OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, January 22, 1910, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1910-01-22/ed-1/seq-12/

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United States Steel Has Vigorous Ad.
vance Due to Dividend Expected
to Be Declared at Coming
[Associated Press]
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.—The stock
market gave further evidence today of
the good effect of the purging and rec
tifying process to which it has been
subjected this week.
A good absorptive demand was
shown at all levels during the day.
At the outset there was soma remain
ing trace of nervousness over the pos
sibility of after-effects from the Hock-
Ing Coal collapse and the embarrass
ments which it brought. This feeling
was responsible for the morning dip
in prices, which caused a few impor
tant stocks to fall below last night's
' closing level, especially in Amalgamat
ed Copper.
The steady Improvement In the
money market and investment situa
tion abroad was a helpful influence on
the New York stock market.
Buying to cover shorts by the bears
was an influence In the day's ris£, but
measures against the shorts did not
eeem to be aggressively pursued. The
rise in prices was the occasion for
some rumors of coming favorable de
The imminence of the United States
Steel quarterly dividend meeting,
which is to occur next Tuesday, made
that stock the subject of dividend ru
mors also. These took the form of an
intended extra disbursement on the
stock in addition to the regular 1 per
cent quarterly dividend. ,',.''.
The vigorous advance In United
States Steel was a notable sustaining
Influence on the whole market, but
bo authentic information could be se
cured as to the directors' intentions
regarding the coming dividend.
Preliminary estimates of the week
currency movement pointed to another
heavy influx of cash to bank reserves,
something near $15,000,000 apparently
having been received from all sources
Bonds were firm; total sales, par
Value, $3,209,000.
United States bonds were unchanged
on call.
Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll
«on 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem
ber New York s!o-k exchange, Chicago board
•" of trade, stock and bond exchange of San
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.— Following were the
cloning quotations today:
Sales. Stock. Hleh. Low. Eld. Ask.
MOO Allis-Chalmcrs .... 13 1-4 13 13! i
300 do preferred —4S 47! i 45<i 49
- 62100 Amal Copper M* SH4 M'» S4l
300 Am Beet Sugar... 41' 4 42 43 44
.... do preferred ...... •■ M 84
800 Am Can Co 12 11% -"« ]'-' =
100 do preferred —TS 78 73 ,9
MOO Am Car & F'iy Co. 66>4 mi 68 w>ti
"00 do preferred ....117> i 117 lib 111 '-
1000 Am Cotton OH 86 64 64H 64Vi
. . do preferred I"1 I°7 *
.... Am Ex. 280 300
100 Am Ice Scour 83% 23"= ■-■■'■'<. 24
500 Am Linseed 15',i ISU 1:':» 16
ggo do preferred —4. 42% 4214 ■"_
1300 Am Locomotive .. 65 51 II Ms
.... do preferred ■■ 112 114
17300 Am Pm & Rfg Co. KM 92% 05 ; '"'i
199 do preferred ....1099J 10954 100H H»%
00 Am Sugar 122 12154 121*4 122
. . do preferred 121 l-:l
100 Km Steel Founds 84 04 63% M
WOO Am Tel 6 Tel C 0137% 138% 13794 138
300 Am Ton i M 63 1% 93 93V4
Am Woolen .. 33' a 35
COO do preferred ....103 102 101'j 103
4700 Anaconda 51% '-'!7Li 3194 6Hi
800 Atlantic Coast Ln.131 13094 131 131J4
80700 AT & Santa Fe.,118V4 117*1 119 UMi
200 do preferred ....104 103% 103% 104
3900 Bait & Ohio IM^i HWt 116% 116%
do preferred .. 93M^ 94U
42008KT " 73% 74% 73
l-'OD Canadian Pacific...lSO?! ISO ISOTi ISI
11200 C& 0 8614 53% 80 SS",
60OC & A 63 , 62 62% 63
. 1300 c& G W new 33 22' i 32 ::2?i
1000 do preferred — 60S i,9^» w)'* <]1
1100 C& N W 160 159 15014 16914
16500 C 11& St P 14914 1«% 149 1«H
do preferred ■■ I<>7!£ !*>'%
4000 Central Leather .. 43»i 43% 43H 43T4
300 do preferred ....1«7",i 10714 107 1.-, 10»Vi
900 Cent of N.l 308 300 300 307
■ : .... cca& st l » so
.... do preferred W3i; 108H
4000 Colo Fuel & Iron.. 45)4 44 43 45?«
.... do preferred .. 113% ..
79.10 Colum Hock C & I. 85 22 23 83%
1100 Colorado Southern. 59 6S ESVa 69
100 do Ist preferred. 8174 81% SI 83
200 do 3d preferred. 50,2 ?OVj SO 81
14700 Consolidated Ga5..130V2 l-lß^i 130(4 WIV4
COO Corn Products .... 2014 19% 20% 20' i
300 do preferred .... S4?s 84% 84 86
800 Del & Hudson 176% 176 176 177
D L& W sso cio
HOOD « 10 -H'j -<::'2 i! ' 44%
500 do preferred .... 10% SO SO'i 81
200 Distilling 8e0ur.... 34% 34% 34 34%
400 Duluth 8 8 * A.. I.'l. IB 15% 18%
300 do preferred .... 2914 29 -"' 80
J7OO Erie 3m 5074 81% 81V4
1100 do Ist preferred. 4S' 3 4»li 4xi^ 49
600 do id preferred. 88% 37 3714 38%
; 800 General Electric ..135 131 135 15854
800 Great North Ore.. 70 74 73"i 76
13900 do preferred ....131 . 133 13514 lsr.'i
1000 Illinois Central ...145H H3'i 141'j 145%
I*4oo Interboro-Metro ...22% 21 --\ 22%
}:,., do preferred .... r,S% B6li sS'i CS?i
," ■ 100 Intern' t Paper ....14 14 14 1114
■ 1000 do preferred .... 56 551 aKS 55%
"■,i»i Intern'l Pump ... 52-li 4Sl^ 5114
300 do p.'eff:rred .... 87 87 87 SS
400 lowa Central ...... 26% 25 24?' i 254
IPIIO do preferred .... 47?* 46' i 46'j 47!
