OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, June 13, 1909, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1909-06-13/ed-1/seq-8/

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These things set me fcerfectly rrasy!
Oh. where Is that left knee of his?
For goodness' sake, don't push me, Malsle,
I'm shaky enough as It is!
Don't lock m me! That makes me nervous.
I know you axe standing behind!
In future, I dear Heaven, preserve us
From fads of this kind!
Now this is the fat lady's forehead,
Or is it the grandfather's nose?
Why. It doesn't 111 either! how horrid!
I'm sure I don't know Where It goes.
I believe it's the hand of the baby-
But no, that would make him have three!
It would fit in this Utile space, maybe—
Why, yes. It's a tree!
S'me secrets of practice revealing,
I've learned a Jew tricks of the trade;
The tints of the wall, floor and celling
Are always of similar shade.
If you find a straw ten trimmed with grasses.
You may make up your mind it's not that;
It's a broom—or a Jug of molasses—
But never a hat!
Oh, where Is that funny shaped drab bit?
I had it a moment ago:
I thought it was part of a rabbit-
It's the roof of the distant chateau.
Now, Is that a calico curtain.
Or the old fellow's legs that are crossed?
Of one thing I'm perfectly certain!
Some pieces are lost!
Oh, me! I must rest for a minute-
Why, there Is that yellow bowl now!
How lovely the nosegay fits In It—
And I thought all the while 'twas a cow!
Well, certainly her cheek is missing
From her forehead right down to her chin!
Oh, no. here's the young man that's kissing;
Hie face Just fits In!
With this ruler I'll push it compactly;
Now— is that long, roundish bit,
Shaped somewhat, although not exactly. ■
Like a wheelbarrow, backward and split?
Yes. that is the end of his truncheon!
Oh! the glands in the back of my neck!
But If I get through tilts by luncheon,
I don't care a speck!
—Carolyn Wells in Harper's Weekly.
ONE of the prettiest social affairs of
the week was the dance given at
the Woman's club house by the
Clnquenta club Thursday night, the
young people being chaperoned by Mrs.
W. S. Bartlett. Mrs. D. K. Dickinson,
Mrs. J. R. Dennison, Mrs. H. L. Cutter
and Mrs. A. B. Smith.
Club members are the Misses Man
Bernard, Margaret Bartlett, Mathilde
F. Bartlett, Beatrice Cutter. Juana.
Creighton, Grace Carr, Callle Coster,
Nora Dickinson, Marie Louise Freese,
Ethel Frazier. Rebecca Howard, Elsie
Kneeht, Irene Lowe, Henrietta Mos
backer, Lily Olhausen, Carmellta Rose
trans, Alice Smith. Mabel Stuart, Marie
StoCkard, Lillian Teazel, Helen I'pile
graff, Nellie Vallely, Ethel Wyatt, Eth
ylin Walker; Messrs. Harry Black
more, Joseph Bernard, Roy Choate, Ned
Currier, A. Eckman, Garretson Dulin,
Ezra Fish, J. J. Freeman, Jesse Gem- j
mill, Nat Head, Elmer R. Jones, L. B. j
Jones, Horace King. Robert Leonard,,
Irwin C. Lewis, George Mosbacker, I
Raymond Osborne, George H. Reed, J.
W. Rice, Ray Rule. Will Rosecrans,
Herbert N. Rltz, Robert Rickert, C. S.
Skilling. Robert Smith, Harry Wyatt,
Claud Wayne, Dr. John F. Curran, Dr.
W. N. Horton, Dr. P. R. McArthur. !
This dance was second in a series of
six being given by the club, and the
season will close with a dinner dance at
a hotel at one of the nearby beaches
July 10. Club members and chaperons
will go down in a private car, and it
has been agreed that the girls will all
wear white, and the men have chosen
to wear white duck trousers and black
sack coats. The club will reorganize in
the fall.
Many friends, especially those among |
the older residents of Los Angeles, will
be interested in news of the marriage
of Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh and Harrison
M. Bowker, which took place Thursday
at Hotel Westmore in the presence of
a few friends. Rev. J. S. Thomson of
the Independent Church of Christ offi
ciated. :• ,- : '<'■'.-' .."*
The two families have been neighbors
over twenty years on Ellendale place,
which is part of a tract owned by Mr.
Bowker before it was subdivided for
residence lots. The first Mrs. Bowker
has been dead several years, as has also
Mr. Welsh.
