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I f PAGES 10 TWO PARTS vor,. xxxvi. tnJMBEB 180 PRICE: 40 CENTS & B clfflff KERN SAYS 'NO' TO ALL QUERIES IN 'GRAFT' TRIAL FORMER POLICE CHIEF SEEMS NERVOUS ON STAND COLDLY DENIEB STATEMENTS MADE BY OSWALD Explains at Some Length How Ex. penses for Trip to Cities In the East Were Paid r EDWARD KERN, whose testi- J EDWARD detailed denial of mony In detailed denial of " • statements inado by N. D. Os wald In the Broadhcad trial was begun Wednesday afternoon, was not recalled to the stand until nearly 4 o'clock yes terday. . N Ills testimony was similar In Its na ture to that of the preceding day, but more was required of him, and more than once he seemed to be In fear of failure to meet the situation exactly as was required. in the course of several answers which Involved somewhat extended statements he raised his voice to a high pitch, and then let It tall again when the questions called only for the formula, "1 never did." So low ho ■poke, on one occasion, that the ques tioner, Attorney Appel, did not hear him. "Huh?" demanded Appel, In a tone which easily might have been taken for one of disapproval. . The witness was startled, apparently fooling that he had made Home serious blunder. "Uopeat that/question, please,"'lie demanded of the court reporter. It repeated, and the witness then perceived that he had given the right answer— "l did not"—and cave. It again. Witness Is Mixed Once, however, the witness did get mixed when Appel gave an extra twist to one of his tangled questions. The question, stripped of the thorns and roses of the attorney's diction, was, . "Did Oswald tell you he himself would ray Broadhead his share?'- Kern answered, "I did not." "Did.he say that to you?" snapped Appel. "Oh!" gasped the witness.- "He did not." 7 Item by item Kern coldly denied tho I statements Oswald had made regarding conversations with the chief in which \ matters relating to the red light district were said to have been discussed. He I made specific denial of almost every thing Oswald hail said, whether of an Incriminating character or not. More than a score of questions were asked regarding the alleged payment of money by Oswald to Kern, and tho lat trr's alleged disposition of It, giving the witness opportunity to contradict with flat negatives each portion of tho testimony r(»ven by* the redlight chief. Kern Makes Explanation Kern explained at some length how, according to his version, he obtained money for the expenses of hi* eastern trip, In the spring of 1908. when he vis ited New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Den Koines, Denver. Salt Lake City, besides attending the police chiefs convention In Jamestown. "The city council appropriated $21)0," paid the witness, "and I borrowed 1600 from Marco H'ellman, for wWch I gaTe my note. The note was destroyed when I paid It. It was paid by check on the Merchants' National bank. In which I had deposited $2000 immediately on my return from the east. I received the money from my mother's estate, which was settled up while 1 was visiting at my old home In lowa." Kern admitted having made one visit to the redlight office in the Hellman block at Second "and-- Broadway, but dented all others which Oswald and William Lawrence Fetter had .testified to. He said he went there to see.Os wald about a site for a new city jail, which the redlight chieftain, acting as a real estate agent connected with the (".rider & Hamilton office, was trying to sell to the city. Visits of Oswald to tho witness In the office of the chief of police were admitted, some of them being account ed for on the same basis of a real es tate transaction for a jail site, and others by the claim that Oswald came to arrange for transfers of saloon li censes for his relatives, or to bring fight tickets to the chief. Mayor Seems Restless A. O. Harper, former mayor, wan dered in and out of lie court room, vis ibly perturbed, while the direct exam ination of Kern was in progress. He has grown more and more restless daily since he has been In attendance on the trial, as a witness held In abey ance, and appears to be looking for ward with dread to the time when it will bo his turn to go upon the witness stand and make specific denial of the statements made in testimony tending to Involve him in the charges of brib ery In connection with the underworld which have been brought against Thomas Broadhead.