OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, January 06, 1910, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1910-01-06/ed-1/seq-11/

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Al Livingstone Signed for One Year •
and Will Travel Around the
Country Demonstrating
Power of Device
That this Is the age of demonstration j
.here i an be lKtle doubt when it is I
considered that within the past three
days there has been consummated the
formation oil three ieparata and iiis-1
unit corporations, all under the laws i
„i the i tat« of California, the wie I
purposes of each being the practical .
demonstration of what may b<- nccom I
pushed In the way of adding ti the
power and economy of the operation
■•i an automobile.
Locally, there have been many things
happening that will prove of momen
tous occasion to the automobile world,
and as every person In these diiy* Is
considered to be from the state of
Missouri, and most of them Inhabi
tants from tho capital of that state,
demonstration has been considered the
mean* o! convincing even the most I
doubting Thomas of facts which must
appeal to the most scrupulous ob
To tills end the High Frequency Ig
nition Coil company, manufacture™ of i
the Seeley high frequency ignition sys- |
tern .m.i other autom bile special) i
have purchased outright the tost and
popular racing car—the Corbln—which
has made a name for Itself upon local
and eastern trades and have with
drawn that car from the track as a ;
Corbln representative, turning 11 Into
a representative of what the.high fre
quency system is ablo to do In econ
omy of power as well as Riving tv an
automobile increased power.
Tim purchasing company stands as
tiie owner and sponsor of the corbln—
tho little car which has made so many
friends through the plucky and game
lights It has made on the racing track,
and from this date the Corbin will
demonstrate to the country Just what
the high frequency system will do cor
any car, on any track, or on any
road in the world, In furnishing addi
tional power and economy in opera
The original company which con
trols the patents of the Beeley com
pany have purchased the Corbin, and
will turn the car over to the Beeley :
laities company, a local organ
ization, for demonstration purpose*
from this date until th- Ist day of
Mnv of this year, when it will be
shipped to the Beeley Sales corpora
tion, another subsidiary company,
with headquarters at Detroit, Mich.,
for use during the balance of the year
to demonstrate to the states east of
"the Rockies Just what the high fre
quency Ignition system means.
These Items, appearing In The Herald
exclusively, came to the surface yes
terday with the payment of the pur
chase price of the Coil,in to that com
pany by the High Frequency Ignition
roll company, of which Mr. Sweeney
is resident. It Is the Intention of this
company—and it has already done so
—to turn over to a newly formed com
pany to bo known as the Beeley Spe
cialties company, the racing ( orbin
for demonstration purposes until May
1 after which date the little car will be
■hipped to the east, where she will
proceed upon a lone tour of the eastern
Will Demonstrate Thoroughly
In conversation with President
Sweeney of tin- High Frequency Igni
tion company yesterday he said: ' Our
.purpose Is solely to demonstrate to all
In,, people who generally come from
Evilssoiiri that the system we manufac-
Biiiie is the highest embodiment, of
Bveryihin:-' appertaining to additional
Bower to an automobile, and economy
Hi the fuel consumption. Having done
Bits, our efforts have been fully ex-
Bkusted, because the car will show pre- ;
Sk ely what our system win do."
-Hl'util the formation of the newly or-
Bjiiiized concerns Henry Fleet wood &
JSB). have had the sales agency of the ■
Bjacific coast for tho Seoley system.
Hj'ith the organization completed yes
fltrdsiy another was formed to be.
■ iihii as the Seeley Specialties com
3ifiiy, which absorbs the firm of Henry
DR etwooil & Co. and will hereafter
BJRitrol nn the Pacific coast all of he
BjM'luetions of the High Frequency Ik-
BWon Coil company.
KrSaie growth of the business of this
IJSftern made necessary greater cor-
BHiimi facilities to handle the affairs
; .'B^lie concern, and it was deemed
■ " JB^sary to secure additional facilities
Hi handle it. The corporation just
:,'Bj 'd will have a capital stock of $,"0,-
BB^V, strictly Loa Angeles concern—a
J "I corporation, which will take the |
H I; car Corbin and use her in every |
■k^., to which she is entitled to enter:
¥$•■ ' demonstrate to the public just!
//■«nat the special features of the Seeley
■ will do.