Mr and Mrs. Bowker, who are now
sojourning at Coronado, will be at
home at 2618 Ellendale place after.
July 1. _^ y-
Announcement that the marriage of
Miss Ethel Graham and Philip D. Col
by was quietly solemnized Monday in
Santa Ana will not come as a surprise
to readers of the Los Angeles Herald,
as the engagement was announced in
these columns June 3, and at the same
time It was stated that the marriage I
would take place some time this month.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
Ethel R. M. Graham of Ingraham
street and sister of Mrs, Walter J.
Wren. Mr. Colby is a son of Mrs.
Mary Colby of Pasadena avenue and i
in business in Highland Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Colby will be at home to
friends after July 1 at 1331 Ingraham
Miss Georgie Helena Off. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. A. Oft of South
Flower street, returned recently from
Berkeley, where she attended Miss
Heads' School for Girls.
Mrs. Off Is planning to entertain for
her daughter soon, and in July the
family will visit San Juan Caplstrano.
Miss Off will return to Berkeley at
the close of the summer vacation to
resume her studies.
Miss Louise Burton, the charming
young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
Burton of Normandle avenue, will en-
Wg/ffi Sensational Sale
W^Pr^^^ Trimmed Hats
Shapes & Flowers
/||||ik $7500 Stock at 40c
il^^^» on the Dollar
%^m6n^^ a Come Tomorrow for These Bargains
$5 and $6 Trimmed Hats $1
$7.50 to $10 Trimmed Hats. $2.50
: . $25 Dress Hats .$lO
$15 and $10 Ostrich Plumes . $5
; Flowers worth to $1.50 at, a bunch .20c
"ojugwal\rtoi@ ZJwnmed
2ml 1 100r—444 South Broailuuy
tertaln with a dame Thursday evening
In compliment to Miss Mamie Voight,
who Is leaving soon for an extensive
eastern trip.
Among the invited guests are Miss
Voight, Miss Margaret Cordiner, Miss
Edna. Duane, Miss Grace Rockwell,
Miss Kathleen Tyrrell. Miss Judith
Tyrrell, Miss Margaret Jarrott, Mis-
Lucy Griffin, Miss Eleanor Richards,
Miss Mary Richards and Messrs. James
Jarrott, Sidney Chapman, Harry Rog
ers, Percy Lacy, Robert Jarrott and
Harden Scott.
Miss Marie Mullen of Hotel Holly
wood was hostess at an informal lunch
eon, followed by a matinee party, given
yesterday in compliment to Miss Kate
Desmond and Miss Anna Desmoid, who
are leaving soon for an extensive Eu •
ropean tour.
Covers were laid for ten at the Cop
per Kettle. s
Mrs. T. R. Welch of AVenue Sixty
one left Thursday for a trip to Seattle,
where she will in- joined later by Mr.
Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Welch expect to
remain In Seattle several months.
One of the most popular brides-to-be
of the month, is Miss Edna Barlow.
whose marriage with Wright Coulter
is to take place, soon.
Seta Beta Psl alumnae of the Girls'
Collegiate school, of which Miss Bar
low is a member, entertained with a
matinee party at the Belasco for her
' yesterday, and Miss Leah Phillips gave
a happily appointed breakfast at her
home on Pasadena avenue Friday for
this same popular young woman, the
guests being members of the bridal
party. m
Mr. Coulter will entertain the bridal
party with a formal dinner Thursday
at Hotel Virginia, Long Beach.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert A. Rowan and i
Mrs. Nathaniel Wilshlre will occupy j
the Wilshire home in Redondo this
j summer.
-*- I
Invitations have been Issued by Mr. |
'and Mrs. F. C. Rockwell of 143 Ter
race drive for the marriage of their
daughter. Miss Jessamine Rockwell, to
Henry Kittredge Norton of this city.
The wedding will take place Tuesday
evening, June 15, at the home of the
bride's parents, at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mal
colm James McLeod of the Pasadena
Presbyterian church, will officiate.
-+- .
Announcement Is made of the mar
riage of Miss Mabel Brown, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Brown of
Cottage place, and W. W. Jones of
West Seventh street, the ceremony
having been performed Wednesday at
the First Congregational church by
i Rev. William Horace Day.
