Newspaper Page Text
[(j PAGES vol. xxxvn. PIJTf I^'* Aft PTTWrd BY carrier NUMBER 131. XX\,X\~lXll. tyj Kjlljn J.O I'ISR MONTH LONE DESPERADO MOLDS UP BANK; SECURES $1,599 Bandit Is Believed to Be Little More Than Boy ELUDES HIS PURSUERS Three Officials Lined Up; Makes Them Hand Over Gold [Special to Ths Heral*.] SAN BERNARDINO, Feb. 11.—A lono bandit, armed with two six shooters, and believed to be littles more than a boy, today entered the First National bank at Highland, lined up the vice president, cashier and assist ant cashier and escaped with $1599. For flvo hours IDO persons searched the orange groves Into which the rob ber fled, but were unable to capture him. Three times he fired at his pur suers, and it is believed finally evaded them by Joining their own ranks until he was able to escape. The robber entered the bank shortly before 2 o'clock, and drawing two re volvers ordered Cashier McTuylor and Assistant Cashier J. D. Tundell to hold up their hands. Vice President Johnstone entered the bank a moment later and, keeping the two officials covered with one revolver, he leveled the other at Johnstone and ordered him inside with the other men. He then ordered them to push out to him the gold and currency stacked on the countor. He refused stiver. Fires Shot and Runs Taking the money ho backed out of the door, fired one shot in the air and ran a few hundred feet down the side walk of the main street of the town and iilunpred into an orange grove. The officers here were immediately notified and Sheriff John Italphs with Chief of Police W. A. Shay, with a dozen deputies, were on the ground in a short time. The first officers took up the trail half an hour after the holdup. The robber was* easily tracked :ill'l was finally surrounded in the J- M. Leavens orange grove, a half mile square. Citizens armed with all kinds of weapons joined the posse in large numbers. May Have Joined Searchers He was unable to be located in the thickly planted trees. An hour later A. A. Roseberry, a livery man, riding on horseback, when the grove was being systematically searched, a hundred men marching from one end to the other, saw him crouching under a tree. He fired at Koseberry and once at another member of the posne. Several men saw him, but the robber again escaped, and it is believed joined the ranks of the searchers. It is thought he is the man who gave away his revolvers to two members of the posne and who also secured a hat, he having dropped his own. At different points in the grovo were found his coat, hat, four loaded shells Where he had been lying under a tree and $10 in money. He secured in all $1599. REPUBLICANS OF ARIZONA PROTEST Declare If Statement Is Denied -by Present Congress Thousands of Voters Will Be Alienated from the G. O. P. DOUGLAS, Feb. 11.—At the mass meeting of the Republican club of Douglas tonight the following resolu tion was unanimously adopted and or dered wired to Delegate Cameron at Washington. The hall was packed to the doors and the resolution • was passed with en thusiasm: "Resolved, That we, the members of the Republican club of Douglas, Ariz., note with exceeding regret the humil iating qualifications which it is sought by the senate committee on territories to attach to the statehood bill for Ari zona, and that we call upon our mem ber in congress, Hon. Ralph Cameron, to use all the means at his command to defeat the so-called Dllllngham bill and to have passed In its place the Hamilton bill, which unanimously passed Hie house and which grants statehood to Arizona unqualifiedly and in accordance with the sacred pledge of the Republican national platform. "Resolved, That the people of Ari zona are of a distinctly American type; that public education is on a higher plane than in any other territory ever admitted to the Union; that in popula tion and material resources the terri tory* of Arizona meets every require ment for statehood; more so than any territory admitted in the past fifty years, and therefore makes this appeal on the grounds of qualification and justice only. ■■■•■''"'. "Resolved, That It is the sense of this club that the passage of an un qualified statehood bill by the present session of congress means that Arizona will take her place firmly In the Re publican colu.nn, while on the other hand, to deny statehood, or postpone statehood until the president and con gress ahull have passed on Arizona's constitution, which is the business of Arizona and of Arizona alone, will alienate thousands of voters and at least greatly endanger the success of the Republican party in the initial state, and in the territorial election of 1910." | ♦ « » POSTOFFICES PROSPER WASHINGTON, Feb. 11.