joaquin —Fair, warmer Wednesday; light north wind. DIED RICE-Marlon Elizabeth Rice, in this city nt the family residence. 1341 West Twenty-fifth street. June 8, 1909, at 1:20 p. m. The beloved daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rice, age 2 years and 10 months. Funeral services from the residence of C. N. Stanley at 389 North Fair Oaks avenue, Pasadena, Thurs day at 3 p. m. ; interment Mountain View cemetery. Friends unable to attend the. fun eral will be received at the family residence Wednesday 3 to 4 p. m. 6-9-1 JOHNSON —Nicholas A. Johnson, beloved husband of Anna M. Johnson, father of Arthur and Agnes Johnson, brother of O. A. Johnson. Funeral from Los Angeles Undertaking company chapel,' 2029 Pasa dena avenue, Wednesday. June 9, 1909, at 2 p. m. Interment In Evergreen ceme tery. Under auspices of B. of R. T. No. 808 and B. of L. F. and E. No. 97. 6-9-1 FREEBET-In this city, at the family'resi dence, 1666 Glrard street, June 7, 1909, at 1 a. m., Esther Pauline, beloved daughter of Mrs. J E, Freebey. age 21 years. Funeral today (Wednesday. June 9) at 2 o'clock, from resi dence. , Friends Invited. Interment private, Rosedale' cemetery. 6-9-1. KNICKREHM—JuIia Knlckrehm, sister of Emma and William Knlckrehm. Funeral service at Pierce Brothers' chapel on Flower street, between Eighth and Ninth, a 3- p. m. today Friends invited. 6-9-1 CEMETERIES .^^^.^..■H- ____■._._■■-■ -»»»^*^^— ■— .-.-.^%~ INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY Two miles outside the city limits, on the Los Angeles and Redondo Ry.; 300 acres of perfect land with Improvements out classing any cemetery on the coast. 207 S. Broadway. Room 202. Phones: 1*8303. Main 4889. Supt. Phone .-»_!>_. . . 4-1-12 months ROSEDALE CEMETERY An Endowed Memorial Park noted for Its natural beauty; endowment furl for per petual care, over $360,000: modern receiv ing vault, chapel, crematory a-. I colum barium; accessible; city office, SUITE 302-306 EXCHANGE BLDG.. N. E. Cor. Third and Hill sts. Phones Main 909; A9162. Cemetery office. 1831 W. Washington st.; phones 72858. West 80. 6-2- 12m , EVERGREEN CEMETERY Boyle Heights, near city limits. Operated under perpetual charter from Los Angeles city. Modern chapel and crematory. 1 Office 330 Bradbury Building.. Phones Main An.; A..MI. CemeteryHome 41083; Boyle 9. ■__ 6-6-12m CHURCH NOTICES "^cl^T^ian^sclence" SERVICES SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, - ' At Ebell hall, Eighteenth and Flgueroa sta THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, st Simpson auditorium. 734 South Hope street. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.*. Wednesday. p. m..-FOURTH CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, at Symphony hall, 232 S. Hill street: Sunday 11 a, m. and Blanchard hall. 233 South Broadway, 8 -p. m. Wednesday. Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly: subject, "God the Preserver of Man." Children's Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Reading rooms, 610-11 Her man W. Hellman building, Spring and Fourth streets, open dally, Sundays ex cepted, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 6-7-7 NOTICE TO CHURCHES—COPT FOR ALL church notices for the Saturday and Sun day morning Issues is requested to he turned In at The Herald office by Friday noon. If possible. This will assure proper classification and publication. 3-11-tt BOOKS Boston Book Store LET U. SELL YOUR BOOKS ON CO.MMIS sIon. -Libraries catalogued and sold at private sale or at auction, as preferred. Auction every Thursday, 10 a. m. Phone F2285. 214 W. Seventh St. . . ..., i • 6-26-tf "~ STORAGE PRIVATE. LOCKED, "IRON ROOMS for furniture, etc.. $1.60 and $2 per month; trunks, boxes, etc., 250 to 60c; open vans $6 per day, or 76c per hour. We pack and shin household goods everywhere at ■ re duced rates. i COLYEARS VAN AND BTOR. AGE CO office 609-11.8. Main st. Ware bouse 416-17 Ban _"«dro st. Phones FBI7L Main 1117. ■ '»-» c — LOST AND FOUND 'Vv rSsT^BBTWEEN j MONROVIA* AND Duarte, package and paper and news paper cuts pertaining to . Beaumont I of value lo owners only. Return. to BBAU ' MONT LAND & WATER CO, 616 South Broadway, Los Angeles, and get small re ward. - *■'-' ;./ ' WANTED PZifZj. Help—Mais THE HERALD TENDERS THE FREE USB of Its "Situation Wanted" columns for an Indefinite period to anyone seeking em ployment Each ad will be run one time, but may be renewed as often as desired by bringing It to the counter of The Herald office each day.