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16 OLDEST MEMBER HAS CELEBRATION J. H. EVANS OF AMERICAN WO MAN'S LEAGUE IS 90 HERALD GIVEN PRAISE BY THE PASADENA CHAPTER Los Angeles Women Also Do Honor to Newspaper That Has Stood for Civic Purity J. H. Evans of Los Angeles, oldest member of the American Woman's league in the United States, celebrated his ninetieth birthday February 8. In December Mr. Evans made himself a Christmas present of a life membership in the league, and leads the procession of men and women who look to the American Woman's league not only for social and educational privileges, but for its financial advantages. Pearl Adams Spaulding, western manager of the American Woman's league, will remain for a time In St. I^onis. as she has been appointed head of the organization department of the entire I'nuited States, one of the most responsible positions in the gift of the league. The extraordinary success of her work in the five western states already under her jurisdiction justifies Mr. Lewis' wisdom in making the ap pointment. E. G. Lewis Chapter Dr. Henriette K. Sweet presided at the regular monthly meeting of the E. O. Lewis chapter last Thursday even- Ing in the ballroom of the Majestic apartments. An elaborate literary and musical program followed the usual business. W. H. McDonald, the celebrated Ca nadian violinist, gave De Berlot's "Sixth Air Varied." Miss M. E. Neal. accompanied by Mrs. Mier. snng "The Garden nf Roses." Mrs. Clara Short ridge Foltz made a stirring address on "Co-operation," especially as expressed in the creed of the American Woman's league. A motion was mad° and unan imously carried, that a vote of appre ciation be sent to Governor Gillett for his wisdom and courtesy in appointing Mrs. Fnltz on the board of public char ities. Claudia Hazen White, who has won fame as a reader in many cities, gave "The Pilot's Story" with rare dramatic power. Dr. Sweet announced the names and addresses of members who are con tributing to the Woman's exchange at headquarters, where orders are taken for their work. Hhe expressed her per sonal appreciation of the courtesy of The Los Angeles Herald's offer of the column every Wednesday for the news of the American Woman's league in Southern California, and paid The Her ald a fine tribute for standing stanchly for civic purity; she briefly enumer ated what they have accomplished In this direction, having secured the "owl" car service for night workers, the school bonds, the consolidation of Los Angeles and San Pedro and the recall election, which resulted in the election and re-election of Mayor Alexander. Big Meeting March 3 A federated meeting of the members of theAmeriean Woman's league in Los Angeles will he held Thursday evening. March 3; the place of meeting to be announce^ in next Wednesday morn- Ing's Los Angeles Herald. The regular monthly meeting of tho Los Angeles chapter was held last Mon day evening at the residence of Mrs. Bashti Goodhue. 3432 Budlong avenue, with Mrs. Ella K. Sprinkel in the chair. A fine literary program was given. Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Wood, mem bers of the American Woman's league, 1922 Cordova street, will spend the summer In Chula Vista, Cal. San Jose Garden City chapter of the Amer ican Woman's league held a most in teresting meeting on February 19 at league headquarters, 61 South First street. Five new members were elect ed and eleven applications received. Much enthusiasm was expressed in the coining celebration of E. G. Lewis' birthday, which will be held on the evening of March 5. Committees on program, reception, refreshments, dec oration and a press committee were appointed. An interesting feature of today's meeting was an informal talk by Mrs. BOYS-YOUNG MEN-MEN w ATTS _ LEA ri Telephone—=Tell Uncle Sam==—Tell a Messenger Boy Sililliil WHATEVER YOU DO I ymca 51 A STRONG man. Be Sure to Get in Your Membership Before 10:30 Tonight ' W&MM^ §r Make Yoor Ch«'k I-ike Thl. for One Year's Membership A«J T> ~ /^^.r» X +1-. ■ ■ - ——;. ; JL.OS /VllgClCS, , And Be One of the . '-. , *■- Ca l HALF MILLION MEMBERS ] , '-/■-;. Wj , , . =In North America of the ■- • / ■-..:, Young Men's Christian Association SECOND AVIATION WEEK GRAND CLIMAX MEMB-AIR-SHIP COMMITTEE ;■..., . Application for Membership , ■.' ... . ■■■■. . ' ' " ~~~ Use the '■ Telephone YOUNG MEN -s Christian association Mail $5.00 Check Payable to *^^™^^ «^^fc^b^ Los Angeles^ well. ■ ' .'