Newspaper Page Text
Yoir Ad Should Talk for Yon When the Man with Money Looks for Investment, aid Keep It There. "Its the Season" ADVERTISERS Count six average words as one line. No ml. nreepted for less than the price of three lines. The Herald reserves the right to rerUn advertisements anil to reject or omit and refund the amount paid. Report promptly to tlis clammed man ager fnlhirc to get return* or experience with fraudulent or dishonest advertisers.. Two or more Insertions are hotter than on.-. Try a three-time ad. Results almost certain for nnythlnir. i For contract solicitors and advertising I advice call SUNSET~MAIN 8000 HOME 10211 AND ASK FOB CLASSIFTKn MANAGEB SPEC!iAL~RATES Wont arts. 1c a word each Insertion. ' Rooms for rent. 3 lion, 3 times I . Booms with board. S lines, 3 times, 25 CENTS HELP WANTED and female, 3 tines, 9 times. 25 CENTS SITTJATTONS WANTED, FREE SPECIAL NOTICES . CASH*REGISTER BARGAINS LOOK—LOOK Talk About Flying Machines These prices make them FLY. Full il«« National, cost new |12S, slightly used, goes tot $45. Another full elze goes for $25. Second hand registers at your own price. Not in the Trust J. R. WALLER F5301. 643 8. Spring St. 1-18-8 ' .^Stffj^-fc Tho Caledonian club -SXjbgyjfi . will celebrate the Jv^^^>U Anniversary of iSSIAfK? Rotart Buns jt\M JMS WOT Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1010, NgK^S^?-^!^? ot Blanchard Hall, tS^|g|§gSpg>, 233 S. Broadway.* 1 ' Tickets 00c. DO YOU ITCH? IF SO CALL AND GET A FIIEE SAMPLE OF OUR NEW REMEDY FOR ECZEMA and all diseases of TIIF. SKJN AM) SCALI'. STOPS ALL ITCHING AT ONCE. MILLS 1-XZiwJIA CO., 81» Copy bldg. l|.|3-lma LADIES—BRING THIS AD WITH YOU; good for 25 cents ore Miss Balzer'3 hair re storer for falling or gray hair. MISS BER THA BALZER, 212 S. Broadway, upstairs. 1-16-7 ALL RAZORS. SAFETY BLADES. BCIS «ors, knives. Instruments, printer's knives, tools, etc., sharpened better than new YANKEE GRINDER, Sl4 S. Spring St. 11-16-tf FOR BALE— CHEAP FUEL Apricot pit shells, good as wood; $4 ton, de livered. Phono South 17C^ l-13-sot LADIES-DEEP WRINKLES. FRECKLES, smallpox pits, moth patches and scars re moved in ten days. MISS BALZER. 212 H. Broadway, -upstairs. 1-16-7 BIRDS, PUPPIES, TOYS Housiliof'l Articles, China, Glass, Etc. THE ARK, 231 W. First. 1-1-lm ICOO BUSINESS CARDS, $1.00; GOOD WHITE brlstol; conveniently boxed. Other printing, low prices. CENTRAL PRESS. 101V4 S. Buwy. 12-21-2 mo WANTED—LADIES', GENTS' CLO THIN U. HIGH PRICES. 810 SO. SPRING ST. MAIN 8697: F58311. »-25-12 m» BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE NOW iS THE TIME TO BUT! pen-room apartment house. Located In one of the most desirable sections of th« city. Rooms furnished In mahogany, golden oak, birds \ maple, Wilton ve./et- carpets In each room. Each apartment has a buffet kitchen and private bath. Two car lines. '-en mmucus from 6th and Sprint.. Terms If desired. For price and further particulars call on or address ■> laßie & Baylor ■' 636 SOUTH SPRING. 11-JS-tl FOR KALE—CERTIFICATE OF INCORI"<> • ration. District of Columbia, $500,000 capital stock, pur $1.00. Perpetual. Any kind of business anywhere in the worM. Price JIM. Address MINER, 257 E. 12th st., Long , Beach, Cal. 1-22-3 WANTED — HONORABLE CHRISTIAN gentleman with $5000 as partner in a well established, refined, profitable busi ness which can stand the most rigid in vestigation. Address BOX 74. Herald. . ' 1-12-tf WANTED—MAN WITH $500 TO TAKE charge of business where he can make $150 month; this will stand Investigation. BOX 602. Herald. 12-1-tf MONEY LOANED TO INVENTORS TO patent good ideas. JOHN WEDDEH burn. Capitalist, Brookland, D. C. 1-8-lyr FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate " S-ROOM HOUSE* " Located In Santa Barbara, two blocks from business center; clear; worth $2000. Will exchange for fl-room house In Los Angeles near 5o car line. Will assume up to $1500 and give some cash. ERICKSON & CO. 103 W. Sixth St., Ground Floor. F2374. 1-23-3 TOR EXCHANGE —I HA A CLEAK lot at Kedondu, 3 blocks from city hall, facing the ocean, fine for apartments or hotel, street work all in, ens, electricity and sewer; line view of the ocean; would trade for lot at Huntinßtun Park, Glen ilale or city. Lot valued at S'Jilii; make offer. OWNER. Box 664. Herald office. . Miscellaneous FOX EXCHANGE—I HAVE A CLEAR LOT in Colton that I will trade for diamonds, furniture, auto, or what have you? Ad / dress BOX 534, Herald. _ »-21-tf WILL TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CREEK Gold company an 1 other mining stock for •took In California Wave Motor company (Reynolds). POX 242. He-aid. 6-3«-t< PATENTS PATENT ATTORNEYS JAMES T. BARKELEW, ENGINEER AND patent attorney. American and foreign pat ents. Special assistance in chemical, elec trical, mining and complex mechanical cases. AEROPLANE INVENTIONS. ; 728 CEN TRAL BLDO., Sixth and Main. F2399; Main 4637. FREB BOOK ON PATENTS. PIONEER PATENT AGENCY-HAZARD A STHAUSE. Established 21 years. American and foreign patents secured and trademarks registered. 