Newspaper Page Text
Yoir Ad Should Talk for You When the Man with Money Looks for Investment, aid Keep It There. "Its the Season" FOR RENT : Apartments—Furnished and Un« furnished The Mnssoiila 6*2 West Washington -uonjr, a and • room apartments, with pri vate bath; all conveniences. .'eke Uouetsltr er Washington st. car line. t-u-tl The St. Regis 2 A I ROOM FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING; also single rooms. 237 SOUTH FLOWER. Main 22W; A 7336; i mln. to business center. Moderate prices. U-20-tmo Rooms Furnished PENIEL HOUSE E7 8. MAIN, OVER I'IiNLEL, HALL Light, airy rooms In business center. Clean, moral and safe place to stay. Rates 3Ec to fl day; JI.V6 to >4 week. Pbone Bdway 206*. 11*19-8010 HOTEL SOUTHERN SEVENTH AND WESTLAKB AVB. Warm rooms with the bent table board. One of the beat family hotels In the West lake district. Home .11(1. Sunset Temple 111. U-21-tt GIRARD HOUSE 116 EAST THIRD ST. All outside room.; central location; eleva tor service; steam heat; 60 rooms with pri vate bath; rent (15 per month. FOR RENT — FURNISHED 4 ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 2204 ROGERS AYE.; take Cummlnga st. car to Chicago, one block north. l-14-6t NEAR HIGHLAND PARK, 4 ROOMS partly furnished; Bas, large yard, flowers, fruit. Call E. 1725 mornings. 1-18-2 Flats— Unfurnished TO LET—IF YOU WANT A SWELL 6-ROOM, new, modern flat In exclusive private grounds take Grand aye. car to Figueroa. I am Just completing my residence and six flats ad joining. Every convenience. Inside my own private grounds. Large stone wall and Iron Kates. Will be kept In fine condition by private man. Steps, garbage, etc., and wa ter free. $25 and $35. Now rcoUy to occupy. J. FRANK BOVTON 440 Douglas Elds. l-l«-3 Houses Unfurnished FOR MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE; lawn, barn, garage, chicken corral, good neighborhood. 1581 W. 29TH ST. Phono 72544. 1-16-3 FOR RENT —GOOD MODERN 8-lIOOM house; big garage, In fine location. ERIK BON & CO., 106 W. Sixth street, ground floor. F2374. 1-18-a FOR RENT—S-ROOM NEW TIP TO DATE cottage; adults preferred. TRINITY AND TWENTY-FIRST ST. 1-18-3 MODERN 6-ROOM SUNNY FURNISH flat; healthy location; $16. Call EAST 883. 1-18--. MODERN NEW 6-ROOM SUNNY FLAT, healthiest location; $10. Call BAST BS3. 1-18*1 Farming Land FOR RENT— ACRES OF LAND ON Mont Clalr and.Tenth aye. for barley. Ap ply to Mi'KEN/.IEJ CARTER CO.. 214 Mer chants' Trust Bids., 207 S. Broadway. Phones Main 6C61 and A 6982. 1-16-3 Store Room* FOR ONE-HALF OF NEW STORE. 714 South Broadway. Inquire WHITE SEW INO MACHINE CO.. 628 B. Spring. 12-5-tf CLAIRVOYANTS PROF. CHARLES FREE—FREE I will tell your name free, show you how " NcTbUESTIONS ASKED NO guesswork - PROFESSOR CHARLES, Greatest dead trance life reader, spiritual life reader; oldest, most reliable spiritualist, business and test psychic; deep psycho palmo reading of the highest order; strange power to help you. Tolls Just what you want to know; how many In family, with names, dates, facts, vocation, whore to lo cate, where to go. About your farm, ranch, claim, rooming house, business. Each hope, trouble, fear, wish In love; business, sickness, change. Journey, friend, enemy; advises and nesists you to good conditions. Spiritual treat ment for development and wealth. Cure lost memory, lack of ambition, all weakness, re news vitality, makes you well and strong again In thought, purpose, feeling, energy. 423$ South Spring Street Jefferson Hotel Special Readings Today SO CENTS l-S-tl Psyclo Tlerapy and Magnetic Healing T cure every known disease by Psycho Therapy, and my Wonderful Magnetic touch removes all manner of pain, disease and affliction. Disease can be cured without the use of medicine. HEALTH and STRENGTH come from GOOD circulation, FULL of MAGNET IC LIFE. I WILL. PROVE IT TO YOU. CONSULTATION nnd ONE TREATMENT FREE TUTS WEEK. PROF. W. BOSSKOPF, flu!:.. •■ Spring, Suite 14. LOST AND FOUND LOST—FRIDAY, JAN. 14, AT OR RETURN ing on electric car from Aviation camp, a lady's small told watch; monogram M. C. P. on the back. Reward to finder. PHONE 22160; 180$ Toberman st. . 