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J PAGES J vol. xxxvn. PlMfli'* J.O f'T-TTMTQ carrier MJMIIKR 111. X XVH^-EJ . t\J V^JCii>lO I>£R MONTH WALSH IN GARB OF FELON TRIES TO BE CHEERFUL 'Convict No. 6861' Locked in Cell, Sleeps Calmly on Prison Cot ASKS TO KNOW RULES Aged Magnate Will Work in Library-Says Death Will Free Him [Associated Press] LEAVEN WORTH, Kas., Jan. 19.— On a little Iron cot in a cell o* the federal prison here John K. Walsh, who today begun servinß a five-year sentence for misapplying funds of the Chicago National bank, spent his first night In the peniten tiary. If the change from a luxurious room in his Calumet avenue mansion in Chicago to a small barred space worked a hardship on the prisoner he did not show it. He has accepted his new situation with smiling good grace. He is outspoken in his approval of the kind manner in which he has been treated since his arrival at noon today. But behind his brave front there is believed to bo a secret belief in his own mind that he never will live out his sentence. Tonight it became known that while Walsh was talking in private with an old friend—a man, like himself, with white hair, whom he has known for half a century—ho remarked sadly: Expects to Die Soon "I don't believe I ever shall livo out my sentence If I am not pardoned." The new surroundings did not make Walsh, who Is known as "Convict 6R81," nervous. He sat calmly in his cell tonight and read until the big Kong sounded "lights out" at 9 o'clock. Then he undressed and retired. When a guard passed the cell a few minutes later the former banker was sleeping peacefully. When the convicted banker was shown his cell he asked several ques tions about rules governing his In carceration. "Just tell me what to do and I will do it," he said. "If I violate any rules I assure you it will be through ig norance 0n1y.." Little attempt was made today to teach the new prisoner the rules. Prison officials thought it best not to burden his mind with little details of prison life until he had become thor oughly rested from the trip. Many persons who saw the convicted financier enter the prison today with sprightly step and smiling countenance predicted a relapse would Hollow when he was settled inside the walls. It was said that Walsh was straining every point to make himself appear cheerful before his friends. Few Men So Calm Fnv men even two-score years younger than this gray-haired convict have walked so calmly Into prison as did he. Warden R. W. McClaughry, an old personal friend of Walsh, was one of those who feared the prisoner might suffer a relapse. But after talking with him tonight he said; "Walsh is bearing up well. I am surprised at the vitality he shows. I do not predict a relapse. He probably will he able to take up some regular •employment in a few days." Dr. L. Blake Baldwin, the prisoner's son-in-law, has decided to remain un til tomorrow. Ho will have a con ference with Dr. A. F. Tone, prison physician, and tell him the exact physical condition of the aged ex banker. One thing that has given confidence to Uie friends of the prisoner is his appetite. He took his first meal In prison today. It consisted of warm biscuits, fried potatoes, onions and plain coffee. Walsh ate heartily. Within twenty minutes after the warden's offlce had been reached pre liminary arrangements for Walsh's Incarceration had been made. He shook hands with his son, John W. Walsh; his son-in-law, Dr. Baldwin; his .attorney. E. C. Ritzhcr, and United States Marshals Hoy and Middleton, who accompanied him. Says Goodbye "Goodby," he said firmly, and then turned to the warden as a sig-nal that he was ready to begin his sentence. His photograph was taken. Another convict acted as photographer* The picture showed Walsh in the street clothes in which he arrived. In a few days, after ho has recovered from the fatigue and excitement at tending his trip from Chicago, a sec ond photograph will bo taken. As lie is in poor health, Walsh was sent to the hospital for observation. If he becomes able to work he will be assigned to duty in the prison li brary. His duties will be those of a special clerk to the librarian, Chaplain Prank J. Iyeavitt, in the work of overhauling and recatalosuing- the books. As there are more than 7000 volumes to be handled the work promises to be no easy task, but it is believed that It will prove congenial to the prisoner, who is a great reader. Here is the daily routine that Walsh must now follow, with the exceptions of Sundays and holidays, after he is assigned to regular work: Daily Routine 5:30 a. m.