Newspaper Page Text
News of the Mines and Oil Fields CALLBREATH PLEADS FOR BUREAU OF MINES BILL Passaae by Senate Would Insure a Lower Death Rate Underaround 'Mining Is orin of the two great pro ductive Industries in tho United States with an annual production of over $2.000,000,000 and a waste almost us groat," writes J. F. Callbreath, jr., secretary American Mining congress, from Washington. "It employs more than 1,000,000 men. it In sacrificing now :ui average ol moro than 2000 lives a year. "If the same effort were made to proteot tiie workman here that is made in Belgium, IfVame mill i :."■">"'.", it !• lair to presume that the death rate would bo lowered to an average of these countries. "This would mean an annual saving of 1500 llvos in the United States. "To bring about those conditions is one of the vital purposes of the bureau of mines bill. To prevent a part of this Walt! Is of great importance. Senator Dick is leading the tight for its adop tion." The senate committee* report recom mending passage of tho bill has Just been prepared. The second article (amended) In the bill reads: "That it shall be the province and duty of said bureau and its director, under the direction of the secretary of Bald department, to make diligent In vestigation of the methods of tt'lning, especially In relation to the safety of miners, and the appliances best adapt ed to prevent accidents, the possible Improvement of conditions under which mining operation! are carried on, the treatment of ores and other mineral substances, the uae of explosives and electricity, tho prevention of accidents, and other inquiries, aid technological investigations pertinent to said Indus tries, and from time to time make such public report! Of the work, investlßa llons and Information obtained as the secretary of said department may di rect, with the recommendations of such bureau." WILDCAT NEAR BENICIA BENICfA, March SO.—A crew of four men have started drilling for oil on the I'hil Steffan place, botween Benlcia and Vallcjo. Prof. KcR.-ir selected the *ite, as tho formation of the Htrata seamed more favorable for the striking <ir oil nt less depth than elw'where. Work Is to begin at Olon f'ovc sunn. 'I'lio company has now options on 8700 fi'Tes of l.tml. BEST OIL BUY A brokerage house advising an Im mediate purchase of an oil stock must show some good reason for such advice. We can give you the very best of rea sons why Coallnga Crude Is a most ex cellent buy right now, and this reason Is that well No. 1 on their property should be brought In and completed during the early part of April. There Is absolutely no chance of not striking oil, for every foot of their splendid property In the Coallnga field la proven oil land. Ruch being the case, stock bought at anything like the price which ruiaa now on the Los Angeles Stock ex change around >!>c should show a big profit within two weeks' time. Don't buy this stock with th« Idea of only taking the quick profit from the Jump In price at the tune th» well Is brought In. Buy with the idea of holding for dividends, for expert figures show an earning power for this stock of 2 per cent per month, which will constitute a aplendid income from your Investment. Maps, photna and fuH particulars of Coallnga Crude> Oil Co. and Its prop erty will be found In the Illustrated oil magazine, "Securities." Call at our office or send In this coupon and this will he mailed you free for the next »lx months. OOOPON rarlfte States Guaranty * Land Co., 614 11. W. IleUumn Bide, Los Ange les—Gentlemen i Please send me. free of cost, Information regarding stock referred to above; also free copies of oil magazine. Securities' for six months—all this without any obli gation whatever on my part. Nam* .. Street and No City I* A. H. 4-1 G.E.AVERILL The Oil Man has removed to 626 W. P. Story Bldg., Sixth and Broad way. See him for ; Midway Lands and Leases i PHONES! F8443; Main 9451. ._ ) l're-Incorporatlon Stock nt ; ' v 8 Gents a Share Subscriptions will ho received by the undersigned, acting for, the Incorporatora of the company. F. B. WOODRUFF, Attorney, 625 Central Bldg., Sixth and Main sts.. OIL Stock 15c a Share The ROCK ISLAND OIL CO. announce that for a short time only its treasury stock wlil be offered for 150 a share. "A Hundred Barrel Well Is, Worth (100,000." ROCK IS. I.AND OIL CO., 415-411 LaugUUn Bids., SIS South Broadway. ■ ■ ■ . -- Our board of directors has authorized a public offering of our treasury stock at '■.