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Pages 9 to 16 IP Modern Wonders 18 Among the great inventions that have brought pleasure, edu cation and comfort to the American home, none can lay claim to greater praise than the two great music makers— THE EDISON PHONOGRAPH AND THE VICTOR TALKING MACHINE WE are the largest dealers in these modern music-makers. If you want a VICTOR, an EDISON or other talking machine you will find fiere what you want at correct (Eastern) prices. ANY MACHINE ON EASY PAYMENTS. Lauder Records for the Victor and Edison Every one of his splendid records are _^ here. Buy now the supply is limited. g? MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY Here is a partial list of his Records: y*w2|jrL% 6::oot —l've Something In the Bottle tt&Vv^^^&mm for tile Morning- R- iJ^. °Y£f 620021 Love a Lassie (.My Scotch Blue- WWI^ *©BT 58004—1 Love a Lassie (My Scotch Blue. Ufa J'-SjkJSg 82019—Jean MacNiell. > jf^'SKli 52009—KUHecrankle. ' 58001 —She Is My Daisy. S[s&?<!(vrAL —Stop Your Ticklilic .lock. \ >fefe«9fcj«. 38005 —The Wedding <>' Loelile Mofiraw. V jZaMuJsV^"* 58001—The Wedding of Snnily McNali. v -_» Y232K£*T I I 82008 —Tobermory. X Sk VMMVw' I k 62016— Wearing Kilts (That's the Reason »V MFTftf If Noo 1 Wear a Kilt). V d'f « 58002— I Get Back Again to Bon- ■■ ♦ » nle Scotland. Send for Complete Catalogue, Edison or Victor, FREE for the Asking. PIANOS—THE WORLD'S BEST PIANOS ARE HERE Grands and Uprights Any Piano on Easy Payments. Bargains for the Shrewd, Prompt Buyer. CHICKERING— £9 7 5 Ebony; good condition $Li l O STEINWAY— <R?lfeo Ebony; good condition $hi\J\J VOSE— ■ " <K??5 Ebony; good condition $LuO KRANICH & BACH— £700 Rosewood $L\3\3 \ HAZELTON BROS— £700 Walnut $L\S\3 , KIMBALL— <fc!7^ Mahogany »pl I c? TWO GRANDS— - <CSQS Regular $850 $070 10 OTHER UPRIGHTS— SNAPS THE HOUSE OF MUSICAL QUALITY; - .. Southern California Music Co. 332-334 South Broadway, Los Angeles, C'al. A A Man with $50,000 /ifSt* MflßfjaX can nfford to speculate, but you small investors / »!£i!Sat \ who have saved up a few hundred dollars should / l7f?\*!& \ not rlsk "in speculation. Deposit it here and / Blrf&iif ■ \ receive a Certificate of Deposit bearing interest at / EPv^F'./^ 1 \ tne rate of * per centtnen !t '11 be absolutely Merchants Bank & Trust Co. I 207-09-11 SOUTH BROADWAY .Verdugo fcanyon [Tract RS TO ESTATE DIVIDE INTERESTS Holdings of Late Walter Vail and Vail and Gates Properties, Turned Into Individual Interests. Friendly division of one of the largest estates in Southern California has just been consummated. For many years the late Walter Vail, who was killed in a street railway acci dent in Los Angeles a few years ago, and C. W. Gates were associated in development and other Interests un der the iirm name of Vail & Gates. Their holdings represented vast sums of money, combining landed interests, business and residence property, min ing, stock raising and other enterprises. In the appraisement and division the heirs of Walter Vail, eight in number, including the widow, receive the Santa Rosa ranch of 4700 acres in Riverside county; also the old Pauba ranch of ■1000 acres at Temecula, and the Total Wreck mine and the Empire ranch, lo cated in Arizona. C. W. Gates received cash considera tions" and residence property In Los Angeles, at Huntington Beach, San Diego, Riverside and elsewhere. The heirs of Mr. Vail are also inter ested with J. V. Vlckers in the owner ship of Santa Rosa island in the Santa Barbara channel. burglar' Is held Within twelve hours after he was arrested for stealing $1.50 from the room of G. M. Sabean at the Plymouth hotel, S. H. crowther was arraigned in Police Judge Rose's court yester day afternoon on a charge of burglary, given his preliminary examination and held to answer to the superior court. T~j HE picturesque Verdugo Canyon, one mile from Glendale. Lots one-half to three acres, rolling ground, liveoaks, =1 sycamore trees, running water ani park?, the most beautiful spit in Los Anje les County for suburban hones. See it ml you will be convince 1. Arrangements can be made at the office. Jno. A. Pirtle Phone A 7191 146 S. Spring St. ACCIDENT FATAL TO MOTOR VICTIM Man Struck by Automobile in Pe culiar Manner Dies After Several Days in Hospital L. M. Mosher, 49 years old, proprietor of a carpet cleaning establishment, who was struck by an automobile driven by