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[ 16 PAGES _ VOt,. XXXVII. Pit I/^I-f • ■ At I ll7 l'V rrWS BY CAKRIKR M'MBKK 145. J. riIV^AJ. ttl> V^Hlll Iks I'KB MONTH THREE FATALLY HURT IN FIERCE STREET RIOTING Violence and Bloodshed Are General in City of Philadelphia. MILITIA IS PO WERLESS Strike of Union Labor Men Is Anticipated This Morning [Associated Pressl PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 22.—Three boys were shot and probably fa tally injured and several received iess severe wounds today in riois that followed the resumption of service by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit com pany. The shooting occurred In nttacks on cars in the northeastern section. Market street, the principal business thoroughfare, was the scene of the dis turbances all day. Cars were stoned and two policemen were roughly han dled by a mob of several thousand persons. A dozen arrests were made and the prisoners were placed in a trolley car. This was stormed by the mob and two prisoners escaped. Preparations wera made by the authorities to call upon the entire force < f the state militia if the police tomorrow were unable to cope with the situation. General Strike Predicted " President Murphy of the Central L>r bor union still regards a general strike of all trade unions in the city as inev itable, although Organizer Pratt is said to opose this move. Pratt was arrested, charged with inciting a riot, but later was released. Members of the State Fencibles, an independent military organization 200 strong, were placed on duty today, armed with loaded rifles. They were detailed In the Kensington mill district in the northeast, a hotbed of union sympathizers. In their first skirmish they were badly beaten by a mob that paid no attention to the drawn bay onets and snatched the rifles from the hands of the young militiamen. Members of the Fencibles, according to Mayor Reyburn, acted as If they were allowing girls in the mill district to wear their caps and cut the brass buttons off their clothing. At one point a group of rioters captured a member of the Fencibles and carried him several feet from his post, where they stripped him of his cout, hat and cartridge belt and gun and threw them Into a sewer. Fifteen policemen quartered In the barn of the company at Ridge avenue and York street narrowly escaped tleath tonight when the entire north east corner of the building was blown away with dynamjte. The explosion occurred just as C. O. Pratt was about to address a meeting of car men at Ridge avenue and Dauphin street. How the dynamite was placed in the car barn is a mystery. The State Fenclbles, after being har assed and beaten badly by a mob of thousands of strike sympathizers, were withdrawn at nightfall. The militia had been powerless against the mob, but a half-dozen mounted police had ridden up and down, driving tlie rioters before them in the afternoon. Only two cars were run on the Lo hlgh avenue line in the afternoon. Both were badly shattered by stones. Po licemen in this district were flred upon by a strike sympathizer who had con cealed himself In St. Simon's church. This enraged guardians of the peace nnd they returned the fire, hitting W. E. Collins iii the groin. Satisfied with Police Director of Public Safety Clay said tonight that should outside assistance be required he would ask for the state constabulary before calling for the mil itia. He expressed himself a« satis fled with the way the police have han dled the mobs up to date. Following: a conference with Gov ernor Stuart this afternoon, Mayor Reyburn held a consultation with heads of the various city departments and decided to prepare to call on the governor for the entire state militia in ease the police tomorrow are unable to cope with the rioters. The crucial point in the situation' promises to develop tomorrow. The company, it is understood, will attempt to start cars on the regular schedule, and if the police do not give adequate protection will demand that the mayor forward to the governor a request for etate troops. The general strike order by Presi dent Murphy today also may material ize. C. O. Pratt, national organizer for the street car men, after bis re lease on ball today held a conference with President Murphy, at which he Js reported to have urged the inex pediency of a general strike, but Mur phy at the close of the conference said he still believed a general strike in evitable. Walkout May Come Today Of the 200,000 or more members of labor unions in this city, 30,000 already have voted to go on strike, according to the secretary of the central labor union. Whether leaders who, are op posing a general strike will be able tr. defer a walkout tomorrow is prob lematical. Delegations of labor leaders left for Washington this afternoon to urge Senator Penrose to use his