■..:.-' ' ■:;<■ ■ . "}'.'■ 30 CENTS A SHARE * Los Angeles-McKittrick Oil Co. 224 I. W. llflluiuii Bide, Fourth" and Main 1 ■: ' streets. MISI ":;>-." :'■ I JAMES WYNKOOP DOHENY COMPANIES WILL DISBURSE BIG MONTHLY DIVIDENDS Three linnilrrrf thoimaml dollars will be paid In dividends today li.v ' the American IVI rolmin and the Mcxlrau Petroleum companies. Three are the two big; Jlohrny companies, ami tile divi dend* are monthly. The Mexican minimi will pay $87, --828, being at the rale of 1 l-4c a month. The Mexican Petroleum Limited, pre ferred, will pay $~I>,IIDB. Tho American Petroleum preferred will pay (17,511, and the American Pe troleum, common, $1111,005. The American preferred han a capi talization of $2,500,000, and the common $12,000,000. The dividend on each amounts to I per rent a innotb. The capitalization of the Mexican Pe troleum I* $10,000,000, and of the Mexi can Petroleum Limited, preferred, $12, --000,000. The Mexican Petroleum Limited, common stock, I* capltallxed at $38,000, --000, of which $27,521,500 linn been Is •ued. The common stock has not yet paid dividends. It was quoted on the stock exchange yesterday at $28.62V4 bid. The American I'etroleum. preferred, I was quoted yesterday at $01.50 to $06.50, I and (he common whs offered nt $75. TRENT COMPANY MOVES The Trent Engineering company has moved its Los Angeles quarters to 1000 Union Trust bulldinc MINING QUOTATIONS NEVADA 6TOCKB Exclusive dispatch to The Herald by 1.. A. Crlslcr & Co., members [xm Angclca stock ex change, 200-201 I. W. Ilellman building, Los Angde*. SAN FRANCISCO, March 31. -With tho eastern wires Mill crippled, It. devolved upon local trailer* to support the mining market on Hush street today,. and they proved un equal to the task. Consolidated dropped 7'i points, Jumbo Kxtenslon 6, Florence mi and Daisy 1. Th"ro was very little Helling pros aure on Fraction, and this Issue moved up one peg. Among the Tonopahs, lielmont was up 7»,4 poftits, while West End was off li The To nopah Mining company has declared a. regular quarterly dividend of 25 cenU per share, and an extra dividend of 10 cents per share, both payable April 21 to stockholders of record March 31. The mines of thla district ahlpped a total of 6270 tona of bro to tha mills lost wivk. of an estimated value of $156,750. El April *1 the cloning quotation!: record U. Th« mini ■ <>r tills district shipped I of OTS tons of uru to tbi mills Jaat of an entimated value of $H>*>,7so. wing vifrf the doMng quotations: oouunsLs DISTRICT Bid, Jut*. Bid. Ark. Adama ...... 1 2 Kewana-i .... 7 8 Atlanta ..... IS 17 Jrcat Bend.. 2 3 Dooth 17 il9 Lit Hend An. .. 1 111 UEx 1 Qt Bond Ex. .. 1 HIM Hull ..6 6 Jrundiml .... 1 2 Blue Bell ..2 4 Jumbo Ex .. 8 37 II II llonan.. .. 1 Kendall 3 Columb Mtn. .. 1 Ume Star ..4 C CoiiQueror .. 3 .. Lou Dillon 2 Comb Frac.. 47 45 Mllltown Fro .. 2 Cracker jack. 2 .. Molt Xx 2 Daisy 8 10 Ncv QoldHeid .. 2 Trl.ingle 1 Oru 7 8 I) II B Con. .. 2 Red T Ex... 1 I Dlxl* 2 Red Hills ... 4 6' Km pi re 2 Sandstorm ..3 .. Florence ....215 M St Ives 20 (.-lor Xx 2 I Silver Pick ..10 11 Fran Moh .. 2 .. Vcl Hose 4 'JolJflld, Con.S2o 830 IYd Tlfccr ... « TONOPAH DISTIIICT . Bid. Ask. m<l. Ask. 'ielmont ....2«5 27i> North Star .. 1 2 Jum Butler.. 15 16 Rescue Con.. 1 2 Midway 36 .. ronopah M1n.750 Montana .... to 91 ronopah Ex.. 80 82 MacNamara. 35 3D West Knd On 35 .17 BULLFROG DISTRICT aBULLKKOQ UISTIIKT Bid. Ask. Bid, A«k.! BM. Ark. Amethyst ..1 2 Mayflow Con. 3 4 Bullfrog Mln 1 2 | >ri« llullfi ■■■ .. 2 liullfc Nt n 1 .. I Trump C0n..,.. 7 Bonnie Clare 8 .. Vul View 2 Monism Mtn .. 2 MANHATTAN DISTRICT Hid. Ask. I ■ Bid. Ai-k. Manhat Con. 2 I Mustang 1 2 Manhat Mln. .. 1 Seyl Humph. .. 