Newspaper Page Text
"Good People Read Herald Want Pages—You're Reading Them Now" WANTED Help—Male WANTED—TWO GOOD BOYS HBTWEEM ages of 14 and 17 to carry rout" south of Seventh and «a«t of FlKucroa. an* alto two good boy« to carry rout*» In Pico Heights; routes pay $9 and 51D. Ask for MR POWERS at the Herairl officf after i p. m. or call up Bdway 35 = 4 *•"""" NO EXPENSE TO LEARN ELECTRICITY, plumhinx, bricklaying, automoblllng on con tract Job« In few months' time. No appren ticeship or helpers' work. Catalog free UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO., 232 Allao «t-. Los Angeles. 10-4-if WANTED—RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS— Commencement salary 1800; spring exami nation! everywhere; candidates prepare.l free. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dopt. 13J. Rochester. N. Y. 12-14-lmn WANTED—EXPERIENCED MAN TO WORK with bees, 250 hives at Badlands, for share of crop or wages. 113 N. CHESTER AYE., I'asadena. i-4-6-9-3t WANTED-TWENTY TOUNO MEN WITH nerve to qualify for positions as sky-pilots. Address BOX 72, Venice Pustofflco, Venice, Cal. * '-4-3t WANTED—THREE GOOD BOYS TO CARRY routes. Apply to CROSSMAN, Herald of flce. *•«-*_; Help—Female WANTED—LADY WITH DEEP WRINKLE to demonstrate my ten-day deep wrinkle treatment. MISS BALZER 212 B. Broadway, Upstairs. 1-1-7 WANTED— LADIES; BEAUT* CULTURE pays big. FLORENTINE HAIBOEBBBIKQ COLLEGE, corner Broadway, entrance 227 Mercantile place. 100. 250 halrdress- Ing. \l*2 L"ad7eS~~AND QIRLS AT HOME. STEAD or evenings, can stamp transfer, 11.50 do* upward; original, reliable firm. r.oom 334. MASON BLDO, 228 W. Fourth. »-23-tt WANTED—WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK; five adults, no washing; $15 per month. HAST 154. 31322. 1-8-3 Help—Male and Female LADIES, USE OUR HAIR RESTORER FOR (ailing or gray hair, dandruff or dry or brittle hair. Formulas sent to you for 60c. Will give perfect satisfaction. It has been thoroughly tested. MISS BALZER, 212 S. Broadway, upstairs. 1-1-7 COLLEGE AND NORMAL GRADUATES TO register for positions In Arizona, Nevada, . and California. BOYNTON TEACHERS' ■ AGENCY, 625 Stlmson block. 12-19-lmo WANIiiD-MEN AND WuMEN TO LEARN the barber trade; guaranteed In eight work*. Catalogue fr«e. MOLER HAUBKK COL LEGE, 11l k.. P>conrt it. 7-1-tI Situations—Male —POSITION BY EXPERIENCED traveling salesman to call on retail grocery trade In Southern California. Address BOX 210. Herald. 1-5-3 SITUATION WANTED—MOST ANY KIND of work, by elderly American man; sober, honest and reliable. Address BOX 306, Herald office. 1-li-l LANDSCAPE GARDENER WILL CARE for lawn and flowers and improve grounds, by day or month. Address BOX tuC, Her ald office. 1-5-1 WANTED —BY LOCAL EXPERIENCED man. Job as chauffeur. "Tourist" pr«" ferred. JOE BURNE, Lincoln hotel. 1-6-4 WANTED —SITUATION BY ELDERLY American man; temperate and reliable. Address BOX 205. Herald. 1-5-4 Situations —Female WANTED—DAY'S WORK CLEANING OR « laundering, by German woman, for Thurs days and Saturdays. MRS. SCHELL, A 1797, .Apartment 17. 1-5-3 WISHES EMPLOYMENT—A GOOD STRONG woman wishes work by day or hour, laun dry or house work. Prices reasonable. Phone MAIN 4704. 1-5-3 Money IwV.NTED- L $35,000-3 YEARS-5 PER CENT I on Hill street property, near Fourth street, I with three-story building renting for *500 I per month. Value of property $85,000. I Address BOX 104; Herald office. S To Purchase—Miscellaneous Banted— i -\ apartment house. m. apartment house. "4>\ apartment house, pb apartment house. gjß APARTMENT house. l^,i:,i be first class. Want house 50 to @h'> rooms for cash buyer. Call at once. jfjßn Mr. Godfrey. f^TI HORACE a. HAMILTON CO.. C; 1-301 Fay Bldg.. Third and Hill Sts. /5 . 1-5-6-9 C'A>.TED—CASH PAID FOR feather '•' beds. 758 SAN PEDRO ST. Phones F8041; Main 1106. l-'-17-tt TOP PRICES PAID FOR 2D HAND CLOTH ING 805 SO. SPRING ST. MAIN 4024; F2809. ' 12-12-tf, WANTED— LARGE AND ONE SMALL second hand office desk. BOX C 2, Herald. 