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4 Los Angeles Herald ' ISSUED EVERY, MORNING BY THE HERALD CO. THOMAS E. G1880N.......... President 'FRANK IS. WOLFE Managing Editor THOMAS J. GOLDING. . .Bustaeae Manager 1 DAVID G. 11A11.L1E... Associate Editor ""Entered as second-class matter at > th» ■ postoftlce In Los Angeles. OLDEST MORNING PAPER IN LOS ANGELES. , Founded Oct. 2, 1873. Thirty-sixth year. Chamber of Commerce building. Phones: Sunset Main 8000; Horn* 10211. The only Democratic newspaper In South, crn California receiving full Associated Press reports.. • ■ NEWS SERVICE — Member of the Asso i ciated Press, receiving Its full report, aver aging 25,000 words a day. HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION WITH SUN DAY MAGAZINE: Dally, by mall or carrier, a month } .40 Dally, by mall or carrier, three months. 1.20 Dally, by mall or carrier, six months.. .J. 35 Dally, by mall or carrier, one year 4.50 Sunday Herald, one year 2.00 Postage free In United States and Mexico; elsewhere postage added. THE HERALD IN SAN FRANCISCO AND OAKLAND— Los Angeles and Southern Cali fornia visitors to San Francisco and Oak land will find Th« Herald on sal* at the news stands In the San Francisco ferry building and on the street* In Oakland by Wheatley and by Amos News Co. A rile of The Los Angeles Herald can be seen at the office of our English represen tatives, Messrs. E. and J. Hardy & Co., 30, II and S? Fleet street, London, England, free of charge, and that firm will be glad to re ceive news, subscriptions and advertisements on our behalf. On all matters pertaining to advertising address Charles R. Gates, advertising man ager. _ Population of Los Angeles 327,685 CLEAR. CRISP AND CLEAN I; .RETRORSUM X __________ AT THE THEATERS ATOITOHirM—Park. MASON—"Mairda" BCRBANK—"Th« Otrl of th« Qolden \Ve»t " HELASCO—"Through a Window" M A.M-.STIO—"Th« Top of the World." ORPHEl'M—Vaudeville <;RAND—"The Toymaker." I.<>< 4 aJfGKLM—Vaudavlll*. VI XI.REH—- "At Valley Forge" I Mill ■—"Orlt." I IM llKirs—Musical burlesque. OLYMPIC—Musical burlesque AVIATION WEEK' PREPARATION'S for Los Angeles p Aviation week are being made ■*- with the energy an enterprise of this Importance warrants. There Is no doubt the meet ■will make Los Angeles the center of attraction for the civilized world, and give it by far the biggest advertisement in Its history. But be yond its legitimate advertising value it will be an occasion of surpassing im portance not only to Los Angeles, but the United States. There will be the greatest assemblage of "flying ma chines" of all kinds In the history of aviation, and out of the numerous con tests and trials civilization will gain a clearer and more reliable estimate of the value of the various types of ma chines than it has ever before pos sessed. The effect of Aviation week will be to stimulate the study of the science and art of aviation, and to direct the attention of educators to its educa tional Importance. Doubtless the meet will be followed by the establishment of schools of aviation which will rank with schools of engineering and mining. The value of airships to civilization will be indicated clearly by the meet, while a sham fight will settle the ques tion of the relative merits of airships and battleships as defenders of the country. If the supremacy of the air ship should be demonstrated at San Pedro beyond reasonable doubt, the effect on the naval program mi be revolutionary. POSTAL REFORM WHY should there be a postal deficit" it ts tlreaome to read the United Btatei poitofflce has the worst end df a bad bargain and cannot, afford to give the people better service, because it is already losing heavily. As every schoolboy knows, it Is Idling heavily becaUM our govern ment insists on neglecting one of the most Important sources of postal rev enue-tin-' parcels post. Figure! often talk more eloquently than words. There Is a postal deficit of about $20,000,000. This looks like a big figure. How "necessary" it is may be determined by the fact the express companies' divi dends amount to $24,000,000. To establish a governmental carrier system would solve the problem of the postoffice deficit. There would not be any. In all probability, there would be a surplus. In I*>SS congress reduced the rate on seeds, cuttings, bulbs, loots, scions ana plants to one cent for each two ounces, whi.h is the third class or printed mat ter rate. Probably the express com panies were not looking as closely after ■UCh "trifle*" as they are now. These articles may still be sent in the domestic mails at a redui ■ ■■] rate. It would have saved the people un told millions in the form of deficits and Of dividends to stockholders If ooriKress had made the act of 188 apply to all Instead of only part of the merchandise, It should now complete the job. Bantam states are suffering from the cold wave of the season, South California is enjoying