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12 FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL SLUMP FOLLOWS RISE IN STOCKS SPECULATION BLOWS HOT THEN COLD PRESSURE OF MARKET IS UNEX. PLAINABLE Money Position Works Easier, and Renewal of Foreign Buying of Cotton Is Reflected in the Exporting of Gold [Associated Press] NEW YORK, Jan. 17.—Speculative sentiment blew hot and cold in the stock market today and the sudden transpositions offer violent contrasts. Demand for stocks early in the day was so impressixe and seemed to be coming from such lnflu entiai sources that the tone of the speculation became hopeful. One or two items in the news were construed in the same spirit. The ret rospect oT the market would have to go back many months to find pri< which stocks could have been acquired to offer ami profit on the sales made at today's prices. This fact accen tuated the conviction of thoroughness of the liquidating movement and pre vented unloading on the part of buy ers of larger caliber, who had come into the market at an early stage of last year's advance. The belief was thus created in a closing up of a market campaign of lons duration and widespread extent. There was nothing in the immediate situation to explain the pressure of the market. The money position worked easier and the weekly bank statement of Saturday gave warrant for confi dence in the security of the money market from further stringency. There was an engagement of gold for South America, but the foreign ex change market was easier, In spite of the decline in money rates. This movement might reflect renewal of for eign buying of cotton Invited by the severe decline In that commodity. The acute weakness of the trans continental railroad stocks today mdi■ ■ i mii;"'ivi" o's on the score of de* creased traffic as well as a possible re <li.-tribution of traffic growing out of the opening of new Pacific coast ex tensions. This was a factor in the weakness of the Hill stocks and of St. Paul and the further postponement of the suit to dissolve the Union Pacific merger was made the occasion of some y strength in that market, but it was among the weakest in the later Ing. The satisfaction of the demand to cover the shorts on the part of the bears about exhausted the buying at the recent price level and thr subse quent pause placed prices lower than low prices of Saturday morning, rallying power was feeble and the closing tone weak. Bonds were easy: total sales, par value, $4.36 C,OOO. United States 2s de clined l-s pur cent on call. NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Herald by J. C. WH eon IM West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange. Chicago board of. trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—Following were the closing quotations today: Sales. Stock. High. Low. Bid. Ask. . . .. Allls-Chalmexi -- 1' MH 1,000 do preferred r,n»i BOH BO r."'i 42,M0'Ajnals Copper .... «:■>; B?ss S2'i S:Uj 6.700 Am' Beet Sugar. 4lli Wi 431j 44 do preferred . S3 Hi 1,200 Amcr Can Co .... 12*4 1214 1214 r'i 800 do preferred "'■ - "*;! * 78 78% 4,400 Am Car & F Co.. 67'» «51- <is'& lifi do preferred 116 117 2,000 Amer Cotton Oil.. eE 83*4 "'" C3'i lo preferred .. 101 I°7 Anier Ex 900 Am Ice Securities. 8514 24' i 24' i-5 400 Amer Linseed .... 16 15H 15 S 4 18 800 do preferred . 4.". 43>~ 4:ir>« i 441t 4,400 Amer Locomotive. 5S 551S fi.'lii 68% do preferred .. 113 H4 37,200 Am Smlt & Rf Co 961, !K!'i I." 1" H3?i 800 do preferred 110 I*, 10914 109»j HO,* 800 Amer Sugar I-- 1 122U 123 123 . .. do preferred .. 121! 122 m 600 Am Steel Fdr» .... 65 • !'. «4!4 6414 ' I &00 Amer Tel & T C0.138V4 13714 1371s 18! COO Km r To* pfd ... 55 M BS% B4li 800 Ami p Woolen 33! i 32*4 :1u 86 300 do preferred 103 lOIV4 Ml T i 1" --5.000 Anaconda 601 4?*!, 49* 4!Ji 1,200 Atlantic C Line ..143' 2 130H 130 111 2" 000 AT & Santa Fe..12u J; 118' i 118% 119 300 do preferred .. 103% 10344 1031s 103K 4,900 Bait & Ohio 1171, 115»i 116% 110., 100 do preferred ..... 93 93 93 64% 800 B R T 7li'4 74 744 71% 700 Canadian I'ttcluc..lSo>« 170' i 179* 1•;• 'i 157000 & " BS=i SS'i SWi S7 000 C & A 66% 64 63' i 66 2,700 C& G W new S3 '!-'■ 32-'» S2>i 400 do preferred new. til 69% S""i 80Z 800 C& N W .... 15!" i 157 157 15S 46,800 C m & st r 149% »«% 147' i 147% .. . do preferred ■■ 168 11>** 1 a 800 Central Leather .. 44H 42% 4.1 43' i 300 do preferred ....10 i 10$ 107% 3llS .. Cent of N.l 300 312 ' 700 CCC & •■-<- !■■■■■ SOU SO .79% H>Vi _ do preferred W:; 8* 10814 j 3,400 Colo F and Iron.. 451 i 43' i 43*1 44 do preferred 11.1 I-1' 1,000 Columbus HC* I»0 IWS SJ'i 89H 700 Colorado Southern. GS'J D7'i 57V4 S7lj 800 do Ist preferred. Hi SIM, SI SIV4 do 2d preferred 80 M 18700 Conoelldated Qas..ls4',i 150« 15u'i 130V4 'tsno Corn Products ... -''-a 20", a 20 2fl',i 200 do preferred .. S4»i 8414 53 '!'< 500 Pel * Hudson ....178 177* 177 178 ... V I. ,v v 680 ClO 2 700 D& R 0 *6 4414 44Vtj 4r, do preferred 80'; 'SlVi " 600 Distilling Scour ... 35 MH SII. 35 ... . Duluth S S t A «ISV4 1"! do preferred «MJ Sl* ■"few Erie --'■ 56% 21>% 31',i Imo do Ist preferred, 4!) si 4S»i 48% ':1 'soo do td preferred.. 31t',i 35% 38^ SO • 000 General Electric ..lie 153% 184 154' i 1000 Great North Ore.. 76' i 73' 3 73H 74', J3«W do preferred i:«: , 133 13.Hi 133. 1000 Illinois Central ...1« 141 Vi 141.4 142", 9.400 laterboro-Metro .... 11% MH 14 WH - 14.500 do tern d .... b2!« 601, JO% 61 Internal Paper Wi 141* ■■"SOO do preferred U« -■ fitl fO% ""K» Internal Pump •••-'% 61 .vi 10% 600 do preferred M* 69 89Vi 90 700 lowa Central 26% 26 20 2614 100 do preferred 50ii M J1 M I.JoO Kansas City 50.,. 41% 4"', 40 4014 100 do'preferred 03 CS t,B!i «>BH .. 