Newspaper Page Text
News of the Mines and Oil Fields COPPER OUTPUT SURPASSES ALL PRECEDING RECORDS Government Estimates Production for Year More Than One Billion Pounds—Arizona Still Holds Second Place—California and Nevada Show Increase * STATISTICS and estimates received by the Untted States Geological survey from all plants known to produce blister copper from domestic oies and from all lake mines indicate that the coppar output from mines in the United States in 10u9 surpassed all previous records. The figures, which have been collect < d by B. S. Butlea of the survey, rep resent the actual production of each company for eleven months and include an estimate of its December output. The November figures for a few com panies were not available and these companies furnished estimates for the hist two months of the year. Accord ing to the statistics and estimates re ceived the output of blister and lake copper was 1,117,8U0,000 pounds, as against 942,570,721 pounds In 1908, an i lncreaea of over is per cent This not' only exceeds the Increase of any great er year, but it Is considerably greater than the total yearly Increase sinco 1904. It Is impossible now to give figures that represent accurately the distribu tion of tho output ainons the, states of orgin, bu> a few-general statements may be positively made concerning the leading copper-producing states. Mon tana shows a largo increase, again taking first rank, a place lost to Ari zona in 1907. The production in Mon tana will naarly equal or will possibly exceed the state's previous record out put, 314,750,000 pounds, made in 1905. Arizona holds second place, with a slight increase over the 288,523,000 pounds produced in 1908. Michigan al . ceeded the 1908 production, 222, --259.0C0 pounds. Large gains were made by Utah and Nevada, and California also increased its output considerably. Output of Refined Copper Statistics showing the output of re fined copper by plants In the United States are not now collected by the geological survey. Figures published by the Copper Producers''association indicate that the production of market able copper from all sources, domestic iind foreign, for the first eleven months of lUO9 will exceed 1,400,000,000, as against 1,161,176,085 pounds in 1908. Statistics showing domestic deliveries lor the flrst eleven months of the year, a.-) given by the Copper Producers' as sociation, indicate a consumption of copper In the United States consider ably greater than the previous record consumption—6B2,ooo,ooo pounds, in 1906. Estimates based on figures for the first eleven months, published by the bureau of statistics and also by the Copper Producers' association, indicate .mil the exports of copper will sur pass by several million pounds the ex ports for 1908—661,876,127 pounds. According to the bureau of statis tics, imports of pigs, bans, ingots, plates and old copper for the first eleven months amounted to 213,100,281 i'ounds, and the copper content of ore matte and regulus imported amounted to 74,708,482 pounds. If the imports for December were equal to the average monthly import for the first eleven months the amount of copper entering the United States for the year was about 311,800,000 pounds, as against 218,705,487 pounds in 1908. Accumulation In Stocks Stocks of refined copper in the United States show a considerable increase over those of January 1, 1909, but the accumulation occurred for the most I'art during the flrst half of the year. European stocks, however, have in ! eased rather uniformly throughout le year and at the close were prob bly nearly double those, of January 1909. The price of copper has re latned close to 13 cents throughout le year, the average monthly New ork quotation for electrolytic cop er being a little undor 13 cents. Mine development has been active in )ost of the Important camps, but as scially so in the deposits of dlsseml ated ore in Arizona and Nevada. The Ines and the smeltera of the country ie now in position to make the iitput of 1910 larger than that of 190!). I many factors, however, enter into le determination of the output that Ly forecast of production of the com- X year made at this time would be ■ hout value. tVEY ESTIMATES HEAVY INCREASE IN REFINED LEAD (HI n!res showing the production of Beil lead in 1909, compiled without ■■■Bete by C. F. Siebenthal of the |^^^»»^ri States geological survey from SB Its and estimates made by the de- R^ ■ J-izers and soft-lead smelters, are EgPt ■**=veil to show approximately the ac y.,*', fdl Output within 1 per cent. Figures jT-y knowing the imports and exports wore (fi obtained from the records of the bu ki reau of statistics for the first eleven months of the year, and to these have ■ been added estimates for December. The total production of refined load, desilverized and soft, from domestic and foreign ores