Harris M. Hanshue, a well known rac ing driver, at Third and Spring streets, Thursday night, died at the California hospital yesterday afternoon. The body was taken to the undertaking estab lishment of Orr & Edwards, and the coroner probably will hold an inquest to determing the responsibility for the death. The accident which resulted in the death of Mosher was one of the most spectacular that has happened in this city for some time. Hansliue, accom panied by his wife, who was convales cent, was driving a high-powered rac ing auto in Spring street. He was pro ceeding slowly to enable his wife to look In the show windows decorated with Christmas goods. The motor was not geared to slow speed and the en gine stopped as the machine was creep ing along. Hanshue got/ out of. the auto and cranked it. As the engines started a refractory clutch jarred In place and started the vehicle. Han shue sprang over the hood to stop tho engines, but was not quick enough to avoid striking Mosher, who was cross- Ing the street. Mosher lived at 321 Temple street. TWO KILLED IN COLLISION CHICAGO, Jan. s.—LouiH D. Cohn of this city and his wife were instantly killed here today when their automobile was hit by an Illinrfis Central train. LOS ANGELES HERALD THURSDAY MORNING, JAN.UARY 6, 1910. DEATH CLAIMS ELEVENTH LIFE AT SAWTELLE INVESTIGATION WILL BE MADE BY CORONER WHISPERS OF POISON TO BE j SIFTED OUT Physicians Declare That Symptoms Were Peculiar and an Au. topsy May Be Benefit to Science [Special to The Herald.] SAWTELLE, Jan. o.—Eleven vie- I tims have been claimed by death as I the result of the New Year's feast at the home of Mrs. Dionisia Garcia de Valdez at Illinois and Tenth streets. A twelfth victim still is suffering. The 1 two tiny babes, too young to eat of 1 the poisoned food, are still kicking their heels merrily, ignorant of the '■ fact that most of their relatives have ! been made ready for the grave in the short space of forty-eight hours. Braulio Preciado was the last to die. He answered death's roll call as No. 11 yesterday morning. His wife is still living and is said to be out of danger. Ptomaine poisoning from a jar of pears eaten at the New Tear's feast • is the answer given for the blotting I out of three families, but there have been strange questions asked and I strange whispers bruited about, and even the coroner's physician and the nurses and the physicians who at tended the sick say that it was a case of ptomaine poisoning such that, if true, will shed more light on the treat ment of the disease by the medical profession. Will Be Long Funeral Friday a long funeral train will pass through Santa Monica to the little Pasqual Marquez burying ground hid den behind the old church and school house in Santa Monica canyon. Final plans for the funeral have not been arranged, but it is understood the services will occur probably at the Finch undertaking parlors, with pos- | sibly a short service at the Catholic church of this city. Nothing will be known definitely until after Coroner Hartwell completes his Investigation of the wholesale poisoning at the Inquest to b' held tomorrow. The Inquest is timed for 10 o'clock in this city. Coroner Hartwell has decided to conduct a rigid investigation of the affair from beginning to end. There Is a certain mysterious aspect to the case in the minds of some that is thought to influence the authorities in their course of action. No one here has ventured, with any reasonable degree of certainty, to sug gest that poison was administered to the dinner party with criminal inten tions, yet there is a feeling that pos sibly some responsibility for the an nihilating of almost three entire fami lies may be fixed conclusively. Little attention is paid by physicians to the suggestion made shortly before his death this morning by Braulio Pre ciado, last of the victims to succumb to the deadly poison, that the poison was probably introduced into the fruit because of the fact that the tops of the cans in which It was contained were old and had been used for the same purpose on several occasions. It is held by physicians Jiat such con dition would not be required to pro duce ptomaines. Deep interest Is cen tered on the results of the coroner's investigation. Mrs. Juana Preciado, the third of the three daughters who feasted with their mother Sunday at the Preciado and Fernandez home at Sawtelle, when ] the poisoned pears were eaten, has shown no symptoms of ptomaines. This Is accounted for by herself. She says when she tasted the psars she found them sour and Immediately spat | out the portion she had taken. She j declared that she swallowed none of I the fruit. Despite this, physicians are i inducing her to receive a course of treatment for the purpose of prevent ing action of possible poison if present. It was announced tonight that, to all appearances, Mrs. Preciado would suf fer no ill effects. The unu-jally slow effect the poison had upon Braulio Prediado is the sub ject of wide discussion bera among those who have watched the develop emnt of the case. Although he aU; a dish o.f the pears at the game time with the other diners, he was the Uiki to become ill. This was more than thirty hours after th^ (east. Practical ly all day Monday he worked steadily and experienced no feeling of uneasi ness until late Monday night. Then he began a stubborn fight to ward off the effects of the poison which was slowly but surely getitng in its deadly work. He took to bed yesterday aft ernoon, only after he had given up all hope of recovering. Of the Preciado family, which orig inally consisted of four, none remains but the distracted mother, worn and haggard with the vigil of three nigli£s with her dead and dying relatives. It is expected by friends that this in Itself will have its ill effect upon her, even if she escapes the terrible late of her family. Mrs. Preciado is said to be in dire financial straits, and friends are raising a fund for her. Alfonso Fernandez, husband of Mrs. QuadaloupC Fernandez, an\png the first to die, and 3-year-okl Tsabel Fernan dez, who soon followed her mother, ar rived at the grief clouded home today. He has been working in the mountains north of Topango canyon, far from a telephone, and could not be given the news sooner. Dark-eyed little Maria Gundaloupe Fernandez, all that Is left of the hap py family to console the father, is being oared for by Mrs. Adolph Laughlin, a kind neighbor, who has a little girl of the same age, 3 months. The body of Mrs. Valdez still lies at the Marquez home on Tenth street to night. It was intended by relatives .to remove the remains to Sawtclle today, but this course waa no^ permitted by Coroner Hartwell until he arrived cm the icene and began his investigation. The remains of Mrs. Dolores Garcia and her two children, Frank and Al fonso, are resting at the Klrkelle un dertaking parolrs In this city, while the seven other bodies are at the Finch morgue at Sawtelle. SYRACUSE, N. V., Jan. s.—Twenty seven cases of ptomaine poisoning, all but one traceable to the ' eating of cream puffs or chocolate eclaires, have been discovered. In this city. LOSES THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS BY ACCEPTING A CITY APPOINTMENT M. H. Newmark Accepts Position That Pays No Salary and Can Submit No Bids While* In City's Service The personal sacrifice made by M. H. Newmark in accept '•• 4 a position on the harbor commission was shown to some extent yesterday when Mr. Newmark lost several thousand dollars by reason of the fact of his being a public servant. A few dajrs ago the board of public works opened bids for commissary supplies for the camps it maintains along the aqueduct. The firm of M. A. Newmark & Co. was the lowest bidder on fourteen or fifteen items, and the contract for these items, amount ing to several thousand dollars in the course of the year, was awarded to this company. Soon after the award was mt. 'c, and before the contract had been signed, the mayor appointed M. H. Newmark, T. B. Gibbon an ' Stoddard Jess as the harbor commission. M, H. Newmark is a member of the firm of M. A. Newmark & Co., and the city attorney ruled that under the provisions of the city charter the New mark company could not sign the con tract while one of its members was in the city's service. Mr. Newmark, with the other har bor commissioners, gives the time he spends in the interests of the harbor to f " city without compensation, as no salary is attached to the position of harbor eommlßSln-er, and in addi tion loses valuable city contracts that would put real money into his pocket. WALKING CRACK, SIGN OF INTOXICATION, IS DECISION OF JUSTICE Demonstration of Sobriety on Part of Prisoner Fails to Im. press the City Court Officials "\ man is drunk when he attempts to walk a