1' Manhat Dex. 3 . 4 Thanksgiving. 3 OTHER DISTRICTS KM. Ask. I Bid. Ask. nacle'a Nest 2 3 Pitts Sllv Fk 70 F'vlew Eagl 13 •■ Round Mtn.. 46 Nev huh .. .. M Joalltlon .... 33 36 . BAN FRANCISCO OIL STOCKS Service to The I.os Angeles Herald by L. A. Crlsler & Co., members Los Angeles stock ex change, 200-201 I. W. Ilellman building,, Los Angeles. SAN FRANCISCO, March 31.—Following's quotation* of the California stock and oil exchange: —Opening— —Closing- Bid. Asked. V.M. Asked. Associated Oil ... 49.73 49.75 10.00 Palmer Oil 1.30 1.3214 1.X% 1.33 Illinois Crude M 63 Premier Oil 1.40 1.45 l.VJii 1.45 Silver Tip 2.75 2.50 2.76 2.M Monte Crlsto .... 3.00 3.65 3.55 3.60 Mascot OH 2.50 . 3.00 . 2.50 3.50 Now IVllll OS ' 1.10 1.0714 1.10 Brookehlro 1.3714 1.40 1.37'/= I.W* 210 Associated 49.75: 600 Brookshlre 1.40; 300 Clarcmont 2.00: 500 Enos 1.40; 1700 Palmer 1.30; 600 do 1.3214: 200 do 1.35; 3UO Premier 1.40; 300 do 1.4214; 300 Monte Crlsto 5.65: 1100 New Pennsylvania .98; 100 do l.Cl'ii; 500 Republic .ill; 100 W Oil 2.95; 300 Sterling Palmer 1.30; 1.32',i; 200 do 1.35; 300 Premier 1.40; 300 I2V»; 3(X> Monto Crlntc, 3.0r.; 1100 New ylvanla .98; 100 do I.CSVii &O0 Republic 0 W X Oil 2.95; 300 sterling LM, BOSTON MINING STOCKS Special service to Tho Herald by ,T. C Wll acn, 12 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. BOSTON, March -Following wero the cloving quotations: X quotations: Ark. Bid. Ask. Bid. A^k | Bid, Ask. Am Pneu .. 514 HiUex ''on ... .214 3 | do lira .... 17 IS Miami 21% 22 Adventure :6*i 1 Michigan .... 6 614 Allouex .. .. 45 46 Mohawk 61 04 Atlantic .... Via 8 Nev Con .... 21% "l.i Arcadian ... 6 114 Morlh Butte. 34 35 Ariz Com .. 2114 21% Old Domln „37 83 Boston Con. 17 18 Osceola 141 143 - Butte Coaln 227 i 2314 Parrot .. ... 16 1714 Ualu & Arl» 6514 66 Qulllcy .. .. 81 Calu & H0c.60214 605 Santa -Fe ... l?i 2 Centennial .18 19H Shannon .. .. 1214' 12% ton Mercur. 10 12 Shoo Much .. 6514 ' 69' Copper Rnge 71 72 do pfd 28H 29 Daly West. 90 914 Superior Cop. 44 ■ 45 Kant Hutte. 814 9 Tamarack' .. U0 62 Rim BiVW.. 1% " Trinity .. ... 6% 7 b-ranklln ... 15 UK United Fruit.l7o 171 Qranby 43* 41 11 S Smelt... 43% 4314 3reene Can. 9% OVi do pfd 4914 49!, Hancock ... 21 23 Utah Con .... 28% 29. isle Royalo. 1714 »9i Victoria .. .. 3% 3T4 Keewonavif .. 4 414 Winona .. .. 814 9 Luke .. .... 64 lil'.i Wolverine. ...128 130 La Salle ... 1414 15 Wyandot .... 2 214 Ma.«» Copper 5 Muss Gas ... 7814 ; .. Uayflower .... 95 | do pfd 9414 95 NEW YORK CURB Special Bervlco to Tho Herald by J. C. Wil son, 12 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. NEW YORK, March Following were the closing quotations: Bid. Auk. I . Bid. Ask. Havana Tob SVi 3T4 Ohio Copper. .8% 4 Boston Con. 17 18 Inspiration . 7 7 -8 Butte Coaln. 2214 23',i|Maa Val new STi 9 > Davis Daly. 2% B'/4|Kly Central.. Hi 1% ;i!(lflld Con. 7% 1% Ely Con 65 75 Orcono Can. 9% »V, QUa. Copper. 6% 714 Glroux : ■ Vii 8 Chino .. ....IS 1354 Itert tjika.. IVi SWi Boston Ely .. 3H 3% La Roso .... 414 4% Ely Witch .. 16 20 Miami ■• ... 27% 22 Kay Central. 314 3% Nev Con ... 21 2114 South Lake.. 9 • 9% Nlplssintf ... 10 101, North Lake.. 15% .' 18 , BOSTON CURB Special service to The Herald by J.: C. Wil son, 12 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. BOSTON, March ' 31.—Following were • the closing quotations: Bid. Ask. . Bid. Ask. Arizlpe .... 10 12 Chemung ... 10 101, Black Mtn.. .. 13 Chief Con ... •2% 214 Butte A I,on 14 15 First Natnl.. a■ ■ V, Cactus .. .. 3% .:«. Majestic .... 