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ANSWER THE HERALD'S WANT ADS===BARGASNS BY GOOD PEOPLE ADVERTISERS Count sin average wordy as one line. No «d. accepted for less than the price of three Hues. The Herald reserves the right to re vise advertisements and to reject or omit and refund the amount paid. Report promptly to th» classified man ager failure to get returns or experience, with fraudulent or dishonest advertisers. Two or more Insertions are better than one. Try a three time ad. Results al most certain for anything. For contract solicitors and advertising advice call SUNSET~MAFN 8000 HOME 10211 AND ASK FOR CLASSIFIED MANAGER SPECIAL RATES Want lids. 1c a word each Insertion. Rooms for rent, 3 lines, H times. Rooms with honril. I lines, 3 times, 25 CENTS HELP WANTEIJ—MaIe anil ft»mak, 3 line-, 8 times, 25 CENTS \THI\H WANTED FREE WANTED v_ Help—Mais .WANTED- Hoy* to carry Herald routes In Foyi* Heltnts an.l east of Cential aye. Be« CIRCULA TION MANAGER. >•'"« No EXPE.N'SK TO t,EARN~ELI I KICITT, plumbing, bricklaying, automoblllnß on contract Join In few months' time No ap prcntlreahlp or helpers' work. Catalogue free UNITED TRADKH SCHOOL CON THAI'I IN. CO., ill Allso St.. Los Ange les. "->■" CIOAR SALESMEN WANTED— enca unnecessary; sell our brands to tha re tall trade; bin pay; wrlm for full particulars at once. GLOBE CIGAR CO., Cleveland, O. 2-JJ-IOOt WANTED— TO DO OFFICE WORK IN exchange for commercial course; small alary. NATIONAL SCHOOLS OF TYPE WRITING. 610 Chamber of Commerce. 8-a-tt COLLEGE ami NORMAL GRADUATES TO register for poaltlnns In Arizona, Nevada and California. HOYNTON TEACHERS' AGENCY, 125 Stlmson block. 2-20-lmo Help Female WANTEtT-YOIINO LADY TO DO OFFICE work In exchange for Spanish and short hand Instruction; small salary, NATION AL SCHOOLS OF TYPEWRITING, 610 Chamber of Commerce. 3 t-tl LADIES AND GIRLS AT HOME. STEADY or evenings; can stamp transfer, J1.60 do*, upward; original, rellablu firm. Room •it MASON BLDG.. Itl W. Fourth. , l-11-U WANTED--YOUNG LADY TO STUDY shorthand and bookkeeping; can pay when wo rind you a position. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF TYPEWRITING. lit Cham ber of Commerce. 3-3-tl WANTED — SEVEN LADIES QUICK— Beauty culture pays big. Learn right. FLORENTINE HAIRDRESSINO COL LEGE, corner Broad»ay. Entrance 111 Mercantile place. l-2tf WANI ED CWO I Ai'ii;. FOR I ITT AND two to travel, wishing |25 weekly. Call to day," room Si' 7, PORTSMOUTH HOTEL, Blfi'4 S. Broadway.; hour* l to * p. m. 3-U-a WANTED— TO DO PIECE WORK at home emperlenc* unnecepi-ary; hours IS to 4 . 465 S. BROADWAY, room 33. 3-10-7 Help—Male and Female WANTED— MEN <ND WOMEN TO LEARN to* barber tfrle; guaranteed In eight weeks. Cati/Kue free. MOHLER BAH BER COLLSOE, IMB. Second »t. 7-1-tf Money WANTED AT: 7 I'KU CENT "~N KT\ nccured by first inorlgag>>. AMI'S, 111 IJ matlona) Hk. bids. ASKS; Main W73. t-13-3 To Purchase— Miscellaneous WANTED—CASH PAID FOR FEA i' 11 lilt beds. IK SAN PEDRO ST. phones K8041: Main 110«. H-17-tf IFi.ATHER BEOS—PAY 15 TO |X> EACH. Address J. RYAN. 630 ~-n Podro st. U-l-tl Situations—Mare RANCH HAND, 8 TEARS* EXPERIENCE on all kinds citrus work, wnnts altual i ip»rl on lemon and orange cultivation. DITNBMORE. R. F. D. No, l. Pasadena. Sunset IN; Home 1616. 3-12-3 SITUATION WANTED HV COMPETENT carpenter foreman; high cli resldcnco wort my specialty;ll can cave you mnnpy; best of. reieraoci Writs or illume CLABKRfS, iX Brent or Temple 1«18. 3-13-3 YOUNG MAN, AGE It, HONEST AND RB llahle, wants position as assistant book keeper or >oma kind of secretary work. BOX 126, Herald. ' 3-11-4 WANTED — PRACTICAL TINTER WILL tint rooms and furnish all materials re quired tor *L"5 a room. JOHN STANG, TiS Morthant at. ;; ii .■ WANTED—POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN an salesman on road or In store in any line of business. BOX lit, Herald. 3-11-4 WANTED—WORK UY EXPERIENCED .TAN ' llor. Call up MAIN MW; A4BS4. 3-13-3 Situations —Femala WANTED—WASHING BT THE! DAT OR hour. Will take washing at home or go out and wash; or will.di light housecleanlng. Call at IU Concord lit., MRS. JOHNSON. 