a sun bath which is adding constantly to her unrivaled beauty and charm. ALASKAN GRAB AN accurate reflection of the stead- Uy growing public contempt for certain departmental government methods is shown by the printed statement that "insiders art betting fl vrn to three the Guggenheims will yet control Alaska." ■Whether or not the Onggenheims will be allowed to grab the peoples property in Alaska will depend on the people themselves. If they keep on talking about this subject lons enough by the time they hflve rcnehed the end of their tnlk and have made tip their minds somebody must bring some pressure to bear UpOSJ somebody high er up In order that the department of the interior may work for the people instead of against them—the mischief will already have been done. MOT IS LOCK ,THK ALASKAN STAHT.K DOOR BEFORE THE PEO- Pl B'B HORSE is STOLEN. The thief Is all In readiness to capture the valuable animal and brand him for his and pretend he Is PRIVATE PROPKRTV. Will the people of the United State* quietly allow one of their must val uable heritages, the Beward purchase, to pass into the hands of corporations and of Individuals, who will exploit it fis corporations and favored individ uals have exploited Hindustan until tin "common people" O f Britain have almost lost Interest la It 7 We must not act In the United Btatei as if we were immune from the . which have befallen other nations as a result of cnrelessness or greed. Alaska was not bought for the en richment of a trust, but for the people. If properly cared for, It will yet pro vide homes for thousands of Ameri cans, nnd with its resources carefully conserved and the people In control, win yet i me one of the richest and most prosperous stntes In the Union. The Gu^gcnhelms and others of their type were among the first to "smell out" the, riches, of Alaska and Imme diately coveted them and began to plot and plan how to gain possession of them. The. timber lands of Alaska are worth ns much, as the mineral prod ucts; nay, there is every Indication tbej .'!!•• of mort actual value to this timber-hungry nation. Vet people who would bo willing and enge/ to go to war with a foreign r>owi>r lor thu sake of r<-tuining or obtaining control of a gold supply will sit iilly and apparent ly indifferently while the richest tim ber lands In the world nre confiscated anil looted by private Interests^ Sure ly it is obvious that In such case pri vate Interest! are public enemies and must bo fought with us much vigor. enthusiasm and desire to win as would be manifested in a contest with an alien power. Chicanery, fraud, artifice, all kinds of un-American devices, are being used In the endeavor to steal Alaska. Not im in the courts art tbt people get ting a iQiare deal, it is charged the Interior department is not in earnest in Its conduct of the suits in Seattle r\er the Cunningham claims. For de fense of the public domain the depart ment selected a beardless youth, the gradual" of a night m tool and cor respondence school law course in who on croM examination objected to a question because it whs a leading question. When one of hia own ques tions on direct examination wns ob jected to ai leading he declared lie had a right to Indicate t<. liis witi■• whai anewer he expected. This youth of Incredible Ignorance and inexperience is- opposed i>y two of the foremost lawyers of the west. What has he? What chance uas it Intended he should have? what chance have the people tins greenhorn Is supposed to represent? We in California have a vitally keen st in keeping the looters from annexing and exploiting Alaska. The t.inlier grown in this vast domain will supply the wood from which the homei of America will be built. To Southern California especially the Alaskan timber question la one of the gravest moment, and we wish our good people would realize this. The future prosperity of Southern Califor nia depends In some measure on the success of the effort to resist the ra pacious encroachments of conscience- less greed on tin- Via kan woodlands, The old timber states nave been stripped. Their condition of denuda tion is pitiful. There are no pine tre< in the "I'ine Tree .state" and thi ri thousands of empty acres where owe nourished the vast "forest primeval" of l£vangellne, Will the Quggenhelms control Alas ka? Not If California and the wesl country s,wakon to a sense of their danger; to a realisation of the menace to the home-building and the growth and prosperity of our state that ■ in the unchecked rapacltj of the raid ers of the northland. The people, not the Quggenhl mis, tnUI t i ontrOl Alaska. HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD merger < lei tion, Jan uary 24, Will biiiu; Hollywood into Greater Los Angeles in time to participate in the Greater Los An geles program Of improvement and to bear a share of the expense. It I lieveil the annexation election will be overwhelmingly in favor of