OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, February 13, 1910, Image 38

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1910-02-13/ed-1/seq-38/

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The nat!nn> doom hangs on tha bahs in that
wee blanket curled,
Uirt the hand that rocks the craais is the hanij
that rulef the world."
flia nation's hope hangs un the child, modern,
unrockod, umrhltied,
Ind the hands that rooktd the cradle la now
freed to rule the world!
—The American Baby.
WHAT promises to be one of the
most enjoyable social eventa of
the season is the military ball
to be glv%n Friday evening In the as
sembly room by company B, Seventh
Infantry, N. G. C, troop D of the First
Squadron cavalry.
This is the first of a series of an
nual events, and over 1000 invitations
have been issued.
On the reception committee are Gen.
Robert Wankowski, Col. W. O.
Schrleber, Major Will D. Stephens,
Capt. James Ounn and Capt. H. B.
Following 1 the special rehearsal of
the Women's Symphony orchestra yes
terday, which was attended by Mme.
Carreno, who played with her sister
musicians, this artist and Senor Tag
liapietra were guests at the Annandale
Country club at lunceon, others in the
party being Mrs. Otto Neher, Miss
Cora Foy and Harley Hamilton.
1 # ■
Young men who danced in the Mars
ovlan number at the Kirmess will en
tertain the chaperons of the dance and
their young women partners at the
Mason opera house tomorrow night.
The young hosts are Messrs. J. C.
Macfariand, Gurney Newlin, W. Norrls
Bucklin, jr., Alfred Wright, W. G. Van
Pell, Kurt J. Koebig, Roy Naftzger,
Clarence A. Fitzhenry, Clyde C. Wal
lace, Carleton R. Balnbrldge.
Their guests will be Mrs. M. J. Con
nell, Mrs. Jefferson Paul chandler, Mrs.
Frank S. Hicks, Mrs. Burton E. Green,
Mrs. Henry McKee, Mrs. Hugh Stew
art, Miss Jeanette Garner, Miss Annie
Van Nuys, Miss Katherine Graves, Miss
Marie Bobrick, Miss Ella Gardner,
Miss Helen Newlin, Miss Marybelle
Peyton. Miss Mamie Packard, Miss
Nora Forthman, Miss Rose Zobelein.
Mrs. Walter J. Trask will give a
dinner dance at the Los Angeles Coun
try club Friday evening in compliment
to the prize team of the Kirmess,' the
Scotch dancers, invitations having been
extended to a few friends beside the
chaperons and those participating in
the dances. ',
Mrs. Henry B. Vercoe of London is
in Pasadena for two months and is
staying at the Raymond. Before her
marriage Mrs. Vercoe was Miss Adele
D'Artois of this city, where she has
many friends to welcome her returni
after a residence In London of four*
teen years.
; ♦ ■
Friends are Interested in news of the
engagement of Miss Bessie Barkelew,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Barke
lew of East Thirty-third street, and
Arleigh Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel A. Brown of Monte Vista
street, Highland Park. No date has
been set for the wedding.
Mrs. Frank B. Toakum of Hotel
Leighton and Mrs. E. W. Sargent en
tertained with a bridge luncheon of
thirty-seven covers yesterday at the
home of the latter in St. Paul avenue.
Appointments for the affair were in
pink and gold.
- 4» •
Mrs. George T. Cochran of Harvard
boulevard has issued invitations for a
card matinee Friday. The affair will 1
be given in compliment to Mrs. Me
. Gean, who is spending the winter in
Los Angeles from Cleveland, Ohio.
.' Mrs. W. H. Stewart of Hoover street
entertained with a valentine card party
yesterday afternoon, being assisted by
Mrs. J. B. Mowray of Pasadena and
her daughter, Marian.
There were present to enjoy the de
lightful occasion Mrs. Sylvester Gwalt
ney, Mrs. M. W. Kennedy of Denver,
Mrs. J. T. Stewart, Mrs. George A.
