Newspaper Page Text
TAUT TTT ■ - T ■ ■ ■ .M^MI ■■ ■■■1^ &j%rZr^^j?^y&¥j&>%r 11 Vffl V fV V V 1 V /% /\ % ff~% JTT^ Y*\ /^ ' I * " J!ss?lo&r3%off WAGE STRIFE IS STOCKS' TERROR MARKET AGAIN PALSIED BY STRIKE ANXIETY HARDENING OF LONDON DIS. COUNT RATE ANNOYS Sentiment of Upheaval Surrounding " Cannon* Rout at Washington Is Felt im Wall Street as Disrupting Element [ASSOCiSItSeI Pr»Mi Nl'jW YOKK. March 19.— Benewi ! anxlfty was (alt over th« outcome of the mediation hy gnvornmpnt offlclala to .s.itir the dlsputo between railroads and locomotive Bremen caused weak urns In Rtocke today. Tlip private discount ratn hardened »K;iin in London, and another ship ment of Bold was made from there to Ksypt. The 1108,000,000 exrhoquer bond Issue weigh*, nn that market and tho pressure is transferred. The effeel on the foreign subßerlptlon to the $r>0,000, --000 of New York city 4Vi per cent cor porate stuck to be sold Monday Is awaited with Interest. The chaotlq political conditions Hi Washington had some disturbing effect. The bank statement of actual con ditlons on Friday nlghl reflected the Indicated gain In cash, and the heavy scaling down of loans bj nearly 121, --000,000 carried tho depo ill Hem with it in proportion, leaving »n Ini reasn of $7,223,450 In the margin of the surplu Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par valui - $i, £2.1,000. I'nltrd Btate« ■■' roupon and the 4's registered have loi t t-s and tim B's 1-4 in the bid prices on call this week. NEW YORK STOCKS Or-.ini service In n>« HeraM b) J. C. Wll •on. 212 Wi ■ I "'■ rtrttti Loe Angeles, mem* her New V"i k lock e» ham ■. Chicago hoard of trade, itock and bond exchange of San Vianrifco. m;\v TORK, March 19 — Following were 'h« ■untatlona today: Bales. BMek. , Hlßll. Low. Bid. Afk. Allls-Chalmers ... .. ■ "" '-, ';"» ... , do preferred .. 42 s * 45 I|,Will Amalg Copper .... 7fl'i "\ '-'% 7»'i 300 Amer B) <■< Sugar 3.i!i S*U 38>« :»\ lo preferred M " ■'■> 300 Amor l .111 Co II IIS 11% » 100 do pref<rred . ,'. 7« 76 77 •■lO Am Car ami Kdy. (Mi •■ I i;| « ''' , do ferred 11" !"•♦ . Amil Cotton Oil. .. ■• *"' llN'» do preferred "' I«J Amer lOpresa .. ***> 20", lOii Am leo Bei m Itli I. 27 •'• 384 27 Amer Linseed ■ 14% JJ IM do pnl-rred 3SVJ 3«H 38 39 1,000 Am Looom U ... 52* i Rl'-i M M' 4 SOO (In preferred U( 111 119 HI 1,100 Am Smlt m i Rfg «'■»» HH K>H Rr' 1> in*. dv. prefejied lf"> I'"1* 107% l'*V» 2>K) Amer Sugar IWH 1»H '-'' IM!* .... no pri •■ m. IM 124. «,,.. Amer Hteel Fdrs Mi &"« (km Am Tel and t.i .143 Ill'i I4I<; 14IH 100 Amer Teh 1'M.... ■•'■•'« ■•'■■- *'] WH 900 Amer Woolen J9V4 S94i Si 39V, inn do pri ]■ ii. i 105H lo.i'j loa i":.'i Sfn Anaconda <'"» 4^ 49 4'<> i ... . Atlnntli: r I4n« 12a'j I*l • r )m \ T A Santa PR..USH H4»i m\ "S l.<l do preferred lOM, IDSH 103»i |rt3!» ... Palt a ' ihl ■ . 112' i 111 112 l'-'i lo prefei red I 1" M.i l.vm n n T T»'« 7r.H Mi "■'*« •Jim) Canadian Pacific ..I7fl'» 1T»!« 17« i 17H4 H nno C a, O **'• C7'.i 8"S *7"i 0 *: A H M jno C<vi; W new.... 31 I ''< "'< l^'i ... . do t ref. rri 'l M W*j annr*KW ......1 IMV4 J54'4 IBS (CHI'SU-MP I'l'i 143 I", n ''a 1... dr. preferred 159 IM lS'lj I*> , Otlll'Hl ti»«tlier .... . . ' ' ♦-** do preferred IW'i w« rent of N .1 IM !>3 200 (■• C C * HI I 10 MM <9H "1 l do pri-f.-i-rivl '"' lia IM t'ol<i •■:;. I hnd Iron 41 <■"■. M <"' 1 do piWfi t ll« 111 100 Columbua 11 C! ft I U M W% Ii . nlorado Boiithi " *t .1.1 Ist preferred .. ■■ M s:l do !i P n ■• rri i '■' 73' i 300 (V.nßollda<e.l Qss 1451j lit 144V4 I 4» ....... Corn rrodue.ti K'i lsi dO preferred - U M»4 r>el A; Hudaoil ....til «15 UP 6.V) 100 Dft R U ... . 41H 41' i it H .1.. preferred vl si Diamond Match '-''"a M>4 ioor>isiil BwurltlM ■■ ■'"''<• 3:i 7 • H:. SJ«» Duhith S s &■ A II l&'j ....... dO IT. l> ilVil 2S Ji"* MOEi 3««4 :i"S ."n'4 Wi ,i , is-i preferred .. 4!>' t BO do "d preferred.. .. .. r.B'4 4'Hi G«n»r«l Eleotrlc .. .. .. lM'a 1&5 41 \ (it Northern Ore... M", SB'i fi!) 70 1 800 do preferred IJ6<« lISVi l»li IM'i niii >li Coi Iral .. it"', Hi S.4in lnterhoro Mntra ... 2-"i '.'2 :'l r>i Ii ■J..---I do preferred . S>7 r.ii M TiS'i si>o Intermit IS'» 13 l2Vi 1.1 iOO do preferred B3 M M ti4 SKI Interna! Pump ... W 411 45 47' i , do preferred •. 88*4 *s inn lows Central , >', ; i', ■■! 24' i 4IK) do preferred ..... 4B -I' 4t 4."> 200 X <J tioutheni KN SS'i 37H 37«> .TS'4 l.vt •do preferred i»H »9H c I 7'i I. VI ft it 2fi , . . do preferred ■• HO i;-'' -■ 1,000 1. « X l=3>i IS3 IM«,J IS!V<j Uackay «'' I" 1 200 do preferred 75 75 ,b i 7 Manhattan l^'-'t IM ....... Metropolitau Ht i;y .. .. 15 20 100 Mexican i i ntVal .. 57«4 27H -7S ■■ a * 309 Minn ft StT, 41«, 41», 4n 41% do preferred ■■ t;i "> II St P « S a M 143 141 100 do preferred IM IM 164V1 IM 700 M X & Tes 434 42>i !"