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r*^^fjilt^fy.^r^yL^^j_l£^^^B^^^\JJ3p^^^iß ' ■wsj^fc w 4p 9 ■ nJ^^m^B^BQßmillflSßflOc^^Q^^ssSfl^P^^H FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL LIQUIDATION OF STOCKS ACTIVE MARKET WEAK BUT CAUSE IS NOT OBVIOUS MUCH GOSSIP CENTERS ABOUT ROCK ISLAND CHANGES Influence Brought to Bear to Makej Disapproval of Road's Manage ment Effectual —Several Ex planations Advanced [Associated Pressl NEW TORK. Jan. 6.—Speculative liquidation was renewed In the stock market today with much the same appearance of urgency as on the opening day of the New Year. There waa no 14 per cent money rate today to account for tits weakness of the slock market and other nominal explanations were advanced, Many of these bcrc an appearance of ni> ro surmise, tho busiest of which centered about Rock Island, Its recent stock market history and the personal element connected v.'Kh It. The personal phase ot' the discussion was a supplement to tho gossip brought out by the reccntric bulgo ot 3114 points in the stock, followed by a total relapse, all within tlti apace of fifteen minutes on the day after tho Clirlatmas holiday Interval. Rumors were plentiful regarding tho scope and the power of the Influence* beinpr used to make effective the desired disapproval of the Rock Island market management. The principal Belling of the day wad attrib uted to the retirement of speculative commit ments which had been prompted by this dis ciplinary movement. More substantial grounds for the weakness Of Block! were found in other factors. Tor one thine the unexpected stringency of th« money tnarket after the first of the year and Ihe absence of Investment demand for stocks growing out of the annual disbursements of profits have proved a disappointment. One of Difficulties One of the difficulties encountered in hnld- Imr ovar through the autumn was the fall In the banking surflus to near 'the vanishing point in November. The wholesale shifting of loans then re sorted to In order to avert a deficit Involved the assumption of obligations which are be lieved to be coming: due now. The money market facilities for meeting these obligations are less than expected and liquidation in face 1 i languid speculation demand la necessary. The relief afforded to the loan account of tiie tian*ks in November was secured partly, It is believed, by large advances from surplus treasury funds of the great corporations. These had to be recalled In connection with tlr; enormous annual settlements. The. course of events at Washington divided attention with the happenings within financial district and were given their share of respon sibility for the action of thff mnrket. Last prices witre about the lowest of the day and the tone was acutely weak when operations were concluded. , Bonds were easy. Total sales par value $4,960,000. D, 8. 4'e coupon declined 14 per cent on call. NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll ■on, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angelea. NEW YORK, Jan. 5.— Following were the Quotations today: Bales. Stock. His*. Low. Bid. Ask. 100 Allts-Chalmers ...1494 1«% 11% 15 100 do preferred .... 64% 64% M', 5414 64,300 Amalgam Copper.. 89% 8694 Hi", l.v, 600 Am Beet Sugar .. 46% 4614 4*5 ■ 40% do preferred l' 2 tt:i% 1.700 Am Can Co 13% 13% 13 1314 700 do preferred .... 8114 81 8114 81% 2,500 Am Car & Fdy .. 721» 71 71 7114 do preferred N 118% 120 100 Am Cotton Oil .... 67% 6714 Mli 6714 do preferred 103 107 Am Express 300 315 1,000 Am Ice Securities. 25% 25 25 25V4 809 Am Unseed 1714 1694 1614 17 700 do preferred .... 4614 44 « 46 1,200 Am Locomotive... 61 60 5314 60 200 do preferred 114% 114 114 115 20,800 Am Smelt & Ref..103 100% 10014 l'K)% 200 do preferred ....11174 111% lli'i 111% I 1,100 Am Sugar 122% 121% 121 122% i do preferred 120% 121 I 1,000 Am Steel Fdy .... 654 6414 64% 65 I 4,500 Am T & T Co 140% 14014 14014 14"% 100 Am Tob pfd 04!» 0414 941 i 94% I Am Woolen 86 37 ft 200 do preferred 102% 102% 10214 102% ■ 5,200 Anaconda 6294 50% BOH 60% ■ 2,500 Atlantic C Line ...13714 136 136 18614 ■ 1,800 AT & Santa Fe.,123% 121 121% 12Ui H 1,000 do preferred ....JO4 10314 10394 10374 ■ 100 Bait & Ohio 11894 117% 11714 117% I 100 do preferred .... 92% 92% 02 83 I 2,700 B R T 70% 7814 78% 75% ■ 900 Canadian Pacific..lßl% 18014 180% 181 | ,6,400 C & O 92 89% 89% 90 I 100 C & A 66% «6% 66 66% ■1,400 C& G W (new) .. 85% 35 So 8614 Hf.loo do preferred .... Mli 6214 02% 62% ■,300 C& N W 181 178% ITS 17814 ■,300 CM& St P 167 16594 X.5% 166% S&300 do preferred ....171% 17114 171 17114 ;Mioo Central Leather ..48 47 47 4714 Btoo do preferred 10»»4 10814 10814 Kn<% ■■ Cent of N J 805 315 Jfiv CCC& St L .... 82% 80% 80 . 8015 Sal . do preferred 104 108% "Jet* Colo Fuel & Iron.. 43!4 47% 47% 41 HSR . do preferred 116 120 ■id Col Hock C & 1.. 8214 ill Dl% 91% ;'A)Co!a Southern ....6814 67% 6714" Mli §B||B do Ist preferred 81 82 |^^H) do 2.1 preferred.. 8014 8014 >•'> 81 ft Consolidated Ga5..160 157% 157% 158 1 Corn Produces .... 22% 2214 22- 22% L J da preferred .... 85',i 8494 8414 8514 P^-*,~,Del & Hudson ....183 182 181% 183 *&.*'.. 'D L. & W -650 600 5,000 d& r a 61% GO to 6014 600 do prefelTcd .... 83 7,4 S3 8214 831» 400 Distill Securities.. 3614 36% 86% 37 300 Duluth S S & A. .1814 mi 17' IS 400 do preferred .... 31% 44% 8314 33% 15.300 Brie 34% 3314 3314 3314 6,900 do Ist preferred.. C 214 61 50% 61 900 do 2d preferred.. 41% 4114 4014 40% 300 Gen Electric 160 159% 169% 160 1,500 Gt North Ore ....79% 79 73 79% •4,800 Gt North pfd ....143% 141% 14114 141% 400 Illinois Central.... 147 146 14614 146! i 7,700 Inter Metro 2414 2314 81% 23% 6,400 do preferred .... 6114 6914 69% 50% 200 Inter Paper 1514 1514 15% 16 p 300 do preferred .... 