Newspaper Page Text
12 i i ....... i ' " FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL MARKET TRADING NOTABLY NARROW Buyers Keep Out of the Game and Conditions Continue to Be Uneasy AWAIT TOBACCO DECISION Alarm Over the Crop Prospects Revived l»y Dryness in the Southwest fAssoriated Press} NEW YORK, March 31.—The stock market today further disclosed its nar row limitations. The traders operated on one side of the market for a time and then shifted to the other side, while real buyers and sellers apparently refrained from taking any action at all. Great uncertainty exists as to the significant i of the decision of the su preme court not to accompany the body of the late Justice Brewer to its rest ins place in Kansas. The desire to avoid delay in the public business gives rise to a supposition that the American Tobacco case may be decided on Monday. The opinion is universal In stock market circles that the de cision wll be followed by a pronounced movement of the market in one direc tion or the other. Another matter receiving: much at tention was the number of railroads following the example of the Pennsyl vania by increasing wages. That fic tion ol mixed effect on specula live lentlment. The views expressed by labor >■ presentatlvea ascribed b motive or caution to the action as designed to weaken prospective demands for larger Increases than those recordi d. rhat the step would facilitate agree inenta, however, was assumed. Uneasiness over the crop conditions was revived by the failure of predic tions of general rains in the southwest and by the cooler weather reported thi re. Another wave of depression rai anated from the Qranby mining episode in the Boston market. The gravity of the Incident was inferred from the news of its influence in so remote a ticld as the Paris bourse. London sent reports, however, of mn fldent expectations of nn early move ment of pold from Vow York to thai (enter. An easy discount rate in Lon don today was attributed to thai pecf. The local money market was unaffected by the preparations for the heavy April payments. Bon easy. Total sales, par value, $2,iP6,ofin. United Btatei bondi w«w unch mi call, ■ NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil •on. 213 Will fifth street, 1.03 Angeles, in. 111 --b»r New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stuck and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW YORK, March 31.—Following were the Quotations today: Bales. Stock. lIlKh. Low. Bid. Ask. i :halmcni .. lv W]. do preferred ....... .. >>■- SSU 42.0UH AnmlK Copper .... T~ , ...•, 74'j 74> 4 4W Imi r Bee Bugai. 37 37 3>i'4 SI do preferred ....... .. '; 07 1.2U0 Amor Can Co .... 11 lo>i 10* ill 100 do preferred .'( 71 74 7.". 7uo Am i.'»r and Fdy.. Ec% 81% ''-'i «2T« do preferred . 110 1173; "00 Amor Cotton oil .. M 6514 «3 oj'.i do pn ferrcd .. JO.l i"T \iu. i Express 275 290 sea Alter Ice Kccur .. SST4 20»i lOTi 1W » \ mer I -in-' ■ : .... 13', a ]3'i 13's 13»i do preferred ..... .. .. • 37* ffii 600 Am l,ocomMlvo .. 49'J 4:i',i 60 SOU do ii .. I 12»; UIL I7,!oo Am Emit and It's. Sl'.i 7i»V4 /wi-\ SI JIM do preferred . 106 Ji« lOj'j 10« Dutl Anicr Sugar 123 123 I'JJ 123' i ....... do preferred ... l:.' 133V4 800 Anier Steel Foudrs 66 DO Mi r.S' 3 l.OU*> Amer Tel and Tel. 137% U7i-.. 1;{7', 3 137", Amer rob pfl . 04 Bo sill* Ami' i Woolen X 3014 soft ;ii;ij do preferred ... .. 100 101 3,700 Anaconda 4(i?; 43»; 4<i'i 4*14 i"i Atlantic C Line ..129 U"j ];:i ijij 7,200 A '1' a.- Santa Fe..112>4 in»i 11124 11244 100 do preferred 103 M 3 102*4 lu3»i WO Halt & Ohio no»; novj 110 ft Jll» 4 do preferred .. 91 !'3 1,21X1 M II T 7liii %\ 7«V 7«% 2,300 Canadian Pacific..]S2 !mii 2 is. it^ ]»,;■ 71,30 O & <J (s.-,i.. M-, (.;, 8;»'i 100 i- .-. A 53' i r.::tt r,.: m 800 i ■ & v \V «... 27' i, 27 27«; 2S do preferred 53»» 0.1 smi (' .v N W ... ir.iH iwi 7,7<») C M &- St P 1405, ]:l! iij ]).; 14,,:,, 100 do preferred 10s l.vs j.'T-", ir.s !niO Central leather .. 41 4'i' t 4<» Ail's SOO do preferred ITi Ifß 10G*i l"7i s Cunt of N .;.. 27.1 290 C C C *• St 1, S.V, '7 .... do preferred ]■»•'. i.'j 1,000 Colo Fuel and 1.. 39 »'j :;3 10 do preferred .... 11.) 117 ... Columbus II V. &I .. .. 13U H ' 100 Colors Southern. C 3 M IWj Da do Ist preferred 7s SI i . 