—An unusu ally heavy increase is reported at the fifty largest postofflces of the country in January. Forty-nino of the flfty offices reported an increase in receipts as compared with the corrMpondlng month of last year. The increases vary from 1.72 per cent, at Dayton, 0., to 27 81 per cent, at Hartford, Conn. The flve po»tofflCWi showing the greatest percentage of increase in receipts over January of last year were Hartford, Conn.; Springfield, Mass.; Portland, Ore., Denver and Chicago. LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST . For Los Angeles and vicinity: Fair Saturday; light north winds. Maxi. mum temperature yesterday 72 de. grees, minimum 51 degrees. LOS ANGELES College authorities will examine stu dents under microscope to determine tlielr personal feelings and accom plishments. PAGE 5 Burglar robs house while owner quietly sleeps on porch. PAGE 5 Local financial men appoint committee to greet bankers who will hold con vention hero. PAGE 9 Church planning new structure; Central Presbyterian members will meet Wednesday. PAGE 16 Federated Improvement association • asks council to lower electricity rates nearly 50 per cent. PAGE 6 W. P. Platt, nephew of former senator, jailed on criminal charge; tells of battle with drink habit. PAGB 3 Former governor of Arizona struck by beach "flyer;" injuries may prove fatal. PAGE 9 Frats denounced and students angered by series of articles published In U. S. C. magazine. PAGE 9 Jury to try Dolph M. Green on fraud charge incomplete after ninety venire men have been examined. PAGB 6 Old lodge tale hurried Mrs. Maud V. Me- Crary In divorce action. PAGE 5 John Early wakes, up outside of saloon to find nose swelling from Insect bite. PAGE 9 Mothers to help the poor who live In Utah street and vicinity. PAGE 7 Outlook good for government steamship line on the Pacific, say advices from "Wash ington. PAGE 8 Pastor grills big Interests In New York and relates conditions as he saw them In the slum sections of Gotham. PAGE 9 Actress prays for Jury that condemned her; X*aura Biggar Bennett says she Is tran quil despite $75,000 judgment. PAGE 2 California division of Daughters of the American Revolution to hold second annual convention at Ebell club. PAGE 12 Case Against Stones, charged with the murder of Morgan Shlvely. la con tinued. PAGE 9 Federal'authorities arrest local man and woman In connection with white slave traffic. . PAGE 2 Alumni of Michigan university meet and have merry time at Levy's cafe. PAGE 2 Editorial, Letter Box, Haskln's letter. PAGE 4 Marriage licenses, births and deaths. PAGE 14 News of the courts. PAGE 6 Municipal affairs. PAGE 5 Mines and oil fields. PAGE 13 Markets and financial. PAGE 12 Theaters and dramatic criticism. * PAGE 16 Building permits. • PAGE 6 Shipping. PAGE 16 Automobile*. PAGE 11 Sports. PAGE -10 Churches. , PAGE 16 City brevities. PAGE 5 Classified advertising. ; PAGES 14-15 Music and clubs. PAGE 8 Child study circles. PAGE 7 SOUTH CALIFORNIA _ Lone bandit holds up Hlgland bank and ' escapes after taking $16!J9. PAGE 1 Long Beach city council abolishes office Of chief of police. PAGE 14 Water supply In Pasadena dry tract Is shut off by company and many fami lies are affected. PAGE 14 Oxnard about to start campaign to have county Beat moved from Ventura. PAGE 14 Three rival grocery solicitors mistaken for highwaymen at Ocean Park. PAGE 14 COAST Four men Identify garments found on body of victim of Mount Tamalpaln tragedy as belonging to a servant who worked In Bay city boarding; house. " PAGE 3 Oakland man shoots wife while