Newspaper Page Text
MONEY TO LOAN Wo.,. I can place a loan on your city or country property on short notice for three years at SIX PER CENT INTEREST If You Want Cl^ For Your Contract Come lin I BUY MORTGAGES AND TRUST DEEDS SMALL SHORT-TIME LOANS MADE Jo Burns Mitchell 912 Security Bldg. F1777 9-29-1 RIGHT NOW WE ESPECIALLY WANT A $4000 LOAN '..:.. . . AND ONE FOR $1500 Security must be improved property In Los Angeles worth double. 7 PER CENT. NO COMMISSION! We loan on Improved real estate In amounts from $300 to $25,000. THE JOHN. M. C. MARBLE CO. H. W. Hellman Bids. 9-26-27-39-31 QUICK LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOK3KB, WAGONS. LIVE STOCK Or other personal property Lowest rates of interest. Your friends need never know. Sours 8 a m. to » p. m. Phones: F7421; Broadway EITL FIDELITY LOAN CO., 129 Mason bldg.. cor. Fourth and Broad war 7-7-sro<* THE JOHN M. C. MARBLE CO., INC.. loans Its own capital on Improved real estate. Acts quickly on all applications made direct to Its flee. 6% and 7 per cent; $300 to $25,000. Owns and offers conservative In vestments. • Main Corridor H. W. Hellman bid* , Fourth and Spring 6ts. Main 692 A 6597. 5-26-27-»-3t PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 and 7 per cent en good city property; se curity must be at least double amount wanted. You can have the money as long as you wish. All our parties want Is the Interest. WAYBRIGHT-BUTLER CO. .28-8 Security bldg. F5817: Bdwa)r- 8 2462^ WE MAKE A 60 PER CENT BUILDING LOAN and are practical builders. MILWAUKEE BUILDINO CO., MILWAUKEE BUILDING CO.. MILWAUKEE BUILDINO CO., 318 Wright & Callender bldg. . Phones—lo76l; Main 3776. 9-12-tf MONBY TO LOAN on -"T" IKS. DIA MONDS AND OTHER JEWELRY. PRI VATE ROOMS FOR LADIES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL . COURTESY JUC TENDED TO ALL. A. ■. cohen * nno., N.'TV. Cor. Third and Main Stt. 1-11- MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES ON Improved city property or for building, on easy terms of repayment. Loans can be paid oft at any time without extra cost STATE MUTUAL BUILDINO & LOAN ASSOCIATION. 223 S Spring St. 8-8-tf F. G. WOOD LOANS MONEY ON FURNI TURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, ETC.. TERMS TO SUIT, AT LOWEST RATES IN CITY. NO REMOVALS. CONFIDENTIAL. 42« S. SPRING. ROOM 607. 9-29-lmo TO LOAN—A LARGE FUND IMMEDIATE- Iy available in sums of from $4000 to $50,000 on good close-In city property. O. C. ED WARDS (Eat. 1863), 230 W. First St. 9-29-3 1 )NEY LOANED ON <JIA ONDS, FURNl ture, pianos and any kind of security: low rates. JOHNSON, 339 H. W. Hcllmnn bldg, l-19-lmo TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape, without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Henna bldg. * ■: ■■ ■ 9-8-3U MONEY TO LOAN— PRIVATE MONEY; sumi to suit; loans to build a specialty. M. M. DAVISON a SON. 204-6 Wllcox bldg. 9-3-tf R. W. POINDEXTER. 40» WILCOX BLDO.. will loan what you need on real estate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a specialty, t-9-tt PRIVATE MONEY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOCKHART A.SON, 601 H. W. nellman bld*T., Fourth and Spring .. ■■ 7-4-3 mo MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT rates PACIFIC MTG. CO., 268 Wllcox bldg. ABC3S. 9-17-1 mo LOST AND FOUND lost-onb"~red"~horsh mule, one gray mare mule, weight about 1000 pounds each; left corral about 3 o'clock Monday morning, September 27. Notify owner: get reward: ORO GRANDE LIME & STONE CO., 810 East Third st. Phone: A 1929; Main 991. »--« MINING for" exchange^grocerTand room- Ing house, clearing $150 monthly; want bungalow or lots. MURPHY. 1804 East Main. Phone. East 1435. »-»-• FOR RENT \v Apartment* —Furnished and Un« furnished romxAxn apartments Ml DIAMOND STREET. «10 Monthly, $10. I'INTST BEDDING, SANITATION. THE I-O7.IKST AND NEATEST LITTLE HOME •FOR COUPLER. . WHY VAX OAK FARE?' Wrst street car to Figucroa. Main 2043; A 2013. 