Newspaper Page Text
PART II To Advertisers Count six average words n» nn* 11**. No ad accepted for less than tb* price sl two lines. Tbe llernld reserves the right to re«d«s advertisement* and to reject or omit and refund the amonnt paid. Report promptly to tbo classified man ager failure to get returns or experience with fraudulent or dishonest advertisers. Two or mora Insertions | ar* better than one. Try a three-time ad. Results almost certain for anything. All errors corrected or money refunded. For contract solicitors nnd advertising advlca cull Sunset Main 8000. Home IWIL SPECIAL RATES Want nd* Ie a word each Insertion. Room* for rent—S lines. 8 times*. Boom* with board— t lines. > times. ' 25Cents HELP WANTED Mal* and female—3 line*, 3 tlmea . > 25 Cents ITIIINM WANTED Free _____ THE WEATHER LOS ANUi3I.ES, July 21, 10"!). TimV.f Bar. |Th«r.|IIumj Win<J|Vej.|W«atlur" ( a. m.iiOr ~B»~|~IB~| SW | ♦ f Cloudy 5 p. m.| 29.9S | C» | 66 | BW I 10 I Cltar Maximum temperature 78. Minimum temperature 68. - s •• Forecast Los Angeles and vicinity—Fair tonight •nd Thursday; light west wind. / Ban Francisco and vicinity— to night; fair Thursday; moderate west wind. Santa Clara valley—Fair tonight and Thursday; light northwest wind. *, Sacramento valley Fair tonight; fair and cooler Thursday; light north wind changing to south. , -•. San Joaquin valley—Fair tonight and Thursday: light northwest wind. MARRIAGE LICENSES WILLARD-CHAPIN— Edgar H. Wlltard, ag. 22, native of Massachusetts and resident of Pasadena, and Mabelle E. Chapin, age 22. native of South Dakota and resident of Escondido. JOHANSEN-PETERS— E. Johansen, age 32, native of New York and resident of Los Angeles, and Elvira B. Peters, age 24, native of Minnesota and resident of Terminal. LINDRI'M-BANTAM— Henry O. Lindrutn, age 24, native of California, and Mary E. Bantam, age 21, native of Kansas; resi dents of Los Angeles. PETERS-BALDWIN— Henry J. Peters, age 27. native of lowa, and Myrtle E. Bald win, age 25, native of Kansas; residents of Los Angeles. BMRICK-BIRD —William Henry Emrlck, age 25, native of Michigan and . resident of Searchlight, and Violet Bird, ago 18, na tive of Utah and resident of Salt Lake. YEAGER-McINTYRE— S. Yeager, age 30, native of Pennsylvania, and Emma B. Mclntyre, age 28, native of Iowa: resi dents of Los Angeles. BHEPPARD-ESTES — A. Sheppard, age 28, native of Massachusetts, and Mar jorle R. Estes, age 11, native of California; resident? of Los Angeles. KING-BRUCE Henry King, age 28, and Mabel Virginia Bruce, age 19; natives of Pennsylvania and residents of Los An- LEONARD-TOBEY—Enoch B. Leonard, age - 30, native of Illinois, and Ada M. Tobay, age 18, native of Minnesota; residents of Sawtelle. _' BOWEN-OSMER—Edward R. Bowen. age 24, native of Pennsylvania, and Flora L. Osmer. age 24. native of Indiana; residents of Huntington Beach. COX-FLEMINO —James E. Cox. Jr., aga 19, and Evelyn B. Fleming, age 21, natives or California an.l residents of Los Angeles. GEORGES-FREDERICK—OIiver F. Georges, age 82, native of California, and Annabelle Frederick, age 20. native of Texas; resi dents Of Los Angeles. ORASSE-HORGAN— F. Grasse. age 28 native of Illinois, and Anita J. Horgan, age 17, native of California; residents of Los Angeles. HAMILTON-FAIR—C. Guy Hamilton, age 28 native of Arkansas, and Blanche E. Fair, age 23, native of California; residents of Ogden, Utah. WATKINS-HOLLIDAY— C. Watkins, age 28. native of Illinois and resident of Los Angeles, and Elculse Holliday, age 23, native of California, resident of Watts. HASKIN-RYAN— J. Haskin, age 39. native of Callfprnla and resident of San Bernardino, and Delia "Ryan, age 88, native of Virginia and resident of Los Angeles. HILLIER-BIDEBACH—Edward B. Hllller, age 24, native of Ohio, and Luella Blde bach, age 25, native of California; resi dents of Pasadena. DANIELS-TYLER—Arthur Daniels, age 28, native of Georgia, and Sarah Tyler, age 15, native of Mississippi; residents of Los Angeles. CEMETERIES INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY • Two miles outside the city limits, on the Los Angeles and Redondo Ry.; 800 acres of perfect land with improvements out classing any cemetery on the coast. . 107 8. Broadway. Room Ml, Phoneet F33OS, Mala <tSS>. Supt. Phone AOSO3. 4-1-12 months ROSEDALE CEMETERY An Endowed Memorial Park noted for its natural beauty; endowment fund for per petual care, over $260,000; modern receiv ing vault, , chapel, "crematory and colum barium; accessible; * city office. SUITE 102-206 EXCHANGE BLDO., N. E. Cor. Third and Hill sts. Phones Main 109; A 3629. * Cemetery office. 1831 W. Washington St.; phones 72888. West 10. 6-2-12 m EVERGREEN CEMETERY Boyle Heights, near city limits. Operated under perpetual charter from Los Angeles elty. Modern chapel and cremat Office 839 Bradbury Building. Phones Main 65*2; A 7611. Cemetery—Home AS44O; Boyle 0. _ --1-l.m CHURCH NOTICES __^ Christian Science Services Second Church of Christ, Scientist at Ebell hall, 18th and Flgueroa streets. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m ; sermon from the Christian Science Quar- I terly: subject, "Truth." Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms, 510-611 Her man W. Hellman building, Spring and Fourth streets, open dally, Sundays ex cepted, from' ! 9 p. m. 7-19-7 NOTICE TO CHURCHESCOPY FOR ALL church notices for the Saturday and Sun day morning issues is requested to be turned In at The Herald office by Friday noon, if possibles. This will assure proper classification and publication. 8-11-tf ___ 1 A re PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS MME ANNbVE THE GREAT TRANCE SPIRIT MEDIUM, BORN CLAIRVOYANT . AND I.U.K READER. Tell you of the living or dead Without asking ona question. Gives NAMES, dates, facta and figures. Before you undertake anything of Impor tance get. Madame Annuve's advice flrst. Hundreds of patrons have been put on the road to prosperity and happiness by her. Special reading. 500 for one week only if you bring this ad. * , 719 SOUTH HILL ST HOURS DAILY FROM 10 TO 8. tf CESSPOOLS "■"""■"ssHpoollTclTEa^ LOAD. BED CROSS SANITARY CO. Call up , 19004, . . v ■ tll'7l CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT. IMPERIAL PUMPINO CO. West 5t95ft1040. .l-l-tl '.: 777;.:. WANTED Help— Male THE HERALD TENDERS THE FREB USB of Its "Situation Wanted" Columns for aa Indeflnlt* period to anyone seeking em ployment. Eaoh ad will be run on* tlm*. but may b* renewed as often as desired by bringing It to th* counter of The Herald offlcs eaoh day. This privilege la re stricted to those seeking employment and will not b* granted to employment agencies and* others making a business of seeking to supply beta. **sI-M WANTED—ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTB -man or practical builder with local build ing company; must ba able to make cash Investment; position permanent: Invest ment Is secured. Call at once. 1004 SE CURITY BLDG.. Fifth and Spring. 7-20-3 WANTED— MAN! MUST BE WILLING TO learn and capable of acting as ouf repre sentative; no canvassing or solioltlng; good Income assured. Address NATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 865 Mar den bldg., Washington, D. C. 7-20-3 WANTED — ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTS man or practical builder with local build ing company; must be able to mako cash Investment; position permanent. Invest ment is secured. Call at onoe 1004 SE CURITY BLDO., tth and Spring. 7-22-3 BOYS WANTED TO SECURE 4 YEARLY subscriptions to the Portola Bulletin at 25c each, and receive a wood and leather burning outfit for the troublo. PROGRES SIVE EXCHANGE, 2619 Folsom, San Francisco. 7-22-3 BOYS~WANTED TO SECURE 4 YEARLY subscriptions to the Portola Bulletin at 25c each, and receive a wood and leather burning outfit for the trouble. PROGRES SIVE EXCHANGE, 2619 Folsom, San Francisco. 7-20-3 ELECTRICIAN— A MAN CAPABLE of Installing plant and storage battery; must be efficient and ambitious; salary small at start, but opportunity for fortune later. BOX 229, Herald. 7-21-3 TRAVELING SALESMEN EARN $1000 TO $10,000 yearly. Write for free book, "How Salesmen Succeed," and secure position with reliable firm. BRADSTREET SYSTEM. Dept. 100, Rochester, N. Y. 7-7-we-su-tf WANTED—YOUNG MAN, 18 TO 20 YEARS old, to learn steam cleaning, with chance to advance; one with a wheel preferred. ANGELUS DYE WORKS, 761-63 East Ninth street. < 7-20-3 WANTED— CANVASSER TO SELL STOCK for wealthy firm; splendid opening; good pay; short hours; steady work. Address MANAGER B. 312 E St., San Bernardino. 7-21-3 VACANCY OPEN FOR MAN ABLE TO manage office at Pomona; salary paid; must invest $1000. Address MANAGER, box 813, San Bernardino. 7-21-3 JOIN OUR ASSOCIATION AND RECEIVE free assistance in securing employment. EMPLOYES' ASSOCIATION, 321 Byrne bldg., 253 S. Broadway. 7-32-3 WANTED—MAN FOR COLLECTION I> E - partment; $85 month; $100 cash Invest ment required. Apply 253 S. BROAD WAY. room 319. 7-20-3 WANTED—AT HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT Agency, 204 E. Second street—Two first class tinners for out of town Jobs; $1 day of 8 hours. . 7-20-3 WANTED—MAN FOR COLLECTION De partment; $65 month; $100 cash invest ment required. Apply 253 S. Broadway, room 319. 7-82-3 BECOME AN ASSAYER AND CYANIDE specialist; earn $100 to $800 month. I wlll teach you. 121 '4 S. BROADWAY, room 5. 7-20-3 BECOME AN ASSAYER AND CYAN D specialist; earn $100 to $"too a month. I will teach you. 12114 8. Broadway, room I. 7-22-3 ANTED— SOLICITOR FOR SHOW cards and signs: 25 per cent commis sion. See KAUBER, 413 Lissner bldg. 7-20-3 WANTED—MARRIED AGENT TO SELL good selling article In this county; liberal pay to right man. BOX 305. Herald. 7-22-3 WANTED—CARRIAGE BODY MAKERS to work on automobile bodies. BEACON LUMBER CO., 14th and Alameda. 7-20-1 WANTED— CARRIAGE BODY MAKERS to work on automobile bodies. BEACON LUMBER CO., Hth and Alameda. 7-12-3 WANTED—SOLICITOR FOR SHOW CARDS and signs; 25 per cent commission. See KAUBER. 