2'>oo Kansas City Sou.. 40=4 '"^i 4u% 40VS
600 do preferred .... 70 6914 CiCJs 70
100 Lake Erie & West. 2214 ■::■_ 23 25
. do preferred ■ ■ 61 63
83M 1, & N 148' i 347% 14Sli 14SH
, 200 Mackay 89% 89 19 69%
do preferred .. 77 77%
iij» Manhattan 137% 1374 13tH 13814
.... Metro St Ry — 80% 84
(mini Mexican Central .. 28' i 274 27.i 27%
" 200 Minn & st 1/ »6% 45% 40 .48
do preferred .. 75 85
iIOOM St i' & i 1 M.lSS'i 134% 1»% 138
. 300 do preferred ....153 151 181% 154
7,.in Mo Kan & Tex.... 4:,% 44% 45% 45%
100 do preferred ■■ ■• "; 73 '•-' 7314
8600 Missouri Pacific .. 73 69% 70% 71
1400 National Lead ... 55»4 S4 85' i Btl
,1,, preferred 108% 110
. .... National Biscuit 110 114%
... do preferred .. 121 125
10400 N V Central 120 ' 113% 119% li'.'7i
.... N.VCtSt 1 58 01
do Ist preferred 104 118
do 2d preferred. .. .. 91 95
'"00 XYN II & Htfd.lufi 13:, 138 158
JSOO N V Ont & W.... 45 45 43% 46
S2OO Norfolk & West... 87% 86% 97% 97%
do preferred 88 90
1500 North American .. 79% 78', 7?', 7.91 i
12"00 Northern Pacific, ..13711 13414 13fi% 126%
SOO Omaha .... 150 150 150 153
.... do preferred .. 160 175
100 Pacific Coast 111% ill'; 111 in
700 Pacific Mall ....*,:. 3474 34 S4's 33
" JKBOO Perm n R Co 13414 133% M4'i 1.'!4>4
1700 Peoples Gas 11214 111 1«% 112!*
<4> Shipment* of oranges anil lemon* <S>
9 from I.o« Angcli-n Wednesday. Jim. 19. <f
<..> were 101 rnrlnada of orange* and 10 of <*>
<$> lemons. Total to date there were <p
<•> Hhlpnril RBT7 carload*. of which HI!) <g
<J> were lemons. Last season to date there ••>
<*> were shipped :ITIB carloads, of which -•>
<•> BSH were lemons. '*■*
. ... . . . ..... ......;.-.••
7800 PlKsburg Coal ... 23 21' i '-" ;: 3 '
100 do preferred ....■■'. i* 1 76 "■'■
.... P c c * St 1 M »»
.... do preferred 11* v-"
1800 Pressed Steel Car.. 4M4 414 *R* 47
600 do preferred ....104 103!, 1"4 106 j
900 Ry Steel Spg3 Co. 47 4, 47.i 47»s
100 do preferred „..101 106 108 NWH
33500 Reading lfi3'i lfilB» :';i = 163
300 do Ist preferred. 92H ''-'i 92 93
;;,;.,, do 2d preferred.los 100 Vi 104H 105
6200 Republic S * 1.... "■"■; 38 • :"'' • BJ!4
600 do preferred ....102 louVi 101 101
IS9OO Rock Island C 0.... 44«, 42% 44% <S>S
400 do preferred .... S3V, S3 R", SH
800 Sloss Shed S & I. 83 Sl% 80V4 SC!a
.... do preferred IM US
.... St L & 9 !■• Ist rfd .. •• 694 72<i
600 do 2d preferred. W 64"4 KS'j 58
MOSt L. & S W 80% Mi M% 30%
900 do preferred .... 73' i 74' i 74% "'i
(Southern Pacific ..ISIM 189% 131% 131>i
2100 Southern Railway.. sm 30 31' i 31%
900 do preferred .... 6S'» 68 6S'j C 9
200 Tennessee Copper.. 3fi% 88% 'i'' > 3S"i
2*o Texas Pacific 38H :'•':'<, ' 32i M
-1700 Third Aye l«?i I'% U.i 18
300 Toledo St V, ft W. 49 49 4854 49%
400 do preferred .... 6S5j mi 6% 6s'i
200 Twin City R T....11214 ll:'-'i lU'4 l"'-i
200 Union Bag & Pap'r 11 11 10% 114
800 do preferred ■■■■ 70 70 70 15
80300 Union Poculo 1934 191U 193U 1M»
1500 ,].-. preferred ....lot"4 HWVi 101 102
200 United Rds of S F 37% 87% 37V4 3S
.... do preferred ■■ *° JJ
100 V S Cast Irii Pipe. 2054 BS4 28>4 29
000 do preferred .... 77', 7«% 7S'i 79%
700 D S Rubber 48% 4."% 4f1% 47
200 do Ist preferred.ll2% 111% IH"4 11-%
do L'-i preferred.. .. ■• W 81
307600 U S Steel Cor 86% 83% S6H 80%
4100 do preferred ....124 123 I'-V.i 121
4800 Utah Copper 53% 31'j 63 634
830" Va-Car Chem C 0... 63 B3H 54'S Bo
.... do preferred ■■ 1-3 **** ,
69<X)Wabash -"7 < =-"i 22% -"-'"1
7800 do preferred .... 61% 4!':« 51% 61%
.... Wells Fargo Ex ISO IS6
1400 Western Union ...73'i 7.''i 7 ; ' 2 73
1300 Weatinghousa "B1! ":1!- ■■' 18 ■
1100 IV &1. E 6>, 64 ■■ OH
900 do Ist preferred. 12% 12 lii 12 1* li^i
1000 do 2d preferred.. S% S'j ' 8!i
200 Wisconsin Central. 60 50 47 60*4
.... Am Hide * I«aih. . "'■» "'«
600 do preferred .... 41% 41 41% 4.
900 Am Agr & chem.. 43% 43 II ', i-A*
.... do preferred '"- 104
200 Beth Steel 83 81 304 38
100 do preferred .... 65 65 63 6.1
100 Nat Enaml & Btp 234 23<4 -''= lj: '
.... do preferred <>■> 100
600 Pao Tel & Tel 40 59 39« 41
.... do preferred !1° "
.... V B Realty SO 81
1500 West Maryland ..804 M W .-■ W*
Total shares sold, 988,4»); bonds, 52,700,000.
Special service to The Herald by .T. C. Wil
son 212 Weal Fifth street, I.oh Angeles, mem
ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board
ot trade, stock and bond exchange of. San
NEW YORK. Jan.' 21.— Following Tvern the
closing Quotations today: Bid. Asked.
Atchinson Gen 4s l°° 100%
do Cony 4s "IT's 1W-
P. * O Ist 4s -''•. f'i
11 It T 43 M • °J3
Colorado Industrial 6s 8 ; 2
V a Realty 5s Jj; 934
Rock Island Col 4s '"* 80%
Southern Pacific Ret 4s B4 1 94%
v; A
Union Pacific l»t 4s JJJJ4 JM«
do Seel 43 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::^ - 112
UdS Steel Ba I** »«
United Railway 4s " ''
Wabash Deb 4s "Ja « '
Western Pacific 63 974 0,%
Japanese .::::::::::::::::::::: W* «H
Jap Ist 4'is JJJ* J'*
V % % ::::::::::::::::::::iSSJ ™&
Vdo U Coupon ! JM% 102J4
do 3s Regd I?"* ■': =
do Coupon "Hi 1034
do 4a Regd 11 $ Jl»»
do 4s Coupon 1"?4 ÜBX
Panama 2!. ■:::^_^-'----' |°» JJJ
do 19353 10° W1
Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil
son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles.
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.—Following were the
closing quotations:
Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask.
Am Tub Cm.410 412 jNiplssing 10 10T4J
B B Gas ... % %'Ohlo Cop — :' 5» '■»
Stand Oil ..613 655 IRawhd Coaln 15 17
Cons St Res. so 24 Raj Cent ... 3% 1%
E-.os Cons.... IS»4 lS'i!Kay Cons .. 23U 83V4
Hutte Coaln. 26"« 26%! United Cop... 74 8
Cumb Ely ..7 Si |Yukon 4% *"»
Davis Daly.. B'i 3%!lnspiratlon .. 9 9>i
Dolores ... 7-, 7-.- Mason Val .. :''. 2%
Gold Cons... 7' 4 7%Newhouae ... 3% Sb
Greene Can. 104 i" 1. Ely Cent ... 1% lvi
Giroux '.":;i :! IKly Cons ..75 *■"'
Kerr Laki 94 SUIQIIa Copper.. 9>4 84
La Rose ... 44 4% Chlno 13 13 4
Miami -■■'-• Boston Ely... ■'> 4
Una Co Am -is CO Ely Witch .. S5 30
Nev Cons .. 24"i 25 No Lake ... VJ 19! i
Nev Utah .. 1% VA\
NEW YORK. Jan. 21.—Bradstreefs bank
clearings report for the week ending Jan.