she was sleeping, and then kills bimaelf by taking 1 strychnine. PAGE 3 State superintendent of schools at Sacra - mento places ban on public gifts for grad uates. PAGE 3 Prosecutor Heney severely, scores Her . Mann; trial of former land commis sioner on charge of conspiracy to defraud la ended. PAGE 6 Hepubl leans of Arizona protest against party not redeeming pledges made to peo ple before election. PAGE 1 EASTERN United States Senator Flint fights to secure government line of steamers for Pacific! ocean. . PAGE 8 Senator Conger exposes daring bribery of two state senators of Now York. , PAGE 3 Former United States marshal electro cuted in Virginia for murder of family of six persons. PAGE 6 Vice president of New York exchange denies cotton broilers cheat. PAGE 2 Va3t sum of money will be expended to Improve ports of United States, and {325,000 Is given for Los Angeles harbor. PAGE 1 Secretary Knox condemned by New York representative for failure to use diplomacy. PAGE 1 House committee rejects plan to make Peary a rear admiral. PAQEJ 1 FOREIGN Premier Asqulth likely to be deposed If he does not accede to policy of new leaders In politics of Great Britain. PAGE 6 156 persons meet death In French liner which hits reef In gale off Majorca In Mediterranean sea. PAGE 1 Police from patrol ship of Solomon Islands kill murderous bandits who massacred trader and his family. PAGE 3 Friendly rivals will seek south pole; Great Britain and United States to work together. I'AGE 2 French explorers fall to find south pole; scurvy adds to their discomforts. PAGE 1 Revolutionists In Nicaragua plan to fight more vigorously. PAGE 10 MINING AND OIL Comstock mines push development work. , PAGE 13 Nevadans rush Into Jarbldge, the new gold camp on Idaho boundary. PAGE 13 Crown Oil company erects derrick and ex pects to start drill before end of this month. PAGE 13 Arizona Commercial strikes rich copper glance. PAGE 13 Proportion of copper as to gold In Goldfteld j Consolidated mines at 1000-foot level Is the same as on surface, according to manage ment in denial of report that ' red metal values are increasing with depth. PAGE 13 SPORTING Champions in all branches of sports start new year poorly. PAGE 10 Fight fans are turning their attention to .M. nixie-Powell go next week. , PAGE 10 BONNET FAMINE THREATENED NEW YORK, Feb. 11.—A famine in Baiter bonnets is now threatened' From headquarters of the millinery Workers' union here came the an nouncement that the 0000 members are organizing for a general strike. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 11)10. VAST SUM WILL BE EXPENDED TO IMPROVE PORTS River and Harbor Bill to • Appropriate $325,009 for Los Angeles BUDGET IS COMPLETE $800,000 Allowed for Work on Northern Waterways. ' Total $42,355,276 In til* rivrrs and harbor* bill, a* finally drafted for presentation by the congresslon al committee, are the following appropria tions for California: lor San Pedro harbor, 1135.000. For Wilmington harbor, ¥200,000. For .Nun Diego harbor, $125,000. Hacraiurnto river, $400,000. Oakland harbor, $330,000. Hnmboldt bay, $150,000. [Associated Press] WASHINGTON, Feb. 11.—Water way projects throughout the country at a cost of $42,355,276, of which $7,206,430 is for continuing contracts, are provided for in the riv ers and harbors appropriation hill re ported to the house today by the com mittee on rivers and harbors. The bill will be called up In the house on Monday, in an effort to pre^s the measure to passage ns expedi tiously as possible. The $7,000,000 out side the cash appropriation is for ex penditures that may hereafter be made under the continuing contract system. The bill Is theoretically an iinnual budget, though no regular rivers harbors bill has been reported since that approved March 2, 1907. In the great haste with which the bill was prepared totals in the report of the committee disclose a number of minor discrepancies which it was Impossible to correct tonight. The figures as given are those furnished by the committee. All projects already under Improve ment aggregate $252,015,400, including the Mississippi river from