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16 PAGES J SSi? , PRICE: 40 CENTS JMH PAULHAN BREAKS WORLD'S RECORD FOR CROSS-COUNTRY FLIGHT BALLINGER PAID BY COAL BARONS FOR HIS ADVICE Cunningham Admits $250 Was Given Pinchot's Foe Who Inspected Patents CLAIMANTS' FRIEND While Judge in Seattle Sec retary Received Fee, Is Magnate's Admission "VT EW light was shed on the Plnchot j\ Ballinger controversy yesterday " when Clarence Cunningham, one of the claimants of the Alaskan coal fields, admitted that ho and his associ ates had paid Richard A. Ballinger for examining the patents to the lands. This fee was paid, so Cunningham says, while Ballinger was a judge in Seattle. That Ballinger is a close friend of Cunningham and his associates, and that the man who is now secretary of the interior told the coal claimants that their patents "looked all right to him," also was admitted by Cunningham. Mr. Cunningham is In Los Angeles, and yesterday in the pallor of a down town hotel told of the deal with Bal linger, declaring at the same time that the fact that Ballinger was friendly to him in no way tends to show that the secretary is doing any services for the claimants at the present time. Cunningham, with many others, claims valuable coal holdings in Alaska that have been the object of attack as i" their rightful ownership by Former Forester Glfford Pinchot in his fight for the conservation of the govern ment's natural resources. Cunningham was authority for the statement recently that he and his as sociates would get patents to their Alaskan coal lands despite Plnchot's charges and the investigation now un- Continued on Page Two. INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Cloudy Wednesday; light, north wind, changing to south; frost In the morn. Ing. Maximum temperature yesterday 67 degrees, minimum 40 degrees. LOCAL Police shake-up Is on, and two ser 'eoants summarily stripped of stars. PAGE 1 Great architects exhibit drawings at flrst annual display. PAGE 9 Holdups rob and beat a peddler; man left unconscious on Mission road after fierce flcht. PAGE 6 Claim to portion of Baldwin estate Is filed In probate court In which nearly 115.000 is Involved. PAGE 6 Police arrest suspect on charge of rob bery and say they bellevo he Is one of - the daring daylight burglars. PAGE ( Garwood. convicted of robbery, falls to gain his freedom and must pass re mainder of Ufa in San Quentln. rage 5 Salary question for city employes will be solved by Joint committees from civic bodies and council. PAGE 6 Editorial, letter box and Haskln's letter. PAGE 4 Council may wags -war on bill boards; will limit height to six feet. PAGE 6 Transfer of funds for deepening of San Pedro harbor reported favorably on by rivers and harbors committee. PAGE 9 Clarence Cunningham, Alaskan coal claimant, admits that Richard A. Balllnger was paid, for services in in specting coal land patents. PAGE 1 Co-respondent arrested on charge of perjury. PAGE 7 Society and music. PAGE 7 Marriage licenses, births and deaths. PAGE 14 Mines and oil fields. PAGE 13 Markets and financial. PAGE 12 Building permits. PAGE 13 Shipping. PAGE 13 Theaters and dramatic criticism. PAGE 7 Sports. PAGE 10 Automobiles. PAGE 11 AVIATION Paulhan flies In biplane from Domln guez field to Santa Anita race track. PAGE 1 Three accidents happen at Dominguez Held, one man and two women being Injured. PAGE 3 Mars ready to try for record; Oakland pilot anxious to attempt altitude and endurance balloon tests. PAGE 3 Law violations at Domlngruez field ,"' under Zeehandelaar concessions cease as result of Herald' expose. PAGE 1 SOUTH CALIFORNIA Captain of steamer Lakme, threaten ing suicide, refuses to discuss acci , dent to vessel. PAGE 14 San Bernardino to augment police force In order to cope with thugs. PAGE 14 Pasadena charity ball is a brilliant so ciety fete. * PAGE 8 COAST Democrats protest to state railroad I commission against present freight carrying charges. PAGE 16 EASTERN John R. Walsh must serve five yearn in federal prison. PAGE 1 Governors assemble at White House to hear speech by Taft. . PAGE 2 Congressmen agree to probe Plnchot- Ballinger dispute. ; PAGB 2 Representative Mondell objects to form and purpose of bills prepared by Hal linger. PAGE 2 Prices In New Tork stock market show . violent movement and values move up and down In rapid succession. , i ,:,. ' ?AGB 13 President Lewis of mine workers pre vents stormy session at ;the conven tion In Indianapolis. PAGE 6 FOREIGN Germany sends Its ultimatum to In- . quiry made by United States regard- Ing tariff relations. PAGE H' Voters In Great Britain support the Unionist policy and government party Cains , twenty-one seats. , PAGE 3 LOS ANGELES HERALD "L ■.m nlT -» TnnTnr i II ■!■■! ii,... f i [ .. l ,| V i W ..i. iii.i—ii|n| in, hhmiiiiii |, .-mww.l. 'IJ'lJl..:L'UlLlAl\lKVlLV;^.^;'JlJ^W.,liiHi.iM l iii,i..j. i i, J i ■ I ' * ' H ■ - ■ ■' . ' ■: X ■ '■■ ■■'.')■ I H *<& ■■-v <t v x■■■«&■'•■■•■ v- v I * "SJfeV V;:ifc."