crack in the floor to show others he is not drunk," said Police Judge Rose yesterday when he sen tenced J. A. Nelson, a contractor, to pay a fine of $10 or serve ten days In the city Jail on a charge of drunken ness. Nelson was arrested Monday night while trying to drive his auto at First and Main streets. Patrolman Riggs, who took him into custody, found Npl son entertaining a large crowd in front of the Natick hotel. Nelson was : taken to the police station, and after) promising to go home immediately was ; released. Two hours later Riggs found i Nelson in the auto at the same place, | and a still larger crowd around him. I This time Nelson was arrested. The prisoner declared he could walk one of the planks in the corridor, and wobbled along until he fell down. Nelson explained his,trouble with his auto by declaring someone sold him water instead of gasoline, and he be- I came so angry he bought a few drinks, but not enough to him drunk, PLAN BIG RECEPTION FOR COMEDIAN LAUDER Scotch Entertainer to Be Met at La Grande Station by Mayor and Committee Advices over the Santa Fe show that the Harry Lauder special will arrive In Los Angeles at 7:30 o'clock this morning. The comedian will be met at La Grande station by the representa-! tlve Scottish clubs and citizens of Los Angeles, and also by Mayor Alexander and a party of friends. The engage ment promises to be the most preton tious yet given at the Auditorium since the Shuberts assumed the management. In addition to Lauder, the train carries his entire family; William Morris, one Of the vaudeville kings of the east; | Julian Eltinge, the Lauder Pipers choir, i a South American Marimba band, a I full orchestra, and several Sctoch j dancers. The engagement is for five perform- | ances. A banquet has been arranged for the Lauder party at 6 o'clock this evening, and a reception will follow the opening performance. It Is to be a day for' the Scotch, and the color of the I Clans will glisten from the automobiles as they pass up to the city hall for Lauder to receive the freedom of the city. Hoot mon! FIVE BURNED TO DEATH BURNSIDE, Ky., Jan. s.—Mrs. Mar tha Cordon, her daughter, Mrs. James Kldd, and three small children *ere burned to death today in a fire which destroyed Kidd's house at Plavens, Ky. Strong Recognition of The Herald On the Part of local Advertisers FOR many months past The Herald has. steadily gained in advertising, and, while advertiser and the management of The Herald have been more than gratified with results, it was not considered necessary to rush into print with a glowing story of success, for one can hear on every side commendations of the policy of The Herald and congratulations upon the wonderful progress made. However, it is but just to our old and new advertisers to make a statement of increased business for the last quarter ending December 31, 1909, when The Herald had to its credit an increase of 42,586 inches over the same period of 1908. Furthermore, The Herald made the largest gain of any paper in the city during the month of December, a gain of 15,837 inches over December, 1908. This is simply an evidence of recognition of The Herald by the business men of Los Angeles. WHAT BETTER INDORSEMENT COULD ANY PAPER ASK? The Herald is proud of the stand it has taken, the battles it has won and prizes at full value the loyal sup port of the business men of Los Angeles. STONE AND HIS WIFE HELD ON MURDER CHARGE COUPLE MUST ANSWER FOR DEATH OF SHIVELY INVESTIGATORS OF CRIME ARE STILL IN DOUBT Further Search of the Scene of the Tragedy Reveals Articles Which May Be Important in Case A complaint, jointly charging C. A. Stone and his wife, Clara, with the murder ot Morgan Shiveley, was issued by Deputy District Attorney Frank Blair yesterday and later tiled in the justive court at Alhambra, where war rants for the arrests of Stone and his wife were issued. These were served on the couple in the county jail. The complaint issued yesterday is sworn to by tenjamin F. Parker, con stable of Alhambra, and while the cir cumstances surrounding the killing of Shiveley are of such a character that there still remains in the mindj of the investigators a doubt as to the connec tion of Stone and his wife with the crime, the tiling of. the charge will have tl.o effect of keeping the man and woman in jail while further investi gation is bMng made. Interesting Finds Made To