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6 THE HERALD'S SPORTING NEWS LANGFORD ARRIVES AND STARTS TRAINING TOMORROW AT ARCADIA PROPOSES TO BEGIN WORK IN TIME TO PROPERLY CONDI TION HIMSELF FOR LONG FIGHT Manager Joe Woodman Assures Backers of Boston Terror That * They Will Take No Chances at All This Time, but Will Be Fit and Ready to Battle to the Entire Limit if Necessary, and He Will Send His Great Fighter Into the Ring with Instructions to End It as Quickly as Possible. Jeff Develops New Punches That Give Him Great Delight—Two Crack Eastern Light weights Here to Meet Coast Scrappers JAY DAVIDSON SAM IiANGFORD. in charge of Managi-r Joe "Woodman, arrived from San Francisco last night to get an early start at training for the 45-round fight with Jim Flynn, which is scheduled as the next Pacific Athletic club attra.-toin, to be staged tho. afternoon of March IT at Vernon. They will go to Arcadia this morning ;.nd arrange fop training quarters at the Hotel Oakwood. L&ngfOrd probahly will begin training tomorrow, and surely not later than Wednesday, as Woodman says there must he no mistake this time about the condition of his wonderful black fighter. Woodman is game enough to withhold any credit from Flynn on the score or lack of condition -when this pair hooked up at Naud Junction the first week in this month, but he says that Sam could have been in better condition. This time he proposes to see that Ram sets ready for the fight of his career and to overlook no detail that will contribute to his success in overruling the decree in their last fight. He will send Langford Into the ring with instructions to stop the fracas just as speedily as possible for several reasons, one of which is that ho .loos not care particularly about having Sam travel the marathon route, thinking it might affect his speed fnd dull him for future contests. There is a possibility that the bi ? BCTap may ho postponed tuo days, as McCarey said last night that he is of the opinion that Saturday would be a much better day for a big attendance than Thursday, even if the lat ter date does happen to be a holiday. There is one obstacle to be over come, however, and that Is Woodman. He says that he will not consent to any postponement, as he has deposited a forfeit with Louis Blot, one of the Frisco promoters, whereby he agrees to be back in Frisco some time during the day of March IS, to start work for the scrap that he will put up for Blot on March 31. However, McCarey will talk to Woodman today and may persuade Joe to agree to the postponement of two days. Flynn Has Good Start on Sammy Flynn has taken a good start on L angford in the matter of training. having started to work Friday, while Sam will not get busy until tomor row at the earliest. Jim is improving each hour to the best of his ability, as he realizes it is up to him to do the job all over again or lose something in prestige. He firmly believes he lias the terror's goat rambling around loose, and is working in order to get into the best condition of his life, so that he will have no excuses to make. He Is confident that he will be able to travel the marathon route at top speed, having every confidence in his ability, and says that he will keep Sammy hopping around like a Jack rabbit all the time. It must be admitted that Flynn showed a degree of cleverness at boxing and blocking and in generalship in the last fight with Langford that none of his friends would Believe possible in him. That this big Improvement in his milling is the result of the discovery of his knockout wallop and a consistent course of earnest work in training quarters is agreed on all sides, and if he uses the same sort of offensive and defensive tactics, with the same excellent generalship, that he showed in their last fight, Flynn has some justification for his good opinion of himself. Jeff Discovers New Punches Jeffries, usually modest and disinclined to talk about himself at any time, grew confidential Suturday while talking: with a close friend and confldi-d to him that lie was as pleased and delighted with the excellent results of his light training as his greatest admirer. He said that he Is now faster than he ever was In all his career and that Johnson would be surprised when he found it impo^si ble to play hide-and-seek with the champion in the ring. This development of his speed caused him to study out some new punches, which he has been practicing on hia punching bag, and he has substituted a new series of punches for the old one-two style of boxing that is so familiar to fighter* and the fans. This new series of punches is not one-two at nil. but is oni'-two-three-four-flve, being an im provement upon the one-two business, and is to be used when Jeff rushes the coon. Jeff says that it will I>.