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The Best in Music Producing Instruments The flay of automatically produce! mule has arrived. Actual knowledge, or the production of music and technical skill are no longer necessary to enter into its. fullest enjoyment, instruments in the list given below an being sotd almost daily, going into the finest residences m Southern Cali fornia, (lie homes of people of true rellnement and cultivation. Estey House Pipe Organs $2500 to $5000 Arranged to piay with perforated music rolls. Steinway Welte-Mignon $1800 to $2250 The I'i'ealest invention of the day. The world-famous. Steinway Piano, with an electrically operated automatic playing mechanism. Steinway Pianola Piano $1215 to $2300 The Bteinway Piano with a Pianola built into it—a combination only recently cite.'ted—with most pleasing results. Sohmer-Cecilian Player Piano, $1050 Farrand Cecilian Player Piano, $850 Both of these Instruments have the famous metal action that renders them Impervious to climatic changes. Cecilian Player Piano, $750 Cadillac Player Piano, $650 Both are r the "Cecilian family," the former with tlic standard wooden action. Milton Player Pianos, $550 to $650 Cabinet Players, $150 to $350 These complete a list of music-producing instruments unequaled In Southern California. This great variety is in itself evidence that the manufacturers themselves realise the enormous and growing demand for instruments of this class All of them are hero upon our floors, ready for your ins) tion. Come in and hear them—their perfection in music repro duction will astonish you. All can be purchased on a most favorable ba Geo. J. Birkel Co. Steinway, Cecilian and Victor Dealers 345-347 South Spring Street THE CITY Btrang.TS are invited to visit the rlhlblts of California products at tne Chamber "t Conuneice bolldlnf, Ml Uromlway, between Flnt ami Second utrccts, where free Infor mation will bo given on all »übject» pertain lo( to thla (ection. The Herald win pay »lo In cash to any one furni»hln(t evidence'that will lead to the ■xreat and conviction of any person cauKht •teallns copies of The Herald from the premiaea of our patrona. Memberahlp tn the l.o» Angelea nealty board in a virtual guarantee of reliability. Provision Is made for arbitration of any differences between member! and their cli ents. Accurate Information on realty ten In obtainable from them. Valuation* by a competent committee. Directory of members free at the office of Herbert Hur dett. »ecretary, 625 Security bullaln*. Phone Broadway 1506. The Legal Aid society at 23?. North Main •treet is a charitable organization main tained for the purpose of aldinit In legal mattcre tho»e unal.le to employ counsel. The society need" financial assistance and seeKi Information regarding worthy caiea. rhona Home ntOti Main 5366. Th<- Herald, like every other newspaper. Is mlarepresentcrl at tlme«, rartlcularly In eaaes Invnlvinn hotels, theater!. Ptc. The public will jilcns" take notice that •»•'» repreaentatho of this paper Is e'mlpped wltn the proper i-redentlals. and more particu larly equipped with money with which to pay hi* Mil' TUB HKHAI.D. AROUND TOWN MRS. GRANT TO SPEAK Mis, Carl (irant will jive n practical talk on the subject, -is the American Woman Democratic?" at Y. W. C. A. building next Monday at I*:M o'clock. WILL HOLD A SOCIAL The Uncle Bam Woman'i Keller corps win hold a social tomorrow evening in aarfleld hall, Walker theater. Cards and danotnc will b" provided and re rreahmenti «in be served. BANQUET TO MUMA The engineering itafl of the South ern California Travelers' Insurance an ■ociatlon last night tendered a tare well dinner to I. J. Muma, who will leave Los Angeles to take tharge of the Chicago branch of the concern, ALHAMBRA NABOB IS FREE; JURY DISAGREES Charge of Disturbance Against Herman Bmnner Fails to Bring Conviction Herman Brunner, wealthy resident of Alhambra and former "lottery king" or St. Louis, was dismissed yesterday in Justice Suinniei-lield's court from a. charge of disturbing the p—on. R jury having disagreed at his trial on the charge Wednesday. The charge was dismissed on tho motion of the district attorney. Brunner was charged by his wife, i.miise Brunner, with having broken two glass panels in the kitchen door and with swearing at her violently When he called at their palatial resl dence on July 5, 1900, a few days after I heir separation. Hnmner testified his wife, daughter Theresa, and .son, Fred, after exacting $17r.,000 from him, hail oaused him two strokes of paralysis i,\ beating him. There is a suit pending in the su perior court between Brunner and his wife in which she is suing for Sep arate maintenance. She was recently allowed $150 a month as an allowance for the mpport of the two