1-9-tf WANTE 1>- SITUATION ii PLAIN "COOK by reliable middle aged woman; ranch or camp; In writing give particulars. Address K. S.i 0&5 Court Circle. •' 3-13-3 WANTED— L NURSING; CON rlnement cases preferred; |I.M day, and night board, MRS. B. DEAN, 223 H. Aye. 11, city. 3-10-7 GERMAN WOMAN WANTS CHAMBER work or restaurant work. Call at f»»> HARVARD ST.. rear. 3-11-g Situations —Mala and Female WANTED—WORK IN PRIVATE HOUSE, 130 month, room and board, while attend ing school; school hours from 2 to 5 p. m. p. O. BOX I*l. City. 3-IT-tt To Purchase—Real Estate WANTED TO buy a RANCH, ORANGF, or alfalfa. V. M. TAYLOR, MM K. Vint at. j 3-IS-tf Rooms WANTED— ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM ON, ■round floor If. possible; no morn than l"0 a month Address W. F. MILLER. CM Town« aye., Los Angeles. •l''l 3 SANITARIUMS J iiik WOMAN'S HosriTAl. Exclusively for women and children. Best • equipped an.l homelike hospital in the • city for confinement cases. Terms to suit. . -'1315' South Flower. FUJI. 313 tf FOR RENT Apartments—Furnished and Una furnished MODERN HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS I I RMSIIKT) I"OK RENT BIS 1028 W. Fit I st. DENVER $16—1117 W. First si (.ol.Kl'A 15—-11.1.1 W. First st MICHIOAN -1137 W. First st LUCERNE sin— ll4l W. First st ST. LOUIS $14—201 N. Fremont, aye GENEVA *17—119 N. Fremont, aye HELVETIA $14— N. Fremont am- RAMON A $17 — 223 N. Fremont aye OAVIOTA $12—911 T)lainond st PORTLAND #■:» — 1128 Mignonette st OAKLAND $1«— 113 W. Fourth si HJCATTLK $12 — ISI B. Flgueroa. Xt TAIT $111334 H. Flgueron (.t . . ROOHKVF.I.T $12 —160 N. Meaudry aye C'IIM!A..O $10-1020 Colton st FLORENCE (||—loo.l E. Ninth st HOSTON $11—1010 E. Ninth st. NEW YORK gin—h;m Crocker st PITTS!.! I!.*.' gii_7i : ceres nvo ALUAMHHA $35_()44 Francisco st MABKNGO aim— ll.l4 w Seventh st I'AIIK OWNED AMI OrKHATKK HV T. WIEBENDANOER, Room 311. 307 S. Broadway. A 3043; Main 2043. Branch office, 1017 W. First st. The St. Regis 2 and 3-room furnished housekeeping; al«-> single rooms. 237 BOUTH FLOWER. Main 2290; A 7336; 5 minutes to business center. Moderate prices. 2-32-lmo Rooms —Furnished GIRARD HOUSE 115 EAST THIRD st. All outside rooms; central location; eleva tor servlco; steam heat; 60 rooms , with private bath; rent $15 per month. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rnonis. sawing machine. Tel., gar, and bath; $I*. Tel. Main _ ■■ 17 JijB'* Houses—Furnished OLENDALE-FOR RENT-443 FRANKLIN court, cottage, 4 furnished rooms; suitable for a family of two or three persons; « months or longer. Inquire on premises. 3-12-3 FOR RENT—9-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. Innulrs 190 K. ELEVENTH ST. Bee owner, 3-1.--3 Houses — Unfurnished BITNrt AU'IW FOiTtWO- 11 Kill :.\.\H PARK. «'o7.y . attage, quiet, sl ad) hlllnlde; half block from red cur, 2'i blocks from yellow; bath, electricity, complete little house; $13, Phonn 39209. Owner, 141 1.. Aye. 64 3 13-3 FOR KENT-DESIRABLK I ROOM COT tage, 11, .it yard, near Orlffln aye. and I'ana d'-na car line. Inquire, 13* AYE. 32. Phone East 1177. t-a-i FOR RENT—4-ROOM COTTAOE; (IAH, bath, chicken corral; 111. CONAWAY, 60T rant Building. 3-12-6 - Store Reams FOR RENT-WELL LOCATEd CONVE NIENT AND NEW STORE ROOM, WITH LIVING ROOMS IN REAR. 222 W. JEF FERSON BT; $16.60 MONTH. WILL GIVE LEABI ___ 3-13-3 Offices FOR RENT- Mi: FRONT OF flees on Broadway; large windows and advertising space; also smaller offices. In quire room 4. 24414 B. BROADWAY. 1-37-tt PHYSICIANS WANTED — CONFINEMENTS. SURGICAL and medical cases at the WOMEN'S SANI TARIUM AND MATERNITY HOME, 114S B. FIGUEROA ST. SUNNY OUTBIDK ROOMS) UNEXCELLED NURSING AND REASONABLE CHARGES. COURTESY TO PHYSICIANS. Phone Home I-'3.:7. 2-6-12.n0 DR. C. C. PRICE. 145 BOUTH BROADWAt, I'hyslcian for Women. TIIK DOCTOR'S ADVICE IS FREE. EVKRY LADY MAY CONSULT HIM IN ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE. Hi*. 10-4, <-!; Sun. 10-12. Phone Bdway 4304. 404 Frust Bldg., at Second and Broad way. . l-6-12mo DR. CROCKER. Bpeciai;st for Women. Hamburger's Majestic Theater Building. Absolute privacy. Hours 10 to 4. CONSULT ITitEK. i:-:s-um WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Obstetrics, surk'lcal and medical cases. Terms reasonable. 1245 South Flower. F4134. 3-13 tf DR. INEZ BECKER, 70S SO. SPRING Sl'. Obstetrics. Hours 11 to 4. Room m. 10-11-tt DR. PRITCHARD, TtECTAU FEMALE AMD enroulu dliuMl. li 1. a GKOSStC BLD. ii-n-tt lilt TAYLOR. m 7'i S. MAIN ST. DIB -eases of women. ' .1 Imo BUSINESS INVESTMENTS Nil BETTER BUT FOR STORES. APART ments or hotel, only $400 a foot. That grand corner W." Seventh and Golden St., near Hixel street, worth s',> today: a fortune in five years. A 2013; Main 2043. 3-10-20 FOR HALE— ii.i ESTABLISHED BUS- Iness; JISOO Income If handled right: no experience required; only $400 cash. PHONE Smith MM 3-14-15-16-3 CORNER W. SEVENTH AND GOLDEN, near Blxel at $100 a foot. MAIN 2043; A.043. 