—Arise, make up cot and prepare for breakfast. 6:30 a. m.—Breakfast. After break fast he may return to his cell for a short rest. 7:30 a. m.—March to work. 12 noon—Dinner. 12:30— Return to work. 5:30 p. m.—Supper in dining hall. After supper ho may return to his cell and employ his time as he desires until the retiring hour, 9 p. m. Prisoners are permitted to smoke ->ipes in their cells, but Walsh does not smoke. He may read during the time alotted ottier prisoners for smok ing if he desires. Prisoners are not allowed to receive presents from their friends. SlimiM money be sent to Walsh it will be kept in the office to the pliioner'l ere lii payment mude to him on his release. All h« will be permitted to receive (Continued .m rasr Two) LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Fair Thursday, light north wind. Maximum temperature yesterday 61 degrees, minimum 39 degrees. LOCAL Police commission postpones action on saloon permits Investigated until Tuesday. PAGE 16 Business row ends In shooting scrape— Spring street oyster dealer shot In chock. PAGE 16 Two boys wounded, one may die, as re sult of shooting affray between two Other youths. PAGE 16 Actress figures in divorce ease— Sad tangle In domestic lire aired. PAGE S State, railroad commission seeks protests from shippers on higher freight rate?. PAGE 8 Police commission takes permit from Majestic bar. • PAGE 1 Elmer E. Rowel!, attorney, wanted on sev eral charges, Informs court he will ap pear soon as able to. PAGE 6 John T. GafTey offers thirty acres of land for park purposes. PAGE 6 One of wives of German count alleged to ho bigamist sues for annulment of ties, PAGE 6 W. C. Carpenter, partner of A. E. Warm lngton, placed on probation. PAGE 6 Trial of Fred Lummer, charged with mur der, Is begun. PAGE 5 Held for murder of lunch wagon chef. Hal E. Hardy bound over to superior court. .PAGE 9 Daylight burglar finds easy —De- lay of police gives ample time for escape. PAGE 9 Chapllns found guilty by Jury In Im perial valley land fraud cases Dis agreement as to McPhcrrin's guilt. PAGE 0 In address before Federation club T. T3. Gibbon urges changes in present liquor laws. PAGE 9 Sherman says he will not resign — Wants courts to decide difficulty. PAGE 11 Two women hurt in auto wreck on road to Azusa. PAGE 1 Suspended police sergeants must appear before police commission to show came why they should not be re moved. PAGE 16 Majestic barroom loses license. PAGE 1 Editorial, Letter Box and Haskin's let ter. PAGE 4 News of the courts. PAGE 5 City Brevities. PAGE 5 Municipal affairs. PAGE 5 Oil and mines. PAGE 13 Citrus fruit markets. PAGE 13 Building permits. PAGE 13 Financial and commercial. PAGE 12 Classified advertising. PAGES 14-15 Time tables. PAGE 15 San Pedro shipping:. PAGE 16 Society and club news. PAGE 7 Dramatic notes. PAGE 7 AVIATION Count Zeppelin plans airship to carry 300 passengers. PAGE) 6 Arrow Girl describes high flight in bal loon and says she felt no fear. PAGE) 6 Harrison will try for "altitude record to- Threo pilots take gay parties through skies. PAGE 6 Paulhan flies twice from Aviation park to ocean shore, carrying passengers. PAGE 1 Hamilton fails to break altitude record. PAGE 1 Hillary Beachy's biplane wrecked on Held. PAGE 1 SOUTH CALIFORNIA Daughters of south honor Lee's mem ory on birthday anniversary. PAGE 14 Redondo Beach politics livening up and aspirants to office are appearing. PAGE 14 H. R. Stolz of Redlands, Stanford stu dent, wins Rhodes scholarship.