Newspaper Page Text
Society News Mrs. Harry Trlsttin Coffin and Mrs. John Franklin Balllet entertained with bridge yesterday afternoon at Mis. Coffin's homo In "West Twentieth street. The beautiful home was decor ated with spring blossoms. There were eight tables. . -*- . Mrs. S. M. Kaiser entertained the officers of the, auxiliary to the Friends of Veterans at her home In Woodward avenue yesterday. The decorations were In red roses to match the hand painted china, and the place cards were also hand-painted. Music was furnished by Miss RUey, a brilliant pianist. The, guests were Mesdames Anderson, Bartholomew, Morris, Adams, PrUßOllo, Rogers, ncrkutn, Johnson, . Toby, Young, Coloman, Thompson, Rumkltz, lyes. v Mrs. Joseph Dlbo entertained with bridge yesterday afternoon In her home In Kast Fifth street. The guests were Mrs. Ralph Sterns, Mrs. J. Alexander of Denver, Mrs. Wells of Omaha, Mrs. (J. Ratburn, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Hilda- Bhein, Mrs. Watzer and Mrs. Prlncen back. i —*- Mrs. Childi O. Carter entertained with a luncheon at her home in RoysU street last Tuesday, Mra. R. A. Car ter of San Bernardino being the es pecially honored guest. The table was arranged with red rose buds and cov rv.) were laid for Mr«. R. A. Carter, Mrs. W. E, Cummings, Mrs. Addle V. Smith, Mrs. John Floyd and Mrs. Yuncy. •>.>/"' -*- The Very Rev, and Mrs. T... B. RldsTely of China, who were entertained by Mr. Mid Mi:. Hubert of Hobart boulevard early In the weeli, left (or New York on Wedneaday, and will stop at varlou.s ii route. -4— Mrs, Cameron Thorn of West Adams :tii i will entertain with a small luncheon Wednesday at Hotel Mount Wai IlillMton. Among the. prominent persons who are leeklng relief from the extreme, gold Of the middle west are Mr. and Mr- Otla Mlillgan find Mr. and Mrs. S*rancla Curran, who nre at the Hotel Letghton, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooks of ipiingflld, 111., nt the Hollen beek. As then- are ■ > many Bpiing it< id people in the city, a number of Hoelal affairs have been plven In their Donor. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks expect to lOi ite here pormnnently. —♦— prominent nmnnit the affalri given in honor or Otis Bkinner, wiio is playing at the Mason tiiis week, win )"• ;i very informal reception given by Dr. and Mrs. Walter Llndley at their < harming lilmc on Flftueroa street this evening from | to t:M o'clock. Miss Margaret (Joeta will sing, and as the affairs of the titndleya arc always delightful, an enjoyable afternoon It anticipated by those Included In the Invitation Hot. •'The wedding of the new V. Q. 11. Stevens, pastor of Lake Avenue Meth odist church, Pasadena, to Mlbs Ade laide Harrison of Santa Monica will take place at noon AVednesday, April 13. at the Methodist church In Santa Monica. The Rev. Mr. Stevens was formerly pastor of the Santa Monica church. Miss Harrison has for five years been city editor of the Santa Monica Dally Outlook. Both young people are well known here. The Rev. O. B. Cliff, pastor of Highland Park M. E. church, Los Angeles, will officiate. Mrs. William Blanchard Kennedy *m terttiined with a luncheon and theater Tarty yesterday afternoon at th« jlerohey Arms. The table was done in yellow, a rich cluny lace cloth over yellow satin, with a great profusion of yellow daffodils. Coven were laid for HERALD PATTERNS ' A» ik farther convenience to our readers all patterns ordered from The. Herald will here after be delivered within five days from the time, the order Is received In tills office. This Insures ten days' prompter delivery of pat terns than has ever before