In conversation with Henry Floet
wood yesterday that gentleman said to
the Herald man: "We have shown to
the public that we have all we claim
to have In the form of additional power j
and economy In our system. Having
lone so. our business has outgrown
our present capacity. Therefor, view-
Ing with some pride the aggressive per
formances of the owners of the high
frequency system, we have decided to
go into this proposition for all there Is
in it. Our company is a purely local
concern—a Los Angeles concern—and
whatever may accrue to this corpora
tion reflects but to the credit of this
. great and growing city."
Speaking further upon the business
of 1 he concern, Mr. Fleetwood cited the
circumstance that the Midland com
pany,' manufacturers of the Midland
cars, had written that the company had
found the Seeley system more than
satisfactory in the trials which had
been given to it and that they would
shortly place an order for many of the
little wonder which gives to the car
such forceful evidences of Its power.
With this, too, is tho inquiry for an
immense order for seventy-five- sets,
covering an order for 10,000 outfits of
the system.
The Seeley Specialties company's of
ficers will be Henry Fleetwood and-
Edward J. Pyle of this city and C. J.
Howard, a capitalist of Pasadena.
Another Company in East
In the oast there Is still another com
bination which is to handle the high
frequency Ignition system, to be known
as the Eastern Sales corporation, and
this in mother Los Angeles concern.
At Its head is Harry Arnold, jr., of the
Arnold Furniture company, whose busi
ness ability has placed him among the
first rank In the commercial world of
: Qreater Los Angeles. Associated with
♦lim la Qeo, A. Johnston, formerly of
the tin!.' Bradford company, and C. D.
Hudson, formerly the cashier of the
I'entral National bank of this city, and
who resigned his position with that in
stitution to eepl the position of man
iijjcr of the Eastern Sales corporation,
with headquarter! at Detroit, Mich.,
ivhere ho now is established and is al
ready pushing the products of the con
cern to ,i successful conclusion. The
eastern corporation will handle every
thing east of the Rocky mountains,
while the Seeley Specialties company
will represent the institution west of
those points.
The favorite racing car Corbln, hav
ing passed Into the bands of the High
Frequency Ignition '"ii company, will
remain here until late In the spring.
This little machine will be in the
limids of ai Livingstone, the coast
driver who has made good in his line.
Livingstone is under contract with the
company which purchased the car for
:i period of one year and will be en
tered In every event to which the Cor
bin In her class Is eligible, the first of
which will be that of January 9 at
Ascot park. Livingstone is known all
over the Pacific coast as one. of the
must fearless and fast drivers of rac-
Ing ears on this coast. In many events
his name has been foremost, and,
youngster as he is, he made a mark
in the cast, where he was associated
with some of the now world-famous
After a series of events on the local
track Livingstone will take the Corbin
. through the valleys of this state, vis
iting the most prominent cities and
I Hiving demonstrations of what the car
will do with the High Frequency sys
inn installed. As the car promises to
be three to four seconds faster than
she has over been before there is every
I reason to believe that the Corbln, lit
ted. as she will be, with the new sys
tem of ignition, will be a formidable
rival for any stock car thai may ap
pear upon the racing track.
The Herald on Sunday will give a
full description of the Beeley system,
' with Illustrations of Just what light
ning is handled by mechanical in
genuity and bottled up as a rejuven
ating proeera to the i"" I.pr given to
the automobile through Its natural
■# * #
1 Business During 1910 Gives Indica
tions of Surpassing All Previous
Records, Says Motor
Motor Age, ■ leading journal devoted
nlvely to the automobile Industry
and usually one of the most conserva
tive and reliable of publications, has
ihis to say In an annual review recently
published, gathered from reports made
to it from every part of the com,try:
■ 1 lie motor car industry of the United
States is enteritis upon the greatest
year In Us history, which means much,
for the last tWO "i- three seasons have
i been of extraordinary nature them
selves, with the nation's output Jump-
Ing In monster Wounds each year. But
1810 ui.,s .very indication of cxi l
ing the ion.lest drenms of a year ago
of the most enthusiastic. From t.'i.ooo
ears thi- year to between
ami 800,000 for 1810 Is an advance for
ward that shows the giant strides of
iin industry, The estimated output
doi - not exceed the probable demand,
but whether fir not the car makers
will coins up to their estimates is hard
to say at this ■wiitinK. The possibili
ties of their factories have been eare
| fully gauged, and upon these has been
based the desired output, but in all
probability it will be the parts make™
will be the biKgest factors. If
they can turn out | Is sufficient tv
till their orders then the car produc
tion of the United States ought to
close!} appioach the estimates made.