20, shows an agßregate of M,018.640,000, as
against $3,904,484,000 last week and »3,550.
--620,000 in the corresponding week of last
year. [nc-
New York |5,«50,685,000 30.5
Chicago 250,691.000 3.3
Boston 213,673,000 1.3
Philadelphia 184,696,000 21.3
St Louis 75,020,000 1.8
Pittaburg 50,451.000 15.3
Kansas City 53,731,000 17.0
Kan Francisco 43,862,000 23.7
Baltimore '■• 32,241.000 S.I
Cincinnati 27.465.000 '10.2
Minneapolis 20,892,000 4.9
New Orleans 110.034.000 _ CO.I
Cleveland 19,413,000 9.1
Detroit 18,785,000 25.2
Omaha 16.480 11.5
Louisville 16.600,001) 14.7
Milwaukee 12,027,000 1.3
Fort Worth 7,761,000
Los Angeles 14,678, ' 18.0
.-■ Paul 9,991,000 "4 I
Seattle 11,591,000 4.7
r/envrr 10 014.0011 10.2
Buffalo 13,192,000 18.7
Indianapolis 10,373,000 3.9
Spokane 4,C05,000 48.9
Providence 9,983,000 21.-1
Portland. Ore 10.256,000 56.7
Salt Lake City 7.106.000 13.0
Tacoma 5.501.000 17.1
♦Per cent decrease.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21.—The condition of
the treasury at the beginning of business to
day was us follows:
Trust funds—
Gold coin $871,674,809
Silver dollars , 454,870,000
Silver dollars of 100 2,908,000
Silver certificates standing 45i,tj70,000
General fund-
Standard stiver dollars in general
fund 15,842,973
Current liabilities 1|»,534,61i6
Working balance in treasury offices. 22,385,887
In banks to rredlt of U. ,-■ !■■:..,.■ 3fi,3i#.B:!s
Subsidiary silver coin 15,532,6&7
Minor coin 1,088,370
Total balance in general fund 8').090.630
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-Coffee futures closed
steady, net unchanged; sales 10,230 bags, in
cluding January at J6.75; March, »8.73iiJ6 S3-
May. [email protected]; July, $<;.:•.",; September, |6 9i)
>ij6.95; Decemlier, H.•5917.00, Hpot quiet; No
7 Rio, 8 H-16<S8%c; No. 4 Santos, 1i'.i1H,,., Mill
quiet; Cordova. ■*'" 11 '-i
Raw sugar steady. Muscovado, 8S test. J3.CB;
centrlfugat, 9t; test, $4.08; molasses sugur, 89
test, 53.33, rieflned steady; crushed, <*3.K3;
granulated, |4.15; powdered, 13.:;.
Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil
son. 212 West Fifth street, LO3 Angeles, mem
ber New York Stock exchange, Chicago board
of trade, Stock and Bond exchange of San
BAN FRANCISCO. Jan. .1 Following were
j the closing quotations:
Bid. Asked
Alameda Artesian w Co Si . .. n
Associated Oil Co 5s ;is-.,
Bay Counties Power Co us 103%
<"«! Central Gas & l~lec 6s 100K ..
Cal i in- & Elee Gen M & c T 6b. 100% 101
California st Cable Co 5s . 103»i
City Electric Co 5s 90* BHi
Contra Costa Water Co 6a 100", ..
do (Jen Mtg sfl M%
Edison Blec Co of i. A 6s 1019« ..
Edison Light &-■ Power 6s 108
Ferries & Cliff House j:>- Us... Los
Hawaiian Com'l ,v 3 6a 105' i
Honolulu TS T i L Co 6s ' 103
Lake Tahoe Ry & T Co 5a 19
l^os Angeles Klec Co os loll; „
Los Angeles Gas & El< Co 5s Idli;
Los Angeles. Railway 5s 1O8?»
1.03 Angeles Lighting lid 6s . . 101";
L A Pac i: i: Ist Con Mtg 5a " 107" i '
L A Pac it R of Cal 5s 102 „
Market street Cable 6s 10314 ••
d.> Ry Ist Cons Mtg 5a 1":;
M V & Mt amalpala s Ry 5s 100
Northern Ry Co (of Call' 6s 115
Northern Cal Railway 6s 11454
Northern Cal Power Co 5s v>; 103
Northern Electric Co 5s 90
Oakland Gas Light & II us 103
Oakland Transit Co la [OS 110
Oakland Transit ,'s 106 iojjj
Oakland Transit Con r,s 105% 106 "
Oakland Traction Con 6s ;..;■.,
Oakland Traction Co 5s 91*2
Oakland Water Co gtd 5s 96 " 9814
Omnibus Cable Railway 63 1081$ ..'"
Pacific Gas Imp 4s !>7
Pacific Electric By Co 6a 101114
Pacific Light & Power Co 5a Si;
Pac Light & Power (Gtd) 5s 100' i.. '
Pacific Tel i- Tel Co 5a IOCS
Park & Cliff House Ry 6s an
Park & Ocean It 1; (is 101 .. I
People's Water Co 5a TO Kit
Powell Street Railway 6s 102^4 103'
Sacramento Elec Gas & Ry us 102?, ..
8 F Oak & San Jose Ry 5a... 106
do 1M Mtff ,".- %
S P Oa & S .1 Con Ry 5s Wi 951^
Sierra Ry of Cal ft .> 10514 ..
S P 1: 1: of Ariz 6a (1910) 11*114 .
s p R R of Cal 63 (1312) Mr,';, ..
B P I: R of Cal Ist c gtd s Us 115..
s i> Branch Ry of Cal Bs 127"
s p R R Co Ist rfdg 4s 95 ■ 9514
Stockton Gas & Eloe Corp 6s 104 ..'"
8 V Water Co Oen Mtir 4s 88% ss'.
United Gas & Elec Co 63 98 100 :
united H it .if a r 4a 7.1 7344
Vallejo. Benlcla & Napa V R R 6a. 75 .. " !
Valley Counties Power Co r>s 101U 103 !
Martn County , 'irt ..
Spring Valley Water Co 4114 42
City Electric Co 60S 51;;
N Cal Power Co. Con 4s'
Pacific Lighting Corp pfd 70 7,1
do common 5114 53
California ins Co si^ si 1..
l'ireman's Fund 23% 2454
California , 135
Presidio 22
Giant Consolidated Co 76 TS'i
Honokaa Sugar Co 2214
Hutchinson Bugar Plantation....;. 1714 lSli
Kilauea Sugar Plantation Co 14 IS
Makaweli Sugar Co 53%
Onomea Sugar Co 53
Taauhau S P Co 2814 ••
Union Sugar Co 67 "
Amalgamated Oil Co 7."