children pending the disposition of tho case. ATTORNEY SENTENCED TO JAIL isW.'fj. Da.iford.' the bisbarred at torney, who was found guilty of forg iti" a telegram regarding the value of a bond, was sentenced yesterday aft ernoon by Judge Davis to three years in San Quentin, following a denial ot motions for a new trial: and for ar resting judgment. - Announcement that an I appeal | from the sentence would, bo taken was'made immediately after, be was sentenced.' , LESLIE HARRIS' TRIAL BEGINS BEFORE A JURY Defense Is That He Had Right to Money He Is Charged with Stealing Lnlla Harris, charged with grand larceny by entering the store of tho \l. I'iirlund Shirt company of los An feim and t;ukinjur H17.55 from tho safe, wns placed (in trial in Judge Willis' court yesterday. Tho prisoner is the son of Mrs. Will A. Karris, widow of one of tho most prominent attorneys of l."s Angeles. He contends that he liiul boon elected a director and secre tary of the company, and had a right to take the money, an it was his duty to look after tho funds of the company. Most of the day was taken up In secirinff a jury, and evidence in the case was introduced in the afternoon. The trial was adjourned late in the ifternooon until this morning. Deputy DUtrlcl Attorey Ford is representing tin- prosecution, drove Walters, W. Ona Morton and Stephen L,. Sullivan are representing the defense. ACCUSES WOODBURY OF GIVING WORTHLESS DRAFT B. G. Lathrop, 212 West Fifth street, ■WOri to a complaint yesterday after noon before Deputy District Attorney Alexander, charging Jamei A. Wood bury, who, in- said, wii.s a guest at the Alexandria hotel, with issuing a flc tlcloim draft. At the Alexandria hotel it was stated last night that Woodbury is not a guest at the hotel, and the clerks said they did not know the man. NEW INCORPORATIONS Articles of incorporation filed with the county clerk yesterday are as fol towa: Crags Country club—A. C. Balch, 9. I\ Hunt, Godfrey Holtenhof, jr., Ed ward D. Llpplncott, H. D. Lombard, William Lucy, directors. Iran:) Land company—Capital, $60, --000: A. ('. Balch. S, P. Hunt, Godfrey llolterhoff, jr., Kdward D. Llpplneott, 11. I). Lombard, William Lacy, direc tors. Los Anjceles oil Development com pany Capital, $200,000; p. m. Cary, A. i:. Halaey, a. W. Rom, R. M. Ruuell, F. R. Seavor, directors. FRAUD ATTEMPT CHARGED A complaint was filed in Justice Pierce"* court yesterday against Ben V. McCiain, charging him with trans ferring property with intent to defraud his creditors. MeUlaln was found guilty of an assault with intent to kill a few months ago and sentenced to sixty days in the county jail. Attorney S. A. D. Oray, the complaining witness, alleges that when he levied an attach ment on a horse and buggy of Mc (Main's for a bill for services which he rendered to him while defending him .hi the charge of assault, he produced a fake bill of sale. EDITOR IS ACQUITTED A Jury in Judge Davis' court yester day found a verdict of not guilty in the ease of l<>ank H. Robinson, editor of the Antelope Valley Gazette, who was charged with criminal libel through the columns of his newspaper, in referring disparagingly of a rival ed itor, C. E. Jones of the Antelope Valley ledger. The trial had lasted two days, Deputy District Attorney Keyea con ducting the prosecution and Attorney JoHn W. Carrigan acting for tho de fense. RULES IN KEATING CASE >V. N. Hamaker, head of a syndi cate which Is endeavoring to purchase real property of the Andrew J. Keat ing estate for $660,000, and which ap pealed to the supreme court against a decision 6f Judge Rives refusing to confirm the sale, received a telegram from the state supreme court yester day, asking for affidavits stating that a stipulation, which had been sent against the wishes of the syndicate, was filed without authority.. LOS AXCKLES TTEKALD: FRIDAY MOHMM., AI'HIL 1, 1010- News of the Courts GARBAGE CONTEST REACHES COURT Injunction Suit Against City Re veals Fortune in the Refuse Business An application for a writ Of injunc tion to prevent the city from carrying out its contract with Charles A. Alex ander for oollectlng and taking garbage from a number of hotels WM tiled in the superior court yesterday afternoon by Booh 15r05., the Jonathan chili, the Hayward, Alexandria, Angelua ana Other hotels. Application was also mario for an order of the court pre venting Alexander from Interfering with Boob Bros. In their contract to carry away garbage from the hotel*. The tiling of the suit for an injunc tion and a rehearing of the differ between the rival garbage contractors Ik the latest more In a contest which commenced six months ago, and in which the city garbage collector nas won out so far. Boos Bros, allege thai they have a long contract with the Jonathan club and the