1-10-20 TYPEWRITERS ALL~Ma"k i:s hi REBUILT TYPEWRIT its. Sett our bargains. Best rentals in city, $1.00 to (3 a month. LOB ANGELES TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. A 6913. 128 S. Broadway. Main 3933. 9-13-tf TYPEWRITER* HOU..HT AND RENTED. All makes guaranteed; repairing. IIAKF.R -lIOI'.Y <'<>. (Ini'.) SJ-l'/i -»«■ Broadway, Main 40111: A 40.0. 10-31-tf CESSPOOLS _^ CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT. All work done satisfactorily to Inspector. T. A. SANITARY CO.. Phone 6914«. Temple «91. 10-l>*tf CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT BY THE RED Cross Sanitary company m one to two loads; $3.50 per load; no other charges. Phone 6!'004. , 10-7-tf IMPERIAL CESSPOOL, PUMPING CO.— take out largest load. West 6396; 23040. i-10-tf CHIROPODISTS DR. HKVLAND, D. C, GRADUATE CHlRO podlst. • Corns removed without pain or soreness. Instant relief; no fear of septic trouble. Ingrowing nails a specialty. Parlors Hotel Milton, 639 Vi S. Broadway. F2437; Broadway 9848. 13-80-3 mo WATCHMAKERS OSCAR N. BARNUM, WATCHMAKER AND Jeweler— Give me a trial on your watch and Jewelry repairs; low rent, low prices. 424 6 BROADWAY, room 200 Broadway Central bid. 8-20-lmo LOST AND FOUND LOST-DIAMOND AND FEARL SUNBURST between Pico and Van Nuys hotel. Notify Boa 0, Herald. . 3--3-3 FOUND-A BUNCH OF KETB ON . SCARFF si. Bee CIRCULATION MGR., Herald of flee. , a-1-.-tf LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 1010. FOR SALE House* Barnard Investment Company 211 HTORY BLDO. Corner Bth and Broadway. I'hone F3355. room bungalow, new and modern; gaa, electricity; well built; lot Rfixl.W. Price $4r/l0; cash. MOO, balance jr. per mo. • % mom bungalow, new «nd modern; chicken corral an.l barn; lot 100x140. Price ■ (X); cash, $1"", balance $:5 month. " r, room bungalow; good location an i close in. lot (,oxl2o. Price 13200 ca-ph. $m . r, room bungalow; lot 41J.1.W. i . lion. »-■ , * room bungalow just completed; hardwood floors. I'rico $37t-i; rash, $2.'iO, balance Ilk') rent. 4 room California house; fruit trees, etc.; this Is ■ snap; lot 60x1",2. Price $Wio; cash, (100, balance $15 per mo. «-room bungalow; all modern and new; gas, el-»r-tr|Ht 1-. eti- Price IWOO; cash. $3"'. balance like rent. « room cottage; 3 bedroom!", mantel, etc., thicken yards; 10l 4'ixi::'; this Is a Rno.l buy. Price $2200; cash, ?2"". balance $20 per mo, 3i13-14-2t TOR MODERN I ROOM COTTAGE, 1201 Emmet street. Boyle Heights: gas, electric lights, batli and toilet; electro line runs past property; $3500; terms $100 down and $15 per month. J. A. POTEET, Anaheim, Cal. J-2-lmo FOR BALE RENT OR RXCHANGK-9-ROOM modern residence (furnished), on easy terms; close in, near Main. Alxo residence near i . iio Park, block to school, I cur lines, high ground, pure air; price $2600; by owner; sewing machines, all link". at cost. A. .T. MoPOUOAL. MS So. Main. 3-12-3 FOR SALE-FINE HOME-CLOSE IN l» i Mohawk si . Hollywood ears, 5 rooms, modern, fine corner lot. $3000; (.Key terms; take lot as part. Owner there, or phone M4M; Main 41"«. 3-13-3 A MODERN 8-ROOM HOUBH AT 128 NORTH Vendome st . 1 block from Blmlnl Bath ear line, for sale on eauy terms; Brsl class. fall Home phone E3535, 01 call at the house and (see for yourself. • 3-13-2 FOR~SA LE -CONTRACT, ON BUNGALOW paying 74 per cent and payments of |36 per month; will discount. want the money. Addrews BOX 873, Herald. 3-13-3 FOR SALE—SEE OWNER FOR SACRIFICE of modem B-room houee at Florence station, on S. P.. 11150, cash or terms. SWAN, R. D. 3, Box 664, LOS Angeles. 8-13-3 FOR FINE HOUSES AT A MINIMUM cost see 11. 11. SALVETER. 823 Central bldg. »-3-»0 Business Property BIG BAROAIBUSINESS CORNER WEST SEVENTH AND GOLDEN STREET, near Blxel street. ONLY $400 A FOOT; WORTH $600. THE BEST BUY OF ALL, FOR APART MENTS. HOTEL. STORES. T. WIESENDANOER, 807 S. Broadway, room 311. Main SO 1.1; a:('43. l-10-20t IT WILL MAKE YOU A FORTUNE IF YOU buy at $400 a foot that business corner W. Seventh and Golden, near Blxel street, worth $600 a foot today. A 2043; Main ,043. 3-10-20 FOR HALE-FINE BUPINEFM LOT ON COM merclnl Si . only 200 feet from New MwnnlO temple; east (rani; snap. Only $000, with one-half cash. BARGAIN IF YOU BUY THE CORNER OF W. Seventh and Golden, near BUel. for $400 a foot. A 2043; Main 2013. 10-20 City Lots and Land* GRANADA PARK One-third acre lots. $.00, Including street work. Only fifteen minutes from First and Main. High grade but reasonable restric tions. Special discounts to home bulldera. M. E. MILLER COMPANY 702 MERCHANTS TKUSV BLDQ. 1-5-tf THAT ONE PURCHASE WILL MAKE YOU a fortune. Corner nest Seventh and aold. m street, near Blxel street, at 1400 a foot. The best for stores, apartments, hotel. AJO4B; Main 2043. 