^ PAGE 14 Program for five years of civic work at Long Beach Is outlined. PAGE 14 Municipal bond election campaign In Pasadena starts with document Issued by city council. PAGE 14 COAST » State railway commission calls meeting to hear shippers' protests. PAGE 8 Naked fanatics on roof of home In Bel lingham await chariot of fire, while one baby is dead and another is dy ing of neglect. PAGE 3 Slum habitues were used as dupes In Oregon land frauds, according to ev idence in trial of Blnger Hermann at Portland. PAGE 2 EASTERN Two stock exchange firms fail as result of iron pool smashed in New York, and lively cession ensues. PAGE 3 John R. Walsh, convicted banker and rail road magnate of Chicago, dons con vict's garb at federal prison in Leaven worth. PAGE 1 Uniform state laws are urged at meet ing in Washington of Civic federa tion. PAGE 8 Governors discuss problems of state In convention at Washington. PAGE 8 Artist Christy alleged to have Bpanked wife. PAGE 2 Kansas City man may be charged with the murder of Col. Swope and nephew. PAGE 10 Rainey rejected as Democratic member of Ballinger-Pinchot investigation committee. PAGE 1 Governor Hughes of New York gives good advice to insurance men. PAGE 2 FOREIGN /i-cnch minister of public Instruction de i id lOhool system and says attack of Catholics is due to their dislike for Im partial text book. PAOH 3 King Leopold's favorite daughter to wed Prince Victor Napoleon of France. . PAGE 2 MINING AND OIL Associated Oil meeting called for yester day for tne purpose of dissolving stock pool Is postponed through luck of a quorum. PAGH 13 New York Coallnga well No. 4 exceeds 200 barrels a day. PAGE 13 Rock Island Oil Is name of new com pany organized to develop In Bis H^i" 1 district. , PAGE 13 Standard Oil prospects In Santa Clara valley. PAGE 13 Southern Belle stamp mill resumes opera tions. PAGE 13 Bouse- & Swansea railroad will bo com pleted within thirty days. PAGE 13 California oil dividends for December total *568,193. PAGE 13 SPORTING George MtiinsJc starts anew upon liH climb to top of the lightweight pile In r«Btqr«d health and form. PAGE 10 Al Kaufman outboxea Philadelphia Jack O'Brien in six rounds and utmost puts him away in fourth* and sixth rounds. PAGE 10 Mlss Chesbrough continues to lead In grit play for bo&ori at annual state tournament ac Ingleslde. PAQfI 10 Melville I.nntf and Morris McLoughlin. tennli cracks who wont to Australia to win back Davis cup, return. PAGE 10 Happy i i.«t an sign* First Buiman Fiiher of 0.-P. league to cover mi lin 1 s;i,k for Vernon next aeuimn. PAGE 10 John McGraw nearly tosea two fingers whllo In barber's chair at New York. I'AOB 10 THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1910. PAULHAN FLIES TWICE TO OCEAN mmmmsmm |::|||i|||| ililllll WMSmM 11l ill IISK&M WSSm^S^S&SSSB Wrecked Glll-Dosh machine after two.mlle flight which ended I n disaster. Hlllery Beachey fell forty feet with the aeroplane, which tumbled to the ground when the engine was shut off. -photo by cole. UNIONISTS HAVE NET GAIN OF 45 LIBERALS CONTINUE TO LOSE IN ELECTION Impossible, However, at This Time to Gauge Popular Feeling in Re. gard to Home Rule [Associated Press] LONDON, Jan. 19.—A1l returns of to day's elections that are likely to be re ceived tonight show that the Unionists gained five seats and the Liberals one, leaving the present position of the par ties as follows: Unionists, 129; Liberals, 119; Labor ites, 22; Nationalists, 44. Thus far, therefore, the Unionists have a net gain of 45 sets. They are required to obtain a net gain of at least 168 to wipe out the Liberal majority in the last parliament. The Liberals continue to lose through three-cornered fights, labor candidates invariably receiving just enough sup port to allow the Unionists to succeed. Majority for Reform Judging from returns received so far, if the Liberal, Laborite and Nationalist votes were grouped there would be a large majority for the reform of the house of lords. Many Unionists also are In favor of some change, and Un ionist leaders are finding a strong cur rent of feeling In the country in this direction. They have repeatedly spok en in favor of reform along the lines o£ the report of the Rosebery committee, and in fact have promised to carry out some such scheme, which would reduce the number of hereditary peers. It is almost impossible at the present moment to gauge popular feeling on home rule, for while Premier Asqutth placed it in his platform, many Lib eral candidates have been compelled to repudiate it. Practically all Union ist candidates are tariff reformers, but some would hardly follow so far as the Chamberlainites would lead. It is possible that the Unionist fiscal pol icy would find some supporters among the Irish. Half of Results Announced Of