■ ' ' *. , <. Main 8380 Y. M. C. A. Home 10^22 p^^Z.]':.\\''.\Z''.''.'.''.'.'.ZZ'.''^'''Z With Accompanying Membership Blanks Home 10822 phone With Accompanying Membership Blank OLD LEAGUE MEMBER PASSES 90TH LANDMARK J. H. Evans, oldest Member Ameri can Woman's League in the United States' Who Celebrated 90th Birth, day, February 8 Robinson, a member of the American Woman's league, who visited Univer sity city last April. She gave a de tailed description of the various build ings, describing the architecture and beauties of each, told of the immense press in the Woman's Daily building, and the beautiful grounds and sur roundings, which will make University City an ideal residence locality. Mrs. Robinson closed with a most effective sketch of E. G. Lewis, the founder of the league, referring enthusiastically to his peculiar personal charm, his ab solute honesty and earnestness, and the affection and esteem in which he is held by his hundreds of employes, and, in fact, the whole community. . It is significant that the first division of territory was made today, nine members withdrawing to organize a chapter at Eden Vale, one of the out lying districts, where this chapter can soon qualify for a $1200 chapter house. Garden City chapter loses its secre tary and its vice, president, and a meeting will be called to elect new officers. '. ' Pasadena The regular meeting of Pasadena chapter was held in the board of trade, Pasadena, on the evening of Washington's birthday, with the pres ident, Miss Ellen Louise Higbey, in the chair. The following motion was made by Stephen Bennett and carried unanimously: That, ivherros, it lias romp to our knowl edge tlmt tbe Los .lngeles Herald has placed at the disposal of the western division of the American Woman's league valuable space in its columns for the dlscnssion or the league's Interests in the I'licitu- coaat states, and the opportunity for tbe manage ment to place before the public the many grand features conlalned in th« plan of tbe leasu*. Therefore, be It resolved, that the Pasa dena local chapter branch of the league ex tend to The Herald our sincere thanks with the assuranre that 'we - will remember our friends. And be it further resolved, that the sec retary be instructed to forward a copy of tbeise resolutions to tbe Los Angeles Her ald. . Among the new honorary members is Prof. George V."harton James, the celebrated lecturer on the North American Indian. The other honorary members are: Messrs.' Stephen Ben nett, B. F. Batchelder, Charles F. Brenner, H. A. Cemery, James J. Charbonneau, J. R. Evans, David Ev ans, Nels E. Erickson, J. R. Giddings, Frank W. Higbey, Jefferson D. Hun nlcutt, Edwin K. Huribut, J. W. Hal pin, William Lewis, George W. Mc- Louth, G. Frank Otis, Arthur S. Otis Virgil W. Pyatt, John Plant, Dr. A. N. Star, J. A. Standiford, M. W. Thayer and F. C. Thayer. Inglewood The organization of a chapter of the American Woman's league in Ingle wood is progressing rapidly. The mem bers are enthusiastic, fully realizing the importance of such a movement. There are twenty members and they will soon qualify for a $2500 chapter house. A suitable building lot has been promised, and in a few months Ingle wood will number among its many new and handsome buildings a chapter house of the American Woman's league of which any enterprising and public spirited citizen will be proud. Elsinore Elslnore has nine pledged of the fif teen members necessary to secure a $1200 chapter house. A meeting has been called this week to organize ami elect officers and a committee is ar ranging a series of entertainments, the first to be given about March 15, and LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNTNG, FEBRUARY 2X 1010. the proceeds will be used to buy cer tificates to apply on the memberships necessary to fulfill the requirement for a class 1 chapter house. Compton The work of the American Woman's league Is progressing at Compton. Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month. Among the new mem bers are: Mmes. Sarah Amlin, Daisy Steel, Gertrude Reynolds, Mary Funk, Lillian Harshman, W. ■ J. Whlggins, Cassia Holman, Mary Proctor, Messrs. William Carpenter, Charles Burden and Miss Mabel Harble. TJie program committee are Miss Emma Catey, chairman; Mrs. Margaret Elliott and Miss Mattie Davis. ' Colusa At a meeting of the women of Colusa. held Lincoln day in the Women's club room of the Carnegie library building for the purpose of organizing a local chapter of the American Woman's league, the following were present: I Mmes. Kaerth, Turman, Blean, Cason, Snow, Boggs, Robinson, Green. Poirier, McNary, Lining. Pirkey and Fatt, the Misses Belle Crane, Ethel Crane, Mc- Nary, Backus, Pryor, Ernst and Boede fleld. 'After the meeting had been called to order Mrs. S. K. Fatt, local representative of the American Wom an's league, called for nominations, am' Miss Belle Crane was unanimously cosen president. Miss McNary secre tary and Mrs. Fatt treasurer of local chapters. Many women present signed applications for membership. Rev. Mr. Fatt, rector of the Episcopal church, assisted Mrs. Fatt in replying to ques tions as to the privileges and advan tages of membership, and also the measures requisite to secure a beauti ful chapter house of the league for the use of themselves, their . friends and I families. The members signed an ap plication for a charter for permanant organization of a local chapter. All present were most enthusiastic and expected ere long to have enough members to entitle Colusa to a class 2 chapter house worth $2500, furnished and equipped with everything neces sary for their comfort and convenience without any cost to tfiem beyond mem bership in the American Woman s 1p ft grl! p The ' Long Beach chapter of the American Woman's league was organ ized February 2 with a membership o. twenty-six. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Francis Murphy, presi dent; C. A. Dobson, first vice president; Dr Ella W. Marsh, second vice presi dent; Miss Ella P. Wilson, secretary; Mrs. E. C. Frey, treasurer. Meetings are held every second and fourth Tues day in the" month at 112 East Second street. The chapter is enthusiastic and hopes to have a fine chapter house soon. Among the members are Mmes. C A. Dobson, P. L. Smith. H. Wilhelm, Maggie T. Chittenden, K. I. Chittenden, M. S Walton, May Sullivan H. Wil helm. Francis Murphy and K. C. Frey, Misses Agnes Ennice, Margaret Eddy, Minnie Miller, Ella C. Howard. Sara D. Mo-rison, Ella P. Wilson, Susan R. McCluro and Dr. Ella Whipple Marsh, Messrs. Edward Chittenden, Harry Wilhelm. Richard Whitten and Dr. li. H. Chittenden. Orange The regular meeting of the Orange chapter of the American Woman s c --ue was held Friday night at the home of Miss Clara Littooy, at which fifteen members formed a temporary organization and elected the following temporary officers: Mrs. A. D Paxton, president; Mrs. L. B. Gitchell, secre tary Miss Nora Nichols, treasurer. With fifteen members already af filiated and working enthusiastically, the prospects are bright for a fine chapter house. Enough members are now- enrolled to insure a $1200 building The league desires larger quarters and will work for a $2500 chapter house. A social hour and refreshments followed the business meeting. A. O. U. W. WILL BANQUET The subordinate lodges of the An cient Order of United Workmen will hold a reception this evening in honor of the supreme master workman, vV ill M Narvis of Muscatlne, la. At 6 o'clock a banquet will be served at the Hollenbeck hotel. District Deputy W L. Lawrence will preside as toast master. Among the members who will respond to toasts are: Calvert Wilson, Judge Curtis D. " .'ilbur, Judge J. W. Summerfield, C. F. Johnson, H. J. Le lande, Robert Sharp, Jchn Kearney and C T. Fenner. Mr. Narvis arrived in this city yesterday. Grand Master Workman W. J. Peterson of San Fran cisco is in Los Angeles to meet Mr. Narvis ai.d conduct him on a visit to the lodges t'-roughout the state. MOTHERS' CONGRESS All Mothers' rongretts branchefl. Parent -Teachers hnsiklulloiis, Child Study circles and auxiliaries outside of Los Anj^eleH are Informed that a de imrtment fur their new** and use will he published each Thursday by The Ilerald. Send in your meetings, gen eral news and personals each week. ... . .vJyJyfc.JvSxJ, . . . ........... ...... ! 