80, ,86, I LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1010. SURVEY REPORTS ON BULLFROG DISTRICT A report on the geology and the ore deposits of the Bullfrog mining district in Nyo county, southern Nevada, by F. \j. Ransomc, W. H, Hmmons and <;. H. Qiirrey has just been published by thi' united States geological uurvey as Bulletin 407. The district surveyed and mapped is a tract of arid hills and mountains lying northwest of the Amargosa desert and Including about twenty-one square miles. • I^ons? before valuable ores worn dis covered at Tonopah and Ooldfleld the apings in Oasis valey, just north of the Kite (if JJcatty, attracted a few wan derers, w ) r r> established rude ranches along Amargosa river, a f<eb!o rill that furnishes the only drinkable water within a radius of forty miles, i The discoveries at Tonnpah and Gold field stimulated prospecting through out southern Nevada, and In 1864 the Bullfrog claim was located. The name Is said to have been suggested by the green color of the (ire; certainly no one has found in that BCOrchlngly arid ic glnn anything resembling a bullfrog. in a fi-w montliH the towns of Amar- Rosa City, Bonanza, Dullfrng, Beatty and Rhyollte rose from the desert sands and mining was actively begun, but until ]!)07 only the richest ore was shipped from the region, for lack of satisfactory means of transportation. Gold and Silver Output In 19U7 three lines of railroad reached the district, and during that year the value of Us mineral output was $207, --535, principally in gold and silver. The deposits of the Bullfrog district, unlike those at (Joldfield, are not likely to jrield quick and largo profits with a moderate outlay of capital, though small masses of superficial ort may for some time reward a few fortunate lessees. The ores generally are of low grade and the question whether the deeper sulphide ores can be profitably mined is still unanswered. The report just published sketches the general geology of the rcsilon and describes tho ore deposit! In detail. Chaptan on the mineralogy of the the action of rein-forming solutions, and the genesis of the ores will bo of Interest to mining men. The report, which cover.-: l?, 0 pages. Includes descriptions of the mines in the district and Is illustrated by a geologic map and many views ami dia grams. It can be obtained without charge from the director of the survey at Washington. FAMOUS PRIVATE BANK BECOMES CORPORATION SAT/r LAKE CITY, March 29.— With the Incorporation of the banking house of W. B, McCornlck <fc Co., on April 1, the oldest and ohm of the largest pri vate banks in the wost will cease to exist, and Important copper and mining Interests will appear in the business. The incorporators will include C. N. McNelll, president, and D. C. Jacklin, general manager of the Utah Copper company; Spencer Penrose of the same company and Charles Hayden, the New York broker, and local mining men. \v. S. McCornlck will be president and Mr. Jacklin vice president. The institution was established in 1573. It has been the medium of some of the largest mining: deals on record. Its deposits exceed $6,000,000. PREPARES TO LAY PIPE Tho Midway Central is preparing: to lay its water line to property in WC tion 24, North .Midway, und will soon be ready to begin the first derrick on Its forty acres of land there, according to official announcement yesterday. PRICES OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKET .*> NEW VOISK, March Sl.— Lead dull; <?> ... spot, SI. I .''-I* I. Copper, weak; .*> & hluuditrd spot, «12.10@13. Silver, Bi%e. $ ••• • Rock Island mFg <BnfiM BvB ikfc3 P^B»BEHs?HBBßßff**i^^*?"^*^^^^^^^ Sbßßßs^»^b^s^sßiXs?*'^B m 111 A 100-Barrel 1000 Shares WL^JF ML BL*is Well Is Worth Will Cost You OBOHBHir $100,000 $150 WT. Mm A STEBUNO INVESTMENT, REMOVED IHOJI THE SPIIKHK OK THE SENSATIONAL AM) SPECTACULAR, 111 I' ONE WHICH YOU CAN COUNT UPON AS lIKIXi SI UK, SAFE AMI ' I'KOFJTAUI.E. The price of our stock i* very reasonable, con klderlnif what we have to offer. We are in the class of working oil companies. We are going ahead with our work on our IUO-acre lease in the Ills Sesne district of Ventura count), California. We are doing all that we promised to do. We are meeting with all the success we could wish, ho fur. We have good ground, sound man agement and are not disturbed by riotous races Into distant regions iitjS where the chances of striking oil are few and remote. We know that old Ventura county- makes good. We know fl that we have a choice piece of ground on the proven oil H l»%. >T> belt. Wo know that when we strike oil it will be good oil n Eg I . 