been attempted by any nenrananer In T.n« Angeles. , : . . BMT LADIES 1 SHTRTWATBT. HERALD PATTERN NO. 3227 All Beams Allowed. The douhle-plak '"Gibson" t«lrtwaUt is one of the favorite models of this spring. When It closes at the bank, as does the one hare shown. It offers fine possibilities for decoration with braid ing or hand embroidery. Tlila partlou- Jar design supplies two styles of sleeves, bishop ones of medium fullness com pleted with gauntlet cuffs, and olose-flt tlng ones; both being in wrist length. Only single plaits appear at the back. As Illustrated the shirtwaist is made of natural colored pongee, the stock collar, front and ouffa being braided with white coronation braid, this combination of ecru and white being very popular this year. Linen, duok, madras, orash, lawn, cotton poplin, nuns' veiling or summer ■ilk may also be used. The pattern J» In E sizes, 84 to 42 Inches bust measure. For 86 bust the shirtwaist requires 2% yarUe of material 36 Inches wide, i-rioe of pattern, 10 cent*, I OKIIKIt BLANK i Herald Pattern No. 8221 i Pattern, Department Herald: Inclosed > please nnd 10c, the price of this pat i tern. When ordering please Inclose > Illustration. Use the following blanks: • Size i -- . Name t ■ .. ■■. ■ Address ....... i.• City, and state...... fourteen, ami alter the luncheon the guests were taken to tlm lielasco. Tho rii' stl were Mrs. Waller Chanslor, Mis. Boyle Workman, Mrs. Reuben Oliettler, Mrs, l, eon Bhettlar, Mrs. \v. 11. Holmes, Mrs. Glover Widney, Mrs. George Rag laud. Mrs. Frank Bryson, Mrs. Cecil a. White, Mins Elisabeth Wood, Miss Florence Wood, Miss Hernandez and Miss Evans, , ,*, Mra. Thomim W. Simpson of New York is a guest lit the Hotel Raymond in Puadena. Mrs. EHmpson win also visit her sister, Mrs. J. B, l.ankershim, of this city. Mrs. C. C. Browning and her charm ing daughter Miss Helen of Anaheim ai-e spending a few dayi with Mrs. Margaret Hughes at her home in St. James park. Mra. George Drake Ruddy has re turned from her visit in New Orleans and has reopened her cozy home in Wllshire boulevard. The Theaters f/nriHK MERRY WIDOW," which comes I to tlio Mason opera hoUM (or the week I beginning Monday, In not a tad or a fleeting whim of a flcklo public, but an opcrotta quite out or the ordinary, a deli cate and charming work (tori the brain of a real musician, with its music building on a plausible story and Itl pongs growing naturally out of the narrative, and not merely thrown In for effect There will be two matinees dur ing th« week, Wednesday and Saturday. The •eat sale, which opened yesterday, broke all records for a single day. • • • Otis Hklnner will close his Los Angeles en gagement with performances tonight and to morrow afternoon and night of "Your Humble Servant." • • • McNalr Ingelfrltz, who wnu-M a muff In cold weather—but rot to keep his name warm—ls a St. Louis social light who Ik going Into, vaude ville. He will do a piano playing turn, • • • Lady Constance Illchardson, who shocked London by doing a barefoot dance at the Pal ace, the Orphoum's house over there, has been booked for the circuit on this side, and I.o* Angeles will ere long; have a chance to gaze at the tootsies of a "real lady." • • • Nat Goodwin has set his figure for vaude ville nt $300 a week, and If It Is accepted— lf— he will put on "Lend Mo Five Shillings." • • • Henry Woodruff, the handsome matinee* idol, Is lh« star of "The Prince of Tonight" com pany, which will open a week's engagement at the Majestic theater Sunday night. "Thf Uon and the Mouse." with Marjnrle lliuiibi nu, David M. Hartforr] ami Harry Mra tayer In the prlnolpa] rolM, will 