\ "•■■%/. * M- \ A \ \ fi;' \ 1 1 I M ■ft f i j- * * ■■: . ■■■ 1 iililllß .. • ■ '• 1 Paulhan alighting after his world.beating cross country flight to Arcadia and return. The crowd broke into tumultuous cheers as the ma. chine again appeared in the sky, after being lost for nearly an hour. The picture shows aides and officials on the field rushing toward the machine to embrace the aviator. _ Ph nto by cole. POLICE SHAKE-UP ON; 2 LOSE STARS SERGEANTS ATTEND PRIZE FIGHT WHILE ON DUTY Officers Summoned Before Head of Department at Midnight and Sum. marily Suspended—Case Will Come Before Commission What promisea to develop into a big \ shakeup at the east side police station, which necessarily will Involve central police headquarters, was begun a short time before midnight last night when Sergeants D. L. Adams and Augustus Hartmeyer, both detailed from the east side station, were summarily stripped of their badges by Chief of Police Di-sh man. The Immediate cause of this sudden act of suspending sergeants supposed to be on duty is the result of a personal investigation by Chief Di»hman, after the holdup of Peter H. Riggs, a Pasa dena, produce merchant, had been re ported at the east side station. Investigation by Chief Dishman re sulted in finding the two sergeants oc cupying seats at the prize fight in Mc- Carey's pavilion, while they were sup posed to be looking for clews that might lead to the .solution of the brutal assault and robbery of Kisgs. That Captain Lehnhausen, in charge of the east side station, will be called before the police commission at its next' meeting seems assured after last night's developments. When Chief Dishman arrived at the east side station he was not aware of the holdup, but went to make personal investigation of reports that conditions were not up to the standard and that it had been conducted in a haphazard manner. According to the chief's statement, the only person in charge of the station was Desk Sergeant Cahill, and then he learned of the holdup. Efforts at first to locate Captain Lehnhausen were in vain, but he was later reached by tele phone at his home. Find Sergeants In the meantime the whereabouts of Sergeants Adams and Hartmeyer had been ascertained. Captain Lehnhausen In response to a query of Chief Dish man as to why the east side station was neglected and why the two ser vants were absent from duty without authority, replied be had given Ser geant Adams permission to attend the light, but not Hartmeyer. This Is a direct violation of the po lice rules, as no captain is allowed to give permission to any one in his command to attend an entertainment outside of his own district. The officers, it is said, made a bluff of patrolling their beats during- the fight by calling up at the stated Inter val! from a telephone at the prize ring. The sergeants were the two most sur prised persons in Los ■ Angeles when they appeared before the chief at mid night, and their stars wore taken from them. No attempt of an explanation of their conduct was given or asked, as It Is a matter that will be threshed out thoroughly at tne next meeting of the police commission. In speaking of the surprise last night, Chief Dishman said: "It Is no wonder that sucii holdups arc possible if offi cers sworn to perform their obliga tions, wilfully absent themselves from duty. I acted personally in this mat ter, and did not depend on reports or rumors. It means a shakeup and if the east side station is not properly managed I Intend to learn the reason." Sergeant Adams has been with the police'department for a number of years, while Hartmeyer is still serving his probationary period, receiving his appointment at the same time that Captain Lehnhausen was promoted. DECLARED TO BE SANE CINCINNATI, Jan. 18.—All proc.rd lngs against Harry A. Rhelnstrom in the probate court were dismissed today and an entry was made declaring be was not insane. The action ends the proceedings brought by his mother ami other relatives In a vain attempt to prevent his recent marriage to Edna Loftus, divorced wife of "Winnie" O'Connor, a Jockey. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1910. JOHN R. WALSH, AGED BANKER, GOES TO FEDERAL PRISON TO SERVE FIVE YEARS' SENTENCE Famous Financier Who Began Life as News boy and Later Controlled Millions Must Don Garb of Convict, After a Desperate Struggle C^HICAGO, Jan. 18.—John R. Walsh, , 72 years of age, who began his business career as a newsboy and later controlled millions in banks, railroads, newspapers and coal fields, left for the federal prison at Leaven worth, Kas., at 6 o'clock tonight to begin a five years' sentence for mis application of the funds of the Chi cago National bank, of which he had been president. His journey followed a denial by the United States circuit court of appeals of his petition for a new trial on the ground of alleged misconduct of the jurors who found him guilty. The final chapter in the financier's long fight against a prison term Is summarized as follows: Ten a. m.