1, E & Western 83 _2J do preferred ■ 61 6.1 ' -O00L&N 154 15014 '« 1M .800Mackay 85 , 85 85 87 300 do preferred <■» 77 '"'a .8 '00 Manhattan 137% 137 13614 13» ..... Metropolitan St By .. •■ -'< -»_• • '11, 100 Mexican Cent 2614 8B J ; ,i IRK Minn &St I> J^ «Vi 4 0 preferred ■■■ M »9 '^lOOMSt P & 8 M..IM VA%. 135 136 100 do preferred 161 1U 1-•' 1!1 7.J00 MX * T J«H 44-4 4514 JMi '200 do preferred 73*4 Tii'i 7:ili 73% 3.50 Mo I'actflo 6814 6«J4 67 ITU . 3.500 National Lead ....86% SB-, «.14 M» 200 do preferred 11014 110 10!) 110 100 National riseult ..113 113 110 iii do preferred . ■ 124 125 l"'Mi m v Air Brake.... «STt 80% S7 *9V4 ».«0 In I Central 110% 118% 119V4 HIM CARLOAD SHIPMENTS dF CITRUS FRUITS • ■ .Shipments of ormiKi". and lemons • v from 1-os \iiki-1(-s Friday, .lan 14. ■? <•> were 110 carlnndsi of oranges and II \S &of Unions. Total to date there liave >f • ■ been shipped 3153 carloads, of wliirh >'•■■ \«> 77» were lemons. l.a-1 seaaosj to date ■• • > there were shipped 3434 carloads, of •*• ■ • which 803 were lemons. <P . N T C * Si L '•'■' «3 do Ist preferred. .. .. 165 110 do Id preferred M '■"'■ 800 N V N H .V Hart. 158 15SH 154 150 4.500 X V Out & W. 4C"4 4is4 41 ai 4.'i 2.4W Norfolk & West.. SS'* !'7'» 97> t !'7:l, do preferred .- B8 92 S'rt North American .. 81' i TS4 79 SI 15.5C0 Northern Pacific ..W% 13371 134>t 134*4 Omaha 1 IS i:^ do preferred i*l 175 Pacific Coast 113 117 80i> Pacific Mall ..... So'i 3:l'i 33 34 CTOOPenna R X C0....13(»i 132H 133 133.i 1,800 Peoples Gas 113»4 112-S U-»4 113 3.000 Plttsburg Coal ... 23;j ?2U 2-'", 22\ 2.1'» do preferred .... "- T . 76^ 7(^*4 77 1,000 P C C &St L.... S8 97H !>7'- '.'S do preferred 110 1M 700 Pressed Steel Car. 47' i 454 4< 4«H MO do preferred 104 104 101 1044 700 Ky Steel Spgs Co.. 47' i W « 461 i SOO do preferred 107 106>4 Jl6 107 14C.2« Reading MM !■'■■■. 161H 16Ht SOO do 1H preferred.. i>.l 93 tl2'4 PI S0« do 2.1 INH li'l'i WA 2,Si«l Republic S i 1.... 4! 4(",, +I^3 41 SPO do preferred ....!« 100 100 10H4 24.600 Rock Island C 0.... Wl4 «'■» '■"• « do referred .. St. 87 6* Sloss SSft I Co.. 84 SJ'j SOS SH4 do preferred 116 119 300 »StL *8 F Ist pfd 70' i 70' i 71 72 4>J do 2d preferred.. i.7 6>i 56'j 57 1.300 St L & S W Sl\ >' TS 30», SI 100 do preferred 74 7) 7l' t 74-u 64.900 Southern Pacific ..13-'«4 3U>4 13"'» 13"'= 4.200 Southern Railway. 311 * Z >tx» S'^'a :t('N $,2Xi >lo preferred 70 68*4 6S' 4 «*■»» V* Tennessee Copper.. 36"i Sfi 3* 3644 STl^ 1,900 Texas Paciflo 3:; 1. X>i K% 3:'T» 1,800 Third Aye 3'i'« 10'j 15% W I.WO Toledo St L. &W. 61 49 41 , 49' i 1.1Ch3 do preferred ...... 705, iS». 68Vi »8"-J Twin City p. T Ill* 11"' 2 2tf> Union Bag and P. 12^ 11"* 11*4 1- do preferred ... . - 70 .■"■ 112.500 Union Pacific US* 1?1»4 19214 192«4 2.J.10 do preferred 101-, 10054 100 M I'll 900 United Rds of B F 40' 40 40 ¥>% ....... do preferred .. 70 72 1.000 V S Cast Iron Pipe 31 29 !!"i SOVt do preferred .. S3 m 2.500 U 8 Rubber 474 46' i 4« 46% 2,o>:<) do Ist preferred. 113' a 112:, lI2S 11SH do Id preferred., .. .. 80*4 8314 275.2"0 U S BteeVCorp.. S6>i S3 S4 M S4'.« 2,^00 do preferred US% 122'? 123 IJ3V* 4.7 « Utah Copper 55'j 531 * 53x.i fill's 6,5'J0 Va-Car Chem Co.. BJ% r.3 "i r,i\ 100 do preferred 124 124 122 11714 5,9>M Wabaal . S.IV4 22 22 22',. 12,2'W do preferred 62 4i)H 4S'-i 49% Wells-Fargo Tx 180 1M I.OfH) Western Union ... 74 734 7. 7 14 1.800 Westtnghousa .. .. 74 72 72 72' i I.M W& L E 6 54 5 ■ BH 1.200 do Ist preferred. 12 lOH l"'j 11 SO do 2d preferred.. f>S ''"« 6*4 ';;i 2V) Wisconsin Central. 48 48 4S BO too Am Hide and Lea 74 74 "4 7-« 300 do preferred 44' H 44 4.1 44 400 Am Act and Chem 46 4.".' 2 la M do preferred ■ 101 2'V) Beth Steel S2H 32 SOH 83 do preferred .. 60 67 600 Nat Enamel 4 a.. 24»i 24Vi SI 244 do erred .. 98 100 COO Pao T and Tel 40 S3V4 8914 40 do preferred SO S3 V S Realty SOVi M 13.100 West Maryland ...61'4 40 7 51 DlV£ •Ex-dlv. 1 per cent. Total sales, 1,145,000 sales. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 Wat Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange. Chicago hoard of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW TORK, Jan. 17.—Following were the closing quotations: Bid. Asked Atchiscn general 4s l» 5 i I<X'\ Atchisnn cony 4s 1191* 121 Balto & Ohio Ist 4s 99 WU BRTtI '" sr.',j Colorado Industrial 5» Sl'j •' --r S Realty as S2ij M Rock Island col 4s 31 SIU Southern Pacific ref 4s 54 7i Ha Southern Pacific col 4a 33 83% Southern Pacific cony 4s 103% i"i T'nlon I'aciHo Ist 4s lnl7i '"- Union Pa Wo cony 4s U2>J 113 V S Steel Ss ll""» l« United Railway 4s mi Wabash debenture 4s 7«4 4Jj Western Paclfla 5s 97'j Prs Japanese 4s "5 »V 4 Jgpanese Ist 4H» »«4 J6% Japanese 2d 4V : s »J* 96 U S 2s regd MO* ''■"'• U8 2a coupon lWi l'K)=» Us 3a regd tOK 10-"2 rs Ss coupon WHS W>2» Ua 4s reg.l IHH >«*} IT S4s coupon I' 4?* 116* Panama 2a "'n '"| Panama io;;<ss 10° 101 TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON, Jan. 17— The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business to day was as follows: Trust nn; Is Gold coin. »574.4i)5,«60: sliver dol lars. 159.000; Silver dollars of 1890, J3.n26, --000; silver certificates outstanding, J454,1J9.000. General fund—Standnrd silver dollars in gen eral fun. 16,003,312; current liabilities. U02,«07, --■SS; vorkinß balance In treasury offices. *1,- S«39l' In bank to credit of treasurer of the rn'lted States. $3:..^2.T42: Subsidiary sliver coin. SlS,Ts4,7n<i: minor coin, 11,060,826; total balance In general fund, $70,821,017. FRUIT MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17.—Fancy apples, 7&c@sli common. s<i-il6Cc; common pears, %\ ; fancy, $1.25; navel oranges. 