> impossible for Johnson to avoid these blows, and that he will drop the negro with any one of them that lands. Then he adds that if he does not land three of the live, and win the fight right there, he will be greatly surprised himself. So delighted is the big fellow with this new series of blows that he has decided to make bag punching a regular routine of his daily workouts from now until he quits training. Moran and Murphy Battle Tonight Considerable interest attaches locally to the result of the twenty-round battla tonight at Frisco between Owen Moran and Harlem Tommy Murphy. Local fans are favoring Murphy to win, but the Frisco sports have made Moran a slight favorite, because the Englishman has fought to such good advantage in that city, while Murphy is a newcomer. Moran and Murphy have fought three, times, twice to no-decision results and once at twelve rounds, when Moran grit a decision that was roundly criticised by the East ern fight critics who attended the fight. A» the winner wants to get a whack at Wolgast for the lightweight title, and stand a good chance of succeeding, the boys will have considerably more at stake than the winner's share of the purse. Jimmy Coffroth is handling tills fight at the Dreamland rink, and it is the first bout he has handled since he returned from Europe Woodman Has Crack Lightweights Joo Woodman says he lms two lightweights on his stuff now who look like tho best near-champinns in the business. Tommy (Javigan, formerly a pupil of Tommy Ryan and w hum Jtyan predicts will whip any lightweight in the world at first chance, is the premier of the pair. Woodman iayi that JSOOU will be posted this morning with a Chicago sporting writer to go as a side bet accompaniment to a challenge for Gavigan to Wolgait. If Wolgast Ito accept the challenge, then the $. r>uoo goes for any other lightweight in the world, Nelson preferred next. The other crack lightweight in the Woodman string Is Young Kenny of Lawrence. .Mass. This youngster hM whipped such boys as Toung Krnc, Dave Deshler. Matty Baldwin and Young Donohue, a c:reditable record, and Woodman wants to get him matched with any local lightweight McCarey may name for an early date. Both these are white boys and come to the coast to get into the championship elimination contests. SAN PEDRO SPORTS ENTERTAIN JEFFRIES Heavyweight Champion Passes Quiet Day with Luke Kelly at Harbor City—Guest of Honor at Dinner : SAN PEDRO. Feb. 27.—Champion James Jeffries took a day off from his work at splitting logs on his ranch today and was the guest of Luke Kelly, tho well known San Pedro sportsman and politician. Kelly nnd Jeffries have been close friends for years and many is the fishing trip they have enjoyed here together. There was no fishing today. Jeffries rested as any tired wood chopper might have done on the Sabbath after a week's hard labor. The champion arrived In the afternoon and was met at the car by Kelly. They walked directly to Kelly's residence and spent the after noon quietly at home, finally going to the Half-way house for an Italian din . ner, at which about a dozen San Pedro sportsmen were Invited. THISTLES NOW ARE SOCCER CHAMPIONS Defeat San Francisco and Win First Place in State League Race. Albion Rovers Are Second BAN PBANCIBCO, Feb. 11.— In then defeat of the San Francisco team the Tniatlei today won the championship of the California Soccer league at Freeman's park, Oakland. At the end of the fastest game of the season the ■core wag 2 to 0. Second place in the tournament goes to the Albion Rovers, and the Vampires are last The cup games will begin next Sun day, The Jubilee Rovers of Sacramento and the Independents of San FranclßCo will meet In the first game of the se ries. The Burnses bent the Vampirrs this afternoon In an exhibition game at the Prealdlo ground!, :t to 0. nil game ba il the Olymplci and RcUaaca club at Alameda was postponed. LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNTNT,, FKBHrAKY 28. 