12-22-tf "FEATHER BEDS—PAY £~~TO~iJS BACH. Address J. RYAN. r>3o "-n Pedro St. 12-2-tl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'for sale . v . NOW la THE XiMK TO BUTI Seventeen-room apartment house*. I^ocated In one of the most desirable sections of the city. Roomy furnished in mahogany, golden, oak, blrda-e; maple, Wilton vet /el carpets' In each room, i Each apartment has a buffet kitchen and private bath. Two car linen. Ten mlnuteti from Sth and Spring, j Term« if Retired. For price and further particulars call on or address LaDie &' Baylor i)jt> MUil bi-HING .';.•■ •'.'■■ : 11-23-lt WANTED—MAN WITH 1600 TO T AKB charge of business where he can make $151) month: this Will stand investigation. , BOX 502, Herald. . 12-l-tf MONEY LOANED TO INVENTORS TO patent good ideas. JOHN WEDDER burn, Capitalist, I#ookland, D. C. " 1-C-lyr ' ATT 0 N EYS.AT.LA W L. A. "LAW & COLLECTION CO., NO FEE without success; consultation free; estates settled: damasa suits, marriage Jaws, Hens'etc.; attorney and notary. 818 (iItANT BLDG. 1-8-1 MARRIAGE LAWS EXPLAINED. GEN era) practice. Advice free. Fan moderate. 213 LISSNER BLJja. l*-JO-3njo FOR RENT Apartments Furnished and Un. furnished Hotel Seville 792-734 a. i-i-UWKH ST. Our- of tta* faont family hotels In the city, Newly furntnhed throughout; steam heat; ; hot and cold <vater; electric llßhta; European plan Only a ehort walk from Broadway. . Phoneil Main 8513; F6C33. 10-17-?/ The MSssoiafla 6*2 Went Vfnahlnirtnn funny ? and 3 room apartments, with pn* rate bath; all conveniences. «'•_• University . er WaFhitiKton »t. car line. »-U-ti The St. Regis 2 & 3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING; also tingle room*. 237 SOUTH FLOWER. Main 22!)U; A 7330; 6 mm. to business centur. Mod '-rate prices. 11-2Q-2roo Rooms—Furnished ~ GIRARD HOUSE 116 EAST THIRD ST. All outside rooms; central location; eleva tor service; steam heat; dv rooms with pri- ' vate bath; rent ua low as |3.d0 per week. , 11-13-tr ~~ PENIEL HOUSE (27 S. MAIN, OVER rINIIL HALL, Light, ally rooms in business center. Clean, moral and safe place to stay. Rates 35c to | II day; |1.7t to It week. Phone lidway 2066. 11-19-3n-.o HOTEL SOUTHERN SEVENTH AND WESTLAKE AYE. Warm rooms with the best table board. One of the beat family hotels In the West lake dUtrlct. Home 61640. bunset Temple in. ii-2i-tr _— — ..- i Rooms — Unfurnished FOB RENT—4 OR ii ROOMS. PRIVATE bath; mantels; nicely furnished: $15, lie" and fL'S; one block from Crown Hill car line. Call at 1816 W. FOURTH ST. 18-39-lmo Houses—Unfurnished FOR RENT~eTqHT ROOMS, FOR ONE OR two families; fine location and very cheap; -$l7 ii month; near two car lines. Apply 2523 East 2nd. A. B. BROWN. 1-6-1 FOR RENT—IO-ROOM HOUSE, FUH nlshed. Key at bouse N. E. corner Bth and Beacon sts. 1-6-4 TOR RENT—CORNER STORE; LOCATION good for dry goods. 2825 SAN PEDRO ST. l-l-3t ' Rooms and Board FOR RENT— FINEST DOWNTOWN boarding house, elegant large front room, fireplace and private bath; also single | rooms. Elegant largo home and beauti- I ful grounds; table the very best; no car i fare; prices reasonable. Phones: Main I 48:G, F1573. 416 N. BROADWAY, top of tunnel. 12-15-tf Store Rooms FOR RENT-ONE-HALF OF NEW STORE, | 714 South Broadway Inquire WHITE SEW- I IXO MACHINE CO . CL'S S. Spring. 12-5-tf : MONEY TO LOAN I >^foljE?r~'~Tff6NEvT MbNEvf j to loan In amounts from $10 to $500 on fur- t nlture, pianos, horses, wagons, carriages, , cattle, etc., without removal. Easy pay- 1 ments; best terms. Regardless of what others j charge. It will pay ycu to get our rates be- I fore borrowing. Call, phone or write. FIDELITY LOAN CO.. 529 Mascn bldg.. Fifth Floor. 8. E. corner 4th and Broadway. Phones: F7421; Broadway 5171. 10-Jl-tl j Money to Loam 11,000.000 at C per cent on Improved, In- | come real estate. We will Klvo your business prompt attention. COLLINS & , MILLER, CO6-7 Broadway Central Kldg 1-4-3 PLENTY OF JtONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent on good city property; security must be at least double amount wanted. You can have the money as long as you wish. All our parties wish Is the Interest. WAYBRIGHT-BIiTLER CO., 628-3 Security bldg. FiSl7; 8.1 way. 2462. 3-20-tf WE MAKE A 60 PER CENT BUILDING | loan anil are practical builders. MILWAUKEE BUILDING CO., MILWAUKEE BUILDING CO., MILWAUKEE BUILDING CO., - 316 Wright _ Callender bldg. Phones—lo76l; Main 3776. 