68 67% 68 60 I 900 Inter Pump .6214 61% 61% 61% do preferred 89% 89% 100 lowa Central 29 29 28% 2914 do preferred 62 53 1,600 X C Southern .... 43% , 43 43 43"i 1,000 do ' preferred. .... 7014 70% 70 70% 200 L X & Western... 25% £6 25% 26% do preferred 6114 II ■"400 L& N 159% 158 15714 158 300 Mackay 9114 91 9114 91% 200 do preferred .... 7714 7714 77 77% ...'... Manhattan 136 189 . . Metro St By 20 23 2,100 Mcx Central • 26 26% 25% 25% Minn &St L 61 164 do preferred 83 88' 200 MStl' &8 8 M..140 13S'. a 13914 33914 do preferred 165 167 34 700 Mo Kan & Texas.. 6114 40% 49% 4914 600 do preferred .... 74% 74 73% 74 1,800 Mo Paclnc 72 71 70% 71 200 Natl Lead 8914 8814 88 88% do preferred ... 110 110% '"ioo Natl Biscuit 115 115 US 110% do preferred 121 121 "i"ioo N V Air Brake .. 94 94 92<4 94 'mo n v Central 124% 122% 122% 12314 ' .NYC& St li 63 65 do Ist preferred 105 110 NT N II & H Urn IBS TfiOO N V Ont & W.... 60 48% 48% 4Jli 3800 Norf & Western...loo% 118% 0814 ■ Mtf do preferred 88 »0 I '"406 N American 83 S2<4 8214 S2'/j 6'WONraclno 143% 14211 142% 14.1 ...'... Omaha ISO JM . ,1,, preferred 160 in ■"■.oil.Pa, Coast 11714 11714 118 US j,100P»olUo Mall « <»% i"'» '«« 35 lUO Pennsyl RII .-■•}« im U» , I' 1. 1 700 Peoples Uas 11514 11614 11414 11414 KM Pittsburg Coal .... 27% 26% 2614 27 1,300 do preferred .... M 1.114 81% 62% CARLOAD SHIPMENTS OF CITRUS FRUITS .*< Shipment* of oranges and lemon* <•■ <«> from Los Angeles Sunday and Monday, '^p <•> January '.' and [i, were 74 carloads ■••> m of oranges and 9 carloads of lemons. ■• <•> Total to date there have been shipped <•> •• > 1034 carloads, of which 604 have been <* <»> lemons. I.list HMOI to date there ■• •>> wore shipped ISM carloads, of which <& <•> 605 were lemons. <$> 6,200 P C C 4 Bt L ....10014 9!) 9914 100 ■ do preferred 110 120 600 Press Steel Car .. 61% tfi'i MV4 51 100 11 preferred ....10714 10714 108 108 1,600 Ry Steel Spring .. E094 It !•>' ■ 49% do preferred 105 106% 93,700 Reading 17014 167 16714 16714 200 do Ist preferred.. 06 96 93 9.1!4 100 do id preferred.. 109 109 105 108 700 public I & GS.. 45 4114 4414 II 300 do preferred ....104 101 104 105 214.700 Rock Island Co .. 6414 47% 47% 48 •' 14,400 do preferred .... 83 86% SO B>i% 900 Sloss Shelf S & 1.. SO 86 85 86 do preferred 118 119 St L 4 S r1 pf 7014 72 2,400 do 2d preferred.. 80 57?! 6714 68 -1,700 St L & s \v 31 S3 33Vi 3314 , 700 do preferred .... 7714 76% 76% .77 12,000 Southern Pacific. ..l.lßVb 13314 13514 1.15% 8,100 Southern Ry 33% 8214 32% 32%' 2,600 do preferred .... 75 7314 7314 7;:, 1 100 Term Copper 89*4 8914 .19 3914 1,100 Texas Pacific ....35% 35 3514 35' 600 Third Aye 19 is IS 1814 i 1,400 To) St L& W .... 64% F,3% 5314 63% 1 1,200 do preferred .... 71% 70% 70% 71 | 1 100 Twin City R T ..116% 116% 118% 116% . Union H & Paper 11% 13 I do preferred 73 76 80,100 union Pacific 103% 200% 20014 200% 700 do preferred ....10314 102% 102 103 j 1 100 Un of S F .... 41 40% JOl4 40% 400 do preferred .... 71 71 70 70V4 , Us C I Pipe 31 112 . 100 do preferred .... Bal4 »314 83V'. 53% «,800U S Ruhliar 6114 SO 60 5014 I 100 do Ist preferred..llsl4 115% 115 115% do 2d preferred 83 5314 202,200 U S Steel Cor .... 8914 8714 87 5714 ■ 2,800 do preferred ....12414 123% 12374 12414! 6,100 Utah Copper 8974 6814 5314 r.8% | 2.!«il) VaCar Cfiem Co .. 64% M% 5314 63% i 200 do preferred ....12814 12814 128 128V4 10,300 Wabash 26% 2414 -!'< 21% 18,500 do preferred .... 6314 664 56% 66% Wells-Fargo Ex 170 200 ] 900 Western Union ...75% 76 7614 764 i 700 Weatlnghouae 82 82 81 flli ' 100 W&I. E ..." 9% 6% 9U 9% ! 200 do Ist proferredl. 2214 22% 22 . 22% | 101) do 2d preferred.. 1214 '''-'i 1114 1114 500 Wise Central 50 4914 «i 50 900 Am II & Leather.. 814 8 74 714 800 do preferred .... 47 46% 4814 47 Am As & Chem 47% 48 do preferred 99 100 Beth Steel 3314 3314 3314 34 do preferred ti3l4 67 700 Nat Enam & S ... 27% 27 27 2714 do preferred 90 100 200 Pac Tel & Tel .... 48 46 46% 46£ - do preferred 90 M 200 T7 S Realty 8t 8314 8214 8814 1.100 Weal Maryland .. 5214 61 60% 5114 Total 1.246,300 shares. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll- Eon, 212 West Fifth street. Los Angeles. NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—Following' were, the closing quotations today: Bid. Ask. Atchlson Gen 4s 10014 10014 do Cony 43 122H 123 D & O Ist 4s 99 9914 B II T i- 8614 87 Colorado Industrial Bs 82 8314 U S Realty Be 9° Rock Island Col 4s 83 8214 Southern Pacific Ref 4s 94% 94% do Col 4s 9114 92 do Cony 4s 106% 106% Union Pacific Ist 4s 100% 10114 do Cony 4s 11814 116 U S Steel 6s 105 10614 United Railway 4a 75 Wabash Deb 4s 76% 77 Western Pacific Ba 97% 98 Japanese 4a 8814 f«!4 do Ist 414 a Ml 4 96V* do 2d 414 a 93% 9414 U S 2s Reed 101 101% do Coupon 101 U s 33 RegJ 101% 10214 d« Coupon 101% 10214 US 4S Ueil 1"% ÜBH do Coupon H5 li" Panama 2s 10*4 10114 do 19353 •^^^ 100% 10114 TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. s.—The condi tion of the treasury nt the beginning of busi ness today waa as follows: Gold coin |8T8.49«.a«9 Silver dollars 487,229,000 Sliver dollars of 1800 3,9?.<i.n00 Silver certificates outstanding 487,229,000 GENERAL FUND Standard silver dollars In general fund ' 2,406,333 Current liabilities 109.070.105 ! Working balance In treasury offices. 