< 43«4 . .. do preferred >> 7l'i •■' 200 Mlsnouri Pa^lflo .. 70 70 *!)', 7il »00 National J^-ad .... 13V4 83 la Mi .. do preferred lOTVi Ins National Biscuit lOMI 113 lo i>refe»re<l ISO IB .... N Air Brake .... .. •', S5 2200 N V CentraJ 125 184 134U 134(4 .. N V C ft, Si I. «0 i>l .. iii, lnt preferred 100 118 . do 2d preferred S7 S!) . N v N H*■ Hart 46<i lfi> l6Vi II - "4.JOD Norfolk & West...lOllt 100% liai HXiU do preferred M M .... Norlh American 78 O ' 1,400 Northern Paclflo ..134% 133% 134 iml .. Omaha IM 151 I .. <lo preferred .. IM 170 .... Paclflo toast 113 115 . Paclflo Mall 33 33 "i 10f> PeniiH. n It 08....11 TH im4 l:<«% 138! l 'tno Peoples i".as lio", 110 HOVi 111 100 Piltsburgr CosJ — U -- 21H 2:! .... do preferred .- 7314 TB KDPCCtBt L.....102U mm 101 Vi 101% do preferred 114 118 : 100 Prewied Bteel Car. 43 U II 44 . do preferrod 101 104 100 Tty Steel Spkb Co. 14 44 II 44 do preferred 103 107 f47,-200 Boadlng 16SK 166% l«'i IMH do Ist preferred H UI4 I!.'."", do Sd preferred 101 Ifl4j» 400 Republic S and I. M M 39 40 . . do preferred t 10014 10 Ui 4 200 Rock Island Co ... 4M4 4S-4 4HV» 45% 700 do preferred *- 9114 !>1 !'-' lw Blow Slief S and I TM( 7* 77 7H 100 Ht Li. ASP l't pfd 7014 701, 70 71 100 do Sd preferred.. 64 M M fi4lj St. L & S W S«Ti 29(4 100 do preferred li% 73*4 73 riVi 7.500 Southern Paelflo ..USVi I3B«i 128% I»T4 ' ICO Southern Railway. 29 29 2514 29',i FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL CARLOAD SHIPMENTS OF CITRUS FRUITS <*> ShliinirnlH of urii;ii;i'« am) lemons }■ &> from l/oa \iikhl« ThnrMlu.v, March 17, ■*> & were I7H rnrlnndN <>f «riin«rM iliul -- of .;•,. 1 liinonH. mini ii> data there li»»" been <b &> ahlpped 10,003 rurlonilH. of wliiili 1411' v <i> wer« lemom. Lasl inuon lo dale tnera •♦• *, I hero hiii- Nhliipml IJ.IM <i«rlnn<lM, of •♦> .1 which I7h:i wrre lemon*. - _- '■ <$ 200 do preferred fifi'.i «« «r,% BTI TnnnesHi'i' Copper -"- 33V4 3>n Toxaa Paiillla 30 30 '' 33 300 Third Avn 714 7'i 7 7' 1«> Toledo Si I j & W. 4:.'i 4514 44% 45' 8i)0 do preferred M% 6Sla <■■• M Twin City It T H3H Il4'-i 1 nion B and I'apr .. .. 01a 11 do efefred ■- ''■ 73 2R.700 Union I-ui-lOc . . II '. IS6Vi IMH M% .in preferred .' .. '"- 1 99 United IM* of HK .. .. 371 a 39 lo preferred '"' 6B U S 1 '.r 1 Irn Pipe .. .. IM 27 do oferrt <i -« ■■' 77 200 r s Kubhnr 44 41 ti 4r, do UI preferred Ill', 11514 do 2d preferred., .'• .. 7s " »,WW U g iueel Cor . siv% Rf.'i X..4 *Mi 10(1 do preferred 121N lIIW Hl'4 '-''» 1,100 tituii Copper 4!''n 47'/i 4SV4 4^"* 1,300 Va-Car Cliom Co.. KCSi DS'.i f-S% W rlo preferred •• 1 »■ ' -'" 4«) WiibAnh "''< -'t'i 21' i !21i 1,700 do preferred .... 4514 'ft** ft% 41 Well» Parbo V.x l«o IM Wi item L'nlon 75 7514 4»0 \v. (Inghniue .. 71 tn 70 7'i'i w A: 1. 1. n r '-4 dn 11 |.' 1n -I . .. i" II dv ': t preferred B% '• " 100 Wi■■■ ■■■ -n in Central. :r, 54Vi IIM M Aid Hldi and I.nn. .. .. 7 7'i rln preferred "'"-. 4fi'i Am 4st and Clicm .. .. ■ *'• 47^4 dn pi rerred .. Ift3 I"-' UK) n-th Sleel -11 31 3014 r,l lo ferred -■ .. !•* Nat kii.iiiml and H -''- 23 10 preferred '"' 1"" PaO Tel and Tel -I'l 41 lo preferred S7 M it a rteaJty 77 7n 1,700 Went Maryland ... 82% 51T4 t- ''■'- Total . ale», 217.H1S fhares. NEW YORK BONDS Rpectal Fervlre to The Herald hy ,1. C, WII BOtI. 112 WMI Fifth ilreet, I.oa Ansele», Mem rier New Ynrk ytuck eicbaliße, 1 'hloaso board , r trade, stock and bond hang( of Ban NKW YOHK, March 19.—Followlns were tin Flollllg quotalloliH: W4. A.-kr I. hlaon general 4b lrio 100*4 Ati-hlHon cony. 4m IH!i "■' ■ Baltimore and n*4n \rt 4. .... l» M' 4 Brooklyn Rapid Tramdl 4h M'j Mi Colorado Industrial i« 78 «0 r s. Realty !>» *■'■' 8r"« Rock Inland col. 4« *" (-'J Hnutl 1 ra.-lflr r"f. 4« WS fr''4 Houthem Pacific rol. 4p 95 !'■! Houlhrrn Pai ill ny, 4f 10214 •"-''* Union I'arihv 1k( 4b 101 10114 I'nlon Paclflo cony. 4.i IO»14 110 li. H. Kteel Si 1«4'« inf,lj trnlted Hallway 4i» 70% 7214 Wanarii deb, 4> ' 73t» 73% Western ra.'lfl.: tm -"'; 07 lii v: ■ • and Kio (Irando ref. in.... V&'A M% Japanese. 4» 02 MVi JapaueM lit 4'*ii V>% W .lapßliese 2d 4'iS »•"•'* MT4 I! | 2» reuintered 100% lfll'i tl s. |i coupon 100' i 11, H. 3n rcßlstered 10814 10.1 r. S. || coupon li'- 1 10.1 11, S. 4a rfSl'tered IM^i 115 IT. H 4u coupon 114% 11*14 Panama 2h 1004 101 Panama 19383 H"", 1"1 FINANCIER'S REVIEW SKY.i ' IRK. Mnreh 11. — The Financier wlil cay: The Ktatement of; ........ av erafea luued' by the Now Vorlt clearlne houffo l>ankN showed very wide and ainioet Irreconcilable differences. In the state men 1 of averauea the chaiißes w*>rft unim portant, the result Indlcalliifi: an .Increase of 1557,326 In suri'i'i reserves, lhat Item ■tandlns at $i>,44!