Associated Oil Co 47 4;'.
Sterling Oil & Dcv Co 35; 4
Alaska Packers' Association DO 901£
Cal Fruit Cannera' Assn 102
M V & lit Tamalpais S Ry 100
Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm 3
Pacific Coast Borax Co 164
Pac Tel & Tel pfd % 37
do common 3514
Morning sales—2l.ooo Ca! das & Elec 5. lOOTj;
2000 Los A Pac Cal 6a, 102%; 4000 S P Rfs 4s,
9514; 1000 Oak Trans Con Cs, 105%; 2000 Edi
son Elee Los A, i'l"i; 2000 I' 11 R 4s, 7.:,-
-5 Alaska. 90',: 10 As»d Oil, 47'!.; 10 do, 47\.
15 do, 4714; 56 do, 47; 16 S P V Water, 41H;
160 S P v Water, 4114; 130 do 41%; 110 Union
Sug, '.7.
Afternoon sales—2o,ooo C C Water us. 100
1000 S P V W 4s, SH%; 30 Alaska, 'MY,; S3
Assd Oil. 1714: 66 do, IVii: 1" Honokaa, 134;
20 Makawell, 53%; 50 Onomea, 55; 20 Pac Tel
Com, S3!a.
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.— Bradatreefa to
morrow will say: Trade reports are of the
usual midwinter character, rejecting wide
spread inclement weather and also con
siderable unsottiement due to commodity
price fluctuations. Outdoor activities stK'h
as building, are, of course, retarded and
bad roads affected country trade. Travel
ing men are now numerous on the. road,
and good spring orders are being received
by jobbers, while reports as to far future
trade are still unsatisfactory. Retail trade
vaiies with sections reporting. Reports as
to collections are irregular. It Is noted that
a pood deal of money la tied up in grain,
which has been in transit for some time
as a result of traffic interruptions due to the
storms and the switchmen's strike.
Finished steel is less active, demand from
railroads being apparently held back, but
0!^ iron Is in better request. Business fail
ures in the United States for the week end-
Ins January 20 were 275, against 291 last
week, 307 In the like week of 1909. l »* In
1908, 232 In 1907 and 276 In 1006. Bull
ness failures in Canad for the week num
ber 14, as compared with 44 last week and
40 in the same week of 1909.
Wheat, inluilins flour, exports? from the
United States and Canada for the week
ending January 20 aggregated 2,034.740,
against 2,677,183 bushels last week, and 3,-
U55.219 this week last year.
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.— R. Q. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review if trade tomorrow will say:
The disturbance in Wall street is apparently
without effect on the ' Industrial and trade
situation, which measured by the best tests,
continues In a healthy and active condition.
A further perceptible broadening of demand
for pig iron is noted at many leading cen
ters, and in the matter of prices the situa
tion generally is more satisfactory to pro
ducing Inter* I Irregularity is still appar
ent In finished lines, and there is evidence
that the railroads are handling considerable
new business. In the primary drygoods
market house sales are improving and the
break in cotton, although an unsettling fea
ture, made no change In jobbing prices.
Buyers of cotton blankets and other napped
goods of i staple character are operating
freely at an advance over a year ago, and
vtocka In ail parts of the country are re
ported to be well cleaned up. In the woolen
goods division a sharp reduction was mads
on heavy serge while the demand for fancy
overcoatings is satisfactory. Supplementary
spring order-, for footwear in the Boston
market are fair in volume and manufactur
ers regard to outlook as promising. Present
prices are well sustained. The leather trade
i continues dun.
CUICAQO, Jan. ll.—Butter steiuly; oream
■ : dalriea, .
IJgga ateady. Receipts 2540 eases. At mark,
case** included, S4V4®BoHo| firsts, 84c; prime
Hi ta, 370.
Cheese 6teady, Baisies, ITiQITUc: Twins,
16%5|17c: Young Americas, 1614@'16%c; Long
Horns, 16'i®16:!ic.
san' FRANCISCO, Jan. 21,— Butler- Fancy
creamery, 36! Ac; seconds, 33c; fancy dairy,
Cheese—New, 17@18!^c; Young America, 18®
i-:ggH~ Ilanch, Uei store, Blc.
■» 1 » ——
ST. J.QI_'JS. Jan. JJ.—Wool, unchanged;
medium grades combing and clothing. 21<&i>
tioitUght fine, 22<tf:it;i heavy One, 1-' 'h -...-;
tub washed, 25«370. -
.I• * I
LOS ANCIELES, Jan. Ban* clearings
were $2,242,63J.t14, an Increase of Ofcus.bli.io as
compared with the corresponding date cf last
year. Following is a comparative statement:
1910 1909. 19H8.
Jan. 17 $2.63H.355.8»- $2,246,766.00 tl.tW.I
•kin. 18 .... 2.447.438.92 1,892,536.62 1.«8.1M.74
Jan 19 1«68,48I .1 2,531,422.29 1,51*.509.5n
Jan 0 .... s^«e.i« I-wkSS (xt
an . 21 88904 1,574,031.83 1,t29,l
i The market on the '■" Angeles stock ex
change yesterday was dull and prices were In
I most cases unchanged.
The bond list was called several times.
American Petroleum bonds soUl at 85. Assor
elated Oil was weak and closed :■;'■ s'=-
Home bonds were. In fair demand at 854J89.
The remainder of the list was unchanged,
Associated Oil was traded in to the extent
of SO shares and advanced during th« after
noon to 47, being offered at that figure with
no bid at the close. Mexican Petroleum com
mon closed with sales .it 25 and looks strong
i with a close of 2? l bid and no offering. .laic
oil sold at 37* an.i California Midway changed
hands at 15... The Union Issues are very
I active but few sales were reported during
yesterday's call.
Morning Sales '
1 American Pet. Co. bonds, «:,10 Associ
ated Oil, 41i.871i: 10 do, 46.76; 1000 Cal. Mid
way, lSli. Oil board, 4000 Cal, Midway, 18%.
Afternoon Sales
20 Associated Oil, B-30, 47.3714; 20 do, 47;
10 do, 47; 10 do, 4tj.S7li; 10 Jade Oil Co., "7'i;
20 Mex. P. Ltd., com.. 26; 10 Union. 103.51;
5 do, 103.50; 5 do, 103.50; 2000 Cal. Midway,
Bid, Asked.
American Petroleum Co M 90
Associated Oil Co 97% 9S',i
California Pac Ry '-'i 105
Corona City Water Co '■'■'' 11"
Corona Power and W Co ''■' 101
Edison El Co Ist P. Mli
do, old issue I*l 106
Home Telephone Co " S9
Home Tel Co., Ist Refg 78 7 1'
L A Pac Ist con mtgs ■■ 10714
L A and Pasadena Elec Ry.... !'S 108
L, A Railway Co - 108 110
L, A Traction Co 63 107 114
do 5a 105
Mission Trans and R Co 9S
Pao Elec Ry Co MO 108
Pac Light and Power Co 98
Paaadena Home T and T Co 80
Pomona Con Water Co ......... 96
Riverside H T and T Co 80
Riverside Light and P Co 101
.-; Monica 11 T and T Co Si)
San DI-— II T and T Ist mtg. ... 80
Santa Barbara Elec Ry " , '-';': .'