29,480,527 I In banks to credit of treasurer of the U. S 36.078 77.! ■ Subaldlaiy silver coin 16.191.129 Minor coin 913M5.000 Total balance in general fund 8J,59J,ji6 FINANCIAL NOTES W. R. Clark has resigned as president of the Federal bank of Los Angeles. W. D. Woolwlne h:i« I" en eleoted to fill the vacancy. Maynard Ounsul, formerly of Alburiuerque, N M was elected vloe president to sue d V. s. Stetson, resigned. Th? other officials are John Chaffey, vice president, and J. H. Gondhue, cashier. Rudolph Bchallc,' Arthur Barnwell, jr., «■ ni ter Kutzler and Alexander Cameron, Jr., are members of the reorganised Him of Sebalk, Barnwell & Co., New York, bankers and brokers, who have extensive interests In Los Angeles. Hollywood by unanimous vote decided In favor of JlOO.oi'O bond lsme for a new Poly technic hjgh si hool building. The money may be available about January IS. PACIFIC COAST TRADE SAN FRANCISC. Jan. 5.— Beans— Pink, |3 7;®l; lima, $4.1094.20; small white, $4.50® 4.85; large white, $B.SB®a t«. . Potatoes— Oregon Burnanks, 11.1501.25; Sa linas Burbanks, 11.1501.36; mcrced sweets, T1.C0JT1.65. ' Onions—Fancy, $1.10; common, $1. Various—Green pi at. old, s'idlc; string beans, nominal; egg plant, Texas, 12V4CUBO box; green peppers, 55f7c; tomatoes, 73c®$l-s'>: rhubarb. !Hff'7oi garlic. 6@7c; cucumbers, hot house, 11101.80; mushronrns, 2fieOH.9s. ■ Poultry—Llva turkeys, «1®84«; dressed tur keys 274?29c; roosters, old. J-I^il; roosters, young. J6.5059; broilers, small, J3.80if1.50; broilers. large, $4.50«i3; fryers, $T..r,0/il. r hens, »5@10; ducks, old, $4®6; ducks, young. $7@9; geese, *_"":<: pigeons, old, 110*1.25; pigeons, young, $2®2.50.' Flour—Family extras, J6.«0®7: baker?' ex tras, $«.60@7; Oregon and Washington, $S.GO® C 90. Wheat— Shipping, SI.9S«J2: milling, Jl-.95. Barley-Feed, Sl.47Vt#l.Boi brewing, $1.50® 1.68V>; chevalier, SI 1.65. Oats-Red, »1.6254@1.75; white, 51.70®1.75; black, $2.20(88.40. Mlllstuffs— Middlings, $34iir36; mixed feed, $2S«i'33; rollod barley. *31 32: oatmeal, $4.40(tj! 4.60; oat groats, $4.t10; rolled oats, $:j!>*i 10. Hay—Wheat. 514@19.50; wheat and oat, $13® 17; oat, wild, JlOiiill; oat, tame, $12@16; alfalfa. $9*»12 straw, BOOTHS, llecelpts—Flour. 3472; barley, 1415: oats, 370; corn. 25: potatoes. 7725; onions, 20; bran, 20; hay, 187; hides, 300: wine, 30,700. COFFEE AND SUGAR NEW YORK, Jan. C— Coffee— Futures closed steady, net •> point! higher to 5 points lower. Bales, 13,000 bin Including: March. $7; April, $7.05; May, $7.10: July, $7.20©7.25; September, $7.20@7.25; October, $7.20; December; $7.1.". Spot, steady; No. 7, Itlo, 8 U-l(9Mo; No. 4, Santos, 9c. Mild, quiet; cordova, 'lllMc Sugar—Raw, quiet; refined, steady; cut loaf, J.'j &r<; crushed, $5.75; mould a, $5.40; cubeß, $5.30; XXXX powdered, 15.20 powdered, $5.15; granulated, $fi.<u; diamond a, $5.06; confection ers' a, $4.85; No. 1, $4.80; No. 2, $4.75; No. 3, HIS: No. 4, ?4.(i',; No. D, $4.60; No. 0, $1.r.0; No. 7. $1.50; No. 8, $4.45; No. 9, $4.40; No. 1(1, (4.35; No. 11, $1.30; No. 12, $4.:';,; No. 13, $1.20; No. 14, H.M. / LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, JAM AHV 6, 1910. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem* bei New York Stock exchange, Chicagp board 01 trade, Stock and Bond exchange of San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 6.—The following were the closing quotations: Bid. Ask. MISCELLANEOUS BONDS- Aasoclated Oil Co 5s 98% Bay Counties Power Co 5s 103% 103% Cal Central Gas and Elec as 10314 Oa,l Gas and El Gen M & C T 65..10014 100% California St Cable Co Bs 103 California wine Assn 5s 87 90 City Electric Co 5a 91 92% j Contra Conta Water Co 59 100 do Gen Mtg 5s 95 Edison Elee Co of L A 6s 101% Ferries and Cliff House liy 6 105 Hawaiian Com and S 5s 106 Lake Tahoe Ky and T Co 5s 911 100 Los Angeles Else Co 5a 10114 Los Angelas Gas and El Co 5s . 10114 Los Angeles Railway 6s 10S% Los Angeles Lighting (3d 5s 10214 I. A Pac R R Ist Con Mtg 6s ....106 L A Pac R X of Cal 5s 10SH Market Street Cable 6a 103% ! do Ry Ist Cons Mtg 5s 102% M V and Mt Tamalpals S Ry 5s ..100 ; Northern Ry Co of Cal 5s 114% Northern Cal Power Co 5a 102 105 Northern Electric Co 5s 90% 93 I Oakland Gas Light and H 6s 10314 | Oakland Transit Co 6s 1101,4 Oakland ranslt 53 108 j Oakland Transit Con 5s 105 1 Oakland Traction Con 6s 95 ! Oakland Traction Co 5s 9314 84 i Oakland Water -o Gtd 5s 97 Omnibus Cable Railway 6s 10S14 . Pacific Gas Imp is 87 | Pacific Electric Ry Co 5a 10614 Paclno Light and Power Co 6s .... 9214 ...' I Pac Light and Power Gtd 6s 10014 Pacific Tel and Tel Co 5a 100 Park and Cliff House Ry 6s 99 : Park anil Ocean R R 6s J | Peoples Water Co 6s 73 ... : Powell Street Railway 6s 10114 i Sacto Elec Gas and Ry 6s 10214 S F Oak and San Jose Ry 5s ..106 10614 do 2d Mtg Bs 9314 S F Oak and S J Con Ry 6s .... 9414 9514 ■ Sierra Ry of Cal 6s 10814 j B 1' R R of Ariz (is 1910 100 1 S P X R of Cal 6s 1912 105 I S P R R of Cal Ist c gtd g 6s ....11514 |S P Branch Ry of Cal 6s 12714 S P It R Co Ist Refg 4s 94% 951 i 8 V Water Co Gen Mtg 4s 8914 89% United Gas and Elec Co 5s ' 93% Un R R of S F 4s i 73% 74 Val Ben and Napa V R R 6s 75 Valley Counties PoweV Co 6s 101 WATER STOCKS— Marln County 60 ... Spring Valley Water Co 42% GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS— i City Electric Co .' 49 49% N Cal Power Co Con 47 ... Pacific Lighting Corp pfd 75 do common 51% ... INSURANCE STOCKS— California Ins Co 81 Fireman's Fund 230 23714 STREET RAILROAD STOCKS— California 13214 160 Presidio 22 POWDER STOCKS— Qlant Consolidated Co 78 79 SUGAR STOCKS— Hawaiian Com and Sugar Co 3714 38 Honokaa Sugar Co 19 20 Hutchlnaon Sugar Plantation 16% Kilauea Sugar Plantation Co 14% I'M Makawell Sugar Co 5114 53 Onomea Sugar Co 51 6214 Paauhau 8 P Co .. 