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LETTERS TO AUNT LAURIE (Continued from P»Kf Thrre) nml it was so strong with pepper that it burned bw tongue so badly that she had to jump, Instead of being cocoa it whs red popper, and everybody after tbat called the girl Cocoa Jim. RUBY I.ANGDON, Sawtelle, CaL An Unexpected Welcome lii ar Aunt Laurie: "Oh, Henry!" cried Mrs. Stanley to her husband, "what will become of Mnr ■aret? Although she's 17, she runs and i limbs trees Ike a child of 10, and she declares she "won't go to any old boarding school." She's a regular baby in actions, while in face and body she's a young lady. I certainly wish some thing 1 would come along that would tun her and make her like other girls. I " As Mrs. Stanley started to make more protests against her daughter, a young girl sprang into the room. Her hair was curly and it hung down in her eyes. She held out a berry stained hand, in which was a letter. "Oh, mammie, here's a letter. Looks like Bud's writing. Read it quick. Is it his vacation? Is his school out?" "Oh, ehlld, give me a chance to read the letter, Go and comb your hair and change your dress, and please take some pumice stone and scrub the berry stain off from your fingers; then come to me and I will give you the substance of the litter." The girl turned, and closing the door behind her, ran up the stairs to the bathroom. She took some pumice stone and rubbod her hands until finally the stain disappeared. Then she went to her room and combed her hair and changed her dress, and appeared be fore her mother, neat and clean. "Harold is coming home today. Ha ought to be here by 4 o'clock." "Momlo, It's 3 o'clock now. I guess I'll read Bntil Hud comes," and going from the room Margaret took "St. El mo" and was soon burled in Edna's ad ventures. In about an hour the door bell rang, and Margaret ran to the door with a cry of joy. She opened the door wide and there she saw a man whom she supposed to be her brother. She gave him a hug and a kiss, and he. much surprised, sprang away and near ly knocked over Margaret's brother in his effort. "Well, George, I've been watching you and my sister. I guess you must have met before," said Harold. Margaret and the young man both blushed, and George Stafford, for this was the young man's name, said, "I guess she must have taken me for you, Harold." "There certainly isn't much resem blance," said Harold. Margaret ran up the stairs as fast as she could go, and going to her room she locked herself in until supper time, when she came down very quiet and ladylike. Never after that was Marsaret so boisterous or noisy, as she had been be fore she met George Stafford. Her mother's wish had come true MYRTLE BROWN. Florence; aged 13; grade 9. Moving Was Unexpected Dear Aunt Laurie: Last July we were living in Long Beach. Papa was working up at Saw telle. We were going to move to Los An geles Saturday, but papa sent a card saying that we would move Wednes day. He sent the card Monday, but we didn't get it till Tuesday about 4 o'clock. Mamma was intending to wash on Wednesday, so she had her clothes soaking. They were all wet, of course. She hung them up dirty to get their: dry, but only about half of them dried. Papa came home that night about half past 9. The man that was going to take our furniture to Los Angeles came with him. They ate their supper and then began to pack things. We stayed up till about 12 o'clock. We got up about half past 6. Mamma and papa got up at 4. I had to go downtown, so I dressed ready to go to Los Angeles. We got there just in time to miss our car. We had to wait half an hour. I went in to say good by to a friend of mine and found that they were intending to come down to our house that afternoon. PAULINE FIELD. Sawtelle public pchool, sixth year. No Sugar on the Lemon Dear Aunt Laurie: A little girl came to spend a week with me. She was very fond of playing tricks. She got a lemon one day and put salt on it. She went where the sugar was. I saw her go to the sugar, so 1 thought it was sugar on the lemon. She came and asked me to bite it. I took a great big bite and my mouth was filled with salt. LENA EDMONDS, Sawtelle city school, sixth year. Jack Proves Protector Dear Aunt Laurie: One day when a man with a milk wagon was passing our house he stopped and asked us if we would like to have a nice shepherd puppy. We said, "Yes, if papa and mamma are willing for us to have it." Papa came out and talked to the man and said he would take it. So one morning he brought him. He was LOS ANGELES SUNDAY HERALD—JUNIOR SECTION black with a tinge of yellow and white under his throat and legs. We named him Jack. When he got a little older we taught him to herd the cattle and to bring them into the coral. He would not let any stranger come around us children or mamma. At last we got him to bark when he wanted something to eat. When he wants a drink of va trr ho will go to the faucet and whino till we come and give him n drink. Now he has grown to be a big dog and helps with lots of things. That was something unexpected that happened to all of v«. MABEL, ANDREWS. Burnett school, A 6 grade; age 12 years. Child Plays Fireman Dear Aunt Laurie: — There is a little boy who lives next door to us and he dearly loves to turn on the water and play in it. He ie only about three years