in 1903 was approxi mately 444,363 short tons, worth at the average New York price $38,215,000, as compared to a production of 396,433 tons in 1908 and 414,189 tons in 1907. These figures do not include an estimated out put of 12,860 tons of antimonial lead, us against 13,629 tons in 1908 and 9910 ■ tons in 1907. • Of the total production, desilverized lead of domestic origin, exclusive of desilverized soft lead, is estimated at 209,698 tons, as against 167,790 tons in 1908; and desilverized lead of foreiffn origin comprised 87,379 tons, compared to 97.761 tons in 1908. The production of soft lead from Mis sissippi valley ores Is estimated at 147.286 tons, as compared with 130.882 tons in 1908 and 129,607 tons in 1907. Missouri apparently retained first place among the lead-producing states. Imports Gradually Grow There was a slight Increase In the Imports of lead In ore and base bullion, which amounted to 113.467 tons, val'Xd :it $4,210,829. as compared to 100,"87 tons In 1908 Of the 1909 imports, 102, --."00 tons, or 90 per cent, came from Mex ico. The Imports of refined lead in ireused slightly, being 3588 tons, with a value of $-30,956, against* 2759 tons in 1908. The exports of foreign lead (lead of foreign origin smelted or re fined in the United States) show an increase of 18 per cent, being 88,794 tons, valued at $3,221,R36, compared tn B7 tons ili 1908. The exports of lead manufactures decreased ."lightly, having a value of about $530,000, as compared to $599,640 in 1908. The pi' ••"• of lead started in January with an Rverav* of 4.2 cents per pound, felling in March to the minimum for JAMES WYNKOOP the year, 3.95 cents per pound, then rising slowly to the close of tho year. The average New York price for the year was 4.3 cents per pound. ZINC INDUSTRY EVIDENCES GROWTH BEYOND THE SUPPLY A statement just issued by the Unit ed States geological surVey shows that the zinc industry in 190 l» had a year of unexampled expansion. Not only was the largest output of spelter ever made In the United States almost com pletely absorbed by the market, but the Imports of spelter wore much larger than over before. Local ac counts Indicate a record breaking pro duction of zinc ores in the Joplin and j upper Mississippi valley regions and I from the Franklin furnace mines of New Jersey. The following figures have been com piled without change by C. E. Sieben thal of the geological survoy from re ports furnished by all operating zinc smelters, showing their output for the first eleven months of the year and their estimated production In Decem ber, and are confidently believed t,. be within 1 per cent of the actual output. Figures showing the imports and ex ports were obtained from the records of the bureau of statistics, likewise with estimates for December. The production of primary spelter from domestic ore In 1909 is estimated at 241,842 short tons, and .from foreign ore at :6,373 tons, a total of 268,215 tons, worth at the average price $28, --867,220, as compared to 210,424 tons In 1908 and 219,"560 tons in 1907. The pro duction of spelter from both domestic and foreign ores, apportioned accord ing to the states in which smelted, was approximately as follows: Illi nois, 76,486 tons In 1909, as compared to 50,244 tons in 190S; Kansas, 104,00. tons in 1909 and 99,298 in 1D0S; Mis souri, 8,479 tons In 1909 and 10.201 In 1908- Oklahoma, 25.521 tons in 1909 and 14.564 tons in 1908; eastern, W«Stettj and southern states, 50,422 tuns in WOO and 35,817 tons in 1908. The total pro duction of spelter is equfvalent to the output of 56,112 retorts operating con tinuously through the year, or 60 per cent of the total smelting capacity. Mexico Sends Zinc The imports of zinc ore e*ceed<>a all records, being approximately U6-l<<» short tons, valued at $1,381,836. Of thia amount 91 per cent, or 105,600 tons, was from Mexico, more than double the quantity imported in 1908, which was r,3,757 tons, and even more than the quantity imported in 1907, which_was 103,117 tons. The exportß of zinc ore show a decrease, being 12,456 short tons, worth $412,300, compared to 26.108 tons in 1908. The Imports of spelter show a remarkable Increase, being ap proximately 10,961 short tons worth $947,196, compared to 881 tons in 1908. The exports of spelter fell off slightly, being ?487 tons, as against 2648 tons in 1908. The exports of zinc dross were 7306 tons, valued at $494,158, compared to 8405 tons in 1908. The apparent consumption of spelter in 1909 may be calculated as follows: The sum of the stock on hand at the smelters at the beginning of the year 19 622 tons, plus the imports, 10,961 tons, and the production, 268,215 tons gives th« total available supply, 298,(98 tons. From this there is to be sub tracted the exports, 2487 tons, and the stock on hand at the smelters at the close of the year—to be exact, on