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12 THE HERALD'S SPORTING NEWS GOVERNOR OF UTAH REFUSES TO PERMIT JEFERIES-JOHNSON FIGHT FINALLY ANNOUNCES IN EMPHATIC TERMS THAT LAW IS OP* POSED TO IT AND HE WILL ENFORCE STATUTE Long Awaited Statement of Chief Executive, Upon Whom Depend ed All Hopes, of Sportsmen in Mormon State, Comes in Inter view and Assures San Francisco That Greatest Scrap of Century Will Be Pulled Off in That City—Nevada Is Not Seriously Regarded in the Runnings SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. s.—"lt isn't possible for the fight to take place here and come within the law. I will uphold the law if it becomes necessary." With these words. Governor William Spry tonight swept aside all doubt as to his official attitude toward the Jeffries-Johnson championship contest and disposed of the plan of the promoter, Tex Rickard, to stage the fight in Salt Lake. Up to the present time Governor Spry has been non-committal as to the course that would be pursued if actual preparations were made for holding the big event in Utah. This attitude, he explains, was prompted by his reluctance to interfere in a matter that properly concerns the police authorities. His statement to the Associated Press is as follows: "The law is so plain in this state that only one construction can be placed on it. It is not at all possible for the fight to take place here and come within the law. The first responsibility, of course, would be upon the chief of police of the city, or the sheriff. But in my capacity as governor of the state, I will uphold the la<v if nec essary." The contract under which Tex Rickard of Ely, NeV., is to ar range the ring battle permits him to place it in Utah, California or Nevada. He has announced that Salt Lake would have the first call on the attraction. The last word, it has been understood throughout, was with the governor, and that word was spoken tonight. With Utah eliminated as a battle ground San Francisco, it is conceded, is most likely to get the match. SLASHING SCRAP IS ANTICIPATED MEMSIC AND WOLGAST QUIT WORK TODAY .Both Possess Knockout Punch and if They Make It Open Fight, Bout Should Not Go to the Limit Notwithstanding that fight experts are inclined to make Ad Wolgast the favorite in his scrap tomorrow night ■with George Memsic, there is a well defined arid unmistakable sentiment generally among the fans that Ad is up against a big job and that it .will not be much o£ a surprise if Jlemsie repeats his former victory over th.- Milwaukee boy. AH this Indicates that the hoys will be held rather closely in the odds along about the hour they to crawl through the ropes and that the fans are expecting a ripipng, Blashing period of. real action from the first to the last blow. Memstc will go into the ring about ntage and it is no exaggeration to Bay that he will be in better condition than when he taught Wolgast several months tfcis would convince one that he near to a cinch as is possible for one fighter to be over another were it not for the further fact that all mv:-• niit that Wolgast is a tar better cr today than he wa« eight or nine months ago. But wi' ithi r hli im -. ement has been enough to over torae the Improvement in Memsic and hli superiority at the time of their last meeting is the real question that i^ being asked. i: Memsic had not Improved any, Wolgast certainly would bo looked up on Kjtter fighter, because his improvement has been something bor dering upon the remarkable. He may be so much belter as a fighter now than then he will be able to whi] Memsic, but there are many who wil be found stringing on the Memsl of the betting when the bell tells then to k" at it. Both boys kept up thr-ir steady siind at their training camps yi day and will wind up the training period this afternoon. Neither ha complaints to offer either In fa appw.ami' ■' and undoubtedly will I 310 excuse to offer on this score, after the battle is ended. Either boy hai s chance to win by the knockout route find as they intend to put up a rough house, rustling fight all the way th re i* a possibility of such an ending. Both slug like heavyweig-ths and each If clever enough to main an opening :e (if ten seconds. Sitrn Langford has not replied to Manager McCarey yet and as thi patches state that he was signed up yesterday to fight some club over In PltUburg tiie ni^iit of January IS, It is probable that he ni vei has re ceived ;'.