the elections for 81 members of the new parliament held today the re sult of less than half was announced today, the others being in widely scat tered districts where it takes time to collect the ballot boxes. In London, where four boroughs polled, two re mained to the Liberals and one to the Laborites, while the fourth went over from the Liberals' side to the Unionist. In northern England the Liberals generally hold the seats won .in 1906. This also is true of Scotland, but the Midlands continue to go over to the party of reform. FOUR PERSONS PERISH IN FIRE; MANY ARE MISSING Three of the Dead Killed by Jumping from Windows of Burn. ing Factory PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19.—Four persons are known to be dead, several are dying in hospitals and a dozen others are missing, following a flre which destroyed a factory building here today. Many of the missing are girls. The known dead aro all girls and three of them were killed by jumping from windows. There are nearly twenty men, wo men and children in hospitals. The negro elevator boy employed In the building was arrested pending an investigation. Into the origin of the flre. APPEALS FOR ESTATE FRESNO, Jan. 19.—Mrs. Margaret Zeeder of Alameda, daughter of the late Dennis Kearney, today filed no tice of appeal from the decision of Judge Austin In denying her contest of the will of the late M. Theodore Kearney, who loft $1,000,000 to the State university. Mis. Zeeder baaed her contest on her father's claim that he was a cousin of the millionaire vlneyardist. REPUBLICANS REJECT RAINEY BALLINGER-PINCHOT INVESTI GATORS NAMED Six Insurgents from Minnesota and Wisconsin Manifest Dissatisfac tion by Bolting the Caucus WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.— general denial of the sweeping charges of reck less and Improper expenditures by the. Interior department, Incited by Repre sentative Hitchcock, was made today by Fred Dennett, commissioner of the general land office, at the opening ses sion of a hearing before the house com mittee on expenditures In the Interior department. lie admitted, however, that some of the minor specifications were true. [Associated Press] WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.—The cau cus of Republican members of the house tonight named the house mem bers of the Ballinger-Pinchot investi gation committee, and Incidentally re jected Mr. Rainey of Illinois, one of the two Democrats selected by the Democratic caucus last Saturday night as the minority representative on the committee. The six men selected Include three "regular" Republicans—McCall of Massachusetts, Olmstead of Pennsyl vania and Denby of Michigan; one "insurgent," Madison of Kansas, and two Democrats —James of Kentucky and Lloyd of Missouri. The caucus lasted three hours, and while characterized by much acrimony was more peaceful than most mem bers had expected. Even at that there was a bolt of six Insurgents, led by Cooper of Wisconsin, the other bolters being Lenroot, Nelson and Carey of Wisconsin and Davis and Lindberg of Minnesota. Taft's Views Expressed In several speeches strong objections to both James and Rainey were voiced, the objectors claiming to express the views of President Taft. There was no objection to either of them person ally. Against Rainey was cited activ ity in stirring up trouble for the Re publican administration in Panama canal matters. After the vote had been taken nom inating the four Republicans, a sep arate vote was ordered on the Demo cratic members of the committee. At this juncture Mr. Cooper declared that he was authorized by a number of his colleagues to say that they were op posed to naming Democratic members of a committee in a Republican cau cus. "It would bfi harmful to the Repub lican party to do so," declared Mr. Cooper. Cooper Causes Laughter Mr. Cooper constantly caused laugh ter by repeated Inadvertent allusion to OUie James as "Jesse" James. The strongest partisanship speech was that of J. Sloat Fawcett of New York, who adjured the Republicans to name the whole committee without re gard to Democratic selections. Speaker Cannon opposed any com promise. "You've only got two propositions," said he. "Either accept the Demo cratic selections or reject 'em." THOUSANDS OF MEN IDLE AS RESULT OF FLOODS Ohio River Stationary After Doing $300,000 Damage to Adjacent Property PITTSBURO, Pa., Jan. 19.