- At the morning' session a foundation was laid apparently for testimony des ignated to show that Broadhead ob tained money, and not from Oswald, about the time he is charged with ac cepting bribes aggregating $1000 from the redlight chief. John C. Beckwlth testified that he, going Into the office of Captain Broad head one day, had seen the captain sitting at his desk with Dr. Sumner J. Quint, police surgeon, and that on the desk was a pile of money in gold and currency. Cross-examination of this witness brought the admission that he Is a close friend of the defendant and of Dr. Quint. At the close of the day's proceedings Kern was still on the stand for direct examination. Noted Handwriting Expert Dead SAN JOSE, Aug. Daniel T. Ames, one of the most noted handwriting- ex perts In tills country, died at his home at Mountalnvlew this morning, aged 68 years.' He leaves a Widow, son and daughter. Mr. Ames was a native of- Vermont. He was the evnert who passed upon the authenticity of the Morey letter, during the Qarfleld cam paign. '..' '■■'." •* • More Land Open for Homesteads WASHINGTON, Auk. 26.—Frank pierce, acting secretary of the Interior, today (te»lgnated 21,016 acres mpra land as coming within the enlarged homo acl in ill" state nf Washington. making the total up to date, 8,587,758 acres si) designated In that state. LOS ANGELES HERALD Aeroplanist Who Makes Good with Biplane of Curtiss NEW YORK, Auk. 26.—Before picnn 11. Curtiss, tho well known avia tor, went abroad to engage In the international contests at Rheims, France, he sold to the Aeronautic so ciety the flyinK machine in which he had made several successful flights. The society put the Curtiss machlno Into the handH of one of its youngest and most enterprising members, Charles Foater Willard, and the latter has justified the trust by making somo remarkable flights at Mineola, N. T. Although Mft Willard has been flying only about three weeks and should, ac- HEAD OF MEEK BAKING COMPANY IS CHOSEN MASTER BAKERS' CHIEF (Special to Th« Herald.) MJNNKATOLIH, Minn., Aug. 28.—Wil liam Meek of I.on Angelm, to a conven tion of 800 of the lending baker* of the United States, mas today unanimously elected ■mill—l of the National Asso ciation of Muster linker*. THE NEWS SUMMARY V , . FORECAST _, For Los Angeles and vicinity: Fair Friday; light, west wind. Maximum temperature yesterday, 78 degrees; minimum temperature, 55 degrees. LOCAL . City council orders condemnation proceed ing" to provide two boulevard entrance* to Agricultural Dark. Ordinance providing for 45 city official* in San Pedro and Wilmington passed by city council. Kill Mabel E. Tanner becomes wife of Lionel v. ncdpath at Pasadena. . Former Tollce Chief Kern on witness Bland stolidly denies "graft" story told by Oswald. George M. Sweetman, plumber, seriously burned by live'electric wire. Bert Icier, son of wealthy Covlna ranch er, In city Jail on charge of forgery, i Oscar Wolfe, former hotel chef, found dead by eon la rear of 11111 street home. Fifteen hundred Arizona men present at high Jinks of Hassayampa club at Venice. Waterlogged skiff found by Byron Erken brccher may bo connected with whlttler boys' escape. Throe alleged gambling Joints on Catallna bland raldod by district attorney's detectives. Young Woman's Christan association an nounces opening of comprehensive course of study for future housewives. Griffith J. Griffith brands prison congress as timid in review of work done. . State board at equalizers will begin ses sion In Los Angeles today. COAST First national conservation congress opens em vent lon at Seattle In the Alaska-Yukon- Fttclflo exposition auditorium. Bride of six months at Oakland, Cal., kills her husband then herself. Woman said to have been drinking. Woman who ran away with former convict at Oakland has become reconciled to her hus band. Young Indian girl leaves new home In. San Francisco for the solitude of the forests and Is arrested. . / ' ... Former graduate of University of Califor nia at Berkeley Is appointed census superin tendent with headquarters at Oakland. Association of Railway Surgeons of Pacific Coast to meet today at, St. Francis hotel In San Francisco. Lumbermen adopt Gifford Pinchot s sugges tion to take public into .confidence. ■ ■ Convicted man makes confession in San Francisco that involves three others. _ EASTERN Land)'officials at Washington arc uneasy about charges made by land officials In north west. Corporal under trial at Omaha for, murder of commander Is said to