27% 23 Union Sugar Co 67 OIL STOCKS— Associated Oil Co 4914 49% Sterling Oil and Dov Cc 314 414 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS— - laska Packers Assn 8614 87 Cal Fruit Canners Assn 100 10014 M V and Mt Tamalpals 3 Ry ....105 Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm 3 Pacific Coast Borax Co 1."4 Pac Tel and Tel pfd 96 do common 47 Morning salesi--27.000 Cal Gas and Elec 5s at 100%; 15,000 S P Refg 4s at 95; 1000 City Klec 6s at 91%; 9000 Spring V Water 4s at 80%; 23.000 do at 8914; 20 Alaska at 8614; 75 Assd Oil at 60; 25 City Elec at 4914; 10 do at 4'J%; 40 Hawaiian at 37<4; 85 Makawell at 51; 5 Cal Fruit Can at 10014; 60 Paauhau at 27: 90 Pac Borax at 154; 40 Pac Tel pfd at 9614; 100 Spring V Water at 44. Afternoon sales—looo S P Rof 4s at 95; 200 do at 94'»; 15,000 Bay C P 5s at 103%: 2000 Cal Gas and Elec 5s at 100%; 1000 Market St 5s at 103; 6000 Un R X 4s at 73%; 1000 Oak Transit 5s at 108; 60 Assd Oil at 50; City 1:1, i- at 48%; 10 Spring V Water at 4814; 10 do at 43U; 15 do at 43; 310 do at 4214; 170 do I at 42%. ■----. --■_;;; NEW YORK COTTON I Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll : ] eon, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. I NEW YORK, Jan. (.—Cables this morning were again surprisingly poor, so that the mar ' ket opened at a sharp recession. Bull support was quickly In evidence anil, as the- decline 1 ('ld not extend into new ground, the market abovo 16c appeared to have been pretty well liquidated on Monday and yesterday. Liver pool was a seller on arbitrage, but buying from the usual bull quarters together with a i brisk demand from the southwest oh the ex pectation of a bullish glnners' report on Mon day brought a alow recovery to abov« last , night's prices. On the advance heavy profit taking appeared from Wall street and Chi cago houses which held the market in check through the early afternoon somewhat above yesterday's closing level. It Is generally ex pected that'the pinners' report will be bullish enoush, but there appears to be a growing Ineuination to take profits on the advances. Liverpool cables were dua to come unchanged to I - lower, but that market opened barely steady 'A lower on near months, and 4 lower on late months. At l-':ir, p. m market was easy at a net decline of B>i to 10 points. Later cable reported a recovery of v to l point from 12:15 o'clock. Spots are In moderate de mand and s lower at 8.28. Sales were 7000, Including 6IMO American. Market ranges folow: Open. High. Low. Close. January 15,57 , 15.74 15.35 15.35-15 February 1575 15.83 15.77 15.P.5-I5 March 18-80 15-9? I:'° 15.40-50 Aprl 1 48-1* May 108 M.M 18 '■" 15.60-67 | Jun9 ■" '. 16.00 ■ 16.00 16.00 15.51-53 July ld.oa 16.23 15.57 16.8T-66 Aueust 15.55 15.73 15.33 15.22-30 September 14.33 14.4S 14.05 M '"''- ' October 13-63 13.79 13.45 13.40-50 December 13-31 13.43 13.23 13.10-15 Spot cotton—ls.Bo. Excited. 10 lower. SAN PEDRO SHIPPING SAN pr:DRO, Jan. s.—Arrived: Steamship Santa Rosa, from Ban Diego I steam schoener i , idena, from Albion; steam schooner Doris, from Bray'" Harbor via Redondo; steam i. r Sr.moa, from San Diego. Sailed: Steamship Santa Ilosa, for San Francisco via Redondo; steam schooner Shasta, for Belllngham via San Franelaco; ti imer Hanalei. for Kan Francisco direct; I pchooner Samoa, for Cuspar via San Francisco. SAN I'ItANI'ISCO, Jan. 6— Arrived: Steamer National City, Irom Ban Pedro; steamer Van Guard, from Bad Pedro; ateatner Norwood, from Banta Barbara; steamer Coos Bay, from San Pedro. galled Steamer Norn» City, for San Pedro. ST .liillN, Jan. 6.—Sailed: Mount Temple, for London. FOREIGN SHIPPING BUBZ, Jan. s.—Arrived: Keraun, Tacoina via Y"liohnnm, etc., for Liverpool. I'LVMnITH, Jan. I).—Arrived: Teutonic, \ ■. York, for Cherbourg and Southampton. SOUTHAMPTON. .lan. C—Sailed: St. Louis. New Yr.'k vl« Charbourg «n* Queen»town. HA.MUinW, J"n. s.—Arrived: Siilatls, Ta coma: ylu Havre. in'NO KONii, Jan. s.—Arrive*; (Prevlous lyl Aao, Hun Frapclsoo, Honolulu and Toko liunm via Huvre. LIVERPOOL. Jan. C—Arrived: Cymric, New ST. Jan. 2.—Bflll«d: Hutton nruod, from T* ima, <^ueen«town. BDUTHAMPTON, Jan. r>.- ■Atlad: Prlnz «rlch WllhaJm, N«w York via Cherbourg. NEW TOBK, Jan, B. Ballad: Ilmbrla, Liv erpool, X" win Vlotorla, Hiimburu; Cadrle, AiorM, etc. FINANCIAL LOS ANOEI.EP. Jan. 5.-nank clearings were $3,166,721.24, an increase of t502.2U8.79 a.s compared with the corresponding date of laat year. Following Is a comparative statement: J909. 190§. 1907. Monday $3,1W,t4t.4l 12.881,4 M. 61 $1,818,783.7! Tuesday :',754.2ii3.00 I, 1,461,250.14 Wednesday. 3,166,721.24 2.264,454.45 1,462,001.53 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Trading on the Los Angeles dtock exchange yesterday was but fair. The first Kale In the bond list was made by the Home Telephone and Telegraph com pany, when five of bonds Hold at 86. There were five more offered at 87, but the quotation 1 MHQI7' Associated Oil bonds were strong and fairly active, closing iS'iltlOO. Union Transportation bonds showed strength, closing 951. • nk stock were not active, and quotatlona were not changed from Tuesday's close. It lated by a broker who i» familiar with the bank stocks that the prices on many of the prominent banks would undoubtedly ad vance if the rest of the market would show ilgns of activity. The Edison issues were quiet, and the price was the same as TUeaday. The sugar stocks have been quoted regularly this week, and It looks as though there would tie some trading In this class of security before long. The augar stocks listed on the exchange pay a regular monthly dividend. The Home issues were run -up during the afternoon and closed strong at birdah% for the preferred and 9@loVi on the common. Loy Amrelea Investment has changed handfl to the extent of some 2000 shares this week, 600 being sold Wednesday, the price averaging around 2:is'i. San Diego Home Telephone wai strong, selling at 24], i ami Closing MttOWi This stock goes on a quarterly dividend basis this year instead of monthly, the rate being tho fame. Associated Oil and Union Oil were the prin cipal oil stocks traded In. Associated sold up to 50H, while Union Oil w:is selling at 103. Morning Sales 5 Home Tel Co bonds at S'J; 200 L A Inv Co at 2.98; 100 do at 1.68H: 100 do at 2..18V3; 10 San Diego Home at 24.25; 60 Assd Oil (B30) at 50.