Newspaper Page Text
[A PAGES vorl xxxvii. iilJTY^lT 1 • Ad P <l7''lV rrQ by carrier NUMBER 149. ' XMiH-'.Ej. 1U l^Jill>±>s I'ER MONTH TAFT CONFESSES ADMINISTRATION TOO EXPENSIVE Says He Believes Govern ment Can Be Run Much More Cheaply EMPLOYES SHIRKERS Chief Executive and Sen. Lodge Address Newark Business Men NEWARK, M. J., Feb. 2 (.—President Taft prefaced Ills prepared address be fore the Newark board of trade tonight with a passionate statement of his feel ings, after being a yeai In the - White House, which brought the audience to Its feet with cheers. He took occasion to pay his respect* to the newspapers, saying he was going home to Washing ton to avoid them. « "I had" not intended to say anything on the subject of my first year In the White House," he said. "It Is true I told Governor .Murphy I wanted to make good a year ago.* X am not certain of doing it now. When the newspapers are prone to criticism and sometime* unite in hammering your administration, treating It sometimes with contemptuous disdain and sometimes with patronizing friendship, It is hard to overcome the feeling that perhaps you ought to he gin all over again. ' "In view of all that, to have received the welcome which I did today, gives a little hope that, perhaps the newspapers don't carry In their pockets all of pub lic opinion, and that perhaps the Ameri can people are able to see through something of hyporrritlrisni, something of hysteria and something of hypocrisy, and to have a real sympathy with the man . who under considerable responsi bility Is doing the best he can." KAssociataii Press] VTEWARK N. J., Feb. 23.— President \ Taft, the first chief executive -^-' since Grant to visit Newark, to night addressed one of the largest and most enthusiastic dinner audiences he has met In all his travels. The banquet was given by the Newark board of trade and more than 800 members and guests attended. Mr. Taft took for his theme the sub ject of governmental economy,' and said he shared the hope that the commission which is to be appointed to revise the business methods of 'the big depart ments at Washington may effect a sav ing of $100,000,000 a year. .. > . »■: - Mr. Taft left at 11 o'clock last night for Jersey City, whece his car was switched to tho midnight train for Washington. ». -.»■■-.- Ho came to Newark this afternoon ~by automobile from New York. At Harrison the school children halted the president's car and one little fellow made a patriotic speech. Mr. Taft re sponded and thanked the children for their welcome. * Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, Governor Fort of New Jersey, and the president were the principal speakers at the banquet. Taft Acknowledges Delight ■ President Taft, after acknowledging the pleasure of being afforded the op portunity to speak ,to the business men of New Jersey, said: "When I accepted the Invitation to come here I learned that I was to have the pleasure of being a fellow guest with my friend, Senator Lodge, and that he was to take up the question of high prices, a question which has oc cupied the attention of all the people, and has invited the investigation into its cause by the congress of the United .. States and by some of the state legis latures. , "For my part of the evening I should like to direct your attention to a more prosy subject—to the question of gov ernment expenses and government rev enues, and the possible economies and what expenditures are essential at whatever burden of taxation. "It has so happened that in many years of the past the revenues have increased more rapidly than the ex penditures and there has been a sur plus. In the life of the Dingley bill, which carried us from 1896 to 1908, the revenues exceeded the expenditures by about $250,000,000, but the surplus took place In the early years, so that in 1908 we had a deficit, and in 1909 we had a deficit. "The calculations of the secretary of the treasury for the present year showed the deficit' was likely to be $34,000,000 in respect to ordinary re ceipts and expenditures. In addition, however, to the ordinary deficit we have to add the Panama canal ex penditure for Immediate provision of $38 000,000, or, what was estimated to be'a total' deficit of $72,UU0,000 is now reduced considerably. :. "By meeting the expenditures on the Panama canal with the proceeds of bond Issues we have enough cash in the treasury to meet the deficit in our ordinary expenses, for the current year. On the other hand, if the con gress proposes to add to the expen ditures of the government over those estimated for new enterprises in the river and harbor bill and for the con struction of the federal buildings under a building act, it will be easy to con sume or exceed the entire surplus. "Every one must admit the wisdom of providing for the payment of the canal expenditure by bonds. This is a work