«>■ of the many wires Mc- Carey has sent him. An all-star card of three bouts, all at ten rounds, will 1" staged January IS and tho Lans ford-Flynn scrap will be put on the b< ards as soon thereafter as is pos sibe. CINCINNATI CLUB TO HAVE PARK IMPROVED i [NCINNATJ, 0., Jan. s.—President Herrmann said yesterday that if the • 'incinnatl Baseball company should buy th<- ground upon which League park is now located, and a portion of I!i>' property back of the grounds, the ciub would build a new grandstand and Weachers. He Is conducting negotia tions with the owners and says he thinks the purchase can ba effected. The gTanflstand will be built to accom modate 8000 more people and the bleach ers 5000 additional. ONE TIGER HOLDING OUT DETROIT, Mich., Jan. Owen Bush, the Detroit shortstop, came here yesterday, talked terms with Presi dent Xavin md returned to Indianap. oils without signing. He was offered ■ raise, as have all other veteran players, but thinks the raise is not sufficient. NavJ» *tmima that Bush is holding- out. SAINTS MAY GET IN CONFERENCE ADMISSION RECOMMENDED " BY A. A. U. VOTE Means Greater Activities in College Athletics Throughout Southern California —Asks Same Foot. ing Allowed Whittier St. Vincent 1* college was recom mended to be admitted into the South ern California college conference last evening by the members of the local branch of the A. A. U. at a regular me eting held at the Y. M. C. A. Chester Lawrence put the motion be fore the board, couched in the follow ing words: "We, as members of the Southern California Amateur Athletic association, hope that satisfactory ar i ran gem cut can be made by which St. 1 Vincent* college may be admitted into I the college conference." This motion | passed unanimously and is expected to. •:nrry considerable weight when the Catholic application comes up before the conference board to be acted upon. Admittance to the conference ha 1 I the all-absorbing topic with the Saints for some timo. as athletic schedule! i under existing conditions has been the problem that has considerably worried the athletic board at that institution. The Saints always have been too strong, especially in football and luse ball, for the schools of Southern Cali fornia that are not included in the con ference schedule and in the past have been i make dates with Berkely and Stanford. St. Vincent wishes to enter the con ference, upon the same footing that Whittier college was admitted, which allows senior preps to represent the college in athletics. As the bulk of the. student body at the Catholic institution is in the academic department this in the application is. necessary, and is a fair request when already one of the association is playing- under tions. SENATORS MAY LOSE FRANCHISE Directors Fighting for New Location That Is Opposed by County Au. thorities—Attendance Must Be Improved SACRAMENTO, Jan. 6.—The Union will print tomorrow moraine a'i au thorized statement from the. bo directors of the local Pacific Coast baseball club to the effect that unless mty authorities permit tin tion of a new- ball park just outside the city limits on Eleventh str< year organised baseball In all prob ability will be discontinued in this city ndaflnitely. The statement sets forth the argu ment that because of the inaccessi bility of the preaent grounds $10,000 has been lost in thn last two V and the Coast association h;is threat ened to withdraw the franchise if pat ronage does not improve. The local baseball promotera feel that they cannot increase patronage with the park where It is, ami see no other way but to give up the fran chise if they ore not permitted to erect a new park. Ed Krlpp in willing to erect a new park, but wants a saloon attached. Tho property owners in the proposed location have protested against the park on the ground that thf^ noise would disturb burial ceremonies in a nearby cemetery. The saloon Ls not protested against directly. BIG LEAGUERS RELEASED JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Jan. 5.