1010. RIALTO GOSSIP FIGHT fans who cannot go more than once _ week without seeing some sort of ii sera]), even if they have to start one on their own account, will have an opportunity of attending a Rood card at Ban Pedro next Friday night. The San Pedro Athletic club has announced o classy offering for that night as follows; joe LJvermor* vs. Jlmmte Davis, fif teen rounds; Young Solomon vs. Hen ry Caresse, heavyweight, six rounds; Sail.>r llanscn vs. (Ins I.arsen. four rounds, George Blake will referee. AH these bouts should prove interest ing and sufficiently exciting to at tract a good attendance from Los An geles and provide value received for the trip. Special ear service over the Pacific Electric railway has been ar ranged for by the club management. Kacing ended yesterday at Tcr razaa park, Juarez, until next winter, i.spite the knocking :>n.l unusually adverse weather conditions, the meet ign ran out its sohedule, paid all purses and quit the season with some profit for the stockholders. This is a* ex | cellent showing for the initial season in Mexico, considering conditions un der which tho sport was Inaugurated, and the success accomplished this year means a greater success next winter. with a better class of horses to race there. Tho management has made a proud record In the sport at Juarez, and lovers of the thoroughbred sport congratulate the Individuals who are responsible for this success. Ttacing begins March 2< at James town and will continue until April 9. This track now is the fold of organ ized racing and is regularly recognized and sanctioned by the Jockey club. Ed Jasper, who officiated at Ascot race meetings as handlcapper and racing secretary, has boon tilling the same position at Juttrez since Secre tary Lyman Davis left there a fort night ago. Jasper always has been regarded as one of the cleverest hand- Icappera in the country and knows the same from A to Z without hesitation. The committee having in charge the anti-racing bill Introduced in the Kentucky legislature has reported the hill with the recommendation that it do not pass, which is taken as an in dlcation that any fear that may have existed regarding a fight on the sport in the legislature of the Blue Grass state is not well founded. Announcement is made that the spring meeting at Buena. Vista park, near Salt T.nke city, will begin May 14 and continue to July 4. Martin Nathanson will be racing secretary and handlcappar, which is a guaran tee that the sport will bo run on the level He probably also will be one of the associate judges. Men like Na thanson elevate the sport wherever they officiate, and it is a pity that there are not more like him. Kit Chirm. onre famous as a rac ing starter and gunflghter, attd a mem ber of the famous Chirm temHy of Kentucky, is a resident of California now. having married a California girl aid settled down on a large ranch near Vallejo. Phil Chirm is In earnest about going to France for future racing, as i« In dicated by the notice that ho will sell MORAN IS FAVORITE OVER EASTERN BOY Englishman Has Slight Call Over Harlem Tommy Murphy in Scrap at San Francisco Tonight SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. 27.—The twenty-round fight between Owen Mo ran of England and Harlem Tommy Murphy Of Xew York, which Promoter James Coffroth has arranged for the Dreamland rink in this city tomorrow night, has excited a great deal of In terest among sporting men and fight followers here. The winner of this match is looked upon as the logical candidate to meet Ad Wolgast, the winner of the lightweight crown. Iforaa has been seen on the coast in several bouts and his work is well thought of. He is a slight favorite in the betting, though until yesterday even money was wagered. Murphy is ■i newcomer on the coast, but his 'ast ern record in short tights has forced recognition for him. Both these crack lightweight* hold newspaper decisions over Wolgast in short affairs, and each in confident he can beat the champion in a «6-round tight. The chancel of a fight soon betwei n Cyi lone Johnny Thompson and Battling Nelson appear to be glimmering, and this fact has aided in throwing the spotlight upon the boys who meet to morrow night. Bach one thinks the other is his greatest obstacle in the path on the way to the (hampionsnip. M'ENERY WINS LONG WALK BY 20 MILES Defeats Selby in 106-Mile Cross- Country Jaunt from Bur. lingame to Del Monte SAN Josk, Feb. 27.