be afflicted with "dementia precox." American ambassador to Mexico Is said to have purchased Pan-American railroad which will Join North and South America. Bcnzoate of soda is declared by delegates to food experts' convention at Denver to ho perfectly harmless, and Remsen's commission, appointed by Roosevelt is (Indorsed. Woman in Chicago drives two burglars from hei home by use of hatpin, while her hus band stands nearby In fear of Injury. Millionaire, mine owner of Denver, Colo., gives money for purpose of prospecting for pitchblende, from which comes radium. Falling off In stocks owing to rumors about Harriman's health places Wall street on verge of crisis. Taft at Beverly talks with Senator Alurich and Treasurer MacVeagh about monetary sys tem. • Government Investigates charges of peonage made against officials at Pressed Steel Car company's plant at Schoenville, Pa. Petition of Mrs. Button that she be al lowed to exhume young lieutenant's body to give It church burial Is denied. \ £ FOREIGN Fighting general on Moroccan coast. Moors loose 1000 men and Spaniards 850. One thousand delegates meet at Montreal to consider betterment of forms of govern ment for municipalities. Hubert Latham establishes new record with hi.i aeroplane at Rheims. France. Big con tents will be sailed today, •>•■•• riUDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1009. cording to the rules of the game as played by other aviators, still be "try ing out his wings," he started right in to break records. In one of his early flights he broke the Wrights' record for a straightaway cross country flight with a turn. The feat was marked by an interesting race between tho Wil lard Hying machine, up in the air, and an automobile driven by William K. Vanderbilt, jr., which kept to tho ground save when It struck rough going. The Vanderbilt machine was easily outdistanced by the aeroplane, the latter going at the rate of forty miles an hour. _____ TO ENCOURAGE RADIUM MINING WALSH WILL SUPPORT THE SEARCH FOR PITCHBLENDE Millionaire Mine Owner Gives Check Toward Expense of Prospecting for Ore from Which Priceless Mineral Is Pound [lly Associated Trees.] DENVER, Auk. 26.—The discovery of radium ore In the United States is the object of a movement started today by Thomas F. Walsh, millionaire mine owner. Through the VinsonYV'alsh re search department of the Colorado state school of mines, at Golden, which Is supported by Mr. Walsh, free tests will he made of all samples of pitch blende, and the results will be regarded ;is confidential. To meet the prelim inary cost of the undertaking Mr. Walih today sent to President Victor ('. Alderson of the school of mines a check for JBOOn. In his communication to Dr. Alderson he makes the following appeal to prospectors: "To prospectors and Mine Owners of Colorado: Radium has never been pro duced In the United States. It comes from pitchblende and Is of almost priceless value. Austria has a monop oly of this ore. Why should we not produce it In Colorado? The richest prize In the world is a rim of pitchblende ore. "This rare ore is apt to be found in many mining sections of the state. In finding it you will be enriching your self, placing your slate in the front rank and helping to open a new indus try in mining. "The undersigned trustingly appeals to his brother prospectors and mine operators to look for this mineral. He believes the doing so will bring great results. THOMAS F. WALSH." President Alderson stated that to a limited extent the school Is ready to furnish responsible persons samples of pitchblende to aid in familiarizing prospectors with Us appearance. LEAGUE OF AMERICAN MUNICIPALITIES MEETS One Thousand Delegates Attend Con. vention for Betterment of Civic Forms of City Governments MONTREAL, Aug. 26.—Nearly 1000 delegates were present at the opening of today's session of the League of American Municipalities. In the ab sence of Clinton Rogers Woodruff of Philadelphia, secretary of the National Municipal league, an address prepared by him was read by W. D. Lighthali of Montreal. Already forty cities have adopted the commission form of government and are working under it and thirty three cities, representing twenty-five states, are considering it. "A movement of far greater import ance and significance to the future of our cities is that for municipal home rule." the address said. "We cannot boast that we possess democratic self government If we deny It to our cities." Supposed Dead Man Alive MILWAUKEE, Aug. 26.