413 Lissner bldg. 7-22-3 WANTED—GENTLEMEN TO OCCUPY newly furnished outside rooms; $2.30 a week up. 137 S. BROADWAY. 7-20-3 WANTED—A CARRIAGE* BLACKSMITH helper; experienced. STANDARD WAGON WORKS, 1601 Central ays. 7-20-3 WANTED—MAN WHO HAS FULL EX perience In repairing bicycles. Call at bi cycle shop 343 E. FIRST. ' 7-22-3 PLUMBERS AND PLASTERERS WANTED to contract their work on 6-room house. 3247 E. FOURTH ST. 7-21-3 WANTED—BOY FOR GROCERY STORK. Call 602 E. SEVENTH. 7-22-3 Help— Female WANTED—POSITION OF PRIVATE SEC retary for competent stenographer and bookkeeper; must be able to do shorthand In German and translate same in German. Salary $100; excellent opportunity for tne right party. Apply COMPANY PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS, 328 H. W. Hellman bldg. 7-22-3 WANTED— SOLICITOR FOR COL ton, Redlands and vicinity; opening new territory; steady Job; also an opening for one able to secure agents. Address care of HERALD BRANCH, Ban Bernardino. 7-21-3 WANTED— STENOGRAPHER AND GEN oral office assistant; must be able to ope rate small telephone exchange. Apply at COMPANY PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. 328 11. W. Hellman bldg. 7-22-3 WANTED—EXPERIENCED POWER MA chine operators to make muslin under wear and bathing suits; steady work and good wages. Apply to MYER MFG., 618 W. Pico. 7-22-3 WANTED — LADIES, BEAUTY CULTURE pays big. FLORENTINE HAIRDRESS ING COLLEGE. Entrance 227 Mercantile place; 15c halrdresslng, manicuring, facial massage. 7-20-3 LADIES AND GIRLS AT HOME STEADY or evenings can stamp transfers, 81.60 dozen upward; original, reliable firm. Room 334. MASON BLDG.. 228 V,'. Fourth. 6-23-tf WANTED — COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; salary $75. Apply COMPANY PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS, 828 H. W. Hellman bldg. 7-23-3 WANTED—MANGLE GIRLS, COLLAR girls, piece lroners and all other good 'help. Apply HYGIENIC LAUNDRY, 16th and Central. 7-22-3 WANTED—TWO fIrST CLASS WOMEN tailors. Com* ready to work. N. KRYS TAL & CO., 444 S. Broadway, room 200. 7-22-3 WANTED— HOUSEKEEPER FOR TWO iN family; colored. 533 S. LOS ANGELES street. Call between 12 and 1 o'clock. 7-22-3 WANTED—A LADY PRESSER; GOOD wages, steady work. Apply at once. AN GELUS DYE WORKS, 761 E. Ninth. 7-12-3 WANTED—LADY PRESSER; GOOD wages, steady work. Apply at once. AN GELUS DYE WORKS, 761 E. Ninth St. 7-20-3 WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP AND girls to learn laundry work. Apply EM PIRE LAUNDRY. 12th and Crocker. 7-22-3 * LADIES TO MAKE PILLOW TOPS AT home; good pay; steady work; experience unnecessary. Call 840 S. HILL. 7-22-3 WANTED— HOUSEKEEPER FOR TWO IN family; colored. 533 S. LOS ANGELES BT. Call bet. 12 and 1 o'clock. 7-20-3 LADIES TO MAKE PILLOW TOPS AT home; good pay, steady work; experience unnecessary. Call 840 8. HILL. 7-20-8 YOUNO GIRL FOR WASHING DISHES £ and to assist ln light housework. THE BURWELL, 836 Sunset blvd. 7-22-3 GIRL WANTED IN CANDY STORE. MUST have some knowledge of dipping creams. Apply 634 8. BROADWAY. 7-32-3 WANTBD— FOR HOUSEWORK IN small family; good home and good wages. Call A 6867. _;. .."MM LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1909. '*, WANTED ,-_-- r ------- — — , ...-..--■ — Help Female WANTED — EXPERIENCED STARCH lroners. MAGNET LAUNDRY. 1148 Crock er St. 7-32-3 NURSES' LEAGUE BUREAU Suite 610-11 Germain bldg. 1-10 WANTED— FIRST CLASS LADY PRESS ers. Call 864 8. HILL. 7-22-3 Help— Male and Female WANTED-MEN AND WOMEN TO LBARN the barber trad*; guaranteed In eight weeks; Catalogue free. MOLER BARBER COL LEGE, 113 E. Seoond St. 7-1-tf Agents ATTENTION Life Insurance Men We have a sura fiold for big, prosperous business, with best banks and business men to boost. Plenty cash and easy terms to handl* good paper. Best old line company and policy forms ever put out. A few good, clean men wanted. Address Assistant Man ager, 202 E. Twenty-fifth street, Los Ange les or call up Sunset phone South 1605. 7-32-2 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NUT Oil. skin food toilet articles for Inside and beach towns. 1003-5 S. BROADWAY, Los Angeles. ■ 7-20-4 Situations—Male •—— _r THE HERALD TENDERS THE FREE USB of Its "Situation Wanted" columns for an indefinite p- ' d to anyone seeking em ployment. Each ad will be ran one time, but may be renewed a* often a* desired by bringing It to th* counter of The Herald offlce each day. This privilege Is re stricted to those seeking employment and wlll not b* granted to employment agencies and others making a buslnsss uf •••ting to supply help. WANTED—SITUATION BY 4 YEARS' Ex perienced, energetic, practical, theoretical, efficient bookkeeper and wideawake office man; Al references. Address B6K, room 403. Y. M. C. A. bldg. 7-21-3 YOUNG MAN. GRADUATE OF HEALD'S business college, desires position as steno grapher and bookkeeper; good references. F. W. P., box 357 a, R. F. D., Long Beach. 7-22-1 WANTED— SITUATION BY YOUNG MAN of good schooling, work In store or office preferred; can furnish good business ref erences. BOX 13 1, Herald. 