•as to the possibilities of these cars
being sold alter they are munutae
iure.l. there can be no doubt after those
most Interested have read the reports
received by Motor Age from its corre
spondents in the large motoring cen
ters. Without an exception the story
is the sam< —a demand for cars in such
quantities that it will tax to the ut
most the capabilities of the manufac
turers to supply. Detroit, Chicago, New-
York. Philadelphia, Boston, Cleveland.
I Denver. Pittsburg, Washington, Ban
j Francisco, l.os Angeles — anywhere,
every when; there is evidence that the
entire country is prepared to partici
pate In the coronation of King Motor.
! Detroit, the great hub of the mami
| facturlng industry, reports that it will
I turn out from 100,000 to 140,000 cars
I in 1910. an increase all the more won
! dorful when it is realized that 44,200
! represent Detroit's 1909 output and 17,
--j 161 that of 1908."
j Local Firm Will Handle Stromberg!
Carbureters in the Western
A most important deal has been re
! cently consummated whereby the I
i Chanslor & Lyon Motor Supply compu- j
I ny of this city, and through their sev-
I eral branch houses on the Pacific coast,
; becomes the general distributor for the
western coast lor Stromberg car
buretors. W. R. Johnston, who
1 has for several years been the western
agent for the Stromberg output, has
1 been promoted to the position of gen
eral manager of the Stromberg compa
: ny, with headquarters at Chicago, and
the following circular letter in part has
I been sent, to all agents throughout the
I country confirming the changes recent
ly made:
"We have' just completed arrange
ments with the Chanslor & I.yon Motor
Supply company of San Francisco, Los
Angeles and Seattle to act as our dis
tributing agents for the Pacific coast.
They will e^irry a complete stock of
Stromberg carburetors, parts, mani
folds and fittings at each of the above
points, and our Mr. Thomas M. Hart
will travel the territory continuously,
giving the dealers and garage men ad- '■
vice and aid regarding the installation
and cars of our product.
"This branch has just concluded a
very successful year, but we feel that
our line in the hands of the Chanslor &
Lyon Motor Supply company will re- j
ceive even better and more extensive
attention than we have been able to
give it before."
— « . «■
The Corbln Motor Car company of
this city has been advised that the fac
tory is working night and day to get
out cars for the coming season. The
company is also working on a six
cylinder model, and expects at an early
date to have a line of these cars ready
for the Pacific coast. The Corbin six
will be' a 48-horse power, designed to
carry any type of body, from a two- i
passenger runabout to a seven-passen-1
ger touring car. The wheel base will
1., about 124 Inches, and the wheel
thirty-six inches. It Is promised by
the. Corbin people that when the new
six appears it will be the classiest car
ever brought to the Pacific coast.
SloW Speed Necessary in Order to
Carry Out the Desired Ef.
fects with Monster on
New Year's Day
A striking feature of what remark
abli teats may be performed with au
| tomobiles was well Illustrated during
' the automobile parade on New Year's
eve In Son Francisco, when the big
Chinese dragon was successfully car
ried along on three automobiles, all
■ driving under their own power, al
though coupled closely together. For
more than four hours the engines of
the three machines were kept running,
and on account of the slow speed at
which they were compelled to travel
and the number of hills they were
obliged to negotiate all driving: was
done on the lower gears.
It was an ingenious coupling of the
three Studebaker E-M-P "thirties"
that were used that made the feat pos
sible. This was accomplished by
clamping pieces of 2x3 Inch oak to the
front and rear springs of the ears and
coupling these from the center with a
third 2xJ of the same length, leaving
about an eight-inch play between thi
machines. Racks were then provided
for the poles which supported the
monster dragon, these being placed
immediately in front of the radiators,
in the tonneaus of the cars and at the
rear of the' last car.