'of light gravity and high grade, which commands ready | | \Jf \J Bale at about a dollar a barrel. A SHAKE If you are not already committed to other enterprises, look Into this before yon Invest. We prefer that you would call at this office Nto Inquire. If you can spend the time to go up and look at our property with the oil actually seeping out of it in the gulches, we wish you would. If you cannot call either there or here, write and we will send free maps, photographs, booklet and latest information. Rock Island Oil I Company J m Terms—One-Fifth Down I 415-17 LaUghlin Building Five Monthly Payments | 315 South Broadway -■■■■.■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■'■ '■■■ ■-■■ ■■■■ - Watch This Space For Full Particulars Concerning Croesus Oil ®> Land Co.'s Stock Soon to Be Placed on the Market. _i__ UNITED'S THIRD WELL MAKES 250 BARRELS Well No. 3 of tho United Oil company in section 6, North Midway, which was brought in last Friday is now flowing from 200 to 250 barrel* a, day and is ro ported to be Increasing its production. I The report that the United had encoun tered mud in this well is denied by the management, who says this well was put into the Band without trouble. Well No, 2 is flowing from 800 to InOO barrels a day and No. 1 is doing- an average of 600 barrels, making the pro- | duction of the United Wells in section c 1500 barrels daily, delivered to the , Standard pipeline. No. 4 well Is over 1000 feet deep and the management experts it will come ' in within tho next seven days. Nos. 5 and (> are now building and will spud m soon. Lumber is on Uie t way for Nos. 7 and X. Four rigs arc. en route from Bakers flald t ( , sections 24 and 26 for tho i United properties there. LOS ANGELES MAN MAKES FINAL PAYMENT ON PLACER MANHATTAN, March JO.- Colonel j. \v. F. Diss, representing Edward Double of Los Angeles, this week made the final payment on what Is known is the Allison ground In the main gulch. Under the management of I'm rick Hollin, who is a placer miner of gome twenty years' experience In Cali fornia, work has begun on the property and a force of men is now engaged in cleaning out the shaft and drifts, pre paratory to development, The Allison ground is one of the best located properties in the gulch, but owing to poor management in the past has not paid. Mr. Hollin, who knows placer mining from A to Z, believes he can place the propi rty on a paying ba^is. Mr. Double has also secured a two years' lease on the Top fCnob No. 2 placer ground, belonging to John Swan •-nn and "Malapai John" Mlhelitch, and will ptart operations there at once. The property adjoins the September fraction on the south and comprise! fiOO feet In the gulch. Tt Is understood the owners of the, ground will receive L'n per cent royalty on all the gold taken out. Colonel Dlss and Mr. Double are both Interested In the Four Leaf company, which is operating in the gulch about a mile below Central. The work there is upnder Ttiley Kakman, who soon cx j> i to have sluicing: under way. i. 10. Mayne of the Maytie Mining com pany is also heavily interested In th« company. NEW TEXAS FIELD wan antonio, Texas, March 2». - Although the first report! of the Trick ham oil fields, near Brpwnwood, Texas, weir. somewhat exaggerated there ll no doubt now that the find in of great value. The gas pressure is suffu ienl to send a LTi-barrel-a-day itream of oil to the surface, which now issues between two caalngs that had been set in the well. These partly obstruct die How, and it is expected that when one ill' them is taken out the quantity delivered v 111 be much greater. The oil found is of excellent quality, ami tests have shown that it will make a lubricator 1' great value, INSTALLS MACHINERY The Midway Five oil company nan received its machinery and is now in stalling it. Sam Lamb, the superin tendent, was with the Standard Oil company in the Midway field for many years, and has proved his ability as an oil operator. He has taken full charge of Midway Five Oil company's field operation!. Mr, Hennliiffsen, president of the Mid way Five, left last night for the com pany's property, It is