**- This privilege Is re stricted to those seeking employment and will not be granted to employment agencies and others making a business of seeking to supply help. . l-17-tt WANTED-MEN AND BOYS. NO EXPENSE. to learn trade of plumbing, bricklaying oi electricity. Practical work on lobs naif the time and study other half; catalogue free. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO., 120 E. tth St.. Los Angeles. s-ldlra WANTED- .MAN WITH TEAM TO MAKE first year's Improvement on 320 acres of Im perial valley desert land, located nt Imperial Junction. Will give you 40 acres of the land, value 85 per acre. Will be worth double in a year. BOX 192. Herald. 4-11-tf WANTED—RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, postofllee, clerks, carriers; salary 8600 to $1800, examinations In soon; preparation free. Write for schedule, FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. 88, Rochester, N. Y. 5-14-lm MEN WANTED To collcVt medicinal roots, barks, herbs, etc. For particulars. enclosing stamp, write to J. C. ZEHRINO & CO., Lebanon. Pa.- 6-8-121 WANTED— FIRST CLASS LISTING MAN for real estate, city and country property. Apply 0 to 10 a. m. today. D. L. Mo- DONALD, 616 Citizens Nat. Bank bldg. 6-0-1 . - WANTED— BARBER, SOBER, 'FIRST class, steady Job guaranteed. Phone M. O. SHAIN, Escondido, Cal. __________ BOYS WANTED WITH WHEELS, GOOD wages. HOME MESSENGER CO., 1-3B North Broadway. » I TEACH BEST TRADE OE TODAY. BE comc an assayer and cyanide specialist; earn 1100 to $300 a month. I will leach you. 12!'. S. BROADWAY, room 5. 6-9-4 WANTED-EXPERIENCED FLOOR LAYERS to lay 15,000 feet of pine flooring by contract. W. D. HANSON BLDO. CO., 616 Mason bldg. 6-9-4 WANTED-ADVERTISING SOLICITOR HIGH class Investment journal; only those who mean business need apply. FERN. 200 Ger main bldg. - _____ 1'" 9"4 WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL; MUST BE fair writer: wages $6 week. Apply room 324. a 2"0% S. SPRING ST. «■»-« WANTED-BIDS ON PUTTING ON 33.000 shingles. Call cor. GRIFFIN AND AVE. 30. WANTED-A JUNIOR PLUMBER. CALL J. A. BAILEY, Huntington Park. 6-9-4 WANTED—CARPENTER. 616 PLYMOUTH. Good live man. . 6*a*< Help—Female LADIES AND GIRLS AT HOME' STEADY or evenings can stamp transfers. SI. dozen upward; original, reliable firm. Room 334, MASON BLDO., 228 W. Fourth. 6-23-tf WANTED— GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general housework, $30 per month; middle aged woman preferred. 1657 GRAMERCY PLACE . _______ WANTED-OIRL. TO MAKE OVERALLS ON power machines; nice pleasant place to work; experience not absolutely necessary, wages guaranteed. Apply 180 W. SIXTH. 6-9-1 WANTED—MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO ASSIST In housekeeping In exchange for room and board; Christian Scientist preferred. Call 233 GORDON AVE. Phone East 3205. ■ 6-0-4 WANTED-6 LADIES AT THE LEADER halrdresslng college; One opportunity; mini mean business. MRS. HARRIS, 228 Mercan tile; room 30. °''4 WANTED-STUDENTS AT ONCE TO LEARN beauty culture In all Its branches. FASHION BEAUTY COLLEGE, 307 S. Broadway; rooms 11 and 12. ____' WANTED- STARCH IRONERS,, ALHAMBRA LAUNDRY', San Gabriel car; get off at Ma rengo ave., Dolgeville, walk south; 10c fare. 6-9-4 WANTED-RELIABLE GIRL. WILLING TO go to country to assist with baby; good home and clothes or small wages. Phone F3212. 6-8-4 WANTED -FIRST . CLASS EXPERIENCED skirt draper, waist draper; also skirl makers. HUNGERFORD SISTERS, 444 S. Broadway. 6-9*4 WANTETJ—LADIES' CLOTHES IRONERS, mangle girls and shakers and girls to learn, L. A. LAUNDRY CO., 631 San Fernando. 6-9-4 WANTED-WOMEN TO IRON ON TIES dam, Wednesdays and Thursdays. LOS AN GELES LAUNDRY, 631 Ban Fernando. 6-9-4 WANTED- CLASS DOMESTICS. EM. ployment department Y. W. C. A. 6-9-4 WANTBD-GOOD ENGLISH LADY COOK for private hotel, Apply, by letter llrst, to FERN, 200 Germain bldg. , 6-0-1 WANTED^GIRL TO ACT AS HELPER IN • good home; small salary. Inquire 1701 ROOSEVELT AVE. Phone 72328. 8-8-4 WANTED-LADI IN SPARE TIME FOR * good paying outside work. Photo studio, 618Vj S. SPRING. 6*!M WANTED—LADY FOR DOWNTOWN So liciting; salary and commission. -Apply 538 CENTER* PLACE. *-"*' Help— Male and Female WANTED— MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN the barber trade; guaranteed In eight weeks; catalogue free. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 113 East Second st. . 5-18-tf WANTED—STUDENTS FOR PRIVATE IN structlon ln shorthand and typewriting; very moderate terms. Phone MAIN 4267. 6-21-lm Salesmen and Solicitors TRAVELING SALESMEN EARN $2000 TO '$10,000 yearly. Write for free book, "How Salesmen Succeed," and secure position is traveling salesman with reliable firm. BRADSTREET SYSTEM, Dept. 130. Rochester, N. Y. 6-2-we,su,tf SituationsMale THE HERALD •TENDERS THE FREK USB of Its "Situation Wanted" columns for an Indefinite p'-'-d to anyone seeking em ployment. Each ad will be run one time, but may be renewed as often as doslred by bringing it to the counter of The Herald office each day. . This privilege is re strict*, to those seeking employment and will not be granted to employment agencies and others making a business oi testing to supply help. WANTED—SITUATION BY AN HONEST, sober, industrious, intelligent man; handy with tools, horses, cows; experienced In nursery and care of lawns, also In solicit inK and collecting; two years with last employer; outdoor work preferred. Ad dress BOX 15, lnglewood. 8-9-1 WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE. CON genial young man', age 21 years, a position as an attendant to an invalid; experienced In sick nerVOUS and drug cases; refer ences exchanged. Write W. L. WALSH, 424 W. 4th St. Tel. 4640. ■ 6-3-1 PRACTICAL -ENGINEER AND MACHIN IST long experience with pumps and air compressors, wants employment at any thing in the line; not looking for big 'wages. MATTHEWS, 350 8. Olive sLU^ WANTED--BY ELEDERLY GENTLEMAN, work either as porter or watchman; sober and Industrious; best of references: would prefer watchman. Call E. J., before 7:30 a. m. and after 6:30 p. m. A7237. 5-12-tl POSITION - AS HOIST OR MILL EN glneer; several years experience as gas engineer on the desert; best of references furnished. BOX 288. Herald. 6-9-1 WANTED-—POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER by young man with one year's experience; i best reference.' Phone 39069. 6-9-1 COLLECTOR. EXPERIENCED. CAN GIVE - cosh deposit, wishes position or ' time keeper. BOX * 288, Herald. 8-8-1 LOS ANGELES- ITER ALP: ESP AY MORNING, JUNE 0, 3909. WANT-CD ' ; £~™ ~- . Situations —Male WANTED —POSITION BY YOUNG MAN in office, bookkeeping preferred; one vear's experience; good references. BOX 601, Herald. .' 6-9-1 JAPANESE COLLEGIAN WANTS TO work half day. S. ICHIOKA, P. O. box 18, Station H. 6-0-1 GOOD CARPENTER WANTS WORK BY day or contract. Home phone Dll5O. 6-3-1 Situations—Female COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER WOULD like extra work Sundays and evenings;. dictation 30c per hour; manuscript, archj tects' specifications, etc., copied for 6c per page. Call main 113 and ask for MRS. WILLIAMS, or address Station T, Los Angeles. 6-9-1 DaFs WORIC WASHING, IRONING, cooking. Call 720 Cress st. Phone Main 2838, ELLA WEBB *- 6-9-1 WANTED—WASHING .ND IRONING BY the day or by the hour, white woman. 855 W. 66TH ST. 6-9-1 Situations— Male and Female WANTED— BY RESPECTABLE YOUNG ' lady cashier in a cafe; can give best of . reference. Call phone HOME 24*.36. I , 6-8-3 GERMAN MAN. WIFE AND TWO STRONG boys want work on ranch. 754 CLANTON _ STREET. 6-9-1 Partners WANTED—SEWING BY THE DAY. 1117 | W. 2 7TII ST. Phone 72093. 5-21-tf Rooms PROFESSIONAL MAN ON "ALARY DE sires room In private home with a home at- ! mosphere; near Pico or Eleventh, close t. I Main or Hill preferred. Addrnss BOX 433. Herald. • l-t»-tf j FOR RENT—4SO4 CUSTER AYE.. $11. four large, sunny, newly tinted'rooms; bath, gas, 3 porches; close In; 3 car lines. Phone A2176. 6-7-3 Houses IF YOU HAVE A GOOD LOT I WILL FUR nlsh the entire cost of your building. No commission or delay. E. S.,WILLIAMSON, 202 and 204 Grant bldg. 6-22-lm Miscellaneous WANTEDREGULAR DENTIST OR PHY slcian to share best offices In the city after. July 1; rental, phones, typewriter and stenographer, $65. Call A2103, MAIN 1049. 