—Appeared at his office in the Grand Central station and con ducted business as if nothing of un usual importance were pending. Eleven-lifteen a. m.—Summoned to a downtown hotel, where he heard over the telephone that his petition for a new trial was denied. Four p. m.—Heard read the mittimus committing him to prison. Four-fifteen p. in.—Bid his wife, daughter and intimate friends good by at his Calumet avenue residence and started for the station in his automo bile. Six p. m.—Left on the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad for Leav enworth, where he is due at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Banker's Escorts On his trip to Leavenworth Walsh is accompanied by John W. Walsh, his son; by Lee Babcnck and Dr. L. Blake Baldwin, his sons-in-law, and by At torney E. C. Ritzher, his iinancial counsel. He is in the charge of United States Marshal L. T. Hoy and of Dep uty Marshal Thomas Middleton, a lifelong friend. After Walsh was on his ' way to Leavenworth a rumor was started that desperate effort would be made to get the prisoner off the train by a habeas corpus proceeding. DECLARES INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS KILL MORE PEOPLE THAN HOOKWORM Learned Scientist Says Children Under Legal Age Working Twelve Hours in Cotton Mills Re. sponsible for Diseases CHICAGO, Jan. IS.—The hookworm is much abused, according to Prof. E. A. F. Winslow of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lecturing on "Principles of Sanitary Science" in Kent theater, University of Chicago, the eastern scientist said: "Inconceivable conditions in south ern factories are causing more deaths than tho hookworm. Children under legal age are working twelve hours a day in cotton factories. Tho hook worm is mentioned when the blame really should fall on industrial con ditions." Prof. Winslow named the habit of walking barefoot as conducive of the hookworm disease. ♦ « i TRAIN RUNS INTO WASHOUT VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. 18.—Pas senger train No. 3, westbound on the Spokane, Portland & Seattle road, ran Into a waehout early today near Har liin. Tho engine, mail and baggage earl run Into the ditch, and it Is re ported that Engineer George Koontz HI killiil and two tramps were seri ously hurt. None of the passengers were Injured. [Associated Pre») It was reported that Judge A. L. Sanborn of the federal district court had been summoned from Madison, Wis., and that James Hamilton Lewis would endeavor to obtain a writ from him. The ground on which the writ might be asked was not revealed, but it was reported that the allegation would be made that other than mem bers of the grand Jury were In the jury room when Walsh was indicted. It was learned, however, that Judge Sanborn's Jurisdiction ended at the Illinois boundary line, which the train that carried Walsh was scheduled to cross at Rock Island, 111., at 10:35 o'clock tonight. After that, It was said, as the pris oner neared Leavenworth, action to ob tain his liberty would have to be brought In the Kansas district on the ground that Mr. Walsh was "under il legal restraint." . Through Other States The train also passes through lowa and Missouri, but it was thought im probable that any action could be ob tained in those jurisdictions. Judge Sanborn arrived in Chicago at 9 o'clock tonight. He said he had heard that a writ of habeas corpus might be asked for, but he had not been asked to issue it. John S. Miller, chief counsel for Walsh, said he had heard nothing of such a proceeding. By a coincidence, Walsh started to prison exactly two years after he had been found guilty. It was on January 18, 1908, that a Jury in Judge Ander .son's court brought in its verdict. The scene in the courtroom when Judge Landis ordered Walsh to be present at the formal entering of the commitment was dramatic. "Keep up your spirits," said his friends. "I will," replied the aged prisoner. "I'll go down there with the same spirit that I have shown right along." In order to save time Walsh was hurried in an automobile to his home to bid his wife good-bye, and then was taken to the station. MESSAGE FROM DEAD COMES TO WANDERER AFTER FORTY YEARS Letter from Sister Mailed Nearly Half Century Ago Might Have Changed Course of Her Brother's Life PASADENA, Jan. IS.