In the Evenino Pyrotechnic Display
and Grand Ball Will Be Given
at Venice —Decorations
[Special to Th» Herald]
SANTA MONICA, July 12.- The final
touches to th« arrangements for wel
• corning the Elks to the Santa Monica
day celebration are complete. Bunting
and emblems meet the eye everywhere.
Badges from every state in the Union
may he seen at every corner, and
groups of members of the reception
committee greet every Incoming car at
all principal point* of the bench.
The special feature! of tomorrow a
entertainment will be the Spanish
sports in front of the monster grand-
Htnnd on Ocean avenue in the morn
ing, the regatta of the South Coast
Yacht club in the afternoon and the
magnificent display of firework! at
Venice In th« evening.
The Spanish program will begin at
10 o'clock anil continue until 12. They
will be under the direction of Don
Juan Carillo. The participants are the
members of some of the oldest families
of the state. Their names ore Theo
dore. Vejar Francisco Slert, Manuel
Domlnguez. Prank Machado and Yin
cento Howard.
Queen to Be Crowned
Horso breaking, ring catching, riat
ta throwing and a number of other
feats will be on the program. The
crowning of the queen in accordance
with the old Spanish custom of tourna
ments will take place. The entire
grandstand will ta.e reserved for Elks
and their families.
At noon a pagoda luncheon will be
nerved from the various centers of the
beach, and Immediately following
there will be the contents in the re
gatta of the South Coast Yacht club,
which will take place in front of. the
Colorado avenue pier.
In the evening there will be an elab
orate illumination of Venice. More
than 100,000 Incandescent light?, alter
nating in colors of white and purple,
will be shot on simultaneously at 7:30
o'clock. The streets will be lined and
the buildings outlined In the soft col
ors of the Elks' order.
The. COlonadea of the main street will
he circled with tiny globes, and the
managers of the Venice enterprises
promise a beautiful sight for those who ,
visit that part of the bay.
Ball at Venice
At 8 o'clock there will be an exten
sive display of fireworks from the Cen
ter street pier, followed by an Informal
ball at the Venice dance pavilion. All
members of the fraternity having their
coupon books will be admitted to the
Those of the booster committee *vU>>
have given their time to the arrange- !
ments for the celebration are being
heartily commended for their results.
J. C. Hemmingway, past exalted ruler
of 906 and city clerk of Santa Monica, i
In the capacity of vice president of
the committee, ) la given much time,
and consideration to th« development
of the plans for the day, and his ef
forts are being made evident on every
T. 11. Dudley, mayor and member of
the lodge, lias been an efficient as
sistant, ah has also J. C. Proctor, sec
retary of the committee. A. R. Fraser,
chairman, has been a heavy contributor
and lent his services. Thomas Feron,
exalted ruler: \V. H. Anderson, A. T.
Atwlll, .1 E. Mllpr. Ralph Bane, H. M.
Melnell, R. H. Dow, G. D. Snyder, R.
TV. Armstrong, P. S. Llndney and many
others have given liberally of time and
NEW rOBK MTV. July II -Thirty-all cars
ftr^nß^P and three cars lemons sold. Market
e«M"r on both oranges »nd lemons. Clear and
hot. .