hotels named in the complaint to carry nway the meat, vegetables and other edibles not used by the hotels. They allege, that they have gone to the expense of $ion,ooo to provide means to carry away the refuse for which they pnv the hotels a Rood sum. In the Pai'crs filed yesterday it was (stated that the revenue received from the garbage by the plaintiffs approxi mated a half million dollars yearly, anl that the plaintiffs rdlod on the garbage as food for n quarter or a mil lion dollars' worth of stock and poultry. AIiUIE CONNrlllA< V The defendants, the city of I.rf>s An nies LCTlie A. Hewitt, city attorney: Charles A. Alexander, city garbage col lector et al., are charged with a con spiracy to take the garbage from tho hands of the plaintiffs. The latter a - lege that Alexander has violated his contract with the city in that he not Incinerate or use the garbage, con sisting of meat and vegetables, or reed it to poultry or animals, but leaves It In the open, outside the city limits, where it is a menace to tho health of the community. Tho plaintiffs also charge Alexander with endangering the. health of the population of Los Angeles by allowing the refuse to drip from Pacific Electric cars to the streets v hi!'; on its way to the dumping ground outside the city limits. Tho plaintiffs allege that they have already suffered $10,000 damages from the Interference they have been sub jected to by the city and garbace col lector in preventing them from carry ing out their contract with the club titlous draft. Booh Bros., the club and the hotels have sll profited by their contract heretofore, and the alleged interference of tho city garbage collector, who claims it Is his right to collect all gar bage, has aroused their ire to such an extent that they are. prepared to fight their contention through the courts. In their application for a writ of injunc tion the plaintiffs do not demand dam ages, but pray that the controversy may be threshed out in the courts. PEARLINS MAY REPAY ON INSTALLMENT PLAN Court Paroles Self-Confessed Embezzlers to Give Them Chance to Reform Five and seven yenrs probation re spectively was granted Bimon and Sam Pearlin by Judge Willis yesterday. Both had thrown themselves on the mercy of the court and confessed to embezz'iiifr two diamonds, valued at $600 from J. Kosenkranz, following their conviction by ft Jury after they had pl=adod not g-u'lty. A recommendation for probation in their ease was refused by Probation Officer Dodds, but Judge Willis decided the application of the law could be upheld by imposing a stiff probatjon sentence on the pair. Sam Pearlin is to deposit $30 a month In the bank during the entire term of his probation. This will amount to $2520. He is not allowed to U*C it ex cept to repay his creditors, including Kosenkranz, and others to whom ho is sued notes. Simon Pearlin is to save $20 a month on the same terms. The Judge decided lie would not allow them to engage in business for themselves, because they had shown such a disre gard of their obligations that lie de cided they w«r« too young to manipu late funds entrusted to their care. They must work for a living for somebody else and draw a salary. CROSS COMPLAINT GIVES SPICE TO DIVORCE SUIT The divorce suit of Irving E. Car penter against Mary E. Carpenter wan continued yesterday morning by Judge Houser to April r> after the hearing of a portion of the evidence In the caie, The plaintiff alleges desertion, but the defendant in a cross oomplalnt alleges more strenuous charges against her husband. She charges him with extreme cruelty and declares that on one occasion, when she was absent for a few minutes from home, lie appeared before one of her visitors with a black mask over his face and a long knife in his hand. When she returned and recognized him he tried to turn the affair off as a joke, she says. She also accuses her husband! mother of inviting her into the back yard with coarse language to tight out differences which had arisen between them. She charges her husband with turning off the water in the house when she was seriously ill and beating the eldest of their two children until she was black and blue. With her two children, she paid, she left for her old home in Missouri through fear of her husband. DIVORCE SUITS FILED Divorce suits filed in the superior court yesterday are as follows: ... . •Anna .L. Brown ,vs. Thomas L. Brown, Annie B. Davvson vs. James B. Dawson, Elizabeth Molly Baugh vs. Henry Allen Baugh; Nannie Kathleen Taylor vs. Jesse James Taylor, Mabel A. Bundy vs. Harry E. Bundy,' Mary Jay vs. Mark Jay, Francis 'ft Gibson vs. Annie Laura Gibson, Emily Matilda .Pinley vs. Charles Howard Flnley, . Municipal Affairs REFUSE MAY BE BURNED BY CITY Council Will Construct Bici Incin erator in Case