While the equipping of the three
Studebakers for the stunt called for
considerable engineering skill, the
driving of the automobiles was an ex
ceedingly trying ordeal to the men at
the wheels. Despite the fact that the
cars were coupled together, the drivers
were bilged to so operate their en
gine that there was an equal amount
of pushing and pulling power exerted
by each car.
Will Make First Appearance at Coli
seum Next Sunday, When Classy
Card Will Be Run
The unavoidable delays of the past
events at motorcycle headquarters at
the Coliseum track has spurred the
management of the next Sunday's meet
as it has never done before. On every
hand there is activity of the highest
order, and the management is deter
mined that the past shall be redeemed
by one day's meet.
The entries of the trade riders are
among the best that have been present
ed, while the 100-mile race is still the
matter of general comment all along
the line. There has never been pre- ,
sented such an array of professional
talent on the saucer track as will be
seen on the Coliseum oval next Sunday,
the entries Including Whittler, Mitchell,
Samuelson, Lingenlelder and possibly
Jake de Rosier.
An additional possibility is Seymour,
a local man who has many friends here
and who will wish him success in his
class. Seymour has been doing stunts
all over tho eastern circuit, and comes
back well supported by his work in the
east, where he defeated many of the
best racers of that clime.
Seymour's motor is expected today,
and he will take his practice spin along i
with the fast boys who are every day
turning miles faster than they have
ever been done on the Coliseum before,
because the next meet means the
I world's championship In whatever class
they may win.
That the competition next Sunday
1 will be of the keenest there is but little
doubt, because each contestant is out
for an individual record, and to this
I end all are competing in the dally prac
tice stunts now being carried out on the
Coliseum track.
Cup Donated Will Be Awarded Each
Year by Royal Automobile
One of the most notable trophies—
and indeed the one signifying triumph
In the most rigorous contest—among
those to be exhibited at the. New York
! automobile show, January 8-15, will
i be the Dewar trophy which was award- j
I ed to the Cadillac by tho Royal Auto
| mobile club of England. The Dewar
i trophy, which is a handsome silver cup.
! was donated by Sir Thomas Dewar to ;
1 be awarded by the Royal Automobile
1 club each year to the car which should
successfully complete the most merito
rious performance or that furthering
the interests and advancement of the
Industry. It was awarded to the Ca
dillac i" recognition of the standard
: izatlon test which took place In Lon- |
: don and which i-; regarded as the most
severe test of mechanical accuracy ever
applied to a motor car.
The cup offered by the New Years
celebration committee of San Francisco
tor the largest number of cars of any
one make iii the auomoblle parade, and
win for ii"' second consecutive time by
the Bulok with flfty-one ears In line, is
an unusually large and beautiful tro
phy, standing twelve inches high. This
must attractive cup, which is on dis
play ai the salesrooms of the Howard
Automobile company, la of bronze, art
istically deoorated with grape vines and
bunches of grapes, and Is nine inches
in diameter at the top and seven and a
hair Inches at the base.
Ira D. Lundy of Seattle has written
the Diamond Rubber oompany he is
particularly well pleased with the use
Of th W Diamond grip tires on his
ear. He writes that not only dues he
do away with tire chains, but that the
tires are not bo easily punctured and
stand up much better under hard usage
than any other typo In a hilly city like
Among the prominent purchaser! of
the new diamond grip casings this week
ROSI 06 llav ens.
O. Werner, proprietor of the Golden
State gurase, loaves tonight for New
York, where he will visit the great New
•—I.• -. automobile show In fhat city, and
whVe abnent will visit the factories 'if
the palmer-Singer and Simplex auto
mobiles, for which his garage is the 10
-, mi representative.
Says Readers Are Ti ted to Techni.
cal Information Hard to Find
in Trade Journals
The following letter, -which spenks I
for itself, has been received by The
LOS ANQELB3, Jan. 4.— Automobile
Editor Herald: It is a pleasure to
notice the consistent, daily automobile
news which you are publishing. As an
automobile engineer, I naturally read
<itiito widely along these lines, but am j
free to confess that you dig up tech- i
nical as well as general information, |
the like of which is hard to find even !
lln strictly automobile Journals. Tour
late article upon the benefit to both
' factory and buying public of racing on
circular tracks as determining best
I forms of design and highest service of
1 materials is certainly correct, and one
local agency, at least, is paying out
! good money telling these very truths
In advertisements.