&0; 30 do at 50; 20 do at 50.12't; 40 Union at 103.75; 1 do at 104; 20 do at 103 K>... Afternoon Sales 200 L A Investment Co at 2.98; 10 Am ret Com at 76.25; 40 Assd Oil (B30) at 60.60; 60 do at 60.12!*; 20 M-jc Pet Ltd common at 27.75. Bonds Bit. AakiiL Associated Oil Co m 100 i'iillt Pac Ky 04. 105 Corona City Water Co M 101 Corona Power and W Co S. r > 100 Cucarnonga Water Co 95 100 Edison El Co la R 101 lid Eleo Co old issue 104 106 Home Telephone Co S5Vi 87 Home Tel Co Ist Refg 75 80 L. A Pac Ist Con Mtgs 107"4 L A and Pasadena El Ry 95 108 L. A Railway Co 108 110 I A Traction Co 6s 107 11* L A Traction Co 63 104 109 Mission Trans and R Co 96 Pac Elec Ry Co 108 lib Pac Light and Power Co 93 Pasadena H T and T Co 80 Pomona Con Water Co 96 Riverside H T and T Co SO Riverside Light and F Co 101 S Monica II T and T Co 80 8 Diego H T and T Ist Mtgs .. .. SO Santa Barbara Klec Ry 94 T< mescal Water Co 99 United Elec Q and P Co 101 Union Transportation Co 95H 97 T S L D T and T Co 80 Vlsalla Water Co 100 Whlttler H T and T Co 90 Banks nn Art All Night and Day Bank 115.00 140.00 American Savings Bank 111.00 170.00 lid way Bank and Trust 140.00 Central National Bank 175.00 185.00 Citizens National 220.00 235.00 Commercial National 143.00 Equitable Havings Bank 175.00 210.00 Farm and Meroh National 285.00 Tederal Bank of L A 14.00 First National 625.00 German American Savings • 345.00 Globe Savings Bank 126.00 150.00 Home Say Bank of L A 112.00 120.00 Merchants National 630.00 ..... Merchants Bank and Tr Co 196.00 National Bank of Cal 190.00 Security Savings Bank 375.00 410.00 The Southern Trust Co 72.00 80.00 Industrial and Public Utilities Bid. Askcid. Cal Portland Cement Co 115.00 Edison Electric pfd 80.00 83.00 Edison Electric common 60.00 63.00 Hawaiian Com and Sub 37.00 33.00 Home Telephone pfd 66.00 65.62»4 Home Telephone com 9.00 10.50 Hutchlnson S P Co 16.00 17.00 L A Athletic Club 30.00 1. A Brewing Co 125.00 I. A Investment Co 3.00 Mexican Natalonal Gas pfd .... 35.00 60.00 Mexican National Gas com .... 30.00 35.00 Poauhau S P Co 27.00 28.00 Pac Mut Life Ins Co 240.00 320.00 Pasadena II T and T Co 40.00 Riverside H T and T Co 33.00 San Diego H T and TCo 24.12V4 24.37% S Monica BUT pfd 28.00 88.00 Run Drug Co 1.00 Seaside Water Co .: 100.00 .Title a and Tr Co pfd 225.00 250.00 Title I and Tr Co pfd 175.00 225.00 Title I and Tr Co com 175.00 225.00 Title I and Tr Co S»r C 176.00' 225.00 U S L D T and T Co pfd 40.00 42.00 Union Security Corp pfd 100.00 Union Trust Co 42.00 Whittler H T and T Co 00.00 Oil Stocks 1111 kg*. Amalgamated Oil 65.00 70.00 American Crude Oil Co 1.10 American Pet Co pfd 57.50 American Pet Co com 78.00 77.00 Associated Oil 60.121* 50.25 Brookshlre Oil 1-20 Central 1.30% 1.35 Vi Columbia 1-30 Euclid Oil Co 60 .60 Globe 18 -I' Jade Oil Co I -31 Mexican Petroleum 1.20 1.30 Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 66.50 GS.(K> Mexican Pet Ltd com 26.60 27.50 New Pennsyl Pet Co .70 Olinda Land Co (Oil) 32 .36 Palmer Oil Co 1.074 Perseus Oil Co -35 Final oil Co 18.00 Piru Oil and L Co .17 Reed Crude -l; 4" Rice Ranch Oil Co .'. 1.10 Section Six OH Co ■ HOW 115.00 Union 103.00 rnlon Provident Co 102.00 104.00 United Petroleum »S.i % 105.U0 West Coast OH com 9.00 ..... Western Union 175.00 Yellowstone oil Co 4^ .55 NON-PRODUCERS— California Midway OH Co 15 111 DAILY MINING CALL Official sales-A. M.: 10IK) California Hills a' 64 Listed Stocks Listed Stocks CALIFORNIA- Bid. A"k. Cal Hills M Co 05 •t"i Consolidated Mines Co 01' i ... Mi Gainos Con M Co , 06 .08 MEXICO Clark Copper Co 04 SEARCHLIGHT DISTRICT- Quartette " P-"j Searchlight Parallel ...^ 01 .OHi FRUIT MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 6.—Fruits-Fancy ap ples, 75c@$l; common, 50c@C5c; strawberr'es, $7»9; pears, common, 75c; fancy $1.23; per simmons, nominal; QUlnceß, nominal; oranges, navels, ll.8BQi.B0; Mexican limes. Wn.ha; lemons, common California, $1.50572 50; good to choice, taOSBO; fancy. $1814.50; balanas, 50ciJl $3.23; pineapples, $25f2.50. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NEW YORK, Jan. Evaporated apples— t'nchanKed; spot fancy new crop, 10^@llc; choice, l/c; prime. 7H®7Ho; old crop prime, 7c; common to fair, 6@65i0. Primes—Firm; quotations range from 2%@9c for California up to 30-40s and «®9c for Ore *°A*rlcots— Steady; choice. H«ii(»lH!ic; extra choice, llV4@l2c; fancy. 12V4@1314c. Pi aches— Steady; choice. HlOToi extra choice, 7©7Vio: fancy, 6*4®Bc. , Raisins— Unchanged; loose muscatel, 4(S6c; choice to fancy seedsd, 5iB«Ho; ■ seedless, 3"i® 6c; London layers, «.17W®1.30. BUTTER, E'iGS AND CHEESE SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. d—Butter—Fancy creamery, 35c; seconds, 330; lalcy dairy, 29c. 'i-hoese -New, 16H#!Sc; ynunat America, 18© 0. S.. ranch, 3Sc; store, 36c. Kggs-Kanch, 38c; more, 35c. Los.* a good-pay tenant, or boarl*rf L*< ■ want ad help you to take It Ilka a phlij»o> PRODUCE DEALERS SHORT IN SUPPLIES PRICES FIRMER FOR ALL COM MODITIES Interrupted Transportation and Chilly Weather Reduce Supply of Fruits and Vegetables—Sta. pies Running Low The supply of provisions is running low in ' the local market, due wholly to weather con ditions and interrupted transportation facili ties. ' Receipts of local eggs wire down to eighty cases, potatoes fifteen sacks, no beans, no onions. Quotations for all commodities were firm with an upward tendency. Not enough fish to supply the demand. No change In quotations at the regular call of the board. Receipts of produce— 80 cases; butter, I 27,808 pounds; cheese. 