24-lnch Fire Silk- j-q l h\ ar *'stD'partm'ntstor'w"tofChl ™* 56-Imch All Wool ' Wj^M Twill FoHSarfe at 59C '' |^#ft^§li^^^ CMffom Panama at. $1 D ots. spot, Pecan,, flgures and rl n f9 in I U^^StJu^X^? There Isn't a Sprlnß Phafle thnt's not in Dots, spots. Pecans, figures and rlnp. In VT PLACE TO^TRADE our she ives in this line. Regular $1.39 abundance, all in navy, the color of the !.■■■■■—^km——mm—m—mM grad - e( tQO and right early . . day. Great value. Broadway, Eighth and Hill Streets ', \ ANOTHER BIG BABY DAY FOR WEDNESDAY A' Blk.'Sateen OINdHAM. DRESSES .INFANTS' ROMPERS Wlhite - |6Ri Bloomers 50c to $3.00 25c to 69c " bloomers J^^S XV3L "50 CentS ru^^^S^Z All the new patterns m^heeked and 25 Cents W |S^H .(^^fi^ft^ S|r2"HS H^Sffl^^^ |I//iii]\V\^K Cents some Good Things from Our Up-to-Date Nursery Section fKfeffM iIVVWNv some Good Things from Our Up-to-Date Nursery Section B*mbS«* >?A!///)lsl 'i\lv\ our nrlncliml thoiißht for to<lay i« bnl.y— nee<l«. comforts mill himrl.'x. Every departmeat 1» subservient to .\ ,J .fjJS+i ////AsUllff.l ':\ A ,[, liitle ruler of the housrliold. anil to help him «ye olTer our a»»l«tance to his mother. For Instance, onr free '™f (iff I Alt! I'M i'-iC^.V liPmminK »er» Ice countn for much. It is free to every pnrchMer today. Thorouirhl.v posted saleswomen are here to /JJ_z£- VWlfm.fl/ffl ii \/^ help iiinl advise you, and every piece of merchumll»c is doubly guaranteed. If you can't come down, telephone. *%4l^ V-jjtj jf^j j:f J r-Jr Uur telephone clerk is thoroughly postwl. C'nll her up. . <B& REI^STAR DIAPER COTTON ;~SSiI^C FJNE LINEN WARP COTTON ; —7 .... „. , lrl inch width 850 Firm, soft, fleecy flannels Of ruperlor quality, se- 27-"ln width 63c. 31-ln,width 75c. 36-in. width 830 51" n^n w dth lX "4-inch WltJtn 95C lected especially for baby's use. Today we'll cut Thjee white flannel, are comlne more and more 22-li>wi -niatn »uc ■■-« "™"i '"•* " , " . , .. into use because they will wash without shrlnk and the 27-inch width, yard $1. theso lnto avar an d hem them free. 10 per , For , and dependable wear they are un . Very best cotton blrdseyc. free from Impurltie . _ . excelled. non-Irritant, and perfectly absorbent. CCI" '">• - . , Wh. Embd. FLANNEL All Unen BIRDSEYE WOOL FLANNEL 50c Wh.'Embd. FLANNEL Fine 'quality all wool A| t(\ Those pfefer all linen diap- 'Snowy white, 86 Inches wide. It Thta piece has^a strik- Oi yr flannel with dainty silk \|,gy ering -w ill flnd splendid qualities is of such an excellent quality embroidered scroll de- «D|llW embroidered design and *'| == here W idths of 18-ln. at $1.75; that you are sure to be more slgn and hemstitched I 11^^ scalloped^ e,ige. ±>Un ■ J2 25; 24in at Js 00 than satfstled On sale today . e dge. Pure wool flannel. $3ss'%'' ~ ? WSW^'-h Goods of Highest Quality \i^ii to the h ou.ewife who would combine eiegano. feftj# — that means a substantial saving on every item. \"'"- fl& with economy we sugßent a visit to thlBde' >;■>.■,* All AfC Guaranteed / or One Year g| parlment today. It will pay you. !I*\;J> \jUarUTlieeU JOr KJTIV I ear IRISH LINEN DAMASK NICE SATIN DAMASK ROIBKR OIOVES—AII sizes; £" $1.75 FOUNTAIN SYRINGE—Finest IRISH LINEN DAMASK NICK OAIIW Ui\mH.S>r>. genuine rubber; worth BOc, at...,3»« red rubber; 3-quart $1.30 A fine quaJlty of Pur?"_ a ro^ d lln- Superb llnen damask. 72 inches fJ FODNTAIf SYRINGES—Good HOT WATER BOTTM3S—Fine red en, 72 inches wide. -Numerous anu wiaBi hlgh lustrous an grass bleach- fitting; 2-quart; one year guarantee. rubber; 2-quart size $1.00 p'eTyard, at f 1"...?....?'..-..5!. Ed; patterns are unique Jj PQ On sale today at 75c Regular J 1.5.0 S-quart elze $1.19 , . c , and handsome . •....«» • fl HOT W .