1-18-3 IXIST-BETWEEN 2D AND 6TH BTS. ON Broadway, 1 Commoners of America insur ance book. Address 1415 E. 4STH PLACE. 1-16-3 LOST-A LARGE ENVELOPE CONTAINING private papers, with name of owner on out side. Finder will be rewarded. Phone 23321 mornings. 1-17-2 LOST—FIELD GLASSES, REAR OF AVlA llon grandstand, Domlnguez field. Return to 1008 CENTRAL BLDO. tor reward. 1-16-3 BATHS SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE, MANICURING, chiropodists, baths. JEAN LUNN and ELSIE UIiOSUN, 620 S. Broadway. 12-3-tf MISS LEWIS, 826W S. BROADWAY. SUITE 3; baths and alcohol ruuc; t;.ectrlcal treatment and magnetic; hours 10 to 10. . 12-3-tf OIL AND ALCOHOL RUBS. ROOM 8, 657% SOUTH HILL. 12-4-tt DENTISTS DX. JtACH.MANN", 805-206 Majestlo Tbeatei bids., 845 S. Udw-r. i'OUSI; Mala ;iitiu. DR O A. COFFIELD, 211 WRIGHT & CAL lender Bldg., hours 9 to 5. Phone F2205. 1-1-l-lmo CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS tTTsTttTc'"kE'RT'iH'i'-D'!n^sonWact6T^ (102 Merchants Trust Hulldtßg. corner Sec ond and Broadway. Phono Main S2S7. I make lowest bids on all classes of build- Inrs. i-ia-tf PATENT PROTECTION half. No patent, no n»y. Wi.LLS, »«»'■»• d.. U-l«-" il IL y il ii iliiil Vc7 JANUARY 10, 1910, comes a little early this year, but as Los Angeles has the habit of being first in everything it was only natural that the First Great Aviation Meet should be held in the place where all kinds of records are made. , • The Herald smashed the record last month WITH THE LARGEST GAIN IN ADVERTIS ING OF ANY PAPER IN THE -CITY. If you were not one of the number that assisted in making the record—it's up to you to get busy. Advertise to the Herald for Respite • SPECIAL NOTICE3 __ s __ CASH REGISTER BARGAINS LOOK—LOOK Talk About Flying Machines These prices make them PLY. Full size National, cost new $125, slightly used, goes to' *45- .. B Another full size goes for $..5. Second hand registers at your own price. Not in the Trust J. R. WALLER FSSOI. 643 B. Spring st. 1-18-E DO YOU ITCH? IF BO CALL AND GET A FHKE SAMPLE OF OUR NEW REMEDY FOR ECZEMA and all diseases of TUB SKIN AND SCALP. STOPS ALL ITCHING AT ONCE. MILLS ECZEMA CO., 310 Copp bldg. 12-!2-lmo LADIES—BRINO THIS AD WITH YOU; good for 25 cents on Miss Balzer's hair re storer for falling or gray hair. MISS BER THA. BALZER, 212 S. Broadway, upstairs. 1-16-7 ALL RAZORS, SAFETY BLADES, SCI3 eors, knives. Instruments, printer's' knives, tools, etc, sharpened better than new. YANKEE GRINDER, (14 S. Spring St. 11-IS-tf WANTED —LODGE MEMBERS, BOTH sexes, te represent leading lodge; best fra ternal Insurance; all or part tlmo; liberal pay for good services. Investigate. BOX 157. Herald. 1-18-1 FOR BALK— CHEAP FUEL Apricot pit shells, pood as wood; $4 ton, de livered. Phone South 1706. l-13-Sot LADIES—DEEP WRINKLES, FRECKLES, smallpox pits, moth patches and scars re moved in ten days. MISB UALZER, 212 B. Broadway, upstairs. 1-16-7 BIRDS, PUPPIES, TOYS Household Articles, China, Glass, Etc. THE ARK, 231 W. First. 1-1-lm ICOO BUSINESS CARDS, $1.60; GOOD WHITE bristol; conventently boxed. Other printing, low prices. CENTRAL PRESS, 101 M S. Bdwy. 12-21-lmo WANTED —LADIES', GENTS' CLOTHING. HIGH PRICES. 810 SO. SPRINO ST. MAIN 8597: F5988. 8-25-12 mo PHYSICIANS drT_uckok_ ?• JdrThicko- specialist ron women. Treats all diseases of women under a pos itive guarantee. Ladle» who have formerly paid for each treatment, whether benefited or not, will appreciate the difference. Pay only for satisfactory result*. Charges mod erate. DR. HICKOK gives modern antlscptlo treatment and patients are In no danger of blood poison or infection. Everything la eternized before use. DR. HICKOK provides a private home, wltn nursing, for women in confinement. Export care and home comforts at reasonable rates. Confinements by modern methods ar* safe and free from pain. DR. HICKDK gives personal attention to every caso. Consultation Is free and confi dential In all troubles. Any woman not sat- Ufled with her condition Is Invited to call for free consultation and free examination DR. HICKOK carefully examines every case and gives an honest opinion and reliable ad vice-free. X-ray examination made when necessary. If a case Is accepted for treat ment a cure Is guaranteed. Moderate charges for satisfactory results. Terms can be al ways arranged. Hours 10 to 4; Sundays 10 to 1. 