6-0-:: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAIN 2805. " HOME 4631. LEAHY & son, j LEADING AGENTS, MITE 311-3fi-3ll_ SEVERANCE BLDG,, , SIXTH AND MAIN STB. GROCERY, with 3 living rooms; rent $31; you buy simply groceries and portable fixtures, the counter and shelv ing go ln tho rent; splendid chance to get a clean, fresh stock and $25 per day busi ness cash over the counter at Invoice. See LEAHY & SON. $1750 or invoice, GROCERY, northwest, with 4 nice living rooms; rent $30; daily receipts $25; computing scales, soda foun tain, fresh stock and complete fixtures; will consider exchange for outside prop erty; good chance. See LEAHY & SON. $2500 —U. 8. PATENT RIGHTS for a FOLDING BRACKET SHELF. nothing superior; the full life of patents and en tire territory go with sale; novelty work ers and bona fide tradesmen are Invited to investigate this valuable 1 patent and Its : Immense prospects. See LEAHY & SON. $200—BLACKSMITH SHOP; rent $20 per month: fine west side location; all necessary tools, forges, etc.. tn carry on a regular shop; plenty of stock on hand. This chance Is open to -a man of small means and promises a good Income: busi ness paying. See LEAHY & SON.' A LARGE WHOLESALE PRODUCE concern -desires to obtain the services of an outside buyer, on salary, with $2000 to Invest; also the services of an Inside man, on salary, who can invest $3000 to $5000; stock earned 8115, your certificate Issued at par. See LEAHY & SON. , 81800—BICYCLE AND MOTOR CYCLE BUSINESS; up-to-date machinery, handle nil kind;- of new and second-hand bicycle and motor cycle machines; completely fitted up for all kinds of work on any style of machine; the best location In the city. Inveftlgate this plant through LEAHY' <_ SON. IF YOU BUY THROUGH US WE PROTECT YOU ' » AND GUARANTEE TITLE. LEAHY ft SON, Corner Sixth and Main sts. ' 0-0-1 I ' MONEY TO LOAN QvicSrEok^ia^SS^TvßKiTvas, pianos. HORSES, WAGONS, LIVE STOCK Or other personal property. Lowest rates of Interest. Your friends need hover know Hours 6 a. m. to 6 p. in. * Phones: F7121, Broadway 5171. FIDELITY LOAN CO., 529 Mason bldg., cor. 4th and Broadway. 6-6-lm MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES ON IM- i proved property, or for . building. Building loans a specialty. We make definite con tract loans on long time easy payments, re payable monthly, or can be paid off at any time WITHOUT EXTRA COST, Loans made promptly. STATE MUTUAL B. & L. ASSN.. 223 S. ■ Sluing St. . 5-27-2H WE MAKE A 60 PER CENT BUILDING LOAN and are practical builders. MILWAUKEE BUILDING CO., I MILWAUKEE BUILDING CO., MILWAUKEE BUILDING CO., 316 Wright ft Callcnder bldg. ' Phones— Main 3775. 6-5-3m MONEY TO LOAN ON WATCHES, DIA MONDS AND OTHER JEWELRY. PRI VATE ROOM3 FOR LADIES. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL COURTESY EX TENDED TO ALL. A. H. COHEN Ss BRO., N. TV. Cor. Third and Main Sts. 5-11- SEE WAYBRIGHT-BUTLER CO. FOB real estate Investments and quick loans at low rates. >M*IB SECURITY BLDG. Phone rSBI7. . a--'-^"' REAL ESTATE LOANS. 8 AND 7 PER cent. Any amount; prompt attention. Both phones MOYER & GILBERT. 611 Frost bldg ; > 108-am R~ W. POINDEXTER. 409 WILCOX BUILD- Ing. Loans on improved real estate or good stocks and bonds. Building loans a specialty. . » _ 6-2-3m HONEY TO LOAN— PRIVATE MONEY : sums to suit: loans to build a specialty. M. _t DAVISON ft SON, 204-8 Wilcox bldg. T 4-22-3m • — i— , 1 TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape, without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Henne bldg. - - . 6-19-lm TO LOAN—s*oo TO SlO.OOO ON REAL E.S tat,, LOUIS K. WEBB. 900 W. loth. Tolephqnes 53028, Broadway 3506. 6-5-3m ;T"i~V PER CENT PER MONTH ON DIA -. 10 9 monds and collateral. OHIO LOAN : CO., 321 Citizens Nat. Bank bldg. 6-22-Jul IS ' MONEY TO LOAN. W. E. SIMPSON ft CO., 803 Union Trust bldg. Phone F67SO. *-*t, SMALL LOANS AT 516 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK BI JIG.. Main 2402. ■ 6-6-lm , ■ .RNBWOJBTH BROS. MAKE LOANS ON real estate) prompt, attention. 215 I.lss- NK . BI.IMi. K* S. Spring St. - 6-.-3m ■ R. v. DEXTER, 409 WILCOX BLDO., , will loan what you need on real estate, stocks am bonds. Building loans a specialty. 6-»-tf > .-.-.,'','.