of a permanent character, and it seems only fair that that which we provide .in ■ such a generous measure for posterity, should be paid for, in part, at least, by posterity. ... "Not only is luck a. principle Just in a case like the Panama canal, but it seems to be appropriate to adopt it with • reference to other projects. I * refer to those definite ; projects that have' been agreed • upon in respect to tlw Improvement of our Inland water ways. I would not . begin the expen diture ;of any". money on - any project the ' wisdom ;of which had not been fully vindicated: but having deter mined to put . through the improve ment. it ought not to be done by fits . and starts, but it ought to be done as """This statement'has peculiar appli cation to . the river and harbor bill. which ' now < has • passed the house. Theu-the Ohio river improvement, to cost $63,000,000, Is entered on and an appropriation made for Its continuing. (Continued on I'age Two) LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity—Fair Thursday, tecoming cloudy at night; light north wind, changing to south. Maximum temperature yesterday, 65 degrees; minimum temperature, 44 degrees. LOS ANGELES Former policeman seeks children; Is shot at by Weft Twenty-third street woman and is arrested. PAGE 6 John Ha nueehek, IS years old, con fesses to attempt to poison mother. PAGE 8 Three swindlers convicted of obtain ing money under falsa pretenses; will be sentenced Friday. PAGE 8 Byea of *rand jurors turned to board of supervisors; wording of (?ood roads specifications looks suspicious. PAGE S Solons refuse chock for $400; present offered by taxpayers returned. PAGE 5 Tax Collector Tapgart reduces expenses by combining: two offices. PAGE 5 Fight la begun over lUley estate; two suits belnje tried. PAGE 5 City gets clear title to Temple street property. PAGE 6 City attorney instructed to Investigate Pacific Electric 1 a proposed four-track system. PAGE 5 Slot machine case taffen into court. PAGE 5 Echo Park playground republic having political campaign with election to morrow. PAGE 9 Good citizens of L.os Angeles county asked to contribute to good work done by Good Government fund. PAGE 9 Tuma land line standing "pat" and homostekers band together to pro tect their interests. PAGE 9 Chamber of commerce board of direc tors preparing for busy season. PAGS 9 Missionary Julius Soper says Japanese have great future In spite of their weaknesses and. defects, PAGB 9 Y. M. C. A. "aviators" will make rec ord finish of membership campaign today. PAGB 11 Scalp of street foreman demanded; Brooklyn Heights citizens make charges against Ninth ward man. PAGE 11 Hollywood foothill property being ebld rapidly. PAGE 9 Territory to east of Los Angeles seeks entrance to city. PAGE 16 Moskovics plans circuit of moto'rdomes; will Invite aviators and aeroplane manufacturers to exhibit here. PAGEj 16 Arrests mada In "Black Hand" case; Mr. and Mrs. de Turk taken to county jail pending Todd Inquest. PAGE 3 City attorney reports aa lawful passes on car lines to city employes. PAGE 16 Editorial, Letter Box, Haskln's letter. PAGU 4 Marriage licenses, Births, deaths. PAGE 14 Society. PAGEJ 6 Music. PAGB 8 Citrus fruit. . PAGE 12 News of th» courts. PAQE 5 Municipal affairs. PAGE 6 Sports. PAGES 10-11 Automobiles. PAGB 11 Mines and oil fields. PAGB 13 Markets and financial. PAGB 12 Building permits. PAGB 13 Theaters. PAGE 8 City brevities. PAGE 6 advertising. PAGES 14-15 COAST Engineer killed and eleven Injured In S. P. head-on crash at Treuch camp. PAGE 8 Finding no money on clergyman, high wayman near Douglas. Aril., forces former to eat big meal. PAGE 1 EASTERN Gypsies hold girl for more than year. PAGE 9 Trading dull In New York stock mar ket; Philadelphia atrlko disquieting. PAQE 12 Attorney General Wickersham claims Standard Oil company la monopoly. PAGE 1 Bank's capital and surplus taken by a clerk; warrant Issued for arrest of former Cambridge, Mass., bookkeeper. PAGE S Philadelphia police unable to cope with strike rioters and enlist assistance of state constabulary. PAGE 1 Gov. Hughes wrong in the argument and solon declares governor stands alone. PAGE 2 Senator Beverldge recalls Roosevelt's warning that United States might lose Alaskan coal deposits. PAGB 1 Members of alleged milk trust Indicted In New York. PAGE 1 Mrs. Vaushn. wife of Missouri profes sor, says poison was put In husband's body after death. PAGE 11 Flag rescued by steeplejack from top of staff In Chicago's Masonic temple. PAGE 11 Attorneys say Alld» was ordered by Platt Vo take money given him. PAGE! 1 FOREIGN Revolutionists driven back by Nicara guan government forces and bloodiest battle of war is fought. PAGE 1 Nlcarafiuan troops routed by Insurgent forces. PAGE 1 Chinese troops Invade Thibet and pil lage l.hassa and head of hierarchy llees for his life. PAGE 3 Source of