'Phone F8238 lor appointment at other times. i «., DR. HICKOK esa w sixth St.. ■ult" 2 . l l B ° tf DR. CROCKER, Specialist for Women. Hamburger's Majestic Theater Building. Absolute privacy. Hours 10 to 4. CONSULT FREE. 12-:p-l?m PILES—ALL KINDS, I CURE THEM WITH out pain, cutting or detention from busl _*«*, Moderate charges. Free consulta tion. DR. HICKOK, Ml W. «*» 1 * | DR INEZ DECKER, 703 SO. SPRING ST. Obstetrics. Hours 11 to 4. Room ja^™ IU-iB-lC DR. PRITCHARD, 3ECTAL, FEMALE AND chronlo diseases. 727-28 QROSSB BLD. , 11-28-tf DR. TAYLOR. 31714 S. MAIN ST DISEAS-d of .women. *-'- , TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES OF REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. See our bargains. Best rentals in city, 11.60 to $3 a month. LOS ANGELES TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, A 6913. 138 -. Broadway Main .1333. 9-13-tf TVPKWHITEKS UOUUIIT AND lUJSIIiU. All makfH guaranteed; repairing. BAKER 11OKV CO. (Inc.) 244 >,_ So. liroadway. Main .1111)1 : A4U7O. 10-31-tf SEWING MACHINES LET^uS^itlOl-VLILD^OU REPAIR YotJiT^LD sewing machine: It's cheaper than buying. I* A. HEWING MACHINE CO., 248 S. Broadway. Main 4389: F2253. ' 1-16-tf WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. NOW permanently located at 714 8. Broadway, tf ~ WHITE HKWINti MACHINES. 428'.t S. SPRING. Main 2105: F0757. 12-12-tf BUSINESS PERSONALS (1.50 1-EIl 1000 FOR REAL BUSINESS cards; delivered In 24 hours. BROWN PRINTING CO.. 820 Merchants Trust bldg. . . i n-;-ii SiiiH MASSON. THE NOTED LONDON palmist, 222 8. BPRINO, over, Owl drug store. WUHWTs 1 ' U-88-K ' LOS ANGELES TIEKALD: TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1910. FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate FOB EXCHANGE—I HAVE A CLEAR lot nt liedomln, 3 blocks from city hull, facing the ocean, Him for apartments or holel, street work nil In, gas. electricity anil Hewer; fine view of th« ocean; would trade for lot at Huntingdon Park, (ilrn dale or city. Lot valued at $000; make oner. OWNER. Hoi Ml, Herald office. TO EXCHANGE-40 ACRES OF HEAVY TlM berland, oak, hickory and walnut, In south west Missouri, near Monagan Sulphur Springs, to Exchange for small house ai, 1 lot or acreage; value $1500. Apply 237 S. Thomas. Phone East 5835. | 1-16-3 Miscellaneous FOR EXCHANGE—I HAVE A CLEAR LOT In Colton that I will trade for diamond)*, furniture, auto, or what have you? Ad dress 11 OX 534, Herald. 9-21-tf FOR EXCHANGE-GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN good condition, for what have you. Take Hollywood car, got off Benton way, one block north. 2."45 Elslnore st. l-10-« WILL TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CREEK Gold company an 1 other mlnmg stock for stock In California Wave Motor company (Reynolds. BOX 242. He-aid. 6-26-tt MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Unlimited amounts at 6 per cent. No com mission. Building loans, any amount, at 7 per cent. COLLINS & MILLER, 606-7 Broadway Cen tral Bids. F5'JO9. 1-9-30 PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 1 per cent on good city property; security must be at least double amount wanted. You can have the money as long as you wish. All our parties wish is the Interest. WAYBRIGHT-BUTLER CO., 628-8 Security bldg. F5817; Bdway. 2462. 3-29-tf ____________ „_ UU.NEX TO LOAN 250,000 to loan on real estate, city or coun try. 6 to 7 per cent; amounts to suit. MOV ER & GILBERT, 612 Frost bldg. Home "phone ASiIT, Main 6474. 10-2-t£ MONEY TO LOAN—ANY AMOUNT FROM $100 up; city or country; current rates. RAMEY BROS., (JS7 Security Bldg. F2121. Main 8356. 12-U-tf R. W. POINDEXTER, 409 WILCOX BLDO., will loan you what you need on real estate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a special ty. 6-9-tf ' ROBERT WESTWATEK _: SON. Real estate Investments, or homes. Build ers and contractors. Room 310 Frost building. Phone Main 0115. 