244 pounds; potatoes, 15 sacks; sweet potatoes, 256 sacks. Produce Prices Following are the Daily Market Reporter wholesale quotations: EGGS —-Local ranch, candled, extra se lected, 41c; local ranch, candled, 39c; local ' ranch, oase count, buying price, 36c; east '*m fresh, 35c: eastern storage, packed 1 extra. lOo; eastern storage, seconds, 28c. BUTTER —California creamery extras. 2 -Ib. roll, 75c; California creamery Urals. 2 -Ib. roll, 6714 c. eastern creamery, extras, 6714 c; cooking butter, 26c; ladle butter, 26® 27c. —Northern fresh. 20c; northern storage, 19®20c; Oregon Daisy, 1914 c; eastern singles, 19c; eastern twins. 19® 1914 c; eastern Daisies. 20c; eastern Long Horn, 20c; eastern Chedders, 10c; Imported swiss, 32c; Jack cheese, ISc; domestic swles, 23c; cream brick, 20c; Limburger, 20021 c; Roquefort. 38®40c; Edam, 18.00© 9.00; Canadian cream, per box, $1.00. BEANS—No. 1 pinks, $4.50^.4.60; No. 1 Llmas, *4.40©4.60; No. 1 Lady Washing tons 25®4.60; No. 1 small whites, $6.40 @5.50; No. 1 Blackeyes. »4.00; No. 1 Gar. vanzas J3.90@4.60; No. 1 Lentils, California, 17.00 8.00. POTATOES— Highlands, per cwt.. 11.10 @1.36; Lompoe, per cwt., $1.6501.75; Wat (,'onvlllo per cwt., $1.50@1.65; Oregon Bur banks, per cwt., $1.4001.50: Oregon Early Rose, per cwt., $2.00; Salinas, $1. 1.65; Yellow Sweets, per cwt.. $1.75. ONIONS — Northern Australian brown, per cwt., $1.60@1.75; Oregons, $2 cwt; garlic, i B®loc lb. I FRESH FRUITS—Apples: Bellefleurs. ! 4-tler. $1.5001.86; Bellefleurs, 414-tler, j $1.35; Gravensteins, 4-tler, $1.00; Graven- ■ steins, 414-tler, 90e@$1.00; Hoovers. 4-tler. $2.25: Jonathans, 4-tior, $3.00: Pearmainß, : white winter, 4-tler. $1.50; Pearmalns, 414 --tier $1.35; Pearmains, red, 4-tiar, $1.50; Pearmalns, red, 414-tler. $1.20; Smith's 1 Cider, 4-tler, <1.60; Smith's Cider. 414-tler., $1.25; Ben Davis. 4-tler, Col., $1.0501.85: Newton Pippins, 4-tler. $1.50; Mo. Pippins, ( 4-tier, Col., $2.00: Mo. Pippins, 414-tler.. Cal., $1.25; Mo. Pippins. 4-tler, Cal.. $1.50; , Rome Beauties, $2.50@2.75; Spltzenburgs, : 4-tler, $2.50; Ganos, $1.75@2.00; Wlnesaps, j 4-tler, Col.. $2-. 75"? 3.00; Wlnesaps. 4-tler, Cal., $1.75: Wlnesaps, 414-tler, Cal.. $1.23. \ Berries: Strawberries, fancy, per basket. 12c; strawberries, choice, per basket. 8c; j cranberries, per barrel, $11@U.50; rasp- . berries, per basket, 10c. Citnus: Grapefruit. | seedlings, $3 CO®s3.oo; lemons, fancy, $3.50; lemons, choice, $1.76; oranges, fancy Navels, $2.25@2.75; oranges, Tangarlnea, % box, $1.60; oranges, Valencia.*, fancy, $2.50 4P 3.00; limes, 20-lb. box, $1.25. TROPICAL—Banasas. per lb., 414 c: ban anas, red, per lb., 6c; dates, Fard. lb.. 9 0 lie; dates. Golden, 18., Hie: Persian. 1-lb. Pkgs, 9c: Alligator pears, doz., $5.00; pine apples, 6@7c. MISCELLANEOUS —Pears, winter Nellls, picking boxes, $1.5001.75; cantaloupes, local. crate, Jumbos, $2.60®3.00; casabas, crate, $1.69@1.70; Christmas melons. $3.00; grapes, lug boxes, $1.25®1.60; Guavas. per basket, 4c; peaches, box, $1.25; pomegranates, sc; quinces, per box, $1.25; watermelons, per lb.. Hie; persimmons, per lb., e@Bc. VEGETABLES — Artichokes. Northern, doz., $1.25<3 11.40; Brussels sprouts, Northern, 1b.,8@9c; bell peppers, lb., 10c: beets, sacks, 80c; string Deans, lb. 15c; green cabbage, sack, $1.00; red cabbage, lb., 2c; carrots, sack. 80c; cauliflower, Uok.. 35f&60c: celery, doz., sOiTj6oc; celery, crate, $2.50*312.75; cucumbers, $1.50@2 dozen; corn, green, box, 50&£0 c; corn husks, cut, lb., 6060; egg plant, lb., s®Bct leeks, doz., 35c; oyster plant, doz., 35««40c; okra, lb., 10c; let tuce, ct., !il 23; peas, lb. 12 14® 16c; pars ley, doz., 25c; parsnips, doz., 40c; rhubarb, crimson winter, 85c; rhubarb. Northern Strawberry, box, Sac; spinach, doz., SO02&O; summer squash, per box, 760; squash. Hub bard, lb., 141 I'Ac; young onions, dnz.. 15® 25c; turnips, sack, 80c; tomatoes, $1.25 box. DRIED FRUITS —Apples, evaporated, lb., 10®llc; apricots, lb., 12©>15c; figs, loose, white, box, $1.25; figs, loose, black, box, $1.25; peaches, lb., 7®Bc; pears, lb.. 11® 12c; plums, lb., 1214 c; nectarines, lb., Itia 10c. PRUNES—2O-SOs; 10c; 30-40.1. 9c; 40-50s. Hie; 50-GOs, (Hie; 60-70 a, 60; 70-SOs, s','jC; 6i)-!nis, ec; 90-luus, 4 Vie. RAISINS —Muscatels. 2-OrowH, loose, 50 --Ib. boxes, Ib. 4 1 / ac; 3-crown. lose, 60-lb. box, lb. sc; 4-crown, lose, 50-lb. box. lb. 6c; Lon don Mayers, 2-crown, lose, 20-lb. box, lb. $1.10; 3-crown, $1.25; 4-crown. $1.65; s crown, 11.90; Sultanas, bleached, lb. 9@llc; unbleached, 3Va4|/4c; seedless. 16-oz. pklf. «*tfl>7V4c: 12-oz. pkg. BV4©fl'/40, NUTS —Per lb.—Almonds, fancy, IXL, 17c; No Plus Ultra, 16c. Brazils, 14<u>15c; cocoa nuts, $1.00; chestnuts, 11 ftp lL'c; filbert*, 14fi'l5c; hickory, 8c; pecans, XX, 12lie; XXX, 16c; XXXX. 17c; eastern peanut;, 7c; Japan peanuts, ac; Spanish peanuts, No. 1 shelled, 10c; pinenuts, 20c; No. 1 S. S. wal nuts, ISmS 14c- No. 2, 10c; Jumbos, 17© 18c; budded, 18@20e; eastern popcorn, cwi $3 75; local, OWt. $1'« 13.25. RICE — 100, lbs. — Fancy Honduras, Caro lina. $7: choice Honduras, Carolina, 17 7.23; Japan grades, $4,054*5.00; island. JO.:j; broken. $3.50. HONEY —Per lb. — Water white, extracted, 7^7 i.c; white, extracted, "c; light amber, extracted, 6 ft' 6 He; water while comb, lib-frames, I8o; white, oomb, frames, lie; light amber, comb, Cramer, 12(Q)lL' I,<jC; bees wax, per lb. sue. U LIVE STOCK —Packers pay t. o. b. Los Angeles for beef steers, 4',i C'; 4 lie; beef steers, 3H&-IC; beef heifers. 3H ■■ il- 1; u«j«i calves, sc; mutton, weathers, $1.50 mutton, ewes. »3.7ii®4; mutton. lmbs, $3]j 3.