Mrs. Jones is a talented musician
and Mr. Jones is one of the young
i business men of Los Angeles. Return-
I Ing from a trip to San Diego, Mr. and
• Mrs. Jones will make their home In
Los Angeles. •;.';■'--'
-*- i
Mrs. Lou Abernathy and niece, Mrs.
Madge Hurst, who were winter guests
of friends in Alhambra, will leave
Wednesday for their home In chilli
cothe, Ohio.
Mrs. C. W. Hinchcliffe, who has been
making a stay of two months in Ari
zona, is expected to return the middle
of this coming week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooker Jones
have moved from their home on Bon-
I sello avenue and are now at 2430 South
Flower street, where Mrs. Jones has
i the first and second Wednesdays.
-*■ •
Miss Pauline Bush of Nebraska, who
; will graduate from the Cumnock School
of Expression Wednesday evening, will
leave soon after commencement for an
extensive motor trip with relatives.
The party will camp at Idyllwlld and
In San Antonio canyon at the foot of
Mount Baldy.
Miss Bush has decided dramatic
talent and will play the leading fem
inine role in Bernard Shaw's "The
Man of Destiny," to be given tomor
row evening at Cumnock by members
i of the senior class.
Dr. and Mrs. James G. Kendrick,
I who were recently married, were spe
cial guests at a musicals given Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan New by on Gramerey place, by
members of the Epworth league of
: Trinity M. E. church.
Mr. and Mrs. New by and Dr. and
i Mrs. Kendrick were assisted In re
' celvlng by Miss Frances Stanclll, Miss
Eva Kerns, Miss Margaret Duncan,
Miss Margaret Colburn and Mr. J. T.
Mis-- Marjorie Stone and Richard
Greenhow, whose marriage will be cele
brated June 30, were special guests at
a dance given last "Veiling by Mrs.
Louise Macgruder and her daughter,
Miss Tessa Macgruder, of East Thirty
i first street.
The marriage of Miss Evelyn Har
l rison, slater of Mrs. U. S. Newlin of
South Hope street, and W. J. Gray Is
I announced, the ceremony having taken
place at the home of Mrs, Gra" Wednes
day afternoon. Mrs. William Lowman
served as matron of honor, while Mr.
Loman acted as best man. The service
was performed by Rev. W. A. Hunter.
Mrs. 8. B. Salisbury of Hotel Ingra
ham, who left about two months ago
i "' attend the Young Women's Chris
tian association meeting held in St.
Attractive Los Angeles Young Woman
Who Will Leave Soon for Mountain Trip
Paul, will return to Los Angeles Tues- |
day. During her absence Mrs. Salis
bury visited Boston, New York, Chicago
and other cities.
Miss Mabel Hoffman, whose marriage
with Burton Elmer Heartt will take
place Tuesday, was the house guest
during the last week of Miss Floy Plx
ley and Miss Frances Pixley at their
home in Orange. .
The Galpin Shakespeare club will give
a picnic Saturday at the home of Mrs.
J. L. Atkinson at La Manila park. On
this occasion, which will mark the close
of the club for the year, the annual re
port will be read and the installation of
officers will take place. A delightful
program of readings and music has
been prepared.'
Miss Edith Harris of Fullerton, Cal.,
is the attractive house guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. Robert Adams of West Twen
tieth street.
. -*-
Miss Harriet Morris of the Copper
Kettle tea room will return Wednesday
from an extensive trip to Japan and
the Philippines.
With Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Morosco In
their box at the Mason Friday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gardner and
Mrs. A. Byron Beasley.
A marriage which will Interest the
many friends of the young couple is
that of Miss Bernlce Fink, daughter of
Mrs. Dora Biasell of Blame street, and
Edwin Haskins of Atlanta, Ga., the
ceremony having taken place June 1 at
Santa Ana.
After an extended eastern tour Mr.
and Mrs. Haskins will make their home
in Atlanta.
Members of the First Christian church
entertained with a I surprise party
Thursday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Harper of Hobart
I boulevard in compliment to Rev. and
Mrs. A. ''. Bmither.
The hosts were those who were mem
bers of Dr. Smlther's congregation
twenty years ago, when the church
services were ' held at Temple and
Members of the Matinee Musical club
and their friends will enjoy an all-day
picnic at Balboa beach Saturday. A
delightful feature of the day will be a
cruise In Samuel Selover's private
Miss Jeannette Cole of Orange Grove
avenue, Pasadena, whose engagement
with Herbert Oilman was recently an
announced, was special guest at a
luncheon given Thursday by Miss Ethel
Brainard of Halldale avenue. "
Guests were members of the Gamma
Phi Beta sorority of Stanford univer
sity. • ■ •/,".