—C. W. Burt and Grande Dame were the only favorites to win today. Clem Beachy, fairly well backed, won the first race. The feature race, the Lake land selling stakes, went to Booger Rod, which won out by a great stretch run, QaiM putting up » splendid rid*. Summary: LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1910. R IALTO GOSSIP JIMMY JI'ALEER. formerly man- , ager of the St. Louis Browns, hut i now directing- the Washington team in the lane league, is visiting his brothers, Tom and Owen McAleer, (or b month before returning to the snowbound east to prepare (or the activates of the American league pen nant chase. McAleer lacks a heap "l 1 being a stranger here, although he left here eighteen years ago and has been back only once before. He thinks highly . it Dolly Gray and Walter Johnson, j Los Angeles boys who are stars of his pitching staff, and also speaks In | great praise of the excellent work of j our only "Bull" Perrlne, former Coast league umpire, but now on the staff of President Ban Johnson. McAleer be lieves Gray will have the best season | of his 'career this year, and is enter taining great hopes that the crack southpaw will be able to deliver the goods. He promises that Dolly shall have ample opportunity this season, knowing that slight work does not keep Dolly in condition. He is not looking for players, he says, but it is j noteworthy that Hen Berry and Hap Hogan linger about him all the time, as if they were keeping eagle eyes on him and their players. Hap Hogan and Hen Berry had an other rag-chewing contest yesterday, to the edification of the crowd that listened. It was better than a week on the Orpheum circuit. From base ball the kidding- drifted to fighting and wrestling, and both finally got to the point where they were daring each other to "put something on the. line if you think so." A wrestling match was arranged, minus the side bet. and will be pulled off at Hen's office in private unless something intervenes to pre vent before they cool off. Hogan tells Berry he if a joke, and Hen replies in a stage whisper that Hap is neglecting to oil the wheels in his dome. Jealous raging continues up 'Frisco | ■way because Wolgast refused to quit a real offer down here and go up there to fight Nelson for nothing. One sport writer in particular refers to Los An geles as a "bush" town, and says the 'Frisco sports wink when they hoar about Wolgast getting $2000 for his end to fight Memsic, adding if he draws $1000 for the job he will be getting more than ho is accustomed to seeing at one time. Los Angeles Is -the big gest thorn that ever stuck in the 'Frisco side. The sleepy heads in the fight game up there consider them selves lucky to pull off a big fight once a year, being content to stage scraps between fighters of the coffee and doughnut class at other times, and the fans up that way, in. keeping with what they have been accustomed to for years, patronize them. They read of fights here between scrappers like Langfonl. Flynn, "U'olgast. Nelson, Freddie Welsh, Memsic, Papke and others of that class every few weeks, and wink again, disbelieving the tele graphic stories and really thinking somebody down this way is working off an advertising bunk on them. They have had too much Coffroth and too little McCarey up that way. They never hear of fighters getting $2000 and $3000 for ordinary fights up that way. except when, once in awhile, a real fighter strays along and gets hooked. Then it is seldom. 'Frisco is the pre liminary to the Los Angeles main event in fight affairs, a*.all the world knows. Chick Wright has. decided to quit amateur ranks for a career as a pro fessional billiardist. AVliile this means a distinct loss to amateur billiards, it •also means that another coast will disturb the peace of the profes sional cup artists of the world, and he I may be expected to get his share of the ! legal tender that is distributed among the S'intillators of the green cloth hereafter. Wright will beat them as often as they beat him, at least. It was thirty years ago this very day that a kind fate opened the eyes of a most promising kldiet named Billy Henderson up in the icebound regions of Canada at Strabane, near Hamil ton, Ontario, to be exact, and twenty six years later this handsome young man woko up one morning to find him self entranced and delighted by the climate and scenery of Southern Cali fornia. Being inclined to athletics he soon was connected with the Los An geles Athletic club, the leading ath letic organisation on the coast, and to mention one is to recall the other moil naturally. Billy is as popular ai it is sate for any young man to be, and when his friends at the club he- CUBA WANTS TO TRY ORGANIZED BASEBALL Players Who Defeated American All. Stars Are Seeking Protection of National Agreement—Game Is Popular CHICAGO, Jan. 6»—Ciban ball play era are clamoring for admission to the ontrolled bj the nation al agreement. Furthermore, the ath lati - now paitlmlng In tropical Ha vana arc going to make a fight for • the stnilew of the power! that be in the organized game. Henry O'Duy, better known as Hank, the well-known umpire, is bark from Cuba with tid ings to this effect. "Baseball has gono up in wonderful style in the last lew days at Havana," said O'Day In narrating his experiences while with tiie All-Stars on their re cent trip to iloro castle. "They have some good players there and the in terest never lugs. You know there are hundreds of Americans in Havana, and the way those Cußun teams uout Ute club.s from the states Is a caution. The diamonds, however, in Havana, are rough, and this has a lot to do with the many defeats chalked up against the tourists." VANDERBILT BTRING LARGE NEW YORK, Jan. William K. Vanderbilt will have a powerful racing stable in Franca again this year, and expects i,, carry oft the leading turf honors. The list of his horses, Just announced here, includes thirty 2-year olds, thirteen 3-year-olds and seven 4-year-olds. William Duke ■will train for him and the stable jockeys "ill be Frank O'Nell and William Mitchell. Jay Davidson mm,' aware of the important event which be is celebrating today there Is apt to be something doing on the side. May these annual celebrations con tinue indefinitely, old boy. n is a liii discouraging to Promoter Orendorfl that the Los Angeles public does not appreciate wrestling as a sport x-, the extent that it deserves. His show at Naud Junction last Tues day night was a classy affair, but Iho sport has not been established , in the public favor here ye< an.l the sports men am slow lo take hold of it. iiim; is i"" tiresome to look at from the viewpoint of the average red-blooded fan, who wants action every minute, and it is doubtful if it n i;i i mie much "i a rage here. William Pettus, black as midnight ami husky as Jack Johnson, almost, Is weary of waiting for trouble and now openly seeks ir. He wants to whip any heavyweight Manager Me- Carey can trot out, Arthur Collins, .!,,.. Willis. .Tim Flynn. Pete Everett 1 or any other that may be selected for ' him. ' He stopped the heavy-hlttlng Oeyer in eight rounrls and has a cred itable record to back him up. Hen Berry leaves tonight for Bakers field to Inspect the new gusher that ■ mad up on his oil prop j. Every time he gets a letter from BakersfieUl ho looks for a cheek j tor a million and when he learned of the new gusher he decided it was bet ter than a million. He will take some of the effects of this oil with him to Danny Long in Frisco later and may IMS it With good effect. Barney Oldfield and Tom Jones were headlineVs in a little sketch entitled, "Subduing a Revolution," in a Frisco hashery while there last week and are known along the Rialto now as the "Fighting Twins." A waiter had seme grievance against Barney and slipped up behind him to land on his jaw. Jones was near by and at about tni same moment the waiter's right swung to its goal on Barney's anatomy Jones put two others in splendid succession and with groat accuracy to similar point? upon the features of the as saulting waiter. Other waiters joined in and alter Barney nnd Tom had completed the task before them the place looked like a moving picture scene of the head-on collision between the Twentieth Century and a freight train. All waiters were snoozing peacefully, but tables, chairs _ and tableware were piled in profusion about the place. Barney says Jones can "go some" when he levels. Frank Chance, the brainy and high priced leader of the Cubs, will be in Los Angeles today. He comes in from his orange grove to see Hen Berry, and it is rumored that Chance will go to Bakerslield with Heuuel to look over some oil properties. Chance al ready has decided that Los Angeles shall be his permanent address for all time to come. Rumors from Salt Lake City are to the effect that Jack Atkin of Los An gelea may sport the managerial reins at the Buena Vista Park meeting next spring. These rumors, of course, do not come from official sources, but it is known that his name has been men tioned and that in the event W. W. Finn does not land the appointment for another year, Atkin will be the most likely man for the place. Atkin is the best possible man available at this time, and tho directors of the Utah Jockey club could make no bet ter selection. He is thoroughly ac quainted with horsemen, racing con ditions in the west and is thoroughly competent to handle the position vviili honor to himself and satisfaction to the jockey club and public. He could not be seen last