Newspaper Page Text
8 EVERYONE TALKS OF VOTE GETTING Herald's $25,000 Contest Al ready Has Beaten All Pre vious Records CONTEST WITH TU TU-COL CTS No End of Interest Being Shown in Entrance of Well Known Peoole To thousands or pepopio throughout | Southern California and neighboring states the bis story in yesterday's d was the Urst publication of of candidates In The Herald'i 10 voting contest. These thousands comprised, not only those numbered nmong; tlie candidates themselves, !>nt their friends and acquaintances. Now, the battle of ballots is- beginning nol that all candidates In yesterday's list an working, perhaps a very small por tion of them nave actually begun working—but now i« the time for each and overy candidate to begin getting votes. No one has begun t" int a < stride yel everyone \» lust "comi \ng to commence." Some candidates saw to it that more votes than the "nomination thousand" wor" after tlielr names. B most Wise mov.. 1 cause it told the world at inrßft that they ure active, that they are up and (loins, that they are In tiilP contest and IN TO WIN. The list of names will be publl n to morrow (Saturday morning) and will BIIOW all VOtei east today. Ami while on the matter of casting votes, the content and circulation departments ■wish to notify all candidates that sub scrlptlons, to be started tomorrow morning, must l>r hrnuplit in before :. O'clock today; In other words, sill) ■crlptiom to be started one day must lip brought In before 6 o'clock the pre rrdlnff day. Hut general subscriptions win be accepted until •'■ p. m. every djiv CAST VOTBS AT ONCB Hefore pro limr to other points it |i important that the necessity for all candidates i • have s creditable show ing in tomorrow's standing be made plain. Hero is the Idea: Before this contest is finished every man and woman, every Intelligent man woman, In short a newspaper reader, win lie asked to vote by numerous can didates, The candidate who «ets out in the Held drat Will pet these VI The candidate who lets his or her can dl lacy be known will p<-t these votes. And the very best way to lot every body know you are a. live is to > handsome vote total after your name This done, your friends and acquain ts .11 see that yo i are in and rally to your support Hut they can't halp you unless they know you an |V|| them! Show them: And then see tliem personally and makn thorn your lieutenants at once. Get them, not only to vote for you. but to Ket their friends to vote for you. Rut the very first thing to do Is to have .; handsome vote total after your name. rivr. spkoai, PIUZBI . m other ways it is highly pro! to beg4n campaigning now The si lal prise distribution among the five can m leading the contest at in o'clock S iturdaj iV( nine. April !>. This is Ihe lir^t special prime offer oi the i ontest, so candidates will tind it an excellent thing to win one of these special prices and in this way show friends and ac quaintances their determination to ... . r the capita! or grand prices ; ,t the close of the contest Understand, that all votes east in an otTort to win a special prlee will apply on the iiai and grand prize distribution. Win i lal price; it's ■ splendid way to make your candidacy known The i prizes which will po to the candidates standing first, second, third. fourth and fifth at 10 o'clock Baturda) evening, April 9, are: FIRST Scholarship (board and lodsr injo Page Mllltarj acadi my IS OND Scholarship (board and lodging) Page w mlnary—MM. THIRD —Scholarship, <" vm no c k Bi hool of Expression—llM. I"(iri:Tll Course, New York School of Acting FIFTH Solid prold watch (candidate Will select It)—*6o. FIRST VOTK RMIK IIOV Them is still another reason for hustling every possible minute between n,l April 9. This is the fact that the vote schedule mak< t Its first drop at that hour on that date Until then 200 votes will be Issued on every dollar on a new subscription payment, and MS voti ■ on i very dollar on an old Bub- Bcrlptlon payment After io ... April !