77 5,i00 Consolidated 1ia5..142 Uo'£ 1)1 14l'j 400 Corn Products. .... K% 16Va lt>3i 17 , da pn • .. 7-. BO WO Del & Hudson ....171Vi 170H 171 171" ■ "i.'ioo D&& <; '..'.'. io 39 '■:!!>; em 1,100 D & R G , do preferred 77 7:t 200 Distil Securities .. 3V; 31'; ::l'i SIS I'uiuOi ;-. B & A H' 4 JSiH 100 do preferred L'T'i ;T'. IT : -3,700 Erie :s', a -jv;, 2!i'i 2H% do Jst jircfcrn'il 47-"i 4S 100 ,1" 2d preferred.. 37!-i 37.i 57 ::7\ E' 300 General IClcctrlo>ii lii iiy; liv 100 [ Northern On 61 63; i ■:) •:i'.- --1,000 Ot Northern pfd..,131<; 13;i\ 134 13l'a 400 Illinois Central ...130'i 13SJ4 1:10 13»U 2,400 Intcrboro Jletro ... :.!<', SJ :^' s «2>i 2,500 do preferred S7J« ;.t>'i ;i7' k r.7?, Intel i Taper U" 4 ]:; do preferred .'.'> Si 100 Internat I 'umji ...43 4:! 42.; 43 do preferred s;,i; sfl'.J lowa Central .. 2S'.i 23! i do preferred !. 4^' a !.? 600 i. C .Southern .. . 3;? i ::r, ;:.") 80 do preferred 67' i «9«j 300 Jj & N 143' i HS'i 149 150 . Mackay Ss»i ;k) do preferred ~,t, T9 ;; Manhattan «T7tJTTT7.I .. 137 137V1 100 Metro Bt rty 15 IJ 13 J7 ....... Mexican Central 27»» 2S MO Minn & Bt L 3iVi S5 SI M.i do preferred .. .. BS 7j M tit P & S S M 13S!i 1;f!) do preferred ..... .. .. 151 1.700 H X & T ... 41 Wi 40?; 41 DO do preferred 72 72 71', 7" 600 Missouri raul.ic .. <Wi 6fc'.; 69 6!". i SOO National Lead ...SIU SO si M', .; do preferred 10714 109 National Biscuit .. . .. 105 109V4 do preferred 120 '123 rf V Air Brake 75' i 7S 2,700 -V V Central 121% 12014 I-'l'i 121?; ....... x r c & si 1 57 69 do IM. preferred ■ 110 IIS ... do M preferred.. 824 S7 KM) N V Ont & West.. «V 44>.» >% 45W 2,700 Norfolk & Westrn.lO3V4 li'2',4 JOS 103' a do preferred .. M', 90 North American 76% 771» CARI..OAD SHPMENTS OF CITRUS FRUITS <♦> Shipments of orange* and lemons <•> • > from lAm Angeles Tuesday, Starch 29, « *, nern 110 carloads of orange* and 21 of <£> A lemons. Total to date there limn been « 4> shipped 12.761) carloads, of which 1693 •$■ were lemons. Last season to dat« there <£> . (rare ahlppnl 14,430 carloads, of which <$> <•> 1086 .were lemons. ***?? 1,000 Northern Pacific ..183% 133 IMA 153% Omaha 148 155 do preferred 160 170 Pacific Coast 109 114 100 Pacific Mall 30H 30V4 SOU 31 18.S00 Pcnna X R C0....133<!4 134% 1334 135H 1,000 Peoples Gas 110 1109U 109% 103^j (00 Pittsburg Coal ... 209, 20 20% :o% do preferred .. TO 72 600 1' CC& St L 102"i 102 102,4 102% I do preferred 110 118 100 Pressed Steel Car. 40' i 4014 40<« 41 100 do preferred . 102 102 101% lo2i»i MR) Steel Bpgi Co.. mi Wi 39*4 *■> ... do preferred 191 107 112,600 Reading 165 163 H414 Jti4% do lit preferred !U'/4 9SU do 2.1 preferred .. .. 103 103 1,000 Republic S & 1.... 3S si ■>, 38 S6',i 600 .in preferred 09 M Ml* 99>>. 12,000 Bock lrland Co .. 454 4411 4514 4:,"4 100 do preferred Si'A 88•£ 88 50 Sloss Shef S & I 74% 76% do preferred ■ 118 122 St L, * SF It pfd 6514 10 900 do Cd preferred.. 49 4S<4 48% 49 St L & S W -1" 2S»i 100 do preferred 71% 72% 7:l' 73 20.8<>0 Southern Pacific ..lint 125 Mi l-'S 123%. 400 Southern Railway. 27'» !7'4 3TV4 27% 500 do preferred 63H 63 63 63% Tennessee Copper sfMe. 31Vi 000 Texas racifio 80', 30*4 30% 31 400 Third Aye 6% fit f.H •>% 100 Toledo St I. ft. W. 43% 43% 43V4 41 400 do preferred 66», 65% KM «6,4 Twin City R T JISH 114*, Union B and Papr .... 8 9 do preferred .- 64 66 64.900 Union Pacific 184 1' 7-» 183T4 IS4 HO do preferred 92H »i 92V6 92% United Rds of ST.. .. 38 3 1! do preferred .. '-'''i 67 U I CMI Irn Pipe .. .. MM 2.1 do preferred 72 76 (no V S Rubber 43 45T, 42*4 43 100 do Ist preferred. ll4 113% 111 114H do 2d preferred.. .. .. 78 So 137,000 U B Steel Cor 82% 814 Ml, 82% 200 do preferred 119^ 119 V, 119H 119*» 1,100 Utah Copper 45 44H 44% 45 2,800 Va-Car Chem Co.. M*4 r:\ F.Si 68% 100 do preferred 124% 124% 120 125*4 1,300 Wabash 2H, 20% 2H4 2H4 3,6(10 do preferred 48 44\4 48 46% Wells Fargo Ex ' 170 180 300 Western Union ...74 73% "34 74 Westinghouse .. 63 64 W&T. B 44 [ do Ist preferred .. .. 9.4 l"'-i do M preferred .. 6U BV4 too Wisconsin Central BOH 60 W'4 E2'i Am Hide and Lea .. .. «% «!4 do preferred ■• 37 SS • 100 Am Ag and Chem 43% 43% 41 4.". L.i preferred »'i M 8 Beth Steel 27 30 do preferred ..... *• ■• 60 . Nat Enamel « B V"i 21 Pa.