1L6553.80; Mexican limes, |4@4.60i common California lemons, 81.50 c.'.50; good to choice. $3{('3.50; fancy, Hi I E■■ bananas, 50c«3.25; pineapple!, 52'a2.60. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NEW YOP.K. Jan. 17—Evaporated apples quiet, with prices ffaiy and nominally un changed; on the spot fancy new crop is quoted at lo'i^jlle; choico, i»s/91jc; prime, 7H@TH°i common to fair, C^ju^ic. Prunes quiet, but offerings small and prices Bteady to firm; quotation! ranged -V?' |:V' for Callfornias up to MMOs and MiiJc for Oregon. Apricots are in moderate demand and prices arc firm; choice, llli'u-ll'.ic; extra choice, lllii? 12c; fancy, 12!4S<13!ic. Peaches quiet but steady; choice, 69i'fJ7o; extra choice. 7tt7lac; fancy, 7si(&Bc. Raisins quiet but firm on the strength of the situation on the coast; loose muscatels, 4ftsaic; choice to fancy, seeded, 5'W6B *c; Heedless, '■'-. 'it 4->ic; London layers, fl.lfi^ CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, Jan. 17.—Cattle—Receipts /esti mated at 8000; market 15'«'2oc lower; breves, 1407.76; Texas steers, $3.9004.60; western stoers, 4>j>i: etockers and feeders, |2.90®5.50; cows and heifers, $2.®5.C0; calves, $7.75@10. Hogs—Receipts estimated at 29,000; market Is higher; light, 15.4008.70; mixed. $*};;."' heavy, $5.40@8.55; rough, $8.4i)«8.ii0; good to choice heavy, $5.6058.!-D; pigs, $7.25®8.86; bulk of sales, $8.60® 8.75. Sheep—Receipts estimated at 24,000; market weak. 100 lower; native, $4'(f6; western, ll'g'; yearlings, $6.75®5; lambs, native, $8,104 western, $0.25®8.C5. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17-Butter—Fancy creamery, 34! Ac; seconds, 33c; fancy dairy, 29c Cheese— New. 16!4Slsc; Young America, 18 619 c. Eggs—Ranch, 31c; store, 31c. CHICAGO, Jan. 17.—Butter—Steady; cream eries, 2li®34c; dairies, 25@30c. Steady; at mark, cases included, 41491 SOU-e; firsts, 35c; prime firsts, 3Sc. -Steady; Daisies, 16»i(ai7e; twins, lG'i ©16y.c; Toung Americas, i-;! i; Long Horns 16!ic. — « » liose a good-pay tenant, or boarder? Ty^t a want ad help you to take It like a pblloio. ptier. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1910. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Special nrvlce to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 (Vest Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem ber K«w York Stock exchange. Chicago board or trade, Stock and Bond exchange ot lan Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17.—Following ne«c the closing quotations: MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Bid. Asked Associated Oil Co 53 M '">'■< Bay Counties Power Co Bi Ifl :'■, KM Cal Central Gas and Eire 55... 100 i Ca Gas unit I.'lee gen M&CT « 1011% California St Cable Co 5s 103 California Wine Man Ba 8»!4 91 City Electric Co Is ;*\" s Contra Costa Water Co 5s 100 10114 do pen nits ,'s ..■ 91 Kdison Eleo Co of l. a Sa l"; 1. Edison Light and Power t:-- 108 Ferries & CHIT House Ry Bi 101 Hawaiian Coin! an I B 5a 105"i Honolulu 11 T an.] I. Co 8a 108 I.ako Tahoa Ry A I Co is l"0 Los Angeles lClec Co 5s 10114 Lot Angeles Gas and El Co 5s i.,u Los Angeles Railway Ss 108^S Los Angeles Lighting gd 6s 102*4 I. A-Pao R R Ist con mtg da lu7'j 1. A-Pac X 1; of Cal/Cs 108 Market Street Cable t>s 103U Market st Cable I:y li>t en mtg ss. .. 1«3'6 M V & mi Tamalpals S By .:>* 100 Northern Ry Co of Cal 5s 114% Northern < ..: Railway Sa 103 30."i Northern Cal Power Co 5s 101's 103'j Northern Elactrio Co 5s :''■'■■ Oakland Gas Light and I! 6s 102 Oak lan Transit Co Cs no Oakland Transit 5s 106 la Oakland Transit Con (a 964 M'j Oakland Traction Co la '.>:: l ? Oakland Water Co gtd 5s 67 Omnibus Cable Railway 6s I*' 2 Pacific Gas Imp 4s 87 Pacific Electric Ry Co Gs I<ls'S I'i6 Pacific Light and Power Co 6s M Pac Light and Power gtd Ba 10O'-4 Paclfli Tel and Tel Co (a 100 1004 Park and Cliff House Ry ia. 99 Park and Ocean R R 6s LOO People's Water Co - 71 TITi Powell Street Railway 6s liK'i 103 Sac'to i:i- ■ Gas and Ry 5? 102*5 B I' Oak and Ban .lose Ry 5s 106 do 2d mortgage Ba M s F Oak and B .1 Con Ry 5s H% Sierra Ry of Cal us 106 M S P I! it of Aril 6s. 1810 100H 8 TJ R It of Cal 6s. 1913 105 s P 1: It of Cal 1-: c g;d g in 1154 8 i' Branch Ry >>f Cal tis ljgy S P R It Co Ist rfdg 4.« 94"i 95 Stockton Gas anil El Corp 6s 104 s V Water Co gen mtg: 4s SS>4 S9'4 United Gas and Kief Co &s 99 300 United it R of F F 4s 73% 74' i Vallejo. Benli la & Napa V R R, og 75 Valley Counties Power Co 6s 1011. 103 WATER STOCKS— Mann County 60 Spring Valley Water Co <I.« 42S GAS AND ELECTRIC stocks— City Electric Co 60% 5114 N Cal Power Co Con 49 Paclflo Lighting Corp pfd 70 Pacific Light Corp com 514 INSURANCE STOCKS- Callfornla Insurance Co 81 Fireman's Fund 237' i STREET RAILROAD STOCKS— California 130 135 Presidio 22 POWDER STOCKS- Olant Consolidated Co .....' 7S'4 7SV' SUGAR STOCKS— Hawaiian Com'l and Sugar Co SS'4 S9 Honokaa Sugar Co 21 Ilutchlnson Sugar Plantation 17"i lti'.i Kllauea Sugar Planation Co 14 Makawell Sugar Co s:'. 7 Onomea Sugar Co B5 Paauhau S P Co 28% Union Sugar Co 66 OIL STOCKS— Associated Oil Co 47?4 41 Sterling Oil and Dcv Co 1% 4 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS— Alaska Packers' Association ...."