11-21-tf TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Henue bid*. , 10-4-tf SALARY LOANS, LOWEST RATES. CON fldentlal. 611 O. T. JOHNSON BLDO., Fourth and Broadway. 12-9-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR sale NOW Ib THE TIME TO BUY. \ Seven teen-room apartment bouse. Located I In one of the most desirable sections of th« city. Rooms furnished in mahogany, golden oak, birds- « maple, Wilton vui nt carpets In aach room. Each apartment has a buffet kitchen and private bath. Two car linos. Ten minutes from 6th and Spring. Terms If desired. For price and further particulars call on or address lalMe & Baylor bSti SOUTH SPKINU. ' 11-28-tf WANTED—AN HONORABLE CHRISTIAN gentleman with $5000 as partner In a well established, renned, profitable busi ness which can stand the most rigid in vestigation. Address BOX 74, Herald. 1-12-tf WANTED—MAN WITH $500 TO TAKE charge of business where he can make $150 month: this will stand lnv^st^gallon. BOX 602. Herald, ' 12-1-tf FOR SALE-SMALL DRUG STORE; MUST bo sold to close estate; 5 minutes' ride from Ist and Spring sts. N. W. Phones TEMPLE 1063; A 8750. 1-17-1 MONEY LOANED TO INVKNTORS TO patent good Ideas. JOHN WBDDBK burn. Capitalist, Brookland, D. C. 1-8-lyr CE.-POOLS CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT. All work done satisfactory to Inspector. _ A. SANITARY CO., Phone GUI Temple 591. 10-1 3- CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT BY THE RED Cross Sanitary company In one to two loads, $3.50 per load; no other charges. 'Phone 69034. 10-7-t£ IMPERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPING CO.— take out largest load. West 53811: SMI", 2-W-ll SANITARIUMS BANNING SANATORIUM FOR TUBERCU LOS lElevation 2350; Banning, on 3. P. jt. R.; 30 miles beyond Colton; no fog; dry mountain air; now, experienced matron. Rates low. Send for booklet. DR. BOLT, l! 'IT .■I.I!'. '-1"-'"1" KODAK FINISHING DKVELOI'INU FKlili, VIiLOX I'ltlNTS le us each. It. B. KGLSO, cM 8. Spring, r. a. FOR SALE Homes If You la?e $100© or lore AND WANT TO MAKE A SUBSTAN TIAL Nl:U' -TEAR'S Gll'T CALL AND SEE The Beam tlfmi 1 Homes .h;st KRZCTED ON oxford BOt'LEVARD, FIRST III.OCX NORTH OF TEMPLE. lIIINAI AMI PIPED FOB GAB. INQUIRE at FIBST BOOM or SEE BEACON LUMBER Oil 4011 SEVERANCE BUILDING, . SIX in AMI MAIN STS. 13-25-tf FOR SALE Houses Like Rent $800 —3-room new California house. $50 ra-li. baltmce $15 1110. BOYLE HEIGHTS. $000 —4-rouni house, clo^e In! ■ ■mi rush, balance $13 mo. BOYLE HEIGHTS. $12505-room 'house; big lot, $hmi cash, balance 915 1110. EUCLID HEIGHTS. $11501-room modern Cal. bungalow. 1100 cash, balance SI". 1110. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, $1600 —5-room modern Cal. bungalow. siimi cadi, balance $15 mo. EUCLID HEIGHTS. $1800 —5-rn,,!n new modern bungalow. Sl.~>o rash, balance $13 m". EUCLID HEIGHTS. $2650 —8-room new modern bungalow. $i«O cub, balance *;5 mo. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS. $3500 —10-room modern house; snap. $500 rash, balance S'.'.i mo. Will take lots In trade! Office open Sundays TAILOR REALTY CO., Cor. E. First and Evergreen streets. Phones —Dll7ll lioyle 1860. l-16-IS-i:>-20-4t FOR SALE—MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 3201 Emmet street, Boyle Heights; gas, electric lights, bath and toilet; electric line runs past property; (2600; terms 1100 down and $15 per month. J. A. PORTEET Anaheim, Cal. l-15-lmo FOR SALE—FINE HOME. 2 LOTS 80X150, fruit and shade trees, chicken houses: gai. sewer and electricity; 8 minutes' ride of court house, facing on two streets; street work done and paid; absolute Investment $2700; J3OO cash, balance to suit. C'HAIO, 105 S. Broadway. Phones: Main 3144; ASI22. 1-16-3 FOR SALE-HAVE TWO NICELY LOCATED lots at Glendale on which will build two neat live-room bungalows to sell for $2000 each; terms $300 cosh, balance $20 per month. WAYSIDE PRESS, 837 S. Spring st. l-13-10t FOR SALE-FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 1631 W. 20th St.: fairly well furnished; price 18000, $300 down, balance $30 per month. WAYSIDE PRESS, 837 S. Spring st. l-13-10t MOST SELL THIS WEEK., $4200 BUNGALOW on W. 7th st. car line for $3800; strictly mod ern: a peach; terms. Address BOX 66, The Herald. 