of Dis satisfaction The possibility of an Incinerator In which to burn the city's garbage within the next year was suggested by Coun cilman Miles S. Gregory, chairman of the streets and boulevards committee, at the meeting of that body yesterday, when the question of the garbage col lection was under discussion. Mr. Gregory stated that member* of the council had taken an active Interest in an incinerator proposition which had been submitted i" some of them, and that if Charles A. Alexander, the gar bage contractor, failed to keep his con tract, the Incinerator would probably be constructed. The city lias an ' incin erator which was purchased by the la merited "river bed franchise" council, tor which a high price was paid, but It is not largo enough to dispose of half the city's garbage. The question of garbage was before the committee through a resolution presented by the board of public works asking authority to engage the neces sary teams and wagons to collect the city's garbage in case Alexander is unable to continue with his contract. CITY IM)l lITI I I. In a report to the council submitted last Tuesday the board expressed ap prehension that Alexander would not bo able to carry out his contract, and that it would bo necessary for the board to declare it forfeited. At the hearing before the. streets committee yesterday Attorney 11. J. Goudgo, representing Mr. Alexander, said that Alexander should be the one to have the apprehensions, as there had been no failure on his part to com ply with the contract, while the city had failed to keep its part. lie said that the ordinance prohibits anyone but the contractor from hauling garbage through the city's streets, but that the wagons of the Vernon hog feeders were constantly collecting the garbage In advance of the contractor's wagons. He ' declared that when Alexander's men tried to collect the garbage from hotels and restaurants the doors were shut in their faces, although by the terms of his contract he was entitled to this refuse, as well as from the resi dences. The city had made no effort to enforce the ordinance protecting the contractor, he said, and the whole con cern of the board of public works was (or the welfare of the hogs in Vernon. ACCUSE ALEXANDER W. M. Humphreys, chief Inspector of public works, who wrote the report the committee was considering, said that Alexander had not compiled with the terms of his contract in that his load ing station was not sanitary, that his wagons leaked, that ho was not making premise collections, and that he was not making the number of collections required in some sections of the, city. Much protest has been raised over the loading station on Altso street, but Mr. Alexander said yesterday that he had already made arrangements with the Pacific Electric company to move the station a mile farther east. The committee decided to give Alex ander time to comply with his contract, and will recommend to the council that the resolution of the board of public works be not adopted. • FIREMAN WHO SLIGHTED CHIEF SEEKS OLD JOB With Walter Lips out of the fire department as chief, George P. I>unn bellevea he has a chance, and yesterday he asked the tire commission to rein-, state him in his old position aa hose man after being; out of tho service for five years. Dunn told the commission yesterday he had been discharged by McAleer's lire commission without a trial on recommendation of Chief Lips. Dunn said he made a remark about Ups that the chief did not like, and that the chief recommended he be dropped from the lervice fur "the I of the department." Civil service regu lation! require that in discharging a member of the lire department who has served moro than six month* tho com mission must first hold a trial. As there was no trial there is some ques tion if Dunn was legally discharged, and If he was not he may present a claim for back salary. Tho commis sion will investigate. CALL FOR NEW BRIDGE The bridge committee will recom mend to the council that a bridge be constructed across Vermont avenue at Temple street and that the railway be compelled to pay the cost. A little wooden bridge twenty feet wide, has been in use at this point for many years, but it is so old and dilapidated that it has been declared unsafe. As Vermont avenue is to be eighty feet wide it is recommended that the bridffe be of that width also, and that it he of substantial material, preferably con crete. ASK STATION'S REMOVAL The street committee will recom mend to the council that steps bo taken to compel the Mi.ssinn Trans portation company, a .subsidiary of the Union Oil company, to remove its pumping station from Second and Beaudry street!. Property owners and resident* in the vicinity of this puinp inu station have, complained that tt is a