--* know that years of toll spent in
the service of one's country have been
rewarded by not only a nation's
plaudits but also by love of fellow sol
diers Is a rare pleasure which has been
the experience of Col. Owen Jay Sweet,
Who recently returned to his home In
Los Angeles,
Col. Sweet, who '. has retired from
active service, brings from his post at
Fort Snelllng, Minn., as a memento of
his regiment's loyal devotion a silver
loving cup which bears the following
"Presented to Col. Owen Jay Sweet,
Twenty-eighth United States Infi i
by the officers of his regiment. May.
1909." . ' ■■■■'■'.
Col. Sweet's wife and daughter, Mrs.
Marie Sweety Baker; recently moved
Into their new home on Hohart boule
vard. '." ■ ',';';' ■ ',* '-■■ ?•'<-■-
Miss Adella Carter of Tucson, Ariz.,
li the guest of Mrs. J. C. Smith of Bud
long avenue. - »
The • marriage of Miss Fleda Coif,
daughter ,of Mr.'and Mrs. C. * F. Coif
of. Harvard. boulevard, and[ 1 tiniel C.
Coombs was quietly solemnized at'suu-
■el Wednesday at the home of the
bride's parents. Rev. Mr. Bodkin of the.
Methodist Episcopal church officiating.
The room was fragrant with a pro
fusion of while carnations, which were
daintily combined with ferns, and there
was only the music furnished by a bird
choir in the trees outside. ■
The sweet faced bride was attended
by Mis. Fred Mitchell, a girlhood friend,
and F. M. Stewart stood with the
Miss Coif was attired in her going
away gown of white serge, with hat to
match. After a collation the young
people went at once to their home at
1920 Pepper street, Alhambra, where
they are at home to their friends.
Miss Zelda Marquis of West Twenty
fifth street has issued invitations for
five hundred the afternoon of June 22,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Charles Daven
port, who were married in Somervllle,
Mass., Monday, will arrive soon In Los
Angeles to be the guests of Mrs. Dav
enport's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
C. Davenport of West Fifteenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Davenport will make
their temporary home in Mexico City
but expect eventually to reside in Los
Angeles. . '.-. >
The marriage of Miss Laura Glimore,
sister of Charles Gilmoi .if Harvard
boulevard, and Frank W. Weeks took
place Thursday evening at their home
on West Sixty-first street.
About forty guests witnessed the cer
emony,, which was performed by Rev.
J. A. Wood of the Pico Heights Metho
dist Episcopal church.
The bride wore a white gown and car
ried white syringa with orange blos
soms In her hair. There were no at
Mi. and Mrs. Weeks are at home to
their friends at their new residence on
West Sixty-first street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Drew were guests
at en elaborately appointed luncheon j
given Thursday by Mrs. John T. Jones
at her handsome home, Mlramar, In
Santa Monica.
Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Rodman of
Orchard avenue entertained fourteen
guests last evening at dinner.
Mrs. Rodman was hostess at a lunch
eon given Tuesday at which covers
were laid for ten.
Mrs. Robert •'. P. smith entertained
members of Hi As You Like It club
with a luncheon and five hundred party
Friday afternoon.
Guests Included Mrs. Charles Faulk
ner, Mrs. Harry Hazard, Mrs. Harry
Arnold, Mrs. 1.. E. Parker, Mrs. Homer
Morris. Mrs. Mark Turnbull. Mrs. H.
W. Fitch. Mrs. Clarence H. Pease. Mrs
George Jenkins, Mrs. William English
and Miss Ellen Harper Wheeler.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. H. W. Fitch at 28*2 Har
vard boulevard.
Mrs? John Wolfskin "ill entertain
members of the Los Angeles chapter
U. D. C. at lav ranch home near Saw
telle Tuesday., The affair will lie a pic
nic and will mark the close of the
i tings for this season.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hancock on Ca
roii.l.ilei street are entertaining Mr.
and Mrs. Frank K. Rule of Venice and
their daughter, Alice Clara Rule.
Miss Florence lluyck, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Huyck of Aiaoa'io.
street, and Oscar James were married
Tuesday evening at the.home of the
bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames will spend the
summer In Ocean Park.