... S9s a Cal Fruit Canners' Assn 10114 .. >[ V and Mt Tamalpals B Ry 100 Pac Auxiliary Plrq Alarm 3 Pacific Coast Borax Co 164 Vac Tel and Tel r.f.l 97 Pac Tel and Tel common 39!4 40 Morning sales—MOO Spring V Water 4s S9'4; 10,000 same 89' i; 20,000 same S9i 1000 City Klec 5s 00; SOilD Nor Cal Power 108; 1000 United nil It 74>4; 12,000 same 74V, 1000 And Oil Ba 9SN.; 3000 People's 6s ~Vi; 20.000 S I> R Tt of Az 69 100' i; 6000 Lao Tal 5s 99; 1050 Assd Oil 4S; 45 City Eleo 5034; 245 Hawaiian 38; 20 Maka well 54: 35 Pac Tel common 40; 150 Spring V Water 43',i; 425 same 43; 20 same 43Vi; 50 some. 42"5.. Afternoon sales—4ooo City Elec .Is 90; 2000 Pac Elec •- lOBHi 2000 United R R 4s 71',; 1000 Pac Tel fs 100U: 10,000 Spring V W 4s 899; 2000 Cal C Gas and Elec Ds 10O»i: 15 Alaska >9' : ; 35 Assd Oil 4S: 363 same 47%; 100 same 17'"; 20 same 47',; BO City Bleo 6ii»4; 110 Ha waiian ss'.,: 5 Hutchinaon 19; 50 Giant 7S'J; j Makaweli 64; Onomea. 55; 150 Sterling Z*i; 0 Spring V Water 42-%; CO same 42Vt; 139 same '-'; M same 41%; 250 same 41',-i; 200 same 41U; 25 same 41rt 8; 100 tame 42' 2 ; 25 same 42-; 42 same 42' 4 . NEW YORK COTTON Eppcial service to The Herald by .1. C. Wil .son, 212 West i^fth street, Los Angeles. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—Th« course of cotton prices in today's market demonstrated thor oughly that Saturday'! sensational rally was a temporary matter. Today's opening was slight ly lower, for the near options to practically un changed for those of the new crop. After this a rally carried the level back to about Satur day's close, but In the early part of the after noon pressure was renewed and the prices fell away rapidly. The liquidation was quite heavy, but in a more orderly manner and lacking In any sensational features, in the last few min utes the market rallied somewhat from the lowest, but closed feverish and unsettled. Liverpool due 3 higher on March and 5 to 9 higher on others, opened steady 11 to 14 up. At 12:15 p. m. quiet but steady; not Sl4 to 10 up. Spots quiet; 7 up at 7KO; sales, 7000, Amer ican 6000. Ports for today, 15,000; last week, 30,700; last year, 48.000. Weather will be generally fair today and to morrow in South Atlantic states and along the gulf coast. Following worn the quotations: ' —Close- Open. High. Low. Bid. Ask. January 14.40 14.40 13.91 14.07 14.10 February 14.00 14.05 March 14.38 11.47 13.88 14.10 11.12 April l».lii 14.15 .May 14.63 14.84 14.01 14.23 14.23 June 14.04 14.011 14.80 14.25 July 14.80 14.67 14.03 14.23 14.25 August 14.Si 11.41 13.88 14.00 11.02 September 13.33 13.80 13.85 13.00 i I 03 October ..: 12.29 12.98 12.60 12.66 12.70 December 12.73 12.75 12.70 12.50 Spot cotton 14.30; quiet; 15 lower. PACIFIC COAST TRADE SAN FSANCIBOO, Jan. 17.—Flour— extras, $6.604j7; bakers' extras, 16.0007; Oregon arra Washington, t5.60@5.9f". Wheat-Shipping. $1.65@2; milling, 11.M. Barley—Feed, $1.4114@1-45; brewing, $1.4;; Chevalier, »1.60ft1.65. Oats-Red, 11.621i'51."56; white, 11.7001.71S black, J1.85ig2.30. MillstulTs— Middlings, J3ia3(i; mixed feed. $28 ®33; rolled barley, S3ug3l; oatmeal, f4.4004.60; oat groats, $4.60: rolled oats, J39@40. Hay—Wheat, $15(819.50; wheat and oat, Jl3® 17; wild oat. $10614; tame, »125)lfl; alfalfa, $0© 12; straw, lOOTBo. Receipts—Flour, ifl4i; wheat. 1060; barley, 57, --8- beans. 2551; potatoes. 5600: onions, 1750: bran, 565: middlings, 450; liay, 1110; hides, 1700; wine, 40,900. Beans—Pink, $454.25; Lima. $4.1084.20; small white, $4.70^4.80; large white, $3.40®3.60. Potatoes—Early Rote, $1.2401.30; river Bub banks, $1.2561-45; '*w potatoes, $1.15. Onionir— Fancy, J1.504j1.65: common, $1. Various—Green peas, I0B2O; string beans nominal; gruen pepper», 100 Me; summer »quaeh. 13; rhubarb, 4*g7c; garlic, 4®se; cu cumbers, 1101.10; (hot house). Poultry—Live turkeys, nOMe: dressed tur keys nominal; old roosters, *4i/ii; young, J8.50 08; small broiler . 13.50&4.50; large, 14.50&6; fryers, 16,Mff16.50; hens, 15310; old ducks, Utt 6; young, »7GD; geeee, 2^3; old pigeons, %\'n 1.25; young, ttO3 SO. WOOL ST. LOUIS, Jan. 1.-Wool hanged; mi ll urn grades, combing and clothing, c./_'!'. ■; light tin.'. »2'&27e; heavy fine. I2&21c; tub washed, FINANCIAL I.OS ANGELES, Jan.- IT.—Bonk clearings were J2.639.353.55, an Increase "Of WB4.SST.M as compared with i .a corresponding 'late of last year. Following Is a comparative statement: 1910 1909. 1908. Jan. 17 52,639,355.5S 52,24u'.71i6.00 }1,6U7,016.:C LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE lluslness on the Los Angelas stock exchange lias resumed the volume attained before the holidays and trading cornea from Ml quarters. Trades were made in all classes o( securities Monday. Bond quotations were steady. Home bonds sold at S7!i and closed >:l« to M Com mercial National tank advanced 2 points In the bid during the day, dosing 148 bid and none offered. Edison Electric preferred was weaker, clos ing with a bid of SO and offered at Sl"4, off 1 point from Saturday: the common was about the same. Home Telephone preferred advanced '4 point, closing 56',i to £7, and looks stronger. San Dlejiro Home continues to decline; closed 227» to 23%; ten shares were sold during the day at 23H- Amalgamated Oil has been in demand for the past few days; closed at <■>} to l)2li; American Petroleum common sold at 7ii';> and closed at 70' ito Tn\; Associated Oil braced up some before the in. ting, selling as high as 4«li, with closing mile at 45,4, the stock closing 489 i to 489 i. In the notice of the meeting sent out some months ago It was stated that the meet ing was called for the holders of the trust certificates to consider the termination of the pool in this stock. The annual mei'tinjr of Oie Associated Oil company does not come till February, California Midway sold up to -'"- L.. and the closing sale iras mads at 15?;, with 16,000 shares changing hands. Union Oil seems steady; sold at i"3\, with sales of 86 shares. Mexican Petroleum common conlnues to look weak on sales of 40 shares. The stock sold down to 23' i and closed 23!4 to -"'«■ Morning Sales : Home Tel Co bonds at ST: 10 Pan Diego 11 T and T at 23.12»i; 33 Am Pel Co com at 73.50; 10 Associated Oil at 41.26; 10 do, S. 30, at 48.50; 10 do at 45.50; 10 do at 48.76; Cal Mid way, !