639 Citizens Bank bldg. Home A 1482; Main 2022. PATENT BOOK FREE. PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS, ALL COUN tries. A. H. LIDDERS, patent lawyer and solicitor. «12 Trust bldg., cor. 2d and Spring. - 11-6-tf SEWING MACHINES _ WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. NOW permanently located at 714 B. Broadway, t£ WANTED Help— Male WANTED—TWO GOOD BOYS nETWEEM sect of 14 and 17 to carry routes south of Seventh and east of Flsrueroa. and alto two good boys to carry routes in Ploo Heights: routes pay (9 and $10. Ask for MR. POWERS at the Herald oftlc* after I p. m. or call up Bdway. 3524. 11-U-tf NO EXPENSE TO LEARN ELECTHICITY. plumbing, bricklaying, automoblllng on con* tract jobs In few month*' time. No appren ticeship or helpers' *nrk. Catalog free I UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING , CO., 232 Allso St.. Los Angeles. 10-4-tf ! WANTED—RESPONSIBLE AGENT, ABLE to assume office management; splendid op portunity; salary paid; references and In vestment $1000 required. Write represen- live ,E, Herald branch, San Bernardino, Cal. 1-21-8 WE NEED TRUSTWORTHY MAN TO HAM ago branch at Bakorsfteld; permanent salary; applicant must put up $1500; fully secured. Address Division Manager, carq Herald, San Bernardino. 1-21-6 BOYS WANTED TO CARRY HERALD route In WesUake district, also east of San Pedro aad south of Ninth. Apply to Circulation Manager of THE HERALD. 1-7-tt WANTED— GOOD BOYS TO CARRY routes. Apply to GROSSMAN, Herald of flce. I-*-" Help—Female WANTED—LADIES; BEAUTY CULTURE pays bl;r. FLORENTINE HAIRDRESSING COLLEGE, corner Broadway, entrance 227 Mercantile place, 15c, 250 halrdresslng. 1-19-0 LADIES AND GIRLS AT HOME. STEAD or evenings, can stamp transfer, $1.60 do*, upward; original, reliable firm, r.oom 334, MASON BLDG.. 228 W. Fourth. »-JB-tf WANTED-LADY WITH DEEP~WRINKLES to demonstrate my 10-day deep wrinkle treatment. MISS BERTHA BALZER, 212 S. Broadway, room 1. 1-16-7 WA TED-LADIES TO SELL HAIR RE gtorer for gray and falling hair. MISS BERTHA BALZER, 212 S. Broadway, up stalrs. ; l-lti-7 Help— Male and Female WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE TAILOR- Ing hands, machine operators, basters, fin ishers, fellers, buttonhole makers and presscrs on the Beeckel system of Roches ter, N. V., to be located j here, on coats, trousers and vest tailoring. Apply In writ- Ing BOX 00034, Herald. ' 1-22-S WANTED—MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN the barber trade; guaranteed In eight weeks. Catalogue free. MOHLER BAR PER COLLEGE. 122 E. Second St. 7-1-tt Situations—Male WANTED—POSITION AS CLERK IN GRO cery or hardware store by single man with 7 years' experience; Insldo work only. Write or call. H. C. PEDERSON. 1914 Mareneo St., Los Angeles. Cal. 1-20-8 YOUNG MAN, IS. HIGH SCHOOL GRAD uate, has knowledge of French, Ger man and Spanish, desires clerical posi tion In office of any kind. BOX 93, Her aid. --0-4 WANTED— BY EXPERIENCED driver, window dresser, advertiser of ability; furnish security and reference; city or country. Address IJOX 161, Her aid 1-20-3 WANTED—WASHING BY THE DAY OR hour. Will take washing at home or go out and wash; or will do light housecleantag. Call at 212 Concord St., MRS. JOHNSON. 1-9-tf SITUATION WANTED BY A REAL ESTATE salesman, capable to take charge of branch office. Address O. E. CROSBY. 1227 Fifth St., Santa Monica, Cal. 1-22-3 FIRST CLASS CHAUFFEUR AND REPAIR man wants position driving In private family; references. JOE BUSSE, Lincoln hotel. ' 1-19-4 WANTED—MAN IS YEARS OLD WANTS work, clerical or rough; good references. 11. R. I'LATT, 1921 Fifth aye. West MM. 1-22^4 Situations—Female WIDOW OF 40, STRANGER AND ALONE, desires light work in her homo or yours; companion, nurße, care of elderly person or child. Would do light housekeeping for re fined person. Give particulars or don't an swer. Trlflers not wanted. References given and required. Address for one week BOX 61, Herald, 1-20-3 WANTED —POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER for widower by widow; age 47; slightly deaf; good cook. etc. MRS. c. WOOD. 244 E. Fifty-second st. 1-21-2 WIDOW WITH BOY OF 3. WISHES PO sltlon aa housekeeper: furnished room houso preferred; references. Address BOX 00036, Herald. 