>.425. Tlin actual condi tion statement, however, ■! 1 losed h de« crea>*t of $20,f),*1,500 In loans, an increase of 12,000,000 In cash, and a decrease of $- p'V Sll,4ito in riepoelta. The gain In cush and th»» lessened rel rye reiiulremente on de posit Is counted for an lncren«« of *7. --22.1,160 In aurpl re»erv«, brlnp;lns thai item up '•. J14.94!>,«50, or aba 11 double what was reported In the previous week. The loam were noi shifted to the trual companies, and outnlde fitata banks, for those InatHutloun reported on Saturday an Increase of Only 13, 756,100. loan commit ments, FINANCIAL RECORD NEW YORK, March IS.—Prune mercan til» paper 4H05 per cent; Kterllns ex change steady with actual bui Im es In banker! 1 bills at 4.158&Q 4.5350 for sixty days, mid at 4 5705 1 IT demand Commer cial bills 4.831»®«.84; bar ellvsr, 51' : c; Mexican dolls 44c; snvernment bond! steady: railroad bonds heavy. TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON, March IS--The condition of the treasu i vi the lukluihuk of buslnesa today wan as follows: Trust funds—Hold coin, IBS4.SS3.tS!) - allver dollars. (4*B3SU. --000; silver dollars of 1890, 13,114.000; all ver certificates outstanding, 1480,894,000. Oenerai fund- Standard silver dollara, *-.■ 403,81b; current liabilities, JU">.7i7.i-:r; working balance in treasury effloes, »2:.- -170.054; In banks lo 1 redll of treasurer, $36,917,400; subsldlan silver coin. 111,495, --701; minor coin. lt.ll4,IS»; balance in gm eral fund, $82,982,774. PACIFIC COAST TRADE WAN KHANCIgCO, March raa, |6.<0 i ;. > and Washington, »(>; »hippin X . ; ,1 barley, II brewliiß, fi .4-: -•• l. <■■; ehavaller, |1.60«j red .'ins, 11.65 ■> !-"o. white, $1 65 n 1 , , .... • ; i ..• -.::: S3; rolled barley, (38 ,1 80; outmeal. J1.40r,,. 4.60; oat groats, $4.60; rolled oati. |330 ■Jb; wheat hay, |14Olti heal and oat, tv.< jil7: WIW oat, 100 13; lame oat, |13 i II iilf.iifa, |901ti straw. 50'n 75e; pink beans, 1.7.,.i ... llm». |4 .Ssi» 4.45; mall white, St.soa 1 -;,, lari ■ white. |3.60®4.10| Early Hose potatoes. $l®1.10; Ml reed sweets, $2.15« i :'.35: fancy onions, 11.(0; common, $1.50; green pi a■. •■ ■'.. green peppers. 15 aSSO! ihkiis. 6>.j«i'7c; rhubai 1, $1,334)' I 75; garlic, 4W 6c; mushrooms. SQ&SOe! old roosters, J.,"i 6.80; young, $71iio; »mall broilers. $3 ■/ I. large, $t .50.«>a.50; rryers, $6 50&7.50; hens, »■■ 811; old ducks, $8«( i 7: young, $7-fi 10; geese, $2«>3.50; ilgeons, Receipts—Flour, 5978; wheat, 800; barley, II 3SO; oals, 116; kesns, SS i; potatoes, 4370; onions. 315; hay, Il3i straw, 10; hides, 400; wine, 55.0UU. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, March 11.- Cattle Reeelpta estimated al 200; market steady; beeves, $5.60(?j 8.70; Texas steers, $sftfK.3O; western steers, ... r, B0; stookera and feeders, $3.75 fff6.65; cows and heifers, 13.75*7.10; calves f8.25C!'10. . ' Hoks —Receipts estimated at 1000; mar ket strong; light, $10.50ifi'10.90; mixed, $10.«0<S>ll; heavy. 110.66911. rough. llO.((aIo.8O| Rood to choice heavy. $I".mj <jj>ll.os; pi(s, $9.80@10.16; bulk of salea, 1 1, ■. 10.95. glii_necclpt» estimated at 2000; mar ket (hj.h: natives, 15.26W8.50; westerns. $S pi.lo; yßarllnfa, $8©9.10; native lambi JS.SO«*IO; western, $9Q)10.35. PRICES OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKET * NKW VOIIK, Mltrc.h l'J.— The. melnl <$> & markrta wsre) printiciill.v nominal both ■>■ 2 tli« London iintl K»W York iv< hangeii <•. >■ hchiß rloaed, as iiniiiil, nil Snturila.v. •• S> l^ual deatara i|iiot» lake copper at 4' .* *18.»7Mi@13-*l3M<i elawtnilrtle *i:i.r.",i <h ... @13.37V^; ciihlliiß si;i;n) i:t.;.i. Tin ftrni; * £ «i>ot. $31.tN}@aJ.10. I.e««l, easy. 151.4.5 <$> <i, @4.55. Speltfi-. »lea<ly. *5.6»1@5.75. iSi «> Iron, uochanited. Bar silver, SlHc. ■ •$> JNJ^V^i- •' * * * ' ••■•-• • ' • LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MOHNING. MARCH 20, 1910. FINANCIAL i.ns ,\ \c 101.1 •:-•. March 19, Bank clearings wen 19,803.369.86, an In 1763,098.77 aa compared *\i'!i the amount for the corri ing dati "i 1.1 ' .\.-ir- following Is a. oonipara* live statement: Ijlo. 1009 ISOB. 1 March 14.'..;> ri!),563.0,1 JJ,18P,360,C3 }1,855,2D2.4ii ' March 16.... :'.6«7.a55.u3 1 134,425.60 1,802,840.61 ■ March 1«.... 3,100,830.64 8,91»,»02.63 1,771,507.28 March 17 .. 5,6M,M6.1M 2,218,498.71 1,H4,248.10 March 18.... 2.631,633.14 2,054,684.»1 1.197,117.11 March 19.... Z,803.3t!9.58 2,000,873.00 1,381,896.89 Totals .*...f1U,E53,GC3.0fl $1.1,587,045.31 ? 10,045,617.43 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Morning Sales ■J0 Kdlson Kleo com 64.00; 110 Vnorlated Oil . Co 19.62 Vi; IM do I9.B0; 1 do 49.00; sooo <'allf Midway TlVii 1000 do ,1. 