9-17-ed-tf HOTEL SEVILLE 00 different and hnmrllke. Neither time nor expense has been spared In make this one of the most pleasant family hotels In the city. A rare combination of hotel advantages and homelike atmosphere. European plan. A pleasant walk from Broad way, .lust off two car lines, Phones: Main 8513; F6538. 9-19-tf Tie Seiiall Apartments 101? ALBANY ST. New, sunny, modern apartments, 2-3-4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished; near 9th and 11th St. cars; private baths. Phone BDWAY. 4271. ' 9-81-20 The MSssomfl^ 672 West Washington Bunny, 2 and 3 room apartments, with pri vate bath; all conveniences. Take University or Washington st. car line. 9-15-tt SC__ERMERHQRN INN Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Schermerhorn have again assumed management; elegant apartments: also single rooms. POTTEK PARK AVB. and FRANCISCO. 9-15-21 THE ARDMORE . Bunny. 2-room apartments, with or with out private bath. Terms reasonable. 941 POTTER PARK ATE. 9-51-30 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN FLA^T, PARTLY furnished; lovely now house; very reason able. TWENTY-FIRST AND MAIN STS. Owner 103 E. Twenty-first street. Phone South 1339. 9-13-7 KEY~WEST— and Apt's. 633 S. GRAND. Modern, central, reasonable. 9-19-llt THE MILDRED, 1019 W. ELEVENTH ST. Home 53371; Bdway. 9606. Two-room apartments, 112.50 UP. MRS. MARY RO WAN. 8-28-3 FINELY FURNISHED 2-ROOM APART ment; modern; close In; also single rooms; summer rates, 740, 746, 748 W. SEVENTH ST. '*"*' NATALIE, 306 B. HOUSEKEEP- Ing suites; also single rooms, $2 up. 9-28-3 THE ST. REGIS. 287 8. FLOWER. MAIN 2290; A 7336- Apartments, 2-room. $1«. 9-28-3 J~^ 3-ROOM APARTMENT, UNFUR nlshed, $10 month; bath; telephone free; best location southwest. 202 W. TWEN TY-SEVENTH. South 5663. 9-28-3 FOR RENT—I3I7 E. TWENTY-THIRD ST. Newly furnished two rooms and buffet kitchen; hot bath; telephone; Central car. Get off at Mi. 9-28-3 LA VAN APARTMENTS, 2723 S. MAIN ST. Newly furnished 2, 3 and 4 room apart ments; single and office rooms; reasonable rates. ___. iii BOSTON ST.—SUNNY FURNISHED apartments. $1.60 and »1.T5. A563^ 28 3 THROUGH THE TUNNEL ON THIRD ST. to the Westwood, 345 S. Flower; house keeping and single rooms. 9-2S-3 Rooms —Furnished LARGE. WELL FURNISHED LIGHT sunny room, $3 week; one for 12.50; one single room, $2; close In location: only 5 minutes from Fourth and Broadway. Easily reached by way of Angel's Flight. Both phones. Main 4809; F1072. THE DE TROIT. 333 S. Hope St. 9-28-3 THE ST. REGIS. 237 S. FLOWER. MAIN 2290; A 7336. Five minutes to Third and Broadway; beautiful front rooms: south east exposure; suitable for. two ladios or gentlemen; $16 month; $4 week. 9-28-3 12 00 WEEK UP-NEWLT FURNISHED, clean, respectable, hot and cold running wa ter, electricity, sunshine, free bath, central location. S2OV4 S. SPRING ST.. over Jim Jeffries' cafe. ___; S2 WEEK UP—NICELY FURNISHED, HOT and cold running water, electricity; free bath; respectable; central location. 3-6 Mi 8. SPRING, over Jeffries. . ' 9-28-3 3 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, bath and both phones; also suite of two front rooms and single, room; walking dis tance. 1114 B. MAIN. 9-28-3 POTTER PARK VILLA. 928 POTTER Park avenue, near Seventh and Flgueroa. Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite, from $2 tip per week. 9-28-3 LARGE, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISH outside tunny rooms, overy convenience; close In. Pico Heights car passes door. 524 W. PICO. _______ FOR RENT—NICE SUNNY FRONT ROOM, with kitchen; ground floor; also single rooms; modern; private residence. 516 BIXEL. Home 53384. 9-28-3 LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, young couple, ladles employed; close In; select; low rate; privileges. 64463. 