trust evils In United States pointed out by Auaten Chamberlain In house of commons. PAGE S Dove of peace hovers over Venezuela. says ministers. PAGE 3 MINING AND OIL Mess cook sues San Gabriol Canyon Black Rock Gold Mine for back pay. PAGB 13 Crown Oil company begins operations In the Big Sespe district. PAGE 13 Clark mines at Butte. Mont., resume operations. PAGE 13 Bakersflold-Mojave pipe line urged by oil men. PAGE 13 SPORTING Frankle Conley and manager quarrel over bußlneas matters and dissolve partnership. PAGE 10 Battling Nelson leaves Frisco for Chi cago, but says he wants return match with Woigast. PAGE 10 Sewell comes to life suddenly and wins Emeryville feature; poor starting mars Juarez racing. PAGE 10 Los Angeles delegation to Nelson- Wolgaat fight returning with loads of northern__gold. PAGE 10 ITALIAN BOOKKEEPER TAKEN AS MEMBER OF BLACK HAND SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 23.—Carlo Felico TitH, an Italian bookkeeper In a local bank, was arrested yesterday on Information furnished the police by fellow countrymen of the prisoner, charged with being an anarchist and a member of the Black Hand. He will be sent to Angel island pending ex amination as to his identity. According to a report received from Italy', Tita was arrested there many times for alleged blackmailing, rob bery and assault to murder. Tita claims that he came to this country in 1906, but the immigration officials are positive that he comes under the three year limit and may-be deported. THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 24, 1910. POLICE UNABLE TO COPE WITH STRIKE RIOTERS Quaker City Officials En list Assistance of State Constabulary STRIFE CONTINUES Efforts Today Will Be Di rected Towards Mobs of Kensington [Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 23.—Police \~ officials of this city today virtu ■*- ally acknowledged inability to cope with the strike situation, when a request was made of John C. Groome, superintendent of the state police, that the 200 members of his command be brought to this city for police duty. This request was made notwithstand ing that serious rioting was less fre quent today than on any day since the strike of the street car men began last Saturday. The state police are ex pected to reach here tomorrow morn ing and will doubtless be sent into the Kensington district. Efforts of the police tomorrow will be concentrated in clearing the Ken sington district of mobs. For the first time the Rapid Transit company succeeded in running its cars until 6 o'clock on the Frankford line, which penetrates this unruly territory. At that hour cars on all lines were re turned to the barns. . Four policemen guarded each car and detectives patrolled the route all day in automobiles. - Whenever a group of men formed detectives rushed them, and even followed the ringleaders into the houses until they captured them. In spite of the vigilance of the police, many car .windows were broken, and the company was finally obliged "to use sheet iron ; windows in place of glass panes. . Police Clears Tracks While the police were busy keeping tracks clear for the lines in Kensing ton lines in other parts of the city were run on much reduced schedules, and on several of the West Philadel phia and downtown lines an attempt was made to run cars all day, although these sections were comparatively quiet. , , The shopping district on Market street was again the scene of almost continuance disturbance, especially at the noon hour. Baldwin's locomotive works wa# the sceno of a disturbance at noon. One employe was shot in the foot and about fifty shots were flred at laborers who sought refuge on the upter floors of the buildings and hurled bolts and nuts at policemen guarding oars. Every time a head appeared at a, window it was a target for a bullet from policemen's revolvers. On one oc casion a whistle signaling tho exp ra tion of the lunch hour, brought hostili ties to a close. Company Issues Statement Late today the Rapid Transit com pany Issued a statement in which it is claimed that "the strikers cannot and will not win." In part the statement '""There is no possibility of this com pany dealing on any basis wtih tne rr.en who have en- leered ..e events of the last three days." The heavy hand of the law pressed hard today on some of the men and boys who have been arrested for riot ing Elwood Carr. alleged to have been a ringleader in a riot in the Kensing ton district, was sentenced to six years in the county prison. John Kline was Eiven two years and Ellis Atkins a similar sentence. A 17-year-old boy was sent to the Huntingdon reforma tory tor thirteen months for throwing mUsiles at a car and other boys and men were sentenced to two or three months each. Clergymen Discuss Situation Leading clergymen of the city held a conference today to discuss means of bringing