600. Cli land oil 43; l«i(«o ludi Oil Co IS; 10 M< Pt Ltd pfd 67; 2»,(i(1<) Oleum Dcv I' 12%; 600 do 13V4j •■! ,],.. 11. 30, i;i; 8000 do ii., 1 .-.',: l""0 ('(KillnKa 1 Irude BO mi, ti 105.25; 1000 Ollnda Uuid 101 I) r,2. off b«ixd-2 I'nlon Oil i(it: 1000 Oltndu 5914 i 4n A.snnciHt<*l (ill 4P.:/i; (10 'i radi r oil 'o I 2«; 10 Union l'rov Co 102..'/O; 1000 (,'oiilinga Irudi 30. Bonds Bid. Ask. American i. 11 oleum Co sn S5 ... lated Oil %':i Corona City Water Co 91 .. Corona Power & W, Co 96 .. ■ Cucamonea Water Co N .. Edison i... ■ Co lsl R 99 1; I Kleo. '' old Ii sue 109 108 Homo Tek-phone R5 88 Home Tel Co lsl rift 75 7« llUaitl • I'll" J.Um "5 1. A Pac lsl eon migs .. 108 L. A. Railway Co 110 I. A Traction I-o 6s ; .. 110 I. A Traction Co ■- J'« Mexican National Oaa Co 100 \i. lon Trtuii and II Co 97 Pai; Xli c Ky Co 1r)5',4 I.-I ■ '.--lit and Power <'o tl'i !'!H« Pasadena Home T \ T Co ■ M Biv< rstde II T and T 1 0 > 75 Saiim Monica 11 T and T Co " ><o s Diego 11 T ft T lsl mtg . 70 75 s'"h Ide Wa rCo i"> Tiiii.,.ll Water Co 99 United 1:1.. 1; and pCo 104 ITnlon ansporta lion Co % 1.1 Dial T .in.l T Co 77 \ ls,,h,i Water Co 100 Whlttler Home T * T Co 3» Banks Rid. A>k. All Might * Day P»nk 115.00 140.00 Hank of Southern 'allfornls 155.n0 Uroadway Bank and Trust lM.tiO 175.00 Callf,.rnla Savings ■ ,nk .... 11l '"' 125.00 Central National Bank 180.00 18S.«0 Citizens N.iti il Z30.00 3.40 00 Commercial National 145.0r) .... Kquitable Having! Bai'k 175.00 l-'.u 1-.- f. Mer N'-iil 250.00 .... Kederal Bank of L A 12. Pint National 500.00 610.00 Herman American Savings 325.00 rilobß Havlnga Bank 120.00 110.00 Home Bavlnga Hank of L, —115.00 Merchants National K>.oo Merchanl Hank and Trust Co.. 160. National Hank of Cal 178.00 Security Havlnna Bank s«o.oit The Southern Trust 'Jo 60.0") (s:t per cent paid up) Industrial and Public Utilities Bid. Ask. Cal 1 . rtland Cement Co 100.00 Electric pfd .., St.OP Ss.nO Kdlson cii otrlc com 64. '"> 65.60 Hawaiian '' im end Sugar 37.00 40/rt Home Telephone pfd M.OO M.50 Horn" Telephone com 10. Hutchlnson 8 P Co 17.00 IS.OO i 1. a Atbletlo club 10.00 1. A. Brewing Co 90.00 Mexican National Gas pM 60. 75.00 Mexican National Gas com 36.00 Paauhau B P Co 29.00 M.tO ■ Pac Mut I.lfe Ins Co 260.00 . Pac Con Bton Co Of Cal 3.25 ..... • Pasadena Hnma T and T C 0.... 27. 5 i 27.50 : Riven Ide Horn* T and T C 0... I».M San Diego Home T and T Co.. 21.00 23.00 Sun Drusr Oc 1 I"11 . Seaside Water Co 100.00 Title a and Tr Co pfd 250.00 U HsDT * T Co, pfd 83.50 42.00 L'nlun Security " "rp pfd 100.00 I'nion Trust Co 4.'.(10 Whlttier Home T Hn-I T m DO.OO Oil Stocks PRODUCERS— BM. Ask., I'll 75.00 rlcan Crud» Oil Co .M American Pet Co pfd MOO 94.00 American Pet Co com 75.<*> AJuiociated Oil 49.60 49.75 Brookshire Oil 1.10 Central l.» •■'»■ ■I, i-ehui 1 Oil Co 4'J Columbia I-" 1.30 Continental OH ■"■■"l >.65 Knos lvi Co 1.27V4 •■ ■■ Euclid Oil Co 65 .76 I'-ullertou OH I.M 4.00 ■ •■1 ibe -1' Jade 011 1-0 4B Mexican Petroleum ' "- Mexican Pet Md pfd M.7:. «s.oo Mi hii I'et Ltd com 28.00 2S.t>2's New Penna Pel Co S7(i 1 M oiinda 1 ni'i ''" (Oil) -6I Palmer 'II Co 1-7 .■■_•• Pel 11 - Oil Co 30 35 Plnal Oil Co 1300 Plru Oil in 1 '■ Co 17 ..... > 1;.. 1 Crude ■»•' ■ ■ R|, Ranch OH Co M 1-03 Motion Six Oil Co >3 .60 1 Oil Co 125.50 Union 105.25 linlon Provldi-nt Co 103.50 103.50 United Petroleum 104.50 10S.O0 Weal Coast Oil Com 9.00 ..... Western I'nion 110.00 v. llowi Oil Co -40 NON PRODUCERS California Midway Oil C<v «l> ,' Ooallnsa Crude Oil Co M -30 M.Kittrlck Oper Oil Co II Oleum Di ment Co l»H DAILY MINING CALL Morning sales—loo 9 .tohnnln lSi; 1000 do 1114; 2'Xio do 13. LISTED STOCKS CAUKORNIA— >■'■!. Asked. Cal HIIIk M Co l1;t .04! CnnHolldated Mines Co B.OKM NKVAPA Johnnle Mill and Milling C 0..... 184 NEW YORK BANKS SHOW CASH RESERVE DECREASE Week's Statement Is Made by the Clearing House on Financial Conditions NKW TORK, March I».— statement of clearins liouse banks for the week showa that the banks hold J9.449.125 more than the re inilrenifiKß of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This la a decrease of J557.323 in the. propor tionate cash reserve as compared with last week Tho statement follows: i rease. loans'. ..'. »1,243.617,600 M.671.800 Depoalta 1,241,012,700 4,326,700 cfrculatlon 7.939,700 102,600 Legal tender 83.412.90fl 110,600 HMcie 256.259.700 1,611,400 Reserve' 319.703,600 1,629,000 Reserve required 310,253,175 1.081.(175 Surplus ..' 