carry on this investigation fur ther search was made of the house in which the tragedy occurred and the surrounding grounds. The results of this search were brought to Chief De ttctive Brovne's office yesterday, con sisting of a shirt of the size worn by Stone, a butcher knife, carrying small rust marks; a razor, several col lars belonging to Stone and a number of receipted grocery bills, showing that the larder in the Stone house was sup plied by Shiveley. • Tlk shirt \ 3 ihe object that drew the most a'tention in the <'.strict at torney's office. Constable Parker said j he found the 'garment under a cactus 1 bush, 150 yards away from the house \ where Shiveley was killed. The shirt was still damp from the rains, but a number >t small led spots were found on the bosom and were examined closely. These may later be examined by a chemist; Knife and Razor Not Important Detective Browne said he did not believe the butcher knife, which was j found on a shelf in one of the rooms, ] played any part in the tragedy. Be • lief that the razor was connected with the murder, ho said, must also be j I abandoned. It was found on a shelf lin the bathroom and no bloodstains I could be discovered on the blade.. Although Stone and his wife were questioned closely yesterday neither of them made aiiy admissions that would strengthen the suspicion already di rected against them. They probably will be arraigned in the Alhambra justice court today. INJURED, HIS FIRST THOUGHT IS OF MOTHER Patrolman Displays Remarkable For. titude When Foot Is Crushed by Train Remarkable fortitude was exhibited by Patrolman Louis Canto, who sus tained a crushed right foot when he | attempted to board an outbound pas- I senger train at Fourth and Alameda , streets yesterday afternoon. When ' taken to the receiving hospital he begged the surgeons not to notify his aged mother of his injuries, and told them to amputate the injured toes without administering an anaesthetic. Canto attempted to board the third baggage car of an outbound Southern Pacific passenger train. He missed the step and his right foot slipped under ! the wheels. He jerked out his injured I foot and fell away from the track. He j was picked up by the train crew of an j other train and taken to the patrol box at Third and Alameda. He was sup | ported at the box while he rang up the police station and asked for an ambu lance. The surgeons found that all the toes on the right foot were crushed, and I amputated them at the first joint. The surgeons persuaded Santo to take an anaesthetic. Later he was removed to the Sisters' hospital. Canto is unmar ried and lives with his mother at S3O Bartlett street. ROOSEVELT AT BUTIABA BUTIABA, Jan. 5.—C01. Roosevelt and the others of ti\e American ex pedition arrived today from Hoima. From this point the party will make a hunting trip on the Lado Enclave in search of the white rhinoceros. Open 3t 8° 30 pi jL^, sr3 ,v (_<lose 3t 5"?" The Most Extraordinary Neckwear News We've Told, in Months-— Lace Collars, Yokes /- mr n and Coat Sets at . . OJL A remarkable group of model pieces bought direct from the manufacturer in, Germany—at a price so low that we are able to offer them today Jj£Sjl3^& l at 65c —which in many >^^^^^^M cases is but a fraction of W> ■^^mmm their wholesale cost. I-, '^pfp —/There are lace collarslace cape V_^, )T collars—lace coat collars —lace yokes >^\ >/«hitti —and lace coat sets. Large, small and medium sizes in imitation Irish "^^^^m^^"' crochet—Russian—flat Venise — Ma- | 1 AYV crameand Oriental laces. I Lh\js —There are round, square and Van f 'iftullr Dyke styles—all of them values you'll i US?? •be enthusiastic over at 65c. _ Jf^s Here's Some Splendid News —Damask at 50c The last time we had it It went like a flash—and for weeks we have been without ita new shipment is here and has just been opened and will be out for the first time this morning— —It's a fine, heavy satin finished mercerized damask, full 68 inches wide—bleached as white as snow—a value to hurry after at 50c yard—Large size napkins to match at $1.00 dozen. Heavy Bleached (T>i _ Huck Towels at $* Doz —Cotton towels—but what great, big, splendid towels they are —wonderfully soft and absorbent —some have red borders— others are plain white — —You'll consider them extraordinary values at $1.00 dozen. 