3-10-30 SNAP OF SNAPS— BUSINESS COR near W. Seventh and Golden, near Blxel street, at $100 a foot: worth $600 today; a fortune In live years. A3O4S; Main 2043. 3-10-20 THE BEST INVESTMENT OF ALL. THAT corner of W. Seventh and Golden, near Blxel street, for $100 a foot. It will make yon a fortune. A20_43; Main 3043.' 3-10-.0 Suburban Property \y* Stacy,, rJ£ L Realty Co. M (E3TABLI3HED 190-371 Baa Pedro oltlce «0S BasJOOBI both phones. Lea Angel fa. nftlw-. ja.L.t^aaflimi. F2IIS. • 10-lmo FOR SAN PEDRO PROPERTY See BARNARD INVESTMENT CO., 511 Story BUig., Sixth and Broadway. 3-9-tf Suburban —Wilmington FOR SALE— $BOOO— Suburban business on line of raciflc Elec tric R. R.; one acre alfalfa, two and one half acres fruit trees, two-story brick build- Ing, grocery and hardware, restaurant with liquor license, 6-room house, delivery wagon; business can be sold separately. Also 3 lota (oxlso, on corner, house and Improvements; steady rent; must be sold. WILMINGTON BAY REALTY CO.. Canal St. 10-acre farm near Wilmington. 2-27-tf Live Stock fre^h~Shlk~goXtsT" 20 does and kids for sale ($1 each, Includ ing kid), at Stone. Wall Stables, 343 New High St., near new pontofflce. J. H. G. 0*13*3 FOR BALE-TEAM OF DRAFT HORSES, weigh 2900; also good harness. 8454 BAN PEDRO ST. ll'il 3 Furniture SEPARATE LOCKED IRON ROOMS. $8.00 per month. Trunlts. boxes, etc, 25c to 60c. Phone for our large van when you move. $1.15 per hour. C'OLYEAR WAREHOUSE) CO t 415-17-19 San Pedro st. Main, office 509-11 S. Main st. Phone Main 1117; F3171. ■ 6"1-tf Acreage $lf,o BUYS YOU 10-AORE FARM IN FLOR iris, and $300 In Alabama for 10 acres; easy terms; good, productive land. B. SECUR ITY REALTY CO., 501 S. Soto St. 3-13-3 FOR BALE Country Property FARMS WE ARE HOME MAKERS. SELL TOU ANT DESIRED QUANTITY OF ALFALFA OR APPLE LAND AND TAKE i.ARE OF IT FOR YOU, IF YOU WISH, UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO TAKE CARE OF IT YOURSELF. SMALL CASH AND MONTH LY PAYMENTS. SEE pS OR WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. Clovcrdale Land & Farming Co., 112 Merchants Trust ni<lir.. Los Angeles. 3-10-5 We Offer A New Subdivision — Orange, Alfalfa Land—Kings River Thermal Tract over mm acres sold in fo.:r weeks TO ACTUAL SKTTLER>. THE BEST LAND. THE BEST WATER. AMI I OR SIM TO »«0 AN ACRE CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR -on AM) WATER CONDITIONS EVJKR OFFERED. INVESTI GATE. ILLUSTRATED HOOK WITH II 1.1, DETAUUi ON KEQI'EST. CALL OR WRITE M. E. MILLER CO. (Inc.) 701-2-3 MERCHANTS TRUST 81.1K.. J-13-3t Improved Dairy and Alfalfa Land Cheap! f.?2'4 acres fine black sediment soil, on big Irrigation ditch, with water rights, also 2 artesian wells; 400 acres In alfalfa; near railroad and school. A money maker the past twenty years; 9-room house, 6-room house, hams and outbuildings; $85 per acre; cheap nt $125: easy terms. Best bargain In California today. STACY REALTY CO. 631 S. Spring st. F2IIS. 3-10-7 MR. HOMESEEKER. HERE IS WHAT TOU WANT. HO ACRES, $4400. IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY: FINE ALFALFA, APPLE, PEAR LAND, PLENTY OF ARTESIAN WATER AT FROM 150 TO 600 FEET. SCHOOLS, GRAND TRANSPORTATION FACILI TIES AND FINE CLIMATE. 3 HOURS' RIDE FROM LOS ANGELES. GILLETT & RUESS, 1103 Union Trust Bids;., Fourth and Spring. 3-9-10 YOU WANT THIS In ACRES, I In FULL BEARING WAL NUTS. 2 In VALENCIA ORANGES, and I'm" FAMILY ORCHARD-all klndi of fine fruits and berries. Them Is a STRICTLY MOD ERN NEW 7-ROOM HOITBK on the property, fine flowers, lawns, etc.; fine domestic well, with gaa engine; flne barn, outbuildings, Im lenient*, etc.; two FINK COWS go with plaoe THIS PLACE MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. If you are LOOKING FOR A HOME, as well as an INVESTMENT, Tins is WHAT YOU WANT. Price $10,000, half cash, OILLKTT * RUF.PS. 1 1103 Union Trust bldg., 4th end Spring sts. 3-13-3 Orange Land Alfalfa Land Level, with water. Price anil term* right. tail or write for new handsome, hmiklet. M. E. MILLER CO. (Inc.) *03 Merchants Trust Blrig. 3-12-14-l«-lt-4l ..". 80 ACRES ■ of fine level land; 6 room houre and barn; price $2500. ALSO I*if* acre». 15 miles from R. R ; modern I room house, good barn and outbuildings, plenty or water: aprl" orchard of 300 trees; If head of cuttle, team, farming Implements, etc.; price only 94500; terms. ERIKSON & CO. 105 W. Sixth at., ground floor. F2874. 