Ralphs, Mrs. E. J. Stanton, Mrs. George
Bugbee, Mrs. J. W. McAlester. Mrs.
Health and Beauty Talks
Mrs. Ruth O.: There can be no pos
sible excuse for a woman of your age
neglecting her complexion. It is a
duty you owe yourself to look as
youthful and charming as possible. I
would not encourage you to use face
powder; it rubs off too easily, shows
too readily and does no permanent
good. The use of a good lotion made
by dissolving four ounces of spurmax
in half a pint of hot water and adding
two teaspoonfuls of glycerine will take
away that coarse, sallow, oily look to
your skin and make it soft, pink and
youthful. This lotion is an excellent
beautitier and whitener and will last
longer than powder. It is Esplendid for
cold sores, freckles, pimples and pre
venting chapping In the winds.
M. li. T.: Your case is by no means
a hopeless one. Many people, like
yourself, are troubled with dandruff,
itching scalp and falling hair, due to
a germ disease of the scalp. This can
easily be corrected by using a quinine
hair tonic made from one ounce quin
zoin dissolved in one-half pint alcohol,
then adding one-half pint cold water.
Brush your hair thoroughly and rub
this tonic twice a week into your scalp
and it will do wonders for you. It will
promote a vigorous growth of hair and
keep it glussy and from becoming
coarse and the ends splitting. Do not
scratch the scalp with the finger nails.
Use a brush to remove the loose dan
druff. -
Jennie W.: To hold your own in so
ciety or business you must feel right
as well as look right. If you get rid
of tho languor and "always tired out"
feeling you complain of you are almost
certain at the sama time to be freed
from the pimples, blotches and sallow
complexion. A clear, smooth and soft
skin in impossible when the blood is
impure or deficient, the digestion
faultar or the liver inactive. A good
general system tonic is made as fol
lows: Get from your druggist one
ounce of kardene and one-half pint of
alcohol. Dissolve the kardene and a
half teacupful of sugar in the alcohol
,'md add enough boiling water to make
;i full quart. Take a tablespoonful be
fore each meal and on retiring. This
tonic acts beneficially upon the stom
ach and liver, helps to assimilate your
food and throw off impurities in the
system, thus striking at the very roots
of a sickly, pimply complexion.
Constance: Right now is the best
time of the year to get rid of those
facial blemishes, such as freckles, tan,
skin pimples, etc., which come to us
TVgj Phone* Home F«8M; Main 6358. .<; A. PETERSON, Manager.
\]|^» Branch—Eames Tricycle Company
/f&C Manufacturers of Invalid Rolling Chairs
ng3Sg«fl£S-J) Wholf»«l«, Retail and Renting.
Machine Shop and lIKNEHAL KEl'AlKlXi at Loneet Prtcei.
""*--=?" «o» south *•»*» .t. Lv, Augeies, cut ~.
Hostess Who Celebrated Natal Anniversary with
Charmingly Appointed and Informal Dinner
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Mrs. H. J. Whitley of Hotel Hollywood, who was hostess Thursday at one of the large affairs of the week. Mr.
and Mrs. Whitley will go to their Ocean Park cottage early in March for a stay of two months. They will
possibly pass the summer in Europe. •• ■ •
_. _^ —Photo by Mojonler.
Raymond D. Frisbie. Mrs. W. O. Mor
ton Mrs. Charles Guthrie, Mrs. E. A.
during the summertime. But you
should not use soap on the face very
often, as it makes the skin dry and
hard. I recommend the use of a good
greaseless face cream, which can be
made by dissolving one ounce of al- |
mozoin (get it at any druggist's) in
one-half pint cold water, and add two
teaspoonfuls glycerine. Stir and let
stand an hour or so. It is Inexpensive
and you will find its regular use will
improve your skin wonderfully. It
keeps the skin soft, and satiny, smooth
and moist. Almozoin cream Jelly is a
tine and soothing cleanser and will pre
vent blackheads, premature wrinkles,
and when used. as a massage cream
will restore color to dark, sallow skin.