—Pitts burg's flood danger point was passed during the morning and the Ohio river is now stationary at twenty-two feet, two inches. Loss due to the flood is estimated at $300,000. Three vessels in the local harbor valued at $12,500 were sunk. Mines, potteries, tube mills and factories along the Alle gheny, Monongahela, Kiskiminetas, Youghiogheney and Cheat rivers have closed down and/ thousands of men are idle. Traffic on steam roads entering Pittsburg along the river front is de moralized. 2 WOMEN HURT IN AUTO WRECK TOURING CARS COLLIDE WITH DISASTROUS RESULTS I Road Leading to Azusa Scene of Ac cident in Which the Injured Sustain Several Fractures [Special to The Herald.] MONROVIA, Jan. 19.—Two big tour ing automobiles collided this afternoon at the corner of Orange and Sham rock avenues, causing the serious in- Jury of Mrs. W. D. Parker and Mrs. W. F. McNally, who were passengers in a car owned and driven by O. W. Mosher of Pasadena. Mr. Mosher, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. McNally, were driv ing toward Azusa in a seven-passenger car. At the corner of Oiange and Shamrock they collided with the ce.r owned by F. Neal Robinson, occupied and driven by Mr. Robinson's chauf feur, Will Price. Both cars were wrecked and the two women were caught under the debris. Mrs. Parker sustained frac tures of several ribs and also suffered internal injuries. One of Mrs. Mc- Nally's wrists was broken and she was otherwise shocked and bruised. Mr, McNally and Mr. Parker were not severely hurt, although both were bruised painfully. Mr. Mosher and the chauffeur also escaped dangerous in juries. Mrs. Parker and Mrs. McNally were taken to La Vista Grand hotel, where they were attended by Drs. Davies and Wheeler. According to witnesses of the acci dent the Mosher car was being driven rapidly alons? the road leading to Azusa. The car driven by Price turned a corner into the same street, and be fore either driver could apply his brakes both cars were demolished. FORMER RAILROAD HEAD IS CHARGED WITH FRAUD Company Claims Conspiracy Robbed It of $850,000 on Real Estate Transactions CHICAGO, Jan. 19.—Charges that Benjamin Thomas, former president of the Chicago & Western Indiana; Chai. R. Kappes, former real estate dealer tor the railroad, and John Fetzer ob tained at least $850,000 from the rail road through a real estate conspiracy are made in a bill for an accounting filed in the circuit court today. The bill was filed by the Chicago & Western Indiana railroad. According to the bill, the real estate transactions occurred in 11)06 and involved the ex penditure of J2.521.899. Tlic defendants are alleged to have divided $850,000 profits. In. June, 190S, Thomas and Kappea resigned their positions _ with the rail road, and it is alleged they destroyed or removed from the offices quantities of papers, books and documents relat ing to transactions with Fetzer. The court issued an injunction re straining any of the defendants from disposing of certain bonds which the bill alleges formed part of the profits of the land deals. JAPANESE EMPEROR RECEIVES NAVAL MEN Rear Admiral Hubbard Presents Lov. ing Cup at Dinner Given by Sal to TOKIO, Jan. 19.—Rear Admiral Se bree, commander in chief of the Pacilic fleet; Rear Admiral Hubbnrd, com manding the Atlantic squadron, and captains of the United States navy here were received today by the emperor, who was extremely cordial. The offi cers were presented by United States Ambassador O'Brien. Following the audience the Ameri cans were entertained at dinner by Vice Admiral Saito, to whom Rear Admiral Hubhard presented a loving cup, the gift of the officers of the American fleet. Guests at this affair Included Admiral Togo and sixteen other officers of the Japanese navy, Ambassador O'Brien and the staff of the American embassy. The squadron will sail homeward to morrow. Officers and men are In fine condition. SINGLE COPIES: ON TRAINS. 