In this connection there Is but one
qualification to be kept In mind, to
wit. that n SIHOO car may, for- racing
purposes, be built of J3OOO material and
; workmanship, general design only re
maining unchanged, while the original
$3000 cannot bo Improved by reason of
the fact that it already embodies the
j best of everything known to the auto
mobile world.
As you have so well said, tho prob
lem is to know you are buying exactly
what you see circling the racing oval
except, of course, such "tuning" as is
considered legitimate by all and may
be arid often Is duplicated by tho extra
careful every day user. Respect
fully, K. A. HUENE.
Corbin Motor Car Company.
P. W. Huth, formerly with the Lozier
people, has resigned his position with
Nash & Fenimore to join the forces of
the Palmer-Singer concern. Mr. Huth
is one of the best known young auto
mobile salesmen in the city, and his
addition to the brigade of salesmen of
O. Werner, the proprietor of the Golden
State garage, will be advantageous to
his reputation as well as to the person
al interest he always takes in his work.
«< » ,
llisrli Low Hlßh Low
Water. Water. Water. Water.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
January 6 5:4:. 1:06 7:37 11:43
5.4 1.0 3.3 2.4
January 7 6:18 1:39 5:26
1.7 0.4 8.1
January 8 6:61 2:08 9:06 *12:26
6.1 —0.2 2.7 2.»
January 9 7:20 2:42 8:38 1:04
6.4 —0.7 KM 2.6
January 10 8:03 3:]"> 10:12 1:42
6.6 —1.0 3.! l 2.8
January 11 8:40 8:60 10:43 2:19
6.5 —1.2 4.1 2.:
January 12 8:20 '4:25 11:23 '2:55
6.S —1.2 4.1 2.4
January 13 10:03 5:00 11:51 3:40
6.7 —1.0 4.3 2.3
January 14 10:4S 5:11 4:27
C..1 —O.I) ... 2.3
January 15 11:38 6:21) 12:26 6:24
D.7 0.0 4.4 2.2
January 16 18:38« 7:04 1:08 6:50
5.1 0.8 4.7 2.2
January 17 1:53 8:01 1:64 7:47
4.4 1.8 4.3 2.0
January 18 3:12 9:04 2:48 9:22
4.0 1.8 5.1 1.7
January 19 0:38 10-.IS 3:51 11:04
3.8 2.2 5.S 1.2
January 20 6:03 11:23 4:53 "12:20
3.8 2.4 6.7 0.4
January 21 8:05 5:63 1:17
4.0 ... 6.1 -0.3
January 22 8:53 12:28* 6:15 2:04
4.1 2.4 6.f. -0.9
January 23 1:88 1:20 7:33 2:45
4.3 2.4 6.7 -1.8
January 24 10:11 2:05 8:18 3:22
4.4 ' 3.4 6.7 -1.4
January 25 10:45 2:17 1:56 3:57
4.4 2.3 0.8 —1.1
January 26 11:18 8:84 9:81 4:211
4.:, 2.3 6.6 —1.0
January 27 11:50 4.02 10:14 4:r,(i
4.3 ".-' 8.8 —0.8
January 28 4:43 HUM Ml
January 29 12:0fi« 6:35 11:23 6:43
4.8 2.2 5.1 0.5
January 30 12:38 6:16 11:66 6:11
4.8 2.4 4.6 1.0
January 31 1:10 7:"4 12:36" 6:48
4.3 2.5 3.9 1-0
•A.M. "P.M.