Temeacal Water Co 99 ...
United Elec a and P Co 101
Union Transportation Co « 96
O S ing Distance T and TCo ... SO
Visalla Water Co 100
Whlttier Homo T and T Co SO
Bid. Ask.
A. Night and Day Bank 115.00
Bdway Bank and Trust 140.00
California Savings 118.00 145.00
Central National ISO.OO 200.00
Commercial National 145.00
Equitable Savings Bank 175.00 210.00
Farmers anil .Mer National 280.00
Federal Bank of L A 14.00
First National 495.00 625.00
German American Savings 885,00 345.00
Globe Savings Bank 127.00 150.00
Home Savings Bank of L, A ...114.00
Merchants National 630.00
Merchants Bank and T Co 195.00
National Bank of California. ..l9o.oo 200.00
Security Ravings Bank 375.00 400.00
The Southern Trust Co 79.60 81.00
(50 per cent paid up).
U. S. National Hank 145.00
Industrial and Public Utilities
Bid. Ask.
Cal Portland Cement Co 120.00 160.00
Kdison Electric pfd SO.OO 81.50
Edison Electric, com 61.00 62.50
Hawaiian Com and Sug 37.00 38.00
Home Telephone pfd 56.75 67.00
Home Telephone com 10.25 11.00
Hutchinson B. P. Co 18.00 19.00.
1. A Athletic Club ..... 10.00
L A Brewing Co 125.00
L A Investment Co 3.00 3.10
Mexican Nat'l Gas pfd 45.00 65.00
Mexican National Gas c0m.... 30.00 37.50
Paauhau S. P. Co 25.00 29.00 •
Pao Mut Lite Ins Co 260.00 310.00
Pasadena Home T and T Co 35.00
Riverside Home T and T Co 35.00
San Diego Home T and T Co.. 23.00 23.75
S Monica BUT pfd 23.75 32.00
Sun Drug Co 1.00
Seaside Water Co 100.00
Title (i and Tr Co pfd 250.00
Tltla I and Tr Co pfd 175.00 225.00
Title I and Tr Co com 175.00 225.00
Title I and Tr Co Ser C 175.00 225.00
1; S 1, D T and T Co. pfd 43.00
Union Security Corp pfd 100.00
Union Trust Co 42.00
Whittier H T and T Co 50.00
Oil Stocks
Bid. Ask.
Amalgamated on 60.00 81.73
American Crude Oil Co ..... 1.10
American Pet Co pfd 07.00
American Pet Co com 74.50 76.50
Associated Oil 47.00
Brokshlre Oil 1.20
Central ' 1.33 l.:u'i
Cleveland Oil Co .35
Columbia 1.16 1.25
Continental Oil .' 35 I
Euclid OH Co 50 .60
Fullerton oil 3.65
Cdobo ID' ■ IS
Jade Oil Co 331 t .3714
Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 67.75 69,00
Mexican Pet Ltd com 24.50
New Pennsylvania Pet Co 35 ,80
Ollnda Land Co (Oil) 35 ,;:7" .
Palmer Oil Co 1.15 1.2214
Perseus Oil Co .35"
Final Oil Co 13.00
I'iru Oil and L Co 17 4
Reed Crude 3014
Bice Ranch oil Co SO 1.10
Section Six Oil Co .60
Traders' Oil Co 111.00 113.50
Union 103.3714 103.621,
Union Provident Co 102.50
United Petroleum 103.25 ', 103.75
West Coast Oil com 9.00
Western Union 178.00
Yellowstone Oil Co .52
California Midway Oil Co IS%
Morning sales— 1000 Johnnie, OH; 1000 do, 10,
Afternoon Bales — 1000 Con Mines, 1%; 9000
do, 114; 2000 Johnnie M and M, 10; 500 do,
Listed Stocks
Bid. Asked.
Cal Hills M Co 9
Consolidated Mines Co 1% 1%
Mi Games Con M Co 3 4
Clark Copper Co 4'i 4" 3
Johnnie Mining and Milling Co 10 10%
Searchlight Parallel , IVU
Special Bervtce to Tii.i Herald by j. C. Wil
son 212 Weat Fifth atreet, Los .Angeles.
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.—Today's cotton mar
ket opened practically unchanged, followed
by a very slight reaction. During the bal
ance of the session the trading was on a
more reasonable basis and entirely lacking In
any extreme; in fact, at times it was rather
dull. Towards the closing prices hardened,
particularly in the near, options, bringing the
linals to a level showlmc considerable gain
for the day. Such a resting spell as today la
but natural in this market and should con
tinue for some. little time. Quiet liquidation
Is going on, which, of course, brings the
price level nearer an ultimate turning point.
New Orleans spots steady, unchanged. '
Liverpool due 8 to 10 higher. Opened quiet,
8 to 10 points higher.
Port receipts today were estimated at 22,000.
Last week, 23,593; last year, 49,9U!>. \
Open. High. Low. Close.
January 14.00 14.23 14.05 14.25-30
February I 14.20-23
March 14.01 14.23 13.96 14.24-25
April 14.30-53
May ....' 14.15 14.38 14.07 14.37-38
June 14.21 14.21 14.21 14.38-40
July i4.i;; 14.38 14.011 14.37-38
August 13.5.) 14.10 13.85 14.10-11
September 13.03 13.23 '13.04 13.23-25
October 12.67 , 12.78 12.64 12.77-78
November 12.55 12.56 12.65 12.55-57
December 12.52 12.0:, -12.53 . U',56-58
Bpot cotton, 14.43; quiet, 30 higher.
•:•> NEW YOIIK, Jan. 61,—Topiwr. dull I *
<•> itandard «pot anil -March. $13.1t<4@ &'
<i> i:i.;i;!-.. I.t-Bil, *4.«;'/i : iBH.~: ii' 1 . Silver, •
».•> .-.; i-i.'. • • ■*
; : ; ; : ; : : t t : : • i : • t r • r • • r •»■s'«■
Light Receipts of Fresh Butter—Fancy
Potatoes More Plentiful, with
Prices Steady—Market
Heavier receipts of local ranch epRS Fri
day caused a decline of another cent In quo
tations, both for local and (Storage eggs. Pres
ent jobbing prices by Iho dozen am 38c for
selected, 86a for ranch candled. 330 for case
count, 28c for eastern storage extra packer
and 26c for" eastern Seconds. Receipts wcic
187 cases. Dealers anticipate sharp demand
for the Lenten seat-on and believe: that with
even heavier receipts prices will be steady.
. Fresh butter is not plentiful. Receipts were
only -''7 pounds yesterday. Dally consump
tion la about 30,000 pounds. Prices are linn.
Red apples, which move slowly, give,
warmth of color to the market atalla. l'ro
ductlon is heavy and priced are comparative
ly lower. liellefleur apples sell as high ■■••- j
$1.60 a box.
Potatoes are steady despite largo receipts.
Halibut is scarce in the flsh market. Bar
racuda In good, supply.
Receipts of produce were: Eggs. 187 cases;
butter, 5257 pounds; cheese, 147 pounds; pota
toes, 4506 sacks; onions, none; beans, 3 sacks;
sweet potatoes?, 06 sacks; apples, 13 boxes.