1-16-3 FOR SALE—MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGA- Iow, Gordon aye.; price $1800; J4OO cash, $15 month. Tel. MAIN 4258. 1-11,-1 Hotels and Lodging House* WHAT DO YOU THINK of these for bargains in rooming houses? They are all money makers. ORMSBY & OEHRLIN 206 Delta Building, 426 South Spring. Broadway 5030. F3511. 46 ROOMS, ALL OUTSIDE and sunny; rent $112; Income $500. This Is on Tenth and Figueroa. Pries $3600; part cash and easy payments. 14 rooms on South Olive; rent $80; In come $130; price $600 cash, balance on easy terms; price $1050. 6 Rooms at 512 Temple Street will sell or rent; price $450; cheap rent. WHAT DO YOU THINK of this one: $250 makes the first payment on a 13-ioom house; terms easy; price $1000. • AND NOW FOR A GOOD ONE "0 rooms. all housekeeping, on South Flower, clearing $110; price $2300; part cash and easy terms. 32 ROOMS ON WEST 6TH most beautifully furnished and everything modern: rent $17.-.; Income $100; price $4000 and MOOO cash handles It, balance on easy payments, A TRANSIENT HOUSE of 75 rooms on W. Fourth, clearing $450 per month! has long lease! rent (460, price 15500; part cash, balance on easy terms. ON BROADWAY, NEAR 7TH (0 rooms, has fine commercial trade! has loiiK lease; rent $300: Incoinu $07.-.; price 14000; $2000 cash, balance on easy terms. 19 ROOMS ON KOHLER „„,. Seventh; one of the n»at< -i places In the city; rent 160 and a i nap at |lo00; lease of - years; part cash and easy pay ments. 26 ROOMS, CLOSE IN on Temple: one of the best paying and cheapest, for only 11000, and part cash. Opposite Westlake Park on 'seventh street: 10 beautifully ■■■,!,^l rooms; maple and oak furniture and Brus sels carpeU_prlce_s7oo. 1-is-J Pianos ' BUY A SAMPLE PIANO et the wholesale house at about one-half price. • A large assortment to select from, "c are Jobberß covering the eight western states. We will sell to Los Angeles peo pl« pianos at Jobbers' price.. We do not have the retail expense. Call at our office, room 608 Parmelee-nohrmann building, 441 South Broadway, and get our prices. Its worth your while. \ S. A.. Brown <& Co. 444 South Broadway. ----*- PIANOS AT $J. 60 AND »3 PER MONTH, square pianos of standard makes, la excel lent condition. Will .ell on the above small payments. GEO. J. BIRKEL CO., »«5-34, 8. Spring st- 10-^s-tI JTOR BALB—UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINS condition; only 1100 for immediate sale. Call tor inspection 413 Wl FIFTH ST.^^ FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN, MY BBAUTI -ful upright llano: or will store with some reliable p«r»o_. Address UOX 145, Herald. FOR SALE Country Property in Los Angeles County Special Snaps This Week <1 • /Tt\ acres, liinnrtlcml or /£> / in. IMB ::?"::=$ m i_ \_(/ v lion; good water. t> ** w j , 1 •A / iPk »<""" rellnqul»b- a nn a /L [ft '■•"><• »oin« Improve- A Jl (f_)Ul/ '»'••>!»; In ortolan eWty-IU/MU " V Huwlob well cllHtrlit. V " • <1 / /P\ ■"■'<■" rellmiulnh- (fh> • /Hi /fVi Ji(Q)\U/'<»* «"•> <wI.e.J<S)(O)\UJHJ/ H /L I 1 ment of flrxt^l ]/&() Jl (LDmJ/ *la *"' rilh ' I'VflflB) Ji /^jD^jl lonm alfalfn tind * fruit land; adjoining Improved runche*. n sy acres rich level mil- ,*> «1 jfl /TK /Tfv ' A\ \n Irrigated silt lnml. \]\ A\RM ) ijj-VL^ adjoin ranches M Ji "Hr V \U/ ', wlilpli produce IS ' ton« of alfalfa per acre each year. Deeileil ] land. Special Snaps This Week Come Today—Talk With \ _ EDWARD SCHERMAN !!19 Citizens National Hank Building, Third and Main streets. 1-18-1 Yucaipa Valley Apples Do you want 5. 