hand December 15—10,546 tons, a total ol 13 033 tons, leaving a balance of Zs^' 1" tons as the apparent consumption. This calculation takes no account of the stocks of spelter held by dealers lot speculative purposes. On compering the consumption in 1909 with the 81V; 401 tons in 1908, the 228,524 tons in 1907 and the 220,781 tons In 1906, It seems probable that considerable stocks are held by dealers. Spelter opened at St. Louis In Janu ary at 5 cents a pound, but dropped to '4.52 cents a pound late in February. A gradual rise carried prices up to 627 cents near the close of the year. The average St. I.ouis price of prime western spelter for the year was 5.4 cents a. pound. TUNGSTEN PRODUCTION RUNS ALMOST TWO THOUSAND TONS The production In the United States in 1909 of tungsten concentrates reck oned at 60 per cent of tungstic trioxide was 1958 short tons, valued at $746,130, according to figures compiled by F. L. Hess of the United States geological' survey from returns received from pro ducers. These figures represent the exact production for the first eleven months of the- year plus the estimated production in December. Of this amount Boulder county, Colo., produced 1401 tons, valued at $550,280. | In 1908 the total production was 671 short tons, valued at $229,955, and there was therefore an increase in 1909 of 1257 tons In output and of $516,175 In value, or about 200 per cent. Although I it is difficult to make exact comparisons of production for different years owing to the fact that before 1906 no effort was made to estimate the ores at a common degree of concentration, yet, the tonnage of 1909 was the largest yet recorded and the vulue of the product was exceeded only by that of 1907, whirh was $890,048. The average price to the unit for tho whole amount produced in the United States in 1909 was $6.50. In the early part of 1907 the price was $14, but it dropped to $9, and later to $5, and was still lower for most of 19US. QUICKSILVER RATIO WOULD INDICATE HIGHER PRICES Statistics collected by 11. D. Me- ! Caskeyof the United States geologi- j cal survey from the producers showl that the total production of quicksilver in the United State/! in 1909 was 20,- i 425 flasks of 75 pounds each, valued, at the average New York price in 1909—546.17 a flask at $943,022 These I figures represent exactly the produc- ! tion for the first evelen months of i 1903 plus the estimated production for. December. A comparison of these fig- I ures with those given by the survey for 1908—19,752 flasks, valued at $824, --146—shows an increase for 1909 of only 673 flasks, but an Increase in value of $188,876. Tho survey's value for l:n was based on prices given by proiluc c'lH, Imwiivi:!', ami not on the average New York price, so that a better idea of relatilve values for both years as determined by the average New York LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MOKXIXd, .lAM'AKY fi, 1010. price. Sinco this price a flask In 1908 sli.vl. the value for 190S, thus computed, would be $885,680, and {in Increase in value of the quicksilver production of 1909 over that of 1908 would be $r,7,342. Prices have steadily risen during the last three years, and unless produc tion should greatly Increase will prob ably remain fairly attractive to pro ducers that are operating at reasonably low costs. In 1907 the average prices a flask for quicksilver were, for New York, $.i.sO;' for San Francisco domes tic, $39.60; and for San Francisco ex port, $38.17. In 1908 these prices rose, respectively, to $44.84, $44.17, and $42.01. In IDO9 the corresponding prices roao further, to $16.17, $45.33 and $43.33. Imports Are Small Figures showing the imports in are not yet available, but they i I probably insignificant, as they have ! been for several years past. The ex ports, however, as shown by exact fis- Uras obtained from the bureau of sta tistics for the first eleven month?, and by an estimate for December, mate rially increased In 1908. The exports in 1009 were 6'JOO flasks, valued at J2DB,- D 72. The corresponding figures (or L9OB were 2996 flasks, valued at 1124,960, those for 1907 were 0132 flaskf, valued at $192,094. The production by stat. | ;! de crease in California from 16,984 Basks i in 190S to 15,700 flasks in 1909; an in crease in Texas from 2832 flasks in j 1008 to 3925 flasks in 1909; anil an in !!■■ isc in combined output from Ne vada and Oregon from 346 flasks In ' 1908 to 800 flasks in 1909. In L 909, for the flrst time in many years, there | was a small production in Nevada, but no production was reported from j either Arizona or Utah; OIL BILL AMENDMENT REMOVES OBJECTIONS BAKERSFIELD, Jan. 5.