1629 W. SEVENTH ST. 9-28-3 FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED rooms, east front; nice homo place; breakfast If desired; home cooking 8.9 W. NINTH ST. 9-- s ' 3 PLEASANT SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM for one or two gentlemen In private fam ily; price reasonable. 124 S. DALY. Phone 31307. L_l Ol^i SMALL OUTSIDE BEDROOM, clean quiet, homelike; private residence; man or boy, $1.26 week. 1117 S. HILL y-28-J FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 A ■week up: electricity; free baths: one block west of courthouse. 412 TEMPLE HT. SUNNY FRONT ROOM IN A PRIVATE home; breakfast and dinner If desired, and home privileges; references. MAIN 0623. 9*BB*l FOR RENX—CENTRAL PARK; HOUSE keeplng and sleeping room; parlor; mualo; washing, bath. 527 W. SIXTH ST. 9-28-3 if FRONT ROOM IN A PRIVATE i; breakfast and dinner If desired, and > privileges; references. MAIN 9523. 9-28-1 ■ IBNTBAL PARK: HOUSE- Ing and sleeping room; parlor; music; Ing. bath. 627 W. SIXTH ST. 9-28-3 HOTEL OLIVE. 921 S. OLIVE NEW- Iy furnished outside rooms; running water; bath, phonos; »2 week up. 9-28-3 NEW FURNITURE, GAS, ELECTRICITY, telephone, bath; clean and homelike; gentler men preferred. 743 WEST 7TH ST. 9-2S-7 BUNNY ROOM, BATH, GAS. PHONE; suitable for one or two ■adults; reasonable; references exchanged. 221 W. THIRTY FIRST ST. _____________1 NEW FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, PRl vate family; separate entrance; no other roomers. 128 W. TWENTY-EIGHTH ST. 9-28-3 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS FOR two gentlemen;' rates reasonable. Phone Bdway. 1905. 214 W. TENTH ST. 9-28-3 FOR RENT—NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY roolus. all outside, with breakfast If de sired. «92 S. UNION AVB. 9-28-3 FOR RENT—FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS, ,all conveniences; close In; reasonable 'rates. 1014 W. EIGHTH ST. 9-28-; PARLOR SUITE IN CHARMING low; private entrance; walking distance. • Phone 22512. 9-28-3 FOR RENT—ROOM WITH PRIVATE EN trance In private family, $6.50 month. Hi WRIGHT ST. . 9-38-5 FOR RENT—SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM with all conveniences. 836 S. FLOWER Main 6760. 9-28-; FOR RENT— TWO COMFORTABLE limb In private family. Phone 23921. till W TWENTY-THIRD ST. ______ 9-21-i PLEASANT SUNNY FRONT ROOM will! kitchen privileges. 2624 BUDLONG AVI! »-2«-! LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1009. FOR RENT Rooms —rumisned THE WALTON. EH W. FIRST —COOL, airy room.', centrally located* permanent or transient; $1.60 wrek up. 9-28-3 HOTEL ROOKWOOD. COR. EIGHTH AND Olive — Modern, clean, outside rooms; very reasonable. 9-28-3 FOR —ONE SUITE OF « ROOMS; also several single rooms, all outside. Bun ny rooms. 615 S. FIGUEORA. 9-24-7 FOR RENT—ONE~FURNISHED ROOM FOB lady employed, at 301 S. GRAND AYE. 9-28-3 Rooms for Housekeeping , two/ front nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, phone; close In; private home; adults preferred; $12. 438 CUSTER AYE. 9-28-3 GARVANZA^3~FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; bath, mis; $11 month: on yellow car line; adults. 6195 PASADBNA AYE. »-3»-» 4 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEi rooms; bath, private entrance; 2 rooms lor light housekeeping; close In; cheap. 463 N. GRAND. 9-28-3 ONE LARGE 2-ROOM SUITE FOR HOUSE keeping; plenty of windows and splendid view; $18 per week. Main 4809; F1072. 333 S. HOPE ST. 9-28-3 FOR" RENT— 2 LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; only $13 month, wth gas, bath and phone. Call evenings. 841 S. HOPE ST. . 9-28-3 I ft MONTHLY FOR VERY LARGE. COM-1 fortable housekeeping room, with grate; every convenience lor housekeeping. 1371 FIOUEROA ST. 9-28-3; CYPRESS. 148 W. EIGHTEENTH ST.— j Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms; single or en suite; $0 and $4 up j per month. Main 8344. 9-23-3 i MODERN UP TO DATE 2-ROOM HOUSE keeping suites; also single rooms for housekeeping; single bedrooms. 