—Dr, W, a. Mo- Enery, formerly an English distance running champion, won the 106-ralla walk between the Burlingame Country club and Hotel del Mnnte by arriving at the finish at o:ir. o'clock this even ing, with Percy Belby, Ml opponent, nearly twenty miles behind. A party 11 known men, Including H. Clay Bpencer and B. Courtney Ford, back er- of Dr. MiKnery since the Inception of the race, were with him nt the Bntih to congratulate him on his sue- Percy MbYi llf'ir of the bull(lPr of the great Belby smelting enterprise, 1h resting at the Abbott house at Salinas, his feet and legs having- all but given out on the steep San Juan grade. This hill climb was eliminated by Mr- Enery, who went over the railroad trestle, Selby Will leave Salinas for Monterey about midnight. The pair oT walker!} left Buiiingame yesterday morning at S o'cloo" Jay Davidson all his horses at auction at Jackson ville on March .".. His stable Includes such good ones as Lady irnia. John Carroll, Jack Parker, Dixie Knight, c irandissimo, Ouy Fisher and The Butterfly. Chirm says he is S^ loser on the American game. Me will take Jockey V. Powers with him to the land of frogs and wines. it is announced that John Condron, prcilclent of tho Utah jock«y club, has acquired a controlling interest In the club an.! will have the deelding vo! ' In all i.ffaln regarding the mana,-." mtn: of the <iub. This is an excel lent invve and it guarantees the Salt I..ike- Ci'y patrons of the sport somo hurl. Cliss racing, free of taint, ". cans* Condron is known all over the west as one of the squarest sportsr.i in U be. found. .T. S. Duncan, Avho formerly owa«l My leu O'Connell, has gone to EWsco to take a Land in the selling war. espe cially v. here H. <i. Bed Well may be concerned Bedwell took Mylos O'Con nell out of a selling race the other day anil Di.rran says he- will get even every lima l'.edwell runs a horse in the future. JI»I LflW enee, one Of the owners of the Oakwoor" stock ranch horses, -will leave tomorrow for Frisco, where his horses BIU being raced. He and Mrs. Lawronce have been visiting friends bore for two or three weeks. Arrangement! are being made for a thirty-day race meeting at Pensacola, Fla.. to begin Marj-h :!0. Application tor dates ban been made to the South ern Jockty club, which controls racing in the southeastern states. Jockey Shilling is riding as a free lance now, having been released from hla contract with Bedwell, owing to the fact that a brother of Shilling and Budwetl have had horses in the siinic ]■ icq recently and there was some diffi culty between Bedwell and his jockey because the rider thought he should pilot Us brother's horses rather than the Bedwell entry. Al Goortin has taken his stable of boraea to Emeryville to race them into condition tor the bush season, which opens in May. Al has a formidable string In Old Nick, Creston Hoy, Kins man, Tramotor and a crackerjack 2 year-old' by Deutschland. The Tampa racing officials have an nounced that they will not attempt to opon tin' winter season there again un tU January 1, as the tourist season dons not Bet under way until that mont%. T.iis derision wns caused by the rocky road the pport had to travel during November and December of last year. Local racegoers will recall after some effort that a boy naraotl O. Fain rode a few liorses for R. F. Carman at San ta Anita last winter. This boy now is tin- -star at Tampa, where Carman wen< after being- Invited away from Jacksonville recently. It is a fine commentary on the riding colony at Tampa, to be sure. Stanley Page, the Loi Angles news toy jockey, Btopped off in Los Angeles a few days on his way to Emeryville recently and boufiht a dandy home for his mother. Page is a thrifty kid, an excellent rider and Is making big mor.ey. This Rift to his mother shows tome of the real character in the fine little fellow. STILL FUSSING AS TO FIGHT LOCATION Rickard and Gleason Are Getting Grouchy and Childish About Settling This De. tail SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. 27.