union. Both cities will be benefited by the coalition. Hollywood will bring to Greater Los Angeles one of the most, perfectly equipped municipal districts to be found in the United States or any other country. "Down to date," always has been the motto of Hollywood; and splendidly paved and graded streets, a fine residential district and excellent Si hoola will be added to Greater Los. Am... |es by union with enterprising, energetic Hollywood. Contributors to the aviation fund are contributing to the prosperity of Los Angeles and Southern California LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MOKNMG, DECEMBER 30, I^oo. ''Z^ s<> "^ - STATE DEMOCRACY GREAT work is liefore the Demo cratic party in the state of Cali fornia. Never were Its opportu nities for doing good and for promot ing the cause of Americanism as ex cellent as they are today. It Is fitting the new yenr should be begun with new inspiration, renewed zeal and a resolution to go forward Steadily, keeping ev< r before the people the causes to which (he democracy is pledged, which in great measure, va ried only by the differences of time and circumstance, are the pood old causes to which the founders Of the nation ware pledged. The gathering of the Democracy of the ■! its at Pan Francisco January S will be more than a party event. in the broadest mum of the adjec tives It will be a political event of great Importance and a national event. The subjects assigned to sneakers at the great Democratic conference Indicate its scope, its breadth', its j range, |ta magnitude. Experts "ill prepare papera on the following subjects, which will after* wardi !"■ discussed from every view point that may be suggested: "Policy of California Democracy," "Railroads: Their Relation to Our Prosperity"; ! "Income Tax and Central Bank," "California and the Tariff," "Benefit! and Metbodl of Organization," "How to i trganlM ■ county." As many v< presentatlves Of Southern California as can conveniently respond to the call Should attend this most im portant meeting. Political and gov ernmental reform will demand the at tentlon of the political parties and voters Of tliis state at the MM elec tion, if the Democratic party 1b to take effective part in the great nor! of destroying the railroad machine that has disgraced and dishonored tho state, and iii eivinc California a free, American government worthy of our magnificent state, Democrat! must lie ii|i and doing. -^ flgoroui Democracy pledged to y, i government and lend ing snd bending all its energies and using all its resources for tin- accom plishment of tii it patriotic purpose will help bring about a new era of po litical purity and general prosperity tur California. VOTES FOR WOMEN • N effurt to pledge college trained AN women not to work for woman women not to work tor woman ■£*■ suffrage has met with disastrous defeat. The executive committee of the National Association of Collegiate Alumnae prepared and offered a res olution to the effect that neither the aMoclatlon nor the branches in forty seven cities should work In connec tion with woman suffrage. This i ; o lution was defeated at the meeting held recently In Cincinnati, and the delegates showed great interest in the suffrage question. Woman suffrage is one of the twen tieth century problems, even as mun hood suffrage was one of the nine teenth century problems. It is easy to foresee the complete UCOesS of the movement all along the line. The only "reasons" which can be urged against it are sentimental reasons, and the sentiment is of the thinnest kind, at that. For the sake of the speedy settle ment of the social troubles of the United States, for the sake of the es tablishment of a square deal principle in wage earning, for the sake of chil dren who an being deprived of edu cation, overworked and underfed; for the sake of tin: greatest f.ood for tho greatest number, Foi-t THE BAKK OF Till.' AMERICAN NATION, IF IT IS TO ENDURE, ii is high time wo had woman suffrage. There's no land like the southland. Los Angeles for ours. Will He Write It This Way? WHO WANTS CANNON? PERNICIOUS activity among some of the members of the grand old party Indicates a desire to remove Uncle Joe Cannon from public life, and if the old man should stubbornly per sist In refusing to accept broad hints, to take good advice, or to confirm ar ticles which announce his retirement, the younger Republicans will be con fronted by the awful necessity of shelv ing Undo Joe. Who is it that persists In keeping Mr. Cannon In office In opposition to the wishes of the younger and more progressive members of his own party? Is it not well known Uncle Joe in his day mI generation has been a most valuable ally and Indispensable aid to the INTERESTS which must keep con stant watch over congress, lest they awaken some fine morning to find legis lation has been passed that will pro tect the people? Without the backing of the