Newspaper Page Text
T\ PAGES / 7 PARTS PRICE: 40 CENTS '.SW^JSSfS VOI,. XXXVII. M.MHKR 114. PARIS FLOODED; RIVER SEINE ON FIERCE RAMPAGE Eiffel Tower Is Imperiled; Quays and Subways Ruined by Water THOUSANDS SUFFER Several Cities Inundated; Millions of Dollars Damage Done (Special Cablo to The Herald) PARIS, Jan. 22.—The low sections of Paris tonight present a devas tated appearance. Hundreds of liquor storage plants and warehouses along the quays are completely inun dated, several millions dollars' dam age has been done, thousands are homeless, and the flood waters of thb Seine are still rising to such an ex tent that Lille, Chalons, Troyes and Paris are threatened with incalculable destruction. The Eiffel tower tonight is In great peril. The foundation of this and many historic structures of Paris have been infiltrated and much weakened. Railroad, telephone and telegraph service is almost abandoned through out eastern France. Thousands of people living along the river are tonight homeless. There is sixty-one . feet of water In the great new subway extending between the Place de la Concorde and the Passage de la Trinite. A large portion of tho famous boulevard of St. , Qermalne, over tho subway, has caved in, and several are believed to have met death under tho debris. Factories Flooded Over 1000 factories, many of them extensive structures, the under water, nd the losses, estimated tonight by this source alone, are said to exceed $7,000,000. . Tho conditions at Chalons are re ported to be desperate. Two million dollars' damage has been done there to docks, warehouses and wineries. The loss to the wine dealers at Cha lons and Troyes, it is said, will exceed $2,000,000. Communication with Lille was aban doned tonight, the last wire having gone down at 10 o'clock. • The flood has assumed the propor tions of a catastrophe. The < water at 2 o'clock this afternoon had risen thirteen and one-half Inches since 5 o'clock this.morning. Trains are back ing into Paris from all river points, and several are stalled,' unable to re : turn, as results of the deluge of va rious streams. • Canal traffic is completely paralyzed. Hundreds of bridges have been washed away. "-/ ' y:U .-'' :'v:-■;;■;'■..' Other Rivers Raging ■ The waters of the Rhone and Marne, with their raging tributaries, continue to wreak havoc in many sections, but are. believed to . have reached the height of their flood stage. The situation in Paris, however,' promises ■ to be worse, as the ! Seine continues to rise rapidly. It Is ex pected the river will reach maximum tomorrow. . ■ Half of the surface and subway transportation lines have been ren dered inoperative. The Seine is debris-laden, end its torrents are almost overflowing the banks. Cellars along the quays are full of water and there will be heavy loss in wines and . other warehouse goods. >'',' • Railroad and telegraphic communi cation is interrupted in the eastern provinces, where the streets of many villages are flooded. • The Rhone and the Marno are re ported as apparently having reached their maximum flood. _ Immense damage is reported from the suburban towns along the Seine like Charentoi., Billancourt, Argen tenuil, Asnieres, Sevres and Meudon. The water at Port Royal is fourteen feet above normal, and the indications up stream presage a further rise by tomorrow night. ... „ Troops and firemen everywhere were calle.l out today to aid in the work of ■ rescue. The cabinet has decided to ask par liament on Monday to appropriate $400,000 for the relief of the people in the afflicted districts. ■ ,' Railroad traffic out of Paris, espe cially to the south I? nd west, is badly crippled. _ Thousands of rats are escaping from the sewers here, indicating that the waters are Invading the entire laby rinth beneath Parlo. " Heavy damage has been caused by the Hood in the Loire and Indre val leys. Two bridges have been washed away, railroad traffic demoralized and many tanneries abandoned. ' Some cities aro without light and street ear service owing to the inun idation of power plants. Corpses Washed Out Although some of the rivers have reached their maximum, the Seine, fed by its torrential tributaries, continues to rise, causing continued damage. In addition to the heavy property ioss resulting from the flood thousands of persons have been thrown out of em ployment. | At Chalons dnd neighboring villages the situation is critical, the water hav ing reached the second lloor of many of the houses. At Chateau Landon the undermined hillside became an avalanche and burled four houses. Five of the occu pants were killed. Other cave-ins are feared. The water is flooding the streets of the lower suburbs of Paris, and a boat service has been organizedl. As it surges through the heart of Paris, tile Seine la black v lth wreckage, and a ■core of corpses of persons long since dead have been dragged out. The drinking water of the city is badly discolored and the police and physicians have recommended boiling. The Heine is expected to rise three feet more by Sunday night, when the worst probably will be over. TWELVE MEN KILLED CHABLBROI, Belgium, Jan. •!