Influence toward a peaceable settlement. A nonunion conductor was t badly hurt at Sixth and Market streets late this afternoon when a crowd attacked liis car after a boy hud pulled the trolley pole from the feed wire. Po licemen drove back the crowd with re volvers and started the car. It had gone but a short distance when a heavy iron weight thrown from a win dow crashed through the roof of the vehicle. Two badly frightened women in the ear were not hurt. Mayor Reyburn stopped his confer ence with city officials this afternoon to give a little talk on the street. He said he had not contemplated closing the saloons. Thus far the drinking places, he said, had given no trouble. Not one of those arrested for rioting, he said, was under the In fluence of llQUor. "We are prepared for any emer gency," he said. "If the labor people who sympathize with the 5000 strikers decide to quit work that is their right, but whether the public will quietly tubmit to It is another question." LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST For Los Angeles—Fair Wedensday; light northwest wind. Maximum tern, perature yesterday, 58 degrees; min imum temperature, 45 degrees. LOS ANGELES ' George B. Harrison leaves for Texaa to accompany Cllffortl Harmon on try for ballooning record. PAGE 9 Thirty-flvo thousand lowans reunite at ' Kastiake park. PAGE 8 South Pasadena has gala fete; three thou sand visitors at suburb to celebrate ."Flag d»7." PAGE 6 City attorney says Incinerator cannot he leased. PAGE 6 Private water rates com* before council : today; city attorney suggest^ reference to i milltles commission. I PAGE 5 Oldest member of Woman's league has cel ebration. PAGE 16 Annual banquet of chamber of commerce Is brilliant affair and sentiments of former • Governor Pnrrtfe on conservation are cheered heartily. PAGES 6-7 City needß municipal lodging houses for poor, declares expert who has been Inves tigating conditions. PAGE 14 Coroner Investigates sudden deaths of two young women. . PAGE U Alleged ■ bigamist under - arrest In Mexico may prove innocence on ground that no wedding was performed. • . PAGE 9 Sons of Revolution re-elect officers. PAGE 9 Autopsy surgeon declares rabies caused the death of Joseph Scott, jr. PAGE) 9 Has whistle plan for traffic squad: Sergeant . Butler's idea favored by commissioner. PAGE » Night watchman shot; sheriff' says - murder; police hold three. PAGE 3 Labqr temple dedicated by union men; Mayor McCarthy of San Francisco presides., , - PAGE 3 Editorial, Letter Box and Haskin's letter. PAGE 4 Deaths. • PAGE 14 Society and clubs. page i Music. • PAGE & Mines and oil fields. PAGE 13 City brevities. PAGE 5 Classified advertising. PAGES 14-15 Automobiles. PAGE 12 Sports. PAGES 10-11 Theaters and dramatic criticism. PAGB 3 Municipal affairs. PAGB 5 SOUTH CALIFORNIA Redondo Beach trustees may order a | bond Issue to pay bills following the death of a horse. . PAGE 13 Comedy of Ocean Park rulers ends with * purchase of steam roller. PAGE} 13 Town lost In desert; San I7crna.r/lino supervisors must eurvey county to de termine location. . PAGB 13 Many attend holiday races at Pasa dena Tournament park. . _ PAGE 13 Residents of San Bernardino claim streets ' ara theirs. , ■ PAGE 3 COAST . # Eastern lumbermen get In line on con servation with coast men at Seattle. PAGE 16 Three fatally hurt In fierce street riot- " ;■ ing in Philadelphia; troops repulsed: general sLriko expected today. PAGE) 1 Masons . to erect $1,000,000 temple lat Alexandria, Va., in memory of George Washington. •; . BAGS 2 Tamalpals murder victim identified; Marln - county officials convinced she was Mrs. Rose McKay of Mill Valley. . . PAGE 2 Iroquola warriors demand a Democrat for. governor of California and stormy session Is held at San Francisco. PAGE 1 Kidnaped boy taken secretly away from Tucson, Ariz., by his father. ■ PAGE 1 Admiral Harber hints at naval clique vChich he holds responsible for rumors-of unseaworthiness of two of his fleet ves sels. PAGE 2 EASTERN Police surround President Taft when he steps off train at Jersey City on way to Xew Turk. PAGE) 1 Conger o,t bay in Investigation of scan dal In New York senate rebels against hard grilling of inquisitors. PAGE 1 General strike of eastern ' railroad men feared; 11. & O. refuses -demands; men aro determined. PAGE 1 James R. Keeie of Hocking Valley fame, angry'when given the lie by another witness. . , PAGE 1 House naval commiffte votes tentative ap proval of Secretary Meyer'a plan for re organization of the navy. PAGE 2 "Might not relish wage," !Is excuse of President Taft for withdrawing nomina .llaQg to new customs oourt.of appeals. "V. . — i PAGBI FOREIGN , - '/ Veto tower of house of lords will be first object of attack of opposition in British parliament. PAGE 1 MINING AND OIL Big smelter proposed for the Johnson district of