- Tel and Tel 36% 39<4 do preferred 90 10H4 IT S Realty 7<S 78 800 West Maryland ... 49H 49\i 49"4 49V4 Total sales, 638,500 shares. NEW YORK BONDS Special sen-ice to Th« Herald by .1. C. Wil son. 212 W«wt Fifth street, l.os Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW YORK, March 81.— Following war* the closing quotations: BH. Asked. Atchlaon gen 4s ''"■'« 95% Auhlson cony 4s 11l 112 Baltimore & Ohio Ist 4s M 98V4 B R T 4a "34 SI- Colorado Industrial 6s 79 C s Realty 6s l«4j '■•' Roik Inland cnl 4s SIS Sl% Southern Pacific ref 4s 95 Soli Southern Pacific col 4» 91 Southern Pacific eonv 4a loiu 101% Union Pacific 4s 1"" i*'li tTnlon pacific cony 4s lOS'i 109 r B Steel ta 104'n IT.'i United Railway 4s 70 72 Wabach deb 43 71 71V4 Western PaclfV Gs M 98£ n & R G rcf .Is •• ■'■"'« j Japanese 4s 92Vi Japanese Ist 4'is 9« M' 4 Japanese LI 4Ha •»% M (j s 2s rend 10"5 i 101.i U R 2s coupon 100% IT S3s reed MM* IMM IT R3s coupon 10H4 103' i US is red H4>i H6H It' S4s coupon 114% 115H TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON. March 31.—The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business to day was as follows: Trust funds— Gold coin. »552,787,569; silver dollars, 1488.834.000; silver dollars of ISDO, $.'!,• WiO.000; silver certificates outstanding, 14>9, --834,000. (jeueral fund-Standard Oliver dollars In Een eral fund, Si 9*0,888; current liabilities, 1101, --123.146; work. balance In treasuiy office?, $29,040,920; In banks to credit of treasurer of the United States, jr.,478,717; subsidiary stiver coin. $21,411,331; minor coin. |l,oM,tni total balance In general fund. $67,784, FINANCIAL RECORD NEW YORK. March 31.- Money on call steady, r'. a iU3 per cent; ruling rate and of fere.l at - 7-8 per cent; closing bid 21;. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 3^; per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 4<T4',j per rent. Prime mercantile paper 4\ © 5 per cent; sterling exchange steady with ac tual tmnlneM In bankers' Mils at 4.844.0Q1 , 4 S4GO for sixty day bills and at 4.5770 for demand Commercial bills 4.84 4.84 ', . biir silver, [■i'jc; Mexican dnllurs, 44c; gov ernment bonds- steady; railroad bonds easy. CALIFORNIA BANK CLEARINGS BAN FRANCISCO, March 31.—Hank clear ings March 1 to IS, Inclusive: Hank Building City— ClearliißS. Permits. Ban Francisco »150,;05,1!33 J1.830,329 lOS \,, lea 66,670,01:6 1,541,500 Oakland 13,010,073 i»9,'J7O Sacramento 6,182,844 Fresno 2,721,671 San Jose 1,771,685 Stockton 2.040,890 San Ulego 6,107,107 Pasadena 3,917,702 METAL MARKET NKW YORK, Maroii 31.—The market for stands cupper wan weak and lower today with spol and all deliveries up to the end of May quoted at |i:.7o©ia. The London mar ket was lower and spot whs Quoted at [51 ir.s nd futures at £uS 17s 6d. Local dealers reported a weak market, but no quotable change in prices, lake being quoted at »13.2i«i13.50; electrolytic, $13013.25; cast ins, J1J.7541'13. No arrivals were reported nt New York today. Customs house receipts showed exports of 198 tons, making 15.531 so far tills month. Tin wan firm but quiet, with spot and March quoted at $33,404)/ 33.70; April, May and June, 133.258 33.75. The London market was higher and firm with spot quoted at [154 1":. and futures at £ID4 10a l.sad was dull with spot quoted nt »4'43WJ't'sO New York and $4.20(^4.25 Ka?t St. I^oul?. The London market was unchanged to £12 Us 9d. .Spelter was dull with spot quoted at $5;55@&.65 New York, hiul at f5.33»j5,4: East St. Louis. The English market whs unchanged at £23. Iron was lower iv London with Cleveland war rants closing at ."ils Cd. Locally the. mar ket continued quiet. No. 1 foundry north ern, $18(I/'18.jO; No. 2 do. No. 1 hern and No. 1 do soft. H~,.~tiijj/l><.^i. BANK CLtARiNGS Total bank clearings in Los Angeles for the first quart) i In 1910 were $194,207,014, an increase of 540,041),43ti as compared With similar ■■< mil In 1900. Tne March. 1910, total was $73,360,266. exceeding March, 1909, $16,169 '. ■ Hankers predict still greater results in commerce and trade fur each suc ceeding quarter o£ the year. LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1010. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street. Lob Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March -Following were the closing quotations: MISCELLANEOUS BONDS— Bid. Asked. Associated Oil Co in 97 97V4 Hay Counties Power Co 6s 101.4 103 Cat Central Gas and lilec (a 105 Cat Gas and Klec gen M&CT 6a.. 99% 100& California St Cable Co 6s 103H Ctty Elecirlo Co 63 an, *2 Contra Costa Water Co Ss 101 do (ten mtg 5s , 95 Edl«on Elec Co of L, A (9 100 Edison Light and Power 6s 107% First Federal Trust Co lie 101'j Ferries and Cliff lluukb Ry 6a 101 Hawaiian Corel and S Ps 106% Honolulu R T and L. Co is 107 Lake Tahoa Ry and T Co 6s 99 100 Log Angeles Klec Co 5s 101% Los Angelea Gas and El Co 5a 101% 103 1.03 Angeles Railway (a 110 Los Angeles Lighting gd 6s 103 ' L A Fac R R Ist con mtg Be 106V4 L A Pac R « of Cal is WOVi 101 Market Street Cable 6a 104 do Ry Ist cons mis 6s 98 101 II V and Mt Tamalpals S Ry 63.. .. 102 Northern Ry Co of Cal 6s 117 Northern Cal Power Co 5s 101 U. 1014 Northern Klectric Co 63 91 Oakland Transit Co 6s 1074 Oakland Transit 6s >..106 Oakland Transit Con 6a 104H 101 , Oakland Traction Con 5s 99U 100 Oakland Traction Co 6s !>2l 3 M Oakland Water Co gtd Is M 99 Omnibus Cable Railway 6s 109 111 Pacltlo Gas Imp 4s So Pacific Electric Ry Co 5a 106 Pacific Light and Power Co 6»... 98 994 Pac Light and Power gtd 6a 101' i Pacific Tel and Tel Co 6s 99»i 100 Park and Cliff Mouse Ry «a 99 Park and Ocean it It 6s 100 People* Water Co 6s 71.4 Powell Street Railway 6s 99 Sacramento Klec Ga» and Ry Cs.. .. 104 S F Oak and San Jose Ry ft 106 103 do 24 mtg 61 .. 95 8 F Oak and S P Con Ry 6 95V4 Sierra Ry of Cal 6.1 107 108 a P R R of Cal 6s, 1912 105% 106% do Ist c gtd g Es 115 Hi 8 F Branch Ry of Cal 6s 129 S P R R Co Ist rfdg 4s 96Si 96% Stockton Oas and El Corp 6s 108 S V Water Co gen mtg 4s 92»4 92% United Gas and Elec Co 6a Sl') United R R of 8 V in 72% Vallojo B and N V R R 6a 76 Valley Counties Power Co 6e 103 WATER STOCKS- Siarln County 60 Spring Valley Water Co 48>4 49 GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS— City Electric Co 58 M>,4 N Cal Power Co Con 66,4. Paclflo Lighting Corp pfd 76H do common 62% INSURANCE) STOCKS— California Insurance Co X Fireman's Fund 273 STREET RAILROAD STOCKS— California 115 135 Presidio ■ *'•> POWDER STOCKS— Giant Consolidated Co 50 SUGAR STOCKS— Hawaiian Coral anil Sugar Co 41 43 Honokaa SuKar Co 22 Hutchlnson Sugar Plantation 18% 31 Kilauea Sugrar Plantation Co 18 Makawell Sugar Co 84>4 66 t>nomea Sugar Co r'4'= *> + Paauhau I r Co 28*4 *»% Union Sugar Co 69% OIL STOCKS— Amalgamated Oil Co ;■> Associated Oil Co 4!>H W Sterling Oil and Dcv Co 2% 3% MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS- Alaska Packers' Delation 90 Cal Fruit Canners" Assn 101 M Cal Wine Association 34 36 M V and Mt TamaJpals B Ry 102 Pae Auxiliary Fire Alarm 4 Pacific Coast Borax Co 164 .. Pac Tel and Tel pfd !"5 '7' = do common ■ 37 .. Morning pales-2ono <'lty Eleo 6s HHi 6000 Oak Tract Co 6s 02= 4 : 1000 Spring VW 4s 92',J; 4000 Peoples W 6» 7i'v; 40 Ass.l Oil 49%; 10 do 49»i- 10 City Klec 68i«: US do 58; 10 Makawell Mil; 10 I'a" Light I'M 76H: M Spring V W 4g14 Afternoon tales -1000 City Wee 5s 91',j: 2000 So Pac rfg 4- (6*4; 1000 United By 4s 73; &0 City Elec 68; 25 Spring V Water 4»'4. FRUIT MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, March 31—Fruits: Fancy apples, 75c©51.00; common, 60@65c; oranges, navels, $1.2532.&0: Mexican limes, tJ.!ioi!)ii.oo; lemons, common California 11.26Q1.7d, good to choice |2.00}i3.00, fancy 13.00&3.7 D; tropical fruits, bananas 75c@|3.00, pineapples |2.OOaSM. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NEW YORK, March 31. -Kvaporate.l ap ples steady; spot, fancy, lOOi choice, 8 'gi BVsc; prime, «14©7Hc; common to lair, 6 '<\ 6He. Prunes, quiet; California up to 30 --40s 2*i@9 l-4c; Oregons, B@9c. Apricots— Barely steady; choice, 10»4@llc; extra choice, 11 He 12c; fancy, 12«J13c. Paaohea, dull and neglected; choice, 6Vjß;6%c; extra choice, «li©tHoi t*ncy. 7 r*?-, Raisins nominally unchanged; le.osem usoatels, 3» t eji B«c; choice to fancy seeded, st&'6?;c; seed less 3'.»4» 4%c; London layers, $1.15© 1.-5. COFFEE AND SUGAR NEW YORK, Maroh 31.