■>.— A large building in the course of construc tion near the viaduct, the foundations of which had been weakened by Hie rains fell today. Mirylng the workmen in the ruins. Twelve men were killed and a. score Injured. LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Cloudy Sunday; continued warm; moderate north winds. Maximum tem perature yesterday 81 degrees; mini, mum temperature 59 degrees. LOCAL Ten , days in jail sentence Imposed on chauffeur convicted of exceeding the speed limit. Section 2, PAGE 1 Quartet of babies born to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson aro thriving.' Section 1, PAGE 9 Much owed to Municipal league by LoS . Angeles for the good the organiza tion has done to better political con ditions of city. Section 2, PAGE 10 Convict-made machine promises to stop forging and tampering with checks. Section 1. PAGE 10 Policies of former Forester Gilford ' Pinchot Indorsed at City club luncheon. | Section 2. PAGE 1 All is in readiness for consolidation of Hollywood with Los Angeles at the election to V.a held toniuicuw. Section 2. PAGE 1 Christian Scientists trill today dedicate handsome new church with special services. Section 2, PAGE 1 Former Texas attorney tell 3 of progress made by Democracy in address be fore Jefferson club. Section 2, PAGB 1 Auditor Dow's report shows county has large aurslus in treasury. Section 1. PAGE 7 E. E. - Rowel!, missing attorney, again falls to appear in court. Serlion 1. I'AUfc' 7 Wealthy widow trades property for slot machines, -and now slio Is sorry. Section 1. PAGIO 7 Police commission will decide Tuesday <>n 'att/ltudo toward brewery-owned saloons. . -,V , Section 1, PAGE., 7 Los Angeles-Pacific yields point In re- > ' gard to double tracking Santa Monica avenue. Section 1, PAGE 7 Los Angeles Record corrects mlsstato ments made by former political edi tor concerning T. E. Gibbon. Section 2. PAGE 12 Town building in California Is Illus- v trated excellently in growth of Beau -moht. « Section 2, 1M.<38 1-' Louis James declares lie believes Ibsen and Shakespeare unpopular aa plays. Section 3. PAGE 11 Local Scotch organizations will com memorate birthday anniversary of Robert Burns. Section 1, PAGE 7 Editorial, Letter box. Haskins' letter. Section 1, PAGE 6 Los Angeles Joins In boycott *of meat - products; great mass meeting called to protest against trust methods. Section l- PAGE 1 Armed thugs, routed by woman's screams, shoots restaurant keeper in leg, then escape. , Section 1, PACE 1 His left arm shattered by bandit's bul- I let, man walks to receiving hospital to have wound treated. Section 1. PAC3H I Society and clubs. Section 3, PAGES C-7 Marriage licenses, births and deaths. . . , Section 2, PAGE 4 Notts of the courts. Section 1. PAGE 7 Municipal affairs. Section 1, PAGE .7 Markets and financial. " Section 3, PAGE 11 Classified advertising. Section 2, PAGES 4-10 Real estate. \, I. \ Section. V PAGES 2-S Shipping. '•":'• ■"" ;' ' Section 3, AGE 10 Theaters and dramatic criticism. .-": ;";>"_ Section 4. PAGES 1-2 Music. |'.':; Section. 3. PAGE 7 Fraternal and secret orders. Section 4. PAGE 2 City brevities. Section 1. PAGE 7 Automobiles. Section 3, PAGES 1-4 Building permits. Section 2, PAGE 10 Mines and oil fields. Section 3, PAGE It SOUTH CALIFORNIA Santa Fe to start work immediately on double tracking Coast lines system. _;_. Section 3, PAGE 9 Pasadena factions in fight: over coming water bond election. Section 3, PAGE & COAST Ship after battling with storms for more than week arrives safely at Seattle; no one hurt. Section 1, PAGE 3 Sheriff of county in Michigan causes arrest of his son in San Francisco 1; young man is. wan on several charges. "V>// Section 1, PAGE 2 EASTERN Sales for profit taking lowers values in stocks, but later prices move upward. Section 3. PAGE 11 F. Augustus Hcinze freed by federal Judge on Indictment charging violation of bank - ing news, and attorneys tor Charles W. Morse are hopeful they may get him out of prison on name technical error charged in Heinze's case. , Section l, PAGE 1 Antt-meat crusade to annihilate beef trust . - continues with added vigor, and govern ment is forced to begin investigation. . Section 1, PAGE 1 Secretary Ballingcr in desperate defense attacks enemies; calls them muckrakers, but carefully avoids mentioning names. * Section 1, PAGE 10 Brickmakers In Chicago ask for increase In wages. Section 1, PAGE 3 President Lewis of Mine Workers , rules convention in Indianapolis with Iron hand. Section l, PAG 2 Secretary Knox, declaring congestion of great cities due to lack of good Cos I , ■•cures federal appropriation. Section L, PAGE i Senate committee on irrigation con cludes proposition for raising ?