Mrs. E. S.: You will not need to wear
your glasses constantly if you will
treat your eyes with a good, strength
ening eye tonic. Dissolve an ounce of
crystos in a pint of water and drop
one or two drops in each eye daily.
This tonic is very strengthening to
tired, weak and inflamed eyes, and will
make your eyes clear and sparkling.
It is fine for granulated eyelids and
does not smart the eyes. You will find
it very soothing.
Mrs. P. B. E.: It is very easy to be
seen that you are entirely too stout for
your height, and your superfluous
flesh must be a great worry to you.
Even though you have tried so many
flesh-reducing remedies that did no
good, I want you to try this formula.
It has helped a great many and is
harmless. Buy at any drug store four
ounces parnotis and dissolve it in a
pint of hot water. Take a tablespoon
ful before each meal for a few weeks,
and I am sure you will be pleased with
the results.
A. F. L.: Soap should never be used
on the hair. It docs more harm than
good. 1« causes light streaks in the
hair, brittleness and leaves the soalp
harsh and dry. If you wish to have
your hair look bright and healthy, let
soap and inferior ready-prepared
shampoos alone. A good shampoo
costs no more than a poor one. The
most reliable shampoo I have ever
used is made by dissolving a teaspoon
ful of canthrox in a cup of hot water.
This shampoo cleanses the hair and
scalp thoroughly and leaves the scalp
fresh, elastic and free from any Irri
tation. It makes the hair soft and
lustrous. Canthrox makes a partic
ularly fine shampoo during the winter
months, as it dries quickly.' You can
buy canthrox from your druggist, or
get a canthrox shampoo at almost any
first-class hair-dresser's.
Curtis, Mrs. Octavlus Morgan, Mrs.
William Morgan, Mrs. J. M. Betts, Mrs.
J. W. Harris, Mrs. Stewart Roseberry,
Mrs. C. M. O'Leary, Mrs. Sherman
Pease, Mrs. Meyer Dinkelspiel, the
Misses Grace, Anna and Jessie Pease,
MiM Helen Biggin and the Misses
Lulu and Elizabeth Page.
Mrs. Thomas Thornton of Glendale
has issued Invitations for tomorrow af
ternoon at the Clendale Country club,
when she will entertain with a lunch
eon and cards in honor of St. Valen
The company, numbering forty-five,
will be seated at one large table in the
dining room for the luncheon and af
terwards whist will be enjoyed.
Mrs. Thornton will be assisted in re
ceiving by Mrs. J. T. Cooper, Mrs.
Jack Thornton and Mrs. Leigh Thorn
Miss Ruth MacFarland, daughter of
Mrs. J. D. MacFarland of Portland
place, whose engagement with Alex
ander Balfour has been announced, has
chosen April as the month for her
Mr. Balfour, who recently returned
from a trip to England, is the son of
Robert Balfour of the English firm of
Balfour, Guthrie & Co.
Mrs. AVilliam S. Hook of "West
Adams street will be hostess February
22 at a large dinner to be given at
Hotel Alexandria.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Schuster, accom
panied by their daughters and son, will
leave Monday of next week for a trip
abroad, planning to be gone nine
months. They will visit Prance, Ger
many and Kngland, among other coun
tries. On their return Richard Schus
ter will enter Stanfard university.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marion Knight,
who wer^ married in Los Angeles a
year ago, have gone to Denver, Colo.,
where Mr. Knight is engaging in busi
ness and where they will reside.
The marriage of Mrs. Augusta T.
Fletter of Gramercy place and Peter
Johnson of San Francisco was sol
emnized late yesterday afternoon at
the residence of the officiating clergy
man, Rev. William Horace Day, D.