>OOO at 20U. 1000, B. 30, at iv-1,; $00 Cen tral at US; 100 do at 1.14; 1000 do at 13334; 10 M,-k Pet Ltd com at 23.50; 33 Union at 103.75; 4 do at 101. Afternoon Sales in Associated Oil at 48.50; 500 Cal Midway at 20' i; 20(10 do at 20; 1100 do at 1!> 74; 6600 do at 1614; 10 Mas Pel Ltd com at 23.2.",; 20 do at 53.12H; ,00 Olio Is Land (Oil) at 88. Bonds Bid. Asked. Associated Oil 97*« I'S'i California Pac Ry 94 105 Corona City Water Co 95 100 Corona Power and W Co So 101 Edison El Co, Ist ref 101 do, old Issue 104 100 Home Telephone Co SH'i SS Horn Tel Co Ist refg 7". 78 L A Pac Ist con mtK3 lOTMI L A and Pasadena El Ry !>5 108 I. A Railway Co 108 110 L A Traction Co Cs 107 114 do 6s 106 Mission Trans £1 11 Co '.'7 Pao Else Ry Co 100 10s Pac Light and Power Co 9:2 Pasadena Home T and T Co 80 Pomona Con Water Co 96 ... Riverside II T and T Co 80 Riverside Light and P Co 10] 5 Monica H T and T Co 80 San Di — 11 T and T Ist mtg. ... 80 Santa Barbara Eloc "Ry 84 Temescal Water Co 99 United Elec G and P Co 101 Union Transportation C» 98 U S Long Distance T and TCo ... 80 Visalla Water Co 104 Whittier Home T and T Co 91) Banks Bid. Ask. All Night and Day Bank 115. 140.00 American Savings Bank 141.00 170.00 Bilway Bank and Trust 140.00 California, Savings 116.00 145.00 Central National ISO.OO 200.00 Citizens National 225.00 Commercial National 145.00 Equitable Savings Bank 175.00 210.00 Farmers and Mer National 280.00 Federal Bank of L A 14.00 First National 495.00 800.01 German American Svgs 330 00 840.00 Globe Savings Bank 127.00 150.00 Home Savings Bank of 1, A 114.00 Merchants National 530.00 Merchants Bank and T Co 195.00 National Bank of Cal 190.00 200.00 Security Savings Bank 405.00 The Southern Trust Co 74.00 (50 per cent paid up). Industrial and Public Utilities Bid. • Ask Cal Portland Cement Co 150.00 200.00 Edisoq Electric pfd 80.00 51.75 Edison Electric com 61.00 82.25 Hawaiian Com and Sug 37.00 35.00 Home Telephone pfd 66. M 57.00 Home Telephone com 9.00 10.50 Hutchlnson 8. P. Co a. IS.OO 19.00 L A Athletic Club 10.00 L A Brewing Co 125.00 1. A Investment Co 3.00 3.10 Mexican Nal'l Gas pfd 45.00 65.00 Mexican Nat'! Gas com 30.00 Paauhau S. P. Co 28.00 29.00 Pac Mut Life Ins Co 260.00 310.00 Pasadena II T and T Co 30.00 Riverside Home T and T Co 05,00 San Diego Home T and T C 0... 22.874 L';:.37''-, Santa Monica B II T pfd 29.00 31.00 Sun Drug Co 1.00 Seaside Water Co 100.00 Title O and Tr Co pfd 253.00 Title 1 and Tr Co pfd 175.00 225.00 Title I and Tr Co com 175.00 225.00 Title I and Tr Co Rer C 175.00 225.00 U S 1, D T and T Co pfd 42.00 44.00 Union Security Corp pfd 100.00 Union.Trust Co 42.00 Whittier H T and T Co 90.00 Oil Stocks Bid. Ask. Amalgamated Oil 60.00 83.60 American Crude Oil Co 1.10 American Pet Co pfd 87.60 American Pet Co com 75.25 7.",. Associated Oil 45.37,£ -it-."> Brookshlre Oil " I_, Central i.33,4 1.36 Cleveland Oil Co ' .20 Columbia 1.15 1.24 Continental Oil 35 ..... Euclid Oil Co M .60 Fullerton Oil 8 50 5.00 Globe a IC3j .]7->i Jade Oil Co ■ .37 Mexican Petroleum 1.20 1.30 Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 88.00 gij.eL'^ Mexican Pet Ltd com 23.12Vj 23.50 New Pennsylvania Pet Co 70 Olinda Land Bo (Oil) 88 .39 Palmer Oil Co 1.07 I'erseus Oil Co ,35 Plnal Oil and L Co 13.00 Plru (ii, and L Ci 17 Reed Crude 2SVs Rice Ranch Oil Co B0 * 1.10 Section Six Oil Co .CO Trader's OH Co 112.00 118.00 Union 103.50 104.25 Union Provident Co 103.00 United Petroleum 103.00 104 50 ' Went Coast OH i'f-1 9.00 Western Union ISO.OO Yellow-ton,- oil Co 50 NON-PRODUCERS— California Midway Oil Co 19',; .1914 DAILY MINING CALL Official sales—A. M.: 4000 California Hills at IV P. M.: 1000 Clark Copper at 1 Eld. Asked Cal Hills M CO (14 .04=4 Consolidated Mines Co tH% .dli MEXICO— Clark Copper Co 04*4 .05 NEVADA— Goldtlold Con Mines s.n;, Johnio Mi] and M Co .OTU Quartette ' g.oo Searchlight I'arallfl 01 .03 PRODUCE EXCHANGE PROTESTS Monday a special meeting of the produce ex change of Los Angeles was held at which .1 resolution was passed unanimously protesting against th" proposed ordinance to compel ped dlers and others to Bell Units and vegetables by the pound instead of in bulk. The produce trade is protesting the proposed measure on the ground that It will not only work a hard ship on Jobbers, but on farmers, peddlers, re tailers and any one else handling produce. COFFEE AND SUGAR NEW YORK, Jan. 17.—Coffea closed steady, net unchanged to ■". points higher. Bale*, 36,2r,0 bags, Including March 6.76«j6.850, May 6.855$ 6.9(jc, July 6.H0(56.95c, September i.H970; Da cember 8.95 c. Spot quiet; Bio No. 7, 8 11-16®8)io; No. 4 Santos, 89!*e. Mild quiet;. Cordova, ii®HV4o. Sugar—Haw steady; Muscovado, £!> test, 3.61e; centrifugal, M test, 3.14 c; molasses sugar, ss test, 3.89 c; refined steady. DISCOVER COUNTERFEITING MADRID, Jan. it.- A coining plant has been discovered In a cottage near Guadlx. its owner, the duke of Ben '\.iit<. and Marquis Bombay, have been arrested. it It stated many prom inent persona are compromised. LOCAL EGGS UP IN QUOTATIONS ADVANCE OF CENT DOES NOT AFFECT RETAIL PRICE Receipts Considered Light for the De. mand —Pink Beans Are Higher. Make Quick Sales of Apples On ;ie Produce, exchange Monday extra selected egga were quoted at 380, an ad vance of lc on the dozen. Local ranch can dled and case count also advanced lo a dozen. No vhancc In eastern storage quo tations. Pink beans are up to fj@5.25. Potatoes firm on moderate receipts. Strawberries an- Jobbing at 79100 basket. Ganos are quoted at $1.75 a%box. All ap ples moving freely. Halibut scarce in the llsh market. All other kinds plentiful. Receipts of produce: Eggs, 139 cases; butter, 12,572 pounds; cheese, 26fl opunds; potatoes, ■!»