7-16-7 WANTED— POSITION AS ENGINEER, Ex perienced in locomotive, hoisting, pile driver, steam roller, traction engine, etc. BOX 100, Herald. 7-22-1 WANT POSITION IN AUTOMOBILE garage where there is chance to learn machinist trade; will give good references. BOX .115. Herald. 7-22-1 JAPANESE COOK WANTS POSITION IN private family. YOSHIAKA, 225 Boyd St. 7-22-1 WANTED— WORK OF ANY KIND BY A young man with good education; 23 years old. BOX 272, Herald. 7-22-1 GOOD CARPENTER WANTS WORK BY" day or contract. Home phone 41150. 7-22-1 Situations— Female REFINED, COMPETENT WOMAN WITH girl 10 years, housekeeper or run room ing house. 649 4 8. HILL ST. Main 6514. 7--2-1-1 WANTED-DRESSMAKINO. PLAIN SEW _lng; reasonable. / F2941.* 7-18-3 ' Boarders WANTED—CHILDREN TO BOARD IN su burban home, near Echo Park; reasonable rates; mother's care. TEMPLE 780. 7-20-10t Rooms and Board WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO children, age 4 and 6; state terms. BOX 316. Herald. 7-22-1 Miscellaneous WANTED—A FEW MORE PUPILS FOR Junior class music lessons, 50c. BOX 202, Herald. ' 7-23-1 FOR RENT - Rooms Furnished The St. Regis a.C? Main 221*0. ATOM; $14 up; rooms, $7 up. 7-18-0 WESTLAKE APARTMENTS-NEW BUILD inr, new furniture. 427 ALVARADO ST. Take any car going to Westlake park. Phones 63068. Temple 1436. 7-19-4 THREE LARGE, BRIGHT, SUNNY ROOMS, newly furnished,, simile or en suite, modern conveniences. 101 S. FLOWER. Phone AttM. 7-19-4 TWO LARGE, COOL, DOUBLE ROOMS, with bath ln connection; also one single room; board If desired; private home; close to business center. 1236 W. SIXTH. 7-18-4 LARGE AIRY FURNISHED ROOMS, CON venient to car lines; pleasant location; walk ing distance; day, week or month; reason able. 1229 S. OLIVE ST. 7-19-4 HOTEL RAINER, 137 S. BROADWAY. UN der new management. Clean, outside, modern rooms, single or en suite. $2.50 up per week. Day, $1 up. 7-19-4 NEWLY FURNISHED. PLEASANT ROOMS, single or en suite. Just open for business. Close In. Summer rates, 611 TEMPLE ST. 7-19-4 , - , FOR RENT—PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms; close In; in good neigh borhood; cheap rent. Apply 543 S. FLOWER. 7-19-4 THE SCOTIA. 215 W. 16TH ST. NEWLY furnished outside rooms, excellent beds; adults. Reasonable. . 7-19-4 HOTEL FAREMONT-NICELY FURNISHED rooms, $1.50 up. Housekeeping and office rooms. *>56.i S. MAIN 7-19-4 FOR RENT—NICE FRONT ROOMS. $10 AND $15 per month; 5 minutes from Broadway. Hotel Belvedere, 820V4 W. 3RD. 7-19-4 1400 W. SEVENTH—FINELY FURNISHED cool rooms, with or without housekeeping. Adults only. 7-19-4 FOR REI^T— FURNISHED ROOMS. $2 PER week up; electricity, free baths; 1 block west of courthouse. 412 TEMPLE ST. 7-19-4 NEWLY FURNISHED MODERN ROOMS. $1.50 up; also front rooms, with running water. 32.75 up. 823.i W. THIRD ST. 7-19-1 ONE LARGE. COOL FRONT ROOM. SUlT able for 2 gentlemen. Convenient location; close ln. 1017 WALL ST. Main 2553. 7-19-4 FOR RENT—GOOD OUTSIDE ROOMS, EX cellent table: cheap rates; close In; quiet. 326 N. HILL ST. T-81-* LARGE! NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT rooms. $10 to $15 per month, Phone 64463. 1629 W. Seventh. 7-19-4 _________ —*-— FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM IN PRl vate family; cheap to permanent tenant. 922 E. EIGHTH ST.. \ . 7-19-4 ,_?HE"^i_OIR'. 325 CALIFORNIA STREET— Front apartment with piano; also largo airy single rooms. 7-11-4 ST.~REGIS, 237 S. FLOWER. _ MAIN 2290. A 7338. 6 mln. to 3rd., Brdwy.; large porches; $6 to $14. 7-19-4 THE KERMIT— PER DAY UP. 741 CEN \ TRAL AYE. Nice clean rooms; bath, phone, • etc. 7-19-4 THE LINDEN-COR. IOTH AND MAPLE. Good room. $1.50, $2. $3, $5 per week. F1152. 7-19-4 THE RICHELIEU, 143 S. GRAND-MODERN furnished rooms and apartments. 7-19-4 740 W.'PICO—LARGE, AIRY ROOMS. FlRST class, net clean; running water. 7-19-4 THB HAPt'FORD, 607 W. SECOND—NEWLY decorated furnished rooms; absolutely clean. MAIN !»8. House* Furnished. '» i ___ __ : FOR RENT—4-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage; l*ath; high, good neighborhood; adult* only. Phone 72337. 1168 IROLO ST. ta_BM_MS_t ' 7-30-3 FOR RENT Rooms and Board FOR RENT-YOUNO WOMAN'S BOARDING home; Christian house with every modern convenience for clerks, stenographers, school and working girls; board and room $3.50 to $5. 614 S. GRAND AYE. _■« THB MOORE, 1001 W. EIGHTH ST.-ELE gantly furnished; flrst-class chef service. fc * 7-19-4 Apartments Furnished and Un. furnished r FOR RENT Newly furnished apartments, located In •ne of the most beautiful sections of the •Itrt two car line* pas* tbe door; summer rate, "erf reasonable. THE MISSOULA. Slt XV. Washington st. t-.-x ST. LILLIE APARTMENTS, 560 N. HILL Beautifully furnished housekeeping apart ments, all modern conveniences; oloseito business center; two rooms, $3. $10, $12 month. A 3344. *"-lm' FHISCILLA APARTMENTS. 