-'!..'), --000,000 lor reclamation work. Section 1, PAGE ,4 Loan of $30,000,000 to Chinese railroad settled, and England, Franco, . Ger many and United States will parti cipate. Section 1, PAGE 2 Union Pacific railroad will complete 40 miles of railroad in six months. ' Section i, PAGE 2 Evangelist causes adjournment and . probable dismissal of county grand jury in Oklahoma. Section 1, PAGE 2 FOREIGN | Lord T.yttun's sister, Lady Constance, la in jail, the noted suffragette having been . ' . convicted of breaking jail windows. Section 1, PAGE 1 Unionists .still in lead in election In Great Britain, total gain of Conservatives be ing 100. > , Section l, PAGE 2 Foreign steamer from New York, due at - Honolulu, , must pay., fine of . $200 each Cor . every passenger landed at United States ports. Section 1, PAGE 3 War will go on In Nicaragua,.- says I Gen. / Estrada, and action of United States in helping to rout Zelaya • causes criticism. Section 1, PAGE 1 Paris Hooded by overflow of River Seine and millions of dollars damage done by worst Hood in year;*. Section 1, PAGE I Scenes at wreck of Canadian Pacific * train in Ontario unnejw* many; death list may reach fifty. Section l, PAGE 4 SPORTING MeCarey decides to have 4J-rounJ 'fight at Vernon on ~ Washington's birthday , and will put on Webster-Attell ban tam championship bout. . - • Section 3. PAGE -5 Hunting parly returns after long trip and brings good report. l*'lßhinir and . hunting conditions improving every where. ■■-.- Hcctlon 3, PAGE 3 Indoor Trifle experts meet in tournament V at Pittsburg for ten '■ days beginning: ,-,'; Feb. 1. ■ i.'iral = toam to - participate.'*,. . . Scotivn v, V4-Q SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, !!)!<>. REVOLUTIONISTS DETERMINED TO CONTINUE FIGHT 'War Must Go On' Declares Estrada, and Armies Plan for Battle ACTS OF U. S. SCORED Troops Advance for Clash; Nicaraguans Suspicious of Americans iim, Nicaragua, Jan. 32.— President Mndriz, through Rear Admiral Kimbsill, today refused to accept the. provisional government. All peace negotiation* were called off tonight. s^' : The Mjlilriz administration has sud denly Manned the nggrcssive, and ap pears anxious for a decisive clash with tho revolutionists. ■ "Anything but Estrada," is the ulti matum from Managua. Generals Chamorro, Menu, - Zeledon, Miimis and Correo lire, now in Chontalps with 4000 men, and a battle is expected at any hour. . General Juan Reyes, former governor, who turned traitor on the revolution ist*, arrived at Minefields today to ne gotiate for peace and was arrested and lent * to Com Inland as a political prisoner. / • [Special to The Herald.] SAN JUAN DEL SUR. Nicaragua, Jan. 22. —"Tho war has only just begun in Nicaragua." This statement, made today by Gen. Estrada, is believed to indicate the exact conditions in Nicaragua. Fol lowing tho rejuvenation, of tho Con servative army, which has come to the of the revolutionary forces on tho eve of tho big clash expected at Acoyapa, the belligerents are enthused with new determination. "The war will ko on," declare the revolutionists. 'Today the government dispatched COO men to Acoyapa. They were equipped With heavy artillery. The revolutionary columns are en camped at La Libertad. twenty-six miles from Acoyapa. Between this point and Acoyapa, five miles from the latter city, the battle is expected. The loaders of the Conservative party, which was reorganized after its rejection of the Dollclea of Madriz, say Estrada and his generals havo merely been "holding fire' to determine the position of the United States. Suspect United States The revolutionists believe the United States has decided to take no further hand in Nicaragua's affaire, that Sec retary Knox is reconciled to the regime of Madriz. and that American inter ference was due merely to a desire to ciuell the revolution, save Zelaya and i nable the abdicating president to turn his administration over to the man most to be relied upon to enforce the same policies —Zelaya's personal friend and sympathiser. Madriz, Many revolutionists