5 CENTS MAJESTIC BAR LOSES LICENSE BREWERY SHOWN TO BE IN CONTROL OF SALOON Police Commission Believes Effort Was Made to Defeat Its Aims and Takes Permit from T. P. Roberts The Majestic bar, adjoining the Ma jestic theater, at 843 South Broadway, was ordered closed by the police com mission last night and it is likely to remain closed for an indefinite period, as no one longer holds a permit to con duct business at this place. This permit was held in the name of T. P. Roberts, while S. A. Lowenstein, who also owns the saloon adjoining the Burbank theater, was the actual owner of the place. But the commis sion believed Mr. Lowenstein had at tempted a subterfuge in an effort to thwart the plans of the commission to divorce the breweries and the re tail saloons and his application to have the permit issued in his own name was denied. T. P. Roberts, in whose name the permit stood, is credit man for the Maier Brewing company and he had been cited to appear before the com mission and show cause why this per mit should not be revoked as he had no active part In the management of the saloon. Mr. Roberts made no de fense and no objection to the revoca tion of this permit. When Lowen stein was examined he told the com mission he had paid the Maier Brew ing company $10,000 for the license for this place, although he owned the stock and fixtures. He gave ten notes of $1000 each in payment and the li cense continued to stand in the name of T. P. Roberts as security for the notes. When the police commission began its Investigation Into the brewery con trol of retail permits Roberts and Lowonstein, from the testimony intro duced, attempted to fix up a rartner ship agreement in order to protect the license. The partnership proceedings went to the extent of a federal license being secured in the names of Roberts & Lowenstein and the money received by tho saloon deposited In the name of this firm. But the actual partner ship papers were signed only by Mr. Loweneteln and not by Mr. Roberts. This the commission considered a sub terfuge to defeat its ends and denied Lowenstein's application that the per mit be made out in his own name after revoking the permit held by Rob erts. PERMANENT ORGANIZATION TO FIGHT HOOK WORM oSuthern Conference Offers Thanks to John D. Rockefeller for Million Dollar Aid ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 19.—After ex tending a vote of thanks to John D. Rockefeller for his "munificent and hu manitarian" prift of one million dollars for eradicating the hook worm disease, a permanent organization to be known as the Southern Health Conference was effected at today's session of the con ference on the hook worm. A resolution was adopted favoring uniform state laws requiring the com pilation of vital statistics. Dr. F. H. Harris of Atlanta was elected president. Replying to a question by C. S. Bar rett, president of the National Farmers' union, and emphasizing the widespread prevalence of the disease, Dr. Charles W. Stiles created much surprise when he said that he had been able to rec ognize among the delegates to the con ference at least six cases in which the symptoms of hook worm were visible. WOMAN BUFFETED IN OHIO ICE FLOES GIVES BIRTH TO TWIN GIRLS GAIXirOLIS, Ohio. Jan. While beiug buffeted about in an Ice floe on the Ohio river curly today Mr*. William Shields save birth te twin girls. The family lived on a house boat moored at Millwood, \\. Va. The boat . was torn loose by the ice, and when it landed today the mother n-as attended by phj slcians. The girls were named "Ohio" and "Virginia" as a memory of the trying ordeal under which they were born. *^ CENTS FRANCE VICTOR ONCE MORE FOR HONORS OF AIR Carries Passengers from Aviation Park to the Sea and Return BIPLANE IS WRECKED Beachey Wins in Dirigible Flight—Hamilton Fails in Altitude Trial AVIATION RECORDS Paulham makes 21 mile* cross country carrying Mme. Paulhan as a passenger In 33:45 2 5. Clifford B. Harmon and Faulhan make second cross-country flight of nearly the same distance in the same time. Beachey defeats Knabenshue In dir igible race. Time, 4:514-5. Hamilton falls to lower Paulhan's al titude record. George B. Harrison and Clifford B. Harmon will try for altitude today In balloon New York. Faulhan will try for world's endurance record of 114 miles in 4:06:25. Aviation meet closes today. SHIRLEY A. OLYMPIUS ONE more world's record—that of cross-country passenger-carrying flight—added to Louis Paulhan'a long list of victories, the Gill-Dosh bi plane a wreck, a dirigible balloon race won by Lincoln