1-21-3 GOOD SEAMSTRESS AND HOME DRESS maker will sew for $6 a week and carfare, or $1.25 a day and carfare. Address BOX 00037, Herald. 1-20-3 WANTED-POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER, by elderly woman for widower or elderly couple; good home an object. Address BOX 35, Herald. 1--1 i A NEAT, MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS light housework. Address BOX 7. Herald. 1-20-3 Housos • t wanted—to PURCHASE a SMALL cot tage, value about $1500, on terms of $100 down. Must bo on Pacific Electric line; Long Beach avenue preferred (for employe of Pacific Electric railway). Might pay $2000. BLACK BROS., 209 H. W. Hellman Bldg. F1044, Main 3598. 1-10-10 To Purchase —Miscellaneous, WANTED —CASH PAID FOR FEATHER beds. 758 SAN PEDRO ST. Phones F8041; Main 110«. 12-17-tf WANTED—ONE LARGE AND ONE SMALL second hand office desk. BOX C 3, Herald. 12-32-tf FEATHER BEDS-PAY $5 TO $35 EACH. Address J. RYAN. 530 " 'XI Pedro st. 12-8-tl To Purchase—Real Estate WANTED TO PURCHASE OR LEASE FIVE or ten acres of level land on car line where fare will not exceed 5 cents. J. E. CARR, 1030 Central Bldg. 1-22-8 Miscellaneous CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS IN NEED of labor of any kind please phone BETHLE HEM INSTITUTION. 610 N. Vlgnes st. A4SS4, Main 5726. | 1-18-7 STORAGE LAIiGE FfUVATB, LiOUKBU), IRON KOOMd for furniture, eta. $1.60 and $2 per month; trunks, boxes, etc., 25c to 1001 open vans, 16 per day, or 7t>o per hour. We pack and ship household goods everywhere at re duced rates. COLYEAR'S VAN AND STORAGE CO., offices 609-11 S. Main St. Warehouse 415-17 San Pedro at Phones ril7l: Main 3117 1-25-lf CHIROPODISTS DIC HEVLAND. D. C. Graduate chiropodist. Corns removed with out pain or soreness. Instant relief; no fear of »eptlo trouble. ■ INGROWING NAILS A SPECIALTY PARLORS, HOTEL MILTON. 53»% South Broadway. FJ427J Bdway. 9648. 11-10-3 mo DR. EMILY A. CHAPMAN REMOVES corns, bunions, club and Ingrowing nails without pain. Hours, 9 a. m. to « p. m. 415 O. T. Johnson bldg., 4tti and Broadway. 1-l-lmo I LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 3010. FOR RENT Apartments— Furnished and Un. furnished The Mflssoiulla 072 West Washington Sunny, > and 3 room apartments, with pri vate bath; all conveniences. <.ak« University er Washington it. car line. t-U-tt The St. Regis 2 & 3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING; also single rooms. 237 SOUTH FLOWER. Main 2290; A7331i; 5 mln. to business center. Moderate prices. 11-20-3 mo Rooms —Furnished ~ PENIEL HOUSE m 8. MAIN. OVER i-ENIEL HALT. Light, airy rooms In business center. Clean, moral and safe place to stay. Rates 350 to II aay; $1.75 to $4 week. Phone Bdway 2051. 11-19-3 mo GIRARD HOUSE 115 EAST THIRD ST. All outside rooms; central location; eleva tor service; steam heat; M rooms with pri vate bath; rent $15 per month. 11-l»-tt Offices FOR RENT— NICE SUNNY FRONT OF fleds on Broadway; large windows and ad vertising space; also smaller offices. In quire room 4, 244% S. BROADWAY. Store Rooms FOR RENT—ONE-HALF OF NEW STORE, ■ 714 South Broadway. Inquire WHITE SEW ING MACHINE CO.. 628 8. Spring. U-C-tt TO LET—EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR grocery and meat market; $16 month.' Inquire 223 West Jefferson. 1-20-4 Rooms and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO; PRIVATE family; beautiful room; accommodations and table above average. West 2903. 1431 WEST 25TH ST. 1-20-3 PHYSICIANS DK?"hiCKo3£ ' ~" " DR. HICKOK. SPECIALIST FOR WOaE.I. Treats all diseases of women under & pos itive guarantee. Ladles who have formerly paid for each treatment, whether benefited or not, will appreciate the difference. Pay only for satisfactory result*. Charges mod erate. DR. HICKOK gives modern antlseptlo treatment and patients are In no danger of blood poli«m or Infection. Everything Is sterilized before use. DR. HICKOK provides a private home, with nursing, for women In confinement. Expert care and home comforts at reasonable rates. Confinements by modern me".hods ar* safe and free from pain. DR. HICKOK gives personal attention to every case. Consultation Is free and confi dential In all troubles. Any woman not sat isfied with her condition is invited to call for free consultation and free examination DR. HICKOK carefully examines every case and gives an honest opinion and reliable ad vice free. X-ray examination made when necessary. If a case Is accepted for treat ment a cure Is guaraateed. Moderate charges for satisfactory results. Terms can be al ways arranged. Hours 10 to 4; Sundays 10 to 1. 