\TER - BOTTI-ES—Of $1.85 COMBINATION STRrNSES— $3.75 Linen NapKiri9 3>J $2 50 genuine rubber; 2-quart slz» 75c Fine red rubber; 2-quart $1.49 A good, strong. service-able . "*£££• — — ' $ 1.j. 5 COJIBINATION SYRINGES—. DRESSING COMBS— rubber: el"A: SUS^nS&FUtt An aa n heav^ ---J^,"-*. M rubber; 2-,uar,s ,1 Coar.e or coarse and fln. 50c 75c off price. _^,^—. — ————————————• ' MONK FAMILY ENTERTAINS ADDITION TO HOUSEHOLD Newcomer of Marmozette Species, One of Few Born in the United States There la a new born babe in the Monk family at Eastlake park. To Mr. and Mrs. Marmozette Monk, orig inally of Brazil, a little eight-ounce child has come. There is greta joy in the Monk household. American-born Marmozette children are rare and the Eastlake park parents have good rea son to be proud and joyful. Hidden in its mother's long hair, warm and cozy, the new one is also proud and Joyful and glad that it is in California. Winter has held no terrors for this family. It is usually the fate of mon keys when they come to the United States to spend their days in cold ho tels In the east or breezy little boxes in the parks of Chicago or Milwaukee, or some place else where snow is inches deep. These little guests at Eastlake have slept out of doors all winter. Rosy monkey complexions are theirs and the usual California smile is on their monkey faces. RETURN SEALED VERDICT IN TRIO CONSPIRACY CASE Fate of Dolph M. Greene, R. E. Ivett and Harry G. Conner Known To day—lvett Arrested Again After remaining out for four hours the jury in the case of Dolph M. Greene, R. E. Ivett and Harry G. Con ner, charged with criminal conspiracy to defraud J. H. Umberger out of $300 by selling him a half interest in an alleged garage in Lebanon street, re turned a sealed verdict at 4 o'clock yesterday morning and handed it to Bailifl Hubbard of Police Judge Rose's i court. The jurymen then were al lowed to go to their homes and will j appear in court at 10 o'clock this morning when the verdict will be read. Yesterday afternoon R. E. Ivett, one of the defendants in the Greene-Con ner-Ivett case, was-arrested by Patrol man Varey and booked at the central police station on a misdemeanor charge of failing to have a license to conduct the garage which was used to bunco Umberger out of $300. The accused furnished bail and was re leased. EASTERN LUMBERMEN GET IN LINE WITH COAST MEN Will Follow Example of Western Deal, ers in Usuing Odd Lengths of Lumber SEATTLE, Feb. 22.—Eastern retail lumbermen will use odd lengths of lum ber and are willing to do their part to help along the movement which they, like the Pacific coast manufacturers, believe is in the interest of conserva tion, according to Victor H. Beckman, secretary of the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' association, who re turned yesterday from a six weeks' trip through the middle west, where he went' to represent the coast manufac turers and urge the adoption of odd lengths in the consuming markets. Mr. Beckman addressed 4000 retailers scattered from Minneapolis to New Or leans, and from Lincoln, Neb., to Cin cinnati, O. He declares the resolutions rejecting odd lengths, passed at several of the conventions he attended, do not in any measure voice the real feelings of the average retailer. He says they were, in most cases, put through by in terests not particularly friendly .toward the Pacific coast lumbermen. CANCER There is a time in cases of cancer when the disease can be removed without the knife. There will also come a time in all untreated cases when the disease has advanced beyond hope of cure by any known treatment. DEATH, slow, painful and certain, will surely follow Delay In having cancer treated Is virtually suicide. ACT AT ONCE. Statistics show that one man In eleven, and one woman In eight over 35 will die of cancer. Thousands have cancer and delay until too late. FEE —Any akin cancer next ten days. Bring ad. No knife. . . • , . ■ Tin! GERMAN REMEDY CO., . Rooms 224 and "'.'."i San Fernando Building, Fourth and Main sts., Xos Angeles, Cal. ... I BANKING FOR WOMEN Visit our Special Woman's Department. Special Attendant. -• •; LOS ANGELES TRUST & SAVINGS BANK ft Central Bldg., Sixth and Main. - M. BANNING . j^ Specialist in Dyspeptlo fer*^£^flfi% an<^ Stomach Complaints. mf' Bl'|P removing Tapeworms and vf m^^ other germs which con- Jf^MMitL. iik etitute tho cause. Now £i%joßllQgfHlf in the city with an cml. w \ nent ; and experienced pnyslclan. Consultation free. 656H South Main street, corner Seventh and Main, rooms 6-7. Phones-Mam 0993. Horn* F5406. V -