Interests, Uncle Joe would have been down and out long ago, and when the story of the fight between Americanism and usurpation Is written It will be found the usurpers of power, privilege and profits had a devoted champion on guard In the very "thick of affairs," and histname was Joe Cannon. Railroads are putting on more trains for the tourist rush. This will be one of the greatest tourist and colonist vis In the history of Greater Los Angeles and Southern California. Pre pare to welcome the coming guests and the new chums who are now wearily buffeting snow storms and wading through drifts to reach railway stations Where they may purchase ttansporta tion to Lovely Los Angeles. They can not get away from the blizzards fast enough. Most of them wish heartily they could travel to Los Angeles by telegraph. W do not believe Kermit Roosevelt has "made the profession of photo graphic Illustration doubly dignified." That's snobbery. We do not believe Theodore Roosevelt is the greatest liv ing author, and lias elevated the writ ing profession. We rejoice in the pno tographli and writing ability of the Roosevi its. I.ike all good men, they are a credit to their country. profit! have been realised by the milk trust. Nothing will be so pleasing to the people of the United States as a genuine, whole-hearted, un reserved anti-trust message by Presi dent Tait. From the gallery the presi dent may hear a roar of lusty voices shouting: "Give 'em sheol, Hill!" One-fourth "f ail pupils in the state nr California attend the county schools, and 23 per cent of the entire enroll ment is in Los Angeles county. This is the most signal proof that can be glvi n of the leadership of Los An geles county, which is by far the most important in the state of California. There was something so disgustingly, commonly, vulgarly, despicably mean about the SUgar frauds that it is no wonder the Republican papers hate to discuss them. Only the lowest order of criminal Intellectuality will tamper with weights and measures. I,os Angeles now owns the biggest ballOOO i?> the world, and has made ar rangements t'>r the biggest aviation meet In the world; and In the air aw well as on the earth is demonstrating the iupremacy and the success of the Los Angeles way. Rough handling of the hobo has caused ft to be placed on this MOtion of the country, says a rail road man. Of course we don't want the hobos, nut what or who is responsible (or many ol' them? Public Letter Box TO C«mi;l.>rOM)KM.1 — letter* Intruded (or publication mu»t !>• accompanied b/ tin DHinr and adtlre»» of tlie writer. I'iie Herald Elves the widest tatlturi* to correspondents, but assumes no responsibility (or their *!«»». CRITICISES DRAMA AS MERE LAUDATION OF SACRIFICE LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29.—[Editor Herald]: "The Writing on the -Wall" opens with Master Lawrence, aped about three, toddling round the stage. Enter his mother, who hugs him with the effusiveness required of emotional actresses, thus giving the key to the play. For this young gentleman his mother will consent to continue life with a. scoundrel of the deepest dye, who preys on the community ami baa been deceiving her at every turn, show ering wealth on a mistress In violation Of his solemnly plighted word. For this youngster Mrs. Lawrence, fully en tit I.<l to divorce, will ruin not only her own life, but that of the hero of tho piny. She will live in the snme house with her :itroetty of a husband, but thence forth they will meet as strangers. This ills keeping the home together. In reality It !■ deceiving society, for the take of the aforesaid youngster. Take the case of the youngster. He Is as are other boys, and we know the i For years he will be a little, animal, working out a purely animal lifo. His mother's much vaunted sacrl :ii•<■ In- will not understand, and could not appreciate if he understood. Then will come a period when he will run after the girls, and the girls after him. Will lie consider society or the wishes of this self-sacrificing mother? Not the least bit In the world. By that time he will have become fully aware of the MtnUtgraMßt between his father and mother. Thr odds are ten to one that. If he bothers his head about the matter, It will be to wonder why they do not separate instead of leading such an unnatural existence. Probably he will find life in a house so divided against itself a nuisance and will set up apartments of his own. And for this two lives have been ruined; two lives that were just attain ing the stage at which the development of the soul begins! How fatal this Mi rlflce is Incomes apparent Imme diately, for Mrs. Lawrence roves about the stage moaning that her own life is over. A woman of twenty-five, and her life iivcr! Mlh Nrtliersolc's play is simply a al'irifuation of the old, old Oriental religious delusion that life was meant to be sacrificed— * delusion that has made the Hindoo one of the most groveling figures of history. This de lusion is at tb« bottom or all the un worthy (elf-abasement of ths nnssts. who thereby create their despots. It has nothing to do with motherly !ov, on which any slie-wolf could give many of our modern women pointers. But the she-wolf doesn't wacrifice her nature to her cubs. On the contrary, she develops it to the highest point. Neither lias this self-sacrifice any thing to do With loyalty, fidelity, etc.