are denouncing the United States as havimr been in sincere in its attack on Zelaya. Public statements havo been made to the i fl'< it that the United States govern ment desired only to protect certain American capitalists heavily interested here, -hence that it interfered long enough to save Zelaya and secure the appointment of a successor who would moderately continue Zelaya's system. The silent recognition of Madriz has caused a large proportion of the public sentiment to turn against the United States, but many revolutionary leaders' point gratefully to the good work done here by tho American Red Croat, Like Americans Although politically the sentiment is anti-Anierican. every one has a warm personal feeling for Americans as in dividuals—excepting, perhaps, for those American capitalists in control of Nicaragua!) Industries. Minister General Baca today sent a message to "congress requesting the adoption of a. measure legalizing the paper money issued by the unsuccess ful revolutionary party of 1896, of which Baca was the provisional president and Madriz his chief lieutenant. Baca also asks that ■ pensions be granted to the revolutionists who were incapacitated and to the families of the revolutionists killed in that uprising. It Is .said the chief Masonic lodge of Nisaragua has asked for the punish ment of^General Medina In retaliation for the shooting of the American, Groce, who was ,i merrier of the order. There lias been a great revival by President Madriz of Nicaragua of the old Zelaya policy of Imprisonment of respectable people for alleged political reasons. • x ' ■■• In one case a house, immediately across the. street from' the United States consulate -vyas entered .by sol diers without warrant. Troops are being hurried to meet the Estrada army. The general situation in Managua is-doclared to be strained. STOCK THEATERS ON COAST JOIN INTERESTS Two Day Conference Attended by Oliver Morosco Results in Action by Managers SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22.—What Is said to be the Initial step in the for mation of a stock theater trust in the west was taken today when the inter ests of the five principal stock theaters on the Pacific coast . were merged. This action followed a two days' con-, ferenco by the managers, and is the outcome of a movement : started in New York by Frederick Belasco. The object of the combine, which at present includes only the five prin cipal cities on the coast, but," it is said, will be extended to Denver, Salt Lake, Helena and other.western cities, is to avoid ■ rivalry . In obtaining plays and engaging actors and .- thereby ; control the dramatic stock field ■ in the west.*; , - The theaters whose . interests ; have been , merged - are . the Alcazar, \ t San Francisco;,; I'.urbank, '• Los '• Angnles; Baker,;' Portland;, Beattlu ,■ of ' Seattle, and : the; Spokane; of, Spokane. . Famous Copper Magnate Freed from Indictments F. AUGUSTUS HEINZE LORD LYTTON'S SISTER IN JAIL SUFFRAGETTE LEADER FOUND SERVING TIME - Famous Noblewoman of England Ac. cused of Smashing Windows Is ?■'■:•":> Imprisoned Under Assumed Name at Liverpool - y , ", ' [Associated tress] ■• ■ .-■■■ •■ LIVERPOOL,:; Jan. 'I..22.—That § Lady Constance Lytton. sister of Lord Lyt ton, is serving a sentence in Walton jail here, under the name of Jane Warton, for smashing jail windows, has Just be come known and has caused a sensa tion among the supporters of woman's suffrage. Lady Lytton disguised herself as a working woman and set about to force the authorities to imprison her lor the purpose of proving her assertion that Home Secretary Gladstone's recent action in.releasing her from Newcastle jail, on the official ground that she had a weak heart, was really on ac count of her social position and the agitation which was excited by the forcible feeding of the. prisoners who refused to take food. It is said she is starving herself again and is submitting - to. forcible feeding to prove Mr. Gladstone's state ment with reference to her "weak heart" was what she called It —"simply liberal snobbishness.", Lady Lytton came to Liverpool Jan uary 14. She proceeded deliberately to smash the jail windows with stones. ' When arrested she gave the name of Jane Warton, and says she broke, the windows as a protest against the jail regulations.- •'■ j . '.-.'