3-12-3 Farm Lands— Good Lands Any quantity, little cash, monthly pay ments. We plant and cultivate if you wish. Plenty of water. Cloverdale Land & Farming Co. 3-»-« - Beam mount Where Cherries Grow. F.ncellent cherry land, with water, 5 seres up, $100 to $225 an acre; easy terms. BEAUMONT LAND & WATER CO., 316 Central Bldg., 6th and Main sts. 8-12-tf Imperial Valley Acres No droughts, cyclones, blizzards. Marvelous crops grain, alfalfa, cotton. Abundance of water. Good cheap land. C us B4 I! buy, 313 Severance Bldg. HAMMERS REALTY CO. Phone Bdwy. 4564 3-9-23 Antelope Valley -For Sale Come in or write and let us tell you about the best land to buy in this or any other state, location, quality and price consid ered. Antelope Valley Realty Co. 105 South Broadway, Los Angeles, or Lancaster, Cat. l-tt-l ALFALFA LAND ~~ I have four as good alfalfa ranches as there are In California, 40 to 160 acres, Kings and Tulare counties; 8000 acres unimproved. G. C. ARMSTRONG 531 B. SRRING. 8-13 fi FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE— 144 ACRES level fruit land, close to foothills, 4 miles from railroad town. Price $3000. Also I*so a.'res level alfalfa land, 3 miles from railroad elding. 16 feet to surface water, about 350 feet to artesian flowing water. Price $4000. Call Saturday or Mon day. F. A. HOLLENBECK, 711 Central aye. Broadway won. »-»•« FOR SALE-IMPROVED 10-ACRE RANCH at. Westminster, ■ $300 an acre. 1-3 down; payments to suit. Address J. H. COLE. Sunset Beach, Cal. Home phone 153. 3-10-« FOR PALE Pianos BARGAINS IN PLAYER PIANOS Too many fine niw player pianos on hand MllFt reduce, stock and raise cash. Do you really warn a bargain? K»vera.l extra beau- j tiful $"»50 new Bchaeffer miHhl^n pianos, with art lamps; this week choice, $ano; mvy li'ini* Splendid $4-",0 oak piano, exchanged, j now $225. Many other bargain ; VANSANT PIANO COMPANY. •d floor. 720 K. Pr'.adTvay. ELEVATOR CUTS I Hi: PRICE. 3-13 7t PIANOS AT $2 SO~ AND $3 PER MONTH. Square pianos of standard markes in ex cellent condition. Will sell on the shove small payments. OEO. J. BIRKEL CO., 345-347 S. Spring st. 10-25-tf FOR PALE—-UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINE condition; only $100 for Immediate sale. call for Inspection 413 W. FIFTH ST. Miscellaneous FOB BALE-COTTAGE AND STORE TO BE | moved; lumber, $13 per M. Wo carry a com- / plete nil" of new and second-hand lumber, , pipe, :,, -ii. doors ami hardware We buy I old buildings. DIAMOND LUMBER * j WRECKING CO.. "th and Central 3 13 3 SECOND-HAND PERFECTION ", guaranteed to be in flrpt clans condition, for sale cheap. WESTERN HARDWARE & ARMS ''(.'.. (34 S. Main H. Phono Bros<l ; way 6062; Home FCO«2. 3-13-7 ron SALE VI. tot phonograph, sixty records, box needleg and cabinet for tala cheap. Call at JB7S Mo neta aye. 3-12 FOR SALE A GOOD SEt.'OND HAND EN glneer's transit; also "T" level. 122 W. 6th St. 3-12-3 FOR BALE-SECOND-HAND DIF.BOLD fireproof safe. ANDERSON, 212 N. Main st, 3-10-M COMPLETE WIRELEBH TELEORAPHI out is at cheap hi l;-', K. ELEVENTH BT. 3-13-3 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN, SECURED BT FIRST and second mortgages on real estate, large and email amounts, or payable monthly Mortgages, trust deeds and contracts issued for 'the pale of real estate bnupht. NOURSE & CO., 202-204 !.. A Trust Bldi . Second and Spring. Both phones. 3-12-lmo MONEY H> LOAN $50,000 to loan on real estate, city or coun try, 5 to 7 per cent, amounts to suit. MOVER A GILBERT, 3"-' H. W. Hellman Bldg. Hume phone ABB-7; Main 5474. 10-.'-tf PLENTY OF I AND 7 PER CENT, MONEY as lung as yit want It on gilt edge se curity. WAYBRIGHT-BUTLER CO.. (21-523 Bec»~ity Bldg. F1603; Bdwy. 2*63. l-11-tl MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE; full loans and prompt appraisals. CLEVE LAND * CLEVELAND. 435 11. W. Hell man bl.jg. M. s'.i>«; AM.V. t-17-lmo MONEY TO LOAN-SALARIED MEN AND women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN CREDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson BMg. a-11 if R. W. POINDEXTER, 409 WILCOX BLDO., Will loan you what you need on real cs late, stocks and bonds. Building .loans a specialty. 6-« tf MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, FURNl ture, pianos and any klnJ of security; low rates. JOHNSON. 333 H. W. Hellman Bldg. a-H-lmo TO SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Henna Bldg. 10-4-tf SALARY LOANS-LOWEST RATES, CON fldential. 611 O. T. JOHNSON BLDO.. Fourth and Broadway. . li-?