— tin" first of all virtues —because they call not for lelf-annlhllation, but truth to th" laws of individual life. "This, above ail. to thine own self be true, Bnd it must follow, as the night ihe day, thou cannot then be false to any man." Mrs. Lawrence could not say that. False to her own nature, she is false to all the world, which, with a conscieiu elessness that seems to me to surpass expression she will persistently deceive for the sake of—what? Her son? No; of appearances. T. K. G. SAYS SCIENTISTS HAVE NOT DISPROVEN STORY OF BIBLE LOS ANCELES, Dee. 28.—[Editor Herald]: A writer to the Letter Box sinning till name "Truth Seeker" asks: "How can the Bible story of creation be made to agree with the discoveries of science along that line? Which Is right, science or the Bible? If both are right, how can they be made to agree?" Now siuci! no finite mind has or can comprehend the spiritual significance (■I or symbolism of the first chapter ol Genesis, It Is utterly impossible to .s;iy whither they agree or not. This much can be said. Whatever ''truth the scientist* have discovered is In harmony with the Biblical account of creation, but not as wo understand It; for men, be they scientists or theol ogians, have not yet been led into all truth, and the varied Interpreta tions tend to confuse the mind. It is also h noteworthy fact that what is accepted "s truth by one generation THE HOLY LAND IX--A MODERN ZION Frederic J. Haskin MBqgJgJgCJ HEN Dr. Theodor II "V.I JtWTrTTI published Ills book, "The Iff t¥ W B Jewish State," lw in -111 named the Jewish tn'iul |fi^jLjL*| all over ""' world with a iBSSBebSi spirit of nationalism winch it had not known sltvo the destruction of Jerusalem. Tho Zion ist congress which met at Baslo in 1897 was the first International and world-wide convocation of Jewj since the dispersion. That nineteen cen turies have not prevailed against the peculiar separation of this people, that living in small numbers among many .'< oyles and races has not brought a 1 out assimilation, goes to prove the, existence of a Jewish nation.i.ity, al- ugh it has no political atatua or ter ritorial possessions. According to the definition of Dr. Hersl, Zionism strives to create for tho persecuted .lews a home In Palestine. Not all Jews In America are agreed as to tho wisdom of the Zionist k: pro gram, The Jews have Bevel been united in thought, and at the present time In America Zionism means more as a partisan Issue among the Jews than It does as an actual movement toward the restoration of the prom ised land to the chosen people. The Zionists, who are mostly of the ortho clox branch of the Jewish faith, cling ciuscly to the doctrines of Mostu Host arid the preachments of Her/., whiio denouncing what they oat] the "S.S slmllators." Zionism has become In fact, In the United States, a move ment against assimilation wliti the pentlles. • • • Three, times dally the devout ortho dox Jew prays to his God: "Sound tho great trumpet for our freedom, lift up the banner, collect our exll is and gather us speedily together from the four corners of the earth to our own land." To the vast majority tills prayer Is hut a part of the ritual of j dully worship and means nothing ap proaching an actual desire to return to Palestine or to participate In the es tablishment of a Jewish state. In fact the. Jewish nation, M a political en tity, exists only in the imagination of the Zionist leaders. But already the movement hag be gun to reclaim the Holy I-and from Us barren thriftlessnesg by the settlement of Jewish colonies in the country. Most of these colonies have been Bet up since the beginning of the Zion movement In 1897, while several ante date the congress of Basle. Wherever one of these colonies exists there Is a green and fertile oasis in the desert,of Palestine. Few American Jews have seen fit to desert the opportunities of the western hemisphere for a return to their Asiatic ancestral home. Most of the colonies are made up of Jews from Russia, Roumania and other European countries In which the Jews have been subjected to persecution. There, are now seventy modern Jew ish colonies in Palestine, most of them engaged In agricultural pursuits. Th.. Zionists have established a college In Jerusalem which devotes much atten tion to Industrial training and to rgn cultural science. There is also a mod ern Jewish hospital In Jerusalem and a gymnasium and school In Jaffa. Grants have been 'obtained from the