D. The bride was attired in her going
away gown of peacock blue cloth with
black plumed hat and the couple left
Immediately for Riverside, where they
will remain for a short time before
going north. Later Mr. and Mrs. John
son are planning a trip to Europe, re
turning to make their home in San
The engagement of Miss Edith Suth
erland, only child of Senator and Mrs.
George Sutherland of Bait Lake City,
and Robert Elmore, formerly of Wash
ington and New York and now a res
ident of Los Angeles, will be an
nounced at the family home of the
bride in Washington, D. C., tomorrow.
Announcement Is made of the en
gagement of Miss Cora Wilson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wilson
of Boyle avenue, and Leroy W. Prew
ett. The wedding will be solemnized
In March.
The date for the third of the sub
scription dances of the San Gabriel
Country club Is February 22. and the
affair promises to be one of the most
delightful of the winter series.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. D. Matthus of West
Seventh street entertained with a din
ner recently in compliment to Mr. and
Mrs. D. K. Edwards, who left a few
days ago for a tour of the world. Mr.
and Mrs. Matthus plan to leave March
8 for the same trip and will meet Mr.
and Mrs. Edwards in India.
Mrs. Rupert Johnson and Miss Ger
trude Johnson of Edgeware road have
issued invitations for a reception
Thursday afternoon to meet their
house guest, Mrs. D. B. Oummings of
Truro, Nova Scotia.
Members of the S. M. club and
friends were guests of Miss Florence
Osborne yesterday afternoon at her
home in Raymond avenue, whist being
Club members present were Mrs.
Ralph Stuart, Mrs. Walter J. Wren,
Mrs. Philip D. Colby, Mrs. Allen Cul
ver, Mrs. Edward Graham, Mrs. Harry
Wagner, Mrs. James Moore and the
Miss Anna Kellam, Miss Lydia Kel
lam, Miss Krma Hahn, Miss Lucile
Roberts, Miss Susie Cogswell, Miss
Marguerite Seymour, Miss Helen Mc-
Cutchan, Miss Hortense Barnhart
Jones, Miss Nellie Beaeom, Miss Mar
tha Hunter, Miss Jessie Roberts, Miss
Emmie Luentzel and Mips Clara Parks.
Other guests included Mrs. Charles
Post, Mrs. Hiram A. Norcross, Mrs.
Scott Sheldon. Mrs. H. D. Worden and
Mrs. A. L. Markwell.
In compliment to Mrs. H. M. Meier
of St. Louis, who is passing the win
ter in Southern California, Mrs.
Charles W. Hinchcliffe entertained at
her Grand avenue home yesterday
afternoon with a handsomely appoint
ed luncheon, where white sweet peas,
violets and maidenhair fern furnished
the table decoration. The monogram
of the hostess was used on the place
Friends asked to meet Mrs. Meier
were Mrs. J. F. Conroy, Mrs. J. A.
Henderson, Mrs. Erasmus Wilson, Mrs.
A. H. Busch, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. C. C.
Carpenter, Mrs. Frank Walsh, Mrs.
Felix C. Howes, Mrs. James H. Rol
lins, Mrs. O. H. Churchill and Mrs.
Byron Nugent and Mrs. Alfred Clif
ford of St. Louis.
The Berean Bible class of Naomi
Avenue Christian church entertained
Friday evening- with a valentine party,
at which time announcement was
made of the marriage of two of their
number. Mr. and Mrs. Chester M.
Bartosch, the news coming as a great
surprise to their friejids, who expected
an announcement of their engagement.
Mrs. Bartosch, who was Miss Glen
dora Plannett, Is the secretary of the
class and a very popular young lady.
Decorations were in red and white,
and hundreds of red hearts were used
in the decorations. At the close of the
evening tho young couple were fol
lowed to their home and induced to be
the principals In a mock wedding cere
mony conducted by John Lynn.
Other guests of the class were young
people from the West Side Christian
church and included Mrs. Means, Mrs.