10 and 20 acres of an apple farm In the famous Yucaipa Valley, adjoin ing He, Hands, the gem home city of Southern California? These lands are all ready for planting, and we plant the most desirable varieties and those best adapted, and care for them for a period of two years, without extra cost to the buyer. Apples, you know, are as staple as wheat, and a much more profitable crop. Land suit able for* producing apples of quality, you know. Is limited. Ask the people who are raising apples In this vicinity on lands similar to ours what they think of these laridsu as an apple producer. We also have some excellent eucalyptus lands which we are planting to eucalyptus, and caring for same for a period of two years without extra cost to the buyer, lands as an apple producer. Go out with us today and see these lands. If you want time to more fully Investigate, write for our excellent and thoroughly re liable prospectus of Yucaipa Valley and what we are doing. YUCAIPA WATER AND LUMBER CO.. Suite 112, Merchants Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, California. 1-16-3 FOR BALE— 160 acres one mile north of Le Grand. Cal, Merced county, all good land; price $.-,r» per acre, only 18 feet to water, no alkali or hard pan. sediment soil; 15 per aero cash, balance four years at 6 per cent. Don't miss this If you want a good piece of land that will bo worth two. or three times Its present price before the debt comes due. UEO. J. SHOENIIAIR, Phone A 2334. 378 Wilcox Bldg. ' 1-12-tf IMPERIAL VALLEY—FOR SALE— No blizzard, cyclones, droughts. Marvelous crops. Brain, alfalfa, cotton. 640 acreß. Improved, In crop, acre ST.". 320 acres. Improved, on R. It., acre..sl2s 160 acres, Improved, on R. R., acro..S>,_> 160 acres In barley, per acre 57ij SO acres. 16 shares water stock, acre.s2o 10 acres, joins Imperial: improved,. price $1500 HAMMERS' REALTY CO., 404 Severance Elds. 115-3 "BEAUMONT LAND AND WATER CO. HAVE MOVED to suite 316 Central Building. S. W. corner Sixth and Main streets. FOR BALE— ACRES -1 LAND, GOOD I 5-room house; price ITOOO. OHO, RENA KER, 915 W. 31st st. Phono 21974. 1-16-3 City Lots and L_'dt FOR BALE LARGE LOT, 50x138, VEH mont avenue, $200 under tho market, on terms, for a few days. For sale — < room modern cottage on . Forty-fifth street, on lot 60x13S to an al ley; fruit and shade trees; only ISSOu; 1500 oash. It Is worth Investigating. WIN-LOW I!i:.M.TY CO., Phone 532. 4T,50 Central aye. 1-18-20-52-23-11 FOR SALE— LARGE LOT. 48x140, WITH windmill; genuine bargain: |800 spot ensh will buy this. Come early as this will not last long. For sale—li-room modern cottage, large lot, 10x140, near Washington street; 11500 cash, balance terms. \VlN*l.<>\\ REALTY CO., Phone HI. 4550 Central aye. 1-18-80-53:!--!- t Furniture SEPARATE LOCKED IRON ROOMS »J.OI per month; trunks, boxes, etc.. 250 to 19- Phone for our large vau when you move. 11 id per bour. COLVEAR WAREHOUSE CO., V:'^-» 416-17-19 San Pedro st Main office. 50J -11 8. Mala st. P-one Main 1117; FSUI. Live Stock FOR BALE I HAVE ONE OF THE BEST dairies In L A.;'4B cows. 5 2-y<-ar-old heifers, ■i yearling heifers, I bulls, 4 horses, I wag ons; route HIM i" I month. The cream at tradn. SunnysWie Hedondo cars, N. W. cor. ■ Florence and Vermont. 1-16-3 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES TANUARY ENROLLMENT NOW ACTIVE COLLEGE ENTRANCE 320 WEBT KIGHTH ST. Phones: FlBao, Main 2SOS. MISS WING'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1226 ALVARADO STREET Day and boarding. All <lr-pnrtments from kindergarten to college. Pro pairs for college and university. Fine school for glrlg visiting Southern California for winter to keep abreast of their studies. Piano, elocution, pottery, etc. Private tutoring. Winter term opens January 3. MISS ETHELWYN WING, M. A., Principal. Home T. 314 4 Sunset West 5844 I | %r&l/SM£SSQ>LL£G£ : la the undisputed leader of Business Educa- | ! tion on the coast. It has prepared and placed j In good positions thousands; let It prepare i you. Enroll Monday. Call, write or phone, i I F87OO; Main 611. I. N. INSKEKP, manager, ] 614 South Grand aye. German, English Shorthand by experienced teacher. Terms moderate. I 230 W. 21st tt. Phone South Kit FOR SALE San Pedro FOR SALE—AT SAN PEDRO The Point Firmin Tract $630,000 appropriation has been made by O. B. government for San Pedro. The government Is spending millions here. The $10,000,000 of harbor bonds which will be voted by Los Angeles city will make great