-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. R. R. EMPLOYEES LOAN CO.. (01 Merchants Trust Bldg. f-lt-lmo PRIVATE MONEY. « TO 7 PER CENT. LOCKHART * SON. 101 H. W. Hellman Bldg., A 7652. »-l"- TO LOAN—MONEY. FRED O. WEEK, 300 H. W. Hellman Bldg. Bdwy. 4523; F1079. __^ »-17-lmo ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW COST IN DIVORCE SUITS $12; MARRIACE laws explained. Come and talk it over. Con sultation free. Hours ■ to '■■ evenings, 7 to I; Sundays, 11 to 12. 5-5 Bryson Block. 3-10-6 mo PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS A SPECIAL ty; estates and claims settled; marriage laws explained; advice free. 703 FAY in.P.;. A 4709. 3-13 Imo B. M. WITTB. NOTARY PUBLIC—PEN •Ion papers, wills. Insurance and collec tions negotiated. 244 V* 8. BROADWAY. l-l»-tf DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA— Full Information without charge. Address H. E. FULLER. Attorney, Goldfleid, Nev. I-S-tf J. MARION BROOKS 'TV U. B. ATTY.), Cham, of Com. bldg. Office evenings; notary. 3 < tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , |R s.vik. HARDWARE STORB DOING good buslnass; will sell at Invoiie; «m sell or rent building, or will sell both, rhone Heine 41453 or Boyle 1507. 3735 STEVENSON AYE. 3-J3-7 FOR PALE—WELL ESTABLISHED MI.D -iesl practice In prosperous country town; good tnconit; slight opposition. BOX 435, Herald offlcß. 3-12-3 MONEY LOANED TO INVENTORS TO patent good idea*. JOHN WEUDKH burs. Capitalist. Urookland, D. C. 1-s-lyr BARGAINS IN SODA FOUNTAINS. TA clflo Coast Sod* Fountain Factory, 133 East 4th. 1-13-1 A SNAP-CANDY BTORB. WEST BIDE Uroadway. $2500; rent $100. Pacific coast S",l:i Fountain Factory, in Knst 4th. 3-13-7 PATENTS — PATENT ATTORNEYS fUjStiHH I'AIL-.Ni AutNi 1. liA/.AKU A STRAUSS. ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS. Oldest agency in Southern California. American and foreign patents secured and , trade marks registered. PATENT LITI GATION. 639 Citizens National Bank Building. Third and Main. Home A 1433; Main 25«. PATENT BOOK. FREE. !-8-tf JAMES T. BARKBLBW, ENOINEER AND patent attorney. American and foreign pat ents, trade marks. Special assistance in chemical, electrical. mining and complex mechanical cases. 7:8 CENTRAL BLDO Sixth and Main. ""llMi Main 46J7. FREE BOOK ON PATENTS. l-»;-tf PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS. ALL COUN tries. A. 11. LIDDERS, patent lawyer and solicitor, CM Trust blug.. cur. id anil Spring. U-«-tf NO PATENT, NO PAY—ATTORNEY FEE cut one-half. Open every day and evening. R G. WELLS. 534 Germain Bldg. 3-11 tf. BATHS OPPOSITE LOB ANQEIjES-PACIFIC CO.'S depot, tub baths and scalp treatments. Hours 9 a. m. till 9 p. m., any entrance. MRS. AGNES JOHNSTON, 424 B. Hill, suite 1. 3-13-lyr VAPOR AND SPRAY BATHS, CHIROP ody; open Sundays. 11914 S. SPRING ST.. room 8. , • . .- 3-22-lmo SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE, CHIROPODISTS, baths. JEAN LUNN, 520 S. Broadway. 2-17-tf BATHS AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT. 218 S. BROADWAY. ROOM 220. 3-i4-6mo STORAGE LARGE PRIVATE, LOCKED, IRON ROOMS for furniture, etc.; $1.50 and (2 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc., '.'dc to 50c; open vans, $6 per day, or 75c per hour. We pack and ship household goods everywhere at re duced rates. COLYEAR'S VAN AND STORAGE CO.. office* 609-11 6. Main st. Warehouse »416-17 San Pedro st. Phones F2171; Main 1117. Ml-tl SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES j SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES MISS WING'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1226 ALVARADO STREET Day and boarding. All department n from klntlersarton to college. Pre pares for rollejre and university. Fine school for Rlrls visiting Routhurn California for winter to keep abrenst of their itudlefl, I'lano. elocution, pottery, etc. Private tutoring. Winter term opens January 3. MISS ETHELWYN WING, M. A., Principal. Home 53144 Sunset West 5141 *rBl/SM£SS(PLL£G£ Now In its new quarters at the northeast corner of Hill and F.lghth stre-t.-!, where it i has the best lighted and ventilated and most convenient school rooms In the Rtata. / Entrance on Sth street, F6700. M. 511. I " German, English Shorthand iby riperler.ce-1 teacher. Terms moderate. 230 W. 21st it. Phone Eoulh (411. BROWNSBEHG43F! COMMERCIAL COL lcgo. HS3-7 W. "TH. Send for catalogue. 