—1t is as uncertain tonight whether the Jeffries- Johnson championship fight will be held here or in Salt Lake City as it was a week ago, when Tex Rickard, James J. Jeffries, Sam Berger and Jack Gleason came to this city from the east to meet in conference and arrive at an early decision of the mater. Gleason would not see Rickard today. When asked if he haiword from his partner lie said: "No, I have not. And when lie wants to bring word to me he knows where he can find me. I say that the big fight will ho held here. That is all there is to it." J. B. Nelson, president or the Saltalr Beach company of .salt Lake, has been waiting with Rickard to have a meet ing with Gleason. He refuses to dis cuss hi ß nlans so far us Salt Lake is concerned, and says that Qlauon'l final word will determine his action. "I cannot say where the light will be held until I have talked with Gleason again," said Rickard tonight. "I have had no definite understanding here with anybody, and I do not know that we can reach an agreement, l am anxious to have the tiling settled one way or another." WHITE SOX AT DENVER DENVER, Feb. 27.—The Chicago American league team spent two hours in Denver today as guests of President James McOUl of the Denver Western league team. President B. B. Johnson, who Is traveling with the Chicago team, declared he was confident that the ac tion of the Cincinnati and Plttaburg National league clubs, in transferring their late dates and bringing their sea son to an early close, will be followed by the other clubs of the National league. McCORMICKS ARE BEATEN Santa Ana. with Walter Johnson in the box, won from the McCorniicks yesterday on tin- Santa Ana grounds by the score 'if 2 to 1. Johnson's pea ball «as working in its usual form and it was a case of too much smoke for the Irish aggregation. Seaton, who did the twirling for the Shamrocks, worked in his usual good form and safe bingles Oft his delivery were as scarce as hen's teeth. WOLGAST ACCEPTS OFFER FOR TEN WEEKS ON ROAD + KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 27.— ♦ ♦Ad Wolgast, lightweight cham- ♦ + plon, has accepted the offer of ♦ ♦ $1000 a week for ten weeks' vau- + +deville engagement, made him by + +an agent In this city last week. ♦ ■♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦ JUAREZ MEETING COMES TO CLOSE GERMAN SILVER WINNER OF DERBY RACE OCEAN QUEEN BEATS MEADOW IN SPRINT EVENT Terrazas Park Season Ends After Successful Combat with Dis couraging Conditions at Beginning ■[Associated Press} JUAREZ, Feb. "7.—Tho successful meeting of the Jockey club at Juarez came to a close today with the running of the Juarez derby, at one and a quarter miles, and ".000 persons cheered when the favorite, German Silver, was iiist under the wire. Tho winner and rider were cheered again when Jlc i'alley returned to the scales and was presented with the floral horseshoe. McCahey took command in the stretch and won by a length from The Wolf, with Corzo two lengths back. Sum _i_ry: First race, 6>.j furlongs—Old Hose. 9i (Banweoten) won; Mob Lynoh, if|"> (Gar ner) sK-ind; lllla, lt>s (Lowe) third; time 1:07 3-5. Si ml race, 6 furlongs —Silver Storklnß, lo;[ (Oamer) won; Rublola, 106 (McCarthy) second; Vchnoine, 108 (Molesworthj third; lime 1:13 2-S. Third race, 3'(. furlnnsß — Frank Mulllns', l"0 (Garner) won; Flying Wolf, 115 (Rice) second; Uncle Ben, 112 (Smith) third; time :41 1-5. Fourth race, .Tuarcz Derby, value $1500; 1 i-i miles- German silver, lit (McCahey) won; The Wolf. 117 (S. I.owe) second; Corio, 10S (Rice) third; time 2:09 %-t. Fifth race, 7 furlonns— Ocean Queen, ft (Benescoten) won; Meadow, 122 (Lowe) second; Beau Man, 100 (McCarthy) third; time 1:26 2-5. .Sixth race, 1 mile—Gerrymander. 104 (Km i -non; Pain^raylor, 113 (Molnwsrth) sori.n,l; Mlnnolette, in (MoCahey) third; Lime 1 :40 1-5. OAKLAND ENTRIES First race. Futurity course —Biskra. 107; Adena. 107; Duke of Milan, 10.1: Pir Barry. 103; Mane Abe, US: Reznn. 96s Balvaae, iii 4: Burning Husli, 109; Rohorta. 91; Or nate, yS; HnnipaßS, 10S; Woodlalulrr. ]no. Second race, 3.. furlongs— Cr»sab«l, 107; Emory X.. 109; Abella, 109; AcademM, 109; Ravia, 108; Halali. 10>l Bdda, 109; Hitta. 109; Jim Basi-y. 107; Osaudene, 1"4; Ravaliton 11. 104; Soon, 118. Third r.icc 1 mile—Chester Knim. S-; Raleigh, 103; Mlfs Picnic. 97: I.lkcly Dtou donne, 9S; Meltondale, 84; Inclement. 101. Fourth rare, 6 furious" — HlKht Ea«y, 124; Jim (Jarrney. in; Richard Read, 11"; John ny, Lyons, 00; Lcwlston, 90; Raleigh P, D., 106. Fifth race, 1 1-lfl miles—Silver Line, !>7; Gvctchen G., H6; Trocha, n:; Mr. lllshop, 101; Rosevale, 10J; Avontellus, 102. Plxth race, 6 furlongs—Halronia. 