444 NORTH Figueroa; phone Bdway 3924—New, modern two and three-room suites; all outside r.joms, $2.50 to $5 a week. 7-19-4 KAISER APARTMENTS -LARGE OPEN verandas. Strictly first class. 120 SOUTH GRAND AYE. F6659. Broadway 3530. 7-19-4 CARONDELET APARTMENTS-TWO AND three-room furnished; buffet, kitchen; disap pearing beds, private baths; 1 block from Westlake park. New management. 756 CARONDELET ST. Phone 54160. 7-19-4 THE MILDRED-HOME ',3371. BROADWAY 660 C—Two-room apartments, $12.60 up. 1019 W. llth. MRS. MARY ROWAN. 7-19-4 SUNBURY-APARTMENTS," 1134 W. 10TH- Pleasant apartments; disappearing beds; large verandas; summer rates. E8334. Broadway 6507. 7-19-4 HALE APARTMENTS-NEW AND UP-TO date two and three-room apartments; private baths; summer rates. Phones, 62698. Bradway 2411. 1414 w IUTH ST. 7-13-4 MORNINGSIDE APARTMENTS—NEW, MOD ern, cool, elegantly furnished; disappearing beds; private baths and phones. $18 up. 301 S. BOYLE AYE. Two car lines. 7-19-4 KING APARTMENTS, 237 N. FLOWER- Walking- distance, newly decorated through out three and five-room unfurnished suites, 310 nnd $20. 7-19-4 BEAUDRY APARTMENTS, 140 N. BEAU- Three-room suites, $10 to $14 per monht. 7-19-4 FLOWER COURT APARTMENTS, 205 N. FLOWER. Housekeeping. Nice, reasonable, Investigate. _Main 3197. A 7173. 7-19-4 Rooms for Housekeeping FURNISHED LARGE, SUNNY FRONT rooms; also small room, private residence, new, modern, desirable locality. Angeleno Heights; molest part of city. 1136 W. EDGE WARE. Phone l._;;*i. 7-19-4 , — —— — i — THE COTTAGE-LARGE FURNISHED AND housekeeping rooms; bay windows, running water. bath, etc.; $1.50 up. 352 BUENA VISTA. . 7-19-4 THE SARGENT, 63,1 S. FLO v^'Eß— Newly fur nished rooms and apartments; Bummer rate*.. 7-19-1 DAINTY. AIRY ROOMS. MODERN, I'P.I vate; for 2 or moro months. Call; offer terms; 3 car lines. 1084 HOOVER ST. 7-19-4 FOR RENT-TWO AND THREE-ROOM housekeeping suites, $10 to $12; single rooms. $6 to $7 per month. 133 8. FIGUEROA. 7-19-4 Houses —Unfurnished RING -FURNITURE MOVING CO. for your moving. Home 72584; West 4138. Large padded spring vans and careful, experienced men,, with lots of packing and piano covers. Furniture packed, shipped and stored. 7-20-30t Plate THREE AIRY ROOMS WITH BATH. WALL bod, stove, private entrance, close In, mod ern, $12. 1323 SAN JULIAN ST. Main 4-129. 7-19-4 SIX-ROOM MODERN UPPER FLAT, WAS $25, now $20. 536 RUTH AYE. 7-19-4 Flats —Furnished FOR RENT-3-ROOM OPEN FLAT, NICELY furnished tor housekeeping, with bath. 1905 E. FOURTH. . Price $15, Near Hollenbeck park. 7-19-1 'ELY FURNISHED 3-ROOM MODREN flat, bath, walking distance. SIS E. TENTH. 7-19-4 Rooms THE MISSOULA '~ NICELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS; 12-MINUTH CAR SERVICE; BATH AND ALL CONVENIENCES. TAKE WASHING TON OR UNIVERSITY CAR. 672 W. WASHINGTON ST. 7-11-x BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED-MANAOER FOR MAGAZINE Do ing a large business; must buy one-third in terest. J. F. ANDERSON & CO., 244i4 South Broadway. 6-22-lmo INFORMATION WANTED REGARDING investment opportunity where few thou dollars could be profitably Invested. Wish, to hear from anyone having stock for sale In Industrial or mining proposi tion; no liquor proposition considered. Ad dress by mull only. GEORGE H. CUR RIER, room BC, 46 West Monroe' street. Chicago. 111. 7-22-1 $2000 BUYS $2000 WORTH OF STOCK IN company that should pay 20 per cent divi dend, and position as secretary. Investi gate. BOX 306, Herald. 7-22-3 FOR SALE— PAYING RESTAURANT; lease; party called east; one-half actual cost; a bargain; investigate. Phono A 7425. 7-22-5 SPECIAL NOTICES Do You Hear Well? If not, call at 419 Wright & Callender Bldg.. Hill and Fourth sts., and get a FREE TEST of tha STOLZ ELECTROPHONE. Ask terms for a month's trial at home be fore purchasing. HERBERT H. GUSTIN Mgr. 7-1-31 | OH FATHER. DON'T FORGET TO BR INO HOME « BOXES OF KELSI <'S DRY HEAL ING POWDER. IT IS THE BEST GALL CURE WE EVER USED ON OUR HORSES. BOLD BY HARNESS DEALERS AT WHOLESALE. 819 W. 17TH ST.. LOS AN GELES. CAL. «-27-lmo FORMERLY CI3V4 8. SPRING ST.. NOW 11914 8. Spring, suit* 8. ' "hlropody, electrlo treatments for rheumatism, nervousness, etc. lclans' references. Open Sun days. 7-1-lmo uMELE_.s""cHILI/,vEN RECEIVED AND placed in homes for adoption. Apply to CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY. 1414 Grif fith aye. 1-1-1 MAGNETIC HEALING — RHEUMATISM, nervousness, stomach, eyes treated. G4!>'/_, SO. HILL, Los Angeles, CaL 7-1-lmo WANTED - LADIES', GENTS' CLOTHING. HIGH PRICES 810 S. SPRING. MAIN 3597; F5936. 6-25-6 mo 100« SOUTH MAIM UNDER NEW MANAGE ment. Magnet and vibratory treatments. ■ 7-18-7 lA&ES R. ROGERS. EX-EXAMINER U. S. patent office. Patenta 488 BYRNE BLDO.. Los Anaeles. Ca'.. 13-1-m TYPEWRITERS •. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT V AND SOLD, rented) all makes; guaranteed; repairing. BAKER HOEY CO., Inc., 2<U*& 6. Broad way. Main 4691; AlO'S. 7-14-lmo FOR SALE Country Property FOR SALE MSpOtJt! Positively Wortl $20,000 A Forced Sacrifice 100 acres, improved with a good five-room plastered house; large barn; windmill and tank; water piped to house and barn and over ground. THIS IS SPLENDID Land for ALFALFA, AND EVERY inch OF IT WILL RAISE GOOD STAND; water in abundance to Hood entire place; five good flowing wells; splendid pumping plant that will | furnish 100 inches of water. ! 