reported the La Belle, just to the east of the Mid way Five company, has brought in a big well. a a Mancopa Announcement Gushers USSSmSIISSZ^ZSZISZISmISZZZI A new oil company Is being or ganized to operate In the cream of HS-* into x* TV T t X tn Midway-Maricopa OH Fields — Iw tllliriff R If 9 (\CK9iV(\ In the giant gusher territory. • VJ» JL/lllUll U» *-*• XJ\3\jnXX\ \M We offer a small block of pre organization stock to cash buyers Beg to announce that they havo associated for the purpose of promoting only. We have opened books for oil propositions of merit. No proposition will be handled unless both the subscription at he a share. This Is proposition and its backers will bear rigid Investigation. "n e««Ptf£. nsJ chance r .t ° 5?* M to Our first offering Is a small block of the stock of the Treadwell Oil <'"■ Mldway-Marlcopa Oil Field on and Asphalt company, now drilling on 200 acres of patented lands at New- good ground with a good company, port Beach, California. This land already has been proven oil bearing. An oil proposition run by oil men. The second well of the company now Is down 1560 feet with 10-inch casing. TTVTT'I7I» XT A T"Ti^XT A I Oil probably will be reached within the next 300 feet. Oil now being taken li> 1 H<r\.rN I IKJISALi from adjoining properties by companies now paying largo dividends. If T'M'V"PCT >IV/ri7Xr fT f/~\ you understand a good oil proposition when you see it, a thorough in- J..IN V H/3 1 IVIIMX A. V-iv7. vestlgatlon of our proposition will convince you of Its merit. California's 1012-1013-1014 Union Trail Building, greatest industry is yet in Its infancy. Look before you leap, but don't Fourth and Spring «t»., r,o» Angele*. wait for this stock to reach par value before you jump. v ■* For a short time this stock will be sold at _____ __ Established 1897. Bank References, Itmnri -f-_ ■ Office—Home Phone A 3321. iTV r*£±t* Residence— Home Phone 39523. SC Share HERNDON Oil lands and leases of merit handled on a commission basis. ======================^^ Oil and Mining HP 11/11 JO iL SJ. Ll* _LOCK3rQ Oil Investment Co. • Vie .fcUIIIUII. IJe L/c L/UL/l\.Cll II Oil Lands, Leases and Producing ' Companies bought and sold. 504-5 I W Hellman Building boom b, rindoe ihit.uiho. out j i. n.neuraan Duiiaing »m 60. broadwax. mmmm n^ _________--_---__■-—-m_■____________-_a____-J -O8 AJiQ-XES. The Midway 5 Oil Company L^ C _ 1 has already received an offer ¥ *^^ \^>* I from the Standard Oil Co. to _j^_/ tr^ B 1 take all of its production for a -*™___r I period of three years, paying 65 1 I cents a barrel. a Share, Cash I Every oil man tells us that we are as certain to strike oil as we are to bore a well. It only remains H to be demonstrated whether we shall bring in a gusher as big or bigger than our neighbors. If H we strike a 1000-barre! well our property will be worth at least a million dollars. B WE ARE CAPITALIZED FOR ONLY HALF A MILLION, IN 500,000 SHARES, | PAR VALUE $1 EACH | We shall be drilling our well No. 1 early this month. Our rig material, our drilling equipment are all on the ground and work Is being pushed with all haste. Sixty days hence ought to see our drill points perforate the oil sands. The -same formation underlies our property as our neighbors have. We are right between the Santa' Fe gusher on one side and the St. Lawrence on the other. The United wells 1, 2 and 3 are just beyond the Santa Fe and the La Belle has just been brought in on the St. Lawrence side. This Is Proven Territory for Gushers The very moment that it became noised about that Ours Is a perfected organization. An active, going we had secured a lease on 20 acres of this absolutely o jj company. Strongly financed and efficiently man- PKOVBN GUSHER territory we were overwhelmed with a *cd- We nave some of the beat people behind this applications to got perfected and our company financed proposition. We shall not only succeed, but we shall nation was quickly perfected and our company financed proposition. AYe shall not only succeed, but we shall quickly. succeed quickly. You who buy our stock will not only ■ We closed out