9-12-tf MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES ON IM proved city property or for building, on easy terms of repayment. Loan* can be paid off at any time without extra cost. STATE I MUTUAL BUILDING _ LOAN ASSOCIA- | TION, 223 S. Spring St. 8-8-tf MONEY TO LOAN 250,000 to loan on real estate, city or coun try. 6 to 7 per cent; amounts to suit. MOV ER _ GILBERT. 612 Frost bids. Home 'phone ASSJ7; Main 6474. 102-tf MONEY to LOAN— $200 to $250,000 'o loan on real estate and other good securities at current rates. LEE A. M'CONNELL _ CO.. Established ISS6. 311-212 Douglas EM?. 12-12- FOR SALE—TRUST DEED, $2400, SECOND lien, pays $25 monthly; good party. Will discount 15 per cent If sold at once. Ad dress BOX 111. Herald. l-u-3 MONEY TO LOAN— ANY AMOUNT FROM $100 up; city or country; current rates RAMEY BROS., 627 Security Bldg. F2121. Main 9356. 12-11-tf R. W. POINDEXTER, 409 WILCOX BLDG.. will loan you what you need on real estate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a special* ty. 6-9-tf | ROBERT WE3TWATER _ SON. ~~ Real estate Investments, or homes. Build ers and contractors. Room 310 Frost building. Phone Main 9115 11-21 TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO ItED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Hanne bldg. 10-4-tt SALARY LOANS, LOWEST RATES. CON fidentlal. 511 O. T. JOHNSON BLDO.. Fourth and Broadway 12-9-tt TYPEWRITERS A.LL MAKES OF REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. See our bar-gums. Best rentals In city, $1.50 to $3 a month. LOS ANGELES TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, A 5913. 138 S. Broadway Main 3353. / 9-13-lf I l'\r_WKlT_H- BOUGHT AND KKM'i.O. All makes guaranteed; reiialrlug. UAKLH -IIO_V CO. (Inc.) 2-44 Mi So. Broadway. Main 461)1 j AlO7O. 10-3i-tf | UK I.OX camion and T. W. KIBBO.N j re the best. W. I. I.(HIMAN _ CO. (inc.) 24 I '/, S Broadway. AOB3U. 11-a-tf STORAGE LARU_ I'UIYAIE, _oi.___. IRON ROOMS for lvi intuit-. etc {1.50 and $2 per montn; trunks boxes, etc.. 25c to 50c; open van«, $8 per day. or 76c per hour We pack and ship household goods everywhere at re duced rates. COLYEAHS VAN AND STORAGE CO., offices (09-11 8. Main »t. Warehouse 415-17 San Pedro at. Phunu> F3171; Main 1117. 3-25-tf HOUSEHOLD GOODS TACKED IN ""THE BIG RED VANS." SHIPPED. • STORED IN CLEAN WAREHOUSES.; PRIVATE ROOMS COAL AND WOOD. BOTH PHONES. &HATTUCK _ NIMMO, 109 E. SIXTH ST. 3-7- PATENT PROTECTION EXPENSE AND ATTORNEY FEE CUT ONE half. No patent, no pay. WELLS, 349 P. E. bid* • • ; . 12-lt-tf T.OS ANGELES HERALD: THUHSDAt MORNING, JANUARY 6, l!) 10. FOR SALE Houses MONEY LOANS ■ MORTGAGES $2,000,000 to loan on Ren.l Estate. To those J"*"63^'"™ 9' oJ £«JZ^»^r 1 L°anS "su-ch 6 intstment, arc All property subject to our In- POSITIVE, spection. having no ! speculative feature Immediate attention given. connected. Your Lands or Lots may be suitable to our requirements. For the owner of Lands or Lots in the County of Los Angeles we may be able to turn them into an income paying basis, instead of an Outgo for Taxes. K*V <j?B_t_ ____„_ - A A Qoodl Envestmemitt IS A MODERN HOME of 5 rooms, hardwood floors, porcelain bath, mantel, laundry, pantry, with shelves and bins, built-in bookcase, ONE ACRE OF GROUND, PRICE $4000.00, WITH 6 ROOMS $4500,00, WITH 7 ROOMS $5000.00; terms to meet requirements. Our modern homes at a cost of $2000, on monthly payments, are all BARGAINS. To those who prefer Boyle Heights locality, on high ground and healthy location, this will please you. No Pay mi em Us During 1 Sickness Our acre tracts located on high ground, good view, 30-minute service. Each acre level, having plenty of good water, are the best that money can buy. We make a loan with which to build a modern house, includ ing walks, trees and shrubs. We can use good vacant or improved city property as part payment; terms on balance. Corner lot, 50x150 feet, fine location for store. Will build on easy terms. Also 3-room house, good lot, good view, 5c fare; price $800; small cash payment, balance easy. i Also 6-room house, 3 rooms down, 3 rooms up; lot 50x125; price $2000, ! easy terms. 