night regarding the rumor, but those who want to see Salt Lake City have a meeting that will he a credit to the sport and satisfactory all the way round to all patrons in that city will be pleased if Atkin is asked to take the place and will ac cept it. • Just as was predicted in these, col umns several days aero. Governor Sp'-y of Utah has set his foot down very emphatically as against the idea of holding the Jeffries-Johns6n scrap in Salt Lake City. The law will not per mit it and the governor will not wink at its violation. That disposes of Salt Lake City and practically assures Frisco of the big mill. Many have thought all along that the substitution of the name Salt Lake City for Frisco was a subterfuge, and now it appears .1, i certainty. ATHLETICS ON BOOM AT HOLLYWOOD HIGH Track and Baseball Squads Showing Good Class and Winning Teams Are Expected to Be Developed HOLLYWOOD, Jan. s.—The track and baseball teams of the Hollywood union high school had their first prac tice of tha year this afternoon. A num tvere trying out for each tcum. Which will be selected within a short time. The track team \vill have its first dual meet Saturday, January ID, with the Pasadena team on the latter's track. All of those who made points in the interclass meet, which was held the first of December, will be given a trial in this meet. The school has plen ty of good material this year, and the partisans of the team expect it to be a winner. Coach Webster has a good lineup for his baseball squad this year, and it is anticipated the team will be much stronger than it was last year, although the record of the '08 team was one of the best in Southern California among the high schools. Knowle.i and Lin ton, star pitchers, will make up the pitching staff, and Valdez will be the receiver. The greater number of the positions will be filled by new men on the high school team, but all have made A good showing on the diamond else where. PITTSBURGER MAY REFEREE PITTSBURG, Pa., Jan. s.—Between sprints in hiy racing automobili- about town today Jack Johnson, the colored heavyweight champion, said he wanted Buck Corneliu*, ;t local •porting man, well known to t astern light enttttl ii- the JaffrleoJohnson ii:;iit to be held in California July 1. OUTLAWS NOT IN GOOD STANDING PROPER FORMALITIES NOT OBSERVED NATIONAL COMMISSION ISSUES ITS DECREE Rules That State League Must Make Personal Aplication for Resto. ration to Recognized Ranking in Organized Ball I A ■ ■.■,:,:!•■ ,1 press] CINCINNATI. Jan. 5.—A straight declaration against "syndicate base ball" in the report of Augustus Herr mann, chairman of the National Base ball commission, was the feature of tho annual meeting today. Thomas J. Lynch, president of the National league, was the guest of honor at a dinner given tonight by Chairman Herrmann and President Ban Johnson of the American league. "William Murray's statement of his claim against the Philadelphia Nation al league club was not made public. He says he has a contract calling for his services as manager until after the season of 1911, but that the new man agement refuses to carry out the agreement. The commission decided the case does not belong to Its juris diction and referred it to the board of directors of the National league. Another finding declared that play ers of the California State league, tho "outlaw" organization which recently subscribed to the national. agreement, must make personal application for restoration to good standing. This rul ing followed a hearing by which Out fielder "Happy" Smith of the Oakland club was awarded to the Chicago Nationals. f NEWS OF DIAMOND When Santa Barbara, the leaders in the Winter league pennant chase, go to San Diego next Saturday and mix with the southerners in a double header the result may change the league standing. That the northern team is the star ag gregation of the Winter league is con ceded by most of the followers of the national game in Southern California, but there are many, especially in the southern bay city, who believe that the San Diego boys are the faster of the two. This point should be definitely decided in the coming contest. Brick Devereaux has been offered the management of the Bakersfield base ball club, should that city be represent ed in the State league the coming »e» son. Manager Carroll, who was the head of the fast Bakersfleld team dur ing the past summer, is doing his ut most to havo the State organization award a franchise to the old city. From the good attendance