1>" the at traction at the Hurbank for a wuck beginning ■undar nfti moon. Th» last performances of the opera "Car men" will be given tonight and tomorrow afternoon and night at the Orand theater by the llartman company. Beginning with Bun day matinees, "Thu Lore Talcs of Hoffman" will bo the bill. "The Garden of Lies." Ocorpn Uroadhunrt's new romantic drama, will be sontlnued a seo ond week at the Belasco theater. The Broad hurst play Is doing record business. • • • The new Nielsen theater will open Saturday night with a dramatic presentation of "Car men." Hortense Nielsen will be the Carmen and Mace Greenleaf tho Don Jo»«. Flurcnce Roberts will prment "Qlorla" for the ntHonrt and la»t week of nor Ijoa Angolu tngaKiniirit. "Olorla" l» a comedy. • • • Noodles ragan. tha champion newsboy of the world and now a vaudeville entertainer of the first din, In due at the Ix>s Angeles theater In three week*. Pagan hag proved one of the biggest drawing curds In the north that has played the Sullivan and Consldlne circuit, and his rimming lecture* on his travels and ait ventures have proved most entertaining; to the older ones an well »i ins "newi-lis." 4^^m^4^ These Prices Double April 4th | iREAT PIPE LINE M 6 r —I WBL *WT "^B i li (boosts^neTdles ' 100^ Increase k N eiG.DiL^iAGNATEs'ANo.-pROP^ Guaranteed ■MBIE Jf^B fl^Bf fl^^flH H J^&f jit i li ;he*PAtrWVl"i«^NowjrAsiure« l 'j|Proi ' K>l ysl -ju ■_WW|ig^ r _flflLfl™^ fl HHI ■ flflfllfl^^ svQ "VldljffVo'wer^t Minimum Coit.' A J^^ mf^ BL H ■ tJsbP^^ ~^WJ 11^ ■"inveSton;AfterlEdnir "V-^.ll 1^ t"l rfcAXT" ik fIW A V ssk BL A-flsl Hflh^ p,rk LctsT jj^ IOU ivnow w j^ mirtidr tI hb^ W b> «■■ rf'KTflliiC'Jiioneyeaintertstrare'ntirvork' **"^sn^, "\/l/ flii" aafl slssssl J^ Bbl'sbsssl Safe fI»J in"mriou3 lines.of the present.'activity GSSstemufo "^^VJWBff " " XJ.<tl I, l"™"1"111™1 "™, ''fcaajaj^ ~^UsW*^ TirrriwrnTtyiji i»■ -——-- -«■ snij ijn;callf6fn!a # prsductlon and trans-, _ (slrV $Mft O^ "II Ufl IHsWsfWßM^lWWrWtsssWsssssmrM— ___ a ß iL!lil'W wl"H|P,llji,. Lv IjiorUtion.S onu'of the 1 towus to derive v ■ 'V. .3 , Awfi iJwl 'T^ 1 * rT^WnsTTI HflBM ■» «B B^ -^stssfl sbM tho very greatest benetlt from the 2000- CVr/ /—a»«lla«f»~M»Mi II 1 G W| *B ft 1 " flf -VI fit V « ■]fj sW «P "•fjf'HUSKS BsUßsbbbbb—sßßSssssMsssfl W YA mile pipo line E. Dolieny. C.'Ar.Can- 3IL' Means for Needles JU jm pi v■>awpM 4 « — « WV.W ,^"-1 bbT 8 ileld. Lywan btewurt. iin.l other oil ■ s^ A tMT ■|1 B I flB fljfl VA| ■ B^ ■>! SiiSiixS Means for Needles <** i«-»—""" ■•*i—#ij IBH*HsP^ M 'in ■ their Kreal division town*at KS tefeS^a^lSeSTSlo '*% I g „-.. i-1 w ■ II «m -|^ -f-. You'll never get such another opportunity. j-ailroiid system iind the interests alllrfl ' JUL £% Bk m\ fl\ 1 JUL #f|Pl sffialrCT ' Js!tWBsk Prices will remain unchanged for only throe W*Jl ,ivith t,ht!in naturally; want, andl need flflflk fll fli fll Hi XT i\ 111 b' "" I IV1) flfiHk --;- H ji » 1 1 flays and then they positively double. Note 'cm jinirh or this cheap power) iiiodncln;: ! jEnrljgU' Jfl Hk fl Ml \\\ I till ■II Iv fl] flk Mfißaa sJBBHB|»P* fll ft these Easy Terms: &1 Yuel at and near Neo/llcs. • The bit; Sflrw ■ j) M 11V/ lII\JIIL/1\ MKlfll A% fl TO B these Easy Terms: Wl 'mii'iUi' cars devour ahtiOMt train- _„. Ah 11 W sH^bSIHsI ■K^^Sm PLE B JSH ■WW K wH fINUHM. /tK B0 IPV "■ fa londs of tank cars fillo'd with oil todiiy. . II I* flf fll " ■! Iflf flt B B| flB /ttk ad f\ a &V It la not at all unlikely that tho ifßart W»fl K4 ! SB BH^fflW^H WflL Br-JRIKIHMfI sssssßßmßsi BBMaaMIBM til BBk. M l /x .. TT atvt «-« <rl sFJ rnlar^rarnt «f the mnolter now being- xestrj/ HU ss~~l ■ s^SP'^^B^ TIV — V «H. #*fiS H jf^S Si EsWr^^^^a Tra ~i iII I li/ I VII If I KM |«™-k.