-♦- '
Mr. anil Mrs. \ Henry R. I Coate were
complimented guests at a dinner given
last evening •in celebration of their
twenty-seventh wedding anniversary
by Mrs. .Ella I. Mitchell of South Glive
street. > / .
'Mrs. Hancock. Banning; entertained
recently with a, luncheon at the Cali
fornia club given In compliment to Mrs.
Walter Newhall of Chester place, who
—Photo by Mojonler.
has just returned from a trip to the
Hawaiian islands.
Covers were laid for eight, the guests
being* entertained afterward at the
matinee. ' „ ,'--:„
. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Everhardy of
Alvarado terrace entertained with a
five hundred party Wednesday even
ing. , ,
Guests included Dr. and Mrs. W. T.
Covington, Mr. and Mrs. George S.
Hupp, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zobelein, Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Bllnn, .Mr. and Mrs.
[lowland, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ona Mor
ton and Cecil Frankel.
-*- ' , • • '
Mrs. L. E. Ashbaugh of Denver, Colo.,
and her three little sons, who have been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ashbaugh of
Berendo avenue, have gone to Ocean
Park, where they are located on Grand
avenue. '
Miss Dunnell of Euclid avenue, Pasa
dena, entertained a party of twelve at
tea at the Copper Kettle after the mati
nee yesterday. j.'<i ,-•■
Mr. and Mrs. Charles l.eonidas Jacoby
of Brighton avenue and their guest,
Mrs. Mlgnon I. Sturm of Minneapolis,
are spending a month at Hotel Decatur.
Ocean Park.
. —>>—
Mrs. Lyman Church was hostess at
an Informal tea given after the matinee
Saturday at the Copper Kettle.
Mrs. I. S. Darin, who is staying at
the Lankershlm, entertained with a
matinee box party at the Auditorium
yesterday, her guests being Mrs. George
Drake Ruddy, Mrs. Nicholas Earl Rice,
Mrs. S. A. Vickery, Mrs. C. B. Nlcholls,
Mrs. William D. Campbell, Mrs. E. C.
Magauran, Mrs. Ralph Hagan, Mrs. R.
B. Williamson, and Mrs. Ollllngham
/¥_■&__■__^af&SES* opposits santa fl ticket office J
Our First Sale an Unqualified Success
No greater success was ever scored than that accorded our first shoe sale. This sale (held to
celebrate the opening of "Le Sage's Bargain Shoe Room," a new addition to our store) called
forth the greatest demonstration of public approval ever seen, in Los Angeles. No more
eloquent tribute was ever paid to square dealing and progressiveness.
To show our appreciation of this quick public response we offer still greater bargains for tomorrow.'
Men's brown moose, full double Men's patent leather, either button Boys' and youths' calf tipped lace
welt sole Creedmore. Excellent for or lace In low or high cut; fine for shoes; very strong and all solid;
Hi.' hardest wear. Easily C? QC dress wear; regular $5 CV__.t» worth from $1.7,. to $2, *| AC
worth $4. Sale price $£•.?& values. Sale price *tl.*t«J at $1.20 and * I,ltf
...','. CHILDREN'S Patent Leather An-
Men's tan' Russia calf, latest Women's black or gray suede ankle kle Straps, Gibson Ties and Ox
shapes, low cute—nobby for sum- strap pumps, high Cuban heel; reg- fords, black and combination tops;
mer .ear; regular (Iflt ular $2.50 values, it *| QC sizes 4to 8; actually QC C
$4 values at S_«.VO we sell at »■•"•' worth up to $1.50, at... ~°*>
All Colors and Styles. 3GA GjßißpC _^ yf
Lif£fi&%Qttr*»frSv4 50c Values at OOC
t|P» 9^/^L^^Jfe^^^_!s_W______^^y_l *_///*!______! Ami man) too numerous to mention, I itf*J/V. ~^l _rTQ?Tw
U^*ste__ls__________« _*___TvV_i SOSPBMCStY^I ,',' yourself tomorrow. 'Ihe .-aim' l**TVfcQS I
M__pMss__li_p_p_B__|__M .£*, |£m „ *;iT*q»Jj M careful attention that lias always been our /v \m *__jr
w 'u custom will bfl acc-irde.l you durinK this ffi£_£v " il*">-^^^^*^^
O'Danlel. The affair was followed with
tea at. the Alexandria, the table decor
ations being in white and gold.