(iiaid. the Misses Stratton, Miss Graid,
Messrs. Earl Means, i>eon Kiley, Her
nay RHey.
Members of the Bercan class present
were Mr. and Mrs. Chester I'.artosch,
Mr. and Mrs. Kayrnoi.d Horton, Miss
Louise Kscherlch, Miss Heltn Eseher
lch, Miss Helen Flory, Miss Edna
Neely, Miss Mary Ktcille. Miss Mar-
R ;iivt Btelfle, Miss .Mabel Sprllman,
Miss Qrace Wilmot, Mis» Lela Jones,
.Miss Opal Rogers, JHsk Hilda Mat
thews, Miss Poppy Hathews, Miss
Mar.!.■ Tucker, UUa Eulala "Wright,
Miss Delta Doner, Miss Bartosoh Miss
Dora Newton, Miss Jennie Bvans, Miss
Mnrgarot Jones, .Miss Jessie Sherman,
Miss Alta Rnddock, Miss Lucy v>'ag
ner, Miss Meta Harmes, Miss Regina
Marback. Miss Fay Jones, .Miss Jane
jvync. .Miss Lena Horton; Messrs. F.
M. Washer. John Lynn, Harry Austin.
Ralph Fulkerson, Walter Werdin, W.
L. Yager, George Bush, li. H, Jewell,
S. I. Sinyser, James A. Myers, Royal
Foster, Mill Ilirkman, Harold Mc-
Donald, R. k. Crawford, Karl M. Ker
sey, Roecoe Burghart, Ernest Roger,
carl Hlckman, E, Buokner, Le Roy
Crawford, Robert Bartosch, Le Roy
Hartzell, John Cole, Harvey Horton.
One of the Interesting affairs of last
week was a house party given by Mrs.
A. stutzer at the Cartnena, Venice, in
honor of her nidi', Miss Mary Aleck.
Mr* Stutser was ■■> charming hostess
and those who enjoy,-, 1 the affair were
Miss Esther Lawrence, Miss. Cassa
Bell. .Miss Ethel .May, Misa Cora Alli
son, Miss Neva Lawrence and .Miss
Marq Afileck.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Burton of
Cherry street have announced the en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Vio
let Emily, and Carrol Crowe Dickaon,
a newspaper man of New York.
The marriage will take place in St.
Paul's pro-cathedral in March, and Mr.
Dickson and his bride will make their
home in San Francisco,
• 4
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Relley entertained
with a charmingly appointed dinner
recently at their home in Holden street,
whist being enjoyed later.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hoff
man, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Valiant, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Coan, Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Wnmbach, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Dlederlch, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Crocker, Mrs. Vera ISurt and Mrs. E. J.
Mrs. De Forest Bowman, who arrived
last evening from Dcs Moines. lowa,
will mako un extended visit with Mrs.
E. W. Kidder nnd Mrs. H. W. Coombs
at their home in East Orange avenue,
Long Beach. Mrs. Bowman has many
friends In Lok Angeles who will be
glad to learn of her arrival.
Charles Elliot of' Kansas City is in
Los Angeles for an indefinite stay and
Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Leonard of Pine avenue.
Miss Minnie Rynez, who was Mrs.
I>eonard's guest last week, is in San
Francisco en route to Salt Lake, where
she will visit friends before leaving
her home in Washington, D. C. Mrs.
Leonard entertained with a. dinner and
several informal luncheons for Miss
Announcement is made by Mr and
Mrs. J. H. McKecn of South Eastiake
avenue, of the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Mabel, and Roy C.
Sumner, a young business man of Oak
land. No date has been set for the
marriage, which will take place in the
early summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wilson of
South Boyle, avenue announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Cora,
and Leroy W. Prewitt. Tlib wedding
will take place the latter part of
The marriage ot Mrs. Kate B. Rar
don and A. W. Francisco was solemn^-
Ized at noon yesterday in Independent
Church of Christ by the pastor, Rev.