nuisance and the committee, hearing their argument! yesterday concluded they were right. OBJECTION TO IMPROVEMENT The tinai bearing on the proceeding! for the widening of lOighth street from Rroadway to Figueroa was held by the streets and boulevards committee yesterday afternoon. Protestants ob ject to the assessment levied, and it is probable the committee will recom mend to the council that a change be made in the assessment district or the entire proceedings be abandoned. FIRE BOAT IS PROPOSED Shipping in the la>s Angeles harbor at Ban Pedro will be protected by a flreboat if an agreement can be reached between the shipping and the lum ber interests at the harbor. The steam ship companies yesterday proposed to the fire commission to furnish a fast tugboat, equipped for fighting tires if tho lumber Interests would furnish tho crew. LABORERS PAID AT CITY HALL The first night payday in the history of the city was last evening, when the city, laborers, after 5 o'clock went to the eft Ice of the city auditor and se cured their'warrants and then to the office;of;the city treasurer, where the warrants were 'cashed, •. CataMtatwd (Mutate* IS7I. _ MCCAtA ©STTERMOOR /&£* A S $L PaTTERKS MATTRESSES .^^U^^^r^9^^>^^r*^^^ ***** B. ■ROADWMV CS ~m. *" VISIT OUR FOURTH FLOOR. CAFE-Open from 11:30 to 5:00 Top Coats, Suits and Gowns in Shepherd Checks Unquestionably checks are ultra-fashionable this spring that point doesn't admit of discussion. Yet the very fact of their popularity is likely to suggest to some women the idea of commonness. We have jealously guarded that point here—every garment has touches of individuality which immediately distinguish it from the commonplace. You will be particularly pleased with: TOP COATS IN CHECKS-Reproductions of famous Paris designers' best models graceful lines as long as the coat lasts. AFTERNOON GOWNS IN CHECKS-Some in the tiniest pin checks, so small as to be a few feet away; others in more pronounced effects-yokes in colors, or of good laces or nets, set off each garment—and very few alike. TATT DRED SUITS IN CHECKS—From the severely plain mannish models to the preuy ISskn bloies and belted-in styles-with broad patent leather belts and smart tailored buckles that lend distinction to any suit. N. One of the "of course's" here—no charge for alterations. Coulter Dry Goods Co. — — Way Back East Through Dixie Land On Sunset Express, leaving Los Angeles at noon daily—solid to New Orleans. A Limited Train for First Class and Tourist Travel, with Through Sleepers to Washington, D. C. via Atlanta and Richmond Round trip excursions April 6-7-8 via this route to New Orleans $67.50, New York $108.50, Washing ton $107.50 and Chicago $72.50, St. Louis $67.50— *. ■ direct north from New Orleans. direct norm Get particulars from Southern Pacific Agents about the Southern Pacific Sunset Route Los Angeles Offices-600 South Spring Street Corner Sixth and Arcade Depot, sth St. and Central Aye. Pasadena Office, 148 East Colorado Street MOTORCYCLE OFFICER FOR SHERIFF RESIGNS POSITION F G. Case, who lias been motorcycle officer under Sheriff Hammel for some time, resigned from that position yes terday to become superintendent of the city's garage at the University police station, where all the automobiles of the different departments of the city will be cared for in the future. INJURED AT LONG BEACH W E. Kaynor, 52 years old, 744% Ban Jullen street, whs injured seriously yes terday morning at Long Beach, when his left trousers leg caught In the clutch of a concrete mixing machine on Railway street and his leg was drawn Into and twisted around he ma chine. The bones above and below the knee were, broken and the leg was mashed from a point above the knee down to the ankle. The accident hap lied in front of the Seaside hospital, and other employes carried the man into that institution. Later he was brought to Los Angeles. COLLECT FANCY LIGHT TAX C M Taggart, city tax and license collector, Km begun the collections for he ornamental lighting of Pico street f,om Main street to Vermont avenue The assessment district for this im provement extends 250 feet In each direction from Pico, as well as along the lino of the improvement. Thirty clays are allowed to make these collec tions and the assessment then becomes deHnquent and is charged up against the property. , JURY FAILS TO AGREE The jury In the case of Dr. Frederick Julian street. was injured seriously yes- Unted states district court, charged v th sending an objectionable "letter through the malls, failed to agree yes terday and was discharged by Judge Wei born. Nine are said to have stood for acquittal and three for conviction. Haigh was tried on the same charge a. year ago, at which time the jury failed to agree. _^^_». OXYGEN HELMETS ORDERED An oxygen helmet, similar to those used with such success in the Cherry mine disaster was ordered yesterday by the fire commission for use by the fire department. The helmet with ap pliances will cost $225. A test of this helmet was made recently in Los An geles, and it was found a fireman could stay in a room full of smoke, gas, sul phur fumes and cayenne pepper for twenty-five minutes without feeling the effect*. 