>. a dollar on new subscrip tion payments will pet li>o votes only. and a dollar on old subscription menu will get 95 votes, so the more subscriptions >ou turn In before 10 o'clock the evening of April P. the more votes will you eet on each dollar. To make tl ilutelj plain, the follow ing illustration of how the reduction indidatea is gh en A year's subscription costs $."> oo and. if new, gets 1000 votes if turned in b' fore in o'clock Saturday evening, April 9, but if turned In after that hour on that dale, the same subscription Will net but 8 b n duct lon of 50 votes! Mora! Gel II and pet it NOW! II.IHS HKI.r MIGHTILY Now a word about clubs: Club sub scriptions are ten new subscriptions turned in at one and the same time, regardless of whether they are of the same length or not. Whin ten new subscriptions (or five clap Ifled coupon book vote Blips) are turned In at one iind the same time, 100 extra votes are issued on each dollar In the club. Thus: Regular vote 0 per tl). 10 new yearly BUDS J.jO i vote 10,000 300 extra, votes on each dollar... Total Of votes issued on club The sample club given here shows Simply how the extra vote la issued; splained there might be a few yiarly subscriptions; a few hall and the rest for three months. They may be any length- just have the ten NEW and upon whatever the total money represented is figured the extra votes at the rate of 100 extra > itei i,.i each dollar in that amount. Remember the standing of candi date*—the second publication of candi dates and their standing -will be in tomorrow's Herald. Will your name be there? And will it have a goodly number of votes after it? Ti every reason for both! PIANOS DOING SHARE IN MAKING CANDIDATES All interested in moaic and the hipb est achievements of the art of the piano maker should call at the store of the Fitz£en:ld Music company, rcH South Broadway, and thoroughly in- ! I•' ,_ ' : ■ ,——— I^^ ...... .. o , , % " „ , ' „ rrr. TOHPP'ai i Hii I&i' •■ m ! I OFFICE NEW YORK SCHOOL OF ACTING (lyl^^^rs^^lfflßjiKi STUDENTS' ROOM —PAGE SEMINARY SEA SHALL INDUSTRY PROFITS INDIVIDUALS Contention Made City Should Gain by Operations of Fed eral Dredger Lieut Charles T. Leeds, in charge of i the United states engineering office ai i. os Angeles, his discovered that somebody is reaping eonslderabfe profit fr>m the sale of shells, dut; up by the hi. dges constructing Los Angeles nar hc r, and there has arisen a question as to who has a right to control the col ■ n and sale oi these shells. Several Jai ineae, accosted the other da) b) Lieutenant Leeds, when he found them disposing: of a number of li.neis of shells, said "John Oaffey told them to get the shells," Inquiries made at Smith's isiami. when many barrels of shells have In en gathered, brought out the Information that (ialiey. who recently erected what he called a •shell storage plant,"' in harvesting many shell-. it is said in ' 's that shells such as are gathered at Los An harbor are worth about frt ;i ton. Whether Qaffey is endeavoring to cor ner the Shell industry IM mains 1,, be . the question asked by the engineer! Is—what right has he to do . The turnlnK basin at Los Angeles, \\ here lin ale now busy . \ cavatlng, contains hundreds of barrels of shells, and at Jti a ton sonn body should have the tight to dispose ol them. if the sh nc to Los Ai city, the iity should derive a revenue' from their sale, which in the ■ nurse ol the harbor construction, where a vast amount of dredging will be done, and hundreds of barn Is ol Bhells will be piled ,ip on the reclalmable lands, will amou I considerable sum. ■", \v. Cook, engineer of the "Ped rioVo," told Engineer Leeds be had sent his son to smith's Island to gather shells, but the boy had been told by the Japanese there, who said Oaffey l:.i\i- them control, to stay away, un \ lent him. It ll dmttt< d he was m the ! shell business, and that he Informed the boy he would have to paj I ton fur the shells on Smith's Island, or : cents a ton fur shells on Terminal island. Tin i.os Angeles board of public works denies that any permits have beiii issued to Qaffej or t" FRIENDS OF DR. COOK SAY HE IS NOW IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, March 81.