Arizona. - PAGE 13 Gold Road mine grows In wealth as shaft deepens. PAGE 13 Oil operators In Mexico withhold facts concerning richness of I fields of the ' republic: Inducements are available only to big Interests. PAGE 13 Ray-Wlnkleman country in Arizona expects a boom. ' PAGE 13 SPORTING ... Ad Wolgast stops Battling Nelson in fortieth round and wlnß lightweight championship of world. PAGE 10 Frankie Conley knocks out Monte At tell in forty-second round at Vernon and wins bantam championship of the world. f ■ ' . PAGE 11 Turret wins California Derby with great ease from classy Held. . Gloria wins handicap feature at Juarez. PAGE 11 G. Haggart wins Venlce-to-I«s Angeles ' marathon race, doing distance in 1:41:08. PAGE 11 U. S. C. wins track meet with Occi- , dental toy score of' 76 to 471 i on Bovard field. - PAGE 10 Harness race meets are held at A«rl- • t ' cultural park. San Bernardino and ; Pasadena. i PAGE 10 SARDINES CONFISCATED BOSTON, Feb. 22. —A consignment of 250,000 boxes of sardines has been seized under order of the pure food bureau, department of agriculture, here. It Is alleged the boxes are labeled as containing sardines put up In olive oil, but contain no olive oil. OLD SETTLERS MAKE MERRY SAN JOSE, Feb. 22.—"01 d Settlers" day was celebrated at Campbell, the residents of all the surrounding coun try turning out to hear the literary and musical exercises and to feast to gether. The address of welcome was delivered by S. R. Wade and the orator or the day was Rev. H. H. McQuillkln. PARK DIRECTOR A VISITOR POMONA, Feb. 22.— J. W. Rodgers, park superintendent of Cincinnati, lias been here visiting Charles Carette and Is loud in his praises of Pomona and i nvirons and the great possibilities for intensive agriculture her*, Mr. Rod gers represents a wealthy Ohio syndi cate which lias purchased 10,000 acres of eucalyptus land la Tulare county. WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 23. 1910. VETO POWER OF HOUSE OF LORDS TO BE ATTACKED First Battle of Opposition to Be Waged Against the Peerage BUDGET COMES NEXT Nationalists and Laborites Will Not Try to Over throw Ministry [Associated Press] LONDON, Feb. 22.—Without any actual change in the parlia mentary situation, the outlook tonight was more hopeful for the gov ernment. It seems certain ministers met the new parliament Monday without hav ing made much effort to seek the views of the various groups forming the gov ernment majority. The surprise with which the Nationalists and Laborites learned that they,had misapprehended Premier Asquith's speech with refer ence to "securing guarantees" for dealing with the house of lords was in a great measure responsible for the crisis. Both the Nationalists and Laborites, however, are aware they have nothing to gain by throwing out the govern ment, as this would lead to a dissolu tion and to the probable victory of the Conservatives at the next general elections. Hence, the extremists to day displayed a more conciliatory spirit. The cabinet had a long council to draft the veto resolutions and to de bate the general situation. The result of the deliberations was a speech in the commons by Winston Spencer Churchill, president of the board of trade, In which he announced the de termination of the government to stand or fall by the veto bill. This determination should, to some degree, satfsfy the irreconcilables, who, It will be remembered, in no way agree amoner themselves, the Labor ites being as strongly for the budget as the Nationalists are against it. Any direct co-operation between these two parties with the express in tention of defeating the government is Improbable. Will Not Embarrass Government In fact, meetings of the Labor party have shown that there is a strong feeling against any action likely to defeat the ministry, while the Nation alists would not likely go beyond ab staining from voting for the budget. Indeed, the Nationalists Kfday de cided not to take any action for the present that would embarrass the government. Negotiations are now proceeding be tween the different parties with a view to avoiding a crisis until the budget is adopted and some progress has been made with the veto resolutions. Speaking from carefully prepared notes, which showed he was a mouth piece of the government, Winston Spencer Churchill declared in the house of commons today that" the cabinet would stake its whole existence on the passage of the veto bill, and ho prom ised a resolution embodying its prin ciples would be brought forward at the earliest possible moment. He did not think any reasonable member would recommend that the house exercise Its power of refusing the necessary sup plies. To attempt to compel a con stitutional change by that means would. In the judgment of the govern ment, expose them to a swift and blinding catastrophe. The ministry, /Mr. Churchill