■, v - -- Mo "The Babel of Nowadays" The Classified Ad Brings -System WANT advertising CLASS IFIES the clashing voices * of the day—"the confused . sounds of the market place." It evolves order out of confus ion, and makes intelligible and , coherent the desires, and the hopes, and the immediate aspirations of the people. . You can "say your say" in a Classified Ad, and be heard, and heeded 1 p Last CreatSoo—"La Pariss6oo6" Freoclhi Ellectric Belts with Dry Battery ■ No More Weak Men No More Sick Women Strength, Health, Boy-Youth for every one at all ages. fWs thank "I.a I'arlsienne" for a sure cure for weak men and sick women, overwork, brain disease, self-abuse, etc., will be cured by the use of this* belt, "I.a I'arlsienne. Eclipses all her rivals, the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Stomach Troubles, Liver Complaint. Kidney Cure, * Constipation, Loss of Manhood, Varicocele, Whites. Neural gia and all other sicknesses arising , from bad circulation of the blood, and all other sufferers overloaded In this world. DO NOT t*SE ANY MORf . DRUGS » Take "l.a Parislennej" this is the only Electric Belt placed on the market for sale in the U. 8, showing power to cure over all other existing and manufactured bells supposing to give power to euro. DO NOT WAIT ANT LONGER But buy and give this only one kind of belt a trial. ONI Y ONE PRICE, SlO.OO. Complete for men, with sus _„r,__»v anti regulator, »1«; complete fur women, with at- JSSJL"andI regulator. fin. Call or write. "LA PARl __V__\ " "no. 612 Bryspn Bldg., corner Second and Spring* it. Office hours. I a. m. to a p. m. daily; Monday and Saturday. 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone A.*,fi.<*. FOR SALE "..- Zj_ Country Property — s BEAUMONT l BIG EXCURSIONS Twice weeklySundays and Thursdays —is round trip. Leave at 9:45 a m., back same day. FREE to buyers. See Beaumont, the apple paradise of South ern California. $900 buys 6 acres apple lands with water an.l a city lot 60x140. BEAUMONT LAND & WATER CO., _ Kill So. ' Broadway. Houses i FOR SALE—MY'HOME AT 14. GRAM ,.,-,. v place (three doors north of Pico st.); large living room, dining room, two dens, kitchen, pantries, etc., downstairs; four large bedrooms and bath room on second floor, and an unfinished third Boor with nine windows which can be made Into three more rooms. House only about one ' year old: east front lot 75x17*. with lawn, flowers, garage, etc. A big snap for some one. Come between 10 and 2 o'clock on Wednesday or Thursday and see It. I don't care to list with agents. 6-9-- FOR SALE— BROWN'S BEAUTIFUL - . BUNGALOWS $2500 and up. on very easy terms. Ten under course of construction. Take West Jefferson car , to Western ave. and walk south to 3Sth street. Agent on tbe ground. - Till.; 11. BARCLAY BROWN CO., 1010 Central Rids. 6-9-10-12-13 FOR SALE —NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, large lot. street work complete. STE PHENS INVESTMENT COMPANY. 630 Wilcox Building. Los Angeles. CaL 9-30-w.ts tf FOR BALE— HOUSE. LOT 50x130; "snap at 81050. Terms. HHI'ID. 105 I. Broadway. riiones, A81««, Main 814^ '**'* FOR SALE-5-ROOM MODERN BUNOALO**. only *1<*"0; worth $37«0. 1357 E. FORTY EIGHTH PLACE. Hooper avenue car. 6-8-6 Apartment Houses now is THE TIME~To"BUY seventeen room apartment house, located in one of the most beautiful sections of the city; excellent car service; all modern conven iences; newly furnished. PRICE $500 lower than cost. One-half cash, terms to . suit. Address R. E. W., box 293, Herald. «-8-x . '" . Santa Ana FOR BALE-40-ACRE RANCH, FAIR BUlLD ings; corn, alfalfa and vegetables planted; 400 laying hens, 5 cows, tools, etc.: $1000 down will take the place, with plenty of time to nay balance. Write to owner for further par ticulars. AUGUST MICHEL, Santa Ana. Cal. 'B'i Mexican Lands ;->'. DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN BUY FROM 1000 to 300.000 acre tracts of land in Mexico from $1 _ to $3 I"-,' acre? If you are in the market for a tract you can cut up and resell call -and see me at lilY BROADWAY, room 11. 6-9-3 '*■'' Government Lands * _ CUMBT, WHO CAN LOCATE YOU ON a homestead of 180 acres best land In California. . 406 Chamber of Commerce. YA481..Y. : -■'-.' ___ a-1.-101. ; " '. FOR SALE r Pianos *~ YOUR 1 PIA.NU v.. 1*1.14 1 UNITY Why rent when you can get a fine up right at $4 monthly T We have well knewa makes, second hand, all In excellent con dition which you cm secure on these terms Let us show you. GEO i. BIRKEL CO.. 146-7 Bouth Spring st 1-31—.. _—, — t ' ——' ' FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINE CCN dltlon only $100 for Immediate sale. Call for Inspection. 