the strike to a peaceable termination. Archbishop Ryan head of the Roman Catholic faith in this city Bishop L. B. Wilson of the Meth odist Episcopal church, Dr. Floyd Tompkins, a prominent Protestant Episcopalian; Rev. L. B. Hafer, a well known Lutheran, and Drs. Joseph Krapof and Leon Elmirh, rabbis of the most prominent Jewish synagogues, were leaders of the conference partici pated in by forty-clergymen. The re sult of their deliberations was not an- Telegrams wore Bent to President Taft and to Senator Penrose by the officials of the Street Car Men's union today saying: "Union men on strike here offer ser vices for operation of mail and news paper cars as was done throughout last strike. Company refuses to allow the union men to operate mail cars and has today forced them oft their mall cars by summary discharges. Interfer ence with mail operations, therefore, comes from the company and not from the strikers." Fencibles Victim of Jokes The placing on guard of the state fencibles along Lehigh avenue yester day 13 admitted to have been a mis take. The members of thla organiza tion, which enjoys the use of a city armory, are mostly very young men, some of them mere boys. They were placed all along the street and when the residents of the great mill district of Kensington heard of the arrival of the young soldiers they turned out In force to greet them. Practical jokes of every description were played upon the members of the fencibles. Some were partially stripped of their clothing and after their arms had been taken from them were chased up and down the streets by bands of young roughs. The girls of the dis trict collected the brans buttons from the uniforms as souvenirs. The third death as the result of the conflict between the police and the strike sympathizers occurred today when John Heugh, 18 years of age, died in the Samadtan hospital. A po liceman who was'protecting a motor man saw boys throwing stones at the ] car He opened tire at them and one | bullet struck Heugh In the neck.: Heugh Is the boy who in ante-mortcm j statement to the coroner mild he was ; one of an organized gang of 150 carpet mill employes who had agreed to aa aemble and attack cars. REVOLUTIONISTS FORCED TO FLEE; 400 ARE KILLED Goverment Troops Gain D*. cisive Victory Over Mcaraguan Rebels FIGHT SEVEN HOURS Battle Bloodiest One in Present Insurrection in Central America [Associated Press] MANAGUA, Feb. 23.—Another vic tory over the revolutionists has been announced by Gen. Toledo, Nicaraguan minister of war. The an nouncement was based on an official ditpatth received from Gen. Rivas, in command of the government forces, who engaged the revolutionists under Gen. Chamorro at Tisma, which is twelve miles from Masaya. Gen. Toledo also made known the fact that the losses on b<sth sides had been heavy, and that <ne battle had lasted seven hours, resulting in the bloodiest fighting of the war. , The revolutionists were finally forced to abandon their position. The government asserts that Cha morro was in personal command of the enemy, and admits that the engage ment was fought with varying fortunes until late in the afternoon, when the forces under Gen. Lara, a government commander, were In a disordered con dition. A request was then sent out for reinforcements, and these, arriving an hour later, turned the tide of battle. » Victory Is Celebrated Gen. Rivas' dispatch was posted on the coiners, bands appeared In the streets and a general celebration fol lowed. The dispatch says: "The battle began at 8 a. m. Febru ary 22, Lara attacking the enemy, who were them occupying Tlsma. Masis (provisional forces) with two Maxims inliicted serious losses, and the advan tage was with him until 3 p. m., When Chavarria and later Valdez and then Garrida, Zeledon, Vasquez and Aguilar arrived with reinforcements from three sides. The firing ceased at 6:30. Tho battle was the bloodiest yet, there be ing much hand-to-hand fighting with machetes. Lara's men charged Masis' Maxims, capturing one. "The losses are estimated at 400 killed and wounded. A detachment of govern ment troops were taken prisoners, but later their rescue was effected. Cha morro succeeded in reorganizing his forces and rushed the trenches occupied by Gen. Ramirez at 3 o'clock this morn ing at Tipitapa. The fighting lasted four hours, when the government troops dislodged the insurgents, who were deevmatod by a gailtng fire. They abandoned their dead and wounded, but succeeded in making their way through in the direction of Satella, their object evidently being to effect a Junc tion with Mena," INSURGENTS ROUT MADRIZ'S TROOPS WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.