our first block of stock and had no be made richer, but you will be suddenly enriched, intention of offering more for sale, when we became our prospects of striking one gusher must now be aware that wo could Increase our holdings by securing multiplied by two. We shall carry through our plans a lease on THE ADJOINING THN ACRES. This has TO DRILL ONE WELL AFTER ANOTHER OX' been effected. This calls for a second string of tools to OUR GROUND UP TO THE CAPACITY IN FULL. be working within 90 days. We have the two fundamental elements for sue- Accordingly wo are offering another block of stock BEST GROUND, BEST PEOPLE. Manage at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A SHARE, CASH. This ment counts for much. Hard work is a factor in offer is today without exception the best Midway offer- fortune. Having started RIGHT we mean to go Ing In Sight. If you want to get In on a good thing, get FAR. Will you come with us? Eg in on this. Don't hesitate. Delay may count you out. • We have added 50 per cent to our holdings, but H We will not accept installment payments. We allow no have not added a penny to the price of our stock. H discounts. CASH TALKS. Buy today. BETTER BE SOON THAN SORRY. H Go Up and Look at It J it you have not time to go yourself and look at our property come to our office and let v.i show you Ay the' maps and original documents which testify to the value of our holdings. We court Investigation . Ay of our company and our proposition in every detail. We convince the skeptical. We enthuse the Jf doubters. We have the co-operation of conservative capitalists and enterprising oil men. We com- Ay bine the essentials for success. Our president prophesies that our Well No. 1 will be in the oil sands ff within 60 days. What do you suppose our stock will be worth THEN? _ aW Midway S Oil Co. /~ J v. Ay lIIiIk • >A"> Angele*. ___1 __r AW BKik Ay Ay Gentlemen: I hereby * Ay make application for 620 Laughlin Bidding 315 South Broadway AtP.^?!!"^. 620 Laughlin Building 315 South Broadway X=S AI \& C.V2S,.V. Send for Our Red Book on Oil. FREE /:;r::::Z".""Z .»————«»—r—__w_j^jjMiiL»g—raifiaMMlUWW.l'i'Jlilß—«<W^ Address Do You Want Any of This? I . Mid^ tock ■ (It's Nearly All Taken) First Block ( It's Nearly All Taken) First Block THE MIDWAY-aiARXCOPA CRUDE OIL COMPANY'S Treasury Stock at 5 cents is the only stock that we know of which is selling at that price, and we shall continue only until the rest of this allotment is taken up. That will be soon. After that higher prices will prevail. We are lucky to have any at all to offer at this price. You will be very lucky if you get any. The following telegram has been received: (Copy) Bakersfield, Cal., March 29, •10 INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 1012 Union Trust Building, Los Angeles, Cal. LakeTi«w Gushtr still flowing forty thousand barrels a day. Great exoitement at Marioopa. Land ralues very high. Erery body wants property. Can sublease any or all of your land. You certainly have a moat magnificent eighty acres. Number of I new wells just spudded in. Have arranged for building your | rig. Have fine crew of drillers ready for your well. 1 JOHN V. HOFFMAN, 6.32p i We are now ready to issue stock certificates to those who have purchased stock and taken our receipts 5 therefor. For the convenience of subscribers or those who wish to subscribe, our offices will remain open every evenlnir this week until 9 o'clock. .»••<.. We urge the immediate purchase of all of this stock which you can afford to buy. Prices are advancing: very rapidly. We expect by next week to have our lumber on the ground, and arrangements have been made for building our rig as speedily as possible. We shall probably continue the offering of stock in the MIDWAY MARICOPA CRUDE OIL COMPANY to provide funds for extended development, but NEVER AGAIN A BLOCK SO CHEAP AS 5 CENTS. If you cannot call today or tomorrow, . . ■ • I I * X £* I rr;rr.".r.:r International Investment to. I -———— 1 ■ .:v :.. •■ ■; .. . i ,1012-13-14 Union Trust Bldg., Fourth and Spring Streets, Los Angeles, Cal. 3 13