^5; hogs, 7V40. POULTRY —Buying prices In the country: (Per lb.) — Hens, 17© 18c; old roosters, Sc; stags, 8c; broilers, 1 to 2 lbs, per lb. 24c; fryers, 2 lbs and up. per lb. 22c; roasters, 3 lbs. and up, per lb. 19c; geese, 16c; lucks, ISc; feiiuab pigeons, dozen, $1.50; turke> hen», 8-lb, and up, 22c; young torn tur keys, 32c; old toms. Ha. CHILI —Per )b.—Evaporated, strings, IS @20c; lose, 18c; Mexican black, t U 180, green, sc; chill teplns, 51-25; Japan, lie. corn husks, 7 -OC. ha — (Baled). The following quotations are furnished by the Los Angeles Hay Stor age Co. (Per ton — Barley or wheat hay, tl3.»Q01I.BOi tame oat hay, |lfi&18.60; al falfa, $13.50 la .MILL FEED—Fran. $1.60: whoto corn, $1.75; cracked corn, $1.80; feed meal, »-; rolled barley, $1.60; oil cake meal, $3-50; shorts, $1.85; Kaffir corn, $2; white oatu, $1.80; red oats, eastern, $2.25; wheat, ori ginal sacks, cwt. $2.05; 100-lb. sack* J2.10. Butter and Eggs at Retail Butter, 2-lb. fancy ...yoc Butter, 2-lb. roll, choice 80c rooking butter, 2-lb. roll 30©35 c Eggs, dozen ' •*- ;--; ■ '■' ■' COTTON AND WOOL NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—Spot cotton 0101 lil quiet, ten points lower. Middling uplands, $15.80; middling gulf, $16.05. No tajai. Futures closed weak; January and February, $15.33; March, $15.40; April. IU.4S; M;iy. $lli.5O; June, $15.51; July. 115.57;. August, I1B.B; B.p tember. $14; October, $13.40; December, 13.10, ST. LOUIS, Jan. s.—Wool—Unchanged; me dium grades, combing and clothing, M0VO! Ilirhi fln" 22®2<c; heavy flue, 12e21o; tub • washed, 2Eff37o. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, Jan. 6.—Cattle —Estimated re ceipts, GOOD: market strong to 10c higher: beeves, |4.25®7.90; Texas steers, 14.1015. western steers, H.J0@i1.25; stockers and tenders, $3.10&5.30; cows and belters, J2.^o 5.55; calves, |7.25®9.950. Hogs— Receipts estimated at 25,000; mar ket 5o higher; good to choice heavy, $8.«5«j) 8,70; piss, |7.40®8.40; bulk of sales at $8.40 1.60. Bheep—Receipts estimated at 14.000; mar. ke strong to 100 higher; native, $3.88@6.10; western ft ii" gi' -l°: »ritn««, $«.«oa i ioi lambs, native, lf.tlOS.fOi western, JO.Sl'tf 8.85. ' First Exclusive Private Wire House on the Pacific Coast J.C.WILSON MEMBER NKW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TKAI>r; BOHf* THE STOCK AM) BOND EXCHANGE, 8. T. CORRESPONDENTS HARRIS, WINTHROP & COMPANY OFFICES-HOTEL r AN,.;;n^ We-t^.h U. MILLS DL'ILniNG, San 1 rancleco I'AX.ACE HOTEL, San Francbco Open December 18. f '- "ist Pasadena Clients Will Get Instantaneous Service by Calling Home 119 B. G. LATHROP, Manager I F l-:y;_Ti-:l.r.l'HONI.->— MMS Sl»» A CLEARING HOUSE BANKS . HAJS ~~~~ ? Fr'p EI!!ln, G— auonai liank £fefS3K3^ 815 corner Fourth and Broadway. . Surplu. and Undivided Pronta. HO.IIO*. Bjaaw v r>ank & Trust Company R . w , kennev. can'w«r. lOH-310 Broadway. Bradbury building-. Capital. and' Undivided Proflta. rWH.MH. , 0R .3 10 Brnadyay. Bradbury hlllldln«. Surplus and I,'ndlt-lded Pmflti. I2W.WH. United States National Bank Jkti^l^oli'.'^"""' "e"U'nL B E corner Main and Commercial. Burplua and Profits. t71.00*. •» i^ational Bank ■« I.' W. woods. ca«i«. Capital. $1,000,000. g w. corner Third and Main. | Surplus. 1500,000. (lomme.ciai National Bank newman essick. ca.w«. • Capital. 1200,000. '_• } 4M B Spring, corner Fourth. Surplu- and I'ndlvlded Profit.. 148.00*. Farmers & Merchants National Bank charles caahnr. . . Capital, $1,500,000. Corner Fourth and Main. . , Surplus" and Profit.. >1.»0».00«. Na ional Bank kpl.'sS.S^ll^ I 88. corner Second and Spring. Bu lv. and Proflt.. |1.8 a.(»». Merchants National Bank w. H. HOLLIDAT. Prealdent ■ ierchants National Bank chas. greens, cashier. lUI Capital, 1200,000. 11l p E corner Third and Spring. Surplus and Proflta. Hgg,oo«. , National Bank of California 1. E. FISHBURN. President Mational Bank of California h. s. mokee. caahi«. IU Capital. 1600.000. |1 „ c. corner Fourth and Sprint- Surplus and Undivided Prr.flta.tlta.olH. _^ LOSTNGELES SJV|NGS3NKS^_ S' ECURITT AVINGS RANK OLDEST AND LARGEST IN SOUTHWEST Resources Over $25,000,000.00 SECURITY BUILDING, FIFTH AND SPRING STREETS GERMAN AMERICAN SAYiSUS BANK IF™ THE BANK WITH THE "—& I EFFICIENT SERVICE 1 \HtmtS EXCEEDI3.QQO.OOO°A I SPRING & FOURTH STS. I r~ CHICAGO GRAIN ' Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, member Chicago board of trade. New Yurk Stock exchange, and San Francisco Bond and Stock exchange. 212 West Fifth street. Los Angeles. CHICAGO, Jan. s.—Bullish sentiment was again prominent early hut gave way to a rather tired and heavy feeling In the market later. The market id less responsive to tl.e bullish news that Is being circulated with considerable freedom today and more respon- , sive to the selling, which is persistent but not prominent. Cash wheat premiums were re ported firmer both at Minneapolis and St. I Louis. Cash prices here were easier, despite the reported large sales. The opening was easy on poor response in Liverpool to yester day's still advance here. Australian offoiings in Europe were larger. Cash wheat sales here and the plentiful bull news carried prices up to near yesterday's closing level, where the supply of wheat proved as large as was the supply of bullish news. Broomhall estimates tre world's crop of wheat at 3.436,000 bushels, against 3,063, --000 000 bushels last year, thus showing the crop to be 374,000,000 bushels larger than last year. Big trade In corn. Deferred months made new high points of the crop by small frac tions, while May sold within a very scanty fraction of Its former high point. ■ There has been much realizing by smaller western lonsts, also much In arid out trading, evidently to ills