—A special to the Evening Wisconsin from Wauke sha, Wls., says Frank Mcßeidinger, who was supposed to have been a vic tim of Mrs. Belle>Ouness at Laporte, Ind., is alive and well on a farm near Freeport, Neb., according to a letter received from him today. Roosevelt Specimens Unpacked WASHINGTON, Aug. 26.—The skins sent by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt from his . African hunting ground trip were today unpacked at the national museum. The specimens were in salt and In good condition. It will be many months' before the skins are ready for exhibit****. - . ' , TAFT TALKS ON MONEY SYSTEM WITH ALDRICH EXTRA SESSION OF CONGRESS MAY BE CALLED IN 1910 CHAIRMAN OF MONETARY COM, MISSION TO GO ABROAD President Will Not Complete Trip to South and West Until Two Weeks Before National Legislators [By Associated Press.] BEVERLY, ■ Mass., Aug. 26.—Presi \ dent Taft had two and a half " hours talk this afternon with Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch, chairman of the monetary commission, and Sec retary MacVeagh. Senator Aldrlch Is about to take up adjustment of the country's monetary system and It was In this connection he was called In conference by the president. Mr. Taft was anxious to ascertain whether the monetary com mission will be ready to report this winter. It is understood no definite answer was given, but chances are the com mission will not be able to place Its conclusion before congress for several months. There has been talk of calling con gress in extra session in the fall of 1910 to begin consideration of the legisla tion looking to the enactment of such changes In the monetary system as the commission may deem expedient. Mr. Aldrich will sail for Europe Sat urday to study the financial system of the leading European countries. Mr. Aldrlch would not discuss the Bubject of postal savings banks. It Is not believed that he is altogether op posed to the idea, but he frankly has told the president that he thought the question should await the enactment of the monetary legislation. The monetary commission Is ' con fronted by the problem of retiring gov ernment two per cent bonds or of maintaining their value. The latter Is believed to be difficult If there is to be a large issue of three per cent bonds for the replenishment of the general fund of the treasury for advances on account of the purchases of the Pan ama Canal company's property. Bond Issues Considered The question of bond Issues author ized in the new tariff bill was consid ered at the conference. Secretary Mac- Veagh said he had not progressed much further than when ho last saw the president with reference to select-. Ing members of the new tariff com mission. John Hays Hammond called on President Taft this afternoon. Mr. Hammond will leave Monday for Ari zona on business. He was invited to accompany President Taft throughout his two months' trip, but will Join the party at Salt Lake, City in September. President Taft's conference with Senator Aldrlch and Secretary of Treasury MacVeagh covered a variety of topics, and Is one of the series of important talks the president is having with leaders in the. different branches of the government before starting on his tour of the west and south. Mr. Taft will not get through with the travel program he has outlined within two weeks of the assembling of congress. In the meantime he is leaving behind definite instructions as to the disposal of various matters of government, and has set a number of his subordinates to work on Inquiries and the consideration of special topics, which are to be taken up and discussed by him In his message to congress. President Taft positively refused to discuss in any way the Balllnger-Pin- Chbt controversy. Senator Aldrich will go over with the president and with Secretary Mac- Veagh the administrative features of the new tariff hill. Senator Aldrich wrote this part of the bill, and Secretary MacVeagh is anxious to krrow the intent of congress on certain phases of the administrative work which have ben called into question. Mr. Aldrlch also is expected to outline the scope of recommendations to be made by the monetary commis sion. Changes in the treasury department- Incident to the administration of new tariff law also will be discussed. President Taft Is anxious to learn If the monetary commission will have Its report ready for consideration by the coining session of congress. If the re vision of the monetary system Is to be placed before congress this winter, the president may decide to withhold until next winter various recommen dations, for other branches of legisla tion on the theory that if too much work is placed on congress at one time nothing- definite will be accomplished. Tire Explodes; Thought It Was Bomb NEW YORK. Aug.26.