10-:3-tf FOR EXCHANGE | Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE— $Ti00; EQUITY $4000. fi-room renidenc, Westlake district; want good residence lot for equity. $:,i»0 Main St. corner, clear, to exchange; Wtstlaks residence up to $10,000. McKENZIE CORTEZ <■'> 211 Merchants Trust Hldg. 3-10-7 FOR EXf'IIANOE — I HAVE A CLEAR lot at Hedoado, ;i blocks from rlly hall, fin-Ing the ocean; tine for apartments or lintel; Mrrrt work all in; ga», electricity and sewer; fine view of the orrnn; would i iinlc for lot at Iluntington Park. Olen ■liile or city. Lot rained at #U04l: make oiler. OWNER, box 564, llernltl office. liiTvLK HEHIHTS-FOR > SALE OR KX change—Want one. or moro lota as part pay ment on a new modern, up-to-date bungalow In Boyle Heights. See OWNER at :n.!4 K. First St. I'hone PII7I, Boyle ISfit. 3-13-tf Miscellaneous FOR EXCHANOE—I HAVE A vi. ear LOT in Coltou Hut I will trade fur diamonds, funiit.ire, iiulo, nr «lmt have you. Ail .li.-s BOX ■•■'■>. Herald. D-21-tf will trade~sto<:kTin bishop creek Gold company and other mining stock for stock in California Wave Motor company (Reynolds). BOX "IJ. Herald. 6-26-tt WHEELED VEHICLES Automobiles FOR BALE-5-PARSENGER TWO-CYLIN ,|, r Bull k auto, chtap. 1831 PAUL PLACE. B. Hollywood. 3-U-i ' AUTOS. ENGINES, BOILERS, TIRES AND parts sold and exchanged. METZ, 20 E. Ninth Fliliili 2-*-tt SPECIAL NOTICES DO YOU ITCH ' or suffer with any cf the many annoying and i unsightly diseases of tin skin or scalp? If so. call at our offices and let us show you a few testimonials of responsible horn, people 1 who have successfully taken our treatment. Consultation free. MILLS ECZEMA CO., ; ms-9 ''"|'|> 'Ik. D-IS-tf ALL RAZORS, SAFETY BLADES, SCIS son knives, instrument!, printer's knives, tools, etc.. sharpened bettor than new. YANKEE GRINDER. 814 S. Spring St. , 11-16-tf S-KIN GRAFTING MEASURABLY SUP planted; eczema, >.alt rheum, rawness, rose, etc ,1 specialty; al--o 111 iof young men and foot ailments. MEDICAL CLINIC, I(J7 W. Flint St. ' 8-13-3 PULVERIZED SHEEP MANURE. BEST fertilizer for lawns and flowers; sold and delivered by UEO. SCHORNICK. 203 N. Mott St. Boyle 1665; 41536. I »-»-" WALL I PAPER i BAIIOAINB—MOIRH PAPER, t.c. per roll; Ingrain, SOu tor three rolls. BHEEIIAN'S, UOO--»j: B. Broitdway. - " '»' HOUSE PAINTINO. INTERIOR FINISHING, tinting and paper hanging «t lowest rates. E. E. GElSEß._ll6V,_E.£lfth st. _ 2 l»-t« HOSPITALS—DAY AND NIGHT-US EC. C .-. tailcabs. CALDWELL CAB CO. Bouth ttSl;. 19017. 3gtt WASTKU^LAr-lES', GENTS' ; '■'" lll^2' HIGH PRICES. 810 SO. SPRING ST. MAIN ititi mil, «-*ia-12ino i'-an v. BIRDS ALL KINDS ANH PRICES at in North Tolnca st. Tcmplo 4U. 3.12-Fa.BUmo-lOt iTr~o <!. Li«:iIMAN. liENTISTrMOVED to 8"9 W. P. Story bldg.. 6th and Broadway. 3-12-lmo 1 __— . — —— BUSINESS PERSONALS MRS. MASBON.'•" THE NOTED LONDON palmist. %13 S. SPRING, over Owl drug store. . n-.-S-tr PERSONAL-MME. ORA, EXPERT PALM -Ist Ladles, 16c; gents, 60e. SUM S. spring. 2-24-lmo MMB. SMITH. PALMIST AND CLAIRVOY ant; high patriotism, 146 S. MAIN hi. 3-0-lmo ASSAYING MORGAN li> . 221 South Main. Main 1617. a Mar* f i smelters and rttlucrs.^ JOII2K HERMAN, w«M S. Main. Not ,-:"'; f faction, but ncnirHcy gunrmiteed. '-^--jj NOTARiES 1 S~JL\ WITT. NOTAKV WJBLI& PENSION "papers, deeds, collections and wills ne«o -i tlated. Room 4, 244 ft B. Broadway^ DENTISTS mrnSAOioiAJ.^ 'iw-ioiTitujMUo XUea«e« bldi.? »** <>■ »'»«*■ »«•*! MBIQ /.*|^ ! HAIRDRESSERS ' SHAMPOOING, MANICURING AND HAIR : gooda. MRS. ROSE JAUVIS, 2W So.-Broad way. AJ'il3; Main 49:3. 3 I'M mo SEWING MACHINES WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. NOW , permanently located at 714 S. Broadway, tt LEGAL NOTICE >'ot.c« of MiicUbohleiV MeetinK ' To the stockholders of the Pacific Light and Power Company: You will please take ' notice that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the racitic Light and Power com pany will be held at the offlca of the com pany, 624 Pacific. Electric building, In the oity of Los Angelon, county of Lob Vngelea, state of California, on Thursday, thi l'/th • day of. March. 1910. at 9 o'clock a. m., for I the purpose of electing directors of said cor . poration for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may i properly come before the meeting. By order of. the board of directors. , CHAS. FORMAN. Secretary Paclflo Light and Power Co. l Los Angeles. Cal., March 1, 1910. [ 3-1-141 Bin Moor Ilautljurger nidi;., l.n, Angel*. NATIONAL SCHOOLS if '!>ijrwritinß M 0 Orinmber of Commerc* RHk. Wanted, Htudenta to fitudy Bhorthand nnA Two Oollarß a we*k. Hum* ufo of typewriter free. Hr.anlah, 250 a Iff son. Cia*M;B day or nlßht. 