—Elliot KaufE man of the Guirnalda hotel, Pasadena, yesterday received a menage from the dead, in a letter from his sister mailed in West Baden, Germany, forty years ago. The letter was forwarded by an other sister from Chicago, the writer having died twenty-five years ago. "Elliot, you must come home to us; we are longing to see you," was the message from beyond the grave. "Why don't you stop wandering and return home?" The letter carried a poignant moan ing to the man who received It, for during- the forty years since it was written he has been a wanderer. He has followed the opon road into overy corner of the world, and is stopping in Pasadena only a few weeks in his wayfaring. He has accumulated wealth in his adventures, but always he has deplored the fact that he has found no permanent home. Yesterday came the written message which, de livered in time, might have changed the course of his life. The letter was found by the Chicago ulster in an old cabinet, where she placed it in 1870, neglecting to forward it to her brother LIQUOR SALE AT PARK IS HALTED HERALD'S PROTEST HEEDED IN AVIATION FIELD Violators of Law Under Concessions Granted F. J. Zeehandelaar No Longer Offer Insult to Spectators The promiscuous sale of liquor at Aviation park has ceased suddenly. Yesterday morning The Herald pro tested against this violation of the law. When the grounds opened in the aft ernoon gTandstand venders carried only innocent wares for the first time dur ing the meet. A number of lunch stands were cold and cheerless, for they were unable to dispense intoxi cating: liquors, while the letter of the law was observed In the big restaurant tent which was privileged to sell beer and stronger drinks under a license. The fact that county authorities had taken cognizance of the violations ex posed by The Herald was quite patent. Early in the day deputies warned all liquor venders on the ground that the law would be enforced. This closed up several temporary canvas stands along the adobe walk which had been reaping a harvest of silver because of the brew so freely, but illegally, dispensed each day of the meet. When the boy venders went into the grandstand and among the boxes they no longer flourished in the faces of men, women and children bottles of intoxicating liquors, crying theso wares for sale. Only soft drinks, pea nuts and popcorn were seen in their baskets. In the main restaurant tent, back of the grandstand, a hot lunch, consisting of one welnerwurst and a little hot sauerkraut spread upon one slice of bread, were served with every drink. And all intoxicating beverages were sold In original packages. Many expressions of gratification were heard because of the vastly im proved condition of affairs at the grounds. Members of the family own ing the grounds leased for aviation purposes declared they had not known of the general sale of liquor through out the grounds and would not have countenanced it. They expressed satis faction in the action of The Herald which resulted in protecting the wom en and children from the importunings of the liquor venders. The little stands along the walk were closed because of the fact that but one license was issued. That one was for the main tent. The managers of the week's tour nament explained that they were not aware of the wholesale violation of the law. They declared the license was secured late Saturday afternoon before their negotiations with the concession aire had been closed. For this reason the license was made in the name of P. J. Zeehandelaar and later turned over to the man who started in to get rich suddenly. No blame is attached to other members of the management. It is believed the remaining two days of the meet will be free from violations of the law. Brown Closes Bars Chief Detective S. L. Browne of the district attorney's office, who went to Aviation field to Investigate the reports of the violation of the county liquor ordinance, said last night: "The liquor selling in the grandstand was stopped before I reached the grounds. But I found three bars run ning in the tent at the rear, and every thing there was booming. I saw the managers, who said they believed they were warranted by the terms of the license to supply liquor to anybody and everybody that wanted it. Then I closed the bars, and colsed them tight. The men in charge were shown the law and told to observe It. They prom ised to flo so, but I expect to keep men on the ground to see that the gounty ordinance is complied with." EATS APPLE; DIES YREKA, Cal., Jan. 18.—Mrs. M. K. Thomas .lied at the family home near this city yesterday while eating an ap ple and conversing with her husband. She was a prominent pioneer woman of Siskiyou county and is survived by her husband and two sons. (JlYf't tf C( tPll/C. DAILY. (01 SUNDAY. »« Sll^VJtJ-iJll LUrIM. ON TRAINS. B CENTS , FRENCHMAN FLIES ON WINGS OF WINDS DISTANCE 45 MILES Daring Aviator Guides Biplane at High Speed from Dominguez to Santa Anita Race Track and Return SOARS HIGH OVER CITIES AND FIELDS Fifty Thousand Frenzied Spectators at Park Hail King of the Air as He Brings His Steed to Earth FACTS OF PAULHAN'S RECORD FLIGHT Distance—Forty-five miles. Time —1 hour, 2 minutes, 42 4-5 seconds. Start made at 3:09:41 1-5 o'clock. Finish made at 4:12:23 o'clock. Wind velocity—Thirty miles an hour, highest; twenty miles an hour, least. Greatest altitude—l9Bß.B feet. At greatest altitude wind was steady at twenty to twenty-five miles an hour. Engine behaved perfectly, giving no trouble whatever. Complete circuit of Santa Anita racetrack made. Previous cross-country record, forty miles, 1 hour, 3 minutes, made by S. F. Cody, Aldershot, England. SHIRLEY