—A letter from Congressman Smith says an amendment of the general tenor of the following will be proposed to his oil land bill which is now in the public lands committee. The purpose of the amendment is to protect those uno were engaged in good faith in drilling for oil on claims, but who had not yel made a discovery at the time the recent withdrawal order was made by the sec retary of the interior. The amendment will follow section 9 and will read about as follows: "Provided, that individuals, associa tions or corporations qualified to locate and enter public lands under the min ing laws of the United States, who at the time of executive withdrawals of lands classllled or claimed as oil wore in the bona fide possession of portions of such public lands and had been actually engaged in boring or drilling for oil or asphaltum, but who had made no discovery thereof, may at any time within six months from the date of this act obtain the preference right to file hereunder a declaration of claim as provided in section 2 hereof for not ex ceeding 160 acres of the land upon which such improvements are located by submitting with such declaration satisfactory evidence, in such form and manner a3 may be prescribed by the secretary of the interior, showing that he, they or It were in the bona fide possession of the land, had Improve ments thereon, and were actually en gaged in boring or drilling for oil at the date of the withdrawal, or had been so engaged previous thereto and who had not disposed of such works." In cases where oil was struck before the withdrawal order was made the land, of course, can be patented under the general mining laws. The amend dent does not protect anyone who goes on government land and begins drilling subsequent to the withdrawal order. THINKS PRESENT YEAR WILL SEE DOLLAR OIL In a'letter to C. H. Tobey, with Burr Bros., from their Coalinga represen tative yesterday ho says: "I understand that the Associated Oil company will be very glad to con tinue taking oil from the Independent producers through this month, carry ing them in this way until the ter minal facilities of' the Independent pipe line are completed. They are glad to do this, for they apparently want all the oil they can get at 63 cents. "I noticed in going through the field that they are taking oil from every body else, but on their own properties are holding their sump holes and ros ervolrs full. I asked one of the most prominent and best posted operators In the field yesterday what price we could lock for for our oil during 1910, and he said without any hesitation whatever, 'One dollar.' " BOASTS LONGEST STRING BAKERSFIELD, Jan: .s.—The Pio neer Midway, of which Ben Stroud i. --i superintendent, has the longest string 'of casing in the West Bide field, the string being 1320 feet. As yet no water has been encountered, and it is expect ed that the oil sand will be reached within the next 200 feet. The St. Law rence, adjoining, which well was brought in a few weeks since, Is yield j ing steadily and is doing fully 500 bar -1 rels a day. . «-«-» WEATHER PREVENTS EXCURSION ; BAKERSFIELD, Jan. 5.— T. . V. 1 Doub, secretary of the California stock and oil exchange of San Francisco, in liakersfipld on business; says the pro posed excursion of oil and business ■ men from the Bay city will not take i place this month. The matter was brought up at a recent meeting, and It was decided to wait until more set tled weather insures good roads and a satisfactory trip. It is likel" that the excursion will run either in February or March. It is pretty certain that it will come I some time this spring. — . , « . » „,.,—. META.. MARKET NEW YORK, Jan. s.—The market for stand ard copper was dull today, no sales being 1 reported. Spot and all deliveries up to the I »nd of April closed at $13 K913.M Lake, $18.75f9'14; electrolytic. *13.60@18.75; casting. $13.25^3.50. London market, steady, epot, £61 11s 3d; futures. £63 10 i. , Tin—Quiet hut firm and higher on the strength abroad. Spot, 30; January. SS3 1 ■■: .-. "1 30: February. J"5.12i,~533.35; and March and April, «3.12\K?53.40. There was a big advance In London; spot closed £ISI 7» dd and futures I."/. 1 15s. ■ Load—Quiet: ' pnt, $4.6"»ira4.72!j New York, . and $1.65 nsked East St. I.Mils. The English market was higher at SIS til 9<i. i Spelter—Easy; spot, $6. W8.25 New York, . end $6.07' i East St. Louts, London unchanged. | Iron was higher at 61s 3d for Cleveland war rants In London. Locally unchanged. PRICES OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKET NIiVV YORK, Jan. s.— Oopnwr, ilull; • • lUadard ipal t" March, «i:<. >!.i@l:i.i;ii. • .. I.rail. »l.«B!.i@l.K'/i. .. silver, .vj->4. EAGLE OIL WELL INCREASES FLOW STARTS NEW YEAR WITH 1000 BARRELS DEEPENING OF HOLE BRINGS WONDROUS RESULTS Producer Included in Recent Pur. chase by Clarence Berry for $350,. 