—Victories of immense importance to the Insurgent army in Nicaragua are told in dis patches being received today at the state department. Gen. Chamorro, with the main divis ion of the Insurgent army, has com pletely invested the government's troops sent out to check him, and by ar rtank movement has taken the city of Granada. The Chamorro family is pow erful there, and the capture of the city is important. It is inferred that Gen. Estrada, once believed to be going in the direction of Greytown, is marching to make a Junc tion with Chamorro and attack Mana gua. The losses of government troops have been territic in the guerrilla war fare which has raged for the last few days. Dispatches say that after the engagement of February 19 scores of unburied dead lay upon the fields. The losses of the provisional troops were slight. Disorder and panic are spreading through the Madrlz troops and the gov ernment, all trains on the railroad east of Managua have been abandoned, and the line is used only for military pur- The situation In the surrounding country is becoming more serious for the government. The insurgents also recaptured the government steamer Victoria on Lake Managua. INSURGENT LEADER WINS BATTLE; GRANADA CAPTURED BLUEFIELDS, Feb. 23.—Telegrams from the front reporting victory throw Blucflelds into the throes of Jubilation tonight. In one telegram Gen. Mena reported the complete rout of the government forces at Vicente. The others said the Important city of Granada was in the hands of the revolutionists: that the steamer Victo ria which plies Lake Nicaragua, had been captured, and that Gen. Aurolio Estrada, with 1000 men, has formed a Junction with Gen Chamorro, and that their combined force was now marching northward and on to Managua. The only disappointing feature of the days news was the failure definitely to lo cate the whereabouts of Chamorrp. FINDING NO MONEY ON PARSON, BANDIT FORCES 411 M TO EAT BIG MEAL BOeOttAf, Ariz., Feb. 23.—While ilrlviuK through South I'ass yesterday ■bout eighteen nilles from Tombstone, Ilev. A. J. Benedict, pastor of the Con gregational I'liurrh, was held up at the point of a gun by a lone highwayman. After searching the reverend gentleman and getting nothing for his trouble, the highwayman discovered a lunch of no small proportion* in the buggy, which he commanded the man of the cloth to eat on the penalty of death. The lunch was all eaten in record breaking time. Key. Mr. Benedict nearly choked himself to death la the performance. 1I» wan then allowed to go his way. The. highwayman haa not been arrested. Senator Beveridge Seeks to Prevent Alaskan Land Grab SENATOR A. J. BEVERIDGE HEEDS WARNING OF ROOSEVELT ! BEVERIDGE WOULD SAFEGUARD ALASKAN COAL Recalls Former President's Words in 1896, Indiana Senator Urges That Private Interests Be Headed Off [Special to Tho Herald.] WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 23.— Senator Beveridge in the senate today urged that the warning sounded by former President Roosevelt in 1896, to the effect that big interests might gobble up the rich Alaskan coal fields, bo heeded. Explaining the nature of bills he introduced, relating to Alaskan coal deposits, he predicted that they would in time he sorely needed by the United States. He estimated that the total coal tonnage of Alaska Is 15,000, --000,000 tons. He argued that this great fuel re serve should not pass from the owner ship of this country and that steps should be taken at once to safeguard it from private ownerships and to pro vide for its development by loans. The senate was in session two hours today. The house sat longer and passed the Sherley bill for a. uniform bankruptcy law. Senator Beveridge, supporting his bills for the development of Alaskan coal, called attention to the fact that, if disposed of at all, the Alaska coal land must be disposed of at a flat rate of $10 an acre. He pointed out that in 1906 President Roosevelt withdrew all these coal lands from entry, but that no law had ever been passed con firming this withdrawal. It was to confirm this withdrawal and to make it the act of congress itself that he introduced the first bill. Speaking of the second bill, he said congress had too long delayed the ap plication of this plain principle of public policy to the various mineral deposits that once belonged to the "Had this been done in the case of the iron ore deposits, which long since have passed into private hands, said Mr. Beveridge, "the nation today would be receiving enormous royalties that would have gone far toward pay ing the expenses of the government, and at the same time special interests now owning and operating these ore deposits would have mad.' reasonable profits Instead of tho enormous profits that have gone to build up some of the mightiest aggregations of capital and some of the most tremendous fortunes in this country, indeed, in the history of the world." ALLDS ORDERED BY PLATT, SAYS COUNSEL Defense in Bribery Case Places Re sponsibility on Shouders of Former Republican Leader ALBANY, N. V., Feb. M.