'Phone F823« for appointment at other times. DR. HICKOK «33 W Sixth St.. suits 107 12-IS-tf SKIN DISEASES, WEEPING ECZEMA, scald head, chafing, ulcerated nipples, sexual rawness and sores, cancerous moles and warts, excrescences; also foot ailments. SKIN CLINIC, 107 W. First St. 1-Ul-3 ' DR. CROCKER, Specialist for Women. Hamburger's Majestic Theater Building. Absolute privacy. Hours 10 to 4. CONSULT FREE. 12-:5-12 m PILES—ALL KINDS. I CURE THEM WITH out pain, cutting or detention from busi ness. Moderate charges. Free consulta tion. DR. HICKOK. 852 W. Sixth St. z DR INEZ DECKER, 702 SO. SPRING ST. Obstetrics. Hours 11 to 4. Room 221. 10-28-tf DR PRITCHARD, RECTAL. FEMALE AND Chronlo diseases. 727-2* GROSSIS BLD. U-28-tl DR. TAYLOR. 317V4 S. MAIN ST. DISEASES of women. 12-2-tf MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Unlimited am unta at 6 per cent. No com mission. Building loans, any amount, at 1 per cent. COLLINS & MILLER, 506-7 Broadway Cen tral Bldg. F5909. !-«-»» MONEY TO LOAN • I have the following amounts on hand to loan on good city property: $1000, $2000, $3000, $4000 and $5500. MARSHALL STIMSON, , Rooms SOl-2 Wright & Callender Bide. Phones—Main 4441; Home F7327. 1-22-2 MONEY TO LOAN I have money on hand to loan on city property, straight or building loans. No delay. <■ .- "■ MARSHALL STIMSON, Rooms 801-2 Wright & Callender Bids. Phones—Main 4441; Home F7337. 1-22-2 PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent on good city property; security must be at least double amount wanted. You can have the money as long as you wish. All our parties wish Is the Interest. WAYBRIGHT-BUTLER CO., 628-9 Security bldg. FSSI7; Bdway. 2462. 3-29-tt UOSKS TO LOAN 250,000 to loan on real estate, city or coun try. 6 to 7 per cent; amounts to suit. MOV ER & GILBERT. 612 Frost bldg. Home ■phone ABS27; Main 5474. 10-2-tf MONEY TO —ANY AMOUNT FROM $100 up; city or country; current rates RAMBY BROS.. 6J7 Security Bldg F2121. Main 9356. . 12-11-tf R. W. POINDL-XTER, 409 WILCOX BLDO., will loan you what you need on real estate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a special ty. 6-9- tf ' ROBERT WESTWATER & SON. Real estate Investments, or homes. Build ers and contractors. Room 810 Frost building. Phone Main 9115. 11-21-tf TO LOAN— SALARIED PEOPLE: NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WK3T COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Henna bldg. 10-4-tf SALARY LOANS. LOWEST RATES, CON fidentlal. 611 O. T. JOHNSON BLDO, Fourth and Broadway. 12-9-tt NEW LOAN OFFICE NOW OPEN; REAS onable rates on purchases. L. RIFKIND. 106 E. Fifth et. - 1-83-3 CE&dPOOLS . _ cesspools '-■,';■. cleaned OUT. All work done satisfactory to Inspector. I* A. SANITARY CO., Phone G9I4H. Temple 6M. io.ij-u; CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT by the red Cross Sanitary company In one to two loads, $3.(0 per load; no other charges. 'Phone 69034. IMPERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPINO CO.— take out largest load. West 6396: 22040. 2-10-tf ' NOTARIES E. M. WITT, NOTARY PUBLIC PENSION papers, deeds, collections and wills nego tiated. Boom i. 144 S. Broadway. 1-21-tf FOR SALE Houses Rent. —You Know What This Word Means — Easy Terms. A jrjf „ Easy Terms EM7 Term,4 nome Terms —IS WHAT I MEAN— 1 have 9 swell modern 5-room bungalows In the popular Mount Washington district. Three are sold out of an even dozen after being on the market only two days. Don't miss this opportunity to own your own homo while I am offering you the choice of these swell homes on the easiest of terms, and my prices aro lower than the general run of houses sold on easy payments. Come and see for yourself. These houses are all mod ern*, beam ceilings, kitchens and bath rooms alpined 7 feet high, finished In white enamel and slash grained pine, oak floors, large fireplaces, built-in buffets, bookcases, writ- Ing desks, cabinet kitchens, laundry trays; in fact, they are beauties and are sure to please you. . The lots are high and com mand a good view. Some have fruit trees. Remember, these houses are only one block from 5c yellow car; are only 20 minutes' ride from Third nnd Broadway. For fur ther particulars call at my office. If you can't go out today go out Sunday. Call or phone for directions. J. FRANK BOWEN A 2472. 440 Douglas Bids. Main 2472. . 1-22-1 If Yob lave $KQHO)(D or lore AND WANT TO MAKE A SUBSTAN TIAL NEW YEAR'S GIFT CALL AND SEE The Beautiful Homes JUST ERECTED ON OXFORD BOULEVARD. FIRST BLOCK NORTH OF TEMPLE. FURNACJSD AND PIPED FOR' GAS. INQI'IKE at FIRST HOUSE or SEE BEACON LUMBER CO. •00 SEVERANCE BUILDING, SIXTH AND MAIN tiTS. 12-28-tf Bungalows Rent-paying terms. Some finished, some under construction, or wo will build to suit. All prices. Good location. High ground. Five-cent carfare. Close In. Gas, electric lights and all modern con veniences. BUYING FROM THE OWNERS AND BUILDERS WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. 