—The latest : about i irlck A. Cook, tlie vanishing, tplorer, i that lie is in X. w York city and has I here for ma eral da] i Fi of the explorer are quoti I aa authority for Ihe .statement that he pugged last Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elmer Dudley, Mrs. Cook's sister, on One hundred and eighteenth :ieet, Mrs, conk and the Cook chil dren are said t <• have been with him. tin 1 Henry & fi. <;. Lindi Baby Grand and the Stager .*c- Bons Upright piano, which Tin 1 Herald iias purchased from this firm, to be given awaj in the $26,000 voting contest, Even though you may not have i n tered the contest even though v>u ml 3 have no intention of doing so these i lanoa will interest you. Many who have gone to see them, with no tatlon of entering the contest, are now numbered among our most earn est and enthusiastic workers. It' yi i an v musician, ami trained to ■) i" iate quality and action . « ill bo delighted with mo>t exacting critic not fail to be impressed wiih tlie perfection of these two instruments, in :ill the essentli The Lindeman Babj Grand, which is to be given :.«-ay in tins contest, is rnest work by the gn ntest The T.inrl; , alwaj s:i . mong pianos, but today, with ventlons and Improvements that have been made by the 1 urers, it even surpasses its fornn : . \. ellence. And practically the same claim may be made for the Steger & Sons. The Herald could not have chosen an up right that would be superior to this, and there are few Grands that would surpass it. LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1910, JUDICIAL MIND BAFFLED BY FRESH EGG PROBLEM Justice of Peace Ling Finds Al hambra Case Difficult of Determination Hearing °f the predicament of Jus tic* of the peace Ling i" endeavoring to solve the knotty problem of what is a fresh crit. in connection with a charge against George Johnson and C. Q, Hersbman, Alhambra grocers, otter iiiK for sale unlabeled eggs, a farmer from I.i Monte called at the mattis trate's chamber! yesterday with a bas ket of egga whiih he declared were fresh, and offered his assistance to the judge in reaching a solution. With his recently acquired knowledge of i ggology. Justice Ling, after care ful examlnatli n. declared the eg| i,i be fresh, After expounding v] on the different phases of the question, the farmer left the chambers with appan nt disgust of his own knowledge of egga compared with that of the Judge, Unlike his own self with a habit of radiating smiles, the judge now wears a deep frown and seems to have no Interest in life, not even for his nomin ation as superior court judge, other than cci Idlng the mighty problem be fore him. He has made trips to hatcheries, egpr consulted candlers and resorted to many other means of reaching a definite opinion, without avail. He is just as far from a conclusion as when he started, ■■When is an oirc fresh?" is a ques tion which has been propounded to al most every one be meets and those who venture into his court room. Hut they y turn aside ami keep him guess ing. I'm going to take the briefs submit ted in tin nd all the evident c which I have on the matter and go into j tlie country for a few days to decide this question," he replied with disgust and sarcasm w lan asked if ho had reached a I FARMERS TERRORIZED AS FIERCE LION LURKS Wild Animal Kills Cattle in Puente Hills—Children Kept in Houses Killing hundreds of dollars' worth of cattle and calves, a mountain lion. driven from its rooky retreat by hun ger, lias terrorized farmers of tlie Puente bills back of La llabra for the week. Mothers of the disti : are k i 'i' ' hildren Indoors ami the little ones are ajlowed to go to ipanied by men Four days ago tlie lion killed a dozen young i attle ■■! the Puente ( >il p. my which has a large ranch about two miles from La Habra. Since then siuns of its destructive madness have been seen on many ranches. Armed farmers are protecting their homes and ,iiK for the beast, hoping to pre vent it from finding human prey among their families. William Roland and a ranrher named la have offered a reward of $100 for the death of t!i animal. .1 Reno a mountaineer, saw the lion Tuesday, running through the brush of the foothills, but bavins no gun at the time was not able to capture I AUTO DEATH ACCIDENT A verdict <>f unavoidable accident was rendered yesterday by the eoro jury in the case of Dr. 1> F, H nvi il, who died :it the receiving 'ics pital Tuesday morning from injuries incurred Monday i. Ing struck hy a taxlcab at Eighth and Spring streets. The machine was being driven .