Beachy and the failure of C. K. Hamilton to make a serious dent in Paulhan's altitude record are the brief words which tell the story of the^aviation events at Dominguez yes terday. It was a day of strange accomplish ments and stranger failures. For the accomplishments, there is Paulhan be credited. For the failures there only mystery as to their explanation. Hillery Beachy, piloting the arist cratic Gill-Dosh biplane, made a bea' tiful flight of a mile or more, and thi suddenly came to disaster while floa ing serenely through space some for feet above the earth. He thinks it w. his engine which failed to work. Wha ever the cause, he now has a machi with planes bent, broken and tor rods twisted and broken into kindlii wood; running gear which never w..«* run again; a damaged engine and aW headache. He will be compelled to i build his aeroplane before it ever mak another Might. Paulhan made a successful eros country flight of twenty-one miles wi Madame Paulhan as a passenger. 1 set a new world's record in so doir and repeated the operation with Fligl ly varying success when he carri Clifford B. Harmon as a passenger. I first flight was made in thirty-three minutes and his second in nearly the same time. Starts for Seashore To those who stood with upturned faces, wildly waving their hands and loudly chering, while their eyes bulged with amazement, the sight of Paulhan and his wife skimming through the air 350 feet above where Redondo Beach and Hermosa go down to the sea, was the wonder of wonders. They were be holding for the first time the newest form of travel. To Paulhan the view of the clear blue waters of the Pacific was grand, but the ride was more like one taken in a taxicab to a favorite club or a plaro of amusement. He had gone out to the sea to give his wife her first sight of the Pacific ocean, so the flight was more or less of an aerial "joy ride," with thought only on fua and not of world's records. It was just past 2:30 o'clock when Paulhan and his wife rose into the air near the Frenchman's hangar. No an nouncement of any cross-country flight had been made, and it was not until after he had winged off into space that Paulhan's destination was made known to the Judges and spectators. Once he circled around the course, passing high before the grandstand. Again lie circled the course, swinging far to the south and passing over the western end of the spectators' seats. As he reached the northwest corner of the course he headed straight for the ■ea. At first it was thought he was only going for a little jaunt and would soon turn In his tracks and come bade to aviation field. Smaller and smaller the l'iplane grew until at last it was lost in the clouds which rise near the coast. Then the judges knew Paulhan was "going down to the sea in an airship." Circled Over Hermosa Fifteen minutes after Paulhan was lost to view of those on Dominguez field he was circling around Hermosa and Redondo Beach. Below him boomer and roared the surf, mingling its sonor ous tones with the quick explosions of, his motor. For just a few minutes Faulhan pointed out the grandeurs of the ocean and the shore to his Wife. Used to strange sights as she is, ihe clapped her hands with delight, and waved gaily to those 350 feet below. Sightseeing in a biplane is like watch ing- a panorama. It takes place so quickly that but a few seconds gives one a clear view of everything worth seeing at all. It was Just so with Madame Paulhan's view of land and sea. She saw much, quickly, and then was ready to return. To the east the biplane was headed, and at a 30-mlle au-hour gate the two air voyageurs re turned to camp. They came to earth amid deafening cheers. It was with difficulty that tho mounted deputies restrained the crowd from breaking through tho wire fence and surrounding Paulhan and his wife. As it was they were surrounded by the hundred or more on the field, and were compelled to run a perfect battery of camera men before they vere allowed to go In peace to the hangar. The descent was made within a few feet of the press boxes and was ont! of the prettiest ever made by Paulhan. He glided to earth from a height of 200 feet with all the grace of a bird. For the first time since Paulhan has made flights at Dominguei he went out- (Continued an P*c* SU).