101; Plill Mohr 94: Sepulvoda, 107; Dr. Dough erty 97; Wex. (17; Daddy Gip. 99; Silk, 92; Coppertown, 109; Gilbert Hose. 109. TEDDY BEARS MAKE AN ENVIABLE RECORD ■When the Teddy Boars and the Gateway baseball teams met on the Dolgoville diamond yesterday after noon there was a dash of speed in the first few frames by both clubs, • after which goose eggs were in order, the final score being 5 to 3 in favor of the Bears. Pitcher Derenia of the winners was in excellent form and made eleven of his opponent!! walk the strikeout plank. This makes twenty-three wins out of twenty-five games for the Bears. Considering this good record, it is to be expected that Manager Save would consider his aggregation the best in the southland. Any team that wants to dispute his opinion can ar range to play the Bears at any time, place and for any amount of the long green. Call Manager Save, Boyle 143. The score: TEDDY BEARS AB R II SB TO A E Cowan, 2b 3 113 3 5 0 McKeen. c 1 2 0 1 12 0 1 Mack, 3b 5 110 0 0 0 * BtadeUe, if I 0 0 110 0 1,, Smith, Jb 3 0 0 17 11 Rogernon, if 4 0 10 0 0 0 Padrottl, ct 3 12 0 2 0 0 Robert*, ss-C 4 0 10 2 10 Dercnia, p 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vofjul, 8B 2 0 0 0 0 10 Totals 31 6 6 6 27 8 2 GATEWAYS AB R 11 SB I'O A E Colby, of ..i 4 111110 J. BtadeUe, lb-p 5010710 Belaude, p & 0 2 0 0 10 B. Smith, KB 3 2 10 13 0 a. Dear, it 2 0 0 13 0 0 J. Dear. 31 2 0 10 2 2 1 Taladof, <■ 4 0 10 5 11 rallnrk. rf 4 0 10 10 0 Scott, lb-p 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 Totals 33 3 8 2 27 8 2 SCORE BY INNINOI Bears 3 0 2 110 0 0 0— Hits 2 0 10 1110 o—6 Gateways 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 o—3 Hits 3 0 110 0 111-8 SUMMARY Two-base hits—Belaude, Taladof. Sacrifice hit— Ij. Smith. Firat base on errors—Bears 2, Gateways 2. Left on bases—Bears 5, Mate ways 8. Bases on —Oft' Dereglla 4. Be laiulr 3. Struck out—By Derenia 11. Belauds 4. Double play—Cosby to Belaude. \ Hit by pitched ball—Scott. Time of game— l:4o. Um pire—Johnson. QUIT MILITIA OR UNION IS REQUEST WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb. 27,— Opposition by members of local labor unions to the organization of compuny X, Second regiment, Washington Na tional guard, whicii vu mustered In last Friday night, threatens to dis rupt the company. Members of the company, who also are members of labor unions, have, in several instances, been told either to resign from the company or the union. The first intimation of trouble came last Saturday when Joseph F. Tierney, president of the Butahers' union, was RSked to resign till office because he had joined the guard, lie complied and now the Cooks and Waiters' union, it is said, lias given several militiamen clinic,' uf quitting the union or the company. Officials <>f local labor un ions are bitter in their expressions of disapproval at the organization of the guard in this city, and it is said the Trades and Labor council probably will take I lie subject under toilHidera j tion at its meeting. WINTER BASEBALL GIVES WAY TO PRELIMINARY SEASON PRACTICE BIG LEAGUERS HOP INTO LIMELIGHT THURSDAY, WHEN THE WHITE SOX PLAY VERNONS Chicago Americans Due Tuesday from San Francisco and Engage Villagers in Opening Contest of Spring Training Series at Chutes Park —League Ball Will Furnish Fans with Enter tainment Thereafter Until Late Next Fall—Both Local Clubs Lineup Stronger Than Ever on Paper and Prospects Favor Them for Successful Year and a Great Chance for the Pennant JAY DAVIDSON WINTER baseball becomes ancient history today and the an nual season of summer ball will open tomorrow, when all the players under contract to the Angels and Vernons for the 1910 Coast league pennant chase will report to Managers Dillon and Hogan for spring practice. The summer ball season begins Thurs day afternoon at Chutes park, when White Sox No. 2 will line up against Happiness Hogan's aggregation of village balltossers for the opening game of the interclub spring training schedule, lhe Sox will arrive tomorrow from Chicago, via San Francisco, and will limber up a bit Wednesday at the Chutes in order to be ready for play the following day. Quite a number of Angels and Villagers will report to Dillon and Hogan tliVs morning at the respective parks of the clubs and will do some preliminary work, but reporting day will be tomorrow. Even then