9-room house, 4 rooms down, 5 up; corner lot, 60x125; price $4000; terms to suit. Lots, Lands and Acreage bought, sold and exchanged. AMERICAN TOMEEUILBERS ASSOCIATION 320-21 EXCHANGE BUILDING, Northeast corner Third and Hill Streets, Los Angeles. FOR SALE Houses Like Rent $ 8004-room house, closo in. $50 cash; bat. $10 mo. BOYLE HEIGHTS. $10003-room plastered house. $50 cash; bal. $10 mo. BOYLE HEIGHTS. $1250 — B-room house, big lot. $150 cash; bal. »15 mo. EUCLID HEIGHTS. $15005-room. modern Cal. bungalow. $100 cash; bal. $10 mo. BROOKLYN, HEIGHTS. . $17501i-room new modern bungalow. $150 cash; bal. $15 mo. EUCLID HEIGHTS. $2000 B-room new modern bungalow. $100 cash; bal. $15 mo. BOYLE HEIGHTS. $3000 —6-room new modern bungalow. $200 cash; bnl. $20 mo. EUCLID HEIGHTS. $4000 — 8-rocm modern house; snap. $1000 cash; bal. $25 mo. "Will take lots in trade. Office open Sundays. , TAYLOR RKALTV CO., Cor E. First and Evergreen streets. 1 hones-Boyle ISG6; Dll7l- l-4-3t If You la?e $1000 or More AND WANT TO MAKE A SUBSTAN TIAL SEW YEAR'S OUT CALL AND Ml. The Beautiful Homes JUST ERECTED ON OXFORD BOULEVARD, FIRST BLOCK NORTH OF TEMPLE. ITHN.UEII AND PIPED FOIt GAS. INQUIRE at FIRST HOUSE or SEE BEACON LUMBER CO. 400 SEVERANCE BUILDING. SIM II AND MAIN STB. 12-2S-tf FOR SALE— $2300; TERMS $100 DOWN, $16 per month. I have several 5-room modern bungalows at this price and terms; dining room is paneled, built in buffet, built in desk and bookcases, nice white brick fireplace, porcelain bath, toi let and washstand, beautiful electric fix tures, large lot 45x140 to alley all fenced. These houses, are all new, Just completed, located Inside city limits, southwest I'j A. BL'ELOW, 242 Wllcox Bldg. Main 0313. A 5229. FOR SALE-ELEGANT FIVE-ROOM BUN galow with disappearing bed in living room ' and ail modern built-in features. Including buffet, desk, book cases, cabinet kitchen and hardwood floors. Apply 5606 S. MAIN. $3100. " Phone S. 893. 1-6-9-2 Alfalfa Land FOR SALE-« 40 ACRES CHOICE ALFALFA land In Tulare county, one mile from station, biggest bargain in the valley. Price $25 per acre, on easy terms. Will Bell in 160-acre tracts. OEO. J. SHOENHAIR, *16 Wllcox bldg. Phone A 2334. 12-24-tt FOR SALE-ICO ACRES CHOICE ALFALFA land. Plenty water at 20 feet lift. Located in Tuluri- county, only '& miles from station. Price $35 per acre, easy terms. GEO. J. SHOENHAIR, 176 Wllcox bid*. Phone A 2334. , - , , ■. ' 12-24-tf FOR SALE Houses Country Property GASTON, CAL.-TWO ACRES WITH 6 room cottage, nicely furnished, bath, hot and cold water, large cellar. This property Is located an car line, 30 minutes from Los Angeles; % acre planted In alfalfa. % acre In oats; balance in garden truck; large barn on the place, horse, harness, wagon and 75 chickens. Will make a fine home, as well as exceptionally good Investment. See us for particulars. Price $5000. $2500 cash, balance to suit. MASON REALTY CO., Phono F2334. 604 S. Main St. 12-24-tf APPLE OKciiAIUJS $ 1 2_> 11) IRptsiiminnt app'° Eden offer*. aeUUlilOni . blg mO ney to home seekers. Stereoptlcon lectures dally. 10:30 a m., 2:30 and 8 p. m. free, and tells the story tersely, Beaumont Land & Water Co 618 South Broadway. FOR SALE—FINE ALFALFA RANCHES; all sizes; the best in Southern California; some special bargains. PENDEGAST & CO., 107 S. Broadway. 1-5-3 Piano* BUY A SAMPLE^ PIANO at the wholesale house at about one-halt price. A large assortment to select from, '*-. are jobbers covering the eight western states. We will sell to Los Angeles peo ple pianos at jobbers' prices. We do not have tho retail expense. Call at our office, room 608 Farmelee-Dohrmann building, 444 South Broadway, and. get our prices. It's worth your while. i S. A. Brown <& Co. 444 South Broadway. 1-1-tf FOS SALE— YOU CAN SAVE $76, PER haps more, on your piano by taking the elevator to the up-to-date warerooms of ' the Van Sant Piano company, second Moor, 720 South Broadway. Their rent la $1000 to $1200 per month less than ground-floor dealers. That's why they cut prices on their Checkering Bros., Schaeffer, Carle ton and othei pianos. Most liberal terms given. Bargains in used pianos. 