J. S. Thompson, the ceremony being
witnessed by relatives and a few
Both bride and bridegroom have
many friends throughout Southern Cal
ifornia. Mr. Francisco has lived in Los
Angeles since early girlhood, is a
graduate of the state normal school
and for several years was a teacher in
Kern county high school. Mr. Fran
cisco, chief deputy in the county clerk's
office, is prominent in club and fra-
fifP^h; WHAT ABOUT 1 i
Boß^ Your Clothes? )
•^a^t^-^frfr- •-*—?£= *r=rj, BERLIN SPECIAL PROCESS turns out none but per- 1
"\^T^^''-^!'l feet work. Whatever you send us will he cleaned and '/
Jfl^fe»T|s".'/v:^'' v-^' -i*!^'* pressed perfectly, Repairs will be attended to with equal /
i^^^^^A^'liV•\^T<^ :£(^f:'Oi care anc^ Prec's'on> These • ■ V
v^l^S. I Spring Time Specials j!
'/■^P*?W^»lnES tITI Is are offered right now, when you should go to your S>
JaS^iggi^jfiHr^ HUfi clothes-closet and see just how much money you can A,
-^BSv/^'^M save in prolonging the life of your present apparel and V
JmaKiSL/%' V F H in re J uvenating tlle Past season's for the coming spring. n
™^^^^H|l| g These Special Prices for This I
L^X ' ffy^l_Ll ■ ml^ '1 Men's Suits, dry or steam cleaned and repaired. sj ■nr /
WW .rf ''I*l :" ' ll|i|l ' Ladies' Dark Tailored Suits, cleaned and pressed *••'») (I
*!'£'W^L'W f' *"1 '" V I Additional Suits of either kind, at, each, $1.00 ; )}
B*T^S &VMWVWF IifNffII Ladies' Dark Skirts r/\ Ladies' Plaited Skirts * | <ic\
RBffl'l-rJIHi ' ift'W 1 Usually $1 uUC Usually $1.50 & $2. . 4>l II
MvPwfP - Inly 1 Opera Cloaks and Evening Gowns (usually $5), $2.50 X .
rnJk-li 1 I'ily^lW^ Men's and Women's . ' Women's Long Gloves \
HsPW^ll' vJMlm^ m Gloves Usually C r Usually \C r /
Bl^»j(BM\*l lOcrlsc 20c«25c> 30c 13C \\
Itilili^iW /111 H-«■»-•-» 120 Autos at Your c...»« ,
liSvPlMSfil-"«^f /*'- jL Home 675 or r? - .^_:__ .'•':<<' IFonifl 67» or
rv^fflPtff^ii/ h -*? m s"u"1 10'"5 I Service s "»'" 10875
K«/^^PfSl|^Slf/ & "^H Or leave your order at any of our seven branch Offices.
l^w« I Berlin- Dye Works i
1 ■ ,'_: ■ _ . "Magnetic Advtg."' . r' ' .ivl /" ""i -
ternal circles and a brother of J. Bond
Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Francisco
will return from a trip to nearby points
to be at home to friends at the Har
grave apartments in South Flgueroa
street. -
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Whitney Glller,
with Mrs. C. M. Idleman of Seattle, are
in San Diego for the week end. Mrs.
Idleman will be joined here soon h^
Mr. [dleman, a prominent attorney of
Seattle, and together they will spend
several weeks visiting points of in
terest in the southern section of the
Judge R. F. F. Andros left a few
days ago for ii (stay of two months in
Cuba with his son, Don Luis. On his
return Judge Andros will be accom
panied by his son for a visit of some
length, v
Mrs. Anson Brooks of Indianapolis Is
! a guest at the Hollywood home of her
parents, Judge and Mrs. Andros In
Pine avenue. Mrs. Brooks, will spend
the summer in Southern California.