-, \ M. Schuster. SOCIETIES MAY CONSOLIDATE The Oregon-Washington society held :i special meeting last night in room lason building to consider consoli dation with tin Wash oclety, recently organized in the city. The subject wu reported favorably and the formal consolidation probably will take at the next meeting-. POLITICS SIZZLE IN ANNANDALE DISTRICT Effort to Defeat Members of the School Board Causes Much Excitement Things are sizzling in the Annandale school district, and the election of the board of school directors which takes place today promises to be one of the ! hottest lights In the history of the com- j munity. Miss Mary Foy, the incum bent, who is running for re-election to , the board, began and ended her cam | paign last night with a mass meeting in the city hall of Annandale. About ■ one hundred of the three hundred ! voters in this district were present and listened to .Mis.- Coy's statement of her platform, and also to an eloquent ad dress by Clara Shortrldge Foltz. The light for places on the board Is betueeeii what are known as citizens' . committee's candidates, I{. A. Throop | and A. C. Davis, and the present mem bers of the board, Miss Foy and \Y. F. While. The two former candidates have been In the field for only a short time, cud were nominated, it is said, because of some dissatisfaction as to the manner in which 111. old board spent bond money voted a short I time ago. 'I'll' old members of the board had not expected any opposition to their re-election, and for this reason had made no campaign whatever other than submitting their past record to the voters, and when the new candi dates came Itno the field they were greatly surprised. " The meeting last night was an en thusiastic one. and Miss Foy was given a hearty reception Mrs. FoHa was the only sneaker sides the candidate, and her address, while short, went straight to the point and apparently clinched many votes for Miss Foy. She brought out in the course'of her remarks how th-> direction of the schools was by right the privilege of women instead of men, and declared that should th( schools Of the United States be conducted entirely by women the juvenile courts, houses of correc tion and even state prisons would gradually disappear. The election will bo held today, and it Is expected that fully three hundred ballots will be cast—the entire voting strength of the Annandale district. HELD UP BY NEGROES John Wesley. 2564 Edwin street, re ported to the police yesterday that he had been held up Wednesday night by two negroes at Santa Fe avenue and Cheney street. Wesley says the men thrust a arun Into his face and gruffly ordered him to throw tip his hands. After searching his clothes and finding nothing, the negroes struck him a glancing blow on trie head and hurried aw a y. GOVERNOR PARDONS W. H. FORD Governor Qlllett yesterday pardoned w H. Ford, who was serving ISO days in the county Jail for vagrancy. An nouncement of the pardon was made in Judge Davis' court yesterday morn ing. The prisoner had served about one-half his sentence. Ford has been ill. PLAN ALL DAY MEETING An all-day missionary meeting will be held at Peniol hall. L' 27 Soutn Main Street, today. Dr. Charles Foster, from Hulivin. nnd others will speak. /£ MBECp ?