' Produce Prices
Following are the Dally Market Reporter
wholesale quotations;
EGGS—Local ranch, candled, extra se
lected, 3Se; local ranch, candled, 360; local
ranch, case count, buying ice, 83c; eastern
storage, packed extra, -'Sc; eastern storage,
seconds, 2t;c. <
BUTTER —California creamery extras, 2
lb. roll, 771ic; California creamery firsts, 2-|
lb. roll, 671^0. eastern creamery, extras, I
67V4c; cooking butter, 26c; ladle butter, ,
20S 27c.
CHEESE—Northern fresh, 20c; northern
storage, 19®20c; Oregon Daisy, Lie; eastern
singles, 19®20c; "eastern twins, 19^21c;
eastern Daisies .20c; eastern Long Horn,
21c; eastern Cheddars, 20iU'21c; Imported
swill, 30631; Jack cheese, ISc; domestic
swiss, 230; cream brick, 20c; Llmburger,
20©21e; Roquefort, 38©40o; Edam, 18.000
9.00: Canadian cream, per box. SI.OO.
BEANS —No. 1 pink, $58 5.25; No. 1
Llmas, $4.40j}>4.50; No. 1 Lady Washing
tons. $4.254f4.u0: No. I small whites. $5.40
05.80; No. 1 Blackeyes, $4.75; No. 1 Gar
vanzas, [email protected]; No. 1 Lentils, California,
»7 00 0 S.OO.
POTATOES— Highlands, per cwt.. $110
01.33; Lompoc, per cwt.. $1.G5®1.75; Wat
tonvllle, per cwt., SI.SOW 1.113; Oregon Bur
banks, per cwt. $4.5091.60; Oregon Early
Rose, per cwt.. (1.6001.60; Salinas, 51.004J'
1.65; yellow sweets, per cwt. $2.25.
ONIONS —Northern Australian brown, per
cwt., 11.6001.75; Oregon^, $2 cwt; garlic,
B@loc Ib.
FRESH FRUITS—Apples: Fellofleura.
4-tier. »[email protected] Bellellelirs. 4'i-tler.
$1.35: Qravenatelns, 4-tieV, $1.00; Oraven
ateina, 4%-tler. 90c@$1.00; Hoovers, 4-tler,
$2.23; Jonathans, 4-tler. $3.00; Pearmains.
white winter, 4-tier, 51.50; Pearmalns, 414
--tler $1.35; Pearmalns, red. 4-tier, $1.50;
Pearmains, red, 4H-tler, $1.20; Smith's
Cider, 4-tier, $1.50; Smith's Cider. 4M-tler,
$1.25: Ben Davis, 4-lier, Col., 51.65'f1i1.85;
Newton Pippins, 4-tier. $1.60; Mo, Pippins,
4-tler, Col.. $2.00; • -Mo. Pippins. 4!i-tler.,
Cal., $1.25; Mo. Pippins, 4-tler, Cal.. $1.50;
Rome Beauties. 18.6002.78; Bpltsenburgs,
4-tler, $2.50; Cans, $1.7."i; Wineaaps,
4-tier, Col., 12.7608.00; Wlneaapa, 4-tler,
Cal., $1.75; Winesaps, 4%-tier, Cal., $1.25.
Berries: Strawberries, fancy, per basket,
12c; strawberries, choice, per basket. 80;
cranberries, per barrel, $10.50®ll; rasp
berries, per basket. 10c. Citrus: Grapefruit.
seedlings, [email protected]; lemons, fancy, $3.50;
lemons, choice, $1.73; oranges, fancy Navels,
12.2602.76; oranges, Tangarines, hi box,
$1.50; oranges, Valenclas, fancy. (1.104
3.00; limes, 20-lb. box, $1.26.
TROPICAL —Banasas, per Ib., 4',4c: ban
anas, red, per lb.,*6c; dates, Fard, lb., O*J
lie; dates, Golden, Ib,, 814 c; Persian, 1-lb.
pkgs, 9c; Alligator pears, doz., $5.00; pine
apples, 6 1! 7c,
MISCELLANEOUS—Pears, winter Nellls.
picking boxes, $1.5001.76; cantaloupes, local,
crate, Jumbos, $2.5008.00; casabas, crate,
[email protected]; ; melons, $3.00; grapes. lug
boxes, .$1.2601.60; Guavas, per basket,
4c; peaches, box, $1.23; pomegranates, 6e;
quinces, £er box, $1.25; watermelons, per
Ib., lll'C; persimmons, per Ib., 6080.
VEGETABLES — Artichokes. Northern,
doz., $1.2501.40; Brussels sprouts. Northern,
lb.,809o; bell peppers, Ib.. 10c: beets, sacks,
80c: siring Deans. Ib. 15c; green cabbage,
sack, $1.50; led cabbage, lb., 2c; carrots,
sack, Sue; cauliflower, doz. 4O06OO; celery,
doz., Co(a6oc; celery, crate, $2.30©2.75;
cucumbers, $1.50g.2 dozen; corn, green, box,
50@t0e; corn husks, cut, lb., D4p6c; agg
plant, Ib., 6©Sc; leeks, (Boz., 35c; oyster
plant, doz., 850400; okra. Ib., 8®10c; let
tuce, ct, $1 BO016O; peas, Ib., 16018 a; pars
ley, doz., 25c; parsnips, doz., 40c; rhubarb,
crimson winter. Sou; rhubarb, Northern
Strawberry, box, Ssc; spinach, doz.. 20@25c;
summer squash, per box, 75c; squash. Hub
hard, lb.. l@114c; young onions, rloz., ISO
25c; turnips, sack, 80c; tomatoes, $1.25 box.
DRIED FRUITS —Apples, evaporated, Ib.,
1 lie; apricots, Ib., 12dJ15c; figs, loose,
white, box. $1.25: figs, loose, black, box,
$1.25; peaches, Ib.. 7@Bc; pears, lb., net
I2c; plums, lb., 12Vic; nectarines, Ib., 8©
PRUNES —20-30S: 10c; 30-40«, 9c; 40-50«,
i',ac: 50-603, (114 c; 60-705, 6c; 70-Sos, 614 c;
80-906, sc; 30-1008, 4 lie.
RAISINS —Muscatels, 2-crown, loose, 50
--1b boxes, Ib. 4Vic; 3-crown, lose, 50-lb. box,
Ib. &c; 4-crown, lose, 00-lb. box. ib. 6c; Lon
don layers, 2-crown, lose, 20-lb. box, Ib.
$1.10; 8-orown, $1.25; 4-crown, $1.65; s
crown, $1.90; Sultanas, bleached, Ib. 9 011 c;
unbleached, 3V4®<o; seedless, 16-oz. pkg.
6V-l«71ic; 12-oz. pks. [email protected].
NUTS —Per lb. —Almonds, fancy. IXL, 17c;
Ne Plus Ultra, 16c. Brazils, 14«f'13c; cocoa
nuts . 85c©?1.00: chestnuts, 1101801 filberts,
14 -i 13c; hickory, Sc; pecans, XX. 1214 c;
XXX, l«e; XXXX, 17c; eascern peanuts, 7c;
Japan peanuts, 9c; Spanish peanuts, No. 1
shelled 10c; plnenuts, :',oc; No. 1 S. S. wal
nuts, 13/..if 14c; No. 2. loc; Jumbos, 17®
ISc; budded, IS'u2oc; eastern popcorn, cnrl.