724 WALL STREET. ' 9-28-3 FOR RENT—S2 A WEEK; LIGHT HOUSE keeping; large front room: combination kitchen and large closets. 321 TEMPLE. 9-2S-3 FURNISHED, 3 ROOMS. 112; 4 ROOM $16; un-furnished, $8, {10; separate porches. MRS. MINTHORN. 1571 E. Ad ams. Hooper car. 9-28-3 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 138 N. HILL ST. Take Court street flight on N. Broadway to Hill street. | 9-28-3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas, bath; private home; near Hamburger's; no children. 1208 S. HILL STREET. ■• 9-28-3 FOR NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room for light housekeeping; rent reason able; walking distance. 1210 S. HILL ST. THE MOBERLY. 616 S. HOPE ST.—NICE sunny rooms, $3 week and up; rooms In an nex, $1.50 and up. Fine location. 9-28-3 STRICTLY MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng; 2 rooms, bath; every convenience, $12 month. 261 N. FLOWER.' 8-28-3 FOR RENT—3 ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; sunny; upstair*. 1858 SO. GRAND AYE. ' - 9-28-3 SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; RUN nlng water and gas stove. 1061 SOUTH IJNY HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; RUN inK water and gau stove. 1061 SOUTH LOWER. FOR —FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Ing suite at 707 S. BROADWAY. 9-28-3 Rooms and Board First-Class German Boarding 525 WEST TEMPLE. Nice airy rooms and very best of board; single rooms $8: board $5 and up. 9-22-31 Rooms —Unfurnished FOR RENT— FURNISHED CON nectlng rooms; sink, gas, private entrance: $10 1320 PALM ST.. between Olive and Grand. »■«•' Rooms—Furnished and Unfurnished McPHArL APARTMENTS 212 N. GRAND AYE. For Rent—3-room flats, furnished *nS Tln fumished; new plan porch In front and rear: Tery close In. I-26-1S Flats —Furnished 7-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT; EVERY thing modern; new house; water paid; rent $20. Cor. TWENTY-FIRST AND MAIN. Owner at 103 E. Twenty-first st. Phone South 1339. 9-23-7 Houses—Furnished FURNISHED COTTAGE NEAR CAR; GAS, electric lights, bath; price reasonable. 942 W THIRTY-FOURTH. Take University car. 9-28-3 FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED, FOUR room cottage; modem conveniences; lawn; $12.00. 2207 MAIN, Ocean Park,. Box 255. 9-26-4 FOR RENT—FURNISHED 5-ROOM MOD em bungalow; high location; $25. F7122. 9-28-3 Beach Property—Santa Monica SANTA MONICA— UK MAIN ST., NICE clean rooms at all prices from $5 up per month; half block from beach. MRS. M. Q. STEVKN3. 9-26-4 INSURANCE Pock from beach. MRS. M. G. 9-M-4 NSURANCE JFifiSsURANCB POLICIES We'll save you time, trouble, worry and expense. We know how. That's our busi ness. DE LINE & HUNTER, 2416 Downey aye. East 860; Home 39556. 9-21-lmo President Taft was to go in bathing just as he did when a boy. Suppose ..'■• that some disrespectful, utterly mean person were to steal his clothes. Smippose he were compelled to work his way homeward in a barrel, and then— Smippose the size of the barrel, that is, if you can im agine a barrel large enough to properly clothe the august person of our honored president. Then stop Stupposlmig Get down to business —in touch with practical affairs —size up your advertising ne:ds. Care fully weight the merits of the different papers in Los Angeles, and The Herald will abide by your decision. You will be represented in The Herald FOR 3ALE City Lots and Lands — 1 I— ■« — /^ tbaot -^ 25 More $&0(u) 9 $75iD 9 $>o(u)(u) 9 $>®3u All will sell for $1000 each Boon as our $25,000 improvements are in. | Only $50 Cash, $10 a Month j We are going to make Notmsmidie Square our BANNER eenteel medium priced HOME PLACE, out of the. thou sands of buildinsr lots we have improved and sold on the Los Angeles market during the last 20 years. Go down today on E4th street car and see Chas. McCarthy at our branch office, FIFTY-SECOND AND NORMANDIE Select your lot and make a deposit, or call at main office of the Mc -1 Carthy Co 201 N. Broadway, Phones Main 1202 and A 5941, and our auto will take you out. We will advance you money to build your bungalow. FOR SALE Houses SEE THESE FOR SALE — 2-room house and lot, all fenced; near car line; only $850. 