at the games "" j past serfon, and most of the contest! .were with teams of minor Importance, I Bakersficld with league ball should de | velop into one of the best ball towns ] in the State league. George Stoval of the Cleveland Amer icans, who has been wintering in Los Angeles, has gone to the Impena! val ley, where he will hold the indicator in the Imperial Valley league the remain der of the season. Goose Pittman, the far-heaving out fielder of the McCormicks, is out with a challenge to meet anyone in a throwing contest for any amount. Jim McCor miek will back- him with the long green. Some of Manager Black's aggregation preferred. There will be a meeting of the man agers of the Interurban league tonight at 1037 South Broadway. All managers are requested to be sure and be present. The schedule of the Winter league for next Sunday is ,is follows: Santa Barbara vs. Ban Diego, at Ban Diego. McCormicks vs. Santa Ana, at Santa Ana. Maters vs. Bait Lakes, at Doyle park. Pasadena vs. Ban Bernardino, at Ban Bernardino. The names at San Bernardino may be transferred owing to trouble with the Santa Fo company over the grounds. when the McCormicks v • m battling with the San Hieno nine on the south- cm diamond the last time they visited the hay city Anderson was twirling for the oue artists, and the southerners succeeded in connecting with his deliv ery three consecutive times for long and high drives to the left garden, Qooae Plttman was stationed In ihls section of the ground, and the lon* dla tance thrower pave a quod imitation of a Marathoner doing his training stunt. After recovering the last of the three Goose trotted in to the infield and roared to ArMerson: "Bay, Andy, walk a few so that I can get f my breath." Uleislo, former catcher of the MC !oi - mirks, has signed to catch for the Boynton club. As uirisie is a pood hit ter as well as a clever backstop, It la expected that his addition to the team will greatly strengthen it. Cowley and Thompklna of the Boyn« ton ba»eb«Ul team will alternate hafe after in thti position of liulii field and the pitcher's box. Thompklni fhowed up wfll against Redondo Reach last Sunday, allowing the beaohltef only three hits. Happy Rogan will play the Initial lack for the All Stars aeralnit thr Oo ridentals next Bunflay, and sovoethiim lively may be expected on the coaching line. CRAPK R/KFPfIIL TEAMS MEET SUNDAY AT CHUTES Chutes park will be the scene next Saturday afternon of the long-heralded baseball game between the Occiden tal colored champions and the »Mc- Cormlck.. club of the winter league, which was scheduled for last Satur day, but was postponed. Since their contest of sometime ago, Manager Mo- Cormlck has ->een smarting from the defeat handed his huskies by the col ored aggravation and Saturday he hopes to turn the tables on Manager Bliu'.c and give him a taste of the same medicine. This will not bo an easy task to accomplish, as the col ored warriors of the diamond are out lit Chutes park almost every day practicing with a vim and getting In first class condition- for th- game. FEATURE EVENT WON BY SILVER KNIGHT Consistent Horse Beats Good Field in San Rafael Handicap at Emeryville.—Madeline Musgrave Wins OAKLAND, Jan. s.— Silver Knight again showed that he is in great form j by winning the Ban Rafael handicap ! at Emeryville today, making the third ! straight victory within two weeks. He j was favorite and led all the way, win -1 ning easily from Raleigh and Jeanette ■M. Ossabar, a daughter of Ossary starting for the first time, won the i 2-year-old event. Billy Myer, another consistent performer, made it three straight by taking the opening race. ' Summary. First race, five and one-half furlongs, pell-' ing— Myer, 107 (C. Williams) won; No Quarter, 104 (Smith), second); Ampedo, 1117 ICi t ton). thin]. Time, 1:07 3-5. CopporfleM, Bur leigh, Bill Mnyliam. Rons, Ciold Heart, Pick away and All Alone also ran. Second race, three furlongs, purse—Ossabar, 107 fOlftM), won: Welakao, 107 (Cotton), sec ond: Frank Ferris. 