100 Acres at such a rSdScofloiuis flow price of $1150 per acre 'is giving it away The present owner is no farm er and circumstances force him to raise money or you would not get it at any such a price. This property is nicely located on good county road, one mile from electric line, close to school and in a growing com munity ; 10 acres in 2-year-old apples, in the best of condition, variety of deciduous fruit, THIS IS THE BIGGEST SNAP WE EVER OFFERED, AND ANY ONE CAN DOUBLE HIS MONEY IN TWO YEARS. This property can be easily sub divided in 20-acre tracts, with water, at a price of $300 per acre. We will gladly handle, this for anyone at that figure. This is one of the best alfalfa proposi tions in this state, with so much water at practically no cost, means BIG PROFITS. Only 50 -minute run from Los Angeles. Half cash, balance to suit. Pioneer Land Co. 502 UNION TRUST BLDG. Main 4557; FIRSO. SPECIAL LAND SNAP Richest Alfalfa Land in Los Angeles County 20 ACRES FOR $700 40 ACRES FOR $1400 80 ACRES I'OK «2800 This Is rich silt, level, eubirrlgated alfalfa land, In the Honing artesian well district, adjoining alfalfa ranches which prove the rich production of I*2 tons of alfalfa per acre enth year. ONLY 75 MILES FROM LOS ANGELES. ONLY 80 ACRES AT THIS PRICE Come quick. Talk with ED WARD~SCHERM AN 310 Citizens National Bank hldg., Third and Main 7-22-1 $300 AND Hl* PER ACHE ~ TERMS $10 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH Buy ono or more acres, start your home; ewe rent: make money. Buying acreage means income, lots an outlay. Only 30 minutes' rifle southwest on In glewood Redond ? electric. 2 stations on tract, i miles from city: convenient to all beach towns and near Los Angeles BUILDING UP RAPIDLY. Just ahead of new harbor boom. Rich sandy loam soil: water under pres sure, piped to each acre; city conveniences there now, oiled roads; poultry and veget ables will make your living. Save part of your wages. ELLIS & JOHNSON 411 South Main st., room 230. 6-3-tu-th sutt ___ . FOR SALE—TEN-ACRE RANCH; SIX IN oranges, four in lemons; full bearing; de ciduous fruits; large reservoir, piped for irrigation; beautiful mountain and valley view^-room bungalow and 3-room cot tage; baths, lavatories; screen porches; electric lights an.l telephones; daily gro cery delivery; hourly car service; only it minutes from city; flnest ranch In South ern California. See LEAHY & SON. m Severance building. 7-22-1 BEAUMONT BIG EXCURSIONS Twice weekly—Sundays and Thursdays —$2 round trip. Leave at 0:45 a. m. back same day. FREB to buyers Sss Beaumont, the apple paradise of South ern California. $900 buys 5 acres apple lands with water and a city lot 60x110 BEAUMONT LAND & WATER CO., Old So Broadway Houses FOR SALE—A SNAP; FOUR-ROOM BUN galow; lawn, flowers and fruit trees; lot 40x130; located on high grounds,, north west; 12 minutes' ride from First and Broadway; price $1000; half cash. See CRAIG, 105 S. Broadway. 7-20-3 $1800; ONLY $100 CASH, $15 MONTH, FOR 4-room modern bungalow; lawn, flowers; Hoover car. 4300 COMPTON AYE. 7-21-3 Houses —Unfurnished FOR RENT—SIS; ..-ROOM MODERN COT tage; hardwood floors In all room*! water paid; one block from Dayton aye. 339 ISA BHL ST. Lli*** Suburban Property FOR SALE—LOTH two (2). three (3), four (4) and five (5), In block three (3) of Crowe's Vista Del Mar tract. In the county of Los Angeles, state of California, as per map recorded in book 7, page 175 of maps, In the office of the county recorder of said county. I hold said property for $800. R. WEHLE, Cotatl, Sonoma county, Cal. 7-21-$ FOR SALE 7_ Apartment Houses NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY SEVENTEEN room apartment house, located In one of the most beautiful sections of the city; excellent car service; all modern conven iences; newly furnished. PRICE $600 lower than cost. One-half cash, terms to suit. Address R E. W., box 298, Herald. 6-$-» City Lots and Lands BARGAIN IN LOT. $550 for flne lot. 40x130 to alley. Call 460? CENTRAL. 7-17-tf Furniture iEPARATn lOCKEO IRON ROOMS $2.09 per montn; trunks, boxes, etc., 250 to 600. Pbone for our large van when you mora. 11.26 per hour. COLTEAR WAREHOUSE CO., fIC-17-19 Ben Pedro st. Main office. 609-11 8. Main st. Pbuce Main 1.17: F3171. 8-l-cI Pianos FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINE CCN aitlon: only $100 for Immediate sale. Call for inspection. 413 W. FIFTH ST. 4-11-tf Miscellaneous FOR SALEiS-horsepowet motor; rare bargain. Ap ply Cashier, Herald office. i , FOR SALE—FIRST CLASS SODA MAJJU facturlng plant: everything in flrst class shape; doing good business. BOX 301. Herald. 