PwaMika, I. V W Brown 12.75
Victoria, A II Exchange Ml
Siigarloaf, A F HlffhgTOva 2.40
Hlghgrove, ram' 1 .3-05
I'll?,. IAS
Hiawatha, T c (' Ex. Porterville 2.60
Phi- Glob*. Rlv EX, Rlv I.U
Blue Globe, Fame IPS
Red Globe, name I *0
Champion, A C D»nman Pins 3.75
Climax, xr, or, X Peycke To 2.70
Elephant, or, 0 '"i Cain Ann 3.00
California Funßhlne, fy. same 3.50
Flaln End!, Mine 2.15
Premium, or. Benehley F Co 3.70
Magnum Bonum, fy, .1 A Maddock 2.00
La i ma, eh, same 1.11 l
rotton Tall 3.20
Old Mlselon. fy, C C Chapman h.Ctl
Old Mission, rh, *xme
Golden Kaßl^, Ffi, same 2.flit
7,a \>rn« Hflghm, fy. I.avern« 1! 2.53
Choice. I.avprn'l Heiirht* Pack Co 2 60
Orchard. National **> Co 2.45
Standard, fd. KHme 2.10
Hiawatha, t C C. Portervllln 2.40
Htajr, a c (i Kxchance 5.2"
Vlltl Ronlta 1.10
I.aki> H«met, A I-" Bxchariir^ 2. 51
Mlncion Indian, ram« 1 or*
Aim C'refta. A II Kxchango IK
Pobu^ta, name 45
!Trl». D M Bxchan(« 1.25
Captain. P A 3.05
Corporal ............ ,i 2.45
Alhambrn, B T KxrhangA 2.40
Planet, P S Exchaniro 2M
O<-»Bn. fy. Hp*leh * Co 2.20
Vtlcceu, or, Ppelch A Co . I.M
rh»sF Queen, fy. Blv, Ollmoro V Co . 1.60
Rtate Sfal, fy, 3 H Cnrp«ntrr 1.40
Blue Mountain, fy. F * MeKevltt I.M
Native, fy, or, Sutherland F To I 35
Mayflower, fy, R .1 Hlchardnon 2.1S
Buena, Fd. (",*iiti«» 1 75
Independent Grower* F iVi 1 15
Red Globe. Rlv Ex. Rlv 1.80
rallfornla Orange, name 1.40
ftUKarloa/. A F. Hlßhgrove 1.50
Hißhgrove. A F Exchange 1.3S
Fllverleaf, A F Kxrhang« 125
Tiger, S B. rolton 1.70
Rohunta. A H Kxchang* I.7!i|
I^a Ma, Rlv Exchange 1.40
Golden, name 1.30
Red Globe, Rlv Ex, Rlv I*s
T,a. Mesa, same 1.40
Bin" Print, fame 1.155
Red Print, name 1.40
ritn« Ranch, fy. Pan Marino a p A...... 1.90
El Toreador, »il, !«m« 1.60
Titus Ranch, fy. name 1.80
El Toreador, *d same 1.70
Carnation. xc. W *• Greene Co 1.K5
ST. MICHAELS-Blue Mtn. $2.0,1; Champion,
D.lfi; Mayflower. 12.30: nuenri, $2 20; Sweet
heart. »2.3. 1<: Stork. 12 2": l,a Mesa, {2.15.
HALVES—Sweetheart. 51.15.
GRAPEFRUIT-Mayflower. J2.20: Buena,
11.25? Orchard, halven. $1.85: Cerrlto, halves,
»I.R0; Champion, bx», $1.15; Champion, halves,
»i.(IO; Blue Globe, halves, $2.40; Blue Globe,
12.35: Primrose, $3.05.
LEMONS- Camel, M.Mi Justrlte. $3.80; Mln
erava, $2.55: -Flower, 'y. $3.70: choice, $2.20;
Primrose. $2 05.
CINCINNATI. July 12.—Three oar« oranges,
three cum lemons sold, s Market weak on
oranees. • advaneln* on lemons. Hot.
BUDDED—CaI. Orange. $1.50; Floral. seeds,
$1 F.P
ST ■ MlCHAKLß—Squirrel. A H. $2.30; Palm
Tree. $1.90.
i HWEETR—Lincoln, $1.40. ■*'■''
LEMONS-Pet, 8 A Ex. 14.55; Arab. $4.95;
Duck, $4.20: Silence. Klasrler V Co, *4: Cry
baby, sd. 14.45; Tourist, $3.95; Beach, $3.65.
CLEVELAND.". July Three cars* Valen
' elm, one needling, three lemons and two mixed
Hurry Ends
in Indigestion
Use your teeth on your food or your
stomach will suffer. Quick lunches,
hurried eating, bolting food, are sure
to end, sooner or later, in some
form of indigestion, more or less
quickly relieve the distress caused
by hurried eating. They act direct
ly on the stomach nerves and actu
ally help the food to digest and
assimilate. They are particularly
good for nervous dyspepsia, bloat
ing, hiccoughs, bitter taste in the
mouth, and flatulence. With rea
sonable care in eating, Beecham's
Pills will soon
Put an End to
Stomach Ills
Sold ET«rywh«re. In »«>»«» ">«• »"d »••
•old. Higher on oranges, very etron* on lem
ons. Weather hot.
VALKNCIAS— PaIM Tree. A H Prenda, J2 20;
Royal Knight. R H. $2.95: Newsboy, lime,
$1.85; \lhnmbra, S T X At, J2.96.
SWEETB-Tlg«r, 8 B Colton, $2.15: Floral.
f1.60; Palmy, $1.65: Golden Strand, $1.1(.
SEEDLINGS-Tlger, 8 B Ex, $2: Golden
Strand, $
LBMONi WTilttl«r, B T Kx. $3 06: Pico.