-In open ing the case for the defense today in the senate investigation of Senator Conger's charge that Senator J. V. Allds accepted money to smother a bridce bill in the assembly in 1901, Martin W. Littleton, leading counsel for Allds. charged that his client had acted as he did regarding the bridge bills of 1901 on the orders of Thomas C Platt, who at that time was United States senator and recognized leader of the Republican party in the state. Telegrams and letters from Platt were produced to show this. SLAYER, IN DEATH CHAIR, CRIES SHAME; THEN DIES OSSINING, N. V., Feb. 23.—Carlo Giro, convicted of murdering Mrs. Sophie L. Staber In Brooklyn last July, was electrocuted in Sing Sing prison today, protesting his innocence to the last. Just before the current was turned on the condemned man mur mured a prayer and then cried: "Shame on you, Christian .people, who put mo to death when I am not guilty." -; SINGLE COPIES: DAILY. 2c: SUNDAY. 5o OIJM ijC Llhl LAAI IJCjO . ON TRAINS. S CJENTB LAW CLUTCHES TRUST AT LAST CONSOLIDATED MILK EX- CHANGE IS INDICTED New Jersey Corporation Is Charged with Successful Conspiracy to Fix Wholesale Price of Milk [Associated Press] NEW YORK, Feb. 23.—The so-called milk trust was indicted in New York today. After a long grand jury investigation a blanket indictment was handed down in the criminal branch of the supreme court, naming eight of seven teen directors of the Consolidated -Milk exchange, a New Jersey corporation, and charging that they met June 29, 1901), in New York and "conspired to gether and with others to fix the wholesale price uf milk and did fix It at $1.41 for a forty-quart can of milk." One year in prifon and a fine of not more than $500, or both, is the penalty for each offense, which is a misde meanor. Bench warrants were issued for the eight directors. They are: Walter R. Comfort, president of the Robert Reid Ice Cream company, a director of the Aetna National bank, the Delavan Consolidated Milk company and sev eral other corporations; Thomas O. Smith of Thomas Smith & Sons; Fred erick E. Seiter, a milk dealer of Newark, N. J.; Daniel Bailey, a milk producer; John A. Mcßride, a milk dealer of Sussex, N. J.; Henry F. Huntmann of the Standard Dairy com pany; James A. Howell of the Howell- Demarest Dairy company; George Slaughter of the R. E. Stevens Dairy company. Nine other directors of the exchange escaped indictment, having earned im munity by testifying before the grand jury and before 'he state inquiry into the milk trade, which Is still in progress. The Consolidated Milk exchange was formed under the laws of New Jersey soon after the supreme court of this state annulled the charter of the old milk exchange. Today's indictments are the first spe cific results obtained by the state since it began its investigation of the milk trade in Greater New York A commissioner appointed by the at torney general has been holding hear ings at which such important evidence was obtained as to warrant it being laid before the grand jury. The grand jury will consider further evidence. BOY 7 YEARS OLD GIVES LECTURE TO SCIENTISTS Master Fenton Turck of Chicago Takes Rank Among Intellec tual Prodigies CHICAGO, Feb. 23.—With a display of bacteria mounted on slides to show his perfect knowledge of the subject under discussion, Fenton B. Turck, Jr., 7 years old, took his place as one of the "prodigies" tonight at the Chicago Lcademy of Sciences. Master Turck is the son of Dr. Fen ton B Turok of the Postgraduate Medical college of Chicago. His testi mony as to the knowledge he possessed was well exemplified at the "micros copical soiree" of the local academy and the boy well proved his versatility by adjusting the compound mlscros cope under which his exhibits were placed. Chicago scientists now claim to be on a par with Boston, so far as "prodi gies" are concerned. The son of Pro fessor Sidis of Harvard has long been considered wonderful because of his mathematical attainments, but the dis play of intimacy with technical sub jects tonight by Master Turck places him In the same class with Master Sldiß. PULLMAN RATES UNCHANGED SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 28.