•-♦!• —
Mrs, J. H. HohoiTwill entertain Feb
ruary 8 with a bridge luncheon of
thirty covers at her home In West
Adams street. ■ ».
_♦_ *
Mis Flora Gctchell. daughter. of Mr.
and Mrs.. George Getchell of West
Thirty-third street, was hostess
Wednesday evening at an informal
affair, at which she announced her
engagement to John S. Jones, a young
business man of this city. The affair
also celebrated the nineteenth birth
day of the young hostess.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Chappe!.
Mr. and .Mrs. George Felch, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Willox, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Stein, Mrs. Harriet Tower, Miss Ad
die Ramsey, Miss Corinne Black, Miss
Adele Tower, Miss Mac Bell, Miss
Marie Bell, Miss Hazel Platz, Miss
Charlotte Black, Miss Helen Brown,
Miss Josephine Coquenguiot, Miss
Pearl Getchell. Miss Helen Tower,
and Messrs. Paul Meyer, Edwards,
Waldo Stein, Walter Robinson, John
S. Jones, Edward Lily, George Blake,
McCune and Arthur Coquenguiot.
Young men and women who partici
pated in the Indian dance at the Kir
mess were entertained with a buffet
supper Friday evening at the home of
Mrs. Samuel jT. Clover on La Sallo
avenue, who was also one of the
chaperons during rehearsals.
The other hostesses were Mrs. Lynn
Helm, Mrs. Scott Helm, Mrs. Wll
loughby Rodman, v Mrs. Horace B.
Wing: and Miss Caroline Van Dyke.
Guests entertained beside the Kir
mess folk were Mrs. v Fred E. Weller,
Mrs. C. W. Rogers, Alfred Allen. WH
loughby Rodman and Lynn Helm.
Guests of honor were Miss M. Louise
Freeße, Miss Kate Freese, Miss Flor
ence adsworth, Miss Dora D. Rogers,
Miss Rowena Newton, Miss Lily M.
Olshausen, Miss Rae Belle Morlan,
Miss Romaine Poindexter, Miss Agnes
Helen Whittaker> Miss Mary Boyn
ton, Miss Helen Parker, Miss Hazel
Eva Parker, Edwin A. de Voss, Nel
son C. Lally, Fred L. Letten, William
Theodore Behr, Everett C. Maxwell,
Fred C. Weller, Roy F. Allen, Norman
H. Bradshaw, Thomas Bradley, Charles
J. Sutton, Charles A. Rogers and Ed
gar K. Brown.
Mrs. Otheman Stevens entertained
the chaperons and dancers with an In
formal tea, followed by dancing- yes
terday afternoon at the Los Angeles
Country club.
Chaperons for the Spanish dance In
the Kirmess entertained with a box
party at the Belasco Friday evening
and later with a dinner at Hotel Al
exandria. The hostesses included Mrs.
Ezra T. Stimpson, Mrs. A. L. Cheney,
Mrs. John T. Jones, Mrs. Henry Van
Der Leek and Mrs. Wlllard Doran.
Guests were Mrs. Carrie Pay Lawn,
Mrs. J. J. A. Van Kaathoven, Miss
OHve Babette Errlt. Miss Marguerite
Rlinpau, Miss Virginia Nourse, Miss
Barbara Burkhaltor, Miss Mary Burn
ham, Miss Lottlta Corolla, Miss Clarlss-e
Stevens, Miss Florence Helen Clark,
Miss Mary PranceS Lindley, Miss May
RJdgeway, Miss Marie Stoekard, and
iflessrs. Charles A. Henderson, Haines
W. Reed. Earl R. Holland, W. R. Mil
lar. J. R. Cofftnan, Harold Janss, J.
Walter" Kays, Raymond C. Moore,
George H. Reed. PhlJo L. Llndley,
George Mossbacher, L. J. Marsh, A. L.
Balllnger, O. ('. Bradley and Dr. 3. J.
A Win Kaatliovell.