\ (f iCicioiAu. Are FIGOLA Bread Advertising? YOU snort.D For * t mans faotj re garding the manufacture of FIOOLA BREAD, the new h.alth bread of the table. Pure food ri^manders are »tv lnt It daily. ARE YOU? TRY ONE I.OAF TODAY AM) YOIR (.lIIK XX W. 1.1. SKI.I. YOU AN- I OTHER TOMORROW He Who Receives His Friends and takes no personal care in pre paring the meal that is designed for them is not deserving of friends. Pure wine is just as essentially a part of the repast as the viands and the salads. You cannot con sistently entertain your company and suffer harmful stimulants like tea and coffee to remain upon your table. We point with pride to wines on sale at this store. Our wines are guaranteed absolutely pure. Week-End Specials ->iv- strictly Sonoma (iaret. iftr» Gallon 4UC He KlrollnK, Hock, Zlnfamlrl; <"*fl/» very fine table wine*.. Gallon OUl> $1 Shtrry, unMjualed for culinary -re r liiir|M>M>«. Gallon ' OKt $1.30 OoUen Toka.v, I hi- arlsto- c [ . ,ii of utnrdoin. <>allon v' *1.30 Well Grain Whisky, made OKr. in 1808; bonded. Mottle O«»l» Cffdar Brook Whisky, « jinn, old ci a(f«l in the wood. Ill'l quart "V ■ Grumbach Wine Co. ' 649 Central Avenue rllllßSS Main MMI Home F8268. ./■ 10571. BDWY.4944^*BROADWAY COR. 4TM. LOS ANGELES. BARGAIN FRIDAY NO. 534 $29.50 and $35 Silk Tailored Suits, d*'<j <J %(X Priced Today at . . .... ./.^ ... , . ......... tp--W_fi^*J*/ The first bargain we announce in the Suit Section •'"">_ ' ._»>CS! ■ ____^ for today is a lot of silk tailored suits, made of r ' <>' ■"> si?'-*'^~-^?\^ ' _r^^ • ""^ taffeta, pongee and Ottoman silk, ? and marked,, v •'!,'•■'.» ( //S?J»f*^%_s_§i JsTAx*^! 4?% regularly $29.50 and $35. Choice of black, blue, -*_'. ««? SafS^fciflwl/"* JT^S&j'^%. green, rose, gold, natural and brown. ('outs are •> •' 'iMjWii_!t# (''j'VZ/ 30-Inch length. They're' lined with satin and pciui f*\'4k**9:^itf^W 7^!^3to»_. A de cygne. This clearance is In accordance with *"^*' 'J9l±* !**£>?' "*' C "^^R?^)' ' our Hnrsrain-Friday principles, keen stock con- _*i^iFw t « / Li^ir^ * stantly moving. Remember,' these reductions are M^^**%k J^Saßtff * • — Very Pretty Silk Ak&FVjl V*\/^' 'l^' Women's Dresses _£ Or% Si ifi K,f M '^W^ ffV"^. e\/»A# /V /• Lisle 9 - Today $ 8.95 fit W^L «f f f \^'f/^ / VfX liOSe.__>^FC' You know yourself that it re- lW7^MMeJn^^AA'%^ Wflf' ImlfliL^^W This assortment quires from 10 to 12 yards of ■V^y~?!^' ** ' "*llH [wW^r<rj^^ of black lisle silk material to make a dress, /slx^ '^^wfertS^r^K/*'^^^L '''^'W/lf*'^*^ stockings, bought therefore when we announce , £;C<t/ '*^ 7*//T\ B" I^*--"» specially for our that we are able to offer this \^^\"'-*'jJ^j,/' It Y?"ft l*C^ \\ I*?>sj\ Friday sales. line of taffeta,' silk, pongee ijj^w^ "".S * J! 1! \§tj \\ p l^^»\fl_ Double soles, n nd foulard silk dresses at"^)* —.^' J^ 11 x^ I3L \\ \ \\^ Nklil heels. v 1 . i , li( . lll()Ua liril .,, (lf $s -, \£* ' , R ff4tt>\ 1 \TO!x I hey lire seconds nilV.Lf I , \\\\ WBA\ \ I 51 O f ;;-,. ,,,,; noc you know that you are buy- oyTt^^ \l\\\"\■^*^^ 1 P 1 \\ \ lines. Gnuzp llslca Ing the finished dress at '4 I. ■ I ' u'laNi^lf" S^" I'll I '\\ ■• and silk lisles— about the usual cost of ma- |\ I «— I I 11/ if\ • Ljl—l—- -yJ< / Aisle 8—250. terlal. Form fitting and semi- , i^ ll Mi itJ n\ i T 111 "Infants' Stock- Empire models, choice of 4.) V I 1 Ijtau || i'\ 111 ings _ I black, blue, tan, natural and /^v I I \ i?*'\ I I\\\ 1111 Pair' £ I* mixtures. There's going to be >/ V>% 1 I \iS>\ I I\\\ I ' I'l! 11 ■■■■£. 2v great activity when this price St JL\u 1 I V^^'ll I\\\ | I 1» 1 1 Black cotton becomes known. Don't over- \ls_*wfl 1 I 1 \fiCu 111 \\ I til seconds "£?'££ look it! Second «oor; while ll|#|l\\\ 1 |' ter grade. sizes they last, $8.95. N^\tt.l I \ l^/ll 1V \ I I II 11 I i lVonwu'i Cotton I Long &*7 -. g~. v\ I Hr^ml'lo /-I IS 111 1 V Ribbed 7 y Coats «p_£ ,Jl/ \i- *J--^^ o*- — H-_Hj ,'•■•. Here niv a lot of long coats, made \\ >-*T>rf^ J/ V mJ^"^ .i.Zv.i... .i»i.. of rouith dlatonali ami novelty fS J, , •_ "^ «™nd. of a woolens; flttod and seml-lltted Lyl/ LJ» 1 higher urlced «>'«= no b!acka- "^ularly *10. 1 , M tff- ■ , ......,■ j line pric.t »15 and $17:i0- Sale prlo , to<lay "*^ I $7.50. • $l.l4tos2.l4NewHat Shapes Women s Odd Pumps .*£??