A. OLYMPIUS MONSIEUR LOUIS PAULHAN, bird-man, rode on the wings of the wind yesterday from Aviation park out over the green fields of the fertile San Gabriel valley to the foothills which rise from the edge of the historic "Lucky" Baldwin ranch, circled the Santa Anita racetrack, turned in his course and worked his way back to his hangar in the center of the big course on Rancho San Pedro. He was on his ride through space 1 hour, 2 minutes and 42 4-5 seconds, and he'covered forty-five miles, the longest cross-country flight the world has ever known. Thus has Paulhan, the greatest aviator of them all, added new laurels to his large wreath, $10,000 to his pocketbook and to history a page which will not soon be blotted out and which will be read in millions of homes in every quarter of the globe when tbe-inomfiig coffee is being served. The scroll of the immortals was unrolled in Los Angeles when the Aviation meet was opened a week ago last Monday. Louis Paulhan since that time has written his name upon the parchment twice, using for his stencil a "flying machine"—a Farman biplane. Once he went up into the sky so far that instruments failed to record his flight when lie became a mere speck in the field of the strongest binocular. Again, yesterday, he became a speck to the glasses, but the biggest speck in the world, for he was making history— aviation and world history—every second. CROWDS CHEER MADLY Like the heroes read about in story books, Paulhan ha 3 acquitted himself. As he jumped from his seat in his biplane after he had finished his flight, his face was wreathed with that smile that will not come oft". He said, simply, "Ah, it was great sport." That tells the story of the man's greatness, of his daring and of his accomplishments. It was thrilling even to Americans when the strains of "La Marseillaise" sounded as the aviator started. Never in America was the French air of victory chorused with greater fervor than yester day at Dominguez. Los Angeles was proud of its visitor as only, Los Angeles knows how to be proud. There were 50,000 on the field alone to do him honor, and other thousands cheered from roofs of tall buildings in the city. More honor could not have been paid a native son than was meted out to Paulhan, the hero of the world today. He may be France's son, but he is Los Angeles' history maker, and Los Angeles is proud of him. When Louis Bleriot, in his own monoplane, soared across the F.nglish channel from Sangatte to the white chalk cliff where Dover rests the world was astounded at the news. It was the flight of flights then. Since last July longer aerial journeys have been taken in heaver-than-air machines, one of them by Paulhan, but Paulhan's achievement yesterday is the record in distance, record in time and record in character. Never before had a flight of so many miles been made from a given point to another given point and back to the starting point without a descent. SECRECY AT HANGAR From the noon hour until 3 o'clock an air of mystery pervaded the Paulhan hangar. An auto, bearing Mine Paulhan and two friends, dashed up to the camp at 2 o'clock. A hasty consultation was held with Paulhan. Then the auto dashed away again. To every inquiry as to what all the commotion meant the same answer was given, "Monsieur will soon make a flight." That answer has been given frequently in the past week. It meant every thing or nothing, just as it happens to be heard. To those who heard the words only, yesterday, they meant nothing. To those who coupled the words with intuition, they meant another world's record soon might be recorded. Before 1:30 o'clock a brisk breeze came up out of the south west. By 2 o'clock, when the events of the day were scheduled to begin, the breeze had become more a gale than zephyr. In the center of the field a captive balloon careened and bumped like a top until it had to be towed to its home in the draw back of the grandstand. A few minutes later the $5000 balloon New York, which had been piloted to the field from Huntington Park by George B. Harrison, suddenly flattened out, gas filling the air for a few min utes. The wind was too strong for the balloon, so it had been slit open to prevent injury. But the wind was not too strong for the French bird-man. He was ready to weather any gale, for he had told Chairman Bishop that he would go to the hill over to the east and return to fill his pockets with American gold. STARTED AT 3 O'CLOCK Aviators came out from their hangars at 2:30, glanced into the sky, looked at their anemometers and made quick decision not to attempt flight in the thirty-mile wind, which tears with cruel fingers at the rubber-silk surfaces of aeroplanes. Those other aviators were not afraid. They were cautious. The word caution is not written in the lexicon of M. Louis Paulhan. Nor is fear there, either. Three o'clock saw the Frenchman in the air for a quick circle of the field. He shot out to the west and north, swerved back again (Cratlnued on r»c« Thr**). CENTS