the entire membership of the two teams hardly will be on hand, as some of the players are coining from the east on the White Sox special. The practice games with the Sox will serve to give the fans a fair line on the two local Coast league teams that seem destined to be stern rivals for the bunting this year and will enable the cranks to get a good look at the new players who will engage in this rag chase. Several new faces will be seen in the lineups of the Angel and Ycrnon clubs, especially in the lineup of the latter, and as the race for local honors promises to be a harder fought battle this year than ever before, the rivalry between the two clubs and their fol lowers is growing more intense every day. Berry and Maicr and Hogan and Dillon arc almost angry enough right now to break ott speaking relations because of this rivalry, which was more of a kid ding bee last year than anything else, but which lias become too serious a rivalry this year for much kidding on either side. Vernon Team Will Be in the Hunt That the Vernon club will be right in tho hunt at all stages of the 1910 pennant chase is made evident by tho fact that Hogan has been hustling all winter for new players and by the excellent success which has attended his efforts. An entirely :ew lineup on j the infield is one of the radical changes that will be presented to the tans next Thursday. Beginning at first base and going all the way around the diamond, there will bo new laces on the job. Fisher, lirashear, Lindsay and Bur rill will fill the infield positions this year and it will be the first appear ance for all of them next Thursday afternoon in a Coast league uniform. All of them come to Vemon with ex <. 11. Nt records for other seasons in fast company and Hogan is enthusing greatly at the material strengthening of his infield. . . According to Hogan and Maier, the Vernon pitching staff also will be ma terially stronger than last year Light twirlers have sinned contracts for Hie season, being rrcckenridgo, Btovall, inn, Schafer, Wiliet, HensUng, Bald win and Miller. All these twirlers will line up for the opening games of the season in first class condition and In the best of health, unless something unforeseen happens between now and opening day. This will enable the vil lagers to get away to r.n even break ami on paper the pitching staff seems to be as good as any that it will op pose during the season. Walter Car lisle will add n-ach strength to the outfield and tho youngster Brow" who will alternate behind the bat with Hogan and Hasty, woiks out like a real wonder. Altogether, tho Vernon team appears 100 per cent stronger than last year and "should make the pacemakers hustle like Sari Hill to beat it out. Angels Will Present Classy Lineup The old warhorses who have won nennants galore for Los Angeles in the Coast league chases of other seasons are so classy that He-.-.el Berry found it impossible to pick a weak spot and instead of making change, to on bought some new material to fill in when an emergency should require and for the purpose of developing classy material for future use. The Angel ™and was seriously handicapped all ast seison with an unusual hospital list, but it will start off the 1910 season with a line bunch of high class play er" all in perfect health and condi tion and anxious to redeem the pres tige the team lost last season by its ■howta* in the final weeks. Unques tionably Dillon will have the strongest twirling staff in the league, with Na ',, ThorsenV To«er, Brlswalter, Delhi, Ul°^s rpleSnrnews Judge Nagle Elves out to the effect that for the flirt time since he Joined the Angels . wil be read- for duty in the spring raining series and will be in midsum mSTfofm when he goes in the box lor m,^"first time after the season opens. Nagle has Teen unfortunate in ■ustaln £e injuries and in sicl:ness which kept him from doing regular anleftec Ave • airline- in any season. When reaay he is one of "he best twirlers outside thP leagues. Thorsen is to good Mat Berry has Placed a big price on Ms rele "c. SO high, in fact, that even c Wb league magnates who are ac work this year. __^^^_____ DETROIT WOMAN ANGLER LANDS WHITE SEA BASS * AVAI.ON. Cal.. Feb. 57.