—C0l dun net 6 points higher to ( points lower. April 6 lie; May. K.iOc; June, 1.90 c; July, Ant:, and Sei>l 7o; Oot. Nov. Dec Jan. 7 llo; Fob. T.lSo. Bpot, quiet; No 7 nio, s-iic; No < Bantoa, » l-4e; mild, Cordova. 9ffl 13 i Ic. .«,«.■ fiuKar Raw, arm; Muscovado, so ti I ■■ 68*; oentrlfu«al. 36 test. 4 ::•;,■ ni .„„,' 89 test, S.eii . r.iin.-.i. steady; granulated, 5.25 c; powdered, FLOUR AND FEED Followinu are the wholesale prices on flour and feed, furnished by the Globe mills: FAMILY FLOUR- Al fluur per bbl •• ••*• •"•Ml Al flour retail* $1.b6 'i and 950 * sack. r'lnV,,- flour, per bbl $6.80 Globe flour retails 11.90 'i and $1 H .ack. Silver Star flour, per bbls WOO vvv flour, per bbl ♦*».« XXX Eighth bbU. 200 per bbl . higher. BAKERS 1 FLOUR-Per bbl.- Globe ;'»!' Kastern graham « »•»» Eastern whole wheat B.SO Eastern rye. ••«[ Bakers 1 Al \f Bakers' Magnolia »-W n-ikera* Fastry "-W BMEALS AND CEREAL GOODS "* lOlba. S5 1b». to lbs. Al flour »■» *•■■■ I— Pastry flour 3.m .... ••■. gS^trtw.'^T":::::i:s i" :* S5 .:.v::::::::::-4 4 A & Wheat flakes, per sack of 60 lbs 1.90 do "er bbl. of 125 lbs., net 6.00 GRAIN AND FKED- 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 1 .....$2.11 do 100-lb. tack, No. 1 2.1 i Corn }•« Cracked corn 190 Feed meal !•»» Rolled barley JW Seed barley i-<» shorts *•** East, willow charcoal 2.00 Bran, heavy I.M Kaffir corn, red 1.80 Oil cake mea: 2.60 White oats 1-90 Ry> seed 2.10 Egyptian corn, white 1.86 Scratch food ■ • 2.20 Granite grit *■ 70 Chick feed 2.70 Cracked wheat 2.30 You can buy it. perhaps at many places, but there's one BEST place to buy. It—and that place advertises. EGG RECEIPTS HEAVY NO CHANGE IN PRICES Market Trnie on All Commodities Is Easy-More Mexican Tomatoes Since Wednesday local ranch eggs have been advanced 2 cents a dozen on what la re garded as light receipts. Yesterday tho re ceipts wore 759 cases, a pretty big jump from 357 cases recorded for the earns day last week. However, there were no changes in quotation?, as consumption Is heavy. Butter receipts were 34,133 pounds with prices eteady. Cold storage onions are moving freely. No receipts. Receipts of strawberries were 276 crates, a little more than half tho amount that arrlvad Wednesday and the day previous. There was a decided Improvement In the marke, the ruling price being 64160. Tho Klein Fruit company received another car of tomatoes Wednesday. The demand Is strong and sales were made nt 12.23 a crate. Asparagus was scarce and advanced 1 cent a pound to 6®Be. Cabbage was scarce and ad vanced to tI.DO a sack flat. All kinds of fish plentiful. Receipts of produce were: Eggs, 753 cases; butter, 84,133 pounds; cheese, 10.Ml pounds; potatoes, 1860 sacks; onions, none; beans, 11 £acics; sweet potatoes, none; apples, nond. Produce Price* Following are the Dally Market Reporter tad exchange board wholesale quotations: EGGS—Local ranch candled, extra so lection, 29c; local ranch, candled, 27c; local ranch, case count, buying price, So. BUTTER— California creamery extras, lb. ( £6c; do tlrsts, lb., 23c; cooking butter, 22c; ladle butter, 23c. CHEESE—Northern fresh. ISc; large An chor, 21o: Young America, Anchor, 19c; hand, Anchor, Do I Oregon Daisy, 21oj east ern singles, 19630 c: eastern Twins, UttCj eastern Daisies, 19Hc; eastern Long Horns, •0c; eastern Cheddars, 20(j 21c; imported Swiss, 30©31 c; Jack cheese. 2"3 c; domestic Swiss, 23©25 c; cream brick, 20c; llmburger, 20 ©21c; Roquefort, 3»«4oc; lSdam, ts<it*i Canadian cream, box, }1. BEANS —No. 1 pink. »5.458:5.56: No. 1 llraas, $4.75; No. 1 Lady Washington, 14.60; No. 1 small whites, 15.4005.50; No. 1 black eyes, $5.25; No. 1 bayous, -16.80; No. 1 Garvanzas, 14.50; No. 1 lentils, California. POTATOES—Highlands, cot, J1.@1.35; Lom poc, 11.6501.75; Ha!- iliville. |1.40@1.50; Oregon Burbanks, $1.50; Oregon Early ROM, II i Oregon White Hose. »1.75@1.90; Salinas, |I.W4| 1.76; White Rose, $2; yellow sweets, ft; white sweets. $l'.sG<iJ; red sweets, t2.23. ONIONS —Northern Australian brown, cwt.; Nevadas, (3.25; Oregon, 12.00; garlic. > .i 11.- lb. FRESH —Apples— Bellefleura, 4 tier, i1.45@1.50; 4H-tler, $1.30*1.35; 3H tler. |1.75; fall Pippins, $1.50; 4 4-tier, $1.26; Greening?. $1.60; 4U-tler, $1.35; 4 tier Hoovers. $2.50; Colorado Jonathan, $2.