said, would regard the destruction of the budget as a mortal blow. They at tached an Importance to It second only to that of the veto bill. They would further regard its defeat -as a vindi cation of the unconstitutional action of the house of commons. The government, he continued, was bound to bring to a final issue Its policy of dealing with the house of lords, and for the abolition of the abso lute veto power of the second cham ber. If there wore to be a crisis and dead lock, however, they could not come too soon, he said. The policy of the gov ernment was to place the proposals be fore the house, so that the decision of the members might be taken thereon. James Keir Hardie, president of the Independent Laborites, protested against any attempted reconstruction of the house of lords, as the Laborites, lie said, did not believe marely In de stroying the veto power of the lords, a relic of feudalism and an insult and outrage upon democracy. But, as the lp.bor party could not gel its own way, they would accept the second best course and support the government in getting rid of the veto. He hoped the government would make the passage of the budget contingent on tho veto bills going through, and t|e urged the government to refuse the supply as a means of forcing fho lords to agree to the abolition of their own power of veto. Sir James H. Dalzlel voiced the views of more radical supporters of the government, a little group numbering twenty-live, Including Sir Charles Dilke, Hillare Belloc and Joseph Mar tin, a former Canadian politician, who are pressing the government to deal with the veto bill before the budget. Sir James complained that the Liberals had been badly treated after the as surance in the premier's speech and prior to the election. The government, he contended, was putting a great strain on Its supporters, and he urged the cabinet to produce their plan. Walter Hume Long, speaking for tho opposition, twitted the government on the discrepancy of their views and {hose of their supporters. The govern ment, he said, was trying to tt»>rk a revolution, and at the same time played the part of constitutional min isters. Ray of Hope Appears The political atmosphere continued heavy when parliament reassembled today, but a my of hope appeared when it was announced the National ists had decided not to move an amendment to the address in reply to the speech from the throne. The Nationalist resolution follows: "Resolved, that having supreme re gard for the importance of the con stitutional struggle going on between the two houses of parliament and being convinced that the primary business of this parliament was to act on the mandate given in the general election and proceed forthwith to limit the veto power now exorcised by the house (Continued ou i'»g« Two) CONGER, AT BAY, REBELS AGAINST HARD GRILLING Badgered by Cross-Exam ination in Bribery ",' Case PROTECTION ASKED Senator Allds to Begin His Defense at Opening of Session Today [Associated Press] ALBANY, N. V., Feb. 22.—The last of Senator Benn Conger's evidence in support of his charge that Sen ator .Tothjim P. Alhls rlf*mMn(iP.rl and re ceived $1000 nine years ago for "pro tecting" bridge companies against hos tile legislation was laid before the senate today. Tomorrow Senator Allds will begin his defense. Senator Conger's last few minutes on the stand today vfere signalized by a dramatic outburst. Badgered by cross examination, heckled by his own col leagues, held up to public view as a bribe-giver, Conger for six days faced the senators and a dally audience of at least lono. In all this time Conger has obeyed the Instruction! of the senate to an swer questions, however embarrassing they might prove. But this afternoon he rebelled. Rising from his seat, he turned and faced the chairman, his small figure quivering with anger. "Mr. Chairman," he cried, "I want to appeal to you if this sort of thing has not gone on about long enough. Evi dently this man," he went on, looking at Lewis T. Carr, attorney for Allds, "is trying to tire me out physically, and I appeal to you as a matter of de cency and right whether I am to go on and be grilled this way another day." Chairman Davis 1 reply was that Con ger's own counsel would nmply protect him, and directed the witness to an swer Carr's question. Testifying Senator Conger said: "Col. Dunn said to me the Repub lican state committee needed funds; that the treasury was always low and money was more acceptable if paid in the spring than in the fall." The witness, still under cross exam ination, was then made to go further Into the details of his alleged conver sation with Assemblyman Burnett in 1901. "Burnett said to me," he continued, "that the highway bill in the Internal affairs committee was good for some money for the fellows on the floor of the house; that they had to have some