413 W. FIFTH ST. ___!:_£ Wilmington LARGE LIST OF ACREAGE AND LOTS. Buy now; fortunes will be made. J. W. WEIOHTMAN & CO., 311 S. Hill St. 6-9-3 Furniture SEPARATE locked IRON ROOMS $2.00 per month; trunks, boxes, etc.. 250 to 600. Phone for our large van when you move 11. per hour. COLYEAR WAREHOUSB CO.. 416-17-19 San Pedro st. Main office. 609-11 3. Main st Phone Main 1117; F3171. »-l-_r Miscellaneous FOR SALE— JS-horscpower motor; rare bargain. Ap ply Cashier, Herald office. WE GIVE YOU SATISFACTORY HIGH .■■( grade monumental, work at lowest prices. Call at 611 Fast 7th. ..1 W. TAPE. 6-13-30-27-74 ELECTRIC BELTS ' '~^~ WEAK MEN-Just what you 45£*%v need. Do you want to be Hsjr\j| . strong and vigorous, with JS _? your veins full of youthful J&S*j re* eyes clear, your muscles j4__£s&-IV _. strong and active? £ _s3o§si_r_v_sK_V^"^ '-et me "'" you t>ov l_si^_raM^*BMB_®^i__- t0 regain health and B&-^£'j&^^4__* r|___; strength without the fi_3!_W&l^^*VAs;_>-~' use of dangerous _s^*a_r%*_rss^"= druK"- VITALIZ dry BK _W^^.Q_*>vV*--3' bsttcry electrlo belt Ira_sffe34_?!£«r_ri^__' cures weakness, back- E_?___i^___?_'__i_3_sfir ache, lumbago, storn ~'T.l_in*n4"»*s ach, liver, kidney trouble. VITALIZ Is a true Invlgorator for weak, nervous, broken down men and women. VITALIZ helps nature. Strongest electric belt made; no soaking. ' Send for free literature In plain package or call Immediately; get our spe cial power $5 electric belt—32 cell chain— spe cial VITALIZ. We sell all kinds of electrlo belts; very lowest prices for best. F. F. BRANTVERNE. 1102 Maple avenue, Los Ange les. Our belts the best and strongest. CESSPOOLS .'Z CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT. RED CROSS ' SANITARY CO. Call UP 59004, Main 8695. 4-21-tt CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT. IMPERIAL PUMPING CO. West 5396: 22040. 6-fl-tf PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS MONEY MADE DAILY', AND HERALD want ads help to make It. Let your wants become known through Herald want ads. Heratd want ads destroy wants. 5-13-x CARPET CLEANING ZW$& PIONEER CARPET CLEANING WORKS, Incorporated. W. C. CLINE, president. • 833 S. Olive St. Tel. Home F2BSO; Sunset Main 217. . •*»*>l FOR RENT Room* Furnished FOR RENT --- NICELY BURNISHED rooms, also have very I large ! nicely fur nished front room for the right party. 945 WALL ST. Phono Broadway 2368. I , . -■ • (-9-3 THE LIVINGSTON HOTEL— First class room and board, borne cooking. 86 p.r week and up. C33 S. HILL. ■ 3-il-Sm - __ _» . Apartments. The St. Regis 237 S. Flower. Large halls and porches; 13.50 to 116. 6-8-6 TOR RENT—2"NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, with every convenience for light housekeeping, including gas; $16; also one single room, %i. Including gas; close in; walk ing distance. 1114 S. MAIN. ' : 6-3-4 FOR RENT-LARGE (-ROOM SUITE. FUR nlhsed; 2 hods, screen porch, front veranda, yard, hath , and phone; $22.50. month; also single room cheap; close in. 923 W. EIGHTH ST. Call 52671. " 6-9-4 TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS. PORCH, AL | cove; also side bedroom: housekeeping if de sired; summer rates; fine home for mining I men: gas, bath and phone. 1047 S. BROAD i WAY. ■-■-.' *** j FOR --RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping: also single rooms; walking distance; summer rates. 736 E. TENTH ST. \ Broadway 3619. ' JI-9-1 FURNISHEd'sUITE 3 ROOMS WITH OR without housekeeping. $13 mo.: single rooms $1.25 up; clean, airy rooms. 1156V4 S. OLIVE ST. 6-9-1 NICELY FURNISHED. CLEAN AIRY MOD crn rooms: newly tinted and renovated; very ■ desirable location. See these first. 416 S. OLIVE ST/ 6-9-4 m SO. -GRAND; SINGLE AND HOUSEKEEP ing rooms; brick building; eeeons* floor; mod ern; gas, electricity; quiet, homelike. Prices very low. 6-9-4 NEWLY FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED modern outside rooms with or without house keeping, $2 week up. Ml S. OLIVE. 6-9-4 ONE LARGE, clean] NICELY FUR nlshed room In a very desirable location; fine for two gentlemen. 461 W. TENTH. 6-9-4 ! NICELY FURNISHED MODERN ROOMS, $1.50 up; also front rooms, with running water, $2.76 up. 823!. W. THIRD. 6-9-4 FOR RENT-TO BUSINESS MEN, MY 3 largo .airy, upstairs rooms; cheap for the summer. 703 W. 18TH. Phone 31797. 6-9-4 I ONE LARGE. CLEAN, AIRY ROOM IN A quiet home; cheap rates; also barn, large enough for I horses. 837 S. OLIVE. 6-9-4 NICELY FURNISHED MODERN ROOMS, ILK up; also front rooms, with running water, $2.75 up.' 623'. W. THIRD. 