$4.70; Hillside Gem. LoveJfsa V Co, $5.70; Pal
omar, $5: Arab, 8 A Ex, $5.80; Greyhound,
$5.60; Duck. JS.6O. *
citrus rnuiT shipments
Friday, July 9 «1 47 121
July 10 and 11 110 «4 174
Total to date this season.27.SS3 4,716 22,604
BOSTON. July 11, -Six cars ■ .. Cloudy,
tnugpy. Market unrhangen.
Yankee Doodle, A r Hlghgrove 1.40
Standard. Growers F Co IS
Independent, fy. same 1.76
R<-y. p. T Fernando 2.»0
Yankee . Doodle. A F Hlghgrove 1.65
Tunnel, 8 T Fernando 1.70
Qleen Bee, Q C Corona .....••.•••... 1.41
Floral, 8 B C'Plton 1 25
rtg»r, same 185
BaKle, A F Hlghgrove 2. 20
ST MICHAELR-Queen B«e, $2.60; Royal.
$2; Yankee Doodle, A F Hlghjrrove. $1.66;
Eagl^. $1.75.
HUDDKD-Rcd Globe. Rlv Ex, Rtv. 70;
Tiger, needs, B B Colton, U.K.
PITTSBURO. July ll— Eighteen earn «old.
Market firm on good fruit; continues very
much depressed on poor stock oranges. Easier
on lemons. Hot and mucpry.
Aster, or 8.18
Monuogratn. C" C V. seconds 2.33
F.I Torn. «1. C C Union 2.45
TuiquolP'. i'li, C C Union 2.15
Iris. B M Duarte 3 15
Greyhound, X A F.xrhange 141
El Vaquero, xf, C C Union 2.78
Halo, ry. C C Union I.H
Ruby. fy. C C Union 2.00
Rock Label. T C C Portervllle 1.60
Violet. D M Duarte .; 3.75
Jasmine, D M Monrovia 2.70
Red Ulohe, Rir Ex. Rlv '. 1.60
California Drang*, same 1.25
Jasmine. D M Monrovia 1.05
ral Orange. Rtv Kx. Rlv 1.10
Riverside Oranges, name 1.20
Housewife, Rlv Ex. Arlington 3.65
Gold Buckle. RUE High 4.91)
Housewife. Rlv Ex, Arlington 4.00
Belt. R H E High 4.15
ST. MICHAELS Halo, fy. C C U. $2.70; El
Toro. Ltd. $2.25; Volunteer. R A. $3.55.
HWEETS-Pearrhllght. P 8 Orange. 50; Red
Globe, Rlv Ex. $1 86; Big R. 8 B Rlalto, $1.60;
Owl. n X Ex, $1.16.
$4 20; Highlander Af High F O A. $5.20.
6T. LOUIS. July 12—Weather hot and mug
gy. Market weak on small size oranges, strong
on small size lemons. Eight car* sold.
Pef S A Pun Dlmas $2.40
Camellia Xf Red M 0 Co 3.00
Navajo A H rasa Elanca I.M
Blossom Xc Rod M n Co 2.25
Arab S A Pan $1.60
Camellia Xf Red M 0 Co 1.50
Lincoln A H Casa Blanra. 1 Hi
Blossom Xc Red M O Co 1.10
ST. MICHAELS— Navajo A H Casa Blanea,
$1.65; Tally Ho 8 B Rlalto, $1.90; Big R S B
Rlalto, $1 10, BUDDED-Ftesta Rlv Paehappa,
$I.f.S; Pond Lily. $1.41. NAVELS-Klng I^o
s a. $1.4«: Select. $1.05. ST. MICHAELS
LEMONS Troubadour A II Arlington, $3.70;
Commercial A H Prenda. $4.20.
PHILADELPHIA, July 12 -Three cars nay.
eIH, 3 teedllnirsf 3 Valenclas, 6 mixed and 1
car lemons sold.
Cluster B A I .SO
Owl O X Ex' 90
Stork S A Ex 1.05
Native Sons Ch King F Co !>o
Quail o X Ex 90
K!n* Leo 8 A I.x ■
Independent Growers F Co 1.15
Aurora Fy Or E Peycke Co 12.«5
Orchid Fy Altland F Co 2.10
Hall Lake H.I King F Co > 1.55
Majestic Xc C. s Spencer 2.40
Climax Ch Or X Peycke Co 2.05
B'Jscada Altland F Co 1.76
Quail O KEx ISO
W Highland Or Cleghorn Broa 1.20
Hlghßrove Xc '" 8 Spencer 2.40
Climax Ch Or X Peycke Co 2.05
Native Sons Ch King F Co 1.00
fiEEDLINGH-Selectcd N W Blan.-hard. $1.25:
Plain Ends Blanchard. !Vic; Ca! Orange bud
ded. $1.30. GRAPEFRUIT—GoIden Flower Xf
Red G ii Aun, $100: W Highland Or Cleg
bi.rn Broa. 6.V. ST. MICH/ELS-Golden Flow
*r. 52.20; W Highland, $3.00. RLOODS
CONTINUED $1.95: Hlghgrove,
LEMONS—Homer Q C Corona, $2.70; Camel,
'1 H; Blue Keystone Fy King F Co, $3.60;
Stock Label, It.M.