000—United Oil Well Experi. ences Strange Pressure The recently acquired property of the | Midway Crude Oil company, now known as the Kagle Oil company, operating In the -Midway field, has a 1000-barrel weUj with which to start the new year, ao oording to a report in Los Angeles yes terday. Clarence Berry and associates bought i the property located in section 31 jbuut j three weeks ago, paying approximately, }350,000 for it and reorganizing under the name of the Kasle Oil company. Yii-> wall on the. property, then down a depth of about 1900 (eat, was deep-1 ened another 100 feet, where an alter-! nate flow of about 1000 barrels was on-! countered. Before tue well was deep ened It had a flowing capacity of lull barrels. Drillers are still going down in the well and big things are expected by i the management. This well is located SOO foot from the famous Santa Fe' gusher in section 6. Clarence Berry was at the well when it began to flow with its new capacity, but has since returned to Los Angeles. The United Oil company's well, lo cated only a few feet from the Santa usher was, according to report re ceived by the management yesterday, down a depth of 1310 feet. It is laid there is so much gas in tho well that . persons on the surface can hear it roar, j and there is a favorable, showing of light oil. Ninety feet are yet to be drilled be .fore the well reaches the oil-sand. stratum of the Santa Fe gusher. It la expected that this depth will be reached by the end of this week. Rxcltement Is running high among Uie directors and stockholders in t'.ie company. Several of the mont prom inent left last night for the property, | to be on hand when the well finally reaches the destined stratum. In the party are L. C. Torrence, C. F. Whit tier, C. P. Campbell and E. D. Mor rison. Tho United Oil company has received at the works the remainder of its der rick material and machinery, this last consignment consisting of eight car loads. ACTIVITY DOMINATES IN DRAGOON COUNTRY TUCSON, Jan. s.—Ernest Stroud, president of the Arizona A Cleveland Mining company, in the Johnson dis trict, says recent assays made from his property have been heavy in silver and lead, and it is the opinion of old miners that eventually the ore will change to copper. As to the news of the district, Mr. StiouJ says Dunbar & Can are doing the assessment work on their property. Ben X. Williams has the contract for this work. The Texas company In which Mr. Williams is interested will soon begin work on Its property, which lies adjacent to the Arizona & Cleveland. Over the Centurion property Man ager Richardson is busy with two crews sinking and drifting and hoist ing some ore. The management la aiming to block out and determine how much of a body of ore they have, and iso far but little ore has been brought up. This property is noted for its beautiful carbonate ores, samples ex hibited at the late territorial fair eclipsing anything of the kind ever shown there. Work is being done on the main shaft on the Arizona Minus and Ship ping company's ground. It is under stood that this company will be activo during this year. The property which is known as the Neale claims has made sumo excellont showings. To the west the Empire people aro sinking steadily, and while ihowlnge have been good in the past on this property the depth so far attained in the main shaft has clearly demon strated to the management that they have good ground and establishes a confidence that they will be producing before the year is out. The railroad company is running a mixed train, making one round trip a day to Johnson and return. There are no idle men at Dragoon, everybody being busy. COURT OPINION FAVORS STOCKHOLDERS IN MINES GOLDFIELD, Jan. s.—Judge Theron Stevens has written an opinion that will go down in tlie annals of Nevada as another proof of the fact that Ne vada courts will not stand lor any thing but a "square deal" in treating with stockholders. In the case in question all parties Involved nviv from ■the east, and the action of thu rep agent of the stockholders who came to Goldfield from Norristown, P.i., It treated with a scalpel that lays open the vhole ugly sore of the deal by which an emissary holding confidential relations acted in a dual capacity to aciuire possession of a valuabla I The title of the suit la Wood-SulU van company vs. Consolidated Jumbo Alining and Leasing company and others based on a writ of attachment. In reviewing the proceedings the court indulges in come severe strictures Patch & Carney represented the plaintiff*. COMPLETES SURVEY OF DEVIL'S DEM. OIL FIELD Civil Engineer C. C. Van Vulken* burgh has corripleWd the survey of the now townslte of Devil's Den, In section 18,1 25-19, and Is now busily engaged preparing the map, which is to be filed with the supervisors of Kern county, says the Coallnga Oil Record. The townsite la located about eight miles southwest of Dudley, In a val ley between the Kettleman Hills and the gap through which Avenal creek issues, It is about a mile north of the