6-9-4 J:; PER WEEK; CLEAN AND NICELY FUR nished room, running water. 212 1. WINSTON, between Fourth and Fifth. F52.5. 6-9-4 TWO-NEWLY FURNISHED. COOL. AIRY rooms In fine location: walking distance; $2 week and up. 366 W. NINTH. 6-9-4 LARGE, AIRY ROOMS, WITH OR WITH out housekeeping; adults only; Westlake. 1400 W. 7TIL, cor. Whittier st. 6-9-4 2 SMALL OUTSIDE BEDROOMS. CLEAN, quiet; private residence; men or boys; $1 and $1.25 week. 1117 S. HILL. 6-9-4 FOR RENT-PLEASANT ROOM FOR GEN tleman or lady;, close In; large grounds; $8.50 month. 121W.11TH. *___________"' NICE 'SINGLE FRONT ROOM AND USE OF bath, for gentleman, $1.50 week; close In. 1149H WALL. C-'-.'-c 6-9-4 CLEAN, COMFORTABLE ROOMS, $1.50 PER week up. 238 S. BUNKER HILL. 6-9-4 ROSSMORE HOUSE, 754 S. LOS ANGELES. Furnished rooms, $1.50 up. 6-9-4 FOR RENT -CLEAN, BRIGHT ROOMS, $1 50. ' 112 8. HOPE. «-»-4 Rooms and Board -. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOKS, WITH OR* without board; front parlor, with piano in room; $4. 841 S. OLIVE. 6-9-4 Rooms for Housekeeping FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS, WITH OR without liousekeeplng; near Hamburger's; walking distance; summer rates; every con venlence. 771 MAPLE AVE. 6-9-4 2 VERY , CONVENIENT MODERN HOUSE keeping suites; nicely furnished; very desi rable location; summer rates. 1216 8. HILL. F3825. , 6_^-* THE MOBERLEY, 616 S. HOPE: 2 ANO 3 room modern housekeeping suites; also single rooms; three housekeeping rooms; $18; cottage In rear. 6-9-4 FOR RENT — 3-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING apartment, gas, electricity; private bath; close In; summer rates. Phone F5758. 933 MAPLE AVE 6-9-1 TWO LARGE NEWLy" FURNISHED FRONT housekeeping rooms; 3 rooms unfurnished, $15; In beautiful Carleton. 232 N. GRAND. 8-9-4 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $2 PER WEEK. Single rooms, $1.25 up; 5 minutes to Broad way. Phone and bath. 308 S. FLOWER. 6-9-4 FOR RENT- PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms; close in: good neighborhood, cheap rent. 543 S. FLOWER. ___________ FOR RENT"-2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS in cottage: gas range, yard; all conveniences; rent reasonable. 612 E. 12TH ST. 6-9-4 FOR RENT-3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $11 month; single housekeeping rooms, $5 to $7 month. 133 S. FIGUEROA. 6-9-4 NICELY FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE keeping or single rooms; close In; summer rates. 828 S. OLIVE. 6-9-4 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH OR without housekeeping; one block from car barn. 808 W. HTH. 6-9-4 FOR RENT-1 OR 2 MODERN HOUSEKEEP ing rooms: rent $10 month and up. 113 N. OLIVE ST. --* FOR RENT-THREE LIGHT HOUBEKEEP ing rooms, first floor. 44314 TOWNE AVE. Main 5187. 819-4 FOR RENT -3 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; walking distance. 116 E. TENTH. **« Apartments FOR RENT Newly furnished apartments, located In one of the most beautiful sections of the cltyi two car lines pass the door- summer rates very reasonable. THE MISSOULA, «_ W. Washington st. •*»* Flats EXCHANGE RENT OF 4-ROOM FLAT for • board with Christian family. Call 616H S. DALY ST. Inquire In rear of property for VAN. . _____ FOR RENT-MODERN COZY 3-ROOM FLAT. $13.00. near Southern Pacific shops. 634 S. . DALY ST. »-; *3 FOR RENT-COZY. CLEAN S-ROOM FLAT. close In; $11. 841*. HEMLOCK. 6-7-3 House* FOR RENT—MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, $20; perfect order. 641 W. 34th St.. .lust I west- of Flgueroa. Owner phone WEST 865. '^*j Furnished FOR RENT—FURNISHED, ALL OR PART _ of pleasant . detached ■- house; close • in; rent , moderate. 704 CALIFORNIA ST. - 6-7-5-11-31. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES German, English Shorthand (it experienced teach**", Terms ._ mod erst*. '*'' 130 W. tlst St. Phone South 6428. . ■ .■I - —T- 1" —.,,._-,, "■"■■-—■■"■ ■ ■ -'—" ■ _,_—_—_. Cumnock School of Expression Summer Term Six Weeks—Opening July S'iJ'JtS Catalog Now Ready. 1500 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET.T'-'. *u Wttr V'lir-ru +*. __j«tablißbcMi i______ ; r_pr_n«H'» ffnrral _.__r.T SOCIETY NOTICES _ _v*,',.- GET ACQUAINTED SOCIETY. 1304 SOUTH Hill, meets Tuesday evening. *i Literary program, music, refreshments, games rangers douhly welcome. 