7-22-4 FOR EXCHANGE Miscellaneous v FOR EXCHANGE— A $28 WASHBURN guitar for an Eastman or Hawkeye kodak .of about equal value; no development In struments to be Included. Call at 2131 ' KENT ST., before 9 a. m. or after 5 p. m. I 7-21-2 WILL TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CREEK Gold company and other mining stock for stock in the California Wave Motor com pany (Reynolds). BOX 242. Herald. 6-26-tf . AUTOS. ENGINES. BOILERS, TIRES AND parts sold and exchanged. METZ, 207 E. Ninth. F1958, 7-20-3 mo SANITARIUMS fwfii ©re $1000 * If I Fail to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I Treat Before it Poi sons Deep Glands NO KNIFE or PAIN. No Par until /9a^. {&** /^3 Cured. No X R»y or T It f~ other swindle. An Island plant make's >^ MB ___b_. the cure;. Absolute m AtM Guarantee. Any Tv mor. :_ump or Sore W M#JlllfjJ_D on .he ilp, face ot B 1 112l__l*___3__5*k3 snywhete « months C I VwcPS'.ST^Sfl Is Cane. ,r They VJ' _Wj_»_H g-^j* never pain until la»t #<«] 'ifT 1 book sent free with ■■_7t__P B"?__. 1 book sent free with K^^\. H m ' testimonials of thou- t_L _^«%a. ___ ■ sands cured. »^_Sr * WRITE To' THEM. 1 Any Lump in Woman's Breast IS CANCER, and lf neglected It will always poison deep glanda in tbo urmpit and kill quickly. Address Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Chamley & Ca "Most Successful Cancer Specialists Living," 147 South Main St. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Kindly Send to Some One With i Cancer. SIORAGE LARGE PRIVATE, LOCKED, IKON ROOMS for furniture, etc., $1.60 and $2 per montb; trunks, boxes, etc., lia to Met open vans 16 per day, or 76c per hour. We pack and ship household goods everywhere at re -1 duced rates. COLYEAR'B VAN AND STOR AGE CO.. office 609-11 8. Main st. Wars bouse 416-17 Ban st. Phones K_l7l, i Main 1117. l-lt-tf I = DENTISTS , DR. BACHMANN, 303-208 Majestic Theater , Bldg., 813 ■, lid way. FS881; Main 8816. ' 7-1-tt STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice : To the Stockholders of the Western Trust Com pany, Los Angeles, Cal.; ' Notice is hereby given that the annual meet ' ing of the stockholders of your company will ' be held Monday, August 2. 1009, at the offices ' of the company, 111. West Fourth street, at 3 ' o'clock p. m. All stockholders are requested tee ; bo represented, either in person or by proxy. By order of the board of directors of the ' Western Trust company. G. B. OCHELTREE, Asst. Secy. * J. S. TORRANCE, President. 1 7-10-2W LEGAL NOTICE ~~ SUMMONS No. 67948. In the Superior Court of the State of Cali fornia, ln and for the County of Los Angeles. Bee A. Dobbins, plaintiff, vs. Thomas C. Dobbins, defendant. Action brought in the Superior Court of I the Stale of California, ln and for the County of Los Angeles, and the complaint filed in said County of Los Angeles, In the oftlce of the Clerk of said Superior Court. The People of the State of California send greetings to: Thomas C. Dobbins, defendant. You are hereby directed to appear and ' answer the complaint in an action entitled as! * above brought against you in the Superior ' Court of the County of Los Angel.s. State of * California, within ten days after the service | ' on you of this summons—if served within ' this County; or within thirty days if served elsewhere. And you are hereby notified that unless you * appear and answer as above required, the said plaintiff will take judgment for any 1 money or damages demanded in the com plaint, as arising upon contract, or she will apply to the Court for any other relief de manded In tho complaint. Given under my band and the seal of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, ' State of California, this 12th day of May, A. D. 1909. (Seal) ■ C. O. KEYES. Clerk. By E. O. Rigglns, Deputy Clerk. Notice of Annual Stockholders' Meeting of Tbe Phalanx Company. Notice is hereby given that the regular '■ annual meeting of the stockholders of The Phalanx Company will be held at the office ' of the company, 513 Chamber of Commerce. In the city of Los Angeles, county of Los , Angeles, state of California, on Monday, the 26th day of July, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. D. D. BRYANT. President. 7-16-10 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES German, English Shorthand lit *Tp*ri>n<**'t fen^hePF. T*»rm*i mnd#f*^T% 830 \\. ZUt [*t. Phon* South 8428. , , ,-r . * **"■■-- * - * - 1 " as) St. scar mftU of. ttatabllshed ita. Opposite Central perk. jjQw6h£tfflffiT /W Hamburger b. ... 320 W. Eighth St. WANTED—INDUE.TRIOUS YOUNG MEN. Fair pay while learning plumbing, brick laying, electrical trade on contract Jobs In few months. Wrl c for information. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO., 120 E. Sth. Lew Angel eX. 7-3-3 mo ARTISJIC ANATOMY Dr. W. T. McAI Imr will begin course of lectures Saturday Lp. m.. School of Art and Design. Sixth and A! vara do. HIB'T. PERSONALS LADIES - ASK. -_OLiK DRUGGIST FOR Chichesters pills, lie Diamond brand; for 'ii years known as h|«. safest, always reliable. Buy of your druggist; take no other. Chichesters Dlamotd brand pills are soil by druggists everywhere. B-3-tts LADIES — DR. LaFRANCO'S COMPOUND; safe, speedy regulator, 25 cents. Druggists or mail. Booklet free. Dr. LaFRANCO. Phils,le.jphla. Pa. I »-2-tt-je CARPET, CLEANING PIONEER CARPET CLEANING WORKSV incorporated. W. C. CLINE, president. ls3 S. Olive st Tell. Horns F2880; Sunset Main 817. { 9-18-tf i RAILROAD TIMS TABLE SANTA FE Leave | |Arrivo ! ! Eastern—California Limited, 19:00 sun daily, Chicago via Denver 8:00 pal and Kansaa City Express—Daily Chl- IWO pm cago via Denver and Kan- 1:20 am sas City |i ___ ' Eastern Express—Dally Chl -7:10 am cago, via Denver and Kan- 7:01 ata sas City U Kite fchaped—Going;, via Pasa -1:80 am dena, Return via Santa Ana 1:36 pta canyon H _________ 1:45 am 10:00 am I*3o am Redlanda via Pasadena 6:40 pm 4:80 pm _U 7:40 W 7:30 am Redlands via Orange 10:56 am 10:55 am _V . 6:35 pm "7:45 am Riverside via Pasadena | 6.40 pm "7:33 ami ~~ '"'■ j 7:06 am 10:68 ami Riverside via Orange 10:48 ara 6:06 pm i. |lj3s_pm 7:30 am " ~~ I 7:06 ara 10:65 am Corona via Orange 10:45 am 6:o6pm J. 6:35 Pm ■7T3es~am"~ " I 7:05 am 10:55 am Saa Bernardino via Orange 10:45 am 6:06 pm »:*"*> 1"» 7:45 am *'■*> am 8:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am Saa Bernardino via Pasadena 6:40 pm 4:30 pm I *:0« P™ :00ijpm ' 7:40 pm I*4B am 6:">"> *™ 2:05 pm Santa Asa , 1:25 am 6:06 pm 1:00 rm tl;lt pm I $:36 pm 7:80 am *:*>"> an» 1:45 am I: 05 an» 10*6", am Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange 8:25 am 2:05 pm • 10:""' am 6:01 pm| 1:00 P"> 11:55 pm. 6:» P"» 7 |Jg am Baa Jacinto, Elslnore, He- I .40 „wi 10:65 am met and Murletta 6:85 pm j6Too~ani| Redondo | 3:40 pm 2:05 pm ~*""*' Escondido 1:00 pm 1:46 am Fallbrook 8:35 pm 8:45 am Pan Diego and 6:5$ am t*os pm Coronado Beach 1:00 pm 11:05 pm Surf Line - 6:35 pm 7:80 am • Randsburg IjpSjim TeWpm Searchlight and Chloride 7:06 am 8:00 pm Beatty, Rhyolite, Goldfleld 1:20 am and Tnneipih I SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade station, Fifth and Central «re 4 Leave] . Arrive San Francisco via Coast Line 8:80» 1:00s San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles, *t:3(*n 1:45p Del Monte, Monterey, Santa 7;30p Cruz, San Jose and east 11:46p San Francisco and Mojave 1:00p Tulare, Tracy, Sacramento, Oak- 7:05 a 11 :Sop land via Bakersfleld and Fresno 9:65 a "*7:6oa Fresno, Tulare, 7:05» 5:00p Bakersfleld 8:66 a ll:30p and Mojave 8:l_p " [Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis. Oolden State Limited via f:4sa Yuma, Benson, El Paso $:66> | Overland—New Orleans via | Yuma, Benson, Maricopa, Tucson, 12:01p| El Paso, San Antonio, Houston l*. Sop ~12:01p Yuma, Tucson, Benson, Lords- 7:264 S:JOp burg, Deming, El Paso , l:S0p, "(:45a Santa Barbara and Ventura 8:20 a 8:00 a Santa Barbara and Ventura ll:60a l:4Sp Santa Barbara and Ventura i:3op 2:3. Ip Santa Barbara and Ventura 7:45p 7.2' Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:45i> $:00a Oxnard, Chatsworth, Santa I "8:30 a l:ll5p Susanna, Strathearn, *ll:50a *7:80p Moorpark, Somis, ]:80p Camarlllo *7:46p -Oxnard only 11:46p Santa Paula via Saugus, • :4f_a Camulos, Plru, Fillmore, 11:60 a 1:46p Saticoy, Montalvo, Carpln- 7:46p terla, Summerland 1:45p Nordhoft 11:60» ________————— .- 25^ • :06a Pomona , 8:50 a (:65a Ontario 10:06 a 9:45 a. Colton l:80p U:01p Riverside 4:36p 4:25p and San Bernardino $:4(h> 6:25p "Not Riverside or •(:Mp Sat, Bernardino (:66p |;ota Redlands 10:05« •8:56 a "via Riverside l:Bejp 9:46 a Redlands 4:S6p 18:01 p Redliyids 4:26p ■ Redlands 8:40p "T:o6a -' " Covlna-Chlno ~| B:6oft •Not Covina. -Not Chino |:25p Covina-Chino *4:36p * ♦•«:40p . Santa Ana, Anaheim, Downey, 8:65 a Newport Beach, Norwalk, xt:*na a*l.oop Buena Park, West Anaheim, a-3.00p X6:lop West Orange 4:60p (•Downey and Norwalk only. xNot Newport Beach). i ■final Los Alamitos 4:sopi TTilOp "Brawley, Imperial, El 7:25 a 9:45a| Centro, Calexie^o 6:55p 9:05 a San Pedro-Compton Jalo.sSa •3:30p -via Long Beach [b-1145a | Bjsp b*9:osa ~ Long Beach-Compton lell ._.*% al0:10a 'via San Pedro jail. s6a 3:3op__^ I »6:35p _»:05a| " Santa Catalina Island | B:3Sp aß:iteJ~Chatsworth Park. (See note). I a4:lop [(Note—To and from River eta- 1 i tion only. AU trains dally except those marked as toi lows: "a" Sundays excepted; "b" Sundaya —** •* SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally etc, as noted. Leave | | Arrive^ lo:vo am Los Ai Teles Llmlt'd—Chlc'go. !;«« ,v Omaha, Salt Lake City ™ " "Overland Express*— 8:0*1 pm Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, 8:00 am Kansas City, Denver, Bait Lake, Searchlight. (loi.ifleld Titt"!am" San Bernbrdino 8:35 am 11:00 am Colton 10:41 am 8:40 pm Riverside 1:25 pra 6:21 pm Ontario and 4:28 pm 8:00 pm Pomona 6:61 pra •5:45 am "~ 7:6) am :00 am 10:60 am 8:50 am Long Beach and 5:05 pm 1:30 pm - San Pedro 6:30 pa 6:30 pm sl0:00pm sll:3opm| ■ - 8:60 am| Catalina Island | 6:30 pm "8:16 am "Pasadena-"" "" 9:46 am" 2:15 pm| Troplco and Olendala 3:16 pia 7