843 DOUGLAS BLDG. ' PHONE A2OOO. 1-20 -9-ROOM HOUSE Lot 62x1j5; Colegrove car, lie fare; modern, gas, electricity; $3500 cash. Owner moving to ranch. Another A 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Lot £2x195; gas, electricity; fine yard; flower and fruit trees. A model home; $1400, easy terms. Come In and let us explain these and oth er bargains. ERICKSON & CO. 105 W. Sixth, Ground Floor. F2374. 1--3-2 For 6-room modern cottage, large lot, 60x140, near Washington street; 11500 cash, balance terms. FOR SALE—6-ROOM MODERN 1 COTTAGE on Forty-nfth St., on lot 60x133 to an al ley; fruit and Bhade trees; only 13600J SSOi) cash. It Is worth investigating. WINSLOW REALTY CO.. Phone South 32. 4500 Central aye. l-19-20-22-23-4t 10-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE On lot 70x135 to alley, completely fur nished; separate entrances; good streets, convenient to cars; 7 room pay 840 a month, making over 9 per cent on the purchase price. This la an exceptional bargain and good Investment. C. WINSLOW REALTY CO. 4(00 Central ava. Phone South 82. Frl-Sat-Sun-tt FOR SALE — THE FINEST FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW in Los Angeles, near 36th and San Pedro. Price |3C00; terms. ERIKSON & CO. 105 W. Sixth at., ground floor. P !374. ' 1-20-4 FOR SALE—MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 3"01 Emmet street. Doyle Heights; gas. electric lights, bath and toilet; electric lino runs past property; $2600; terms iIOO down and 815 per month. J. A. POTEET Anaheim, Cal. l-15-lino WANTED—A CASH OFFER FOR A FlVE room house and lot at 1808 E. Thirty-sixth street. Address 231 Palm avenue. Santa Barbara. Cal. 1-21-3 FOR SALE BY OWNER, W. WOODSIDE, 709 W. 81st St., 3-room house and Vi acre lot, {900; 150 down, $10 monthly; 5-cent fare. FOR SALE—HAVE TWO NICELY LOCATED lots at Glendale on which will build two neat five-room bungalows to sell for $2000 each; terms *300 cash, balanco »20 per month. WAYSIDE PREJB, 837 S. Spring st. l-13-10t FOR SALE-FIVE-ROOM COTT.-GE. 1631 W. 20th St.; fairly well furnished; price $3000, 1300 down, balance 130 per month. WAYSIDE PRESS, 837 S. Spring St. 1-13-lOt FOR SALE—FIVE-ROOM MODERN COT tage, $1800; »25 cash, $15 monthly. Ten minutes from Broadway. CONAWAY, 607 Grant Bldg. 1--' City Lots and Lands FOR SALELARGE LOT, 60x135, VER mont avenue. $200 under the market, on terms, for a few days. FOR SALE— LOT. 43x140, WITH windmill; genuine bargain; $800 spot cash will buy this. Come early, as this will not last long. WINSLOW REALTY CO., Phone South 83. •500 Central uvr. l-19-20-23-33-4t FOR BALI£-EAST FRONT LOT, HIGH ground, 1U blocks from Wllshlre blvd.; < 81660. This lot Is $500 under the market 1 OWNER, *«« Douglas Bid*. 1-20-4 V_ FOR SALE Country Property FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— PORTERVILLE SECTION "POPLAR DISTRICT" 160 acres AI alfalfa land: fenced, subirrl gated, ditch water; take JGOOO. Clear prop erty. $2000 cash, balance easy. This Is one of the few first class low priced pieces left in this rich district. Now In grain. Also 160 acres flno orange and alfalfa land; In Brain; smbirrigated; S. E. Lindsay. Take small suburban Improved acreage part payment. MERRILL & FOGG, Sole Agents, 210 Central Bldg., Sixth and Main. 1-22-2 FOR SALE — J 160 acres one mile north of Le Grand, Cal, Merced county, all good land; price $55 per aero, only IS feet to water, no alkali or hard pan, sediment soil; $5 per aero cash, balance four years at 6 per cent. Don't miss this If you want a good piece of land that will be worth two or three times Its present price before the debt comes due. GEO. J. SHOr.MIVIIt, Phone A 2334. «76 Wllcox BId». 1-12-tf {3300 ONLY—24O ACRES; ABUNDANCE OF water; two good springs; lots of timber; 100 acres suitable for fruit, corn, grain, alfalfa or berries; several acres for eucalyptus; use balance for pasture, chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.; twenty stands of bees; 5-room house, bam, outhouse, well, all fenced; two county roads pass the place, also right of way for Purcell road to Escondldo; fine shooting. No trades considered. Write GORDON, GOODWIN & CO., 1202 Fourth St., Ban Diego, Cal. 1-22-3 BEAUMONT LAND AND WATER CO. HAVE MOVED to suite 310 Central Building. 8. W. corner Sixth and Main streets. Furniture EE SEPARATE LOCKED IRON ROOMS 11. per month; trunks, boxes, eta, 250 to toe. Phone tor our large van when you move. 11. 