, _*-
Dr. ami Mrs. Charles Keane of Sac
ramento, with three children and a
1 maid, will arrive June 16 to spend the (
summer at Bay City, They have taken
the Cook residence on Eleventh street,
I -*-
Miss Harpham of Burlington avenue
entertained with a box party at the
Belasco Friday, a table being reserved
for the party- later at the Alexandria,
Mrs. .lames David McCoy was special
Mrs, A, T. Anderson will entertain In
formally for her daughter, Miss Maude
Anderson, the afternoon of June 22,
from - O'clock to 5, at her home on
Shatto street.
Miss Anderson, who is coming on
from New York to play St the Majestic
the week of June 20, is known to many
by her stage name, Heyrl Hope.
Mrs. Augustine Prank of New York,
who is the guest of her mother, Mrs.
Benjamin Fowler, nt Mountain View I
Inn, Hollywood, with her sister, Mrs.
llttgh Foster, returned Friday evening
■from a stay of a week In Redlands,
where they were the guests of Mrs. J.
F. pierce at the Wlssehlckon Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Earl of Wllshlre
boulevard loft Thursday for an extend- j
ed stay at Lake Tahoe, where Mrs. Earl
and children will remain the greater
pari of the slimmer.
Mr. Mid Mrs. 11. W. Welch are occu
pying their summer cottage at Bay
• I
Miss constant _ Johnston, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston of West
Twenty-second street, whose marriage
with William Winter' will take place
the morning Of June 28 In St. Agnes'
church, was complimented yesterday
with a luncheon and miscellaneous
shower given by Miss Flora Winter,
sister of the groom to be, at her home
on South Soto street.
Eighteen friends Of Miss Johnston
gathered yesterday around the daintily
appointed table, where a centerpiece <••'
pink Shirley popples In a cut glass bowl
was reflected In a lern bordered mirror,
below. Fern sprays were also scat
tered over the cloth. Places were
marked by cards hand-painted by the
hostess, the sketches shooing little Cu
pids and two hearts pierced by one ar
row. Favors by each place were white
heart-shaped bonbon boxes on which
were painted pink rosebuds.
At intervals during the luncheon and
the hearts game that followed, the gifts
for Miss Johnston were delivered by i
George Johnson, the little 7-year-old
nephew of the hostess, who was dressed
to impersonate a messenger hoy.
Mr, and Mrs. Leopold Winter will
present to their son and his bride as a
wedding gift a handsome bungalow
home now in process of construction at
206 South Soto street. Miss Winter is
to be the only attendant at the wed
. ,♦,
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Arthur Schweitzer i
and their infant son, Dell Arthur
Schweitzer, jr., are settled In their new
home at 182 West Forty-seventh place,
where they will receive their friends.
Mrs. Katharine Ward Kupellan and
Miss Mabel Ruth Cooper will entertain
with an informal musicals tomorrow
night at the Cambria union, about
seventy-five guests having been Invited
to be present. Mrs. Kupellan and Miss
Cooper will be assisted by Humphrey
Woodcock, tenor, and the program will
be given in the music room of the hotel.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
Wednesday night at 8 o'clock In the
German Lutheran church, when the
pastor. Rev. Mr. Michel, read the mar
riage service for Miss Ella Hoefner,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hoefner of
Valencia street, and 'William Meine, a
weir known musician of Los Angeles.
The church, beautifully decorated
with palms and ferns, with cut flowers,
was filled with invited guests. Preced
ing the service and at the close music
was furnished by Mr. Betts, the church
Attending the bride as maid of honor
was Miss Lucy la art of Fort Wayne,
[nd.. and Miss Clara Witte was brides
maid. B. F. Meine wait his brother's
best man, and Emll Melhe. served as
The bride was attired in a dainty
white lingerie gown and wore a long
tulle veil, the charming toilette being
completed by a bouquet of white car
nations. The bridesmaids were also in
white and carried flowers.
After the church service about fifty
friends were entertained at the home
of the bride's parents, but owing to the
Illness of Mr. Hoefner the occasion was
quite Informal.
Mr. and Mrs. Meine have gone to
Coronado for their wedding trip, and
on their return will take a collage for
the summer at Redondo.
A pretty home wedding occurred at
noon Thursday.at the residence of the
bride's parents on Georgia avenue,
when Ella, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Fleming, was united In
marriage with Solomon Geer, Rev. E.