harbor Improvements. The 146 acres in outel harbor will be the site for great ware houses, dock, and general .hipping busi ness. Lots In the Point Flrmln tract are sightly, overlooking the whole harbor, the 146 acres and the big 000.000 government breakwater. Lots run to water's edge and command tile finest view on Pacific coast. * We fell these lots cheaper than lot. else where In Southern California— to $2500 for large lots. Easy terms. Call on GEORGE H. PECK & CO., 202 Lankershlm bldg., Los Angeles; or Bank of San Pedro bldg., at the harbor. Su-Tu-Th-tf Orange Groves 1 HAVE THE BEST PAYING ORANGE grove In state at a bargain. Call EAST 883. V. 1-18-2 Miscellaneous FOR SALE— SNAP; ACT QUICK— mill on wheels; gasoline engine, circle and drag saws, wood splitter, horse, wagon, tools, $300; good work If wanted. WALTER G. KING, Covlna, Cal. 1-18-4 FOR SALE—I LUNCH COUNTER, 1 RANGE and other lunch counter fixtures. BETHLE HEM INSTITUTION, 610 Vlgnes St. Phone A4SB4. ; 1-16-3 CHIROPODISTS DR. HEVLAND, D. C. Graduate chiropodist. Corns removed with out pain or soreness. Instant relief; no fear of peptic trouble. INGROWING NAILS A SPECIALTY PARLORS, HOTEL MILTON, 639 V 4 South Broadway. F2427; Bdway. 8648. 18-30-Smo DR. EMILY A. CHAPMAN REMOVES corns, bunions, club and ingrowing nails without pain. Hours, 9 a. m. to • p. m. 415 O. T. Johnson bldg., 4th and Broadway. 1-9-lmo MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— Snaps: High pitch clairnet, $10 to |20; Boehm flute. Best musical Instrument re pairing In the west. BAXTER-NORTHUP CO. m; 8. Broadway. F2295. 12-22-3 mo i '- PROPOSALS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OP OILED ROADS Sealed bids will be received by the clerk of the board of supervisors of San Mat«o county, California, until February 14, 1010. for the Grading, turnpikitiff and oiling of four (4) miles of road, each bid to be ac companied by a certified chock In the amount of ten (IP) i>er cent of tho amount bid and loC '.en payable cent county of San bid and payable to the county of San Mateo, ■ as liquidated damages In tho event that the I bidder or bidders fall to enter into a contract with good and sufficient bonds, for the faith ful performance of the work within five (5) after the award has b?en made to them, said contract and bonds to be ap proved by the chairman of the board of super visors of San Mateo county, California. Plans and specifications on nle for said work i In the office of the county clerk, Jos. 11. Nash, Redwood City. P. H. McEVOY. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. l-H-?.ot LEGAL NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD. EKS OF THE LOS ANQIP'-BS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK. Notice Is hereby given that the annual 1 meeting of the stockholders of the Loj Angeles Trust and Savings bank will be held at the office of the bank, southwest corner of Sixth and Main streets, In the city of Los Angeles, county of Lo« Angeles, i state of California, on Thursday, January ' 20, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors, hearing reports of officers and for the transaction of such other business ac may properly come before the meeting. JAY SPENCE. Secretary. 1-5-16 RAILWAY TIME TABLE SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except a* noted. Leave| First Street Station. [Arrive 8:36 a , San Bernardino, 3:33 -11:00 a Colton 10:41 a »:40p Riverside l:llf .t:24p Ontario and 4:26p ■ Pomona 6:51p ~6:46a|« ' • »:l»a $:ioa Long Beach and 11:10 a |«l:30p '■ l:!0pe San Pedro | 7:oup 4:40p : »l «■•**> *»':'ioa| Santa Catallna Island I 7:(JOp , ~BTl6a| Pasadena I 9:45 a l:00p| Pasadena I 7:20p '. •Dally except Sunday. sSunday only. [ '. ■ , I Utah-California Special. I ■ 2-OOpl Salt i Lake, -Butte. Denver, |10:00e I 1 and Chicago, 1 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ■ «■ 953-957 W. 7th St. Enrollment* Dally. New Catalogue. Roth phonen. F. Brownsberger, Frfla. T. U. C. DAY AND EVENING COM" merdal, technical, automobile, college pre paratory and grammar schools now open. 10-1-tj LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE. 411 W. Fifth st. S. R. SHRADER, Ph. D., president since 1890. 