Turkish government giving the Jewj the right to purchase land and guaran teeing them protection. The Influence of the nations of western Europe sup ports these colonies. One of the oldest and most prosper ous of these modern Jewish establish ments is the colony of Samarln, or Stchron Taacob. This was the Oral colony of Roumanian Jews to find refuse in Palestine, and was estab lished In 1882. It is devoted principally to orange growing and wine making. - • • . • ■■ Last spiing a company of American tourists, nnable to land at Jaffa be cause of the stormy weather, was car ried on to Haifa. It was necessary to Ml;.' a two days' wagon trip across the country to Jaffa. In order to r<\irh Jerusalem. Wagons were provided at Haifa, but there was no driver who could speak English, and not one of the Americans knew anything but_ Enffltsb. The drivers spoke Arabic, German, French and Turkish, but that was of no help to tho Yankees. Mm hotel proprietor at Haifa told the Americans that they would stop at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon at the Jewish colony of Samarln, WBSre they could obtain accommodations for the night. He explained to trie ignor ant Americans that there would be no one <n the colony who could speaK Kngllsh, but expressed a hope that the sign language would suffice to procur? satisfaction for the actual physical wants of the travelers. After ten hours' driving over the of scientists is den'ed or rejected by tlm next, In Rome cases at least. Involution is not a proven fact; It Is yet an hypothesis, assumed without positive proof, notwithstanding the be liefs of all the scientists or theological professor! to the contrary. "Truth Seeker" again says: "The Bible says that In the time of Noah the whole earth was Hooded." then &sk* (what Bcems a silly question): "What was the whole tarth at that time?" and Infers because America was not discovered until more than ;i thousand years lifter Christ, that it was not ii part of the earth at the date of the flood, or that the waters never covered this part of the earth. To my mind it requires more faith to believe in a deluge, that covered half the earth and left the other half dry than to believe in a universal flood hs declared in Genesis. It is written that "the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of the prudent shall bo hid." An earnest student of the Bible, for truth's sake, finds In Its symbol isms and types treasures new and old. No one with such an object sole ly can fail to find comfort und his faith strengthened in the "Living Word" which is verity and truth, whether the scientists are in agree ment with it or not. J. R. KITTS. SEEKING A REAL CURE FOR PROBLEMS IN FAMILY LIFE LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18.—[Editor Herald]: "Tlie Writing on the Wall" holds some of the questions that are of the most vital Interest to men, women and children. First, we have some plain truths about the "trinities" of the world shutting out the sight of .siiiniris, sorrowing humanity "by paint ing their windows." (I have never undi istood why the church made such a distinction between "painted windows and painted faces.") The "Writing on the Wall" enlightened me somewhat. Second —Of what use is all this ac cusing of husband by wife and wifo by husband if after it all they merely forgive and forget, commencing those demoralising scone* all over again. The. world Mjri "for the children's sßke." Oh, no! Barbara forgave after there was no child. That excuse was taken fields, for thore ivero no roadj the wu^on resched a stretch of well mac adaintaad highway which betokened •he fact that they had arrived within the limits of the colony. The ronrl wouud up the mountain side to tho clean* village which Is tho center of tho colony. The a agon stopped In front of a building which displayed the sign "Hotel Gruf." The travelers w<>re wondering how they would ask for dinner in the sign language, whsn .sud denly the door of the hotel opened and Kave forth a bustling llttlo man, who »h< uted, ' Welcome to our city. Know you are from America, and I will feed you Hunt. Get right out an.i go In the parlor. You will find th<i New York papers in there. I take tho Joinal. I think William Randolph Hoist Is the greatest man In Arne ka since George Washington." The Rurprlsed nnd delighted travelers instantly knew that they wero at home with a product of the melting: pot of Hie east side of New York. Mr. Graf, for he was the proprietor of tho hotel, explained that he had left Uoumanla for New York at the time his father\ joined the colony which came to Pal estine, uls father died and left the hotel and other property, which Mr. Qraf of New York came to Palestine to manage. He took great pride In showing the Americans about the col ony, but he constantly Interrupted him self by asking questions about New York and expressing the hope that Mr. Hearst might yet bo president