■■!_ sacks; onions, 422 sacks; sweet potatoes, 01 sacks; applet, MO boxes. PRODUCE PRICES Following are the Daily Market Reporter wholesale quotations: EGQS —Local ranch, candled, extra se lected, 39c; local ranch, candled, :;7c; local ranch, case count, buying price, s4o; east •rn fresh, Ssc; eastern sun age, packed extra, 30c; eastern storage, seconds, -Sc. BUTTER—California creamery extras, 2 -Ib. roll. 7THe; California creamery llrsts, 2 lb. roll, 67 'yC. eastern creamery, extras, 67% c; cooking butter, :6c; ladle butter, -■■ B 27c. CHEESE—Northern fresh, 20c: northern storage. ISS^Oc; Oregon Daisy, 21c; eastern #!ns;l««. l!)#20c; eastern twins. 18@21o; eastern Daisies 20c; eastern Long Horn, ■: .■'; eastern Cheddars, 20@21c: imported twiss, 30tf31; Jack cheese, 18c; domestic Swiss. 23c; cream brick, 20e: Limburser, 20<8>21c; Roquefort, 88040 c; Edam, $8,006' 1.00 : Canadian cream, per box. $1.0». BEANS—No. 1 pink, $506.25; No. 1 Llmas, 14.4004.60 i No. 1 Lady Washing tons, 14.18Q4.60; No. 1 small whites, $5.40 OS.SO; No. 1 Buckeyes, $4.75; No. 1 Gar vsnzas, $3.90ff14.50; No. 1 Lentils, California, J7.oofu'B.oo. POTATOES—Highlands, per ewt, $110 (Jl.3!i; Lompoc. per cwt.. 9J.6s<il> 1.75; Wat bonvllle, per cwt., 51.50<&1.65; Oregon Bur hanks, per cwt. $1.50®1.60; Oregon Early Rose, per cwt., $1.50@1.60: Salinas, $1.50© 1.65; yellow sweets, per cwt. $2. ONIONS —Northern Australian brown, per cwt.. $1.60@1.75; Oregona, $2 cwt; garlic, 8j?10c Ib. FRESH FRUITS —Apples: Bellefleurs. 4-t!er, J1.5001.65; Bellefleurs, 4Vi-tler. $1.35; Gravenstelna. 4-tier, $1.00; Graven steins, 414-tler, $1.00; Hoovers, 4-tier, $2.25; Jonathans, 4-tler, $3.00; Pearmains, white winter, 4-tler, $1.50; I'earmalns, 4',4 --tier, $1.35; Pearmains, red. 4-tler, $1.50; rva'rmains. red, 4>i-tler. $1.20; Smith's Cider, 4-tler, $1.50; Smith's Cider, 4'/«-tier. $1.25; Ben Davis, 4-tler, Col., 11.65#1.86; Newton Pippins, 4-tler. $1.50; Mo. Pippins. 4-tier, Col., $2.00; Mo. Pippins. 4 tier . in- . 11 !S: Ml r:""'n° ' '!'■■ ''•>' •' '"■ Rome Beauties, $;.BOG 2.75; Bpitzenburgs,, «-../«; Ouu^. f*. mi --. . 4-tler, Col., 83.76&8.00: Wlnesaps, i tier Cal.. $1.75; Wlnesaps, 414-tler, Cal.. $1.25 Berries; Strawberries, fancy. per basket. »4)>l2c; strawberries, choice, per basket, 8c; cranberries, per barrel, $10.50(6)11; rasp berries, per basket. 10c. Citrus: Grapefruit. seedlings, $2 60988.00; lemons, fancy, $3.60; lemons, choice, $1.75; oranges, fancy Navels, 12.25552.75: oranßes. Tangerines, Vi box, $1.50; oranges, Valenclas, fancy, S2.SUW 3.00; limes, 20-lb. box, $1.25. TROPICALHanasas. per Hi., 4 Me; ban anas, red, per lb.. 6c; dates, Fard, lb., 9@ lie; dates. Golden, lb., BV4c; Persian, 1-lb. pkgs, Do; Alligator pears, do*., $5.00; pine apples, 607 c. MISCELLANEOUS—rears, winter Nellis. picking; boxes, $1.C0@1.75; cantaloupes, local, crate. Jumbos, $2.5 3.00; casabas, crate, $1.6091.70; melons, $3.00; grapes, lug boxes, 61.8501*60; Guavas, per basket, «c; pe.aches, box, $1.25; pomegranates, 6c, quinces, per box, $1.25; watermelons, per lb., IK-e; persimmons, per lb., 6@Bc. VEGETABLES — Artichokes. Northern, doz., $1.3691.40; Brussels sprouts, Northern, lb., 8(3 3c; bell peppers, lb.. 10c; beets, sacks. 80c; string beans, lb. 15c; green cabbage, sack, $1.23; red cabbage, lb., 2c; carrots, sack, 80c; cauliflower, doz. 40@60c; celery, doz.. 60®S0c; celery, crate. $2.50@2.76; cucumbers, $1.50@2 dozen; corn, green, box, SOJjieOc; corn husks, cut, lb., 5«6c; egg plant, lb., 5<TSc; leeks, doa., 35c; oyster plant, doe., 35(if40c; okra, lb., 8®10e; let tuce, ct, $1.50& peas, lb., 150180; pars ley, doz., 25c; parsnips, doz., 40c; rhubarb, crimson winter, ;>sc; rhubarb. Northern Strawberry, box, Sic; spinach, doz,, 8O085o; summer squash, per box, 75c; squash, Hub bard, lb.. lQltto; young onions, doz., 15@ luc; turnips, sack, hoc; tomatoes, $1.25 box. DUIED FRUITS—Apples, evaporated, lb., lor,. He; apricots, lb., 12@16o; figs, loose, white, box, $1.25; figs, loose, black, box, 11.25; peaches, lb., 7@Sc; pears, lb., 11© ISO; plums, lb., 12',ac; nectarines, lb., aw 10c. PRUNES—SO-SOs; 10c; 30-40S, 9c: 40-SOS, IVac; 50-00», 6%c; 60-70$, Sq; 70-b(js. 6!4c; 10-908, sc; 90-lOOs, 4'^c. RAlSlNS—Muscatels, 2-crown, loose, 50 --lb. boxes, lb. i'.ie; 3-crown, lose, 50-lb. box. lb. Gc; 4-crovvn, lose, 50-lb. box. lb. 6c; Lon don layers, 2-crown, lose, 20-lu. box, lb. $1.10; 3-crown, -$1.25; 4-crown, $1.05; 6 crown, $1.90; Sultanas, bleached, lb. If^llc; unbleached. S'/2(ij;4c; seedless, U-oz. pkg. 6',»(ft 7'jc; 12-oz. pkg. 3V4®6M.e. NUTS —Per lb.—Almonds, fancy, IXL, 17c; Ne Plus Ultra. 16c. Brazils, 14016o; cocoa nuts, 85c&'$1.00: chestnuts, ll®12o; filberts, 144plSc; hickory, Sc; pecans, XX, 12^0; XXX, 16c; XXXX, 17c; eastern peanuts, 7c; Japan peanuts, 9c; Spanish peanuts. No. 1 shelled, 10c; plneuuts, 20c; No. 1 S. S. wal nuts, 18i4'8>14c; No. 2. 10c; Jumbos, 17S> ISO; budded, IB® 2"c; eastern popcorn, owt $3.75; local, cwt. $1®3.25. RICEIOO lbs.—Fancy Honduras, Caro lina. $7; choice Honduras, Carolina, $7&i 7.25; Japan grades, $4.65@5.00; Island, $6.25; broken, $3.50. IIONF.Y —Per lb. —Water white, extracted. 7fe'7Hc; white, extracted, 7c; light amber, extracted, 606V50! water white comb, lib-frames, 18c: white, comb, frames, 15c; light amber, comb, framed, 12<ul- Vie; bees wax, per lb. 30c. *A LIVE STOCK —Packers pay f. o. b. Los Angeles for beef steers, 4}im>iy.ic; beef steers, SHO4o; beef heifers, BVfto4o; uuui calves, Ec; mutton, weathcra, $4.505j>5; mutton, ewes, $8.78®4j muttjn, lmtia, s;S"«. 