10-17-tl BROWNSBERGER COMMERCIAL COL lege, 953-7 W. 7TH. Send for catalogue, 10-18-tl RAILWAY TIME TABLE _______ . j BANTA FE ' Leave | [ Arrive Eastern-Calif. Limited, I ' 10:00 am dally, Chicago via Denver 6:00 pni and Kansas City Overland Express—Dally ~~ 140 pm Chicago via Denver and 1:10 am Kansas City Eastern Express — Dally " 7:80 am Chicago via Denver and 7:0) am Kansas City Kite Shaped— vial ' ' 1:30 am Pasadena. Return via 1:10 pnt Santa Ana canyon 7:35 am ——— 10:00 am 8:30 am Bedlandj via Pasadena 1:00 pm 2:011 Pm 6:40 pra «:30 pm | 7:40 pni 7:30 am Redlands via Orange I 10-35 am *0:55 am I . [ 6:30 pn» I 1:00 pm 7:85 am Riverside via Pasadena | 6:40 pm 7:30 am I ' ~~l 7:05 pm 10:55 am Riverside via Orange 10:35 am 6-06 pm 6:80 pni 7:30 am _ , ' I' 7:06 am 10:55 am Corona via Orange 10:36 am »:M pm ___^^ 6:30 pm 7:30 am 7:oTam 10:55 am San Bernardino via Orange 10:36 am 6:°5 pm 6:30 pra 7:35 am ~"" I 8:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am San Bernardino via Pasa- 4:00 pm 2:00 pm dena 6:40 pm .££. 8:(K) pm 6:45 pm *■■<*> pm . 7:40 pm B:SS am 6:55 am 2:15 pm Saata Ana 8:?5 am 6:05 pm j u ... 1:00 pm 11:55 pm 11:15 Dm 7:30 am 6:65 am 8:65 am 7:05 am 10:55 am 1 Fullerten. Anaheim, 8:25 am 2:15 pm Orange 10:35 am 6:06 pm 1:00 pn » 11:65 pm I I 6:30 pm 7:35 am San Jaclnto, Elslnore, He- 10:35 am 10:55 am ) met and Murletta | 6:30 pm 10:25 am | Redondo~ | T:2o~pm 2:16 pm Escondldo I 1:00 pm 8:65 am Fallbrook 6:16 pm 8:55 am San Diego and 6:56 am 2:15 pm Coronado Beach 1:00 pm ll:5C pm - Surf Line 6:15 pm 7:30 am Randaburg 7:05 am 8:00 pm Searchlight and Chloride 7:05 am 8:00 pm Beatty, Rhyollte, Qoldfleld 8:80 an) and Tonopab SOUTHERN PACIFIC: .^fjl| From Arcade station. Fifth and Central ay«. Leave I |ArrlT» 8:00 a San Francisco via Coast Line. 8:30 a B:lsa{ San I.uls Oblspo, Paso Robles, 2:3o» 2:BspDel Monte, Monterey, Santa >:Sop 7:30p Cruz. San Jose and east 11:45 a San Francisco and Mojav* 6:00p Sacramento, Oakland, via 7:01 a 8:30p Bakertfleld and Fresno 8:00 a 7:50 a Fresno 7:05* 6:00p . ,- ■ Bakersßela 8:00* »:30p and Mojave 8:00p [Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis. 9:45p| Golden State Limited i:s!p 3:00p The Calif ornlan. via 7:ltn I Tuma. Benson, El Paso I Overland—New Orleans via 12:01pYuma, Benson, Marlcopa, Tuo- 1:809 son, £1 Paso, San Antonio, Houston 12:01p Tuma, Tucson, Benson. 6:10s 3:00p Lordsburg, Doming, 7:15 a 8:15p El Paso l:80p 6:46a[ } 8:30 a 8:00 a • 11:50 a 8:15 a Basta Barbara 2:30p 1:45p and 7:35i> 2:35p Ventura • 9:3oj> 7:30p ('Not Ventura). 11:45p 8:15 a Oxnard, Santa Susana, • 8:30 a 2:35p Moorpark, • 11:60s, 7:30p • Somls, 2:30» Camarillo. • 7:86p ('Oxnard only). 11:45p I Santa Paula via Saugus, 1 6:45 a Camuloa. Plru, Flllmore, |ll:80a 1:45p Satlcoy, Montalvo, Carpln- I 7:S5p terla. Summerlajid B:lsa| NordhofC i |:30p B.BJPI I 7:35p 7:45a| '6:30 a 8:56al Pomona ['7:lta 12:01p Colton 7:16 a 3:00p Riverside, Kedlands and | 9:86 a 4:00p , ' San Bernardino 11:35 a 6:45p 'Xot Riverside, Red- l:30p •s:l.hi lands or San Bernardino 6:25p 1 7:l0p ' 8:55al Covlna |ll:Ssa ; 6:45p| I 7:1 OP 7:45a| Chlno I 9:35» 4:oop| . I 6:86p Santa Ana, Anaheim, Downey,| ' I B:S5a Norwalk | 8:30 a ■ ll:15a| 3:ltp l:oop|a' Buena Park, West a' l:00i> 5:10p Anaheim, West Orange 4:iop I I 'Downey only • B : r,r,a| Newport Beach | 4:50p B:ssa]a Los Alamltoa a| 4:60p 9:45a| Brawloy, Imperial, I <:30a 8; 15p El Centro. Calexlco | 6:55p . 9-osal San Pedro-Compton • (11:46 a 3:3op|* 'Via Long Beach | 6:35p - g.OSal * Long Beaoh-Compton 111 A J 3:3op| 'Via San Pedro «| 6:3Cp ' ' 9:O5aT Santa Catallna Island | 6:36p ! -ffuil ' I 7:05 a ,-5 Ua Fernando • 8:40 a i'-itp . ' t |U:soa 6 : 0 0p 'Motor I 7:35p I »:Sop_ I________J-L__ ) ~»:S0aa Chataworth Park. (See a 3:4«p I not*). (Note —To an* from I River station only). ' I | I. All trains dally except those marked as 1 follows: "a" Sundays excepted; "b" Sundays, • only. ' . ' • ' ' Don't simply allow It to die—that plae o» » yours. Find a little capital through advertl*., me. 15