Cairo to the head of the passes. Further projects favorably reported by the engineers, but not adopted 4 by congress, amount ing to $87,548,600, or a total of $339, --556,000, Including projects provided for under the present bill, would leave $297,000,000 yet unacted upon if con gress adopts th« present measure. Total for Completion The total amount required to com plete adopted projects, except the Mis sissippi river, foots up $70,829,000, and for the Mississippi river $17,001,6r,0 from the mouth of the Missouri to the mouth of the Ohio, and $18,559,550 thence to Minneapolis. • i Besides this, the cost. of projects | which congress, having started, pre sumably intends to complete, is esti mated at $9,346,500, and the canalization of the Ohio for a nine-foot depth, prac tically adopted In the bill approved March 3, 1909, is placed at $60,280,600, making $177,617,000, which "congress may be considered as committed to." The bill provides not only increased appropriations for the various tributa ries of the Mississippi, but fixes a time limit when permanent improved chan nels shall be completed. - The policy adopted in the bill for the Mississippi river between Cairo and the Gulf anticipates an expenditure of $4, --000,000 each year for twenty years, which will complete a permanent nine foot channel from Cairo to the Gulf. The middle Mississippi from the mouth of the Missouri to the mouth of the Ohio in twelve years will have a permanent eight-foot channel, 2500 feet wide.. A six-foot channel from the Mis souri river to St. Paul is provided for. The Missouri river sets $1,000,000, and for the Ohio approximately $5,000,000 a year for twelve years is contemplated. An appropriation of $150,000 is made for commencing work under the project for a Puget Bound-Lake Washington waterway—the Lake Washington canal —which is to provide for commercial, industrial, ■ naval and mlitary uses, a fresh-water harbor near Seattle, with 25,000 acres area and 100 miles of shore line. Authorize Contracts Contracts to the extent of $2,125,000 for its completion are. authorized, con ditional on local co-operation. The bill also includes $500,000 for ex aminations, surveys and contingencies of rivers and harbors; $300,000 for emer gencies and $500,000 for a permanent congress of navigation. Among the larger projects are the following: • Mississippi river, between the Ohio and Missouri, $500,000; from head of passes to the mouth of Ohio (Missis sippi river commission), $2,000,000; ex perimental barges, $500,000; between the Missouri and St. Paul, 1600,000; 14 --foot waterway from the lakes to the gulf of $1,050,000. Missouri river—General improvement lower river from mouth to Sioux City, $1,000,000; from mouth to Ft. 1 Benton, Mont.. $175,000. California—Oakland, $250,000; Hum boldt bay, $150,000; San Diego, $125,000; San Pedro, $125,000; Wilmington, $200, --000; Sacramento river from mouth to Feather river, $400,000. Oregon—Columbia river and tribu taries above Celllo falls to the mouth of Snake river, $90,000; Columbia river between the foot of the Dalles rapids and the head of Celilo falls (Oregon) and Washington, $600,000; Willamette river above Portland and above Yam hill river, $30,000; mouth of Columbia river, Oregon and .Washington, $1,200, --000; Coos bay and bar entrance, $400,000. Washington—Puget round and tribu taries, $100,000; Skaslt river to Sedro- Wolley, $100,000; ship canal, Puget wound to lakes Union and Washington, $150,000; Columbia river, Bridgeport to Kettle falls,- $50,000. Alaska—St. Michaels, $100,000. Hawaii— Honolulu, $150,000; Hllo, $200,000: Kahuliu, $150,000. ■ « »-*-.«• THREE PICKPOCKETS ARRESTED SAN JOSE, Feb. 11.—Three pickpock ets In the act of robbing Jacob Dixon of 244 Clayton avenue, this city, this morning, on tho platfor*> of a .San Francisco train, were observed by former Sheriff Roai and Detective Guerln, and tliey .sprang from the train and disappeared. Ross Jumped on a bli yrle and succeeded in arresting all throe. ' THE POST CARDS OF A TOURIST—No.4 ■■ — I =^ '■ '■ '■ — ' ' ■' ' ■ '" - ' '" The Herald artist visits the oil fields and shows an eastern capitalist crowds of investors rush ing to the banks with huge sacks of gold, profits from their petroleum interests. 