«5u3; White Winter Pearmalns, 4-tier, $1.60@1.75; 4',4-tler, $1.25(g 1.35; red Pear malns, 4-tier, $1.50; 4',4-tler, $1.30; Smith's cider. 4-tler. $1.60; 4><,-tler. $1.25; Ben Da vis, Colorado, $1.6501.85; Newton Pippins, 4-tler. $1.60; Missouri Pippins, Col. $1.76; 4'j-tler Cat $1.23; 4-tler Cal. $1.50; Lang ford's, 4-tl*r, $1.50' 4V4-tler. $125; Rome Beauties, $2.10^2 Spitzenbergs. 4-tler, $1.86; Oanoa. |1.71(*1| Wlneiaps. Col. $2.35, 4-tler Cal. $1.73: 4W-tler Cal. $1.25. STRAWBERRIES— E«f«c box. ClTßUS—Seedless grapefruit, 13.754)1 seedlings, $3: fancy lemons. $2.50Q>3.25. choice, »1.601* 1.75; fanvy navel oranges. $1 HOI. tangerine oranges, >4-box, $1.50 1.711 Valencia oranges, fancy. $2.50©3; limes. $0-lb. box. $1.23. TROPICAL FRUlTS—Bananas, lb. 4 0 Be; do red, lb., 6c; Fard dates, lb., 10®12c; do Golden. Ih. 7%c; do Persian, 1-lb. pkg 7H@Bc; alligator pears, dox. $6; pineap ples, c■■ " . —Winter Nellls pears, picking boxes, ll.lfiO^i casabaa, crate, tl'u'4; Christmas melons. $3: Imported grape*, bbl. $8; guavas, basket, 6c; pomegranates, 10c; persimmons, crate, $1.2501.75. VEGETABLES—Artichokes, dox.. $1: aspar agus, lb., 6uSc; Brussels sprouts, 10c lb.; Bell peppers, Florida, lb. 4045 c; beets, doz. bunches, iO-j;i;,c; string beans, lb.. 17@20c; green cabbage, $l.r»0 sack; carrots, doz., bunches, 25c; cauliflower, crate, }]..;,.| 1.65; celery, rout, .l"7.en. 75c; do. crate, $3.00; cucumbers, dozen, $1.60; ©3; corn husks, cut. Ib. 10c: do uncut. ll>. fie; egg plant, 20O'0 lb; lcekD, iloz. 85c; horseradish, l-o Ib.; oyster plant. Su'iMOc doz; lettuce, 40c crate; peas. 7ftllc lb.; parsley, doz. :sc; parsnlpa. doz. 40c; (.'rim. rot) winter rhubarb, 10!335c box; spinach, doz.SOc; young onion*, doz. SO^ZOo: turnips, doc. bunches, \lO 4i25".; Mexican tomatoes, crate. $- -.■ DRIED FRUITS—Apples, evaporated, lb. • @10c; sprlcotß, Ib. i:</13e; loose flits, white, box, 11.50; do black, box, 11.18; do Imported, lb. 16@18c; currants. 9',-iOlOc; peaches, lb. t%flt| pears, lb. 104i vl2c; plums, lb. i:',4c; nectarines, Ib. 7'i<f)B'vc. Prunes —'.'O-30s. ll@12c; 30-40s, 8c; 40-SOS, Hie; 60-60», 6c; 60-"0s. «c; 70-SOs, &>Ae; su 80s, sc: 90-WOs. 4c. RAISINS —J-erown, loose, 60 Ib. box, lb. 4>,4c; 3-crown, 6c; 4-cronn, s!jiv, 2-crown London layers. 20-lb. box, In. 11.15; 3-crown, $1.25; 4-crown, $1.60; 6-crown, 11.11; Sul tanas, bleached, lb. Italic: do unbleached, lb. O'.jc; seeded raisins. 16-oz. pkij. 6Vi'» TViC; do 12-oz. pkg. 6'i®«%c. NUTS—Almonds, fancy IXL. lb. 17®18c; do Ne Plus Ultra, lb. 16c; brazils. 13 14■:; cocoanuts, tioOlti oheatnuts, ll@12c; til - berts, lb. 14«Hc; hickory, lb. Sc; pecans. XX. lb. mic: do XXX. lb. He; do XXXX. lb. 17c; eastern peanuts, lb. B@BV4c; do California, Ib. sH®6c; do Japan, lb. 614 ®7c; do Spanish, shelled. No. 1, lb. 10c; plnenut«. 20c; walnuts, No. 1, 8. S. lb. 140 15c; do No. 2, !b. 10c; do Jumbos, 17@18c; do budded, IB@'.'oc; popcorn, eastern, cwt. 60; do local, cwt. 51@3.26. RICE —Fancy Honduras (Carolina) $6.75; do choice Honduras (Carolina) (6@t.60; Japan grades, |3.73"»4; Island, $.50; broken ||. SO. HONEY—Extracted, water white, Ib. 7@ tHu; extracted, white, 7c; extracted, light amber, lOIHOi comb, water white, 1-lb. frames, It<a 17c; whit«, 1-lb. frames. 15® l«c; light amber, 1-lb. frames, 10®Uc; beeswax, lb. 30c. LIVESTOCK — Packers ray t. o. b. Los Angeles for beef steers. IHc; beef heifers. 4^torie; beef calves, 6Holc; mutton, wether*, J5.5Q56-O0; ewes, $j^S.E»O; lambs, 35^37; hogs, lie. POULTRT Lar(< turkeys, live, lb., 25c; small tnurkeys. live, lb., Ho; large liens, 4 lbs. up, lb., Mcl binall liens, 1% to 3',i lbs., li. . |ji , broilers'. Hi to 2 lbs., lb., 33c; triers, 2,2 to 3 lbs., lb., Me; roast chicken, per lb., 2Jc; duck, IK, -"■; geeee, It- . ISc; squabs, doz., 11.50; old roosters, lb., lie, CHILI—-Evaporated, strings, lb. ISfiCOc. loose, lb. 17c; Mexican black, lb. 18c; green, lb. 20@25c; chill tepins, lb. (1.25; Japan, 15c. HAT (Baled) — Following are quotations paid by dealers to hay growers: Barley hay, 116.50 a ton: wheat hay, $16.50 a ton; tame oat hay, $17 a ton; volunteer hay. 113; alfalfa, small bales. $13.5u; straw, $10 a ton. Hay prices to the trade: Tiarley hay, $18; wheat hay, fIS; lam« oat hay, $50; volun teer hay, $13; alfalfa, small bales, $15; •traw. '"• Retail Price. Retail Prices Cgg , dozen ■"■'" :■■' Best butter, per In 30®Ko Beef, per pound 8®330 Pork, per pound 205300 Lamb, per pound 7@300 Haulage, per pound ISS2Oc Ham, per pound, whole 220 Ham, per pound, sliced 350 Barracuda, halibut, ru.k cod and yellow tail, per pound. 