-.l on will Mko on btill moro a»- s ,,f M ,Wj~ W~« sW^B ssF^ til/*^ L/U Tf I ClJlv* M V.un.line pn>uortlona, when cheap pc- ' A flf «■ M Vj \ | lilt-* W~k « W W TT *^ """^ X^ T T »«. «^mm.^» Xl inilfiim richt Ht Hk cWirs.becomeH.a "row 1 '•? fH ssV B ~ "llv lim HI Si ■ flflsf M ITjl ftill^morb Settled certalnty.J >j f>rti| mm W^L SB ■ Ml gBI Iffl ■ WH WB W -fK ■■( isr-^ ■» AT 4 L.» flnrrm p^owth In 'every possible way nf crty' "i.'^J I Ifl JJCI W Vvll t]|s • 7 ty£ LTivJ LI kfl Lite ynur.s. «■ Ita location com ,V BflT HB ■/ sHf sfl by B H " w ' flkl limst parmanently keep up a largo re- £ nnrn * IFV Xttbtim Msff W^ t^ I \ t^^^m I'^l ff^l' E^ t''J TVT T X 4. r A must jiefmanrntly ke.-p up a largo re- W flflf I r 11 9 ■ -»kT* j »M tone, directly adjacent which not from > •. flflf ■ %$t -»t^» » y-v«-«T— — Iffl^Sffl EgS I ■ I-I IN O HIXCICSL l«fl Jlojavo Indian rcaervatlon, which not Va*n& JUtt Mil I llWw X | 1 X *-/ lllltltal 4^W only supplies Needles with very cheap )| m | ( ,' jflinf Esl K'l 11 v/ JL/v/ TT L/l\ L^^H Pfi |ij"|Su |£y 1] liriKkllled labor, but with the natural ' aH aw H VJL jrading- l>enrtlts derived from a. quar- own MM ■ ' On P of the very greatest investment opportunl- LV trrly governmental expendltuie. of }'.)0,- a'co *?3 MT M X «. . ,-, . ,. „,, Ik I <KM. The numerous nearby .|uartz grPa i flr H ties ever ofToretl tne '-^I'tornia puhho. Call at Wl julik-s ami tho rellnl.lo and fully pn>- tarlui\ fIU Bf 9 II ifliT^T^ Wm Wi mm m the office. Come as soon as you can. First m (Uiclnc Gnld Iloads Kold mine, tho h\& nnv n* fHu9f «^^r^^ -^w—*^ -^■r^Bw - sVv *ineltSr. the onviablo .winter, °," y W ° BBS M I V ■ ■ ■ M come, first served. No reservations-no excep- ■■ li ho excellent, conditions for ideal homo caac ; sBIT k_ H R|a _] MP I'J J El JpF Klsiw§<l CwSl 853 i^ffl E'">'l tlons. TfA life—all these been population of 'A -J flflflV K3 Bt9 «^ffl B~"^ B™^ V ■ 4sV ' Rs^B s^^i I l^n ft* . R] in actually doubling tho population of ',_"■, HV ' B fIH ' y II K9s I IDS Is I Needles within tho lust two years. " n " l( , y flf SI IH Egf B IH tO. IM^^O E^^ (HRJ 1 flft MS _, •*• « _, r i"« Vsf ■liowovor,athat ttthcy have been no high. """? Bf fll MM MM "^ ■"" WmBS&S VSMBL MV gift JH KjQTtlllQQ dOpy OI L^Cr- M liowovor, that they have kept investors j™" 1 ■ fIH I fli fl 9& fl ft fl V^Upy *J1 V^CX- from looking upon Needles aa a specu- _„, BfflL^lf3& ssaV^B lfflfffiß?lMi»"«™ fiaskswl . <•. ■ :>\ * . __ . _. tfl latlve field. It Is only within the ten lc^ i^^-m^M'^W/ "W" /f^%k /T H"% l^^P B^M^H tificate of Title Fur- M lew weeks that where it must" realize "p"i t".'"--"i V' ■'*-■-. I 11 aWm Vt WvftzM HBfsflß llllt-UIV- wr«^« illit XUI II Into a i-ositlon where it muat realize ,„'/" fIYM ■ ■ ?;( • 1 < tir-.t 11 x 1] upon a part or Its holdings Immediate- ', O<J "; - ,'J 99 !:« '■"'■flfif |I HsW fJ " wilLiil B ■ WHSmI nit la With P.VPrV L<Ot WA ]y. nd"fnr that reason a beautiful. ",, T « flf >m W M M V ssf «J B7 111S11CU YVllll Xl» VCI > liWl fj l.rjch-lym ß called Edna Park ad- <£ ''* . tv*'' ' | V ' fIV M -^ _r^^ -M- M ■ « 3» % W I m i. ' ' I^9 (Mtion has been opened.up. 'The prices ™ M MdßCtHßsssI ■' ■ WnliTllr ; . sisV '■WflMßsy x ' Wf • WM Kit' upon, the lot» were low, and tho * "*h ÜBSsasssß^B Wf rT?irarntirmfwiili' P^ Tqg_ypr F/a '^ response to the syndicate's invitation * «V| "~^ - ~~^ . /' ~~^ ~~^ OUR OFFICE IS OPEN EVERY M lias been energetic nnd numerous.