#'^Cl^^^^^^ at 75C Formerlys3.soand J£tr [ " 1 N^^fd^p^^ fetMßCs ofror nn oxr °ritlonal "PPor- v^KBR; —^" " l^lfjlj tunlty in these pumps, and reduced //j3K_f *J U^S the prices to $2.48. Today you may* / >/*/_f 'J\ --_► / select from them for $1.60. Includ- jdjjfisrf aL s>v^ y or ftinif °$T14 th( r e ed are fancy wnite kkl collar top W*£ir ' i S^X^^ftjS^" $) 6 > 'and J2.14 hat styles, with patent kid vamps. Take J_S»^^ \^, *^*<»f. shapes brings this advantage of this clearance today— \ ->» H.iiKain-l'riday price jj ,- 0 pa ) r _ \ to 750 each. There's . wide variety of styles. Inc.udln g burnt. * aKAIX LOT °F » r iili.mtEM'S »1.00 OX- There s n wide variety of styles. Including Durni, VF .Ks IMI O«^ IvltlKi, Tftx , white and some of the new and fashionable shades. oxfords -4OC I'AIK «OQ Just a very few blacks Included. From the First , Floor Millinery Bargain Center, Rear of Aisle 5. TnMB odd , _ n( i ends are To create greater Interest Choice -Be, while they last. somewhat shop worn; ln our children-. «ho» de __________________________-—————-———————— »uiu- partment we make this __ || W»Y>ytf mostly small sixes, but offer . Tan and - blac _ klll <)? Q *5O I J TYlt)l*&llaS SI .7 5 thlnk of the Price. That's and calfskin oxfords, while *r*-^ # 1,.. than the eo.t of the they la.t. today, .lie. iV, And indeed they're worth more than that, for^ they've er X or m . n , 0 11. pair. 75c. recently been marked down from $3.65, $4.15 and *4.0u. The quantity is email— of them in nil Some are order.. ClllUillEVß TIE Q -_ of all silk, others of silk and linen. While they last Mis, rit I*so each $1.75. „.-.„ ritll.nilKN'S K.Qr> Misses' and children's riIII.DRKVB ISC, »5c MOMKVS 11V HANI)- . IOC SOFT BSHMM. ..9VC brownrlbbon ,„ pump . HANnKERCIIIETS.. lOC Thefc are made of fine qual- Al , I|rM trom sto , Bo ft. that were made to ■"" at Tlvree in a box; some are . pwlM hemstitched: some , . _, . H»0 and 11.18. Remaining alll'nbo;deT thh Cat have corner embroidered ef- tUrned •°l<>"- »'Cnt tlf>< Hne. of aH. purchase Tnmal corner. Not many .,„. Reuularly l»C. On sale and boxing. Bargain Frl- from . manufacturer. To of these: ISO and I 8« regu- today 10c each; 3 for Ssc. day >prc a i a t pair. B»c. day, pair, >6c larly Aisle 3. l"c box. Aisle 3. j | _____________________________________________ Yosemite Valley ________________________-_________________________-_____i and the Big Trees of the Mariposa Grove are now open for the season, snow having gone and flowers in bloom. All the wonderful scenic features of the valley are now at their best, and may be seen with ease and comfort. Southern Pacific train from Los Angeles daily at 9:30 p. in. connects next day at Merced with the Yosemite Valley R. R. for El Portal, on the park boundary, from which a stage • ride of only 12 miles over an excellent road is necessary to reach the valley. . Full information at 600 So. Spring. St. and Arcade station about the valley. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Is the Easy Way There JL& tllV J_L__/44.k_f Jf T T ** # 7 -»• -i-J-V^JL V/ Herald Want Ads Are Best Manufacturers of Flower Pots, i . ' Rllttn _ a., n0 - Rin I rtSci^^^v^ fA^'tar tnbws All <lir^s tn 24 Inches lOc a 511"00 ' >!> l-00 a KIP Ofc^rwEpL-'^^ »nil dr"» • ul» • All Sizes to_24 Inches. DutchesS Trousers nßp^iM —" " Hanging Baskets. All Sizes. at M f| f \\) Whitney Hanging baskets all sizes. Fern FB. SILVERWOOD'S •'ft-3___ = «__ = _ s t_J^ the 0.1.1e.t '- s^a^&raws I—^ h- and Broadway agatrjfct^u^gaf &^VBKt% 1» 1^ A f ,rw£ =r lfF^i.u- Shoes Half Price and Less kept in a shady place. Special ware I 9 )*>■ gate our method. We will ret*) Over two hundred Wg display bantam made on short notice. We carry a 1 r* I you to many of our former p«- tables are displaying shoes for men, women laree stock and can fill orders prompt- \"_f tlents who have been absolutel) and children, on sale In many Instances for 1,. grhoneEastso. . !!&•.„_&) ■ (Breast cancers a n* half prlre and '«•• Convince yourself and ly. I hone feast h). J£p9 cialty). MRS. H. J. SMITH. come to the J. A. Bauer Pottery Co. Ho £ V?."™ SSS. AO_S-; Ta"° 01' u£l mammoth shoe house. r Avenue Thirty-three an* I_oy street. utrlum. Temple 401. 619 S»»th Broadnsjr. ■ - -_i_iMi_fciiim i_tra_ ■iWWTi-WM _Tir*'nirtl_-«--l----*lllllwliHWilWPlJriTOTrSißMiii-rra