J. Inwood of the University M. E.
church officiating.
The parlor and dining room were
beautifully decorated for the event,
and following the ceremony light re
freshments were served.
Guests present to witness the mar
riage were Mr. and Mrs. 3. L. Flem
ing. Mr. and Mrs, D.„ P. Fleming, Mr.
and Mrs. F. F. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Vannoy, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fau
bi.in. Miss Anna Bchaffer and Miss
Eula Fleming. '""* -
The beginning of the romance which
preceded this marriage dates back
seven years to the time when the bride
was just entering young womanhood,
and her father owned a large walnut
grove, Miss Ella and her sister, Eula,
after picking walnuts one day were
resting and watching their father and
a friend sacking the nuts for ship
ment. .Mis. Vannoy, the friend, select
ed a i in" large walnut and handing it
to Kiln said, "Write your name and
address on that and drop It in the
sack, ami the fellow who finds it will
, be your sweetheart."
is it strange that months after this,
I when all had forgotten the Incident,
that the young woman should have re
ceived a letter bearing the postmark,
I "Spartanburg, 8. <".." and the story of
finding the; walnut by a young man
who bad purchased the nuts for hie
grocery was revealed?
The correspondence thus begun was
continued, In the mean time the young
man made more than one trip to Cali
fornia, and three years ago the young
woman took a trip through the east
with her parents and sister and in
cidentally visited a certain town In
South Carolina, The wedding of June
in Is the sequel to the story.
Sophomores and juniors of St. Mary's
academy entertained the graduating
class of '09 with a matinee party at
the Belasco Thursday afternoon, fol
lowed by a luncheon at the "Jack
ii Lantern," where the table decora
tions were in the class colors, yellow
ami blue, and the effect was beautifully
carried out in bird of paradise flowers,
coreopsis and larkspur, with corsage
I bouquets of Marechal Nlel roses.
The party, chaperoned by Miss Clar-
Isse Dolan, Included the Misses Bar
bara Wilson. Emma LeSagc, Virginia
Martin, Marguerite Clark, Rose Cun
ningham, Alice Lockwood, Genevieve
Hell. Norlne Dorr, Nellie White, Shirley
Meihl. Allegia Johnston, Anna Grant,
Rosa Herllhy, Irene O'Neil, Margaret
Towle, Charlotte Pyaer, Mary La
Labile, Mignonette Miguel, Marie La
'Mar, Irene Turner, Marie Dolan,,Char
lotte Cox ami Madge Schalk.
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lowe of Va
lencia street formally announce the en
gagement of their daughter. Miss Ethel
Norma, and Reginald Gordon Flaynior
of Los Angeles. The marriage will
take place in July.
Out of Town Society
Mrs. G. G. Greenwood of Hartford
and Carlton Way entertained Friday in
honor of James B. Irsfehl. who expects
to leave In a few days fo Minneapolis to
begin the pactlce of law. The home
v. as decorated for the occasion and
everything was arranged tastefully for
the forty guests who passed the even
ing at cards. Mr. Irsfeld has been on
the city engineer's corps for the past
year. He is a graduate of the law
school of the University of Minnesota,
where he was one of the star football
players during ids stay at the uni
Miss Blanche Grass of 795 West Pros
pect avenue entertained about thirty
five of her friends Friday evening at a
shirt waist party. The ydung women
were - dressed in all white, while the
young men wore white shirt waists and
black trousers. The home was doco
feted very beautifully. The evening
was passed in dancing.
Miss Lucile Rishel of 227 South Wil
cox avenue entertained at luncheon
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock In
honor of Miss Isabelle Hopkins of
Berkeley and Miss Hazel Kellogg ot
Chicago. A four-course luncheon was
served and the party enjoyed a tallyho
ride about the city. Those present were
the Misses Isabelle Hopkins, Pearl
Thompson, Lena Pierce, Bessie Forbes
of Los Angeles, Hazel Kellogg, Blanche.
Grass, Bessie Hudson, Mabelle Lewis,
Ramona Harrod and Mildred Lowther.
Mrs. Ella "Hoar of 535 Rose street en
tertained the Monday Five Hundred
club Monday afternoon. The guests
(Continued on I'age Nine)
Model-fitting patterns cut to meas
ure. Rosenbleet ladies' tailor, 1089
West Seventh.

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