110 (Martin), third. Time, :38 :-': EdUa, Aragnnena, Preatollte, Sam Mat thews, Vasuo an! Amargoea also ran. Third race, futurity course, nlHna—Madeline MiiFßrave, 97 (Kederls), won: Nagazam, 109 (Vosper), second: Darelngton, 117( Walsh), third. Time, 110 2-:.. F. M. Fry, Anna May, Sewell, Bam Barher and Redeem also ran. Fourth race, mile and (sixteenth, Pan Rafael handicap— Silver Knight (Vosper), won; Raleleh, 93 (Callahan). second; Jeonette M., 105 (Walsh), third. Time, 1:47 3-0. Rosovalo and Edwin T. Fryer also ran. Firth race, one roll*, selling—B. Pall, 111 (Ed Keoßh), won; Convent Bell, 104 (Rosen), second: Denean, 111 (Cotton), third. Time, 1:41 3-5. Cadlchon, Mossback, Delmaa, Sliver Grain, Col. Jack and Belmero also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling—Balronia, 105 (Vosper), won; Banorella, 98 (Denny), sec ond; Dr. Dougherty, 110 (Mcßrlde), third, Time, ; n '.' S, Batnotta, MooroiS, Rezon, OOlanviGWi Qrameroy and Myles O'Connell also ran. OLD HALIFAX WINS FROIVI CLASSY FIELD Once Great Racer Again Shows Heels to Long Distance Runners at Tampa—Favorites Lucky TAMPA, Pla., Jan. s.—Three favor ites took the money at the Tampa Bay track today. Judge Dundon, carrying top weight, find being Ijeld at long odds, won the last race. There has been a steady influx of northern visitors. Sum mari": First rnre, fixe and onn-hslf fnrlonjrs—Mil ton 8., won; Nerktel, second; Jack liaxson, third. Time, 1:13 I-B, second race—Five furlonffa: Mny Jane, won; ::>*•■.■■. lecond; Vatiadlumi third. Time, 1:06 4-5. Third race, five furlongs— won: Sor rel Top, second: Lucky Mate, third. Time, 1:05 2-5. Fourth race, nix furlongs—Col. Aphmeade, won; Cassowary, second; Lou Lanier, thin]. Time, 1:19. Fifth raco. seven fur! mps—Flora Rllpy, won; Bannock Bob, second; IMwin 1., thini. Time, 1:88, Sixth race, ono mile—Jud^c Dundon, won; TV. I. Hindi, secuntl; Necha, tliii\i. Time, 1:49 1-G. BOOGER RED TAKES SPRINTERS' MEASURE Wins Lakeland Selling Stakes from Lady Irma and Other Classy Ones at Jacksonville by Great Finish NEW YORK, Jan. s.—The Now York American league club today out its ivis ter almost to the legal limit of thirty live players by releasing; Second i man Wanner and Outfielders Channel nnd Furreii to the Memphis team or the Southern league. Fi'Kt raoe, Bye am! ope-half furlongs— Clem Beachy, won; Captain G]ore. second: Dave Nicholson, third. Time, 1:08 2-5. Second race, five and "ne-half furlongs—c. W", Hurt, won: Watr-rbury, second: Babte Wil lie, third. Time, l:0S, Third race, Fix furlonffp—firanrle Dame, won: CSeorse W, I,ei»olt, seoonil;. Aunt' Kate, third. Time, 1:14. Fourth race, "five furlonys—Booi p Bed, won; Arlonette, pecond; I.ady Irma, third. Tlrne, 1:OJ 2-S. Fifth race, seven furlongs—Koseboro. won; La licini Hindoo, second; Sally Preston, third. Time, 1:88. * sixth raoe, one and one-»liiteenth/—Topty RoblnßOn,* i'.'jn: Cndyision, second! Bellevlew, third. Time, IMS 1-5. fAVORITES BOWLED OVER BY LONG SHOTS Talent Fails to Pick Winners at Terrazas Park, Juarez, and Many Sleepers Find Their Way to Wire JUAREZ, Uex., Jan. s.—T!i" publli fared badly today, six favorites balng Lted. The card was oVdinary, s^ix Belling events being run off. Summary; ■First race, seven furlongs—Tipster, 101 (Ramsay), won; Lord Clinton, IC6 (Kennedy), second; Judith rage. M (Gainer), third. Time, 1:21) 3-3. Second race, oni mil*—Orbld Lad. 105 (Mon n>n), won; Bt. Kllds, 100 (Garner), aaeondj Ora Budduih, 98 (Baraaey), third. Time, 1:41. Third race, five and one-half furlongs—Silver Slocking, 98 (Benescoten), won; Ocean Queen, lul (Garner), second; Jolly, 109 (McCahcy), third. Tiniß, 1:00. Fourth race, mile—Llsta, 102 (Garner), won: Light II," . 10J (ilrCaheyl, MCOadj Cliarli.: Doherty, Ul (U'arren), third. Time, liU 1-5. Fifth race, nix furlong*—Light Knight. Ill) (Moleaworth), ' won: Colytto, 109 (Beneacoten), second; Dun Hamilton, 119 iCrowley), third. Time. 1:13 4-5. Sixth raps, mile and a sixteenth— Hervile, 110 (Blnghaml, won; Wander, 101 (Warren), sec- ITastaatlc, 101 (l;encscoit*n), third. Tima, 1:17. LANGFORD VS. SULLIVAN PITTSBURG, Jan. s.—Sam and Montana Jack Sullivan have signed articles to box .six rounds In this city on January 18. It's mm easy to secure m bargain In m usr4 autcmub!!e, llif-ugli want advertising. a» It uaed to be—anil still la— to aagur* » bor»t and carriage. WOULD MERGE RIVAL LEAGUES MAKE ONE OF NORTHWESTERN AND COAST ' ; JUDGE McCREDIE ASSUMES ROLE OF PROPHET Declares There Will Be Four Cities in the North and Four in the ' South Under That Ar. rangement [Associated Press] ' PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. s.