scene of the Pluto company's op erations and is the center of opera* tions of the Cosmo, Walker and other companies in the district. OIL, THE MONEY-MAKER The history of California Oil is a record of unrivaled achievement and unlimited possibilities. There is no way to judge the future except by the past. The past of California Oil is phenomenal from a money-making standpoint and the future will unquestionably be even more so. OIL PAYS ENORMOUS DIVIDENDS Investments in California oil production, transportation, storage and refining are estimated to exceed 150 million dollars, About 2500 miles of pipe lines have been constructed in transport--, ing California oil and new lines are being laid. Over SO oil refineries with an aggregate ca pacity of about 10 million barrels annually are In operation, and a fleet of nearly 60 tank snips with a carrying capacity of about 3 million gallons Is engaged in transporting the product. Foreign contracts held by California oil producers amount to about 50 million barrels. . WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Simply that a stream of golden wealth is flowing steadily from beneath the earth's crust to enrich the fortunate owners of California oil stocks. With advancing prices for oil and in creasing production the dividends to be paid by California oil companies will astonish the In vesting world. If you hold a stock certificate in a good, well managed oil company you are to be congratulated. YOUR INVESTMENT IS UNDOUBTEDLY SAFE AND TOUR PROFITS WILL BE ENORMOUS. fWHY A BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MAN IS PRESIDENT OF THE CROWN OIL COMPANY TO THE I'llll.lC: As a professional and business man of T/O.i Angeles 1 became a stock holder and president of the Crown Oil Company because I ant acquaint ed with the business ability and integrity of my associates. I have made a number of vl.lts lo the company's property In Ventnra county. I went carefully over the 380 acres of oil land and I walked across and along several layers of oil sand which outcrop at the surface. I also visit many of the wells adjoining the property. Some of these wells, 1 understand, have been pumping; a Hunt oil for nearly 80 years and w.'ien llr-l drilled produced from 100 to 250 barrels daily. Considering the location of the a/round, where oil should be found at ■hallow depth, with Itowiuic water for camp and drilling purposes, with transportation pipe lines already constructed, I see no reason why the Crown Oil Company should not develop into a splendid dividend com- If I was not fully convinced of the (success of the company I wonld not be Identified with it, neither would I put my money Into stock In the en terprise. Knowing the management and having visited the property, I recommend the purchase of CROWN oik stock to all. Jours sincerely. Now—TODAY—is the time to invest In oil stocks. A "boom" is on. Stocks will go to a high price and dividends will be even, larger than in the past. Choose wall, however, before you make an Investment, but choose quickly. Investigate-carefully and thoroughly the merits of the company, management and property. If you buy stock in a new company with mod erate capitalization and managed by practical oil men your stock should bo very valuable and give you a source of permanent profits. CROWN OIL STOCK POPULAR The Crown Oil company controls 320 acres of land in Ventura county, California— the home of light oil, shallow drilling and high prices for the oil, ranging from SI to $1.50 a barrel. The company is composed of practical oil men and has a moderate capitalization with no promo tion stock or bonded indebtedness. EVERY SHARE OF STOCK IS MADE NON-ASSESS \IiLE UNDER ARIZONA LAWS. We have for Immediate neighbors the Brownstona, Los Angeles, Kcnluck and Ivers wells. Some of these wells have been pumping a light, refining oil for 20 years and are pumping today. To the south of us is the Bardsdale group of 40 or 50 wells. To the east are the Fortuna, Sunset, Modello and Four Fork wells, while to the west and north we have the Big Seppe group. No property in Ventura county is better . located. No company recently organized has more assurance of success. -CROWN OIL STOCK 7a PER SHARE We are offering only 50,000 shares at 7c per share cash, 8c per share on the payment plan. If in doubt about our company or property, reserve a few hundred or a few thousand shares of our stock and pay for it when your doubt has been removed. Send for our printed matter and maps, showing location of our property. Mail your orders promptly. ~E= n CROWN OIL co. Los Angeles. Gentlemen: Reserve forme — shares of the Crown Oil Company lit 7c. _———————^— —————— per share until 1 investigate fully. Send 620-622 LAUGHLIN BUILDING me printed matter. 620-622 LAUGHLIN BUILDING ,Ad!L." ■'.'.'.''.'.'.'