Following are the building permits Issued
from thp office of the chief inspector of build
ings yesterday, classified according to wards:
Wards. Permits. Value.
Second .1 1 * 300
Third 3 ao.lM
Fourth 4 MO
Fifth *'. 5 M.M
Sixth 4 2.485
Ninth ...' 1 8"»
Total. 17 $41,575
Tennessee street. 1670— Mutual Dairy associa
tion, owner; G. W. Lacy, builder; one-story
barn: 1500.
Ninth street, 124 West—Bowman and Harri
son, owners and builders; reviewing stand; 140.
Fifty-second street, IMS West—Mrs. A.
Faulkis. owner; M. A. Ends, builder; one
story, five-room residence; $1476.
Rampart boulevard, 123 South-C. F. Clem
ents, owner and builder; one-story, seven-room
residence; (3100.
Fifty-first place. 1104 West-M. 1* Mithous,
owner; C. H. Inman, builder; on«-story, flve
rom residence; 11000. ; .
Forty-seventh place,' 150 East— H. W. Leon
ard, owner and builder; one-story, one-room
chad) »85.
Beacon street, 820—D. E. WhitUn, owner
and builder; one-story, one-room garage; 5110.
Thirty-third street, 834 East—C. Inast. owner;
C P. Meja, builder: one and a-half-story.
four-room residence; $4&0.
Tropleo avenue. 2019-1.. rung, owner and
builder; one-story, four-room residence; $300.
Main . street, ' 71» South— ,H. Woorham.
reviewing i stand: S3OO.
Main street, 3319— J. I Burkhart. owner; Bos
ton Building and Investment company, builder;
one-story stores; $10,000. mmMmWl$&
The Last Days
f\J? , MMIMMUMWM .,, MM »J=S
ajp»M»j»»»»M»j«Mßßaa«sM»Ba«Mß»«aßW»w»MWMMiM»""*w'n*^M'''nu'l''l^«*L^^ W aU" ' ' "
■^~"""~" —^——————— V-^ JL
J. '
The Herald's Alaska-Yukon-
Pacific Exposition Contest
ARE HERE *~- s
Only 3 More Days
No more subscriptions will be received after 7:30 p. m. July 15,
unless contestants are in the office at that hour ready
to turn in their subscriptions
Ballots clipped from the paper will be received until 2 p. m. —No later
——————^ j
The following are the names of the gentlemen who have kindly consented to act as a
committee to count the votes:
Attorney, Wright & Callender Bldg. Adv. Manager Jacoby Bros. High Sec. State Cal. Foresters
Member Pasadena Typographical Union , Manager Barnes Pump Co.
Votes will be allowed until the end of the contest as follows:
sIHSa 1000Votesl ia^Hß4ooTo^l IaSSSBISOVoto
The Los Angeles Herald by an exclusive arrangement with the Exposition management is enabled to offer fourteen (14) trips free of all expenses to members of the
following classes: Three Clergymen, Their Wives or Friends; Two Officers of Organized Labor, Their Wiv;s cr Friends; Two Officers of Fraternal Orders, Their
Wives or Friends.