156 MEET DEATH IN GALE AT SEA FRENCH LINER HITS REEF IN NIGHT STORM Eighty-Seven Passengers and Seventy Members of Crew Perish in Wreck on the Medi. terranean [Associated Tress] PALMA, Island of Majorca, Feb. 11. — Driven helplessly from her course in one of the wildest storms that have swept the Mediterranean sea in forty years, the French Transatlantic Steamship company's steamer General Chancy crashed at full speed, in the dead of night, on the treacherous reefs near the island of Minorca and all ex cept one of the 157 persons on board perished. The sole survivor is an Algerian cus toms oflicial, Marcel Rodel, who was rescued by a fisherman and who lies tonight in the hospital at Ciuda-Dela, raving, as a result of the tortures through which he passed and unablo to give an account of the disaster. In the ship's company there were eighty-seven passengers, of whom thirty were in the first cabin. The crew numbered seventy. It is not thought that any Americans were The ship was in command of Captain Cayol, one of the most careful officers of the line. In his long experience he had never mot with an accident. He had in tended to retire from the service soon. Passengers of the Cbansy were most ly onieers ami officials returning to their posts in Algeria, accompanied by their wives and children: a few sol diers, somajtalians and Turks aiul one PrTne' only Anglo-Saxon names in the D asseneer"list were Green and Stakely. Thcv were members of an opera troupe of eleven that hid bean engaged to sine at the Casino in Algiers. The General Chanssy sailed from Marseilles Wednesday noon and was due to arrive at Algiers Thursday afternoon. BUTTER COMPANY FINED SANILA, Kas.. Feb. 11.—The lilg Springs Creamery company, convicted yesterday on fifteen counts of selling short-weight butter prints, was today fined by Judge Wagstaff $1500, the limit possible under the law. LINCOLN JUROR DEAD BOONL:, la., Feb. Jl. — Milton Logan, aged SO. foreman of the f&moua Arm stroiif? jury In tho Illinois murder ease in Which Abriham Lincoln cleared his client by the use of an almanac, died at hia home hero today. OFFICER PLEADS HE SHOT YOUTH IN SELF DEFENSE Captain of Police Conboy of San Fran. Cisco Testifies in His Own Behalf SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 11.—Declar ing that he shot in self-defense, be lieving lie was about to be attacked, former Captain of Police Michael Jo seph Conboy, on trial Cor killing Ber nard Lagan, testified in his own be half today. With his testimony in, the defense rested its case, and arguments will be made by counsel on Monday. Conboy, who is alleged to have shut Lagan while intoxicated, and after the latter had helped him cut of the gut ter, said that on the night of the shoot ing he became violently ill on Fillmore street as a result of drinking a little and dining too heartily. While overcome and leaning against a lamp post, Lagan, testified the wit ness, seized him by the waist and ap peared to be fumbling at his pockets. Believing him to be a pickpocket, Con boy said he warned Lagan away, and as he returned as if to renew the scuffle ho drew his revolver and fired twice into the air. "Lagan continued to advance," tes tified Conboy, "and as lie made a rush as if to stab me I shot him. firing low with the intention of disabling him." FRENCH EXPLORERS FAIL TO FIND POLE Antarctic.Expedition Arrives at a Chi. lean Port —Scurvy Breaks Out During Voyage Toward the World's Southern Axis PUNTA ARENAS, Chile, Fob. 11.