100 Salmon, eanJ 'labs, pound 20c Herring and smelts, pound tiic Oyatsrt, quart soo Hens, pound , 27c Fryers, pound • • 350 Rabbits, pound 250 PACIFIC COAST TRADE PAN FRANCISCO. March 31.—Flour, Family extras |».40©«.8O, bakers' extras $6.4086.80, Oregon and Washington 16.75; wheat, ship ping |l.T7*©X.B2'/t; barley, feed |1.36©1.38%, brewing $1.40, Chevalier $1.60&1.6G; oats, red |1.46<5160, white $t.60»!1.67',i, black nominal; mlllstuftii, middlings $32,004/35.00, mixed feed $'J8.00&33.00, rolled barley $28.00!ij"J9.()0; oatmeal $-1.20, oat.Broats $4.00. rolled oata $33.00<*i35.00: hay, wheat $H.00@1.00. wheat and oat 1)00 17.00, wild oat $10.00@13.00, tame oat $12.008> 10.00, alfalfa $5.00@12.00, straw 60®70c. Receipts—Four 4025. wheat 1380, barley 8320, oats 290, beans 701, potatoes 3140, onions 320, bran 80, middlings 30, hay 631, hides 1635, wlno 51,300. KAN FRANCISCO. March 31.—Beans, pink $5.0011 "/.Id, lima $4.35@4.45, small white 54 t'J'oi 4.85. largo white $3.75@4.00; potatoes, Oregon Burbankl 80cg$1.00, Salinas Burbanks |I,J5© 1.40, Merced sweets $2.00@2.50; various, green peas »;;'■;.".<■. egg plant 10@20c, green peppers 16@30c, asparagus IHO4O, rhubarb S0c(8$1.00, garlic 3(gisc. cucumbors f1.2501.50, Mexican to maloes t2.vQ'it2.'iii, mushrooms 04(25. CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to* The Herald by J. C. Wil son, member of the Chicago board or trad". New York stock exchange an.l Ban Kranetsco bond' and stork exchange, 119 West Fifth street, I.ob Angeles. CHICAGO. March 31.—Following was the miik<* of prices: WHEAT— Open. H!«:h. Low. Close. May $X.l«s »,'i $1.11% |1.1«* July 1.08V4 l.(«'i 1.03 l.Oßtt September 1.05% I.M 1.05U 1.0M4 corn— May 83 .C.Uji .fi» ,Ss'i July 65 ,«5'4 .Bl'i ,61' a September it .66 .03?, .6i!i OATS— May .43% .43« i .«'i .*?.', July .41% .41% MM •<!% September ' .S9',i .39% .30H .S5' 2 PORK- Miiy ?B.SO =r>.92H 5T..70 15.50 July 2.-,. 20."3',i 15.E2H 86.67,4 September :5.20 25.23 15.0714 23.10 LAUD— May 13.t3V4J3.55 v.« 13.S2Vi July 13.72H 13.7214 13.M!i 13.82V4 September 13.E>7>>i 13.5714 13.45 13. KIBS— May ; 13.7114 1«.7!*4 l.i.K'i 13.671,4 July 13.47*4 13.4714 J3.27H 13.55 September 13.£5 13.23 13.22V4 U.mi CHICAGO, Marcn Sl.—Cash quotations were as follows: Flour easy; No. 2 rye, 80c; feed or mixing barley, 62ff54c; fair to choice malt- Ing. dOtToj flax seed. No. 1 southwestern, 12.20; No. l northwestern, 2.30; timothy Becd $4.fiO, clover, 112.60; men* pork per bbl.i $25.87'j W26.00; lard i>er 10 lbs., $14.00; short ribs, sides, loose. f13.37<4®13.75; short clear sides, based, 114.13JT14.50. OHICAao, March 31.—Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 120,000 bushela.- Primary receipts were 437,000 bushels, com pared with 489.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for to morrow, wheat SO cars, corn 149 cars, oats 70 cars, hogs 10,000 head. DAILY MOVEMENT OF PRODUCE Flour, 52.500 barrels received, '.'-..400 shipped; wheat, 36,000 buahels received, 14.100 shipped; corn, 167,600 bushels received, 168,100 bushels shipped; oats, 129,600 bush«ls received, 235,400 bushels shipped; rye. 2000 bushels received; barley, 81,000 bushel» received. 11,600 shipped. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO. March 31.—Cattle receipts esti mated at 3500: market steady. Unvea J5.75© 8.70, Texas steers 1.0006.60. western uteera $5.00@7.00. stockers and feeders $3 83®6.75, cows and helfera $6.55@7.55, calves $5.00«9.25. Hogs— Receipts fstimated at 12.000; market 6 higher. Light $10.45010.80. mixed |10.65©10.90; heavy 110.."M0.90, rough 110.56&10.65. good to choice heavy $10.66®10.!». pigs *D.U54f10.50, bulk of sales tIO.7OBIti.SO. Kherp— llecelpts estimated at 17,000; market steady. Native t6.&0©9.10, western 6.75<g!