-Ftoh- ♦ * ing in the launch Rival, Mrs. M. + I v Chamberlain, Jr., of Detroit, ♦ * Mich., today caught a white sea ♦ + baas weighing forty-three and* * three-quarter pound*.. This is the * * first white sea bass taken on light + * tackle in the winter tournament. ♦ * The lucky angler receives a silver * * button after fishing almost dally ♦ * for two months. . ... ***♦♦+***♦♦*♦*****♦ DALLAS BEATS COLTS DALLAS, Tex., Feb. 27.-The Dallas team defeated the Colls of tha K»W York Nationals today, 11 to 8, in M exhibition gunn.-. Dillon Is Fully Recovered Cap. Dillon, who was out of the game just about half the time last season, playing in 119 out of the 215 games played, Is nt and ready for his best, season In baseball, and this means thati, the Angel band will have the best first 1 baseman and Held captain in he 1 league, none barred. Dillon ranked 1 first among the Coast league first base-1 men last season, at that. Jud Smith also led the third basemen and will go back on the job this year. Ivan How ard, one of the best second basemen ! in the league, will hold down his old place, as will Bert Dclmas at short. This makes a strong infield defense, with all of them good hitters, and as they have played together long enough to have their team work down pat. they should be even stronger this sea- SOn than last. - The decision of Curtis Bernard, tho best eonterrlelder in the Coast league, to It-turn to the game and play out the entire season schedule adds great &tre-igth to the outfield lineup of the Angel band, is probable that Bernard will bo moved over to right Held. Bernard is a brainy player and a. dependable one at all times, . while his hitting is a great help to the tram in pinches, Curtis always be- . ing able to land on a ball when hits are required. The others in the out field will be Daley and Godwin and these names are synonymous for per fection. Despite that all these posi tions are well filled, Berry will bo weaker behind the bat than ever be fore, owing to tho loss of Orendorff. There will be no Orendorff or Easterly tJ coach the young pitchers or to re reive, the shoots of the oldtlmers. But with Smith, Callahan and Grindle to depend upon, Berry may be able to develop another great catcher, In which event the Angel band will make the pace all season and stay in front of the procession like a bunch of stake horses coupled in the betting. Both Teams Loom Up Formidably It. is a pleasing prospect that the fans are viewing for some good sport during the season. With continuous > baseball of the classy kind that the two local teams will dish up for their edification, interest this season in the rational game should break all records and attendance figures probably will - show this to be true. The Vernon teem having strengthened so materi- > ally that it becomes a serious factor in the pennant chase, becomes at once a greatly improved drawing card and at tendance at the Friday afternoon and Sunday morning games at Doyle park should show much Improvement. Noth-1 ing succeeds like success, and nothing in the cards as they are running now for both league teams indicates any thing short of a most successful sea son. B Idle Maler, appreciating the _ fact f that the Vernon club had to be strengthened in order to make a finan cial success during the season, has di rected and co-operated with Hogan all winter in changing the lineup of the I team, and he expressed himself yes terday as being greatly pleased at the >. dandy prospect for a winning team. "If this bunch cannot make a better ■ showing than the Angels, which is say-1 Ing a heap, then we will get out the shotguns and kill 'em all, starting first with Hogan," is the way Maler puts it, I in expressing the op'nion that the Ver-r nons are stronger in all departments than the Angels. Maler: and Col. J. ■ W Brooks are dally visitors at Doyle park looking after Improvements! and seeing that no detail is overlooked •to make everything properly in order for tho opening of the season, _ HAVES WINS RACE AT MARATHON COURSE St. Yves Drops Out in Seventh Mile and Dorando Unable to Start Because of 111. ness SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 27.—Johnny Hayes of New York WO4l the Mara thon race here today over seven start ers. His time was :!:44:55. "Con" Connolly of San Francisco was second, in 2:!i'-:*s. T. Fitzgerald, another local man, was third. St. Yves, who was the accredited favorito before the race, dropped out In the seventh mile. Ho Bald In' was ill. Uorundo did not start because of. an attack of bmnchiti*