—A loud report just behind his automobile caused llaron B. Schlippenbaeh, the Russian oon»ul general, to turn pale and leap from the machine on Fifth avenue to day and gnips the arm of Patrolman Aleck Nlttel. "He thought it was a bomb," said Nlttel, in relating the in cident, "but it was only the explosion of one of his rear tires." WOMAN DRIVES TWO BURGLARS FROM HER HOUSE WITH HATPIN CHICAGO, Aug. 2H. —While her hus band, barricaded behind an umbrella, at tempted to parley with two highwaymen last night, Mrs. Charles F. Thill, scorn- Ing the frail barrier, sprang upon the startled robbers and wielded a hat phi with biich telling effort that only an in stant c apsed before the bandits were In full tlicht. The attack occurred in front of the Honrd of Trade building. "You take the little fellow, dearie," railed tin. Thill, ax she leaped at the taller of the two men. "I'll try and look after this one." Surprised at the suddenness of the at tack the robber was hurled to the pave ment and quick as a the long hat l>iii wax jabblns him. The rubber wax IlKbllne a losing battle when he was rescued by Ills comrade, who felled Thill with a blow and then turned on Mrs. Thill. A moment later they dinHi>|>«iireil ili.un a dark alley. American Duchess Who May Be Reconciled with Husband 3 /fill E- \D(M£ OF j ' -~ *$S MA/?LBO#OL7(?ft :jJ LONDON, Aug. 26.—1t has been re ported again that the Duchess of Marlborough and her husband have made up their differences with the aid of the father of the duchess, William K. Vanderbilt, Sr. The couple have been separated for three years. Their younger son, Lord Ivor Churchill, is in delicate health, and it is believed that he Is suffering from lung trouble. His condition may help to bring about the reconciliation of his parents, both MEXICO THROWS GLOVE TO SPAIN DIAZ' AMBASSADOR REFUSES SECOND PLACE Cancels Engagement at Toledo Din. ner Because of Claims of King Alfonso's Rep resentative [By Associated Press.] TOLEDO, Ohio, Aug. 26.—Marquis de Villalobar, minister from Spain, was the guest of honor at a banquet to night as the culmination of his visit to Toledo to attend a carnival. The attendance of Don Francisco Leon de la Barra, ambassador from Mexico, who had accepted an invita tion, was prevented by an unfortunate misunderstanding as to precedence at table. After he had agreed to come, the Spanish minister received commis sion as the direct representative of King Alfonso and as such took the ground that he was entitled to prece dence. Senor de la Barra, because of his superior diplomatic rank, declined to concede the point, and 3*nceled his engagement. MEXICAN AMBASSADOR GIVES REASON FOR HIS REFUSAL WASHINGTON, Aug. 26.—Scnor de la Barra, ambassador from Mexico, w;ts reluctant when seen tonight to discuss the reason for his failure to attend the Toledo banquet. He said, however, that his stand was entirely In accord ance with the obligations of Interna tional practice which he could not set aside through motives of a mere per sonal nature, nor through courtesy. H4s rank of ambassador, he ex plained, did not permit htm to yield precedence to a minister, a rule of conduct in International etiquette that had universal sand ion. BRITISH SCIENTISTS MEET AND DISCUSS DISCOVERIES Professor Declares Pauperism Arises Mainly from Class Known as Casual Workers WINNIPEG, Man., Aug. 26.—Ad dresses of the presidents of various sections and discussion of new theories resulting from recent discoveries marked the sessions of the British As sociation for the Advancement of Science today. In the section of economic science and statistics Professor Chapman ad vocated shorter hours for workmen. A paper read by Professor Steel Maitland, a member of a royal commission, ap pointed to inquire into the operation of the poor laws In England, stated that pauperium arises mainly from the class known as casual workers. Will Make Freight Rate Reductions PITTSBURG, Aug. 26.—Important re ductions in freight rates from Pitts burg and other points in western Penn sylvania, Maryland and eastern Ohio to the Pacific coast will be made next month, according to circulars received here today by shippers of this district from the transcontinental freight bu reau. nIiIUIJIJ V'WI ljjii. ox TRAINS. 