a • American Motor Car Agency,
Amcncdn 1210-1212 south onve
» . C* I Bekins Corey Motor Car Co.,
Amer.can=o;mplex p™ and mower
a ,j Bekins-Corey Motor Car Co.,
Al-dS Pico and Flowei
C I-f n't California Automobile Co.,
fjdl.TOrnia Tenth and Main
rv • Bosbyshell-Carpenter Co.,
UOrriS 1226-1228 South Olive
rv Durocar Manufacturing Co.,
UUrOCdj 929 South Los Angelej
r • Munns Auto Co.,
LfflpirC 1351 South Main
n 8 Standard Automobile Co.,
10 fU Twelfth and Olive
broat Western 11301132 south onve
IJ 1! J 1~~.AA.. Motor Car Import Co.,
lialidday-lsotta B io s ou t h oiive
Mm mnk! a Tri-State Motor Car Co.,
nUpillOUllU 600-604 South Olive
M iti/ui ll National Auto Co., Distributors,
lldUOlidl 1226-1228 South Olive
Patpr^nn pico Carria£e Co-
I dl"l MJII Pico and Main
Pntral Williams Automobile Co.,
I eilvl 1806 South Mair
Pimklnr W X Cowan,
IXailiUlcl 1140-1142 South Hope
Qtorlin/i A- N- Jun& Motor Car Co"
OlrNlHlJ 1213 South Main
T urirf California Automobile Co.,
I OUNSI Tenth and Main
|/ I; Standard Automobile Co.,
YCIIU Twelfth and Olive
f.nntinpnt J Angelus Motor Car Co.,
IjOHllHllllUi 1242-1244 South Flower
DlA.i,' I mi/ie Angelus Motor Car Co.,
IM(ier"LCWIS 1242-1244 South Flower
Letter from Prseident McKinley Re
celved When She Had Been in
Service 50 Years Is Treas.
ured by Aged Woman
Mr. and Mm, John Bauer,
No. 60 Linden street. East New York,
Kequest the honor of your presence
On Saturday evening,
December 18. 1901),
At eight o'clock,
At a reception in honor of the
Sixtieth anniversary of
Miss Barbara Spanagel's
Services at maid in their home
NEW YORK, Jan. 5.—A hundred or
more of these invitations were sent
out last week. Not one of the recipi
ents sent his or her regrets or stayed
Miss Barbara Spanagel, better known
to the members and friends of the
Bauer family as "Nana," is 75, and
she entered the service of the Bauers
on December 13, 1849. Since that time
she has never worked anywhere else.
It Is many years since Nana has
really been looked upon by the mem
bers of the family as a servant, al
though at no time would she allow any
body else to do her work unless she
was sick, notwithstanding the repeated
entreaties of her master and mistress
that they be allowed to hire another
girl and that sho make herself com
She nursed four of the Bauer chil
dren, all of whom have now grown to
manhood and womanhood, and she will
not yield even to their mother In her
interest in them.
That night the aged woman who has
served the Bauers so faithfully stood
beside her mistress and received the
felicitations of the hundred or more
who called, while the daughters of the
house prepared the collation and
served it.
On December 18, 1899, on the occasion
of Nana's fiftieth anniversary as a ser
vant in the Bauer family, President
MeKinley wrote to her congratulating
her and expressing regret that the gov
ernment never made any provision for
honoring such long service, saying that!
if there had been she would surely have j
been honored.
The letter of President MeKinley,
which is wholly in the handwriting of
the martyred chief executive, is the
treasure of which she is proudest.
Auto Vehicle Company
Distributors, 1330-1338 So. olive. St.
W. E. BUSH. So. Cal. Agency,
Garac* and Repairing.
mi-n bUUiU HAUL
Ham* *'1»»L Mala MM
To the Automobile
Buying Public
What Is a Licensed Car?
umii n 1 1 -
broadly sustained the Selden patent, which Involves the basic principle unde?
which all gasoline automobiles are built.
that many of the leading anti-Selden manufacturers have, through best legal
I advice cbtainable, recognized the validity of the Selden patents by Joining th»
licensed association and paying all back royalties on all cars which they hava
previously manufactured for the protection of their dealers and purchasers.
owns hundreds of the most vital patents, maintaining immense laboratories
| for the testing of materials, and is responsible for the present high standard
of automobile construction.
built by the strongest factories, whose permanency is unquestioned and whoso
guarantee is a valuable asset. When you buy a licensed car you get the best
materials, workmanship and brains, and you are absolutely free from the pos
sibility of legal entanglements; and the hazard of owning a car, the makers '
of which are out of business and parts for which cannot be obtained.
the Na'porTi 11!2^;^ 1 consl, s\ a. of ,those """* bandlinir licensed cars. Just as
=cZ Ses^ £„"£—
AnnorKnn Leon T Shettler,
stpperson 633 South Grand.