4-17-tt PATENT ATTORNEYS AND DRAUGHTSMEN _$®p NO PATENT. NO PAT. 8. O. WELLS. 345 P. E. bldg. Main 1-60: F3518. 8-23-tt ■■■.-.' SANITARIUMS :- L ZJii t_.-cs--i-s-s--sai-e~as-k.s-ii.- i-i_-_i 1 ■ -_■-■-■ sa.-a-■-->-» Weak 'CURED Magic Cmfc 2s < JJ, ■ Sent Free •«^^y^^®** For 10 Days MY MST REF^ScE lsf Tri&l I ***^Bff«BrH_ \FREE Weak or Old Men Made Strong. Firm and Vigorous. ;*;/*. $13.00 to core any uncomplicated case "( any common affection of long or short dura tion. Written guarantee for every case. Lost Vigor, Weakness, Varicocele. Weakened Manhood. Proetatlo Diseases. - Contracted Disorders, Blood Poison. Stricture. Private Diseases, Rapid Decline. Kidney and Blad der troubles cured. ■ *'_'.*" We defy the world ■to excel' our, treat ments. - '"'._ -Y^i.. Piles cured without knife or pain. Consultation. Examination and Expert ; ad- ; vice free and riadiv «'»«« ««_ °f^" or ' "^dres. DR. KINO <* CO. 745 S. Main St.. Los Angeles. CaL i win .givc\siojoo:- If I Fail to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I Treat Before it Poi sons Deep Glands ZZZ NO KNIFE or PAIN. No Pay until _»-«^ ._»"* ____■ Cured. No X Ray or (W a\T .. J^^ : other swindle. An.*V m. ft— -jff Island plant makes »^X _#_Hr»SS^ahi the cures. Absolute ____m Si, Guarantee. Any Tu- |WMfeMBHB mor. -ump or gors B .■9!^Tr__-_-!_i on the lip. face or ■ f_F\_\ I»1 anywhere 6 months ■ I W_m -^^Y^id Is Cano ir. They \J iii'.'-'W-V*""'_^Hl never pain until last __gwB_-3S-BBgl'rW stage. ISO - page Ay —-»_***/""li book sent free with M If ;' m testimonials of thou- & __FT*^L___r sands cured. _ __r IVRITR TO mi... Any Lump in Woman's Breast IS CANCER, and If neglected It will always poison deep glands la tbe armpit and kill quickly. Address Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Chamley & Co. ••Most Successful Cancer Specialists Living,** 767 South Main St. I.OS ANGELES, CAL. Kindly Send to Some One With ■ :■'.- • : Cancer. :' RAILROAD TIME TABLE " i SANTA FE ■ Leave I |A_t4t» -California Limited,! ~~ * WHO am daily, Chicago via Denver 6:00 pa ' and Kansas City Overland Express— Chi- - .. ... . , 1:10 pm cago via Denver and Kan- 6:30 mm -■— ■' I aas City ' ■ - .■,•■■ ■ * Eastern Express— Chi- - . ...; IJO am cago, via Denver and Kan- 7:o* aa | sas City -.. . ,- I Kite Shaped— via Pasa- * 1:80 am dena, Return vis, Santa Ana 8:88 pa ■ canyon ■ - ' - ' - ;.-■-,.■>■* 7:48 am 10:00 am 8:30 am Redlands via Pasadena 6:40 pm 4:30 pm 7:40 pm 7:80 am Redlands via Orange - 10:66 am 10:66 am ' _^ 6:86 pm 7:4*am Riverside via Pasadena | 8:40~p"m "7:30 am 7:06 am 1046 am| Riverside via Orange 10:48 am 5:06 pml 6:36 pm 7:30 am I 7:06 am 10:65 am Corona via Orange 10:46 am 6:06 pm 6:36 pm 7:30 am I 7:06 am 10:55 am Ban Bernardino via, Orange, 10:46 am I 6:0o pra - 6-36 t.m 1 '. -i am 6:36 am 8:30 am 10:00 am | 10:00 am San Bernardino via Pasadena 6:40 pm 4:80 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm ■ ' 7:40 pm "ITSTam I 6:66 am 3:06 pm Santa Ana . 8:36 am 1:06 pm 1:00 pm 11:66 pml ■ 6:36 pm 7:30 am 6:66 ant 8-45 am 7.06 am 10:6". am Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange 8:35 am 3:06 pm 10:45 am 6:oipm 1:00 pm 11:66 pm 8:33 pm 7:46 am San Jaotnto, Elslnore, He- 6:40 pm 30:65 am met and Murtetla - ' 6:86 pm 18:00 -roT Redondo _3:40 f:o6~pm Escondido ~ l:oo~pra 8:46 am Fsllbrook 6:36 pm 8:46 am fan Diego and 6:68 am 1:06 pm Coronado Beach , 1:00 pm 11:66 pm Surf Line 8:36 pm 7:80 am Randsburg ■ 7:06 ant 3:M pm — Searc'hliifct and Chloride 7:06 am 8:80 pm Beatty, Rhyollte, Ooldfleld 8:80 aa J and Tonopah 'I kJJBv 1*! SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except as noted. - ''"*';'■'.{ - "Leave | . . ... .. | Arrive" 10:00 am Los Angeles Llmit'd—Chlc'go.l 8:00 pra Omaha, Salt Lake City , '_ ' Overland Express— * --- 8:00 pm Chicago. Omaha, St. Louis. 8:00 atr, Kansas City, Denver, Salt ."-*, Y Lako. Searchlight, Ooldfleld * ■ 8:35 am] San Bernardino, ~ B:_s am 11:00 am Colton. : 10:41 am.' 8:40 pm Riverside 1:36 pm * 6:24 pm Ontario and ; 4:26 pn y 8:00 pm Pomona. ' '■ 6*61 pra Y •6:46 am ~ ~ . *8:1' am ; 8:30 am Long Beach and . . 11:10 am i. sl:2opm San Pedro .. 6:4fipn>Y -4:30 pm] - ■ '.'..''•' '"' s3;66pn> ',;_ '8:50~aml . CataUna Island ~" I 8:45 pn -8:15 am ', ,■;••----- Pasadena ...".«_.;'? 8:45 am ij> 3:18 pm Troplco and Glendale 3:45 fm •Daily except Sunday.« * Sunday only. ■ ... ,;- - :■--■- -■--.: 7