325; hues, 7 HO. POULTRY— .Buying prices in the country: O'er ib.) —Hens, 17 18 c; old roosters, 10c; Ntags, 8c; broilers, l to - lb>., per lb. 25e; fr} era, 2 lbs and Up per lb. 220; i'oastera, 3* lbs. and up, per lb. Iflo; geese, Hot ducka, 16c; squab pigeons, dozen, $1.50; turkey hens, S-lb. and up, 220; young tor.i tur key-! 22c; old toms. 240. CHILI —Per lb. —Evaporated, strings, IS ®20c; lose, ISc; Mexican black, JiyilSc. grtcn, oc; chili tepins, $1.25; Japan, 15c; corn husks, 7W-oc. HAY —CBalod). The following Quotations are furnished by the Log Angeles Hay Stor age Co. (i'cr ton) —Barley or wheat hay. $]2.50 16.&0; tamo oat hay, I16O18.60; al falfa, J13.60©15. MILL FEED —Bran, JI.CO; whote corn, $1.75; cracked corn, $1.80; feed meal, 13; rolled barley, $1.60; oil calf: meal, 92,50; chorls, $1.85; Kaffir corn, $2; white oat», $1.80; red oats, eastern, $2.23; wheat, ori ginal sacks, cwt. $2.05; wheat, 100-lb. sack! 18.10. BUTTER AND EGGS AT RETAIL Butter, 2-lb. fancy »0o Butter, 2-lb. roll, choice 30c Cooking butter, 2-lb. roll 30@35c Eggs, dozen 45V4©460 GOV. HUGHES RETICENT NKVV YORK, Jan. 17.—The New York TrtbUM today announced posi tively that Governor Hushes would not, under any circumstances, be a candidate for re-election, having de termined to return to his law practice. Governor Hughes declined to discuss the report. , FAIL TO END STRIKE WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.— agree mont is in sight between the railroad officials and their switchmen, whose respective representatives have been for several days in conference with Chairman Knapp and Dr. Neill, medi ators. SEA CASTS UP BODY MARBHFIBLD, Ore., Jan. IT.—A sec ond unidentified body from th« wreck ol Uiu Czaihiu. curne ttshoru toiluy, I First Exclusive Private Wire House on the Pacific Coast J. C. WILSON MEMBER NEW YORK STOCK KXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE TUB STOCK AND BOND EXCHANOE, 9. F. CORRESPONDENTS HARRIS, WIN THROP & COMPANY OFFICES—HOTEL ALEXANDRIA, 212 West Fifth St. HOTEL DEL CORONADO, Coronado -.iii.i BUILDING, Baa Francisco PALACE HOTEL, Son Francisco Open December IS. Pasadena Clients Will Get Instantaneous Service by Calling Home 119 B. G. LATHROP, Manager FI2SS—TELEPHONES —MAIN S"9B \ •_ CLEARING HOUSE BANKS _ NAME . OFFICEIta. ~ ~~. J. M. ELLIOIT, President. iist Na ional Bank w. t. s. hammond. ta»ai«. FJ ELLIOTT, President. tut Na ional Bank w.^b.^mmo^cmU* B E corner Second ana Spring. 8u . lus and Proflta, 11.6M.00i. z-= " ; 7~IZ '. * W. H. HOLLIDAY, President. HMerchants National Bank chas. greene. cashier. ftjl , Capital. $200,000. 11l 8 E. corner Third and Spring. Surplus and Profits. $628.000. .-j — — _ ... ! J. E. FISHUUHN. President. »1 alional Bank of California h. s. mckee. cashier. [M . Capital, $500,000. II X. E. corner Fourth and Spring. Surplus an,l Undivided Prints, $m>.MI. C———————^—-—~^~~~~~~~ B. F. zoJIBIIu, President. Liu i iManonal liank ■ james B. GIST. Cashier. Capital. $300,000. B. E. corner Fourth ana Broadway. Surplus and Undivided PronU. $;43.M». _ . „ ™, . ,-> ,_., WAKRKi. OILL.KLEN, Plfsldaab to jddwy Bank & "rust Company p w kenney, cashier. X Capital. $250,000. U 808-SIO Broadway. Bradbury butidlnjr. , Surplus and Undivided Profit*. ??P5 no*. United States National Bank K . w . smith, cashier. *"Mnt- H | Capital, »800,0(10. \ «J 6. E. corner Main and Commercial. Surplus and Proflta. $73,008. \ T, i R J. WATEKU, President. C .Likens i\ational Bank w:i.' w. woods, cashier. Capital. $1,000,000. B W. corner Third and Main. Surplus. $500.000. __^ Commercial Mational Bank W a" HO.NV.NGt, 'cashier. ommercial National Bank newman essick. cashier. Capital. $200,000. 401 8. Spring, corner Fourth. Surplus anil I'nrllvMp-l Frontn. $45.00*. Termers & Merchants National Bank I. W. BELLMAN, President. armers & Merchants National isanK betlbr. cashier. r Capital, $1,500,000. Corner Fourth and Main. Surplus and Profits, $1,900,000. T. LOS ANGELES SAVINGS. ANKS , " S' QECURITT Pavings BANK OLDEST AND LARGEST IN SOUTHWEST Resources Over $25,000,000.00 SECURITY BUILDING. FIFTH AND SPRING STREETS GERHAN AMERICAN SAYINGS BANK . TF* 3* THE BANK WITH THE Jusm^f EFFICIENT SERVICE g \mmisExaED $13.000.000 o-£ I J $P®iNG 8* FOURTH STS. I CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, member Chicago board of trade, New York Stock exchange, and San Francisco Bond and Stock exchange, 212 West Firth atreat, Los Angeles. CHICAGO. Jan. 17.— Increased heaviness has been seen in wheat today. There has been very feeble recovery from any point. Support has shown a diminishing ratio, the weakness in cash wheat and the big receipts being the all Important factors, Cash wheat has not v en us wt ak here as Is reported from other oenters, but the volume of business to mills hus been disappointing. Nebraska has been of fering wheat here rather freely to arrive, and the market has been In no shape to absorb the offerings. Cash wheat shipments northwest are shrinking materially. London statistic figures .showing the world's crop 3,i>&3,000,000 bushels, against 8,282,000,000 bushels the previous crop, and total crop of 3.0li&,000,000 bushels two years ago, have had more influence today than any previous estimates. Argentine news was un favorable, but oiiViings of La Plata in Europe are larger than heretofore. Foreign markets generally were lower. Cash sales hern today, 30,000 bushels. The latter Is counted small In View of the extent of the declines. The corn market started strong, but declined materially with other grains. Mild weather has