— The French • Antarctic expedition steamer Pourquoipas, with Dr. Jean M. Charcot, head of the expedition, on board, has arrived here. The Frenchmen did not reach the south pole. Ail members ot the crew are well, but on the voyage there weree some cases of scurvy. The Founjuoipas will remain here for a fprtnight. The expedition under Dr. Charcot was fitted out in France in the summer of 1908, and sailed for Punta Arenas December 17 of the same year. Its purpose was to make scientific observa tions in the south pole region, particu larly in the almost unknown Alexan dra land, and to get specimens of rare fossils. Tho south pole was not the objective of the explorers. Dr. Charcoot in «uently has said that this task should be reserved to the Englishman, Scot land Shackelton. As told in these dispatches Thursday, the Pourquoipas was sighted recently at anchor In the Straits of Magellan. SINGLE COPIES: B£&iSfc sT >«3&# REJECT PLAN TO PROMOTE PEARY HOUSE COMMITTEEMEN FAIL TO HONOR HERO Congressmen Declare Discovery of the North Pole of No Benefit to United States and With. hold Laurels Asked [Associated Press] WASHINGTON, Feb. 11.—Command er Robert X Peary, discoverer of the north pole, will not be given the runk of rear admiral in the navy, as pro posed, In recognition of his services as an explorer, if congress approves the. action of the sub-committee of the houst! committee on naval affairs. The sub-committee voted today to re port adversely the bill offered by Sen ator Hale and Representative Allen. The committee uf six members voted unanimously against bestowing the honor upon Mr. Peary. A letter from Secretary Meyer was received by the naval committee giving Mr. Peary's naval record and stating he should be designed as "civil en gineer" and not '"commander." Secretary Meyer said Mr. Peary en listed in the navy on October U6, 1881, and that he had had more than ten years In various leaves of absence. The secretary spoke of Mr. Peary's discov ery of the pole as a ■■self-imposed, but most commendable task, having no military or naval significance," and recommended that Mr. Peary be re tired as a civil engineer with the pay of a rear admiral. Sees No Reason Representative Roberts of Massachu setts, a member of the sub-committee, said he saw no reason whatever for conferring such an honor as was con templated upon Mr. Peary. "His discovery of the north pole," said Mr. Peary, "has been absolutely of no benefit to the United States, to civ ilization or to the naval service, as far us 1 can see. He has been absent from duty in the luivy department most of the time he has been connected with it, and ha 3 done nothing to entitle him to this honor. "I think congress probably might look with favor upon giving him some other kind of recognition. For Instance, if his friends wanted him to receive a gold medal or something of that sort, I would be in favor of it. "But I am not in favor of giving Mr. Peary a pension for what he has done. I don't think he Is entitled to it." The sub-committee which took action today consisted of Messrs. Butler, Rob erts, Bates, Englebright, Gregg and Ba con. Representative D&WBOn was absent. The saJai-y that Mr. Peary would have received as a roar admiral, retired, for the rest of his life would have been $6000 a year. GENTS CONDEMNS KNOX FOR FAILURE TO USE DIPLOMACY Secretary of State Said to Have Committed Many Errors JUDGES BY DOLLARS Tin Swords and Tinsel of Foreign Embassies Denounced [Associated Press] WASHINGTQN, Feb. 11.—Secretary of State Knox wag subjected to caustic criticism in the house today by Representative Francis Bur ton Harrison of New York, in consider ation of the diplomatic and consular ap propriation bill. Many bold strokes of diplomacy, said Mr. Harrison, were justified only by their success, as in the Instance of President Cleveland's Venezuelan mes sage. But that had not been the case with some of the bold strokes of diplo macy made by Secretary Knox, he said. The Nicaraguan imbroglio, the Man churian railway matter and the secre tary's declaration mat he would make it his duty to see that democratic forma of government were maintained in Cen tral America were examples of failure in the diplomacy of Mr. Knox, he said. "This position Is so untenable." he added, referring to the maintenance of democratic government In Central America, "that some day we will be obliged to retire from it with mortifi cation." There had been an obvious difficulty in putting men of proper character and ability to servo the United States abroad, said Mr. Harrison. "The French mission was vacant for months until a man of proper caliber could be found," lie