1,441,415 ''".325 gj x . |i. 8. deposits 9,880,525 638,225 The peroentage ef actual reserve of the cleurini house banks today was 25.3*. • The statement of banks and trust companies of Greater New York not reoprting to the clearing house shows; Decrease I^uwa U.1M.854.600 •J3.7M.100 s ,.cle '." U«,»15,800 735,300 Legal tenders «O.I8«,»0 67.600 Total deposits 1,229,742,000 2,528,000 • Increase. ♦»» WOOL BT. l.nriK, March 10. —Wool, unchanged: medium (AMla nil'ins: and clothing, 23^ •'Ti llsjhl fine. lii#26c; heavy fine, 19@20e; tub waihed, 19Stic. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Bpeclal service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chloago board of tradn, stock and bond exchange of Kan Francisco, SAN KTtANCISCO, March 19.— Following were the cloning quotati MISCKLLANKOUS BONDS— Bid. Asked. Associated Oil Co 5s O7',i »7V4 Hay Counties Power Co 5h 101% CaJ Central Oas and Elec 5s 10* Cal Qaa and Mloc gen M & C T ss. 99»4 California St Cabli Co 5s 10SW California Wine Assn 5s S7Vi city ISleotrlc Co 6i IW'.i Contra Cost* Water Co ta 10H» do gen mtg 6s Edison Eleo Co of I. A 6k 100 Kdlson LlKht and Power 6s 107H First Federal Trust Cola 101V4 Ferriee anil Cliff House. Ity 66 lo:; Hawaiian Coml and s 6a 107 107)4 Honolulu R T and L Co 6s 108 I>aka Tahoe Hy and T Co 6s 99 100 r^oa Angelen Kl*c Co &«.... l«l Log Angeles li.LsaiMl ESI Cot* 101»i 103 Los Angeles Railway 6s HO I.oa Angelea Lighting gd 6a loa I. A im. n R l«t con mtK 6s 10CVi I. A Pao It R of Cal 6« 100% .Mail-., t. Street Cabla 6.1 103',; 104V4 do Ry Ist en- mtg 6a 102 M V and Mt famalpal B Ry 6s 103 Northern Ily Co of cal 5s 117 Northern Eloctrlo Co 6a OfA Oakland Transit Co Ba IMS Oakland Traunlt 5a l'':.l^ Oakland Transit Con 6s l"la Oakland Traction Con Da Wi I"* Oakland Trautlon Co r.s : ''- '': Oakland Water Co gtd 5s M M Omnlbua Cabin Railway 6a ; 113 Pacific c,ii!t Imp 4s *5 PaciHc KliOtrlC Ry Co 5a I'ls'i 10*1 1',,, in, i ,|ghi nnd Powf-r Co 8»....10l l 4 103 Pao Lli lit and Pn r gtd 5s toi"'i I'acltic Ti aiul Tc-1 Co t« Ii" lOO'i Parl and Cliff Housi Ry 0:< '" Park and Ocean R R 6a 100 People's W.ii, Co 6S tin CVa i',, ■. ii Btn t Railway 6s "'' Sacramento Kleo Oaa and Ry Sa....i(':i S V Oak and San Joso Ry 5.i V)fi\ do 2d mtg 6s "" , X k Oak and 8 .T Con Ry 6a "■'!» SleiTii Ry of Cal 6s 106V4 8 I" R R of Cal 6s 1912 lOß'.i do Ist c pt i g r* ii ■'■» s r Bram h Ry 01 Cal Ss 128 s p it R C" ii rfdg 4« !»> ssH Htoekton Gas and El Corp 6s lor, H V Water Co gen mter 4? MV» United 0,-in and Rleo Co 6a 9f ITnlted It. X "f 8 f 4a 72% Vail. I". Benl and Napa. V R R Gs.. 7.. Valley Countli Power Co Is 103 103 WATER STOCKS- - Marln County "° ■; Spring Valley Wa.t«r Co 4J 4.i.i cas and BLBCTRH BTOCKfI City Electric Co I';' » \ Cal Power Co eon 6» Pacific Lighting Corp pfd 76H _•• do common 6S .'' '' INSURANCK STOCKS raJifomla Innursncs Co •• H Flrcman'M Fund 27° -lX BTRKBT RAILROAD STO<:KS- Callfornla &> '* rresidlo ■ POWDEH HTOCItH— ,■ , Oiant Consolidated Co TSV* '-1 SI'OAR RTOCKR- Uawallan coml and Su?ar Co 40\, •• Honokaa Hugar Co ~ * -.' Hutchlnson Sugar Plantation 1»U W Kilauea Sugar l'lantatmn OS .. 11 Hakawell Sugar Co jjjj I'nion Bugar Co (l-"* •■ ' OIL STOCKS ABHOcIatcd Oil Oo W ,£ Sterling Oil and Dcv ft> 3 3>« MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS- Alaska Packers' AssoclaUon •• s:)l t ™ Cal Fruit Cajiners- An. n K>l'« _• la] Wlno Association ■''a 3»/4 M V and Mt Tamalpals S Ry l"0 Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm ' 4 Paclflo Coa-st Borax CO im ..-; Pac .1 and Tel pfd MJ4 «VJ Sale Cr4^ n S - V WaVeV 'ffwiV *j» United Ry 4» 7M4! 4000 Ass'd Oil 5s 97%; 1000 do V7UI 115 do 49' V 76 do 60; 75 CeJ Fruit 101%; B Cal Wine U%; 70 city Eleo Hi 40 Ol»nt 78',i; 10 Pac Tel pfd 97. CHICAGO GRAIN Bpeclal service to The Herald by J. C. WU son! member Chicago board of trade. New York «tock exchange and San raneUeo and stock exchange. 212 West Fifth street. Loa Angeles. CHICAGO, March Wheat started very weak on rains In Kansas, but rallted. a* t was shown that the rains were liKht and un Important. There was much week-end even ing up, shorts covering and longa unloading. but altogether tra/ie was of very moderate volume. Large numbers of unfavorable crop reports came from Missouri and Illinois today, and unfavorably Influenced trade to a consid . rable extent. No improvement In demand for cash wheat. Northwestern markets were sffected adversely hy liberal sales of May by millers and elevator concerns, but thero was ,i fairly good export business in Duimn and Manitoba wheat today, the Brain to go out at the opening: of navigation. Manitoba pales were on the basis of about 9 cents per bushel lower than any possible bhlpments of wh*at except Durum. Corn was very weak early, but tl>« Hlump resulted In much pront taking by fhorts and buying against weekly and daily Indemnities, also the usual week-end evening up. Cash corn shows