25 per hour. COLYEAR WAREHOTJBB CO., (lt-17-19 Ban Pedro st Main office. Mi ll a. Main st. Phone Main 1117: FIITI. s-l-tl Stocks and Bonds FOR SALE—IOOO SHARES OF Provident Gold Mining Stock at 20c If taken at once. It. M. RUSSELL, 644 Douglas Bldg. • 1-20-4 Pianos BUY A SAMPLE PIANO st the wholesale house at about one-halt price. A large assortment to select from. 'c are Jobbers covering the eight western states. We will sell to Los Angeles peo ple pianos at jobbers' prices. We do not have the retail expense. Call at our office, room 608 Parmelee-Dohrmann building, 444 South Broadway, and get our prices. It's worth your whiic. S. A. Browe <& Co. 444 South Broadway. 1-1-tf BIG SNAPBEAUTIFUL $450 JACOB Doll piano for even $200. A splendid Chase Bros, dark rosewood case, fine tone, $190. Good square piano, $35. VAX SANT PIANO CO., 720 S. Broadway. "Elevator cuts the price." 1-IS-tf PIANOS AT $3.60 AND $3 PER MONTH; square pianos of standard makes, in excel lent condition. Will sell on the above small payments GEO. J. BIRKEL CO., 145-347 S. Spring st 10-JB-tf FOR SALE—UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINK condition; only $100 for Immediate sals. Call for inspection 413 W. FIFTH BT. 4-ll*tZ Live Stock FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR DRY COWS, 3 fresh cows. 1628 W. 35th place. 1-22-3 Miscellaneous FOR SALE-$2OO, MANUFACTURING BUSl ness, horse, wagon and route; also the fur nituro of 6 rooms, cheap; going east. Ad dress 203 EAST 27TH ST. 1-22-3 FOR SALE-FIVE-PASSENGER 1909 CHICK automobile, good as new, on easy payments; have no use for It. Call, 6 to 7 p. m., 1824 PARK GROVE ST. 1----3 CLAIRVOYANTS PROF. CHARLES FREE—FREE I will tell your name free, show you how It's done. "NO QUESTIONS ASKED NO GUESSWORK PROFESSOR CHARLES, Greatest dead trance life reader, spiritual life reader; oldest, most reliable spiritualist, business nnd test psychic; deep psycho palmo reading of the highest order: strangu I power to help you. Tells Just what you I want to know; how many In family, with ' names, dates, facts, vocation, where to lo cate, where to go. About your farm, ranch, ', claim, rooming house, business. Each hope, trouble, fear, wish In love; business, sickness, change, Journey, friend, enemy; advises and assists you to good conditions. Spiritual treat ment for development and wealth. Cure lost I memory, lack of ambition, all weakness, re ' news vitality, makes you well and strong again in thought, purpose, feeling, energy. 423 i South Spring Street Jefferson Hotel Special Readings Today 50 CENTS l-O-tf ATTORNEY3.AT.LAW BECKER LAW AND COLLECTION AQBn"- CV— WE WORK EVERYWHERE. A well equipped agency; established 1896. Our >ystem and personal contact with the people owing money brings the returns, all manner of claims handled: you pay us for results only. Phones A 3233; Main 8332. 410-411-413 Henna BUf, 122 W. THIRD ST. 1--1"10 _ A. LAW AND COLLECTION CO.—NO fee without success; consultation free; es tates settled; damage suits, marriage laws. liens, etc,; attorney and notary. 616 GRANT BLDO. 9-1"1" E M. WITTE. NOTARY PUBLIC—PEN sion papers, wills, Insurance and collec tions negotiated. 244Vj S. BROADWAY. MARRIAGE LAWS EXPLAINED. QBN eral practice. Advice free. in moderate. 113 LISSNER BLDO. 12-J»-2mo SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES | 6CHOOLS AND COLLEGES MISS WING'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1226 ALVARADO STREET Day and boarding. All departments from kindergarten to college. Pr» pares for college and university. Fine school for girls visiting Southern California for winter to keep abreast of their studies. Piano, elocution, pottery, etc. Private tutoring. Winter term opens January 3. MISS ETHELWYN WING, M. A., Principal. Horn* 63144 Sunset West H4« %rB(/S/\£SSQLLEG£ la the undisputed leader of Business Educa tion on the coast It has prepared and placed In good positions thousands; let It prepare you. Enroll Monday. Call, write or phone. F6700; Main ill. I. N. INBKEEP. manager. 614 South Grand aye. ( German, English Shorthand by experienced teacher. Terms moderate. 230 W. Jlst st. Phone South 643«. -.