1-S-tf PIANOS AT 12.50 AND $3 PER MONTH; square pianos of standard makes. in excel lent condition. Will sell on the above small payments GEO. J. BIRK.EL CO.. lli-ii; 8 Spring st. 10-28-H i^OK BALB--UPRJUHT PIANO IN FINS condition, only $100 for immediate •«..* Call lor l_»P»ctl_l 411 W FIFTH ST. 4-tl-tf . An>uouy who would be able to nnJ an address In the directory would be able M Ond your CLASSIFIED ad. _ Furniture SEPARATE LOCKED IRON ROOMS U.II per month; trunks, boxes, eta., ISO to 500. Phone for our large van whan you move. lI.It per hour. ' I COLTEAR WAREHOUSE CO., 17-19 San Pedro at. Main office. Ma ll i Mala it. Phone Mam 1117; Fjm. .-1-tl ' ~~~' ■'■■:'. FOR SALE San Pedro FOR SALE—AT SAN PEDRO The Point Firmin Tract I $630,000 appropriation has been made by U. 8. government for Ban Pedro. I The government Is spending millions here. The $10,000,000 of harbor bonds which will I be voted by Los Angeles city will make , great harbor Improvements. The 146 acres In 1 outei harbor will be the site for great ware- I houses, docks and general shipping busi . ness. Lots In the Point Flrmln tract are sightly, I overlooking the whole harbor, the 146 acres and the big $3,000,000 government breakwater. i Lots run to water's edge and command the ; finest view on Pacific coast. We tell these lots cheaper than lots else | where In Southern California—slooo to $2600 I for large lots. Easy terms. Call on OEORGB H. PECK _ CO., 202 Lankershlm bldg., Los Angeles; or i Bank ot Han Pedro bldg., at the harbor. I Su-Tu-Th-tt Business Property FOR SALE— BUSINESS PROPF.STY, 543 Central avenue, within a stone's throw of Arcade station, 25 feet front; a bar gain for those looking for an investment Owner needs the money. Call at premises. 1-5-6-7 City Lots and Lands FOR SALE, BY OWNER-LOTS IN SOUTH west of city; easy terms. THOMPSON C 0.,. Broadway and Franklin; Dalton and Santa Barbara; Dalton aye. car on Broad way. 1-2-7 Livestock —Poultry, Dogs, Birds FOR- SALE—A LARGE BUFF COCHIN rooster, age 9 months. J. P. BAB(JOCK. 1038 E. 52d place. 1-6-1 Miscellaneous HAIRDRESSING, SHAMPOOING. MANl curlng, facial massage and scalp treat ment one-ha-lf price at residence, or will go out to private customers at regular rates. 733 EAST 29TH ST., or 'phone 51846. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1-6-3 AN ESTABLISHED, WELL ADVERTISED garage In a live growing town; good opening for reliable men with small cap ital. Owner has other business. BOX 71. Herald office. 1-6-7 FOR SALE —UPRIGHT PIANO GOOD FOR years' hard wear; Juste the piano for beginner; beautiful walnut case, $90. 2050 WEST 30fH ST.. West Jefferson car to . Western aye. 1-6-3 ! FOR SALE—CHEAP FUEL, APRICOT PIT I shells, good as wood, $4 ton delivered. Phone SOUTH 1706. l-4-3t SPECIAL NOTICES • NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Middle I River Navigation and Canal company, a cor- I poration organized and existing under the laws of the state of California, will be held i at the offico of the corporation, rooms 4W-404 , Columbia Trust building, 313 West Third 1 street. In the city of Loft Angeles, Cal., on 1 Wednesday, January 12, 1910, at 10:30 o'clock I a m for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the president. GEO. I. COCHRAN, President. ■ 1-2-10 ■ NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice Is hereby given that the annual ! meeting of the stockholders of the Maclay ! Rancho Water company, a corporation or ganized and existing under the laws of the 1 state of California, will be held at the office ;of the corporation, rooms 401-404 Columbia 1 Trust building. 313 West Third street. In the city of Los Angeles. Cal., on Tuesday, Jan uary 11, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly ' come before the meeting." ' . By order of the president. GEO. I. COCHRAN, President. 1-2-10 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDER^. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Rlndge Land and Navigation company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of California, will be held at the office of the corporation, rooms 401-404 Columbia ' rust building, 313 West Third street, In the city of Los Angeles, Cal., on Wednesday, January 12, 1910. at 10 o'clock a. m., for tne purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transai tlon of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the president. GEO. I. COCHHAN, President. 1-2 19 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS-NOTICE IS hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Artesian Water company, a corporation, organized and existing under . the laws of the state of California, will be held at the office of the corporation, rooms 401-404 Columbia Trust building, 913 West Third street, in the city of Los Angeles, California, on Tuesday, January 11, 1910, at 2:30 o'clock p. r.i., for the pose of elect ing a board of directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before tho meeting. By order of the president. GEO. I. COCHRAN, President. 1-2-10 DO YOU ITCH? IF SO CALL AND GET A FREE SAMPLE OF OUR NEW REMEDY FOR ECZEMA and all diseases of THIS SKIN AM) SCALP. STOPS ALL ITCHING AT ONCE MILLS ECZEMA CO., 311) Copp bldg. 12-22-lmo I _—I ; LADIES, USE OUR HAIR RESTORER FOR falling or gray hair, dandruff or dry and brittle hair. Formulas sent to you for EOc. Will give perfect satisfaction. It has thoroughly been tsted. MISS BALZER 212 S. Broadway, Upstairs. 1-1-7 LADIES, DEEP WRINKLES, FRECKLES, scars, smallpox pita, moth patches, etc., removed In ten days. MISS BALZER 212 S. Broadway, Upstairs. l-l-7t VALENTINE'S COLLEGE. Cutting, designing, ladles' tailoring taught by up-to-date system: patterns cut to meas ure, 456 8. Broadway, Suites 23 and 34. Home Flint); Brdway tfib'6. 12-12-311 ALL RAZORS. _Ai STY BLADES. St. 13 tors, knives. Instruments, printer'! knives, tools, etc sharpened bettor than new YANKEE GRINDER, 814 U. Spring at U-ltf BIRDS, PUPPIES, TOYS Household Articles. China, Glass, Etc. THE ARK, 231 W. First. 1-1-lm 1100 BUSINESS CARDS, »1.60; GOOD WHlT bristol; conveniently boxed. Other printing, low prices. CENTRAL PRESS, 101 S. Bivvy. 12-21 -1 mo ASTROLOGER PFUHL, PASADENA-OVER 26 years' experience; writes horoscopes of your life. 02 W. COLORADO ST. 1-3-M WANTED— LADIES', GENTS 1 CLOTHINU HIGH PRICES. 810 SO. SPRING ST. MAIN .1597; F5936. «-26-Um» PATENTS —PATENT ATTORNEYS PIONEER PATENT AGENCY—HAZARD & BTRAUSE. Established ilk years. American and foreign patents secured and trademarks registered. 639 Citizens Bank bldg. Home AI49J; Main HHL PATENT BOOK FREE. 9-22-tf PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS, ___ COUN trles. A. H. LIDDERS, patent lawyer and . ■ollcltor, «_■ Trust bldg., cor. 2d and Spring. 11-6-tf SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES JANUARY ENROLLMENT NOW ACTIVE COLLEGE ENTRANOR 820 WEST EIGHTH ST. Phones: FlB5O. Main 2305. \( MISS WING'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1226 ALVARADO STREET I Day ami boarding, All departments from kindergarten to college. Pre pares for college and university. Fine school for girls visiting Southern California for winter to keep abreast of their studies. Piano, elocution, pottery, etc. • Private .tutoring. Winter term opens January 3. * MISS ETHELWYN WING, M. A., Principal. Home 63144 Sunset West 5844 m?j4dr^ Enrollments are fFjBJf now being made for Emmf the new term, which will open JANUARY 3, 1910 Special advantages; maffnlflcent home owned by the president; broad courses; fine equipment; strongest faculty. Positions ftir graduates. Day and evening sessions. Sand for catalogue. 753-7 W. Seventh street, Loa Angeles, Cal. 12-30-5 ART AND DESIGN Inc. Day and. evening olasflfll, students 00 -gin any time. Special, in illustrating—com plete art education, or any branch. L. E. G. MACLEOD. Dlr. THE ROWELL SCHOOL PREPARES FOR all examination?. Coaches In grade and high school studies. 720 S. BROADWAY Phono Broadway 3603. 