added. Some Examples "Take Austria, where a man (R. C. Kerens) has been sent to represent the United States after having his fitness for the position measured chiefly by the size of his campaign contribution. TaKe the English mission. After that posi tion had been declined publicly by a noted educator (Dr. Eliot), it had been, offered by a New York newspaper to Paul Morton, and If Mr. Morton Is ap pointed that act will be to reward a self-confessed violator of the law, and it will become patent to all the world that the path of the rebater Is to lead to the foot of the throne." This difficulty in finding good men for foreign missions, Mr, Harrison said, was the result of the destruction of diplomacy by the ocean cable. "Today the ambassadors are too often messenger boys in silk knee breeches, with swords, who spend their time in being photographed as the hosts of royalty, 6Y in playing- the part of 'Hands Across the Sea,' " he continued. "To an active, virile man such a posi tion would seem Impossible. "Into this atmosphere of decadence Mr. Knox has injected a breath of fresh air by a suggestion of 'dollar diplomacy' or the policy of valuing for eign representatives by the amount of cash they turn into the channels of American trade* "This dollar diplomacy w(H n o doubt cause a thrill of horror in thn minds of those ambassadors ivho spend their days in the society of people where the mere mention of trade is vulgar." Perkins in Doubt Replying, Chairman Perkins of the committee on foreign affairs said he was inclined to believe with him that. it would be impracticable to see that republican forms of government were established In Central America, but he did not believe that the prestige of the United States in the far east had been injured. The success ot American hankers In obtaining participation In the Chinese loan was an evidence of the good effect of Mr. Knox's course. Mr. Harrison asked whether the American share of that loan had not been secured by bankers of New York, who were known as "the money trust," while other bankers had been unable to get a share of it. Mr. Perkins replied that, while he dltl not know about that phase of the mat ter, the fact remained that the loan had come to the United States. By the influence of a "velvety hand and big stick administration combined" the state department, said Mr. Fitz gerald, is extending American trade in Manchuria. He expressed surprise that American shipbuilders had been abW to obtain contracts to build two battle ships for Argentina and suggested tho possibility o£ some coercive measure by the state department. He spoke of the loan recently made, to Honduras by American bankers as pointing to the same thing. These things were dono in the In terest, he said, of a "select band of financiers under the protecting and helpful wing of the state department," when the theory is that, they involve a beneficent extension of trade. Mr. Fassett of New York, in reply, declared the battleship contracts had been made possible by cheaper price ot armor alone. RATIFY ROAD EXTENSION LARAMIE, Wyo., Feb. 11.—Stock holders of the Denver, Laramie and Northwestern railroad at a meeting yesterday ratified the transfer of all property to the Denver, Laramie and Northwestern Railway company and the increase of capital stock from $5,000.000 to $30,000,000, of which $22, --500 000 is to be issued in bonds for the construction of 750 miles of road. The new incorporation authorizes the ex tension of the line to Seattle. MASTERS HUNGARIAN TONGUE NEW YORK, Feb. 11.—The Countess Szechonyi, forme, ly Miss Gladys Van derbilt, already has mastered Magyar, the Hungarian tongue. She surprised nil who heard her yesterday while on a visit with the count to the Hungar ian immigrant home here oy talking in their own tongue to the Magyar immigrants. The count and countess inspected the building from cellar to roof and ended their visit with a llb < al donation to the work. GEN. BALLANCE PASSES AWAY PEORIA, 111., Feb. 11.—News of th» midden death of Gen. John Greene Bal lance, a retired brigadier general, last night at Miami, Fla., was received ben today.