-Ac- |t y, . O HL yf ¥1> • J EVENING UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK VA I^XX^V^nSSTpTi >^ . O 1% 4T ¥^ • 1 EVENING UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK until, April i. when they Mill double. lm 31, flf '__ -__ JLm, -_^ -^^. V-v IK /| /-% Mir •>&/&*& >"<■ >~V . . .. : ._''^ ski Ti.e fcewg or the bis 2000-miio pipe line, -M.** "H ll^ll fi_aH^ l/l fl HB Ti fl S/M Come in and let us give you details. Our tfl l~MIII!Si Holer OL lVlCljrlQG SSSS?bSS3s2 Hi rrrustibujidinp. Los-Angeles, on Batur- win;. .. >i > ; / ■ me extrdorainary mvesinicui v<uuc u«s y£l S3e^SS£H"tcEHhl£ thf^ Suite 228 Merchants Trust Building, Broadway, Corner Second Street, Los Angeles, Cal. offered. M t^n^J^S^^^^mi. wni 1 Home F3863 AE. ENSIGN, Sales Manager. ■ Sunset Main 2182 OPEN SUNDAYS 9A.M.TOSP. M. fl ' it—tosa i untn the date, set.. April 4..^. the. ° . ,■ ( ■. V,.'':' 1. •• '.'. :•" - ' A<i ' LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1910. Club News THE annual banquet of the Pomona . Ebell club will be held April 7. The women who have the affair in charge expect to sell $1500 worth of tickets. The banquet will be given for the benefit of the club house fund. Al ready there is $1500 on hand for that fund. The club owns a lot at the corner of Garcy avenue and Pearl street and plans to commence the erec tion of an attractive $7000 club house thereon as soon aa sufficient funds are available for the purpose. -*- Royal hive No. 40, L. O. T. M., will give a dance and whist party tonight at Qarfleld hall, Walker Theater building. _*_ - The 1..0S Angeles W. C. T. U. held a matron's silver medal oratorical con test yesterday afternoon at the First Methodist Episcopal church. Those par .tlcipatlng were Mrs. C. A. Cale, Mrs. Ella Howard, Mrs. M. E. Forsythe, Mrs. Celia Noll, Mrs. Edith Humphrey and Mrs. Lulu Wright. _*_ The members of the Hundred Year club, accompanied by Physical Director Warman, climbed the Mount Wilson trail Thursday. Music Notes nn HE last Symphony orchestra con- THE Uust Symphony orchestra con cert of the season will be given -*- this afternoon at the Auditorium, with a complete Watrnerian program. As the program la lengthy, patrons are requested to be in early in order that the Intermissions may not be too long in duration. The complete program follows: Walkure — Ton* pictures. Gotterdammerung—"Song of the Rhine Daughter!," "Siegfried's Death and Funeral March." I i.--lfal —"Vorspjel," "Kllngsfor's Magic Garden and the Flower Maidens." Tristan and Isolde—"Vor«piel and Is olde's Love Death." Kaiser march. -*- The Venice of America band will give a concert program Saturday evening, playing- among other things scenes from Mascagnl's opera "Iris." As this composition has not been heard here in Its operatic form it will no doubt inter est many musicians to know of this op portunity to hear It. Other numbers on the program Include organ solos by Prank Colby; "Romania," Elsa Penny; "Until the Dawn," "Serenade," the Ox ford quartet. Madame Dorla, Elizabeth Parker and Miss Davis will also con tribute selections. MACHINERY RECOVERED The Ranta Gertrude Irrigation com pany was awarded a. decision in Its favor by a Jury in Judge Moss' court yesterday in Its suit to recover ma chinery and $750 . damages from the Waite-Balllc company. The jury awarded $mo more than had been asked In the complaint to provide for the ex pense of reinstalling the machinery of the Irrigation company's plant near Whittier. The jury's verdict was that the defendant muet pay $850 and return the machinery alleged to have been taken from the plant, or else pay the plaintiffs $2100 to cover all damages. FIND 3 DOCTOR INSANE Dr. Frank R. Cunningham was yes terday adjudged insane by the In sanity commission in Judge Wilbur's court. Friends