16 PAGES J SSi? , PRICE: 40 CENTS JMH PAULHAN BREAKS WORLD'S RECORD FOR CROSS-COUNTRY FLIGHT BALLINGER PAID BY COAL BARONS FOR HIS ADVICE Cunningham Admits $250 Was Given Pinchot's Foe Who Inspected Patents CLAIMANTS' FRIEND While Judge in Seattle Sec retary Received Fee, Is Magnate's Admission "VT EW light was shed on the Plnchot j\ Ballinger controversy yesterday " when Clarence Cunningham, one of the claimants of the Alaskan coal fields, admitted that ho and his associ ates had paid Richard A. Ballinger for examining the patents to the lands. This fee was paid, so Cunningham says, while Ballinger was a judge in Seattle. That Ballinger is a close friend of Cunningham and his associates, and that the man who is now secretary of the interior told the coal claimants that their patents "looked all right to him," also was admitted by Cunningham. Mr. Cunningham is In Los Angeles, and yesterday in the pallor of a down town hotel told of the deal with Bal linger, declaring at the same time that the fact that Ballinger was friendly to him in no way tends to show that the secretary is doing any services for the claimants at the present time. Cunningham, with many others, claims valuable coal holdings in Alaska that have been the object of attack as i" their rightful ownership by Former Forester Glfford Pinchot in his fight for the conservation of the govern ment's natural resources. Cunningham was authority for the statement recently that he and his as sociates would get patents to their Alaskan coal lands despite Plnchot's charges and the investigation now un- Continued on Page Two. INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Cloudy Wednesday; light, north wind, changing to south; frost In the morn. Ing. Maximum temperature yesterday 67 degrees, minimum 40 degrees. LOCAL Police shake-up Is on, and two ser 'eoants summarily stripped of stars. PAGE 1 Great architects exhibit drawings at flrst annual display. PAGE 9 Holdups rob and beat a peddler; man left unconscious on Mission road after fierce flcht. PAGE 6 Claim to portion of Baldwin estate Is filed In probate court In which nearly 115.000 is Involved. PAGE 6 Police arrest suspect on charge of rob bery and say they bellevo he Is one of - the daring daylight burglars. PAGE ( Garwood. convicted of robbery, falls to gain his freedom and must pass re mainder of Ufa in San Quentln. rage 5 Salary question for city employes will be solved by Joint committees from civic bodies and council. PAGE 6 Editorial, letter box and Haskln's letter. PAGE 4 Council may wags -war on bill boards; will limit height to six feet. PAGE 6 Transfer of funds for deepening of San Pedro harbor reported favorably on by rivers and harbors committee. PAGE 9 Clarence Cunningham, Alaskan coal claimant, admits that Richard A. Balllnger was paid, for services in in specting coal land patents. PAGE 1 Co-respondent arrested on charge of perjury. PAGE 7 Society and music. PAGE 7 Marriage licenses, births and deaths. PAGE 14 Mines and oil fields. PAGE 13 Markets and financial. PAGE 12 Building permits. PAGE 13 Shipping. PAGE 13 Theaters and dramatic criticism. PAGE 7 Sports. PAGE 10 Automobiles. PAGE 11 AVIATION Paulhan flies In biplane from Domln guez field to Santa Anita race track. PAGE 1 Three accidents happen at Dominguez Held, one man and two women being Injured. PAGE 3 Mars ready to try for record; Oakland pilot anxious to attempt altitude and endurance balloon tests. PAGE 3 Law violations at Domlngruez field ,"' under Zeehandelaar concessions cease as result of Herald' expose. PAGE 1 SOUTH CALIFORNIA Captain of steamer Lakme, threaten ing suicide, refuses to discuss acci , dent to vessel. PAGE 14 San Bernardino to augment police force In order to cope with thugs. PAGE 14 Pasadena charity ball is a brilliant so ciety fete. * PAGE 8 COAST Democrats protest to state railroad I commission against present freight carrying charges. PAGE 16 EASTERN John R. Walsh must serve five yearn in federal prison. PAGE 1 Governors assemble at White House to hear speech by Taft. . PAGE 2 Congressmen agree to probe Plnchot- Ballinger dispute. ; PAGB 2 Representative Mondell objects to form and purpose of bills prepared by Hal linger. PAGE 2 Prices In New Tork stock market show . violent movement and values move up and down In rapid succession. , i ,:,. ' ?AGB 13 President Lewis of mine workers pre vents stormy session at ;the conven tion In Indianapolis. PAGE 6 FOREIGN Germany sends Its ultimatum to In- . quiry made by United States regard- Ing tariff relations. PAGE H' Voters In Great Britain support the Unionist policy and government party Cains , twenty-one seats. , PAGE 3 LOS ANGELES HERALD "L ■.m nlT -» TnnTnr i II ■!■■! ii,... f i [ .. l ,| V i W ..i. iii.i—ii|n| in, hhmiiiiii |, „ .-mww.l. 'IJ'lJl..:L'UlLlAl\lKVlLV;^.^;iilJjm.fi'JlJ^W.,liiHi.iM l iii,i..j. i i, J i ■ I ' * ' H ■ - ■ ■' . ' ■: X ■ '■■ ■■'.')■ I H *<& ■■-v