20x38 Cotton f A Heavy Bleached m Huck Towels 7 IUL Bath Towels ...LOL —Fine heavy cotton huck towels —Extra heavy ones—values we —size 20x3S inches, 10c, and size consider extraordinary—others at 20x40 inches at 12% c. 12% c, 15c and 20c. ] REALTY BOARD INDORSES HOLLYWOOD ANNEXATION THE Los Angeles Realty board has unanimously indorsed the Holly wood annexation project which is to be voted on January M. Action indorsing the annexation and pledging the members of the board to usj their best efforts to get out a big vote in favor of consolidation was taken yesterday afternoon at a meet ing of the governing committee held in the realty board's office in the Se curity building. After exchanging views and com menting on the fact that in Holly wood, Los Angeles is getting one of the finest little cities in the south, the committee passed the following resolutions: "It is resolved by the governing committee of Los Angeles Realty board that the proposition of the an nexation of Hollywood to the city of Log Angales is hereby heartily indorsed JURY ENJOYS FREEDOM WHILE ATTORNEYS ARGUE Discussion in Chapman Land Fraud Case Relates to Admission of Testimony The jury in the Chapman land fraud case, now being tried belore Judge Wellborn in the United States district court, was excused the greater part c.f yesterday during a heated argument by the attorneys in the case regarding an objection made by defense to the questioning of Miss Tina Juddery by the prosecution as to whether she had Hied a land entry Frank x. Chap man is said to have met the young woman while she was employed in a restaurant' where he ate his lunch. Attempt* were made to rebut the tes timony of Paul H. McPherrin. who is said to have testified that he had never made any false affidavits In connection with annual proofs on des ert claims. LABORER ASPHYXIATED Fred Coodson, a laborer, 30 years old, was found dead in his room at ■143 Gladys avenue yesterday morn ing. The gas Jet was open' and the room was filled with tho poisonous air. The landlady, who made the discovery, told the detectives, who investigated the case, that Goodson was intoxicated when he went to his room Tuesday night. The officers noticed that the electric light, which Is near the gas jet, was 1 rning, and it is supposed Ihr unfortunate man attempted to turn out the electric light but, instead opened the gas jet. The Ange: -s grin nas excellent serr ice and better food. Fourth and Spring. Classified Ad. Section by the Los Angeles Realty board and that every endeavor should be mada by the members of this board to bring out a large vote in favor of such an nexation at the forthcoming election on January 2i." Informally, members of t' c realty board declared that great benefits will accrue to Los Angeles from the an nexation of the beautiful city of Holly wood. They said all the lea ling real estate dealers of the city consider Hollywood a desirable acquisition and are eager to welcome the hustling littla city within the boundaries of tha Greater Los Ajgeles. Annexation has been indorsed by, practically every public and civic or ganization in Los Angeles, and it 13 believed that, unlesa thu voters for get the date of election, the project will carry by an overwhelming raa joi-ity. _ BETA THETA PI MEN PLAN BIG BANQUET Southern California Members of Fra. ternity Will Dine at Westminster Th<y annual banquet of tha Southern California Alumni chapter of the na tiuiij.l college fraternity, Beta Theta pi, will be held Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Westminster hotel. The chapter has a membership of 223 men who are graduates from colleges all over the country, and it is expected that nearly every one of this number will gather around the festive board. F. B. Uraden, a graduate of Stan ford in 1900, will act as toastmastor. Those who will respond to toasts are Judge H. C. Gooding of Indiana, James Sheldon Kiley of Chicago and Roy V. Reppy, president of the alumni chapter. WEEPS WHEN HMSBAND IS SENTENCED TO PRISON Wife Cries for More Than Two Hour* Because of Separation from Spouse When Pojiee Judge chambers yester day sentenced Qus Witt to serve sixty* days in the city jail for violating pro visions of his parole, the wife of tha prisoner, who is in delicate health, threw her arms around his neck and wept bitterly. \s toon as tho accused man was taken back to jail the wife visited him and remained there for more than two hours, crying hysterically during tha» time. *