Interceded to keep him from being placed In the asylum and vere given until Monday to find a plac# satisfactory to the court for his deten tion. BAYLISS PRELIMINARY CONTINUED TO APRIL Pending Hearing Man Stays in Jail, but Wife Is Out Under Bonds The preliminary hearing of three charges of embezzlement against T. H. Bayliss, attorney and real estate operator, on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses made Jointly against the man and his wife, Mrs. A. V. Bayliss, which were set for yesterday in Justice Ling's court, were continued until April 14. The chart's of embezzlement against Hayli.ts were preferred by P. K. Dan iels, president of the Chantell Peak Mining: company, from which It Is al leped he embassled at different times $785, $1000 and $700. It is said that Bayllsg appropriated these amounts while he was acting: as attorney for that company, in which capacity he came Into possession of larg-e amounts of money, stocks and bonds. BaylllS was arrested on the charges in Phoenix 83 he was boarding a train. It is alleg-ed he was traveling under the name of Thompson. Tho charge of obtaining money under false pretenses against Bayliss and his wife was made by C. G. DeOarmn, who claims they borrowed $500 from him on the representation that they owned a piano which DeGarmo alleges belonged to the Frank B. Long company. Mr». Bayllss Is out on $500 bail, and her hus band is in tho county jail in default of $2.'00 ball in each of the three cases against him. GEORGE A. POUNDER IS CALLED BY DEATH Gnnrge A. Pounder, a retired mer chant and a well known horseman, died yesterday at his home, 902 South Burlington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Pounder came to Los Angeles six years ago. Funeral services will be hold Saturday at 2 o'clock et the chapel of the Connell Undertaking company. FINES WOMAN FOR CONTEMPT Mrs. Delia Moorehouse was fined $25 by Judge Wilbur yesterday for con tempt of court In attempting to take Elmer Davis, her son by a formor mar riage, from Mrs. Strickland's Home for Boys recently. The boy had been sent to the home and the mother ordered by the court to pay for his support, the amount be ing about $11 a month. She refused, and several days ago she went to-the home and endeavored to take the boy away with her, declaring she did not care "a continental" what the court had ordered. Probation officers stopped her from taking the boy and she was brought to court yesterday and fined. SUES FOR $25,000 An action for $25,000 damages was commenced In Judge Bord well's court yesterday afternoon by J. W. Atherton, a laborer, against the Southern Pacific company, for Injuries he alleges he received from a brick falling on his head while he was working on a build ing for the company in April of last year. Atherton charges that the de fendant failed to provide a safe place for employe*. WOMAN SAYS ARRESTED MAIDEN STOLE CLOTHES Detectives Capture Man and Girl After Tracing Reported i House Thefts Charged with grand larceny, a wo man giving the name of Lillian Ward and a man named A. Nancy, wore ar rested late yesterday afternoon by De tectives Murray and McCann and locked up at central police headquar ♦res. The arrests were made after a search warrant had been Issued on complaint of Mrs. Mabel Roberta, 1536 North Main street. According to the arresting officers, Mrs. Roberts left LOS Angeles several days ago, leaving Miss Ward in charge of the house. On her return Mrs. Roberta says she found most of her clothing and a num ber of articles of Jewelry missing, also Miss Ward. Detectives traced the good! to the house, :;i6 Boyd street, where Miss Ward was