>.M. yearlings $6.25^9,40, native lambs $8 601)10.2!), western J. 40010.35. CELERY SALES LARGE Official flgnrei from th« offices of the Cali fornia Vegetable union show that the re turns from sales of Orange county celery for the month of February was 1*2,000. The celery season will clo>p within a month. wf for ads. numbered 401 to 407. V VI They will request you to sand ■ ■1 ten reasons why the Al/1. KIQHT MM O AND DAY BANK received over ■■ ■ $1,000,000 on deposits - the first « II year, and continues to grow at M M the rate of 100 new accounts a M laLL M6HUMNJ \ALL MGHThtty} Sill AND SrRINO. 383 I^JH^ Paying Four Per Cent Open a "Tana Savlngn" account today. $1 will do It. !...« Angrles Trust * Having* Bank, Central Kldg.. Plxth n«d Main. Good Backing Makes Good Banking / &^^^^ JwT 'i' i"' 1 '■ / A I '.L' / A ■ -\ %C / ' g \ f II ' I Iff 11." \ \^y B-iA JBP— —tP^^t^ /^^^F.J.i \ B— i tttßß^* ■%" "■ ■' 7 A bl^t^ j| MM|T' * f JR\ JoKB^^ *wt~~!Z OFFICERS L. L. Elliott, President. L. C. Haynes>, Vice President Frank J. Thomas, Cashier W. S. Collins, Vice President 'L. D. Williams, Cashier E. K. Hum, Vice President DIRECTORS ■a .... >■ W. S. Collins S. J. Chapman Judge Benj. Bledsoe E. A. Montgomery K. J. waters Horace O. Smith C. B. Barnes J. S. Schirm 'L. C. Haynes Frank J. Thomas Wm L oftus E. K. Hum Edward D. Silent L. L. Elliott This is the Bank in which The Herald has deposited $500 to be given as a Prize in its* Grand Prize Contest AM| Mfl Oil & Metals Bank & Trust Co. 311 West Third Street | First Exclusive Private Wire House on 1 the: Pacific Coast J.G. WILSON , MKMIIKtt NEW YORK STOCK KXCUANOB CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAJUB TILE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. S. W. CORRESPONDENTS HARRIS, WINTHROP & COMPANY OFFICES—HOTEL AI.EXANDKIA. SIS Welt Fifth St. HOTEL DEL CORONADO, Coronad* ■ ■ MILL* BUILDING. Ban Frnncltc* I'AI.ACE HOTEL, Hun Fraorlat'o * • Open, December 18. Pasadena Clients Will Get Instantaneous Service by] Calling Home 119 B. G. LATHROP, Manager FItSS—TELEPHONES—MAIN 8798 CLEARING HOUSE BANKS MAMB . OFFICERS. Farmers & Merchants National Bank L UKIXMAN, i*l»aW»nt. armers & Merchants National Bank hkyusr. ca»w«iw Capital, $1,600,000. Corner Fourth and Main. Burplu. and Proflte. n,tw.w. Fj m j.:i.i.iin . t'i>iU«nt. .ist Na ional .Bank v w. x. b. hammond, mum. , Capital Stock. Il.tW.OpO. ,?. a E. corner Second and Spun*-. go lua end _Prn.nta : _|l.Ml ;; ■ ~—; rrr —; — w. H. uoluliay. rreillloat crchants National Bank chas. greens, caahiat. Capital «00,000. ..MMa B. E. corner Third and Bprln.. Surplus * Undivided ProflU HM.Wt r-j^ ■ —— j a. t'lSlUiuaN. Fre»loe«W ilationai Bank ot California h. p. m.-kke. cu&ier. fa Capital. 1800,009. _«.-■« II N. a wfntr Fourth and Sprint;. Burplu.' and Undivided Pronta. tIW.W. (• L ' , B. K. ZOMMMO, Frealdant. 7 I •u*u national Bank jambs b. gist, cuuar. _ Capital. »300.000. ...._. Ing comer Fourth and Broadway. Burplu. and Undivided front*. WU.W. B.auw y Bank & Trust Company a^w^SS^^* Capital. 1360,000. lOt-110 Broadway. Bradbury building. turplui A Undivided Front.. »H,ooe. United States NaUonal Bank IBAlAti W. UELLUAN, Frealdeah mted States NaUonal Bank r.wT smith, cuoiet. Capital. MOO.OOO. B. ■. corner Vain and CommerelaL Burplun anil Profit*. in.***. C, ,-. , R J. WATEK3. Freeldent, .lueiM national Bank « w. woods, cuhiea. , Capital. 11.000.005. ■ W corner Third and Main. Burplu.. MOO.oOO. C. Bank W A HUiNYNOB, Prealdant. ommcrciai National Bank new man khsick. caamar. I g capital. 1200.WU. U «M B. Sprint, corner Fourth. Burplu. and Undivided Proflta. lO.OM. LOS ANGELES SAVINGS RANKS "r-^ECIIRITY —■* 1 iTJavingsRANK 1 . . Largest and Oldest in Southwest Ir™™. $28,000,000.00 I Para the hl(heat rale* of Internal and an the moat liberal terms eon.letenl H with aounil, conservative hanking. f Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate I Security Building Spring and Fifth Street* HHIMAHWJMfS BANK mmW^ m THE. BANK WITH THE ■«■' J&^ EFFICIENT SEfit VICE. & SPRING ANO FOURTH STS. Oleum Development Company The bent speculative purchase of all the oil mock**. Full Information furnished, and nrden executed by Fielding J. Stilson Company 303 11. W. HfHnmn liullflliic. A:5«7 Main lIS HnMF Savims BAM V| XttALUAHHHA HOTtl BLDA Rt» months «avtnr» **"£& mtt count! earn four p«r c«nt. <Tn> afftmfmr dollar or morf will start you. JaUVf/ Uritln to nvf> an! *wn now. k^F§o FIFTH S*J7>/7/A^jrJL-3»