6-room house, 11460. 5-room modern house, near Central a^e. f2OOO cash. Chicken ranch, with 4-room modern house, $2000; $50 down. Large lot near Central, only $860. We also have new, modern cottages for sale very cheap. Winslow Realty Co. 4500' CENTRAL.. Phone SOUTH 82. . J *_-^ FOR SALE—SI2,SOO; BEAUTIFUL MISSION home; extra fine, overlooking arroyo at Highland Park, consisting of 9 largo rooms and bath, hardwood floors, large fireplace, beautiful tapestry walls, fine buf fet butler's pantry, laundry tubs on back porch, halls, closets, window seats, etc., upstairs; beautiful grounds, with parkings, flowers, palms and shade trees. Want part trade and part cash. R. J. BR1" INOER, 424 I. W. Hellman Bid*. FMIB. FOR sale-s2soo: EAST PAYMENTS; good 6-room modern cottage. west of Central a%e., near Vernon and Central: brick foundation, plastered and tinted; bath, toilet, lavatory, connected with sewer; mantel and fireplace gas and electricity; large rooms, big screen porch; large shade and fruit trees; near school, postoffice and bank: don't buy until you see this. see DOWNING. 4608 Central avc. Phone 29240. »-ls-lt SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL $1000 6-room house, large lot. lawn and flowers; 15 minutes' ride, Hollywood car: $100 cash, balance $10 month. Snap It Quick. CRAIG 106 S. Broadway. Main 3141, A 8122. 9-29-8 For SALE— NEW 4-KOOM BUNGALOW, !.„, lot, street work complete. SIB PHENS INVESTMENT COMPANY. 630 Wllcox Building, Los Angeles, C»l^^ y - .ill- w tt S I FOR BALE-BY ADMINISTRATOR. '"BOO*I new house, large lot. fine home on W,, . near Santa Barbara. A. BOEKER, 405 Laughlln bldg. A 8107; Main 2361. 9-29-2 FOR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT NEAH F Venice and on. acre at Frederick, station. All for $1260. Address BOX 184. Venice. Stocks and Bonds Dividend Paying I in vestment I have a few shares of stock In a divi dend-paying commercial company, firmly es tablished, for sale. Monthly dividends are M of 1 per cent on the par value of $1 per share. The annual dividend will probably brine It up to 8 per cent per annum. Best o ban" reference, given. Full particulars given on application to any person giving satisfactory references as to financial con dition, etc. Write today. L. W. Beetz ■ / Jll Stimson bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Piano* rOK SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINE CON • ~ Suburban Property j FOR SALE-HIGHLAND PAKK, 60x160. ON Echo st.; tine location and view. A. BOBKER, 405 Laughlln bldg, Phone; Agio.; Main 2861. °'-°'" FOR SALE City Lota end Lands FOR SALE City Lots and L<.ndt Manchester 'Heights LARGE LOTS . . SOUTHWEST The CENTER of ACTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN Call for free tickets and go out. INVESTIGATE NOW Be Fare The 5c fare which has just been granted to the residents of this district; the expenditure of $640, -000 on Agricultural park and the consolidation of San Pedro with Los Angeles are causing great activity to homeseekers as well as speculators to put their money in this selected location. The eleva <on (jives a clear view of Los Angeles and the mountains. $25 CASH AND $10 MONTHLY These lots are at the southwest corner of Vermont and Manches ter avenues, high and level, with a gradual eastern slope, accessi ble to the ocean breezes, right in the course of San Pedro and Wilmington, where $6,000,000 will be spent for improvements. 