BahcOClC Florirtn Elmore Motor car Co.,
I^U.UUUI,tS. l^ieCtriC 742 So. Olive St.
Rnlft>r Fionirir* Stoddar<*-Dayton Motor Car Co.,
JLrltf(+iriC Tenth and Olive.
T\ujr% Howard Auto Co., :?/#?
X^CCtCJV 1144 South Olive.
CaHtlfnr Lee Motor Car Co- ~
I^UUUIUC 1218 South Main,
frtrtorr>rit» Woolwine Motor Car Co., . ,;•;.
KsUf LtZrisUr 1142 South Olive.
Columbia Bi * °™*- , 231 South M>ln .
Corbin Corbin Motor Car c°sU Er oaa w :
VsUl Ultl 849 South Broadway.
f* r\i 1 ft£}■«• Stoddard-Dayton Motor Co.,
KsUU.I IVT Tenth and Olive.
i ZT/#^-.^*.^. Elmore Motor Car Co. ~~ .
tLimore j_ 742 south ok.
TZwrt n V>l i n R- C- Hamlin
mXTlKlin Twelfth and Olive.
W/»un/ic H. T. Brown Motor Car Co., ' l' :
LillyHUb . 1136 South Main..
J J f Wester:- Motor Car Co., ~
11 U CISU/I • 727 South Olive.
Tnnlr*r\n Chas- H- Thompson,
J UCtK&Uri 1118 South Main,
T _ _ 4^- _V. 21** Los Angeles Motor Car Co.,
Locomobile Pico and Hill
T —— is*** Nash & Fenimore,
LtOZier • Tenth and Olive.
Jl>f ~-I L. *. _. Renton Motor Car Co.,
jviatneson 1230 South Mam.
IM' n _•--. II • Maxwell-Briscoe-Los Angeles Co.,
JflUXlVeil 1321 South Main.
TMfnrs**** Mercer Auto Company, ~
JYiercer 318 west Tenth.
TUT iJL^Urxii Greer-Robbins Co., ™
JVlllCfieii 1501 South Main.
•■W* *-2 _. L. 21 * Woolwine Motor Car Co.
lets moo 1142 South Olive St.
/-} 4 m -t m l- amm ,J Renton Motor Car Co.,
\JVeriCLTIQ. 1230 South Main
T\ /_ _._/ Western Motor Car Co.,
Packard 727 south oiive.
Palmer-Singer" s'a" GJ W^
Xl^, _— f — „ H. O. Harrison Co.,
Peerless 1214 south Main.
T\^ ./? W. E. BUSH, ~~~~
Pierce*Jtrrow 1227-9 south Main.
Popes Hartford Wm ' R- Automobile Co.,
Popestlartjord 1028 couth Main.
X| • Schwobe-Atkinson Motor Co.,
Premier Adams and Main.
jrj t Big Four Automobile Co.,
Jt\.e£ai 1203-5 So. Main St.
: XI Leon T. Shettler,
J\JBO ■ . 633 South Grand.
C^t^J^-m. H. O. 'arrison Co.,
tj eiCLefl 1214 South Main,
i ~_-T»~~ ~~g Golden State Garage
J implex 2122 w. Pico st.
P * C. C. Slaughter Motor Car Co.,
.3 tear/is 1026 south oiive.
Stevensst)uryea Eastern Motor Car Co. st.
StevenS'Duryea 825 south 01^ st.
CJ,^*J*J^~*J Tt.~..4^«« Stoddard-Dayton Motor ,
J toddards L)aytOTl Co., Tenth and Olive,
CX. ._JF^J___ /_^,- Lord Motor Car Company, j
ottideoaKer 1032 south onve.
*T^7~r~ir~Z~~~™ Wilson & Buffington,
/ no mas 842 South Olive,
rr« • » W. D. Howard Motor Car Co.,
UUI ft tO It Twelfth and Main.
rrV~ Zf /-«• _>_.•_, Leon T. Shettler
Woods Electric «3 So. Grand Aye,

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