5 CENTS of -whom are devoted to the lad. He Is in his eleventh year. His elder brother, the heir to the dukedom, bearing the courtesy title of Marquis of Hlandford, is 12 years old. The wedding- of the Duke of Marlhoroupth nnd Mtes Cen suelo Vanderbllt was the feature of the social season of New York In the win ter of 1805. The mother of the duchess is now the widowed Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont. She and Mr. Vandcrbilt were divorced. He has also been remarried I since. PEONAGE CHARGE IS INVESTIGATED CONDITIONS OF LABOR PROBED ATSCHOENVILLE Government Examines Pressed Steel Car Employes at Plants Near Pittsburg—Scenes of Desolation [By Associated Press] PITTSrtURO, Aug. 2u.—The first tes timony offered in the federal govern ment Investigation into the charges of peonage against the officials of tho Pressed Steel Car company in Schoen ville, whose 3500 employes are on strike, in which it is alleged force was used to compel imported laborers to work, developed late today. Alexander Friedman, a Hungarian of New York, said lie was brought hero fifteen days ago with 100 other men from New York under false impres sions. Ha said the workmen were given to understand there was no strike at the works of the Pressed Steel Car company. Friedman stated he had been at work in the plant a few days when he vrai asked if he did not want to make iome overtime money, and when he replied affirmatively, he was taken to tho kitchen of the commissary of the car plant ami told to work there. Friedman said he refused. After so doing ho staled he was roughly handled by the workmen guards, who took him to a boxcar jail. Constabulary officers re fused to lock him up, he testified. Scene One of Desolation Tho strike zone of tho Pressed Steel Car company at McKees Rocks today presented a scene of desolation. In a drizzling rain families of strikers, on whom eviction notices had been served, were compelled to vacate the company houses. Pathetic incidents were numerous and sympathetic team owners assisted the strikers. For tie flrat time in several weeks absolute quiet reigned after darkness last night. Special Agent Hoagland of the de partment of justice, who is looking into the charges of peonage growing out of the strike, examined a num ber of witnesses at the federal build ing at noon today. James Goddfriod of New York city testified he worked fn the car plant six lays and wanted to quit. He alleged that Samuel Conn, bead of the company's: service bureau, pointed a revolver at him and said: "You go to work or I will shoot your head off." He refused, he said, and was al lowed to leave the plant. A general shakeup among minor of ficials of the company has resulted from the strike, which lias r<-\ conditions, it is said, which heretofore were not believed by the higher df (icials. Mexican Murdered FRESNO, Aug. 26.—An unidentified Mexican aged about 35 years was mys teriously murdered in this city tonight near a restaurant In the Chinese quar ter. The murderer is unknown. The dead man was stabbed in tho abdomen several times while standing on the street. After the affray ho walked into a restaurant, but wan later picked up on the sidewalk for drunk. He died at the receiving hospital. j2^ CENT! HARRIMAN KEPT ISOLATED FROM ALL ASSOCIATES GREAT FINANCIAL KING DE CLINES TO SEE FRIENDS RAILWAY HEAD IS VICTIM OF NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Director of Transportation Companies Keeps in Touch with Conditions of His Holdings and Meets with His Lieutenant [By Associated Presß.] ARDEN, N. V., Aug. 26.—Whatever the actual prognosis for Mr. Har riman'B recovery, it is evident his family has determined be shall make no further sacrifices of vitality in tho effort to reassure the public and buoy iup tho stock market. His isolation In ' his mountain top homo is absolute. | Except the selected few of his own immediate entourage, nobody sees him and no word from the outer world reaches hig chambered solitude. It Is Impossible to reach Mr. Harrl man, either directly or indirectly, un less by his own wish or that of hl3 family. Dr. Lyle, the family physician, to day gave a brief account of his pa tient's progress. Mr. Harrlman, he said, had been con fined to the home for tho day by re commendation, but liis easer Inquisi tive mind had been busy with the con struction work still in progress in his own home. "If a certain physician would per mit," ho said, ".