30 minutes from Second and Spring streets. Take Redondo car marked "Strawberry Park," or via Sun nyside, in front of our office. Tell conductor to let you off at vlanchester avenue. Manchester Heights . Free Transportation Daily from Our Office Office Open Sunday to Give Free Tickets. Home A 5574 Sunset Main 836 9-29 10-1-1 HOUSES AND LOTS CHEAP—TUB BE bargains In the city. Phone SOUTH 4594; HOME 29031. »-58-4 Country Property Working Man, Wale Up $90 per acre, no interest, no taxes, easy terms. Why work for somo one else all your lifetime? I will sell you 5, 10. 15, 50 or more acres or the finest alfalfa, fruit or vegetable' land In this country, also a No. 1 poultry proposition that cannot be beat for climate, water and altitude (MOO feet); noth ing liner; adjoining good town, right on the railroad, In Los Angeles county. This Is land of fortune and th« greatest opportunity to start a profitable future for $90 per acre; cash or easy terms; no Interest. Do not overlook this If you intend to live a little longer In pleasure. ■ Alfalfa & Fruit Land Co. 219 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Corner Third and Main. 3-28-3 $475 FOR 5 ACRES Finable $-0 monthly. Wonderfully fertile lands. If you »re a California land buyer Investigate this offer. Lands are Belling fast—get yours beforo too late Our free stereoptlcnn lecture at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. dally tells the story truth '""bEAVMONT LAND « WATER CO., ' 818 South Broadway. .* '. PLENTY WATER FOR ALFALFA 33S acres rellnqulshment at »4 per acre; «0 acn»s cleared. 3 well.-, 1 windmill, large barn, 2-years' proof been made; 3 mllos from good town. .ml F. D. DAY. K. .1. KPKNOKR anil 1\ I>. DAY. 429 Merchants Trust bldg.. 207 S. Broadway. AB608; Bdway. 2484. . t-29-1 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ( MISS WING'S SCHOOL 1226 Alvarado Street Day and boarding school. Kindergarten, primary and grammar Brazen High school and special courso*. Classes in vocal music, elo cution piano, art, etc. Registration Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 27t1» and 28th. School begins Sept. 29th. Home 83144. Sunset West M*4. ■ _ j THE GREATER ISAACS WOODBURY Is now doing the largest September business In , its 25-year history It pays young people to get Into our SUCCESS CURRENT. Enter NOW If ready. Call, write, phone. F1850; Main 2305. | Hamburger Bldg. Entrance 320 XV. Eighth I DIRECTORS: D. K. Trask, James A. Foshay, I Tom C. Thornton, A. J. Sherman, Mary C. I Askew, sec, M. E. Austin, vice president; E K. Isaacs, president. 417 WEST FIFTH ST. Established 1882. Opposite Central Park. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL For boys and young men. Boarding and ' day. Military drill, sloyd. gymnasium, 3 acre athletic field. 1948-52 Lovelace aye. N. William Brick, M. A., Princlnal. Home 23673. »-<-»° Y. M. C. A. 60 evening courses In drafting, electrical civil, steam and mining engineering; com mercial subjects, modern languages 27 ..4 FOR SALE Country Prof.-rty 320 Acres Good Alfalfa Land Three artesian wells, 100 acres cleared, 30 ready for seed; house, other outbuildings; 1% miles from town; school. $10 per acre. Call B. CHATT 610 GRANT BUILDING Phone F6OlB « crops In season; 1« tons to acre. ■ 9-29-1 FOR BALE-SO ACRES IN ANTELOPE VAL ley. near railroad; artesian water belt; Ideal chicken ranch. BOX 663, Ocean Park. 9-29-4 Furniture fBPARATB IXiCKED IRON ROOMS 8t.34 a*r mnntn: trunks, boxes, eto.. 280 to Ma, Phone for our large van when you more. ll.a> per hoar. COLTEAR WAREHOUSE CO 06-17-1 I Ban Pedro st. Main office. 60a.U a. Main st. Phone Main nil; Fa 171. •>>•<* FOR SALE—FURNITURE AND FLAT FOR rent at «34 CROCKER. F3588. 