Following Is a List of Contestants and Their Standing to Date. Votes Are Corrected Each Day
f^y I? I}/""• \T ' Votes . Votes Votes
I^JL/H/JWjr I Votes Rev. Will A. Betts—First Meth- W. A. Vanna, 634 San Pedro. Mrs. Hattie E. Campbell, Chap-
LOS ANGELES CITY odist, Long Beach 7,517 Laundry Workers No. 52 1,339 lain Hermosa, 32, Fraternal
Rev. C. A. Kent— E. church, W. B. Hughes, financial secre- Brotherhood 7,750
Rev. C. V. La Fontaine, 347 W. - Monrovia 3,506 tary Bricklayers and Masons' t l Taylor, Secy. Golden State
43d— Grand Aye. Nazarene. . 114,123 Rev _ R H Post _ St Matthias Int. union, 15, Pasadena.... 517 camp No 7110, M. W. A.... 3,660
Major E. W. Campbell, 127 Wil- church, Whittier 3,206 Fraternal Of lCerS Mrs. Essie Ashby, Ocean Park,
imngton—Salvation Army .. 91,226 , Rev. S. T. Montgomery. Alham . ITdienidl UlllLCia captain guards No. 1, Ladies
Rev. W. A. Knighten, 1717 , bra, Cal.—Presbyterian..... 3,165 R. G. Doyle, 324 West Adams, of the .Maccabees 1,567
Court—Union Aye. M. E 88,023 Rev. C. M. Fisher, Calvary Pres- court deputy of Glad Hand Henry Riley, 119 South Avenue
Rev. J. M. Schaefle, 1206 El Mo- byterian, South Pasadena. ... 2,195 No. 5000, Independent Order lg> past pres j d ent and trustee
lino—Pico Heights Congrega- R ev . Wesley K. Beans, First M. of Foresters V;. :.: •351 '0U1 Sons of St George 1,493
tional 12,795 E>( South Pasaden a 1,250 M. J. Quinn, Secy Angeleno Emma D Neidig> ---—
Rev. Dana W. Bartlett, 510 Rev. J. Arthur Evans, Holly- Tr /°'nf S,ritv 18M00 vice president Fraternal
Vignes-Bartlett Mission ... 6,308 wood ..! }. 1)18 4 of Secunty.^. 18..400 Brotlierl ' .. ■ 1,261
_, .~. , T D Irons, 110.5 Molmo, I res.
Rev. J. Q. A. Henry, 405 W. R ev . Malcolm James McLeod, J' council 04 Church Frafl . 83,160 C. N. Green, secretary Ocean
33d—First Baptist 2,748 969 San Pasqual, Pasadena- Wesley Erbe's. 4417 Russel aye.. Park aerie F.0.E., and consul -••
Rev. Reynold E. Blight, 232 So. Presbyterian. 1,100 first Heut Co. 1, uniform rank, Ocean Park camp No. 8164,
Hill - Fellowship 1,826 Fraternal' Brotherhood 53,115 M. W. A 1.105
IpipWs *"6 >,«> LabOf Un'On Off'CerS DON . FOKGET TO SAVE THE COUPONS
Rev. Lucy P. Knott, 1464 East , Clarence Dean, Typographical ______—— —— — ~"
Wash'ton—Nazarene church 1,255 union, Pasadena 78,250 JC3"ThiB Ballot Not Good After SP. M.. July 15, 1909
Rev. Thomas C. Marshall, 2314 _ j. L . Frisbey, 116 McLain St., *~~L~!!!ZJZ — —
Leon 1.276 Alhambra, president Shing- i^v m T -«^ 17/"\rg^lj^
Rev. Edward Nelander, 1616 So. ] ers 1 union 66,262 (J]^ J^j V %^P X Mli
SiS^mS| '•'" . C c^Z^;^7Zl^ 4lm The Los Angles Herald Alaska-Yukon-
R e d; tt>ssJg%i U3l "rr:^. v::. lw »,«» , Paciflc Voting Contest Free Trip
Manitou — Church of the Geo. E. Smith, 201 West 3bth Nam . -
Brethren . . .. -N. 1.100 place, Brass Workers 11,419 ,
■r «« i rmt, o r'r^TT^TT^7 L. W. Butier, Labor Temple,
LOS ANGELES COUNTY 542 Made avenue 10824 cu~
Rev. Miss Persy Richards- Harry McManus, 2501 Folsom ' t>nt In tha name of the contestant of your choice on tht» eou*"m
Rev. Miss Persy Richards— Harry McManus, 2001 Folsom ™Fu .the "*"* Angeles Herald office; void after «boy. <i.t*
Presbyterian Rivera 55,250 street, Plumbers' No. 78. ... 2,346 an° carrier boy. and other .mploy.. of Th. Herald are not permuc«d
Rev Father Hawe-Catholic R. C. Hunter, 1806 Berendo St., to .cot or W« banou rrom ,«b.orib.r. or ro.p.cUv. .u>-
Church, Santa Monica 18,671 Pres. Plasterers' union 2,017 lcrt ' : ——
========================== CONDITIONS ================
1000 Votes I \ 400 Votes | 150 Votes
Old subscribers of The Herald, renewing or extending, will entitle the contestant to votes as above, when paid In advance, provided said subscriber is not in irrear.
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The Contest Editor Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, Cal.
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