$3 75; local, cwt. $1<53.25.
R I C E—IOO lbs. —Fancy Honduras, Caro
lina $7; choice Honduras, Carolina, $7<a'
1.-ii': Japan grades, $4.65:06.00; island, $ti.25;
broken, $3.50.
HONEST Per —Water white, extracted.
7Su7'4c white, extracted, 7c; light amber,
extracted, 8 i*':c: water white comb,
lib-frames, 18c: white, comb, frames, lac;
light amber, comb, Iran™, 18012140; bees
wax, per Ib. 30c. M »
LIVE STOCK—-Packers pay f. o. b. Los
Angeled for beef steers, ' 4Vi@<lic; beef
tteers, 314 6 4c; beef heifers, 3 (sj>4c; uoui;
calves &c; mutton, weathers, $4.50Q'&;
mutton, ewes. $3.75@4; mutton, lmbs, »3jp
8.25; boss, 7y a c.
POULTRY— Buying prices In the country:
(Per Ib.) —Hens, 175i>18c; old roosters, 10c;
stags, 80! broilers, 1 to 2 lbs,, per Ib. 25c,
fryers, 2 lbs and up, per Ib. 22c; roasters, 3
lbs and up. per lb. l»c; geese, 16c; ducks.
10c' equab pigeons, dozen, $1.50; turkey
hen's, S-lb. and up, 22c; young torn tur
keys. 22c: old toms. 240.
CHILI — per lb. — Evaporated, , strings, 13
4i)2oc' lose, 18c; Mexican black. 2ii>lsc.
green, sc; chili teplns, $1.25; Japan. 15c;
corn huska, 7'tf'-oc.
BAY—(Baled). Th« following quotations
are furnished by the Los Angeles Hay Stor
age Co. (Pec ton) — Barley or wheat hay.
$12,504*10.50; tame oat hay, $155ii18.50; al
falfa $13.50<g>15.
MILL FRED—Bran. $1.60; whote corn,
$1.75; cracked corn, $1.80; feed meal, $2;
rolled barley, $1.80; oil cake meal, $2.60:
shorts. $1.85; Kaffir corn. $2; white oats,
$180- red oats, eastern, $2.26; wheat, ori
ginal sacks, cwt. $2.05; wheat, 100-lb. sacks
?2.10. i' 1*;--.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21.—Beans—Pink,
$4.itt4.4(1; Lima, 14.10K4.20; email white. $4.7,"i®
I JO; large white, |3.40®3.50.
Potatoes—Early Rose, $1.2001.30; River Bur
banks, $1.25©1.45: Salinas Hurbankß, 11.000
X.<>.",; Merced sweets, LWOI.BO,
Various—Green peas, 8®15o: etrnlu beans
nominal; green peppers, 10@15o: rhubarb, m
Sc; gallic, 4©50; cucumbers, Jligl.sO; musli-
rooms, 25C011.25.
Poultry—Llva turkeys, 2<M»220; dressed tur
keys, :.':>::■; old roosters, »4©6; young roost
ers, 18.60091 small broilers, 18.8004.60; large
broilers, H.DO@O; fryers, |S.SO®«.ISO; hens, HO
10; old ducks, iVnH; young ducks, $7&8; geese,
$203; old pigeons, ttei.29; young pigeons,
Flour—Fßmlly extras, |J.sO<f7; bakers' ex
tras, »6.50@7; Oregon and Washington, W.Wfl)
Wheat-Shlpplne, |LMI{OX.«Mi milling,
Barley—Feeding, *1 :i7»_-.. i 10: brewing,
|1.42..i«L43Xi Chevalier, fl C'."<il.'iO.
First Exclusive Private Wire House on the Pacific Coast
MILLS Bl ll,l>IN(i, Ban Francisco
FALACE UOTJSL, San Francisco
Open December IS.
Pasadena Clients Will Get Instantaneous Service by
Calling Home 119
B. G. LATHROP, Manager
~~~ "Same"" officems.
~ ~ , _ T ISAIAS W. HEU.MA.V, Frssldsov
States National Bank IBAIAB smith, cashier. frealdant.
nited States National Bank f. w. bmith, caanior.
Capital. »200,000.
8. B. corner Main an.l Commercial. Surplus ami Pronts. $73.00». :,
C' Aizens national Bank " HJ. w. woods, cashier.
•uzens .National Bank w.i. w. woods, cashier.
Capital. $1,000,000.
S W. corner Third and Main. Surplus. $500.000. . .
G. — ~TI , W. A. BONIfNQB, President.
ommercial National Bank newman essick, cashier.
Capital. ?!OO.OCO.
401 P. PprttiK. corner Fourth. Surplus and Undivided Profits. $48.00t.
■ -, ! ,_. ', 1. '.V. HKLUIAN, President.
armers & Merchants National Bank charles seyt.epl. cashier.
Ce;iltal, 51.500.000.
Corner Fourth »na Main. ' surplus and Prcllts. tI.BM.OM-
— — ' " ~ JTm. ELUOIX, Frealdant.
Ast Ma ional Bank w x. s. hammond. ca.M«.
Capital Stuck. 250,000.
8. E. corner Second »nd Sprlnir. .lua ani Proflta. t1.6«.0W. |
i-= . W. H. 0 ,,,., DA Y. President.
Iflerchants National Bank chas. queens, cashier,
818 Capital. $200,000.
11l 6 E corner Third and Sprint. Surplus and 1625,000. f
_-j — — : " J. IS. riS'IUURN, President.
alional Bank of California . h. s. mckee. cashier.
ly Capital, $600,000.
II N. J!. corner Fourth and Spring. Surplus and Undivided Fronts. tIW.W*.
—. -^ —~——— — H, X i^OMtillU, President.
li itrai iMational Bank james b. gist, cashier.
y.^ai national Bank Capital. 1300,000. cashier.
Capital. $300,000.
U P. E. corner Fourth «nrt Broadway. ■ Surplus and UndlvM-d Prnfllg. ta4lW«.
— ; „ _, _ WARREi. OILLELEM, I'lesldenU
II jadvv-y Bank & Trust Company R TV rennet, cashier.
X Capital, 250.000.
U XlB-310 Bmiifrlv. Bradhurv building. Surplus and T'mllvMM PrnriU. talS.Wt.
" Cos angelesTavings °ANKS _. _
leavings MANIC
Largest and Oldest in Southwest
Resources $27,000,000.00
Pays the highest rates of interest and on the most liberal terms
consistent with sound, conservative banking.
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate
Security Building Spring and Fifth Streets
mimas aca»*l3fiM.oQQ& \
Oats-Red; ItttEOLatH: white, $1.60©1.65;
black. [email protected].
Mlllstuffs—Middlings, $34(H36; mixed feed,
$28^33; rolled barley, $28@80; oatmeal, $4,490
■1 BO oat groats, $1.60; rolled oats, H6@3B.
Jlay—Wheat, H6@1»,60; wheat and oat. $13@
IB; wild oat, J10©13; tame oat, $12@16; alfalfa,
%W%V2; straw, 60^75c.