of it, and unless they did he would move to discharge the committee on the floor (that is, force a vote on the bill), if 'some of your bridse people don't come up to Albany.' I think he said the bill was worth $10,000 on the floor." Conger said, Burnett ilnally informed him the allegW "strike bill" had been fixed up "so as to take the sting out of it" so far as the bridge interests were concerned. Going back to Chairman Doughty of the internal affairs committee. Con ger made this statement: "Doughty never spoke to me on the subject of money, or, so far as I know, did anybody else. He came to me and said he had a copy of an amendment he thought woulfl work out all right and would in substance kill the bill." KIDNAPED BOY TAKEN AWAY FROM TUCSON Father Alleged to Be Guilty of Ab. ducting May Be Arrested After Leaving Arizona TUCSON, Ariz., Feb. 22.—The Adams party, consisting of Louis B. Adams, his son John Adams, N. W. Murphy and Miss Nora McLaughlin, left tonight for their homo in New York. They were accompanied by Adams' brother, Albert Adams, the New York attorney, who arrived here four days ago to con fer with the party regarding the charges of kidnaping pending against them in San Francisco for stealing the 8-year-old son, John, which caused their arrest here two weeks ago. At that time Governor Sloan refused to honor the requisition, ajid the party has been here since. The detectives who until recently have been employed to watch the party give out the impression that it Is the intention of the California authorities to push the prosecution as soon as they leave the territory, and they may be rearrested when they reach Texas. If again unsuccessful In the legal battle for the possession of the child, the party may have to fight its way through to' New York. It was learned today that Mrs. Ad ams had instituted proceedings in the New York courts for the partition and sale of half of Adams' estate. This probably means also that she will re turn to New York to fight out the legal battle for the possesion of the child. AVALANCHE KILLS 23 REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Feb. 22.—An avalanche has overwhelmed Huifsdal on Isafiord, twenty-three persons being killed. SALARY CUT, TAFT FEARS JUDGES MAY NOT LIKE JOB WASHINGTON. Keb. 22.—The presi dent today withdrew the iiuininuiKniw of William 11. Hunt, Alfred C. Coxe, James F. Smith, Orln M. Barner and Marion Drvrlra to be Judges of the court of customs. The explanation at the White House of the withdrawal of the nominations was that these persons were offered the jionitlonH with the un derstanding- that I hrj were to get |10, -000 a year each, aa provided In the I*a>ne bill. Congress having refused to provide more than $7000 each, the presi dent felt that It would be better to withdraw the names until he bad time to Inform the men nominated of the facts ami ascertain whether they were willing to accept under the new condi tions. FINANCIER WHO IS SAID TO HAVE PROFITED BY HOCKING VALLEY DEAL ***SLR: VV- J KEENE ANGRY AS HE IS GIVEN LIE HOCKING VALLEY POOL IS IN VESTIGATED Henry S. Haskins of Prominent Firm of Brokers Is Virtually Ex. pelled from the Ex. change NEW YORK, Feb. 22.—James R. Keene, who Is said to have promoted the Hocking pool, in whose collapse many persons lost considerable money, is an angrty man today by reason of the He gi\-en his statement that as manager of the pool he had not sold a single share of stock of the Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron company. Harold F. Mack, a member of the New York stock exchange is the man who is responsible for Mr. Keene's ruffled temper. Mr. Mack stated at the bankruptcy proceedings of J. M. Flske & <"o. that Keene held 200 shares of stork and was 300 shares short and said the 500 shares were sold January 19. When questioned Mr. Keene admitted he gave an order for the sale of the shares, but said the stock belonged to two of his clerks and that he had no interest in the securities. Because of the collapse of the pool, which was due according to Mr. Keene to the "insatiable greed of the mem bers," brought about by a furious bear raid in the stock exchange, Henry S. Haskins, a member of the pool and of a prominent firm of brokers in Wall street, was virtually expelled from membership In the New York stock exchange. Mr. Haskins when interrogated said: "Nothing but a raid of short selling could break the market, and such sell ing would have to be in larger volume than the sellers could ever hope to de liver unless tho force of their attack accomplished disaster at once. No or dinary strength of assets could guard against such an attack. I did my best first to stem the tide and later, when that became hopeless, to cancel the buying ordarii "The honesty of my intentions is shown by the fact that my firm and my friends are the worst sufferers if not the only ones," DR. HYDE "INVITED" BY GRAND JURY TO TESTIFY Man Accused of Poisoning Col. Swope Refused to Obey Coroner's Request KANSAS CITY, Feb. 22.