■'■'■ ■■•••■•'••:' •'•'•'■*'(«] Los Angeles, California MINING QbOTATIONS NEVADA STOCKS Exclusive dispatch to The HeraU. by I*. A. Crisler & Co., members Los Angeles Stock exchange, £00-201 1. W. llellman building, Los Angeles. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. s.—Nevada mining stocks, chiefly the Goltlnelds, opened with a llrm tone in Bush street this morning, but trailing */aa light and purely professional. Florence was in fair demand and moved up 5 points. Consolidated, Fraction, Daisy and Jumbo Extension remained unchanged. In the Tonopah list ?'•-*U was bid for Tono pah Mining, dividend pit. Few changes were noted in the outside dis tricts, and trading was dull. Following are the closing quotations: QOLDFIELD DISTRICT Bid. Ask. Bid.' Ask. Adams 1 Kit Bend .... 3 4 Atlanta 10 11 Qt Bd An .. .. l Booth 10 31 Grandma .... 1 i U B Ex 1 Jumbo Ex .. 13 II 11 Bull 3 ' 4 Kendall ■> I: Bell 1 - Lone Star .. .. - Col Mm .... 3 5 Lou Dillon .. .. 2 Conqueror .... 3 Mill Frao .. .. 2 Com Frac .. 40 41 Moh Ex 2 Crackerjack.. 1 - Net Gold - Daisy 5 10 Oro 2 I Triangle i Bed Top Ex. l 2 DUB Con.. .. 1 Red Hills ..2 .3 Dixie 1 Sandstorm 4 Empire 1 St Ives 6 8 Florence ....265 270 81l Pick .... S a Flor Ex .... .. 1 Vernal 1 I'r Moh .... 2 5 Yel Rose 2 Gold Con ..785 7UO Tel Tiger .... 0 :> Kewanaa ... t> 7 ] • TONOPAH DISTRICT Bid. Ask. | Bid. Ask. Belmont .... IX ... IN Star 2 Jim Butler., a 10 Res, Con I Midway ...... 22 [Ton Mm ,.650 Montana — M 83 ITon Ex — on MacNamara -7 5 |\V'En<l Con.. 23 21 BULLFUOQ DISTRICT Bid: Ask. | Eld. Ask. Amethyst .. .. 2 |Mont Mtn ... 2 'i null Mln •'! iMayfl Con ..2 3 Bull N Bk.. 1 - Or Bullfrog.. .. 1 Bon Clare .. 10 12 Tramp Con .. 4 Gold Scept.. 1 Yank Girl .... 2 Home King. .. 1 Val View ..1 3 Hont 8b lix. .. 1 .MANHATTAN DISTRICT Bid. Ask.. Bid. Ask. Little Gray.. 1 ... Mustang 2 Man Con .. - 4 :• v\ Humph. .. 1 Man Mln .. .. 1 Thanksgiving 2 Man Dcx ..2 4 | OTHER DISTRICTS Bid. Ask. Bid, Ask. Eagles Nest. .. 5 ruts Sil Pk. 6.") 90 Nev Eagle .. 12 14 Rnd Mtn .... 60 Nev Hills .... 75 Coalition .... 10 SALT LAKE MINES Special service to Tho Herald by J. C. Wilson, 212 West Fifth street, Los AMties, member Stock and Bond exchange of San Francisco, and eastern exchanges. SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 6.—The following were closing quotations today: Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Ajax 33 ... Mas Val ..'.MO 212'j Beck Tun .. .. 16 May Day .. V>\i 2014 Black Jack..lll4 12H Mm Flat .... 1 Bos Cons ..2100 ... Mtn Lake .. i; I Carlsa 69 ... Nev Hills" .. eS 87 Colorado .... 79 SO NewhOM ...3J'> 150 Col Con .115 ISO New Yolk .. 15 U',« Con Mer .. .. US Ohio Copper.. stis Cr Point .... « Hi Sil Shield .... 6 ID Judge ....315 350 7 Troughs .. '.''_■ 13 r. &II Bell.. 70 ... Sil X Coa ..3M 867'^ Fi Tint Dev., 7 7% Sioux Con .. 31 33 I-. Cr Point.. \ l'/j s Cols Con.. it E Tint Con.. 1 2 Tint Cent 8!. '■• O Central ..2K 232>i Uncle Sam .. 43 43 ] Iron Bios .. 75 7ti 1" Con of T.. E'i B Iron King .. 13 ... Victoria 182' i Ut Bell ..IBS ■■■ Vlutor Con .6 ii Lit Chief .. 95 ... Yarlk Con .. .. 15 Low Ham .. M 51 Terr Copper.. 4'-i ... Majostlo .... 90 110 [ny Gold M.. 6 ... Oil 10714 no I'rlnoe Cons.. 99 105 Provo 6% 7U , BOSTON MINING STOCKS Special service to The Herald by .1. O. Wll con, 212 West Fifth street, loa Angeles. BOSTON, Jan. s.—la the local list North Butto was the weakest feature, making a new $1,000,000 in- Dividends in December Over this amount was paid M stockholders in California oil companies. Do you hold any of those stocks? Ale you getting your share of these splendid dividends each month? If nut, why not investigate our proposition, for we an sure we oan point out to you absolutely the best opportunity to make a modest investment bring you big returns that has ever been offered in the California oil fields. This stock is the Initial ground floor offering of a company operating in ab solutely proven territory In Coal'nga. This property Is owned outright. Bmau. capitalization, no promotion stock, shallow, easy drilling, but Wells run from 100 to 400 barrels, owing to extremely prolific nature of underlying sands. Cnoioest piece of undeveloped shallow property In entire state of California. mmmmmm Call at our ofllce. 614 Herman W. Hellman Building, and we will give you all the particulars of this, showing you maps, , photos, etc., and if you desire, arrange (or a free trip _«,*«« fur you to Coallnsa to see the property. If you can- •="<> »>•L "*a \nct catl, ail out and mail the coupon attached with- V^ «™ck "nOTB—To every O»« »»n4in« to tfeil OOU- >^ referred to above and z£?JB or Si& z y<J^A3!R£3r& publication "seourltiL." which Is y^ without any oblation whatever illlerl with photos of the oil on my part. tields and valuable inform*- >^ .mi about California oil. "/^ ™! .