no improvement and was 'jijjlc low»r in sampin market. There was talk here to day of export business, but Baltimore prices are still far away and lower relatively from Chicago. Much changlnc of Hay long hold ings to July elevators during the reverse. Further liquidation In oats at the outset, but the decline, rb in other grains, led to much taking of profits by shorts, and there was also good buying by elevator concerns. Provisions averaged a little lower and tone was rather easier, in sympathy with grains dnd because of considerable number of hogs rarrled over eaoh day at yards. Much ohang tng over lo July by May pork shorts. Fur ther realizing by leading lonss. win:at— Open. High. Low. Close May 1.13 1.13«4 1.11*4 I.UN July 1 Ofii;. IM% 1.05 i 1.06* i September 1.04 1, lot's 1.03»i 104. CORN— May 61Ti .13 ,«m .61H July B4i, .«4H ,63?4 .64., September (v ,65' i .61 si .65 OATS— May <"•'. .*'■'■'% .4"'; .43' i July ii'j .42 .41U ,4IH Hcptember 29:'» .3M4 .39' i .39'> 'liX - May 25.50 25.90 2S.W 25.75 July 25.77' i 25.55 25.72',s 25.72H September 25.50 25.55 25.42' a 25.42VJ I.ARD- May lt.i: 1. 14.12'j 14.07>i 14.10 July 13.95 1:1.95 13.9) 111.92' i September U 13! 13.85 I 1 10 IXBS RIBS May 1:1.72'-i 13.75 1:i.70 1.1.72'j July 11,46 U. 45 10.40 13.42"., September 13.32Va U.37ti 13.83U 13.81 M Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, easy; winter patents, 15.30W5.65; straights, $4,301^5.30; Hprlng straights, $4.7... 4.95; bakers, $3.30^6. No, 2 rye, 79c; feed or mixing barley, 77<?i>73e; fair to choice malt ing. 63ifi'fi9c; No. 1 southwestern flaxseed, $:' 17; No. 1 worthwsstsrn, 2.27; clover, $11 75: mess pork, per bbl., 135.75&26; lard, 100 lbs.- |14. short ribs, aides, loose, H3.8Ti>013.7i; short clear sides, boxed, iH ri 14.25. - Total clearances of .wheat and flour wers equal lo 56,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 61H.000 huFhels, compared with 47:.- -000 the same day a year ago. Kstlmaled re .■ ipts for Monday: Wheat, 30 cars; corn, 2211 car*; oats, 180 cars; hog«, 2R.000 head. Articles. Receipts. BhpmtH. Flour, bhls 46,700 r.6.100 Wheat, bush • 14,000 BS.BOO Corn, bush 340,000 279,300 Oats, bush 40H.800 300.300 Rye, bush 7.000 Barley, tumii 147,000 16,000 FRUIT MARKET SAX FRANCISCO, March II Fancy ap ples, 7Jc©|l; oemmon, 50®65j;; navel or anges. $L254»1.00; Mexican llm.s. $5.50(a)6; common California lemons, 1101.25; 'rooil to choloe, $1.50®i2; fancy. $:.50©3; bananas 75c@(3: pineapples), $202.50. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NKW YORK. March 19. —Evaporated ap pl»s «teady; ipot' fancy. 10\a@llc; choice. OQiaKa; prime. 6%@7Hc: oommon to fair, 6®6 S-Bc. Prunes, steady: ijallfornla up to 30-40*. 2»4 sj)9',ie: Oregons, B®9e. Apri cots, steady; choice, 10»; ijfllc; eitrs rliolcc. 11 " -,i lJi L fancy, 12«13c. Peaches eteady; choice, 6'-,®S\e| extra oholce, >>ai <i*7c; fancy. TH©TI»c, Raisins, steady; loose muscatels, 3%4('6:»4c; choice to fancy K*>en><l. 5®6*40; seedless, BH®3Hie; aon don .layeia, fl.lsgi.-5 MINING QUOTATIONS NEVADA BTOCK3 . EtfelUslV* dispatch tn Tho HeraM by T,. A. Crtslcr & Co., member* Lo» Angeles stock es> clianga, 2'X)-201 I. W. Hell man building, Los Angelo--' BAN FRANCISCO, March 13.-Th« Tonopah lift waa tlie center of attraction during the short Besslon on Bush strcot t'»luy. Tonopah Extension advanced 19 points t" Si hid, with no:i». In sight. Belmont <va.s up ti, Welt End I and Jim ISutler 1. In tho Ooldneld division Consolidated galn«fl 5 points. Jumbo Kxtonbion 2 and Atlanta I. The balance of the list remained unchanged. Rhyollte advices utato that the mill •'• the Mayflower Consolidated company baa been leaned to the Bullfrog Pioneer Leasing and Milling company for treatm oC oren from that a;-, and Will be plac»d in operation within a short time. Th'j lease, cm tha mill runs Cram month lo month, un'ii hu<-1i a time a« the flower company may need tho plant. Following were the closing itlons: OOLDFtELD DI) liICT Bid. Ask. Bid. A?k. Atomi I 2 Kcwanaft .... 7 % Atlanta .... 18 17 (Iroat Jiend.. 3 4 Booth it IC lit Bend An .. 1 Bl B 13* I Gl Bi nd Ex. .. 1 Blue Bull .. R I? Grandma — t t r:.. Bi II .. 2 i Jumbo Ex.. 37 59 i: B nan. .. 1 Kendall '■'• Colum Mtn. .. f> Lone Star ..4 C Conqueror ..3 8 j L*ou Dill .. .. 2 Comb Krae. , tO M Mllltown l"ro .. 2 Crackerjaek. I 3 | Moli Fxt»n.. .. 2 Hi,iyy 8 a |.N>v CJoldfleld .. - Triangle I Oro 7 8 I) T, I! Con.. .. 2 Red T .:■; r>i-tl.- 2 Ri '! Illlla .. 1 Ei Empire '- Sandstorm ■■ '■'• ■• Florence . ■::;:, 243 Kt. Ivrs 20 Flor is... 2 Silver I'ick .. '■> 10 Fran Moh .. 2 .. | Yel Rose 4 Oldfld C0n.832(4 537HJYel Tiger ..6 I TONOPAH DISTRICT Bid. Ask.] Fid. Ask. nelrtiont ....2l2Vi 243 (North Star .12 Jim Sutler.. 