loosened up the railroad situation and re suited in bis: arrivals at many points. Wet and mild weather Is not counted favorable for increasing new marketings, but Is releasing much grain in country elevators and on side tracks. Fairly good eastern shipping call at decline. Some of the larger eastern longs have sold May and bought July corn on an exten sive scale today. Oftts prices today followed the general trend of other grains, although the net losses have not been as severe. Cash oats In sample mar ket was steady. Not a very large trade In provisions. Values have felt the weakness in grains, although the bog reports have again been bullish and pack ers have bought a little stuff in the market. Market Ranges WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close. May «1.11-% $1.11% 51.00% W-10* July 1.0814 1.02% I.out 1.01% September ■*'■■. .97Ti ■■>''< ■'■■■ i CORN— May Cil'6 .any .'. ■, MM July IBH .68% ,87*4 .'IS September *>*'■; -6S)i .67% .67% OATS- May 4SH ■«•» 47% .43 July M .45 .4414 .-(.:■•« September 42 .43 .1114 .4114 FORK— January 21.50 21.80 21.80 21. 50 May --'"". 83.12* 81.80 21.92!!.. July 22.13 22.17!-i 11.9214 21.35 I.AKLJ- January 12.7714 13.77' i 12.C21S 12.62 May 12.22^4 12.25 12.15 U.I7VJ July...-. 12.12.i 12.771& 12.10 11.10 RIBS— - January 11.77' i 11.80 11.73 11.75 May n.67'5 n.dd July 11. ll.<>7'» 11.671; 11.60 Cash quotations were as follows:' Flour was steady; No, 2 rye, 81&S2; feed or mixing bar ley, ■ t68o; fair to choice malting, G3VifJ72e; "flax need. No. 1 southwestern, 18.09; No, 1 northwestern, $2.19; timothy seed, *<; clover, $14.86: mess pork, per bbl., $22.ft22.12!.j; lard, per 100 lbs., t12.62',4«12.65; short ribs, sides, loose. $11.37W&11.57Mi; short clear sides, boxed, *12.25©12.37%. Total clearances of wheat and flnur were equal to 68,(iOO bushels. Primary ree<Mpts were 1,087,000 bushels, compared with 701,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visi ble supply of wheat in the United States de creased 1,000,000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage in creased 43,000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 40 oars: corn, 411 cars; oats, 232 cars; hugs, 27,000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 91,100 10,700 Wheat, bushels 48,*KJ 45,900 Coin, bushels 285.70U 174,700 Oata, bushela 120,1)00 K5.400 Ryu, buuhela 3,000 LOW Uarlcy, bushels 45.000 0,100 FOUR DETECTIVES FREED SAN KRANCIISCO, Jan. 17.—Harry NcLson. Cliff Midillemas, Harry Zohler mid John K. Hayes, the detectives lii'lil to answer before the superior court for having interfered with Spe clal Agent Willlum J. Burns while he was Investigating the dynamiting of the house of James L. Gallagher, star witness for the graft prosecution, were released today by Judge Cabanlss with tha consent t>f the district attorney's office. i @ Gome Anyway o£h \i&,^^Juat because we have cH^^f il^^C^H» JPJ™"^ checks for you several times, 12 don't think you are Impos- W^ Jj7 ins on us. We are pood natured. ■1 Courtesy and politeness are our »1 11 faults, and it may take several fj mm times of our accommodatinfr you §§ ft before you see the point. It you %1 if have to come to our bank for your ll UL money, why not have your account M ft with us? We pay interest on MM fj checking accounts and savings, |J ys£sy i,iii AND sPßrxo. ■M\t\/jjjoF Buy San Diego Home Telephone Stock Nets 10% Fielding J. Stilson Co. 305 11. \V. JIIXLMAN 111 in. A 2847. Main 105. BUILDING PERMITS Following were the permits isued Monday and classified according to wards: Permit!. Value. Second ward 2 $2,500 Third ward 3 7,300 Firth ward '. « 8.600 Sixth ward 8 0,100 Ninth ward 2 3.25') "Totals i 19 J28.050 Fifty-second street, 1632 "West— Southern California Investment com pany, owner and builder;' 1-story, six room residence, $1800. Normandie and Second avenues— R. E. Payne, Llssner building, owner and builder; two-story, nine-room resi dence, $3000. Thirty-til':li street, HIT East—Richard Garnsey, California club, owner; J. A. Wray, blulder; one-story, three-room residence, $1000. Thirty-fifth street, 619 East—Same as above, $1000. Thirty-fifth street, 621 East—Same as above, $1000. Forty-ninth place, 62? West—Cora V. Ward, 338 West Forty-sixth street, owner; F. R. Ward, builder; one-story, five-room residence, $1000. Main street, 359 North— & Bailey, at lot, owners and builders; alterations of building, $2000. Fourth street, 3120 East—H. S. Gray, 3118 East Fourth street, owner and builder; one-story, five-room residence, 11450. _ Thome street, 217— G. C. Stlllman, at lot. owner; J. A. Kemp, builder; one story, five-room residence, $800. Thirty-seventh street, 735 East —No- lan Waugh, at lot, owner; H. A. Cogs well, builder; one-story, five-room resi dence, $80*. Spring street, 146 South—A. I<. Hamer, L,aughlln building, owner; 1 F. Xj. Spauldlng, builder; alterations of building. $4000. Fifty-sixth street, 151 West— O. E. Mayer, Forty-eighth street and Moneta avenue, owner; C^ine & McLean, build ers; one-story, 'six-room residence, $1900. FUty-»lXth street, 155 West—O. B. Mayer, Forty-eißhth street and Moneta avenue, owner; Cllne & McLean, build ers; one-story, six-room residence, 11800. Broadway, 613-615 South 1. Nor ton, at lot, owner; F. Adaniß, builder; alterations of building, $300. Montana street, 2221— J. R. Blume, owner and builder; one-story, rive-room residence. $SOO. I,a Salle avenue, 3787—Rd Williams. 12C North Hope street, owner; H. K. Williams, builder; one-story, (lve«room residence, $1200. Uuirudo street* "fioO —Same as nliovr. Fifty-second street, 700 East—H. M. Wood, 735 South Hill street, owner and builder; one-story, five-room residence, 11800.