■'-•'%^:- ARMED THUGS ARE ROUTED BY WOMAN Fleeing Without Booty, Bandits Fire Three Times at Restaurant Keep er, One Shot Taking Ef. feet With a revolver pressed against her head, Mrs. Nettle shirk, wife of F. Ij. Black, proprietor of ;i restaurant at 402 Aliso street, (ought off two masked burglars last night until her husband had aroused the police, although la his efforts he was shot at three times, one bullet taking affect ill his right !' I just below the thigh. The robbers, 'without obtaining any booty, esc by jumping Into a buggy and driving away, disappearing in the direction of First street. Mr. and Mrs. SUn-k were about to close their restaurant, and Mrs. Black hud the day's receipts, amounting to $fiO, in a bag, when two men entered the place, each haying a revolver and wearing handkerchiefs to conceal their features. Mr. Slack was in a rear room when the men' entered and first knew of tlic attempted robbery when his wife screamed. lie ran nut <>r a rear door, veiling "Help' Murder! Police!" At the sound of his voice the two men ran out the front way and one Mm! a shot at htm, which missed. Continuing his cry for help, Slack took shelter behind a horse thai was hitched to a post, another shot being' Bred at him. which lodged in his right leg below I lie thigh. The third shot missed him. and the two men, un hltchini the horse, started away in th direction '>;■ Gar< la street, and th« crowd attracted by the shots ti Hi, hi 1,. BSaal Kir-t street, where they disappeared over the bridge in the direction of noylo Heights. RESISTS BANDITS; ARM IS SHATTERED With his lefl arm shattered by a bullei An.ii eas Cano OC 1387 Wilson. ! walki d 10 the receiving hospital Coutlnued on I'nge '!«■« HEINZE SAVED; MORSE JOYFUL COPPER MAGNATE FREED; ICE KING IS HOPEFUL Invasion of Grand Jury Room by Out. sider Causes Federal Judge to Quash Indictment Against Promoter.Ca pita list [Associated PressJ XKW YORK, Jan. 22.—A decision by- Judge Hough in the federal court quashing the indictment against F. Augustus Heinze, financier and pro moter, has H given renewed hope to friends and counsel of Charles W. Morse, the banker, now serving: a term of fifteen years in the federal prison at Atlanta, Qa, Martin W. Littleton, Morse's lawyer, said tonight that the Heinze decision may apply equally to the case of Morse, and if he could establish similar facts he would move, that no valid indict ment was found against his client. Heinze was indicted October 12, 1909. for violation of the national banking laws. In quashing the indictment Judge Hough said: "The common law is that a grand Jury, while deliberating, shall listen to witnesses who give testimony and to no one ehse, except the authorized law of ficers of the commonwealth. When this indictment was under consideration in the grand jury John P. Fernsler took part In the proceedings to the extent of asking technical questions o f some Other expert accountants, and through out suggested the method of examining expert witnesses thought to be allied with the defendant." Not a Lawyer .Mr. Fernsler la an expert accountant, not a lawyer, and was not retained by the proeecutton as counsel. "This may be a good system," con tinues the court, "but it has not been adopted by law. It has never been urged before that counsel is entitled to have at'his elbow in a grand jury room an expert assistant." .Mi-. Littleton issued a statement, In pari aa follows: "It has been brought to my attention that the method by which tlie Indictments against .Morse were procured included the service be fore the grand jury of a non-profes . in,i,il official, designated by the federal government. "I understand the court has deter ■mined that, for similar practices, an in dictment against Mr. Heinze shall he quashed. It I can establish similar facts l:i the ease of my client T shall move that no valid Indictment was against him. "Hut whether I can establish such facts or not I expect within thirty days I.' apply to the federal court at Atlanta! (Hi' a writ of habeas corpus which will en.iMe me m present to the court these questions: "First Way the court a constitu tional court within the meaning of the constitution, it being conceded that one Of I lie Jurors was demented at the time of I he trial. "Second As to whether the defendant was afforded a trial by an impartial jury, when the jury was overihadowed and lurrounded by the private paid de tectlvee of the prosecution. "Third -As to whether or not a sen (ence of flve years In exoeu of the statutory terni Is a void sentence upon which the defendant can be confined." Then' are stlU two Indictments pend ing- against Heinzo. DENVER WILL BE DRY FOR PERIOD OF ENTIRE DAY DENVER, Jan. 82.