old, but when ever he gets the chance he runs away and comes over to our house. Then he just runs for the hydrant in the front of our house. That hydrant has a hose on it and there is a nozzle on the hose. When his mother or one of his sis ters try to get him and take him home he takes up the hose and turns the full force of the water on them. Then, try as they will to get him, he is too quick for them. So we had to fix that hydrant so that he could not turn it on. Then he went to the hydrant just outside our back door. But he didn't bother that one very long. One morning mamma said that she thought the hydrant on the back of the lot was running and sol I went and looked out, nnd there was the little boy with that hydrant turned on and calmly throwing the water on the barn. This certainly was unexpected, for that hydrant Is not like an ordi nary one and is difficult to turn. But the little fellow is so cute that you •fluffs *S Uty AS c^n b* • l^ no Xa laKe hint wAikin^v. , as you c*n plAinl^ see - - . Slf h^ve *tS Puy an AoiTo-* Satd v Ann A.'i dec(AV«^ When ever, can't scold him and he certainly does enjoy himself. CHARLOTTE KIRBY. Corona. s • Patience Brought Reward Dear Aunt Laurie: Dorothy Eaton was 15 when her mother died. This was a sad experi ence for Dorothy. She desired to fit herself for a teacher and her mother was her best friend. One year had passed and Dorothy and her father still lived alone on their little farm. To attend a high school or college had been Dorothy's greatest wish, but she bore her disappointment cheerfully and spent all her spare time with her books. Mr. Eaton would" often try to raise the money for further schooling, but it ji;i.-: all he could do to meet the farm's expenses. / Another year passed by. Mr. Eaton struck oil on his farm and he became wealthy. They moved to the city. There he took care of his sister Eunice and sent Dorothy to school. PEARL MAY. Sawtelle; Sawtelle city school, fifth grade; age 11 years. Bicycle Causes Sprain Dear Aunt Laurie: It was Christmas eve. I had been expecting a bicycle for some time but the day before Christmas I was told that Santa Claus had run out of bi cycles, so I was disappointed. But they promised me a doll and I knew he never ran out of dolls. Christmas came. I was made to stay home that 'night and go in the dining room. The time seemed very long. At last mam ma said, "Santa Claus has come," and to my surprise there stood a bicycle. I fell back, I was so surprised. It was raining and kind of dark and so I tried to ride in the hall. The first time I tried it I fell off and sprained my ankle and could not ride any more Christmas nor could I walk. And that was my sad unexpected happening, as I could not go with the rest to see Christmas trees that day. VELNA FEELY. was my sad unexpected happening, as I could not go with the rest to see Christmas trees that day. VELNA FEELY. 770 Harrison avenue, San Diego. Logan Heights school, 5A grade. Age II years. Fisherman Surprised Himself Dear Aunt Laurie: One day Halstead. my chum, and myself went fishing. We caught twelve fish and then started home. On the way we had to cross a bridge. It was a queer one, as it was only a Ing, Jt had been washed there when the creek had overflowed that winter. The water was about three feet del p and very cold at this place. There was a bank on the other side and only about one inch of the log rested on it. I knew that it would be easy to knock the log off Into the water. I was going to run across it and when Halstead got to the mtadle shove it off and give him a good bath. But in running across I jarred it so that it turned over and I got the bath. Hal stead stood on the other side and laughed at me. I grabbed the log and got out on the other side. ROGER WISE. Logan school, r,A grade. Age 11 years. The Foolish Rabbit Dear Aunt Laurie: One day when Bunny was sitting in the edge of a cornfield his mother came along and told him that she had seen a hunter prowling around, and that he had better hide. "Pish!" said Bunny. "I can run fast er than any of his dogs, and he can't shoot me." "Never mind; you had better hide," said his mother. Bunny knew it all. and he did not heed his mother's words. Bunny's mother went off to hide, and told him to coma along, but Bunny was a smart littte rabbit, as he thought, and would not mind her. Bunny squatted down, find was soon fast asleep, dreaming of what a bravo rabbit he was. Hark! A noise came through the bushes. Bunny sprang to his feet, and was off, but he was too latp, for the bound! were close behind him. The hunter shounted: "Sick 'em, Tige! Sick 'em, Towser and Dick! Hike! Hike! Tlge gave a large leap and caught poor Bunny by the neck. Bunny cried for mercy, but the dog would not let him go. TRUMAN HARRIS. San Diego, 1276 National avenue; Lo gan Heights school, grade A 5; age 13. Missed Beach Party Dear Aunt Laurie: I went down to the beach to a party, and when I got there I found it had taken place the day before. I played awhile and then I went home. When I got home my mother and all the rest of the family had gone away. I then went to my neighbor and asked her where the folks had gone. She said she did not know where they were., I stayed there until my mother cam* home, and I told her about the party. She felt badly to think I had missed thu party. That was not