■•'. ••-■■■;.; S^Sjg ART AND DESIGN Inc. Day and evening classes, students be gin any time. Special. In illustrating^— plete art education, or any branch. * L. E. O MACLEOD. Dlr. BUSINESS PERSONALS PERSONAL— QuzinoE Massage Cream Is the result of years or experimenting. We have brought It to a point where we feel safe In asserting that there Is no better massage cream on the market. Take a little of the cream In thu palm of the hand, add a little water to thin It; then apply th» cream to the skin, rubbing, massaging, using a circular mo tion until all impurities are absorbed ana rolled out with the cream. This will open the pores of the skin, giving healthy respira tion and life; Its dally use cleanses the pores, softening the skin, leaving a soft, velvety complexion; In a condition with not a trace of grease or shine, making the use of face powders absolutely unnecessary. Our cream contains no hair-growing or poisonous In gredients; Is an antiseptic toilet preparation, compounded to preserve and beautify the com plexion; maintain the bloom of youth, and to build up a run-down skin. You will find It unsurpassed for removing blackheads, moth patches, chaps, roughness, wrinkles, sunburn and tans. Look tor our Quzlnol Signs. All prepara tions compounded and prepared by us are guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Laws of 1906, Serial No. Z4936. TROUT COSMETIC CO. Manufacturers of QUZINOL COSMETICS . C Telephone F2613 Room 207 Hamburger Building Annex. 11-14-su-we-sa-tt $1.50 PER 1000 FOR REAL BUSINESS cards; delivered In 24 hours. BROWN PRINTING CO.. 220 Merchants Trust bldg. » 11-i-tf Ulii MASSON. THE NOTED LONDON palmist, 822 8. SPRING, over Owl drug store. -a-tf PROPOSALS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OF OILED ROADS Sealed bids will be received by the cleric of the board of supervisors of San Mateo county. California, until February 14, 1910, for the grading, turnplklng and oiling of four (4) miles of road, each bid to be ac companied by a certified check In the amount of ten (10) per cent of the amount bid and made payable to the county of San Mateo, as liquidated damages in the event that the bidder or bidders fall to enter Into a contract with good and sufficient bonds, for the faith ful performance of the work vyithln five (5) after he award has been made to them, said contract and bonds to be ap proved by the chairman of the board of super visors of San Mateo county, California. Plans and specifications on file for said work In the office of the county clerk, Jos. H. Nash, Redwood City. P. H. McEVOY, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. j l-13-30t LEGAL NO TICK IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN AND FOR THE COUNT Si OF LOS ANGELES.—In the matter of the application of the Overholtzer-Mllls company tot change of name: Order, It appearing that a petition duly signed by a majority of tlie board of directors of the Overholtzer-Mllls company, of tho city of Los Angeles, atato of California, has been tiled with the clerk of said county of Los Angeles, asking tiia. a change of name of said corporation to the E. E. Overholtzer Sons company. It Is hereby ordered and di rected that all persons Interested in said matter of change of name appear before the superior court of the state of California on the 4th day of February, 1910, at 10 a. m. In department 8 of said superior court to show causa why the application for change of name should not be.- granted; it Is further ordered that a copy of this order to show cause be published for four successive weeks In the Los Angeles Herald, a newspaper of general circulation printed in the county of Los Angeles prior t,o the date of said hearing. CURTIS D. WILBUR, Judge. FRANK W. HOVEY, Attorney for Petitioner, 406 Mason Bids. l-8-15-22-29-4t STOCKHOLDERS' aUUBXIMS ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD ER OF THE LOS ANGELES TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Los Angeles Trust and Savings bank will be held at the office of the bank, southwest corner of Sixth and Main streets. In the city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, state of California, on Thursday, January 20, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors, hearing reports of officers and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. JAY SPENCB, Secretary. 1-6-16 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Lyon-McKJnney-Smlth Co. will he held at the office of the company. No. 653 South Broadway, Los Angeles. Cal., Monday, February Ttli. 1910, at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the en si'ing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before such meeting. J. O. SMITH, Secretary. Dated Jan 20. 1910. 1-20-10 RAILWAY TIME TABLE SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except a* noted. Leave| First street station. |Arrjv« 8:36 a ' San Bernardino, 8:35 a 11:00 a Colton 10:41 a l:40p Riverside. 1:26p (:24p Ontario and 4:26p Pomona | 6:61p "(,<;,a • • 8:15 a« Long Beach ana 11:10 a l:30p l:zops San Pedro 7:00p 4:40 ps 8:56» *j:6oa Santa Catallna Island I 7:uop *T7lsa Pa»sdena I >:<sa t:00p Pasadena I 7:10p •Dully except Sunday. sSunday only. I Utah-California Special. I t:oop[ Utah-California Denver, 110:00 a Salt Lake, Butte, Denver, 110:00 a | and Chicago. { M 953-957 W. 7th St. Knmllmrnts Dally. New Catalogue. Both phones. F. Brownsherger, Pre*. 