17 is Rescue Conu 1 - Midway ....::! 38 Ton'] h Mtn 72.1 Monl mi ...!>« 10'j jTonopuli Ex.l'M MacNamara 28 SO | \V>»t Knd ■n (3 4S HIII.t.KIIOK DISTRICT Bid. Ask.| Bid. Ask. Amcthynt ..1 ! | Mxytlow Con J 4 Bullfrog Mn I 1 (Ariz Bullfrog .. 2 HullfrK n i; i 2 j Tramp 'on.. .. 8 Mon Clar* . 8 10 | Val View .. .. 3 Montgm Mn. .. ! | MANHAI DISTRICT Bid Ask. Bid. A*k. Manhat Con ii '■"■ Mustang — I 2 Manhat Mtn .. 1 ISeyl Humph. .. i Manhal Dei 3 4 | ThHnkiiglvlng. 3 OTHER DISTRIi Bid. Ask.| Rid. Ask. F.agln N»»t. 2 3 il'ittß Sllv T'k 7J 7j B'vlew Kagl .. IS I Round Mtn .. .1 N»v Hills .. y> .. [coalition .... 23 is BOSTON MINING STOCKS Bperlal service to Tim Herald by J. C. Wil son, 18 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. BOSTON. March ID.—Tho buylliK pnT\i»r n«i rxceedltißly »mall and It ws necessary t» of fer tock down BAvcral points In the lonal market iti order m toll any amount. Th« whole market closed weak at the low point nf the. day and will probably be erratto until after ii is known h< * her thi .Tobacco decision will con ■ nt noon Monday or not. Hajicock, i..iiif and North nutto were the weakest fea ture*. l^ollowiiig wern closing ciuotatlonj; Bid. Ask.| Bid. A*k. Am Pneu .. 7 7U Miami 33 23'» do pfd .... 2'i'i 21 tlchlgan ... 6'i 7U Adventure .. 8 M-i Mohawk 81 i B;l Allouei .... .'■"'- 61 Nev Con .... INHi 24 Atlantic .... 9'j »■>« North itte. 4'Hj 40? i \rcadlan ... 7 « Old Pomin .. 43 4rlz Com .. 33*4 V\% Dsceola .. IKI 1".7 Apex ;i'a i Parroi 11% 18 Boston Con. 13 2n iQulncy .... M 89 Butte Cohl.. 2r.i 25 |Siinta Fm > 2 2H Patu .t Arli 72 7 J! iPhannon ... U% It Calu & Hec.6l- 1 617 |bhoe Mach.. 63 «3'i I'entennial .20 L'o',£ do pfd »H 29H Con Mercur. 13 I" Sup Copper., iii M Cop Hange.. 7« HVs Sup & lira .. lr. 1 . 13? i Corbln .. .. l'i-i IS Sup & Flits, .11 Daly West... I 9',i Swift ... . lOSft Ifti East Butte.. in»i 10' i ramaradi ... 6S 65^ Kirn River.. 1 3 rrlnity . -1. B^4 (■•ranklln .... ISTk U U'nltcd Prult.l79 173', lirajlby .... 84 >>". l ii Bmslt... 47 47V Oreene Can. i"'< Ilk do pfd IH4 Mi, Hancock ... 2H» Il?i Utah Coa ... tIH 8J Isle Royale.. 20 SI Victoria 4'i 4T» Ke.ewenaw . ■■'» F.% Wlnona WV4 IlVi 1..,k. TBli 77 Wolverine ..135 140 l.a Sail* .... l« W\]Wyando( .... 2\i 2Ti Ma-ss Copper H"i 7 Man <ias ... SI Sl'/i Mayflower ..'1 ''.' do pfd 9'iVa 07 Mi Con .... ■': "'il NEW YORK CURB Special ssrvlcs to The Hcruld by J. C. Wll son, 213 West Fifth street, Los Angales. MEW TURK, Mann 19.-Fo!lo«lns rrrre (hi closing quotations: Bid. Ask.! Ril A»k. \ni Tnh rm.417 WO Nlplulng .... 1"'» 10?» B s Ow .... "' "'■' Ohio Coppor. 4»i 4> 3 Chicago Bub 2si 3 R»whd Coal. 23M 21 Havana Tob r, 7 Ray Central. S^ Stand Oil ...63f. 615 ißay Cons ... B2'.fc 2:1 Cns Simp R. li 21 United Coppr 1 S Boston Con., if) Vukr.ii 4'i t\ Rutte Coal.. •J4\; 2:>'i rnsplration .. »4 S', Davis Daly.. :i'» .".%iMason Val .. £'» 2'i Dolorts .. .. * l:-!Klv Central.. Ii l?i Gldlleld Cfm l«4 «'j|Ely Con . ..'■*« lir nreeni" Can. lm; 1 Bouth litah... 2'j :! (Jlroux ■■ .. n'j !l\[r.lla Copper.. S S'; Kf-rr I^ake .. R'i v r» 'hlno K>'._. iji Rose ... 4i s 4%] Con Ariz ... 2», 2» 4 Miami .. .. --\ 23 |North l»ikr- . iV A 23'j Mns Co of A 4<t ■■" i'l R iv.i .... 2>i 2'i Nov Con ... 2:i'» 23941 Keyatona ... 4! ( 4!i Nev Utah .. I'h IVil SAN FRANCISCO OIL STOCKS lervloa to The Los Angeles Herald by I. A. Crlsler & Co., members Los Angeles stock ex change, 200-201 I. W. Hellman building, Loa Angcl*i. HAN FRANCISCO. Mai.ii 19.— Following were today's quotations of Ihe California stook and oil exchange: —Opening— —Closing- Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked., Associated Oil .... tt.ITU 60.00 49.75 CO.OO Palmer Oil 1.27' i I.M 1.27'S 1.30 I Illnola Crude .... '■•■' ■ ■ ... .60 Premier Oil 1.20 1.22' i 1.20 l.Ji Silver Tip 3.00 .... 3.01) Monti Crlsto .... 3.00 .... 3.10 3.15 Masi Oil 2.23 .... ■ 2.25 fc> W.and B uil ... .73 .... .7.'i .... Morning, sales—2ooo Kilos l.">i; 300 Fultnn 1 in; (00 Monte Cristo 3.40; 6"i do 3.; i": 100 New Pennsylvania .U3; mil do .92: i;oo Palmar 1.27H; 1"') Plnal 0.7.".: 100 Rii 1.75; 100 Premier 1.28 i i.'ki do 1.20; 300 do 1.25',; 1100 lo 1.27' i; t.OO a. W. and B. 72; 1000 40 .74; 1000 do .75. METAL MARKETS NEW YORK. March 1!) —Tho in tal mar kets were practically nominal, both the London and New York exchanges being closed, as usual on Saturday. t»cal dea era quote lake copper at f 13.STH^1S.63H . rlectrolytli . $1:1.13',» (813.37 1;; astlng, $1.1 (g 13.-'.'; tin. firms spot |3.1.93fii53.10l lead, easy, $4.4 jijt 4 55 . spelti r, steady. 15 80 fi.75: Iron, unchanged. 