the only time I wa» ever fooled. RENA EVELYN ERMEL, Sawtelle public school, grade 6. Swing Caused Accident Dear Aunt Laurie: It was a cool, dull day in May last year when we attended a picnic at Lakeside, where we always have lots of fun. The San Diego river was flow ing very quietly, but the water was warm. Many children were In wad ing and so was my big brother and I, All went well till I went to the swing with my little sister, who is into everything. My friend was swinging and asked me to push her. I told my llttlo sister to stay quite a ways from the swing for fear of getting hurt. Sure enough, when I was pushing her my little sister ran under the swing and got hor little head knocked. Her forehead ni all bruised and bleeding. I got a scolding and, of course, all my fun was spoiled then. I would have liked staying home better that day. At that moment I wished I had no ■later but when I think back to that day I'm glad 1 have got my little sis ter. • ELSE HARiii i. Logan school; 5A grade; age 11. Box 89, San Diego. New Oress Brought Happiness I >rar Aunt Laurie: One time a poor little girl was In viti-d to a party a rich lady was giving, to which she had invited all the chil dren around. K<la had been wishing that she < null go, but her poor worn-out mother had said she had no dress to wear, so could not go. Poor Eda was nearly heart-broken, for It was to be tlie very next after noon, and she thought she could not go. She went to her little cot that night very sorry. In the morning her mother said she must go to town and pay the rent and Eda must stay at home and look after the house. So Mrs. Elman got ready and left Eda alone. Eda con tented herself In looking over their one book, which was the atlas. She was startled by some one knocking on the front door. She went and a mes senger there told her that the hostess of the party had decided to furnish th» costumes for the party, as she wanted the guests to dress alike. Mrs. Elman came home and found Eda in the new dress that was hers to wear to the party and to wear any time she desired. They were very glad, and Eda went to the party after all. DOnOTHY FRASBR. 743 Kearney avenue. San Diego. Lo gan Heights school, grade SA. VI years. DUTCH TREE CULTURE Elms on Canal Banks and Lindens French Monarch Guarded There Is perhaps no other well popu lated country in the world which h;is .so many well-wooded towns as has Holland, says the Chicago News. Most of the streets and grachts or canals have avenues of trees. Utrecht has two rows of tree! on rlther side of its quaint canals. Its canal banks are constructed as if in two stories. The lower story, almost flush with the water level, is lined with warehouse* and vaults, while the upper story has dwelling! mid ihopg. Both levels are planted with trees. So many avenues of trees make a Dutch town exceedingly pleasant, espe cially on a hot day. The foliage tam pers the glare of the sun and the vistas of green are refreshing to the eye. These abundant growths in thickly populated towns are highly useful as well as ornamental. It is recognized that from a hygienic point of view they are valuable to the citizens. In Holland tinse useful services are gratefully recognized and the trees are carefully tended by the municipalities. The cost of this care per capita in tho different towns varies somewhat. Last year, for example, Utrecht devoted 21 cents (Dutch) 10 its trees for each in habitant and The Hague 2S ceufs for each of its 2. r>D,OOO citizens. It takes 2% Dutch cents to equal an American cent. About ten years ago the annual cost of caring (or the trees of The Hague was 19 cents (Dutch) per capita, but since that time many new trees and shrubs have been planted through out the city and new parks have been laid out. It has been found that not every kind of tre will thrive in the streets of a town, for trees have many ene mies both above and below ground, (ias escaping from pipes underground is the worst enemy of trees, because quite small quantities of it are deadly. For this reason special precautions are taken against the leakage of gas in Dutch towns. How electricity escaping underground acts upon trees as yet has not been sufficiently studied to be un derstood. Trees will not grow in very narrow streets where the houses are high; neither will they thrive if the pavement does-not let in moisture aiul air in sufficient quantities. The best trees for street planting in Holland are elms and lindens, but tho elm is the hardier of the two and will grow where a linden will not. Trees of these kinds reach a great age, like th" old elms along the quiet grachts of Edam, one of the "dead" cities of the Zuyder Zee, which saw the fleets of Van Tromp and De Blister in the har bor of Edam—the harbor which ap pears so tiny to modern eyes that on?, with difficulty imagines "the terror of the North sea" anchoring there. Then there are the magnificent lindens of the Mallebaan in Utrecht, which ap pealed to the French monarch, King l.nuis XIV. Those lindens he com manded his soldiers to spare on peril of their lives. LATIN , L*Un i« a dead language, As dead aa it can be; 'it killed the ancient Romans, And now is killing me. "Non paratus." ■ Freshle dixlt. With a sad and mournful look ••;. "Omne"recte," Prof, respondit; "Nihll," scri.sit in my book. ; • ■ —Boston Traveller. t 7