—At the conference today between the members of the railroad commission and the attorneys for the Pullman Car com pany the matter of a change In Pull man rates in this state was discussed. No action was taken. The commission will meet tomorrow at Bakersfleld and Friday at Fresno. CENTS ATTY. GENERAL SAYS STANDARD OIL MONOPOLY Wickersham Draws Line Between Octopus and Tobacco Trust CASES IN HIGH COURT U. S. Tribunal Will Ren der No Decision Until After March 14 WASHINGTON, Feb. 23—While the -upreme court of the United States has vouchsafed no inti mation on the subject, it is generally supposed here the decision in the case of the American Tobacco company, which already has been argued before the court, will not be handed down at least until after the argument In the case of the Standard Oil company, which is set for March 14. Attorney General Wiekersham, in his motion to advance the hearing of the latter case, described the two as essentially kindred, and suggested to the court they be considered together. Lawyers here generally concur in the statement made by Mr. Wicker aham to the court these two cases to gether present for Its consideration ••practically the entire range of mod ern industrial organizations in this country," and substantially every lea ture of the "tru-^ question," so far as it falls within the purview of the Sherman anti-trust law. Yet they are not precisely alike; indeed, it is said in some p... tUulars they are so dis similar the court m'ght find in favor of the government in one case and against it in the other. Cases Are Somewhat Alike The two cases are alike in that they are proceedings in equity to enjoin al leged violations of the law of the land —neither is in its essence a criminal action- in neither does the government seek to procure either imprisonment of individuals or exemplary fines upon the defendants. In both suits the. charges pressed are those alleging un lawful combination and conspiracy in restraint of Interstate trade and com merce, and continuing monopoly or attempted monop->ly of important ele ments in interstate commerce. The Standard Oil company of New Jersey is attacked as a "holding com pany" Out of its $100,000,000 capita} stock over $97,000,000 was exchanged in 1899. according to the government figures, for stock In nineteen other cor porations engaged in the various branches of the petroleum business. The American Tobacco company 43 aliened to be both a holding and an operating comprny. It is actively en gaged in the tobacco business, owns its own shops and sells the manufac tured "roducts. -Raw Product Produced In the case of the , Standard Oil company the raw product Is to an ex tent produced ty the corporation, in that of the tobacco combination the raw material is purchased. _ \_ While the Sherman law does not sneciilcaHy prohibit the organization Steffi companies, the supreme court declare in the Northern Se curities case that the holding com pany constituted an organization .in restraint of trade and commerce. The government charges that front the time of the organization of the standard Oil company in 1899, a mo £r» a tnhe jssws^.ssa Si v^ cTd=ir x chlngins needs and conditions of tho "in'the Tobacco case it is alleged that! olv only in the cigarette trade. Thn decants claim that the the business then secured has since miw terially dwindled. No Longer Competitor* The Standard Oil's counsel have con tended that the corporations which In 1899 entered into the agreements com plained of had long since ceased to bo competitors. In the Tobacco case the defendants contend that their acts have been confined merely to- the acquisi tion of manufacturing property; that manufacturing corporations are under no legal obligation to compete-tho prohibition being against specific agreements to suppress competition non-competition as the result of the acquisition of property is, the defend ants insist, not a violation of the stat- UtAnother difference between the two cases lies in the fact that the Standard Oil company is charged with offense against the Sherman law alone; the Tobacco corporations are charged with offending also the Wilson tariff act of 1594 which extended the application of the anti-trust law to any conspiracy in restrain of trade, one party to which was an importer. American Law* Rule Furthermore, the government Is seek ing to establish the rule that a cor poration entering into an agreement abroad which in purpose conflicts with American law gains no Immunity from the fact that such an agreement Is law ful in the foreign country. It is suggested that the commodities handled by the Standard Oil company may be more properly called "neces saries of life" than those dealt in by the Tobacco corporation. Attorney General Wiekersham In his argument ot tne Tobacco case ex- Dressed the opinion that a different el ement would enter into the trade in an absolute necesisty of life, as distin guished from one that is not a neces sity because such a commodity "was charged with a public use, just as much, if not more, than what is called public utility companies." As a result of the hearing In the circuit court other differences were ei ther made or became apparent. In the Tobacco suit the court did not find sufficient evidence to hold that there was a monopoly In the trade In queitioTi, although it did hold that there was a combination in restraint of trade. In the Standard Oil case the court was unanimous in finding that there was an illegal monopoly In ad dition to there being a conspiracy.