10-29-tf FOR EXCHANGE, Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE HAVE A CLKAH lot at Kcdondo, 3 blocks from city hall, facing the ocean, liiu> fur apartments or hotel, street work all in, tin, elrctrlHty and sewer; fine view of the ocean; would trade for lot at Huntlngton I'urk, Glen dale or illy. Lot valued at $900; make offer. OWNER, Box 684, Herald office. FOR EXCHANGE—On Vermont aye.. near Bimini Baths, five lots, value $7500; want house, southwest, not less than eight rooms. ' ' F. SNOVER, 105 S. Broadway. l-6-3t Miscellaneous FOR EXCHANGE—I HAVE A CLEAR LOT In Colton that I will trade for diamond*, furniture, auto, or what have you? Ad dress BOX 331, Herald. , 9-21-tf I WILL TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CREEK Gold company and other mining stock for stock in California Wavo Motor company (Reynolds^. POX 242. He -aid. 6-2li-tf . WHEELED VEHICLES Automobiles FOR SALE—BUICK, A BEAUTY AND A bargain: 2-cylinder. 5-passenger, top and glass front; tine engine. A-dress BOX 831. .Herald office. 1-6-1 CESSPOOLS CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT. • All work done satisfactory to Inspector. L. A. SANITARY CO., Phono 65148. Temple 593. * 10-19-tf CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT BY THE RED Cross Sanitary company in one to two loads, . $3.50 per load; no other charges. 'Phone 69004. 10-7-tf ' IMPERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPING CO.-WE ; take out largest lonrl. West 539 ii; 22Q40. 2-10-tf RAILWAY TIME TABLE SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade station. Fifth" and Central aye Leave| |Arrive B:oua|San Francisco via Coast Line.l S:3*>a B:lsai San Luis Oblspo, Paso Robles,| 2:30p 2:3spiDel Monte, Monterey, Santaj 9:30p 7:3op| Cruz, San Jose and can |11:45p San Francisco and Mojave 8:00p Sacramento. Oakland, via 7:05 a ! 9:30p Bakertfleld and Fresno 8:00 a 7:50 a ~ Fresno 7 :11,' a 6:0 op Bakersfleld | 8:0ua !':3op and Mo.iave [ S:oop Chicago. Kansas city. St. Louisl ' The Callfornian I 9:4,ia] Golden State Limited I 6:53p 3:oopj Yuma, Benson. El Paso | 7:15 a I Overland — Now. Orleans via 12:01piYuma. Benson, Maricopa. Tuc- l;30p son. El Paso. San Anton. o, I Houston I "lp Yuina. Tucson, Benson, j 6:30 a 3;00p Lordsburg. Deming, | 7:15 a B:lsp| El Paso 1 l;30p 8 Isal ' Ts:3t>a 8:00 a ll:iOa I 8:15 a Santa Barbara j ):lOp 1:45p and | 7:35p '■ 2:35p| Ventura »| 9:3' ip i 7:30p CN'ot Ventura). |11:45p 8:15al Oxnard, Santa Susan a, *j 8~:30a 2:35p| Moorpark, *|ll:50a 7:311 pi« Somls, | 2:30p 1 Camarillo. . • 7:3." ip I ('Oxnard only). |11:45y I Santa Paula via Sau<us. | 6:45 a Camuloß. Pirn, Fillmore, |ll:50a 1 ■ I.■ 1 > Satlcoy, Montalvo, Carpln- 1 7:35p teria, | 8:15al Nordhoff ~~ | 2;30p _L:___l Nordhoff | 7;30p 1 "" ' { 6;8Oa ■7:45a| Pomona •[ 7;isa B:ssa| Ontario | 7:15 a | Colton 9:35 a 12.01p| Riverside, Redlands . 1135 a 4:oi)p and San Bernardino 5:25p 6:40p "Not' Riverside. Rud ands | 7'lOp 8:15p or San Bernardino j S:ssal Covina~ fl"iT3oa 6:45p| I 7;i,,p 7:45al Chlno I i)::isa 4:00 pl | 5:20p iSanta Ana. • Anaheim, butoi)iy,l S:ssa| Norwalk I S:3sa ll:15al • 1 2:15., l:oop|a* Buena Park. West a* 3:u., 6:10p Anaheim, Win Orange ; t:[ [ *Downt.-.v only B:ssaf Newport Beach | 4T:~5• j. S.6oa;a Los> a \.j\lf 9:45a| Bra«■ ley"." Imperial, ["6:3,0 a B:lsp| El fentro, Calexlcc> j 6:sjp 9:0.1a| San Pedro-Compton ill:4 3a 3j3opj _«Vla Long Beach [6:33p 9:osa|« Long Beach^Compton |fi~:4Ba B:3Op|j •Via San Pedro | ti:3sp 9:osaj Santa Catalina~lsland | 6:36p 6:4."a| | 7 : or.a 7:sOa[ Fernando - | 8:4"a l:4sp| fll:Soa s:oop| ■ I 7:35p »:30pl ■ I 8:00p B:3oaja Chatsworth Park. (See a| fiflp |not«). (Note —To and from I 1 |Rlver station only). | AH trains daily except those marked as follows: "a" Sunday* executed; "b" Sundays only. I SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 1®r&l/S/A/£SS®LL£G£ | is the undisputed leader of Business Edncs tlon on the coast. It has prepared and placed In good positions thousands; let It prepare you. Enroll Monday. Call, write or phone. F6700; Main 511. X. N. EXIKKBP, manager. 614 Soutii Grand aye. German, English Shorthand by experienced teacher. Terms moderate. 220 W. Sill it. Phone South 6416. X. M. C. A.