9-28-3 Miscellaneous WANTED—AT ONCE, ALL KINDS OF RE volvers, folding cameras, drawing instru ments and field glasses: full value given. COLLATERAL LOAN CO., 402 South Main street. »-2°-" FOR SALE OR EXCHANQT— GOOD business: owner has other business; if you want a money maker see OBER, 135 Stlmson bldg. Phone A72IS. 9-20-tf FOR SALE—TWO COWS; ONTO fresh and one dry. Inquire 301 E. FORTY NINTH ST. 9-:"-tf FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE— JIO.OOO-CLOSE IN-GOOD VALUE Large 10-room house In tine shape; all modern conveniences; 3 fireplaces: 2 baths; toilets, closets, basement; gas. electricity, sewer,' etc.; well located for renting rooms; large lot with north front; near paved street and business section; equity 88000. Want ranch or groves. Investigate this. R. J. BRININGER, 424 I. W. Hellman bid. Phone F5016. *_*__ FOR" SALE OR EXCHANGE-70 : ROOJt rooming apartment; west side; low rent: a money maker. A. BOEKEK, 406 Laughlln bldg. Phone: A 8107; Main 2861. . 9-29-2 Miscellaneous FOR EXCHANGE—I HAVE A CLEAR LOT in Colton that I will trade for diamonds, furniture, auto, or what have you? Ad dress BOX 634, Herald. 8-21-lf FOR EXCHANGE—BO ACRES, CLEAR LOT near Venice, and good mining stock; want 5 or 8-room modern house, good location and near car; west or northwest prefer red. Address BOX 2879, Herald. 9-23-tf WILL TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CREEK Gold company and other mining stock fof stock In the California Wave Motor com r-ny I Reynold;) BOX 242. Herald. 6-28-tt WHEELED VEHICLES ■ Automobiles AUTOS, ENGINES, BOILERS, TIRES AND parts sold and exchanged. METZ, 207 E. Ninth. F1968. 9-T-it Bicycles KENT'S CTCLERT. 224"!:. SEVENTH ST. The right place for all repairs. Cash paid for second hand wheels. . 9-26-7 SEWINQ MACHINES SEWING MACHINE TALKS— WE HAVE SOME VERY GOOD MA CHINES FROM 15 TO $10. WHICH WE MUST CLOSE OUT AT ONCE TO MAKE ROOM FOR CARLOAD OF "THE FREE." THE ONLY INSURED SEWING MACHINE ON THE MARKET. CALL EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. L. C. ACKLEY. 410 W. SEVENTH ST. 9-28-6 " WHITE SEWING MACHINES, (5284 S. SPRING Main 2105: F6757. 9-«-tt SANITARIUMS SA^iITMmJM^FOir^vi'OJIEN AND CHlL dren; rates reasonable; best reference. • Phone 23065.- ■ ■ a-at-lm DENTISTS UK. UACHMANJi, SOS-SOB Majestic Tfaeatei Bids-. MS S. Bdway. 10081; Main SBia. RAILROAD TIME TABLE SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally e»o«pt as noted. Leave | I Arrive 10:00 am|Lo» A' eles Limit'd-Chlo'go,| 8:00 pa I St Paul, St. Louis, Omaha, I Kansas City, Denver, Salt I City 8:00 pmlChicago, St. Paul, Omaha, 8:00 a— St. Louis. Kansas City, Denver, Salt Lake. Search light. Ooldfleld I "786 ami San Bernardino 8:38 an 11:00 am -ColtoS, 10:41 am ■ '40 pm Riverside 1:26 pm 124 Dm Ontario and . - 4:28 pa 1:00 cm Pomona 8:61 pm V:4TamT" LP° am •8 00 ami 10:80 am 8:50 am! lon* Beach ana I 8:06 pm SlSpiS San Pedro I 8i» pa 6:30 i>m[ ' I 8:50 am| Catallna Island |*«:30 pm 8:18 ami Pasadenm I »:4» us 6:00 pm I 7:20 Pm •Dally except Sunday. (Sunday only. 15 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES^ HEALD'S cannot come to you for your enrollment. So we are obliged to suggest that you come to Heald's. Today we will be very pleased to show you through, our splendidly equipped building. No actual business concern sur passes us In the way of up to date office ap pliances. With these every pupil Is made thoroughly familiar. And no business college on this coast at all approaches Heald's- in respect to eminent and painstaking Instruc tors Come in and see for yourself. Tou ara welcome to view everything at cine rang* and to ask any questions, HEAXD'S BUSINESS COIXEGE, Ft 700. 814 Sou Grand ate. M. 811 ' .-. ■ . HARVARD SCHOOL [Military] Western avenue. Opens Sept. 21. Boarding and day pupils. . Ten-acre athletic field. Manual training shops. U. S. army officer detailed by the secretary of war. Write tat Illustrated eatn'igue. Tel. 72117 Urenvilie C. Emery, lilt. D., Head Master. 8-1 to 10-1 German. English Shorthand by experienced teacher. Terms moderate. 230 W. 21»t st. Phone South 643». CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS We are designers and builders of artistic modern homes M reasonable prices. Get a copy of our Blue Print Book and see for yourself. Estimates furnished on any building construction. Low prices for plans only. . »-3-lmo CESSPOOLS IMPERIAL CESSPOOL J'UMPINQ CO. —WU take out largest load. West £396; 22010. B-10-tC CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT, $8.50 LOAD. RED CROSS SANITARY CO. Call ua MOO 4. 