—Dr. B. C. Hyde, against whom a charge of hav ing poisoned Col. Thomas H. Swope and Chrisman Swope was recently placed by the attorneys for the Swope estate, will be asked to appear before the grand jury which Is investigating the deaths of the Swopes. This was made known here last night by Prosecutor Conkling. Mr. Cankling stated Dr. Hyde will not be command ed to appear before the grand Jury, but merely will be Invited. The time for the visit of Dr. Hyde to the Jury room will be left to his own convenience. At the coroner's inquest Dr. Hyde, on advice of counsel, refused to take the stand. Whether he will accept the invitation of Prosecutor Conkling probably depends on the advice of his attorneys. FALLS THREE STORIES, BUT HANGS TO PITCHER OF BEER Carpenter Tumble* from Ridgepole Holding Brew in Hands, but Does ./"lot Spill a Drop CALDWELL, N. J., Feb. 22.—Conrad Weinheiller, a carpenter, fell yesterday from the roof of a threo-story building to the ground. He had been Bitting on the ridgepole eating lunch and had a pitcher of beer In his hand when he lout his balance. Not a drop of the beer was spilled. Weinhelller returned to his work. <le i'!nring himself none the worse for his experience. JAMES R. KEENE DETAIL OF POLICE SURROUNDS TAFT EXTRA PRECAUTIONS TAKEN TO GUARD PRESIDENT Chief Executive Makes Two Ad. dresses in New York—Declares He Has Held Office Since 21 Years Old [Associated Pressl NEW YORK, Feb. 22.—Six hundred police lieutenants of Greater New York cheered President Taft tonight as he appeared smiling before them at the Waldorf-Astoria at their fourth annual banquet. He had previously delivered an ad dress before the banquet of the Cin cinnati society in New Jersey, an aristocratic affair, held at the Hotel Plaza. Leading there after a speech that realt almost entirely with the life of Washington the president made quick progress to the police gathering by automobile, where he was enthusias tically received. Only seventy-two persons, including the president, were present at the So ciety of the Cincinnati. It was so ex clusive that the committee declined to (five a list of guests or furnish re porters with the names of the speak ers. Truly remarkable was the reception the police lieutenants accorded the president. When he first entered the hall they rose as a body, waving American flags. In a moment more the room was filled with the shrill noise of their polica whistles sounding their greetings. Then the "Star Span gled Banner" was sung and later "America." The president said in part: "I have come to tell you tonight that I am with you. For we are engaged in the same duty, that of preserving the law and defending the rights of the people, and in obtaining a square deal for all. "Since I was 21 years old I can hardly remember a time that I was not holding office, and the duties of each have imposed upon me the en forcement of the law, and in enforc ing the law I have had generally to count upon the members of the police to uphold my hands." President Taft arrived here late today. What appeared to be extra ordinary police precautions were taken at Jersey City. The station was swept clear of persons before the president's arrival and he was surrounded by a compact hollow square of secret serv ice men and policemen as he walked from his car. Tomorrow the president will go to Newark, N. J., to speak at the dinner of the Newark board of trade. TRAIN KILLS BOY ON WAY TO JOIN FATHER Body Found Near Lake Shore Rail. road Tracks Last Friday Is Iden. titled by Mother TOLEDO, Ohio, Feb. 22.—Anxiety to be with his father, Amos Koberts, in Pittsburg cost Harold Roberts, aged 13 years, his life. His body was found near the Lake Shore railroad near Erie, Pa., last Friday, and was identified to day. The boy's mother, living: here, had asked the police yesterday to locate her son, who ran away last Wednes- day. When accidentally killed he was on his way to hia father, who had se cured employment in Pittsburg, and whom Mrs. Roberts intended to Join soon. CUNARDER MAURETANIA SAFE LONDON, Feb. 22.—The Cunard line knows nothing of any accident to the steamship Mauretania, vague rumors of which emanated from Berlin last night. Browhead was in wireless com munication with the vessel late yes terday afternoon, when the captain reported that the weather was moder ating and all was well. TILLMAN MUOH BETTER WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.—Improve ment In the condition of Senator TlH man continued today and his family believes he is gradually recovering. QcENTS SINGLE • COPIES: DAILY. 2c; SUNDAY. Bo i!sl!