6th Floor Hamburger Bldg., I/os Ansel's. XT*M. C. A.—DAY AMD EVENING COM merclal, technical, automobile, college pre paratory and grammar schools now open. 10-1-W LO3 ANQELES BUSINESS COLLEGE. 411 W. Fifth st. E. R. SHRADER, Ph. D.. president since 1880. 10-17-U BROWNSBERGER COMMERCIAL COlr lege. 853-7 W. 7TH. Bend for catalogue. ' 10-tfl-tg DENTISTS ■ DR. nACIIMANN. 205-208 Majestic Theatre bids., iy3 8. Bdway. 56 _j Main 3818. DR. G. A. COFFIELD, 214 WRIGHT & CAL lender Bldg.. hour* 9 to 5. Phone F22OS. 1-14-lmo DRESSMAKING RELIABLE DRESSMAKER WIUj SEW BZ the day In a tew aeleat homes. W. 1917. l-t-14 \ RAILWAY TIME TABLE BANTA FE V Leave | I —rrlv> I Eastern-Calif. Limited. 10:00 am dally. Chicago via Denver 8:00 pa I and Kansas City | Overland Express—Dally 8:00 pm Chicago via Denver and l:M ant Kansas City ' .'O >.--..iw Eastern Express — Dallyl 7:30 am Chicago via Denver and 7:06 ant Kansas City ~~~~~~ Kite Shaped— via ' 6:30 am Pasadena. Return via 6:89 pm I Banta Ana canyon | 7:35 am • V 10:00 am 8:30 am Redlands via Pasadena 1:00 pm 3:00 pm ' 6:40 pm 4:30 pm I 7:40 pm 7:30 am I Redlands via Orange 10:35 am 10:65 am | 6:30 pm I 1:00 pm 7:35 em f Riverside via Pasadena 6:40 pm 7:30 am "^:O5 pm 10:65 am Riverside via Orange 10:36 am 6:05 pm , 6:80 pm 7:30 am ———. ______ 10:55 am Corona via Orange 10:36 am 6:01 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 am 7:os"am 10: am San Bernardino via Orange 10:36 am 6:05 pro I 6:30 pm 7:35 am 8:30 am 8:30 am - 10:00 am 10:00 am San Bernardino via Fasa- 4:00 pm 2:011 pm dena ' 6:40 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pis 6:45 pm 8:00 pm ■ 7:40 pm 8:56 am 6:55 am 2:15 pm Santa Ana 8:25 am 6:05 pm 1:00 pm 11:65 pm I I 6:15 pm 7:30 am 6:55 am 8:55 am 7:05 am 10:66 am Fullerton. Anaheim, 8:26 am 2:16 pm Orange 10:36 am 6:05 pm 1:00 pm 11:65 pm I 6:30 pm 7:35 am San Jaclnto, Elslnore, He- 10:35 am 10:56 am I met and Murletta [ 6:30 pra 10:25 am | Redondo I 4:20 pm 2:15 pm i Escondldo , 1:00 pm 8:55 am Fallbrook ' 6:15 pm 8:55 am San Diego and 6:66 am 1:16 pm Corona Jo Beach 1:00 pm 11:61' pm Surf Line - 6:16 pin 7:30 am Randsburg 7:08 am 8:00 pm I Searchlight anil Chloride j~ 7:05 am 8:00 pm Beatty, Rbyollte. Goldfleld 8:30 asa and Tonopah J ' : SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade station. Fifth and Central aye _____zzzzzz_______________ B:ooa[San Francisco via Coast Line. 8:30 a 6:15 a San Luis Oblspo, Paso Roblea. l:30p I:3spDel Monte. Monterey, Santa 9:30 i» 7:30p Cruz, San Jose and east ll:4»p - San Francisco and Mojave 6:00p Sacramento, Oakland, via 7:95 a 8:30p Bakergfleld and Fresno 6:60 a 7:60 a Fresno 7:05 a 6:00p Bakersneld 8:00 a 9:30p and Mojave 8:00 a IChlcaeo, Kansas City, St. Louis. t:4sp| Golden State Limited 6:53u 8:00p The Callfornlan, via T:l6a Yuma. Benson, -El Paso Overland—New Orleans via 12:01; Yuma, Benson, Marlcopa, Tuo- 1:10 a son. El Paso, San Antonio, Houston , 13:01p Yuma, Tucson, Benson, 6:30 a 8:00p Lordsburg, Demlng, 7:16 a 6:15p El Paso l:30p 6:45al 8:30 a 8:00 a ■ 11:50 a 8:15 a Santa Barbara x:80a 1:45p and ..- 7:36p i:36p Ventura • 9:30p 7:80p ('Not Ventura). li:46n 8:15 a Oxnard, Santa Susana, • 8;30a 2:35p Moorpark, * 11:60 a 7:30p • Somls, 2:3oi> n ",'■ Camarilla. • 7:35 D (♦Oxnard only). 1i:460 I Santa Paula via Saugus, 6:45 a Camulos, Plru, Flllmore. 11:60 a l:4sp| Satlcoy, Montalvo, Carpln- 7:35 a I teria, Summerlaad B:lsa| Nordholt I l:3op _Sj3sp| • I 7:35p 7:46 a( |»»:30a 8:55 a Pomona , «7:15 a l-:olp Colton I 7:16_ >:00p Riverside, Redlands anil j 9:35 a 4:00p San Bernardino ' 11:35 a 6:45p 'Not Riverside, Red- 1:30 d •8:15p lands or San Bernardino 5:25p _j 7:10p S:s3al Covlna ill :15a 6:46p I 7:10p 7:45 a I Chlnd j~9T3 6a 4:oop| I 6:25p Santa Ana, Anaheim, Downey, j ■ ■.-,.j B:S5a ■ Norw^lk I 8:30 a 11:15 a ( 2:lii> l:00pa* Buena Park, West a* i:00p 6:10p Anaheim, West Orange . j 4:toa •Downey only • f B:6sa|- Newport Beach | 4:50p 6:6sa|a Los Alamitoa aj 4:609 • 9:45a| Brawley, Imperial. I 6:30 a B:l6p| El Centre Calexlco | t:6ip 8:05»| " San Pedro-Comptoa • 111:45 a 3:3op|* ' ♦Via Long Beach I 8:35p • :06a* Long Beach-Compton |H:4sa 3:30p "Via Ban Pedro *l 6:35p ; "9:OSaT Santa CatalTna Island I 6;35Pj <:45a [ 1 7:05 a 1:50 a ' Fernanda * 8:40 a > 1:45p |ll:6»a 6:00p ■ 'Motor 7:35p »:30c - - ■ ■ I »:'»> i:Boaa Chats worth Park. (Bee a) 3:4»» note).. (Note—To ' and from River station only). ■ ' I t All trains dally exoept those, marked as, follows: "a" Sunday* excepted; "b" Sundal* only. 15