—The lid was clapped on Denver ai midnight tonight, and If it will be poialble for any ku loon or ii'siauiiint keeper to pry it off before Monday morning the officials of the Hotel Men's allocution and Auti- Saloon league and the district attorney will be greatly surprised, judging by their assertions this afternoon when they united in deciding that Denver was to be given one absolutely arid Sunday. With or withoul meato, i( is declared, no llqupr or near-liquor may i>. pproachlng oampaign tor ■ Sry Denver is thoiißhi to Influence the movement toward .1 parched Sunday SINGLE COPIES: 2^kl^fT^^S LOS ANGELES JOINS IN MEAT BOYCOTT; MASS MEETING CALLED Thousands Enter Protest Against Trust Methods That Have Resulted in Pro hibitive Prices in Beef Products PEOPLE EAT TOO MUCH, SAYS PACKER Union and Non-union Workers in Angel City Unite in Mighty Outcry for Re lief from Grasping Combine rHE anti-meat crusade, directed by the American people against the beef trust, as a result of excessive costs of living, has become a powerful national movement, as shown by ac tions taken in numerous cities yesterday. Los Angeles, while not the first to take up the protest, is ex pected to lend a stanch support to the movement. A mass meet ing has been called for next Wednesday. The government took active steps yes.erday to prosecute the trust, and legal action will be begun soon in Chicago. Federal Attorney Sims at Chicago announced he would now make known the results of his investigation into the affairs of Morris & Co., made last year. Hundreds of thousands of people in Boston, New York, Phil adelphia and other cities yesterday and last night signed pledges to abstain from meat eating until the trust has reduced pricese. Mass meetings were held in many cities yesterday to induce people to join national movement. Prices of vegetables are reported to have gone up in several large eastern cities. Hundreds of hotel and restaurant proprietors throughout the country have eliminated meat from their menus. Prominent men blame high tariff and Taft's policies for ex cessive cost of living. Republicans much worried by anti-meat crusade, which they say comes at bad time. AS A DIRECT result of the national campaign being waged against the high prices of meats, thousands in Los Angeles have boycotted this class of food in a determined effort to fight trusts. ."...'. ■ «|g^Eht begun in the east has been taJtSiBSS by the laboring- classes from the Pacific to the Atlantic, from Can ada to 1 the Gulf'of Mexico, and "no quarter" will be the battle cry until the trusts • decisively have been de feated. :■ ... ■ . Meat packers contend that the high prices of all kinds of meat are but the natural result of short supply, and that it is only the best grades of meat which have advanced in price. But labor, or ganized and unorganized, feels that this is but a subterfuge and that the real reason is the greed of the trusts. That the fight against the high prices of meat is but one phase of a world-wide battle between trusts and consumers and capital and labor is the belief of nearly every person who has investi gated the situation. That the consumption of meat al ready has been affected materially in Los Angeles is admitted by the more prominent packers. Were the present unheard of prices but the natural result of a meat famine the present boycott would cause meat prices to drop, is the conclusion of the smaller dealers and the restaurant men. Adopt Vegetarian Diet But notwithstanding i the fact that thousands of dollars which formerly were expended for meat have during the past two days bought eggs, vege tables and other , necessities of life, prices remain high. So bitter has the feeling grown against the trusts that it now is doubtful if any compromise can be effected. I Local unions have taken a hand, and the members promise to fight to . the last ditch. "I don't think we shall feel much worse without meat than with it," declared a section foreman yester day afternoon. "My family will not use 10 cents' worth of meat for thirty days, and if necessary we can double or treble the time. It's the only way to beat cm, and 1 think we'll do it." Already the unions of Los Angeles have appealed to every member, and a meeting has been .called for next Wednesday evening at Labor Temple, and many non-union men will be pres ent. Union men and non-union men have Joined hads In the anti-meat trust effort. . * ' Mayor George Alexander will speak and take up many phases of the in creased cost of living. , Stanley. B. Wil son also will be another speaker. -, Local Committee at Work ' A local committee of five, with C. M. f Feider chairman and composed of Chris Ploeger, W. A. Vanna, G. Haag and George Mooney, has been appointed by the Central Labor council to look into the local situation and to arrange for Wednesday night's meeting. | "We probably shall take a vote on the meat question," declared Feldor yesterday afternoon, "and l believe that every one present will favor boycotting meat until prices are decidedly lower. The unions will do-nothing more than make an appeal to the members. "We do not expect that the man who labors all day can do without meat altogether. But there are many ways in which the consumption- can be cut down. My family has used no meat < during the past few days, and formerly we con sumed at least 50 cents' worth daily. HORRORS OF 'JUNGLE' MAY BE REVIVED IN BEEF PROSECUTION CHICAGO, Jan. 22.