-DAY AND EVENING CUM znercial, technical, automobile, college pre paratory and grammar schools now open. 10-1-tf LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE, 411 W. Fifth st. E. R. SHRADEB, Ph. D.. president since 1890. - 10-27-tf BROWNSBERGER COMMERCIAL COL lege, 953-7 W. 7TH. Send for catalogue IQ-2a-tt BATHS SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE, MANICURING, chiropody, flesh reducing and Laths. JEAN LUN'N. 520 South Broadway. 12-3-tf MISS LEWIS. 326 ii S. BROADWAY. SUITE 3; baths and alcohol ruus; eiectrical treatment and magnetic; hours 10 to 10. 12-3-tf M 1 HA £ STEAM BATHS, OPEN EVEN- Ings and Sunday. 703 Vi SOUTH BROAD WAY, room 67. 12-4-tt OIL AND ALCOHOL RUBS. ROOM 8, 667* riOUTH HILL. 12-4-tf LEGAL NOTICE ' STOCKHOLDERS 1 MEETING ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD ERS OF THE LOS ANGELES TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK. Notice is hereby (riven that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Los Angeles Trust and Savings bank will be held at the office of the bank, southwest corner of Sixth and Main streets, In the city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles. state of California, on Thursday, January 20, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors, hearing reports of officers and,tor the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. —* JAY SPENCB, Secretai-yV 1-5-16 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF COPART NERSHIP — Notice is hereby given that H. W. Lawrence and George W. Pitch, who have been doing a restaurant busi ness at No«, 120-122 West Fourth. street, in the city of Los Angeles, state of Cal ifornia, under the style and firm name of Lawrence & Fitch, have by mutual con sent dissolved' said partnership and the said H W. Lawrence has gone out of the restaurant business. Dated De cember 31, 1909. H. W. LAWRENCE. 1-6-2 RAILWAY TIME TABLE SANTA FE ' Leave I | Arrive Eastern—Calif. Limited, 10:00 am dally, Chicago via Denver 6:00 pm and Kansas City ■ Overland Express—Dally 8:00 pm ; Chicago via Denver and 8:30 am Kansas City Eastern Express — Dally ~ ~~~~ 7:30 am Chicago via Denver and 7:05 am Kansas City Kite Shaped—Going via ~ 8:30 am Pasadena. Return via 6:30 pm Santa Ana canyon 7:35 am 10:00 am 8:30 am Redlands via Pasadena 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:4U pm 4:30 pm 7:40 pm 7:30 am I Redlands via Orange I 10:35 am 10:55 am | " J 6:30 pm 1 I j l:rio~pm 7:35 am f Riverside via Pasadena j 5:40 pm 7:30 am 7:05 pm li :K. am Riverside via Orang* 10:35 am 5:03 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 am 7:05 am 10:55 am Corona via Orange 10:35 am 6:01 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 am I •... 7:05 am 10:61 am San Bernardino via Orange 10:35 am 5:05 pm ] 6:30 pm 7:35 am~" ~~~" 8:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 10:0 C am San Bernardino via Fasa- 4:00 pm 2:00 pm dena .. 6:40 pm 4:30 i>m 6:00 pm 6:45 pm 8:00 pm ■ 7:40 pm 8:58 am 6:55 am 8:18 pm Santa Ana 8:25 am 5:05 pm 1:00 pm 11:55 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 am • 6:55 am 8:56 am . 7:05 am 10:53 am | Fullerton, Anaheim, 8:25 am 2:15 pm Orange 10:35 am :.;' 5 pm . 1:00 pra 11:55 pm ! 6:30 pra 7:35 am sun Jaclnto, Elsinore, Hc-j 10:35 am 10:55 am ) met and Murietta j 6:30 pm joTaTam | Redondo | 4:20 pm 2:15 pm Esoondldo 1:00 pm 8:55 am Fallbroolc ■ 6:15 pm 8:55 am San Diego and 1:18 pm Coronado Beach 1:00 pm 11:5F pm Surf Line 6:15 pm 7:30 am Rand.sburir 7:05 am 8:00 pm Searchlight an Chloride 7:05 am 8:00 pm Beatty, RhyoMte. Goldneld 8:30 am and Tonnpah | SALT LAKE RO'JTE All train» daily except as noted. Leiue| ~ First Street Station |Arrlve jLoti Angeles Limited —Chicago,J lOiOOa|Bl Paul, St Louis. uinana.| SOOp |Kan«a« i*ltv. D*-n\ar Salt Lake) i I ian-*.aiuoi ma I -- ■ • 3:oupi bait Lake, Uutte, Denver, |10;00» I and Chicago. • ■ | Chicago."st~Paul, Omaha. St. f oop Louis, Kansas City, Denver. 1:00 a gait Lake. Searchlight. Gold- ■•■ - . g3ja San Bernardino, TTTHa 11-uua Colton 10:41 a j-40p Riverside, 1:25p 6:24p Ontario and 4:t6p g ; 0Op Pomona 6:61p "»:45a"» " • 8:15» I 50a Long Beach and 111:10 a . ■ *l:30p l:10ps Ban Pedro T:00p 4:40p - » 3:55p ■ '% ;soa| Santa Catallna Island | 7:00p . "J7isa| Pasadena I »:!5a I 5:00 pl Pasadena . | 7:>op •Pally except Sunday. sSunday oni/. . 15