\ ijfl^tj LUrJ tLn. on trains, a cents FEAR STRIKE ON ALL ROADS EAST OF MISSISSIPPI Eastern Associations of Conductors and Train men Are Defied CRISIS IS AT HAND Baltimore & Ohio Refuses Demands—Men to Vote on Action [Special to The Heralfl.J BALTIMORE, Feb. 22.—A general strike of conductors and trainmen of all roads east of the Mississippi river which are members of the Ea»t crn association is feared. Today the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, through President Daniel Willard, re fused the demHTids for higher wages made by the Order of Railway Con ductors and the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen. This means that both organizations will vote on the question of a strike at once. All of the railroads composing the Saltern association are now demand ins ft uniform wage scale which shall be tho lame as that recently secured by the Western association. The refusal of d|ie road to grant the demands of the employes moans that thr issue will be taken up by the entire Eastern association. Such Is the state ment of prominent leaders of the or ganizations involved. Men Repulsed Those two powertul railroad organ izations, which have undertaken to ob tain a general increase of the wage scale for all employes in those branches of tlio service on the principal lines in the eastern part of the United States and Canada, have suffered a repulse at the very inauguration of their cam paign. Three weeks of negotiations with the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, among the first to be approached in the matter, ended today when the company, through President Daniel Willard, de clined to accede to the demands of the organizations, the company's position being set forth in the following official statement: "The conferences with the represent atives of the conductors and trainmen's organizations and President Willard of the Baltimore & Ohio road, held today in the endeavor to reach a mutually satisfactory basis of agreement on the question of wage increase, ended in a suspension of further conferences until the brotherhood representatives have submitted the matter as it now stands to the membership for instructions for procedure to be taken. The company could not accept the men's proposition as originally made, and the men's rep resentatives did not feel authorized to acoept the counter-proposition made by the company without referring It to the men for further advices." Now Up to Men The whole matter now goes back to the rank and tile, who will vote on the question of a strike, which the broth erhood officials regard as probable. "By this vote the men will show whether they are In earnest in demands for increased wages or not," was the way one of the joint delegation ex pressed the situation. The men asked for the western rate in freight and yard service, an increase of 91-16 per cent in their passenger service and the abolition of double header freight trains. According to the men, the railroad met these demands with what they de clared was a very slight percentage in crease to the minority of the men in volved. IROQUOIS WARRIORS DEMAND A DEMOCRAT Stormy Session Held at San Fran. Cisco When State League Political Clubs Meet SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 22.—At the convention of the State League of Irociuois clubs, held here today, a stormy session followed the effort to have the meeting- declare itself in the coming gubernatorial fight. Robert I*, Mi tin introduced a resolution, making it the sense of the meeting that a Democrat should bo governor of the state. H. L. Andrews, in leading ail attack upon the measure, said: "I must strongly object to this man ner of attempting to test the Demo cratic strength. It is idiotic to seek through a Democratic gathering to cast such a stigma upon the party. It is proposed to not only nominate a Democrat but elect him." In the platform adopted the con vention went on record as opposing the ship subsidy bill now before con gress, condemned the Payne tariff and favored trust-made articles being placed on the free list. The following officers were elected today: Grand sachem, Thomas E. Hayden, San Francisco; vice grand sachem, H. P. Andrews, Red Bluff; treasurer, Louis Metzger, San Francisco; secretary, Lawrence E. Welch. WANT PLAGUE BAN LIFTED FROM QUARANTINED SHIP Puget Sound Navy Yard Officials Ask Release of U. S. Cruiser Washington SEATTLE, Feb. 22.—Officials of th« Puget Sound navy yard are pleading with the surgeon general to release the cruiser Washington from quarantine at Port Townsend, where she is held be cause four of her crew have died of smallpox and four others are sick. Unless released at once the' cruUer cannot be repaired in time to reach Buenos Ayres for the centennial cel ebration, Jn which she is to represent the United States. The navy yard urges that some of the officers be re leased for duty at tlm yard, even it the crew and ship are held.