3-3-tf V. m I. A. —PAY AND EVBNIHO COM* m^r^lal. technical, aiitomohlli:, collvgj pre paratory and grammar schools now opin. 10-l-'t Till; nOWELL HCIIOOI-, 720 P. BKOAD way. proprxrr.* for all <-\amlnatlnns. rnarh»n pupila from hlsh ffhools. I'honn Broadway :; 1.1 1 LOH ANV;F,LR3~Wu^INKSR~C^Or,T.EGBT~iT7 W. Fifth et. E. n. SIIRADER. Ph. D., prcstrlrnt *i!i.-c i;r"i 10-27-tf RAILWAY TIME TABLE ————— 1 BANTA FE ,': Leave | | ArrlTSi T Eastern— Limited, ~ 1C:00 am dally, Chicago via Denver 1:00 pa and Kansas City | Overland Kerens— 1:00 pm Chicago via Denver and 1:30 mm _ Kansas City Eastern Express — Dally 1:30 am Chicago via Denver and 7:o* asj Kansas fit/ Kite ohaped—Going via ~~~~— 1:30 am I'asadena. Return via 6:80 pa Hanta Ana canyon 7:18 am 10:00 an 1:30 urn Rcdlands via Pasadena 1:00 piaj t:00 pm 1:40 pn 4:80 pm I 7:40jll« I:2uam I Krdlands via Orange ( 10:35 ant 10:56 am I I «:ao pa I 1:00 pnt 7:35 am f Riverside via Pasadena 6:40 em TiTam I 7:06 pm 10:60 am Riverside via Orange 1O::S6 am Jjo£_pm _6 :30 pm 7:30 am i .us am 10:55 am Corona via Orange 10:35 an 6:01 pm »:30 pn 7:20 am * 7:o* an 10:60 am San Bernardino via Orange 10:35 ana 6:06 pm «:30 pin 7:Ssam ~ 1:20 am e:3u am 10:UO an 10:00 am San Berctrdlno via Fiw- 4:00 pm 2:00 pm dena (;40 pn 4:30 pm • 1:00 em 6:45 pm , , , 1 1:00 pm 7:40 pn 1:66 am . «:U am 2:16 pm E&ut* Ana a:24 v i:O5 i ia 1:00 pn 11:65 pm 1:15 pn 7:30 am 1:66 an 1:65 am 7:06 an 10:66 am Fuller ton, Anaheim, 1:21 an 1:15 pm Orange io:8» an 1:06 pm 1:00 p m 11:65 pm 1:10 p M 7:86 am Irian Jactnto, Elslnore, He-i 10:35 an 10:65 am ] met and Murletta | 6:30 pn li':2s am I ' ReiTondo j 4:21) pm "TTiiTpm Ksccndldo 1:09 pm 1:66 am Fallbrook 6:15 pm 1:65 am Ban Diego anil 6:H an 1:16 pm Coronado Beaca 1:00 pn 11:6: pm Surf Line 6:15 pn 7:30 am _Randsburg 7:05 am IcuiTipm Searchlight an' Chloride "an 1:00 pm Beatty, Rhyollte. Goldneld 1:10 an I and Tonopaa I SOUTHERN PACIFIC N From Arcade station. Fifth and Central ay*. Leave| "[Arrive • :oua,o^:i Francisco via Coast Line. i.iua • :16a| San Luis Obtspo, Paso Roblaa, 2:30B I:*sp|Del Monte, Monterey, Santa «.30» 7:Jup| Cruz, San Jose and east |ll:«6p Ban Francisco and Mojava 1 * eiacramento, Oakland, via, 1 7:0«» l:»0p| naiterstleld and Fresno ) l:0ua "7:6oai ~ ' Fresno ~ i 7:oaa" 6:oop| Bakersueid I t:00a >:»up| and Mojava | a :00a H-tilca«o. "kausaVcuy," tit. lLoula.| *:46pl Golden bi*te t,imll*d j 6:5 I» COUii] Tlio CaUfomian, rla I IMb 1 Yuma, Benson, U faso _l ~ 1 Overland —New urloiaiis via I lliOlpiYuma, Benson, MaxUwpa, Tuo- 1:11 a Ison. £1 faso, tiaa Antonio, I Houstoa I laToTpj Xuiiia, Xuoson, Benson^ j «:30» «:00p i.oxdshurg, Deralnf, I 1:laa I Up Xl Faao J l:10p 6:4»a( *:*oa" (:00al- |ll:t0a t:l6a Santa Barbara* 3:*0» 1:45p and 7:15p l:ltp Ventura • »:30a 7.1UP1 _ ('Not Ventura). 11:46b *:16a| uuiaru, Santa faujana, • »:»0a t:«sp Moorpark, • 11:60* 1:8 • Bonus. 3:10b Caraarillo. • 7:35» J <»Oxnard only). U:4sa I Banta laula via Sausua, \ • :46af Camuloa, Ilia, FUlmora. ll:50a l:t:p Eatlcoy, Montaivo, Carplo- 7:3ia tana, aummerland l:lsa| >iorOaoa ~"j "i:3o» J3sp| I 7:15p 7:45 a " ' *»:loa l:ita Pomona *7:Ua 12:0 ip Cotton 7:lta I:OOP Riverside, lu-u.ande and >:Bta 4:oup San Bernardino 11:36 a t:46p "Not Riverside, lied- 1:10b ••.lap lands or £aa Barnardln* <:25p 7:10b ~I:Sb»| cbvina" lUiila. _6; *M I 7:1Q» 7:45a| ' Chins I j.j.a 4:OOPi I 5:»5b " iSanta Ann, Anahsira, Dawney, B:6fn Norwalk 1:10 a 11:16 a 2:l»p l:00pa* Buena Park, West a* *:00a »:10p Anaheim, West Orange, «:e0» •Downey only B:ssa| "" ~ Newport "Beach j~*rsop ~VT6 5a a. Los A lam go- a| 4:6 up "Tl:4saj " ~Brawley, Imperial, I «:30a B:lSp| lil Centro, Calexloo | 6:»5p "HToi*\ ban I'edro-Comptou • |ll:4»a »:80p|» 'Via Long Beach [ «:35P "iToßaj* Long Beach-Compton |ll:4ia l:3op| *Vla Ban Pedro «| C:3»p ~8:l)5a| Santa Catalina Island I t:3»p 6:45ai I ':«• 7:50 a Fernando *| *:<oa 1 46p ■ |11.50 a 5:00p 'Motor "•■Z°v . 1 sop I _ I »=<"» ~»:S0ai, chatsworth rark. (See a) »:♦»» note). (Note— and from River station only). I , All trains dally except those marked a« follows: "a" Sundays excepted; "b" bundaor* o«l». -^z^^^^.- — — -^-~— SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except aa noted, li«a'va| wrnSrn First . Street Station. ■ . |Arrlya Kjsa tian Uurnardino, 8:15 a n'ooa Colton IO:41» I!,.; Riverside. liljj 6 . 24 u Ontario and «■«» Pomona «:61p „ * it.loa lITJ ' Long Be»on and l{':ltl id 1 B"rtd:* I!*% -r^ f T*^ajta7£ataMna island .|7:i>Dp "171511 Pasadena 1 »:4la \-.\H\ Pasadena I »:«» - »l)ail» exoepl .Sunday onlr. I Utah-CalUornla Special. i 100P Salt Lake, Butte. Denver. 10:«»» 1 and Chicago. 1 11