arrested, Later the man giving the name of Nancy appeared and was arrested, Most of the clothing and article! al i to have been stolen were recov ered, and Miss Ward and Nancy will appear In police court this morning to answer charge! of grand larceny. SWINDLE, CHARGE AGAINST ARRESTED COTTON BROKER A. D. Hudspeth, said to be a wealthy cotton merchant of Bowie, Tex., war, .arrested late yesterday afternoon by Detectives Jones and Boyd on a tele graphic dispatch alleging that Hiid speth was wanted in the Texas city on a charge of swindling. The message did not give the details of the complaint, simply requesting the arrest of Hudspeth as a fugitive from justice. The prisoner l.s said to havn been in Los Angeles ten days, and was arrested on description at Fifth and Broadway. FATHER ARRAIGNED C'hHrtfpd with failure to provide for his minor child, Lucius M. Holmes was arraigned before Justice Ling yes terday and his preliminary hearing Bet for 10 o'clock April 13. He was paroled in clinrgp of his nttorney, Fred Fette. It's Economy to Buy Pure Water PUIUTAS IS ABSOJ.ITKIA' PURE When we say Purltas Dlfttillod Water is absolutely pure we mean, first—lt is abso lutely devoid of vegetable impurity. If you think filters render your water thus pure you are mistaken. The germs left in the water by filters are those most likely to cause disease. We mean, secondly. It fa free from all mineral Impurities. Minerals in water can not be apstmllated hy the system—thpy clog the arteries—anrl tend to bring on rheuma tism and kidney trouble?. This absolute purity can be obtained only as we obtain It, by two distillations. The sparkling, refreshing quality of Puritas Is due to Its helng ozonated. Five gallons cost 40 cents. Just tele- , phone Home 100 TO; fiunset Main SlUl, an.l we will supply you promptly. LO9 Angeles Ice and Cold Storage Co. I : <\V^ ill! * 4^ SO.MOADWAT "&saffi* so.husi. \J •* -? APUSENQTCO <« ]; Job Lot of :: I High Quality I 1 Silks I IIIVO % | At About aThird Less 1 iji 4» j \ Tomorrow, Saturday, in Our Bargain Basement J„ , V —— t^ 4» A fortunate purchase of a "job lot" of fine silks at a great *f* eja concession in price enables us to offer the line Saturday— *J* X AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN REGULAR J * * The offering consists of both plain and fancy silks suitable * 4 r » for dresses, waists, skirts and trimmings. " • 4* We cannot emphasize too strongly that these are bar- « * - a gains out of the ordinary. Plan now to be here early and * • ■ a enjoy the pleasure of first choice. , X T ■ ? T $1.00 and $1.25 Novelty 75c Peau de Cygnes — All „ , 4* silk material suitable for , , T P\ rncc QiiiT-C dresses, waists and trim- L/ICOO Ollrwo mings. In the following M |» colors: White, ivory, cream, « ( f In fancy taffetas messalines, black ' Havana, russet » ■ • •J4 in fancy tattetas, messalines, champagne, canary, apricot, « , 4-i punjabs and Louisines. Hunter's, reseda, olive and « , I* Beautiful designs and color- Nile greens, Burgundy, scar- 4* t. -"■• let, wistaria, mulberry, old « , * ings suitable for street or rose> helio> Copenhagen, «L ' * evening wear. X S~\ pale blue, pink P^ /"X « > % Sale price, hWf rose, etc. Sale I)f * £ yard U/^ price, yard -^ V/V^ + | • ~ \ •«* I 65c Quality All Silk Taffeta % l\ 19 inches wide. In IS good shades. This is suitable for "f 1 J t linings or shirt waists, and at such an ex- A r^ *|* ; \ a traordinary low price one would be justified ZJL jC^ T: \* in buying for future use. Sale price, yard... ■-^ y^ t\_ / } T ON SALE TOMORROW— NOT TODAY 1 fAn Advertisement Becomes an Investment N I When Placed in THE HERALD J 7