—The federal gov , ernment apparently has awakened, after excessive t public protest,^ to the gross'injustice done,to consumers by 'the. beef" trust,' which .for ', many years. has . flourished'-without, a [ sem blance of interference; but at last faces , the prospect of a heavy penalty.if not P^ CENTS With thousands taking the same stand the result is inevitable. It is admitted that the high prices asked for meat are not the only staples which may suffer. Sugar, butter, oil and flour are considered too costly for the average workingman. "While we admit that we now are being paid more than several years ago," said a. promi nent union man yesterday, "it is an undeniable fact that the cost of nearly every commodity has increased out of proportion to the increase of salaries." Even the better class of restaurants am! cafea feel the results of the battle, while none of the local packers is able to predict what the result will be. They are, however, unanimous in attributing the high prices to natural causes rather than to the trusts. "We people eat too much meat," was the naive explanation of H. J. Hauser, of the Hauser Packing company, for the sudden marked increase in the price of meat. Mr. Hauser, who is suf ficiently thin and abstemious in appear ance to be absolved from tl.e charge which he makes against the people, iiad a neat economic formula ready to prove that the problem is merely the inevitable result of the working out of the law of supply and demand. It Is simple as walking in your sleep. Peo ple have become so prosperous they must have meat. They buy meat and the price goes up. The cattle owners also arc partlcepa crimina with the people, according to Mr. Hauser. "Those who own cattle," he said, "hold on to their stock, knowing that the supply is limited, and that they may wait patiently until the packing houses pay their price.* Mr. Hauser pointed out that the pack«\s are re luctantly compelled to raise prices when the hard-hearted cattle owners take advantage of the fact that they • have the cattle. The recent washouts on the Salt Lake railroad and general difficulty in shipping also were men tioned by Mr. Hauser us contributing causes to the increased prices here. Hotel keepers and restaurant man agera protested against the raise, in wholesalers' prices, but when attempts were made to got them definitely to place the blame their replies were as evasive as the shifty card in a rouge et noir deck. Part of Trust Campaign "Of course, I don't want to be quoted in this," saiil one agitated boniface, looking about furtively to make sure that be was not overheard. "Don't quote me, bat you know it's all a part of a big campaign which the. meat trust has begun." Happily, there were no minions of the hated meat trust hid den anywhere about, and the bold restaurant man still is doing business. Produce dealers have given attention f to the advanced prices in meats, ana are wondering what will happen if all the people ko on strike and turn vege tarians for a month or six; weeks, due of the jobbers ih discussing the situ ation said last night: "1 don't think there will bo any marked advance, if any at all. in the price of market goods. We have a great abundance of everything that can be grown in Southern California, and can meet any ordinary condition Or demand. I think the people, if they give up the meat eating habit, will pn after fish, eggs, potatoes, fruits and vegetables. We can load up for a rush if It comes. We are now experiencing increased demand for supplies. As to a possible rise in prices, I am not author ised to state at this time. It will all depend upon the demand and supply." I Special to The HeralJ.] of dissolution,' and regulative legislation of a drastic character. ;-,i',;-.- ,: -ij^. 1. The people ( of .'Chicago, one of -the meat-packing centers, and * distributing points | of; the United i States,', are i pus gled I- as it to t just ■?. what 5. plea tho s beef trust will., make, for bore, where s ltd methods are well known and thousands (tuntlnnil on l"»«« TlirM).