••••. BL-RIC BROTHKRS. INC., >^ 014 Herman W. Hellmau Bid*.,^ Address LOS ANGELES. * v - : m price at 46 and closing at the bottom. Stop orders wero caught on the way down and this increased the volume of selling. The weakness in Amalgamated was responsible (or most of the Belling In coppers, and the move ment may extend a tow points further. The shutdown of all the utte mines is a strong bull point as far as the metal situation Is con cerned, but is discouraging to the holders of the Butte stocks. With the present plans on foot we do not look for any considerable re nctlors ami would certainly buy the good cop pen on any further break, especially Copper Range, Amalgamated, Anaconda, Shannon, Gremo Cananna and Olroux. Hid. Ask. Bid, Ask- Am rneu ... 1M 1% Miami • ijj »Vi do M .... *>'.» *Hi Michigan .... 7 <'j Adventure .. t% «i Mohawk .... Ts'l 67, i Mlouca 56 ... Nev Cons .. MM ■> = Atlantis .... 10 IS N Cutto .... « 46% Arcadian ... 8 3'i Old Domln.. B3',j SHi| Ariz Com .. .-: ; Osceola Ml IJJ ; ,\pex -Mi 4Ts Parrot W .MVj iO. Cons .. 21.i MM Qulncy 87 89 Butte Ooa .. :7>i 28 Santa T» .... 2H |* Oil •£ Az ...Wri lOJ Shannon — lii <• < l\il .v Hec..670 673 Shoo Mach... 6S»i 98« Centennial .. 37 ... do pfd ... » 50J4 Cons Mer .. 15 16 Sup Cop .... t&i Bill! Cop Range.. S3 S3ti Sup & Bos., 1514 ;»» -orbln a", 22% Sup £ Pitts.. 16 WV4 11 West .... B>i 9 Swift lOS'.i Wi ;■ Butto .... 114 12% Tamarack ... M ">: Elm River .. i'» l!i Trinity lO'.i W% Franklin .... 17 8 IS Un Copper... Hi i\» 3ranby IW'.i 111 ':" Fruit ....167 168 Jr Canan ... 11' 1 UHlt) 8 Smelt.. KM K,% Hancock .... »Ui 82 do pfd .... 53 M,4 lilt Royale.. 27Vi Utah Cons... 43 4514 Keowenaw .. 5 S>4 Victoria 4*i 6 Lake 7D 70UWtnona 12>,i 12' i La B»lle .... WVi 16»;| Wolverine ...147 i' Mass Cop ■• 5 SUlWyandot .... 814 -\ Mayflower •■ to 125 I Mrx Cons •■ 4*i 5 I ' NEW YORK CURB Special 'service to Thu Herald by ]. C. Wil ■on, 212 West Fifth street, Lost Angeles. NEW YORK, Jan. 8 — Following we th» cloiitifl quotations today; . nil. Ask. Bid". Ask Am Tl> cip.423 Hi 'itrouit lIV 4 lift 11 8 Gas '.. Si %» Kin- Lake .. 10J, l"ti Chi Sub 4.: i% [,« ><.•.-. .... -ss. 0 11,.- To* ..6 8 Miami ... £^» ESVi do pfd .... li> 20 M Co of A.. 43 60 Man 'iran •■ Si -". n.-v Cons aii'iH SC.i Stand OH ..Kii.i 001 Nev Utah I•< IV. 0 lit ltac 21 31 Nlplsslilg .... If,, l/» Boa Cons .. ;!''■ si Ohio Copper,, 6. r'.-i Urit Cop .. t\ >:% Cent 814 3%i Hurt Mm .. SHJ 3', HiiV Cons .. esu M Butte Goa, ... 21.% J8 Tonopah tiTi TH Cum Ely .... II 10 Un Cupper .. «-, »% D Daly .... 4' a 4?t Vulc.n r, 6 Dolores 7', ?4| [napiratloq '»ij 974 Gold Cons .. 7', r'a Mason Val .. 2 21; Hold Flor .. Mi I Newhouse ... 3'i 4 dm Canan .. U»« U'-jßly Cent .... : 'i Ml Kly On» .... 80 85 , ■ ■ ■»>»... v.' ■ Don't «im|l> allow It to dl«— lUn o.' rours. Find p. llttls capital through s>irtirtl** mar. 13 BOSTON CURB Epeclal service to The Herald by J. •. WII -ton, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angiles. BOSTON. Jan. —Following w«r» th« clos ing quotations today: - Bid. Ask. I Bid. Ask. Ahmeok 220 DM Helvetia Mi C 7. a Am of Nev.. 11 la Majestic .... 95 98 Arllpa 45 47 Nev Utah „ 1% Hi Arnold 73 100 Niplsslns .... 10J4 W» ; nik Mtn .... 41 50 Raven S5 70 li & London. 25 US Sll Leaf .... IS 14 B 8 (jaa.... 40 43 Han Antonio. 814 * Oaotua 0 6 JU S Oil .... S7',i H« I'li.'iuuiiK ... 15 Yukon ........ 4T» 5 Chief Cons.. ii* 2^)Zlnc SS'.i U%, Cum Ely ... 8 1" [ilia »li 10 D Daly .... 41.4 414 Cbino 12V4 12>!i First Natl .. « 6^|Boa Ely .... 4% *- Giroux UK ll'.lily Witch -.25 10 Cons Aril .. 3% V SECTION HAND LOSES ARM FRESNO, Jan. 6.—Palmaro Cardoiui, a section liand omployed on the South ern Pacific, tvas run over by a rail road train this morning and hi* arm hi off. He was standing on a flat car wlitii it was struck by an engine and he was thrown to the ground, Tlio wheels passed over his arm. California Gold & Copper Company ; Rooms IS, Central Block , KIVKKSIDh, ML The annual meeting of the Stock lOlders of the California Gold . «nd Copper Company is called to meet nt the office of the Corporation on Sat- ■ urday. January 8, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m. of bald day, for th« purpose of eiocring a board of director.- to servo for tne ensuing year and .for thu T transaction of such other business i» may com? before the meeting. . It i.« very Important that evary stockholder should be present. Vi. C. Hibbard, Secretary. : A. H. Cram, rrcsldaat. _._-._-_. -CALIFOKNIA KKD BOOK." 1 LULL, prueuts two maps, ana itii* ! 111 <»• ■" tn* °" nellJ" "' ':al!far- • ■•■-■• nla, th« other the Eeapa dli. trict of Ventura county A beautifully Illus trated book, written by a student or tha oil industry Absolutely li'rov to those lnteiesUd or wishing to share In the mllllou-dollao; monthly dividends. Write tor, It,, WAV c. west, ■ ■■"■ mn 020 LauftiliA bulldhiE. Los Angeles).