\tr. Harrlman would be out 'on the job" today, bossing tho finishing touches on the inclined rail way himself, "Mr. Harrlman passed a gnod night and ate a hearty breakfast at 10 o'clock this morning. His appetite is better and he relishes good food and plenty of it. Has General Nervous Breakdown "His present condition is due to a general nervous breakdown and there. is nothing he needs more than absolute rest." Judge Robert S. Lovett, who lias been mentioned as Mr. Harriman's pos sible successor, c:tme to Arden this afternoon for another conference. Judge Lovett absolutely refused to dis cuss today the purpose of his frequent visits. It is thought, however, that with his flrst lieutenant so often at his side, Mr. Tiarriman cannot be. wholly out of touch with the market or completely from business cares. NEW YORK.—Much significance is attached to the visit of Dr. Norman B. Dlttman, an eminent specialist In dls of the kidneys, to E. H. Harri man at Arden. Dr. Lyle, Mr. Harri man's personal phyhlcian, and mem bers of his family, persistently have refused to make an authoritative an nouncement of the supposed malady from which the railroad magnate ap parently is suffering. Dr. Dittmnn, whose practice In said to be confined exclusively to the treat ment of kidney complaints, was called to the Harriinan estate. After a long interview with Mr. Harrlman, he de clined to make any statement. He re ferred questioners to Judge Robert 8. Lovett, vice president and general counsel of the Union Pacific. Declines to Talk Judge Lovett manifested a disincli nation to discuss Mr. Harriman's com plaint or his condition. He would say nothing more than that Mr. Harrimau was no better and no worse. Dr. Lyle sail] the financier was in good spirit;; although still weak, but he would recover Strength quickly. Mr. Harriman insists his condition is not serious and that a period of rest will enable him soon to resume his great business activities. Denial was made on Wall street thU afternoon the day has seen any serious development in the condition of E. H. Harriman. On account of the slump In the Har riman stocks, efforts were made to gain more definite news of the financier's health from the offices of tho Union and Southern Pacific railroads. The best information the financial district could get was the distinguished rail road man was resting comfortably. Judge Lovett, chief counsel of the Union and Southern Pacific roads, went to Arden this afternoon for one of the numerous conferences with his chief. From the frequent visits of Mr. Lovett and other leaders In the Harriman en terprises, it Is believed the financier is not being shielded from business cares as closely as report* about his health have indicated. Unofficial information concerning Mr. Harriman's condition today was that he slept well last night, ate heartily today and continued to rest. It was also said, unofficially, that Mr. Karl man was getting better. An apparently demented rann who said he was John Deyo of 340 Wabasta avenue, Chicago, was taken into custo dy at Arden today because of his per sistent efforts to reach Mr, Harriman's house. The man said he wanted to col lect from Mr. Harriman several million dollars of back interest on railroad stock. ELDEST SON OF HARRIMAN IS ON WAY TO NEW YORK CHICAGO, Aug. 26.—Having com pleted tho first Installment of the prac tical experience which Is to fit him son/c day to step Into his father's place I at the head of one of the greatest rail i road systems in the world, Walter A. Harriman, eldest son of Edward 11. Harriman, is on his way to New York. Mr. Harriman said he would continue his railroad education this winter, but not with a chain sang. "I've got to 'wise up' on all brandies of the business," he said. "After a visit home and a short vacation, I ex pect to start In at the business nsfaln. I am planning to spend much time in the operating department. I'll ably take a job as a fireman or brako- I man." Says Harriman Will Not Retire OMAHA, Auk. 26 —A prominent offi cial of the Union Pacific railroad stated today In a conferences with Julius Kruttsehnitt, director of operation and maintenance of the Harriman railroad*, who was in thli <ity yesterday, that he was assured that Mr. Harriman has no thought of retirement, and that there is not tHe illghteat doubt In thn minds of hi* Intimates that he will soon be ready to resume active work.