Receipts— 20,720. barley 4320, oats 683,
potatoes- 1590, onions 130, bran 455, middlings
-0, hay C 63, straw 1.", hides 6065, wine 65,800.
Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll
scn, member Chicago board of trade, New
York stock exchange and San Francisco bond
and stock exchange, 212 West Fifth street,
Los Angeles.
CHICAGO, .lan. 21.—The wheat market was
helped by tho strong cables and by the
marked improvement In the demand for cash
wheat. Belief was widespread also that a
rally was due after the recent long contin
ued decline. Argentine news was very bull
ish. Argentine visible makes a remarkable
showing at this time or the year when the
n<-w crop is usually moving in volume. Buy
ers, were competing for the cars available
here and paid -her prices. Cash wheat
was strong In other markets also. Country
sales were reported falling off materially
both in the northwest and southwest and
lighter receipts are expected soon. Winnipeg
reported a good call for cash wheat and none
available. This call was .presumably from
millers Good support was given the mar
ket by the Armour interests at times, and
Rome very heavy buying around the top was
by commission houses, who sold heavily a
couple of cents lower.
Corn has shown much strength today. part
of It borrowed from the wheat pit, part due
to the rougher weather locally and part to
the better demand current down state for
cash corn. The trade also believes that the.
recent decline has stripped the market of
menacing holdings and that a rally was there
fore due. Cash sales have been very small
because of the inability ot the trade to move
the corn sold. Much corn en route here also
la reported tied up and receivers are paying
considerable interest on money advanced on
bills of lading.
There was good general trade in oats. Cash
and shipping concerns were best buyers early,
but the entire list of speculators were more
or less interested. The local contingent Is
much divided on the market.
Provisions started easy with views evenly
balanced and more or less pressure on the
market. Offerings were gradually absorbed,
the cash trade was some better and values
scored a good rally. Wfro as follows: Flour
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
steady. Rye-No. 2, 79!i0. Barley-!' or
mixing, 65@C(Se; fair to choice maltinK. 69®
Me ■ Flax seed— 1 southwestern, $2.0.; No.
1 northwestern, $2.17. Timothy seed, M.OM!
410 Clover, (9.6C1©10.75. Mess pork, per DDL,
S;>l 50©21.61*4. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $12.461812,47^.
Short ribs sides (loose), $11.50612. Short clear
sides (boxed), $12.12".i®12.25.
drain statistics-Total clearances of wheat
Vnd flour were equal to 277,000 bushels. l'.x
ports for the week, as shown by llradstreet
were equal to 8,035,000 bushels. Primary re
ceipts were 868,000 bushels, compared with
384 000 bushels the corresponding day a year
ago Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat
17 cars, corn 108 oars, oats 93 cars, hogs 17,00)
Market Ranges
WHEAT- Open. High. Low. Close
May l.»>'» 1.10% !><Ws I-10"'
July 1.00% 101% l«x<:)i 1-0114
Sept ' 97 .97*4 .97 .97%
May" 681,4 -""'i •'*'' •'""i
July «8'« •■•'• ■'i» •*}}
Bept. C7Ti ■W4 .«*4 •■H
OATS- 4S '-«H -« , tl .
nay n ,<S*4 .m ■*««
July 4)»i .44% ,44« .44%
Sept 41% ; M<l -41% .43
P?an K~. 21.00 21. 21.20 21.50
May 21.62 21.85 -!■■"'■ . 21.73
July 21.83 81. 21.73 21.72
D~.:......MH1 £«.« 12.40 12.4S
.lan 12.10 15.47 12.10 12.45
Hay 11.9S 12.07 1i.93 12 "0
July 11.85 11.97 11.85 11.90
Rlart~ .....'....11.92 12.00 11.92 lI.M
May 11.60 11.07 11.47 11.57
July lI.M ._ 11.57 11.60 11.63
_ < «»
NEW YORK, „ Jan. 21.— Hvaporated apples
quiet., Spot fancy, X>¥.ioU',to;- choice, 9)tttl
prime, 7Hlf'!4"i" common to talr, 6'a'''.i^-
! i^lfTttXy ;lill -1 i"':' cent en'i:inri VJffTgy
]>;iprr is recognized as con-
servative banking by the lea-lint'
Mf financiers, and when theee average"
11 amounts are carried in both the N
ij% pavings and commercial depart- ME
iS ments, on bothV&avlngs and com- 9JL
wg mercial deposits, it is extra con- lw
If eervative. We pay Interest on de- M
Vk posits. Tou can draw, deposit or Mi
U borrow any time, night or "day. §m
The Land of
Early Products
S. F. B. Morse
Development Co.
331 S. MAIN ST.
Bay San Diego Home
Telephone Stocß
Nets 10%
Fielding J. Stilson Co.
A 2547. Main 105.
Prunes firm. California up to SO-40s, 2%@
9'/ic; Oregon*, 6890.
Apricots steady. Choice, IHiS^USie; extra
choice, llK©l2'.ic; fancy, - 12\4SUV>o.
Peaches Inactive but steady. Choice, 6-^9
7c; extra choice, 7®7!4c; fancy, 7}i@Bc.
Raisins steady. Loose Muscatel, 4®4%c;
choice to fancy seeded, 6@6%c; seedless, Shi®
4vici London layers, $1.16g>1.25. , ■ '
BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21.—Apples—Fancy,
75c051; common, l^T6sc
Tears— Common, $1; fancy, $1.25. i \
Oranges — [email protected].
v Mexican limes, $405,
Lemons—Common California, $1.50i1?2.50;
good to choice, $3^3.60; fancy, $4^1.50.
Bananas, $I®3.
Pineapples, [email protected].
CHICAGO, Jan. 21.—Cattle—Receipts esti
mated at 4500. Market steady. Beeves, $4.10®
7.60; Texas steers, $3.80®4.80; western steers,
$40f>6i stockers and lenders, $2.90f8'5.25; cows
and heifers, $2®5.40; calves, $7.60@10.
Hogs—Receipts estimated at 22,000. Market
Ec lower. Light, $8,20®8.55; mixed, J8.25®
g 65; heavy, K,[email protected] rough, [email protected]; good
to choice heavy, $5.45(iT8.70; pigs, $7.10®8.15;
bulk of sales at $8.45®8.U0.
Sheep—Receipts estimated at 8000. Market
steady. Native, $4©6; western, $4®S; year-
HnKB, $8.7555; native lambs, 2568.75; west
ern lambs, W,[email protected].
Dally movement of produce:
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, barrels 18,000 14,600
Wheat, bushel» 18,000 37,900
Corn, bushels 200,0011 245,000
Oat». bushels 113,400 172,300
Rye, bushels 1,000 ••■•":
Bailey, bushels 53,501) 14.20»
Returned to Jail
Charle3 "vVilliams, a negrro, charged
with an attempt to kill Patrolman
Sanders in a pistol duel in which trie
former was wounded in the li^l. "I'
peared in pollco court yesterday With
Ills two llttlo OhlldrWl and was hound
over to the superior court on $2000 bail.
He wiis unable to furnish the money
und was returned to Jail.
Fish Business
I:. dd—You aay his father was in the
li i. Ihihliic.ss I.'
G in- Vrs. s.mi.•thing like that. Ho
taught people to swim.—Yonkera

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