1 • ',/\ MINISTER GAGE PREPARES TO LEAVE FOR PORTUGAL Henry T. Cage, former governor of California, recently appointed minister to Portugal by President Tafl, is pre paring for Ills departure to Washing ton en route to Portugal. He will leave in several days. Mr. Gage took his oath, of office Wednesday before Judge Robs of the United States circuit court in this city. Mrs. Gage, their two daughters and youngest son will ac company the former governor, to Por tugal. _^_-. SHOW WINDOW ROBBED When R. M. and J. N. Sago, proprie tor! of the Quern Hand Made store, 408 West Eighth street came down to business yestiTilivy morning they round that Qya glittering 50-cent plecei they had left in the show window to attract customers had attracted a thief. The. window pane had been broken with a rock during the night and tin' coins extracted. The theft was reported to the police yesterday morning. APPROVE ENGINE HOUSE PLAN Tlie fire commission yesterday ap pr ved tin- plans for the fire engine houae at Stephenson and Euclid ave nue and requested the i rd or public works to accept the IM of the p. O. ISogstrum company for $12,756 for con structing the building. Thli bid rep resents tho cost of the general con tract. Plumbing and other incidentals will amount to about $1500. You can buy It, perhaps at many places, but there"» one BEST place to buy It—and that placa advertises. A Reliable Remedy jg?e?*^ for £&m£3S. CATARRH MM Ely's Cream Balm % , *&/■ is quickly absorbed. B^ ■ Gives Relief at Once. T^^SiJL • It cleanses, soothes, ,^\tS&*v«JW heals and protects &BOmeammwk the diseased mem. brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Gold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 60 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Dream Balm for use in atomizers 75 cts. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street. New York. fHiIfIBMH/0% Onrodto »tay cured. Eminent Hf" I II It" Judges, ministers, oongresumon BJ_ EJ H and the medical press declare Mil H I ft Hmy cures permanent. I ours SSf ■ ■ \0 after others full. WIIITM TO M aaaiMMß DAY FOll FHBH UOOKI.KT. id) Audioes, Dr. W. Town*, Fond flu Lfto, Wl* WOMEN'S WAYS OF EARNING MONEY. A N*w Book Creating Widespread Interest. By Cynthia W. Aldbit, President General of the International • Sunshine Society. This new book is being circulated widely throughout the country by The National Home Products League, an organization for the promotion of the welfare of the home, advancing plans and ideas whereby women may earn in the home without seeking employment in mills, factories, stores or shops. The purpose of the book is to familiar ize women with such methods as they are now using to earn a livelihood. It is creating widespread interest in the entire subject. Mrs. Alden tells women how to earn money in womanly ways. One is struck by the number of original and novel occupations mentioned. Its value in every home from Maine to Oregon will be more than transient. It is breezy and inspires confidence and women will find it a comfort to have in the home. There is hardly a woman who may not some day be called upon to earn and this book may save many an anxious hour. The general purpose of the League is to assist in heme earning of women and to spread the organization' over the entire country and whereever women may be found who have a desire to earn by home work, providing her work can be carried on according to fixed stand ards required by the League. The League then through it selling organization, will market her products. The first efforts of this organization is to deal with home manufacture of goods which can be sold by the maker in her own locality, without the aid of the selling organization of the League. Later the manufacture of articles in the home to be sold widely through the League is to be taken up. Those who are interested in earning and wish to consider the making and Belling in their own locality, articles of home manufacture, will receive full information by writing to The National Home Products League, 21 Park Row, New York City. If the book, men's Ways of Earning Money" is of -rest, the cloth edition may be secured by mailing $1.00 ' to the League. .* . , ■';; It's as easy to secure a bargain In a vacd automobile, through want advertising,. as it used .to bo—and still 14—to «ccur« a bora* and curia**- - 5