4-tl-tt 1 RAILWAY TIME-TABLE , SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade station, Fifth and Central ay»« Leave I I Arrive San Francisco via Coast Llns t:80a 8:00 a San Luis Oblspo, Paso Robles. I I 2:J»» l:Jbp Del .Monte, Monterey, Santa t:3op Cruz. San Jose and east ■ j 11:45 "~~~~~~ San FtancUco and Mojave (:00p Sacramento, Oakland, via 7:05 a ll:80p BakersSeld and Fresno _*'_ 7:50 a Fresno "1 7:06 a 6:oop| Balcersfleld I.ooa ll:30p and Mojave »:l»a J Chicago. Kansas City, St. Louis. ' Chlco Special »:48a| Tuma, Benson, El Pasa f l:88> Overland—New Orleans via Tuma, Benson, Marlcrpa, Tucson, 12:01p El Paso, San Antonio. Houston litOsj • 12:01p Yuma, Tucson. Benson, Lords- 7:2Ea «:30p burg. Pemlng, El Paso ) l:30p 7:00 a I ' 8:20 a 8:00 a Il:B0a 1:45p Bantu Barbara and Ventura 2:30p *:»P . ,- 7:35p 7:8O> ll:4Sp 8:00 a Oznard. Chatsworth. Santa «8:30 a >:3Cp Susanna. Stratheanl, "11:50 a •7.30p Moorpark. Somla, 2:SOp Camarlllo 7:Mp *Oxnard only ____? ~~~~ Santa Paula via Saugue, 7:00 a Camulos, Pirn, Flllmora. ll:E0a 1:45p Batlcoy, Montalvo, Carplo* 7:Sip terla, Summerland 8:O0a| I 2:30p 2:86p Nordhoff | 7:88p •7:85 a l:0Sa Pomona 8:B0» 8:55 a Ontario 10:06 a • :45a Colton l:30p 12 Klip Riverside 4:360 4:25p and Ban BernardllM 6:40p 1:26p »Not Riverside or •8-sop Ban Bernardino C:ssn «:05a Redlanda 10:06 a •8:56 a .IS. t:4sa 4:36p 12'Olp Vim Itlversid* _4:»P__ ■ I «:40|» |:05a Covlna-Chlno 8:50» •Not Cevlna. "Not Chin* l:2Sp '4:359 "t:4op Santa Ana, Anaheim. Downey, >:Ka Newport Beach, Norwalk 8:30 a a'l.OOp Buena Park, West Anaheim, a*3.oon i:10p West Orange 4:60 a ('Downey and Norwalk only. | 87&5 a( Los Alamltos ( 4:50p Il4ia| Brawley, Imperial. El I 7.26 a «:30p| Centro, Calexloo |_ 6:55p :06a tan Pedro-Compton !alO.6ta •i:SOp 'via Long Beach b*lHsa aH:3Sp i Lb9:Sop b«» :06a Long Beaeh-Compton (blL4sa al0:10a 'via Ban Pedro ]all.Ka 8:30p " 'a«:3sp I b»:80p ~»To6a| alO:5Sa | Santa Catallna Island a «:35» I b8:iO» a8:10aj Chatsworth Park. (See note). 1 a4:lojj I (Note—To and from River »ta- I I tlon only. | ___^ All trains dally except those marked as fol- Iowa: "a" Sundays ezoeptedj "b" Sunday* sly. SANTA FE _Hi( JLsaT» I ' 'I Arrl—» ~~ I Kastern—Calif. Limited. I ' M:ooam dally, Chicago via Denver 140 pa and Kansas City Overland Express—Dally ~~* i.-to pm Chicago via Denver and 8:Jo ass Kansas City _r. Eastern Express — Dally ™" ' t:St) am Chicago via Denver and 1M am Kansas City Kite Shaped—Going via """"""""""" 1:10 am Pasadena. Return Ma 1:30 pa Santa Ana canyon 7:35 am 10:00 1:30 am Redlands Tim Pasadena 1:M pm 1:00 Pm 1 1:40 pm J|SO pm I t-4» pm 7:80 am Redlands rim Orange I 10:16 am 10:66 am «:n pm ~T 1:00 pm T:~ am Riverside via Faaadeaa 5:40 pa 7:30 am J 7To6~pm 10:65 am Riverside via Orange 10:3S am 5:06 pm _______________ «:30 pm 7:30 am I —^————— 7:Wfam 10:56 am Corona vim Orange 10:35 am 5:05 pm 6:30 pm 7:80 am I I 7:05 am 10:66 am San Bemardlne vim Orange 10:* am 6:06 pm 1:30 pm 7:36 am I I iTso am 8:80 am 10:00 am 10:00 am Saa Bernardino vim Pasa- 4:00 pm 2:00 pm deaa 5:40 pm 4:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:45 pm 1:00 pa ■ ■ 7:40 pm 8:56 am I I i:66 am 9:15 pm Santa Ana 8:35 am 8:06 pm 1:00 pm 11:65 plrf I «:15 pm 7:90 am I 0:66 am *:66 am . 7:of am 10:115 am Fullerton. Anaheim, 8:86 am 1:16 pm Orange 10:86 am 6:06 pm 1:00 pm tlj66 pm I «:33 pm 7:35 am I San Jaclnto, Elslnore, He- 11:28 am , 10:66 am j met and Murletta ■ «:W pm i ,16:26 am |~ Redondo^ 4JO pm "jTI6 pm~ Escondldo 1:00 pm. 1:55 am Fallbrook > 1:16 pm 1:56 am Ban Diego and 1:65 am 2:15 pra Cornnado Beaoh 1:04 pm 11:65 pm Surf Line : ,8:16 pm ■ 7:30 am Randab—; ■ "i 06.? 1 1:00 pm Searchlight aniTchlortde , fit* am : 8:00 pm Beatty, Rhyollte, Ooldileld »M mm ' and Tanonah