—Propne tying' an eight-team all-coast league as i the solution of the complex baseball situation on this coast, Judge W. W. McCredie, owner of both Portland base ball teams, in an interview from Wash ington, asserts that not only is Hie north coast not a "hush" town circuit, but that the Northwestern Portland team mude more money than its Coast league sister, except in its home town. Judge McCradi* said: "Jt is absolutely untrue that I \\;i I not ■willing to support a team in the Northwestern league in 1010, provided permission was granted by the Pacific < loast league. My support lias been all the time for the Northwestern league and still is." Judge McCredie said that if this per mission hail hern granted he woul.l have carried out his part of the agree ,,ii lit as to having a Northwestern league team. "Tins cities composing the Northwestern league are not 'bush' cities," he said, "as my distinguished, but unthoughtful nephew, dubs them." and to prove his point he asserted that Portland's Northwestern league team during the first nine weeks, while on the road in 190S, took in more than J2ouo more than did the Coast league team during a similar period. Judge McCredie said that the North western league lost money at home be c-iuse Portland pinned its preference to the Coast leacuo. Judge MeCiedie also declared that some day an all-coast league , with four cities in the north and four in the south, would be or ganized and be a success. AMERICAN HANDICAP HELD GROWS LARGE [ Expert Wing Shots from All Portions of Country Announce Intention of Trying for Big Shoot Honors CHICAGO, Jan. 6.—Members 01 the Chicago Gun club are already making gieat preparations Tor entertaining trapshooters from all over the count r\ at the Grand American handicap shoot to be held In Chicago in June. P. W. Myrlck, former president, says that reports already received from out o£ town wing shots Indicate that the at tendance of, experts at the American handicap shoot will be the largest enrolled ;it a similar event. RANGERS AND THISTLES MEET IN SOCCER DUEL Soccer football will bo the attraction at Fiesta park next Sunday, when the Rangers and Thistles will fight ovei their battle for supremacy. Each lean will have the strongest lineup of the season and the game is expected to !>• a fast one from the opening whistli until the closing signal Is given. • The lineup of the Rangers is as toy lows: Dr. Jarviß, goal; J. Mitchell, rißl back; Smith (captain), left back; Ba . ton, right half; Burleogh, center hal'J MoMorrow, left half; Meldrum, outslc.'i right; A. Mitchell, inside right; MellO] tenter forward; Lincoln, Inside let* Ball, outside left. J EMdRYVILLE ENTRIES S First rut, [■'» furlongs: JHj La Petite 107IEI Mollno OH Alrie Fairla lu7;Rabble | m Wicket 10»|M«tronolitan •'• •••!■& i:ai Neely :03jDixli>. Dlxon M Elodla J! 103|Vondel , 'IK Bcda lOSJCalopus . M Bdoohd race, 6 furlongs: ' ,w| V.'ho 107 Galvanic Ssk Argonaut luslKurry ■ [lector lH|Wap Bw leather Downey ..lHlTitus II f B»W Paoiflco HI H,.,pay Mb^jj Friar of Elgin . .llljHerlves Ssil Third ran', mile and 20 yards: (jfIHS 1.i,,.' I, 1071 mils Richardson Cymbal 1 "it Keep Moving ... -3 Jim CJaffnoy 112jKiEliop W lit," Fourth race, 6 furlongs, Mcnlo Park han dicap: Bpohn lOOlßinocular ........ 19 ptosamo WlPreJudlco .'..:....H0 Kapitl Water •■■• 9',Madman, 104 Del Crusador .... 95| Fifth rare, mllo and 70 yards: Ak-Sar-Ben 107ILady Kitty 107 Silver Una 107|Bryre 101 i usrnvaca 109, j. C. Clem, 101 Aftermath 109.Mr. Blehop 101 WUe Child .....109|Iioy Junior .......101 Lazello 109|St. Albans ,,...101 Sixth raoti 6 furlongs: Gossiper 11 .109<BuroMo ..........111 Tony Faust ioa|j|llatt 113 Little Buttercup. .lOSjPiekaway ■ 100 Sink Spring lHlCoppcrilcld 10« Colbert llllTbor 107 Burning Bufh —micbantlliy 114 ENTRIES AT JUAREZ lir.-t rasa, si (urlooffi Arch Oldhain un; Hellas 104 Mioball ..103|Percy Tayloc ....104 Gypsy Kins MkiKniglit Deck lul Ina Gray 106!Bartmont 100 v- Augustus. .10:i]Brlght t^klea 94 Gulila lui| Second race, 5% furlongs: Dick Windsor ....111 Lady Adelaide ...103 Dick Rose 108 Hollow 103 High Street 107 Nigger Baby ....1'" Reuben 105 Clint Tuoker 101 Carnal lOSSuccoeil ■•• ...»* Hank lviiLlllian Ray 01 Third race, ;.year-olds, 8 furlong*: Dreamy 108|U;ia Cat ........108 Hiss Brunette ...lOS'San Francisco .lI.IOS Sophrnny Brown. .108, lOS Prlncena Industry. 108) Fourth race, 6 (urlonvs: Houghton 1121 Sociable 102 La Dextra 106|Rui«tem 9) Charllo liargrave.lOsir.,ady Panchlta.... Hi Fifth race, li furlongs: Jim Drady 1101 Aunt Nanpy 10! Kiddy Lea UOllnterpose 87 Camera ..*. 103| Sixth race mile: Niblick 10A|M«i|d Rlgahe* . i,. .107 i: Q. Smith 108!Capl Burnett ....101 KnlKht Blaie ... .107|Clunaton .....104 Baiii it« in? piuro* i"i Black Hawk ... .107'Mlnette 104 Landlord 107Duna .......... ..l»«