42| Should We '<iraßp'l'lll"!'s " person lias f!fK> V J!r «mrt the rount? Wru there ever ■ tim» when you roul i have start- n ed an account with JW. bul didn't ■ II have the $100? Writ* "s and tell M. §m us your opinion from youi stand* U U point; w« will consider II a favor. a [I of course, savings accounts can he I l\ Rtarted wltli $1 or more. W* pay B Mi interest on deposits. #, \jkll MMnBMJ} The Woman's Bank Special department and attendant for woman's business. I.OS AN'tiKLKS TRUST AND BAVIMM H.VNK, Contnil KuilillnK. Sixth and Mala, Boy San Diego Homt Telephone Stock Nets 10% Fielding J. Stilson Co. SM 11. W. iIKLI.MA.N 1)1.. A264T. Main 101. First Exclusive Private Wire House on the Pacific Coast J. C. WILSON MEMJIEK NKW YORK STOCK EXCHAMGB CHICAGO BOARII OF TiIADK TUB STOCK AM) BONK KXfHANOB, 8. V. CORRESPONDENTS HARRIS, WINTHROP & COMPANY OFFICES—HOTEC, A».KXANI>KIA, 2118 \Ve»t Fifth St. lIOTKI. TIKI. COIIONADO. Toronado MILL.H ISlll.Dl.Nd. ban rancldCß I'AI.ACi: HOTEL, Sao t'rau'-Wro Oprn Demnber 15. Pasadena Clients Will Get Instantaneous Service by Calling Home 119 B. G. LATHROP, Manager FI2SS—TELEPHONES —MAIN 879S y J I. ; ; ' CLEARING HOUSE PANKS Mais OFFICKB3. , ~Z* " r /-. ,-r ■ t. K. FIBUBURN. rr»«ld«at %l ationai Bank or Calnoniia H b. m-kee, ca<tii«r. B»a Capital, $500,000. __ II N-. g. corner Fourth ami Sprlnic. Burpiua ami Uniilviaed ProflU. nw.Wi |_. " ' ~~ B. K. '/.' ■.'.i I.i; >. Prwldaßt. jl .w'ai j.vauunai iiank jame3 n. oibt. cubisr. ! | . Capital, $300,000. j U S. g. corner Fourth an* Wroadwar. Burplus an.l t; n dlvM"d Profit.. IW.m. BjaUW y jbank & Trust Company A w redman, caibier. Capital, $260,003. in«-Jln TlrtHl/lwmv. Tlrniihnry haliaing. Bui;ilu? & Uni-llvldeil Proni». $235,000« U' mted States iMat-onal Bank IBAIAH Ur.i.i.AlA.s, 1'r""1' I mted States .National BariK r w smith, cashier. Capital. $!OO,OM. \J) c IT. eorn»r Main BnJ Commerelal. 6urplua nnl Prnfltii. <T8.00«. Aizena ivationai bank w:.i. w. woods. ca*hia». C———~— ; -"" ft j. WA'il.i: ■' fre»ld»nfc .azcija i«aiionai bank v.-.t. w. noons, cajbit*. Capital. (1.000,000. B W. cornor Thlrii and Main. Burpim. $$00,000. ommcrcial IN ational Bank newman l-.inLi, cuniar. C. , . , Capital. $200,000. Freildenu ommercial l^ational Bank newman ebsick. c«ahi«r. Capital, 1200,000. «M S. Sprlnir. corner Fourth. Burplua anil i;ndlvl-1("1 Proflta, KHPIi r armers & Merchants National Bank • cn^RiSs^'EyiJsa'cuSlii. Farmers & Merchants National Bank Capital. $1,300,000. ' Capital. $1,300,000. rorner Fourth ana Main. Surplus and_Pro_flti. $1.900,00*. iiii ~~~Z~, '■ T~7I i J. M. ELLIOTT, President. Na lonal Bank w t. b. hammond, c«jan»v I" Capital Stock. $1,2 M,000. 1! I B. E. corner Seconfl and Hprinir. Bu- lv» an I Prorlta, t1.62t.00t. ____ __ , , TT" ~W. H. UOLLIDAT, Pretldeat. ■ I erchants National Bank chas. orebns. cutw. |W] Capital (200,000. 11l *. E. rorn«r Third and Bprlnr Surplus fc T'nilvHei Proflta t«M.OO>. LOS ANGELES SAVINGS SANKS I gECURITY — 1 CIAVINGS RANK H Largest and Oldest in Southwest R^o-rces $28,000,000.00 I H P»y» «h« hlnhfwt rat« of Interest and om the moit liberal t«rnu «oml»tent i H wltb sound, conservatlvn banUln**. a Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate f Security Building Spring and Fifth Street* ~~ LOS ANGELES TRUST COMPANIES Title Insurance and Trust Co (Corner Franklin and >»*w HI«I» Street*) r «srm:s POLICIES OF TITLJE INSUKANCB. ' ~— mmm ISSUES CSRTIFICATES OT TITUE. trrn i* 4i.f. TntT<»Tr»p»riTtw«. tbi. Bxrn.txnn n i The Original 1 Home Builders of Los Angeles I <~^ a ; I (INCORPORATED APRIL 1905) I I Stock in this established and thriving concern is again offered i : B for subscription at 75 CENTS a share—par value $1.00. The g ; | terms are all cash, or 10 per cent down and 5 per cent monthly. ■ Price of Stock Will I I Advance April Ist, 1910 I J TO S M _^ |-j 80 Cents a Share -——————~ ■ | REMEMBER: This stock is not for sale at all times, but is \\ | only offered occasionally when money is required for further || | f building. No commissions paid to any one for selling stock. ; U : | No salaries paid to officers. Small operating and advertising fl i @ expense. Our stockholders get the profit on real estate as well a ; I as on building. We have paid dividends since dividend H S rate is 3 per cent quarterly on the selling price of stock. Next || r I dividend May 10, 1910. No preferred stock. | | 1 We are the original HOME BUILDERS OF LOS AN- | ' n GELES and do not conflict us with any other concern using jg v our name. g I Send for a copy of our new booklet showing pictures of i I] some of our houses. ij I Home Builders I I of Los Angeles J 342-3-4 Douglas Building j j THIRD AND SPRING STS. PHONE A2OOO | lII—IIWMII—^ An Advertisement Becomes an Investment j I When Placed in THE HERALD J 11