guise operations by large traders acting through private wire and other concerns and brokers. Heavy snows over the corn belt in last forty-eight hours promise to cripple the marketing. Ohio reports made rather low con dition of corn in cribs. The volume of trade in oats was large. Prices sharply higher under active call from cash concerns, eastern buyers and shorts early. Market reacted from the top on realizing sales later from about the same sources as in corn and »ii at, larger Influential grain concerns. May delivery ran away ahead of more de ferred months. The provision market quite irregular. Janu ary deliveries did some unusual stunts In the way of advnnces early, but wore ■ leo sus ceptible to big changes the other way later. More disposition to sell the prwlU'-t now. The light hoc receipts did not create as much enthusiasm as usual, except as above, tempo rarily In January. Market Ranges WHEVT— Onen. High. Low. Close, j; ny 1.14% i-U% 1.13V4 1.13% .July 1.03 . 1.0334 02% 1.03 September ... .'J»;h> •»«* -»94 'o'" CORN— May 67' i .67»i .67 .6.',, July 6774 .«8!» .6714 .&% September ... ■•■■ ■ .68 .07% ■"» May '*. >(!■■ ■:■■» ■■'■■•' ■*"» July 4 Hi .41', ■«"* ■"!•? fcjoplrniber ... .411* ■« .41-a ■ •^l.'» January" MM =2.12 21.M «.M May ■:- 10 J8.15 31.87 -1 90 July 22.12 22.17 21.113 ii.m January' 11.80 12.50 12.60 12 60 May 12.15 12.17 12.08 12.07 July 12.12 12.13 12.02 12.02 January" 11.00 1160 11. CO 11.50 May 11.67 11.62 11.50 11.62 July 11.57 11.60 11.62 . 11.62 cash quotations were as follows: Flour .strong. No. 2 rye. 81c. Feed or mix- Ing barley, 59 (f 66c; fair to choice malting, 07Hi'72c. Flax seed, No. 1 southwestern, $2.00; No. 1 northwestern. $2.10. Timothy, seed 13.88 3.90. Clover, 115.00. Mess pork, per barrel. |11.00@22.aj Lard, per 100 lbs.. $12.60*12. ti '■■ Short ribs (loose), $11.37 '4 011.88 Hi short clear sides (boxed), $11.62ks Q 11.89 4 Total clearances of (lour were equal to 114, 000 bushels. Exports for the week as shown by Bradstreefs wens equal to 606,000 bushels. Primary reuelpts were 304,000 hush els. Intimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 1 32 cars, corn 301 cars, oats 109 cars, hogs 28,000 head. Receipts. Shipments Flour barrels 55.900 11, 100 Wheat, buehell 103.200 22,10" Corn bushel 783.700 134.800 Oats, bushed* 641,500 157,600 Rye, bushels 11,000 1,000 Barley, bushels ....... .192,000 000 No Chance to Observe "When you took that flyer in \V;ill strict, were you on the Bull or the bear ltd*?" "Qreat Scott!" answered the unto phistleuted man. •'When things broke 1 was so busy dodginf that I did not have time to »•« wluil was (liaising m«." Washington Star. m $2,500,000 m 8 our estimate on our depos-^MK Jt its on.Jan. 4th, 1911. when we have »j£ ff been in business two years. If you JgL ; 1\ have been missing the conveniences ft If that caused nearly 16,000 people to ff If open accounts with us It is your low VI II as well as our«. We want you to H M give us an opportunity to do a bank- £1 §S Ing business. f 5 %ML MWHTtUXI \^^^T OTII AND Sl'lilNG 33at^Qpr NOTICE OF ANNUAL, STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OK THE MINERS AND MKHCHANT9 BANK. Notice is hereby given that the reg ular annual stockholders' meeting of the Miners and Merchants bank will be held at their "branch" banking room at 847 Central avenue on January 10. 1810. at 3:30 p. m., for the purposs of electing nine directors and such other business as may come befora the meeting. It is desired that all be present. RALPH K. DORRS. Secretary. CITRUS FRUIT REPORT PITTNBI'RO PITTSBURO, Jan. 6.— Four cars sold. Mar ket easier on large sizes navels. Raining, Navels—Hiawatha, T. C. C, Santa, $1.60; Hia watha, T. C. O.i Llsko, $1.80: Justaigood, T. C. C Lemoncove, |1.85; Full Value. T. C. C, Zanle, $1.40; Full Value, T. C. C Llsko, 51.50; Red Label, T. C. C, Llsko, $1.30. BOSTON l TON. Jan. s.— One car sold. Polder. Market string on navel*. Navels — S. 8., Yerkes Spur, 53.35; Canna, 13.20. ST. ions ST. LOUIS. Jan. I.—Colder. Market weak on large sizes. Nine cars sold. Floridas. {1.8682.23, Navels—Hiawatha, T. C. C . Zante. $1.95; Grove, Q. C, Corona, $3.20; Pride of Cal.. Riv Ex. Con., 12.15. Lemons—Sunset, Q. C Corona, 8.65; O. I. C. $3.40; Justrtte, $3.53; Minerva, $3.55. CLEVELAND [ CLEVELAND, Jan. s—Two ears navels sold. Market unchanged. Prices low arcount condi tion and quality. Raining, Nrvpls—Pocahon tas, T. O. C, Zante. $1.85; Hiawatha, $1.60; Or.-hid, fy, Altland F. Co., *2; Del Monte, »-80- CINCINNATI CINCINNATI. Jan. —Cold, raining. Mar ket weak, on oranges, steady on lemons. Three ■ cars oranges and one car lemons sold. Florida Drlghte, J1.80W2.05; Russets, $1.65@2.05. lem ons— White Cross, or, Limoneira Co., $4.33; Loma, $4.45. riin.ADEi.pni.v PHILADELPHIA, Jan. s.—Very cold, oloudv, snowing. Market firm on good fruit. r."00 Florida^, $1.400188; average, $1.90; grapefruit, $1.15CJ.15: tangerines, $1.30. Koto—Whlttier navels reported sold in Bos ton on January S should have been ■'"us, not navels. . % ', NEW VOIIK CITY : 1 NEW YORK, Jan. s.—Two cars navels and one ear lemons sold. Market steady on navels, fairly steady on lemons. Cloudy, extremely 1 cold.' NiVels-GoMen State, T. C. C, ex, av erage $2.10; Watchumnu, T. C. C, ex, average II so: Venus, xc. E. Peyeke Co., average $2.15. ' Lemons-Nnrallmo. or, Sparr F. Co., $3.70; .Del 1 Oro. eh, $2.45. i " CITRUS FRUIT SHIPMENTS I Oik's. Lems. Tots!, 1 Tuesday. January 4 ♦. 67 19 71 Another Washington Husie quarreled with her little play mate so strenuously that it c*m« t ■ blows and hair pulling. The next day her cousin Ned leered -it her: "I heai you've been fighting with Hetty. Who lickod"" "Mamma licked," truthfully replied -Housekeeper. 7