A pleasant affair planned for Tues
day is a luncheon of twelve covers
with which Mrs. Harriet Spencer will
entertain at her home in West Twen
ty-third street In compliment to Ernest
w'arde. ■ son of Frederick Warde, who
will be playing at the Majestic with
the Max Figman company in "Mary
Jane's Pa."
Mrs. Spencer entertained Wednesday
night with a dinner of six covers for
Aiihur Warde, also a son of the emi
nent tragedian. Mrs. Spencer will have
as guests at a box party at the Ma
jestic tomorrow night Mrs. Ward Win
chell, Mrs. Nelson Klngslund, Mrs.
John Bummerfield, Mrs. W. N. Cran
dall. Miss Blanche Remington.
Chaperoned by her grandmother,
Mrs. Oeldert, who Is a guest at the
family home in West Twenty-third
street. Miss Miriam Spencer will en
tertain a matinee party of girls at the
Majestic Saturday. Her guests wfll be
her sisters, Helen and Babe, with Mar
jorle Ordway and Binkle Robertson.
The residence of Commander and
Mrs. Ward Wlnchell, in Kenwood
Street, was the scene last night of a
happily appointed valentine party and
A buffet supper was served at mid
night and a Jolly feature of the hour
was the distribution of valentines.
Bach one present had been supplied
days before with a list of other guests
expected and each had mailed sundry
and various valentines to every other
body, forwarded to the Winchell home
via Uncle Sam's postal service, and
it was these njissives that, were deliv
ered by Acting Postman Duck at th»
stroke of twelve and read aloud amid
much merriment.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Paul, Mr. and Mrs. William James
Chick, Mr. and Mrs. Carruth, Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Klngsland, Mr. and Mrs.
J Sidlo Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Ihmsen, Mrs. J. M. Doak, Mrs. Grace,
Sanborn, Mrs. Marie Sweet Baker, Mrs.
M. D. O'Farrell, Miss Talamantes, Mlsa
Ihmsen, Messrs. Duck, Willard H.
Wright, Arthur Warde, Parton, Nel
son Crandall, A. T. Chipron, Otto
Wuerker and Dr. E. T. Wood.
Beta Delta club entertained with a
•box party at the Majestic recently,
complimenting one of their members,
Miss Hallle Lund, one of the popular
Others present were Mrs. Melrowo
Martin, Mrs. W. C. Pennell, Miss
Jessie Parke, Miss Jane McPeake and
Miss Mac Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Glvernaud
of West Washington street left yes
terday for a-few weeks at Coronado.
McKirtley Industrial Home society
has Issued Invitations for the informal
opening of the Felix C. Howes memori
al cottage, the afternoon of February
22, from 2 until 5 o'clock.
The reception committee includes the
following well known women: Mrs.
Valentine Peyton, Mrs. M. H. Whittler,
Mrs W W. Neuner. Mrs. Lyman Far
well, Mrs. T. C. Mennell, Mrs. Charles
Wier, Mrs. Rufus Green, Mrs. H. W.
Frank, Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Mrs. Har
ry Chandler, Mrs. Will Lacy, Mrs. J. S.
Torrance, Mrs. Arthur Letts, Mrs. D.
X Edwards, Mrs. A. C. Potter, Mrs.
Gail B Johnson, Mrs, Edward L. Do
heny,-Mrs. H. W. Keller, Mrs. Alico
Gregory, Mrs. D. E. Luther, Mrs. Pot
ter, Mrs. C. J. Robinson and Miss Caro
lina Canfield.
Mlsa May Flint of Lasalle avenue en
tertained Friday evening 1 wtih a pro
gressive domino party, a game which
was played with double sixes and Is
having great vogue in New York and
San Francisco.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wal
lace, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lee Grover,
Mr. and Mrs. George H. McGinnis, Mr.
and Mrs. John D. Reavis, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert D. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. William
(Contlnurd on P»B« Eleven)

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