of the United States. It was evident that this particular colonist greatly preferred Lorbor's res taurant an.l th't Thalia theater on tho "list side to the Plain of Sharon, tho Promised Land, the Talmud and the Torah. But not so the majority of the thousand souls who made up the colony. For here they havo found peace and plenty instead of persecution and poverty. The government of the colony Is an absolute democracy of the form of the old-time New Krigland town meeting, with Just tie same flavor of theocracy. The synagogue and the school epitomize tho purposes and nmbltlons of the people. In the one the old men are constantly at prayer for the coming of the Messiah and the restoration of the kingdom of tho Jews. In the other the children are being taught to read and write and catenate, after the fashion of modern children In modern schools, with tho strange distinction that the only Jan guagc used )s Hebrew. Not Roumanian, not French, not that strange Jargon known as Yiddish, but the Hebrew of the pure classics, the Hebrew of the Talmud and the Kabblnlcal books of tho law. The streets are well paved, lighted by gas, there !s a waterworks system, and many more evidences of twentieth century civilization than one would ex pert to find. The hospital, the gift of Raron Rothschild, not only provides for the members of the colony, but ex tends Its ministrations to the Arabs, Syrians and Bedouins of the neighbor-, hood. The stores and shops look Ilk* those of a small rural village In Amer ica, and If It were not for the queer dress of the old men and the ear-locks which proclaim the eastern Jew, it would be difficult for one to realize that be Is standing under the shadow of the flag of the shield of David. In this colony the principal incomo is derived from the vineyards. The Bt'lnc produced la owned by the com munity In common, and the colony's public expenditures aro made from the proceeds of the sain of the wine. The remainder Is divided among the heads of fumilles. The wlno presses and vat» are sheltered by a hugn building which resembles nn American factory building. Underneath this are the largest wine cellars In Asia. Mr. Graf showed the American party through Its dark and cavernous »cor- rldors, proudly proclaiming that there wan nothing like It in America, and thriftily explaining that .this wine could be had In New York or Chicago under tho label "Samarlan Society." The Amorlcans enjoyed the visit to the colony not only hecuuso it afforded tho opportunity to see the working of a practical experiment In Zionism, but also becaufle It was the most pros perous place they saw In all Palestine. Here the people were well fed, well clothed, clean and contented. It is only In the Zioniet colonies and in tho German colonies that one finds Mich conditions in Palestine. And yet Mr. Graf was living proof that to the average Jew the United States of America, and not Palestine, is Zion. Tomorrow—The Holy ljulil: X —\ f'runader'n (aktlv. away. She remained with him when the child was gone for the same reason she remainded with him when the child was there —she wanted to be with the man —was willing to risk another child's life for this man who had failed her in the past, and her knowledge of human nature taught her he would fall again. Both were hypocrits in their attitude Inward each other ami toward the world. Is this sort of thing the best for humanity? I for one think here is wh*r* the rottenness of life lies. The church locks these people in a room iiml says fight it out. And fighting It (Hit men and women am doing today with the home the buttle ground. Is ( this best for humanity? What we need Is a matrimonial con ference of some kind Where these con ditions can be settled with more sarred ness than can be done l>y millions of battling men and women at the hearth stone, and nino times out of every ten with the children Interested witnesses. The disease is centuries old. Is there a cure? VIRGINIA DARE. RUN OFF WALK BY ONE DOG, TO BE BESET BY ANOTHER LOS ANGELES, Dec. 27.—[Editor Herald]: That the city is overrun with dogs goes without saying, and why a peaceful city like Los Angeles should have several thousand vicious bulldogs is more than I caa see. The average man has no more use for a vicious bulldog than he has for a tiger, for one is Just about as much usa as tho other. The writer while coming home from church Sunday on Ltsighton avenue was run oft the sidewalk by a largo brindle bulldog, only to find on the other side 8. collie ready to snap his heels. I should offpr as a suggestion that if we levy a license of $15 per annum on bull bitches. $10 on other large varieties and $5 on little ones, there would soon be a dearth of bull pups to annoy us. O. I-. ROBERTSON. Not Perfection Church —You don't expect your type*** writer to be perfect, do you? Gotham —No; i do not ever expect to gee the recording angel on this earth. —Yonkers Statesman.